#digi babbles
blastlight · 7 months
NOISEMASTER MENTIONED!!! i love this interview
EDIT: this is so cool, look at him NOW
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pika-blur · 2 years
love that big is just here
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detectiveichijouji · 1 year
Case 15 - Many digi-plushies per second?!
[AO3 version]
Now that they had witnessed not only digimon could use those fragments but also human beings… The 02 group and Arsenemon -- respectively -- had to be extra cautious collecting them. Which means they had to collect them BEFORE it got in contact with someone’s strong feelings or desires.
“A stranger in a hood gave that piece to a student from Miyako-san’s school…”
Ken was musing in the morning, while heading to school. He wasn’t that upset that they slipped a little and let Arsenemon catch the Digimental fragment (the one to be mad is Daisuke and Daisuke only though) and he was curious about Daisuke’s report about the talk with Arsenemon previously…
“That’s something you might not believe me, so I will spare you from the details for now…”
What would be… Arsenemon’s goal with those pieces?
“Ah, look look! My keychain is a cute Pokomon plush, isn’t it cute?” “Like those digimon those students have at school?? Aww, I want one!!”
Wormmon was on Ken’s back, as they passed by a few girls from another school, chatting about a cute digimon plush. But something sounded weird to him, and he tried to catch Ken’s attention when… Ken was still stuck inside his musings.
“Ken-chan, that plush was… Was creepy…”
“Hm?” Ken looked at Wormmon, he was really not listening at all (sadly?)
“A girl with a Pokomon keychain… I thought that was scary.”
“Oh… She might have made it herself, some people like their partners enough to craft art based on them to demonstrate their affection.”
“... Y-you wouldn’t make a plush of me, would you?”
“If you don’t like the idea, then I won’t make one” he laughed lightly.
Wormmon looked behind and  to the girls in the distance. He didn’t like that Pokomon plush at all…
After school and at the usual  karaoke booth, Ken met the other five looking at something with the digimon completely disconcerted by what Miyako had in hands.
Ken and Wormmon approached, and then they realized the object everyone was staring at was… A digimon plush.
“It’s pretty cute…” Takeru smiled, “What is this digimon, I never had seen before.”
“It’s a Bowmon keychain!” Miyako replied, with some excitement, “They didn’t have a Poromon so I picked the cutest from the shop.”
“Ah! It’s one of those dolls again!” Wormmon panicked when he saw the Bowmon keychain.
“Huh? What’s wrong with Wormmon?” Miyako blinked.
“Miyako…” Daisuke called her, then gestured to the doll, “I think the digimon didn’t like you buying this thing. It’s like having a doll of your sister or friend.”
“Daisuke-san,” Iori said, deadpan, “I don’t think having a toy replica of ourselves is that strange, however there might exist another reason for the digimon to be acting strangely…”
“Hm?” he looked at the digimon, clueless, “What’s wrong everyone?”
Hikari was also too quiet… She sensed something strange there, so she said in a cryptic voice:
“That doll is not a doll. It’s a real digimon turned into a doll.”
Takeru shivered with that, and took a look at the plush again, “Y-you’re right… I didn’t notice it was… It was that case.”
“Guys?” Ken raised an eyebrow, “Are you…”
“A… A real digimon!?” Miyako panicked, holding it with caution this time, “I… I didn’t know I’m sorry I have no idea what to do to help them I--”
“If that’s a digimon how can we turn it back to normal!?!” Daisuke babbled, “Maybe if we point the digivice at it--”
They all looked at Ken, in silence.
“If someone is selling real digimon as stuffed toys… We should calm down and track them down and undo their spell.”
“That’s right!” V-mon nodded, “We can do it and end the reign of the creepy living digimon dolls!”
“But didn’t Piemon turn everyone into dolls once?” Patamon commented, “He turned everyone but Takeru, Hikari and me.”
“You think it’s a Piemon doing those, Patamon?” Tailmon asked, seriously. She decided to not join the trolling but it had such an effect on the others except for her, Hikari and Takeru. 
(Daisuke & Vee: WAIT WHAT!? CAN WE ALL TURN INTO A PLUSHIE THEN!? ARE WE DOOMED?! / Miyako: I don’t want to turn into a doll!! / Hawkmon: I’ll protect you, Miyako-san!! / Armadimon: Whoa we never heard of that part of the story before… / Iori: I would like to not become an inanimate object… / Wormmon: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! / Ken: … I don’t think panicking will help us at all… But I’d prefer to not turn into a stuffed toy as well…)
“Patamon, I don’t think it’s a Piemon…” Takeru interrupted them, “it can be any other magician digimon. I’m not implying it’s a Wizardmon either…”
“Yeah, Piemon is gone!” Patamon said cheerfully, “Heaven’s Gate absorbed him and now his data might have turned into scrap~”
“Patamon…” Takeru sighed, but he could see Daisuke whispering to the rest of the gang:
“Ya know, let’s make a deal to never fight Takeru and Patamon for real, no matter what happens.”
They all nodded in agreement.
The shop was full of humans and digimon buying toys. The owner was a good old man who loved to bring joy to any customer -- be them little children or elders. But… Something happened once he had hired a new employee…
It was when those digimon ‘plushies’ started to sell like hot cakes.
 In the meantime, the 02 group received a case from the Village of the Beginning’s caretaker Elecmon regarding baby digimon going missing. Takeru took it personally and promised Elecmon that they would retrieve the babies and bring them back.
Someone else was interested in that toy shop though… Hearing some rumors about that toy store.
“It might be here. The mentioned toy store which has this new charismatic employee able to sell those odd-looking plushies.”
“What’s special about this one, Mizuki?” Lunamon asked her human partner.
“I sense bad energies coming inside… Besides… Those plushies…”
“... They’re too cute to be a good deal! It must be a terrible evil scheme of the owner!”
“They’re too perfect to be plushies, Lunamon!” and then she whispered to herself: Too cute, it must be illegal…
“Is that the store you got that Bowmon?” Lune heard Daisuke’s voice, “Wow, there’s a huge line outside…!!”
“Don’t you think we should’ve called Ken for this?” V-mon asked Daisuke. Him, Daisuke, Miyako, Hawkmon, Hikari and Tailmon went to check it out together. The other group went to the Digital World to investigate the Village of the Beginnings in order to search for clues.
“Yeah, two Jogress digimon is better than one…” he sighed, it was Miyako who dragged him and V-mon with them…
“Shush,” Miyako stared at them, “We might need a decoy.”
“W-why am I the decoy!?”
“Daisuke-kun… Wouldn’t you like to buy a little YukimiBotamon plush for me…?” Hikari smiled at him, and he blushed.
“R-right! I will buy you the tiny digimon plush…” He blushed, and then stepped inside the store.
Lune hid behind in the alley next to the building, and watched them getting in.
“Hmmm…” She and Lunamon were thoughtful.
“What should we do, Mizuki…?”
“They already defended those promoting digimon fights, I can’t forgive them. They won’t get in my way this time…”
“Oho, you’re planning something, right, right?”
Lune smirked. She had something in mind.
The trio and their digimon started inspecting the store, looking for anything suspicious there, but all they found so far were toys of the TV series they were into, like the current lineup for tokusatsu series in 2008. Hikari looked at the aisle only to find Daisuke gushing about the transformation items for one of those series.
“I think they’re cool! You can’t fight me about that! The red guy is the strongest guy, always has been like this!”
“No, no! The black ranger is the coolest in this series, you shouldn’t dismiss his smooth sharp shooting abilities just because he’s not the main lead!”
… He was discussing it with Miyako, right now.
“You’re sayin’ it because you have a crush on him, I’m talking about spirit!”
“And you’re talking about how you only like guys who’re exactly like you”
“Not true, I--”
“What are you doing?” Tailmon asked, squinting her eyes at them. They stopped and looked at the cat-like digimon and Hikari.
“...!!” then they just babbled something not understandable and then went back to their investigation.
“Meh, Daisuke you shouldn’t get so fired up about fictional heroes” V-mon frowned, “I mean, you’re a real hero… What if someone is looking up on us?”
“... I don’t know, I don’t think anyone recognize us her--”
Daisuke and V-mon looked behind them and saw a group of people gossiping about something, looking at them, then at Miyako and Hawkmon, and at Hikari and Tailmon.
“I didn’t expect them to be here…”“What if they’re looking for a bad guy? Should I be concerned??”“Maybe they’re just passing by…”
“We can’t let them be panicked if we tell the truth about the plushies,” Hikari told Miyako and Daisuke, who replied with a silent nod.
It was when Miyako spotted the charming employee staring at them, she was biting her lips when she heard about the presence of the Chosen Children in the store. She approached them, after she finished attending to another customer. She was a blonde woman with short and blond hair, and blue eyes hidden by glasses with cat-eye frames.
“Welcome to Kunizaki Toys, how can I help you?” she said with a cheerful tone.
“Oh… We’re just looking for a toy for my little sibling” Hikari replied before either Miyako or Daisuke could. 
But they all noticed the name on the pin in the employee’s apron -- Sally le Fay. But something else caught the digimon’s attention -- the pendant she had in her necklace was… a broken piece of the forbidden Digimental. So something is suspicious about this le Fay person… Daisuke blurted out that they came to buy a KiBat-belt item and this is what they had done.
They left the store… staring at Daisuke for spending their money on that toy.
“What? If we didn’t buy something for Hikari-chan’s ‘little sibling’ they would’ve suspected us!!”
“Right, right… We believe you” Miyako shook her head…
※ he bought for himself, everyone knows that. ※ now he owes Miyako and Hikari favors for the purchase, and it's not like this won't be important later...
Espimon detected another piece while snooping as usual but she was seen by the kids on their way to the Ichijouji’s residence (the boys had been back already, and combined to meet them soon) as she just bumped on Daisuke by accident and then making him drop the package on her arms:
“T-THIEF!?” Espimon panicked, “A-AH I’M NOT A THIEF I’M AAAAH!!” and she ran away with the package in hands.
“COME BACK HERE!!” Daisuke and V-mon went after her, with Miyako, Hawkmon, Hikari and Tailmon coming next, trying to help him.
Espimon turned in an alley in which they all found her…!!
“GOT YA, THIEF!!” Daisuke and V-mon jumped to catch Espimon but she flew to the side and they fell on… Noel!?
“GAH, I’M SO SORRY DUDE!!” Daisuke got up, V-mon reverted into Chibimon due to the impact and rolled to the side, then Daisuke helped the other boy to get up, “We were after that flying thief-- Huh?”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m SO SO SO SO SO SORRY!!” Espimon hid behind Noel, and then dropped the toy on the floor (Hawkmon caught it for Daisuke next), “SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRY I DIDN’T WANT TOOOOOOOO!!”
Hikari tilted her head, “Huh, Noel-kun what were you doing here…?”
“... I lost my wallet here…” He said, nonchalantly. He then looked at Espimon, “What were you doing, Miss Espimon…?”
“Do you know that ‘mon?” V-mon asked innocently, “Weren’t you trying to steal us…?”
“No no no no!!” Espimon babbled, “A-also I’m Noel’s…!”
“... Partner. She’s my digimon partner,” he replied, still calm. Espimon blinked.
“I thought you had no digimon partn--” Daisuke began, but then remembered that every single day a new human gets partnered with a digimon. So now he was smiling, “Oh man! You got partnered with a digimon! I knew it would happen sooner!!”
However, Tailmon was not convinced about that, but can she argue with Daisuke though??
The trio and their digimon then said ‘see you later’ to Noel and left, going to Ken’s house. Espimon sighed relieved and she glanced at the boy:
“Why did you say that? You don’t own a digivice…!!”
“Don’t worry about the details, I will take care of that,” Noel smiled at her, however his entire personality seemed to have gone on a 180º flip, “Besides you were in a hurry… What is it?”
