#dear white people s3
lightwise · 5 months
TBB S3 E14 Reaction
Gosh. I really don’t want this all to be over 😭 (at the same time, I kind of need the stress to be over 💀). I was white-knuckled by the end of this episode, I’ll tell you that.
- They really just out here hanging out upside down
- This ship is definitely like the one Cross and Omega escaped on
- Wow my boys look good in black 🖤
- “At least listen to him!!” 🤣
- So Echo is straight up wearing Star Wars jeans now - @ladyzirkonia 😏 - andddd wearing brown leather pouches…remind you of anyone 🥹
- Oh no. Of course Hemlock was going to find out they were coming *sigh*. I guess it makes sense. That lieutenant would have filed a complaint the second he woke up.
- Hunterrrr whipping that ship around like it weighs nothing
- These clouds look perfect
- “Hang on” Hunter you’re starting to sound like your brother
- “Your concern for the specimens is showing” Emerie don’t leave them with *her*!!!
- Crosshair looks really nice in this outlined armor even though I miss the softness of the grey and red
- So Hunter has his own drift and slide move, huh? 👀 🥵
- They are literally plummeting to the surface right now dear lord
- Yeah I don’t think Hunter can call Tech or Phee out for reckless flying ever again 💀
- “You don’t want to know” — Narrator: he did, in fact, very much not want to know 🤣
- The seat folding back like he did for Batcher needing to get out in episode 3–he’s come such a long way
- Rampart
- Screaming
- Like
- A
- Girl coward 😆
- Let’s be honest though I’m terrified of heights in a directly physiological way so I honestly can’t blame the man AT all
- Meanwhile Wrecker having the time of his life lol
- Rampart. Honey. Maybe don’t LET GO of the cable you’re hanging onto for dear life with one hand just to make a talking point
- Oh no. Echo be careful!
- The landscape of Tantiss in this episode and the lighting and the sky and the trees and the river are just 🤩🤩🤩 STUNNING
- Atta boyyy using the storm trooper armor to blend in (his scomp looks so weird poking out of the vambrace though!)
- “I’d rather not do either” my baby boy 😭😭😭 I hate that they’re making him go back!
- They did the Spider-Man standoff 🤣🤣🤣
- “Unfortunately yes” lmaooooo
- “We’ll take our chances” that is giving callbacks to a parallel I do not want to make (Jyn’s speech in Rogue One—“we’ll take our chances until they’re spent.”
- It’s still just wild to me that Rampart is with them for this
- Oooh why did Echo’s scomp get stuck??
- “Thanks for the hand” Echo you and your dry sass 🤣
- You know, I’m just realizing—part of the point of the clone troopers was that they were identical. That included size. At first I thought “oh course Echo would fit best into stormtrooper gear bc he’s a reg” but—stormtroopers are supposed to be all kinds of random people. How are they all the same size?? How are they producing gear en masse to accommodate different people’s body types? Why do they all look the same height and weight on screen? Space opera plot hole I guess
- Jax’s hair sticking up
- These precious babies don’t know what “cover me” and stalling means! Shows how Omega has led such a different life
- Man they are just shoving Rampart all over the place. I meannn he deserves it but also it’s just going to piss him off
- Rampart just said the quiet part out loud. About himself. He doesn’t understand Crosshair in the slightest. He’s only seen a tiny sliver of who Crosshair is and he thinks it was the true version. It was not. And yet Crosshair has gained so much confidence in himself that he doesn’t even need to argue back with Rampart at all. Just a simple “I’ve changed” THAT’S MY BOY
- “Sure you have” what the HELL does that mean?? Why does it sound like foreshadowing 😭👀
- Echo can just take the hand off 💀
- Yep, told ya, Rampsrt is getting mad. Calling him dead weight doesn’t really help matters either
- ….yeah let’s just go lean against the nearest fluffy, warm, GIANT wall of flesh in the nearest vicinity and not realize it’s a creature 🤣
- Rampart’s face here is priceless
- Lovely. Now the scary blind hedgehog hyena bear is looking for lunch
- Okay yeah maybe you guys really should be running
- Wrecker 😭😭😭
- The boys helping him up 😭
- Rampart you clown. Pull yourself together man
- Oh man. He’s totally going to be a problem next episode isn’t he
- Crosshair takes babysitting duty very seriously
- The babes don’t know how to stall very well but 10/10 for effort. Dr. Scalder just keeps living up to her name with the callous burns too
- Omega girlie pop you better get back soon
