#durmstrang catalogs
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@wizardingsource | I am going to the Yule Ball with @derrickperegrine!
Durmstrang Institute Course Catalog | Memory Faculty
The Memory Faculty at Durmstrang attracts students who have a strong curiosity for history, time, and memory. Having excellent senses of both time and space, these students study both how to manipulate them and humans’ place in the grand fabric of time. The Faculty offers a variety of both theoretical and practical courses, from international law and histories to traditional / arcane forms of magic, to experimental studies in time machines and memory carriers. As time encompasses all things and can be approached from many angles, the Memory Faculty is the most interdisciplinary and flexible faculty at Durmstrang,and it attracts students with all kinds of interests, some wishing to study the preservation of ancient scripts while others are fascinated by current events and the political climate. Those who enter the Memory Faculty often find that other branches of magic come easier to them later on, as they have, quite literally, mastered the texture of time that permeates every kind of magic. 
Want to be a part of this faculty? Durmstrang is accepting students now! Apply here
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jenoramaca · 4 years
The Strange Case of ...
Finding yourself in a brothel!  I had this idea a while back, probably generated on a discussion in the HarryandGinny Discord.  What if there was a wizarding brothel in London that catered to very specific tastes?  What if someone found himself there?  I don’t have this fully completed yet and it’s been a while since I worked on it, but I ran across it a little while ago and I thought I’d post what I have.  Let me know what you think!
“Right, here’s the plan,” Harry said, sketching a quick diagram of their target in glowing light with his wand.  “We’re running two teams—one for the front door and one for the back.  Ron, you’re in charge of the back door.”
Ron nodded, obviously ignoring the sniggers from the others at the mention of back door.  “I’ll take front.  Burnham, Jones, you’re with me.  Mason, Howard, you’re with Ron.”  Harry waved his wand, banishing the glowing outlines of the house.  “Richards, you’ve got the Anti-Apparation in place?”
“Yeah, boss.  Went up half an hour ago.  Nothing so far.”
“Good man.”  Harry took a deep breath and went over everything in his head, trying to not belie his nervousness at leading his first raid.  “All right.  We go in five.  Ron, wait for my signal before entering.  Break down the door if you have to.”  He looked over his team one last time.  “Remember, Stunning or disabling only.  It’s a brothel, so there are going to be, erm, vulnerable people in there, yeah?”  
Everyone shared looks and smiles that clearly indicated that they knew exactly what sort of vulnerabilities they’d be finding in the magical brothel they were about to raid for the illegal use of Polyjuice Potion.  
Harry checked his watch and blew out a breath.  “Burnham, take us out.”  The group fell in behind Andy Burnham, the only one of them not in regulation Auror blacks.  Instead, he was dressed as a well-to-do young man in smart slacks and a leather motorcycle jacket.  As they strode the pavement of the quiet neighborhood in the heart of Belgravia, the other Aurors cast Disillusionment Chams, making it look as if Burnham were strolling along by himself.  
A few moments later, Andy was at the blue-painted front door of the most notorious wizarding brothel in London.  Ron had touched Harry on the shoulder, letting him know that he was peeling his team off to the back door.  Harry tapped Andy, prompting him to bang the brass knocker in a very specific pattern.
As the last knock sounded, the door opened, a rough-looking man framed in the doorway.  Mute, he looked Andy over and grunted, stepping aside to allow him in, Harry and the others barely managing to squeeze in behind him.  “This way,” the man, obviously a guard, said, leading them down a hallway hung with paintings that were best described as “florid”.
He caught the sound of a bell ringing and they entered a sitting room where red seemed to be the predominant theme.  A smiling woman greeted them.  “Welcome to Aphrodite’s Playground,” she said, looking more like she was dressed for a corporate boardroom than a whorehouse.  “You have an appointment, Mr …?”
“Washburn,” Andy supplied.  Harry noted the guard standing at the entrance to the sitting room, hands folded casually behind his back.
“Washburn, yes.  I’m Madame Wendy.  Now, before we get started, I wanted to confirm your preference is for women, correct?”
“Erm, yeah.”  Andy nodded and Harry saw the red of a blush creeping up his neck.  Keep it together, Burnham.
“Excellent.  I think you’ll be pleased by what we have to offer,” Madame Wendy said, touching her wand to a brass button on a table next to her.  Seconds later, several women streamed into the room from two different directions, arranging themselves in seductive poses on the spindly furniture.
Harry gaped, stunned as he recognized several of the women.  Oh my God, that’s Gwenog Jones!  And is that … Angelina Jolie?  His mind raced as he spied Celestina Warbeck perched on a chair in the corner, a sultry grin on her motherly face.  That’s got to be a rather specialized taste, Harry thought distractedly as he worked to catalog the other stolen celebrity images on display.  
Madame Wendy looked at the assemblage proudly.  “You won’t find better anywhere else, I guarantee.  Our polyjuice is of the highest quality, brewed by a master using only authentic ingredients.”  She rested her hand on top of the platinum blonde hair of an ersatz Paris Hilton.  “Now, take your time, Mr Washburn.  You have plenty.  We guarantee at least four hours of … playtime.”
