#dynamic table in javascript
webtutorialstack · 8 months
Dynamic table in javascript
Everyone knows how to create a table with html. But if i say that you have to create a table that takes number of rows and number of columns as user input then it is not possible using only html. Then in that case we can create a dynamic table in javascript or using javascript. javascript is a very popular language that is used mostly for web development. For creating dynamic table here i am using three files one is html file that contains the simple form of two inputs rows and column, second file is css file that is used for designing and third file which is javascript file for logic to implement the dynamic table. Instead of this I am also using bootstrap for styling the table. so now lets start building the dynamic table in javascript.
So creating Dynamic table in javascript you can go through this article: How to create dynamic table in javascript
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evenvillain · 2 years
ao3 dark minimal skin
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
dark, flat and spacious ao3 skin. made for myself so don’t look at messy CSS too closely.
1. log in and go HERE
2. click button "Create Site Skin"
3. name it whatever
4. copy/paste code from below in "CSS" field
5. "Submit"
6. make sure you clicked button "Use" HERE in the list of skins
#outer .region, #footer .group, .post fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset {  background: none; }
body, .group, .group .group, .region, .flash, fieldset, fieldset fieldset ul, form dl, textarea, #main .verbose legend, .verbose fieldset, .notice, ul.notes, input, textarea, table, th, td:hover, tr:hover, .symbol .question:hover, #modal, .ui-sortable li, .required .autocomplete, .autocomplete .notice, .system .intro, .comment_error, .kudos_error, div.dynamic, .dynamic form, #ui-datepicker-div, .ui-datepicker table {  background: #131517;  color: #eee;  border-color: #131517;  outline: #111;  box-shadow: none; }
form .notice, form ul.notes {  box-shadow: none; }
#workskin {  font-size: 1.2em;  margin: auto;  padding: 0 0.25em;  max-width: 60em;  overflow-x: auto;  overflow-y: hidden;  position: relative; }
.actions a, .actions a:link, .action, .action:link, .actions input, input[type="submit"], button, .current, .actions label {  border-radius: 0; }
#header ul.primary, #outer #footer, .toggled form {  background: #131517; }
#header .primary {  background: none;  padding: 10px 0;  width: 100%;  box-shadow: none; }
fieldset, form dl, fieldset dl dl, fieldset fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset dl dl, dd.hideme, form blockquote.userstuff {  background: #1a1c1e !important; }
.user.navigation.actions>li {    margin-top: 0.3em!important; }
#header .menu, #small_login {    border:1px solid #1f2126;    box-shadow: none;    padding: 0 }
.tags.group, .more.group {    margin-top: 0.6em; }
#header .actions a:hover, #header .actions a:focus, #header .dropdown:hover a, #header .open a, #header .menu, #small_login, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, form blockquote.userstuff, input:focus, textarea:focus, li.relationships a, .group.listbox .index, .dashboard fieldset fieldset.listbox .index, #dashboard a:hover, th, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, .thread .even, .system .tweet_list li, .ui-datepicker tr:hover {  background: #131517; }
.userstuff p {  text-align: justify;  margin: 1.286em auto;  padding: 0;  line-height: 1.5; }
.tags.commas {  margin: 1.5em auto; }
.tweets {  display: none; }
#header .dropdown .menu a:hover, #header .dropdown .menu a:focus, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a, .ui-datepicker td:hover, #tos_prompt .heading, #tos_prompt [disabled] {  background: #22262a; }
#outer, .javascript, .statistics .index li:nth-of-type(even), #tos_prompt, .announcement input[type="submit"] {  background: #131517; }
.filters .submit input {  border: 1px solid #131517;  background-color: #131517;  height: 110%;  margin: 1em 0;  min-height: 2.286em;  padding-left: 0;  padding-right: 0;  text-align: center;  white-space: normal; }
#header ul.primary, #footer, #dashboard ul, dl.meta, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, form blockquote.userstuff, div.comment, li.comment, .toggled form, form dl dt, form.single fieldset, #inner .module .heading, .bookmark .status span, .splash .news li, .filters .group dt.bookmarker {  border-color: #1a1c1e;  background: #1a1c1e; }
.news, .readings {  display: none; }
.work.navigation.actions {    width: 100%; }
dl.meta {  border: none; }
.splash .news li {  padding: 1em; }
fieldset, form dl, fieldset dl dl, fieldset fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset dl dl, dd.hideme, form blockquote.userstuff {  padding: 1.643em; }
li.blurb, fieldset, form dl {  border: none; }
li.blurb, .blurb .blurb {  display: block;  position: relative;  clear: left;  padding: 1em 1.4em;  overflow: visible; }
.logged-in .splash>.module {  width: 100% !important; }
dl.meta {  max-width: 75em;  margin: auto;  clear: right;  padding: 2em 1.75em;  position: relative;  overflow: hidden; }
.group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, .wrapper, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, form blockquote.userstuff, .thread .comment, .toggled form {  box-shadow: none; }
#dashboard .current, .actions a:active, #outer .current,a.current, .current a:visited, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed,  dl.index dd, .own, .draft, .draft .unread, .child, .unwrangled, .unreviewed, .ui-sortable li:hover {  background: #131517;  border-color: #1f2126; }
#greeting .menu {  right: 0;  border: 1px solid #1f2126;  box-shadow: none; }
select {  background-color: #131517;  color: #fff;  border: 1px solid #131517;  min-height: 2.4em;  border-radius: 0; }
input:focus, select:focus, textarea:focus {    background: #131517; }
input, textarea {  min-height: 1.8em;  box-shadow: none; }
#footer a:hover, #footer a:focus, .autocomplete .dropdown ul li:hover, .autocomplete .dropdown li.selected, a.tag:hover, .listbox .heading a.tag:visited:hover, .symbol .question, .qtip-content {  background: #a7a7a7;  color: #111; }
.splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:hover, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:focus {  background: #a7a7a7;  color: #111; }
#header #greeting img, #header .heading a, #header .heading a:visited, #header .user a:hover, #header .user a:focus, #header fieldset, #header form, #header p, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, .delete a, span.delete, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed, .draggable, .droppable, span.requested, a.work, .blurb h4 a:link, .blurb h4 img, .splash .module h3, .splash .browse li a:before, .required, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, a.cloud7, a.cloud8, #tos_prompt .heading {  color: #a7a7a7; }
#header .menu li {  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;  margin: 0;  text-align: left; }
#greeting .icon, #dashboard, #dashboard.own, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, .LV_invalid, .LV_invalid_field, input.LV_invalid_field:hover, input.LV_invalid_field:active, textarea.LV_invalid_field:hover, textarea.LV_invalid_field:active, .qtip-content {  border-color: #131517; }
#dashboard.own {  border: none; }
form.filters dl {  margin-left: 0;  margin-right: 0; }
.filters .expander:focus {  outline: none; }
.filters .expander {  padding: 0.45em 0 0.45em 14px; }
.filters .group dt.search, .filters .range dt {  padding: 1.25em 0 0.4em 0; }
a.tag {  border-bottom: 1px dotted !important; }
a, a:link, a.tag, #header a, #header a:visited, #header .primary .open a, #header .primary .dropdown:hover a, #header .primary .dropdown a:focus, #header #search input:focus, #header #search input:hover, #dashboard a,  #dashboard span, #dashboard .current, .heading, .group .heading, .filters dt a:hover {  color: #fff; }
#header .dropdown .menu a {  padding: .75em .5em .75em; }
#header #search .text {  background: #131517 !important;  border-radius: 0;  margin: 0.2857em 0.429em; }
a:visited, .actions a:visited, .action a:link, .action a:visited, .listbox .heading a:visited, span.series .divider {  color: #999; }
a:active, a:focus, button:focus {  outline: none; }
.actions a, .actions a:link, .action, .action:link, .actions input, input[type="submit"], button, .current, .actions label, #header .actions a {  background: #1a1c1e;  border-color: #1a1c1e;  color: #eee;  box-shadow: none;  text-shadow: none; }
.actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:focus, .actions input:focus, #dashboard a:focus {  color: #fff;  border-color: #101214;  box-shadow: none;  background-color: #101214; }
