phytophiliac · 1 year
Drosophyllum lusitanicum by Richard Ellis Via Flickr: Drosophyllum lusitanicum is commonly known as Dewey Pine. It is native to Portugal, southwest Spain and northern Morocco, It is one of the few carnivorous plants to grow in dry soil.
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Dewy Pine by Mark Freeth on Flickr.
This work is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
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willtheweaver · 8 months
A writer’s guide to forests: from the poles to the tropics, part 6
Welcome back. We’re getting closer to the equator. Things are really heating up now.(…I’ll see myself out now)
Mediterranean forest
Here is where the line between myth and reality begin to blur, and history reveals itself.
Location- The region around the Mediterranean Sea, bordered by the Alps and the deserts of the Middle East and Northern Africa. Much of the forest area has been altered by human activity, with the largest expanse remaining located in the Iberian peninsula.
Climate- Warm and dry. Mountains are more reliably wet, with higher elevations being seasonal.
Plant life- Trees are evergreen at or near sea level, with cork oak and olive common. Atlas cedar grow in Morocco, and the Levant is home to Cedar of Lebanon. In Alpine regions, deciduous species such as Hornbeam, lime, and elm eventually give way to pines as one goes higher. Dry areas produce many hardy species of ground cover, including the unusual dewy pine (Drosophyllum lusitanicum)- this is the only perennial carnivorous plant that does not grow in a wetland or humid environment.
Animal life- Due to millennia of human activity, predators, such as lions, wolves, bears, and lions have mostly or totally vanished. The largest hunter one may stumble across is the Iberian Lynx, though this is unlikely. Extinction has also affected prey species, with the Pyrenees ibex going extinct twice (the second time occurred after a clone ibex died shortly after birth). Conservation efforts have meant that species from eagles to dormice have a chance to recover. North Africa and Gibraltar are home to Barbary Macaques. Where humans manage forestland, herds of goats and pigs forage.
How the forest affects the story- Unless you want your characters high in the mountains, you don’t have to worry too much about the seasons( granted, winters can still be cold, but trees are evergreen and the summer heat will be the biggest worry) As these forests have been cleared and managed since the Neolithic, it is your choice as to where your characters fit into the grand picture. Do your characters and their society harvest the forest or graze their livestock there? Or maybe your characters have decided to restore the forest. What would restoration efforts look like? And of course, history and prehistory can provide a backdrop and various peoples to interact with. Could your characters have crossed paths with Otzi the iceman? What about the Romans, pilgrims, crusaders, Phoneticians, or Celtic-Iberians? And you don’t have to limit yourself to history. This is the land of the Greek Myths, and countless others as well. Gods, heros, and monsters may lurk behind the trees and in the caves.
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zerosforks · 9 months
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drawing from a bit ago. friend and I enjoy the idea of vash needing to eat human flesh to survive. so I drew this
and she wrote this. (it's good stuff)
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oh-pretty-blob · 3 months
(under construction and will be updated whenever I remember to)
Engage the sequence (Warframe, one-shot, Albrecht Entrati x Loid, T)
Drosophyllum (Trigun / Trigun Stampede, one-shot, No pairing [vashwood if you squint a lot and maybe for 2 lines], M, tw: cannibalism, altered mental state, graphic description of violence)
Mommy, why are you sad? (Undertale, multi chapter, chapters: 4/?? unfinished, Geno x Reaper, T+)
Volo courtesan
Volo (old af)
Satan on the cliff
Inside Job:
Yippee Tails
(to be added)
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southbaytraps · 6 years
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Plants vs Bugs | #careful #steps . . . #blackwidow #macrophotography #shooting #webs #dodging #deadly #steps #spider #down #plant #drosophyllum #dewypine #carnivorousplant #losangeles #california (at SouthBay Traps) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvYSZDDlmZP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rbz6zdebl79d
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jillraggett · 7 years
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Plant of the Day
Sunday 8 October 2017
At the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, London, the carnivorous plant Drosophyllum lusitanicum (Portuguese sundew, dewy pine, slobbering pine) was catching the sunlight as well as insects. This species is native to areas of Portugal, Spain, and Morocco and prefers a Mediterranean climate with mild wet winters and hot dry summers.  
