#drv3 gift reactions
DRV3 Gift Reactions (Part 1).
I’m gonna start off by saying that this is not in fact 100% complete--I’m 99.9% sure I’m missing a couple of lines (I’m making a note of it where I’m pretty sure I’m missing reactions and if you know that I am please tell me)--but it’s as close as I could get it before I had to sleep.
I was originally going to do two posts, each with 1/2 of the cast, but that’s unfortunately not possible because tumblr’s formatting/character limit says so, so instead I’ll just be posting things in chunks. First with the boys, then with the girls when I get to them.
I’ll also be making follow-up posts with both with the things I missed on the first go-around and more in-depth information about gifts with unique responses/actual commentary instead of me shitposting while still waking up/fun facts/etc. Said posts will include actual transcriptions of the responses, so look forward to that.
The rest of this post (as well as a bit more explanation) is below the cut, and be warned because it’s gonna be a hecking long one. Spoilers for Chapter 1, at the very least, are mentioned.
Here’s a masterlist.
The characters in this are: Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Oma, and Kaito Momota.
So basically in v3, characters have gifts that they love, like, dislike, and hate. They also have gifts that don’t fall under any of these categories but that still get a reaction, which I’m referring to as ‘neutral’ for the sake of brevity. Also, the reactions are numbered, but they’re really in no particular order.
Here are the two sources I used for the character’s likes/dislikes to make this.
All of these reactions are from Chapter 1, but from what I can tell they’re generally the same between both Kaede and Shuichi--just with Kaede’s name and any other words that matter replaced.
One last thing--it seems that different characters have different numbers of responses to things.
Anyway! Enough talking. You’re reading this for a reason.
Shuichi Saihara
Loved Gift Reaction 1: I gave him cufflinks
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Loved Gift Reaction 2:
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Liked Gift Reaction 1:
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Liked Gift Reaction 2:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 1:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 2:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 3:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 1:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 2: tbh it’s super easy to forget just how timid shuichi is from an outside perspective
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Hated Gift Reaction 1: aaa I keep forgetting how sad his sad sprites look
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Hated Gift Reaction 2: this is what he says if you give him a death flag and honestly I’d be offended too I have a theory that shuichi’s at his sassiest when he’s being 100% factual
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Kokichi Oma
if you decided to read this post just for this section I’m calling you out on my twitter dot com jk the only thing I use twitter for is posting screenshots of my animal crossing island
Loved Gift Reaction 1:
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Loved Gift Reaction 2:
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Liked Gift Reaction 1:
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Liked Gift Reaction 2:
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Liked Gift Reaction 3: no but really it’s interesting how he almost manages to have manners when you give him a thing that he likes
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Neutral Gift Reaction 1: of course that goes right out the window the second you give him a thing that he doesn’t actively like
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Neutral Gift Reaction 2: (at least I'm pretty sure it’s a neutral reaction, this has the exact same energy as 5 year old me who didn’t know it was rude to tell people I didn’t like the gift they got me, only kokichi definitely knows it’s rude and just doesn’t care)
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Disliked Gift Reaction 1:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 2:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 3: I have the protagonist!shuichi versions of all of these shreenshotted already and I’m 99% sure that I’m going to end up posting them separately
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Hated Gift Reaction 1:
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Kaito Momota
Loved Gift Reaction 1:
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I bet Kaito gives the best hugs.
Loved Gift Reaction 2: some of these become a lot funnier when you remember that every single character has the love hotel key as a loved gift
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Liked Gift Reaction 1:
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Liked Gift Reaction 2:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 1:
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how could you call me out like this man no but really getting the neutral reactions was literally just me giving them random crap from my inventory
Neutral Gift Reaction 2:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 3: I’m pretty sure that I’m either missing this one, or it’s identical to the disliked gift reaction 1. There are two distinct patterns of characters responding to things, and Kaito’s on the one that means he should have a third neutral reaction.
Disliked Gift Reaction 1:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 2:
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Hated Gift Reaction 1: the fact that this is only one textbox’s worth of response is not a mistake
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Hated Gift Reaction 2: I gave him the monkey’s paw and he didn’t like it
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Um, can I have the sdr2 boys (if it's not too much) with an s/o that thinks they may be cheating, but they're actually trying to propose? Like they're busy all the time. Hopefully this isn't too much for you, I know you do dr1 a lot. You're one of my favorite imagine writers!
Awww Thank you so so much!!! I do DR1 a lot but I also love my DR2 and DRV3 babies so don't be afraid to request them. Okay, let's go to the imagine
I made Kazuichi, Fiyuhiko and Komaeda so so long so the rest are a little bit simple but I still find them cute, sorry for that
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Hajime Hinata
•He's been really distant lately
•Sneaking out whenever someone calls him
•Making up excuses to not assist to your dates...
•You don't want to think about it but you do
•It really seems like he is cheating
•And you are very sad now
•He tries to convince you to go with him to the beach
•On a date!
•You don't really want to go but you accept and try to talk to him about it
•"Hajime... is there something you are hiding me?"
•"What? No, not at all"
•You choose to trust him and forget about the issue
•Even if you are a little tense
•When nights falls you want to make him a little surprise and go tot he sand to write I love you on it
•And as you walk backwards you crash against something
•You turn around and it's your boyfriend
•In one knee and showing you a ring
•Oh, and you really though he was cheating on you
•He would never! He loves you enough to ask you to spend all your life with him!
•He gives you a long speech about all you two have been through
•And you can't really focus on it because you are too excited
•"S/O I love you, truly and forever, will you marry me?"
•You don't give him any answer, you just jump onto his arms and no words are needed
Nagito Komaeda
•He tried, he really tried so hard to make it cute
•But you know how his luck works
•The first thing he tried was to buy your favourite book and hide a ring on it
•As a reference for that love for books you two shared
•He took you out to a very fancy restaurant
•And you two had a great night
•And then he wanted to give you a gift, the book
•You opened it and no special reaction was given
•Of course you liked it but it wasn’t the reaction he expected
•Well, of course, you didn't know he was proposing
•Because there was no ring at all, it was lost
•He understood it pretty fast and tried another thing
•He tried to propose at the lake after a romantic day on there you two alone
•But a fish ate the ring
•And he tried to propose with fireworks
•But he ended up a little burned
• You started to doubt him, you knew he was hiding you something and all of those weird dates didn’t help, you liked him beiing extra romantic but he had been busy all week and at the end of every single date he looked quite... dissapointed?
• You know Komaeda would never cheat on you, he adores you 
• But it looked like he was cheating definetly
•Luckily, before you went absolutely mad or he killed himself trying to propose, he gave up
•"Look, S/O, I've been trying, really but it looks like my luck isn't on our side for this" he gave you his usual tender smile that smile that made you feel calm whenever you saw it "I love you and all of the bad luck from this world is worth it if it means I can spend my life with you forever, I know it is selfish to want someone as great and hopeful as you all for me and even more if there is no ring-"
• Oh, god, he wasn’t cheating, he was trying to propose all along!
•You cut him with a passionate kiss before he starts degrading himself
•"I want to marry you, Komaeda, I want to marry you because you are the greatest person I've ever met and I don't care about your luck, the ring or whatever you think of yourself, I want to spend my life with you"
•And after a long long kiss Komaeda finally says something
•"Yeah, I am definetely the lucky student, that's how I managed to find someone like you"
Kazuichi Souda
• Kazuichi had been working on his repair shop all week
• And you hadn’t seen him a lot in the past month
• But what made you more anxious was the fact that he hadn’t told you about waat he was working in
• He would usually spend hours talking about his inventions
• And you adored to listen to him because he loked too happy while doing it
• But this time he was keeping it a secret
• And you were a little bothered
• You didn’t want to admit it because Kazuichi was the most caring and attent guy you had ever met
• And he loved you deeply
• But he was also easily distrated by other people
• You knew he would never cheat on you
• But sometimes you were specially sensitive about it if he had been delusioning too much lately
• And that along with the lack of communication issue made you paranoid
• But then Kazuichi called you and planned a date for the next day
• You had to go to his repair shop and so he would bring you somewhere
• You went to his repair shop the next day 
• And the wall was projecting something
• He was trying to fix a projector all this time?
• You see then what is being projected
• It shows all of your relationship
• How you two met, how he felt in love with you, your first dates, your first problems, the moment when you two started to be really in love with each other, the tragedy, the killing game... absolutely everything
• And when you were on the verge of tears the projector started to sho things that hadn’t happened 
• Yet
• Like you dressing for your edding, a big family house,, picures of you to on it
• Cookig, cuddling, playing videogames, talking about his machines... all with matching rings in both your hands
• Some kids maybe?
• And it ends with two elders you on that house, spending all your life together
• And when you turn around and finaly see him he is in one knee giving you a ring
• And you were thinking you had lost him... you had been such an idiot
• He doesn’t really propose because he just can’t talk
• And you can't either, being honest
• You finaly manage to spit out a “yes” between all of your tears
• And then he is hugging you
• With sucb strentgh yuo breath, he is just way too nervious
• Your poor boy is shaking and his heart razes at lighting speed
• And once he calms down he whispers lots of “thank you”s to your ear
• I mean, he is so thankful for having you on his life... expect a lot of spoiling for the next few weeks
Gundham Tanaka
• Let’s be honest you have always been a little jealous of Sonia
• They were always so... close
• And he had been spending his time in her bedroom more than usual
• Canceling your dates to go see her
• To the point when you started to think that his Devas were sleeping in Sonia’s bedroom
• And you were paranoid
• And that was too much
• You were about to lose it when the Devas came to your room
• Carrying a little box with them
• You took it in your hands and opened it 
• To find a beautiful, pure black ring 
• It was a rather scary ring, you could almost see hell inside it
• But that was your boyfriend style and you loved it!
• You knew what this meant
• He wasn’t cheating with Sonia, she was helping him and the Devas prepare all of this
• “S/O my dear” It was your boyfriend behind you “there is no one as powerful and valuable as you in this world, and having you by my side has made my power increase" He took your hand in his "would you be the spouse of Tanaka the forbidden?”