- 😱😱😱
- I repeat
- My love for Metamorphosis in season 2 is being so validated right now you have no idea 😁
- How dare Hemlock torture that beautiful creature like this I hate it
- Seriously Omega get back down there now
- Phew
- Oh my
- She knows his name?? Emerie recognized Echo?? And from Omega telling her about her (their) brothers you’ve got to be kidding me 😭😭😭
- Ohhh Echo is not happy to see her 🤣👀
- Ohhhh Emerie. Her facial expressions look so much like Omega here. The guilt is just oozing out of her
- Ohhhhh. The helmet came off. The neural brace is gone. Okay, so when Echo first started eyeing that stormtrooper to take his gear, the first thing I thought was “but your head brace won’t fit under that kind of helmet!” And sure enough, they had him leave it behind. I repeat—Echo left his entire kit of armor AND the gear that most likely keeps his modifications running smoothly, helps decrypt and smooth out the sensory jumble of the neural implants put in him by the Techno Union, the one thing we’ve never seen him without since TCW, that most likely is not easily replaced—Echo left it behind, most likely never to retrieve it. For Omega. For his brothers. The lengths these boys will go to I just can’t 😭
- C’mon Emerie, put your loyalty where it belongs—with your family!
- “What children” poor boy almost had a heart attack. That man is never frazzled and he almost dropped his hand in shock 😅
- Atta girl 😱🤗 Emerie Echo rescue duo let’s goooo
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spaceorphan18 · 7 months
I think I'm losing my mind. I was on reddit and I uninstall that yesterday cause of glee subreddit(if you don't know what is glee subreddit, there is a social media app called reddit where people of common interest or region can get together and discuss on topics posted) . So the glee reddit is kinda annoying. As far as what I've observed , that reddit has more of brittana fans and they kept bashing klaine.
The funny thing is that they hate klaine for the same reason they love brittana. Well hate and love is one's feeling. But I don't know if this particular incident triggered me. Someone was as usual bashing on klaine in a klaine Christmas celebration post. Not a hate post. So I got into a heated argument. Then there was a DM that a person accused me of lifting lines from other peoples fic to mine. And they blocked.
The thing is this fandom is not so young. Meaning you would have fics on almost all genres with similar kinda writing. I am just pissed that person accused me without any proof. Not just that.
There is this another person, who is on tumblr too. They say that they love Kurt but they said what Kurt did to get back to klaine relationship was cringey. I asked what made him cringey cause he didn't do much to get into relationship. It was all sue. And they just typed "stfu" get as spontaneously as they can.
Now what broke the camels back was I put a misinterpreted statement on another post. And I didn't know one of Rachel's dad in s3 was black but not as black as what they showed in the s1. Someone explained that the actor Brian stokes was mixed ,has black ethnicity and had lighter colour than the dude shown in s1. I agreed and I said that was my point and oh my god,the downvotes.
I just said call me racist if you want,I don't care and there is this person who called me stfu came up,called me annoying and I need help. I just cited that they have less temper and I don't need a psychology lesson from them and the person just bitched and said to seek professional help.
I don't know why I am ranting to you. I'm so sorry. I just want someone to talk me through this. This keeps pissing me off.
Hey dear! No, it's fine - sometimes it's just easier to write it all out and just let yourself feel all the things. And it's totally fine.
I'm sorry for all the crap you've been going through! It's rough when fandom does not feel like the fun place you want it to be.
I am aware of reddit and have never really been a fan. I've heard the Glee fandom on there is pretty terrible in general, so I've always avoided it. It's hard, sometimes, when there doesn't feel like a lot of places to go -- especially when the fandom has very much faded and dwindled. But my best advice is to always step away from the places that make you angry.
(It can be hard, I know! When I first joined tumblr, I think I followed people I didn't really like mostly because I felt like I /needed/ to hear their wrong take. It took me a while to figure out that it was better mentally to not engage at all.)