“A… A fragment!” she spoke quickly, “I’ve detected a fragment.”
“Hmm… Where?”
“Kunizaki Toys, the same place the Chosen Children were.”
“I see… thank you, mademoiselle Espimon,” He smiled again, “Now… shall we do it? Ah I need to do something first…”
“Ah, you mean… Right! I’ll search for them!!”
Ken served some tea and cookies for the group. His mother and father were at work so the apartment was quiet. Once the group gathered there, the silence was broken, filled by the chattering of six kids and six digimon.
“So… What did y’all get?” Daisuke asked the other three boys, even before talking about what he, Miyako and Hikari had discovered.
“We didn’t find anything suspicious in the village,” Iori reported their investigation, “Did you discover something at the toy store?”
“Hmm… Not much,” Hikari frowned, “We talked with the new employee from the rumors… But we didn’t see anything wrong with her…”
“I did, however, notice something in her,” Tailmon spoke, with a serious tone, “She had one of the pieces of the Digimental of Desire in her necklace.”
“Did you!?” Miyako blinked, “A-ah that’s right she had something like that…”
“Her name is Sally le Fay” V-mon commented, “I never heard of a name like that before…”
“You said ‘le Fay’…?” Takeru repeated, “That name was in a book I was reading once…”
“A book?” Armadimon asked.
“You must be thinking about ‘Morgan le Fay’ “ Ken explained, “one of the most known witches from the Arthurian legend. That surely is an interesting name for an employee…”
“So we’re dealing with a real witch?” Daisuke babbled, “You gotta be kiddin’ me!”
“We have to check it ou--”
Suddenly, a black card with a golden balloon appeared inside the apartment. The balloon popped and the black card, with a golden cat paw in its back, fell in the center of the table where they were gathered.
“A calling card!” They all exclaimed.
“What did it say!?” Patamon asked, energetically.
Ken took the card from the center of the table and read it aloud, “Dear Chosen Detectives, I’ll be taking the Digimental fragment from the Kunizaki Toys employee Sally le Fay tonight.”
“Ok, so we will handle this!” Daisuke clenched his fists, “I’m pretty sure if we ask her to give us the fragment she will understand!”
“Wait a minute…” Takeru interrupted them, while checking his D-Terminal, “Elecmon spotted someone in the village… He wants us to go after that suspect.”
“Like, right now?” Daisuke asked.
“We will handle this ourselves,” Patamon replied and then looked at Takeru, “Right, Takeru?”
Takeru nodded his head.
“So… same group roster?” Wormmon asked, “Ken-chan, Takeru-san and Iori-san go after the suspect… And Daisuke-san, Miyako-san and Hikari-san will go after Arsenemon?”
“Sounds good for me,” Tailmon nodded.
“Then… Chosen Children let’s ROLL!!” Miyako said with excitement.
The group splitted in two groups and went back into action. Ken went with Takeru and Iori because he was sure something was connecting the toy shop to the disappearance of the baby digimon. Something…
“Where did you see the suspect, Elecmon?” Takeru asked the guardian of the town.
“Hmm, it went there…”  Elecmon pointed to the south of the village, “And then another batch of babies vanished…!”
“Huh, was it a human or a digimon?” Armadimon asked.
“A digimon…! It had the scent of a digimon… But it had a human-like form.”
“Human-like form…” Iori mused, “We know a few digimon who fall under this description, but I don’t think it could be someone we know, could it be??”
“Like, Arukenimon and Mummymon?” Patamon asked.
“Their digieggs were never found though…” Takeru frowned, that thought made the entire party sorrowful, but Iori seemed a little… uneasy?
“Hmm… I think I saw a shiny pendant on that digimon, but I couldn't see it well from this distance.”
“Interesting…” Ken mused, then he used his earpiece to talk with the other party, “Did you find Sally le Fay?”
“We went to the address Arsenemon left in the calling card but…” Hikari replied.
“We were sent right back to the store” Miyako completed the line.
“Huh??” Takeru blinked, “Did you say the address sent you back to the toy shop?”
“Yeah, we’re right there and… oddly, the door is unlocked” Daisuke reported, “We will get inside. Did you find somethin’ else there in the village?”
“Elecmon saw a human-like digimon with a shiny pendant in the south of the village,” Iori explained to the other group via the earpiece, “The babies from that area have disappeared.”
“... That’s strang-- Ah, what’s this!?” Daisuke exclaimed.“Be quiet!!” Miyako spoke.
“What’s wrong?” Takeru asked, but there was no answer in return.
“Do you think something happened to them?” Patamon asked Takeru.
“Not sure… Huh, where’s Ichijouji-kun?”
“I found something,” they heard Ken’s voice. Then, the kids and the digimon went in the direction of Ken’s voice.
They stood in front of something peculiar …
“Is that…!!” they all exclaimed.
Meanwhile, Daisuke, Miyako and Hikari were not replying because they just saw Sally le Fay inside the store’s employee area. They didn’t want to call her attention yet but something else happened -- a crash in the window.
The trio and the mons looked at the broken window and found a shadow with long hair tied in a low ponytail, resembling a cat’s tail. There he was, Arsenemon.
“I never expected you to be doing this, mademoiselle… ”
“Oh if it is not the showoff kitten,” Sally smirked, “I thought you didn’t care about me.”
“Don’t worry, I do care. I do care about what you are doing right now. Non mais, quelle honte!! ”
“I always hated you adopting a human accent!” Sally snapped, “Then… You’re after this, right?” the pendant in her necklace was shiny strangely, “I will make all the money and profit with this scheme, I will be rich! And kick mr. Kunizaki out of his business.”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!!” Daisuke cried, and he and the others appeared in the room, “So you’re the one kidnapping the digimon and turning them into dolls!!”
“Tsk, the Chosen Children.”
“And we’re going to retrieve the pieces you stole, Arsenemon!!”
“My, my…” Arsenemon sighed, “I think we have a bigger problem to deal with here, mon ami… ”  
“Enough, I will not let either of you stop me!” Sally grabbed the Digimental fragment and it glowed. She evolved into Ex-Tyrannomon .
“You had to make her mad!?” Miyako snapped at Daisuke.
“S-sorry…” he frowned.
Ex-Tyrannomon roared and threw eerie black orbs against everyone, they had to dodge them. Arsenemon used his own magic spells to protect himself, meanwhile the kids… Well, they were at a disadvantage. Their digimon couldn’t evolve inside the store either!!
“Miyako, WATCH OUT!!” Daisuke screamed the moment he saw one of the orbs coming into her direction. He shoved her to the ground, but he had no time to dodge it himself. He got hit and then something fell on the floor.
“DAISUKE(-KUN)” the girls screamed, and then V-mon grabbed what looked like a plush doll Daisuke from the spot his partner was.
“You will pay for this!” V-mon stared at Sally.
“Oh? Let’s see if you ca-- ARGH!!” Suddenly Stingmon appeared from nowhere and shoved Sally outside the store by the window.
“Stingmon??” Hawkmon exclaimed, and then he and the others saw Ken, Takeru and Iori coming out of a gate near them.
“So as I presumed…” Ken spoke seriously, “This was a digital gate…”
“Ichijouji-kun!” Hikari smiled, but they had no time to ask questions…
“Huh, where’s Daisuke-kun?” Takeru noticed only the girls and the three digimon were in front of them. V-mon then showed the boys the doll in his hands, “Yikes…!”
“You should be careful with that digimon” Arsenemon looked at them, “Ex-Tyrannomon is the one turning everything into those plushies.”
“Without Daisuke we can’t use Jogress evolution…” V-mon frowned, “Please, everyone beat her to undo the spell…!!”
“Understood,” Iori nodded, he then glanced at Takeru and Patamon, “Takeru-san.”
“We will go too,” Hikari said with a serious glare, “Miyako-san, please.”
“Okay! Let’s get that piece from her and turn her back to human again!”
“About that, I…” Ken was about to say something, but the four and their digimon went outside.
“Hm, what is it?” V-mon looked at Ken, innocently.
“Nevermind… I’ll tell them that later…”
With Silphymon and Shakkoumon on the battlefield, things seemed disadvantageous for Sally le Fay. Arsenemon was helping them sorta, using his own magic tricks to protect Silphymon and Shakkoumon.
“Can you do that move again?” V-mon shouted at Arsenemon, “The one you used against Hipprogriffomon?”
“Hmm…?” Arsenemon looked at V-mon from a distance. But he seemed to be looking at the Daisuke plushie in the digimon’s arms. He then muttered something.
In the middle of the battle, Stingmon is hit by those orbs for a moment and is turned into a plush toy just like Daisuke and the baby digimon victims. Ken clenched his fist, he still didn’t get one weak point from Ex-Tyrannomon so far… Was he really unable to help in this situation?
I was the Digimon Kaiser a long time ago… And yet!! -- he cursed his intellect being inferior from his past self. He didn’t want to become a tyrant again, but if he had the same knowledge he had when he was the Kaiser…!! He looked again around, inside and outside of the store. He had to find something to help them out…!!
Arsenemon’s right hand was involved with the same black blue aura and then he dashed like a bullet in the enemy’s direction.
“Malchanceux!!” He shouted and then hit Ex-Tyrannomon with said hand. 
Ken blinked, and asked from that distance, “What do you plan to do with that??”
“Use it on her!” V-mon ordered, and then Ken looked to V-mon next to him. Was he…??
Ex-Tyrannomon growled,”I won’t let you use THAT on me!!” then she tried using the same technique against Arsenemon, BUT!! Nothing happened, “W-WHAT!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?”
“Ah, mademoiselle Sally, I’ve stolen your technique. Now I could turn you into a plush and end this here, or…”
“G-gh!! You wouldn’t…!!”
“You’re using a broken Digimental to evolve” he said with a serious voice, “Undo it right now before you run amok.”
“What?!” the kids (minus Ken) and their partners exclaimed in shock, same is said about Sally’s facial expression.
“Makes sense” Ken mused, “the digimon and people are attracted by the pieces, and then they evolve… And if they stay merged with the piece for a long time…”
“Now, Silphymon, Shakkoumon!!” V-mon yelled.
Silphymon gathered energy into one sphere in their hands and then shot it against Ex-Tyrannomon, “TOP GUN!!”
“Nigimitama” Shakkoumon then released exploding clay disks against the enemy at the same time.
The two attack techniques combined into one and hit Ex-Tyrannomon, who couldn’t dodge them all that fast. With this, Silphymon flew at supersonic speed and removed the pendant from Sally’s necklace, undoing the evolution and thus the spell on everyone else.
V-mon placed the Daisuke doll on the floor, which then reverted into Daisuke himself. V-mon jumped on Daisuke’s arms, who was yet confused about what happened to himself. Stingmon also turned back into a living being, though he devolved back into Wormmon. Ken gently took him with his arms and gave him a tight hug. Wormmon also was not well aware what happened while he was turned into a toy though…
“You helped us again,” Silphymon (Tailmon side) glanced at Arsenemon, “But why?”
“You won’t believe me,” the burglar answered with a serious tone, “But I’m not your ennemi , Chosen Detectives.”
“We won’t let you have this piece, dagya” Shakkoumon (Ankylomon side) stood in front of Silphymon. “You will have to fight us first!” And then they (the Angemon side) threatened him.
“My my…” Arsenemon chuckled, “I don’t need this piece for now. I just wanted to help an old friend from breaking through some nasty greed rampage.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Hikari tilted her head.
Sally woke up and then looked at all of those people, “The Chosen Children and… Arsenemon? What are you doing here…?”
“Oh! Maybe Sally is Arsenemon’s partner!”
“About that,” Ken cleaned his throat, “I have to report.”
“Oh, I don’t need to hide myself from the saviors of the Digital World” Sally said, a little ashamed of her actions, she snapped her fingers and turned back into her original form -- Witchmon .