• “Yes, yes, yes, of course I will!”
• He kissed your hand before putting the ring in your finger
• “I swear I will make you the happiest person alive, my queen/king of darkness” 
Fuyuhiko Kuuzuryu
•He asks Peko for help
•And after all your little talks Fuyuhiko knows what he is going to do
•Peko isn't either but she is your friend and can ask you something discreetly to find put what would make you happy
•He isn't the best with this things
•On the next summer festival, during the fireworks he will ask you to marry him
•You said you used to love the fireworks as a child and that Fuyuhiko was always handsome on his yukata
•He was fully prepared to make your week amazing and romantic and end it with the fireworks and the proposition
•Well, you said more things but those were the most important for him
•And you weren't suspecting a thing thanks to Peko
•But then things went wrong
•The Kuzuryuu clan enemies attacked
•And he didn't want you to know
•And a lot of yakuza's business had place during the festival
•And he couldn't attend it with you
•He was mysterious, angrier than usual and failed you on the festival
•And you realized then that Peko had been covering him all this time but he had been very distant
•And then those thoughts about him cheating appeared
•Nah, he would never cheat
•He was too sweet to do it, right?
•Peko accompanied you all night long
•It was to keep you save but you thought it was to make you forget about your boyfriend abandoning you on your favourite festival
•When the fireworks ended and you arrived at home all that you wanted to do was cry on your bed
•But then Fuyuhiko was there
•With a little box of fireworks on his hands
•"I'm late, I know, but those fucking morons- I... It took me longer than I thought to fix some problems but I'm here"
•"Problems? What kind of problems?"
•"Yakuza's problems"
•"You should have told me"
•"I didn't want to ruin your night and... I brought fireworks"
•You would like to be angry but you imagined Fuyuhiko with all of his bad temper and anger issues searching for a place to buy fireworks just to cheer you up and you couldn't help but to smile and thanks the world for sending you this wholesome boy
•You went to kiss your boyfriend and watched his special fireworks together when he pulled out a little box of pants
•He was not only worrying about not worrying you and making you enjoy the festival, he was also trying to propose to you
•He was definitely the best boyfriend you could have asked for
•And now he was going to be your husband!!!
Nekomaru Nidai
•He was untraceable all the time
•You offered him to do something and he was too busy
•He wasn't even going to the gym
•Something was wrong here
•And you suspected the worse
•Some days passed by and he kept being ilocalizable and you kept overthinking it all
•Until he asked you to go on a walk with him
•A mountain walk of course because it is Nidai, remember?
•And when you were about to ask him if he didn't love you anymore he disappeared
•And the next thing you saw was a plane on the sky writting with its fume
•It said 'S/O will you marry me'
•And behind you your boyfriend arrived in paracaidas
•With a ring in a box in his hands
•Man, he'd put as many passion onto this as he did usually
•And he almost make you lose your head!
•You run to him and hugged him
•And he spinned you around in his arms
•"I will take that as a yes" he said with his characteristically loud laugh
•That laugh that you loved so much
•And now you would hear it FOREVER!!!
Teruteru Hanamura
•He takes you out to the best restaurant on town
•Your house
•With him as the cook your dinner room will be the best restaurant you had ever been to
•He tries to decorate it as romantic as possible
•But being him it looks more like an acenary from an... adult movie
•You called him and no responses
•But still when you arrive home you love it!
•He has been so distant lately
•And with his constant comments to the people around you it was easy for you to think he would cheat on you
•But no, he was planning this surprise right?
•Yeah, sure it was that
•Your boyfriend's dishes were spectacular
•But your favourite plate was the dessert without any doubt
•And no, Teruteru wasn't the dessert even if he joked about it
•It was a beautiful pink an white cake
•And inside of it a ring
•"S/O, I had never met somebody like you, in you I found another family and I want to be with you forever, will you marry me?"
•"Of course yes babe!!" Is the only thing you say before kissing him
Byakuya Twogami (ultimate imposter)
•They didn't really know how to propose to you
•They had never had nobody that loved them for who they were
•They never had nobody who knew them at all
•Except you
•And they wanted to spend the rest of their life with you
•But how? They dressed up as joyero to ask the costumers about their ideas
•But then you saw them and another person (who were just they digused) and started to think he was cheating on you
•You know where dies he gets all inspiration from
•You eventhough it so much that you decided to ask them once they were at home
•"Oh, S/O, baby" they laughed "I wanted to make it special but it will only make it worse" he se puso sober una rodilla and you already knew what he was doing
•And you were so so happy
•"Yeees!" You answered before they could even ask the question
•You just jump over them tirandola al suelo and hugging then
•You were so so very happy and so were them
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dangay-ronpa · 4 years
first post !!😳
Shuichi Saihara
this boy
is so sweet
he would try his hardest to do everything right
he DEFINITELY does research
by research I mean googling what to get your s/o on Valentine’s Day
“Top 10 Cute Gift Ideas”
he has an idea of what you would like, but wants to make sure he’s not being an idiot
instead of picking one option
goes all out
he does the fancy dinner, chocolates, flowers, ALL OF IT
he surprises you with it
he’s embarrassed
he’s watching your reaction, making sure you actually like that stuff
if you don’t, he’ll take a mental note
if it’s a bit too much for you, he will try better next year!!
honestly he’s 100% okay with just cuddles for the day
or anything else
if you like being spoiled he’s okay with that too
he’s blushing the whole day
all day he is by you, holding your hand
he honestly doesn’t care much if he isn’t given anything please give him something though he deserves it
if you do give him something, he will feel very touched
he’s gonna keep it forever
he loves you so much (,:
Kokichi Ouma
little shit
half the day he’s pretending he doesn’t even know what you’re talking about
“huuuuuuuuuh?? Valentine’s Day? what’s that??”
that’s only the first year schtick
every year he plans to be more and more extravagant
DICE dance numbers, banners, crazy stuff
most of that is for his own amusement
what he really does for you is actually very sweet
he gets you something you’ve been wanting all year
maybe a game you’ve been talking about, or a book that just released that you were excited for
whatever it is, he gets it for you
along with your favorites snacks, drink, and weird cute little plushies
he’s very attentive when it comes to you
you may not realize it, but he really does listen. he knows what you like and what you don’t
he’s super clingy allll day somehow more so than usual
he’s like a koala on you
he will WHINE if you don’t get him anything
fake tears and all
just give him a panta and some kisses and he will be fine
if you have time, he’s taking you on a date
somewhere fun, like an amusement park
wins you things from the game stalls and buys you anything you want
by the end of the day, you both are exhausted
when he’s sleepy he will be a bit more vulnerable than usual
he will talk about how much he loves you, what he loves about you, etc
you both fall asleep holding hands
Rantaro Amami
this man is pretty chill
he somehow makes Valentine’s Day super romantic, but also pretty relaxed
he gets all the basics, flowers, chocolates/treats, and a cute card (probably hand written)
you wake up with a super sweet good morning text
he’s basically telling you allllll the things he loves about you and how much you mean to him
so cute
he definitely takes you out on his boat
right when the suns going down and the sky is many pretty colors
he’ll keep you close as you listen to the waves and stare up at the sky
if you’d like a bit more of an exciting day, he’d love to take you on a one day trip
as the former ultimate adventurer, he knows all the best spots
if you are up to it, he will want to do something a bit different every Valentine’s Day
parasailing, hiking, sight seeing
he would really really appreciate it if you got him something
if you don’t it’s no big deal to him
before the day ends he surprises you with one more gift
really pretty jewelry!!
he will get you a new piece every year
the first year though, he gives you one of his favorite rings
he loves seeing you wear it
speaking of rings,,
he’s definitely the type to propose on Valentine’s Day (;
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kazzyofrandomland · 3 years
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Mel’s Report Cards!
For SDR2 and DRV3! I couldn't find any for THH. Anyways, here's some stuff you should know about her!
Gifts Reactions:
DRV3: W-Wha? Shuichi/Kaede, How did you know I wanted this? I love it!
SDR2: Wow Hajime, I never guess you would get me something like this. Well nevertheless, I'll take care of it.
DRV3: This is quite interesting Shuichi/Kaede, thank you.
SDR2: Huh, I like this. It's very nice for you to give me this Hinata-Kun.
DRV3: Thanks for this Shuichi/Kaede. It's not bad.
SDR2: Well nevertheless, It's a decent gift. Well done Hinata-Kun.
DRV3: ...Why would you give me this? I don't think it's that interesting.
SDR2: Hinata, what do you see in this gift? It's not that hate, it's just.... boring to me.
DRV3: ...Hey Kaede/Shuichi? I don't really like this, at all. You'll have better luck with somebody else.
SDR2: If you're trying to say you hate me Hajime, you've made your point.
FTE will be coming soon!
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rutilation · 4 years
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In honor of the wailing and gnashing of teeth that has occurred in the last few days for fear of potential incoming Joshua discourse, I have decided to get ahead of the curve and start discoursing about him before the anime even airs!
(--because he’s an interesting character who I didn’t really understand until several years after finishing the game.)
So, I got into the game around 2010, and while I comprehended the broad strokes of Joshua’s character, he seemed more like an inscrutable trickster than a person with relatable emotions, and his reasons for setting the plot into motion were as opaque to me as his reasons for backing off at the last second.
In particular, a big sticking point for me was his assessment of Neku.  He considered him “the worst person in Shibuya” and chose him as a proxy because of that.  And for years I thought that was the most ludicrous aspect of the game.  If the very worst person you can find in your bustling metropolis is a grumpy teenager who only has the potential to commit murder when under duress, then how could you possibly think that it’s beyond salvation, you utterly incoherent moron!  But, several years afterwards, I realized why he saw Shibuya as unsalvageable, and why he held Neku in such contempt, and the disparate elements of the character started to click into place for me.  