.actions a:active, .current, a.current, .current a:visited {  color: #fff;  background: #101214;  border-color: #101214;  box-shadow: none; }
.delete a, span.delete {  box-shadow: -1px -1px 2px rgba(255,255,255.25); }
ul.required-tags, .bookmark .status span, .blurb .icon {  opacity: 0.9;  border: 0; }
#outer .group .heading, #header .actions a, fieldset.listbox .heading, .userstuff .heading, .heading, .userstuff h2 {  text-shadow: none;  color: #fff;  background: none; }
#header .actions a, fieldset fieldset, .mce-container button, .filters .expander {  box-shadow: none; }
fieldset fieldset.listbox {  outline: none; }
form dd.required {  color: #eee; }
.mce-container input:focus {  background: #F3EFEC; }
.announcement .userstuff a, .announcement .userstuff a:link, .announcement .userstuff a:visited:hover {  color: #fff; }
a, a:link, a:visited:hover {  color: #fff;  text-decoration: none; }
.announcement .userstuff a:visited {  color: #666; }
.announcement .userstuff a:hover, .announcement .userstuff a:focus {  color: #999; }
.event.announcement .userstuff a, .filters .expander {  color: #eee; }
255 notes · View notes
judithonlinux · 2 years
AO3 Site Skin - DarkPurple
for @beastlyinstrument
Tumblr media
Theme colors: #070707, #191919, #f2f2f2, #541f7b, #551f78
Code to copy below the cut ↓
#outer .region, #footer .group, .post fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset { background: none; }
body, .group, .group .group, .region, .flash, fieldset, fieldset fieldset ul, form dl, textarea, #main .verbose legend, .verbose fieldset, .notice, ul.notes, input, textarea, table, th, td:hover, tr:hover, .symbol .question:hover, #modal, .ui-sortable li, .required .autocomplete, .autocomplete .notice, .system .intro, .comment_error, .kudos_error, div.dynamic, .dynamic form, #ui-datepicker-div, .ui-datepicker table { background: #070707; color: #f2f2f2; border-color: #191919; outline: #191919; box-shadow: none; }
#header .actions a:hover, #header .actions a:focus, #header .dropdown:hover a, #header .open a, #header .menu, #small_login, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, form blockquote.userstuff, input:focus, textarea:focus, li.relationships a, .group.listbox .index, .dashboard fieldset fieldset.listbox .index, #dashboard a:hover, th, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, .thread .even, .system .tweet_list li, .ui-datepicker tr:hover { background: #070707; }
#header .dropdown .menu a:hover, #header .dropdown .menu a:focus, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a, .ui-datepicker td:hover, #tos_prompt .heading, #tos_prompt [disabled] { background: #191919; }
#outer, .javascript, .statistics .index li:nth-of-type(even), #tos_prompt, .announcement input[type="submit"] { background: #070707; }
#header ul.primary, #outer #footer, .toggled form { background: #191919; }
#header ul.primary, #footer, #dashboard ul, dl.meta, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, form blockquote.userstuff, div.comment, li.comment, .toggled form, form dl dt, form.single fieldset, #inner .module .heading, .bookmark .status span, .splash .news li, .filters .group dt.bookmarker { border-color: #070707; }
.group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, .wrapper, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, form blockquote.userstuff, .thread .comment, .toggled form { box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #541f7b; }
#dashboard .current, .actions a:active, #outer .current, a.current, .current a:visited, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed, dl.index dd, .own, .draft, .draft .unread, .child, .unwrangled, .unreviewed, .ui-sortable li:hover { background: #191919; border-color: #551f78; box-shadow: 0 0 1px #541f7b; }
input, textarea { box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px #541f7b; }
li.blurb, .blurb .blurb, .listbox .index, fieldset fieldset.listbox, .dashboard .listbox .index { box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 1px #541f7b; }
#footer a:hover, #footer a:focus, .autocomplete .dropdown ul li:hover, .autocomplete .dropdown li.selected, a.tag:hover, .listbox .heading a.tag:visited:hover, .symbol .question, .qtip-content { background: #541f7b; color: #191919; }
.splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:hover, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:focus { background: #541f7b; color: #191919; }
#header #greeting img, #header .heading a, #header .heading a:visited, #header .user a:hover, #header .user a:focus, #header fieldset, #header form, #header p, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, .delete a, span.delete, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed, .draggable, .droppable, span.requested, a.work, .blurb h4 a:link, .blurb h4 img, .splash .module h3, .splash .browse li a:before, .required, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, a.cloud7, a.cloud8, #tos_prompt .heading { color: #541f7b; }
#greeting .icon, #dashboard, #dashboard.own, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, .LV_invalid, .LV_invalid_field, input.LV_invalid_field:hover, input.LV_invalid_field:active, textarea.LV_invalid_field:hover, textarea.LV_invalid_field:active, .qtip-content { border-color: #541f7b; }
a, a:link, a.tag, #header a, #header a:visited, #header .primary .open a, #header .primary .dropdown:hover a, #header .primary .dropdown a:focus, #header #search input:focus, #header #search input:hover, #dashboard a, #dashboard span, #dashboard .current, .heading, .group .heading, .filters dt a:hover { color: #f2f2f2; }
a:visited, .actions a:visited, .action a:link, .action a:visited, .listbox .heading a:visited, span.series .divider { color: #f2f2f2; }
.actions a, .actions a:link, .action, .action:link, .actions input, input[type="submit"], button, .current, .actions label, #header .actions a { background: #551f78; border-color: #191919; color: #f2f2f2; box-shadow: inset 0 -8px 4px #551f78, inset 0 8px 7px #551f78; text-shadow: none; }
.actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:focus, .actions input:focus, #dashboard a:focus { color: #551f78; background: #191919; border-color: #191919; box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 2px #191919; }
.actions a:active, .current, a.current, .current a:visited { color: #f2f2f2; background: #551f78; border-color: #f2f2f2; box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 1px #070707; }
.delete a, span.delete { box-shadow: -1px -1px 2px rgba(255,255,255.25); }
ul.required-tags, .bookmark .status span, .blurb .icon { opacity: 0.9; border: 0; }
#outer .group .heading, #header .actions a, fieldset.listbox .heading, .userstuff .heading, .heading, .userstuff h2 { text-shadow: none; color: #f2f2f2; background: none; }
#header .actions a, fieldset fieldset, .mce-container button, .filters .expander { box-shadow: none; }
fieldset fieldset.listbox { outline: none; }
form dd.required { color: #f2f2f2; }
.mce-container input:focus { background: #f2f2f2; }
.announcement .userstuff a, .announcement .userstuff a:link, .announcement .userstuff a:visited:hover { color: #191919; }
.announcement .userstuff a:visited { color: #551f78; }
.announcement .userstuff a:hover, .announcement .userstuff a:focus { color: #551f78; }
.event.announcement .userstuff a, .filters .expander { color: #f2f2f2; }
.chapter p { font-size: 110%; }
88 notes · View notes
ao3css · 1 year
How do I make a tag/title/author or any link I click on remain the same color as if I haven't clicked on it? My OCD is going crazy over this, thank you in advance :DD
Btw: I'm using this skin, love it so much as someone who is light sensitive :))
hello! I found that removing all instances of the :visited css selector in your skin to work for this! edited skin below
#outer .region, #footer .group, .post fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset {  background: none; }
body, .group, .group .group, .region, .flash, fieldset, fieldset fieldset ul, form dl, textarea, #main .verbose legend, .verbose fieldset, .notice, ul.notes, input, textarea, table, th, td:hover, tr:hover, .symbol .question:hover, #modal, .ui-sortable li, .required .autocomplete, .autocomplete .notice, .system .intro, .comment_error, .kudos_error, div.dynamic, .dynamic form, #ui-datepicker-div, .ui-datepicker table {  background: #131517;  color: #eee;  border-color: #131517;  outline: #111;  box-shadow: none; }
form .notice, form ul.notes {  box-shadow: none; }
#workskin {  font-size: 1.2em;  margin: auto;  padding: 0 0.25em;  max-width: 60em;  overflow-x: auto;  overflow-y: hidden;  position: relative; }
.actions a, .actions a:link, .action, .action:link, .actions input, input[type="submit"], button, .current, .actions label {  border-radius: 0; }