Right.  That’s what I needed.  Harry dispelled the Disillusionment charm, trusting Jones to follow his lead.  “Attention, this is a raid.  Nobody move,” he said, sending a brief Summons to Ron as the signal to go into the back door.
For a moment, all was still before erupting into chaos as women screamed and started fleeing.  Whirling, Harry stunned the guard, sending him toppling to the thick carpet, wand falling from his fingers.  Madame Wendy stood still, staring at Harry before spinning around, clearly trying to Disapparate.  Her wand flew into Andy’s hand as he disarmed her before wrapping her up in black ropes.
Paris Hilton was crying now, fat tears rolling down her cheeks.  “Don’t tell my mum,” she sobbed as Celestina Warbeck comforted her.
“Andy, you’re here.  Get this lot calmed down, yeah?  Jones, let’s go,” Harry said, sending his stag shooting down the hallway to Ron.  Start at the top.  Meet you halfway.  Together, he and Jones made their way through the ground floor of the brothel, opening doors and immobilizing anyone they found no matter what they were in the middle of.
Spotting Ron at the end of one hallway, Harry opened one last door and stepped in.  “Aurors,” he barked, “this is a raid and — what the fuck is this?”  There on the bed with a woman crouched between his thighs was … himself.  Vertigo swept over him as he met his own shocked green eyes and he stepped back out of the room, slamming the door shut.
“Oi, what’s that about?” Ron asked.  “Are you all right?  You look like you’ve just seen a Dementor.  That wouldn’t even been the weirdest thing I’ve seen tonight.  D’you know they have both Will and Kate?”  He reached for the doorknob and Harry put a hand on his arm, stopping him.  
Unable to muster his voice, Harry just shook his head at Ron’s questioning look.  “Mate, is there someone in there?” he asked.
Miserable, Harry could only nod and stepped aside.  If someone’s got to see it, at least it’s Ron.
Hours later, Harry sat across a steel table from the young man that had been his doppelgänger.  Now, the effects of the Polyjuice worn off, he was relieved to see that they had absolutely nothing in common looks-wise.  Roman Galik turned out to be the sort that was best described as “weedy” with bulging blue eyes and a receding chin.  
“Mind if I smoke?” Roman asked, his Polish accent stronger than it had been when he’d been arrested.  
“Fine,” Harry said as Roman unwrapped a fresh pack of Dunhills.  He stuck the cigarette in his mouth, looking at him expectantly until Harry snapped his fingers, lighting it in a completely unnecessary display of wandless magic.
Harry waited as the cigarette burned down, thumbing through the slim file he’d brought into the interview room with him.  “Roman Galik.  Nineteen years old, middling student at Durmstrang.  What brings you to England, Roman?” he asked, closing the file with snap.
“Opportunity,” Roman said, blowing out a lungful of smoke.
“And was being a whore pretending to be me the opportunity you were looking for?”  Once more, the shock of seeing himself splayed out on a bed as a strange woman went down on him rolled through him and he suppressed a shudder.
Stubbing out his cigarette, Roman shrugged.  “It was what came up.”
“Indeed,” Harry said, raising an eyebrow.  
The young man crossed his arms and stared back at him.  ”I’ve studied you," he finally said, reaching for another cigarette.  "Read all your interviews, collected pictures.  I have a scrapbook this thick."  He held his forefinger and thumb several inches apart.  "When I got your speech pattern down, I got more popular."  He smiled.  "Word of mouth."
Word of mouth, Harry thought, an uneasy prickling traveling down his spine.  Who else knows about this?  How many people have … slept with me?  The woman who’d been with Roman-as-Harry hadn’t been anyone he’d known and she seemed simultaneously stunned and giddy at being faced with the real Harry Potter as she was arrested for soliciting.
“Whose idea was it?  For you to play me?”
“Madame Wendy’s,” Roman said, his promptness surprising Harry.
“How long ago?”  How long have people been fucking me behind my back?  
Roman pursed his lips in thought.  “Hmm, maybe six months?  You were on the wireless a lot.  Helped me with my accent.  Did you know you sound a bit posh around the vowels?”
Thanks, Aunt Petunia.  “Mm.  Who supplies the Polyjuice?”
“Dunno.  I just do what I’m told.”  He smiled at Harry and mimed drinking from a bottle.  “It’s a bit of Drink Me and down the rabbit hole I go.”  
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bymyside-fic · 4 years
Future (~1230 words) read on AO3 // AFF
- March 18, 2010 -
Spring was officially at Hogwarts. The grass, aside from a few patches of snow in the shadows of the Forbidden Forest, had returned lush as ever. The sky was still overcast and usually drizzling, like it was today. Kibum and Minho had long since finished cataloging the different parts of the Venomous Tentacula, and now they were sitting quietly, shoulders pressed together while Kibum watched the raindrops race down the panes of glass surrounding then.
Do you want to go study with the others after this? Minho scrawled on the parchment they were taking notes on during class. Did he? Not really. Not right away at least. He waited until Minho glanced up before he shook his head. What then?
Kibum held his hand out for the quill, and once Minho passed it to him, he wrote What about a walk?