For as much as Joshua likes to put on airs, his motivations aren’t rational in the slightest.  When Joshua says that Shibuya has grown shallow and static, he’s really talking about himself, and is projecting all the things he hates about himself onto the surrounding environment.  He singles out Neku not because this run-of-the-mill moody teen is objectively the worst person in Shibuya, but because he sees Neku as a younger, more naive version of himself, and in a classic example of the narcissistic element of self-hatred, being like him is the most irredeemable sin Joshua can conceive of.
Then, I started thinking about what he actually intended to accomplish with his whole plan, and specifically, the duel at the end.  I don’t think Joshua had any intention of presiding over a remade Shibuya.  I think he was banking on Neku killing him and taking his place, and all that stuff about hijacking Shibuya from the composer during week two was for the sole purpose of planting that idea in Neku’s head.  In life, Joshua was friendless, miserable, and myopic.  He had hoped that by entering the world of the reapers’ game, he might find a sense of fulfillment.  But in the end, this mere change of scenery didn’t do anything to address his underlying malaise, and life felt just as empty as it did before.   Thus, he sets his plan in motion, intending to pass on his awful torch to a fellow awful person.  
What he didn’t count on was Neku growing as a person and gaining hope instead of losing it.  Joshua wanted to end his own world, but the outcome of all his scheming was that it opened up instead.  Instead of validating his grand act of self-destruction as planned, Neku refutes Joshua's worldview in a way he can't ignore or dismiss.
When I first saw the secret ending, my reaction was something along the lines of: “Aww, I guess he’s not totally heartless after all.”  But looking back on it, I can’t really see it as anything other than tragic.  Joshua can’t lie to himself anymore, can’t continue to protect himself with a shield of apathy and cynicism, but because of the permanence of his past choices, he can’t actually free himself from this isolated and claustrophobic world he’s created either, and that prison is made all the more painful now that he realizes how much he’s missing out on.  All he can do in the secret ending is watch forlornly as that younger version of himself grows up, makes connections, and moves on, while he’s still stuck at a dead-end.
(There’s a moment during the credits of KH:3D in which Joshua is perched above the rest of the cast on a giant letter, parodying his fondness for sitting on buildings.  The others soon take notice of him, and hassle him into coming down and joining them.  When I noticed it, it warmed my heart a bit, and made me hopeful about the trajectory of his character, regardless of whether or not a sequel would actually materialize.)
But all that being said, what I just wrote isn’t what the fine folk in the TWEWY fandom mean when they refer to Joshua discourse.  As far as I can tell, the true discursive quandary is thus:  “Is Joshua, in fact, Komaeda?”  Well I have bad news for you guys because, in my humble opinion, he kind of is?  
Now, I realize that knowing enough to write several paragraphs about such a cursed character can be seen as me telling on myself, but in my defense, your honor, I didn’t get into danganronpa until a few years after its popularity peaked.  Whatever discourse wars were waged over Komaeda and his zipper-shoes back in 2013, I was not a part of them.  With that out of the way...
You know those posts that get passed around here every so often about how the concept of gifted children sucks?  How it puts too much pressure on them?  How it encourages them to see themselves as instrumentally rather than inherently valuable?  How it leaves them anxious, depressed, and bereft of ways to cope?  Well, that’s the underlying allegory of SDR2, and underneath all the wacky shenanigans that comprise your average danganronpa title, that’s what the cast is contending with.  This is true of it’s protagonist, and especially true of his rival.
in much the same way that Joshua is the worst parts of Neku exaggerated and taken to their logical conclusion, Komaeda plays precisely that role for Hinata.  Both characters serve as a cautionary tale for the respective toxic mindsets that these games are denouncing.
Now that I think about it, Komaeda almost seems like an evolution of the concept, because he intuits from a fairly early point in the story that the protagonist’s very essence is a refutation of his worldview.  He insists on viewing Hinata as being far above him, but in actuality he realizes Hinata is in a similar situation--see his comment in one of the FTEs that Hinata feels like a miserable outsider like himself.  And if someone even a little bit like him is capable of experiencing happiness and connecting with others, what then?  The gap between how Komaeda wants to feel and how he actually feels is a subtle but reoccurring thread throughout the story.  This, I think, is why he seems to regard Hinata with both attraction and revulsion, treating him as simultaneously an avatar of his repressed will (hence why he attempts to bolster him in the class trials,) and an object of scorn (hence the smattering of passive aggressive jabs before chapter four, and the outright antagonism from that point forward.)  While Joshua fools himself until the the end of the game, Komaeda, master of doublethink that he is, seems at times self-aware of the fact that he is a foil in the literary sense, and that awareness partly informs his neurosis.  His take on the character type feels a little more post-modern, I suppose? 
Anyway, it wouldn’t surprise me if Joshua were an inspiration for Komaeda’s character and role in the story.  But even then, I suspect that the question is less, “Is Joshua, in fact, the same sort of character as Komaeda?” and more “Is Joshua, in fact, going to become a contemptible meme like Komeada?”  To which I say, probably not.  *knock on wood*
For one thing, while TWEWY will certainly experience an uptick in popularity once the anime starts airing, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will capture the nerd zeitgeist enough to turn one of its characters into a meme that transcends the story from whence it came.  Furthermore, there’s more to being a tumblr sexy meme man than merely belonging to an archetype.  Komaeda’s spiritual successor in DRV3 is kind of popular, but isn’t an inter-fandom joke in the same way he is, and neither are Kaworu from Eva or Ryo from Devilman, for that matter, and those are the grandfathers of the archetype in question.  In addition, the other infamous tumblr sexymen that come to mind, Sans and Onceler, aren’t a part of the white-haired-anime-rival-boy archetype, and Sans isn’t even a conventionally attractive twink.  I posit that the alchemy determining which characters and media tumblr loses its shit over is more varied and complicated than it appears at first glance.  (Not that I actually want to devote much brainpower to that particular field of study, lol.)
Uhhhhh... in conclusion, thank you for reading my words and also the DR3 anime is trash.
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Hi! Love the blog! Could I request the DRV3 boys with an S/O that's the Ultimate Ballroom Dancer and wants to invite the boys to a ball for the first time and have them dress fancy n stuff?
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Hey anon! I’ve already done Korekiyo,Rantaro and Shuichi! It can be found
Here’s the mod application!
I’ll be doing the rest of the 5 characters now!
Mod Shuichi~
Kokichi Ouma
-Not really the type to wear fancy clothing, he prefers the type of clothing he wears now. His infamous checkered scarf can instantly make you realize it’s Kokichi you’re looking at. “Cmon S/O I don’t want to wear fancy stuff! Fancy pancy Kokichi doesn’t suit me!” I’m not funny
-When you two were dancing, he’d purposely step on your foot, just for your reaction before giggling. You do get a little annoyed because of his childish actions but brush it off. 
-But gradually, he does get better. He’s the energetic type, so he’d obviously be the one with a naturally happy and pure smile, he gave off enthusiastic energy and his moves also felt like some effort was put in. 
-He seemed like a different person, at the beginning he seemed to act like a spoiled child who couldn’t get what he wanted, but now he seems to be taking this in a more serious manner. “S/O, I only did it because I had to, and maybe an opportunity to step on your foot.”
Kaito Momota
-He’s pretty enthusiastic about you having such a charismatic talent! Ballroom dancing is a form of dancing that requires charm and patience. He didn’t really mind wearing suits that much, so he just wore a spacey one. 
-Kaito is pretty serious about this and it was never intentional for him to step on your foot every so often, but he does give an apology that seems sorrowful so you continue dancing.
-He’d probably sprinkle in some cheesy pickup lines every now and then. Of course it has to be revolved around space. The ball seemed to be packed with dozens upon dozens of couples dancing elegantly. 
-Most of the men wore black suits. So Kaito was in the limelight appearance wise. People were quick to notice your dancing skills. As someone who’s gifted the title of the “Ultimate Ballroom Dancer” that attention was reasonable.
Ryoma Hoshi
-Due to his childlike appearance finding a suitable suit was a challenge. But thankfully you two managed to find an acceptable one, Ryoma looked like a child who’s getting ready for a wedding.
-When you two entered the ballroom people were quick to assume you invited a child. But you assured them it’s your significant other and the shocked expressions on their faces were expected.
-It was difficult  to find out how to make ballroom dancing work due to his height, but you managed to find a way. Ryoma did think that dancing was a bit much for him but he did want to to be happy so he agreed, it might also take his mind off of things.
-Kiibo looked a bit nervous at first, he did see others dance but it wasn’t really ballroom dancing, probably just Fortnite dances Kokichi showed him for the fun of it.
-Of course it wasn’t intentional to step on your foot or dress mistakenly, but each time he does, he gets even more nervous but each time he gets stressed you always assure him that it’ll be fine.
-You made it look incredibly easy, Kiibo tried to mimic your moves but failed miserably, although you didn’t want to say it out loud, his attempts were quite cute.
Gonta Gokuhara
-He looks like a complete gentleman with a black suit! Despite his height you two found a suit that fit him like a glove. This action really boosted his gentleman level, if that’s a thing.
-When you two arrived at the ballroom, people were pretty surprised and felt uneasy, Gonta does look pretty scary at first and people assumed it was your bodyguard. Gonta tried his best to not mess up while dancing with you. He might accidentally step on your foot once but that’s just about it.
-Your neck did hurt a little bit, Gonta is quite tall 6′6ft to be exact, so looking up at him might hurt your neck slightly, but seeing his cute and determined face did form a smile on yours!
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ultimateshc · 5 years
Ello mods! (I hope you're not tired of seeing the same anon that requested the SDR2 girls with a small S/O) But my birthday is coming up in about three days (May 7) and I would like it if you could do the small S/O sneeze ask with the DRV3 girls as a present. (You don't have to if you don't want to, I understand!)
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Happy birthday, dear. Please enjoy your request along with a side of Kiyo and spaghetti.
- Mod Korekiyo
Angie Yonaga
She was carving another sculpture
The dust was absolutely everywhere, and so you sneezed.
Angie almost mistook it as her accidentally pushing too hard on the marble.
She took a quick glance towards you, only to find you staring at the floor, your face the darkest red she’d ever seen.
“Yahaha! The blessed Atua has given me a gift, I see!”
