#dweller mirabel
casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Dweller AU | Dolores & Mariano
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After the two ran away to the Dwellers under Casita, Mariano did have regrets on leaving a few weeks after as he came to really missed his family: his mother and father especially but he masked this the best he could as time passed. 
It took a lot for him to ask Dolores to check up on them and to make sure they were alright in his absence; needing to know that they could recover from his loss.
Ultimately, this led the two to bond much closer; talking about their families, their shared loss and grief of their choices. But life in the Dwellings needed hands to help.
Mariano took to help with the livestock they had, such as Donkeys, Chickens and Sheep; they couldn't afford the supply to keep cattle with on top of that. He kept them cleaned, watered, fed and bred; enough for them to live off for food and able to produce the wool for clothes. He’s on a few occasions had a few chicks in his shirt pockets, as he enjoys cuddling the little fuzz-balls. 
Dolores often enjoys listening him talk with the animals; from soft talk to his battles in the chicken coop when attempting to collect eggs. it offers her a good sense of entertainment. She often patches him up when he’s recovering post-chicken battle.
Mariano was the first to properly realise he had fallen in love with Dolores when he was 19, watching her chase sheep into a pen successfully, how the lights reflected onto her face and how intently she was trying despite it not being her area of expertise.
Dolores herself was convinced she had a crush, based on how self-less he had been to come down with her; that it made him more attractive. She suppressed the thought until she began to pick up how he changed in reaction; his heartrate and shifting in stance; she soon realised that he liked her.
 Both Mirabel and Bruno had a hand in getting them officially to admit they liked each other, mostly by getting Mariano to help Dolores out of a sticky situation. Dolores has since promised light-hearted revenge since Mirabel has a few admirers in the Dwellings.
They were a couple for a year before they decided to marry. Of coruse, with no priest in the dwellings; getting married would be near impossible. But Mirabel was first to realise that Priests are bound by god, in some cases to not spill their presence.
Dolores knew the priest in question was not part of the Downtown reach so they felt they could trust him to know. So, one evening, the couple with Mirabel and Bruno snuck into the church for the wedding. Dolores may have had to use some blackmail but the priest agreed for a small ceremony.
Mirabel was very happy to be a bridesmaid, having made Dolores a little veil and white dress, and Mariano’s white shirt for the occasion. They were able to take a photograph for the occasion and sneak back to the safety of their dwellings.
Mariano took the time following to redraw the photograph for their room; a part of him wanting to send it to his mother and his new in-laws to know they were okay; that they were happy. Mirabel also had him help paint a mural in one of the caves as well of each and everyone on the dwellings as means to document who lives and died with them. Each person has their Date of birth, date of moving to the dwellings and some, date of death painted on underneath..
Dolores does look forwards to having kids with him, she greatly misses having her mother and father; she wants her kids to know their grandparents....
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casitafallz · 1 year
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                                        Masterlist ( do not reblog )
Follow the adventures of Dweller Bruno and the madrigals AU Bruno’s escape into an underground dwelling of his request for safety from those who wish him harm, over the years that follow; others join and he becomes a small leader for the Dwellings.
Things get more interesting following the times he meets counterparts of his family from other AUs, opening the opportunity his little community has since it’s formation 30 years prior.
Dweller Bruno |
This covers Bruno-centric drabbles
Bruno’s escape
Exploration of the Dwellings P1
Exploration of the Dwellings P2
Dweller Mirabel |
This covers Mirabel-centric drabbles with her time with her Tio and eventually Prima Dolores
Mirabel’s escape
Settling in
Dweller Dolores |
This covers Dolores’s centric drabbles
Dolores’s escape
Settling into the Dwellings
(more to be added)
Please don’t reblog this, as this is a masterlist I plan to keep updating once I have drabbles posted and I don’t want outdated ones floating around. If you folks wants a list, then I can post a separate one but i’d love for this to remain unreblogged.  Thank you.
PS. This is a repost from the original on my old side-blog i had on my other account: @casitafallz-a  
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foggyfanfic · 1 year
Encanto Headcanons Nobody Asked For
Hello! I am putting off writing my last essay of the semester, so here are some headcanons!
The thing where the kids touch the candle and promise to help Encanto however they can started as Alma's way to reassure nervous villagers that the Madrigals wouldn't misuse their gifts.
When Alma first got her door and saw an old woman on it, she was super confused, but also too tired from the day's events to question it too much. When she eventually looks the same as her picture on the door she has a small mid-life crisis that she reveals to nobody.