There are also a lot of people who would rather revel in their hate of a thing than rejoice in their enjoyment. There have been psychological studies about how anger brings people together more than love. (Interestingly, I remember a long time ago there used to be a forum for Chris fans and the biggest, most trafficked thread was about hating Darren.)
I think the other unfortunate thing so often in fandoms is that people only really want to hear what they want to hear and be validated that their opinion is the /right/ one instead of listening to what other people have to say and respecting that some people don't respond to the same things you do. It's unfortunate that things become black and white and lines need to be drawn, but alas, the internet (and humans) have always been tribal like this.
Meanwhile, the best thing I can say is just enjoy the thing you like. These people are just going to be assholes whether you engage with them or not, so why give them a platform? Your mental health is worth more than their time - so give yourself a break.
You're welcome to come chat with me any time. :)
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findmeagreenlight · 2 years
I've seen people talking about religious imagery pertaining to Will and Mike so I figured I'd collect what I can on El.
She walks on water in the Void, a clear reference to Jesus. But there is a stronger throughline in the show, which is angel imagery that mostly appears around Max.
We are introduced to Angela in s4: she is El's foil. Angel. Someone who preaches about looking up to Helen Keller for being an inspiration as a disabled person but in reality she looks down on El who has developmental problems due to her past. There's a lot of focus on seeing and hearing (and being seen, being heard) during this season. Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing and this is what El specifically points out about Max during the piggyback scene: "She can't see me. Can't hear me."
At the end of s4, El and Lucas overhear Max's "confession" about her "sins", another link to Christianity.
And when she tries to piggyback, El wears white in Max's mind and she is framed by clouds.
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Then Vecna finds Max in the Snow Ball memory so she is trying to recall a second happiest memory. It's about El. (The images start to focus on her the same way they did for Lucas earlier and the only thing you hear said out loud is Max's "Is Mike a good kisser?" Talk about queer coding.)
The attempt fails but El still appears, as if... Max had prayed for her. Max is in disbelief ("Are you real?") and El clutches Max's hands together, like in prayer:
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The Dear Billy flashback shows Lucas when you can hear the line with "angel" from Running Up That Hill. (And you can faintly hear it when he and Max exchange notes in The Piggyback.)
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We are told how Max feels about Lucas and the show uses the word "angel" in relation to her first love interest. But we are also shown that El appears to her similarly. And it's not a new association!
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Max sings Angel by Madonna around El in s3. Here's an interesting part of the song that's not played:
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That sounds... a lot like 4x09.
Going back even further. When Mike showed El around in his room, the first thing that caught her interest was a statue of a woman with wings:
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And about "you can fly, you can move mountains": as much as we may poke fun at it, El has been associated with birds during the entire show. It's probably the most common animal motif around her. Meanwhile "you can move mountains" is a biblical phrase:
Matthew 17:20 He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
(And that's why there's a mustard raincoat in s3.)
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rillils · 1 year
ive been watching the last season if merlin 15 minutes at a time because i am not about to lose me sweethearts rn oh my lord
Okay, first things first, HELLO MY BABY 💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖 I've missed you a lot around here, honey!! I'm doing alright, just the usual amount of stress - but let's be real, that's my default state of mind xD I hope you're doing well, my dear 🥰🥰🥰 Hopefully school is over (or will soon be over) so you can rest and enjoy your vacation 💕💕💕
NOW: HOLY PATCHOULI RAGU AND RAVIOLI, I JUST SAW THE ANNOUNCEMENT AND EDVIN AND OMAR'S VIDEO MESSAGE AND AHDJAGDKSLDJK *SCREECHES* I'm getting a bit emotional here ngl 🥺🥺🥺 I can't believe that the show is actually over now, even though it's probably gonna be a while before we can watch s3, since they just finished shooting 😭😭😭 I'm hoping with all my heart that s3 will give us what we desperately need!! A happy ending for the boys pls!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
As for one Sebastian Mcfreakin' Stan, I simply can't look at those pics and videos without WEEPING, HONEY, LIKE I'M TALKING LEAKING FAUCET, OPEN BAR, LEMME CRY IN YOUR COCKTAIL REAL QUICK KIND OF WEEPING HERE