You couldn’t tell if you were blushing or if you had a fever anymore.
Himiko Yumeno
You were helping her prepare for a test run of a magic trick.
You suddenly had the extreme urge to sneeze.
And so you did.
She nearly dropped the curtain she was carrying.
You started apologizing for the sneeze due to her lack of reaction.
She suddenly threw her hands up in the air
Kaede Akamatsu
The two of you were sitting in her ultimate lab
She was playing the piano, with you sitting next to her.
She had to stop playing to take in the adorable noise you had made.
She placed her hand atop yours, and leaned in to place her lips to your cheek.
“Bless you.”
Kirumi Tojo
You were helping her make breakfast one morning
You put a bit too much pepper on the eggs at once, and you sneezed.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Kiru.”
She passed you a napkin.
“Bless you.”
You’ve never seen her blush so much before.
Maki Harukawa
The nightly training had been pushed back a bit due to Kokichi’s antics
The pollen from the nearby flower garden had drifted towards you, and you sneezed in the middle of doing push-ups.
You apologized for he sneeze, and noticed that Maki had stopped.
She was staring at you.
With the darkest blush you’ve ever seen someone have.
The rest of the group seemed to have noticed Maki’s pause in exercise.
Kaito put his hand on her shoulder.
“Maki? You alright?”
You’ve never seen someone blush that dark before, but you’ve also never seen someone do push-ups that fast before.
Miu Irma
She was working in her lab on a new invention.
The smoke was irritating your nose, and so you sneezed.
She suddenly stopped working, and looked towards you.
She flipped up the safety mask she was wearing and looked around the room.
“Was that you?”
Your only reply was a nod.
“I should do this more often, then.”
Tenko Chabashira
You were hanging out in the dojo together.
Due to the lack of cleaning, the amount of dust was nearly unbearable.
You sneezed right as Shuichi and Kaito walked in.
She stared at you with a light blush on her face.
Due to the welcome distraction, it took her a moment longer to realize the two boys had entered the room.
“G-Get out! She’s allergic to degenerates!”
Tsumugi Shirogane
She was putting you into cosplay for a show you’ve never heard of.
She was helping you put the dress on when you sneezed.
She immediately began to fawn over it.
“How adorable!”
“Something even someone as plain as me can enjoy!”
You heard her muttering about making something...
The flashback lights from then on caused you to sneeze.
What a coincidence...
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DRV3 Boys Meeting Their S/o’s Parents Headcanons (Them Coming Over)
Shuichi Saihara
Nervous Boi
Shuichi is the one to bring a gift for your parents.
Super nervous that he’ll mess up and that your parents will end up hating him because of something he might say or do. You would have to constantly reassure him.
Shuichi tries to be as polite as possible, trying to stay on your parents’ good side.
He tries to make small talk so he wouldn’t have to die in the life-threatening silence in the room.
He also tries to stay away from the topic of Detective Work, considering how even remembering some of them makes him uncomfortable, so somebody listening to them would probably feel the same.
He’s careful with PDA around your parents. Though if you initiate it in this situation, he wouldn’t complain.
This sweet boy would offer to help with anything; setting up for dinner, helping with the meal, doing the dishes, etc.
Before leaving, he’ll give you a hug and properly say goodbye to your parents, hoping he didn’t screw anything up.
Kaito Momota
Kaito is automatically super confident when he’s meeting your parents; he gives them a strong handshake and a big smile.He’s so sure that your parents will love him.
Though he doesn’t let his confidence take over his politeness. He knows to still say thank you and to ask questions, rather than talking about himself the entire time. He wouldn’t complain if your parents wanted to know more about him.
Kaito doesn’t exactly care about hiding his affection. He would hold your hand, wrap his arm around you, and kiss your cheek. He wants to show your parents that he is not afraid to be affectionate with you.
During dinner, he would compliment everything. He wants to let you and your family know that he appreciates what he is given, and that he appreciates having you as his girlfriend/boyfriend.
He would also offer to clean up to help since he would arrive a little late.
Before leaving, he would shake your parents hands once more and give you a hug and a kiss.
Rantarou Amami
Rantarou is the least nervous when meeting your parents. I mean, he's probably dealt with much worse scenarios. He smiles and shakes their hands.
His big brother instinct will show and he would want to immediately help instead of sitting down and waiting. If his help is denied he will sit beside you and hold your hand and wrap his arm around you.
During dinner, he would compliment the food and the house, whatever he found appealing to him the most. He would enjoy having conversations with your parents; talking about his talent, his family, or anything else that comes into play.
His favorite thing to talk about is you. How you two met, how he knew he was in love, just anything about you. Though, this topic would probably bring up embarrassing stories about you, making him laugh at the story and possibly your reaction to it.
Before leaving, he would thank your parents for having him over. He gives you a kiss on your cheek and waves you all goodbye.
Kokichi Ouma
This is probably the only time Kokichi will not try to compulsively lie. I mean, meeting his s/o’s parents is a huge thing. Though, he can’t help the few small lies to slip out. They’ve never met him before, how could they know?
Kokichi would not care about hiding his affection towards you around your parents. He would cuddle with you, kiss you, and hug you while waiting for dinner to be done. He also likes to mess around with you and tease you.
During dinner, he couldn’t help but try to tell your parents some made up stories about DICE. Though, you would ruin his small bit of fun by immediately shutting it down before he would say something he might regret.
He would end up staying over so he can spend some actual time with you, instead of being “bored” by your parents, as he tells you.
The day would end with him wanting to cuddle with you and playing some games.
K1-B0 (Kiibo)
Kiibo had done a lot of research before coming to your house to meet your parents for the first time. Surely your parents would think dating a robot would be very strange, so he wanted to show that he can feel and show his affection, just like a human would.
He would bring a realistic bouquet of fake flowers, for the reason for containing its beauty and so they would attract any unwanted insects.
As soon as he meets your parents, he makes sure to look them in the eye, smile, and offer a firm handshake to them to try to give a good impression.
While watching you all eat dinner (very sadly, might I add), he tries to ask your parents questions and listen attentively when they talk to him. He saves everything in his database for the future.
When he is leaving after dinner and a nice chat, he thanks your parents for allowing him to visit. He tells them what a pleasure it was to meet them and he shakes their hands once more. He would carefully hug you goodbye.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
He may not show it, but he is very excited to meet your parents. He wants to know who had created such a fine piece of work such as yourself.
Kiyo will bring a protection charm as a gift for your parents. He wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you or surrounding you.
He’ll enjoy telling your parents about the many folklore and tales of many different cultures. He’ll like it even more if your parents ask him questions about his story.
He only ceases his talking when dinner is ready, knowing that it could be rude to continue talking about his interests. Of course, Kiyo will have to excuse himself to change his mask so he is able to eat.
Kiyo shows his appreciation of being invited to meet your parents, hoping he would be invited once more in the future.
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta tries to be the perfect gentleman in front of your parents.
He knows how his appearance may seem frightening at first glance, so he hopes that your parents will look past that and see the true gentleman he tries to be. He helps with setting the table, cooking dinner, and the clean up afterwards.
He is super polite the entire time he is there and he ends up having fun talking to your parents about his talent. He knows that not everyone is fond of bugs, to his dismay, so he tries to restrain himself from showing his bugs.
He tries not to hug you as much as he usually does, thinking that it may be ungentlemanly if he shows too much pda in front of your parents.
Before leaving, he shakes your parents hands and tells them that he will be the perfect gentleman for you and how he is very lucky to find someone like you. He also forgets his rule of hugging and gives you a big, warm bear hug.
Ryoma Hoshi
The idea is already too much for him to handle. He doesn’t think he’s worthy to meet your parents yet and that, in his words, “he’s still got a ways to go.” He won’t admit that the suggestion does make him happy.
When he meets your parents, he gives them a strong handshake as he properly greets them.
He offers to help with anything, but if he is declined, he'll sit with you on the couch with his hand in yours.
When talking to your parents, he tries to avoid talking about his talent(s). He wouldn't mind telling them anything else except for anything relating to them.
When he starts to get nervous he starts to nibble at the end of his candy cigarette.
During dinner, he has to get used to having a conversation throughout the meal because he's so used to eating in silence by himself. After dinner, he helps clean up.
Before he leaves, he thanks your parents for having him and gives your hand a light squeeze of affection.
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monster-ronpa · 5 years
The DRV3 boys (and Miu if that's ok because if I don't include her Atua will grind me into dust) playing Cards Against Humanity with their literal angel S/O?
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This request goes over our 8 character limit, so, I have taken out Gonta from this request. He nor S/O would probably think to play it, and the scenario would probably be very short, so..I hope that’s okay. I kinda rushed to get this one out tbh.
Anyway, I hope you like this regardless! I didn’t go into specifics though because I’m not creative and also I need to do homework soon.
~Mod Rachnera
Cards Against Heavenly Beings?! (V3 Boys + Miu playing Cards Against Humanity with their Angel!S/O)
Shuichi Saihara
Honestly probably the only one on this list that’s hesitant about playing.
Especially because he’s dating an angel.
But then Kokichi brings it up around you guys and oh no you’re curious now you guys have to since he also has a deck with him.
He’s embarrassed the whole time through, especially when he gets the raunchier or more offensive card choices.
You actually don’t seem too bothered by it, the golden effects on your outfit and body glowing with delight as you just see everyone having a fun time.
“I don’t quite appreciate offensive or dark humor--but as long as everyone is happy, I feel that is what matters,” you say, after he questions if you had fun.
Rantaro Amami
“Are you sure you wanna play this, S/O?”
Of course he doesn’t mind, he actually finds this game pretty fun, himself.
When you insist on enjoying a nice round of CAH with him and his sisters, he just shrugs, warning you that it can get pretty nasty.
He wasn’t wrong, although it was pretty adorable seeing you scrunch your face up at some of the cards, and your wings seemed to cringe with you at some of the answers.
Asks if you liked the game when you’re done.
“....I...prefer Othello.”
