#duskstar (oc)
murkshade · 2 months
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mrs president
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fledermaus-art · 2 years
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one of the games ever
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dawntilduskclan · 2 months
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Chapter title is a reference to the Cats song yes
And here we meet Nightstar's mother and Duskstar's mate, Starlingblaze
Also, I wonder who that Pantherpelt is in the flashback 👀
I apologize for how long it's been between updates. But I'm really excited to get back into this story and share all the things I've worked on it.
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quiverpaw · 1 year
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they invented old men so i could be happy
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hinterland-clans · 9 months
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this has been sitting in my wips for a year... don't look at me lmao. anyways more info about each leader under the cut
Juniperstar (Juniperbreeze, she/her)- the founder of PineClan, Juniperstar was once a ShadowClan warrior in the Lake Territories. After her sister Torrentstar died, Juniper was asked to step up as leader. She never wanted to be leader, but worked hard to build a Clan to be proud of. Her leader mark is a grey tail-tip.
Duskstar (Duskshadow, he/him)- Duskstar was one of the first kits born in the new territory, and was named for his previous Clan. Duskstar was a proud, stoic cat, with strong fighting skills. It was under his leadership that PineClan fought a war against GlenClan over the Sunstones. His leader mark was white spots on his flank.
Bumblestar (Bumblebee, he/him) - Bumblebee was a former kittypet, and one of the kindest cats the Clans have ever known. He was boisterous, understanding, and wise. His leader mark was stripes down his tail.
Mothstar (Mothpelt, they/them)- Mothstar, while kind and thoughtful like their grandfather Bumblestar, was also exceedingly lazy. They generally let the Clan run itself, spending most of their time in the leader's den or the nursery with their mate. Most duties that would've fallen to them were instead passed to their deputy, Snowcoat. Their leader mark was brown ears.
Snowstar (Snowcoat, she/her)- Snowstar was a quiet, authoritative, and very formidable cat. Given high authority at a young age, she believes that rank and power is everything and impressed this upon her descendants. Her leader mark was grey under her eyes.
Dovestar (Dovecurl, she/her)- Once Snowstar's apprentice, Dovestar was a sweet but spineless cat who was easily ordered around by others. Her purpose as deputy was to be the more charming face to Snowstar's iron paw, and as leader, she became listless and uncertain with no one to follow. She eventually retired after making Snowstar's grandson Vinetangle deputy. Her leader mark was brown spots on her face.
Vinestar (Vinetangle, he/him)- Told from birth that he was destined to lead his Clan, Vinestar was an aggressive, forboding cat. His ideas of his family's right to power came from Snowstar, and was passed to his own descendants. He was killed in a formal challenge by Blackreed. His leader mark is sharp spirals on his face.
Rosestar (Roseblossom, she/her)- A shy, unsure, but determined cat, Rosestar was chosen by StarClan to lead PineClan after Vinestar died. She is supported by her mate and deputy Hollyfrost, and does her best to lead her clanmates as StarClan wills. Her leader mark is white petal-shaped spots on her back.
Driftstar (Driftrunner, she/they)- A confident, playful cat, Driftstar was chosen to become deputy because she would fight for her clan like no other. Having had her vocal cords damaged from a severe neck wound when she was an apprentice, Driftstar has an extremely quiet and raspy voice. She communicates with signals, and her deputy speaks for her at gatherings. Her leader mark is a dark tail-tip.
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oriolepaw · 1 year
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The Royal Family
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lizardsongstar · 8 months
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ClawStar and DuskStar talking!
They normally dont get along... At all (ClawStar once took one of DuskStar lives or "Gifts" as i call them in this AU.) Its nice to have them talking :b
About the quote, while none of them born in the Stars (the word i use instedd of clan), they both have a kinda direct ancestry, their grandparents, both were exiled from the Stars and have kids outside the forest.
They are not related tho, because it kinda sound like they are, but they are not lmao
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
thank you @forgersfeline​ for asking for my warrior cat lore :) i logged off my backup tumblr to log onto my main tumblr on my laptop just to answer this.
OKAY SO. info under the
Due to Circumstances (dead laptop) I don’t have all my old art, but THIS is my beloved baby leader, Duskstar
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Many many moons ago I was part of a Feral Heart roleplay called Divination. It was kind of a rekindle of 2 other roleplays created by the same person, the first of which was the first iteration of Duskstar. Because I was an edgy teen on her own for the first time, she was a small cat who was abused by her mentor before poisoning him in the very first roleplay. She went through two other mentors (in-game characters) who perished, not at her paws, before becoming the apprentice to the clan’s leader, whom she eventually saw as a father figure. Her closest friend was a warrior, and his brother was also a friend of hers though they argued a lot. First RP iteration died, was reborn, the second died, and then there was Divination. Dusk went through a bit of hell in Divination :) She helped train two other apprentices, watched her father figure die saving her from his biological son, got attacked by a different clan and severely scarred (face scar), became deputy at a young age due to lack of available warriors (ie players), became leader not long after bc the leader got sick and stepped down? (player had to step away), she ended up training like three other apprentices at one time, I think she killed another cat... baby girl went through a lot and when Divination died I loved her too much to let her go ♥
Duskstar is very young, very small, but very determined and a little bloodthirsty in defense of her clan. She has gotten her claws dirty from a young age and is willing to do anything to get her clan back to the power it once had.