Same for each of the triplets.
People do actually break into song in universe, it is a side effect of all the magic in Encanto. The first time it happened was about seven months in and everybody freaked out about it for months.
Alma eventually gets used to the singing thing and never thinks to mention it isn't normal to her kids or grandkids. In fact, most people in Encanto take the singing for granted, so when the mountains open up and they get a few new villagers nobody bothers to warn them that the village will regularly break into song.
I know the creators said the village is completely self sufficient, but like... where's the quarry for all the stone? Where are they making glass, that requires a specific kind of sand, do they have that sand? How are they getting new books? Nah bro, the village has three merchants who journey past the mountains twice a year.
I know the generally accepted headcanon is that Agustin was born outside of the Encanto, but I think his parents were city dwellers visiting family when the village got raided. They escaped with their hosts and planned to take their family back to the city with them, then ended up in a magic paradise instead.
In the same vein, Agustin's dad was a banker and has become the town's unofficial treasurer since that's about the only way he can contribute with his skill set.
Agustin's mother passed in childbirth, his father eventually remarried, but only after a few years of grieving. Agustin has three much younger half siblings.
Bubba comes to Encanto and does indeed get with Isabela, but I mean... some AMAB dude who surrounds himself with the trappings of masculinity and had zero problem seeing through Isabella's hyper feminine facade? Trans woman Bubba. All I'm saying. (Transphobes dni, neither of us will change the other's mind).
The art book had something about Isabela looking more indigenous than her sisters, so we know the family has indigenous roots. I wasn't able to find a lot about queer history in Colombia, but I did see that two native men were murdered by colonizers for being gay out in the open. That kinda implies that homophobia comes from the colonialist side of modern Colombia. I choose to believe that Alma has a great aunt on the native side of her family who is married to a woman. She grew up hearing that they have to keep the marriage secret to protect her aunts, so when she notices Bruno has a boyfriend, she starts planning a secret wedding without mentioning anything to Bruno.
Bruno doesn't realize his mama knows he's not straight, he thinks he's hidden it very well. When Isabela and Bubba nervously come out at dinner and Alma asks Bruno if he has any advice about being queer, Bruno inhales what he's eating and needs the Heimlich.
I agree in general with queer Madrigal headcanons, but I'm also aware that we're dealing with an isolated community a couple decades before the lgbt rights movement really kicked off in Colombia. I suspect most of the characters wouldn't use any of the labels we use today, and in fact, characters like Mirabel wouldn't stop to consider they're not straight until they've already been happily married for two decades.
That said, I think Mirabel is what we consider to be bi with a heavy preference for men. Her husband is quiet and doesn't have a single creative bone in his body, but thinks everything she sews deserves to be put in a museum. They bond because he commissions her to make something for his mother.
Luisa gets a tiny little husband who falls to pieces when she flexes. He does not understand people who say she is too masculine, or call Isabela the pretty one.
Camilo's youngest son is autistic, not that any of them know that's what the kid's deal is. Camilo just thinks his son is hilariously blunt and really into bugs. He doesn't really get how the kid can spend hours looking at an ant hill without getting bored, but whatever, he'll just buy the kid an ant farm for his birthday.
When women marry into the Madrigal family that don't have anybody to walk them down the aisle, they ask Tio Bruno to do it. It started with Camilo's wife, whose father is abusive, and became a tradition as the family grew.
When Mirabel becomes a grandmother the family starts calling her Mirabuela. Similarly, Antonio eventually becomes Tio Nio, to the point that some people forget he has a first name.
I actually have a lot of headcanons about the future of the Madrigal family but this is getting long, so I'm going to stop. I've ended up mentally writing whole ass fics for Camilo's wife and his youngest granddaughter, as well as for Mirabel's daughter, and Dolores' great grandson, so if I get into all of that this thing is going to triple in length.
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
Giant siren au
can we see more of the caretakers, with some info on them as well pls. Any short info will do. I really like their designs and I'd like to know more about them 😃
Of course‼️‼️
So. Getting a job as a caretaker is actually very selective. Alma herself is the one who chooses them. And even then, they gotta have certain requirements.
So Hortencia and Roberto are the day time caretakers. This is usually the easiest to get into, you really just have to wake up super earlier and be able to handle sleepy guppies, and give them to their parents on pick up. Hortencia is the oldest of all the caretakers, and has been working there the longest; since around Isabela and Dolores. Roberto is newer,but has been there long enough, and works well with the guppies.
