#duel weilding swords
shadoweclipex · 10 months
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Had inspiration to draw Midori using one of his techniques, the Lunar Blast.
Essentially he uses his aura manipulating powers to gather local star-energy into a sphere, after which he can use it multiple ways.
Either fire all the energy as a single laser. Have it break back appart to make dozens of energy spheres which he fire it as a bunch of smaller blasts to cover a larger area. Or even have it transform into a suit of armor for him to wear.
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i have been coloring all day,,,,,,,,
but mayhaps,,,,, i should do more,,,,,,,,,,,,
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cy-cyborg · 2 days
I'm begging dragonage fans to do a tiny bit of research about arm amputees before loudly shouting their opinions on the inquisitor returning in the next game Please lol.
Apparently, it was confirmed that the inquisitor, your chatacter from the last game (who looses their arm in the final cutscene of the DLC), will return in Veilguard as a customisable character, similar to Hawke, and they will play an active roll in the story. This has caused a lot of people to start speculating on how they'll handle the inquisitor's missing hand, with most people agreeing they'll have to have a prosthetic to be an active part of the story. Which, while I do think this is the rought bioware will take, isn't true, and a part of me really hopes they leave the inquisitor without a prosthetic arm like in the end of Tresspasser
Partially because we already have a companion with a prosthetic (neve) and it would be nice to see some diversity in how amputation is depicted in such a mainstream game, but also because you dont need a prosthetic to fight as any of the main 3 classes from inquisition.
mages just need a staff, the game shows them as 2 handed weapons but it's totally beleiveable that it would be usable 1-handed (Neve also uses a dagger-like weapon in the trailer, you can make a "staff" in inquisition that functions more like an energy sword, and the Mage in the chargers uses a staff resembling a bow, so I think it's more that they just need a focus, the shape doesn't matter as much). A knight enchanter may struggle more 1 handed, but I wouldn't write it off as an option with some modifications made to their main staff.
the easiest to justify, because there are several cases of arm amputees fighting with a sword and sheild in history, and while many did have prosthetics, most weren't functional (meaning they were mainly for aesthetic purposes and didn't actually aid the fighter in any way. There were exceptions, like Götz of the iron hand, who's prosthetic was functional, but most were not). The inquisitor looses their arm just above the wrist, so they still have most of their forearm. Most sheilds strap to the forearm, so it wouldn't take much adjustment to make that work, and you can use the other hand for the weapon. Obviously, two-handed weapons will probably be off the table, though, lol.
this is the one people tend to be the loudest about and the one I understand the most. Obviously duel-weilding daggers won't work (unless you give them something like the hidden blades in assassin's creed on their stump side, I guess) but using a single dagger still would, and is a perfectly reasonable approach, given that's how most irl people used daggers. Archery, though, absolutely can work without a prosthetic, despite what people think. Dragonage has crossbows, not something like Bianca (rip) but a small, single-handed crossbow is an option. Even ignoring that though, amputee archery is a thing irl, and not every arm amputee uses prosthetics for it. The bows are modified to be held in one hand and drawn with the mouth using a kind of pully-system built into the bow that I could very easily see being modified into some dwarven-style contraption in game (some double arm amputees use their feet to draw regular bows, but I don't think that would be pheasable in combat).
Like I said, I think bioware will probably go with a prosthetic, but i hope that they don't. Or at the very least, show them with it sometimes and without it other times (the same goes for Neve, no one wears their prosthetic 24/7, I'd love to see them both take them off around the home base, even just occasionally). A lot of arm amputees in particular prefer to go without one, and arm prosthetics in media are some of the worst offenders of the "perfect prosthetic"/"miracle cure prosthetic" tropes. It doesn't count as "diversity" or disability representation if it doesn't actually change anything other than the look of the chatacter, and im really, really desperate for some actually decent amputee representation in games.
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dinadearine · 6 months
Mizu x Foreign!Reader warnings: Gore, Swearing, mention of death YES! I have a real wave/flame sword (kris sword) with me! sadly it's rusty lol.
Mizu knew all the rules of being a samurai, and a woman, complications of having both titles, she had to disguise, to hide her imperfections, to hide her identity, letting her true form be hidden away from prying eyes, just to receive nothing but submission, or revenge from the four.. Or rather.. Two men she seeks to kill.