Then there is my beloved bastard, Snagglefang
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Another Feral Heart original, Snagglefang never really got into any active RPs. He became more active once I moved back to deviantART, however I won’t go into details of the rp that made him active because the people that ran it were, to put it lightly, massive pieces of shit. That’s a story in its own that has me, sitting here, pissed off and ready to fight. ANYWAY. Snaggle is like the precursor to Khan. He’s big, he’s scarred, he’s pissed off. Again, his original history was that his mentor abused him bc I was an edgy teen. He was neglected by his father because his birth caused his mother’s death. He’s big, aggressive, and loves to fight.
He is Dusk’s temporary deputy, one of her closest confidants, and her crush (though he doesn’t know it and she pretends it doesnt exist). He’s very happy to be a tank, and enforcer, and to not have to think too deeply or hard on things. Not that he’s stupid, though he’s not quite as clever as Dusk, but he likes simplicity after everything.
They are essentially what kicked off my personal lore due to a (now deleted :C ) youtube video that was an enemies-to-lovers playlist. I was listening to it and was like, wow, this would really fit dusk and snaggle if they were in the same clan and...
lol. oops.
There’s honestly so much I haven’t done bc my laptop died, BUT
Due to circumstances, they are re-founding their old clan and calling it DawnClan. Duskstar is barely two years old, just a little older than Snagglefang (she’s renamed him Blacklion for reasons), and while she still feels unprepared to be leader she is fumbling through it as best she can.
Their region believes in the Three Beyond rather than StarClan. There is the Above Beyond, where those who did notably good deeds end up. There is the Between Beyond, where the majority of cats who lived average lives end up. And then there is the Below Beyond, where the assholes, murderers, etc of the clans end up. You can have killed someone and still end up in the Between if it was an accident, in battle, etc. It allows for more nuanced judging, and the ghosts of cats can move between the Beyonds. All three are known and referenced (one might say “Above bless you” when they’re giving thanks, or “i just want to go Between” when they’re tired, and “Below take you!” when they’re absolutely livid) by all clans.
There are at least two other clans who are not yet named, but who have been encroaching into DawnClan territory. DawnClan suffered from poor leadership as well as a severe epidemic that cut their clan numbers into less than half. Because they failed to be able to properly patrol their territory, attending gatherings, and hunt due to lack of warriors, the other clans began encroaching into DawnClan territory. Since the clan has began recovering health, Duskstar is now pushing those boundaries back and has said they will recover their territory at any means necessary.
Dusk has acknowledged to her clan that due to their low numbers, outsiders are currently allowed to join. Her own former apprentice, now warrior, and another close confidant is a cat that Dusk herself found half-starved as the sickness began leaving the clan. Said cat is called Amberwolf and started her life out as a pedigree housecat. Snaggle/Black’s crush is another former-loner named Lilyfrost, who came from a clan far far away. He suffered severe burns and brought along his very young kit, whom he named Lionkit after Blacklion. Black thinks Lily is beautiful (and he is) and Dusk lowkey hates Lily for taking Black’s attention off of her, she’s never had to deal with jealousy and is still young and handling things poorly.
Battles are frequent due to the border issue, however after the sickness left the camp Duskstar relocated the clan. Their new camp has yet to be discovered and therefore can’t be ambushed or attacked, and she keeps a small patrol around the old camp so that if it gets attacked, they can defend it while sending a runner to the new camp to let them know of the attack.
Though Dusk is small, their clan numbers are small, and clan tensions have always been high and tenuous, Duskstar holds herself with as much pride and leadership as she can muster during gatherings. She holds her tongue, bides her time, and subtly threatens the other leaders just as they do her. It’s quickly becoming recognized that although her clan and territory may be small and weak, they are discovering ways to reinforce what strength they have and fight back.
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veelpo · 7 months
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OC Aryennya Duskstar
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wheatstar · 2 years
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some of my normal ocs as warrior cats!! some extra information: SunClan was founded by Lightstar, but he abandoned it because he got bored and it split apart into several rogue groups. some of these groups still follow the warrior code, but they are not clans. Morningstar was trained by Rattlestar and then appointed leader in InfernalClan after their medicine cat, Mantisclaw, saw a vision from Rattlestar and thought it was from StarClan. InfernalClan did not have a leader after Rattlestar's death because he never appointed a deputy, not believing any of them were worthy.