“A DIGIMON!?” they exclaimed, except for Ken, Iori and Takeru.
“Makes sense when you realize Sally le Fay is a name combined from ‘Sally the Witch’ and ‘Morgan le Fay’,” Takeru explained.
“And we realized it was a digimon in disguise when Elecmon said it had a human shape, but the scent of a digimon,” Iori added.
“Then I found this digital gate opened to the toy shop, which confirmed our suspicion” Ken finished their report.
“But… How did you get this piece?” Miyako asked, “Don’t tell me you got it from a strange hooded person too…”
Witchmon nodded, but this didn’t surprise anyone. If Koubara Takuya got a Digimental fragment this same way…
“Who’s this person-or-digimon though!?” Daisuke growled.
The other day, the news reported some fraud at Kunizaki Toys and that the store was closed. Of course this was Lune’s fault -- She and Soleil took advantage of that, and went right after the store’s owner. The poor man was so intimidated by those creepy digimon that he decided to confess his crimes. Despite that there was… No crime committed by himself, only by Sally/Witchmon under the control of the fragment.
The 02 Group was confused about it. But they couldn’t do anything to help the man…
… But Lune was feeling so happy, making the group suspicious of her behavior.
Why is Lune and Soleil involved in those cases…??Are either of them…?!
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jackdup · 6 months
Name: Timothy Lawrence Jack Handsome Jack Timothy Lawrence
Aliases: Timmy, Tim, Timmo
Age: Late 30s/Early 40s (main verse) [became Jack’s body double at age 23]
Gender: Male (he/him)
Romantic/sexual orientation: Pansexual
Eye color: Right eye blue; left eye green (heterochromia)
Hair color: Brunet with gray streaks
Height: 5’11”
Occupation: Part-time Jack impersonator; full-time life-ruiner (of his own life, to be clear)
Abilities: Acting (specifically as Handsome Jack, which basically just means he’s good at pretending to be a complete chode), combat (not the best with his aim, so typically resorts to pistols or shotguns and stays in close range; he still has his wristband that summons Digi-Jacks, but he uses it as infrequently as possible and typically only as a last resort)
Notable physical traits: Looks exactly like Handsome Jack (otherwise there’d be no point to the whole “body double” thing) down to the actual scar on his face hidden beneath the famous mask. Said mask is now cracked after seven years trapped in the rough and tumble environment of the Handsome Jackpot casino (Timothy hasn’t bothered to fix it). His right hand is a prosthetic created for him by Atlas after his escape from the casino. Covered with plenty of scars from bullet wounds and the like, all typically concealed beneath his clothes. (Note: In his main verse, Tim typically is wearing some sort of hood + face cover in public environments, as walking around looking like Handsome Jack isn’t exactly safe. He also is typically not donning the Handsome Jack mask; his scar is immediately visible.)
Cynical, sarcastic, basically done with everyone’s shit (including his own). Might’ve been a lot more timid once upon a time, but that ship has sailed and more or less just comes out as what the kids call “cringe.” (He’s awkward; that’s all you need to know.) Timmy is sassy without Jack’s help, though the need to impersonate him has made that meter skyrocket. Frankly, whatever person Tim happened to be before his surgery to become Jack is irrelevant: both because he isn’t that guy anymore and because he just . . . cannot remember who that guy was.
The good news: Tim has a much more stable moral compass than most people he’s met (and definitely way better than Jack’s).
The bad news: Tim’s behavior is still directly and indirectly affected by all the acting, so there’s plenty of dickish things that come out of his mouth before he can stop himself.
To put it simply, he’s like a watered-down version of Handsome Jack . . . and he hates it (the “being a version of Jack” part, not the “watered-down” part—God forbid). He’s not full of himself—and actually rather despises himself—but his filters that may have once been in place to avoid hurt feelings are definitely long gone: Timmy will usually state his opinion (and judgment) on something without hesitation, no matter how rude it sounds. It’s like . . . if he can weather his own self-criticism and hatred, other people should be able to handle it directed at them, too. (Not to mention he’s pretty sure any of those aforementioned judgments are 100% valid and should be judged if no one has judged them yet.)
Of course, the one good thing he could’ve achieved from Jack would’ve been confidence and swag. Wouldn’t that have been nice—? Except, no: any and all of that side of things has always been and will always be acting. Tim has a low opinion of himself (spawned from more than just the whole “being Jack” gig, and too deep-seated to go into right now), and what ladies (and men and everything in-between or outside) may see as “charm” is manufactured from a lot of training to pull off a convincing Handsome Jackhole. Consider him naked and afraid beneath that facade; he’s prone to devolving into a fit of nervous babbling that’s barely comprehensible when faced with . . . certain situations (or certain people). But he’s learned how to jump back to his feet again.
. . . and again and again and again—
Oh god, please let him rest.
So, the story goes a little something like this:
School = student loans = crippling debt = a need to repay that debt = one (1) dumbass horrible decision = life ruined = more dumbass horrible decisions = life super ruined beyond repair.
Timothy remembers a surprising little about his life before he became Jack—which should be more than mildly disturbing, considering that’s over twenty years and half of his entire existence, but he’s pretty much lost the ability to care by now. All he knows is that he was in debt, he needed to get out of that debt, and for some reason, getting an entire plastic surgery and personality change to pose as a random Hyperion programmer who couldn’t possibly be important enough (at the time) to need body doubles was the winning option. No questions or criticisms. He has enough of those from himself. But basically, yeah, twenty years’ contract pretending to be a conceited pain in the ass: stellar life decisions leading into more stellar life decisions.
See, at first, Jack wasn’t that bad. Obnoxiously full of himself and insufferable at best, sure, but Tim figured pulling that off wouldn’t be all too difficult (everyone has the ability to be an asshole; the good people just have filters, y’know?). The kiddie pool he had waded into became an entire deep end of shit starting when Jack brought Tim along on a job to find a Vault on Pandora’s moon. Sparing all the details of near-death experiences (suffocating in space, for example, or just getting railed with gunfire by the Lost Legion), Tim witnessed firsthand the evolution of “regular unassuming programmer Jack” to the infamous “Handsome Jack” whose name the entire system would come to recognize with either hatred or disturbing devotion. Oh, and hey . . .
That name was also Timmy’s now.
So that’s great.
Tim spent many years after that in the now Handsome Jack’s servitude (along with many, many, many other doppelgangers because the psychopath couldn’t be stopped). His body, voice . . . hell, his entire being was used for a plethora of things he’d rather not talk about. (The birthday parties weren’t that bad, and sometimes the fancy events would be fun, but he could’ve done without the totally-not-child-friendly movies.) Tim was no longer Tim. At least not until his contract was over, and really . . . suffice to say, he ended up losing track of how much time went by as much as he was losing track of who he really was without the whole Jack-impersonation thing.
Eventually, Tim ended up as one of the doppelgangers working at the Handsome Jackpot, a space casino big enough to have its own orbit. When the real Handsome Jack died, the casino went into lockdown and trapped all of its patrons and workers inside, which naturally led to a whole mess of violence spawned from insanity and a weird community of rivaling gangs within the casino. Timothy was trapped there for seven years before the Vault Hunters (on a job for Moxxi) rescued him. Since then, Tim—still looking like the spitting image of the dick-tater most had come to loathe—has been trying to rebuild a life for himself with his new freedom. However, one thing has become hopelessly clear:
He’d escaped one place full of people trying to kill him only to enter an entire galaxy of people wanting to kill him. Freedom’s . . . maybe a relative term. It’s a work in progress.
Extra notes (headcanon tag):
Tim underwent plastic surgery on his face, but the rest of his body is still his own, freckles and all (since he no longer has them on his cheeks, much to his dismay; he liked those). To guarantee the most accurate likeness possible, he’s had to stay in shape and ensure his body type still lines up with Jack’s through the years.
He has voice modulator implants in his neck that make him sound like Jack. These cause physical pain when he’s talking, though after decades of dealing with it, Tim is more or less accustomed to the discomfort (he basically just feels like he has a sore throat 24/7).
After escaping the casino (and now with “freedom” he hasn’t had in too many years to count), Tim’s become somewhat of a “gun for hire.” His morals make him picky about what jobs he takes, but after his experience on Elpis and plenty of “fighting for his life” on a near-constant basis, he’s (somewhat reluctantly) accepted these are the skills he’s accumulated . . . and he needs money to survive. (Not to mention he’s definitely got commitment issues and is reluctant to really work for one person/company; this gives him the chance to jump around and stay . . . “free” in some sense.)
Has acrophobia, an intense fear of heights.
He was injected with some of Jack’s DNA, which Timmy often blames for his occasional “tics” that have him saying things or behaving in ways that line up with Jack’s persona. The truth of the matter is that he’s spent so long pretending to be Jack that some of the dick behavior is just habitual, now (and he hates it).
Having been trapped in the Handsome Jackpot casino for seven years, Tim is out-of-touch with current events. He didn’t typically know wtf was going on most of the time, but now he at least has an excuse.
High alcohol tolerance. If he wasn’t already drinking to Cope just from having to be Handsome Jack, then he certainly got deep into that healthy habit during his seven years trapped in the hellhole of a casino. It takes many drinks to actually feel any effects, which is a bummer because god does he want to feel those effects. (Drinks a lot of just straight hard liquor with nothing mixed—right out of the bottle, baybee.)
He owns a small spaceship given to him by Moxxi after escaping the casino: a means of traveling anywhere he wants, and as far away from that place as possible. Tim’s not exactly a skilled pilot, but he manages (plus, autopilot is a godsend when it’s not colliding with things).
Literally the embodiment of “gets turned on by danger.”
Never actually had a real romantic relationship before. Having to pretend to be someone you’re not kinda puts a bit of a wrench in those possibilities, and as far as Timmy knows, Handsome Jack wasn’t really the . . . romantic type. Any flings Tim’s had were usually influenced by Jack. Casual sex and things of that ilk, though? Oh, yeah. He’s accustomed. He’s found fun where he can. (The closest thing he got to a relationship was with Ember for a few years in the casino, but it was never . . . shall we say “official” since Timmers danced around it.)
Used to have a bomb implanted somewhere in his face that would detonate if he ever spoke his real name. Thankfully, by the time Jack died, that sucker was deactivated . . . in that aspect: the bomb remained active as a means of keeping him trapped at the Handsome Jackpot (where he’d get blown to smithereens if he tried to leave; y’know, normal stuff a sane person does to someone). After Timmy’s escape, he managed to get Rhys’s help in removing any of those dangerous implants—since Rhys is well-versed in Hyperion technology.
Timmy was one of Jack’s “favorite” body doubles, which isn’t a good thing. It’s not a good thing. Basically the equivalent to being a skag’s prized chew toy. He gathered a good rep through the work he did on Elpis for starters, and proceeded to prove his worth as time went on. Tim saw a lot more of Jack than he wanted to, considering he already has to see him in the mirror every goddamn day.
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digital-corruption · 2 years
What are your predictions for ep. 10?
The end!
Ok, but seriously after ep 7 and 8 I thought Everbyte was going to kill more characters, but now I don't think they have the guts to do it. In case you didn't know, I really didn't like ep 9. Not as much as I hate Lilly’s arc because I still feel that's the weakest part of the story, but ep 9 was such a mood killer after ep 8. I was expecting more shock and awe and instead we got a photo montage. The only redeeming part of ep 9 was the intercourse I mean "screen sharing".
So I don't know, maybe they'll go back to shock and awe and remind us that MWAF is actually a bad guy, not just a misunderstood individual with a feather fetish.
I'm torn with who I think MWAF is. The theory that Hannah has gone off the rails is very compelling. The idea that Richy faked his death has merit. And for being straight up Michael Hanson, well, that's plausible too. I know people think it's too easy, but I think with the amount of time we've been given, the fandom (including me) does overthink things.