Emilia and Mateo work the afternoon shift. By far the hardest to get into. They have to be fast enough to keep up with them, and keep them entertained for hours while the other adults go about their day, if theguppy can’t come along. Keep in mind, not every single guppy is there during the afternoon. Emilia mostly keeps them entertained and fed, but she is capable of chasing after them if needed. Mateo is usually out in about, and takes the guppies out to play in the reefs, typically in groups of no more than 6-8.
Ignacio and Maria work the night shift. This shift is really only given to deep sea/trench dweller sirens. And one of the caretakers is almost always a jellyfish siren. This is, in Alma’s words, just so they have much easier access to the box and moon jelly fish that are most common around the grotto. Ignacio is basically like a night light. He stays inside and monitors the underwater and ground level grotto when the guppies are asleep. Especially the toddlers and the babies, who typically takes above ground since they can’t swim as well as the older kids. Maria is like a body guard of sorts, and patrols the outer regions, occasionally going to the surface. She has to deter ships from coming too close to the main island.
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These guys aren’t the only caretakers, but they are always on shift. There are younger caretakers, sort of like trainees??? Usually they help the main caretakers, especially during mealtimes. But mealtime in Guppy Grotto is like a battlefield 😭 it’s always recommended that the parents take the guppies home for meals if they’re able, though it’s fine if they can’t. This was said mainly by Alma but literally ask anyone who was old enough to remember the last two “incidents” involving guppies WHICH. IRONICALLY. WERE LEAD BY CAMILO AND MIRABEL AND LATER ANTONIO 💀💀 (though it’s not entirely their fault)
The grotto is in the center of the community. Both on the ground level on the main island and the underwater region. Underwater is for obvious reason. Above ground is so if guppies who are playing the forest get lost, they just have to keep going towards the island and will eventually find the entrance to the grotto. Humans can find it, but it’s rare.
I went on a rant 🌚 but hopefully is enough‼️‼️‼️ I Love getting these kinda questions, I like world building for AUs <333 🦈🦈🦈
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analviel · 2 years
I headcanon that a couple of the Encanto residents, aside from the original dwellers, were lost travellers or hikers who decided to just stay. This leads me to thinking up a story for the priest and how he came to be there, and there should be a doctor too, and a boatman who went down the wrong river and landed in Encanto, and how, in the nearby villages, there's all sorts of stories about the field of mountains and the people who never came back and sometimes there would be storms coming from it. I just love going along with the whole enkanto aesthetic, of the Encanto as the literal enkanto of nature gods whisking away lost (or abandoned) people. And then this fits with Mirabel being essentially a tour guide, doing the routine of getting them settled and introducing them to the Madrigal family and listening to their stories. I also love the idea of her sewing them their personal family crests, asking them where they came from and where they want to go, and then when they've decided what they want, she'd gift them with their symbol, and as the only one without powers, therefore comparatively less intimidating, she's the perfect person to ease them into their new life.
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miramilocamimira · 2 years
No (Wall Dwellers?)
“How do you save a miracle? Hug a sister.” He mumbles as his niece continued ranting. If this takes much longer Alma would see him.
Camilo closes his eyes and awaits his fate. Only…. There’s no attacking? He slowly open up his eyes and sees his brother and all of the animals looking really sad.
‘Nonono, this is worse!!’
“Hey.. what’s wrong?” He asked, sitting next to his brother.
“I heard Dolores say that when people get married they don’t have as much time for others… does… does this mean when you and Mira get married she’s gonna forget about me?” Antonio sobs. “Is she gonna be so focused on you and your guys kids to read me bedtime stories or sing lullabies or help me feed my friends?” Camilo flushes.
“Hey, okay, first of all, who said anything about kids anytime soon? Tonito, she and I are kids still too! And secondly, how could she ever forget you!” He exclaims. “You’re her favorite, and we all know it!”
Mirabel doesn’t remember the what’s, why’s, and how’s - she just knows that they started arguing.
“THERE’S A REASON WHY NO-ONE IN THE FAMILY CARES ABOUT YOU!” Señorita perfecta Isabella yells at her and the anger that had been with her quickly changes into a familiar feeling. One she refuses to name.
“N-no, that- that can’t be true…” she lets out, “Antonio and I…. And Camilo said he loves me…” She brings her arms around herself.
“Uh… Casita, was that… Isabella right now?” There’s no real response and sometimes he wishes he were Mirabel or Abuela because the house is evil and wants Camilo to die as well apparently.