#header ul.primary, #outer #footer, .toggled form {  background: #131517; }
#header .primary {  background: none;  padding: 10px 0;  width: 100%;  box-shadow: none; }
fieldset, form dl, fieldset dl dl, fieldset fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset dl dl, dd.hideme, form blockquote.userstuff {  background: #1a1c1e !important; }
.user.navigation.actions>li {    margin-top: 0.3em!important; }
#header .menu, #small_login {    border:1px solid #1f2126;    box-shadow: none;    padding: 0 }
.tags.group, .more.group {    margin-top: 0.6em; }
#header .actions a:hover, #header .actions a:focus, #header .dropdown:hover a, #header .open a, #header .menu, #small_login, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, form blockquote.userstuff, input:focus, textarea:focus, li.relationships a, .group.listbox .index, .dashboard fieldset fieldset.listbox .index, #dashboard a:hover, th, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, .thread .even, .system .tweet_list li, .ui-datepicker tr:hover {  background: #131517; }
.userstuff p {  text-align: justify;  margin: 1.286em auto;  padding: 0;  line-height: 1.5; }
.tags.commas {  margin: 1.5em auto; }
.tweets {  display: none; }
#header .dropdown .menu a:hover, #header .dropdown .menu a:focus, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a, .ui-datepicker td:hover, #tos_prompt .heading, #tos_prompt [disabled] {  background: #22262a; }
#outer, .javascript, .statistics .index li:nth-of-type(even), #tos_prompt, .announcement input[type="submit"] {  background: #131517; }
.filters .submit input {  border: 1px solid #131517;  background-color: #131517;  height: 110%;  margin: 1em 0;  min-height: 2.286em;  padding-left: 0;  padding-right: 0;  text-align: center;  white-space: normal; }
#header ul.primary, #footer, #dashboard ul, dl.meta, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, form blockquote.userstuff, div.comment, li.comment, .toggled form, form dl dt, form.single fieldset, #inner .module .heading, .bookmark .status span, .splash .news li, .filters .group dt.bookmarker {  border-color: #1a1c1e;  background: #1a1c1e; }
.news, .readings {  display: none; }
.work.navigation.actions {    width: 100%; }
dl.meta {  border: none; }
.splash .news li {  padding: 1em; }
fieldset, form dl, fieldset dl dl, fieldset fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset dl dl, dd.hideme, form blockquote.userstuff {  padding: 1.643em; }
li.blurb, fieldset, form dl {  border: none; }
li.blurb, .blurb .blurb {  display: block;  position: relative;  clear: left;  padding: 1em 1.4em;  overflow: visible; }
.logged-in .splash>.module {  width: 100% !important; }
dl.meta {  max-width: 75em;  margin: auto;  clear: right;  padding: 2em 1.75em;  position: relative;  overflow: hidden; }
.group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, .wrapper, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, form blockquote.userstuff, .thread .comment, .toggled form {  box-shadow: none; }
#dashboard .current, .actions a:active, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed,  dl.index dd, .own, .draft, .draft .unread, .child, .unwrangled, .unreviewed, .ui-sortable li:hover {  background: #131517;  border-color: #1f2126; }
#greeting .menu {  right: 0;  border: 1px solid #1f2126;  box-shadow: none; }
select {  background-color: #131517;  color: #fff;  border: 1px solid #131517;  min-height: 2.4em;  border-radius: 0; }
input:focus, select:focus, textarea:focus {    background: #131517; }
input, textarea {  min-height: 1.8em;  box-shadow: none; }
#footer a:hover, #footer a:focus, .autocomplete .dropdown ul li:hover, .autocomplete .dropdown li.selected, a.tag:hover, .symbol .question, .qtip-content {  background: #a7a7a7;  color: #111; }
.splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:hover, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:focus {  background: #a7a7a7;  color: #111; }
#header #greeting img, #header .heading a, #header .user a:hover, #header .user a:focus, #header fieldset, #header form, #header p, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, .delete a, span.delete, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed, .draggable, .droppable, span.requested, a.work, .blurb h4 a:link, .blurb h4 img, .splash .module h3, .splash .browse li a:before, .required, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, a.cloud7, a.cloud8, #tos_prompt .heading {  color: #a7a7a7; }
#header .menu li {  border-bottom: 1px solid #2c2c2c;  margin: 0;  text-align: left; }
#greeting .icon, #dashboard, #dashboard.own, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, .LV_invalid, .LV_invalid_field, input.LV_invalid_field:hover, input.LV_invalid_field:active, textarea.LV_invalid_field:hover, textarea.LV_invalid_field:active, .qtip-content {  border-color: #131517; }
#dashboard.own {  border: none; }
form.filters dl {  margin-left: 0;  margin-right: 0; }
.filters .expander:focus {  outline: none; }
.filters .expander {  padding: 0.45em 0 0.45em 14px; }
.filters .group dt.search, .filters .range dt {  padding: 1.25em 0 0.4em 0; }
a.tag {  border-bottom: 1px dotted !important; }
a, a:link, a.tag, #header a, #header .primary .open a, #header .primary .dropdown:hover a, #header .primary .dropdown a:focus, #header #search input:focus, #header #search input:hover, #dashboard a,  #dashboard span, #dashboard .current, .heading, .group .heading, .filters dt a:hover {  color: #fff; }
#header .dropdown .menu a {  padding: .75em .5em .75em; }
#header #search .text {  background: #131517 !important;  border-radius: 0;  margin: 0.2857em 0.429em; }
.action a:link, span.series .divider {  color: #999; }
a:active, a:focus, button:focus {  outline: none; }
.actions a, .actions a:link, .action, .action:link, .actions input, input[type="submit"], button, .current, .actions label, #header .actions a {  background: #1a1c1e;  border-color: #1a1c1e;  color: #eee;  box-shadow: none;  text-shadow: none; }
.actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:focus, .actions input:focus, #dashboard a:focus {  color: #fff;  border-color: #101214;  box-shadow: none;  background-color: #101214; }
.actions a:active, .current, a.current {  color: #fff;  background: #101214;  border-color: #101214;  box-shadow: none; }
.delete a, span.delete {  box-shadow: -1px -1px 2px rgba(255,255,255.25); }
ul.required-tags, .bookmark .status span, .blurb .icon {  opacity: 0.9;  border: 0; }
#outer .group .heading, #header .actions a, fieldset.listbox .heading, .userstuff .heading, .heading, .userstuff h2 {  text-shadow: none;  color: #fff;  background: none; }
#header .actions a, fieldset fieldset, .mce-container button, .filters .expander {  box-shadow: none; }
fieldset fieldset.listbox {  outline: none; }
form dd.required {  color: #eee; }
.mce-container input:focus {  background: #F3EFEC; }
.announcement .userstuff a, .announcement .userstuff a:link {  color: #fff; }
a, a:link {  color: #fff;  text-decoration: none; }
.announcement .userstuff a:hover, .announcement .userstuff a:focus {  color: #999; }
.event.announcement .userstuff a, .filters .expander {  color: #eee; }
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digvijay00 · 10 months
Unleashing the Power of the Full Stack Developer: A New Era in Tech Excellence
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the role of a full stack developer has emerged as a cornerstone for building cutting-edge digital solutions. As we delve into the intricacies of this dynamic profession, we witness the fusion of technical prowess and versatility. The era of the full stack developer is upon us, reshaping the way we conceive, create, and interact with digital innovations. To become a full-stack developer you can learn from Uncodemy, which provides the best full-developer course in Delhi. It will create lots of opportunities for your future.
Understanding the Full Stack Developer
What is a Full Stack Developer?
A full-stack developer is a multifaceted professional who possesses expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. This holistic skill set empowers them to navigate the entire spectrum of web development, from designing user interfaces to managing databases and server configurations.
The Tech Arsenal
Full-stack developers are equipped with a diverse toolbox, including proficiency in languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more. Their adaptability extends to frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js on the front end, and Node.js, Django, and Ruby on Rails on the back end. This versatility ensures they can seamlessly integrate different components, fostering a cohesive and efficient development process.