He laughs a bit apologetically, petting you on the head, “Eh, you’re fine. It’s not for everyone, anyway.”
You guys played some more family-friendly games later on when you were relaxing at home. You seemed to enjoy those much more.
Kokichi Ouma
How did Kokichi even score an angel anyway-? ...well, that’s not the point of today’s story. When he suggests the game to you, you take its name quite literally.
“Cards to fight against humanity..? Why would you want to do that?”
There are many reasons to want to fight humanity, innocent S/O. But he just laughs at your confusion, petting you and saying you’re so adorable.
He plays a round with you and...plays around with you, making dirty jokes along with the cards. It embarrasses you.
Has the most fun out of the two of you, since this game is one of his favorites. You don’t seem to understand the appeal of it, but you are a literal angel, so..
“Gee, S/O. For you to find not even one joke funny...you must have some sort of intellectual angel humor I don’t get!” “No, I just...don’t like sexual humor.”
Kaito Momota
It’s not his favorite game but he enjoys it anyway.
When Kokichi challenges him to a round, you somehow get roped into it. It was kinda annoying but Kaito gave you the puppy eyes and then you knew you had to.
Although the game itself was...eh, you didn’t care much for it, you smiled everytime Kaito got excited that he beat Kokichi at a round or something.
You may or may not have picked his cards every time you were the Czar because you adored his happiness. Even if the jokes went over your head or weren’t funny to you.
Kokichi knew you had a bias for your boyfriend, but he just gave you a knowing smirk every time you were the Czar.
Since Kaito won, he ended up asking you to play this game more with him, since before he always lost.
God help you.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
You’d think Kiyo would be pretty apprehensive about this game, since it didn’t seem to fit his personality or sense of humor.
....and you were right, but Miu pressured you into giving it a try, and then he decided to play to monitor you.
It was a rather short game, Kiyo was unintentionally rushing everyone to finish so that you both could do something more productive.
Both of you were unamused for different reasons, but, he had to admit, your reactions to some of the card combinations were interesting.
“I didn’t know you could make such a disgusted face, S/O.”
“Toilet humor is not one of the peaks of humanity for me, dearest Korekiyo.”
Well, he sees where you’re coming from. Albeit, even the more disgusting side of humor is strangely beautiful.
Though when he voiced that to you after getting over his mild annoyance, you gave him a strange look that made him laugh softly.
Kiibo was just like you when you both were asked about playing CAH.
The resemblance in your reactions being innocent ignorance.
But you both ended up playing it anyway, because your friends were being mildly pushy about it, so you both played to shut them up.
Although you both got some of the jokes, the majority of them were lost to the void of misunderstanding and innocence.
To be honest, it was probably the cutest game of CAH in existence thanks to you both. How this game could be cute was a mystery to all who played.
Maybe it was because of how politely you both acted during it though.
“Kiibo, your choice seemed quite nice to me. I’m sorry you weren’t picked.” “It’s fine, S/O. There’s always next time, right?”
P u r e .
Ryoma Hoshi
He got the game as a gift for Christmas last year and didn’t even touch it. He honestly forgot about it until you found it whilst helping him clean his room.
“Oh, that. I...uh, forgot I even had that,” he gently takes the box from your hands, staring at it.
“...Apparently it is a card game. Do you want to play it, Ryoma?”
Well, it’s better than letting it collect dust or anything.
Although Ryoma actually seemed bored of the game, since apart from a few occasional chuckles, he didn’t do much of anything.
You didn’t really find it entertaining either, so you stopped the game early in favor of doing something more productive and/or fun.
You both just ended up finishing cleaning the house and napping with the cats afterwards.
Miu Iruma
How did Miu score an angel as a partner--okay, well, this is about a game, so let’s move on from that for now.
She apparently really loves this game, and is extremely happy that you wouldn’t mind playing with her.
Perhaps you just tune out the dirtiness of this game, or Miu’s own kind of raunchy and inappropriate style has made you used to it.
Either way, you don’t seem to mind the game much, and just enjoy the fact she’s having fun laughing her b u t t off.
Although she does comment that you’re making it a bit boring by not doing much of anything.
“Why the hell are ya so quiet? Games like this are only fun when everyone’s laughin’, ya know!” “I just enjoy the sound of your laughter, Miu. You’re very beautiful when you’re happy.” That made her blush. So hard.
She got so flustered she could barely hold a card up without shaking a bit.
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snowpeawritings · 5 years
I guess it's obvious that sex with Kokichi is usually rough/goofy, can you do a scenario where he actually wants to make sweet love to his fem S/O?
ok honestly i never played danganronpa v3 nor have i ever watched a playthrough of it so i think i might mess up the characters ahahaha 
there was also a saihara request but again, cant guarantee i’ll nail the characters of drv3 down
Reader is female
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Sexual scenes, swearing
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“C’mon, love,” he drawled out, “just trust me on this one!”
“The last time I trusted you with sex is when you introduced Ben Wa Balls out of fucking nowhere.”
He snickered, wrapping his arms around your torso, effectively trapping you on the bed. While your arms were free, they made no move to push him away. He knew this, you could stop this at anytime and he’s thankful that you’re allowing it… for as long as you’re able to.
“It was a funny joke!” He argued back. “But I digress, can you at least trust me on this one?”
You sighed, placing your hands on his hair and scratching his scalp. “I trust you. I just don’t trust you when it involves freaky kinks.”
He winked, lifting his head from your stomach. “What can I say? I be like that.”
“You better have a good fucking excuse.”
He pouted, propping himself on his elbows so he could stare down at you. “I wanna make love. Simple as that. No kinky stuff, no toys. Just us.”
You raised your brow, letting one hand fall down from his hair and placing itself on his cheek. “You’re not joking, right?”
He nuzzled closer to your hand. “I’m super serious.”
His eyes didn’t hold any of the teasing glint he has numerous times and he was missing his usual smirk, instead were pursed in a thin line. You literally had to blink numerous times that, your Kokichi, is possible of making such a serious expression on his face.
With a sigh, you closed your eyes and muttered an okay.
“You won’t regret this!” He exclaims. As soon as that escaped his lips, his lips descended on yours. You immediately noticed a difference in this kiss; while his normal kisses were teasing and left you wanting more, he was definitely taking his time with this one. His lips smacked softly against yours, his tongue sometimes sweeping over your lips but never prying your mouth open. His eyes were half-lidded, watching you closely for any signs of discomfort.
Seeing that you were enjoying the soft kisses, he bit your bottom lip. Just like it was practiced, you opened your mouth, letting his tongue venture inside and tasting him. He definitely prepared for this, you remarked as you smiled at his mint-flavored mouth. His hands finally started moving, one hand moving under your shirt as it explored the expanse of your skin as the other grasped your hip, thumb making small circles. Thankfully you just wore panties to bed.
He definitely wasn’t kidding when he said he was taking things slow.
His mouth left yours for a second, taking a small bite on your bottom lift as a parting gift before descending to your neck. He smoothed over the skin with his tongue before littering fluttering kisses all over it. The hand that was on your stomach hiked your shirt higher and soon it bunched over your breasts. Thankfully you also don’t wear bras to sleep as well. He removed his face from your neck and tugged your shirt upwards, leaving your torso exposed.
“I always forgot…” He breathed out, taking a full minute to marvel at your wanton state. “How pretty you look all flustered like this.”
He now descended on your breasts, taking a nipple in your mouth as his other palmed the other breast. You mewled, grinding your hips up in air. Noticing your predicament, he moved his knee and grounded it on your clit. The breathy moan that left your mouth made Kokichi chuckle softly.
“Glad to see you’re enjoying this.” He said from your breast, moving down as he kissed your stomach.
You gulped in saliva. “I-I mean, I’m honestly surprised your could be this gentle.”
He chuckled, lifting himself from you as his hands removed your panties. “I could be if I wanted to. It just takes the right person.”
Once he slid your panties from your legs (chuckling to himself at the sight of the wet patch there) and his fingers immediately rubbed over your labia. Your hips grinded on his fingers, throwing your head back as you moaned out his first name. He continued to play with your lips for a while, spreading your wetness all over as he burned your reactions deep into his mind. He then used his thumb to toy with your clit as his fingers entered your cunt in one go.
A gasp of his name fell from your lips, one hand latching to his arm as the other clutched the sheet under you. His other hand grabbed your hip to keep it from gyrating as his other continued to toy with your sex. Your walls squeezed his fingers so tightly he feared you might break them. While the thought was hot enough, he preferred to have you squeeze his cock to death.
Speaking of his cock, he removed his hands on you to undress himself. He smirked at your distressed whine as he removed his pants and underwear. While you ogled at the sight of his body, Kokichi spread your legs wider as he positioned himself in front of you.
“Ready, love?” He asked softly, sweat dripping down on his temples.
You sat up, wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and pulled him down to you. That was all the answer he needed to plunge himself inside of you. The stretch was always a bit of a burn, not that he was thick but he had the length to make up for it. His thrusts were slow and calculated, almost careful to cause you any form of pain. His lips moved over to your neck, leaving small bites as his hands smoothed over your hips.
“A-Ah…” He groaned. “Always a tight fit. That’s why I love you so much…!”
His words did nothing to quell the heat blazing in your stomach. His thrusts continued to be slow but soon became harder as his hand moved between you two to rub your clit. You let out all your moans near his ear, making sure he hears you moan his name as he hits that special spot over and over until—
“O-Ouma!” You screamed as the heat combusted, throwing your head against the pillow. He wasn’t faring any better, losing his composed thrusts and opted to grind himself inside you until he finally came. His seed coated your walls as he grabbed your hips in a vice. Once he came down from his high, he lets go of your hips as he slumped down next to you.
Both of you breathed in and out heavily, recovering from the slow yet powerful sex you two had. You felt his hand wrap around yours as you looked over to his blissful expression.
“Told you you wouldn’t regret it.” He said teasingly. You let out a small laugh as you snuggled closer to him, not even caring if cum was still dripping on your thighs.
“Maybe I should trust you more often then.” You sighed softly.
He snickered. “Definitely, but you should put that trust in moderation.”
