#i accidentally wrote 10 and had to chop down
chaoticfandomthot · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals!
In no particular order:
1- my rabbit
2- nature (taking a walk, looking at the moon or the sea, etc)
3- my friends (@as-rare-as-trees in particular needs a category of their own)
4- spiders, tarantulas (my own included here) and interesting bugs
5- when people remember things about me i didn't expect them to or when they go 'this made me think of you'
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ranty-ramblestein · 3 years
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(captions~) Sep 20th: I caught Mint accidentally corner a Tiger Beetle in the entrance of the ReSe Building while sweeping, and then... befriend it?  It reminds me of that one villager dialogue about giant insect roommates, lol. At least of the villagers like observing bugs like I do!
I also saw that the weeds had grown a lot more in the Fairy Circle, spotted a sick Cyd, and caught Del and Tucker waving to each other!  Del was over by the bamboo just a few seconds before that, so he must’ve booked it through the orange orchard to see his boyfriend, which is adorable??
Sep 21st: It was raining on this meme day... Mint wrote me about failing to catch a bug, which gave me Pokegear call vibes, lol.  I wonder if she was talking about her Tiger Beetle Friend?
Oh, and it felt like the right time to renew the look of the house!  I went for white and green focus this time!  + The door color matches the parts of the frame under the roof and the window details~
Sep 22nd: The new house look is up, so I changed up the doorplate, then I found Cyd talking about sinuses, which, uh, that sounds really bad.  I can’t imagine what a sneeze with long nostrils like that would feel like...
I also gave Raymond another cat tower, lol.  Wear your viking top!! Stop losing stuff, Ken!!
And, uhh, I’ll try putting the captions under read more, ig?  You could always Ctrl+U the page for them, but that could get annoying... Wish I knew how to fix that weird anti-photo-zoom bug in this theme...
EDIT: Uhh, apparently if you just click on a photo before the page fully loads, it’ll still do the zoom-in thing where you can read captions?  Still, that’s suuuper annoying!
pic 1: "Made a friend, Mint?" Croissant asked, walking up slowly to the squirrel. "Yeah, aren't they so neat, climbing the stairs?" Mint smiled. C:"It kinda looks like you cornered them, actually." M:"Oh no"
(Hmm, should I allow more spaces if I keep doing captions like this?  Like a space after “C:” and “M:”?)
pic 2: "Oh, the weeds are way bigger, now!" Croissant gasped, poking at the tall stalks that had formed.
pic 3: I saw that he was in and was like 'Is he sick?', and, uh... he was.
pic 4: Man, Del was by the Bamboo when I was chopping the money tree, then I came down here and he had booked it over to Tucker!  He wanted to see his boyfriend, aww~
pic 6: ...I feel like this is about her Tiger Beetle friend?
pic 7: It felt like it was time to change up the house!
pic 8: New house look means new doorplate!  (It took a while before I realized the rain outfit wasn't need anymore, lol.)
pic 9: Oof, I bet elephants sneezing hurts way more that humans sneezing... Cats with their small nostrils are probably worse off, tho.
pic 10: Speaking of cats, I ordered Raymond another cat tower, and found him hanging out with Apple again!
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Damaged Wing(s) : When He Loved Me
Characters: Patton, Janus, Virgil
Ships: Moceit, Platonic/Brotherly Moxiety
Trigger warnings: Drugging, Blood, Somewhat body horror, Morally grey Janus, Hospitals (Let me know if I need to add any!:
Genre: Angst or Hurt with a little Comfort
Word count: 998
Universe: Human AU
Ao3 link
The title is based off of the song “When She Loved Me” from Toy Story 2. Just so everyone knows, I wrote this but am too tired to go through and correct typos and things like that, so I’m sorry if you find stuff like that. Lastly @badthingshappenbingo​
Anyways, I hope you enjoy what this turned out to be!
They met in their final year of college.
The professor announced to the class that for their end semester project, they had to choose a partner. Patton looked around to find that almost everyone has paired off with the closest person to them, everyone except one person in the corner. Possibly because of his lack of wings, or maybe because he wasn’t near anyone, maybe both, but that didn’t matter to Patton.
“Hi, I’m Patton! Would you like to be partners?” Patton said while extending his arm for a handshake.
“Janus and... fuck it, why not.” He took Patton’s hand and pulled him into the seat next to him.
And then it went off from there.
They quickly got to know each other during their meet-ups for the project and Patton fell in love. Their project meet-ups dissolved into coffee dates and movie nights, their friendly chats morphed into playful banter and comforting words, everything just felt right and there was no doubt in Patton’s mind that they didn’t love each other.
After they both graduated, they moved in with each other... Virgil was not on board with that.
(”Patton, there’s just something about him that’s not right.”
“Virgil, relax, I’ve known him for quite a while and there’s no bad bone in his body.”
“Listen, he just gives off this vibe that’s not right but I just don’t know what it is.”
“Look, I only want to protect my little brother.”
“I understand, but I don’t need protection. I’m okay, I promise.”)
There was nothing wrong with Janus. Maybe he keeps saying how pretty Patton’s wings are, but he’s just being sweet (and his wings are pretty nice, a pale blue fading into a more bold shade at the tips, accented with a soft grey). So, as they settled onto the couch, watching a movie, everything felt right.
He should’ve listened to Virgil. It happened around two months after they moved in together.
It was just a normal day, Patton had just come home from work to a surprise from Janus.
“You didn’t have to do this.” Patton said as he looked at the table completely covered with food.
“Ah, but I wanted to,” he took Patton’s hand to take him to the table. “You go ahead and sit down while I get you your drink.”
The dinner was delicious, and after they were finished, Janus took Patton over to the couch to watch a movie. Barely a quarter of the way in the movie, Patton noticed he was very drowsy, which was strange. He didn’t do anything different that day than he normally would, he got a normal amount of sleep, he didn’t skip out on any meals, so what could be the problem?
Janus took notice of how Patton could barely keep his head up and said with a small smirk, “It’s okay, dear. You can rest for tonight.”
And Patton was out.
The first thing Patton noted when he woke up was that he was in /a lot/ of pain, the next was that he felt off-balance. He tried to open his eyes with little success and let out a small whine of frustration.
Wait, was that Virgil? Why was Virgil in his apartment?
“Hey, Cookie, are you there?”
Oh, something must be very wrong, Virgil only used his nickname when it was serious.
After a bit of struggle, Patton was able to get his eyes open to find a bright light… and the realization that this was not his apartment.
“V,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper. “Why am I here?”
He looked towards Virgil to find him with a protective look on his face and his wings twitching, wanting to reach out and protect his younger brother. “To put it simply, you were drugged and had your wings hacked off with a kitchen knife.”
Well then.
“How did I get here,then?”
Virgil was starting to get worried, Patton was late for their breakfast meet-up. They only have breakfast together every month, they still visit each other frequently, but breakfast meet-ups were a special thing Patton would never be late to.
Maybe he just got caught up with something? Maybe he accidentally slept in? Maybe his apartment had a power outage and his alarm clock got turned off?
Virgil looked at the time. Patton was only 30 minutes late, he could wait for 10 more minutes.
10 minutes came and went and Patton still hasn’t arrived... and Virgil knew something must’ve been wrong at that point. He stepped out of their meeting place and started on the quickest flying route to Patton’s apartment, worried out of his mind.
He reached the apartment very shortly, realized the door was unlocked, and opened the door to find an unconscious Patton on the couch covered in blood... he did not hesitate calling the paramedics.
“Oh” Patton said once Virgil was done retelling what happened. He had his next question in mind, but hesitated whether or not it was the right thing to ask at the time. He decided to ask it anyway.
“Where’s Janus?”
A murderous look crossed over Virgil’s face. “Janus.” He hissed out, and Patton never thought a single word could be said with so much venom. “That asshole-“
“Hey now-“
“Is suspected to have been the one to drug you and chop off your wings! He left the apartment without a single fucking trace, everything of his has been cleaned out, every picture with him in it has been torn or broken, and so far nobody has been able to find him!”
Patton felt the blood drain from his face. Janus, his boyfriend that he absolutely loves (or loved), had cut off his wings and drugged him. The person that he possibly trusted the most, next to Virgil, just cut himself out of their life so easily. He could practically feel his heart shattering.
To say Virgil comforted him until he fell asleep was an understatement.
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ineedsomemoremetime · 5 years
Who is Tom Holland (Tom Holland Fanfic)
Author: @ineedsomemoremetime
Pairing: Tom Holland x Ella Green
Summary: Ella was living a normal life reading and writing all the time until she gets the opportunity of her life, that’s when things get crazy. She gets to meet a celebrity and write a biography about them.
Word Count: 2k
                                                         Chapter 1:
         When I was kid, I used to always say that by the time I was 19 I would be married and by 20, I would by having my first child. I would be working in a job that pays so well, that I have so much money I don’t know what to do with it. But I would also be working at a job I love, because I would be fulfilling my dream. But now that I’m 20 I realize I don’t want a kid nor do I want to be married this young. I also don’t have a job that makes me a lot of money. Actually it barely makes me enough to pay bills and hopefully eat something during the week.