I've taken Dan off the hook for now. After replaying, I really got the feeling he knew Hannah and Amy's story all along, but because of the person that he is, he was ready to take their secret to the grave. How? I think he helped them cover it up. Maybe he even went with Hannah to see Iris. (I refuse to accept the diary entry change.) He drops a lot of hints that the group carries a lot of secrets and he's burdened with knowing those secrets, but at the same time he is fine to be the one that cleans up their shit. You might argue that he was just referring to the key incident, but I feel he admitted a small secret to keep us from asking about the bigger secrets. Or I might be overthinking things again...
I don't really see MWAF being the others. Like I try to understand people's arguments for it, but it's just not compelling enough for me right now. Sure, Everbyte might reveal a sudden twist. Who doesn't love a twist? I just hope the twist isn't convoluted.
But goddamnit, they better tell us who Ted is!! I won't tolerate that nonsense any longer!
I do believe there will be a set up for the sequel though. Like if Everbyte haven't completely burnt themselves out with Duskwood, it would be kind of silly not to ride the Duskwood train a little longer. Having a hit IP is every indie studio's dream, and trying a new IP now would be a huge gamble. So yes, my money is on Duskwood 2 or some sort of spin-off. But if they're burnt out, then they're burnt out.
Thanks for asking, anon! 😊 Um, this was a lot of babble. 😅 You got me in a babble mood.
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digitallyinclined · 6 years
Tumblr media
<reblogs appreciated> Depop @ agentmozell https://www.depop.com/agentmozell Hey guys! It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve been on Tumblr. I had to take a massive break for various personal reasons. One reason is that I’ve been going to the doctor to get ready for a possible surgery for my TMJ, which has been getting increasingly painful for me. Unfortunately this surgery will require me to miss work since I most likely will not be able to talk, which I need to do for my job. But I only get one week of vacation and no sick pay. Therefore I’ve made the decision to go through a lot of things in my collection and sell them. This will help me build up a savings so I will be able to pay for my usual bills while still being able to put my part in for living expenses. In short, even if you just share my shop it will help a lot. I did look up current prices for everything and tried to make every price fair. But offers are more than welcome! Thank you and have a wonderful day! ✨
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
Triplet Digi (Tortiemon's story) part eight preview:
“Daisuke. Daisuke. Wake up, Daisuke.”
Daisuke snored, he babbled something in his sleep. It was about a beach party? And a pool made of chocolate pudding? And V-mon was eating all of the pudding, making him grimace in his sleep.
“Daisuke, wake up” Wallace refused to give up. He shook Daisuke’s shoulder frantically until the annoyed Daisuke opened his eyes and growled:
“What do ya want, dud--…!?”
Wallace covered his mouth, and whispered “There’s someone in the kitchen!”
“Don’t you think it’s your mother, man?” Daisuke whispered back.
“No? No! It’s not a human!”
“... You have your own digimon, why the heck would you wake me up for this!? You even have three digimon!”
“Are you saying I should go face it all alone and wreck my own house down!?”
“... You’re right, we need to not blow the apartment up. Let’s talk with the mysterious guest,” And Daisuke got up from the bed.
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[10-  Emergencial Reunion!!]
“You said it was an emergency so you have to be straight and tell us what’s going on.”
Iori didn’t want to sound rude, but considering everyone at this point is full of work to do, like Joe having many appointments with hurt or sick digimon as example.
“It’s about him” Ken said with a serious tone.
Everyone stopped talking or complaining, creating a heavy and uncomfortable atmosphere in the room. It wasn’t like they had given up on Daisuke, and yes that they had no clues to solve that issue. Taichi had gotten no time to search for him, and had given a lot of excuses to the media to keep everything under control. If not… How would’ve Taichi explain that without revealing that Daisuke is one of the DigiChosen?
“What did you get?” Miyako broke the silence, yet her voice was cold. They were talking about her husband after all.
“We never learned what happened to him” Ken began, “Two years ago, we got a message on our digivices about a mysterious S.O.S. signal. Daisuke and I went to check it out, but we had been ambushed by a digimon.”
“That we know, Ichijouji” Takeru vaguely commented.
“The jogress was an option for us but, we got separated in combat. When we found each other, Daisuke shoved me into the gate to save me from being captured.” 
“Then, what have you discovered about the case?” Taichi acted as the good and old leader once again “You said on the phone that it is connected to the Roar of Freedom, am I wrong?”
“It’s an assumption” Ken explained “This group had been spotted on the same area Daisuke got caught, and they know who we are. Because after someone executed the Strikedramon brothers… We found that they left a message addressed to us.”
“Are they threatening us…?” Yamato clenched his fist, but Takeru calmed him down.
“We didn’t give up on finding Daisuke, and this may be the very first clue we got since two years ago.”
“... What you want us to do?” Koushiro asked him, and that was everyone’s question as well. 
Ken hated to feel pressured by glares, somehow it brings him bad memories from his childhood. However, he was on Daisuke’s position in the group -- While Taichi is the first and Yamato the second… Daisuke is somehow the third. And Ken does not like to be the lead despite being the head of the Special Digimon Cases Unit.
“Nothing for now” he answered a few moments later, trying to formulate words in his mind.
“You want to go there and investigate, am I wrong?” Taichi said, then looked at the others.
“If Ken goes, I’m going” Miyako raised from her seat “Daisuke is not only our friend, it’s my husband. And I have to protect my family.”
“I’d like to go too but… I’m busy” Iori mused.
“I have a lot to do too” Hikari, Mimi and Sora replied, some frowns were visible.
“The hospital needs me, I’m sorry” Joe was honest as ever, deep down he wanted to do more for the group but he was the most busiest of the them right now.
“I could go, but” Takeru spoke “I have a book release to attend. After that, I can lend you a hand Ken.”
“The next mission is settled to the next week” Yamato was pouty “I will help giving support here. Could go investigating those cases in the meanwhile” then he glanced at Taichi.
“Sorry, I can’t go” and he answered “I had been a target, while I can still fight… Handling with the role as a Chosen Child and as the digimon’s Ambassador wouldn’t be good. I trust you two though. If you need help, I will do my best to send backup.”
“Taichi, our identities are a secret!” Yamato argued “You can’t simply ruin all of our efforts to keep our families safe!”
“I won’t, I prefer to call Ken’s unit to give him and Miyako support.”
Daichi was sleeping when someone had entered in his room. Luckily, Ulforce and Natsu were still spending the night at the old Daisuke’s office room so no one suspected about them.
A very quiet voice was what made Daichi wake up, seeing a blurred human holding a pink ball.
“Daichi, please wake up and help” Kiyoko was the one he saw now that his vision went back to normal “This lil’ guy is needing some help!”
“Lil… W-wait, that’s a digimon!?”
“No, it’s a plush. Duh, of course he is!”
“What happened?!” he got up from the bed “Where did he come from!? Where did you find him!?”
“Uhh, long story short… He was running away from some baddie and de-evolved back to this form. Is it a… Poromon right?”
“Hm yes” he examined the borb-like baby “I think it is.”
“Why don’t you use that shining thing on your desk?”
“Shiny thing--” he looked back and realized he didn’t hide the D-TimeRune before going to sleep!! “Aa- Um, that thing!? It’s a phone! A normal phone!! Old phone I meant…!”
She smirked, “I know you’re hiding something from me dear brother. Because after getting your message, I phoned Mitsuki and he said you weren’t at his home. I also phoned your other friends and they said the same!”
He gasped.
“You can’t hide it from me, Daichi. I’m sly as a fox, faster like a cheetah and your sister.”
“A… Uh… Please, don’t tell anyone about this” Daichi sighed “I’ve got a digivice and a digimon partner.”
“Y-you’re going to wake mom up!!” he whispered to her “Please don’t tell mom or anyone else.”
“Fine fine!” Kiyoko muttered and pouted “Now please help me with this digimon, he seems hurt!”
Daichi grabbed the digivice and told Kiyoko to follow him to the room no one ever had opened since Daisuke’s disappearance. When they stood in front of the door, Daichi muttered:
“This is also a secret, don’t let anyone else know,” and he opened the door. They walked in and he closed the door, turned the lights on and made the sleepy digi-duo wake up.
“Aww, they’re cute!!” she was looking at them and almost squishing the hurt Poromon “What are they? Digimon too? That’s a Chibimon and… I never had heard of a pink bun!”
“Daichi isn’t your identity supposed to be a secret?” Natsu squinted her eyes but her expression changed to concern “Uh-oh, you have an injured digimon here! Let me heal it…!” and she switched forms in front of them, took the Poromon from Kiyoko’s hands and put it on the couch by Ulforce’s side. she send an energy from her hands to the bird-like digimon, healing him slowly.
“A secret?” Kiyoko glanced at Daichi “I thought you wouldn’t hide something from me…!”
“Natsu said to me to not tell anyone else, there’s some things you cannot know--”
“And there’s more!? And you can’t trust me!?”
“I think y’all should tell her” Ulforce interrupted the heated discussion. Both Daichi and Natsu looked at him “Sorry guys, the girl needs to know now that she’s aware of us here.”
“Fine, Daichi tell her I’m busy to give details. But you must keep quiet about it, Kiyoko.”
“I… I will, don’t worry!” the girl nodded “Not even mom and dad must know right…?”
“Especially them, or else they will lock me in the depths of the Digital World.”
“Ok…?” Kiyoko wasn’t able to understand that, but she promised to not tell anyone about whatever it was Daichi’s secret.
“... Mom and dad are legendary heroes” Daichi began “Remember of those stories about the Digital World’s warriors? They were real… And our dad is a brainwashed enemy right now.”
She stared at him for a while. Then she snorted and laughed but not too much loud.
“Seriously? Have you been talking with Junya lately? Our parents are heroes!? How funny!”
“Kiyoko I’m deadly serious here! They are, I just saw--”
“Wait, How can a digimon researcher and a worldwide famous chef be secret heroes? It makes no sense, big bro. You’re talking like Junya about the conspiracy theory of ambassador Yagami hiding the truth from everyone about the legends.”
“... He is right. But not for something evil, actually it’s about our safety.”
“Daichi, I don’t know what happened to you to jump from ‘our dad is dead’ to ‘our dad is alive, and our parents are part of the legendary Chosen Children’ but I know dad is on a business trip and our parents aren’t heroes.”
“He’s telling the truth” Natsu turned back and stared at Kiyoko “Daisuke, Miyako and Taichi are DigiChosen. Most of their friends are.”
“I… It’s strange knowing that our babysitter is a digimon but...”
“Kiyoko, my sweetie… I’ve been with your parents from a long time ago that I’m basically an honored digimon partner. Believe me, I tell no lies.”
“Why would dad be an enemy? He’s a good person!! Makes no sense!”
“He had been captured, but Daichi knows how to fix it… You have to stay here and not tell anyone about it--”
“Urk…” the Poromon woke up, his vision being pretty blurred but slowly coming back. His noise called the kids, Natsu and Ulforce’s attention though “I need to find the… C-Chosen Children.”
“Don’t talk, you’re badly injured!” Kiyoko said, worried with the poor bird “You’re safe, please rest.”
“Why is he looking for them?” Ulforce tilted his head.
“What happened to him, Kiyoko?” Daichi asked calmly.
“I don’t know, I was coming back from school and…”
  … It fell from the skies devolved in front of me.
“Hey little one, are you okay?!” I approached from, super duper concerned with him. I took from the ground and examined him for a few seconds. Then he talked to me:
“... Human kid-- W-watch out…!!” He said and then he shove me to the ground. A light hit this poor Poromon and he fell again on the floor.
“Ugh, h-hey why did you-- Huh!?” I looked behind me and saw a shadow. It was trying to catch the Poromon so I grabbed the bird orb from the floor and ran away.
