#dreamtale nighmare
mikimakiboo · 26 days
Ya'll heard of disabled!Nightmare but may I interest you with some mute!Horror (And additionnal headcanons) ?
@unknownchoatic if you want to take a look into my interpretation of the disabled AU 👀👉🏻👈🏻
Horror isn't totally mute, it's more like aphasia than mutism, which means he has trouble speaking and finding the right words and is practically incapable of forming a full sentence, he also has trouble reading and, by extent, writing.
He became aphasic after Undyne's spear impaled his skull, which obviously caused a lot of brain damage and particularly in the area in charge of the speech, reading and all.
When he joined the bad sanses nobody noticed his struggles at first, they already had Dust who didn't talk much (he isn't mute, just doesn't talk a lot) so they thought he was just the silent type like him. But it soon became clear there was a broblem when he started mixing up words whenever he tried to speak, couldn't decipher written instructions or struggled to write his reports.
However they first thought that maybe he didn't know how to read/write, but it wasn't logical as he was still a Sans, so that meant he was a scientific in his youth, that he must have known how to read and write, so the problem might have been something else entirely.
Surprisingly it was Killer who came up with the first hypothesis, one of which was that Horror was dyslexic, which was close, but not quite that. After some time and researches they eventually managed to find out he was aphasic.
At that point Dust took the responsibility to teach everyone sign language, since he was the only one knowing it at the time, so that Horror could communicate easier and the others would understand him. He still has troubles sometimes with hand placement but he can now communicate !
As for the instructions, Nightmare gave him a magnetophone so he can hear them rather than read them. For the reports it's usually Killer or Dust who write them for him, he signs what he wants them to write and they translate.
On the fluffy side, they sometimes read him stories since he cannot read them himself.
Now for the additionnal headcanons that have nothing to do with disability:
- he likes woodcarving, he often sculpts little animals and give them to each member of the gang (including Nightmare) to show his affection towards them, they are very pretty !
- he cannot see pictures in his mind, I don't know how to describe it but like when he thinks about an apple, for exemple, he doesn't see an apple in his mind, he has the concept, the word, he knows what it looks like and can describe it but he just doesn't visualize it. Same when he sleeps, his dreams are made of sounds and sometimes shades of lights, but no images (aphantasia)
- his pupil will round up like a cat when he sees something or someone he likes
- he's very strong physically but very weak when it comes to magic because his magic had to adapt in his world in order to keep him alive, he has a strong immune system due to that but struggles a lot with magic attacks such as creating bones, blasters or simply teleporting, that is why he mainly uses his axe. Also due to his weak magic he needs to have a balance between food and sleep, if he doesn't sleep or eat properly he will pass out and won't wake up until his body regained enough energy, sometimes it's only a few hours but if he pushed his limits too far it can last a few days
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vanglaggle · 2 months
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limited situationship vocabulary
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nightmare belongs to jokublog
killer belongs to rahafwabas
dust belongs to ask-dusttale
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losercollector · 4 months
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Happy valentines day! Heres a valentines nightmare
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mrpotguy · 5 months
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parniathedevil · 5 months
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Bby boy is grow up ✨ he is my beloved! AAAGHH! I love this big boy
(also I am not a proshipper, so I draw his adult from and I ship my sona with him)
Happy New year
Dreamtale blog to @jokublog
Designing by me
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lunabhs09 · 26 days
If nightmare sans x splatoon
Nm octoling:
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if who next? What you want it! (๑'ᴗ')ゞ(any sanses)
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allxeros · 9 months
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my attempt for @itsxroxannex dtiys!
i know its not that great but backgrounds always kick my butt so i half-azzed it
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starzeah123 · 7 months
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Nightmare belongs to JokuBlog
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cakesmelons · 11 months
Hey! What about Frozen!Nightmare makes a breast size reduction surgery? (Plot Twist: Frozen!Dream takes the breast, and is very smug about it!)