Navigating the Full Stack Landscape
Bridging the Gap
One of the distinctive features of a full-stack developer is their ability to bridge the gap between front-end and back-end development. This ensures a smoother collaboration between design and functionality, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and user-friendly end product.
Agile Development
In the contemporary tech environment, where agility is paramount, full stack developers shine. Their capacity to switch between tasks and address challenges at various levels of the development process makes them invaluable assets in agile development methodologies.
The Full Stack Advantage in Web Development
Streamlined Communication
Efficient communication between different components of a web application is crucial for its success. Full stack developers, with their comprehensive skill set, facilitate seamless interaction between the user interface, server, and database, resulting in faster response times and enhanced user experiences.
Hiring separate front-end and back-end developers can be a costly affair. Enter the full stack developer, a cost-effective solution for businesses aiming to streamline their development teams without compromising on expertise. This consolidation of skills ensures a leaner, more efficient development process.
Staying Ahead in the Full Stack Game
Continuous Learning
The tech landscape is ever-changing, and full-stack developers understand the importance of continuous learning. Whether it’s adopting new frameworks or staying abreast of emerging technologies, the commitment to staying relevant is ingrained in the ethos of a full-stack developer.
Building Robust Solutions
In the era of full-stack development, the focus extends beyond creating functional applications. Full-stack developers are architects of robust, scalable solutions. Their proficiency in handling both client and server-side aspects empowers them to design applications that can evolve and adapt to the dynamic needs of the digital realm.
In conclusion, the era of the full-stack developer is a testament to the evolution of web development. These versatile professionals bring a unique blend of skills to the table, enhancing collaboration, reducing costs, and driving innovation. As businesses navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, embracing the prowess of full-stack developers becomes not just an option but a strategic imperative.
Source Link: https://www.blogsocialnews.com/unleashing-the-power-of-the-full-stack-developer-a-new-era-in-tech-excellence/
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raincoatslol · 1 year
I like the site skin I made to use on Ao3 so I’m deciding to share it. I took the reversi site skin and added patterned backgrounds from here and changed some of the colors. CSS is below the cut.
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#outer .region, #footer .group, .post fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset {  background: none; } body, .group, .group .group, .region, .flash, fieldset, fieldset fieldset ul, form dl, textarea, #main .verbose legend, .verbose fieldset, .notice, ul.notes, input, textarea, table, th, td:hover, tr:hover, .symbol .question:hover, #modal, .ui-sortable li, .required .autocomplete, .autocomplete .notice, .system .intro, .comment_error, .kudos_error, div.dynamic, .dynamic form, #ui-datepicker-div, .ui-datepicker table {  background: #333;  color: #eee;  border-color: #222;  outline: #111;  box-shadow: none; } #header .actions a:hover, #header .actions a:focus, #header .dropdown:hover a, #header .open a, #header .menu, #small_login, fieldset fieldset.listbox, form blockquote.userstuff, input:focus, textarea:focus, li.relationships a, .dashboard fieldset fieldset.listbox .index, #dashboard a:hover, th, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, .thread .even, .system .tweet_list li, .ui-datepicker tr:hover {  background: #784884; } #header .dropdown .menu a:hover, #header .dropdown .menu a:focus, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a, .ui-datepicker td:hover, #tos_prompt .heading, #tos_prompt [disabled] {  background: #784884; } #outer, .javascript, .statistics .index li:nth-of-type(even), #tos_prompt, .announcement input[type="submit"] {  background: #333; } #header ul.primary, #outer #footer, .toggled form {  background: url("/images/skins/textures/tiles/black-noise.jpg"); } #header ul.primary, #footer, #dashboard ul, dl.meta, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, form blockquote.userstuff, div.comment, li.comment, .toggled form, form dl dt, form.single fieldset, #inner .module .heading, .bookmark .status span, .splash .news li, .filters .group dt.bookmarker {  border-color: #37164f; } .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, .wrapper, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, form blockquote.userstuff, .thread .comment, .toggled form {  box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #000; } #dashboard .current, .actions a:active, #outer .current, a.current, .current a:visited, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed, dl.index dd, .own, .draft, .draft .unread, .child, .unwrangled, .unreviewed, .ui-sortable li:hover {  background: #c867df7a;  border-color: #37164f;  box-shadow: -1px -1px 3px #000; } input, textarea {  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px #000; } li.blurb, .blurb .blurb, .listbox .index, fieldset fieldset.listbox, .dashboard .listbox .index {  box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px #000; } #footer a:hover, #footer a:focus, .autocomplete .dropdown ul li:hover, .autocomplete .dropdown li.selected, a.tag:hover, .listbox .heading a.tag:visited:hover, .symbol .question, .qtip-content {  background: #9b5daa;  color: #111; } .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:hover, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a:focus {  background: #9b5daa;  color: #111; } #header #greeting img, #header .heading a, #header .heading a:visited, #header .user a:hover, #header .user a:focus, #header fieldset, #header form, #header p, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, .delete a, span.delete, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed, .draggable, .droppable, span.requested, a.work, .blurb h4 a:link, .blurb h4 img, .splash .module h3, .splash .browse li a:before, .required, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, a.cloud7, a.cloud8, #tos_prompt .heading {  color: #9b5daa; } #greeting .icon, #dashboard, #dashboard.own, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, .LV_invalid, .LV_invalid_field, input.LV_invalid_field:hover, input.LV_invalid_field:active, textarea.LV_invalid_field:hover, textarea.LV_invalid_field:active, .qtip-content {  border-color: #37164f; } a, a:link, a.tag, #header a, #header a:visited, #header .primary .open a, #header .primary .dropdown:hover a, #header .primary .dropdown a:focus, #header #search input:focus, #header #search input:hover, #dashboard a, #dashboard span, #dashboard .current, .heading, .group .heading, .filters dt a:hover {  color: #fff; } a:visited, .actions a:visited, .action a:link, .action a:visited, .listbox .heading a:visited, span.series .divider {  color: #9f88bb; } .actions a, .actions a:link, .action, .action:link, .actions input, input[type="submit"], button, .current, .actions label, #header .actions a {  background: #9b5daa;  border-color: #222;  color: #eee;  box-shadow: inset 0 -8px 4px #37164f, inset 0 8px 7px #9b5daa;  text-shadow: none; } .actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:focus, .actions input:focus, #dashboard a:focus, .actions .disabled select {  color: #a8c7fc;  border-color: #000;  box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 2px #000; } .actions a:active, .current, a.current, .current a:visited {  color: #fff;  background: #555;  border-color: #fff;  box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px #333; } .delete a, span.delete {  box-shadow: -1px -1px 2px rgba(255,255,255.25); } .actions label.disabled {  background: #222;  box-shadow: none; } ul.required-tags, .bookmark .status span, .blurb .icon {  opacity: 0.9;  border: 0; } #outer .group .heading, #header .actions a, fieldset.listbox .heading, .userstuff .heading, .heading, .userstuff h2 {  text-shadow: none;  color: #fff;  background: none; } #header .actions a, fieldset fieldset, .mce-container button, .filters .expander, .actions .disabled select {  box-shadow: none; } fieldset fieldset.listbox {  outline: none; } form dd.required {  color: #eee; } .mce-container input:focus {  background: #F3EFEC; } .announcement .userstuff a, .announcement .userstuff a:link, .announcement .userstuff a:visited:hover {  color: #111; } .announcement .userstuff a:visited {  color: #666; } .announcement .userstuff a:hover, .announcement .userstuff a:focus {  color: #999; } .event.announcement .userstuff a, .filters .expander {  color: #eee; } #outer, .javascript, .statistics .index li:nth-of-type(2n), #tos_prompt, .announcement input[type="submit"] {  background: url(https://64.media.tumblr.com/ea568d43430e0f881680e5cdb622a1b3/tumblr_inline_n258q4r8c01qhwjx8.png); } #header ul.primary, #outer #footer, .toggled form {  background: url(https://64.media.tumblr.com/a045e10d3940f271e4e1f8012052b788/tumblr_inline_n258x3uqsy1qhwjx8.png); } body, .group, .group .group, .region, .flash, fieldset, fieldset fieldset ul, form dl, textarea, #main .verbose legend, .verbose fieldset, .notice, ul.notes, input, textarea, table, th, td:hover, tr:hover, .symbol .question:hover, #modal, .ui-sortable li, .required .autocomplete, .autocomplete .notice, .system .intro, .comment_error, .kudos_error, div.dynamic, .dynamic form, #ui-datepicker-div, .ui-datepicker table {  background: #4b3a5959; } #header .dropdown:hover a {  background: #4b3a59; } a:visited:hover {  color: #a8c7fc !important; }
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blogbyfilbert · 1 year
Unleashing the Power of AngularJS: Why to choose to Hire AngularJS Developer
Are you looking to take your web development projects to the next level? Look no further than AngularJS, the powerful JavaScript framework that can revolutionize your application development process. In this blog, we will delve into the reasons why hiring AngularJS developers can be a game-changer for your business. From building dynamic and interactive user interfaces to harnessing the benefits of code reusability and modular architecture, AngularJS offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency. Discover how hiring AngularJS developers can unlock the true potential of your web applications and propel your business forward. Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage the power of AngularJS - Hire AngularJS Developers today!
