clockwayswrites · 6 months
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Happy dannypocalypse <3
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Nothing to see here.
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chaoticfandomthot · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals!
In no particular order:
1- my rabbit
2- nature (taking a walk, looking at the moon or the sea, etc)
3- my friends (@as-rare-as-trees in particular needs a category of their own)
4- spiders, tarantulas (my own included here) and interesting bugs
5- when people remember things about me i didn't expect them to or when they go 'this made me think of you'
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goodfish-bowl · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals!
Hmmm, okay!
Five things that make me happy are
When something I didn't think would go well turns out better than expected
Quality time with loved ones
Violence in the park
Satisfaction after a completed performance
Solo adventures in a new place
Not necessarily in that order, but these are also all different kinds of happy too!
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vagueconfusion · 3 months
yeah, fuck it, I think it'll be fun and if it doesn't catch on oh well
New tag game?
I found a site that will give you a festival lineup of the artists you listen to based off your last.fm, Spotify, or a playlist. Feel free to choose whichever one you want! You can also, for Spotify only, enable a Basic Score if you want but that's your choice. It can be customized on a couple other things so choose what you want!
Here's the site:
Here's mine for last.fm
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And here's mine for Spotify!
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@potential-proof @frmtheroombelow @andromedacarriesaxes @stonedstargazer666 @blue-lollipops-and-ice-clouds @cherrryem @softcoresuffering @sheepishmastectomy @dukeoftrash @glitterghost
If you don't want to or can't do it no worries no pressure. If I didn't tag you and you do want to do it feel free!
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thegreateggbandit · 2 months
This is for you m’lady!
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goodfish-bowl · 6 months
"All Luck, No Skill"
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(ur art is so beautiful, it's murdering me 😭)
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It appears I’ve been appreciated! My Mortal Weakness!
So glad you like it! <3
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thegreateggbandit · 1 year
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A little doodle of these two ADORABLE characters in Netflix’s Hilda.
Huge thanks to @dukeoftrash for removing the gunky stuff on the page in the first image!!!
Alfur and Adeline needed more screen time!!!
These two are the embodiment of the author x biggest fan trope - and you can’t tell me otherwise
I’m imagining that when exchanging notes Adeline reads something Alfur wrote about her and he has NO IDEA!
She took her shot and the realization has yet to hit him (and of course Peppercorn is there too!!!)
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thegreateggbandit · 4 months
Me: What time is it?
Duke: The 13th
Me: Thanks!
Me: …
Me: wait what
Conversations with @dukeoftrash 😀👍
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thegreateggbandit · 11 months
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Hello! So @dukeoftrash and I will be dropping off the face of the earth for about a month. This means we won’t be online for a while - so no we are not ignoring you!
I’m a small blog so I doubt anyone will really notice but on the odd chance someone notices I just POOFED away I didn’t want to stress them out!
If you want to colour or line my art, go for it! Just credit me of course! I’m also going to schedule a couple drawings and posts so it’s more like I’ll become a Tumblr ghost (Spooky >:3 )
See you all in a month-ish!
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thegreateggbandit · 11 months
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After weeks of work, I’ve finally finished this drawing!!!
I’m actually super proud of this because it was just meant to be perspective practice and it turned into this 🤩
Lately I’ve actually been trying to improve on my art so it feels weird to be drawing and being genuinely proud of it. I feel like an imposter but then I have to remind myself, yes I did draw this, not anyone else, ME!
Big thanks to @dukeoftrash who kept me motivated to finish this and helped me whenever I had no idea what I was doing 💖
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thegreateggbandit · 10 months
Hey … hey Duke! @dukeoftrash!!! I drew the cat in your banner! (Ish so cute and fluffy!!!!!) You’re welcome >:3
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