tastesousweet · 2 months
Can we get a toxic!babydaddy Matt fic like I’m craving something about my man like it’s been days and I haven’t eaten
⭒ blurb : toxic!bd matt who . . .
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toxic!babydaddy matt x poc!reader
warnings: toxic relationship, dad!matt (i understand if u don’t fw it), idk what else :P
mickey speaks: this is kinda different for me so ty for the req!! ik this is just a little headcannon set but i hope you luv this anon 💐
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TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . brings some girl he’s been “hanging out with” to your daughter’s third birthday party just to piss you off
he’d then get mad when you ignore him and his “friend” the entire party…
he’d come up to you as you watch your daughter play on the decorated playground from afar, “the fuck you bein’ petty for, y/n? i thought we were cool with seeing other people?”
“well i just think it’s rude, you didn’t tell me you were bringing anyone else. i don’t care who she is or what you two do it’s annoying from a planning perspective.”
“that’s my bad… you look good though,” he’d glance around for a second before coming behind you and hooking his arm on your neck.
he’d whisper in your ear while you both stare out at your lively daughter, “can’t believe she’s so big now… lookin’ just like her pretty mama.”
you’d roll your eyes and shoulder matt off of you, “matt, go fuck on the bitch you brought here. and stop saying shit like that to me.”
“jesus- watch your language there’s kids everywhere, y/n.”
you blankly stare at him and his cocky smirk that just aggravates you to pieces, “go awayyy, matt.” you whine out and pinch your eyes with a sigh.
and he laughs because everything’s a fucking joke to him.
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . your friends hate but you will always have a soft spot for, he is your daughter’s father after all
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . sends hundreds of roses to your doorstep for mother’s day
when you text him a picture of the ridiculous bouquets with a “????” he immediately facetimes you, “for the best mama in the whole world. you like ‘em?”
you shake your head and hide a smirk beneath your hand to scold him, “you do too much, matt.”
“uh huh i knew you’d say that…” he’d then ask to see his favorite girl, “now where’s my baby at?”
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . can’t mind his business to save his life. he’s always asking you questions about your personal life; and you always shut him down
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . can sometimes be a little too desirable when he drops your daughter off at your place (dressed nicely, smelling good, eyes bright yet droopingly eye-fucking you, etc), leading you to invite him in for a glass of wine or two
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . you sometimes find in your bed again when you feel particularly lonely and nostalgic
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . loves the few times he gets to to wake up to his daughter pulling on his hand and you by his side, fast asleep
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . tends to start arguments from the smallest things to get you to talk to him longer than you need to
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . will always put effort into being a great father (which you respect) despite never putting that same effort into your relationship
TOXIC!BABYDADDY MATT WHO . . . makes sure you’ll never forget he loved you first and is connected to you far deeper than any other man ever could be
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melonteee · 4 months
Just saw someone’s wacko take on Whole Cake Island and I want to see your thoughts, as I get everyone had their own opinions but damn theirs made me baffled
Basically they said that Sanji being forced into marriage was completely unnecessary and was Oda’s terrible attempt to “fix” Sanji after the time skip. That we didn’t need to see how good of a person Sanji is as that was something already seen pre timeskip but was completely ruined post apparently
They then also claimed that Sanji’s blood family has no point of existing, and they questioned why he needed more story when his original backstory was enough. They claimed that this was a terrible attempt by Oda to make Sanji seem as broken as possible to apparently excuse his gross behaviour post time skip
They said that Sanji’s family being emotionless monsters shouldn’t mean anything to Sanji as he’s a pirate and faces cruel people all the time, they don’t think it added anything to his character. They believe Oda only did this to get people to like Sanji again after apparently assassinating his character post time skip
They also brought up Pudding being 16 (which we don’t know is true or not) and how that makes Sanji seem more gross and Oda gross by extension
Again I believe everyone can have their opinions, but when an opinion is as jaw droopingly awful as this it makes me want to slam my head against a wall, it’s also annoying that they’ve turned off comments to prevent any discussion really showing how stubborn they are on this
Anyway I wanted to see your thoughts as you are the no.1 Sanji fan
Sighssssss I cannot stand this "Oda wanted to 'fix' Sanji" idea these people have, because that just tells me...they literally do not pay attention to Sanji at all.
As always, yes, Sanji has pervy gags. Yes, he was a bit much in Fishman Island SPECIFICALLY, but he IS the same character.
Fishman Island showed his fierce care and love for Nami as a CREWMATE by telling Jinbe what the fuck Arlong did to her, because he was LITERALLY there for Arlong's defeat and nearly died with the others fighting for Nami! He spoke up for Nami as FAMILY and that means a LOT to her.
Punk Hazard showed his kindness towards Kinemon and the kids by helping Kinemon - a dangerous stranger - and helping the kids per Nami's request.
Dressrosa showed Sanji's kindness is so valued due to Viola breaking down and feeling safe with him, to the point she told him the truth about Dressrosa and Doflamingo.
Zou showed JUST how kind Sanji is by helping save an ENTIRE island, Pedro valuing his kindness SO MUCH he risked his life to help get Sanji back to his crew.
Sanji has never needed fixing, what Sanji NEEDED was an explanation for why the fuck he was a kid by himself on a sailing ship. He NEEDED an explanation for HOW he could be a kid from the north but somehow be in the east. He NEEDED an explanation for why he was so self sacrificing to the point he thought of giving his life - not just for Zeff, but for ANYONE - seemed like the best choice to him.
Yes, it wouldn't be a question if it was just for Zeff and the Baratie. But it wasn't just for Zeff, he also did it for Usopp, for Luffy, for Nami, for Zoro, for Robin. Sanji's self sacrificing nature was ROOTED in him, and we had no idea from WHERE.
In fact, his self worth was so little, he asked a LITERAL ADULT why he was being nice to him - when he was a KID! And as I said in my Sanji video, WHAT kid asks why an adult is treating them nicely? NO other kid in One Piece has asked an adult that, because they're kids!