I know I would probably be doing so much better if I went to college, but when you can’t afford it, and can’t even get a loan, it's pointless to go.
I’m not saying I hate my job, because it’s not bad, it really isn’t. I occasionally deal with amazing customers who make my day so enjoyable. But at the same time I also deal with customers who make me want to either chop my head off or theirs. I do the same thing day after day, which is typically okay. But, I’ve worked in retail since I was 16, this isn’t something I want to do for a living. What do I want to do? I got no clue.
“Ella, would you please bring me the put away rack?” Mia my manager asks. I stand back up from putting more bags out and almost run into Macie.
“You are so lucky I put the scissors back before I started walking this way.”
“Are you saying, you could of just stabbed me?” I ask shocked as I start heading to grab the put away rack for Mia.
“Would of been your own fault.” She replies while walking to the back room to grab some more boxes to start checking in.
Macie has worked her for about 2 years now, she's that coworker you really can’t stand but put up with them so there isn’t any drama. She was offered a management position about a year ago but she turned it down because she only wanted to work 10 to 15 hours a week instead of 40. Since she turned it down they had to go out and hire someone new, Diana. She was a manager for 2 months then she quit when she got another job. So, now we're stuck with Macie thinking she has the authority of a manager without working the hours and doing the job.
“What am I hearing about someone stabbing someone?” Mia asks when I bring her the rack.
Mia’s the head boss, but the way we can act with her, makes it seem like she's just a normal worker. I think that's a big reason I love working with her. She makes it easy to come to her, to ask for help, to make mistakes. Most head bosses these days are scary, I wouldn’t want to deal with them.
“Macie, accidentally almost stabbed me, if she wouldn’t of put the scissors down.” I tell her. ‘Accidentally’, I kinda fear that Macie would do it on purpose and just laugh afterwards. I mean she's not crazy, but with the things she says and does, makes me a little weary.
“Oh, damn. Be careful back there. I don’t want any death on my watch. “ She laughs. “Oh, do you want to go take your break?” I nod and turn around to go grab my purse.
“Excuse me, can I be let into a fitting room?” A customer asks right after I clock out.
“Of course.” I tell her and quickly unlock the door for her. As I go to turn around I hear my name. The voice sounded so familiar that it actually made me not want to turn around for a second.
“Ella Green. Honey, is that you?” I hear her say again. I turn around to see a face that I haven’t seen in almost 3 years. The face of the mother of the guy I fell in love with. The guy who broke my heart, who ruined my dreams. The mother of the guy who made me lie to everyone I care about.
“Oh my goodness. It’s been ages. How are you dear?” She asks while coming to give me a quick hug. Nikki always had the best hugs she always made you feel safe just by looking at her. When I left her son, I almost called her, because she would of known what to say, to make me feel better. But it’s her son, I didn’t want her to pick sides.
“I’m decent. How are you? The twins? Paddy? Dom? Tess?” I ask automatically missing them all, and thinking of all the great memories I had with them.
“I’m good. Everyone is good. Expect we all miss you. Especially Tess, she grew an attachment to you.” She made it hard to leave. Tess was honestly one of the best dogs I’ve ever met. When I first met her she automatically started loving me,they were all jealous at how fast I got her to like me.
“Aww, I miss her and all of you too. What you even doing here?” I ask moving her over towards the back counter to give us a little bit of privacy.
“Tom has an interview at a local high school today, so we decided to take a week off and explore the area, maybe get some cool pictures.”
There she goes, she said his name. I try not to think about him as an actual person. I see him more as whatever character he plays, because he is a very talented actor. I mean it’s not like I can just forget him, he plays one of my favorite Marvel characters Spider-Man. Plus my best friend loves him, and she talks about him all the time. I know she would probably cut it down if she actually knew what my history was with him but it’s something I promised to keep a secret, even though it means lying to my best friend and some family.
“Wow, at a local high school. I wonder which one. Oh, there's a park not too far from here that has a waterfall and during sunset and sunrise it looks so pretty, those might be good pictures.”
“Thank you, I will have to check that out. Actually why don’t you show me tonight. Come over for dinner, were staying the King’s Inn for the next couple of days. I know Tom would love to see you.” She invites.
“I would but, Tom and I didn’t really leave each other on the best terms. So seeing him wouldn’t be smart.”  
“Nonsense, he missed you. He doesn’t say it but you can tell. When some of us read your book, we were surprised at how different it was. We wish it would of been published.” The book, the reason I actually met Tom in the first place. To write a biography on a celebrity, and then Writers of America would help edit and then it would be published. When I went to them to help edit the book, they changed everything. They made it seem like Tom was this big asshole who honestly never cared about anyone. They made up fake things to make the story more interesting. I couldn’t let them publish that, I mean Tom and I may of left things bad but he wasn’t anything those people were calling him.  So I told them no, and they told me that I couldn’t get the scholarship then, and if anyone asked about me they would tell them that ‘I am a horrible student who doesn’t listen to anyone's rules.’ I think that's a big reason I didn’t even put it on my application.
“Why would you want it published, they were putting false lies about you guys in there. Why would you want lies published?”
“Ella,I know they had lies in the final product. In the beginning we didn’t though, actually in the beginning we were shocked. We thought we knew you better then that. I never would've believed that you would write such false things about us. But then I thought that kinda seemed odd, why would you want to lie.So  I called the company and they came clean that they are the ones who changed everything. They even sent us a copy of the unedited version of your book. The book we love, and wish was published. We all read it and realized that this is the version we knew you would write, not some made up crap that company threw together.”
They actually told her they lied, I can’t believe they would actually own up to their lies.
“Did, um. Did Tom read it as well?” I ask looking down at my feet.
“No, I didn’t.” I hear. Tom, he’s here. How can I look up and see that face. The face that I fell in love with. The face that told me to ‘Get the hell out of my life and to never come back.’. I look up to see him wearing a classic grey t-shirt with his dark tan leather jacket, and his dark blue skinny jeans. His hair was shorter, probably from reshoot from his new movie Chaos Walking.
All in all, he looked so good.
“No, Ella. I didn’t read it. I didn’t want to read anything you ever wrote again.” Harsh.
“Thomas, don’t be rude.” Nikki snapped.
“Sorry. I did meet your old teacher Mrs. Jackson, she had nothing but good things to talk about you Ella.” Tom comments. Wait, his interview was at my old high school. Wow, he tells me to stay out of his life but he can come in go in mine as he pleases. He went to my old high school, he seen my old teacher. He’s here at my job. So, maybe I should tell him to get the hell out of my life. Yeah, that would show him. Damn it, Ella. Stop it, you don’t want him out of your life, if you wanted him out of your life you wouldn’t watch his movies and interviews, nor continue to follow his instagram and twitter.
“Well, spoiler. You know where I went to school now.”
“I’m sorry, but are you Tom Holland?” Macie interrupts.
“I am, and you are?’ He answers. He was always so polite with everyone, it was a big reason I fell in love with him.
“I’m Macie. Ella, you never told me you knew Tom Holland.” She whispers to me while smacking me in the arm over and over again.
“I didn’t know you knew who he was.” I explain while trying to move away from her, because she smacks hard.
“Of course I know who he is. I don’t live under a rock, you idiot. What I want to know is how you know him, your a nobody. No offense.”  Hmm, I wonder why I didn’t like her. Maybe it's because she likes insulting people every chance she gets.
“ Actually, I don’t really know him. It was nice seeing you again Nikki. Now if you could excuse me.” I explained. Then started to head over to the cabinet to grab my purse.
“Ella, wait. Could I actually have a word with you?” Tom asks while moving away from Macie who was standing way to close to him for anyone's comfort.
“What, Tom. I really don’t have time for this.”
“Mrs. Jackson did tell me some things that happen once you came home. I wanted to talk to you about them.” He offers.
“If you wanted to talk to me about anything that happened in my life, you wouldn’t of told me to get out of your life and to never come back. So no Tom. I don’t want to talk about what happened, because it is none of your goddamn business.” I snap at him. How dare he, how dare he think that after all this time I would be up to talk about anything with him. He doesn’t get to know what happened once I left Atlanta. He doesn’t get to know anything about me anymore.
“Ella, please.” He begs.
“Why should I talk to you when you won’t even read what I actually wrote instead of believing what that dumb company said about you. Once you actually read that, then maybe I’ll consider talking to you.”
“Wait, you write?’ Macie asks. When did she get here, last I checked she was talking to Nikki about something.
“Not anymore.” I reply. “Goodbye Tom.” I then grab my purse and walk to the back room to take my break.
After 3 years, I never would of expected Tom to come here, to do an interview at my old high school. To try and actually talk to me. To have Nikki know the real truth, hell most of her family know the  real truth. If only Tom knew, that’s all I could want. Is for Tom to finally see the real and honest truth. That iI could never write those horrible lies about him, because I love him. And not publishing the book, what it did to me and my life. But maybe he’ll never know.
