jaydangan · 1 year
The last image is just for the position of the hands just a way to illustrate, it does not reflect how the characters really look.
And please DONT see satou and rurumi as a ship.
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I had WAYYYY too much fun with that!
@stfu-ann tagging you cause ik you like my fangan sooo, take some funny stuff
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sadecelinaa · 1 year
fen drsi diye bitmişim
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louiferry · 1 year
Los Angeles
Luksuzni glavnik iz ekološkega in kakovostnega slovenskega lesa. 
● Lasišče in sami lasje ga veliko raje občutijo in objamejo kot plastičnega.
● Ko se češemo z lesenim glavnikom, ni statične elektrike v laseh, saj les ne prevaja električne energije.
● Med česanjem z lesenim glavnikom naravna vlakna zaobjamejo celoten las, vse do njegovih konic.
● Leseni glavnik 'podžiga' akupresurne točke na lobanji, kar posledično prinaša zdrave, sijoče lase. 
● Naravne sestavine lesenih glavnikov so hipoalergene. Tako je manj možnosti, da se na vašem lasišču pojavijo hude alergije.
● Leseni glavnik s širokimi zobci ki so točno določni, ne cuka in ne lomi las. Enakomerno drsi in preprosto rešuje vozle, kar je še zlasti prijetno, ko imamo kodrčke. 
● Leseni glavniki so izjemno vzdržljivi.
● Lepo oblikovan leseni glavnik je tudi nepogrešljiv in jasno izraža okoljsko ozaveščenost posameznika, ki ga uporablja.
Louiev namig z uporabo Comb by Loui Ferry: 
● Leseni glavnik 'podžiga' akupresurne točke na lobanji, kar posledično prinaša zdrave, sijoče lase. 
● Če je prhljaj posledica suhega lasišča, bo redna masaža z lesenim glavnikom spodbudila naravno oljenje in − zbogom prhljaj. 
● Les slabo prevaja toploto, zato lahko mirno sušite lase s sušilcem in se češete.
● Uporaba pospeši krvni obtok lasišča, kar prinaša hranljive snovi lasnim koreninam. Las postane bolj bleščeč in sijoč. 
● Les slabo prevaja toploto, zato lahko mirno sušite lase s sušilcem in se češete.
Luxurious comb from ecological and high quality Slovene wood with seven denticles
- The use of wood for scalp and hair is much more preferable than the use of plastic.
- When we use a wooden comb, there is no static electricity in the hair because the wood does not conduct electricity. ALI: With the use of a wooden comb, say goodbye to static electricity in your hair.
- When combing with a wooden comb, natural fibers embrace the entire hair, all the way to its tips.
- Wooden comb stimulates acupressure points on the skull, which results in healthy, shiny hair.
- The natural ingredients of wooden combs are hypoallergenic, therefore it reduces the chance of a severe allergy on your scalp.
- Wooden comb with wide fixed denticles, does not pull nor break hair. It slips evenly and easily removes hair knots, which is especially enjoyable when we have curls.
- Wooden combs are extremely endurable.
- A well-designed wooden comb is also indispensable and clearly expresses the environmental awareness of an individual who uses it.
Loui’s hint for using the Comb by Loui Ferry:
- Wooden comb stimulates acupressure points on the skull, which results in healthy, shiny hair.
-  Dandruff is a consequence of a dry scalp, a regular massage with a wooden comb will encourage the natural ointment and - goodbye dandruff.
- Wood poorly conducts heat, so you can calmly dry your hair with a hairdryer and meanwhile comb yourself.
- The use accelerates the blood circulation of the scalp, which brings nutritious substances to the hair roots. Hair becomes more glittery and shiny.
