meoproject · 2 months
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some times hamsters are the only thing i care about
af attacks for x_assasscene_x ; dreamedge ; Icarust ; @everyfandomsshame
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digitalworid · 9 months
1 and 4
the character everyone gets wrong
nobody on the goddamn planet understands takeru im not gonna lie to you like ive never once read another person's takeru and been like "yah you understand even 2% of his shit". like one or two fanfics get him and those r for notps but its all there is man.
ok Crests, Corrupted gets him right but im convinced dreamedge is divinely possessed with the ability to write every digimon character flawlessly.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
i wonder bc im pretty sure you know this already but ive never blocked a single soul. this isn't a moral high ground thing i think it's really funny to let my blood enemies yell at me
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Third attack I’ve done I tried a lot of new things in this but Overall I like it
Character belongs to DreamEdge
This one is accidentally falsely rated since I didn’t notice the coloring on the bandanna was messed up till just now- oops
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magicaldreamedge · 6 years
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An art trade with @cibya
Here’s 9s for u
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katmaria1 · 7 years
Reacting to Crests, Corrupted Ch 20 cause i have no self control
aedvjfnovn i didn’t realize this happened cause i suck at checking ao3 but Crests, Corrupted is a fantastic fic and if you like digimon i suggest it a lot @dreamedge i hope you enjoy all i ask is that you excuse any ramblings about ocs cause i have way too many scenarios with them
let’s get started ready steady go!!!
“A Kind Voice, Half-Forgotten”
uhhhhhhhhh?????? okay?????????
ooo we’re exploring takeru now this is gonna be fun can i say i love takeru and yamato being siblings and both of them actually dropping their guards around each other cause goddammit they need it oh no takeru’s got nightmares how much you wanna bet it’s devimon coming back again so the cut’s no longer a scab but a scar? jeez he’s been picking at it i kinda wanna jump to conclusions about the color being yellow-gray but lemme not do that here oh takeru’s going down the “duty’ line of thinking for handling chosen duties awweeeee takeru got iori a nightlight that’s adorable is that supposed to represent hope being the light in the dark or am i going too far my mind is racing way too fast with theorizing with these goddamn colors you’re gonna kill me HERE we go getting into takeru’s doubts about himself
oh shit getting into ryo let’s go hikari’s taking what daisuke said seriously hmmmm?? gossip sucks ass and i can’t imagine what that did to poor ken
“God I can’t imagine the effect to Ichijouji,”
me too hikari me too oh no they kinda remember but kinda don’t remember ryo this poor dead kid
“No, it’s… I want to. Something doesn’t feel right,”
koushiro this is the digital world literally nothing feels right oh shit miyako’s in a good mood what the fuck did she find OF COURSE THAT’S WHAT HE’S LOOKING FOR GODDAMNIT I FEEL LIKE A DUMBASS
“Gennai-san would know, At least what it is if not where.”
i mean it’s pretty obviously a crest it wouldn’t have been mentioned otherwise what other symbols exist in the digital world that aren’t digicode she’s gonna go to gennai about everything this isn’t gonna end well for who tho
“Then no. I don’t trust it. We’ll focus somewhere else,”
oh shit look at hikari with the battle planning you go girl miyako fell asleep this poor girl
flipping over to the others… ken bby this fucking spore needs to die in a fire the kimeramon project’s really getting him down, huh wonder what daisuke’s gonna go for if he gets even more desperate so that’s why the other area was looking weak beginning of the war ken was original 02 ken? that i’d like to see but not really cause wormmon is not allowed to be hurt
“I hate it, actually.”
oh shit wormmon spilling the tea over here ken’s seeing what daisuke’s doing…… daisuke’s turning into how ken used to be he’d be the one willing to test the rings oh fuck ken you gotta do something soon if you want to save your boyfriend crap daisuke used to fight against him
wait was he alone so i think i have a timeline- nine months ken is undisturbed outside of the digital world’s defenses, then daisuke realizes what’s happening, fight him for three months, ken has a seizure, which is his few days in the hospital from ‘exhaustion,’ where daisuke becomes the knight to try and help him find a cure for the dark spore do i have that right? okay time to rework oc timelines and put them in place hehe
“and a kindness that glittered a gentle purple behind his eyes.”
now we’re getting into the crests part of crests, corrupted, huh? how does he think daisuke’s gonna take surrender? the darkness and the kindness are fighting oh boy oh vee please help him
i am screaming
this chapter was chaos and i love it and i need to write myself cause holy fuck this was awesome it’s like 1am i need to knock out but i saw this and had to
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andantecantible · 4 years
I’m back, maybe. I haven’t posted on Tumblr for a long time. I know I didn’t make like, a lasting impression before, but I’ve missed it...
Of course what’s bringing me back is the yearn to participate in fandom...I recently started re-watching Digimon Adventure 02, which is what usually does it for me. 