The fact it was suspected Sanji's family were powerful from YEARS ago, due to the fact his face wasn't on posters, AND Duval was being endlessly chased after, AND Sanji was from the north, AND his blood type was rare, says plenty enough that it was TOTALLY necessary.
Sanji literally finds his worth in other people, and again, that didn't stem from Zeff! Zeff treasured Sanji to the point Zeff used his HANDS on him, so WHERE does this self-hating nature come from with Sanji?
And we get it! We get it with his WCI story! We see the depths of his soul, the peaks of his kindness, and just how extreme the HATRED for himself is. He didn't even think Luffy WANTED him because his self worth is THAT low.
But, most importantly, we see JUST how strong Sanji is due to STAYING kind - even WITH everything he's gone through. WCI is about SANJI'S strength of character, through and through, and calling that unnecessary is just INSANE to me. Again, it just tells me these people do not like Sanji at all, to the point they didn't pay much attention to him. Because of COURSE when you don't look behind you, but then someone appears in front of you, you're gonna go "?? now where did THAT come from??"
But literally anyone who pays attention to Sanji expected to find out about his family and his origins, because the seeds were there!
Overall, if you want the deep dive for why it was necessary? My Sanji video explains it all :]
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cherrynostalgiaa · 10 months
you are truly jaw droopingly beautiful, i hope you have a day as gorgeous as yourself.
Thanks your so kind 🙏
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henryclark1 · 1 year
Best Family Vacation Spots in the USA for 2023
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People from every corner of the planet wish to spend a memorable vacation, at least once in life, with friends or family in the United States. Therefore, the United States of America welcomes foreign travelers as well as local visitors throughout the year. From natural beauty to ancient marvels, elegant buildings, historical monuments, preserved treasures, beaches, engineered marvels, live consorts, an alluring lifestyle, excellent museums and restaurants, and lots of things to enjoy the United States has something special to offer every traveler. In general, people prefer Southwest Airlines Sale $69 to enjoy budget-friendly air travel. However, the preference of an airline depends upon your priorities and other terms. Let us explore some of the Best Family Vacation Spots in the USA for 2023. 
California is an extraordinary state for families to relax in. Home to seashores, public parks, Hollywood, and Disneyland, there are a lot of families enjoyable to be had in the brilliant state. There's unwinding neglecting the sea, dawn sight-seeing balloon flights, stargazing in Yosemite Public Park, and tasting dim sum total in the most established Chinatown in North America. Set forth plainly, there's something for everybody. Moreover, you should never miss the charm of San Fransisco in California as well.  The glittering roadsides, lavish restaurants, magnificent buildings, lush parks, and other amazing structures will bring you an inexplicable experience while roaming around California. Moreover, while visiting the Golden Gate do not miss to carry your camera to lock the stunning memory forever. 
With naturally formed exceptional landscapes of winding waterway gullies, dry deserts, and the Rocky Mountains, Colorado has such a great amount to offer families traveling in the United States. This escape, for instance, will take you to frigid Aspen and Snowmass in the core of the Rockies. Skiing with a renowned world champion on a confidential directed experience and taking a family cooking master class with a famous cooking master are only two things included in Colorado's extensive rundown of experiential contributions. Furthermore, you are suggested always to book flights and hotels in advance to avoid the unnecessary issue that usually rises with last-hour bookings. Interestingly, you may save some money as well with early bookings because the earlier you book lower the charges you pay.  
From start to finish, Alaska is jaw-droopingly beautiful and comes total with some of its own isolated extravagance lodges. This adventurous excursion is an ideal illustration of Alaska having everything - with a private heli-hiking visit taking off from boreal woods into the mountains above and a visit to the famous Kenai Fjords Park to peer out over the thousand-foot-thick ice of Harding Icefield, the settling seabirds of the precipices and the Wolverines that meander the coastlines. We can ensure you'll get back home together with a unique memory forever. Saving on air tickets is a great idea to save money for other things to do like, shopping, dining, or anything of your choice. For instance, opting for Southwest Airlines $69 Flights can be a great choice or you can also look for an ongoing deal/offer. However, booking a flight completely depends upon your choice and other preferences. 
Home to Yellowstone and the rough heaps of Grand Teton National Park, the immense gullies and thick woodlands of Wyoming make the ideal setting for invigorating family experiences. Whether you're investigating Technicolor hot springs and gurgling mud pots, seeing mountain bears in the wild, or loosening up in your inn's warm jacuzzi - this outing is an extraordinary spot to begin as you find the untamed soul of the West together. Paying a visit to Wyoming will definitely bring you lots of opportunities to enjoy the real zeal of life regardless of your age, gender, race, or anything.
Speaking the Pacific Sea with emerald-tinted isles that highlight wild shores with bursting volcanoes and lovely sea shores bordered by influencing palms, a family getaway in Hawaii can be an all-out reset. In any case, it can likewise be jam-stuffed loaded with surfing, swimming, climbing, and social experiences. With such countless choices, it's anything you desire it to be. The sea beaches on this land will reenergize you mentally as well as physically. For a soothing experience spend some quality time on the beach under the shining sun. Thereafter, sit under a tree to gaze at the natural scenario of the beautiful sea sight. 
Concluding Notion
Visiting the United States of America with friends or family during a vacation is really a great way to make this leisure more sensational in all respects. Among the top visiting destinations on the earth, the United States secures a paramount position in the list. Booking Southwest Airlines Sale $69can be a perfect way to reduce your air travel cost. Nonetheless, you can find other deals or offers with other airlines depending upon your choice and other preferences. 
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meisteralready · 1 year
The seagull lifting
And crashing its claim on the rocky beach
-a seaweeded clam -
Gives no care that my wonderful, fluffy blueberry pancake was served in a plastic tray
And as it tears into the split innards of the crustacean,
The bird doesn’t know
Or even have the capacity to realize
That because of the open sides of my pancake “basket” (it’s not weaved, thus challenging it’s definition)
The syrup; the most important elixir; ran droopingly over the sides,
Out the basket,
And until I caught sight of it,
Pooled a bit on Average Joe’s floor.
This piping watercress has no clue
That I sat next to the only other occupied table,
Filled with the local newspaper chief,
The head of the town board,
And a conservative lobbyist.