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pinkchannies · 6 years
cheesier than cheesecake
i got inspired to write this on my 5 hours flight to hong kong bcz i ate cake on my way to the airport and miraculously wrote this on my flight in one go
also heading to hong kong eh wink wink nudge nudge @ agust d //slapped
well here's a jin oneshot because kim seokjin is my number one man and bias in bts and we need some shoulder man love in our lives amirite
laksndowxjoe i couldn't post this earlier bECAUSE WIFI AND MY COM WASN'T COOPERATING :(( sob well ok here i am posting it now LMAO bless wifi pls live
genre:  fluff , is this considered comedy, crack has slipped into this fic again
requested:  no 
pairing:  seokjin x reader
author notes: reader is a baking/walking disaster bcz mood, jin screaming and being a mama hen, idk how i wrote this in just one flight, chiru probably needs creative writing classes at this point, how do you come up with good titles
the clock read, 2.09am. i groaned. it was one of those days again. or rather, one of those nights. of grueling hunger and cravings. and there was one way to solve it(or make it worse) without actually eating. though it may not be the best way. do u kno da wae-chiru get out i snatched my phone from my bedside table and loaded instagram, heading straight to the buzzfeedtasty instagram account. yes, tasty. the number one guilty pleasure where their food looks so good even with the simplest ingrediants, and when you recreate it it somehow looks like shit. or maybe i'm just a shitty cook. or maybe plating food to make it look aesthetically pleasing is just that difficult. or maybe both. to "satisfy" this sudden craving for sweets, i started watching videos of their deserts. god help me they look so good. the way the cream cheese blends with sugar and turns into a smooth white paste under the electric mixer, with heavy cream added to that mix and that generous teaspoon of vanilla essence that you can literally smell (jin: mMMMm sMELL) through your phone, those cheesecakes and oreos and cream and just all that fattening goodness- y'all this whole instagram account is straight up porn. i already feel fat just by watching these videos. but i'm still hungry af. the struggle is hella real who else can relate "ughhhhhh i wanna bake these godlike creations but i'm scared that i'll accidentally blow up my kitchen..." i groaned into my pillow. yeah, i’m a bit of a walking disaster, luckily i haven't reached namjoon's level. i think. one time my cookies almost turned out spicy because i was cooking spicy noodles at the same time. please don't ask. someone please just buy me a huge cheesecake to binge eat whilst i cry over my bad life decisions, one of which would be eating a whole 1542 calorie cheesecake at the asscrack of dawn. an imaginary or rather, imajinary-chiru stob light bulb went off from my head. there was one man made for this situation. one shoulder man, to be exact. i clicked on the contact "worldwide shoulders" and started typing.
(y/n) 2.30am
shoulder man take me by the hand lead me to the land that u understand
worldwide shoulders 2.35am
ya, its like 2.30am, shouldn't you be asleep? don't make me confiscate your phone
(y/n) 2.35am
sorry mom
worldwide shoulders 2.36am
yA tHIs chILd what's up, u usually don't text this late
(y/n) 2.37am
r u free tmr i wanna bake cheesecake pretty please
worldwide shoulders 2.38am
what a *cheesy* date if i do say so myself
(y/n) 2.38am
jIN its too early for puns :(
worldwide shoulders 2.39am
excuse you my puns are jinius
(y/n) 2.39am
SO cAN U BAKE WITH ME TMR :((( well actually it’ll be later today pls i owe u one
worldwide shoulders 2.40am
fine make sure u have the stuff ready, i'll come over at 10 go sleep its late
(y/n) 2.41am
worldwide shoulders 2.41am
EXCUSE ME I AM OLDER THAN U (y/n) 2.42am :p see u tmr!! gnite shoulder man *finger heartu* worldwide shoulders 2.43am the disrespect i swear ----- "jin this is too tiring..." i groaned, my arms aching. "just a little bit more... just beat it harder." "look, must i really use my hands for this?" i whined. jin deadpanned. "(y/n) it's becoming white already, just continue. you wanted me to teach you right?" "why the hell can't i just use the electric mixer for the egg whites? its much faster than hand beating it..." i grumbled. "this is as good as doing 240 push-ups like jungkook," i whined. "my child there will be no shortcuts in this house when it comes to baking or cooking," i snorted at that. says the one who uses seasoning in his food. i mean, who doesn't? "i guess we can say that the cake will be eggcellent." he let out a windshield-wiper laugh at his own joke while i groaned at the terrible pun. "jin pls." ----- "DON'T CHOP THE BUTTER LIKE THAT OHMY GOD (Y/N) YOU'RE GOING TO CHOP YOUR HAND OFF LIKE THAT NO YOU'RE WORSE THAN NAMJOON SLICING ONIONS." jin shrieked at my horrible attempt to slice the frozen solid butter. i had forgotten to take the butter out to thaw, so now i had to face the consequences. of slicing, no, chopping, through rock solid butter that is stubborn about becoming smaller pieces. go me
he sighed and went behind me, his larger frame engulfing mine as he positioned my hand to hold the knife properly. "rest your index on top of the blade and your thumb and middle on its sides. this way, you'll have a better grip on the knife. and it reduces the chances of the knife slipping and chopping your finger off." he guides my fingers to hold the knife, while rambling on the precautions to take-which entered one ear and left the other. how am i supposed to concentrate when i've never been in this close proximity with the man until this moment? gosh he was warm and it feels real cozy, his chin gently resting on my shoulder to oversee the process, his larger hand on my smaller one guiding me to chop the butter. how domestic, i chuckled at the thought. i wonder how his hand would look like with his fingers entwined with mine- -which is what i did with the hand unoccupied by the knife. without me even registering it, i grabbed his free hand. our hands were clasped together and our fingers were tangled with each other. “omg (y/n) what are you doing” i screamed in my brain. do y’all ever just get intrusive thoughts like this and regret everything leading up to this moment. jin gave me a quizzical look that screamed "what are you doing." ok but same jin, same. well this turned awkward. in my panic, i let go of his hand. and the knife. good job, (y/n). "OH MY GOD LOOK OUT" jin yelled for what must be the 182297318th time today at my screw up and pulled me away from the knife which fell to the floor with a clang. i was pressed flushed against his chest as he pulled my body closer to his, almost as if we were snuggling. except that now is not really the time to snuggle with the situation at hand. thankfully the knife didn’t hurt any of us, but i knew, i was in deep shit with jin. i mentally braced myself for the lecture i was going to get. oh boy this is going to be ugly. "look (y/n), i dont care if you cant cook for shit." his face was starting to turn red from the incoming rant, and i had to stifle a giggle at that. there was always something amusing about jin scolding-maybe it comes from the fact that even if the mood is serious, he still wants to make everyone laugh and doesn’t want an atmosphere too damp. so his scolding just somehow turns comical. i bit down on my bottom lip harshly to stop the giggles, lest the lecture becomes longer. "but you are handling something sharp, please be careful." "i understand." i sighed. "look if i'm not here, you could have been seriously injured, you can't just play while handling knives. luckily i was around and could pull you away before it landed on your feet and cause you to internally bleed in your toe. do you even know how nasty it looks to have that black blood clot under your nail?" i nodded sheepishly. "loOK, WHAT IF YOU WERE ALONE? YOU COULD HAVE BLED TO DEATH AND THEN I WOULD NEED TO HAUL YOUR ASS TO THE HOSPITAL WHICH WOULD NOT END WELL MAJOR BLOOD LOSS IS NOT A FUN THING OK YOU NEED BLOOD TRANSFUSION SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH THE KNIFE DONT BE A SECOND NAMJOON." "yes mom." "excuse you i am not your mother." "alright you're excused mr worldwide handsome... mom." "YA THIS BRAT." ----- thankfully, that was the only major incident-or as the drama queen puts it, life threatening incident-that happened while baking the cheesecake. after 2 hours of screaming together and jin telling me how to carry out baking procedures properly, we finally put the cake together. "jin, she's beautiful." i shed a fake tear at our finished product. fake tear-fake love tear-chiru why are you so lame "yeah, but im more beautiful amirite." ".....you're inedible so obviously the cheesecake is prettier than you." he looked at me with a mock look of offense and i giggled at that. "well at least my face doesn't need to be caked with makeup to look good." "jin, why are you so lame." just like me "hey at least i'm still walking." "oh my god." "i mean that's not my name, but god's also a good name for someone as handsome as me." "........i give up." there was a tense moment of pregnant silence that settled between us. suddenly, we both burst out laughing at our ridiculous banter filled with bad puns, courtesy of jin. "let's eat the cheesecake, shall we?"
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ayellowbirds · 6 years
Keshet Rewatches All of Scooby-Doo, Pt. 21: “Jeepers, It’s The Creeper"
("Scooby-Doo, Where Are You", Season 2 Episode 4. Original Airdate: 10/3/1970)
AKA, "Scooby Gets Chicks, No I Mean Literally He Gets Baby Chickens The Screencap Below Is Misleading"
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The villain of this episode is pretty memorable, but it’s not because of a distinctive shrieking laugh or an impressive design, nor even a particularly clever scheme. No, everyone remembers the Creeper because the show never stops telling you his name. 
