canaryfeather · 11 months
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @msviolacea!
1. Were you named after anyone? First name, nope. I was early and my folks hadn't picked a name yet, so it took them two days to come up with something. Neither remembers why they settled on what they did. My middle name is based on one of my grandmas', but they didn't spell it the same. They also immediately forgot how they spelled my first and middle names, so they're inconsistent between various official documents! These days I use the spelling on my birth certificate.
2. When was the last time you cried? I teared up on Sunday, because apparently I was feeling sappy as all get out. Full-out crying, I'm not sure. I know back in May, I cried a couple times during LadyKnighttheBrave’s Andor video. Because damn.
3. Do you have kids? Just cats!
4. Do you use sarcasm? Somewhat, but not well.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Hair. That's how I tend to recognize people, too.
6. What’s your eye colour? Green now, having changed gradually from blue sometime in my teens and 20s.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I don't like downer endings. I watch/read/consume media largely for escapism, and I want my escapism to be happier than my brain often is.
8. Any special talents? Not particularly. Nothing I could use in a talent show or anything.
9. Where were you born? In a town I never lived in, oddly enough. The town I spent the first several years of my life may have been too small to have a hospital.
10. What are your hobbies? Most active at the moment: Video games (playing and talking about), crochet Less active at the moment: D&D (as a player and DM), writing, knitting, sewing
11. Have any pets? Two kitties at the moment, though I tend to still want to count the one who passed last January.
12. What sports do/have you played? I have done intramural softball, kickball, dodgeball, and soccer. I am not good at any of them, but I have fun with kickball and dodgeball, at least.
13. How tall are you? Tall for a gal! Not quite 6'.
14. Favorite subject at school? Math.
15. Dream Job? Growing up, I'd have said, "Work at NASA!" In college, as an 18 year old, I got a coop job with a NASA contractor. So I basically got my dream job when I was 18 and have stayed the course since then. Now I have to get more specific.  So I'll say my dream job is lead/manager in my discipline on a project that makes it to the moon or Mars.
Tagging (no obligations, of course!): @beauregardent @iamgwenslongroadhome @mrv3000 @fabmab @mylittleredgirl @bunysliper @singedsun @spacefiend0128 @thehappyfangirl​ @dyingfangirl  @dreamsofgoldandbooks @gottanerdout @dreamdayvisible @k8andrewz
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Any book recommendations for a 2nd semester biotechnology student? I'm not sure where to start 😅
I assume you're looking for textbook recommendations but I'm going to recommend The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
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mag200 · 3 years
Loved your quiz thingie!!! As soon as I started going through it I got big TMA vibes and then afterwards I realized you listen to it too! Phenomenal writing, friend!
YEA i love how many people were like “op you should check out tma” bc like yeah i... already go here... anyway thank you i appreciate it ❣️
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The only valid comparison between C1 and C2 is Vox Machina are The Avengers and The Mighty Nein are the Guardians of the Galaxy
I mean, only if we’re talking Final Arc Vox Machina and equating them to the Avengers at their most disastrous. 
Like, seriously, I know VM was a lot more High Fantasy and probably a little clearer regarding moral lines in the end (though you must consider we saw them face much clearer good vs evil conflicts than the M9 have seen so far)
But, like, if we are being honest VM was chaotic and disorganized AF too WHICH IS WHAT MADE THEM SUCH A DELIGHT TO WATCH! Seeing these disasters become stronger and better people and manage to save the world despite the constant fuck-ups is the main delight of this show!
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asynca · 6 years
Your glasses are cute Panda is just mean
SEE @slightlyannoyedpanda SEE SOME PEOPLE ARE NICE XD
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thatllamagirl · 6 years
dreamsofgoldandbooks replied to your post: The stages of grief for Critical Role episode 26
My discord serve buddies and me have pulled 2 all nighters googling and rewatching episodes trying to come up with theories if Molly comes back and if he doesn’t ��
After step 13 you have to go back to step 1, there is no exit from this.
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Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you nailed Jester's voice in prompt #60!
god, thank you, that means a lot! i spent so much time rereading and tweaking JUST HER VOICE over and over 💀
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thenamelessdoll · 7 years
I don't know if you talked about this before, but how does religion work in the To Belong universe? Is it similar to ours? Or do they have completely different beliefs?