ColorClan is a clan that was taken over by Diamondstar, who several of the warriors did not trust. As a result, a group of them left, led by Hazelcreek and waged war on ColorClan. Hazelcreek's group lost and are now scattered rogues and loners, including Clawwing and Spiderthistle.
MonsterClan is mysterious and they rarely leave their own territory. At gatherings, only their leader Duskstar is seen and she only speaks to InfernalClan's leader, Morningstar. Unbeknownst to the other leaders but not to her own clan, most of Duskstar's major decisions actually come from Monsterstar in StarClan, who she frequently gets visions from.
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neyliaart · 2 months
Warrior Cats RP
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Because I have nothing better to do apparently.
Thats Bloomstar my oc in a warrior cats rp thats called Duskstars. Its run over a private server on Roblox (Warrior Cats Unlimited Edition) and has a Discord Server for the members.
Sessions are sheduled for the weekends and I come fresh out of one. The rp has been going for a while and we are in ACT 3 right now which includes rebuilding windclan camp after it was burnt down.
Why do I tell you all this? Because I want people to join in!! I was allowed to share here and send out invites to the server!
So if you have questions or want the link ask ahead im happy to answer.
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Oh god there’s just too much to unpack in a single ask because my twin @never-went-to-comic-con and I have been cultivating these clans since like 2010 but here goes!
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There are three clans (later four. We’ll get to that), SunClan, MoonClan, and FogClan(named PhantomClan for a while). They all live around a small lake in a remote part of the Black Hills. SunClan lives in a forested area on a large hill, with their share of territory having the fewest trees compared to the rest of the clans. MoonClan is further down the hills, their part of the forest is densely wooded, making them prime nocturnal hunters. FogClan lives in a valley, the lake water shrouding their part of the forest into a perpetual fog.
Like the canon series, ours has several arcs with different protagonists. We’ll start with the first.
In SunClan, there are three sisters: Skyheart(this one is my twin’s main oc), Silverheart, and Dawnheart(this one is my main oc), daughters of the leader Coldstar, and his mate Sparrowleaf. Their story centers on the three of them discovering a plot in which one of their fellow warriors has allied with rogues and the PhantomClan leader to try and take over the forest. There’s plenty of smaller plots in their stories, such as Silverheart defecting to MoonClan to be with the father of her kits, Dawnheart longing to be a medicine cat despite the path StarClan has put her on, and Skyheart(who later becomes Skystar) juggling motherhood and leadership.
Between arcs 1 and 2, Skystar realizes she was never meant to lead SunClan, and instead was destined to create a fourth clan. She, along with some warriors from SunClan and the other two clans, create SkyClan(no relation to the canon SkyClan). Dawnheart becomes leader of SunClan after Skystar leaves. The making of a new clan forever changes the relationships between the others, some cats thinking that SkyClan should never have existed. This sets the stage for a lot of tension later on.
The second arc focuses on the sisters’ kits, mainly Skystar’s son Blazefur. He and a few of his cousins go on a journey to the mountain of faces(it’s mount rushmore lol) to receive a prophecy. When they return, one of the journeying cats from FogClan(PhantomClan has been renamed at this point), Deadshadow, throws a coup and becomes leader. Taking inspiration from the PhantomClan days, he tries to take over the lake, only to be defeated. He is humbled, and becomes FogClan’s medicine cat instead.
An idea for another arc revolves around SkyClan warrior Frostbite, as he really looks up to his mentor Ravensight and soon after he becomes a warrior, tensions rise between SkyClan and MoonClan over territory and hunting rights, and then battle happens, MoonClan leader Duskstar kills Ravensight because he feels betrayed by her bc Raven was MoonClan before joining SkyClan, and Frost takes that so personally and continues to build hatred towards MoonClan which leads to a war once he becomes SkyClan’s leader to drive them out, but the other clans put a stop to it because everyone has come to the realization that there should be four clans not three.
Meanwhile, Coalpelt the SkyClan medicine cat is a paranoid kitty scared of everything and when his mentor Spottedface dies, he spirals. But he’s also the most knowledgeable about herbs so he does his job phenomenally.
There’s so much to this that there’s no way to cover it all, but so many characters have their own arcs, highs and lows, even background characters getting their times to shine! I hope you’ve enjoyed the sample of these clans and a few of its cats!
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fledermaus-art · 2 years
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when your mentor doesn't pay attention to you for five seconds
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faowoo · 3 years
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Leaders for my warrior cats fan clans !! Sparrowstar, Rowanstar, Duskstar, and Orchardstar!
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official-darkforest · 4 years
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From Warriors: Tails of the Celestials (1995).
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oriolepaw · 2 years
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Practice pages for Dawn Til Dusk I made for my comics class, I probably overproduced it and I’ll have to tone down the rendering if I want to make it a long form comic
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