idyllicdyl · 3 months
Recently I’ve been feeling very good about myself - I like my haircut and I’m getting a little more comfortable with my body 👍🏻
They seem like small things and I know they probably won’t last but it’s nice to know I can be this comfortable once in a while
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idyllicdyl · 3 months
I started a gender diary/journal today to keep track of my thoughts about my gender identity 👍🏻 I recommend it for anyone who is struggling with their gender identity and wants to keep track of things
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idyllicdyl · 2 months
I like how I changed my pants right before I had to leave to catch the bus because my skinny jeans were making me dysphoric then I ran back to my room to put on sparkly lipgloss
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idyllicdyl · 3 months
I went to hot topic today and the person that said “hi can I help you” was too cute and then when I was leaving I just barely saw the cashier and bro had cool hair
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idyllicdyl · 3 months
Yesterday I did a mediocre full body at-home workout with some running in place and a bunch of stretching and It was really nice after I got into it. I was inspired by someone I saw on Instagram with skinny arms like me but also kinda muscular and they made her shoulders look wider which is what I want but I know I can’t only work out my arms and nothing else. And also I’m out of shape anyway so I needed the workout
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idyllicdyl · 1 month
me today wondering why i was so tired and getting so upset about things (bad grades, choosing a college) then remembering that i only got four hours of sleep the night before
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idyllicdyl · 1 month
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <)
YouTube has all my recent favorites so I just went on there and used the first songs that came up
she needs him - Her’s
chandelier - Sia
candy - Doja cat
streets - Doja cat
vampire - Olivia rodrigo
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idyllicdyl · 2 months
when I’m dead tired but still too paranoid to actually fall asleep
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idyllicdyl · 3 months
FYI I do update what book I’m currently reading on my pinned post (and occasionally the artists I listen to) so check that out once in a while if you want
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idyllicdyl · 3 months
TIFU by trying to explain how I might’ve seen someone I know in public and ending it with “or maybe all trans guys look the same” (joking) and the response I got from some of my classmates made me feel like that “if we kick every immigrant out of our country, who will be cleaning our toilets?” lady
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idyllicdyl · 10 months
about me
My name is Dylan and I use he/him pronouns
I like playing the guitar sometimes
I’m at introvert to strangers but I really love talking to people
I’m a trans man but only out to one person irl
I listen to Will Wood, Oingo Boingo, The Strokes, The Smiths, IDKHOW, MCR, Amy Winehouse, sometimes Palaye Royale and a bunch of random songs from other groups
I also really like looking into lyric interpretation
I like painting and drawing (mostly people)
Currently reading: System Collapse by Martha Wells
also I’m almost definitely neurodivergent and I can’t get a diagnosis but I probably have adhd (and possibly autism)
this blog will mostly be about me being trans because I can’t share my thoughts about it anywhere else
And I’m willing to chat if anyone’s interested :)
Also the tag for my original posts is dyldialogue
art blog @arttrebloggs
poetry blog @pppoemmms
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