The episode begins with a nighttime view of a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. A car comes to a stop as its driver and the audience catch sight of a tree that has fallen across the road, and as the driver gets out to try to move it, some creeper watches him from the bushes.
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Sorry, the Creeper watches from the bushes. The definite article is important, you know.
Silently except for the musical sting, the Creeper moves from the bushes, menacingly approaching... and the view cuts to the gang driving along on their way to a school dance, reminding us all that they are teenagers and it’s really zoinksed-up that Dean Winchester kept trying to put the moves on Daphne, he’s nearly forty, what the fuck.
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Sorry, school dance and hayride. Man, i know Scooby-Doo was meant to be wholesome entertainment to stave off the moral panic machine of activist groups concerned that Jonny Quest was too violent, but is this just them trying to be wholesome and pure, or were things really so boring in the early Seventies that a hayride was exciting for teens?
Shaggy’s priorities are more understandable. He’s jazzed about the buffet table, with chocolate-covered corn on the cob. Boy, that sounds like a mess.
Even Scooby gets  into it, putting on a bow tie he must have stolen from Fred Flintstone (though it does complement his spots nicely), combing his fur, and splashing on some violently pink “cologne”. Exactly why Scooby is dressing up is kind of confusing. Does he expect there to be other dogs present? Is he just fancying up for his own sake, to feel good about himself at a public event?
Whatever the case, the gang’s plans are brought to a literal halt as they hit the brakes, stopped by the sight of the car and tree from the scene before.
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The gang identify the victim as a bank guard for no apparent reason, and find that the car has only been wrecked inside, in what Velma figures out is evidence of a search. The guard comes to only long enough to pass Fred a blank sheet of paper, and mumble, “the flame will tell... the Creeper....”
“The Creeper?” Daphne asks.
“Re Reeper?” Scooby repeats.
“Like wow, this is creepy! Who’s the Creeper?” Shaggy wonders, and if you haven’t figured out the name of the episode’s monster, boy, you’re going to have plenty of chances to come.
Scooby finds another paper, this one with the address of the bank president, who fortuitously lives nearby. The gang take the unconscious guard to his boss to see if he can help out.
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Mr. Carswell, the bank president, demonstrates a discouraging lack of familiarity with medical emergencies and insists that the guard will be okay with a bit of rest. Fred relates the bad news that the sheriff is out of town for several hours, proving that this is an utter fantasy since a phone call from a rich white man’s home does not summon an immediate police presence to his defense.
Carswell explains to the gang that the Creeper has been robbing the bank in the dead of night, impossibly leaving the building behind with the doors and windows still locked from the inside. “He’s a phantom,” Carswell says, “a phantom that can walk right through walls.” 
Uncharacteristically, Fred brushes this mystery off. 
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I guess we know that badly dancing to generic music is a higher priority for Fred than mysteries. The scene transitions to a lot of repeated animation of the gang and some extras twitching like they need to use the bathroom, with the liveliest dancing happening when Scooby cuts in on Velma and Shaggy to lead Shaggy to the buffet table.
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Well, that explains one mystery: the chocolate covered corn on the cob was just Shaggy’s plan to abuse the buffet layout and combine things that were not meant to be combined.
As the boys chow down, the Creeper shows up outside the barn, lets out a groaning growl, and flips the power switch to the building. As dozens of extras who were not seen previously start to panic, Fred reassures everyone and suggests they all continue the party at the malt shop. It’s a moment that suggests Fred may have some charm outside of the gang, a notion that is never repeated in later series when it comes to putting Mystery Inc among ohter teens.
Scooby and Shaggy “clean up” by eating all of the remaining (probably untouched by anyone else) food, and taking what’s left out behind the barn to dump it by an “ugly scarecrow”... which turns out to be the Creeper, waiting the dark.
The Creeper gives chase, moaning, “PAPER!” over and over, a bit that may give one flashbacks to a coin-craving mummy. As the gang hide in a hay pile, the episode’s song starts up: Daydreamin’, a song built on the outdated and disproven notion that ostriches their heads in holes in the ground. Amidst this, the gang play keep-away with the blank sheet of paper the gang took off the guard, leading to at least one golden reaction from the Creeper.
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That’s a face that says, “i watched you fold that into a paper airplane but i never thought you were going to actually throw it”.
The gang get split up by the chase, and Shaggy and Scooby wind up hiding in a chicken coop. Somehow, this disguise fools the Creeper:
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In fact, it works so well that Scooby hatches an egg, causing a chick to imprint on him and follow Scooby and Shaggy around for the rest of the episode, acting as a kind of proto-Scrappy—especially once Scooby’s attempt to correct the misunderstanding winds up teaching the chick to bark.
Meanwhile, having survived a horse-drawn cart crashing off a cliff and upending on top of them, Fred, Velma, and Daphne discover a car hidden among the bushes. Inside is no clue to is owner, but there are scraps of photographic negatives left torn up all over the driver’s side floor.
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Listen, just because she’s the smart one, it doesn’t mean speaking is her strong suit.
When Shaggy and Scooby try hiding among some shrubs as the Creeper stalks them, their little chick bursts out to start barking at the green ghoul. Scooby demonstrates a stellar grasp of the threats in the situation, and bursts out to rock the little bird to sleep, cradling it in his arms and humming Rock-a-bye Baby.
Which, naturally, does zoinks-all to deal with the Creeper, so Scooby kicks him in the shin and bolts.
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In a sequence that adds nothing to the plot and makes no sense in context except to add some question of who the Creeper is, the gang follow a set of very large footprints out into the middle of nowhere, arriving at a gorge with a rope-and-plank bridge set across it. The planks are drawn back, curled up in a sort of drawbridge situation that probably wouldn’t work in real life.
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The gang conclude that the Creeper must’ve gone across, and bribe Scooby into risking his life to cross by climbing over on the ropes, tossing him a Scooby Snack... which the chick catches and eats from its perch on Scooby’s nose. “A deal’s a deal,” Velma says, ignoring that the humans have not actually held up to their side of the deal in any reasonable fashion.
Miraculously, Scooby makes it across, and unrolls the bridge so the others can simply walk, leading Shaggy to reference a meme that was outdated a decade before this episode aired, by asking “is this trip necessary?” 
The gang make it inside, and discover the resident of the cave: the Hermit of the Hills, with voice acting credited to Frank Welker at what must be his highest pitch.
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There’s so much extraneous nonsense going on in this episode, it really feels like they sat down, wrote a plot, and then realized they only had ten minutes worth of story. 
The Hermit welcomes the gang and invites them to dinner, and while the others have some doubts, Velma is certain he’s really the Creeper in a “hermit disguise”. While Velma accuses an innocent man, the Hermit offers Shaggy and Scooby a taste of the “specialty of the cave”, a soup so unpleasant that even Shaggy doesn’t want another taste, and that’s before the Hermit reveals that it’s squirrel stew with pickled bat wings and crabgrass root.
The gang flee in fear from a lonely old man who just wants some company for the first time in ages, and head for the Mystery Machine to get the sheriff on the flimsy conviction that the Hermit must be the Creeper.
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Naturally, they find the Creeper waiting for them. They run back to the barn, but Velma is cornered by the villain.
“You wouldn’t hit somebody with glasses on, would you?” she dares, and the Creeper responds by snatching the frames right off her face.
So Velma kicks him in the shin.
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Seriously, the Creeper takes a lot of shots to the shins. 
A barn-centric chase scene ensues, including a simplistic variation on the Freleng Door Gag, in which the Creeper chases the gang in and out of the barn doors while the scene stays static, alternating antics until Fred runs out and falls flat on his face, accidentally tripping up the Creeper. However, it’s not until the gang and the Creeper—minus Scooby and the chick—fall into a pile of hay atop a baler that things are resolved.
Following the suggestion of the barking chick, Scooby activates the baler, eviscerating the Creeper as it chops and compresses him like so much hay.
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I’m kidding, of course, because this is a cartoon animated by people who have no idea how the most elementary farm machines work. The Creeper is captured along with the rest of the humans, and Scooby gets his karmic revenge for being forced over the bridge—as well as the opportunity to unmask the villain, revealing the Creeper as Mr. Carswell.
The scene cuts to Carswell in cuffs, and the Sheriff explains that he’d arrived at the bank president’s house to find the guard tied up in Carswell’s basement. The gang explain his “slick scheme”: waiting until everyone else left the bank for the day, Carswell filled his briefcase with cash, locked the safe and doors, and left. He’d later show up as the Creeper, making it appear that the “phantom” thief was fleeing the bank after walking through the walls, deliberately attracting witnesses.
Carswell evidently never considered that anyone would investigate further.
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How exactly this camera was concealed, or what was “infrared” about it is never made clear. In the next shot, it’s clearly visible as Carswell shovels cash into his briefcase. The “paper” is revealed as a heat-sensitive photo of Carswell robbing the safe, providing the solid evidence he’d hoped to eliminate by chasing them... as if everything else didn’t incriminate him.
What does Carswell have to say about all that?
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That’s right, it’s our second “meddling kids,” right after the first one!
The episode ends with Scooby returning the chick to its mother, and a “here we go again” type gag with more chicks hatching to imprint on him.
