lavampira · 8 months
10, 14 and/or 27 for WoL asks? 👀 Much love to D'alia 💜💜💜
[wol questions]
ty rue!! 🖤
10. how do they feel about their relationship with hydaelyn? midgardsormr?
hydaelyn is a strange dynamic with her for a time - confusing, at first, and often experienced the “why me?” during her journey, some selfish resentment for her own obligations (and for minfilia’s too) along the way. she’s always been more spiritual than religious and the mothercrystal is difficult to wrap her mind around until she learned of venat and their pact to save eitherys from the final days. ultimately, she loves her in the way that a child loves a parent, and especially one who has to make tough decisions for a greater reason.
middy is even more complicated. the first time she ever saw him was as a child during the battle of silvertear skies, a special brand of terrifying and awe watching him fight the garleans, become the keeper of the lake, and the mor dhona land corrupt from the battle tbh. so it felt even more like a betrayal when he suppressed the blessing of light, and though she later understood that it was a test of her worthiness, it still stung, but she respects him and holds close to heart the fact that she earned his respect and his aid for mortals in turn, and continues to aid his children with that in mind. he’s essentially her cranky protective grandfatherly figure now even while he sleeps again.
14. answered here!
27. how did the events of shadowbringers impact them?
such an emotional rollercoaster, and if not for the personal growth she’d undergone during the drk questline, I don’t think she would’ve gotten through it as adjusted tbh. the light poisoning shook her up the worst, particularly in the way it affected her aether and ability to cast and unsure if she would survive, let alone see sid and rielle again. all the deception between urianger and raha angered her, but she loves them both dearly for trying to do what they thought was right to protect both worlds and her. everything with thancred, ryne, and minfilia actually brought her closer to thancred, even if things were touch-and-go with the stubbornness and unwillingness to communicate for a while, and learning of what minfilia had done for the first brought her some closure in their relationship as well. emet-selch saddened her more than anything, understanding his grief in the sense that she, too, had (albeit accidentally) created simulacra on her own as a dark knight, and seeing the recreation of amaurot was profoundly heartbreaking because of it, but also infuriating at the lengths he and the other ascians would go to bring their world back or the view of mortals. ardbert merging souls with her to help her survive the light and defeat emet-selch devastated her, but she carries their legacies with her, and one of her eyes became the color of astraea’s (azem’s) as a result of that merge so it’s a constant reminder. azem still unnerves her; she knows that she isn’t the same person despite having fragments of their soul, and wants the distance from that, but respects the legacy there, too. all of it continued to weigh on her heavily in the time leading up to endwalker.
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busteegallery · 3 months
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herch33rs · 4 months
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asoftenderlove · 1 year
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realmadridfamily · 14 days
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New Real Madrid WAG, Duru Nayman :)
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wormzilla · 11 months
computer deploy the mlaatr amv on tumblr.com
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Eu quero "euevocê", assim, junto mesmo...
Porque eu já não sei mais o que é viver sem você.
Você me diz, que não consegue viver mais sem mim.
Somos união, parte um do outro.
Não sei se é como dizem: Metade da laranja.
A única coisa que sei, é que você me completa.
Me transborda.
Me inunda.
Me enche de amor e de vida...
Quero viver tudo com você.
(Casal Cravo e Canela)
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torntruth · 3 months
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kristen durus ( bg3 ) edits .
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lavampira · 9 months
6,16,36 for kaidan/malena?
ty rue !!
6. when did they realize they loved each other?
oh this is something that always dropkicks me into the goofypool since I think kaidan fully realized, came to terms with it, and mourned it in the time after she’d died, even though he could feel it building by ilos, while malena hadn’t considered that she’d been falling in love with him until she processed their horizon reunion and his following message but had less conscious time to wrap her head around it than he’d had since everything still feels so recent to her.
16. who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
kaidan has to not only drag mal away from work to get her to bed, but also convince her to stay there to at least try to rest, even if it’s one of those rough nights when neither of them can really sleep.
36. how’d they meet each other’s families?
it would likely be after the war - mama shepard visits often while mal is recovering, rear admiral duties be damned, and later kaidan brings mal to his family’s place back on earth to meet mama alenko and show off that view of the bay.