he looks. so good. my brain cannot comprehend it. I look back and then back again and the little lightbulb in my skull keeps flickering on and off because?? Is this a real human??? Does anything remotely similar to This Man truly exist??????? With those arms that look like they could engulf you so sweetly and protect you from all harm, and those boobs- sorry I mean tits- sorry I mean chESt, that CHEST that looks like it was only made for your cheek to lie upon it, and be the firmest pillow you ever slept on? and the hair??? The stubble?? The high-waisted pants?? I've seen people slander those pants, right, but as far as I'm concerned they just enhance his whole I'm Too Hot, Hot Damn™ vibe these days. make the tiny waist look even tinier and the broad shoulders look even broader and omg I can't think about this for too long or I will spontaneously combust 🔥🔥🔥
Should I also mention that white tank tops never really did anything for me until this man came along?? AND THE RINGS. THE MUMMERFUCKING RINGS. It's like. Every now and then Mr Stan-Lookin-Good-There-Man decides to accentuate his long, nimble fingers with pretty glinting metal and my brain fucking short-circuits like "NOPE - WHAT DIS - CANNOT COPE"
I feel he has awakened a monster in me *flies into the sun*
As for Merlin, oh babe, I feel ya 🥺🥺 Take your time with it, honey, I'm sure your heart will thank you for it 💖💖💖 I love you very much bby 💕💕💕 I hope you have a super nice day 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
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cuntylestat · 2 years
i want s3 of iwtv to be like that episode on dear white people where sam and her ex-boyfriend are doing an interview for his documentary but then she turns it around into an interview for her radio show and then it turns into them dissecting their relationship but like. with louis and lestat
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drago-gatta · 1 year
Thinking about GO s2. Thinking about a specific moment where Jim!Gabriel and Crowley talk about how gravity works. Here:
Jim uses a book to confirm his point and we get a good look at the title of the book he uses: a chess book. If they are talking about gravity, then why do we get a clean shot at a chess book? Why not some astrology book? To me it was a hint Neil Gaiman was putting another of his subtle hints in there.
Now let's go on the 6th episode. We know perfectly that Metatron is manipulating Aziraphale to get what he wants.
What if... we consider Metatron like a chess player, moving the pieces to come get what he truly wants?
This may sound odd like that, but I think I saw a couple of pieces of the chess game in the characters we learned to love. Keep in mind that I am no chess player and I'm talking about the symbology and metaphors of each piece.
King: Aziraphale is the ultimate goal for the Metatron. Getting him means winning the game.
Queen: can it be more subtle? It's Crowley. The queen piece can move wherever it wants, like Crowley who isn't bound by Heaven or Hell rules, he's always following his own rules. The queen accompanies the king piece and a common mistake is to exchange them, pretty much like in S1 we got to see Crowley and Azi fooling Heaven and Hell when they swap each other. And, last but not least, he is (almost) always listening to the Queen.
Pawn: I'm pretty confident this one is represented by Muriel. It's a low importance piece, like how they say it when they introduce themselves. Is the most present piece on the board and I have a feeling we will see a lot of them in S3 (finger crossed). They are dressed like a constable when we see them, the lowest rank of police force, like the pawn is the less powerful of the chess pieces.
Bishop: These pieces are represented by our dear Gabriel and Beelzebub. The bishop piece is a piece who cannot be placed in a square that hasn't the specific color they sit into from the start, like Gabriel and Beelzebub were faithful to their respective sides of Heaven and Hell and didn't change side until they got away hand in hand. Another reason why them is the origin and its appearance. In origin it was represented as an elephant, then changed with a religious symbol (the bishop) Wait, elephant? as in the animal who represents memory, whomst is the main plot which S2 wraps around? I think yes.
Also, all the talking about black and white kind of reminded me of the checkered board the game is played on.
There are several shown in the background of certain scenes, like in the meeting between Gabriel and Beelzebub:
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Or in Aziraphale bookshop just behind his armchair, visible both in the first season when Crowley!Aziraphale comes in and checks that everything is ok and all across the S2, just in front of the tower clock.
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Now, I do not have any idea who stands as the knight and the rook pieces yet, so anyone who has an idea is greatly invited to contribute. I'd love to hear other people's opinions on this.