Arriving on London, things isn't as easy as it seems, strict attire, she had to steal, lucky for her, her skills has come in handy with stealth, dealing with a white british bastard only added to even more complications
Just like you, you arrived at London with a different purpose, same skills of stealth, to become a mischievous thief, taking what doesn't belong to you, but still, behind that filthy and troublesome heart, is a warm soul that needed pride and familiarity.
Coming across a commotion, taking in the sight of a crowd cheering on a death match, few leaves with a weak stomach, while others laugh and watch like heartless maniacs. your grip on your crease sword tightens from the sight of two men having a duel, you watched closely, you couldn't help but feel a little bored, and you've decided to squeeze through the crowd, fixing your attire to hide any femininity, you walked up to the host, and simply ask. "..May I join the duel?"
The host smirks and cheers on "well folks! look at this little man, he asked if he can join!" The crowd bursts into laughter, but that didn't shatter your pride at all, you simply huff a chuckle as you step into the ring. "alright little lad, let's see what your capable of."
Mizu came across the commotion and she watched closely, you wield a sword, just like her, but what caught her attention.. is your sword, odd shape and size, rather than being a smooth, and curved sword, yours was wide, wavy, and sharp at both sides. Mizu having the full disipline of weilding a sword, but this was odd, surely she knows the rule of life and death in each edge of a katana, but yours, holds no life, both sharp edges represents pure death.
Bleeding, you let out a growl as you limp and swing your sword at your opponent, the sound of sword clashing and cheering crowds is deafening, exhaustion overtakes as you let out a wheeze, taking one last slice. A loud thud falls under your feet, looking down to see your opponent, dead, head sliced in half, limbs unmoving while blood starts to pool around them, you lift your scarred feet and stomp on them, you feel both prideful, yet furious, a random anger that bubbled up your senses, yet it eventually subsided once you've finished kicking the opponent after a few times.
The crowd goes wild as you claimed victory, you didn't acknowledge such pride, and you simply walk off, boredom overcoming you once more. Seeing this is like a fever dream, Mizu had never seen such sword in her entire life. She was in deep thoughts before you walked past her, the scent of blood wafting her senses back to reality, she hesitantly followed you, luckily you were heading somewhere secluded.
As you walk in a dark empty alleyway, you were daydreaming about foods, you felt your stomach growl, you let out a silent groan, hungry, that all you could think of, just as you could turn to a sharp corner, you felt someone latch onto your arm, startled, you unsheathed your sword.
"Calm.. I mean no harm." the stranger said, you observed their attire, they look very.. Over dressed. Your grip on your sword tightens as you speak, low and laced with a commanding tone.
"From the looks of it I think you would harm me, now answer my question, who are you?" You lift your sword higher, aiming at their throat, you narrow your eyes as you wait for their response.
"I…" Mizu starts off, but she cannot just give out her name, she simply must make a simple excuse, and atleast try to have a conversation with you. "I'm afraid i cannot tell you that, but i would like to speak with you about your.. sword." Mizu said, politely pointing at your sword with her palm.
Raising a brow, you lowered your aim, both intrigued and cautious, you asked "what? you want to talk about my sword-" your words were interupted by you very own stomach, growling for food.
MIzu went silent, glancing at your stomach, she speaks "Perhaps I could take you in a soba shop while we discuss?" she suggests, you hesitated for a moment, until you finally sheathed your sword with a deep exhale, glancing up to meet her concealed eyes, you nod. arriving at the shop, you took a seat while Mizu ordered a soba for two, settling down, by the cushion across you, she watched you eat, before speaking. "You.. Your like me." she paused "but different." she breathes out.
You glanced up at her still chewing on your soba, you swallowed before you reply "... You ask odd questions." Mizu remained stoic, inwardly wanting to slice your tongue with her sword, good thing she remained composed.
"I ask odd questions for odd people." she replied, her gaze remained focused on you, observing your behaviour. You finished your soba, chugging down the soup and setting it down with a loud sigh. "so you think I'm odd? that's rather rude." you blurt you, crossing arms with a pout.
"no, I think.. You're unique." she said, and shit, that made your cheeks red, you cough, trying to hide away your heated cheeks as you speak. "Ahem.. Flattery is futile, just state proper questions, and we will separate paths." you leaned back, looking away, using your hand to pretend your massaging your cheeks, only to hide the red colors that has mixed with your flesh, Mizu, intrigued, a small smirk tugged at the corner of her lips, mirroring your position to provide open conversations.