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drsiglobal · 2 years
8 Things an Israeli Startup Must Know About the UK Market I’ve been in the United Kingdom for eight years now, working in the local business ecosystem. After hundreds of conferences, thousands of exchanges, customers, suppliers, investors, collaborations, and acceleration programs, numerous wins in national and international competitions, several investment rounds, and one technology startup – I summarized eight crucial points an Israeli startup should know about the British market in this article. Follow this link https://drsi-global.co.uk/from-macro-to-micro/
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kinsbin · 6 years
Rainy Day Relaxing
Title: Rainy Day Relaxing Ship: Makoto Naegi/Zach [Self Insert/Canon] Word Count: 3089 Summary: A rainy day at college brings Zach to Makoto’s dorm, where the two of them share a copious amount of cuddles, talks, and a lot of kisses. Sometimes the best moods are set in the worst weather
A/N: A commission for @softfuzzyships! Thank-you so much for commissioning me and I’m  always happy to write you and makoto its SO CUTE AND GOOD.
College was less than an ideal place to experience depression.
The system, most would tell you, was a form of self-centered money mongering that provided incentive for education through the fear of student debt should you not be clever enough to truly earn a scholarship or full ride through your chosen class. Likewise, your majors would always seem to make or break your financial career. It was up to the student, those young adults, to take care of everything and anything for themselves in a world that posed the concept of open help but refused it without hours of appointments and the fees to pay it through. For independent people, who were neurotypical enough to handle all of this and still find time to go to the beach on the weekends in an effort to stay active, it was a lifestyle of constant stimulation and enjoyment. They thrived in their freedom and made sure to milk it for all that it was worth until the years of dorms and drinking were behind them and they settled into their cushioned, high paying job with the life and car they always wanted. 
To those less than fortunate to receive the short end of the mental stability stick, well, college was certainly not what they had wanted it to be for themselves.
Zach took a deep breath as they stared out at the campus from under the very edge of the library building they had to use as shelter. The rain that patterned angrily down was unpleasant to say the least, but, the sound was beautiful either way. It echoed off of the concrete like a musical symphony, humming varieties of songs to their ears as they clutched their books between determined fingers and shrunk further into the hoodie they had on. It would be an unpleasant walk back to the dorm halfway across campus to say the least, and the pickings of overhanging building structures to use as in-between dry spots were few and far between. How annoying, they thought with a deep sigh, taking out their phone and idling through their contacts to see if they might escape having to go back alone.
Group chats with their required project-mates for some classes were empty, half-excuses made about having to do something important fading between lines in an unsurprising turn of events that made it hard for all of them to get said project done on time. A text from Nagito revealed that he had gone out with Hajime shopping and now the two were currently waiting out the worst of the storm uptown in a coffee shop, a frowny face accompanying the line of ‘we won’t be home for another few hours, sorry’. 
A sigh echoed from their lips, the cold of the water beginning to soak into their bones. Zach scrolled through the list of contacts, squinting for a moment before finally finding the last of the names they had thought would be available to spend some time with them. 
Makoto’s name was decorated with a few flower emojis, their bright petals causing the boy’s messages to pop out more than others. It helped Zach to differentiate the notes between each of their friends, at the very least, and they appreciate emojis for this reason and many others. Their fingers flew against the keys, the tapping of the touchpad echoing similarly to that of the rain cascading down the sides of the library building. 
‘Hey, ur dorm is near the library right?’
Zach waited, eyes catching a glimpse of a couple walking past, sharing an umbrella and giggling. They shrunk back on the wall, averting their gaze as the paranoid thought of their discussion being about them threatened their inner monologue, but, was soon pushed away with a satisfying ‘ding’ to represent the arrival of a new message. 
‘Yep! I’m there now, do u wanna come over?’
Zach smiled, their thumbs moving before their mind did.
‘Sure! I’m on my way.’
‘Awesome, see u soon! <3’
Makoto’s dorm building was the one most of the older college kids seemed to prefer, the area close enough to the library to provide ample book supplies for the thesis papers they were sure to need to write and the closeness to about five different coffee and campus store stops ensuring their never ending supply of coffee, red bull, and cheap ramen noodles. They had worked hard for that dorm location, most freshmen couldn’t fault them for that. The trip was a single small trek along the sides of the library towards the building and a quick run across an exposed parking lot to get into the safety of the dorm. 