  Daichi, Ulforce and Natsu looked at Kiyoko, then to each other. To Daichi, that sounded like the plot of one of the old games he and his father had played together.
“So, someone’s looking for him” the boy mused “And, probably is going after you now.”
“Yeah, I think so…”
“Do you think it chased her at home?” Ulforce looked around “I mean-- Not like I care of someone trying to invade your home...”
“The house is safe” Daichi said “There’s alarms and mx. Hawkmon lives here. He’s mom’s partner after all.”
“Uh… About that…” The three looked at Kiyoko “... Mom and mx. Hawk are not here, they went to an important meeting.”
“So we’re all alone!?” Ulforce babbled in panic, then he started to verify every corner of the room “Are we safe!?”
“Are you scared…?” Natsu smirked “Aren’t you the grand hero Ulforce?”
“Me!? Scared!?” the tiny-mon took the bait “I gonna show ya how great I am! Daichi kid, evolve me and I will protect everyone for the night!”
“Uh, no need to--” suddenly a noise was heard from outside. Kiyoko grabbed the Poromon and hid behind Natsu, while Daichi took the D-TimeRune to see if it was a digimon signal.
“Wha-what was that!?” the girl asked “It sounded like someone crashing the restaurant’s entrance door…!”
“Stay here” Daichi whispered, “Ulforce come with me.”
“F-fine…??” he nodded, then jumped to the boy’s arms. The duo left the room, leaving Natsu and Kiyoko to protect the injured Poromon.
“... Mom’s going to not like if they damage the restaurant” Kiyoko mused “Natsu, can you see if there’s someone inside?”
“I don’t feel anything from here, and Poromon is injured we can’t--”
Kiyoko left the room and Natsu sighed. No matter how much she worked to keep the siblings safe for the sake of their lives… Those two always find a way to get into trouble. Quite like their parents.
When the girls arrived at the restaurant floor, they saw Ulforce on child level already and chasing a shadow, with Daichi going after the blue digimon.
“It’s… It’s that one who was chasing me!!” Kiyoko shouted, Daichi glanced at her but turned back to the battle “P-please don’t damage the restaurant, dad wouldn’t like it…!!”
“I won’t!” He assured her “Ulforce, Kiyoko, Natsu, try to lure it to the outside!”
“Wait will you put YOUR SISTER in danger!?” Natsu babbled.
“She’s fine, she’s with us!”
“Yes, but do you forgot she’s a not a tamer!?”
“Oh screw that!” Kiyoko yelled “With or without a digimon, I’ve raised to fight! I’m made of fire!” then she ran towards the mysterious silhouette, with the Poromon in her hands “Hey, dummy dumbo thing! Come catch me, leave this place alone and come after me!” She left the restaurant by the main entrance, forcing the shadow to chase her.
“Good job, Kiyoko!” Daichi nodded, then looked at Ulforce and Natsu “Let’s go, we need to prevent that thing from hurting Kiyoko and the Poromon.”
“Ok” they nodded and with this the three left after the shadow.
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secondarythings · 5 years
Borderlands 3 DLC Ideas/Speculations
No spoilers pls I haven't finished the main game
So... handsome Jack. Ai? Moxxi?
But what I'd love is to see Timothy the Doppelgänger. According to the movie posters he's alive and... doing porn.
In my mind, Hyperion wants to preserve Jack's image (well, perceived image) and cracks down on uncopyrighted use of his image.
Moxxi wants to take them down.
At some point Hyperion goes after the porn actor, thinking it's some guy using a pocket watch. Moxxi uses that opportunity to strike. A fight breaks out. They deploy a lot of loaders and then the 'harmless' double overrides Hyperion's security by using one of Jack's old commands that Hyperion never bothered to remove after his death.
Luckily Timothy is a sweetheart and helps Moxxi as best as he can. Or runs away since he's been traumatized beyond belief.
Possible ideas include:
-Tim needing to act as Jack and breaking character when encountering a kitten
- Tim's backstory includes staying with Jack bc he thought his odds of survival were slightly better if Jack wasn't intentionally trying to kill him. He ran when the vault hunters attacked the bunker and hid on Pandora. After pretending to be a psycho until Helios fell, he raided the ruins until he found enough things to salvage and leave the planet. He once met Vaughn and liked hin.
- at one point in the DLC he meets or at least talks to Rhys on the echo. Rhys freaks out, Tim has never met him before and also freaks.
- sinister turn: Rhys kept echo-eye Jack Ai. It gets installed into the digi-jacks somehow
- also sinister turn: in the end Tim is all that is left of jack and kills himself to end it all
- or: Athena's and Janey's wedding happens and he's maid of honor
- Tim is still head over heels for Moxxi and starts babbling whenever he sees her
- Tim trying to act as psychologist since he read all of the self help books
- Tim not knowing who Angel really was, thinking she was an ai
Gah, so many ideas!
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sheisbornadreamer · 6 years
Centered around Yamato's role as a big brother and from Takeru's point of view.
Disclaimer: just borrowing, I don't own anything
Takeru had never seen his brother like this.
Growing up, he had practically thought of Yamato as an adult; he was twice or even three times as tall as he, that was enough reason. Other than that, his brother acted and thought like an adult, and definitely treated Takeru as if he were his son. He nagged, he worried, he took care and spoiled, but most of all he comforted.
The memory of being lifted onto his brother's lap and held close was as familiar as eating, dressing, or even going to the bathroom. He had grown up with it, even when they lived separately Takeru would regularly come back to that familiar place between his older brother's arms and frame.
Yamato was the perfect person to calm you; although he wasn't always alright and sometimes even depressed, he was equable and stable like a tree. Even at the young age of six he used to hold his difficult and energetic three year old sibling still until he stopped crying or fell asleep.
Though their parents tried not to, Yamato was sometimes used as a calmer for his brother, when they didn't manage.
Takeru was the happy one of the two boys, but being a careless kid he often hurt himself, and easily cried. To be fair, he soon smiled again, after being consoled by Yamato.
Said boy, however, didn't cry very often. Though neither did he smile. He was careful and still and therefore most of the time managed to avoid getting hurt, but there was often pain carried somewhere inside him, especially after their parents' divorce.
Somehow, his monotone behavior (compared to his brother's ups and downs) left him with almost no comfort from anyone. Since he was never feeling great and never feeling awful, he was always okay. So he didn't need to be checked upon.
Being his little brother, Takeru naturally noticed the tiny changes in his sibling's mood, and if Yamato was sad one day, he saw it.
The younger boy never comforted his big brother, but when that face was frowning, Takeru's mouth would instantly open and he'd babble about his day, about his thoughts and what he had seen and heard. If that didn't help, he would tell him funny stories and crack jokes (that he always managed to destroy in the effort of explaining) make faces, dance, anything to make his brother laugh. Or at least smile a little.
Next to their father, Takeru could grasp that Yamato was smaller, and not the one in charge. But Mr Ishida never treated Yamato like he treated Takeru; he didn't ruff his hair or lift him up into the air or pet his cheek. He was kind to him of course, but hardly ever affectionate or protective.
Come to think of it, there had only been one time in his childhood, where he had witnessed the shocking image of his older sibling for once acting by his age, and their parents treating him by his age.
It really hadn't been Yamato's fault. No one had ever even hinted that since it happened. Of course, if the blond nine-year-old hadn't climbed up that three just to answer Takeru's question, he wouldn't have broken his leg.
But it was practically the only inconsiderate thing he had ever done as a kid, and their parents forgave him for it before he even fell.
That doesn't mean they weren't shocked. Everyone was. Most of all Takeru.
The image of Yamato being picked up by their father, crying his eyes out as though he had completely forgotten his whole identity (Takeru still has a hard time picturing his brother crying without holding back) and not letting anything comfort him, was just as shocking as what was now taking place right before his eyes. Maybe this wasn't as shocking... or just in a different way, not exactly easy to compare...
Ishida-san's expression hadn't eased the six-year-old's shock either -it had been the first time Takeru had ever seen his father look scared.
He had never felt so small and distant as then, as if watching from another planet. Kind of like the feeling you get when watching thunder, or disasters in other countries. One second you're thinking about your stupid shoe-lace that never wants to stay in the knot, and the next you realize that there's a giant world around you.
Everything isn't from your point of view any longer.
Yamato isn't just a big brother who will always wait for Takeru to trip and fall, or worry about everything he does, and just console him and guide.
Suddenly he's a thousand of different things.
Most of all, he's not the character Takeru is used to. Apparently that only exists when he is in Yamato's thoughts... weird.
At first it hadn't been very extraordinary.
Yamato looked tired. Weak, even. Takeru had seen that before, when Yamato's spirit had dipped just a little lower, barely crossing the line between "okay" and "not okay". Sure it had been shocking the first time, but it had happened often enough for the younger brother to recognize it and not unnecessarily freak.
Here, he would have finished the last distance and approached him, but Yamato's best friend Yagami Taichi was standing there with him, so it was fine. Takeru remained where he stood, observing as he tried to analyze whether he should join them or just leave. Right now, they looked a bit too serious for him to just drop in.
Well, at least his brother did.
Taichi never seemed to get the whole frowning-thing.
Obviously he was trying to cheer him up. Not with the usual clown-tactic however, but with the calmer one he used when he knew that Yamato needed him to understand. That was why Takeru hesitated; they never talked about serious stuff in front of people. He didn't exactly worry about his brother hiding something from him; they shared most things with each other. It was rather the interaction between the two friends that wasn't supposed to be disturbed by someone else.
The two nineteen-year-old males continued to exchange words silently (Takeru was standing too far to actually hear), Taichi listened as Yamato let his heart out, gave some suggestions, and nodded in surrender as the other added more negativism. In more serious conversations like this Taichi didn't seem to persist on cheering him up; he rather listened and let Yamato sort it out himself by talking about it, and simply offered support and company.
The brunet sighed as Takeru's brother continued to look miserable, gazing at the ground with troubled eyes. He then took a step forward, hooking his arms under the hunched over Yamato's frame, and lifted him up to let him rest his taller body against his. Then he pulled Yamato's waist strangely close, and Yamato in turn wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders, burying his face into Taichi's neck.
The last said actions were what sent Takeru beyond the limit of blissful ignorance into heart-jumping shock.
His big brother looked so small in the brunets arms, which was very weird because he wasn't physically smaller than him. But without Taichi there, Yamato would've fallen to the ground.
The fact that it wasn't an x-hug annoyed Takeru; the fact that Yamato's arms were clinging around Taichi's neck while said male's arms were holding that small waist. The fact Yamato's hair was suddenly so long and pretty annoyed him. That he was always so quiet and careful, and sad. That he was burying his face into Taichi neck, probably sobbing quietly. That his eyes were so pretty, and his skin was so fair, and his limbs so long and thin and graceful.
That they were kissing.
Shock returns and replaces his irritation for a few seconds.
Takeru had never considered his brother as anyone's boyfriend or lover. Girls drooled over him, that was obvious, but Yamato always despised and avoided fans like that. He had never blushed around anyone, or glanced a little to long, or stuttered.
Now suddenly, he is someone's. He is loving someone, and not in a brother type of way. Not the way he loves music. Or their childhood memories. Or his so called "friend" over there. A romantic way.
And it's guy.
And Yamato is the fucking girl...
The possibility that Yamagi has topped his brother crosses his mind and Takeru starts to get dizzy. This is too much to take.
Taichi has spotted him, regret written across his eyes, knowing that this will kill Yamato, especially in state that he's in right now. A second later blue eyes meet blue.
All Takeru can think of is that time when he sneaked up to take a sneak peak at the horror movie that Yamato and Taichi were watching. As the monster popped up on the screen Takeru cried out in fear, Yamato had turned his head, already knowing, and stared at him with the same eyes as now.
