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caesarslegion · 1 year
I think you should simply answer all the questions ❤️
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also putting @dudethatsgay's ask here :3
❔ - How to tell your muse is horny?
fresno is a very touchy flirty kind of person. i think their demeanor definitely changes to like. trying to get closer, grabbing, grinding, etc with others and also like, stupid shit like "haha thats so cool do you wanna go in the back" or something. theyre a very bedroom eyes kinda person as well.
🔷 - How often does your muse have sex?
in a constant conundrum between "very often" and "not as often as expected because they're kind of a pain to be around". i like to imagine mmmmmmaybe it fluctuates? depends on who and how long do they stay around them and how much the other party is fond of cringefail people
🔲 - In general - How long does it take for them to have sex with someone they find appealing if that someone shows interest into them as well?
literally just straight away if they want to. i dont think fresno bothers too much with courting and they're deathly afraid of dating so i imagine it's like. well if you wanna bang why not bang. why all this bullshit. theyre very direct with stuff like that
💬 - Would your muse rather spend the night at their own place or their partners instead?
i think they have no real preference, though maybe they would get bogged up on the idea of like. is going in their house a way of intimacy or is it casual or am i being vulnerable if i invite them over. and maybe just like settle for a hotel. i think their house is like, sort of their "home turf" essentially and "safer" but like i think they're a hair trigger away from snowballing and calling a motel if anyone says anything
🔵 - What activity to do with them to get them relaxed and in the mood?
hmmm. i think definitely a lot of touching/groping/massaging, dirty talk, in kinkier scenes i definitely think that bondage and setting up things for the scenes would get them in the mood. touching and kissing and scenes all get them riled up pretty well.
✔️ - Which things do they enjoy especially when having sex?
rough sex, pleasurable pain, definitely a lot more like on the masochist scale and because theyre a switch i like to imagine it depends mostly on their mood, but like sometimes it's like. dom. sub. i do think they're definitely into like, being Shown Their Place.
⛔ - How would they signal their partner that they are not into something during sex?
definitely vocal about it. they will be like "hey cut that shit out" if they dont like it. and they're very stubborn about it. insist at your own risk.
💤 - In which position would they like to sleep in with their partner afterwards? And what position are they likely to end up in instead?
i like to imagine they wouldnt like to sleep with their partner much, or like at least solo, but they get spooned because. yes <3. little spoon
⚠️ - How to tell that your muse needs comfort after or during sex?
they'd rather die than voice that. i think it's really subtle like maybe just like, deflated. maybe theyre definitely like, less energetic or flirty and definitely like a lot more like. hold me. its up to the other toooooooooo. prety much figure it out
💭 - Which sexual desire are they too embarrassed about to tell anyone? And in which situation would it be obvious enough to show?
because fresno is my kink oc they have a lot of things that they are ou and about but like i think. in the character sense it would be like. comfort. love. dating. but its very hard and very complicated because. well you know. distrust and feelings scary. i think it's like they would like that kind of thing that is like. kinda taboo for them.
on the kink side of things uhhhhh. well. [gets shy]
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bluepriestess · 2 years
for the couple asks: 3, 5, 15, 24, andddd 25 for whoever you’re feeling!
Hmmmmmmmm imma go with Citrine and Deacon!
Prompt list: x
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
Citrine likes to tease Deacon by wearing random hats or glasses whenever theyre out scavenging or on some mission and pretending to be someone else lol (since thats how they met and stuff etc etc) he'll come up to her like hey babe heres a-- and shes like idk who you are..........i am......bitrine..... and hes just like 🧍‍♂️ kshjfhsf
Deacon LOVES to tease Citrine since she doesn't cuss so she'll be pissed and wracking her brain over trying to find the right word and he'll just cuss for her like she'll go to say what in the sam hill and as shes saying it he will somehow materialize and yell fuck as loud as he can and then shes like >:( language
5. How do they sleep?
I feel like Deacon has trained himself to be a light sleeper/sleep anywhere in any kind of environment/light so I think he tends to just sleep on his back whenever theyre at a safe location and then Citrine just nuzzles into his side to siphon his warmth
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
Deacon definitily has picked up some of Citrines non-cuss words lol hell catch himself not cuss and is like wtf while Citrine is like :3c
Citrine on the other hand has taken to being more vigilant and aware of her surroundings. Deacon can casually scope out the room or the area without looking like hes doing it and now Citrine can do it as well, sometimes even better than him!