While memorable, it’s ultimately a weak episode. No matter how many times i've watched it over the years, i always seem to forget about the whole bit with the Hermit of the Hills, misremembering it has part of some other episode or another. In fact, there’s more that i always mistook about this episode in my memories of it:
I could have sworn that the Creeper was just saying his name over and over again. It never sounded like “paper” to me when i was a kid, but then, my crummy word recognition skills are the reason i have subtitles on in the first place.
Thing is, i’m not the only one who made this mistake. The memorability of the Creeper eventually led to him reappearing in Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase, AKA “The Writers Don’t Understand The First Thing About Computers Or Virtual Reality”, as well as a State Farm commercial, and in both of them, he could only growl his own name.
So, is it the Mandela Effect impacting later media? Or just a case of “paper” being a less obvious utterance for the Creeper than “Creeper”, especially when so many of us are accustomed to monsters saying their own names over and over? 
The world may never know.
(like what i’m doing here? It’s not what pays the bills, so i’d really appreciate it if you could send me a bit at my paypal.me or via my ko-fi. Click here to see more entries in this series of posts, or here to go in chronological order)
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85 question meme
tagged by: no one, but i stole this from @moossage
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: coffee (note to self: drink some fucking water) 2. phone call: to my mom 3. text message: to a girl i’m working on a group project with, a really long apology because i accidentally turn off my notifs to write a paper and didn’t answer her for two days  4. song you listened to: pray--sam smith. time you cried: i’ve literally been crying nonstop for the past week, don’t @ me
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no
— fave colours
12. black 13. blue 14. purple?
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: lmno yeah 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: hah, yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: literally all but 1? who i think i might have unfriended? 23. do you have any pets: 1 dog, 4 cats 24. do you want to change your name: nah. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: wrote a paper? 26. what time did you wake up today: 10-ish. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: making a futile attempt to catch up on phanfic. 28. what is something you can’t wait for: meeting phil lester is pretty high up there. also ireland. 30. what are you listening to right now: myself chew. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes.
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: finals.
33. most visited website: tumblr. 34. hair colour: brown, although it’s been doing a thing. 35. long or short hair: pretty long, really want to chop it off.
36. do you have a crush on someone: no
37. what do you like about yourself: i like my dimples. 38. want any piercings: nah. 39. blood type: i still don’t know, thanks for reminding me. 40. nicknames: my nickname on here is jen, and that’s all you need to know.  41. relationship status: no. 42. sign: libra-scorpio cusp 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: idk, stranger things? i don’t watch a lot of tv. 45. tattoos: someday. 46. right or left handed: right-handed. 47: ever had surgery: yes. 48. piercings: one in each ear. 49. sport: lmao, i’ve played basketball and soccer, and i’ve danced, but i am decidedly Not Athletic. vacation: if i could, london or amsterdam 51. trainers: idk i have some nikes.
— more general
52. eating: peanut butter filled pretzels 53. drinking: nothing, i need woter. 54. i’m about to watch: my fuckin eyelids 55. waiting for: my depressed as to kick into hyperdrive so i can finish out the semester. 56. want: to be productive. 57. get married: nah. 58. career: whatever helps me pay off my loans. and then i’ll quit and do some freelancing.
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:hugs. 60. lips or eyes: eyes. 61. shorter or taller: taller (but only because i’m really fckn short. 62. older or younger: older? 63. nice arms or stomach: arms. 64. hookup or relationships: relationship. 65. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker.
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no.  67. drank hard liquor: yes. 68. turned someone down: yes. 69. sex on first date: no. 70: broken someone’s heart: yes. 71. had your heart broken: hm. yes. 72. been arrested: no. 73. cried when someone died: yes. 74. fallen for a friend: no.
— do you believe in
75. yourself: sometimes. 76. miracles: hmmm.  77. love at first sight: no. 78. santa claus: he’s at the mall, isn’t he? 79. angels: no (unless you’re just talking about phil lester, then yes).
— misc
80. eye colour: brown. 81. best friend’s name: katie. 82. favourite movie: no. 83. favourite actor: no.
84. favourite cartoon: oh boy. jimmy neutron. 85. favourite teacher’s name: Phil.
tagging: whoever wants to do this !
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diegoalvesisgod · 7 years
Historical AU prompts
Disclaimer: All of these are mine, free for grabs, I just want to know if you write them so that I could read it. Some are tear-jerkers, some are actually crack material.
1: I’m the royal executioner and I’ve just received an execution warrant and oh God it’s you I have to put to sword.
2: I was supposed to poison the king during a feast but I didn’t know you were his food taster, now how do I save you without actually losing my head?
3: We met in the dungeon, you’re a petty thief and I’m a murderer, but I didn’t want to frighten you so I said I was a thief too, but the day of my execution is approaching and should I tell you the truth?
4: You are a nobleman and your enemies sent me to kill you, but damn you are cute and I really don’t want to do it now.
5: You are a knight and you’ve just won the tourney and put the wreath on my head in front of everyone, why the hell did you do that?
6: You’re the king, I’m your cook, you were really sick last night and you think I tried to poison you, but I’m just really clumsy and I messed up, please don’t chop my head off.
7: I’m a member of your guard escorting you to your future bride, but we fell in love on the way and now you don’t want to marry her, her father and your father are going to kill us.
8: You’re a bandit and you kidnapped me for ransom, my family is poor, but I still keep pretending I am noble and rich so you won’t kill me, also I think you kinda fancy me, we could work with that.
9: You’re a messenger delivering a top secret message, you’ve mistaken me for the recipient and now I’ve read it and fuck if they find out we’re both dead.
10: You’re a slave being auctioned, I know the guy bidding for you is a horrible person and I feel sorry for you, so I keep bidding as well, but I don’t actually have the money, oh God, how is this going to end?
11: I stole your horse when I was running from someone, now I came to return it, please don’t be mad.
12: I’m a painter decorating a church and I kinda gave one of the angels your face, now you are sitting at that church and you’ve just seen it, just kill me know.
13: I don’t actually have an explanation for hiding naked in your courtyard, but please don’t call the guards?
14: I’ve stolen one of your soldiers’ uniform when he fell asleep at the inn, so that I could steal some things in your camp, you’re the commander and now you think I’m really one of your soldiers and how am I going to get out of here, also I can’t fight to save my life, this was a really bad idea.
15: You’re the best swordsman in town and I bragged I could beat you when I was drunk, but I can’t actually fight, I just fancied you, please don’t kill me.
16: I’m a physician, you’re our king’s only son and they called me to cure you of this mysterious illness, please, don’t die on me or I’m dead too.
17: I’m a poet and I wrote a bunch of erotic poems about you, the lord of this city, as a joke, but then I got drunk and lost them somewhere, if you see them I’m dead oh shit.
18: You saved me from the guys who wanted to ritually sacrifice me, but damn you, it was supposed to happen, I’m pretty sure we’ve angered the gods now just because you totally didn’t get it.
19: I was just about to be executed when you invaded the city and now that the fight’s over you don’t know whether to actually finish that execution or not, like hello, if you could take the gag out, I’d like to have my say in this, thank you.
20: You’re imprisoned in the castle where I work and whenever I pass that tiny window of your cell, you beg me to bring you food, I don’t have the heart not to do it but if they catch me I’m dead. Also you say you’re not a bad person, should I trust you?
21: No, I swear I’m not a criminal and these men are not taking me to prison, I’m their hostage and they will probably kill me, please I know I can’t speak with the gag in my mouth but read my eyes or something and save me, please please please.
22: What the hell do you mean that you misplaced the king’s crown accidentally, I know I’m the royal jeweler but I DON’T have a replica, oh God, fine, fine, calm down, we’ll think of something.
23: They locked us together in a room because they thought we had plague, I know for sure I don’t have it but what if you do, stay away from me, actually no, stop crying, you’re not going to die, I’m sure it’s just a weird looking bruise, come here, I’ll hold you.
24: You’re a mad alchemist and you need my blood, but I’m sure we can do this without you killing me, surely you don’t need that much, woah, put down the machete, I’m sure a small puncture wound will be enough.
25: I took off my shirt in front of you and you’ve just seen my birthmark, no, my father is not the Devil, it’s just a birthmark, but if you tell anyone, I’ll kill you, I swear.
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tips for recieving a cancer diagnosis and beginning treatment
I wrote the advice below as a response to a facebook group I’m in, as a massive number of people in there have been sent for tests, diagnosed and starting treatment. Most of the advice is from my experience as a British teen in the nhs system but I have tried to make it as accessible to everyone. Someone in the group then suggested that I put it on a blog so others could see it.
As someone who has been going through cancer treatment on and off since February 2015, i thought i would post a few tips/some advice to dealing with cancer and treatment. this is not everything that has helped but a things i can think of off of the top of my head.