Minho's eyebrows shot up, and he looked up, an ill-suppressed grin brightening his features. Apparently, that was a yes. Even though it was barely raining, it still meant that the other students wouldn't linger outside, which would give them a bit more freedom.
The bell couldn't ring soon enough. Each moment dragged by until the gloriously harsh sound sliced through Sprout's quiet comments to Rhesa about the Venomous Tentacula. The others rushed to put gather their notes and textbooks so they could head back inside to the warmth of the castle. Kibum, however, plopped his chin on his palm as he leaned on the table, watching Minho slowly shove their things into his backpack.
"Where do you wanna head to?" Minho asked him after his bag was zipped up.
Kibum shrugged. "Wherever. It doesn't matter." Minho slipped his backpack over his shoulders, and Kibum followed him out, squeezing past the third years who were filing inside.
It was still raining--or rather, misting--as they strolled down the lawn. Specks of blue primroses dotted the lawn, drawing Kibum's eye. He smiled as he surveyed them, his gaze darting up to Minho, who met it with a smile. He had always felt a little foolish for keeping the primrose Minho had given him all those years ago. But, after Minho revealed a few months back that that had been what sparked his realization, his Minho-related keepsake-hoarding ways had finally been of real use to him.
Minho glanced over their shoulders as they started down the hill toward the willow. They must have been alone and out of sight of the Great Hall windows, because Minho grabbed his hand, swinging it lightly between them.
It was still nice outside, despite the rain, but then his being with Minho probably had something to do with that.
Kibum brought their joined hands up, kissing the back of Minho's before they had ducked into the cover of Merlin's Beard. His eyebrows shot up in pleased surprise, and as soon as the trees covered them, Minho pulled him into a kiss that left Kibum a little breathless.
"Is everything okay?" he asked as they parted.
"Right now?" Everything was perfect; what did he mean?
"You just seemed upset at breakfast, that's all."
"Oh." That. Kibum rolled his eyes, starting to walk along the stream leading to the docks from the Black Lake. "Yeah, someone spilled the cream all over the tray in the common room and then left it for me to clean up." He shrugged halfheartedly, sighing. "I know it's dumb, but yeah."
"I'll be sure not to do that when we live together."
Kibum's eyes blew wide and he almost slipped on the slick fallen leaves as he looked up at Minho. "What?"
"You know, in the future? After we finish school and I get out of the military."
"Right." Kibum's eyes never left his profile, a small smile growing. "Do you often think about what our life will be like?" Minho worried his bottom lip, suppressing a smile. "Do you?"
Minho nodded, glancing his way. "Is that weird?"
"I think it's cute." Kibum's eyes dropped to the forest floor as he sidestepped a fern. "What sort of things do you picture for us?"
"Like, the normal stuff, I guess."
Grinning, Kibum stopped walking and pulled Minho to a stop. He looked back at him, a bashful smile shining in his eyes. "But what, though?"
Minho averted his eyes, tugging Kibum along. The sound of the gurgling stream grew louder as they drew nearer to the lake. "I don't know where we'll live, but...We'd live in a quiet neighborhood with other witches and wizards and I'd have a garden and greenhouse so I can grow potions ingredients for you. You know, the ones that are really hard to find."
Kibum nodded, humming, unable and unwilling to take his eyes off of Minho's profile.
"We'd get a dog or two, since you're allergic to cats, and then when...when we get married…" He cleared his throat, casting the quickest of glances Kibum's way before he continued. "We'd adopt some wizarding kids that need a good home."
Huh...kids...he had never really thought about it. The thought terrified him, he couldn't deny that, but he was technically still a kid himself. Maybe it wouldn't when he got older.
He hoped it didn't.
"You'll probably be some famous alchemist--"
Minho smiled, looking over at him after Kibum had playfully shoved him with his elbow. "That's not even that big of a stretch, Bum."
"Well, what about you, then? What will you do?" Kibum asked as they turned at the rocky shoreline, walking alongside the lake now. It had stopped raining, now.
"I'm not really sure, to be honest."
"Something athletic, I bet. Or you'd be a healer. We could work together!" Minho's brow furrowed as he hummed in question. "Like if I were an alchemist or potioneer, I could make elixirs and potions and we could develop remedies together!"
Minho, smiling now, stared at the Durmstrang ship ahead of them. "Aren't you worried that we'd get sick of each other after spending so much time together?"
"Are you sick of me now?" He snorted, shaking his head. "Well, I'm sick of you, so--Min, I'm kidding," he interjected with a laugh when Minho's attention whipped toward him. "Besides, I think it's natural to get irritated with each other sometimes but I don't think I could ever get sick of being with you."
"Me neither. I like you too much for that." Minho stopped walking, glancing back at the castle and Merlin's beard. "We should probably head back."
As if in answer to Kibum's question, the misty drizzle shifted to a hard rain. Still holding hands, they ran back down the way they came, but now the cover of trees did little to keep them dry. They found refuge under the awning of the docks below the castle, both stopping to stare out at the rain as it fell.
"I guess," Minho said after clearing his throat, Kibum looking over at him at the sound. "If you think about it, it doesn't really matter what we end up doing in the future."
