#dying suffering french stalkers
widowshill · 6 months
well now i need to know YOUR top 5 shanties/work songs
mingulay boat song, the longest johns. this one... idk what it is. the lyrics are really simple but it always makes me really emotional to hear this song, and i have not been unknown to start crying at TLJ's version. something about it really captures the sense of distance and homesicknesses and grief but ... paired a sense of community and sense of attachment to the men you're working alongside? it's a lot lol i have to listen to it sparingly.
throw me in the drink, drunk & sailor. this one is a spotify link and i am very sorry but i have yet to find them anywhere else. they're a semi-local group to me and i dig all their songs: but this one, especially, is so fun ! – especially when you're in person and contributing to the chorus with a bunk of drunk renfaire goers. tonal shift immensely from mingulay lol.
10,000 miles away, the skullduggers. following the latter, another upbeat one to jam to. and bonus, it's sung by disneyland's pirate group the bootstrappers (who are the skullduggers when not in the happiest place on earth). the narrative is also great in this one... as an incredible journey of mary bryant enjoyer,
santiano, the longest johns, ft. skáld. holdover from the days when i could actually do french. i love this song in english too but it has a little bit extra je ne sais quoi in french. that's all i got.
spanish ladies, the longest johns. i'd be really remiss if i didn't finish out the list of the first shanty I really got into, which is esmeralda's honorable, totally historically accurate don't worry about it theme song from tpof. fuck the british navy y'know but they were right, I do love my spanish lady.
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terrorpenned · 10 months
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i have to post @dying-suffering-french-stalkers's delightful birthday gift because i am SO spoiled no one understands me like her fr
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emcads · 2 years
so, regarding this scene (which, LOVE) I saw someone write in the tags about James becoming admiral as signifying his not being able to adapt. and i ... personally think that’s not true.
I actually think James is one of the most adaptable characters next to Elizabeth in terms of navigating across lines of legality, propriety, and civility; out of all the main characters, I’d argue he’s the best at continually transforming himself to persist as the demands of the world change.
and I think this is exactly what scares him. he was full three way swordfight pirate scoundrel in DMC, drinking his ass rats off in Tortuga, betraying and lying - even to Elizabeth - about his intentions, and doing what he needed to to survive and get what he wanted. not quite the same level of capital p Pirate as jack or barbossa, or elizabeth, even, but certainly different to "i serve others, not only myself" (although, even then, it's debatable how much of that was really true, since he ultimately made for isla de muerta anyway)
I think he's much more *comfortable* with a rigid system of duty / honor / black and white justice and orders to follow but he doesn't need it to function, not in the way he tries to convince himself he does. he's an absolute mess in Tortuga, sure, but i think most of that comes from the grief of losing almost all of his men and fucking up So Badly, as well as the stress of having your entire world and way of living yanked from under you. the man was doing the most JUST to get a privateering commission. getting back in the navy was never on the table, and he never expected to be made admiral for it –– nor was merchant service ever something to be pursued prior to beckett’s offer.  (interestingly, the opposite choice jack made in a similar scenario.) which i think makes it a choice different than economically surviving, or sailing, or “freedom”
privateering is only one step removed from piracy in terms of "legitimacy." certainly not the same kind of honor/duty/society that he had in the navy, but he still gets the nod of approval, still has good guys/bad guys set up as he knows them. it's a way of continuing, in some semblance of the way of life he knew,  without fully becoming what he hated or admitting that his worldview might have been wrong. it upholds the system of law / legitimacy in justifying maritime violence, even if it isn't rigid in the way the navy is.
he’s royal navy to the core but he isn't ... ordered. he seems very by the book and proper and Just on the surface but that's not true, else beckett would never have gotten the heart to begin with. he's royal navy to the core in that the royal navy also kills and steals and kidnaps people to get what they want, they just have an authority behind them.
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lucy-ghoul · 2 years
For character bingo: Darth Vader :D
WENDY thank you <33
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The yellow lines come with a few disclaimers:
*they have done nothing wrong: not true, he has done so much wrong I don't even know where to start lmao, but in my heart he's a Special Boy and I think his murder sprees are hot entertaining
*there's nothing going on behind those eyes: thanks to the mask, and it's also what he'd like to believe/project, but we know better. Maybe there's even too much going on, that's the problem fghjkl
The free space is me yelling at him to GET THERAPY, sweetie. please 🙏
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cursemewithyourkiss · 13 days
1961, 1962, 1963, 1964! 🍿📽️
I'm afraid I've seen very few films from the sixties so for most of these they're literally the only film I've watched from that year... I genuinely love all these films though!
1961. The Innocents.
1962. Lawrence of Arabia.
1963. The Haunting.
1964. Becket.
I should really watch more films from the sixties! I will get to it... eventually.
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internal-morgan · 8 months
Trick or treat! :D
Happy Halloween!
You receive:
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Tiny snail. Use it wisely!