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it's 1 am when i drew this.... XD
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naz025 · 3 months
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in short, nightmare won the battle in 0.6.
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raaaaaaaghhhh · 9 months
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my honest reaction
i cant rlly draw all that well anymore so im sticking to silly shit like this
school is so stressfull
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melo-the-melon · 6 months
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It been i while since i didn't post something here 😭
But i come back with redraw of a drawing i did in the beginning of the years ✨
It was really fun to redone again and to see how much i improuve!
I hope you guys will like it 😌✨
See you in 287373 month 👀✨✨✨✨✨✨
Nightmare by JokuBlog
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vanglaggle · 14 days
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i apologize @mewobrute for using your shipkid for this image
↓↓ og under the cut and credits
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dream and nm belong to jokublog
killer belongs to rahafwabas
wisteria belongs to mewobrute (sorry)
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mrpotguy · 6 months
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Ds!nightmare @isame-allen
Ds!error @mrpotguy
Ds!cross @phut cher (in Facebook)
No idea for Christmas😔
Thanks for collad with me!!
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anotherrosesthatfell · 8 months
Something from my wattpad draft lol
"Catch him! Catch that bastard!" Yelled the guard as he ordered others to catch Hope.
Hope in the other hand keep on running.
Hope in the past was a girl who disguises herself as a boy to avoid from getting executed just because she is the last witch.
Meanwhile with Nightmare, he just finished his paperwork. After 3 days of work tirelessly because Nim never once touch any of the works.
He is walking back to his chamber, wanting to get a shower and a really good rest.
Just as he arrived at his chamber's door, Hope bumped into him and caused a very expensive vase broke into pieces.
Hope looks distraught over the broken vase that she didn't realize it was Nightmare she bumped into.
"There's him, catch him!" the guards finally caught Hope.
Nightmare couldn't understand slightly a bit what the hell is happening. He sighed and glares at all of them.
"Let go of the kid." he is too tired to deal with all of this.
The guards realized Nightmare is in the presence so all of them quickly bowed and make Hope bowed until her head hits the floor.
"We apologize for our rudeness, your highness... We were merely just trying to this this boy a lesson." The guard forced out a tone.
Clearly none of them like Nightmare.
"Did I ask that?" Nightmare gave out a very threatening aura. "I said to let go of the kid."
The guards look at each other and they finally let go of Hope.
"Now left. If I ever see you people chasing a kid like him. Your head will be gone." warns Nightmare.
The guard hurriedly dismissed themselves as they don't want to interact with the tyrant prince.
"Ugh... People these days.." Nightmare sighed as he groaned to himself.
He touch his head and pressed his fingers against his forehead. He is clearly having a headache for not sleeping.
"Y-Your highness, are you alright?" Asked Hope.
"You..." Nightmare can't remember where he saw Hope before. "You seems familiar."
"Ah... Yes, you once saved me from getting burned by my own fire 2 years ago..." Explains Hope.
Nightmare blinks and looks at Hope in confusion. 2 years ago, he was rushed to save someone because Dream had him panicked.
He still has the burn mark on his left shoulder.
"You're that little girl... Aren't you?" Nightmare guessed.
"Yes I am your highness.. But for now, please refer me as a male because I-"
"Yeah whatever, I don't snitch." he slightly yawned . "Also, by looking at your armor. You are Dream's guard."
"Good, now enter my room and guards the door." He said as he pulling Hope in his chamber.
Hope was startled and completely stunned. Nightmare immediately went on his bed and lay down. He doesn't want to do anything else.
"Also... If someone ask for my presence, just answer them by saying I am having pleasure with women." Ordered Nightmare.
Hope looks around his chamber and say, "but I don't see any women here...?"
"exactly." replied Nightmare as he closed his eyes.
Hope nodded silently while Nightmare slowly drive himself to his slumber. The little witch silently follows his orders for hours, as for the sun finally set, she fell asleep on her duty.
A tiresome day hmm?