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Why Hiring AngularJS Developers is Essential?
In the ever-evolving world of web development, AngularJS stands out as a powerful framework for creating dynamic and interactive applications. If you're considering embarking on an AngularJS project, hiring skilled AngularJS developers can be a game-changer. Here are key benefits to keep in mind:
Unmatched Expertise: AngularJS developers possess a deep understanding of the framework's intricacies. With their expertise, they can harness AngularJS's capabilities to deliver high-performance applications with clean and maintainable code.
Innovative Solutions: Hiring AngularJS developers opens the door to creative and innovative solutions. They bring fresh perspectives to the table, offering unique insights and problem-solving skills that can elevate your project to new heights.
Time and Cost Efficiency: AngularJS developers are adept at utilizing the framework's features and tools to streamline development. Their efficiency translates into faster project delivery, saving you valuable time and reducing costs associated with prolonged development cycles.
Seamless User Experience: AngularJS developers excel in crafting smooth and intuitive user experiences. By leveraging AngularJS's data binding and declarative syntax, they create dynamic interfaces that engage users and enhance overall satisfaction.
Robust Testing and Debugging: With their in-depth knowledge of AngularJS testing methodologies, developers can ensure your application is thoroughly tested and debugged. This attention to detail results in more reliable and bug-free software.
Scalability and Flexibility: AngularJS developers possess the skills to build scalable applications that can adapt to growing user demands. They structure code and utilize modular architecture, allowing for easy expansion and maintenance as your business evolves.
Collaborative Development: Hiring AngularJS developers fosters a collaborative development environment. They can seamlessly integrate with your existing team, working hand-in-hand to bring your vision to life while sharing best practices and knowledge.
Future-Proofing Your Project: AngularJS developers stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and advancements. Their expertise ensures your project is built using modern practices, making it future-proof and ready to adapt to emerging technologies.
By hiring AngularJS developers, you gain access to a talent pool that is dedicated to maximizing the potential of this remarkable framework. They bring a wealth of experience, technical proficiency, and a passion for delivering exceptional results. So, whether you're embarking on a small-scale project or a large enterprise application, investing in AngularJS developers is a strategic choice that propels your web development endeavors to new heights.
Type of applications and websites built with AngularJS
AngularJS is a versatile and powerful framework that has been widely used to develop various types of applications and websites. Its flexibility and robust features make it suitable for a wide range of projects. Here are some common types of applications and websites built with AngularJS:
Single-Page Applications (SPAs): AngularJS is renowned for its ability to create dynamic and responsive SPAs. With its powerful data binding and routing capabilities, developers can build highly interactive web applications that provide a seamless user experience.
E-commerce Platforms: AngularJS is well-suited for building feature-rich e-commerce platforms. Its ability to handle complex data management, real-time updates, and interactive shopping carts makes it an ideal choice for creating robust and user-friendly online stores.
Social Networking Platforms: AngularJS's real-time data binding and interactive components make it an excellent choice for developing social networking platforms. It allows for instant updates, live notifications, and seamless user interactions, providing a dynamic and engaging social media experience.
Business Applications: AngularJS is widely used to develop enterprise-grade business applications. Its modular architecture, dependency injection, and extensive library of reusable components enable developers to create scalable and maintainable applications for managing various business processes.
Interactive Dashboards and Analytics Tools: AngularJS's data binding and visualization capabilities make it a popular choice for building interactive dashboards and analytics tools. It enables users to visualize complex data sets, generate reports, and gain valuable insights in a user-friendly and intuitive manner.
Content Management Systems (CMS): AngularJS can be utilized to develop powerful and customizable content management systems. It provides an efficient framework for managing content, creating dynamic layouts, and enabling seamless content editing and publishing.
Real-Time Collaboration Tools: AngularJS's two-way data binding and real-time capabilities make it suitable for developing collaborative tools such as project management systems, chat applications, and collaborative document editing platforms.
These are just a few examples of the diverse range of applications and websites that can be built using AngularJS. Its versatility, scalability, and extensive feature set have made it a preferred choice for developers seeking to create interactive, responsive, and high-performance web experiences.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why do developers and companies choose AngularJS?
Developers and companies choose AngularJS for several reasons. Firstly, AngularJS offers a powerful and comprehensive framework for building dynamic and interactive web applications. Its two-way data binding, modular architecture, and extensive library of reusable components streamline the development process and enhance productivity. Additionally, AngularJS's robust features, such as dependency injection, routing, and testing capabilities, make it a reliable choice for building scalable and maintainable applications. Furthermore, AngularJS has a large and active community, providing ample support, resources, and updates. Overall, developers and companies choose AngularJS for its efficiency, productivity, scalability, and the strong community backing.
2. What projects can benefit from AngularJS?
AngularJS can benefit a wide range of projects across various industries. It is particularly suitable for single-page applications (SPAs) that require real-time updates, interactive user interfaces, and seamless navigation. E-commerce platforms can benefit from AngularJS's capabilities for managing complex data, creating interactive shopping carts, and providing a smooth user experience. Business applications, such as project management systems or data analytics tools, can leverage AngularJS's modular architecture, data binding, and visualization capabilities. Content management systems (CMS) can benefit from AngularJS's flexibility in managing and displaying content. In essence, any project that requires dynamic, responsive, and feature-rich web applications can benefit from AngularJS.
3. What is the cost of hiring an AngularJS Developer?
The cost of hiring an AngularJS developer can vary depending on several factors. These factors include the developer's experience and expertise, the complexity of the project, the desired functionalities, and the geographical location of the developer. Generally, experienced AngularJS developers command higher rates due to their skills and track record. Rates may also differ based on the hiring model, such as hiring a freelancer, a dedicated developer, or through a development agency. It's essential to consider the balance between cost and quality when hiring an AngularJS developer. Investing in a skilled and experienced developer can ensure a high-quality and successful project outcome. So, when you're looking to hire AngularJS developers, consider these factors to make an informed decision that aligns with your project requirements and budget.
In conclusion, unleashing the power of AngularJS is a strategic move for businesses and organizations seeking to build cutting-edge web applications. By choosing to hire AngularJS developers, you tap into a pool of talented professionals who possess the skills and expertise needed to maximize the potential of this robust framework. Their ability to create responsive, scalable, and feature-rich applications can propel your business forward and provide a competitive edge. So, if you're ready to elevate your web development projects and deliver exceptional user experiences, don't hesitate to hire AngularJS developers. 
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webtutorsblog · 1 year
HTML 101: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Writing, Learning & Using HTML
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HTML serves as the backbone of every web page, allowing us to structure content with paragraphs, headings, images, links, forms, and more. If you're eager to delve into web development or explore the world of coding, mastering HTML is a fantastic starting point.
Join us on webtutor.dev as we unveil the ultimate guide to HTML for beginners. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll demystify HTML, explore its diverse applications, and equip you with the skills to write your own HTML code. From essential elements to crucial attributes, we'll cover it all.
Get ready to embark on your HTML journey with webtutor.dev – your go-to resource for empowering web development education. Let us dive in and unlock the potential of HTML together.
