#replies: aria
wiishescametrue · 6 months
[ continued ] || @houseofwisteria
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"Why are you the worlds most infuriating man? I will give you that the party was awful, boring, and I wanted to leave. But in what reality would I want to make a movie or drink champagne that you pulled from your jacket?" She was going to end up with a migraine for certain. It was going to happen and soon at that. "I'll go to the beach. But I am not doing anything at all that involves filming."
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wizzard890 · 1 year
who do you consider to be the definitive "your guy" of yhe french revolution?
oh buddy you must be new here
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dreamieparadise · 9 days
ever thought of shipping Mukhtar with sb? who, top three candidates?
Hi Jojo!! I hope you rested soon. I'll answer this because it's quick and easy. :')
Yes, I have!! Not much, though. Still working on him and the others...Momina is my number one in my heart, so she takes up my brain space most. (😭) BUT...I did think it was very funny to say Dino and Mukhtar have smashed twice, and Mukhtar is trying to hit it a third time...(btw Mukhtar bottomed because I just do not believe Dino would EVER)...so with that in mind...
1♤. Dino
2◇. TYL! Aria (I just think she would find him funny. -twirls hair- but also see past his facade.)
3♧. TYL! Bianchi...ngl I just think this combo would be extremely chaotic and fun. Very Bonnie and Clyde. 😭 Bianchi would help him with his shenanigans, including breaking into Dino's casino!!! He can't stand their asses. 🤬
Turning this last pairing in my head like a rotisserie chicken and I think I may make that his main ship. Mukhtar stops sliding into Dino's DMs but Dino is still suffering!!!
Thank you for sending this and leading to this discovery, Jojo. Love you, my dearest. 💞
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queens-boss · 1 month
I heard youse the boss out in queens, my job is pretty much ta talk to other boroughs so… hello - @lizzy-hartman
Yeah. I am. Anythin’ important to really speak about, or just introduction, hm?
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ariapmdeol · 2 months
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@isthatboyfriendfromfnf hello!! sorry about missing this orz i never seem to remember to check my strawpage :(
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intxication · 2 months
It was quiet at the power plant today. Either everyone was out doing whatever it was that they did, or they were all just avoiding the place. Either way Mathias enjoyed the silence. He had picked up reading again, after getting a few book suggestions. It was something to do, and it helped pass the time quickly.
He heard someone walk in, prompting him to put his book down. When he saw Aria, Mathias gave her a small wave. "If you're looking for someone specific, there's a chance they aren't here right now. I don't think anyone is here right now".
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jaggedwolf · 2 months
@alethiometers replied to your post “pll rewatch 2x04”:
I think Spencer and Hanna are both pretty afraid of losing the Liars (though you're right that we hadn't seen Spencer vocalize it at this point), whereas I don't think Emily and Aria have thought about it literally at all. They've also experienced the most abandonment in their home lives for sure
I wish they'd contrasted Hanna and Aria's situations a bit more. We got it a little at the beginning then it drops off. Aria refusing to have dinner with her mom during the separation always jumps out at me as insanely privileged (I was young enough that I got no say in these things) and I imagine would've bothered Hanna as well for different reasons
​oh that's a good point, I think Aria only escapes Hanna's judgement here because of how much she keeps to herself. Wonder if Hanna sees Ashley/Tom hooking up and thinks about how she and Aria spied on Byron/Ella hooking up post-separation and then Ella moved back in.
By the end of the show (or at least when I stopped watching) Spencer is the most scared of losing the Liars, which tracks given that her family is Like That, and yeah that's something she and Hanna share. Which is interesting, given that the pilot positions the two of them as top dogs in Rosewood, while Emily and Aria feel somewhat alienated from the town.
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aria0fgold · 6 months
So glad that my for you page here throws my mutuals' posts at me too cuz am still in the void.
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littleplantfreak · 2 months
so, uh checks notes one of my favorite things about umemiya is that if there's anyone (minus endo, but that's for a different time) who would be down for period sex, it's him. it doesn't even have to do with any fascination with it, he simply hates seeing you in pain. he's always been a natural caretaker, so reliable and only wanting the best for his loved ones. blood in general has never made him squeamish, and as childish as he can sometimes be, he's still mature. growing up in that group home means he already KNOWS at least the gist of periods. he'd be so warm and understanding and accepting when you explain that orgasms help cramps and ask for his help. his only hesitation would be accidentally hurting you in the process.