Yes, there are indeed religions in TB, but they are not based on our own. There are a handful of belief systems, although the main religions are “the belief of Ogentara” and  “Kandenism”. 
The followers of the former believe in a genderless god (with endless forms) who gave birth to all life. The latter is the idea that there once existed multiple gods and we are now their descendants. While the first one is about unity, the second one tends to divide people into groups. 
PS: Most people are somehow religious since having an “atheist” worldview is a relatively recent development thanks to evolution theories.
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overgosh · 7 years
I was trying to do an Overwatch timeline with my friend, but all we had was paper and the year the characters were born, we couldn't find information about other events along the timeline. Thank you for making one!! It's so good and well organized, I like it a lot!!
Oh gosh thank you so much!! It’s a labor of love and lots of fun - but what’s so much more rewarding is seeing how helpful it is for other people!
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l0verseyes · 7 years
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rumplingz · 7 years
dreamsofgoldandbooks replied to your photo “ugh i love blackwatch mccree so much thank you blizzard for answering...”
Do you mind if I save this to use as a phone wallpaper?
Not at all! 
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How is living in Europe while being latine? I want to get my master's degree (in the future) somewhere around Europe because there are more choices for what I've chosen as my career, but it's also scary at the same time, being in a foreign country by yourself and all that. Do you have any advice on it? Any wisdom for your fellow latines?
Hey, sorry it took this long to reply, it’s been kind of a crazy week haha. 
Okay so first and foremost I don’t think you should be scared to live here as a latine. There’s actually a rather big latine community here, as far as I have seen. Now, to be fair, I live in Barcelona which has two advantages: 1. Spanish language. 2. Big cities usually equal a big multicultural mix. 
In the time I’ve been living here, I’ve met and hung out with argentinians, colombians, peruvians and mexicans, you also see them (and hear them mostly because accents) in the streets, the metro, the shops, the restaurants. We are everywhere. The amount of argentinians didn’t really hit me until the World Cup was going on and I joined some friends to watch the match at a sports bar and around 300 people gathered to shout and cheer and celebrate together. The small peruvian restaurant right below my house is family owned and was also the meeting point for them as they celebrated their first World Cup in decades. 
My point is, we are everywhere and you can find us and it is beautiful. Europe is rather multicultural and colorful and exciting and I think doing a masters here is always a fun way to broaden your horizons. 
When I’ve gone to other countries around here I’ve never found any issues with existing as a latine there either. At least no more issues than you’d find anywhere else in the world. 
There’s always going to be closed minded and bigoted people that believe their nationality/race/money makes them automatically better than others, and we should always be watchful and aware that we still exist in this world as people of color (even though that fact can be easy to forget when you live in a latine country and everyone around you is technically poc too, coming to Europe certainly makes you more aware of your non-whiteness in both good and bad ways). 
Some Cons of living in Europe as a latine?
People will act like you’re always too loud. We kinda are, but not that much, you know? 
Most europeans have no idea how to dance at clubs the way we do. 
The Food. You’ll miss your local food so much. Even if you find a good restaurant, there’s a chance it’ll be like texmex or a weird version of the food you know and love twisted to fit european blander taste standards.
Tourists. Ugh. 
The odd racist european old person that acts like you come form an uncivilized country and say stuff like “well I don’t know how they do things there but here…”
The odd racist european young person who will either call you “exotic” or think it’s funny to ask if in your country you have cars/tvs/internet. Yes. Yes, I’ve actually heard this question a lot, though more so 5-10 years ago and thankfully the internet has drastically slowed that kind of ignorance.
“Oh so is it like in Narcos? I love that show!” And other forms of glorifying latinamerican violence and stereotyping us based on that kind of media. 
Generally, most of this things would probably happened in other places of the world too. Like I said above, living in Europe after having lived in a latinamerican country mostly makes you that much more aware of your roll as a nonwhite people. You are suddenly not seen as the standard. Even white-passing peeps might find people’s attitudes change once they hear you speak in your own accent. 
If you’ve lived abroad or were born in a non-latine country, maybe you’ll already have experienced all this things, in which case Europe will probably not be that different for you.