1. The doctors appointment where you find out if you are clear or do have cancer, take a friend/family member if you can. I was quite shocked when i found out (not as shocked as I would have been if I hadn't had the meeting in a building called 'the macmillan cancer centre') and as a result didn't take in a lot of what was being said. Also it's nice to have someone for comfort. If you do have to go alone, ask for some leaflets/pamphlets and ask for them to write down keywords to reread at a later date. 2. acclimatise yourself to the word cancer. It gets spoken often in oncology. I spent the first month flinching whenever i heard it and probably looked a bit strange. If you want call the big c, the battle, anything really but get used to word and what it means. 3. In the uk at least, you will get a key worker whose job it is, is to support you while you receive treatment. They will explain any questions you have, support you and be your point of contact while at home. They will also organise home visits from a local community care team if needed. They are generally there to help 4. Write questions down to ask at appointments! Because I was still a minor when i started my treatment, my mum came with me to everything (still does). She would often wake up in the middle of the night with questions and forget them in the morning. She started to keep a notepad with her to jot down anything she wanted to ask. 5. Things tend to move quickly once started so it's like a whirlwind a bit, the calendar app on the phone is wonderful - it sends reminders and treatments/appointments can be added or changed immediately. 6. You'll probably get a permanent intravenous line inserted. I can tell you i was so nervous about having it put in and then accidentally knocking it but its a fairly painless procedure and you quickly adapt to having it in. 7. Before each chemo you get a load of slightly embarrassing questions asked. The quicker you realise everyone has to be asked them and that no other patient particularly cares that you're constipated the easier your life will be. 8. Take a few books, a kindle, cards, headphones, a tablet or laptop with you each time. There is a LOT of waiting around and it can get really boring really quick. I ended buying a netflix subscription and watch that while i'm at the hospital. 9. I've also had radiotherapy, which has to be done in the exact same spot each day. Because of were my cancer was, i had to have a stretchy mask thing made of my head and shoulders. It does feel weird to make and put it on but some hospitals allow you to make one over your hand to show you how it works. I made a rude gesture in my practise one. Radiotherapy is also a lot quicker than chemo (mine was for 5 minutes each day) although its usually more frequent. 10. Travelling to and from the hospital can quickly get costs adding up. See if you can claim back your travel expenses from the hospital - not everyone can, but many people qualify and don't even know. 11. In fact ask what benefits, help, grants, money, that you may be entitled to. (Personally i have a social worker that i can ask for help, as where i stay while having treatment, requires one of their own to be assigned to the patient) 12. After returning from treatment, my mum and i find it helpful to have cooked dinner the day before and reheat it or if someone else can cook it, get them to cook. 13. Macmillan are genuinely there to help! They have councillors to talk to (for you and your family), advice to give, help to fill in forms and if they have a drop in centre at the hospital, you can go have a cuppa. 14. After a treatment i haven't had before, i find it handy to have a bowl, a bottle of water and anti-sickness tablets by my bed incase i am ill in the night. 15. Also prevention is key - if you are given anti-sickness tablets i would take them on a schedule for a few days (your nurse will help with a plan, when they explain what the tablets do) as noone feels like popping pills when they're vomiting. 16. Don't be afraid to ask questions or to have things re-explained. The staff are there to help and would hate for you to become ill over a misunderstood/unasked question. In the words of keith lemon, if you don't ask, you don't get. 17. A sense of humour is pretty much essential and your cancer experience will be much more enjoyable *for a lack of a better word* with laughter. 18. Be kind to yourself- let yourself sleep for an extra couple of hours. Satisfy your food craving. Take it easy. The physical side alone of fighting cancer is an immense challenge and allowing your body to rest up is one of the best things you can do. 19. On the days i have treatment, i tend to have a substantial breakfast or lunch depending on whether my chemo is late morning or mid- afternoon. Then in the evening (after chemo) i have a smaller blander meal. With small snacks such as cereal bars, chopped fruit, crisps, basically stuff you can pick at over several hours. 20. If the treatment you are on will make you lose your hair, buzzcut it and wear a pillowcase (or shower cap) round your head to bed. Saves getting hair on your pillow case and having to change it every single day (hair will get embedded in the pillow - sticking out at angles to poke your face and it will hurt!)
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morningrainmusic · 7 years
Makin’ it feel like summer: Whitney brings chill vibes to Milwaukee
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Whitney is a Chicago-based band comprised of two dudes who used to be in other high profile indie bands. Pitchfork has dubbed them “Sons of Summer” and called their debut album from last year “profoundly enjoyable.” I agree wholeheartedly with the latter but think the former is sort of a shitty title for a feature article. Anyways, I’ve wanted to see these PBR-chopping Jeeepsters in concert for a while now, so a quick drive up to Milwaukee to catch them at Summerfest was a no-brainer.
Quick note before I go on: a Marquette undergrad named Lily Wellen wrote a pretty straightforward review of this show for OnMilwaukee.com. She does a nice job describing how the stage lighting “really made it feel like summer” and drops the word “chill” a couple times. I���m going to refrain from including a lot of the details she covered to avoid being redundant. Read her piece here.
On Friday I spotted the lead singer, Julien Ehrlich, in Logan Square shortly after I got off the el. Feeling bold and acting on impulse, I quickened my stride to catch up to him and tell him I’m a fan. He was very nice and I mentioned that I was going to see them at Summerfest the next day. “What time are we on again, 8:00 or something?” he asked. I said that sounded about right and asked if the band was excited for it. He said they just came off a lengthy tour so they were feeling a bit run down, but that it’d be a good time. Then I decided to be annoying and ask for a photo and he very kindly obliged and I took a selfie of us. Julien threw up deuces.
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So that was cool.
On Saturday afternoon I headed up to Milwaukee and met up with my friend Joey Burns to eat some delicious flatbread pizza he and his girlfriend Kelly made, I believe from scratch. Kelly is a bit of a health nut and has a food blog. It is far more professional looking than this one and presumably more interesting. Check it out.
I digress. We entered the venue, grabbed a couple $8 16-ounce Coors Lights, and got a decent spot for the show. This was my first Summerfest experience at one of the stages with benches. For those who don’t know, some of the stages at Summerfest (like Johnson Controls where Whitney played) have rows of benches in front of them. And what do audiences do at these stages? You guessed it, they stand on the benches. I have a feeling this has been common at Summerfest for some time but somehow I missed it/didn’t recall it. My initial feelings were mixed, but once we stepped up and landed on a solid location, I found that I quite enjoyed standing on those benches.
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Whitney was still soundchecking when we arrived just before 8:00. Folks cheered as Kakacek strummed the opening bars of “Dave’s Song” and Ehrlich sang the first few words of “Polly” to check levels. This was, as far as I could tell, a predictably easygoing, polite crowd ready to enjoy some soulful rock tunes on a warm summer night. I don’t want to veer into gushing territory, but I mean come on, we’re approaching idyllic here. They kicked it off with “Dave’s Song,” and we pretty much immediately reached peak mellow status. Ehrlich’s signature falsetto sounded great, Will Miller masterfully wielded his trumpet, and Kakacek stoically fingerpicked his guitar, the same no-nonsense, functional attitude he adopted in his old band, Smith Westerns (RIP).
Ehrlich’s between-song banter was pleasant and humorous. He was the only band member to speak the entire show, occasionally telling the crowd to “stick around” for the remaining two of three covers they played, or don’t stick around and go see Migos instead. “This song is about depression,” “this song is about dying of old age”—he had a little intro for almost every tune, some surprisingly enlightening to me.
Burns and I had one semi-noteworthy crowd encounter that warmed the heart. A couple probably late teenage/early 20s guys made moves right in front of us about 20 minutes into the set. One of them, a long haired, boyish-looking lad wearing a tie-dye Grateful Dead shirt, skimmed past us while stepping over the rows and accidentally slid my flannel shirt off the bench where I’d set it. He picked it up from the ground and handed it to me. Was I mildly irked by these kids at first? Yes. But again, it’s Whitney at Summerfest on a July Saturday night. It’s going to take a lot to harsh anyone’s mellow.
Anyways, these kids managed to sneak into a spot on the bench directly in front of us and slowly their friends started showing up and sharing hugs/hellos. They had great luck in capturing a wide space in front of us, and they genuinely seemed like a solid, good-natured crew. So much so that after the show wrapped up, I told them as much. We chatted briefly, one said he thought Burns looked like someone he knows, and we went our separate ways. Perhaps I saw some of my younger self in these carefree youths. Leave it to the music of Whitney to bring out traces of nostalgia and wistfulness.
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The three covers Whitney played included their version of “You’ve Got A Woman” they released this year, 45 seconds of “Thank You For Being a Friend” by Andrew Gold (AKA The Golden Girls theme song, which is what Ehrlich referred to it as), and a song called “Magnet” by NRBQ. Those songs are from 1975, 1978, and 1972 respectively. Fitting, coming from a band so frequently noted for their 70s sound—each almost sounded like the band could’ve written it. “Magnet” was a highlight of the show. Sort of a quirkily-worded take on “Hello, Goodbye,” it’s a fun song. Kakacek broke into a tasty guitar solo, which transitioned seamlessly into a trumpet solo provided by Will Miller.
Around 9:00, they closed with “No Woman” and said farewell. I speak for the entire crowd when I say it was one of the best concerts we’ve seen this year. We descended from the benches, feeling satisfied and optimistic. The “Sons of Summer” had delivered the goods and then some. Then we all went to Migos.