Zach trailed their way through the halls, locating the room they had known to be Makoto’s, and knocked once. Twice...Three times on the wooden frame. The familiar, arid voice of Makoto calling out for just a moment filled their stomach with butterflies, their face heating up even as they heard the latch unlock behind the door. When it swung open to reveal Makoto, comfortable in a pair of pajama pants and an all-too adorable shirt with a bear on it, Zach felt like their heart was going to jump out of their stomach. The way his hair had been mussed up, clearly from moments of laying on his bed and simply not brushing it that day, made them want to reach out and smooth it gently down. To brush it out of the other’s face and press a kiss to the forehead that was revealed to them.
“Zach, hey!” Makoto’s smile was easy on his lips as he side stepped to let the other in, “You’re really soaked, huh?”
“Yeah,” Zach laughed as they shrugged their backpack and jacket off with a deep sigh, “The rain came out of nowhere...Uh, sorry if I woke you up or anything. I didn’t mean to just-”
“What? Oh, no no-!” Makoto blushed and held up one hand, the other reaching back to rub at his neck with a sheepish grin, “I didn’t have classes today, so, I just didn’t bother changing out of my pajamas or anything.”
As if emphasizing his laziness, Makoto yawned and stretched, part of his shirt riding up as his arms lifted the material, showing the pale and soft skin of his stomach. Zach blushed at the sight, a smile forming on their lips as they chuckled and watched while Makoto fell backwards on his bed once they had both arrived in the room. Rolling over, the boy made room for their partner on the sheets, patting the area with a tired smile.
“Sit down with me.”
“What? No its fine I can-”
“Zach,” Makoto sat up a little, hand outstretched with a patient look on his face, “Come on, you need it. I can tell.”
He could always tell. It seemed to be an ability Makoto had, though for what reason Zach couldn’t answer. It hung like a third eye in the front of his brain, a constant warmth radiating like sun across his smiling face as he waiting patiently for the other to join hands with him. Zach did, eventually, fingers reaching out to touch at Makoto’s own with a slow hesitance. Makoto’s fingers were warmer compared to Zach’s, kept warm by the inside heater and blankets he had been piled under while they were out in the rain running in hopes of getting less wet than they already were. Wet...that was what Zach was worried about. They were wet and cold. They would ruin the other’s bed if they agreed.
But it was too late, Makoto had already dragged them into bed with him. Zach felt their side hit the mattress with a solid whump of pressure, the suddenness of the fall making them yelp in shock as they landed. Makoto’s laugh bubbled up against their side, a beacon of light in the white noise of stress. Zach re-adjusted themselves, smiling awkwardly back as a chuckle of their own hiccuped against their mouth. The feeling of the stress that had permeated their existence since college had started began to dissipate as Makoto moved them both around, adjusting so that their bodies pressed against one another, legs entwining atop the warm covers. Zach felt their hands move on their own, fingers running along Makoto’s waist, gripping it close. In return, Makoto’s hands went to their back, dragging his fingers down their clothed spine and causing a shiver to rake itself down their spine. 
“You’re so stressed,” Makoto groaned at the other in his bed with a wry smile on his lips as he let his fingers trail against the other’s back, “Any more and you’ll just turn to stone with it all.”
“Hell yeah,” Zach mumbled as they pressed their face into Makoto’s warm collar, their eyes shutting as the feeling of their boyfriend caressing their body enhanced their muscles unwinding, “Life as a statue sounds better than finals at this point, so, just make sure I get turned in a great pose.”
Makoto laughed again, giving a gentle tug to Zach’s hair before burying his whole face in it.
The two sat like that for a while, bodies entwined against each other. There was no noise except the patterning of the rain on the windows just overhead, the sound almost romantic as it played in the backdrop of their shared time. Soft words were whispered, usually sweet nonsense to one another or thoughts they both had but couldn’t be bothered to allow serious conversation for. Jokes spoke offered chuffs of laughter. They paused to listen to the sound of others yelling from the outside as they ran through the rain. Zach felt life fade away around them, a cloud of comfort overwhelming their senses with feelings of warm. Feelings of safety as their fingers found the soft skin underneath Makoto’s  shirt, touching it with teasing grip after grip.
