#duskwood episode 10 theories
hacked-by-jake · 1 year
When you’re writing and you suddenly have an idea..
Jake tells us at the end of episode 10 that there is no other exit. But if there is one, then it is clear that he can not reveal it via the phone. After all, the FBI seems to have had access to it. Jake found out so many things about the mine in such a short time. So what if there was another outcome that he himself found only by chance. But nobody else knows about it, except people who know the mine well. The exit is nowhere listed only in very old plans. What if he just couldn’t tell the truth so the FBI wouldn’t know, but he could get out of the mine without any problems.
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Married Life
Warnings: Jake X MC pure smut. PLEASE Do not read if you are under 18.
They had been together for a while now, all of the chaos of hiding and investigating had settled, but he still can't keep his hands off of her. He loves her in so many ways, but these days, he finds that his mind often drifts to her body, to her beauty, to all of the physical ways that she can satisfy him.
She is standing across the room, putting way too much sugar in her coffee. She has slung on some fluffy pajamas and a tank top. Too much clothing, he thinks, even though her erect nipples are drawing his eyes to her chest. How his hands want to roam her plump breasts. How he wants to bury his face between the two mounds.
They have been married for a month. He is still not used to her being his and still not used to the fact that he can have her whenever he wants. He hopes that he never gets used to it because the adrenaline that it creates simply heightens his desire for her.
She hasn't noticed that he is there yet, so he watches her, trying to prolong the satisfaction of her capture when he can't take the distance any longer.
She pulls her graceful arms above her head and makes a quick ponytail. A few strands fall across her neck. He wants to move them away, wants to taste the fine flesh on her neck. He wants to kiss her there and hear her earthy moan escape. He wants to brush his arms along the silkiness of hers and watch as she deftly wraps her hands around him, touching him in all the right ways.
She takes a sip of coffee and all that he can imagine is the taste of her and the feeling of her tongue in his mouth and on his body. He is getting antsy now, his cock responding to the mere thought of his wife and the things that she does to him.
She starts humming and dancing to the music in her head and he remembers her fine ass and how good it feels in his hands. He thinks of it grinding up against him, making him feel so incredible. He pays close attention to the rhythm of her movements and thinks of the rhythm that they make when they are together.
He watches her delicate movements and dreams about the gentle brushes her hair or her fingers will make against his skin causing the most pleasurable moments, both during their intimacy and in the afterglow.
He ponders his adoration for her and how he loves her in every possible way, this physical attraction an outcropping of that affection.
He snakes toward her from behind. His mouth moves to her neck making gentle gestures that he knows will make her toes curl. She moans and leans her head back giving him more access as his hands slide up the underside of her tanktop, twisting her nipples, grabbing her breasts as if he needs them to survive. Her moans grow louder.
"That's it, Baby," he whispers in her ear. "Let me know how much you like it."
"I do like it." She whispered, her voice thick. "...and I love you."
He spins her around and puts his mouth on hers. He is aggressive and demanding. He is telling her what he is going to do, not asking her for permission. He knows that she loves it when he takes control. He will take her, all of her. At this moment all he wants is for her to scream his name and feel the utmost pleasure.
With her shirt already removed and her breasts thoroughly investigated, he moves down on his knees, pulling her sweatpants over her ass as he lowers himself. She has forgone underwear, which he is grateful for.
He proceeds to kiss and nibble at her smooth legs, occasionally being more aggressive than he intends, he moves to the inside of her thighs, his tongue eventually gliding between her wet folds. She is moaning now, almost screaming. Her legs are shaking, but he holds her there, refusing to relinquish control. His tongue and fingers pleasure her in a way that is just as stimulating for him as it is for her.
"Jake," She screamed, "I can't take this any longer."
That was what he wanted to hear.
He picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist, but he doesn't enter her, not yet. He carries her to the bedroom, his mouth searching to find the closest body part. She is delicious. He can't get his fill of her. Her moans and whimpers tell him that she is in both ecstasy and torture. She is close to the edge. He places her on the bed and continues his movement, grabbing her breasts and moving between them with his tongue.
"I want you inside of me," she screamed, "Baby, I need you inside of me."