Antonio giggles from his arms where he’d scooped up his brother in a hug. “You might wanna pull a Tio Bruno.”
“Yeah, I think Casita has plenty of space for two wall dwellers.”
Mirabel screams in shock as the vines pull her closer to Isabella and away from the door.
“That. Is. It. You are staying here and away… away from that lying, backstabbing jerk!”
“What?! No! Isabella, Casita is in danger! I can’t just stay here!”
“Mirabel, you can and will! That pest isn’t good enough for you!” The vines hold her in place.
“First of all, did you not just say that no-one cares about me? So why do you get an opinion!?” Mirabel yells back. “Why does it even matter to you!”
“BECAUSE I LOVED YOU FIRST!” The elder shouts, the vines dropping Mirabel when a cactus grows in between them.
Alma had gone to the village to control the damage. ‘Mirabel, I don’t know what we’ve done but… Hurting our… My familia is unforgivable.’ She thinks. Suddenly all sorts of different plants appear.
The two sisters hug before falling into a pile of flowers. “You’re a bad influence.” Isabella giggles.
“What is going on?” And the Isabella can see the look of dread in her sister’s eyes. She can see the fear in them as she watches Mirabel head up to their grandmother.
“Abuela, it’s okay! Everything’s… we’re gonna save the miracle! The magic…” Mirabel tries to explain. Abuela won’t listen but she still has to try. She has to. ‘Keep it on me. Keep it on me.’ She thinks.
“What are you talking about? Look at our home! Look at your sister!” Her sister who looked so happy and even prettier than before now that she’s who she really is.
“Yeah! We did all of this. And the candle burned brighter and the cracks… ”
“Mirabel.” Abuela’s voice was stern.
“That’s why I’m in the vision. I’m saving the miracle!”
“You have to stop Mirabel!” And she does. “The cracks started with you. Bruno left, because of you. Luisa’s losing her powers. Isabela’s out of control. Because of you. I don’t know why you weren’t given a gift but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family!” Mirabel wants to cry as the heart wrenching pit of emotions return. As she finally realizes what she should have a decade ago.
“I.. I will never be good enough for you. Will I?” Mirabel says and looks over at her sisters. “No matter how hard I try. No matter how hard any of us tries. Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela won’t be perfect enough. Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him.”
“Bruno didn’t care about this family!”
“He loves this family!” She shouts, anger coming through. Because how dare… how dare she ever say that about Tio Bruno who left to protect her. “I love this family! We all love this family! You're the one who doesn’t care! You’re the one breaking our home!”
“Don’t you ever!”
“The miracle is dying, because of you!” And casita cracks.
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hellotheres · 4 years
under  the  cut  you’ll  find  a  masterlist  of  FORTY - FIVE  ( 45 )  OF  UNDERUSED  FIRST  NAMES  +  NICKNAMES  &  MEANINGS  !  the  names  are  loosely  organized  by  feminine ,  masculine  ,  and  gender - neutral ,  and  there  are  fifteen  ( 15 )  of  each  .
please  like  or  reblog  if  you  use  /  find  this  helpful  ,  thank  you  !
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shelagh  ( shell / shells / leigh )  —    heavenly  .
cynthia  ( cyn / cyndy )    —    moon  goddess  .
beatrix  ( trix / trixie / bea )    —    voyager  ,  traveler  .
louise  ( lou / louie )    —    famous  warrior  .
rosemary  ( rosie / rose / mary )    —    dew of the sea  .
millicent  ( mills / milly )    —    honeybee  or  strength  .
sybil  ( syb / sibby )    —    prophetess  .
hadley  ( hads / haddy )    —    meadow  of  heathers  .
theodora  ( dora / dori / theo )    —   divine  gift  .
miriam  ( miri / mira / ree )    —   sea  of  sorrow  .
phillipa  ( phil / phils / pippa )    —    lover  of  horses  .
rosalind  ( rosa / rose / lyn )    —    pretty  rose  .
priscilla ( cilla / prissie )    —    ancient  one  .
elvira  ( vira / elvie )    —    foreign  and  true  .
mirabelle  ( mira / belle )    —    a  wondrous  beauty  .
alistair  ( ali / alis )    —    defender  of  the  people  .
arthur  ( art / artie / archie )    —    noble  or  couragious  .
sebastian  ( seb / ashton / ash )    —    revered  .
aldrich  ( al / aldie )    —   old  king  .
dorian  ( dori / rian )    —   child  of  the  sea  .
tyron  ( ty / ron )    —   from  the  land  of  the  yew  tree  .