Makoto wiggled underneath the touch. Zach could feel him draw a deep, unexpected breath. Their eyes opened up, looking down at the soft, exposed collar bone before them as a wicked idea formed carefully in the base of their mind. They tried their best to hide their grin as they sighed almost dramatically, fingers touching and pawing at the other’s sides before sliding up further and further. Each inch made Makoto squirm underneath them, the boy’s fingers clutching tighter and tighter at the other’s body with every movement. Zach couldn’t help the chuckle that broke their lips, Makoto whining as he too bit back a smile.
“Zaach,” Makoto whined from over them, “What the fu-hhh-ck do you think you’re doing?”
It was said teasingly, but interrupted when Zach’s lips found the other’s soft skin. They began kissing their way around the other’s neck, lips tracing the veins they could see and knew were there. 
“Kissing you.” Was the simple answer, smile wry as Makoto’s breath indicated he had huffed about the words returned.
“You-You know what I mean.”
They did, but, they didn’t quite respond. Instead they took their time to continue kissing Makoto’s exposed neck, biting in spots against the collar bone that they knew would make him squirm. He squirmed and more, gasping in shock and then letting out adorable little whines as Zach let their tongue run along the marks they had just made to sooth them. Their hands pulled Makoto close, their own breath picking up as their mouthing became more and more desperate, more and more needy. 
Fingers came around to tug at the fabric of Zach’s shirt, moving it back and forth with a desperate attempt to convey something. Worry blossomed in the other’s heart as they pulled away, eyebrows knit together with worry. Makoto’s face was warm, reddened with shock and intensity. It was an adorable look on him, for sure, but less adorable when Zach wasn’t sure of the intentions of making them separate. Had they done something wrong? Was this the wrong time? The thoughts blossomed like worry across their face.
“Uh,” Zach tried to find their voice, “Did I do….something wrong or…?”
“No!” Makoto yelled a little too fast, biting his lip before shaking his head, “No...No it wasn’t that it’s more...I wanted to do this before we got too far.”
After saying this, Makoto reached out with a hand, touching Zach’s cheek. Zach leaned into the touch without thinking about it, breathing out with the comfort that the gentle graze provided. Makoto brought his hand forward and, with it, Zach’s face. Zach followed, curious but confused, until their lips met in a gentle lock. The kiss was soft, Makoto’s lips neither dry nor chapped as they moved against their own pair that felt almost inadequate in comparison. If it was an issue, though, Makoto showed no signs of it, for he poured himself into the kiss that was brought forward with the utmost affection. Eyes shut, he worked his lips with Zach’s until one of them, it was hard to remember who, found the courage to part their lips and allow the other’s tongue into it.
The makeout turned messy fast, drool pooling between lips and leaking out slightly as Zach adjusted themselves so that they hovered over Makoto, arms on either side of him. Parting left a gentle string of drool connecting their lips together, each of their faces flushed with a delightful redness that emphasized both their love and skin tones all at once. 
“I just...wanted to kiss you properly first is all, you know?”
They averted their eyes together, the position almost too much as it spoke of something insinuated and initiated all at the same time. 
“Do you…” Zach’s voice was soft, “Want to do anything more than kiss?”
Makoto laughed the nervous, gentle laugh he always did when he was unsure of something. Zach had a fond memory of the first time they had met one another in class, their study group asking questions to which Makoto answered almost easily, math coming to him in a way it didn’t to anyone else in the conglomerate. Despite the answer being right, though, Makoto had been unsure. The laugh he had echoed was soft as he rubbed the back of his head with a nervous unsureness that was fresh in his movements. It was the same laugh as this one. Zach could only hallmark it into the files of the many reasons they loved the man beneath them.