He shook his head, searching Kibum's expression with a half-smile. "We'll be together, so anything that ends up happening will already be perfect."
"You think so?" Kibum asked, his smile growing as Minho's gaze dipped to his lips.
"I know so," he said, just before he leaned in for a kiss.
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fanficimagery · 6 years
Imagine that during your first year of Hogwarts, you ended up befriending the Weasley twins on the train. Then being sorted into Slytherin complicated things and throughout the years it was nothing but heartbreak as the twins refused to acknowledge you in public. Your friendship with them is hot and cold, and after taking a break from them you realize you'll do anything to make them realize you're all in no matter what anyone thinks.
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Author's Note: This takes place as if Voldemort didn't exist. However, there are still blood and house prejudices.
GIF not mine. I tried to track down the source, but it was never found. If yours and you want and/or it removed, please let me know.
Gen Fic X Reader (w/ a hint of Fred X Reader | George X Reader)
Going into your Seventh year at Hogwarts, you are more than prepared to start talking to Fred and George again after having cooled off over the summer. The twins had been your first friends, but things were suddenly complicated when you were sorted into Slytherin and they into Gryffindor. And now that you're older you could look back and laugh at the antics of your behavior when you were children.
Fred and George pranked and hexed yourself and your house mates, but you gave as good as you got. Nothing was ever too cruel and if it ever toed the line you had no problem berating the two lions. The twins were also your first crushes, but as you got older the twins were careful about where you were seen together or if you were seen together at all. And while that should have hurt your feelings (it did, but you were good at masking it) you couldn't help but to continue seeking out their companionship.
George had been your first kiss, Fred your first date, and the twins were the ones to not-so-subtly drop hints about a triad relationship when you found yourself troubled over which twin you were fond of more. But the older you got, the more braver and nastier the other females of Gryffindor house got. Not one lioness wanted to see one of their own getting too friendly with a snake, and they had no problem insulting and hexing you to make their point.
The twins, after seeing what you were put through, finally decided to distance themselves. They were still friendly when on their own, but when surrounded by other Gryffindors you were just another snake who wasn't quite up to their standards.
And that- that hurt. But what really hurt the most was last year during the Triwizard tournament. When the Yule Ball was announced you had been so excited, only to find out that the twins has asked Angelina Johnson and Marietta Edgecomb to escort them. You tried to not let it get to you, but the girls were far too smug whenever in your presence and it hurt when the twins didn't bother to reign them in. Viktor Krum, however, had taken a fancy to you and asked for you to escort him. You accepted, but not before clarifying that it would be a strictly platonic date. He understood and happily twirled you around the dance floor. Fred and George didn't like it one bit, and had no problem voicing their anger in regards to your date.
It was highly unfair of them and you even told them so, but they wouldn't hear of it. So when they played a particularly nasty prank on the Durmstrang champion that not only humiliated him but you as well, you let the twins have it and told them to never speak to you again. For the rest of the school year they felt quite justified over their actions, but your absence from their lives started to wane on them. And if you were quite honest with yourself, you missed them terribly by the time it was time to go home for the summer.
"You know they're in love with you, right?" You startle at the voice which has knocked you from your thoughts, you then eyeing a too smug Ginny Weasley as she enters your empty compartment on the train. "They spent all summer moping about the Burrow and mum nearly went mental. When I told her it was a girl problem, she nearly sent you a howler."
Your eyes widen. "But-"
The redhead grins as she settles in the seat across from you. "Don't worry about it. I told her what was going on and what gits Fred and George had been. She was quite cross with them, to be honest. Said she raised her boys to be better than that and to not care about what house someone was sorted in to."
"I guess Ron didn't get that memo," you lamely joke as you slowly relax back in your seat.
"Ron's a prat."
You chuckle softly as you offer her a shrug, not wanting to further bad mouth her brother. Then turning rather somber very quickly, you sigh, "What am I going to do, little red?"
"Talk to them. They really miss you."
"And I miss them, but.." You trail off, gulping the sudden lump in your throat back down. "I liked them too, you know? Like.. really, really liked them. Both of them." Ginny's eyes widen at your honesty, her eyes almost sparkling. "But I was already a dirty half-blood to most of the school's population, I wasn't about to become their dirty little secret as well when they suggested a triad."
Ginny leans forward and grabs your hand, she squeezing it in comfort. "Whatever's meant to happen will happen. Don't give up on them."
She's so confident in her words that you can't help smile genuinely at her. "When'd you get so smart?"
"Around the same time I overheard you giving Hermione a similar talk when Ron became dense about girls."
"Ahh," you muse. Ginny chuckles and the rest of your time is interrupted when the Prefects start making their rounds to advise everyone to start putting on their robes. As Ginny gets up to leave, you call out one last time. "Same rules from First year still apply. You have any trouble with the Slytherins, come to me."
"Got it. Thanks, Y/N."
As school starts, the twins are apparently ready to start talking with you again. Their flirtation has been taken to a whole new level and you find yourself blushing more than usual. They've even become rather more bold with their touches and you can't help the feelings that reignite. But on the first Hogsmeade trip when you're out with some friends, you spot Fred and George out on dates and it adds yet another crack to your already splintered heart.