ashford  ( ash / ashby / ford )    —    by  the  ashes  .
winston  ( win / winnie )    —   wine’s  town  or  friend’s  town  .
walden  ( wally / alden )    —   valley  of  the  welsh  .
leonard  ( len / leo )    —    lion  strength  .
ellery  ( el / lery )    —    alder  tree  .
abner  ( abby )    —    father  of  light  .
beckett  ( beck / becks )    —    dweller  by  the  brook  .
benjamin  ( ben / benji / benny )    —    son  of  my  right  hand  .
atticus  ( attie / atty )    —    of  attica  .
wesley  ( wes / leslie / lee )    —    field  or  pasture  .
brent  ( bree )    —    hilltop  or  burnt  .
daley  ( day / days / lee )    —    valley  .
blair  ( bee / lairy )    —    battlefield  .
valentine  ( val / len )    —    healthy  and  strong  .
harlan  ( harly / lany )    —    land  of  the  hares  .
kelsey  ( kel / kels / kelly )    —    ship’s  victory  .
kennedy  ( ken / kens )    —    helmeted  chief  .
brighton  ( brigh / bright )    —    the  bright  town  .
emerson  ( emmy / em / emery )    —    brave  and  powerful  .
oakley  ( oak / lee )    —    oak  tree  field  .
sawyer  ( saw / sully )    —    wood  cutter  .
julien  ( jules / julie / lien )    —    youthful  and  downy  .
florian  ( flor / rian / flora )    —    flowering  .
landry  ( lan / lans / dree )    —    land  ruler  .
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ratcandy · 2 years
Hehe imagine if when hat kid is staying with the madrigals she lets Mirabel use the dweller mask and now Mirabel has her own way of creeping people out
OOHHH Mirabel getting back at Camilo compilation. when.
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kaylarazon-art110 · 5 years
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D2 - Artist Conversation - Mirabel Wigon
Artist: Mirabel Wigon Exhibition: Advancement, MFA Spotlight Media: Painting Gallery: LBSU School of Art, Gatov Gallery West Website: mirabelwigon.com      Instagram: @mirabelwigon 
Mirabel Wigon is currently pursuing her Masters in Fine Arts for Drawing and Painting at the School of Art at California State University, Long Beach. She also completed her Bachelor’s in Fine Arts for Traditional Art within this college. Having grown up in predominantly urban environments, Wigon’s work tends to focus on the familiar sights of city-dwellers like herself. However, she attempts to convey these themes through abstraction rather than pure description. This can be seen in her latest exhibition at the Gatov West student art gallery as part of an Advancement course within her MFA program. It is because of her fascination with puzzles and obscurity that Wigon avoids naming her already-cryptic paintings, as they may give the piece a direct solution for its meaning. Instead, she encourages her work to be interpreted. In a personal conversation, Wigon was pleased to hear about her audience’s initial confusion with her paintings that eventually melted into an appreciation for their elusive nature. While her talent with paints and canvas is prominent, Wigon states that she is “still improving as a graduate student by talking to [other students]”. 
Like many of her works, Wigon’s painting, as shown above, is unnamed. This piece is immediately eye-catching in its considerable size and use of high contrast palette. The canvas seems to cover the majority of the height of the wall, immersing the viewer in its illustration. The colors used across the canvas seem to be a gradient from left to right vibrant neons and warm tones to cold blues and grays. The convergent sides of this painting both contain details in the palette of its opposite, as seen in the bright windows of the building on the right and the dull blues of the cars on the left. This creates a balance in its use of color contrast. The shapes in this piece are objectively incomplete, the persons present seeming almost ghostly in appearance. The painting itself seems almost like a window, its composition of perspective so enforced through the use of direct lines and negative space. Looking at this piece is akin to looking down a long alleyway, in terms of the point of view. Lighting is used to create the illusion of texture, varying from the bright reflectiveness in the puddles on the sidewalk to the systematic shading of the worn cars and buildings. 
The balance between the light and dark aspects of this painting is clear, and can be interpreted as the duality of many urban environments: being both a pinnacle of success and poverty. This is synonymous with Wigon’s own experience in the city, being surrounded by the high contrast that makes up her neighborhood. Perhaps this explains the variants in the painting’s color gradient, emphasizing that something is typically not entirely one thing or another, but a combination of various elements. It became clear that the translucent and nondescript figures are an indication of the passage of time as if the painting were a frame in a timelapse. As a city rarely rests, it is reasonable for a depiction of a city to be restless as well, refusing to be confined to a single body. 