Takeru's anger runs off as he sees the look on his brother's face. He wants to erase it, convince him that he hasn't seen anything, that nothing is wrong. He absolutely hates that look.
Neither of them can stop the older Ishida from getting the hell away from there, and in just a few seconds only Takeru and Taichi are left.
Looking at the younger boy, Taichi can tell that there's accusation towards him. But he waltzes over casually, grateful that the blond doesn't leave -chasing would be useless.
"I'm sorry you had to see that"
Takeru glares. "Just because you were the leader in the Digi-world doesn't mean you can treat him like some fucking..." he trails off, lacking words. Or perhaps too embarrassed to use them. Thinking is awkward enough.
Taichi holds his gaze. "You know I respect him" he replies critically, making Takeru look away, slightly shameful. But he can't give up to that only.
"Doesn't mean you haven't fucked him" he retorts loudly, not backing down. He stares intently into the brunet's eyes, knowing he can't hide what he's feeling.
He looks caught off guard, but recovers, sighing. "I don't think I'm better than him. We're different, but we're still equal. That there was him letting me share the burden, alright, he's having a hard time right now. Trust me, Yamato's not afraid to punch me if I act like an idiot."
Takeru shifts, suddenly feeling very stupid. Almost like Daisuke.
He cringes at the mere thought.
"It's just... I've never wished he was different. I've always looked up to him and seen him as my hero, even when others say stupid things, I never saw it. Until now."
"It's not that he's gay," Takeru protests, shaking his head. "Just... that he lets you take care of him. Looked like he's given up. Yamato has always managed on his own. He's not weak!"
"He's human, Takeru. He's got problems to deal with -everyone does. Sometimes he can't do it on his own, or as fast as he'd like to."
He didn't expect to accept the speech, but when Taichi's finished Takeru has nothing left to say.
"So he's not... " The young teen already regrets the question, but Taichi smiles encouragingly, listening. "... like, the woman then," he manages to mutter.
Taichi looks more disturbed than he had feared he would. "I hate that expression" he exclaims, narrowing his eyes at something above Takeru's head, as though the one inventing said expression was standing there.
"Well, I mean... " Takeru adds, scratching his head miserably, wishing he'd never asked. "Submissive, or whatever. I mean I know I see him as a hero 'cause he's my big brother and everything, but I guess he can be pretty... laid back."
"He's not submissive. And I am not dominant, thank you very much"
"We do rock paper scissors."
Takeru stares at him in disbelief. "You do?"
Taichi nods convincingly. "Yep. Or we just take turns, if we feel mature enough."
The young teen chuckles, shaking his head.
"You like my brother," he suddenly reflects, as if finally acknowledging that.
Taichi's eyes widens and he gives an offended snort. "No." Then he grins as the younger teen laughs easily. He hopes the boy won't grow up too fast, or simply stay this way even if he does.
"And Matt likes you...?" Takeru half-asks, finding that a bit weirder.
"He worships me," the brunet assures, smiling as Takeru rolls his eyes, unawarily imitating his sibling.
"I guess that's fine. I mean at least he didn't choose some sleazy jock"
Taichi's smile fades, and he looks at him warily. "You can be even scarier than Matt, you know that?"
Takeru just smiles. He's glad that it is Taichi that Yamato has chosen. If he has to go out with a dude, at least he's picked the right one.
He just hopes that his big brother still kicks ass in rock paper scissors.
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toku-doption · 7 years
(Kamenrider-Digi-Saver) "Well hello there little Mina-kun." Naomi smiled crouching down to a baby Minako.
She babbles, waving.
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spoilsoflore · 7 years
Life is Strange: Reconciling Dontnod, pt. 4
Lastly, Dontnod seems to have gotten so turned around in its own time foibles that it was no longer certain where it wanted the plot to go. In episode five, Max and Chloe babble through sorting out events; and, at one point, Max is certain her manipulation of time has caused the chaos. Yet, in the climax, Chloe claims her death (or lack thereof) as cause, and Max just... goes with the flow?? Yo. Maxine. Not the time to be less ego-centric. Dude. But, it does feel like developers couldn't decide between a moral about hubris or the inevitability of death. Bear in mind, both morals are applicable to Max's relationship with Kate as well (animals don't start dying until after Kate's ordeal actually). And, the indecision shows in the game's endings.
The ending overall tries to determine why events transpire the way they do, particularly the significance of the storm. Although Max attempts to blame herself for the storm, it exists on some level prior to the first rewind. If the hurricane was connected to Max's interference, wouldn't it make more sense that the storm dream would be a transition between the first rewind and Max waking in the classroom? Ultimately, the butterfly and storm seem to be allusions to the "butterfly effect," and the game presents its theme of ramifications well. But, again, Dontnod seems to underestimate the concept, particularly as it extends to the story theme of the "everyday hero." In the end, Chloe's ending is pretty obtuse, if not a bit anticlimactic for an entire five episodes of build-up. And, although the "Arcadia Bay" ending seems more complete and has gained a reputation as the "good ending," it, too, has its flaws. However, these flaws leave room for intriguing revelations and theories.
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In the "Arcadia Bay" ending, no amount of button mashing will urge Max to reach for the nearby hammer or step out from behind the stall. Despite all the teen experimentation beforehand, Max refuses to try to save her friend simply without using freaky providential time magic. The scenario affirms Life is Strange as more visual novel than most adventure games. There's a defined story that ignores reasonable player inclinations because it's got places to be. In this case, Dontnod seems to try to paint the story into a corner, into a situation in which the time mechanic cannot resolve things, in order to give the game an ending (and likely a reasonable file size and play time). Sadly, they forgot about the "everyday hero" and her natural powers, like loud noises oooor tackling. While not quite the happiest of revelations, playing the game as a visual novel can provide a greater appreciation for the cast of Arcadia Bay and the depth of their characterization. For example: The principal is just as suspicious as David and more suspect than Jefferson, but rarely suspected; and, Rachel Amber's idolization might be more a community's response to her loss than a reflection of her popularity, which says a lot about a lot of people (especially Victoria).
The "Arcadia Bay" ending also gives rise to a theory that possibly resolves a lot of the game's hiccups, and it's one that can be applied to the "Chloe" conclusion as well: All of it is in Max's head. Well, most of it. Witnessing Chloe's murder, Max retreats into her mind in an effort to come to terms with the situation. From the first rewind to the last, Max is on a subconscious journey to accept her friend's death: Kate's a dry run; Jefferson's betrayal as a mentor (on all levels) dyes his relationships in sinister overtones; Rachel Amber's a reflection of Chloe's fate; and, Chloe's theory is kinda accurate--she keeps almost dying because Max is conscious of the reality. In the "Arcadia Bay" ending, Max doesn't reach for the hammer because she either doesn't know it's there or it actually doesn't exist, being a tool of convenience created for her subconscious desires (boy, does that sound kinkier than it should).
But what about the "Chloe" ending? Driving off into the sunset's real, right? Hey, if you want it to be, sure! No one can tell you how to interpret your French hipster games, yo! But, if you're running with the "it's all in Max's head" theory, not really, no. Essentially, should you choose Chloe, the final confrontation at the lighthouse is when Max's subconscious journey devolves (not short for "digi-volve" btw) into delusion. There is a reason we see no other survivors in Arcadia Bay; there's a reason Chloe's truck survives when the rest of the town's flattened; there's a reason the only corpse seen is nondescript; and, there's a reason there's no dialogue about the devastation or the survival of others.
Max fundamentally creates a world in which only she and Chloe exist. All sources of guilt (such as Joyce) and antagonism (oddly enough, this includes Warren--he's a potential rival for Chloe's affections as seen in "The Nightmare") have been eliminated. In fact, Max's withdrawn listlessness at the end might be a symptom of what's basically a mental breakdown. The ending concludes on a picture of the past because, ultimately, there is no real present or future. At least, not for this Max in this false “reality.”
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jeramymobley · 6 years
5 Brand Management Mandates For 2019
2018 saw just as many brand victories as brand fails. As we move into 2019, brands will continue to have ample opportunity to inspire and activate customers in ways that improve the discipline of marketing and drive revenue impact. Reflecting on all the trends we’ve seen happening across our industry, here are five things to keep in mind as we head into the new year:
1. Be Sure Your Mistakes Are Original. To try new things and move ahead, it’s a certainty that failure will be a part of the process. There’s nothing wrong with failure, unless it is not instructive. As an industry, we have much to learn from each other, and we can share this knowledge through commentary and dialogue without having to give away proprietary secrets.
2. Build Trust In Every Action You Take. We’ve often commented on the decline in global trust over the years, and do not expect 2019 to be any better. Brands have so much potential to restore credibility to communications in ways that build the business. But they can’t build it on empty platitudes. Actions must align to the values of the brand, and customers need to see those values being lived by every worker and in every transaction, internal or external.
3. Embrace The Concept Of ‘Minimum Viable Data.’ The last several years have seen a fetishizing of data, especially big data. What many consumers don’t realize is that the aggregate data is actually more valuable than the individual data. With all of the scandals around data in the past year and questionable ethics from data brokers like Facebook, consumers will be slow to fully understand the role of data in product development and marketing. Fjord/Accenture calls this ‘data minimalism’ and suggests, “Ensure your data strategy follows the minimal viable data pattern and collects only what’s needed to drive the service. Closely align your data collection strategy to your business objectives. Collection, measurement and tailoring of services are intrinsically linked.”
4. Put An End To Short-Termism. As Geoff Colon details in his teaser trends video, there has been a war on brand. The prestige of marketing is losing fans in boardrooms and it is losing budget, largely due to our industry’s obsession with performance marketing and “digi-babble.” Fast, agile execution is fine, and necessary. But fast strategies are often implemented with an eye towards the next quarterly business review only, and not with long-term brand growth in mind.
5. Prioritize Effectiveness Over Efficiency. In a brilliant post on LinkedIn, Bruce MacTeague highlights important points about effectiveness making its comeback. As leadership has always tried to “do more with less” those of us in the middle have realized, “that effectiveness actually creates value – for business, brands, products and even people’s jobs & lives.”
The Blake Project Can Help You Grow: The Brand Growth Strategy Workshop
Branding Strategy Insider is a service of The Blake Project: A strategic brand consultancy specializing in Brand Research, Brand Strategy, Brand Growth and Brand Education
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itsdigitri · 8 years
Soushitsu Reaction (per episode)
Posting below the cut, just to be safe
Episode 14
- My theory about Daigo and Maki being the OG Chosen was so right. But that entire scene was a giant clusterfuck. I couldn’t tell you what the fuck was going on other than the fact that it appeared they got their asses handed to them by the Dark Masters and then Maki’s partner disappeared (died?)
- The train tracks and the cart. The nostalgia. The reunion is so cute. Yamato acting as if he wasn’t excited to see Tsunomon again made me laugh. Poor Sora tried so hard to reconnect with Yokomon. Now my heart hurts.
- Daddy Jou is back and all about finding something to eat and somewhere to sleep. 
- Mimi appears and fakes tears (i think) and is super optimistic about how they’ll return home. Such character development, I’m shook. 
- Taichi chases after Meicoomon when she appears. WHAT A GOOD BOY.
- Nostalgia kicks in again ‘cause it’s lunch time. Mimi is real slick with that comment about Sora’s future husband. Koushiro my dear child is so adorable with his rant about oolong tea. Motimon cutting him off to remind him to eat before Tokomon does is so typical. I laughed. 
- Poor Sora looks so lonely without Yokomon
- Then we have Taichi unsure of what to do about the Meicoomon thing and he has a flashback to her demon mode (meicrackmon is such an ugly name I don't want to use it). Yamato reminds him that Meiko is one of them and walks off like geesh he really doesn’t cut that man any slack lmao. 