Join us now on webtutor.dev!
What is HTML?
First published by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, HTML is now used by 94% of all websites, and probably all the ones you visit. But what is it, exactly?
HTML, short for HyperText Markup Language, is the backbone of the web. It is a markup language that structures the content of web pages. HTML utilizes tags to define the elements and their attributes, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, lists, forms, and more. These tags instruct web browsers on how to display and render the content to users. With HTML, developers can create interactive and visually appealing web pages. It plays a vital role in creating a seamless browsing experience by allowing users to navigate through hyperlinks and access information across different websites. HTML is the foundation upon which websites are built, providing the structure and organization for displaying text, multimedia, and interactive elements. By learning HTML, individuals can gain the skills to create and customize web pages, making their mark in the digital landscape.
Is HTML a programming language?
No, HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is not considered a programming language. It is a markup language used for structuring the content and presenting information on web pages. HTML provides a set of tags that define the structure and semantics of the content, such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and more.
While HTML is essential for web development, it primarily focuses on the presentation and organization of data rather than the logic and functionality found in programming languages. To add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages, programming languages like JavaScript are commonly used in conjunction with HTML.
What is HTML Used for?
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used for creating and structuring the content of web pages. It provides a set of tags that define the elements and their layout within a web page. Here are some of the key uses of HTML:
Web page structure: HTML is used to define the structure of a web page, including headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, forms, and other elements. It allows you to organize and present content in a hierarchical manner.
Text formatting: HTML provides tags for formatting text, such as bold, italic, underline, headings of different levels, and more. These tags help in emphasizing and styling specific parts of the content.
HTML Hyperlinks: HTML enables the creation of hyperlinks, allowing you to connect different web pages together or link to external resources. Links are defined using the <a> tag and provide navigation within a website or to other websites.
Images and media: HTML allows you to embed images, videos, audio files, and other media elements into web pages. It provides tags like <img>, <video>, and <audio> for adding visual and multimedia content.
Forms and user input: HTML provides form elements, such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, and buttons, allowing users to enter and submit data. Form data can be processed using server-side technologies.
Semantic markup: HTML includes semantic elements that provide meaning and structure to the content. Examples of semantic elements are <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, <footer>, which help define the purpose and role of specific parts of a web page.
Accessibility: HTML supports accessibility features, such as providing alternative text for images, using proper heading structure, using semantic elements, and other attributes that make web content more accessible to users with disabilities.
Overall, HTML serves as the foundation of web development, providing the structure and presentation of content on the World Wide Web. It is often complemented by other technologies like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for styling and JavaScript for interactivity and dynamic behavior.
How to Write HTML?
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>My Page</title></head><body><h1>Hello, World!</h1></body></html>
<!DOCTYPE html>: Specifies the HTML version.
<html>: Opening tag for the HTML document.
<head>: Contains metadata about the page.
<title>: Sets the title of the page displayed in the browser's title bar or tab.
<body>: Contains the visible content of the page.
<h1>: Defines a heading level 1.
Hello, World!: The actual content to be displayed.
Please note that this example is a very basic HTML structure, and for more complex pages, additional tags and attributes would be required.
How to Create an HTML File
To create an HTML file, you can follow these steps:
Open a text editor: Open a text editor of your choice, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, or any other editor that allows you to create plain text files.
Start with the HTML doctype: At the beginning of your file, add the HTML doctype declaration, which tells the browser that the file is an HTML document. Use the following line:
<!DOCTYPE html>
Create the HTML structure: After the doctype declaration, add the opening and closing <html> tags to enclose the entire HTML document.
Add the head section: Inside the <html> tags, include the <head> section. This is where you define metadata and include any external resources like stylesheets or scripts. For now, let's add a <title> element to set the title of your page:
  <title>My First HTML Page</title>
Create the body: Within the <html> tags, include the <body> section. This is where you place the visible content of your web page. You can add various HTML tags here to structure and format your content. For example, let's add a heading and a paragraph:
  <h1>Welcome to My Page</h1>
  <p>This is my first HTML file.</p>
Save the file: Save the file with an .html extension, such as myfile.html. Choose a suitable location on your computer to save the file.
Open the HTML file in a browser: Double-click on the HTML file you just saved. It will open in your default web browser, and you will see the content displayed according to the HTML tags you added.
Congratulations! You have created an HTML file. You can now edit the file in your text editor, add more HTML elements, styles, scripts, and save the changes to see them reflected in the browser.
Common HTML Attributes
<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Enter your username" required>
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image description">
<a href="https://example.com" target="_blank">Link to Example</a>
<div id="container" class="box">
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>
<table border="1">
<form action="submit.php" method="POST">
<select name="color">
<option value="red">Red</option>
<option value="blue">Blue</option>
<input>: Attributes like type define the input type (text, checkbox, etc.), name sets the input's name for form submission, placeholder provides a hint to the user, and required specifies that the input is mandatory.
<img>: src specifies the image source URL, and alt provides alternative text for the image (useful for accessibility).
<a>: href sets the hyperlink URL, and target="_blank" opens the link in a new tab or window.
<div>: id assigns an identifier to the element, and class adds a CSS class for styling or JavaScript targeting.
<button>: onclick triggers a JavaScript function when the button is clicked.
<table>: border adds a border to the table.
<form>: action specifies the form submission URL, and method sets the HTTP method (GET or POST).
<select>: name assigns the name for the selection input, and <option> defines the selectable options within the dropdown menu.
These are just a few examples, and there are many more HTML attributes available for different elements, each serving specific purposes.
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karanchadda · 4 days
What is MEAN stack?
MEAN is a set of JavaScript technologies that are open-source and used to create dynamic, scalable, and feature-rich online apps and websites. Using the complete stack development tool, you can make stable and speedy web apps because of their user-friendly nature (MEAN). 
The entire system uses JavaScript technology, from the client and server to the database. The MEAN stack makes it simple to develop effective prototype web applications.
Primary components of MEAN stack
Open source NoSQL database They created MongoDB for cloud applications. Instead of a relational model, the object-oriented organization is used.
The data for the application is kept in MongoDB within the MEAN stack. There is no need to translate the object as it travels from the application to the database and back because the application and the database both utilize JavaScript. Without skipping a beat, the application can move objects back and forth between the database and the back end.
MongoDB is praised for being scalable in terms of both performance and storage. With MongoDB, you can manage massive volumes of data without sacrificing data access since you can add fields to the database without refreshing the entire table. Your database may easily have its resources expanded, making it ideal for applications that occasionally experience spikes in activity.
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Top Web and Mobile App Development Solutions in India
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In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for any business and this is where a professional web development company in India can make a significant difference. With a strong focus on delivering cutting-edge digital solutions, these companies cater to businesses looking to establish or improve their websites and mobile apps. Whether you’re looking to build a dynamic website or a seamless mobile app, the right development team can help you stay ahead of the competition.
Web Development in India: A Growing Industry
India has become a global hub for web development services. A web development organisation in India offers a range of services, from building simple static websites to developing complex web applications for businesses of all sizes. These companies combine technical expertise with innovative solutions, offering responsive design, e-commerce platforms, CMS development and more.
Indian web developers are known for their high-quality work, affordability and ability to meet project deadlines. With a skilled team in place, companies can ensure that their websites are not only visually appealing but also optimised for search engines, ensuring better visibility and user engagement.
Mobile App Development: The Power of Flutter
In recent years, mobile apps have become indispensable for businesses and the demand for quality app development has surged. One of the most popular platforms for mobile app development today is Flutter. A top Flutter mobile app development agency in India focuses on building cross-platform mobile apps that work seamlessly on both Android and iOS devices. Flutter allows developers to write a single codebase and deploy it across multiple platforms, saving time and cost for businesses.
Flutter’s flexibility and efficiency make it a preferred choice for businesses that need fast, scalable and high-performance apps. With a Flutter mobile app development company in India, companies can get tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements while ensuring top-notch user experience. These agencies bring a wealth of experience to the table, ensuring that the apps they develop are innovative, user-friendly and robust.