As I tried to navigate the dredged confection, my stomach began to turn.
Their endless bile of the “unnaturalness” of transgenderism,
Of how locals want public housing on this vacation-home-driven island
Have the nerve to not show up for town meetings
Made at 5 pm
(Not realizing many are still working or making their way to their second job)
Yet those locals have the audacity to demand a voice
In the place where they grew up,
And that these “freeloaders” (who probably pay taxes) have no right to want to keep such land public
Because these guys can privatize that land
And sell it to snowbirds.
“Think of the tax income!” They all exclaim, nearly in unison.
And I look at the bird, now satiated from his clam snack,
And he returns such a gaze.
What does it matter?
It does,
But not to him,
Not to my spilt pancake,
Nor the shattered half-eaten clam,
Yet it does
To me
And hopefully,
Many others.
0 notes
beadsofparadisenyc · 1 year
How jaw-droopingly amazing is this Manjushri and Buddha Amitayus Gold Plated Sterling Silver Gao Shrine Box?! Buddha Amitayus or Buddha of Limitless Life is a Buddha aspect or a deity associated with meditations and mantras for a long life. Amitayus is usually depicted seated in a meditation posture with a vase (Kalasha) in his hands, which contains the elixir of immortality (Amrita) and leaves of the Ashoka tree. It symbolizes “a long life without the misery (Shoka) of disease. On top of the vase can be an alms bowl. Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, normally holds a sword in one hand, to cut off all delusion, and a Prajnaparamita Wisdom text in the other. His name is a compound of the Sanskrit words Man-ju (meaning charming, beautiful, pleasing) and Shri (or Sri, meaning glory, brilliance). The combination of both these words convey the kind of intelligence and wisdom Manjushri represents. Manjushri's Sanskrit name means "He Who Is Noble and Gentle." He is often portrayed as a beautiful young man. #gaobox #manjrushri #bodhisattvaofwisdom #bodhisattva #amitayus #buddhaoflimitlesslife #buddha #buddhist #buddhistjewelry #loissherrdubin #thehistoryofbeads #oneofakindjewelry #vintagejewelry #handmade #rarejewelry #rareamulet #amulet #hewhoisnobleandgentle #fashion #style #styleinspo #shop #nyc #unionsquare #beadsofparadise
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romcombc · 1 year
Book Review for Set On You
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I had the pleasure of reading Exes and O’s first and immediately knew I had to go back to where it all started. Set On You is such a beautifully written push and pull novel between what we know in our heads and what we feel in our hearts.
Crystal considers herself a decent, understanding, and respectable human being. As a fitstagrammer, she shares fitness tips, body positive messages, and all around confidence boosters to her followers. So what did she possibly do to deserve the likes of Scott – her newfound gym nemesis and a calendar worthy Boston Firefighter. After stealing her turn at the squat rack, she can’t seem to shake this guy! He blocks her path when she is working with clients, competes with her unprovoked, and is an all around menace! After an unexpected escalation ignited by a mishap with her phone, Crystal is satisfied if she never has to see him again, until an unexpected commonality forces them back together – their grandparents are getting married! Determined to get along in the name of family, Crystal finds herself becoming more and more smitten until a sweet gesture for her followers turns into a troll batted nightmare.
Like most readers, I enjoy the overall story but I also find solace in the author’s underlining intentions. Amy consistently sprinkled the message about fat shaming and gave new perspectives to common misconceptions. Her portrayal of body shaming, trolling, and societal standards was not something that is unfamiliar but definitely something that needed to be brought to light. I loved her point that we are made to feel that we should be a certain way, look a certain way, succeed in a certain light and we are less than if we don’t. We are also at the mercy of the proverbial light switch so the moment society decides those things are still not acceptable but corporate deems them marketable, we should be accepting, happy, and celebrating what society has deemed our less than qualities. How does that NOT mess with someone’s head!
I also appreciated how Amy focused on the residual effects of toxic relationships. No matter how many times Crystal told herself Scott wasn’t Neal, her default reaction was always the same. Her wants never coincided with her capabilities. She wanted to trust Scott, she wanted to believe she was enough but anything and everything was a trigger for her to go to her default and believe she was just filling in the time until something better came along. For someone who preached so much about body positivity and confidence, it was sad to see how easily she faltered when out under the microscope.
The steamy scenes were more about the emotional engulfment between the two of them rather than the actions. They were soft, sensual, and intimate. It wasn’t just to people trying to find satisfaction, Amy wanted to display how they were intertwined mind, body, and soul.
Along with her characters, one of my favorite things about Lea’s writing is her endings. They are so heartwarming, so considerate, so jaw droopingly beautiful that you don’t need to know what happens afterwards because you officially believe love conquers all.
With the anticipation of her third book now heighten to new levels, I can’t wait to continue this influencer journey with Lea. She is a much needed voice, an artist with words, and a gift to the literacy world.
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365tomorrows · 2 years
The Saucer People Make A Discovery
The Saucer People Make A Discovery
Author: David Barber “I’m not asking you,” cried the small grey. “I’m telling you!” The other, droopingly tall and thin, as befitted one of its great age, made a not while I’m eating gesture. “No, listen. They bury them in the ground. Or set fire to them.” Greys could be unpredictable. Sometimes facts disturbed them, the Elder was aware of this and remained cautious. “How do you know all this?” A…
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awhkacey · 2 years
’𝐿𝑒𝑔𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑣𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑒’𝑠 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙’ 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙-𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑠 𝑎𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
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༆ i have the utmost elegant looking model legs anyone has ever seen
༆ everyone can’t help but notice how attractive my legs are
༆ i’ve got those long and slim model-like legs
༆ i have the most softest and hairless legs ever
༆ I always get complimented on how attractively soft my legs are
༆ I’m literally 80% legs
༆ i have the longest and slimiest legs in existence
༆ my legs are so eye-pleasingly harmonious with my stunning body
༆ my extremely long and beautiful legs compliment my body perfectly
༆ everyone wishes they could have incredibly soft and tanned legs like me
༆ why are my legs so aesthetically pleasing?