I also came across the magnificent fic, “Crests Corrupted” by  @dreamedge. It’s so damn good.  The characters are written so well; I especially am loving how this story explores Iori’s personality way more than the show ever did. And gogglehead!Hikari is a delight. I read it so quickly that I’ll probably start it over again and pore over it more carefully. 
I’ve always liked the idea of the Digital World being the “villain” of the story ---- kinslayer (the author of the infamous “Mistakes We Make” fic) had a really cool story back in the day, too, called “Cursed in the Name of the Lord,” which dealt with that idea too. 
“Crests Corrupted” is about a lot of things, obviously, but what really gets me is the underlying theme of chronic illness (chronic illness is something that definitely stopped me from participating in fandom, along with the numbing effects of having to be an adult), although I might be reading too much into it/projecting my own shit. 
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asmodile-blog · 6 years
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--brand new moral code, got made reluctant renegade--
callout post for @dreamedge who hasnt fed me in MONTHS :””(
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thisisthee-n-d · 7 years
dreamedge replied to your post: Brave Shine Announcement
I hope you feel better!
Thank you! 
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glacizata · 6 years
Christmas tree : What would your OC most like to receive for Christmas? (for all of em)
This is gonna be a long one because there’s a lot of them, and for some of them, Christmas doesn’t really exist in their world.
Flora: Neat looking swords or melee weapons.  I imagine that she would start collecting them if she could, and if the Dreamscape wasn’t so peaceful.
Zata: A nice comfy cushion for him to rest on when he’s relaxing under his favorite tree.  Zata really values comfort.
Tia: Another Journal to fill with her feelings for the next year/cycle.  She can never have enough of those.
Gem: I think that she would want a date with Tia outside of the Dreamedge mountains.  Some fun time with her sweetheart, showing her the sights that she saw when she first went to the other side of the mountains.
Ultama: A new crown, the old one is showing its age and nobody really respects her as the Queen with that shabby thing.
Shard: Just to see Ultama happy, she’s the only person Ultama feels for.
Violet: Potentially a new maid dress themed after Ultama’s outfit, just to help Violet fit in at her new home.
Dream: Perhaps a small party, a chance to get to know the people of the Dreamscape after she’s been in the white box for so long.
Alice: A blank scabbard for her sword, so she can decorate all she to fit her liking.
Peri: Her own personalized latex catsuit to replace her plain white one.
Ami:  She would like it if her sisters each picked out a book they liked, and got it for her to read.  With this, she gets to learn more about her sister’s taste and has more to read.
Crimi: Some strategy board game she can play with one person, she’s tired of playing two player games by herself.  (Someone who would want to play with her would be nice though).
Sapphie: She loves to collect various kinds of figures, so she would love to get a figure of herself and Crimi, posed and battle ready.
Emi: She’d probably say a new punching bag, but she really wants someone to read her poetry without judging her.
Cheri:  Some new baking equipment, her other things are starting to get worn out, and her cooking and baking is the only thing of hers that her sisters trust.
Cyana:  One of her sisters as a drawing buddy perhaps.  She seems pretty happy with what she has, but motivation is always nice.
Lilian: A soulsmithed trinket of her own making, made with the help of Wyvern and Hydra.
Cara: Some sweets and a “good yet fluffy” romance novel of Ami’s choosing.
Sunna: A picture of all her sisters together.  She wants to feel close to all of them.
Wyvern: The soulsmithed wedding dress that he made for his sweetheart that betrayed him.  He wants it back so he can give it to someone who would appreciate it and him.
Hydra: Just the news on what happened at the foundation he worked at before the bust.  He was left in the dark after he was arrested and made to work as a soulsmith as his punishment.
Nolita: All she wants is to visit Earth on the happiest day of the year.
Eveyln: Some clothes that fit her Felna form properly.  Most of her clothes are made for humans and it’s akward when she’s out of her human disguise form.
Rosalie: A better camera.  Might as well take some nice, airborne pictures of the city of Noris while the pretty snow is still there.
Vee: A variety of music boxes.  She loves the sounds and they help her fall asleep some nights.
Mir: Just for Evelyn to listen to him more.  He’s an umbrella, he doesn’t ask for much.
Cinny: A celebration with her team and the trickster spirits they look after.  A fun truce for a night along with some partying would make her day.
Pierre: A magical necklace from his mother, possibly enchanted to protect him on duty.  Anything helps and if something happens to her, he at least has that.
Asmir: A chance to talk to Ellanor, the most powerful, non-ascended witch on Rel, who’s also the top magic researcher.  It doesn’t even have to be research, he just wants to see what she’s like.
Anne: A better painting supplies.  She doesn’t get much time to indulge in her hobby, but she still wants to get more out of it.
... That’s all you get...