The immersive qualities of Wigon’s paintings are no coincidence. There is both incredible attention to detail as well as interpretive abstraction. This dance between descriptive and interpretive was emphasized in my conversation with the artist. She expressed her desire to create visual enigmas that would perplex her viewers and have them put a great deal of time and energy into understanding it, much like her own effort in their creation. I agree greatly with Wigon’s motivation to be appreciated. I find that those who pursue art as a career are often looked down upon for being a mere hobby. In reality, the effort an artist puts into their work is nothing to be underestimated. It is only logical for an artist like Wigon to crave the same appreciation that other careers receive. It was a pleasure to express my admiration for Wigon’s several displayed works, as I can only imagine the dedication it must have taken to make each one.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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                                         Masterlist ( do not reblog )
Follow the adventures of Dweller Bruno and the madrigals AU Bruno’s escape into an underground dwelling of his request for safety from those who wish him harm, over the years that follow; others join and he becomes a small leader for the Dwellings.
Things get more interesting following the times he meets counterparts of his family from other AUs, opening the opportunity his little community has since it’s formation 30 years prior.
Dweller Bruno |
This covers Bruno-centric drabbles
Bruno’s escape
Exploration of the Dwellings P1
Exploration of the Dwellings P2
Dweller Mirabel |
This covers Mirabel-centric drabbles with her time with her Tio and eventually Prima Dolores
Mirabel’s escape
Settling in
Dweller Dolores |
This covers Dolores’s centric drabbles
Dolores’s escape
Settling into the Dwellings
(more to be added)
Please don’t reblog this, as this is a masterlist I plan to keep updating once I have drabbles posted and I don’t want outdated ones floating around. If you folks wants a list, then I can post a separate one but i’d love for this to remain unreblogged.  Thank you.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Decay AU | Dweller’s Underground
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Decay frowned lightly as they cleared the portal to near darkness before the light of the portal settled them into darkness before Wanderer’s voice echoed. 
“What is this place?”
“Well, you know we told you about a Bruno Variant?”
Decay hummed as a yes though more cautious at where this conversation was going to go. In all honestly, she hadn’t paid too much attention to the varients of people, she hadn’t gotten used to it all, even if she had been for the last three months. 
“Well, this is his world. We pop in every now and again. He has abilities that sometimes are required in the Watcher AU, he trades those services for goods and help in his world. Follow me”
Decay nodded along, walking with her with some trust to know the girl knew her way in the dark “Doesn’t that compromise contamination protocols?” Those were very... complicated protocols and this sounded like a very clear breach.
“Not entirely. This Bruno, Dweller, he’s created an underground community. they are aware of us and our job, but above ground are in the dark. The Watchers are okay with the underground lot knowing because it’s not going to spread up top and most tend to avoid wanting to know but do...like having the trade between the worlds. Keeps them fed, clothes and somewhat happy.” Wanderer shrugged, “This whole cave system was created by Casita and the magic.”
Decay’s eyes began to adjust to the darkness a little more, noting now the few dots of light ahead began to get bigger. “Why?”
“This Encanto has a much bigger population but more divided about magic. Bruno’s gift painted him as a target to those who saw him as bad-luck. so he fled for safety of the underground.”
“Ah...” She could only imagine now that the population down  here was for those same reasons. Safety. How could it have gotten that bad? Surely Abuela must know.. or to do something about that, right? 
“Oh, and don’t be shocked at the people you see, okay?”
“Who’s down here?” Decay didn’t get the answer before she noticed a figure at the end of their tunnel though as she realised, two people.
She recognised the girl easily, but it was her appearance that shocked her the most.
But unlike the Dolores she knew. Her hair was down and somewhat secured by her red-headband, but her she was wearing a dress of greens and blue, sewn together and secured with a metal ring around her neck, her ruana, she realised looked to have been the sound-bars she had on her skirt; repurposed and reused. Her face and body was thin and from the clear lack of light, her pallor was paler than what it should be, dark circles under her eyes though she looked to be very chipper and bobbed up and down beside... someone in a green ruana.
Decay had seen enough variants to know this was Tio Bruno; her own Tio Bruno was still apparently in the walls of the Decay AU’s Casita. But what stuck out the most was that... he looked younger than her. He should be in his 50s but his face and short hair made him look to be in his early twenties. His eyes remained lit and...his own ruana looked much more vibrant and...alive than the other ones she had. She didn’t know why, but she felt like that must have some sort of magical properties that the other Bruno Ruana’s didn’t have.