Oh, also people here are like super sold out in the “first world countries are safe” thing and like they are so sure no one’s gonna steal anything from them and the government/police will always be on their side and I mean technically it’s nice but as a latine it feels just very naive?
Shit, also the coin change. Life here can be rather expensive, especially if you’re not earning in euros. I try not to think how much everything I pay would be in pesos because “el que convierte no se divierte”.
Pros of living in Europe as a latine:
Because people can’t dance here, suddenly you’re seen as the most coordinated and fun person in the club even if you were just an average dancer for your latine friends’s standards.
The Food. You might miss your food, but oh god the local things here are so good too. Coffee is delicious and strong, bread is so good pretty much anywhere here, wine is great, they have great chocolate, and like italian food? fondue? spanish rice? german sausages? all good. Oh, also beer!
The culture: old stuff, museums, new stuff, book presentations, street concerts, galleries, etc. So much culture. 
The safety. Like, dude, the safety. I know I literally just called europeans naive, and I still kinda think they are, but bro being able to walk home at night as a woman is fucking surreal to me??? Like, you still have to be vigilant and watch out for pickpocketers and stuff but there’s a sense of calm and safety in walking in the streets here that really eases the ever present underlying vigilant state we are used to as latines. It’s just nice.
Public transportation??? Buses are nice and not cramped to inhumane levels? The metro is awesome to move from one side of town to the other in minutes? The trains get you to other places of the country in like no time and they are so much fun! I just love european public transportation, especially coming from a town where you need a car to get pretty much anywhere.
Education is great and at a very high level and if you’re planing to come here to study I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful experience and learn a lot and yeah clases here are often more demanding but it’s generally so cool and you get to learn from a perspective from a whole other side of the world in topics you love. 
The people are great and nice and welcoming (excluding the odd assholes mentioned above). I’ve always felt welcomed here, people are really interested about hearing about your culture, your food, your country, your customs. Almost everyone is willing to help you get around, find your way in town and enjoy their city as your own.
Most bigger european cities are very multicultural and the people who live in them are used to this, so they are ready to welcome outsiders into their lives and usually open to listen to all kinds of points of view in life. 
Okay, so this just got very long and ramble-y and I realize I’m probably not making that much sense, so here’s the last thing I’ll say: 
It is an experience. It has good and bad sides, like everything else, but in the end coming here to study —in a place that’s so different to your own in culture and history— is a crazy adventure in which you’ll discover more about the world and, more importantly, more about yourself. I understand doubt and fear when it comes to a decision like this, it’s a big choice after all, but my advice in the face of fear is always this: be brave, take a chance, let yourself live it and enjoy it and face the good and the bad. Whatever your experience is, you’ll grow from it. That’s what it’s all about.
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asynca · 6 years
Heya Asy!! I'm trying to get myself out of financially depending on my parents so I'm trying to find work as a translator! Do you have any advice on how I can put my name Out There™? Any help is literally more than appreciated!!
You know, despite qualifying as a translator I never did a single translating job so I’m a terrible person to ask. Followers? Any suggestions? :D
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prototype-zero · 6 years
Why each member of my DnD party is a F@#KING BADASS
So my party of DnD characters are all badasses and here’s why:
Maighread Allanach, Human Wild Magic Sorcerer
STR: 8 DEX: 14 CON: 14 INT: 17 WIS: 17 CHA: 18
First off, JUST LOOK AT THOSE STATS. Aside from strength, she could be just about ANY class she wants to be. Now she is a sorcerer which means this girl’s got charisma out the @$$. Her magic is innate to her which means she is PURE FUCKING TALENT. She likes to take spells that deal damage which means if she wants you dead, she knows just HOW TO KILL YOU and if she’s being creative, she can CHOOSE WHICH TYPE OF DAMAGE TO KILL YOU WITH, including SPIKING YOUR GODDAMN MIND or BURNING EVERYTHING IN THE ROOM WITH A FUCKING FIREBALL. But she is also sweat like candy.