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mallymun · 6 years
WIP Folder Meme
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Pick out the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Tagged: I stole it from @thirtysixsavefiles
I’m gonna separate by fandom tbh
bake horde
blast from the past
caged bird
evil overlord digi
rewrite digimon
Kin.gdom Heart.s:
De.myx O-S
drabble rise.m
FTP ch 5
extra bit
FSC Heartless Puppy
FTP plot bunny
Ragnorak V1
Ragnorak V2
6+ 1- 0+ 3- 9+ (this was actually written in a code, it translates to Later)
Ri.ku Falls
Dream Ru.mple
Health For Love
OU.AT Pokemon Gep
OUA.T Prince of Egypt AU
Ru.shbelle Story
Storybr.ooke was an interesting place
Pe.rsona 5:
akec.hi ficlets
cognition backfire
death of a mother
p5 drabble thing
SG.U Story with OFC Self Insert (I’m serious that’s the name)
Spirit.ed Aw.ay Type Dream
Xiaol.in Sho.wdown/Chro.nicles:
AU Dragon Fire Heylin
Ch.amiko Drabbles
Cha.miko goes to FSC
Cham.iko Hair Dye
Cha.miko Quisella
Ch.amiko Start
Emperor Jack Excerpts
If I Can’t Have Her 
It Was A Mistake 
Legacy AU
Not To Death My Pets
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Wait No p 2
Imma tag @heatlook @charactersbychaos @dreamedge @thestraggletag @gepardo @riskpig @hyourinmaruice @theslythief @jun-mon
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higuchimon · 6 years
Do you have any good digimon 02 fic recs? It’s hard to find any good ones anymore
They’re older fics, but as always, everything by SilvorMoon. You might also try Crests, Corrupted by Dreamedge (it’s on AO3). It’s Ken x Daisuke & I would read the tags thoroughly first. Also, go to ffnet’s forums & find The Challenge Zone. Many good authors for every season there!
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magicaldreamedge · 6 years
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Art Trade with asterbun
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katmaria1 · 7 years
so, uh
i have no self-control
actually putting this under a readmore cause i somehow forgot it last time
so, yeah
Chapter 21 of Crests, Corrupted!
actually seeing the army advancing oh noi
the cleanup’s gotta be horrible for them jeez
they’re just taking the survivors to full metal city?? it makes sense but like…
miyako doesn’t know what to do now that she doesn’t have daisuke’s search to distract her
oh nooooo miyako no
full metal city is running out of room
that’s how bad the empire’s gotten holy fuck
now they need to figure out what they’re going to do
the snow’s a good spot but y’all can barely get supplies to the city?? so????
gennai you better have at least a few explanations or i’m going to kill you
if it’s still the power source for the base!!!!!
i need to rewatch 02 cause i’m going nuts for this
he’s lying through his teeth i’m calling it now
how the hell are they gonna tell the others that gennai’s lying
Iori i’m scared  w h a t  a r e  y o u  g o n n a  d o
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tsumiscribe · 6 years
For the fanfiction thing: 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 (i would have asked many more tbh lol)
Ask as many as you like : D10. Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?Oh man.  I mean, Both?  I guess I tend to prefer Mutual Pining, but the Enemies>Friends>Lovers if done WELL is like.  My Jam.  *coughDaikencough*12. Friends with benefits or secret dating?Oh geez.  Ummm... I mean again I like both but I’m probably gonna go w/ Secret Dating.  15. Post the last line you wrote without context.She didn’t say yes.  17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.A sort of Alternate “Season 3″ concept for the Adventure universe, involving tying up loose ends w/Daemon, pulling in the WonderSwan Canon, and a cross-over w/ the Tamers universe.  It’s a pretty large-scale idea which is why it’s only in the ideas stage.Similarly, once tri wraps, I have been wanting to basically tear tri apart, re-use all of it’s main plot-points, but basically “fix” it.  I guess “tri AU” is the best description for it.There’s a possibility these two ideas might just be one giant epic.  >.> 20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!Oh man, I have a few?  One fic I remember loving back in the day was a Labyrinth fan-fic called “Into the Rose Garden”, which I’ve been meaning to Re-read for a few years.  “Crimson Cobwebs” on Fanfiction.net has written some of my favorite Final Fantasy IX fics in general, so if you like FFIX, I highly recommend.  I think one of my favorite Daiken fics (and one I always recommend) is “Public Eye” by @ahiddenpath -- For longer fics, “Drive Me Crazy” by @trippnessa is great (AND FINALLY FINISHED) and for ongoing works, I am currently obsessed with “Crests, Corrupted” by @dreamedge
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acehimagecom · 5 years
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Proyek Mobil Nasional Malaysia Melibatkan Daihatsu JAKARTA- Malaysia telah mengumumkan kerja sama baru dalam proyek mobil nasional. Mobil ini bukan lagi Proton, melainkan perusahaan baru bernama DreamEDGE yang berkolaborasi dengan Daihatsu.
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asmodile-blog · 7 years
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@dreamedge here is your VERY INTENSE AND SPICY GIFT try not to burn yourself
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