Decay flinched as Dolores squeaked and before she knew it, the girl’s arms were wrapped around her tightly. Decay remained stiff for a moment before patting the girl’s back with both her real and prosthetic arm before the girl pulled back, still looking happy. 
“Hola...sorry it’s been so long. I know you’re not...our Isabela but I’m just so happy to talk to one.” Dolores whispered though Decay followed her curious flicker to her prosthetic but was relieved when the girl didn’t question it, but instead grabbed her real hand to hold onto. 
“Dolores, slow down a little with her” Tio Bruno smiled “New girl?” he asked to Wanderer.
“Three months. Still in training.” Wanderer spoke, despite Decay’s soft titter. “Hope you don’t mind the intrusion?”
Bruno hook his head, “Surprised, but most often your visits aren’t scheduled anyway so i don’t bother keeping track.” He shrugged, “Let’s go in and I can show your...new friend around. What’s her UWD?”
“Decay.” Wanderer answered.
“Universal World Designation.” Wanderer spoke back to Decay, “Watcher Lingo, you’ll catch up. Dweller Bruno here was put through a course when we first checked in on his world incase he felt like staying.” 
Decay knew she had seen the word UWD on her clearance card with her new nickname but she hadn’t clocked it’s meaning but... it made sense to have a term for it other than nicknames.
Dweller Bruno led them down deeper until they reached bigger openings and corridors, the smell of people and animals tickled at her nose, sounds echoed and...even children’s voices carried.
“how long--”
“Almost thirty-one years.” Dweller Bruno Spoke, interrupting her question before he gave her a sheepish look, “Sorry, I forget people need to finish asking their question first.”
“Tio Bruno’s gift is much more expanded than what it used to be, he can anticipate a question before you speak it.” Dweller Dolores whispered beside her, “He’s used to it and it saves time.” 
Decay snorted a little but couldn't deny that snippet of truth in there. Everyone here must be used to it by now if they had been down here for 31 years. It was odd... that people just happily accept their new life down here; carry on and have children...children that  would never see the sun.
“Let’s go to the crop room. Mira’s there.” Dweller Dolores piped up.
but it seemed like they were already on their way there before the candle-lit tunnels ended to a bright and vast space where to her sheer surprise looked to be a huge wheat field under a clearly fake sky where there was a huge light source delivering light to the plants. Mirrors had been set up to be more intense towards other plants that clearly needed more light than the wheat but Decay found an odd appreciation of care.
“This is our crops.” Dweller Bruno spoke proudly, “We’re a few months away before we can harvest but we’re making do with what we have.”
“You’ve expanded.” Wanderer noted, “ More people?”
“We’ve had a few new births since we last met.” Dweller Bruno shrugged, “It’ll be tight this year but we can make it work.”
Decay looked around, letting the two talk and letting go of Dweller Dolores’s arm before she reached a real finger to the nearest stalk of green wheat. She could feel it’s growth was...under what it should be. she could feel the roots were firmly planted the light good but... the water ratio seemed off.
“When was the last time you watered these plants?” Decay asked, “They’re not growing as efficiently.”
Dweller Bruno’s looked at her sharply before his eyebrows pulled in. “Two times a week, we use irrigation systems often.”
“It’s not enough.” Decay frowned, “What sort of fertiliser do you use? Soils seems a bit off as well.”
“We use animal manure and bone meal.” Dweller bruno folded his arms thoughtfully, “is there a misbalance in the soils that could be effecting their growth?”
Decay pondered that thoughtfully before she moved down the natural break, letting her fingers touch the plants along the way to test that question. She could tell the plants would be well for it’s harvest, but the next one, she could imagine perhaps would be much more reduced. 
“Huh, you’re taking the news well.” She distantly heard Wanderer muse.
“I have a plant-girl helping, why should I insult her by being in denial? We need this harvest.” Dweller Bruno spoke back, a beat “How much is she allowed to help?”
“As much as she wants, She’d not giving you our technology but does mean you owe her a favour to settle her services to the Watcher’s.”
“Alright.” He agreed straight off, without a second thought of consideration.
Decay sighed out softly but pressed on until she walked around the entire perimeter, Making a stop to poke the other fruit and veg they were growing before she returned to the watching group that eyed her thoughtfully.
“Well, good new and bad news.” She started, “Your watering is good but you need to do better by another water in the week. Sunlight is good as well, but the balance of Oxygen, carbon dioxide and nidogen needs looking at. Now, your crops will make it to harvest but if this isn’t sorted then your next harvest will be reduced.”