Quick Storm of the Midnight Woods Clan, Tabaxi Beast Conclave Ranger
STR: 9 DEX: 18 CON: 16 INT: 12 WIS: 16 CHA: 10
This cool cat is a tracker and a hunter. What is she hunting? DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER BECAUSE SHE’LL KILL YOU FROM AFAR. She uses bows which means she could be HUNDREDS OF FEET AWAY FROM YOU AND THEN BAM YOU’RE DEAD. Think you can escape? FUCK NO YOU CAN’T. She can track your silly @$$ for days until she finds you and drops you like a fat sack of gold. Also, THIS BITCH HARDY AS FUCK. just look at that constitution. She could drink you under the table and still win. But she loves her friends and especially her owl companion whisper.
Joy, Tiefling Arcane Trickster Rogue
STR: 13 DEX: 16 CON: 14 INT: 13 WIS: 16 CHA: 16
Everybody loves a tiefling and BOY HOWDY DO WE LOVE OUR JOY. Named after the feeling she gives all of her teammates, Joy could also FUCK YOUR SHIT UP. She’s a rogue which means she knows exactly where to stab your lame @$$ to one shot you into the next life. She picks locks so HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YOU WIFE DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER JOY CAN FIND THEM. If you thought that was it, OH FUCK HOW WRONG YOU ARE BUDDY BOY. She can cast spells and slip through the shadows. But she makes us laugh so we love her
Bardrynn Oakburn, Mountain Dwarf  Barbarian Path of the Berserker
STR: 20 DEX: 11 CON: 14 INT: 9 WIS: 9 CHA: 10
COMING RIGHT OUT OF THE GATES ON THIS ONE BARDRYNN COULD LIFT 700 TONS OF YOUR BULLSHIT AND THROW IT ACROSS THE CONTINENT. She crushes skulls and the hearts of men because FUCCIBOIS DON’T DESERVE THIS RAGING MACHINE OF HURT. Another lady who’d drink you under the table and then PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE. And you thank her too because who doesn’t love DA BEEF. But with a strong body comes a strong heart which she has lots of love for her friends.
Ceilia Junipers, Stout Halfling Tempest Cleric
STR: 13 DEX: 16 CON: 17 INT: 11 WIS: 18 CHA: 9
Ah the cleric, the most chill class of all, right? FUCKING WRONG BUCKO. Ceil is a tempest cleric which means LIGHTNING MOTHER F#$CKER. She could heal you, or STRIKE YOU DOWN WITH THE FURY OF THOR HIMSELF. Speaking of thor, EVEN HE FEARS CEIL WITH HER CHANNEL DIVINITY DEALING MAX F$#CKING DAMAGE. Ceil doesn’t talk much but who needs to when you GET SHIT DONE. But she cares for her friends and keeps us alive so we thank her endlessly for that
Liana Allister, High Elf Bladesinger Wizard
STR: 8 DEX: 18 CON: 13 INT: 20 WIS: 10 CHA: 10 
Last, and certainly not least (especially since this is my character) Liana is SMART AS F#$K. She study for LITERALLY A HUNDRED YEARS So she knows her stuff. If you think that magic is her only thing THEN ONCE AGAIN YOU’RE F#$KING WRONG. She’s a bladesinger which means she can use weapons like her trusty rapier WHICH CAN SKEWER ALL THE FUCCIBOI LIKE A GODDAMN SHISHKABOB. With a fusion of magic and sword she sends the message of DON’T FUCK WITH ME, BITCH. but she uses a lot of her spells to help the party and dearly cares for them all.
And that is why my party of dnd characters are F#$KING BADASSES. 
@shiieldmaidenofgondor @fabmab @dreamsofgoldandbooks @dyingfangirl @beauregardent @canaryfeather
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hold-the-fjord · 6 years
I'll be completely honest with you, I thought he would have to give some of his blood to the sword? Or maybe kill something with the sword? 
no but this is really amazing, that there are people who didn’t for a moment think about eating the sword, bc that is just so wildly out of the range of my own interpretation of that moment?
perhaps if Matt’s been saying “absorb” or something...
truth be told, it may also be bc I’m not a native speaker and my understanding of the word “consume” could be narrower, I guess
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galacticjonah · 6 years
I probably say this to myself everytime I see your art on my dash but now I've gotta say it to you. My friend, you are an amazing artist!!! I can instantly recognize your work but I can't quite place my finger on why 😂 Whatever it is, keep doing it!!
It’s that little bit of dark magic I weave between every pixel of my work...
[ but jokes aside, thank you so much!! ]
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