You slapped his chest as he giggled. Yep, he was back.
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DRV3 Gift Reactions Masterlist
This is a masterlist(post?) for all the reactions that the v3 characters have to being given gifts.
There are outright spoilers for v3 Chapter 1, but more specific spoilers will be mentioned accordingly.
The actual masterlist is below the cut. (And if you find any issues with these posts, please feel free to contact me!)
Initial Posts (with screenshots):
(Part 1 has the most thorough explanation of this whole thing, also these are all chapter 1/protagonist!kaede--except for the one that’s kaede’s gift reactions, that’s in salmon mode.)
Part 1: Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Oma, Kaito Momota Part 2: Rantaro Amami, Gonta Gouhara, K1-B0 Part 3: Ryoma Hoshi, Korekiyo Shinguji Part 4: Kaede Akamatsu, Maki Harukawa, Miu Iruma Part 5: Tenko Chabashira, Himiko Yumeno, Kirumi Tojo Part 6: Angie Yonaga, Tsumugi Shirogane
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maki-and-sushi · 6 years
DRV3 Boys being accused of killing their S/O
I really like this idea, i really enjoy delving into a character’s raw emotional reaction for theese sorts of things. Thanks for the prompt! -Mod Katie
Warnings:(pretty detailed) descriptions of violence, and language. also, your (mostly detailed) cause of death. 
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta gets mad. very mad.
your death was taking a big toll on him. he was crying and he couldn’t even bring himself to investigate. it felt like all the joy in the world had been sucked out. all his hope for the future, all his dreams of getting out of this alive with you, building a life with you, all…..gone
he loved you! couldn’t they see that?
and the way you had died had been….messy.
you had been found with your head smashed in, at the bottom of the pool.
did they really think him capable of such violence?
throughout the trial, when people accuse him, it takes everything he has to not start yelling.
instead, he cries.
he cries because that’s the only thing he feels like he’s good for.
he couldent protect you
he couldent defend himself
gonta felt useless.
it’s only after shuichi proves his innocence (and angie’s guilt) that he manages to stop crying
gonta hates violence he really, really does.
but he’s glad angie is getting what she deserves.
when the first accusation comes out, he is mostly surprised.
the accusation is…flimsy, at best.
he soon identifies his other emotions as confused and sad.
he is sad you are gone, that much he know for certain. you were different from anybody else he had ever met. you took him as he was, robot and all.
you always seemed to have an answer for any question he had about humans. you were patient in explaining things, and kind to him. you treated him as if he were flesh and blood, when others treated him as nothing more than a computer.
And confusion… why would anyone think he was able to do what was done to you?
you had been hung from the roof of the library, tied into a position that reminded him of fertility idols….but the way you had been treated was far from god-like. multiple lacerations, all over your body, and precise slices at key arteries. the positioning of your body led shuichi to a solid conclusion on what happened. the lack of clothes on your body only confirmed it.
He was a robot. as similar as he was to a typical male, there were a few …distinct differences that clearly ruled him out.
so why had korekiyo accused him?
when it came to light how flimsy his accusation was, others quickly turned their suspicion on korekiyo. a few heated arguments later, a shameless korekiyo was condemned to suffer the fate of the blackened.
but kiibo still didn’t understand why he wanted to inflict violence, even after the execution.
he doesn’t think he ever will.
Kaito Momota
oh hell no
kaito momota, luminary of the stars, was not about to stand for someone accusing him of murdering his S/O.
even as shuichi and maki rushed to defend him, he felt anger welling within him
“Listen here you asshole! I loved them with all my heart! I loved them more than ALL OF THE STARS! SO HOw could you think that I- ?”
he coulden’t even fish the sentence without tears threatening to fall and his throat welling shut.
he loved you, and everyone here knew it, so whoever thought otherwise was going to fight him.
a small part of him could understand why someone might think he had done it. after all, your body being found in the library, with fabic from his coat under your nails? the very same coat you were strangled with? that was a lot of evidence against him
but that was no excuse. he had an alibi, and someone was obviously trying to set him up. and when he found out who? he was going to kill them with his bear hands.
but when evidence came to light that started to point towards maki….he coulden’t help the despair rising within him.
Maki roll? wha- why had maki-roll even considered-
“because I thought I had overheard her planning to kill you kaito.”
at those words, it dawned on him with rising horror what she had heard.
It was a stupid joke mui had told about how easy it would be to kill him. Mui however had gotten a few scenarios wildly out of reality, and you, ever the nit-pick, had tried to correct her by giving her some more realistic plans. you and mui were close, so you had thought nothing of how it would sound to an outsider. you and mui had laughed it off, and later recounted to kaito in amused fashion how wild mui fantasies could be, but he had never thought that someone would take you seriously, I mean, even your plans were a bit wild, so why-
but that didn’t matter now.
because with one final tearful, ashamed look at him, maki walked to her execution.
because in one fell swoop, one precise punch to his gut, he loses two people he cares about.
Kokichi Ouma
he’s always been a good liar, so when someone first accuses him, he takes it in stride. after all, everyone has accused him at least once before, so why not now, too?
he tells himself that he doesn’t care, that just because they’re all idiotsdoesn’t mean he actually-
that he could even be capable of-
that he had anything to do-
he cant bring himself to finish the thought. because he knows that none of it would have happened if it haden’t been for him.
if he haden’t antagonized the wrong person, if he haden’t pissed someone off then-
then you would still be alive.
it really was his fault, huh?
so when he finds himself accused, he can’t bring himself to deny it. sure, he knows he isn’t directly guilty of the crime they think he is, and sure, he knows that not saying anything will lead to them voting him as the blackened, and because he didn’t actually do it, all of them dying…
but he can’t bring himself to care. but with a surge of petty grief, he finds he wants to drag them all down with him.
and so that’s exactly what he does.
it’s kind of funny, how quickly their faces turn from contempt for him, to fear for their lives as they see the bright red ‘X’ on the screen, over his face.
and even as they are all dragged away, with a gleeful tsmugi watching, he can’t bring himself to stop smiling or stop crying.
Korekiyo Shinguji
he knew this point would come.
he doesn’t regret it.
every moment you spent gracing him with your presence was a blessing to him. you were so good, so pure, and so kind.
the perfect companion for sister. the best yet, even.
he can’t bring himself to something decent, like shame, or something human, like guilt.
no, he can only bring himself to joy, knowing that he was about to reunite with his beloved sister, and his beloved S/O. The 100th kill.
he faced his death with open arms and a glad smile.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro doesn’t really have time for this bullshit, to be perfectly honest.
he’s already closing in on the culprit in his mind, analyzing and re-analyzing everything in his brain about the case so he can catch the low-life fucking scum that killed you.
it hasn’t really kicked in for him that you are dead, yet..
but after the trial, alone in his room, he breaks down in tears.
he can’t bring himself to eat or sleep or do anything besides mope and cry. he feels like his whole world is caving in.
and worse yet, he can’t stop thinking about how they found your body. (it’s part of the reason he can’t sleep)
how you were pale and cold, your face struck with terror and fear. how, if you were alive, you looked seconds away from calling out for him. like how you did whenever you got scared.
they had found you in a dark room. you were always terrified of the dark.
At least the monokuma file said the killing blow was the only blow, meaning you hadn’t suffered much physical pain. Not like your killer, Mui, who had been electrocuted to death by her own inventions in her own sick execution.
all this death. he coulden’t close his eyes without seeing your face or mui’s, staring, screaming, crying…..
he was getting tired of all this death.
Ryoma Hoshi
He really can’t bring himself to care about his own life anymore.
he always warned you that being around a criminal like him was going to get you hurt, but you always seemed to smile and brush it off, saying that you could take it.
he had almost started believing nothing would happen.
I guess that’s what he deserves, huh?
While he wants to rise up and fight for your name, to take justice into his own hands and kill whoever had done the same to you…..
he was just tired.
tired of the hurt, tired of the depression that seemed to follow him like a heavy cloud. You had been the only break in the clouds, with your piercing eyes and sunshine smile. you had been the one to greet him every morning, and hang out with him every chance you had. you had started to defend him when others picked on him for his height, and making sure to invite him to every group activity that happened. And every time, he asked why you would always respond:
“because I like you, ryoma!”
but now you were gone, and your sunshine faded.
he couldn’t deal with this life anymore
he couldn’t function.
he was tired of opening himself up only to be hurt.
let them accuse him. let them kill him.
he didn’t care anymore.
Shuichi Saihara
he shoots them down as quick as they come up.
which in turn, makes him a little more suspicious, but he manages to find the real culprit without too much difficulty.
he condemns them with startling accuracy and precise words. gone is any trace of hesitance from his voice.
he felt high on adrenalin, like he was untouchable.
but after the trial, with not only you, but kirigiri removed from his life forever, he breaks down.
he had thought kirigiri was a friend, even if they weren’t that close. and you…
you had always been kind to kirigiri, trying to save her from work whenever possible. sometimes even making her gifts or food, so she wouldn’t forget to eat.
and how did she repay that?
by poisoning you and leaving your body in the dining hall for all to see.
everyone knew you tried to be self sufficient, and didn’t ask kirigiri for anything, so people had assumed at first that you had suffered from an allergic reaction. it was only because shuichi knew you weren’t allergic to anything besides pine that he was able to discover the neatly hidden bottle of poison in kirigiri’s lab amongst the cleaning chemicals.
he had a hard time trusting after your death.