Nightmare woke up from his slumber, realizing it's already pass midnight. Seems like no one wants him to show up in dinner and rather have him stuck in the room.
He caught a glimpse of meal on his table, seems like someone's brought it.
He never thought someone would bring him food because no one ever did, not even Frieda.
"Hmm.." Nightmare smiles unconsciously at the thought of someone's care about him.
He then look at his door where Hope is standing... Or laying cause she is currently sleeping now.
"Oh.. I guess she is still a kid after all." Nightmare sighed to himself.
He went over to Hope and gently wakes her up.
"Hey, kid. Wake up." he pokes Hope forehead.
"hmm..?" Hope slowly open her eyes.
Her eyes widened open after she realized she was sleeping at her duty.
"F-Forgive me your highness!" She apologized as she bow.
Truly why do people love to apology by bowing until their head reach the floor?
"Okay, stop- gets up." ordered Nightmare
Draft 2
"You want to learn how to dance...?" Nightmare look at Hope thinking she was joking.
"Y-Yes, in the upcoming masquerade.. I want to dance with crown prince Dream..." explain Hope.
Nightmare sighed and close his book.
"You know you're just his guard... The empress will see it as a crime." warns Nightmare.
"but it's a masquerade ball!" she whine. "Look, if you teach me how to dance. I- uh... Oh I'll make sure Dream doesn't skip his studies again!"
That caught Nightmare off from his guard.
"You kids are really testing my patience.." He sighed. "Fine, I'll teach you how to dance but you must keep your promise." He said. "The future ruler of this empire needed to be responsible and the first step is never to skip his study lessons..."
"Got it your highness!" Hope smiles as Nightmare said he will teach her.
For a few days, Nightmare taught Hope how to dance to each different type of song. If she gets lucky, she can dance with Dream in second song which is usually were played to be the slowest song so people can slow dance with their partner.
"Chara, you stepped on my shoes again-" he sighed.
"Eek—! Sorry.." she frowned. "I think I will making fool of myself and-"
"Stop thinking nonsense for sake." he sighed. "Look, focus on the song and your partner. That way you can perfected your dance." claimed Nightmare.
Hope nodded at Nightmare's explanation. She have to focus so she can freely be with Dream without anyone noticing her. She needs too, she miss her best friend...
The day of masquerade, Hope wears a red gown and black mask to cover the part of her bloody eyes. She still can see, the mask purposes is for people won't recognize her.
Nightmare is smart to come up with such outfit.
"Are you ready?" he asked before escorting her to the main entrance.
"Very." She laughed awkwardly. "I think I am going to pass out..."
"Don't pass out at my presence. You can do it after the ball ended." said Nightmare
"Yes your highness-"
Hope took Nightmare's hand as he started to escorting her in the entrance.
They did this so people can know Hope is Nightmare'a guest and no one should dare to ask any questions.
The masquerade ball has started after Nim's speech. The first dance was Dream and Frieda dancing with each other.
"..." Nightmare frown at the sight of them.
Hope too. She don't like how she feels right now but she wanted to feel better.
"Your highness, may I ask to have this first dance with you?" asked Hope
Nightmare choked on his wine.
"Are you joking?" he whispered at Hope in angry tone. "You said you wanted to have your first dance with Dream!"
"Yeah but I am lonely and you too." She point it out. "Come on, maybe it can fix your reputation a little bit."
Nim is not watching Nightmare. Her only focus was on Dream.
"Fine." he put down the glass of wine and stood up from his seat.
Nightmare slightly backed away. He then put a hand on his chest and bowed.
"My I ask you for this dance, lady Hope?" Nightmare let out a sarcastic voice.
"Sure- I mean yes you may." Hope almost forgotten the manners.
Thankfully she corrected herself or else she'll be embarrassed for the rest of her life.
Hope took Nightmare hand and they both went to the dance floor.
Nightmare bend down to reach Hope's head and whispers, "Don't step on my feet."
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justincaseidraw · 10 months
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"How bad could I possibly be?"
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