But your last year seems to have a bright light at the end of the tunnel when Headmaster Dumbledore informs the school that they're going to have what the muggles call a Talent Show. The snobby Purebloods are disgusted with the idea, but everyone else is quite excited to see what their fellow students are capable of, especially when it's also stated that families will be invited to the end of the year festivities.
You're more than prepared to sit back and watch the show at the end of the year, but the more your.. whatever you have going on with the twins becomes strained yet again, you recruit a muggleborn Hufflepuff to help you out with a song of your choosing. No one knows what you plan on doing and the friendly 'Puff helps keep it a secret.
Parents are allowed to start arriving at Hogwarts the day before the Talent Show as to not clog up the floo network, so you're not surprised to see more adults than usual walking about. The castle is rather busy, so it's also no surprise you find yourself bumping into a few individuals.
Glancing up you realize you've ran into adults and the apology is on the tip of your tongue. But there's a scoff of disgust, a mumbled comment about snakes being snakes, and you carefully bring your shield down. Then looking towards the redheaded woman, you bow your head in apology. "Apologies, ma'am. It seems my head is in the clouds this morning."
She seems surprised, but a smile quickly blooms. "It's quite alright. I was a bit busy myself scolding my husband and his best friend."
Glancing at the two men, you quickly catalog that the bespectacled man seems rather familiar but the other- the other dark haired, silver eyed individual can only be a Black.
"Oi! Y/L/N! You accosting my mum?"
You tense, the three individuals in front of you look suddenly wary, but when you look towards the speaker you grin. As the tension slowly leaves your shoulders, you shrug. "What can I say, HJ? You know I have a weakness for redheads." Then looking back at the apparent Mrs. Potter, you wink at her which sends Mr. Potter and Mr. Black into a fit of surprised laughter.
Harry Potter strolls up to you, rolling his eyes. "Yes, the whole school knows you have a weakness for redheads. Especially twin-"
"Not. Another. Word." You narrow your eyes, pointing a finger at him threateningly. "Unless you want dear 'ol mum to learn about the incident on the pitch from last year."
Harry suddenly clams up, he shifting nervously as his father chortles and Mr. Black muses about what exactly happened on the pitch. "You wouldn't."
"Uh hello. Slytherin," you grin while pointing at your face.
"Oh, sweetheart, I had you pegged all wrong." An arm falls around your shoulders and you glance up at the dark haired man that was with Harry's parents. "Sirius Black. Harry's godfather and ex-Gryffindor."
"Ah. So that's why you made those snake comments." He takes a moment to look a bit apologetic, especially when Harry groans, but you shrug it off. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Black. I'm Y/N. And don't worry about your earlier misstep. It's nothing I haven't heard before."
"Y/N is one of the few good ones," Harry tells his family. "Half-blood who has a majority of the purebloods terrified of her."
"As it should be," you smirk.
"Lily Potter," his mother then introduces herself with a faint chuckle. "And my husband James," she says. "It's nice to see a Slytherin and Gryffindor getting along for once."
"Only a few select Gryffindors. A majority of them still hate me," you kindly correct. Then giving your attention back to Harry, you ask, "So why are your parents here? You're not performing, are you HJ?"
"Merlin no," he chuckles. "This is just the first year Hogwarts has done something like this. It was open to all the parents whether or not their son or daughter were performing."
"What about you? Are you performing?"
You grin. "Actually, I am. Headmaster Dumbledore asked me to open the show with a song and then I'm singing a duet towards the end."
"Really? I've heard you sing a couple of times. You're really good."
"Thank you. Unfortunately for Dumbledore, I decided to use this as my platform to- how do the muggles say?- go big or go home?"
Sirius and Lily snort, and Harry groans. "Oh no. What are you doing?"
"I'm going to sing a sad song for two idiot boys. I won't single them out, but if people have been paying attention for the passed several years then they'll know who I'm speaking to. But my second song, oh you're going to love it. It's a lot more upbeat and I will single them out then."
"I feel like I should feel bad for Fred and George, but I'm highly intrigued. I can't wait for tomorrow."
"You and me both, HJ." Grinning, you then meet each individual adult's gaze before taking your leave. "It was nice to meet you all. Please don't laugh when I make a fool of myself tomorrow."
The evening of the talent show you're a little nervous. You had practiced the night before in the Come and Go Room with Ginny, Hermione, and Luna Lovegood as your audience, and actually made two of the three girls tear up. But now, as Headmaster Dumbledore addresses the Great Hall of what to expect throughout the night, it's very real.
Peeking into the Hall, you notice that the house tables have been divided and pushed two to each side. The Head's table and Headmaster's podium still sit where they always have, but straight down the middle of the hall is a raised platform that runs the length from the back of the hall to the front. And though you can't see it with the naked eye, you know there's a magical barrier to prevent any curses or hexes being cast at the performers.
"So without further ado, Y/N Y/L/N will start this evening off by serenading a gentlewizard.. or two."
"Bloody hell he is not subtle at all. How did he even know?" Those performing after you all snicker and you take a deep breath as you enter the Great Hall.