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birues · 11 months
Not including Theron into the outlander rescue mission was such a fucking wasted opportunity narrative wise it makes me grind my teeth. Also it makes no sense. They really said "hey we have this best spy dude here let's NOT include him into the extraction ops"
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Does the Witch Doctor in Africa countries make Kabbalistic Pacts with the Devil like in Haitian Voodoo and Jamaican Obeah?
They most certainly do not make Kabbalistic Pacts with the Devil which is a Judeo Christian Islamic concept, which they were not, African priest and priestess doubled as healers both spiritual and physical , they understand there is a duality in nature as in the spiritual worlds one can tap into , eg Horus cannot exist without his polar opposite Set.
Now that said there are areas where both the Christian concepts became entwined with African religious concepts as in the cross roads and Papa Legba.
Because slave owners were worried about potential rebellion, they often separated enslaved people from the same area.
By mixing people from different regions and language groups, they could use the communication barrier to discourage or even prevent revolt. However, many of the deities were similar, and so enslaved people from different parts of Africa soon found commonalities in their spiritual beliefs and practices, which they were forced to keep hidden.
Papa Legba soon found a home in the religious structures of enslaved people in Haiti and the Caribbean, as well as in the American colonies. Author Denise Alvarado says Legba:
...stands at a spiritual crossroads and grants or denies permission to speak with the spirits of Guinee, and is believed to speak all human languages. He is always the first, and the last spirit invoked in any ceremony because his permission is needed for any communication between mortals and the loa—he opens and closes the doorway to the spirit world.
Over time, after African syncretic practices blended with Catholicism in the new world, Legba became associated with several saints, including Saint Peter, Saint Anthony, and Saint Lazarus.
In the Haitian religion of Vodou, Legba is seen as the intermediary between mortal men and the loa, or lwa. The loa are a group of spirits responsible for various aspects of daily life, and they are the children of a supreme creator, Bondye. They are divided into families, such as the Ghede and Ogou, and practitioners develop relationships with them through offerings, petitions, and prayers. Often, Papa Legba is the one who carries these prayers to the loa.
Note the cross roads would later become associated with the devil in this religious synchronism.
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Statue of Legba as fertility god. Atlantide Phototravel / Getty Images Plus
Legba has evolved in numerous ways from his origins in Africa, where he is sometimes viewed as a fertility god or a trickster; he many be depicted as both male and female, sometimes with a large erect phallus. In other areas, he is a protector of children or a healer, and can grant forgiveness for crimes against others. Variants of Legba exist in many places including Brazil, Trinidad, and Cuba.
Papa Legba appears in many forms in New Orleans Voodoo and Haitian Vodou. He is typically depicted as an older man, sometimes wearing a straw hat or old tattered clothing, walking with a cane, and accompanied by a dog. He's associated with the colors black and red.
Legba is strongly associated with crossroads magic, and is referenced in a number of early twentieth-century blues tunes from the area of the Mississippi Delta. Famed bluesman Robert Johnson is said to have met a spirit at the crossroads, and offered him his soul in exchange for musical success. Although eventually the story was twisted to say Johnson met the Devil, musical folklorists believe that tale is rooted in racist ideology; instead, Johnson met Legba at the crossroads, where he had gone seeking guidance and wisdom.
Papa Legba is a master communicator, who is said to speak the languages of all human beings; he then translates petitions and delivers them to the loa. He is a teacher and warrior, but also a trickster deity. Legba is a remover of obstacles, and can be consulted to help find new, positive opportunities, thanks to his ability to open doors and new roads
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Legba represents a West African and Caribbean Voodoo god. This god has many different names depending on the region in which he is worshipped is most commonly known in Haiti as Papa Legba. Papa Legba serves as the guardian of the Poto Mitan--the center of power and support in the home. Additionally, he allows for communication between humans and the spirit world. According to West African Voodoo practices, spirits of the dead are not able to inhabit one's body unless permitted by Papa Legba. The symbol for Legba typically has a red background, one of his representative colors. The symbol includes several keys which signify Legba's control over communications and forms of passage, including locks, gates, and passageways;it also includes a cane, as Papa Legba is generally depicted as an old and feeble man in the Haitian religion. There are many chants to summon Papa Legba, one of which is: Papa Legba, Open the gate for me/Atibon Legba, Open the gate for me/Open the gate for me/Papa that I may pass/When I return I will thank the Lwa.