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“Drv3 boys surprising their S/O with a dog”
awwww this is cute~ alright here ya go! - Mod Iruma
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Shuichi Saihara:
• ohgodwasthisagoodidea • He kept asking himself that over and over in his mind as he made his way to your place • He knew you loved dogs • And you would always talk about dogs you saw that day • And how you would look at them when you passed by a pet store • okay you definitely wanted a dog • BUT STILL- • Before he had any chance to turn around, you opened the door • You smiled and greeted him when suddenly you saw it • It was fluffy • It was small • It started wiggling its tail as soon as it saw you • And you? • You died • Any doubts Saihara had washed away as he saw you pick the dog and start to stroke him with the biggest smile he had ever seen • He made his way inside and couldn’t help but smile also as he saw you already sitting on the ground with the puppy on your lap
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
• It was your birthday and you were having an amazing day • In the middle of singing Happy Birthday to you, he had disappeared • You were confused but tried not to let it show • It wasn’t until the end of the song when you saw him again...wait • IS THAT- • it is • You let out a gasp as Shinguuji walked over with a small ball of cuteness in his arms • Leaning down, you looked at the puppy in awe • Giving it a chance to lick the tip of your nose • You giggled before thanking Shinguuji with a kiss on the cheek • Before taking the pup and just hugging it • you tried to ignore the whistles from some of your friends in the background • When the party finished and you two were alone • Shinguuji decided to tell you some dog folklore stories • Soon, you and the puppy fell asleep and he went to get a blanket for the two of you • kukuku how cute
• It was an accident • He was making his way downtown walking fast faces pass to your house when he felt something behind him • Turning around, he saw a small dog looking up at him • He walked a bit more before once again checking • Dog is still there • He leaned down and saw no identification on it • “Hmmm. Maybe S/O -san/-chan can help it since they live around here!” • So that’s how he ended up at your door with a small dog in his arms • He knocked and waited • You opened the door • kiibo why do you have a dog • After some explanation, you relax knowing he didn’t steal it accidentally • IWOULDNEVERDOTHAT • You looked at the dog currently on Kiibo’s lap and you got an idea • “I’ll keep her. She’s so cute, and I’ve always wanted a dog.” • Kiibo suddenly stands up • “I shall help in the care of the small dog, as I was the one to bring it!” • Giggling, you shook your head
Rantaro Amami:
• You were taking a nap when he walked in with the little pup in his hands • well there goes the initial plan • He decided to put the little guy on your stomach as he went off to shower • He chuckled when he saw the dog almost immediately drift off  • A few minutes later, he heard you let out a shriek • He quickly ran over to check if you were in trouble • yes he forgot about the pup, he had a long day • His worries soon faded when he saw you laughing as the dog licked your face • ... • why does your stomach have what seems like a weight on it • You opened your eyes just to see two small eyes looking back at you curiously • You let out a shriek which sent your bf almost falling down the stairs trying to get to you • “Oh you saw him.” • You were so confused but then you smiled brightly • Thanking Amami, you started to play with the puppy • Amami soon joined, laughing at your reactions to the dog wiggling its tail and jumping over your legs Gonta Gokuhara: • His S/O loves dogs • It was a fact he knew really well! • And so did your friends • So they helped him pick a dog to get you when he mentioned he was thinking of giving you one • After a couple of days, he showed up at your house with a gift box in his hands • You noticed the small holes on the box and how it was slightly shaking • Praying to Angie’s god that the box did not have a family of bugs in it, you lifted the lid • You were greeted by a face full of dog as she jumped out of the box and onto you • Gonta quickly placed the box down to check if you were hurt but you were already on the floor laughing at the dog running around your living room • He soon joined you on the ground to watch • Which ended in a full cuddle session on your floor • this is so cutee what the f • You did realize soon after your door was still open • The dog was a distraction • An adorable distraction
Ryoma Hoshi:
• You were both in a pet store looking at the adorable furballs on display • He could see you staring at them sadly for brief moments • Your apartment complex didn’t allow them • He then got an idea • After a few weeks, he was standing in front of your door and knocking rapidly • You stared at him • is that a dog in your coat • “It’s not.” • it totally is • He moved in and placed the dog on the floor • You were really happy but you reminded him of your apartment’s rule • “Not the first time I go against the law.” • Hoshi pls • Still, the dog stays • Until the landlord spotted it 2 months later • Hoshi had to go pick it up • Just to come by later and drop it off again • “What he don’t know, won’t hurt him, babe”
Ouma Kokichi • Now this dude • He went all out • He didn't give you a dog • He gave you three • and they were pugs • He could barely keep a hold of ‘em in his arms when he showed up at your house • But he didn’t have to worry about that since you took them off him as soon as you saw them • 5 minutes in, he was laughing • 10 minutes in, he got slightly bored • 20 minutes in, he was jealous • You laughed at his face before bringing one of the pugs up to his face and letting it lick his cheeks • Okay he’s laughing again • It was 3am when you all fell asleep on the floor, pugs and all • What an adorable mess • Not that adorable later with the ache in your body from sleeping on the floor • but still, you were very happy!
Kaito Momota:
• He was going to give it to you for your birthday • “going to” • But he decided to adopt the dog a bit earlier • He didn’t really know what to do when he decided to head to your house • So he brought it with him • totally hidden in his awesome space coat • Ohmygod why do you have a dog hidden? • cover blown • He sighed before just telling you it was a surprise for your b-day • You giggled at his pout before giving him a kiss on the cheek • awwww he turned red • “Thank you, Momota-kun.” • no problem S/O • The dog? He basically fell in love with his coat • So much so, he would hide into the depths of the fabric every time Kaito went to fetch him • it’s his coat now
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kibahinatas · 7 years
DRV3 Liveblog [BLIND]: Ch. 2 Daily Life
Okay, I’ve played chapter two up until the discovery of the body, just like last time.
Remember, if you want to skip the summary just look for Thoughts under Story.
The chapter opened on a shot of two rows of those Japanese style “death portraits.” (I’m sorry I don’t know the proper name.) But the only one with a photo in it contained a portrait of Kaede. Just, Kaede too, not Amami who is also dead...Anyway, there were some people talking off screen about how they wished “they” had lived. And stuff like that. Then the scene ends.
Next, there’s a scene of Gonta outside and he thinks he might have spotted a tiny bug in the grass. But when he goes to look at it, he finds a flat, square stone on the ground with the words “horse a” written there. He later discusses this briefly with the others in the dining hall, and then it’s never brought up again. Hm.
Finally, we wake up the day after Kaede’s trial as Shuichi. His room is almost identical to hers, except for the shelf of my Monokuma collection next to his bed. Kaito rings the doorbell and comes to fetch us for breakfast. Shuichi pauses before he leaves, but then says he doesn’t need that anymore.
When we arrive in the dining hall, everyone seems surprised by my appearance. Surprise, surprise (except not) Shuichi is no longer wearing his hat, and was hiding a cute ahoge under there! After a quick discussion about the mysterious “horse a,” Monokuma and the four Monokubs show up with gifts for us - some random trash.
Turns out the random trash actually helps us to uncover new areas that were hidden behind false walls (including the 3rd floor), overgrown ivy, and to unlock that weird castle wall place. We find several new research labs for Himiko, Kirumi, Gonta, Ryoma, and Maki (although she won’t let us inside.) There’s also an indoor pool, and inside the “castle walls” are a large casino and a hotel that seems to have no function yet - the Kumasutra..lol.
In one of the hallways we come across something that stands out above all the rest, though. A massive treasure chest containing a single item that appears to be a flashlight of sorts. We all gather to inspect it in the gym, and Monokuma appears to inform us that it is a special light which will restore some of our memories! After some debate, we decide to try it out. Suddenly, Shuichi, and everyone else, remembers the Ultimate Hunt! They remember being hunted because of their ultimate talents, and eventually deciding to use a device which would repress their memories of being ultimates, causing them to believe they were just normal high school students, much like when we began the game. We got to see a shot of Shuichi hooked up to this device, and it turns out it is the same one we had gotten a glimpse of Kaede in during the prologue.
Later, during the night, the Monokubs sneak into our room to drop something off, but since they can’t see in the dark, they worry they might get things mixed up. The next morning, we find a colorful Kubs Pad on our coffee table, similar to the Monopad. But this one contains a single video. Monokuma announces he’s bringing back “an old favorite:” personal motive videos of loved ones! However, the Monokubs did indeed mix things up as Shuichi receives Kaito’s video of his grandparents instead of his own.
Shuichi rushes around trying to find Kaito, and ends up meeting everyone in the dining hall. They soon decide it would be best to not exchange videos, so no one will have a motive to kill. Although, not everyone feels this way.
Kokichi strongly believes we should show each other our motives. He ends up roping the gullible Gonta into a scheme to achieve this, but it doesn’t quite go as planned. (Also at some point in between all this we do push-ups with Kaito one night, lol.) Kokichi gets Gonta all fired up to retrieve everyone who hates bugs, so they can come meet all the bugs in Gonta’s lab. Once we are all there (Shuichi, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Kiyo, and Kibo, I believe), Kokichi leaves us with Gonta while he goes to fetch our Kubs Pads. Gonta releases an ungodly amount of bugs, while everyone is flipping their shit. Oblivious to how we’re all feeling Gonta seems pleased with how the Insect Meet and Greet is going.
When Kokichi finally returns with the Kubs Pads, before he can force us to start binge watching, we decide to let Gonta know he’s being used for Kokichi’s scheme. Kibo reveals that he has an audio tape recording function, which he rewinds to play Kokichi’s words for Gonta. Upset upon hearing this, Gonta makes Kokichi stay with him and the bugs while the rest of us leave, hearing Kokichi screaming in the distance, lol.
Meanwhile, Angie, and her new religious convert Himiko (much to the dismay of Tenko), have been planning a magic show. It’s planned to go on the morning after the whole Insect Meet and Greet fiasco. We gather in the gym, to see an elaborate setup for the show, although not everyone is present. Kokichi, Ryoma, Maki, and Kaito are nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, the show must go on! Angie and Himiko explain how the trick will work. Himiko will jump into a tank of water, and escape in one minute. Once the time is up, a suspended tank of piranhas will be dumped into the tank below. Seems simple enough, especially since it will all take place behind a curtain, and Himiko is not restrained in anyway.
The trick begins, and as seconds tick by on the timer, Himiko does not emerge. We all begin to worry, while Angie assures us all is well. But Gonta can’t wait any longer and leaps up on to the tank. He peers down into the water, with a surprised look on his face, and then time is up. The curtain is pulled back just before the piranha tanks is released, and floating inside the lower tank is...Ryoma! Handcuffed and unconscious or even dead. But the mystery of whether or not he is dead doesn’t last long, as the piranhas are dropped in, consuming his entire body down to the bones.