Maybe I look too much into things, maybe I am correct and I don't know. I'm gonna go watch GO another time now.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
T/U R B pour l’ask game 😇
Merciiii !!! ❤️❤️
U - If you mostly have heteroships, do you have any homoships
Absolutely!!! Darryl Whitefeather x White Josh (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) are very dear blorbos ❤️ Also I definitely think that Eric x Dean Boland (Good Girls) should be a thing lol
I'm not sure I would add Marguerite de Lancastel x Caroline DeWitt (les Combattantes) to the list, but also I wrote a fic about them, sooooo...
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Annie Marks x Noah (Good Girls) (does he even have a last name?).
I know people hate it and him, and I understand their motives, but also I feel like Annie and Noah genuinely cared about each other and there was a fascinating thread of redemption, trust, and forgiveness to explore here. Plus we could have had S3 ex-FBI-turned-to-crime Noah, and instead we got therapist fuckboy. Meditate that.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Liv Moore x Blaine DeBeer (iZombie).
Fanfiction definitely sold me on this one lol! Enemies! Opposite attracts! Shared and mutually inflicted trauma!!!! (she turned him and he scratched her oh my goooooood)
Fun fandom asks
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Conclusion of my SL season 1 rewatch
I don't have much of a conclusion of what happened in the show since my opinion on storylines have not changed a lot. But I can talk a bit about... other things.
Ok, so it was literally almost a year ago I finished season 1 for the first time (october 9th to be exact - I write this at 23:50 so I might even post it on the 9th if i'm a slow typer - HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!). I know this because at the same day I posted my very first SL fic. I wrote it because I thought the SL fandom would be more into writing a certain ship with how many people seemed to agree they were dating. But then I found NO ONE had written a fic about them. So I took it in my own hands and wrote one.
When I made my conclusion post for s1 after watching it the first time, it actually caused a... little discussion, in my comment section. I don't like Lutteo and I kept talking about how much I loved the non-canon ships. This caused people to legit have a discussion in my comment section about how "wow I can't believe she doesn't like Lutteo how can she?", "I don't really care for the non-canon ships cause all the canon ships are so good, so I can't relate". And they weren't even talking to me, they were talking to each other. Like ?? discuss in DMs, you don't have to discuss stuff in my comment section??
So I actually got the impression from the SL fandom, at least during that time, that they were quite... ready to speak their minds. If you had an unpopular opinion, they would come and tell you that. Reblog your posts and go "I don't agree with you and here's what I think". Always seeming to wanting to change your mind. So I, probably out of spite, started to think the opposite even more.
Now, after a year, I can see that the SL fandom is actually quite chill. Y'all used to intimidate me for years, especially when the Violetta VS SL war was at highest - I literally did not want to watch SL out of spite for like 5 years just because people told me Violetta sucks (and Violetta... is my middle school obsession show. No matter what, I will always have a deep connection to it). When I got over my stubbornness and actually watched SL, I realized "Hey! This show is actually good!" And due to the fandom seeming to not have all the same opinions as me, I kept to those opinions even more. Now, after a year, I guess I have "tamed" the SL fandom. Cause, to be honest, even when the SL fandom was intimidating, the Violetta fandom really was the same, it was just that I was used to the latter so I didn't think about it.
But enough with the fandom, I wanna talk about some characters.
I see much more how Sharon and Ámbar's relationship is not black and white. Of course, I knew this from the beginning, but when I think of the show I think "she was mean in s1, nicer but creepier in s2 and just a creep in s3". But there's so much sides already in season 1. I mean, only in the first 10 episodes, Sharon seems rather... ok, around Ámbar. There's the "Ámbar, darling, why are you up?" scene, for example. Then there's scenes where she is absolutely awful. So awful that Ámbar doesn't want to come home. But Ámbar always fights back. However, even when she fights back, she always has a relapse. She goes back to wanting to please her dear madrina. She goes back to trying to be perfect. And Sharon, also has her circle of abuse - being extremely awful, then going back and being more caring, then turning cold again when you least expect it. God, the family drama in this show is <3
I have, to be very honest, changed my sexuality hc on Nina completely. I had the ace hc for her for so long. Like, I never changed it. I always saw her as ace. But now... I am not sure of that. I thought, maybe she's demi?? She could be demi. But then I remember the first time she wrote with Roller Track, and she legit just exclaimed "Roller Track!! 🤩😍😩". Girl are you...?? I- Back when watching the first half of s1 a year ago, I actually considered a lesbian hc on her - simply because I liked the concept of "girl with overprotective parents who seem to misunderstand her and she has to hide who she is". But that hc quickly disappeared when I realized, ok, no, she's definitely into boys. At this point, I guess I can see her as like... heterosexual but biromantic??? Maybe??