There's a decent amount of applause at your appearance and you take the offered hand from a fellow student as you ascend the steps onto the platform. Several wizards who had learned the music to every song being sung in the show take their place along the platform, instruments in hand or settling behind a set of drums or piano that have already been set up. The moment you set foot on the platform, a sonorous charm envelops you so there's no use of a muggle microphone.
You nod at the pianist and tuck your hands into the back pockets of your jeans as you saunter down the middle of the platform when a familiar melody fills the air.
"Mercy," you sing, eyes closing. "Why you gotta show up lookin' so good just to hurt me? Why you wanna stop this whole damn world from turning? Mercy. Why you hanging on so tight if this ain't working? Why you wanna stop this flame if it's still burning? 'Cause it's still burning."
Stopping in the middle of the platform, you face the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor side of the room, and look towards the twins. You know if you meet their gaze head on you'll only end up crying, so you keep your gaze above their heads and belt out the lyrics that broke your heart when you first heard them. "So if you're gonna break my heart, just break it. And if you're gonna take your shot, then take it. Take it. If you made up your mind, then make it. Make this fast. If you ever loved me.. have mercy."
As the melody plays on, you fall silent and chance a look at Fred and George. They're hunched over in their seats, expressions solemn and guilty-like. But before you can turn around to make your way to the other side of the platform, someone in Harry's group wolf whistles and there's a brief smattering of applause and muffled laughter which causes you to smile.
You sing the rest of the song while keeping your back to the twins and are pleasantly surprised at the amount of applause when you're done. Then bowing slightly to both sides of the room and to the Head's table, you subtly wipe your tears away and make your way off the platform to take a seat in the very back of the hall.
Other students show off their own singing abilities, as well as their dancing skills, transfiguration skills, and dueling abilities in which colorful explosions and sparkles happen around the target should they be hit. One brave soul even tried their hand at comedy and managed to have the hall in a fit of giggles over the incidents they brought up that had happened over the years.
The entire time everyone is performing, you can't help but let your gaze travel to two nearly identical faces. And the entire time you look at them, they're looking back and then talking quietly to one another.
You're so caught up in the latest performance that you actually startle when someone taps your shoulder. Turning around, you smile at Trevor- a Seventh year, muggleborn Hufflepuff who readily agreed to help you sing a song- who's crouched behind your seat. "You ready?" He asks. "We're up next."
"Oh. Yeah."
The two of you sneak back out of the hall to wait outside and soon enough Headmaster Dumbledore is speaking again as he introduces the next act. "Students, it pleases me greatly that this evening has been a smash with you." Several students whistle and cheer. "And I greatly appreciate the brave students who've decided to share their talents." More applause erupts. "But before our fun comes to an end, please give another round of applause for out last act- Trevor Langdon and friend."
You grin as only Trevor enters the hall and then smile widely as the melody of your chosen song starts and Trevor's voice resonates around the room. "Baby, lay on back and relax. Kick your pretty feet up on my dash.." His voice is far deeper when singing than it is when he speaks, so you chuckle as you see many starstruck, awed expressions in the crowd.
You hum along to his part of the song, laughing as he plays the crowd and singles out a few females and winks at them as he sings up and down the platform. With the spotlight on him, you take the chance to walk up to the platform where it's dark and ascend the stairs as your part comes up. Then when the spotlight shines on you, you grin as you sing and make your way towards where the twins are seated.
"I don't mean to be so uptight, but my heart's been hurt a couple times by a couple guys that didn't treat me right. I ain't gon' lie, ain't gonna lie." Stopping before the twins, you meet their gaze head on and raise an eyebrow at them. "'Cause I'm tired of the fake love. Show me what you're made of. Boys, make me believe.."
Trevor slides up from behind you, smirking. "But hold up, girl, don't you know you're beautiful? And it's easy to see."
Laughing, you manage to sing the next words with Trevor, shooting the twins one last look. "If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be. Baby, just let it be."
The entire talent show ends up being a success and more food had been offered after the hall was sorted back to it's original state. While half of the student population opted to head back to their common rooms, the rest lingered about with family and friends before curfew neared.
"Kitten, those performances were marvelous," Sirius muses, his arm slung around your shoulder. Somehow you found yourself adopted into the group that consisted of Harry's family when they found out your father hadn't shown because your mum was a muggle and he wouldn't show up without her. "If those boys of Molly don't get heads out of their arses-"
You laugh, elbowing him in the side lightly. "It's hard being a teenager, Mr. Black. I was as scared as they were, but we're graduating soon. I no longer care what anyone thinks and I'm not ashamed to be seen with them. Now it's time to see if they think I'm worth the risk as well."
"Well we're about to find out," Harry snickers. "Here they come."
Sirius only has enough time to nudge you forward before Fred- he was the more bolder twin after all- strides right up to you and catches your face between his hands before roughly pressing his lips to yours. Wolf whistles erupt around the hall and your eyes close as you return the kiss with fervor. But before you can really grab onto him, hands suddenly gripping your hips tug you from Fred and turn you around. George is sheepishly smiling down at you before he too presses his lips to yours, his kiss a little less rougher than his twin’s.
The hall goes eerily quiet, but the only thing you're focused on is George's tongue tracing the seam of your lips.