24. How did they fall for each other?
well for Citrine it was definitely a lot harder for her as he looks like the spitting image of her dead pre-war fiance so she was actually kind of scared of him at first lol but once they were friendly and comfortable, she loved his compassion and dedication to helping synths. there was one particular evening where they were having a get together at the railroad base and Citrine glanced over at him and he was already looking at her with this look that reminded her of her old fiance and something just ignited in her. Citrine fell fast and hard :)
I personally believe that Deacon had gone down to the vault before Citrine had been thawed and definitely was like 😳 when he saw her (here is a link to a reddit post about a snipers nest by vault 111 that has a railroad sigil, I think Deacon had been watching the vault for some time/some reason) but with Deacon's past, I think he was reluctant to love again for obvious reasons, but I like to think that he fell for her a little bit everyday :)
25. Who said "I love you" first?
Citrine :) she couldnt help it once she had fallen into a comfortable pattern with him. she just said it off hand one night and didn't even realize it until he had stopped what he was doing and was just :0 and then she realized kfjkefj
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kharonion · 2 years
I can please see 💢 ANGER, 🥞 PANCAKE, 🕷️ SPIDER, anddd 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL— for V1ktor!
Nyoho, thank you for the excuse to Blabber about This Boy. » OC EMOJI ASKS | OC DIRECTORY «
💢: What are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Vikt is... very inquisitive, and very thorough about being so. It's partly what makes him such an efficient mercenary—and later on, a manager always two steps ahead of the industry—but oh boy, if you aren't used to it, it's jarring to say the least.
🥞: What is their comfort breakfast?
Cold pizza. Something he can just lazily eat without leaving bed.
🕷️: What is their biggest fear? Do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Losing the few he lets himself grow close to is definitely the biggest fear Vikt has. Considering the list is shockingly short, he will do any- and everything to keep them safe in any manner of speaking. And, for whatever reason, Vikt has a fear of riding motorcycles... though maybe that's largely due to being the passenger during some of Jackie's rather reckless sprints down the highways...
🙈: What's a side of your OC that they don't want to show other people?
The side that only Kerry sees. The sappy, romantic Vikt who places every ounce of his trust into one person. The Vikt that lets himself relax and enjoy the stillness of life versus being the workaholic most know him to be.
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years
3, 11, 26, & D — dealers choice!
Ayy thank you! I have a wide cast of OCs I've been neglecting to post about for a while, so I'm going to answer these repeatedly for a lot of characters lol.
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
JJ: Just enveloping himself in layer upon layer of blankets until the pressure relaxes him to the point he falls asleep
Trin: If she's particularly struggling to sleep, she'll sometimes sing to herself in her head, or start mentally reciting formulas or similar. Anything to distract her mind from 'aaaa it's 4am why am I awake-'
Charlie: After she finally accepts that it's an insomnia night, will start reading whatever she has to hand. A lot of the time she ends up getting too invested in what she's reading to even think about sleep or her lack thereof
Brutus or Tibbs: Lies down on any suitable surface, closes eyes, will fall asleep instantly and sleep like a log for hours
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Trin: Would absolutely nod along and pretend to understand perfectly, then once all information has been passed on to her, if possible she'd subtly ask a witness whether she's the only one who didn't understand a word of what was just said
Lara: Would let the speaker finish a detailed, lengthy explanation, then just blink and go 'HUH?'
Vari: Would ask for clarification, indirectly by repeating what he believes has been asked of him if possible
What is their preferred mode of transportation?
Tibbs: Corvega babey. He did once briefly have a motorbike which he absolutely adored, but his level of physical coordination and tendency to lose his balance/trip over air/otherwise get injured is not suited to that lol
Sid: Strongly prefers getting around on his own two legs. Most of my Fallout OCs are used to hoofing it, but I think Sid is the only one who'd reject the offer of a ride on principle
Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Violet and Trin: Both of these characters have acquired distinctive scars and changed their typical hairstyles as their storylines have played out
Red: An anti-answer for this one! I did once consider switching up her appearance and personality somewhat to distinguish her a bit from the FO3 NPC Red (context: I created OC Red before I'd ever encountered NPC Red, and their appearances and occupations ended up being almost identical). Ultimately decided that nah, great minds think alike
Sigrid: When I added some shiny new prequel backstory to her, I had to design how she looked as a young adult, which was pretty fun and ended up contrasting a lot with her older self
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datura-tea · 2 years
♫ for Avery/Arcade? 👀
When the half light makes for a clearer view / Sleep a little more if you want to but restlessness has seized me now, it's true / I could watch the dreams flicker in your eyes / Lying here asleep on a sunbeam / I wonder if you realise you fascinate me so
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ihateclaws · 1 year
🍓 dealers choice?