His mouth still sucking on and twirling her nipples, he enters her, their rhythm in unison. He moves his hands to her breasts, his mouth to her neck.
Their hearts beat in unison, and their bodies move faster and faster until their inevitable release makes them one again.
MC, still trying to catch her breath, lays her head on my chest. His arms wrap around her body and he kisses her head. "That was, wow, but that was the third time this morning. We do have things to do and I need my coffee."
He chuckles, "Well, we better get dressed and go outside. I can't resist my beautiful wife this morning." He pushes her up and slaps her ass playfully. "Get in the shower, woman. I'll take you to coffee if you hurry."
With that, she jumps out of bed and heads straight for the shower, she turns and looks at him. "You joining me?"
He smirks. "If I do, I cant assure you that I won't want to have my way with you again."
She laughs, "Who likes coffee anyway?"
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duskwood-mc-art · 3 months
Spoiler for Duskwood episode 10, don't continue reading if you haven't finished the game yet.
I think that Richy got his hands on Hannah's phone quite early and that he was the one sending out MC's number. He most likely sent a random number to involve a random person, making them seem suspicious and gaining some time. Not only that but he was the one who tried to engage MC in small talk and telling them to stay right away in the very first group chat. He also agreed with Cleo by saying that MC is the ONLY lead to Hannah.
Hannah and Jake most likely had no reason to send MC's number, an innocent person's number who isn't even from Duskwood. I don't think Jake would burden a random person with the case, as it was rather disturbing. I also don't think MC is working in a fancy job or is someone important, as MC is just us. It would take away from the player just being themselves.
The second possibility is that Hannah made a typo when sending our number and intended to send someone else's number, like the police. However, I think the theory involving Richy makes the most sense.
What do you think?
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justserahtonin · 4 months
Let's talk about Moonvale.
Ok, phew, it's been a while since I used tumblr and needed a new one.
I've been in the Duskwood fandom since pretty early on the game, so I wanted to jump on the thousands of opinions on Moonvale. Now, I'll state first the negative facts but also the good ones. I've seen tons of nasty opportunists trying to throw hate, including other devs.
Also, IMPORTANT, Moonvale is NOT Duskwood, we know. But I'll be referring to Duskwood to point out exactly why the fandom or at least I feel negative about.
First of all, let's go with the bad stuff. I'm not even going to say anything about the diamonds and their price, I just refuse. But what I want to talk is about the minigames and the AI art. AI art is just... oof. I know some people don't mind, but as an illustrator, let me tell you how much it hurt me. This community has always valued artists, I remember I had a blog where I drew other people's MCs and that made me make some cute and valuable friends, I remember how much the fandom loved artists, so seeing this... just hurts. I get the "we want to give your new friends their own spotlight" but Everbyte did that in Duskwood beautifully with stock images, with the gang trying to add us in more activities or chatting with us. You don't need stolen art to give someone a spotlight. Those new to Duskwood may not remember it, but Richy was faceless for a big part of the game until they got an actor for him and no one was mad about it. In fact it gave Richy some kind of shy guy charm.
About the minigames... Look, last time I played Duskwood, I did without any extra moves and those were hard, more or less like Moonvale's. But you know where the real problem is? In how the interrupt the story. And how little immersive they look and feel like when playing them. Let's look back to Duskwood. The minigames had a goal: hack Hannah's phone. Whether it gave us a clue or not, it felt real and, in words on MC in Moonvale "not every lead will take you to a clue". But you put work in there and when something unlocked, it felt good. And if you didn't, you had at least one or two credits and a character praising you for the good work (thanks, Jake). In Moonvale, it feels like "oh, nobody's here, let me play some candy crush". Also, the vibe does not match the tone. In Duskwood, the minigame design felt like you were hacking, you were decoding something. But here it really feels like some Project Makeover game.