"Stupid bint." Though the words are muttered, they ring loud in the hushed hall.
George tenses before releasing you and your eyes flutter open. Your gaze then falls on the only two girls walking just as someone else says, "Trollop."
The group you're surrounded by seem to all puff up in righteous anger, but then the girls are both shrieking as miniature bats transformed out of their own snot starts to attack them. As they leave the hall screaming, you turn back towards your group and single out Ginny- the little witch who's standing there with her hip cocked to the side, arms crossed over her chest and wand sticking out by the crook of her elbow.
"What?" She feigns innocence. "They deserved it."
"Blimey," Sirius mumbles. "She definitely inherited her mum's temper."
Snorting, the rest of the group finally relax as they chuckle and you wrap your arms low around George's waist while snuggling into his chest. "So this is it, yeah?" You ask. "No more running away?"
"No more," George's answer rumbles through his chest as he settles his chin atop your head.
"This is us taking our shot," Fred muses. "You know, like you sang about us doing?"
"Not gonna break my heart, Weasley?"
"Definitely not. You're stuck with us, Y/L/N."
You roll your eyes as you release George, then snuggling up to Fred who's all too happy to accept your embrace. "'Bout bloody time."
Listen to these songs: Mercy by Brett Young and Meant To Be by Bebe Rexha ft. Florida Georgia Line.
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terapsina · 7 years
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Professor Amy Santiago might be smart enough to be a Ravenclaw, but honestly she’s the most ambitious person at Hogwarts and quite capable of being sly and scary clever so years ago the hat put her in Slytherin and never second guessed the choice. Now she’s Head of House (and gunning for the position as the youngest Deputy Headmistress in the history of Hogwarts). She teaches Transfiguration, it’s a theory based subject which takes not only power but tons of concentration and attention to detail ('as you transform the rat into a goblet don’t forget to remove the fur or whiskers’), and as soon as human transfiguration comes into it it’s also one of the more dangerous magical arts ('be careful, you might accidentally transform him inside out’). She comes from a family of  halfblood ‘blood traitors’ and wears it proudly.
Gina Linetti is the most Slytherin person to ever Slytherin. As the Hogwarts Librarian she’s in the middle of all school gossip, after all the Library is the place for whispered secrets and she has half a dozen listening spells placed in every nook and cranny. She knows everything and it’s gonna cost you to know it too. She finds it a great bonus that as the Librarian she doesn’t actually need to do anything, just put her legs on the table lean back and look over her empire (anything she can’t catalog with a simple spell she can rope a few Ravenclaws into doing for her for ‘extra credit’ ‘ah the power’). No one ever believes that she’s a muggleborn.
Professor Rosa Diaz might have been a Slytherin in another life, but she’s frankly a bit too bloodthirsty and battle hungry for them. Gryffindors however… Gryffindors look at her with stars in their eyes as if she’s the second coming of Godric. She’s the Head of House for the lions because frankly there’s probably no one else who can keep the little monsters in line quite like she can. Her DADA lessons are terrifying and brilliant. Blood status unknown and no one will ever be stupid enough to ask.
Professor Jake Peralta, a clear example of a goodhearted and brave Gryffindor. He’s the Charms professor and it’s a notoriously noisy and chaotic class that’s all about inventiveness and PA-POW of magic. He doubles as the Flying professor for the first years during September and is the one who gets more involved in his house’s Quidditch team’s training because Rosa can’t be trusted not to drive them to boot-camp levels of exhaustion (of course any time they’re playing Slytherin he and Amy go a little overboard with their competitiveness too). He’s a halfblood who grew up in the muggle world alone with his non magical mom (because his absent magical father’s a complete dick). He and Gina have been friends since before Hogwarts.
Professor Charles Boyle is a Hufflepuff and the school’s Potions Professor. He’s actually pretty good with the kids (though the bullies tend to walk all over him until Gina terrifies them into compliance). He’s a decent teacher even though he seems to forget it every new start of the year. His subject is always at least 40% gross and the students (and teachers) are thankful that the House Elves have placed on him a life-long ban on entering the kitchens. He’s a pureblood from a large extended family, the Boyle’s are like garden gnomes, they’re everywhere.
Deputy Headmaster Terry Jeffords is a walking commercial of a Hufflepuff Head of House, his kids adore him and so do basically all the kids from the other houses too. All the first years who are missing home go to him because he always wipes their tears and makes them feel like home, he can shame the meanest bully to tears with just his disappointed face. He’s the Herbology teacher because have you seen most of those plants? They need the hand of a mother-hen just as much as the kids do (and the other professors, because honestly they’re the real children at Hogwarts (they’re the ones who never left after all)). Pureblood and married to a muggleborn witch.
Hogwarts Headmaster Raymond Holt is a Ravenclaw. Before he became the headmaster he taught Arithmancy because he has a terrific memory for numbers (especially numbers that like to move around the way they do when magic gets involved). But he also holds Masteries in Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic. His office is always open for anyone who wants to challenge him to a game of wizard’s chess. He wants Hogwarts to run like a well oiled muggle machine and to make his school be the best magical teaching institution in Europe (certainly better than that Hag Madeline Wuntch’s Durmstrang). A muggleborn who managed to rise his way to the top despite growing up in a time that was even more prejudiced against him than it is now.