React Native: The Go-To Framework for Mobile Development
For businesses that prefer using JavaScript-based frameworks, React native app development company India offers an excellent alternative to Flutter. React Native is one of the most widely used frameworks for building cross-platform apps. It enables developers to create mobile applications using JavaScript and React, ensuring high performance and scalability.
A React native app development company India helps businesses build feature-rich mobile apps with native-like performance. React Native’s framework allows for faster development cycles and a high level of customisation, making it ideal for businesses that need to launch apps quickly and efficiently. The flexibility of this framework means it’s suitable for both startups and large enterprises looking to improve their mobile presence.
Why Choose BuzzyBrains?
If you’re looking for a comprehensive digital solution, BuzzyBrains is your go-to partner. As a leading web development organisation in India, BuzzyBrains delivers tailored solutions that meet your business’s unique needs. Additionally, BuzzyBrains excels as both a Flutter mobile app development agency in India and a React native app development agency India, providing expertise in building cross-platform mobile apps that are both reliable and innovative.
With a focus on delivering quality services and ensuring customer satisfaction, BuzzyBrains stands out in the crowded development market. Their team of experts works closely with clients to understand their requirements and deliver projects that meet both time and budget constraints. Whether it’s web or mobile app development, BuzzyBrains ensures that your digital presence is impactful and future-ready.
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judithonlinux · 2 years
AO3 Site Skin - Matcha GTK
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Theme colors: #1b2224, #141a1b, #f2f2f2, #2eb398, #303b3e
Code to copy below the cut ↓
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priyontiii · 15 days
Master the Art of Web Development: Enroll in Our Comprehensive Web Development Course
In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is essential for businesses and individuals alike. With the rapid advancement of technology, the demand for skilled web developers has never been higher. Whether you’re looking to start a new career, enhance your current skill set, or build your own website, our Web Development Course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and expertise needed to succeed in this dynamic field.
Why Choose Our Web Development Course?
Our Web Development Course stands out for its comprehensive curriculum, hands-on approach, and real-world applications. Here’s why you should consider enrolling:
1. In-Depth Curriculum
Our course covers everything from the basics to advanced web development techniques. You will learn:
HTML/CSS: The building blocks of web design. Understand how to structure and style web pages to create visually appealing and responsive designs.
JavaScript: Dive into the programming language that brings interactivity to web pages. Learn how to create dynamic content, handle user input, and manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM).
Backend Development: Explore server-side technologies like Node.js, Express, and databases such as MongoDB or SQL. Understand how to build robust server-side applications and manage data.
Version Control: Gain proficiency in using Git and GitHub for version control, a crucial skill for collaborating on projects and managing code changes.
Web Frameworks: Discover popular frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, or Vue.js that streamline development and enhance your productivity.
Deployment & Hosting: Learn how to deploy your website and applications on various hosting platforms, ensuring they are accessible to users around the globe.
2. Hands-On Learning
Theory is important, but practice makes perfect. Our course emphasizes hands-on projects and real-world scenarios to reinforce your learning. You’ll work on:
Capstone Projects: Apply your skills to complete comprehensive projects that mimic real-world challenges. These projects will showcase your abilities to potential employers and clients.
Interactive Coding Exercises: Solve coding challenges and exercises designed to build your problem-solving skills and reinforce key concepts.
Live Workshops: Participate in workshops where you can collaborate with peers, get feedback from instructors, and work on live coding problems.
3. Expert Instructors
Learn from industry professionals who bring years of experience to the table. Our instructors are passionate about teaching and committed to helping you achieve your goals. They provide personalized feedback, answer your questions, and guide you through complex topics.
4. Flexible Learning Options
We understand that everyone has different schedules and learning preferences. That’s why we offer:
Self-Paced Learning: Access course materials and complete assignments at your own pace. This flexibility allows you to balance your studies with other commitments.
Live Classes: Join scheduled live sessions to interact with instructors and fellow students in real-time. These classes provide structure and support for those who prefer a more guided approach.
Hybrid Learning: Combine self-paced learning with live classes to benefit from both flexibility and direct interaction with instructors.
5. Career Support
Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with the completion of the course. We offer a range of career support services, including:
Resume Building: Craft a professional resume that highlights your skills and accomplishments in web development.
Job Placement Assistance: Get access to job boards, company referrals, and networking opportunities to help you land your dream job.
Interview Preparation: Prepare for technical interviews with mock interviews, coding challenges, and tips from industry experts.
Who Should Enroll?
Our Web Development Course is designed for a diverse range of learners:
Beginners: No prior experience is required. We’ll start with the basics and guide you through each step of the learning process.
Intermediate Developers: If you have some experience but want to deepen your knowledge or learn new technologies, this course will help you advance your skills.
Career Changers: If you’re looking to switch careers and enter the web development field, our course provides the comprehensive training you need to make a successful transition.
What Will You Achieve?
By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with the skills to:
Build and design professional, responsive websites.
Develop interactive web applications using modern frameworks and technologies.
Manage server-side operations and databases effectively.
Deploy and maintain websites and applications in a production environment.
Approach web development
 projects with confidence and creativity.
How to Get Started
Ready to embark on your web development journey? Here’s how you can get started:
Enroll Today: Visit our website and sign up for the course. Choose the learning format that best suits your needs.
Get Access: Once enrolled, you’ll gain access to all course materials, including video lectures, coding exercises, and additional resources.
Start Learning: Dive into the course content, participate in live sessions, and start working on projects to build your skills.
Join Our Community: Connect with fellow students and instructors through our online forums and social media groups for support and networking.
In a world where technology is constantly evolving, staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. Our Web Development Course provides you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in this ever-changing field. Whether you’re aiming to build a career, create your own projects, or simply explore the world of web development, our course offers a comprehensive and flexible learning experience tailored to your needs.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become a proficient web developer. Enroll today and take the first step towards mastering the art of web development!
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creativematka09 · 15 days
Best Web Development Company in Delhi and Gurgaon - Creative Matka Solutions
In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for business success. For businesses operating in Delhi and Gurgaon, choosing the right web development company can make all the difference in crafting a powerful digital identity. Among the myriad options available, Creative Matka Solutions stands out as a leading web development company, renowned for its comprehensive and innovative web solutions that cater to diverse business needs. Here's an in-depth look at what makes Creative Matka Solutions the best choice for web development in Delhi and Gurgaon.
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Unparalleled Expertise in Web Development
Creative Matka Solutions brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, with a team of highly skilled web developers and designers who specialize in creating dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly websites. Their expertise spans various platforms and technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and modern frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js. This technical prowess ensures that each website is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functionally robust.
Tailored Solutions to Meet Business Objectives
Understanding that each business has unique needs and goals, Creative Matka Solutions prides itself on delivering customized web solutions. They begin each project with a detailed consultation to grasp the client’s vision, objectives, and specific industry requirements. This approach ensures that the final product is not just a generic website but a tailored solution that aligns with the client's business strategy and enhances their operational efficiencies.
Focus on User Experience (UX) and Interface (UI) Design
At the heart of Creative Matka Solutions’ methodology is a strong emphasis on superior user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. Recognizing that user engagement is pivotal, they design websites that are intuitive, easily navigable, and visually appealing. This user-centric approach helps in attracting and retaining visitors, thereby increasing conversion rates and boosting business growth.
Cutting-Edge Technologies and Trends
Keeping abreast of the latest technologies and trends is a hallmark of Creative Matka Solutions. They employ advanced web technologies and tools to ensure that websites are not only current but also scalable and secure. Whether it’s incorporating AI-driven functionalities, blockchain technology, or cloud solutions, Creative Matka Solutions is at the forefront of the technological revolution, ensuring that their clients receive the most advanced web solutions available.
Strong Focus on SEO and Digital Marketing
Creative Matka Solutions understands the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and integrates SEO best practices into every web development project. This ensures that websites are optimized for search engines right from the start, improving their visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. Moreover, their services extend beyond web development to include comprehensive digital marketing strategies, encompassing SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing to drive more traffic and engagement.
Proven Track Record of Success
With years of experience serving clients in Delhi and Gurgaon, Creative Matka Solutions has built a stellar reputation for delivering successful projects across various industries. Their portfolio includes work for small startups to large corporations, each showcasing the level of detail and customization that they bring to every project. Their proven track record is a testament to their ability to deliver high-quality web solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations.