“Depends...on what ‘more than kiss’ is?” Were Makoto’s words, eyebrow raised with a curious challenge.
Zach laughed, leaning down to kiss him again, their lips gentle in their efforts to ease the mood they had both created. “Well,” Zach laughed, “I mean kissing is great too yeah? There’s a lot of spots to kiss? LIke your lips...And your cheeks…”
Their kisses trailed to either cheek, the pecks they placed on them making Makoto chuff out a laugh before they dared to allow their lips lower, lower, lower still….
“Your neck…”
A kiss to his neck.
“Your collar…”
A kiss to the collar bone, each one being peppered and then teasingly bitten with teeth grazing a little to low to be considered kind. Makoto’s body shuddered as Zach felt his hands clutch on their arms, tight in the hopes that it might relieve some of the tension building up between their bodies.
“Your shoulders...and your chest.”
A kiss on the left. A kiss on the right. Lips like fire trailed down to his chest, where Zach found the courage to tug down the already low-rested collar of Makoto’s shirt and press a kiss into the center of his pectoral muscles, tongue flicking out to lick at the skin and causing Makoto to gasp. Fingers found the bed, curling as he bit back a laugh but failed, spluttering out a chortle that made one build up in Zach’s stomach as well. 
“I was trying to be hot!” Zach argued as they removed their lips from the other, a grin managing to meander its way across their face. Makoto was wheezing now, face redder still with the laughing and the ticklish area Zach had inadvertently found.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Makoto apologized, “I wasn’t ready for that!”
Zach collapsed now onto him, their bodies colliding into a pile of warm, bubbly laughter thAt matched the growing pattern of the rain on the shared rooftop above them. Thunder growled somewhere far in the distance of their room, but, it wasn’t able to be heard over their joy. Zach rested their head on top of Makoto’s chest, listening to his heart beat and trying to time their breathing so that it occurred simultaneously. 
Makoto’s hand found its way to Zach’s hair in return, fingers braiding through the strands that it could reach, rubbing circles with the pads of his fingers on the other’s scalp. The massage relieved a pressure that Zach didn’t even know was there, eyes fluttering shut as they relished in the gentle movements of their partner. They took a large breath of air, releasing it with a gentle sigh as they hugged Makoto close again.
“Still want to try ‘more than just kissing’?” Zach wondered curiously, the brief worry that they had, somehow, ruined the moment that wasn’t even quite there to begin with. Makoto smiled down, closing his eyes with a hum.
“Yeah, but, in a bit,” Was the response, warm and patient,”I just...kind of like being like this with you, you know? Calm and...relaxed and stuff...It’s hard enough to get up on rainy days...I like to make sure we’re both okay first.”
“You don’t have to make sure I’m okay…” the mumble echoed from Zach’s lips before they could stop it. 
“Of course I do,” Makoto rebutted without missing a beat, “I love you...after all…”
Zach looked up, Makoto’s eyes warm as the both of them stared on at one another. Blushes heated their faces for a third time that night, but, this time they smiled at each other. Leaning forward, they shared one more kiss before wrapping themselves up in the warmth of one another’s body.
College was stressful, that was certain...but...At the very least, they had rainy days with one another to make up for it. 
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krystal97 · 7 years
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我也收到巧力杯了,這兩色都太可愛了吧🍻 後悔沒有兩個都買水滴蓋。 #drsi #taiwan #madeintaiwan #drinkbottle #bottle #drinkstogo #巧力杯
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frenzydesi · 4 years
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drsi sex video
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wakeupthewublins · 4 years
drsis replied to your post: anyone want elise the monkey? she’s moving out...