NOW, let's get to the good parts. I feel the story might be interesting. Who's Unknown?, how can Charlie help us?, what happened to us and that fame we got in Duskwood? I find Eric quite lovable and Charlie kinda like a big mouthed friend with good heart. Ash is like the mom friend or lil sis friend, worrying but being kinda childish and Violet being the shy one. There's something with the mysterious figure in Eric's call that looks familiar. Was the figure wearing a cap? Am I imagining stuff?? And the last call??? Let's be real, Duskwood had real plot holes and was a bit bland the first episodes but we grew to like it as the story kept going. I see real potential in there and some theories I'd love to share once sometime has passed, but not now.
Why am I saying all this without mentionion UI design, lack of premium choices, message history and so on? Because those are easy fixable things. Those are little changes that can happen over the time, like Richy's gallery in Duskwood or little sponsorships, packs and so on. I think I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind paying up to 10€ for a premium pass, I can save the money. Everbyte heard their fandom before and I really hope they do now. Let's be honest, we are to blame too. Half of us went looking for a "Duskwood 2", but Moonvale is not that. Expectatives can often be harmful to both sides. I really think Everbyte didn't wait for such backlash, so I want to have faith, I want to believe they will read these reviews and stop to think "why was Duskwood so beloved? Let's go to the core".
Have faith in Everbyte and in Moonvale, we still don't know who Adam really is, what people know about us and how is it that two people in danger had our contact. Maybe this story can give us some clues to MC's past. Maybe Adam turn out to be Jake. Who knows, there's a lot of space for plot twists and I'm here for it.
Let's keep the Duskwood community as peaceful and chill as it has always been. Let's leave no room for free hate and put logic and reasons to our opinions so everyone can learn and so Everbyte can know exactly why are we angry or disapointed.
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cathybarn · 2 years
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Okay, is it surprising? Nope.
Does my anxiety say "thank you" for this, knowing it will be more and more waiting between episodes? No.
Is it a clever decision for them? YES.
Even if we complain about the waiting, the cliffhangers and all, I think it's the waiting that make us as active here in the fandom as we are. We need this period of waiting to calm down, to create fanfiction, fanarts and theories and to comunicate with each other, which is one of the best parts about Duskwood.
I will never forget the rush that I felt since I joined the fandom, in episode 7. Every teaser, every clue and post... and when chapter 10 came out? WOW.
So yeah, nice. The waiting make the new chapters so much sweeter
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markusdevblog · 8 months
a look at three "spooky" pieces of music
A Hat in Time's "Subcon Forest" Length: 11:07 Subcon Forest is a type of world in which several game stages make the setting. The forest itself is a wide and varied stage with various sub-environments, with the common throughline of ghosts or lost spirits inhabiting the forest. it has the general theme of eerieness. the music follows suit. This being the longest track of the three, it begs the question of why this platformer stage needed an 11-minute long track. investigating further, I looked at the other tracks from the game, and discovered it was the second longest track included, being short around 3 minutes of a different track named "Alpine Skyline". only a handful of the tracks have this amount of length, staying usually within the range of 1 to 5 minutes in length. I am additionally confused since the "Subcon Forest" world contains many smaller tracks for specific areas within the world such as "The Fire Spirits" and "Subcon Village". my main theory as to why these tracks have such length is that either these stages warranted more atmospheric tracks, or that it was felt that this world was particularly large and needed more variation in the music to help it from becoming stale, it could also be a combination of the two, but I wonder if this explains the variety of tracks found in "Subcon Forest". the track does contain a little motif or leitmotif that is used in a different more upbeat and shorter track, however, the leitmotif is used sparingly throughout the entire duration of the track. the track tries to strike a balance between sounding like a little retro game alongside some melodic instruments that hum along to the little beat. of what I can discern a keyboard, something like a maraca, deep drum, xylophone, a synth and various sounds that may or may not be intended to be diegetic are used here. there are other sounds here present but I couldn't describe it much better than stick and chain sounds. at 6 minutes in I hear an instrument that I recognize, the waterphone. this instrument is not used a lot in the track and understandably so, it's a disturbing sounding instrument. the track uses a variety of instruments that it cycles through as it goes on, and as it goes on, the later half of the song is much more dreamlike or ethereal if you're feeling zesty, rather than leaning melodic like the first half of the song.