༆ I have such jaw-droopingly slender legs
༆ my legs are perfectly toned and defined
༆ everyone can’t help but notice my five inch thigh gap
༆ my legs are wayyy to skinny to exist
༆ i have the most toned thighs ever
༆ even my thighs are extremely thin
༆ i have the tiniest calves ever
༆ my legs cannot help but look sexy in everything i wear
༆ i have incredibly slim knees
༆ everyone can’t help but admire my skinny legs and my wide thigh gap
༆ i have the thinnest legs in the whole entire universe
༆ ugh why are my legs so long and slender?
༆ i have incredibly even toned and clean legs
༆ my legs are immune to ever being bruised or scared
༆ i love how my thighs never touch no matter what i’m doing
༆ everyone dreams of having long and incredibly slender legs like me
༆ why can’t everyone stop looking at my slim toned legs? it’s getting annoying now
༆ people need to stop coming up to me and telling me how skinny and slim my legs are, its so exhausting
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guqin-and-flute · 4 years
a-Fu keeps trying different takes on the Ultimate Dad Look and it's pretty funny.
“Xichen.” Jin Guangyao’s voice comes with a tremor of some strong, barely hidden emotion and it draws Lan Xichen from his room quickly, hair still undone, second layer of robes still loose about his shoulders.
At a glance, however, he relaxes. A-Yao’s fingers are pressed across a grin, curled sleepily at the edge of the table in his bedclothes and loose hair. He is watching their son, who it seems is drowning in the draping of Xichen’s silver and blue over robe, valiantly trying to peer out from under the brim of A-Yao’s hat where it rests on the bridge of his nose. A-Fu’s chin is tipped up so they can see the glitter of his eyes from the shadows and he stands with his sleeve-swallowed arms held stiff at his sides to keep the robe from slipping off of him completely. “Hey,” he barks gruffly and A-Yao stifles a snort.
“Yes? And who might this be in my house so early in the morning, uninvited?” Lan Xichen grins and resumes tucking his robes about himself. 
“I’m...” Almost mannequin-like, his pose wooden and umoving, A-Fu swivels from one side to the other to take them both in, looking for inspiration. After a moment, he growls. “I’m Super die.”
Lan Xichen swallows his grin, ties his sash, and places his hands in front of him properly, giving a full, respectful bow. “Oh my, Super die. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance. What can I do for you?”
A-Yao is shaking with suppressed snickers, now, hand over his eyes as he leans over his steaming tea. A-Fu throws out an imperious arm that is probably pointing, but the sleeve is already drooping down over his hands. “Don’t you dare laugh at Super die.” Then, ‘Super die’ turns back to Xichen. “You can braid my hair like a Nie.”
“Ah, and then what?”
“Then I’ll be the most ultimate-est die and you have to do all my chores.” At this last, his scowly affectation breaks and he grins at the deviousness of his own plan. “’Cause I’ll be in charge, ‘cause I’m the most grown up.”
“Hmmm.” Xichen taps his chin in mock consideration, going to crouch in front of A-Fu. He takes the hat and tips it so it sits more to the back of his head, revealing his full face, blinking and bare of headband. “I already have so many chores of my own. Tell me, why I should do this for you, then?”
A-Fu shakes one hand free of his stolen voluminous sleeves and mirrors the chin tapping, eyes fixed on the ceiling thoughtfully, though the pinching of his mouth betrays just how clever he thinks this whole joke is. “I’ll do your hair, too.” 
“Oh, well,” Xichen sweeps him up, tucking the trailing ends of the robe over his other arm so they’re off the floor. “What a deal. In that case, I think Yellow-die should do your hair while you do mine. Fair?”
A-Fu nods firmly, knocking the brim of the hat fully over to his chin and gives a muffled, “Fair.”
A-Yao’s tired face is radiant with silent affection as Xichen deposits their son in his lap and kisses his cheek. Then, Xichen retrieves their headbands, combs, hair pieces, and oil and dutifully settles cross legged in front of them, so A-Fu has at least a little more chance of reaching more of his hair. At this point, the child’s idea of ‘doing hair’ is little more than raking his fingers down and pulling fistfuls very, very hard while trying to tie knots all through it, but Xichen sits patiently with his aching scalp, listening to the birds outside of the Hanshi sing until he declares it ‘finished’. 
The end result is little more than the hair piece droopingly stuck through a wadded up bit of hair halfway down his neck, his headband sagging to his eyebrows already. But Xichen thanks him appreciatively and amuses himself by laying his head on A-Yao’s shoulder, watching as his clever fingers wind braids into intricate little coils. When A-Fu gets restless, Xichen sits in front of him and plays clapping games, even eventually breaking out Chatty Hand, where his fingers make a little head that A-Fu delightedly talks with and attempts to pull apart with all his might.
Finally, A-Yao clasps A-Fu’s head in his hands and tilts his face back to kiss his forehead, yawning. “Done.” 
A-Fu excitedly bounds away to go look in a mirror, hiking up the hilariously pooling robe as it drags behind him. A-Yao lays his head down on folded arms next to his tea and shuts his eyes, murmuring sleepily, “He’s funny.”
Lan Xichen smiles and lays a hand on his cheek, rubbing the soft skin at his temple with his thumb. “Oh yes. Funnier than all of us put together.”
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gureishi · 3 years
12 with Seven and a female MC, NSFW please ^^
Thank you for the wonderful request! And oh boy do I apologize if this wasn’t what you wanted. O_O My imagination was positively THRILLED by this prompt and this...is where it went.
I sincerely hope you DO enjoy this, because god knows I enjoyed writing about it. But seriously if you want a...tamer...NSFW Saeyoung story for this prompt, tell me and I’ll write that one too?? For real??
twelve: born to be together
Saeyoung X Reader; E (M/F sex, roleplaying, light dom/sub, assplay), words: 2941
If it wasn’t already abundantly clear (lol): smut warning, proceed with caution~ <3
You stand in the walk-in closet, in a forest of brightly-colored and bedazzled fabrics. They’re not organized by any discernible method, but they’re all hung neatly, some in plastic dry-cleaning bags and others draped multiple times over their hangers so they don’t touch the floor. You run a hand down the line of costumes, feeling lace and fur and taffeta. There are some here that are familiar: a maid outfit you’ve seen numerous times and a fuzzy full-body cat suit you find particularly charming. There are others that you’re sure you’ve never seen before.