Dweller let out a groan, “We can’t afford that loss...”
“I know,” Decay sighed, “Now, I could get your crops ready to harvest by the end of the day, the soil needs a week to be prepped and settled before the next lot are to be sowed. Downside to that, it may upset your harvest timetables unless you want me to it speed up to the current growth rate and let nature carry on with the rest.”
Dweller’s eyes widened happily, “we could have double the yield this year... birth a few more animals on that and...have a little extra.”
“I think that’s your answer there,” Wanderer chuckled, “I’m gonna bother my variant here, have fun!”
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Dweller AU | Visions
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Despite leaving his own Visions behind of his almost-fates, Bruno kept all the visions of his resident’s almost-fates, he had them fixed to a wall of a smooth stone wall like plaques as means of identifying the perpetrators that caused them to leave in the first place.
Many people have made a note for whose who aren’t aware, building context to why they were targeted and it the dates it could have happened. Mirabel helped make a tapestry of Encanto to hang up, sewing markers of the resident former homes to see of that was a factor and... she enjoyed the project of getting to know the towns layout with the people she talked to.
Because of this, the Dwellers have identified many of them and their leader of the gang that runs the downtown. By identifying them, it have Bruno clearer means of seeing into their futures; their next victims, risks they pose and how the group keep getting away with it undetected. 
It took 30 years to get a full picture and motive before Dweller Bruno realised that soon, the rest of the Madrigals would be in danger if nothing changed. Either slowly the innocents of Encanto would be in the Dwellings, his family included or he had to get his family together to the surface and reason with his mother that Encanto was in danger of the down-town gang and sort the problem out.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Watcher & Dweller AU | Helping Limits
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The Watcher AU have protocols in place to prevent smuggling of goods and technology across the multiverse and to prevent AU contamination. If a world gets technology it’s not prepared for, it can be damaging to it’s culture and development.
It’s a heavy protocol but a necessary one, even if it could be beneficial for the AU in question. Punishments for breaking this protocol are high depending on what was found in a smuggling attempt. most technology in missions are authorised in only that; Missions. Some things, such as those working with prosthetics can be allowed though an illusion is set to blend the limb to the AUs aesthetics unless the world is already contaminated with knowledge of the Multiverse and Watcher AU.
Dweller’s AU was purposely contaminated by the Watcher AU after Dweller Bruno recovered an Architect’s Artefact and claimed it. This led the Watcher AU to investigate as Artefacts can be disastrous in the wrong hands. Dweller Bruno was brought out of his AU first to be assessed before he was allowed back to his own world once he was cleared and returned to his small group.
Due to the fact he was living underground with little in the ways of technology, he wasn’t able to get any help from them in terms of technology; like lighting or anything more advanced than a hand-plough unless he or his AU developed anything advanced.
Of course, while they didn’t give technology, people were allowed to visit his AU, and vice-versa for a small amount of time as a compromise. Dweller Bruno left hi AU more than the others; most of the residents weren’t for AU travel. Dweller Mirabel, Dolores and Mariano did leave the AU for breaks when they were old enough to enjoy the sun and weather and other human interactions. Dweller Dolores and Dweller Mariano spent their Honeymoon in the Watcher AU.
Watcher Mirabel and her group where the main ones to go and visit to help, especially when it came to harvest times and celebrations.
Only on special occasions can entertainment technology be borrowed, Watcher Mirabel was able to get the groups together for a game of Laser tag in the Dweller AU’s tunnel systems for Dweller Mariano’s 22nd birthday.
In times of emergencies in the Watcher AU and where Dweller’s advanced gifts (curtesy of his artefact Ruana) are needed, he’s recruited to help. His payment for his services are mostly consumable goods, like food, animal feed or cloth. On the rare occasion, he’ll get a blueprint for thing they can make for improvements, like tools.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
Dweller Bruno: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Distort Camilo: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Decay Isabela: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Pariah Julieta: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Wanderer Mirabel: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Hallow Pepa: Mental stability, my old friend!
Dweller Bruno: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
Pariah Julieta: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems.
Watcher Mirabel: Weight loss? Drink water.
Dweller Bruno: Clear skin? Drink water.
Wanderer Mirabel: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Dweller Bruno: Would never stab anyone.
Pariah Julieta: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Watcher Mirabel: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Hallow Pepa: Would stab without warning.
Wanderer Mirabel: Would stab as a warning.
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