"Fine, what I want to say is.. Your sword, is very… 'unique' and it intrigues me, how do you use it? how do you follow the principles of the sword?" Mizu asked, you paused, taking a moment to take in her questions.
"oh... I... I trained myself, this sword is called a 'flame' or 'wave' sword, mainly forged in.. Spain and indonesia… But mine is from the Philippines, and is commonly called 'kris'." you replied, chugging down a cup of water before you continued. "why'd you ask anyway?"
Mizu's brows shot up, her interest deepens, leaning closer, she speaks. "So.. You're from the philippines? interesting. I came from japan and.." her words trails off with a hesitant shift, she pulled up her sword, revealing a beautifully forged blue blade, you choked on your spit as you take in the sight. "I.. forged this myself… in my swordfather's hut." she took a moment to place it on the table, but never dares to push it torwards you, a silent note that she doesn't trust you either.
Leaning in to examine the sword, your eyes gleamed, you've never seen such beautifully forged sword before, you slowly leaned back as you speak. "you have skilled hands, I am… impressed you've forged such sword, what metal did you use, may I ask?" you tilt your head, indicating interest, Mizu as hesitant as always, she took a moment once more before she replied.
"Thank you, this sword is forged with an asteroid." your brows quirked up, surprised, you repeated her phrase, she nods.
"… Asteroid…?" you repeat again, the topic making you overwhelmed with confusion, merely tiping your ching your thumb. "How... From what I've heard is that asteroids are typically foreign rocks." you mused as you further sink into your seat. "The Asteriod is specifically made out of blue metal." Mizu mentioned, your brows furrowed.
"is that even possible? I mean, I don't know shit about space, really? does it even contain foreign elements? how did you tame the wild metal and mend it into your liking?" you asked, you feel like your asking too much, instinctively pausing as you leaned back and sigh "sorry, I got carried away." you muttered, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. Mizu remained impassive, yet she is amused by your demeanor, shaking her head as she speaks.
"Don't apologize." Mizu said, her usual stoic tone swelled up with a hint of reassurance, she decided to shift the moment to a friendly pace by suggesting. "we can learn more about each other with…. A friendly duel?"
yall sorry its rushed, things been very busy since the holiday aah
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crimsonrrain · 22 days
Griffith seducing Guts: challenging him to a duel for his freedom and annnouncing shamlesly that that he will get what he wants. Stabing him multiple times and dislocating his shoulder without hesitation. Climbing on Guts' sword to impress him. Psychoanalysing intrusively his battlefield behavior. Declaring that Guts now belongs to him while tenderly cupping his face. Informing him that he will choose the place that Guts will die for him. Giving compliments for his sword (and saying that he wouldn't be able to weild that thing). Ranting endlessly about himself in romantic locations. Showing up naked and inviting Guts to join him for a bath by the well. Having serious conversations while naked with his dong on Guts' eye level. Reminiscing tenderly the day they met (that duel was the singularly most memorable of his life). Drawing up his battle plans with Guts' tendencies in mind (he just can't stop thinking about Guts). He is a man of big gestures!
Funniest thing is that Guts is actually impressed and just loves this madness
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Sword gays showdown, losers bracket (Round 1)
For Youmu Konpaku:
Two swords. Therefore twice the awesomeness. She is half-ghost, which is cool. Also she so has a crush on Yuyuko.
Uhhh she's sick as fuccckk
Youmu is the second fastest person in Gensokyo.
She weilds an Odachi and a Wakizashi called Roukanken and Hakurouken.
Roukanken can cut through almost everything and kill ten ghost with one strike, Hakurouken can cut through confusion and its a family heirloom.
Besides Yuyuko, other popular ships with Youmo are Sakuya a cool, ninja maid, and Reisen Udongein Inaba a moon rabbit "only useful for sex appeal.
Also, everyone is gay in Gensokyo
For Hua Cheng:
King of ghosts and ruler of Ghost City. So good at sword he beat 33 gods in duels. Canonically gay and in love with the former prince, current exiled god of trash Xie Lian. His sword is sentient and also his own eye. Its name is E-Ming and if it ever cut you, it can reopen the wound any time. It's really cute despite its reputation, wants to be pet by Xie Lian like a little kitty.
He's got a sword that is literally a part of him. He made it from his own eye. It's sentient and behaves like a puppy and I just really love E-Ming
Spoiler but he has a very cool saber thats (kinda) alive and made out of his own eye? Does that count?