Here’s a tasteful photo of my dog laying in a groundcover bed today:
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^taking a note from “The Kelly Diet”
1. Dave's Song 2. No Matter Where We Go 3. Polly 4. Red Moon 5. You've Got A Woman (Lion Cover) 6. Golden Days 7. Light Upon the Lake 8. On My Own 9. The Falls 10. Follow 11. Untitled new song (”as the days go by”) 12. "Golden Girls" theme song 13. Magnet (NRBQ cover) 14. No Woman
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deathmchandsome · 8 years
Silanoespiae: Thanks for sending this my way @buddhistmamaduck. I can’t think of a better way to spend my sick day than answering pointless questions about my various fandoms. This was a lot of fun.
AN: Sorry, I accidentally jotted down 11 without checking my math, and then answered the questions and enjoyed what I wrote; so I had to fudge some of the numbers. There’s 11, okay? Not that it matters, because 11 never gets mentioned, but... just for the record hahaha)
Nick Carraway / Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby, F. Scott     Fitzgerald)
Stannis Baratheon / Davos Seaworth (A Song of Ice and Fire / A Game of     Thrones, G.R.R. Martin)
Arthur Dimmesdale / Roger Chillingworth (The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel     Hawthorne)
Solaire of Astora / The Chosen Undead (Dark Souls, Miyazaki-Senpai)
Wanda von Dunjaew / Severin von Kuziemski (Venus in Furs, Masoch)
Main Pawn / Arisen (Dragon’s Dogma, Capcom)
Reginald Karkausen / the Face Demon Varlaam     (original, ‘Wizard Cops: Not a Farce’ RPG)
Sad Necromancy (Frederic Flowers / Pink Skull) (original, ‘The Ne’er-Do-Wells’ RPG)
Francis Simeon Mallord Albread Michelangelo David Elizabeth Morring Mosely / Charles Augustus Mosely (original, ‘Call     of Cthulu’ RPG)
Richard / Hermann (Xenosaga, Bandai/Namco)
Cpt. Thessaly /Farkas (Skyrim, Bethesda)
MMMMMMMM…. Almost immediately. As soon as I realized the game Dragon’s Dogma was essentially giving me license to HAND-CRAFT my own OTP, I immediately took advantage of it. My Arisen was a visually impaired, scowling mutton-chop boy, and my first Main Pawn was a big ol’ beefy bear. He (the pawn) grew to love and protect my PC, which only solidified his originally paternal leanings. A large, grey bear capable of protecting those he loves. And the ending… the POST-game ending… only drove the closeness of their bond further home.
Hell, I MADE that fandom XD I kid, there were a few before my time on tumblr who shipped this pair, and still do, with much more devotion and talent. The fic I have read for them is beyond beautiful, realistic, true-to-character and emotional. I made it my mission to create and collect the world’s largest body of work containing a Stannis Baratheon and Davos Seaworth, so I set about making a big chunk of the visual fanart for them. The fics, though? I’ve read every one, and I bless the authors who have devoted their time to such a heartwrenching (especially considering the outcome of the TV series!) pair.
Sort of? I went through a big ol’ ‘Praise the Sun!’ phase on my Facebook cover photo :p
They are literally incapable of breaking up. I mean, not without a great detriment to each of their health and longevity. They are the same being. They share a body. But I guess, if Varlaam were ever banished to purgatory yet again, I would probably… you know, or Reginald would probably try to destroy the world again to get him back.
I suppose it was one of the first influential American novels with an obvious male coupling which I embraced long before the mass media (damn you Baaz Luuuurman!) They were also the basis of my friendship with many of my high school besties; we would hang out in the Library every day and doodle in ‘The Great Gatsby Yaoi Book,’ a collection of our collective fantasies surrounding this and other ships from Fitzgerald’s raunchy work.
…… 7.
I’ve played through the series twice. I also purchased and played the Japanese-exclusive DS game in which you actually were allowed to see the sprites for these characters… just for them. I played that twice too. I was so… SO… into it.
8. She… she… she waited for him… even after she thought he would never come back, she waited… agh ;-;
Never. They could never.
I’d bank on 2, considering their world practically IS a zombie apocalypse. Stannis was, at first, most concerned with asserting his right as heir to the throne. But eventually he decided that a TRUE monarch would put the ol’ zombie apocalypse before his petty squabbles. Unlike the other so-called usurpers, he chose to ‘save the kingdom to win the crown,’ not vice versa. And his devoted Knight and Hand would do nothing but follow him down that Noble Path.
… But then again, 8 is a Necromancer Queen and her Zombie-Lich beau, so… they’d probably seize the upper hand, you know, eventually…
MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! I would say not. Despite living in a pre-enlightened Victorian-era RPG world, they never… well, they never knew they were IN a relationship at all! Had they recognized their more-than-friendly passions for each other prior to the end of the story- every iteration of which ends in their marriage- then they may have had to be a bit furtive about it. But as it was in the canon, they never consummated their love on or off screen; others only assumed XD
Uhm… ugh… well… if you resolve his side quest one way, and… end the game another way… maybe? Thousands of years have passed since then, so… but then again, Laddersmith Gilligan made it to the third game, so why couldn’t they? Ah, yes… because the true Son of the Sun was USURPED by some out-of-left-field DRAGON LOVER!!!
Yep. Sure. Why not.
Probably 10; they, after all, have giant robots to keep them warm, and they do not friggin’ quit. “You don’t die until I say you can die!”
An incredibly erotic Greek man with a Whip and a Fez.
There isn’t really a tumblr tag for them. Those who know their source material misunderstand it, even in adapting it to other media and projects. They are the first of their kind, and one-of-a-kind.
5 lol they’re really bad for each other and they break up anyway.
Silanoespiae: Alright! Right back at you @handsomeyoungcleric and @sagebrushed cause I think you’d get a kick outta this.
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Raymond left, I'm extremely happy about that since he comes off as a huge comp threat and not at the hindrance to my own tribe! Premerge I want comp threats with me but he wasn't with me! This challenge I really want the reward, I have the effing clue, if I we get it, I can get Madeline to burn her searches to give me more insight on the island for my searches.
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Oh boy this challenge is about to be.......... not fun. 1/3 of our tribe is present. 1/2 are asleep and the other 1/6 is Madison and she's NEVER HERE jfkldsjflas I can't wait to lose!!!!!!!!!! Logan and I are gonna try to pull this out anyway but
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who tf designed this challenge! it makes me mad. i better get some sort of advantage outta this grr.
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We stan being the only one awake! LOL but it's fine I'm gonna stay up late and chat with my friends I haven't talked to in a while. But this game... I love it! I love all comps. So cute. But also ... tag yourself ready: On 10/20/17, at 10:10 PM, charlotte (themyscira host) wrote: > f4 On 10/20/17, at 10:10 PM, jaiden nolan wrote: > fact On 10/20/17, at 10:10 PM, Jack (Ginga) wrote: > fast On 10/20/17, at 10:10 PM, Emily wrote: > free On 10/20/17, at 10:10 PM, rhone (ios host) wrote: > fork On 10/20/17, at 10:10 PM, Jordan Pines wrote: > fate All of these ... tell a lot about a person. I'm a psychic. This means things. Jack is fast and this has been proven with this challenge. Emily is free meaning ... I don't know but it's very me. Rhone is a fork and I think that suits him and Jordan is fate because like idk. It just SAYS THINGS about us okay Also I feel bad volunteering Amanda to sit out but :-/ she's less active than the boyz and Andreas will help out once he wakes up. I'm silly to think that the Europeans wouldn't be able to help this round! Because they can cover the graveyard shifts for us hehehehehehehehehe HA I LOVE IT thank u europe
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I love this challenge! And right now, we just passed Hippolyta and we're two points away from passing Antiope. This is great! Like we're so close! And right now, we're not going to tribal! But we still have until 10PM tonight... Hopefully we can just build up more of a lead and keep ourselves safe. I'm scared!!!!!!!!!!!
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On 10/21/17, at 12:55 PM, Ruthie wrote: > loser On 10/21/17, at 12:55 PM, Jordan Pines wrote: > Loser what they’re gonna be by 10PM tonight hehe
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HONESTLY, I know this was last challenge but I'm still pissed about the music video challenge. HOW WE GOT DINGED ON PARTICIPATION WHEN WE HAD OUR ENTIRE TRIBE IN IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. OR CREATIVITY. OR PROPS. I MADE SLIME, I GOT A SLOTH PUPPET INVOLVED, WE MADE BLOOD, WE HAD WIGS. IT WAS A SPOOKY SONG FOR HALLOWEEN. We were robbed and whoever this Kayla person is I'm literally coming for you.
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Yeahhhhh we probably lost this one. I can just hope the bond I sparked with Jaiden holds true, Madeline will work with me I know,(we swapped actual phone numbers so we can't be quoted when we talk bout the vote, iconic) and Toph should be on board as long as it isn't him. I'm looking at taking out Billy or Ruthie
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Just send us to tribal already, this challenged f**ked our sh*t up fam.