“Saeyoung?” you call, and he hums in response: he’s sprawled across the bed, playing a game on his phone. “Why haven’t I ever seen you wear most of these?”
He laughs. “There are literally hundreds of outfits in there, babe. You’ve lived here for what, three months? When was I gonna wear them all? You want me to do a fashion show for you?”
You perk up, lifting a sequined tutu to the light so you can see it shimmer. “Yes, please!”
“Just say the word, baaaby,” he sings, drawing out the syllables. He’s teasing, but you’re serious: there is not one thing in this huge, chaotic closet that wouldn’t suit him. You comb through the racks, pushing past a denim mini dress, a full-on space suit, and what looks like a…sexy penguin costume? Okay, maybe not that one.
Toward the back of the closet, in a corner (you’ve got to help him organize all this stuff, you think), there’s a floor-length zip-up bag garment bag. You squish it—there’s something very fluffy in there.
“Hey, what’s in the fancy bag?” you call over your shoulder. You hear a soft flop as he tosses his game aside and the ruffling of the covers as he leaps off the bed. He appears behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Ohhh, this one?” He sounds pleased; he nuzzles the back of your neck with his nose and you squirm, ticklish. “Unzip it and see,” he offers.
You do, and your mouth falls open: in the bag is what you can only describe as a literal princess gown. It’s ballet slipper pink, with layers and layers of chiffon trailing all the way to the ground. The bodice is fitted and embellished with thousands of tiny gemstones.
“What mission was this for?” you gasp, fingering the gauzy, frothy top layer of the skirt.
“Not a mission,” he murmurs into your neck. “Just wanted it.”
Saeyoung skims his hands down your sides, sliding them into both of the front pockets of your jeans.
“I don’t want to know what this cost, do I?” you ask. He cackles.
“You probably don’t.”
Hands in your pockets, he pulls you flush against his body. Maybe it’s the luxurious feeling of the skirt on your fingertips and maybe it’s the insistent way he’s pressing against you, but you have an idea—a revelation.
“I want you to wear it for me,” you say. You slip out of his grasp, spinning to face him—you watch his eyes widen and his cheeks flush as he takes in your serious expression.
“Ohhhh?” he lilts, cocking his head to the side. “So when you say you want me to wear it, you mean…?” He’s teasing you, his hands on your skin again, dancing over your hips, up your sides.
“I mean exactly what you think I mean,” you tell him, and you reach out and stroke his cheek with your fingertips, delighted to feel that, in spite of his posturing, his skin is so warm—he’s flustered, and he melts a little under your intense gaze, his eyes roaming over your body.
He pauses, and for a split second, in spite of his apparent eagerness, you think he might say no. But then he springs into action, grabbing the hanger off the rack, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek, and sprinting out of the closet.
“Gimme twenty minutes—no, ten!” he calls to you, already disappearing around the corner, through the bedroom, into the en suite bathroom. You grin, patting your own flushed cheeks with both hands. This, you think, will be worth waiting for.
In spite of his promises, it’s actually closer to thirty minutes before he emerges again. You lay on your stomach on the unmade bed, half-heartedly scrolling on your phone. The anticipation coils in your stomach. In spite of yourself, you keep glancing up at the closed bathroom door—picturing him there, half-dressed, penciling in his eyebrows with those nimble fingers of his. Knowing that he’s doing this for you—it makes you clench your thighs together, squirming against the bunched-up comforter. Come on, you think.
And just then, as if he’s heard your silent plea, he pushes the door open a crack—just enough for you to catch the tiniest glimpse of an ankle peeking out under perfectly-arranged layers of pink gauze.
“Baby,” he calls, his voice soft, and you sit up straight. “Are you ready for me?”
You’ve never been readier for anything.
“I’m waiting,” you tell him.
So he flings open the bathroom door, and for a moment even you—you, the one who looks at him all day and sleeps beside him every night—are floored. There is a stunningly, jaw-droopingly beautiful woman in your bedroom, long red hair trailing effortlessly over her bare shoulders, thin waist accented delightfully by the tight bodice, toned legs just barely visible through the layers and layers of translucent fabric. Her features are soft, her golden eyes gaze just slightly downward, and one hand rests on her chest, thin fingers hovering just above the dress’s glittering neckline.
“Hi,” Saeyoung murmurs coyly. You feel like your head is going to explode.
“Come here, princess,” you call, and it takes all your willpower to keep your voice level. He obliges you, stepping delicately over the rug, holding up his billowing skirt with one dainty hand. He perches on the edge of the bed, flips a lock of hair over his shoulder. The wig matches his natural hair color and cascades voluminously down his back. He’s perfectly in character: he keeps his eyes lowered and his cheeks are flushed a dusty pink.
“Like this?” he asks, and he leans back the tiniest bit, letting the light catch his semi-translucent skirt, highlighting the silhouette of his thighs through the glistening fabric.
“Just like that,” you whisper. It’s not the first time you’ve taken the lead, but it’s not the norm, either—being in charge feels frightening and exhilarating. “May I touch you, princess?”
He nods, and the flush on the tips of his ears is real, not makeup—and even through the countless layers of fabric that make up his skirt, it’s evident that he’s already starting to get excited.
You sit up on your knees behind him and run a hand over his bare shoulders, part the soft hair that covers his back, wrap them around the back of his neck. He shudders.
“Are you going to be good for me, baby?” you whisper in his ear, and you feel the way his shoulders quiver eagerly. You grip his neck just a little tighter.
“I’ll be good,” he murmurs sweetly, and it’s already almost too much for you. You squeeze your legs together, impatient to touch him, eager to see his perfect demeanor shattered.
One hand still on his neck, you snake your other arm around his waist, which is dramatically cinched by the tight bodice. You stroke up his torso, curious, and feel the curve of what are quiet obviously breasts straining against the ruched fabric, peeking out over the tauntingly low neckline.