Jill Raggett
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 years
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Dewey Pines (Drosophyllum Lusitanicum), A Carnivorous Plant
Photographer: Outrageous_Bell4293
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Fun Facts About Carnivorous Plants: Fact #15
Drosophyllum lusitanicum leaves have two kinds of glands: sessile digestive glands on both the upper and under sides of the leaves, and stalked mucilaginous glands (which look a bit like tentacles!) on the undersides of the leaves.
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travushki-blog · 6 years
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DROSOPHYLLUM 🌿🦟 УДИВИТЕЛЬНЫЙ МИР РАСТЕНИЙ 🌿🦟 Росолист (лат. #Drosophyllum) — единственный род хищных растений монотипного семейства Росолистные (лат. Drosophyllaceae), входящего в порядок Гвоздичноцветные. Род также является монотипным. Единственный вид — Росолист лузитанский (лат. Drosophyllum lusitanicum). 🌿🦟 #Росолист произрастает в Португалии, Испании и Северном Марокко, преимущественно на сухих каменистых почвах. 🌿🦟 Это полукустарник, обладающий хорошо развитой корневой системой. От короткого, прямостоячего, в нижней части одревесневшего стебля отходят в сторону и вверх до двух десятков длинных узких линейных листьев, длиной 20—40 см, желобчатых сверху и выпуклых снизу. Их верхняя поверхность и края густо усыпаны ловчими желёзками двух форм: сидячими и на ножках. Последние постоянно выделяют чрезвычайно липкую густую слизь, содержащую кислые полисахариды, к которой насекомые, даже крупные, накрепко приклеиваются; при этом и железистые волоски, и сами листья остаются неподвижными. 🌿🦟 Выделение пищеварительных ферментов производят только сидячие желёзки, и лишь после того, как они получат раздражение от движения пойманного насекомого; кислое содержимое железистых волосков, попадая на сидячие желёзки, усиливает их секреторную функцию. Переваривающая способность росолиста довольно велика: в течение дня одно растение средней величины успешно справляется с добычей, состоящей из нескольких десятков крупных мух и других насекомых! Поглощение продуктов распада осуществляется, вероятно, желёзками обеих форм. Секреторные желёзки всегда находятся в более или менее прямой связи с сосудами, питающими лист. В головку желёзки проходит пучок трахеид, связанный с проводящими сосудами ножки желёзки, которые, в свою очередь, входят в сосудистую систему листа. 🌿🦟 Цветки ярко-жёлтые диаметром около 4 см, появляются на растении группами по 3—15 штук, между февралём и маем. Плод — прозрачная коробочка с 3—10 чёрными грушевидными семенами, диаметром около 2,5 мм каждое. (at Kazan, Tatarstan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQs3UUnDIj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xzpgax3zkc0u
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yugiohcardsdaily · 5 years
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Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra
“You can Special Summon this card (from your hand or Graveyard) by Tributing 1 monster on either player’s field with a Predator Counter. You can only Special Summon ‘Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra’ once per turn this way. During either player’s turn, if this card is on the field or in the Graveyard: You can banish 1 ‘Predaplant’ monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; it loses 500 ATK. You can only use this effect of ‘Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra’ once per turn.”
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phytophiliac · 2 years
Drosophyllum lusitanicum the Portuguese Dewey Pine is a carnivorous plant native to Spain and Morocco. It catches and digests insects in its sticky dew to compensate for the nutrient poor soils where it grows.
#Drosophyllum_lusitanicum #PortugueseDeweyPine #Drosophyllum #lusitanicum #DeweyPine #carnivorousplant #insectivorousplant #mygreenhouse
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ygoreviews · 6 years
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Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra ———————————————— You can Special Summon this card (from your hand or Graveyard) by Tributing 1 monster on either player's field with a Predator Counter. You can only Special Summon "Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra" once per turn this way. During either player's turn, if this card is on the field or in the Graveyard: You can banish 1 other "Predaplant" monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; it loses 500 ATK. You can only use this effect of "Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra" once per turn. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Fusion Enforcers (FUEN-EN002)
Predaplants gained a strong reputation even outside their own kind thanks to the strong support arround Fusion Summons they provide with little to no effort. However, while is undoubtly an archetype focused arround Fusion Monsters, some players might forget their second mechanic involving Predator Counters. Usually these counters will cause affected monsters become Level one, making Ritual and most Extra Deck summons struggle when managing some of their materials. But to not become an ability only effective against certain setups, Predaplants can use them as currency for other disruptive abilities.
"Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra" is a creature that will cause problems to the opposite field in one way or another. Despite its high Level "Hydra" can Special Summon itself from our hand or Graveyard by tributing a monster carrying a Predator Counter, no matter which side of the field said monster is on. Alternatively, "Hydra" can banish itself from our field or Graveyard during any turn to weaken a monster's ATK by 500. Overall a versatile creature to play along with, as if is not constantly summoning itself with the help of Predator Counters as potentially gets rid of enemies it will use its chainable weakening effect to quickly counter any attackers.
"Hydra" actually has an assortment of liberties on its summon regardless of being by its own ability or another. As soon our first turn begins, "Hydra" can be immediately on our field thanks to "Lonefire Blossom" directly summoning it from inside our Deck. Alternatively and thanks to the ability to revive itself, "Hydra" can be disposed to the Graveyard by milling effects or as Fusion material from our hand for a later summon when its help is needed. When comes to providing counters for its summon is quite easy to do at any moment of a Duel, ranging from "Predaplant Spinodionaea" and "Predaplant Dragostapelia" as soon they arrive to our field, to "Predaplast" giving as many counters as Predap cards we show from our hand.
With Predaplants constantly giving counters to opponent's monsters, "Hydra" becomes a quite disruptive creature from start to finish. Despite its low ATK, "Hydra" causes constant problems to the opponent as tributes their strongest monsters as well any others with protective effects that will be ignored by their own tribute. In combination with "Predaplant Banksiogre" having a similar ability from the hand, is quite possible to keep clearing the opposite field as long Predator Counters are provided by one of many options in the archetype. Benefits will further increase with an active "Predaplanet", as by "Hydra" tributing a monster with a counter we'll obtain a new Predap card from our Deck to keep improving our game in the process. Obviously we cannot ignore the constant return of "Hydra" on our field, becoming a recurring material for not only the archetype's Fusion Summons but also other Extra Deck setups we can mix along their main theme. Finally, the weakening effect of "Hydra" might seem quite pointless given the many benefits its summoning provides instead, but due its chainable nature it can save us from a dangerous monster battling ours at the very last second.
"Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra" is a wonderful creature as long we keep focus on the Predaplant's options arround Predator Counters. With many effects to target opponent's monsters with counters, "Hydra" not only becomes a constantly available monster for any purpose but a highly disruptive card given how difficult is to avoid tribute effects. While greatly supported from start to finish "Hydra" is clearly completely dependant of other cards to work on its summons, although its weakening effect despite not as effective becomes an alternative and solid effect resting (usually) in our Graveyard to turn the tables of any battle. With enough opportunities for its own arrival at any moment, even a single copy of "Hydra" in the Deck can suffice to become a serious problem for our opponent.
Personal Rating: A
+ Tributes a monster with a Predator Counter to summon itself from our hand or Graveyard + Banishes itself from the field or Graveyard to make a monster lose 500 ATK + Highly supported with counters to keep tributing opponent's monsters
- Low ATK - Completely dependant on other cards and effects for its summon - Reducing ATK might seem a weak effect for its cost
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fyeahygocardart · 7 years
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Predaplant Drosophyllum Hydra
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splashing-water · 3 years
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Drosophyllum lusitanicum
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southbaytraps · 6 years
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Widow | Made a web in a Dewy Pine 🔫 ... Wrapped it’s self up. #plantwins . . . #drosophyllum #dewypine #blackwidow #carnivorousplants #vs #spiders #bugs #photography #losangeles #california #southbaytrapa (at Manhattan Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvX6FjaFbJN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18c2stz16cozg
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