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demilypyro · 1 year
With Witch of Mercury returning soon and you recently talking about wanting sword weilding anime ladies, have you watched Revolutionary girl Utena? Could be worth a look to see the narrative inspiration to WoM and sword duels set to 80s guitar riffs
The art style is putting me off ngl. I haven't really watched any anime that old
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somer-writes · 25 days
for the WIP game 7. moar puppo :D perhaps? 👀
i was messing with adding more to puppysitting! specifically with the lost woods. unfortunately i tend to lean towards horror writing so it did not stay super wholesome for very long lmao
snippet under the cut!!
Twilight tackled the girl to the forest floor and the two rolled in a playful wrestle. Having won the small match, Twilight stole the skull kid’s hat, planting it on his own head. Beneath her hat, the girl wore a wig of forest moss and flowery vines.
“Give it back!” she yelped, covering her head.
Twilight hummed, pulling at the brim of the ancient straw hat. “What d’ya want for it?” he asked smugly.
The kid stamped one foot, balling her fists at her sides. “That’s not very nice!”
Twilight yelped in surprise as a stick came down on his head. Turning, he found himself facing another skull kid–a boy older than himself–weilding a thick branch like a sword.
“Fiend!” the skull kid barked. “Return the princess’s crown at once!”
Twilight grinned, sweeping up a stick of his own to jab back. “Mwahaha!” the small rancher replied. “I’m the prince now!”
The two engaged in a theatrical clash of swordplay. Twilight was surprised to find his opponent quite adept with his woody blade. The skull kid was seemingly trained in dueling not unlike the captain, but Twilight was easily able to pin the boy back against a tree.
The girl came up from behind, leaping on the rancher’s back. Twilight cried out, taken off guard as he stumbled beneath her weight. She locked her arms over his shoulders with a shrill laugh and Twilight yelped as the boy tackled them both to the forest floor.
“Hey no fair!” Twilight laughed.
The boy picked up a handful of soil and leaves, throwing it at the rancher. “I’ve bested you, evildoer!”
Twilight snickered, thrusting a hand into the air as he pretended (quite dramatically) to die. As he lay with his tongue out, the girl took her hat back, planting it on her head securely once more.
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badschmitt24071994 · 7 months
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Yoshitora Tokugawa - samurai shodown
Yoshitora is the main protagonist of Samurai Shodown V. Described as an "elite military genius", he was originally trained by Gaoh and Yagyu Jubei. Yoshitora is the successor to the throne of Japan, as he is of the Tokugawa bloodline. More interested in women and partying than politics, he decides to leave Japan and refuses to be the next ruler. Gaoh, believing Japan would only prosper if Yoshitora were to rule, starts a rebellion in hopes of luring his student back. Yoshitora weilds seven swords in battle... six are named after women, with the exception of one sword he named after himself.
In Samurai Shodown 5, Haohmaru challenges Yoshitora to a duel in order to test his own strength. Yoshitora declines but promises that he'll face him after he settles things with Gaoh. In his ending, he questions his former master's motives. Gaoh explains that the shogun ruling before Yoshitora is uncaring to the people and continuing under his rule would only bring famine and desecration to the people. He pleas with his pupil to become shogun. Realizing the responsibility of his role for the first time, Yoshitora finally agrees to his former master's request.
As shogun, he then challenges Haohmaru to a duel, asking the latter to join him and help him build a new country. Haohmaru replies that if he loses, he'll join Yoshitora. They fight but the result of their match is uncertain.
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malwarecheesefry · 7 months
I miss the times when you would walk towards a farmer and ask him to teach you to weild a blade, and he would laugh and tell you something along the lines of, "ain't no blades around here boy, but fixin potatoes is som'in you can put yo mind to if it's a home yer lookin for. What's yer name, boy?" And you would reply, and farm potatoes for him in exchange to live with him and his family. And eventually after working for a while, you find some steel from an old hoe and use it to create the best blade ever seen, eventually catching the attention of his slightly shorter son, whom you make another sword for. And you two would religiously duel every night until the sun came up, and you would beat him every time. Don't you miss that?
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mav-exe · 2 years
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so not sure I'll have a chance to do renn faires this year, but if I do, prepare to see plenty of "small elf girl absolutely armed to the teeth"
it was a pain getting it all positioned right, but now that I have all the sheathes and holsters in the right spots I just need to put the belts on and put the gear in after!