“I like these,” you whisper, and he arches his back, leaning into your touch. He laughs a soft, bubbling laugh—and it’s an act, a character, but there is some of Saeyoung’s delightful giggle in it too. Your hand roams across his chest and you slip one finger into the impeccable cleavage he’s created (you’ll have to ask him how, later).
Then you slip your other hand from his throat and explore lower, lower, across his hip, his thigh. You dip your head and take the soft skin of his shoulder between your teeth, biting hard enough to leave a small, half-moon-shaped mark. He whimpers, and you move your hand down his thigh, pointedly avoiding the erection that you can now see very clearly through the layers of chiffon. You taunt him, nipping his neck again, sliding the skirt up so you can drag your fingernails across his leg. He’s trying so hard to stay still, but his hips give him away, rocking forward the tiniest bit, seeking relief against the silky fabric.
“Are you going to let me fuck you, princess?” you hiss against his skin—and it’s a tease, but it’s a genuine question, too. 
A moan tears from his throat, quiet yet desperate. He keeps his hands neatly folded in his lap but his eyes flutter shut and his hips wriggle as you pinch the skin of his thigh.
“P-please,” he whines, and he leans his head back, eyelids fluttering shut. “Please, I want you to…”
“Don’t move,” you tell him, and he obeys, sits perfectly still on the edge of the bed, his skirt splayed out artfully around him. He makes a perfect picture, you think—head reclined, yearning evident in every tense muscle of his body.
You go to the bedside cabinet and pull out the things you need: the little pink bottle of lube and a toy—a thin, smooth dildo, light-colored and fairly unobtrusive. You slip it out of its harness, deciding to use it in your hand today—and you return to him, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. He’s opened his eyes and he’s taking you in, standing over him, the toy in your hand—his beautiful eyes are huge and desperate.
“On your hands and knees, honey,” you purr, and he complies eagerly, climbing gracefully onto the bed and arching his back for you. “Don’t tease me,” you say, and he trembles. The skirt billows out around him and you set down the toy so you can slip a hand under his dress, over his silky-smooth thighs (did he shave his legs?). You’re delighted to find that he’s not wearing anything under the gown.
You run your hand up his thigh; he’s sticking his ass in the air, practically begging for you, and you slap it, face breaking into a smile as he whimpers.
“How bad do you want me right now, beautiful?” you ask him, and he moans softly, his legs shaking.
“I need you,” he hisses, and he sounds a little less like a princess and a little more like Saeyoung. You suck your index finger, wetting it, and then you slip it up and under his skirt and inside him. He reacts immediately, thighs shaking as he struggles to hold himself up, gasping for air. You slide your finger a little bit deeper inside him and you can’t help but grind your hips against the edge of the bed as you do, hopelessly turned on by the noises he’s making. He adjusts, widening his hips for you, and you curl your finger inside him, gently increasing the pressure and watching him come apart before your eyes.
“I’m r-ready,” he pants, “please,” and you pull your finger out of him, warming the toy with both hands as you liberally smear it with lube.
“I’m going to fuck you now,” you tell him, and you can barely keep your voice from shaking. “I don’t want you to make a sound till I say so, princess.”
He quivers in anticipation but doesn’t say a word. Almost without thinking, you unbutton and unzip your jeans, slip one hand down, down, over your underwear. The need you feel is overwhelming.
With one finger pressed against your clit, over your underwear, you take the dildo in your other hand and slide it over his ass, down, and finally inside him. His legs shake uncontrollably and for a moment you think he’ll fall—but he doesn’t, he stays on his hands and knees, back bent for you, and though his pleasure is evident in the way he throws his head back, hair falling everywhere, he’s quiet—just like you asked him to be.
You gasp, impossibly aroused by the sight of him like this, the delicate skirt falling every which way. You wish you could see his face, the ruined look in his eyes, but you settle for the sight of his ass and thighs shaking, framed seductively by layers of pink gauze. You slide the dildo deeper inside him and he twitches, gasping. At the same time, you move your finger over your swollen clit, moaning softly as you give yourself the stimulation you’ve been craving.
He’s so good, so obedient, so quiet, trembling as you fuck him with the toy and fuck yourself with your finger. He pushes back against you and his arms give out; he bends forward, face pressed into the bed. Your own legs are shaking like they don’t want to hold you up anymore but both your hands are occupied, so you lean harder against the bed, hissing as you move your finger in tight circles against yourself and angle the toy upward, questing for his p spot.
You’re going to come, you think—you’re going to come so fast, from your own hand, as you watch your boyfriend clad in this extravagant gown falling to pieces before you.
“I want you to come with me,” you hiss, moving your finger quicker and more frantically against yourself, “and I want to hear you.”
He moans immediately as if he’s been fighting to hold it back all this time, rocking his hips back into the toy. You can tell he’s close and you are too, driven half-mad by the sight of him. You rub your faster, faster, and you slide the toy in and up, penetrating him deeper. He groans, and there is still some of the pretty, modest princess in his voice, because god this boy knows how to stay in character, but the unbidden desperation is there too. He’s on the edge, you can tell, and you feel the telltale sensation of your toes curling, your thighs clenching…
And you throw your head back, continuing the pressure with your finger as the pleasure crests, thrusting into him more roughly, begging him to come with you…
And he does come, from the toy alone, his cock untouched—yelping as he rocks forward, his face buried deep in the pile of blankets on the bed and his whole body shaking…
And you feel tears in your eyes as you let yourself be taken over by the sensations, overwhelmed by the pleasure gripping you…
And he’s moaning, high-pitched and beautiful, crying for you to keep going…
And stars burst beneath your eyelids and you can’t see, thrusting into him one more time, knowing you’re hitting just the right spot as he sobs out your name.
And it slows, slows, and he’s panting, and you catch your breath and slip your hand out of your pants, pulling out of him with a trembling hand. He’s still shaking too, a quivering, beautiful mess gauze and tulle.
“You okay, babe?” you gasp, crawling up onto the bed beside him. He turns his head and you catch your first glimpse of his face—deliciously wrecked, mascara under his eyes and bright pink spots on his cheeks. 