If you give Eiden something that resembles a knife, his hand to hand combat skill will promptly increase nine times
Random facts round!
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totally-not-deacon · 1 year
Last Line Challenge!
Thanks for the tag, @kookaburra1701!!
Post the last line of a current WIP and then tag the same number of people as there are words in the line.
So uh.... I may be on a bit of a smut kick. Y'all got lucky this last line ended up Tumblr safe. More-or-less.
"Can think of a few ways to keep that mouth of yours quiet."
Oh boy, that's a lot of tags:
@dalishthunder, @adventuresofmeghatron, @electricshoebox, @dudethatsgay, @singleteapot, @darling-leech, @trickstarbrave, @molliehaswords, @netch-rancher, @ragedaisy, @portergage, @bigmoodquotes, aaaaaaaand @fetidcursedswamp
No pressure of course!
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wishbonemotel · 1 year
dudethatsgay —> wishbonemotel
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vault-heck · 1 year
top ten favorite bands/musicians tag game
Thank you @sleeplessincarcosa for the tag! This list is definitely subject to change and in no particular order. Narrowing it down to 10 favorites is hard!
Chumbawamba - everyone knows 'Tubthumping,' but I've found a lot of folks haven't listened to enough of their music to notice how fucking based these folks have always been. They're anarchists and fantastic songwriters and way ahead of their time.
Bartees Strange - I discovered this artist last year and he filled a void in my music library I didn't know existed. The best way I can describe his sound is complex and fluid, seamlessly blending hip-hop and indie elements into memorable grooves and striking lyricism.
Janelle Monáe - criminally underrated musical/storytelling genius of our time. Her concept albums alone could keep me interested in sci-fi, I especially love her allegories for androids as the new 'other' in society (she said once in an interview that they only date androids. god, I love her). Are they the most talented artist in the world? Probably.
Rent Strike - what's not to love? They write songs about revolution, hating cops, planned obsolescence, etc. Their concept album IX is a must-listen for any LOTR fans, especially if you like folk punk. One of my favorites of all time and moves me to tears often.
Future Islands - Samuel Herring has an unmistakably distinctive voice and Michael Lowry is practically a walking metronome. Their songs are super relatable and singable and I'm always amazed at how rich of a sound they create with not that many instruments.
Death Grips - I don't really think I can or need to explain this one, but yeah. Anyone who hasn't listened to a whole Death Grips album is missing out, in my opinion, even if you never pick them up again it's an *experience*.
Orville Peck - my gay little heart couldn't leave Orville off this list. I'm generally in the 'only listens to pre-911 country' camp, but of course he's the exception. Jeez, with that voice? He could sing 'Pumpkin Soup' and I'd still swoon.
Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean - sludge done right. Pretty much any time I'm feeling like a day of heavy music I start with Chained, and their covers (of Death Cab, Fleetwood Mac) are better than you might expect.
Cattle Decapitation - not for everyone with their extreme imagery, but from what I've heard, very cool people. Absolute legends of deathcore. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say Monolith of Inhumanity fundamentally changed who I am as a person.
Loathe - I only recently found this band; they're heavy, but their recent works blend a lot of softness into their sound and the result is emotive and cinematic. The guitars always have such a nice texture and I can tell they incorporate a variety of influences into their songwriting. I know they toured with Underoath recently so this may be a weak comparison but it's kind of like Underoath's sound is all grown up and can buy alcohol now.
No pressure tags go to @x-sapphicpirate-x , @dudethatsgay, @bokatan , @totally-not-deacon , @ragedaisy , and anyone else who would like to participate! I love finding new artists (or just learning why people love them) so feel free to tag me in your post even if I didn't tag you directly!