- Taichi and Agumon have a moment and I want to die because it’s so damn cute. 
- Sora goes to bat with the lil’ brat Yokomon again and loses and my heart hurts again because Sora doesn’t deserve this.  
- Back to the debate about what to do next, everyone is upset that the reboot may have been for nothing since Meicoomon wasn’t affected. Taichi finally recovers his role as leader and is resolved to reunite his friends. Everyone is on board as well. Yay ~~
- The Digimon are now adults. I’m a little disappointed since they were following nostalgia to a T and the little rainbow light striking them would’ve really just nailed it. 
- Biyomon is still being a brat even in adult form
- Flashback of mini Mei’s, how cute. But i still understand nothing about their partnership other than the fact that Meiko keeps Meicoomon’s demon side under wraps
- Taichi returns from looking for distortions and I’m just wondering how the hell he missed the giant purple coming from Meicoomon. 
- Mimi has her cell phone and this is new and kind of weird to see 
- Takeru calls Meiko hopeless and Hikari teases him. Yay Takari??
- Lmao  Takeru is still saying he loves Yamato the most and Yamato is blushing after Taichi calls him out
- Sora is so upset and it continues to chip away at my heart
- That Taiorato scene…yikes. That was a golden opportunity to distinguish boyfriend from best friend and Toei completely fucked it up. I'm irritated. Taichi is her best friend and an idiot so him being oblivious is normal. I’m not even a shippy person but Yamato and Sora are supposedly end game so I feel like that scene should have gone down differently. Like the whole clenching his fist and staying quiet and looking to Taichi for help. WHAT WAS THAT. And then asking if they should ask Takeru with her right there (I get it was with good intentions but...) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. THAT’S YOUR FUTURE WOMAN. COMFORT HER. That was some horribly shitty writing. 
- Then Meicoomon ruins that oh-so-sweet moment  just as Mugendramon appears in a flash of light. Like literally what. the fuck. I dead ass expected Meiko to appear instead because it looked like the gate had opened. Nope, just a Dark Master here to fuck things up again
- We’re back to the real world and Daigo is finally figuring shit out. Unsurprisingly, Maki is shady and is working with Yggdrasil and used Meicoomon to cause the reboot so she could see her dead partner again. I get it, but how selfish can you be? There’s a super cute flashback to teenage Daigo/Maki and Daigo is SMOOTH ASF with that partner line as he comforts Maki. Like shit, please teach Taichi and Yamato your ways.
- Back in the Digi World the gang is reunited and they call for their partners to Digivolve and the Digimon are like ????
- They’re blasted by Mugendramon and i’m over here like how tf did they survive. Then it’s revealed a distortion appeared and saved them all, but they’re all separated without their right partner
- Biyomon is back to being a brat and makes Sora cry - there goes another part of my heart. Then they find Meiko and i’m just like wtf is she Houdini now??
- The others are in other parts of the world and the nostalgia is real. I swear Toei’s goal was ‘how much nostalgia can we fit in one movie’
- Meiko = mountain/country girl = good at making fires
- Biyomon is only being nice to Meiko. What. A. Brat. 
- Mimi and Tentomon make a good name-calling team 
- Yamato and Koushiro are the dream team lmao. Koushiro showing the digimon pictures of their adventures in the real world warmed my heart. Agumon questioning Yamato about Taichi was priceless. ALSO LETS JUST STAND HERE UNTIL THE TRAIN IS INCHES AWAY FROM US AND THEN JUMP. Like how could let that happen Koushiro, you’re smarter than this.
- Taichi is being gloomy because he doesn’t know what they are to their partners anymore and Hikari is like ‘nah just accept them for how they are now because for Plotmon, it’s better this way.’ So wise beyond your years, Hikari. 
- More cut scenes. Takeru is in primary village getting patched up by our good pal Elecmon. Again, nostalgia. 
- Hackmon is filling in Daigo. He’s on the good side aka Homeostatis. We learn that Gennai has dabbled with the darkness and he refers to Meicoomon as libra (I think) because ANOTHER MYSTERY IS JUST WHAT WE NEED AT THIS POINT
- We’re back to Sora and Meiko. Sora is depressed once again and doesn’t know what to do to fix things. Meiko throws her words back at her and i’m screaming because she’s SUCH A GOOD GIRL. 
- Meicoomon appears and is pissed and starts attacking like WUT. Meiko is cool asf and is like ‘yes, you’re bad but i’m also bad for abandoning you i’ll never do that again.’ 
- Dark Gennai appears in Ken form and is all like hi let’s play. He’s reveals he is on the side of Yggdrasil. Meicoomon says bye and goes after Mugendramon but is tossed aside like she’s nothing and falls into DGs hands. Sora shows up all queen-like and throws rocks. DG tackles her and feels her up for her DigiVice (also, what the FUCK was the unnecessary licking, i’m disgusted Toei). Dumb and Dumber (i apologize, I’m still very salty about the previous episode) show up to save Sora just in time. Everyone is reunited due to the distortions and Gennai reveals even more information - Yggdrasil doesn’t want the two species interacting and wants to destroy the Human world. Unsurprisingly, the Chosen have played into Yggrasil’s plan accordingly, and honestly, i’m so over it. They couldn’t have come up with anything better??
- They’re about to be blasted away and Plotmon becomes a total badass and allows them to escape to a boat of all places
- DG finds them easily and Dumb and Dumber along with Hikari come up with the genius plan to let themselves be decoys while the others escape. DG is like HA YOU THOUGHT and sends MetalSeadramon to play. Nice going, guys. 
- Back on the boat, Sora and Meiko are still there. Biyomon finally comes to her senses and realizes what a beautiful soul Sora is and i’m soaring 
- The Chosen are on the run and DG is still babbling nonsense. JYOU FUCKING TACKLES HIM AND I’M CACKLING. HOLY SHIT THAT JUST MADE THIS MOVIE FOR ME. The digimon are ruthless asf and attack him one after the other - it’s fantastic. 
- We see Maki temporarily reunite with Tapirmon and she’s pissed he doesn’t remember her. Like girl what did you think would happen??
- Back in the water Dumb and Dumber are fighting with MetalSeadramon and then they disappear under water after protecting Agumon and Gabumon. They have the MOST GAY MOMENT OFF ALL TIME as they swim towards the surface. Then they’re out of oxygen but somehow are having a conversation with their partners. Agumon and Gabumon save them AND THEY CHEAT US THE EVOLUTION SCENE AGAIN. Plotmon evolves to save Hikari and it’s beautiful. 
- MSD is defeated and scene cuts to Sora returning to the others. DG escapes and disappears. Mugendramon goes after Biyomon, Sora jumps on to get her back. While Sora gets pummeled into the wall the two bond and it’s beautiful and Biyomon evolves. PHOENIXMON IS SO MAJESTIC. 
- Cut scene to Meiko being cornered by DG and him being a creepy bastard again. 
- Back to the action, the two attack, Sora gets knocked off AND JYOU COMES TO THE RESCUE AGAIN. Then all of a sudden, Patamon wants to fight so he evolves and we finally see Seraphimon. Next is Tentomon and now it’s overkill and i’m not happy with the way this played out either. Like them wanting to fight is seriously what triggered their evolution? What. The. Hell. 
- Meiko is being strangled by DG to trigger Meicoomon’s evolution. He says some pretty harsh stuff to her. Like geez, yeah she’s not exactly the best partner but to say she should’ve never been born? Rude asf. 
- Mugendramon is defeated and everyone is ecstatic because they still have a bond. Jyou is smug even though Gomamon didn’t evolve lmao what a cutie. Sora forgives Dumb and Dumber after they apologize (+10 points) but I’m still aggravated by the whole ordeal 
- The world shakes and we see Meicoomon in demon form and the movie ends with DG laughing manically with Meiko passed out
Gotta say that overall I really wasn’t impressed. Confession was pretty hard to follow up with but…this? This was not what I expected at all. I’m pretty disappointed but there’s still two more movies so my fingers are crossed that it’ll get better from here.
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#5 - Unknown Place
He didn’t know what had happened but there he was… In the pitch black. This time no dreams, except for some weird strange voice telling something in another language.
Then… He opened his eyes.
The place he had been was odd, looked like old and haunted. A poorly lit room, some old wardrobe and a chest… Lots of spider webs… Ah, he was lying on that bed. Not comfortable like the ones at home, but he wouldn’t expect the Digital World to have some sense. Not when most creatures in this world wouldn’t mind to sleep on a rock or on spikes.
Daisuke got up, looked around and found a desk. On the desk, here were his goggles, lying and getting dust from the furniture. Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to be separated from V-mon, since he had been attacked by…
“Wait, who was that guy? Why am I here? Why this place gives me some weird feelings?”
He couldn’t explain but… He felt like it was familiar. But how? He never had been in that room before! Or in that place. Wait, where is he right now?!
“Oh man, I think I will have to escape from this room before some evil digimon try to torture me!”
But he was ALONE. Yet fear had taken control over his body. Ironic huh?
“Easy, easy…” - he said to himself - “V-mon will find me! He’s a digimon, and I know he will be here in a few seconds… Or minutes.Or hours. What if I spend a whole day here? What if I spend an ETERNITY trapped in this place? Wait, is it a house? Wow, this digimon needs to clean this room, I’m sure it forgot what the sunlight is. Look at that window! Who lives in this house? I really need to do something to make this place feel a bit better and healthier!”
He tried to open the window, but a cloud of dust attacked him. He coughed a lot, but he successfully opened the rebel window. When he looked back, he saw another shadow behind him. It was…
“Tailmon, you’re here! Where have you been? Where’s Hikari-chan? Also, you look a bit different from what am used to. Where’s your Holy Ring though?”
The cat frowned. Hikari? Who’s Hikari? Those golden eyes were watching Daisuke babbling and complaining about the room. How it was dirty, abandoned and needing to see water, a broom and other stuff.
“Uh, human” - she said - “I have no idea what you’re talking about? And I’m not a regular Tailmon, I’m a Black Tailmon.”
“Oh…” - Daisuke glanced at her, blinking his eyes twice - “I’m sorry, I mistook you with a friend’s partner.”
Indeed, the digimon was a Tailmon, except a virus variation with black fur. No Holy Ring. Her voice sounded younger than Hikari’s partner, and a bit more… Playful?
“You’re my lady’s guest,” - she chirped - “Don’t worry, she’s nice. Although José is not a gentleman, he’s too rude for a bodyguard.”
“José?” - He tilted his head - “You mean, Gennai-san’s clone from Mexico? It was him??”
“No, no!” - she shook her head - “I don’t know any Gennai person. José hates to be called by his name.”
“Nevermind, I want to clean this place first! Before I get sick!” - he coughed again - “Really, whoever lives here doesn’t like to have a clean environment!”
“You…” - she said it slowly - “... want to clean this castle?”
“C-castle?” - he repeated - “No wonder why I was feeling like am inside a terror movie! Black cats, kidnappers, being someone’s guest… Am I Belle now?!”
“I’m afraid that I have no idea about what you’re talking, human.”
“It doesn’t matter…” - Daisuke sighed - “Can you please show me the exit?”
“Downstairs, follow the end of the corridor on the left and you will find the entrance hall.”
“Ok, thank you” - he bowed and left the room, following the directions given by the cat digimon.
He didn’t care to examine the place, all he wanted was to leave and find V-mon before something bad happens. And when he finally crossed the entrance hall… His hand a few millimeters from the golden fancy knob…
“Oi, human. Do NOT dare to open this door.”
He felt chills running down his spine. Some snort on his neck and the presence of some DANGEROUS creature behind him, staring at him with a murderous glare.