I always see Ramiro as bi, but for a moment I was like "nah he's gay". No, he's... he's bi, I changed my mind again hahaha.
Side note, I have written like 300 posts with "sara's 1 year sl rewatch" so now I am wondering if I should keep using that tag or if I should make a "sara's 1 year sl rewatch s2" so it's not "too many" posts in one tag. Then again, I might just keep using this so I have less tags to remember.
As a final note, here's Jim and Yam "kissing" (and I can't believe the post I made about that didn't get more notes)
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And now, we're onto s2 with more chaos, more mysteries and more of my analyses of Jim and Yam being in love that will get like 1 note at most, even if I even tag it with more tags to make it more visible, and the only thing that can make it get more notes is if I reblog it later (cause I guess y'all don't care about Jim and Yam enough. Good thing I'm here to provide some more content. No one else does anyway, so I have to).
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Whatever happened to Waning Moon!Faba?
[January 13, 2023]
Part of me likes to think the Voices never recovered [from the Faba battle in Waning Moon] either so when we have bouts of noisemakers and funny music replacement, it's a lingering side effect from when we took a hit to save Devin and it made us a bit more sensitive to these influences. Sometimes it's an outside force (like Meloetta) sometimes it's just the Voices have some level of reality warping and will randomly play music for the current host going "Gee, I'm glad SOMEONE is having fun. Mutter mutter, I was not born a loser, jerks"
....this puts the meme clips into an entirely new context
Ooh. So Faba permanently altered the Voices' perceptions
I don't think the likes of Bill, Fennel, or even Larry have ever gone that far
I love my headcanon that Faba is Ein in disguise and he's been using his job at Aether to cover for continuing his unethical bio-research
For my lore, S3 Faba is literally the worst. Which is saying something. Especially when we have people like the above.
It's toned down as the generations have passed which is still saying something that I'm sure Ace has gotten an earful from his dad going "Oh if you knew how lucky you have it. MY FATHER..."
But yes the tl;dr timeline for original Faba for me goes
One of Oak's assistants with Ceth in Channel
Ein in Colosseum, quietly steps out when things go awry
Faba in Sun, still manipulating Lusamine as a dear old friend (and probably helped raise her when he worked for her father)
Hijacks things a bit to take the Aether to the "real world" where Nigel can't follow.
Waning Moon events where he's determined no one is going to stop them this time with Quips getting "killed" (he didn't know the kid survived) and laying multiple other traps for the new kid all while getting an indepth study on the Voices during his travels.
Not as upset as he pretends when this fails, he's been forming contacts in Unova for a backup plan
Helps Cipher take over Unova seemingly disappears during the 30way War of Randomized White 2. Likely killed but hard to say who or what got him during the chaos
He may be gone but his family still thrives in the shadows.
I mean, I'm not sure what got him but he almost certainly deserved it
This being RW2 it could have been any number of things -- heck, he's mostly lived in warmer climates, he could've just frozen solid when the whole Kyurem thing happened and is now an icicle
Good riddance
[Editor’s note: The conversation split in two after this point. Both threads were ongoing simultaneously, but I’ve picked them apart for easier reading.]
[Thread 1, Kahuna Moon:]
...if he's cryogenically frozen is there a chance he could thaw :Kappa:
Realistically? We haven't hit that level of technology yet. In the world of the Voices? If they could do it for the Type: Null then maybe they could do it for a human
Would they do it for this human?