I want her but I have a full island is there a way to kick one out to get her
not that I recall rip. you just have to talk to a village when they’re thinking to possibly prompt moving in ACNH I think? either that or you can have an amiibo card or camper replace another villager and move into their place instead, but that doesn’t kick a villager out at all, just replaces them.
rip. sorry. @drsis
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pacificaq · 4 years
K.h. ve d. Drsi düzenleyici verdi yan etkileri aşırı iştah ve açlık hissi, öfke ve aşırı duygusallık ve depresyon(şakasına yazmıyom prospektüs)(deprsyndym cnmm dontudrma al gel s.s.) ilk ay vücut alışana kadar görülüyomuş sonrasında belki gider belki gitmez ilacın keyfiymiş bende zaten depresyon hariç hepsi vardı doktor hanım bunu içerek hangi seviyeye ulaşabilirim 80 kilo mu olcam ne olcak lanet olsun ya kardeş katli falan mı yaşıcaz ×2 öfkeyle
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jaydangan · 1 year
So obssesed w bomb-boy that i decided to create a tag for him, not only for him but i'll give ALL my drsi characters tags <3
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delilahmidnight · 4 years
I have a question. What if a non drsi person moves to a desi country and integrates. Are they still not supposed to participate in the culture?
thats obviously not the same thing. And for islam, you can definitely convert, but there are other indigenous religions (ex. hinduism and jainism) that you cant really convert to bc they are inextricably tied into the history of a culture and an ethnicity. so in that way, no you can never fully integrate into the culture.
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drsiglobal · 2 years
US Work Visas
Are you a US company looking to hire a foreigner? Are you a foreigner with a fantastic one in a lifetime job opportunity in the US? Do you find yourself traveling frequently to the USA on too many business trips? Are you staying for longer and longer periods of time during your “business trips” to the USA? Are you considering opening a US branch of your company soon? You must comprehend US immigration law. Follow this link https://drsi-global.co.uk/us-work-visas/
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krystal97 · 7 years
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用 #drsi 的 #矽寶巧餐盒 買弘爺漢堡鐵板麵 店家幫我擺盤得好整齊😆 #減塑 #環保 #taiwan
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filtrmagbeauty · 5 years
essence jesenske novosti
Naj gre za sijočo in brezhibno polt, bleščeče naličene oči, osupljive trepalnice ali čudovite ustnice – novi essence jesensko/zimski izdelki 2019 zagotavljajo neskončne možnosti ustvarjanja. Linija Crystal power na primer, predstavlja izdelke, ki so navdih dobili v sijočih kristalih in draguljih ter s svojimi barvami, teksturami in čudovito embalažo v lepotno kolekcijo prinašajo pozitivne vibracije. Od pudra v prahu do sijočih osvetljevalcev do različnih izdelkov za oči in ustnice, jesenska prenova prinaša vse, kar si strastne lepotne ljubiteljice lahko želijo. Celoten pregled novih inovativnih trendov in jesensko obarvanih izdelkov, vas čaka v nadaljevanju objave.
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crystal power paleta senčil 
Paleta senčil prinaša v tvoje življenje dobre vibracije in tvoje oči z njo zasijejo kot kristali. Visoko pigmentirane barve so sestavljene iz osmih sijočih in enega mat sečila. Mehka tekstura se brez napora nanaša s prsti ali čopičem ter se zlahka zabriše. Ne glede ali je roza zlata, zeleno-modra ali mavrično bela – senčila bodo zagotovo naredila bleščeče oči. Cena: 6,49€
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crystal power paleta rdečilo & osvetljevalec 