it's kinda funny, actually, because whereas you were afraid of making him uncomfortable or freaking him out, YOU end up being the one embarrassed because of how he treats you during it. he's so tender with you, his voice a low rumble and like a warm drizzle of chocolate as he checks in with you, asking how you feel and murmuring about how his poor baby's having a hard time and commenting on how warm and slick you are. takes you only in missionary during this so that he can see your face and make sure that he's not hurting you when he's got you so fucked-out that you can barely even string together thoughts. the wet suction of his cock pumping inside you would make you flush with heat and embarrassment, and he just chuckles and kisses your forehead because you're just so cute. he doesn't flinch at the prospect of being covered in your blood. all he cares about is focusing on the slow, intentional grinds of his hips that stir his cock deep inside you and cause it to rub up against your most sensitive areas to make you cream all over him as many times as you need.
all he cares about is making his pretty girl feel better :(
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awia 🥺 he’s atwocious
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jaylaxies · 1 year
hihii so i just wanna ask my moots if they’re okay being tagged in the moot asks i get? 🎤
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wiishescametrue · 5 months
[ continued from here ] || @drderekshepherd-seattle
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“And yet, there you are laughing because I’ve made a silly face.” She pointed out, with a soft smile. “I would say that my mission has been accomplished.” She moved to sit closer and took a sip of her tea. “I find I need a little light during the day or I can’t quite get through everything.” It could be a bit bleak depending on what people were going through. Not that Aria didn’t understand bleak. She’d had a horrible upbringing and had spent a lot of time trying to work through that. Work past what had happened. “How do you like being back?”
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Aria was designated to participate in a scouting mission to list new monsters, but she doesn't know how to fight or develop strategies, so how?
Aria has an impulsive drawing talent, everything she sees she can quickly redraw. So this is very useful in this situation.
But as mentioned previously, she doesn't know how to fight, she has never harmed her before because she travels alone and the monsters they encounter only have a very low level.
But this was different, accompanied by ten men and Captain Farola, she went on a mission.
Unfortunately, her impulsiveness ended up violently injuring her arm, an injury that could cause serious hemorrhage. Farola decided to end the mission and return to the castle to treat her friend.
The travel back to the castle was...quiet. After the initial scare of Aria's injury -which was tended with makeshift bandages until they could get back to the castle- Farola made sure to keep her by the captain's side but made no attempt to strike up conversation, a small tell of Farola's irritation in the situation. But...Aria can't tell if the irritation was directed at her reckless actions or...something else. But soon enough the group made it to the castle in one piece.
Aria had been sent off to the medicine halls in the castle along with one other soldier. It was awkward as the two walked there, but the soldier made sure to check Aria in to the med hall before leaving to finish his other duties. It was strange, not to have Farola with her, as the captain had been assigned as a guide to the woman in a way. But there was a reason for that. Farola, being the leader of the mission, had to report back the General about the unsuccessful mission before she could do anything else.
Aria wasn't sure how long it had been since she was checked into the bay as she sat on one of her empty cots, her arm now properly bandaged and cleaned up by the professionals. She was told that even though her arm was wrapped, they wanted to keep an eye on her state just incase something where to come up.
The girl was attempted to fall asleep, to wait out this new bedridden rule until she heard her temporary room open and a familiar voice speak up.
"Aria?" Farola called, peaking her head in, eyes soften slightly as she saw the woman. "May I come in?"
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sapphireswimming · 17 days
*and everyone kneeled out of respect*
Ahahahaha it feels so powerful to have a more-than-maxxed-out queue
what happens if premium runs out and there's still more than 1k in the queue. do they like. disappear or
You've made me realize that I actually don't know? I'd assume they stay there and output like normal, but you just can't add anything new to the queue until you're under the normal 1000 post limit
......I will need to investigate this before it runs out ahaha
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keiyaku-tako · 4 months
hey azul what do u think... of the azuyuu babbies
also who is your favorite
and who do u think would win in a battle to the death 💪💪💪
They are adorable.
And I have no favorites. I love them all equally.
…Shizuka, if it’s a battle to the death among the kids. Although why on earth would they be having a battle to the death…?
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queens-boss · 1 month
Uh, heyyy… What’s uppp..?
- @manhattan-racer-84
If it ain't my favorite pain in the ass. Hello Antonio. : )
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intxication · 9 months
location: Aria's apartment
He was given the information and a task. Keep an eye, cause fear. Do not hurt. It was easy enough for him to follow. Sam had given him her contact information to do his job. Mathias just gathered a few things he would need, then set off to where he needed to go. Luck had been on his side, Aria live in an apartment. It was the perfect place for him to blend in.
He tried to make himself seem frazzled, as if he had been doing a lot of heavy lifting. He rolled his sleeves up and messed up his hair. His phone was put in a nearby planter to be picked up later. His knife was kept concealed neatly and out of sight. Mathias did everything he could to fit the part he was trying to play. He came to Aria's door and knocked a bit frantically, making sure to look worried and upset.
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