The Simpsons Hit & Run's "Halloween Havoc" Length: 02:30 Level 7 is an homage to The Simpsons long standing treehouse of horror episodes. which is inherently Halloween themed, and as such the the connected music is very much affected. we have spooky keys, xylophones reminiscent of bones, an orchestra which I think is more simpsons than horror, horns, an organ, and possibly the strangest addition which is the electric guitar. this is likely the most complicated track I have chosen since it modulates and changes itself the most i'd say. quite short really and at least from the video i found on youtube and footage of the game i can pretty easily tell where the track loops. now i don't know if that is evidence of poor work but it is something that sticks out to me. the object of this track is maybe clearest to me here: reference the simpsons and have some crazy Halloween banger come on when you're homer driving over civilians, it really sells the energy that was intended in my opinion, and i love the song. nothing about it really is meant to scare unlike the other two tracks which is very exemplar of the "spooky" vibe. horror, but not quite scary.
World of Warcraft's "Duskwood" Length: 03:33 Duskwood is the levelling zone that I believe is for 10 to 15-level players, quite literally the bluntest example of "X, but what if it was creepy". so much so the main town is called Darkshire. one of WoW's most famous towns, goldshire, is only a 40-minute in-game walk away. however, this town is its evil counterpart DARKshire. great stuff. super atmospheric, this track has wind sounds for the entire duration to show how dark and spooky it is. But it mostly sticks to orchestral instruments, using cellos, violins, harps and maybe some woodwinds. it seems short to me, and warrants further investigation of this track In-game. when it comes to atmospheric like this I don't understand why you wouldn't want a longer track, I'll have to see. the track is slow and methodical despite it's length.
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digital-corruption · 2 years
What are your predictions for ep. 10?
The end!
Ok, but seriously after ep 7 and 8 I thought Everbyte was going to kill more characters, but now I don't think they have the guts to do it. In case you didn't know, I really didn't like ep 9. Not as much as I hate Lilly’s arc because I still feel that's the weakest part of the story, but ep 9 was such a mood killer after ep 8. I was expecting more shock and awe and instead we got a photo montage. The only redeeming part of ep 9 was the intercourse I mean "screen sharing".
So I don't know, maybe they'll go back to shock and awe and remind us that MWAF is actually a bad guy, not just a misunderstood individual with a feather fetish.
I'm torn with who I think MWAF is. The theory that Hannah has gone off the rails is very compelling. The idea that Richy faked his death has merit. And for being straight up Michael Hanson, well, that's plausible too. I know people think it's too easy, but I think with the amount of time we've been given, the fandom (including me) does overthink things.
I've taken Dan off the hook for now. After replaying, I really got the feeling he knew Hannah and Amy's story all along, but because of the person that he is, he was ready to take their secret to the grave. How? I think he helped them cover it up. Maybe he even went with Hannah to see Iris. (I refuse to accept the diary entry change.) He drops a lot of hints that the group carries a lot of secrets and he's burdened with knowing those secrets, but at the same time he is fine to be the one that cleans up their shit. You might argue that he was just referring to the key incident, but I feel he admitted a small secret to keep us from asking about the bigger secrets. Or I might be overthinking things again...
I don't really see MWAF being the others. Like I try to understand people's arguments for it, but it's just not compelling enough for me right now. Sure, Everbyte might reveal a sudden twist. Who doesn't love a twist? I just hope the twist isn't convoluted.
But goddamnit, they better tell us who Ted is!! I won't tolerate that nonsense any longer!
I do believe there will be a set up for the sequel though. Like if Everbyte haven't completely burnt themselves out with Duskwood, it would be kind of silly not to ride the Duskwood train a little longer. Having a hit IP is every indie studio's dream, and trying a new IP now would be a huge gamble. So yes, my money is on Duskwood 2 or some sort of spin-off. But if they're burnt out, then they're burnt out.
Thanks for asking, anon! 😊 Um, this was a lot of babble. 😅 You got me in a babble mood.
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duskwoodraven · 2 years
Spoilers! ... I just need to vent about Thomas. Like. Seriously, dude? Like, I can understand his fake friendliness at the beginning of the story, because he needed to find out who MC were, and why they were involved with Hannah. And I can understand why he took Hannah's phone, while no one should've touched it in the first place. But. But! Dude, Thomas, my man, MC forgave you and helped you during a breakdown. Like. Why are you now so eager to push them in the arms of a killer? I'm so sad, man.