“I…I…wow,” he manages, finally sitting back on his heels. He’s in disarray, his hair in his eyes, his skirt sticking to his legs. “That was new,” he says quietly, his eyes shining as he tucks the long, fake hair behind his ears. “I never came like that before, just from…”
“I know.”
“The dress…” He laughs, pulling apart the unkempt layers of gaze.
“I guarantee I can figure it out,” you say, giggling, collapsing onto the pile of pillows. “I’ll just google ‘how to get cum out of ball gown.’”
“Oh god.” He grimaces, twisting and falling onto his back beside you. The skirt still manages to billow out splendidly around his legs. “Maybe…don’t google that.”
You turn and kiss him on the lips, sighing contentedly as he responds with enthusiasm, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth.
“Thanks for doing that for me,” you say. “That was…a fantasy I didn’t know I had, till today."
He grins against your lips.
“Oh, I knew I had that fantasy,” he says, skating his hand up your leg, around your waist. “But you…you…”
“Hmmmm?” You curl into him, finding that the fake breasts make a surprisingly comfortable pillow.
“I never thought I’d be loved the way you love me,” he says, kissing your cheek, your eyebrow, your forehead. “I didn’t think a person like you existed.”
“Course I do,” you tell him, flipping the skirt over his hip so you can rest your hand against his thigh. His skin really is amazingly soft. “We were always going to find each other.”
“Next time,” he says, melting into your touch, kissing your earlobe. “Dress up as a sexy prince for me, babe?”
You tuck his wig behind his ear and kiss his beautiful, smudged, wrecked, perfect face. “Anything for you, princess.” 
Let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
@currentlyprocrastinating @thesirenwashere  @ultrasupernini @cro0kedme @otomefoxystar @dawn-skies06​ @nad-zeta @hunterelys
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thenerdysap · 2 years
Sterek fanfic quotes
After ten minutes of listening to Scott sprout poetry on Allison and her beauty, he finally felt the effects of being drunk and so added his share of thoughts, “I love...especially ones with strawberry blonde hair or maybe jet-black hair, green eyes, 6'0…."
“Like Lydia or …? Derek?! What are you doing here?”
“Hey, how did you know I was talking about…”
“What are you idiots doing here?” Derek questioned emerging from the preserve.
“Nothing” Scott injected before drunk Stiles could babble anything that would lead to more trouble. He himself felt buzzed and on the edge of being slightly drunk. There was nothing they could do to lie to the guy so he kept silent and waited, while his best friend smiled droopingly at the new comer. He wished he could curse Derek at his timing; he was this close- just about to figure Stiles’ mystery crush and missed, but he decided not to let out his frustrated pheromones as they were both caught for illegal alcohol, and Derek did not look pleased.
Derek, in turn, pinched his nose and conveyed his feelings of annoyance through his eyebrows and gestured towards Stiles plastered on the ground conveying- really? He was thankful to be the one catching them during his last patrol instead of someone else while simultaneously realizing that the two could not drive in that state, and it seemed that Scott arrived at the same conclusion at the same time.
“Come on. I’ll drop you guys home.”
Scott managed to drop the keys clumsily into the older wolf’s palms while stumbling towards the backseat. Derek took a moment to look at the hopeless omega and sighed in defeat.
“Get up” Derek stated.
“Nope. You can go-o away. M fine here, sour-wolf” Stiles slurred.
“You are tiring me. Get up” Derek re-stated.
“Just so you know I'm not afraid of you” Stiles sighed further closing his eyes.
When he heard a deep growl in warning and opened his bleary eyes, he conceded, “Okay maybe I am.” But Derek had enough.
He bent down and lifted the omega in bridal style and carried him towards the baby blue jeep while Stiles for his part snuggled further into the warmth barely conscious to relish in the fact that the solid surface (a shoulder) holding his head felt very comfortable and smelled amazing.
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Archie's b-day post (Meghan's Me-day post?) is even worse than we imagined. Jaw-droopingly awful on so many levels! Trying to upstage H's Thomas the Tank, no connection with Archie, no clothes for Archie, Archie has no interest in the story... Archie actually cries at one point. This was the best they could do, and that is scary. At least it's for a charity.
I liked the charity connection.
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sisterofthesouth · 5 years
lets face it lads im so behind on roddacember i cant make catch-up art for every day so i’ll do text posts a la zahro
5 favorite book: i checked my ‘ranking all 15 dq books’ list that i wrote when i was 15 and the sister of the south wins (hence my url)
here’s what i wrote: “as the finale to all three series, it does the trademark Rodda thing where everything from the other books comes together in a smashing conclusion, but this time its stuff from all 14 previous books. this one really cuts deep, because it takes place at home in Del, where everything has gone to pieces. despair is the heavy theme of this book, and it takes a severe physical toll on the characters. What they face here is a threat worse than anything they’ve faced before. a terribly intelligent guardian who seems unable die. Plague and illness running rampant through the city. anti-king and anti-Toran propaganda spreading to the people from an unknown source. so. many. people. dying. and when it seems the fight is finally over, something even worse comes. faced with a horror no one dreamed would happen, the story comes full circle. and its jaw-droopingly wondrous. D R A G O N S!! but the epilogue is what gets me. everyone gets their happy ending. the happy ending they worked for fifteen books to earn, the happy ending they deserve after all the nightmares, misery, and peril they’ve endured the past few years. the kind of happy ending that makes your heart overflow with happiness and leaves you perfectly contented but it’s bittersweet because this story has reached the very end.”
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fandom-butterfly · 4 years
TV Meme
Tagged by @verecunda. Cheers, sis! :D
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Wallace & Gromit 2. Chernobyl (HBO miniseries) 3. Attack on Titan (Yes, I count animes as TV shows. Whatcha gonna do about it? ;P) 4. Ghosts (BBC series) 5. Yu-Gi-Oh!