That depends on whom 'they' are
...fuck i have a plot bunny now
maybe if i stand perfectly still it won't see me and it will leave me alone
ok uhhhh remember when i rambled about Kahuna Moon and her deleted universe and her plan to try and strongarm the Voices into restoring it, failing when Gigi beats her, and then her decision to blackmail them by basically causing as much chaos as possible until they fold?
you asked who would thaw him out
it's the first place my mind jumped to :RaccAttack:
With TK's earlier statement, now I just laugh at the image of Kahuna Moon gloating to some of her followers how she's about to awaken a great evil that's going to help them reign chaos on those who oppose them and then it's just a body. Sorry, hon, he wasn't cryogenically preserved, just... Preserved. But hey! Maybe he's got some damp notes she can use
even that seems cause for concern
Very XD
[Thread 2, Fennel:]
A distinct possibility. It's also possible the Dream Mist got to him since my personal explanation for several things in the RW2 crisis was Unova was slowly sinking into The Void. Some people get possessed by Voices, others by Glitches, some just get outright physically warped (like in the Darkrai movie) due to perceptions and nightmare fuel....
...so Fennel sidles up to him reaaaaaal casually with a knife and goes 'who's gonna miss him anyway?'
It could very well be that and NO ONE WOULD BLAME HER THIS TIME
She knows that, and she's pretty smug about it
"Will I get caught? Almost certainly. Will I get away with it? Let's be honest Faba; by this point I'm doing the world a favor."
"I'm going to enjoy your screams."
"And possibly foghorns."
The only one she might have to worry about after that point is Grimsley since it seems he may have finally gone crazy. Will he be upset about Faba? Nah. But she still needs to watch her back
Yeah, Grimsley has definitely got his eye on Fennel.
Meanwhile, Cress would be rather miffed about Fennel doing the whole murder thing again, but there's always the question of 'is this worth bringing up knowing full well what Fennel has done before and could do again'
which reminds me, there's still a bit of a mystery with the RR as to where Aalija came from. Is he actually Grimsley's kid? Would that make him part Outsider or whole since Grimsley is a weird case himself after being "cursed"?
Like, at this point Fennel is that one dog that keeps tearing up the furniture and going through the trash and everyone puts up with her because she's absorbed so much Voice and Glitch energy that she is effectively immortal and nobody can ever really get rid of her so the best they can do is to try to keep her from wrecking shit
I don't doubt that. Though I laugh to imagine her saying okay... But it's just this one. The dude needed to be stopped and for how much shadow shit he's dealt with, he might be a corrupted human and could only taken out by one like herself. :Fufun:
Cress: Your logic is reasonable but you certainly don't have to enjoy it
Fennel: Now, what sort of a supervillain would I be if I didn't?
Cress: You could always try not being a supervillain.
Really, Zetsu's original ending for Fennel had her sealing herself away on the glitch abomination side of reality, but we all know that the Outsiders didn't stay on the outside again for long and neither did Fennel, so it makes sense she'd show up again
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colinford · 5 years
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aq2003 · 3 years
ok so ive joked about this before but to me one of the most genuine glaring issues about cobra kai the show about karate and generational trauma is that the east asian rep amongst the new characters is. Very bad. like it is so clearly worse than the karate kid trilogy it's almost kind of comedic. in s2 the show has a joke going "haha look daniel got cancelled on twitter bc he isnt asian! hes white and thus everyone thought he was doing cultural appropriation! lol!" While at this time in the show every east asian character was either irredeemably evil (kyler) or so far in the background you barely notice them (nate) . i would be laughing if this wasnt incredibly sad
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silverlovesmadi · 5 years
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August Cover Star Ashley Blaine Featherson for MEFeater Mag photographed by Sydney Claire
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shaloved30 · 5 years
I wonder what would happen if On My Block and Dear White People did a crossover where the Core 4 plus 1 took a college tour to Winchester.
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itscuntingseason · 5 years
dear white people’s third season comes out in two days, yet i’ve seen no one on here talk about it. shame on all of you. go watch the first two seasons NOW and then come back to this website.
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classified-bluerose · 5 years
pls watch dear white people s3 on netflix,,, there’s been no ads for it & i literally didn’t know it was on until i went on to watch something else, so WATCH DEAR WHITE PEOPLE
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ericeffiorg · 5 years
very confused about s3 of dear white people. what is going on
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