*deep breath* okaaay let’s talk about Thomas
Spoilers below.
I think to understand Thomas as a character and how his brain works, you basically have to see him as Jake. And I already know what you are thinking, “but Duskwoodraven, Jake isn’t like Thomas at all!”
To that I would agree but also heavily argue against, for they are eerily similar in the way that they value and behave towards their romantic partners.
Let me explain.
Jake, when you take the romantic routes with him, develops a very deep protectiveness and care towards you, the MC. He states multiple times that your safety is top priority, you are the one he cares about most and the one he trusts/will listen to (as long as your request doesn’t jeopardize your life). He is willing to sacrifice information about himself to Alan in order to keep the police off of you, to risk his life and being caught by going in a mineshaft just so you won’t have to.
Jake cares about his sisters, and their friends, he doesn’t wish for anything bad to happen to them. But when we get down to it, you as the MC hold a different level of priority.
Thomas thinks the exact same about Hannah, Thomas cares about Hannah in the same way Jake cares about you.
She is his number one priority.
Thomas from the first day we met him has been devoted to finding Hannah and her safe return. He loves and cares about her deeply, he will do anything to bring her back. He will go into a mineshaft to get her, will confront the MWAF at night in order to take him down, and will break into anywhere to get even a snippet of information to bring her back.
That’s why I find the moment when Jake firmly tells Thomas to stop begging us to go to Duskwood, to be really intense. Because you have two people with very similar attachments, slamming heads in the pursuit of protecting someone they care about.
Now this is where we split back into the differences between Jake and Thomas. Thomas, bluntly put, is like a horse with blinders on when it comes to Hannah. He doesn’t think deeply about the consequences his actions will cause, only the goal. Jake on the other hand thinks about the whole picture, he is distinctly mulling over every detail. While he will also do whatever it takes to achieve that goal, the consequences will negatively affect himself more so then anyone else, to the point of destroying him if it’s deemed “necessary” by his standards.
Jake takes the self sacrificial options, Thomas takes the fastest one. Leaving consequences behind him till it’s too late to turn around. Both unhealthy and dangerous in different ways.
In short, I don’t think Thomas hates MC, or is fake with them. I think towards the end, he does care, just not as much as he does about Hannah. If the MWAF said he wanted Jessy to go instead, Thomas would have told her the same thing. But once something else snaps him out of his blinders, Thomas settles back down. That’s why he backed off when Jake told him to, and stopped begging you to go after the group discussed it further and Jessy gave her speech.
Thomas is a good person down to his core, but he’s also a toddler you have to keep on a leash so he doesn’t get hurt/damage anything. Overly reactive and overly emotional just like Dan said towards the beginning.
I like the doofus but dang is he tiring lol.
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dirtyplasma · 2 years
on the one hand I would like to see Jake's face
but on the other I love too much how the fandom imagines him and I don't want another image 😭
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xchatblackx · 2 years
After Episode 10, I finally understood the skull explanation at the beginning of the game. At first I thought it might be Hannah, but given the facts, I realized it was actually Richy. If you notice well, the light that comes from above resembles a trapdoor, the same one they said was locked in the mine.
Everbyte never put this up for nothing. Richy is dead.
Após o Episódio 10, eu finalmente entendi a explicação da caveira no início do jogo. Primeiro achei que poderia ser a Hannah, mas dados aos fatos, notei que na verdade era Richy. Se notarem bem, a luz que vem de cima se assemelha a um alçapão, o mesmo que disseram que estava trancado na mina.
Everbyte nunca colocou isso atoa. Richy está morto.