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I really hate feeling like I'm giving 120% on challenges and everyone else on my tribes aren't and I DIDN'T EVEN REALLY MEAN TO SIGN UP FOR THIS SO IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ME.
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Word Up should just be named whose the fastest cheater. NO ONE KNOWS A 17 LETTER WORD STARTING WITH Q OR SOME SH*T. It just makes this whole thing cater to a lack of sportsmanship but it does show whose willing to cheat and that is telling for later in the game.
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My tribe right now- [10/21/17, 7:20:00 PM] jaiden nolan: SHE says she thinks a pipe burst and that’s why the ceiling was leaking......not at all that she flooded a fucking bathroom....... [10/21/17, 7:20:12 PM] Ian Layne: WHO FLUSHES PAPER TOWELS? [10/21/17, 7:20:34 PM] jaiden nolan: okay but who flushes less than five paper towels and has it clog [10/21/17, 7:21:06 PM] jaiden nolan: like I know for a fact I’ve accidentally flushed things like paper towels, baby wipes, makeup wipes, etc and not had anything happen [10/21/17, 7:21:26 PM] Ian Layne: She took a mega dump and was embarrassed, I'm calling it [10/21/17, 7:21:53 PM] Madeline The Juicy Goose: Sounds like when I had a green bagel on st Patrick’s day [10/21/17, 7:22:06 PM] Ruthie: oh yikes [10/21/17, 7:23:19 PM] Ian Layne: I once drank too much at a bowling alley and had to get rid of my underwear so I flushed it, fun fact
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Everyone is saying we can come back, we can come back! No it's mathematically impossible for us to comeback, never mind the variables of the other tribes do you really think 12 points is possible in one hour? We didn't defend a 13 point lead on Man Lips. We going to tribal Hippos
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So! We thought for sure that we'd have to go to tribal, but as GOD would have it, we don't have to!! Menalippe? More like men-a-leaping to conclusions am I RIGHT
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i am so sad that we lost i just need to make sure i'm not on ANYONE's bad side so i can stay :)
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i am sad that we lost immunity, but now is the time to vote someone out. i think we need to vote out madeline because she is such a big threat to my game and i am pretending to talk on call about what i am reading this makes no sense also i think that she is going after billy too strong hehe
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Me because no tribal: https://tmblrsurvivorextra.tumblr.com/post/166663831976
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Hello my sunshines! WHAT IS GOING OOONNNNNNNNN! "Not much." "OK, cool." So, what happened this round? Not much. OK, cool. But really, the 24h challenge was cool, but Emily really carried our tribe. I got to chat a bit with Kai, finally, and he suggested that both of us should stick together with Emily - something I wholeheartedly agree with. Even if I don't trust Kai very much. We also agreed that SHOULD our Tribe lose, we'd go after Madison, since she's kinda invisible. Logan is in a similar position like me, not too revealing, but there and involved. I don't worry much about Amanda atm. She isn't participating much atm, so both our tribe and her old tribe would agree to vote her out at merge or something surely. She isn't a valuable ally to me either. I feel like I'm in a good spot atm and I hope that Ian and Billy survive todays Tribal Council! So I'll just leave you with my favourite quote from the last challenge: "Andreas scores for Menalippe with Circumcision!" SCORE!
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Emily just suggested an alliance of me, Kai, and herself. Perfect. I won her over a little bit, and I think I got her to trust me a little more. I told her Dan and Raymond were my closest allies and they both got early boots, which they didn't deserve (true!), but I also told her I want revenge. That means Amanda and Jaiden are first on my hit list, next comes Jordan Pines. Not only did he probably help kill Raymond (fuck if I watch tribal) but he's also a MASSIVE threat. So gotta go. Updates to come~
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Ian is taken way too long to respond to my simple question of ‘is billy still the plan’ what the heck
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Well this vote is gonna be a rollercoaster ride for me due to Billy and Toph scrambling, but at least going forward(as long as I don't go tonight) Ruthie sold Jaiden down the river to Billy and not me about throwing Billy's name out. Seems like Madeline and I have protected ourselves well enough for this vote, but we shall see.
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What is even HAPPENING why am i listening to JAIDEN
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Nervous poop central, now boarding. I got a little mixed up in the chaos of pretribal anxiety because we were so close to having a stress-free vote, and Billy started scrambling. I crack so easily under pressure and for some reason, I just can’t stand being voted out so I did what I had to do in order to keep my name off the chopping block. I guess this includes forcing a clean vote to get messy and getting everybody to draw a colored rock... I think Ruthie is down for that. I told her to vote Toph with me and Billy in case of an idol and I don’t know if she IS or isn’t. But either way, my game will be damaged after the tie happens. My alliance will know I turned and my only escape route is to draw rocks with them involved ... fuck. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. The trust I established with them is thrown out the window if we tie. Idk what Ruthie’s intentions are but we’ll see :/ I’m scared. So scared.
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[10/22/17, 9:14:04 PM] jaiden nolan: Ruthie. If you draw the bad rock I’ll play my advantage on you. I doubt we will go back to rocks [10/22/17, 9:14:15 PM] jaiden nolan: I love Ian and Madeline too but like, we can be a tbreesome with Billy if he stays JAIDEN IS INSANE WHY THE HECK DID I LISTEN TO HIM
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I can't believe my number one in this game is going to be JAIDEN i don't understand how i trust him so much all of a sudden, this was not who was supposed to be my ride or die but here i am about to draw a ROCK.
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I........ Jaiden said I was going to be safe in the redraw and DOT DOT DOT it's okay, it was fun I'm glad I got to go to rocks without being safe even though I hate that one was drawn for me! I've had fun playing this season and can't wait to see who wins the game!
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My tribe? Assholes. Ruthie did not deserve that at all. And what's worse is none of them have my back. I want to hope Jaiden does, but he was just as on board for me to go until rocks was an option. I'm here to cause chaos now, and the silent people on my tribe better pray to god that I don't find an advantage or something. The best is, they made me sit out. And then I was targeted for not pulling my weight. Fuck. Y'all. Like mccuse me? It wasn't my fault that THE TRIBE decided I would sit out. I didn't ask to. And then THEY LOSE. THEY. FUCKING. LOST. UGH then they're all gonna lie to me. Where's that lasso of truth when you need it?
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Fuck you and all your flash games R U T H I E W A S R O B B E D and I can’t believe I’m going to tribal in two days HUH SKSBSJSHEJ
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I can’t believe that just happened. Honestly, poor Ruthie. She didn’t deserve to go out to rocks. For a moment I really thought that maybe my messy moves would work out for once, but NOPE LOL. I dunno, as sad as I am for Ruthie, I’m living for the utter chaos around camp. I can’t say I didn’t do something wild and reckless for the sake of having fun, and although this will probably send my ass out premerge, I played the messiest move I could think of. Unfortunately it was at Ruthie’s expense, but you win some and you lose some. There’s gonna be a LOT of heat on me the next few days. I’m gonna continue to do my best in the challenges and hopefully we’ll get a good immunity streak going until a swap happens. Tonight was the most fun I’ve had in a while, tbh.
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This is literally me right now. http://78.media.tumblr.com/5180e47f3f3a1ad0bd0f04a6742989cd/tumblr_oxoavge6N71qd49gbo2_540.gif They're not gonna like me now that I'm frosty.
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jessiesent-blog · 7 years
Dukkha: my little movie
I've been working on this little movie Dukkha for nearly three years now, working on it a couple months per year. It first started out with a script that told the story of a boy and his mother isolated in a hut, with ambitious plot twists about a dystopic government interfering with their lives. During production, because of the limitations we faced, it transformed into an entirely different movie. I realised my actors were had good moments, but were weak in dialogue. I realised they were good at improvising scenes by method acting, doing and saying whatever they understood their character to be feeling. I let them take the reigns and the crew flew around them, capturing as much as we could. We built a 30 x 10 foot hut all by ourselves, without any expertise in construction. A tropical storm destroyed half the hut. In the morning after the storm, my art director had driven down to the set in panic, and looked at the destruction with tears. I was crying too, because of the accidental beauty of the scene. How much would it cost to create the destruction of the hut in such a natural way, I wondered. I wrote the destruction into the plot. After the movie wrapped, it took me a year to begin editing it. I was so confused and disheartened by what we'd shot that I just shelved the project. One day, I just picked it up again and with my rough hands, chopped the raw footage into a story. Now, it tells a story. A weird story that defies conventional narrative, but there is emotion in it. It took another year to look at my cut of the movie again. It made a lot more sense, a year later. I began to understand the story I had chopped while half asleep, in a dream. I understood that it needed some thing more, and I understood what that was. I wrote a sparing narration and planned for an extra scene to end the movie with redemption instead of desolation. It will take a bit of work going into production again, but it's a small scene that's possible. Then, it will tell the tale of a mother and son suffering together just for the hope of yet another sunrise. I'm only beginning to understand my own process, and now that I see time was necessary to mature the movie, I forgive myself for all the starts and stops and uncertainty. It will most likely be the first movie I will send in to film festivals.
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