Zasij kot kristal! Veganska paleta združuje rdečilo In osvetljevalec in ustvari izgled, ki v nobene primeru ni manj sijoč kot kristal. Dva sijoča, pudrasta rdečila v mareličnem in jagodičastem odtenku nudita obrazu svež izgled, medtem ko pudrast osvetljevalec obrazu doda mehak sijaj. Kremni osvetljevalec pa poskrbi za izjemne poudarke – lahko ga naneseš samostojno, preko ali pod tekoči puder ali kot zgornji sloj preko rdečila. Cena: 6,49€
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crystal power šminka 
Negovalna formula šminke be happy z vitaminom E neguje in zaščiti ustnice, razširja nežen vonj vanilje in je prijetno lahkotna. Brezbarvna šminka vidno spominja na sijoče kristale in reagira z individualno pH vrednostjo ustnic. Odvisno od naravne barve ustnic, se po nanosu ustnice obarvajo od svetlo do temno roza. Cena: 3,29€ 
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crystal power lak za nohte 
Linija crystal power ustvari kul in edinstvene stile na nohtih. Navdihnjeni z efekti različnih kristalov veganski laki za nohte navdušijo s čudovitim sijočim učinkom. Intenzivno prekrivanje dosežeš že z enim nanosom. Cena: 2,19€
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01 be brilliant, 02 be strong, 03 be calm, 04 be yourself, 05 be a dreamer & 06 be passionate
epic sunset paleta senčil 
Paleta senčil z visoko pigmentiranimi odtenki je navdihnjena s sončnim zahodom v puščavi. Paleta vsebuje 14 odtenkov z mat, sijočimi in kovinskim efekti v barvah zahoda kot je zlata, roza in vijolična. Izboru so dodani svetli in temni mat toni, ki jih lahko uporabiš, da vsak izgled narediš mehkejšega ali bolj intenzivnega. Zaradi mehke teksture se vsi odtenki enostavno zabrišejo. Kakovostna kartonska embalaža z ogledalom zaokroži celoten izgled palete. Cena: 10,69€
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WHAT THE FAKE! maskara 
Dobrodošla v družini! Maskara "I need a miracle! volumizing & strengthening" si je že ustvarila svoje ime v rednem asortimanu in zdaj je tukaj nova članica družine. "WHAT THE FAKE! maskara" zaradi mandljasto oblikovane ergonomsko krtačke doseže vse trepalnice. Posebna najlonska vlakna zagotavljajo trepalnicam dih jemajočo dolžino in izjemen volumen hkrati. Cena: 3,89€
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peel off podlak 
S peel off podlakom, lahko barvne in efekt lake zlahka odstraniš brez uporabe odstranjevalca za nohte. Preprosto nanesi sloj rahlo gostega podlaka in počakaj, da se dobro posuši. Nato nanesi želen odtenek barvnega ali efekt laka. Da lak odstraniš, ga iz nohta preprosto odlepiš kot folijo – in takoj nanesi nov lak za nohte. Cena: 2,19€ 
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perfect shine šminka 
Visoko pigmentirana, prijetna za nošnjo in negovalna hkrati – ta šminka je resnično vsestranska. Zaradi svoje kremno-mehke teksture se enostavno nanaša in pušča za seboj super sijoč zaključek. Bogate sestavine z vitaminom E in karitejevim masom negujejo ustnice. Roza kovinska embalaža spremeni šminko v pravo pašo za oči. Cena: 3,29€
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01 perfect moment, 02 perfect day, 03 perfect romance, 04 perfect look, 05 perfect plan & 06 perfect match
shine shine shine glos za ustnice
Samostojen nanos ali kot vrhnji premaz preko šminke - brezbarven glos z bisernim zaključkom ustnicam nudi vidno napet občutek. Ustnice zgledajo bolj polne, saj vsebuje hladilno sestavino za lakoten, svež občutek. Cena: 2,19€
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Svinčnik za ustnice vodoodporen 
Zajtrk, kosilo ali odmor za kavo – ti svinčniki lahko prenesejo vse izzive. Visoko pigmentirana tekstura gladko in enostavno drsi po ustnicah in osem ur ostane na mestu, brez da bi za seboj pustila suh občutek. Svinčnik ima pomično mino in šilčke, ki omogoča natančen in dolgo obstojen nanos. Obstojni svinčniki za ustnice so na voljo v različnih odtenkih in se bodo zagotovo ujeli z različnimi šminkami. Cena: 1,99€