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rw47vr-key · 2 years
Got kindled by this post of @zmayadw I'm sorry Maya, this is your fault😭❤
Basically weird theory😌 feel free to skip
So..let's assume how ep10 will continue with the video call in the beginning like @zmayadw says. (I think that's how it would be, let's see🤔)
What if Jake predicted that Mwaf would come there?like it was his plan to set a trap on mwaf? 🧐 because it was Jake who accessed map and asks MC to go through it. I don't think Jake would simply disregard the fact that there will be a "GPS" (You know what I mean).And the next one I'm going to say is not plausible, but.. Remember the motel we looked at the map? (I do think most of us assume Jake is there🤭)
Let's say if that's the case,…. Then Jake might go to the location(the house) himself (how does he know the location? Of course with the help of gps plus he's a hacker or wait...did richy give us the address? 👁👁 I don't remember anymore...)and catch MWAF by using 'ace up his sleeve'🧐 (Jake vs MWAF yes😌)
Then what about the gun? Well, I think it was MWAF who kept it to set a trap on the group(like they{mwaf} were preparing for an attack). I read about this gun theory, I suppose🤔
of course, someone in the group will get hurt before Jake goes there.I have a greedy wish that on his way to woods, he'd video call/atleast voice call with no distortion😫❤,fine I'll conclude here😆.
I'm sorry if someone already predicted and posted about this👀
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
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You can’t tell me his story’s over. It’s not, not even close.
Okay, I’m not planning on writing a very detailed interpretation now, but let’s take a closer look for a moment.
In my eyes, this is one of the most incredible moments of the whole game. Jake telling us about it, wow... He really trusts us.
But anyway, he says he’s been on the run for four years.
He lost everything in a single night.
He became someone who preferred loneliness, so he wasn’t like that before.
His home.
His identity - I wonder so much what exactly he means. Actually, I had thought about whether this had to do with his name, but apparently he already had it when he had contact with Hannah. So I’m glad he didn’t tell us a fake name, even if that would have been safer for him.
But now. He lost every person in his life, and only then did he become someone who preferred being alone. I wonder so much who he was dealing with before, did he have friends? How many? Who? His life before seems to have been so completely different than many (including me) had imagined. I mean, it sounds to me like he was pretty social before. At least it sounds like he was very close to the people he knew.
This part is so incredibly interesting and I hate that we have so little information. I need more, I want more information, more personal about him! It really drives me crazy.
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phenomsworld · 2 years
I know im posting rapidly but bear with me im shocked as fu-
.....i...loved him....and he f$&king....betrayed me...like...we joked around and even at the end we joked around again....and nothing shocked me really...until THAT...MOMENT...That depressing....heartbreaking...moment
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lyon-amore · 2 years
What if… Episode 10 begins. We are still on call. A shot is heard. Suddenly the lights turn on. And one of them is dead. I would start a hunt between them suspecting each other. Because one of them is a traitor.
There is also the madness thought that we hear a voice say "What did I tell you not to pick up the phone? I had to turn off the lights so that the house is not seen in the distance." Surprising us that it is Jake who is in the house tired of them for screwed up 😂
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47gaslamps · 2 years
We will be getting our one-week notice pretty soon now - I severely hope not tomorrow or Wednesday; the tail end of April is wracking my nerves - but as such, I think it's about time I submitted my final predictions.
Nigh Certainties
Alan Bloomgate was the one who removed Hannah's number from Thomas's phone. He is either the Man Without A Face, or a close associate.
Dan was the one who brought the gun, and he means to use it immediately.
Strong Probabilities
Jake's "ace in the hole" involves him putting himself in severe danger.
Hannah escaped during episode eight. She was the unseen figure at Chez Hanson that was definitely not a rat.
Hannah is as smart as Jake.
Richy faked both Hannah's scream, and his own death. He is either the Man Without A Face, or a close associate.
Phil's arrest will create a dilemma you'll have to deal with at the worst possible time.
Pretty Likely
Michael Hanson is innocent.
Someone's body will still end up in a barrel of acid. No bets on the chronology.
Jake's "ace in the hole" is to invite his pursuers to the party.
Hannah will be rescued, but it will be at the expense of Jake's life.
Purely Guessing
Hannah randomly culled your number from a superspy database of Persons With Potential.
Phil had a one-night stand with Jennifer the night she died, and that's how he got the bracelet.
The Man Without A Face didn't get around to murdering Hannah because she knew information that was very important to him.
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arthyritis · 2 years
Tomorrow's going to be a busy as hell day lmao
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