Who is your favourite character in 2? Valery Legasov. Seriously, you can’t help but admire the guy, fearlessly putting himself in harm’s way just to discover the truth about the cause of the reactor’s explosion so he can save as many lives as he can, completely going against the paranoia and corruption of the Soviet government to try and get the truth. He willingly dealt with a lot of danger, both from the radiation and the constant surveillance from the KGB, with only one goal in mind; to save Europe. I don’t think many of us would be living today if not for his bravery and determination. Thank you so much, Comrade Legasov! You are a true hero! -salutes-
Who is your least favourite character in 1? Would probably have to say Piella. It’s heavily implied that she had abused Fluffles. Bad enough that she was a serial killer, but anyone who willingly tortures and torments their doggo is definitely beyond all redemption in my book! >:(
What is your favourite episode of 4?  TBH, kinda stuck between Happy Death Day and Moonah Ston, simply because of all the feels I get from Pat and Robin in their respective episodes. :,)
What is your favourite season of 5? I like Season 5 best. I know it’s badly animated compared to all the previous seasons, but I loved all those episodes back in ancient Egypt. :)
Who is your favourite couple in 3?  Well, apart from Levi/myself (Heehee… XD), the closest thing I have to an OTP in this anime is Ymir/Historia. So touching to see how they’re always there to support each other. Also, so cute how Ymir’s always so protective of Historia. I wish they could together. -sniff sniff-
Who is your favourite couple in 2?   Vasily and Lyudmilla Ignatenko. Their love story is probably one of the most heartbreakingly tragic ones I’ve ever seen. Though I wish she could’ve obeyed the doctors’ warnings of not to touch him, I can’t help but understand why she didn’t. That was her husband, who she loved after all. I’m so touched how Lyudmilla stuck by Vasily during his stay at Hospital No.6, taking care of him, even as he gradually deteriorated as he got weaker during his final weeks. During their last scene together, it’s impossible to be grossed out by how badly disfigured he’d become, you’re too busy breaking your heart over these two characters deeply in love spending what little time they have left together, as she still sticks by him through his agony. I think that’s when she tells him she’s pregnant too, the last happy news for him to receive before he passes. Vasily’s burial scene at the end of episode 3 is just too tragic for words. Lyudmilla’s face as her husband is bagged up, nailed into a wooden coffin, sealed inside a zinc sarcophagus which is then lowered into a ditch outside the cemetery, along with the other firemen who arrived at the reactor and received lethal doses of radiation, which is then filled with concrete. I just can’t even begin to imagine just how heartbreaking it must be to see the one you love being sealed up and permanently entombed like that, knowing that’s the last time you’ll ever see them, can’t even get a normal burial because their body is still dangerously radioactive. Then her baby had to go and die four hours after being born, due to the high levels of radiation she’d received from her dying husband. I mean, first your husband, now your baby too! No, that’s gotta be too much! Happily, despite being told by doctors she could never have another child, she now lives with her son in Kiev. So hopefully, despite her whole heartbreaking experience that was depicted in the show, she’s doing okay now.
What is your favourite episode of 1?        Kinda stuck between The Wrong Trousers and A Matter of Loaf and Death. Trousers, purely for nostalgia as that was the one I’d always watch as a toddler and Loaf and Death for Gromit/Fluffles OTP feels. X3
What is your favourite episode of 5?    Waaaaayyyyy too many to choose from. XD
What is your favourite season of 2? There is only one season. :P
How long have you watched 1?    Since I was born practically. :D
How did you become interested in 3?   I saw WatchMojo’s “Top 10 Saddest Anime Deaths” video on YouTube, which included the death of Carla Jeager in the very first episode, being eaten by a Titan as her son, Eren (the main character) helplessly watches while being carried away to safety. That scene gave me some serious chills, so I guess you could say it was a morbid fascination for me. Then as I watched it, I became engrossed in the story and always loved watching the adrenaline-pumping scenes of our main characters fighting Titans, even though such battles could get jaw-droopingly violent and depressingly tragic at times. These days, I just watch it for the sheer love of seeing the smexy badass that is Levi Ackerman. XD
Who is your favourite actor in 4?  The whole cast. XD
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?  …No, that’s too hard. They’re all such different shows.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?  Attack on Titan, simply because that has more episodes than Wallace and Gromit. ;P
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Funnily enough, I actually had a dream once were I could see and speak to all the ghosts in that show, just like Alison could. XD
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?  Um… no. XD
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?  Um… I dunno. Possibly Piella Bakewell and Victor Quartermaine? Maybe they could pair up through their shared hatred for Wallace? I dunno. They’re both scumbags, so… X
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?  I’d probably have to say Attack on Titan. Sorry YGO, but you simply cannot beat a story in which our characters have to learn to fight to survive and protect their loved ones in a dystopian fantasy world.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?  Chernobyl doesn’t really have a theme tune to speak of. Ghosts, however, has a very cool myserteous and gothic vibe to its opening theme. Does that answer your question for you. ;P
I tag: IDC, whoever wants to do this. XD
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witchofmabon · 4 years
🌺Stood tip-toe upon a little hill🌺
I stood tip-toe upon, a little hill,
The air was cooling, and so very still,
That the sweet buds which with a modest pride
Bull droopingly, in slanting curve aside,
Their, scantly leaved, and finely tapering stems,
Had not yet lost those starry diadems
Caught from the early sobbing of the morn.
The clouds were pure and white as flocks new shorn,
And fresh from the clear brook; sweetly they slept
On the blue fields of heaven, and then there crept
A little noiseless noise among the leaves,
Born of the very sigh that silence heaves :
For not the faintest motion could be seen
Of all the shades that slanted o'er the green.
There was wide wand'ring for the greediest eye,
To peer about upon variety;
Far round the horizon's crystal air to skim,
And trace the dwindled edgings of its brim;
To picture out the quaint, and curious bending
Of a fresh woodland alley, never ending;
Or by the bowery clefts, and leafy shelves,
Guess where the jaunty streams refresh themselves.
I gazed awhile, and felt as light, and free
As though the fanning wings of Mercury
Had played upon my heels: I was light-hearted,
And many pleasures to my vision started;
So I straightway began to pluck a posed
Of luxuries bright, milky, soft and rosy.
John Keats
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