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01 because duh, 02 tea time, 03 so default, 04 keep receipts, 05 mood!, 06 you and me ship, 07 I am shooketh! & 08 stay woke
vlažilni primer za obraz 
Primer je odlična podlaga za daljšo obstojnost in brezhibnost tekočega pudra. Zaščitni faktor 20 kožo zaščiti pred UV žarki, medtem ko vitaminski kompleks vlaži in neguje. Hkrati so pore vidno zmanjšane in koža optimalno pripravljena na nanos tekočega pudra in ostalih ličil. Praktična kapalka omogoča natančno odmerjanje. Lahkotna tekstura zagotavlja prijeten občutek na koži. Cena: 4,29€ 
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konturing duo paleta 
Veganska duo pudrasta paleta za konturing in definiranje obraza je na voljo v dveh odtenkih, zato je primerna za različne tone kože. Dva mat odtenka v dveh niansah se enostavno naneseta in mehka tekstura se dobro zlije s kožo. Svetlejši odtenek lahko uporabiš samostojno ali v kombinaciji s temnejšim. Cena: 3,89€  
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korektor stay natural+ 
Tudi po ponovnem lansiranju naš moto še naprej ostaja: ohrani naraven izgled! Kot pri njihovih predhodnikih, optimizirana tekstura popularnih korektorjev zaradi svoje lahke do srednje prekrivnosti ponuja naraven zaključek. Izboljšana formula z vlažilnim pantenolom še posebej neguje nežno in občutljivo kožo pod očmi. Temne podočnjake in kožne nepravilnosti enostavno prekriješ s pomočjo čopiča. Korektor je tudi brez olj in je veganski. Na voljo je v štirih odtenkih. Cena: 2,19€
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all about matt! utrditveni puder v prahu 
V izjemno dobro prodajani liniji “all about matt!” je zdaj na voljo še puder v prahu, ki vpije odvečno maščobo, nudi mat zaključek in utrdi ličila. Po nanosu tekočih ali kremnih tesktur ga lahko uporabiš za “baking” tehniko. Po nanosu je puder brezbarven in primeren za vse tipe kože. Cena: 4,29€ 
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natural beauty kozmetična torbica 
Popolna kozmetična torbica v kateri lahko varno shraniš vse svoje najljubše izdelke. Torbica je narejena iz obnovljivega materiala, podobnega papirju, vodoodbojna in dovolj prostorna za vse “must-have” izdelke, ki jih potrebuješ na potovanjih. Zaradi svoje barvne kombinacije čudovito izgleda tudi doma na kozmetični mizici ali v kopalnici. Cena: 3,29€
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Nov, super mehak osvetljevalec zagotavlja dih jemajoč sijaj! Mehka, pudrasta tekstura nudi koži sijoč zaključek in z drobnimi svetlečimi delci naravno poudari obraz. Cena: 2,79€
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tekoči osvetljevalec 
Nanešen pod ličila, zmešan s tekočim pudrom ali natapkan na najvišja mesta na obrazu – tekoči osvetljevalec lahko uporabiš na različne načine. S svojim sijajem nudi koži čudovit, dolgo obstojen sijaj, ki ga lahko po želji povečuješ. Tekoči osvetljevalec v kakovostni steklenički je na voljo v dveh barvah. Zaradi praktične kapalke lahko teksturo res natančno nanašaš. Cena: 4,29€
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prenova: rdečilo za lica 
Zbogom "matt touch rdečilo" – pozdravljen "the blush"! Predhodniki bodo naredili prostor za novo generacijo rdečil s še bolj mehko in bolj prijetno teksturo. Stisnjena enojna rdečila so na voljo v petih mat odtenkih in enim odtenkom z bisernim zaključkom, vsa visoko pigmentirana in enostavna za zabrisovanje. Cena: 2,79€
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rcomoel · 5 years
Želim si da hrepeniš po men
da si tok razrajcana, da komaj dihaš ko se spomniš name in na moje prste in jezik in ustnice in kurac na teb v teb kako te tiza in sloni na tvoji koži kako te razpira in deli na pol ko drsi v tebe, čedalje globje not in ven ko te nasaja nabija v tvojo notranjost in nazaj ven ko te dominira…
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