Professor Kevin Cozner like his husband is also a Ravenclaw. He’s the Head of House and the Professor of Study of Ancient Runes. His subject is part learning and application of the runes themselves, part philosophy and part history of them. He’s the only professor who actually feels like a professor to the young witches and wizards learning there. Comes from pureblood aristocracy, got disowned and burned off of the family tree for marrying Raymond.
Professors Hitchcock and Scully are both Slytherins and use all the scheming and ambition in them to make sure they have to do as little as possible, which is why they teach History of Magic and Muggle Studies respectively. Hitchcock tends to sleep through his own lessons. And Scully shows kids how to use such extraordinary muggle things like massage chairs, backscratchers and neck pillows. The Headmaster is impatiently waiting to hear that they’re ready to retire because the Hogwarts Board of Governors won’t let him fire them. They’re both from middle class pureblood families.
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emperor-oj · 7 years
AMA: 50 HP questions
I have always wanted to do one of these, so here you go!
1. Hogwarts House?
2: Patronus?
I’m gonna be completely honest, I don’t remember. Black Bear. (I think)
3: Butterbeer, fire whisky, or pumpkin juice
Butter beer. Fire whisky sounds painful and I Am Strongly Against Gourds.
4: Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade?
Fiston Alley! It seems to be bustling with life at all times, plus there would be so many fun shops to check out while there!
5: Favorite shop?
Flourish and Blotts. I LOVE reading. And wizard novels sound pretty dang cool. (SN: Do you think wizard novels transport you INTO the novel itself? If not, they need to!)
6: Your quidditch team?
I don’t follow sports enough to know haha. I’m going to say the Holy Head Harpies. Girl Power.
7: Top five ships?
HermionexHarry (fIGHT ME)
AngelinaxGeorge (its cute)
8: Otp?
(Their relationship should have been more fleshed our, but I fully believe they were loving and supporting of one another. If anything the age gap is concerning, but as Aaliyah says, “age ain’t nothing but a number”)
9: Notp?
They fought all the time, Ron was possessive, they are not a good match
10: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, or Durmstrang?
Hogwarts. Where else could you get up to such hoodrat hijinks?
11: Your wand?
Pine wood with unicorn hair core, 12 1/4”, quite-bendy
(what this says about me, I haven’t the faintest idea)
12: Owl, cat, or toad?
Owl! They can FLY
13: Character you most identify with?
Originally I would’ve said Hermione, but now I lean more towards Ginny, Tonks, or Luna. I’m a bit of a firecracker temper, love goofing off, and believe the most important thing is to stay true to yourself.
14: Character you hate for no good reason?
Cho Chang. She has ALWAYS made me mad, idk why. Whiny I guess? (Though, ok, losing your boyfriend is rough.)
Also James Potter. Bullying ain’t cool, bro.
15: Character you would bring back to life?
16: Character you just want to be happy?
Harry lmao are y’all kidding? Poor boy has been through hell and back, just give him a BREAK.
17: What does amortentia smell like to you?
Warm laundry, smell of a specific detergent, and the lingering smell of icecream
18: Favorite Hogwarts class?
19: Least favorite Hogwarts class?
Probably transfiguration. I feel no desire to change into an animal, thankyouverymuch.
20: Favorite professor?
McGonagall. Badassery at its finest.
21: Centaurs, mermaids, or ghosts?
MERMAIDS. I believe I’ve answered this in another post.
22: Chocolate frogs or Bertie Bott’s?
Chocolate frogs. I have always want to try one.
23: Zonko’s or Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes?
Weasleys wizard wheezes. Support small buisiness.
25: The Leaky Cauldron or The Three Broomsticks?
The three broomsticks. I cannot explain why.
26: Lowkey ships?
Hm I guess CedricxHermione?
27: Favorite Marauder?
Remus. He’s the mom of his friend group, and I relate on a personal level.
28: The Knight Bus or broomstick travel?
Broomstick. The Knight Bus seems awful
29: Unicorns or Thestrals
Unicorns. I hope to never see a Thestral.
30: Your go to spell?
Lumos. I’m not a fan of the dark, and like reading late at night.
31: Quidditch position or spectator?
Spectator. I am not athletically gifted, even in my fantasies.
32: Favorite friendship?
Ginny and Luna. They balanced one another out, and there was a protective dynamic I always found endearing.
Or Neville and Hermione. She was genuinely kind to him, and Neville is such a sweet character.
33: Animagus?
I do not wanna turn into an animal. Just THINK of what that entails , no thank you.
34: Wizarding World job?
I’m not sure if there’s a term for this, but I’d want to travel the wizarding world and catalog the different cultures and magic methods used globally.
PART 1/2
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Durmstrang Institute Course Catalog | url edit for @durmstranqs
Welcome back to a new school year! Here is a list of some elective courses open for registration at Durmstrang Institute, please pay close attention to course descriptions to ensure that you meet the prerequisite requirements. Interested students should register no later than Friday, September 8th. 
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