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alongtidesoflight · 2 years
Get To Know Me
a while ago @fereldanwench tagged me to do this and i only got around to it now, sorry about that
Nickname: Katze Sign: aquarius Last Google Search: downsides to the EU (i had to write a paper in preparation for my political science finals and this search term just took me deep down the conspiracy theorist rabbithole of google so do not recommend) Song stuck in my head: cometa - chancha via circuito (ft. fémina) Sleep: from about 11pm/-1am to 8/9am Dream Job: currently catching up with my education so i can nab myself a well paying IT job Wearing: gray sweatpants and a black tank top Favorite Song: it's gotta be a tie between stonecutters - dope lemon and lola montez - volbeat lately Favorite Instrument: bass guitar hands down Aesthetic: midlife crisis at 29 (but make it pretty) Favorite Authors: i haven't touched a book in at least a year Favorite Colour: turquoise and emerald green always Favorite animal sound: i'm gonna have to go with cats purring Last song: monsters - the midnight because i've been working on my original verse for a little Last series: brand new cherry flavor but i had to interrupt watching it because my sister's been living with me ever since her ex bf kicked her out and she's mad emetophobic and everyone who's seen this show understands how that clashes Random: i need and i cannot stress that enough a haircut or i'll unfortunately have to give in to the urge to chew through drywall
i'm tagging: @bisexual-kaidan-alenko @a-uwu-thenn @slothssassin @pinkantagonist and @dudethatsgay
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bluepriestess · 2 years
If you’re still taking requests I would like to suggest Carlyle in B2 :3
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Something something help my dick needs cpr something something
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kharonion · 2 years
can I get 2, 13, and 18 for Rom perhaps?
2. Where did your muse grow up? What was their home like? Did they like where they grew up?
Rom grew up in Connecticut, on the outskirts of Hartford, in an unassuming single-family home. It was quiet, uneventful, not much out of the scope of normalcy. He in no way remembers this time in his life, however, so he can't well gauge how "good" it was—but he also doesn't recall disliking it, either.
13. What did your muse want to be when they grew up? Did they have any childhood dreams, and have they achieved them?
Even as smooth-skinned Dominic, he'd always wanted to specialize in computers and technology. Tinkering with intricate systems while being away from masses of people? Sign him up. At first, he'd thought he had achieved such a dream, but Nuka-World suddenly started to express their true intentions... and he wasn't so sure anymore.
18. What's one thing that instantly transports your muse back to their childhood? Why?
He can't recall specific instances/moments, but Rom can definitely say that magic shows bring him to a strange nostalgia he can't place. Something about the mysticism and unknown appeals to him. In hindsight, this is probably a large factor as to why he'd always found Oswald so fascinating and alluring.
— OC asks: childhood edition.
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maraeffect · 2 years
🪄 🪄 two please
on it!!! thanks for asking <3
if i get high - nothing but thieves
"i fill my lungs every night / not long to wait / and if i do this thing right / i dream of our escape / and we run, and we run, and we run, and we run / and we run, and we run, and we run / until we break through /
if i get high enough / if i get high enough, will i see you again?"
antivist - bring me the horizon
"middle fingers up if you don't give a fuck / i'm sick to death of swallowing every single thing i'm fed / middle fingers up if you don't give a fuck / you think you're changing anything? / question everything /
the world is a shit-tip, your children are fucked / the ones you think guard you are out for your blood / well our mind are battered, and washed out with static / but what exactly do you think you're gonna do? /
united we'll fail, divided we'll fall / we're fucked but you're making it worse / united we'll fail, divided we'll fall / give up cause you're making it so much worse"
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papakhan · 3 years
Sasha is a decently skilled horse rider. His mother brought a horse with her when she joined the Khans and some time later they stole a bunch of horses from the NCR's At The Time western most fort and kinda bred that herd from there. Some Khan's also have the belief that learning to ride a horse will give you the balancing skills needed to ride a motorbike, so you should start with that before trying a much more valuable bike
Sashas own horse is one that he stole from the NCR but later, during a raid that was going wrong. A large group of Khans had surrounded an NCR base, using a tactic that has them in small bunched surrounding one target. One group of Khans was spotted by an NCR patrol that was running late and shooting broke out. Sasha took the initiative and ran into the NCR's compound and released all their horses as a distraction so that the Khan fighters could get away. Sasha had to jump onto the back of one of the horses to get away himself, and ended up keeping the horse. He rode that adrenaline rush for days and was celebrated lmao
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totally-not-deacon · 1 year
Last Line Meme
Tagged by @sparrowsingsstories!
The Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (if you want to).
From one of my still-unnamed TES fics that I'm chipping away at. Set just before the Thalmor Embassy party:
“Unfortunately, we’re quite acquainted.” Arandil was uncharacteristically grim. “She’s cousin Elenwen.”
(and NO one wants to be in a room with cousin Elly lmao)
Taggin in turn: @dudethatsgay @emiratexaaron @bokatan @boosheetghostboo @rogueshadeaux @electricshoebox @deacons-wig @estarii @alder-berry @vault-heck @ragedaisy
I think I remembered how to count. Also for anyone who sees this should y'all like.
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