Instead of looking back to see who was behind him, he stepped back in silence as he was trying to control his fear. A panic attack at that time wouldn’t help the situation, it could make it worse. Animals can feel fear, right? Maybe digimons can do that too…
“Be nice,” - the male voice said, sounding familiar to Daisuke but he couldn’t recognize it at all - “My lady wouldn’t like to have her guest smashed by my hands. And human beings are all fragile.”
Pride hit Motomiya Daisuke hard and ignited the flames of courage within his chest. No, he wouldn’t let someone underestimate him just for being a fragile human.
He turned back, with an anger expression on his face (making him look like a fluff mad dog) and stared at the shadow:
He gulped when he saw the height and size of the creature. Bigger than him, stronger than him. A Black Weregarurumon was in the entrance hall, crossing his arms, those eyes judging Daisuke’s stupid attitude and determination.
“Y-you know what?!” - the goggle boy babbled in panic - “I’m not a street f-fighter, I’m just a-an ordinary Elementary s-student who hates v-violence!” - he couldn’t fight a weregarurumon oh my god he had a DREAM to accomplish!
The digimon remained in silence, waiting for something. Perhaps this is the part Daisuke runs away and tries to survive without V-mon?
Yep. He ran as fast as he could go. He had to find a door, a closet, a room… ANYTHING. There was a wild werewolf chasing him and trying to… To… What would that digimon do to him?! It doesn’t matter now, he needed to ESCAPE.
A door a door… There it is! Uh-oh, LOCKED.
“This can’t be happening!” - he shouted in despair - “Come on, open, open it!” - he glanced at the corridor and then saw the wolf approaching - “COME ON, I DON’T WANT TO DIE HERE!”
He tried again and no success. Whatever! Gotta go fast, Daisuke! He ran to the end of the corridor and went upstairs, ran to that dusty room and locked the door. At least that old bedroom saved his life!
“Okay I am the Belle” - he said with disgust - “And there’s a Beast. I’m trapped! I can’t leave! Help, I want to go home!!” - he sat on the floor and took his D-terminal - “Please work, I need to be rescued! Miyako, Ken, Iori, Hikari-chan, even Takeru! Come as soon as possible, I got separated from V-mon and now I’m inside a haunted castle, with a Black Weregarurumon chasing me!!”
Although the D-terminal system was badly-developed and with flaws, he was desperate to able to type something more or less that he was muttering to himself.
 Meanwhile… V-mon was having a bad time. Unable to find Daisuke, he had to risk and leave the area. But his sixth sense was telling him to go to the north, following the wind and… Wait!
“Those branches on the ground are broken…!”
A clue!!
“Maybe if I go in the opposite direction… I may find Dai-- Huh…? I feel something… I smell smoke… A Firewood stove or a bonfire… Someone is around, maybe they saw Daisuke…!”
And then he left. Too bad he couldn’t evolve by himself without Daisuke’s D-3 (unlike the former Chosen’s partners, like Agumon or Gabumon). He was small and not so fast. But he had to give his best to save his friend, especially before letting anything bad to happen to Daisuke.
“Daisuke, please stay safe…!”
 “No answers?!”
He was looking in awe at the D-terminal screen. It had been an hour and no reply. Also no signal of V-mon. And if he tried to leave the castle, probably that werewolf would appear and scare him again.
“This is definitely not my day…” - he whimpered - “Maybe I can try to find another exit, maybe a window in the ground floor, or a backdoor…” - he got up from the floor and opened the door a bit to lurk around the corridor. No signal of the kitty or the doge. That’s it, it’s your chance to try again!
He left the room calmly and without doing any noise, but he was sure the wooden floor would NOT cooperate with him. But he’s used to it, his home had those problems, noisy doors and floors, and he only had gotten caught a couple of times because he hadn’t paid attention to what he had been doing.
It was working. Yes, it was. He was able to reach the ground floor without calling anyone’s attention. Now head to the entrance hall.
This time he didn’t see the Weregarurumon there and felt relieved. At least the floor of the entrance hall was made of ceramic so no worries with a noisy floorboard. He touched the knob, He was so close…
“I’M CLEANING THIS PLACE AND YOU WON’T STOP ME!” - Daisuke yelled, removing his glove to use as cloth and polish the entrance door’s knob. A lie, of course, but he didn’t want to die. The Weregarurumon kept judging his behavior, and then Daisuke heard something odd.
“Seriously? Does she think this human is the chosen one?”
The digimon was rambling, ignoring Daisuke’s presence and giving the boy a couple of minutes to try and escape. But nope, Daisuke may be silly but he’s not dumb. He knew he couldn’t open the door and flee. The wolf would chase and bring him back to the castle.
Things could’ve been worse, like, some witch-like digimon appear and transform him into a frog! But he thought that part would’ve been too fairy tail-ish to happen… Except he believed in everything after getting a digimon, seeing vending machines on jungles and using PC monitors and TVs as gates to travel through the worlds.
Yup. Daisuke’s life is quite surreal but it was real.
“Listen,” - he put his gloves on again and walked towards the big wolf - “I have no idea why am I here, but I have a family waiting for me they will be worried in a few hours. If I disappear, they will call the police and then my friends will come here and will fight you and I don’t want them to do that. Let me go home.”
“You can’t,” - the Weregarurumon pouted. What a big baby - “She told me to bring you here, so you will stay here until you meet her.”
“Sure, meet her” - Daisuke narrowed his eyes - “No one told me WHO is her! Don’t tell me it’s the owner of this castle and she needs my help to do something. But couldn’t she call me INSTEAD?”
“Watch your mouth.”
“I know I’m more like a servant to the Digital World, but that’s no reason to kidnap me! That’s illegal in my world! Also this place needs a household. Really, was that the reason I am here? Nice, from the protector of the worlds to the janitor of the Digital World.”
“Wait a minute” - anger came in when he realized what had happened when he had gotten separated from V-mon - “IT WAS YOU WHO HIT ME IN THE HEAD AND LOCKED ME IN THAT ROOM!?”
“Human, I told you to--”
“José,” - the Black Tailmon appeared behind them - “The dinner is ready.”
“D-DO NOT CALL ME LIKE THAT!” - the wolf hissed.
“Dinner?! But it’s still afternoon!” - Daisuke blinked - “It can’t be that late! It should’ve been afternoon tea or a snack, but dinner??”
“You know I won’t call you by that ridiculous name” - Black Tailmon said with an annoyed tone - “Especially because your real name is much better than that.”
“Wait a minute, José?” - Daisuke pointed at the werewolf - “You’re the José the kitty was talking about?”
“It’s Amis, not José!” - he growled - “Amis Lupe! Not José!”
“You sound like a grumpy friend of mine” - Daisuke smirked - “Seriously? That tough werewolf digimon’s name is José?!”
“I GONNA TEAR YOU INTO PIECES!” - Amis roared, showing his claws, but he glanced at the small kitten - “And you, you are not allowed to talk about it!”
“Well, look at you,” - Black Tailmon rolled her eyes - “trying to be someone who you will never be, hiding the truth from everyone. At least I’m who I truly am.”
He saw Amis glaring at the cat with wide eyes. She really had triggered something inside the werewolf.
“Huh?” - Daisuke frowned - “What do you mean by that?”
“Ah, the meal is ready” - she ignored Daisuke’s question - “If this makes it sound friendlier to you, human” - and then she left, walking calmly to the end of the corridor.
But the question kept bugging Daisuke. So the wolf has a secret…?
“Hey man,” - Daisuke started after an awkward silence in the entrance hall - “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to…--”
Knock knock, someone was there. He heard a muffled voice coming from outside and sounded like…
“Bu… OI” - he glanced at Amis - “Lemme open that door! I know who is there!”
“You won’t fool me” - the other snorted.
“I’m not planning to escape! If I need to stay here to see your master then I’m going to do whatever she wants first. I promise you.”
“Fine…” - Amis sighed, then the wolf opened the door. He couldn’t see who was outside, because it jumped on Daisuke’s arms. When he looked at the boy, he saw a...
“V-MON!! You’re here! I was worried that you wouldn’t find me in this place!”
“Daisuke!!” - V-mon was almost crying - “I’m sorry I thought you had been attacked by a digimon!”
“And I was” - he immediately glared at Amis. V-mon gasped.
“... I’m sorry” - Amis muttered, avoiding to look at Daisuke.
“But I’m fine, no one hurt me!” - he smiled at his partner digimon - “except…” - and here was Daisuke narrowing his eyes at Amis.
“I already said sorry!” - the wolf growled.
“Now let’s go home” - V-mon said expressionless - “I’ve found your soccer ball, but I… dropped it when I heard you screaming” - he gave Daisuke a disappointed gaze, lip quivered.
Daisuke put him on the floor, then patted the digimon’s head. With a smile, he replied:
“It’s okay. We can find it someday; I believe the digimon will enjoy playing with it. But no, I promised to stay here and do something I’m about to know right now.”
“What? Why do you want to stay in this place?” - V-mon didn’t understand it.
“Well, maybe they need someone to clean the house” - he laughed - “Maybe they needed someone able to do it. And this place deserves a retouch” - and looked around, now noticing all the details of that place. It looked like those movies from the Medieval period, except there were light bulbs and electricity. Well, this is still the Digital World right? That world had an Edo period city with some technology if he could recall it correctly - “Can you give me a hand?”
“Why one hand if you can have two?” - V-mon chuckled.
“No, I didn’t mean literally!” - he snorted and laughed again.
“Can we go now?” - Amis said, closing the door and analyzing V-mon.
“Yes, we can” - Daisuke answered - “Do you mind if I bring him with me? He’s like my little brother” - yep, he was referring to V-mon. Amis just shrugged, maybe the ‘lady’ wouldn’t mind that digimon anyway.
“He’s already here, unless my lady wants him to leave” - he answered calmly - “Now come. She must be waiting for you.”
V-mon and Daisuke looked at each other, but they followed the big guy. The door in the end of the corridor on the right was huge, leading them to the dining room: vast and gorgeous, with some red carpet, white walls with a few portraits and medieval-esque yet steampunk decoration. Amis led them to the table, and showed them their seats. It was a long table like the ones from the royalty, and it was filled with food, though Daisuke was finding that all suspicious and expected something bad to happen next. Like, being just an illusion and in the end a digimon appear to surprise-attack him. At least V-mon was with him now… He had a chance to evolve his partner and protect themselves… And escape.
They sat on their chairs, V-mon drooling because of the delicious food. But Daisuke… He kept finding something odd there, but he couldn’t tell what was it.
Suddenly, the other door from the room opened and a female silhouette appeared. The sun from the other room’s window couldn’t help Daisuke to see who was.
But the servants, the Gotsumons, closed the fancy door…
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“Welcome, my noble guest. I hope you don’t mind for asking a little help.”
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digitallyinclined · 7 years
I’m back?
Hello everyone! I’m kinda back from a super long hiatus. If you care to know then hit read more, if not then hello!
So these pass few months I’ve disappeared from Tumblr. A very small part was because I uninstalled the phone app to free space.The big chunk is because of work mostly, I was getting so much overtime and working 70-80 hours per week. While I loved the overtime, it was hurting me both physically and mentally. Every day I felt drained and lifeless and I didn’t even have a life really. I was even off and on of my Twitter.
As you guys might’ve known I also suffered the loss of my beloved baby girl Ginger. She was my precious cat and will always live in my heart. One month before that I had to say farewell to my moms cat Jack. And more recently, in May, my grandmother passed away. So I kinda disappeared from social media. Thankfully though my friends are amazing and have been helping me through this time.
Another reason I vanished from Tumblr was because I wanted to take a break. Don’t misunderstand when I say this, but the “social justice” air was becoming very toxic and there were so many controversial topics that I had to back away.
But for now, I’m back! No idea how long I’ll be back, but there’s a little project that I’m going to be assisting with so you guys will be seeing more of me. ‘ v’
Thank you for reading! I hope you guys have good cheer all around.
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