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girlscarpia · 6 months
I am also seeing Daffy Duck but it's extra weird bc I saw this post several times before, weeks ago, with the normal video
Lmaooo also if you go see the reblogs. there are people who reblogged it around the same time I got it on my dash and they can still see the original video apparently? literally what is going on
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i fucking love your url
thank you, tumblr user supernatural season 16
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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King the silly guys, Lupin III!
(for @dying-suffering-french-stalkers)
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widowshill · 6 months
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But it was clear to me the reason why he was so good at bending men towards his will was he knew the power of a story and how to harness it to his own ends.
dark shadows + black sails, "a story is true. a story is untrue."
ds 2 / bs "V" / ds 2 / bs "V" / ds 25 / bs "XXXVIII." / ds 38 / bs "XXXVIII." / ds 38 / bs "XXXVIII." / ds 65 / bs "VII." / ds 65 / bs. "VII." / ds 25 / bs "I." / ds 25 / bs "I." / ds 56 / bs "I." / ds 56 / bs “I.” / ds 56.
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wheel-of-fish · 2 months
13 books!
I was tagged by @consistantly-changing (thanks!) to answer these 13 questions, tag 13 people and, if desired, add a shelfie! I looove this one!
1) The last book I read:
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett, which is a departure from my usual fare; I just wanted something fun and cozy. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it!
2) A book I recommend:
Ugh, so so many. uhhh how about The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante (that whole series, really)
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
5) A book on my TBR:
A new one I'm excited about that I'm on the hold list for at the library is The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden.
6) A book I’ve put down:
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. I don't know if I wasn't in the right headspace for it, or if I'm just too dumb. Probably both. I would like to try it again sometime, though.
7) A book on my wish list:
The Handbook of Bird Biology by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
8) A favorite book from childhood:
The Secret Garden. I had a really pretty illustrated copy. I still have it, actually!
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
[There is no No. 10 I guess?]
11) A nonfiction book you own:
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson ugggh it's so good
12) What are you currently reading:
Waiting by Ha Jin and The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
13) What are you planning on reading next?
I won't actually know until I get to that point. My reading mood changes with the wind. :P
And a shelfie! It's a couple months old, but I don't feel like taking a new one. (fwiw, a LOT of these are used or gifted, and I prune/donate them regularly)
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Tagging @glassprism @musicalhell @bogglebabbles @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques @rjdaae @ladystormcrow @forestscribe4 @a-partofthenarrative @jennyfair7 @pianomanblaine @lucy-ghoul @dying-suffering-french-stalkers @lestatslestits
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emcads · 2 years
British perceptions of the colonies as a distant outpost of empire, where heightened passions threatened to triumph over reason, encouraged Americans to scrutinize women’s bodies and behaviors, guarding against any slippages into savagery. Colonists depended on women to help maintain civility in an unfamiliar environment. Hopkinson argued, only somewhat facetiously, that were it not for “their connection with the refined sex,” men would “wallow in filth, and populous cities would infect the atmosphere with their noxious vapors.” It was only women’s “attention” that “prevent[ed] men from degenerating into swine.” Yet Hopkinson also portrayed colonial women as dangerous creatures whose desires, like those of Kitty Fisher and Kitty Hunter, could render their bodies literally combustible. In a poem published in the Pennsylvania Magazine, the author related a dream in which he discovered a special snuff that enabled him to enter the soul of another person. When he occupied the soul of a female libertine, he discovered that the woman’s “palace,” or body, bore unmistakable evidence of her “unruly passions,” being “so filled with combustibles that I expected every minute it would take fire and be entirely consumed.” Hopkinson condemns women’s base natures even as he relies on women to counteract the perceived fragility of New World civility.
The Mask of Civility: Portraits of Colonial Women and the Transatlantic Masquerade, Jennifer Van Horn 
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lucy-ghoul · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAL!!!! 🎉🎂🎁🎶❤️✨ I hope you're having a lovely day and I wish you a good year going forward.
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Thank you so much, Wendy!! ♥️♥️
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melodiesofmidnight · 6 months
Tagged by @mysoftboybensolo
Relationship Status: Married Favorite Color: Essex Green, Navy Blue, Maroon Song Stuck in My Head: "25 or 6 to 4" - Chicago Favorite Food: Does guacamole count? Last song I listened to: "Nights in White Satin" - Moody Blues Dream Trip: Switzerland. All of it. Both in summer and in winter. Last thing I googled: "How to make homemade raspberry jam."
I tag: @nerdywriter36 @shitteadrinkersays @weirdbird74 @wheel-of-fish @aftershocked @cdaae @tiniestmagneto @thespidersenmity @murroyilodel @dying-suffering-french-stalkers and anyone else who'd like to give it a go.
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wormonastringtime · 1 year
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cow tools.
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(ty to @dying-suffering-french-stalkers for these tags!)
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witchklng · 1 year
tagged by @thegreatblondebalrogslayer ily ♡
lockscreen, last song played, and last photo saved
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tagging @antifarichietozier @dying-suffering-french-stalkers @oretsev @seriowan @baba-fett @thefact0rygirl @daffodelia @nimikyu @pianocarnival @wicclan ♡ ♡ ♡
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