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GYE NYAME - Supremacy of God
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Gye Nyame, meaning “except for God,” symbolizes God’s omnipotence through the knowledge that people should not fear anything except for God. Another interpretation of “except for God” is that no one has seen the beginning of all creations, nor will anyone live to see the end, except for God. Gye Nyame indicates the recognition of the supremacy of God over all beings, and therefore is the one that is feared and revered by all. This is one of the many Adinkra symbols of West Africa, Ghana, and is used by the Akan people in various decorations, clothing, and artwork. Some say that the symbol represents a spiral galaxy, or two hands with different gestures that refer to God being supreme to the simplistic ideals of male and female identifications that are used today. The use of this symbol by the Akan people suggests that the Akan had a highly advanced writing language that transmitted religious and cultural concepts, and also might have had a somewhat extensive knowledge of astronomy, which shows their intellect and indicates that the Akan were a more advanced civilization.
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Nkisi Sarabanda, symbolizing the signature of the spirit, is a representation of a bakongo cosmogram. This symbol portrays how the Congo-angolan people viewed the interaction between the spiritual and material world, or in other words between the living and the dead;the Congo-angolan people believe that these worlds are inherently intertwined. An Nkisi is a spiritual object used for worship purposes, and have been found in places where enslaved Africans have lived in, such as in the plantation homes. Nkisis show the development of African American culture in how they are essentially African objects, but are constructed through American materials. This also reveals an aspect of the melting pot of African and American culture. Sarabanda just connotes "the highest spirit". Part of the symbol takes the form of a cross, because the Congolese had an inclination towards Christianity. Communication appears to take place at the center of the cross, where the worlds intersect, and it was believed that spirits sat at the center of the sign. The arrows represent the four winds of the universe, and the symbol as a whole resembles the form of a spiral galaxy;this indicates their interest in astronomy and affinity towards nature.
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Nsoromma, meaning "children of the heavens" or "star," symbolizes the guardianship of God and how he watches over all beings. It is one of the many Adinkra symbols that the Ghanaian people have lived by. The protection of God is constant, like the stars in the universe. The stars also embody light, with the vision of light slicing through darkness as a savior, or protector. The symbol indicates the existence of the spiritual world, in which our ancestors and past families exist and watch over us, creating a feeling of safety and wholeness. Nsoromma expresses the message to live life to its fullest knowing that you are supported and strengthened by God.
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Divinity of Mother Earth
Asase Ye Duru—literally meaning “the earth has no weight”—is a symbol that represents power, providence and divinity. The symbol is one of many adinkras, or depictions of important concepts created by the Akan peoples of Ghana. Asase Ye Duru emphasizes the importance of the Earth and its preservation. People must respect and nurture the Earth, and should never act in ways that might directly or indirectly harm the Earth. The significance of the Earth to the people of Ghana is evident in the following proverbs: Tumi nyina ne asase, meaning All power emanates from the earth; and Asase ye duru sen epo, meaning The earth is heavier than the sea. The African Burial Ground honors these principles, as it surrounds itself with natural resources and emphasizes the cohesion of death and nature.
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istanbul7tepe · 2 months
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lovestereo · 1 year
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
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Beautiful Black Women 👑
@noordinarynoire @chiziduru @jcruel @keewanagrant @tahirajalees @karen_ouithepeople @aaliyahjay @mayaalenaa for @essence!
Photographer: @courtsyy
Hair: @rachelpolycarpe
Makeup: @zoey.badasss
SVP, Creative: @coreytstokes
Senior Content Director: @itsnandibby Senior Beauty Editor: @akili
#blackmagcovers #blackmagblackphotog
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realmadridfamily · 14 days
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru and family during presentation :)
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plutoniumsourcandy · 7 months
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got. got my first fanart of me n Crowley today. @duruto did you know I love you
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