Commitment to Customer Satisfaction and Support
Customer satisfaction is paramount at Creative Matka Solutions, and they go the extra mile to ensure that clients are fully satisfied with the services provided. They offer ongoing support and maintenance post-launch to address any issues and ensure the website continues to perform optimally. Their commitment to client support further solidifies their position as a leader in the web development industry.
Competitive Pricing Without Compromising Quality
Despite offering top-tier web development services, Creative Matka Solutions remains competitively priced. They provide transparent pricing models without any hidden costs, ensuring that businesses of all sizes can afford their services without compromising on quality or functionality.
For businesses in Delhi and Gurgaon looking for a reliable and innovative web development partner, Creative Matka Solutions is the clear choice. Their blend of technical expertise, customized solutions, and dedicated client service makes them the best web development company in the region, capable of transforming digital aspirations into successful realities.
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businessa · 19 days
Pay after placement Full Stack Developer course in Pune
Are you looking to break into the booming tech industry as a Full Stack Developer? Pune, a rapidly growing IT hub, offers some of the best opportunities for aspiring developers. But what if you could enroll in a Full Stack Developer course in Pune with a "pay after placement" model, ensuring you only invest once you land a job? Look no further than SyntaxLevelUp, a premier training provider offering this life-changing opportunity!
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Why Choose Full Stack Development?
The demand for Full Stack Developers has skyrocketed due to the versatility these professionals bring to the table. They are skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies, making them an invaluable asset to any tech team. From designing sleek, user-friendly websites to managing databases and servers, Full Stack Developers handle it all.
If you're aiming to excel in this dynamic field, enrolling in the right Full Stack Developer course in Pune is crucial. And when you find a course that offers a "pay after placement" model, it's a win-win situation!
What Makes Pune the Ideal Place for Full Stack Developer Training?
Pune's tech ecosystem is thriving, with numerous startups and multinational corporations offering ample job opportunities for skilled developers. Choosing the best Full Stack Developer classes in Pune gives you a head start in the job market. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional looking to upskill, the city has a wealth of training programs to cater to your needs.
If you're specifically looking for a Full Stack Developer course in Pune with placement, you're in luck. Many institutes, including SyntaxLevelUp, offer guaranteed placement assistance, ensuring you're well-prepared to jump into the job market once your training is complete.
Why SyntaxLevelUp for Full Stack Developer Training?
SyntaxLevelUp offers a well-rounded Full Stack web development course in Pune, designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the competitive tech industry. Here's why you should consider this training provider:
Comprehensive Curriculum: The course covers all aspects of Full Stack Development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, Node.js, and databases like MongoDB and SQL. You also have the option to specialize in a Full Stack Java Developer course in Pune if Java is your preferred language.
Hands-On Projects: You won’t just learn theory; you'll work on real-world projects that simulate the challenges Full Stack Developers face in their daily work. This ensures you're job-ready by the end of the course.
Placement Guarantee: SyntaxLevelUp’s Full Stack course in Pune is tailored with placement in mind. The "pay after placement" model allows you to focus on learning without financial stress, as you only pay after securing a job.
Experienced Mentors: Learn from industry experts who bring years of experience and real-world knowledge to the classroom. They provide personalized guidance to help you navigate the complexities of web development.
Flexible Learning: SyntaxLevelUp offers both in-person Full Stack classes in Pune and online options, allowing you to choose a schedule that suits you.
Job Placement and Career Support
A key highlight of SyntaxLevelUp’s Full Stack Developer course in Pune with placement is the dedicated career support. From resume building to interview preparation, SyntaxLevelUp ensures you're ready for the job market. The institute partners with top companies, offering you a direct pathway to a rewarding career.
The Path to Becoming a Full Stack Developer in Pune
Join SyntaxLevelUp's Full Stack Training: Start with a comprehensive Full Stack Developer course in Pune that teaches you everything from basic web development to advanced backend architecture.
Work on Real Projects: Build a portfolio of projects that showcase your skills to potential employers.
Leverage Placement Support: With the best Full Stack Developer course in Pune at SyntaxLevelUp, you get expert guidance and job placement assistance, helping you secure a position in top companies.
Pay After You’re Hired: Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with the "pay after placement" option. You only pay your course fees once you’ve landed a job!
The journey to becoming a Full Stack Developer is challenging but highly rewarding. With the right guidance and training, you can fast-track your career. By choosing the best Full Stack Developer course in Pune at SyntaxLevelUp, you’re not only gaining top-tier education but also securing your future with a "pay after placement" model.
So, if you're ready to transform your career, join SyntaxLevelUp’s Full Stack classes in Pune today and step confidently into a promising future!
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extnuke · 21 days
Why Choose JavaScript Grids Over Traditional Spreadsheets?
Spreadsheets are inherently static. While they are good for straightforward data entry, they can be cumbersome when it comes to working with live data. On the other hand, ExtJS grids facilitate dynamic interaction, enabling functionality like sorting, filtering, grouping, and real-time updates. By using Ext JS, developers can implement grids that have a lot of interactivity and can be tailored to suit specific needs thus enhancing data management and analysis for users.
In addition using ExtJS themes, developers can improve the appearance and feel of their grids. ExtJS themes download have pre-built designs that can be customized according to specific project requirements and make it more attractive and user-friendly. These themes provide a consistent, polished UI whether you are utilizing ExtJS 6, ExtJS 7 or the latest version.
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Best Advertising Agency in Indore
With their unique tactics, integrated services, data-driven methodology, inventiveness, and in-depth knowledge of the regional market, the Best Advertising Agency in Indore is completely changing the landscape of the advertising business.
In order to engage the local public and boost engagement, regional languages like Hindi and Marathi are frequently used in advertising campaigns in Indore.
The flourishing business environment and rising purchasing power of the city's residents have propelled the advertising sector's rapid expansion in Indore in recent years.
Indore-based agencies possess an in-depth comprehension of the regional market, encompassing customer inclinations, cultural subtleties, and industry dynamics. With the use of this information, they are able to develop campaigns that connect with their target market and produce outcomes. Important elements consist of:
Adding regional vernacular, colloquialisms, and cultural allusions to advertisements to increase their relatability and interest.
Adapting to Local Trends: Keeping up with the latest fashions and trends in Indore will help you develop campaigns that are current and topical while also drawing in viewers.
Customers in Indore are calling for more individualized service. In response, advertising agencies are developing highly customized campaigns that cater to local settings and personal tastes.
Brands that are genuine and meaningful have a greater chance of standing out in a world when consumers are inundated with commercial messages.
A WordPress development company in Indore that is successful is based on the team's experience. A team of skilled engineers, designers, and digital marketers who bring a wealth of creativity and knowledge to the table is what sets the top organizations in Indore apart. Important positions in these teams include:
WordPress developers: proficient in HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript; able to build original plugins, themes, and integrations.
Professionals that specialize in developing user-friendly interfaces that improve user experience and maintain visitor engagement are known as UX/UI designers.
SEO specialists are professionals that make websites more search engine friendly so they appear highly for relevant keywords.
The need for e-commerce websites is rising as a result of the popularity of online purchasing. Indore WordPress developers are concentrating on building user-friendly web stores that serve nearby companies.
Headless WordPress development, in which the front end and back end are separated, is being investigated by certain agencies. Better performance and more design flexibility are made possible by this.
Websites built on the WordPress platform can be designed, customized, and managed through WordPress design and development. It covers a range of services, including website design, plugin development, theme creation, and continuous maintenance. For companies trying to build a strong online presence, WordPress is the best option due to its adaptability and ease of use.
Making unique plugins that improve WordPress websites' functionality is a specialty of numerous firms. These plugins can provide features like social media integration, contact forms, and e-commerce functionality.
A lot of wordpress design and development in Indore focus on using WooCommerce, a well-liked WordPress plugin, to create e-commerce websites. This makes it possible for companies to successfully sell goods online.
Indore's leading wordpress design and development companies are in the forefront of developing creative, user-friendly websites that meet the demands of regional companies. Investing in expert WordPress design and development services is a smart decision for success in today's cutthroat industry, regardless of the size of your company.
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