#dwp s3
warningsine · 7 months
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Deborah Vance: [takes notes]
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seasonalsands · 5 months
S1: Yeah I can see the ship. I understand why some people don't see it that way but the chemistry is definitely there.
S2: Wow for some reason this reminds me of DWP. I already have so many ideas in my head on where this could go.
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tiodolma · 2 months
Adventures of Merlin vs The Devil Wears Prada
Andy, to Nate (Devil Wears Prada): I'm so sorry. I kept trying to leave, but there was a lot going on and you know I didn't have a choice. Jono (Cinema Therapy): So with my accountabilty kink, just like with any other kink. There is a wrong way to do it. Alan: (Cinema Therapy): So this non-accountability accountability? Jono (Cinema Therapy): Saying "I'm sorry" and then saying "I kept trying to leave, but I didn't have a choice," Both of those are false statements. Technically she could have left. Technically she had a choice. And the least she can do in this moment is own that. This is (all) excuses. Andy, to Nate (DWP): ...I didn't have a choice. Okay? I... Miranda asked me and I couldn't say no. Nate, to Andy (DWP): I know. That's your answer for everything lately. "I didn't have a choice." Like this job was forced on you. Like you don't make these decisions yourself. Jono (CT): No, he's right. Nate, to Andy (DWP): You know, I wouldn't care if you were out there pole dancing all night, as long as you did it with a little integrity. You used to say this was just a job. You used to make fun of the runway girls. What happened? Now you've become one of them. Andy, to Nate: That's absurd! Nate, to Andy: That's okay. That's fine. Just own up to it. And then we can stop pretending like we have anything in common anymore. -from Cinema Therapy's Toxic or Not: Andy's Friends & Boyfriend in THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA
From Adventures of Merlin
s2 Fires of Idirsholas (after poisoning Morgana) MORGAUSE: What has he done to you? MERLIN: I had to. MORGAUSE: You poisoned her! MERLIN: You gave me no choice. s3 Tears of Uther Pendragon MORGANA: Merlin. I want to speak to you. I know what you did. You tried to poison me. MERLIN (nervousIy): I didn't want to. MORGANA: It's alright, Merlin. I understand. You were just trying to protect your friends, I would have done the same. MORGANA: I was so naïve, Merlin. I don't think I really understood what I was doing. But, believe me, I have seen the evils in this world. I have seen firsthand what it is that Uther fights against. You don't know how much I regret everything that I've done. I just…hope that you can forgive me. MERLIN: I am so sorry for everything you've been through. It's good to have you back.
...yeah Merlin wasn't being accountable at all lmao
yeah just let the one you tricked and lethally poisoned be the one who apologizes to you. Seems normal behavior. He is truly the force of light love and goodness. /s
If you notice there some truth to Morgana's words. She knows that he knows what she did. She "apologized" for it and that got Merlin to lower his guard for a while. She was saying what he wanted to hear which was her being accountable for her mistakes and blunders. That's what he hoped for, Morgana "agreeing and understanding" that he was in the right to betray and poison her to death.
Even if Morgana was playing a part here.. I think a part of her was hurt that he never apologized for what he has exactly done to her (and she had given him an opening to do so, he just didn't take it).
No matter how much Merlin insists that he had no choice, Merlin had the choice whether to kill her or not. Merlin had the choice whether to betray her or not, Merlin had the choice to use her trust against her or not. Merlin had the choice whether to come clean to her about the spell or even the poison or not. Merlin had all the choices. But Merlin throughout the show was just in perpetual denial that he had those choices all along. His being a liar not only to himself but to everyone else hurt all of them.
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silverlovesmadi · 5 years
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August Cover Star Ashley Blaine Featherson for MEFeater Mag photographed by Sydney Claire
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itscuntingseason · 5 years
dear white people’s third season comes out in two days, yet i’ve seen no one on here talk about it. shame on all of you. go watch the first two seasons NOW and then come back to this website.
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classified-bluerose · 5 years
pls watch dear white people s3 on netflix,,, there’s been no ads for it & i literally didn’t know it was on until i went on to watch something else, so WATCH DEAR WHITE PEOPLE
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ericeffiorg · 5 years
very confused about s3 of dear white people. what is going on
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My boy Lionel just might get some
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I’m only up to episode 4 of DWP S3 but gosh darn it’s as good as ever, give everyone in the cast an Oscar
also I had no idea s3 was out until I saw it on there like I have seen no promotional material whatsoever hmm wonder why that is
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skewedlights · 5 years
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museswearboots · 5 years
"have you ever felt like you got everything you ever wanted and still can't get out of bed?"
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colinford · 5 years
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chainofclovers · 5 years
top 5 things you've written
Going to answer this with fanfic only. Also I am in a place where I think my Grace and Frankie fanfic is better than all my other fanfic, probably because it is a) newer than all my DWP stuff and b) not from a fandom I wrote only one or two things for, so I know the characters more deeply. So, instead of answering your true question, I am (hopefully not too disappointingly) answering the more specific question “top 5 Grace and Frankie fics I’ve written”: 
Done with the Compass, Done with the Chart (E, Grace/Frankie, 30546 words, post-S3)
Come Disconnect the Dots (E, Grace/Frankie, 17935 words, post-S4)
otherwise the dark (E, Grace/Frankie, 6912 words, post-s4)
if you say run (E, Grace/Frankie, Grace/Nick, and Frankie/Grace/Nick, 12096, post-s5)
the rose room (E, Grace/Frankie, 7293 words, post-s5)
(Perhaps not coincidentally, this is also a list of the most explicit stories I’ve written for these characters.)
And! Because my real(-ish) favorite is always actually just the thing I wrote more recently, a self-indulgent bonus:
The Blanket (T, Grace/Frankie, 1194 words, post-s6)
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silverlovesmadi · 5 years
Ashley Blaine
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itscuntingseason · 5 years
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lovevalley45 · 5 years
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hey y’all since i haven’t seen a lot of things talking abt it s3 of DWP came out today!!!!
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