THOUGHTS: ‘Noooo!’ Was my reaction to seeing Ryoma’s body in the tank. I actually liked him a lot, so seeing him die so early was a disappointment.
Anyway, setting aside the “death portraits” for now, what is up with that “horse a” thing? Is it relevant? I feel like it’s got to be later, but it got brushed off so quickly. And what does it mean? I feel like there’s a secret meaning. Perhaps related to those random letters on the castley gate? Hm.
When Shuichi alluded to leaving his hat behind, I remember saying to my boyfriend how I bet it’s his hat and that he’s got a secret protagonist ahoge he’s been hiding this whole time! To my amusement, but not my surprise, I was right lol. What’s a Dangan Ronpa protagonist without an ahoge after all? Even our “secret protagonist” Shuichi, and “false protagonist” Kibo (in reference to the early promos) have one!
The way they did the new areas was interesting. How they were all spread out across the campus and not just one big central area. I enjoyed that. I also liked that we are getting to see most everyone’s research labs, slowly. (Thinking back I never tried going inside Miu’s though, I’ll have to do that later.) Except for Maki, who won’t let us inside for some strange reason...I almost wonder if she’s hiding something. No, I don’t wonder, I pretty much know she has to be hiding something. Like I mentioned back in my prologue post, I have a suspicion she may be lying about her talent. If her research lab is for a completely different talent she doesn’t want us knowing about, it would make sense she wouldn’t let anyone inside!
It was interesting to see a repeat motive, but of course in typical DR fashion, Monokuma made sure to point out that he was doing so, lol. However having everyone (or most everyone, we don’t know who received which video yet) receive someone else’s video was an interesting twist!
There seemed to be a lot of focus on Kaito this chapter too. Having his motive video, him inviting Shuichi to work out that one night, etc. The one line about Shuichi not realizing at that point how “horrific it is to trust someone” was very interesting. It would seem that this is in reference to Kaito, but we can’t be certain yet. My boyfriend suspects that all the Kaito business may be a red herring, but I’m not ruling him out as suspicious just yet.
But my favorite part of the chapter had to be the Insect Meet and Greet. Oh man, what a great scene. It was really funny, but I think will still be important to this next case in some ways. Gonta is a gift.
As for the murder, I can’t say a lot at this point! For whatever reason my gut reaction was again to suspect Tenko. I guess she’s my Souda of this game, although I actually liked him and hated suspecting him every time - Tenko I’m not super fond of lol. Also Kirumi, since we spent a lot of time on how much the other students are relying on her I feel like she might break soon. Also it’s just a hunch. And then Angie, who was involved in the magic show and also bonded with Himiko. If I’ve learned anything from Dangan Ronpa, it’s don’t get too close to anyone, it will just assure that only one of you will make it out alive lol. Not to mention the chapter title is suspicious given her religious enthusiasm...
But no idea how the killer did it and/or got Ryoma’s body in the tank! With little to go on I’m super excited to start investigating next time. I did make a joke though, how it’s like the show Bones - because all we have is his skeleton. And we have an anthropologist with us (Kiyo/Bones), someone who solves mysteries/crimes (Shuichi/Booth), a bug and nature guy (Gonta/Hodgins), and an artist (Angie/Angela) haha.
Aside from free time, there’s really only one other thing I want to talk about here. Everything else is pretty much the same as before.
A new element that’s been added this chapter is the casino! We can exchange our monocoind for special casino coins and play games to win more special coins, which we can then use to exchange for prizes. Sounds confusing but it’s actually quite simple. I was able to get a decent of amount of coins for a low amount, and used those to play the slot machine and salmon fishing, the only two available games as of now.
I won a few hundred coins on the slot machine, but only made a couple salmon fishing. The salmon fishing works in a similar way to the hangman’s gambit of this game, with the things you need to select being hidden in shadow and then illuminated briefly. I think if I remember where the fish are without waiting for the light, I can win more coins. So I’ll have to try that again later.
Then for Free Time, I got 5 events, and I think it would have been 6 if I didn’t do an optional scene, which I’ll get to at the end. I spent Free Time with Himiko, Kirumi x2, Kibo, and Kokichi. Something I found interesting though, was that all the characters I talked to as Kaede didn’t carry over. Meaning, I no longer had a hope fragment for them or the information I learned there. As Amami and Ryoma are no longer with us, this was kind of a bummer since I won’t get to look back on that now. At least I have the memory I guess, lol.
Now it’s been about a week between playing and writing this section of my post, so I can’t quite remember what all I talked about with them. I do remember that Kirumi still wasn’t really saying much about herself, even in two FTEs. She mostly talked about places she’d worked and whatnot. I spent time with her twice because I really wanted to get to know who she was as a person, and not just as a maid. Hopefully she’s not the culprit this time, so I can still get a chance to do so lol. I also vaguely remember talking to Kokichi about his organization, and how he has powerful connections or something like that. But that’s about it.
But, on to the bonus scene. So before breakfast, on the day before the magic show, I happened to go talk to Miu in the courtyard, and she invited me to join her in the casino later that day. Of course, I chose yes. So when free time rolled around, I automatically travelled to the casino, where I was joined by Miu, Ryoma, Kaito, and Kokichi. We then got a light, fun scene where we all played casino games, and watched as Kaito continually lost to Ryoma, lol. I enjoyed it a lot.
One last thing I wanted to note is that I haven’t seen any more hidden Monokumas around! Just how hidden are these things? The two I found last chapter were impossible to miss. So I wonder where they’re at. I feel like I haven’t overlooked anything so I don’t know!
Like I said before it’s been a while since I played, so I’m having trouble remembering what all I wanted to say about the characters. I have a note that I wanted to talk about Kokichi, Kaito, Ryoma, Kirumi, Maki, and Kibo, but I can't remember what I had to say about them. I know I wanted to mention Ryoma sadly looking out over the tennis court in his lab, and Maki being a mysterious shit for no reason. (What are you hiding!) And maybe comment some more on Kaito and his grandparents and just him in general. But oh well, I’m sorry guys! I’ll try to be better about this with chapter 3 instead of putting it off so long, lol.
Okay, so a final prediction to close with.
Another one of my reaching predictions, but the scene at the very beginning of the chapter got me thinking. I wonder if this is going to be like the sequel to my fanstory that I had planned, in which the twist is that all the characters are actually “dead” and the people who have been participating in the killing game are clones of those people who have been implanted with their memories.
Now, I actually hope this is not the case as I really want to use this idea for said fanstory, lol, but it would be interesting nonetheless. I don’t have any other evidence supporting this right now though, so I’ll have to see how things progress before saying more!
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DRV3 Gift Reactions (Part 3).
Here’s a masterlist.
The characters in this post are Ryoma Hoshi and Korekiyo Shinguji.
Reactions are below the cut.
yknow I might make a dedicated page on my tumblr or something to house all of this since it’s probably gonna end up being a lot
Ryoma Hoshi
Loved Gift Reaction 1:
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Loved Gift Reaction 2: ryoma’s such a chill dude, I really like him but I don’t have a ton to say about him aside from that I wish there was a cat-themed gift to give him though like tbh
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Liked Gift Reaction 1:
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Liked Gift Reaction 2:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 1:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 2:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 3:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 1:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 2:
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Hated Gift Reaction 1: tbh I forgot about this sprite of ryoma and it gave me a startle when I saw it while getting these reactions
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Hated Gift Reaction 2: this is what he says if you give him the tennis ball set and honestly who can blame him
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Korekiyo Shinguji
Loved Gift Reaction 1:
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Loved Gift Reaction 2:
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Liked Gift Reaction 1: man going through this is really reminding me of what I do and don’t like about the characters in v3
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Liked Gift Reaction 2: also korekiyo literally has “this pleases me” as a voice clip for one of his liked gift reactions (I don’t remember which one exactly) and I can’t
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Liked Gift Reaction 3: So I’m pretty sure I’m missing both this and the third disliked gift reaction for Korekiyo, since he only has one hated item. But for whatever reason, I just could not get it to show up. If anybody’s seen a response from him that isn’t already here please let me know that it exists so I can search for it.
Neutral Gift Reaction 1:
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Neutral Gift Reaction 2:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 1:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 2:
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Disliked Gift Reaction 3: Same as Liked Gift Reaction 3.
Hated Gift Reaction 1: This isn’t a mistake, it really is just one screenshot’s worth of text. Also this is what he says if you give him the cleansing air freshener, which apparently has holy water in it.
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More DRV3 Gift Reactions
There are spoilers for v3 chapter 1 in the explanation of this, so find it below the cut.
So the long and short of it is that I don’t have enough patience to grind out all of the reactions I missed without knowing whether or not what I’m looking for actually exists. I also don’t have the patience to try and get every single instance of Kaede’s name just being replaced by Shuichi’s.
However! I do have the patience to make some educated guesses and get the gift reactions post-chapter-1 where they’d reasonably be relatively different, so that’s what I did! The characters that I found different responses for are: Korekiyo, Rantaro, Miu, and Tenko.
If anybody finds any reactions that I haven’t found, please let me know! I’d be happy to reblog a post/look for them myself.
Anyway, onto the actual post.
Loved Gift Reactions
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Loved Gift Reaction
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Hated Gift Reaction
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Loved Gift Reactions
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Urban Dictionary:
Fliff Slang term for money, especially money cast about in a casual manner, such as when buying rounds of drinks for people you don't know or even dislike, just to make yourself feel like the life of the party.
Disliked Gift Reactions
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Loved Gift Reactions
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Liked Gift Reactions
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Neutral Gift Reactions
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Disliked Gift Reactions
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have I mentioned how much I love Tenko as a character (and her expressions tbh) because I honestly really do.
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Hated Gift Reaction she only has one hated reaction with shuichi but it’s still 10/10 also is it weird that her expression here kinda reminds me of a frog
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16 notes · View notes