Weapon List: one longsword, one bastard sword, one matchlock pistol, one wizarding staff…
Oh, and I can easily duel weild any pair of weapons~
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sorcerav · 9 months
manifesting lil thread ideas for your canon/ocs
tav teaching astarion invoke duplicity so he can see himself for the first time in hundreds of years
karlach and tav getting into it at the tavern but her infernal engine runs to hot and the place burns to the ground, nothing to see here
gale teaching tav to cook but she gets frustrated and wild magic burns everything to a crisp, they end up getting the faerun equivalent of take out instead
tav helps shadowheart dye and cut her hair after getting her memories back
tav challenges wyll to a duel even tho she cannot weild a weapon to save her life, but she cheats w magic so it's fine
laezels steel sword was stolen by bandits and sold off to a rich noble, they have to infiltrate the manor somehow and get it back
tav wakes up after durge kills alfira in camp, helps them hide the body before anyone else notices
literally any sort of shopping spree (do I hear montage anyone????)
just slice of life stuff in general. a dangerous cult might be closing in, but everyone needs a lil downtime yknow
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harlequinchaos · 1 year
some things that me so mad with totk because they were RIGHT THERE:
- The Sages can block... this by itself makes sense as they are trained warriors after all but... Sidon and Yunobo can block with 2-Handed weapons... WHY CAN'T I BLOCK WITH SPEARS AND GREATSWORDS?? Just make it cost durability on the weapon I don't care, you know how COOL it would be to be able to block with a spear, imagine if you could PARRY WITH A GIANT FUCKING BOULDER BREAKER THAT'D BE SO SICK.
-Similarly, Riju can block AND duel-weild. WHY CAN'T I DUAL WEILD? Make it so you can dual weild 1-Handed swords, or even make it unique to the Gerudo Scimitar type weapons, allowing you to fight 'Gerudo Style' with the fluid movements. I know Link is supposed to be a master swordsman, and he's already pretty proficient with the Spear and Greatswords, but why not go the extra mile and show how much better he's gotten in combat the last few years between botw to totk by letting him block, parry, and use 2 swords.
-Why isn't every piece of armor upgradeable? i understand that finding the phantom armor set early, or the amiibo pieces can be useful early on, but they still have the problem of being outclassed. this really shouldn't be a problem the second game in.. like I'll GLADLY hunt, fish, and kill WHATEVER i need to in order to find the parts to upgrade everything, I don't mind, I actually REALLY enjoy it. Why would you put the Evil Spirit Set in the Labyrinths but then have the Radiant Set just be available for Purchase in Kakariko KNOWING FULL WELL YOU CAN'T UPGRADE THE EVIL SPIRIT SET??? It's like this game actively punishes the reference items for no reason? like, they have the same abilities just make them upgradeable. Same with Dyeable while we're at it. There's only 15 colors make everything Dyeable, I want to make cohesive outfits out of the existing armor.
-this one is kinda personal but Yiga enemies shouldn't spawn when wearing the Stealth Set. HEAR ME OUT. The Yiga got A LOT of love this game, we get their outfit which we can upgrade and dye, we get to visit their hideouts, there's a lot of bonus dialogue for coming across 'Traveler's and 'Researcher's while wearing their set, there's their bases in The Depths. It's a great day to be a Yiga fan with all the bonus interactions you get with the Gerudo too. On the other hand the Sheikah actively got pretty much all traces of the Ancient Sheikah Tech taken away, and their part of the main story is locked out until you beat the regional phenomenon, and then you basically just move on to the Zonai 5th sage bit. The Sheikah got so shafted this game. The Stealth Set has a little bit more armor in comparison, but the Yiga Set ALSO gets the Night Speed Up bonus, plus all the bonus interactions AND no ambushes, there's no reason not to wear it over the Stealth Set imo...
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bettertwin1 · 2 years
I'm making a fantasy/pirate au of you and the bros, and idk what to do with your weapon. So. Dual cutlasses or rapiers/some other form of dueling sword. Cutlasses are more pirate-y but rapiers are a bit more similar to katanas which is your actual weapon (also. you're the better twin hands-down!)
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gachapulls · 1 year
youre laughing now but ebisu weilds duel axes and suou has a sword . they are going to fucking KILL the pjsekai
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superchat · 2 years
while the mimic tear is powerful as fuck. i much preferred summoning that black blade assassin chick tiche and the duel weilding swords wind knight oleg on account of how cool they are
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