curryvillain · 1 month
.@KingCruff Stands Tall On "Vigilante"
It’s been a few weeks since the last release, but “Cruff SZN” is still in effect. King Cruff has been making a lot of progress this year thanks to his releases, and aims to make a bigger impact for the rest of the year. This time around, he gives us the new single, “Vigilante“. Produced by Just Ideas and Dyse, King Cruff takes the law into his own hands on “Vigilante”. He effortlessly handles the…
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slobzsloth · 2 years
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not-that-dillinger · 1 month
Julian, what would you change about your relationship with your brother? Is there something you feel he needs to understand, or would you want to cut contact entirely? (I imagine this is the blog he's on?)
Does Ed experience chronic pain? If so, where does he experience it? Does he often feel fatigued?
/* Yep! unless I decide Julian gets put in time out his own blog! */
Julian knit his eyebrows and tilted his head in mock confusion. "My brother? What brother...?" He held up his index finger, his eyes lighting up as though with recognition. "Oh! That brother! You mean Junior." he sneered. "The failure. The traitor. The waste of resources. The disgrace to Father's name. That brother."
He tapped his index finger to his lips contemplatively. "Besides actually having a brother that would actually do everything I ask of him? Or, y'know, actually have a brotherly relationship with him? ...Nah. As for what he needs to understand... Besides everything? Besides recognizing that I am superior to him in every way and I am Father's favorite because unlike him, I do everything to meet his expectations."
Julian paused, then laughed "Would I cut contact with him? Oh absolutely, except the bastard beat me to the punch and did so first."
Ed chronically gets carpel tunnel syndrome if he's at the computer too long. Crocheting and knitting also seem to exacerbate it. So, he experiences pain/numbness in his hands relatively often. He has braces, but he refuses to wear them where anyone can see them.
I'm also playing around with him having chronic fatigue syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. He has it somewhat managed, but there are days where he burns through all his spoons and then insists on pushing through. He usually ends up sleeping most of the weekend when that happens.
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The anon is referencing a meme where someone spliced up a bunch of commercials that used the same voice, making the woman say "have you ever gone so far as to look more like?" And other nonsensical phrases
Ah, thanks for the explanation! I am... Not very well versed I'm meme culture, lol.
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arollofmirrors · 1 year
You know, I don't think I'd be half the Weird Al fan I am today if it wasn't for dysequilibrium. When I was just getting into Weird Al, I don't really remember how, but I found their channel. As a person who likes learning random, useless trivia about media I like, I really appreciate her videos and how they shed a light on some of the more obscure stuff in Al's career.
So, I can say with great pride and admiration, that after nearly a year of being down this rabbit hole, I was mentioned in the description of a dysequilibrium video!
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I did it. Everything came full circle. I was dragged into this obsession by watching dyse videos and now I contributed to one in an extremely minor way without knowing it.
My character arc is completed. There's no where to go from here. Maybe it's time to get on my horse, ride off into the sunset, and find a new adventure. A new story. A new life.
Or maybe I'll say here for another month or two, who knows.
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sauleline2 · 2 months
who up dysing they phoria
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open-hearth-rpg · 5 months
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Open Hearth Video Roundup - April 12, 2024
Welcome to the weekly Open Hearth Gaming video roundup!
These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the games we play every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play in games like these, join our Playabl community and click on the "Calendar" tab to sign up for upcoming games. To browse our entire library of session videos, please visit our YouTube Playlists page.
Open Hearth Gaming Calendar
Orbital (Session 3 of 3) Donogh runs for Mark and Puckett Cash Only rushes to get those star-crossed lovers out of their hunter's crosshairs. Rye calls up one of her regulars to spirit them away, thanks to the best smuggler in the sector! Meanwhile Hemlock sits down with Calla to come to an arrangement. But every scheme is sidelined by the awakening in the depths of the station, something in motion thanks to that surprise nuke...
Eotenweard: The Old North (Session 4) Alun R. runs for Dom, Dominik M., and Pawel S. Amid the smoking aftermath of the Ogre's rampage our Heroes agree the solution to the ills that beset Stenholm (and a missing hawk) must lie within the nearby Treacherous Forest. There's evidence that someone got there before them, a grisly dismemberment, and a revelation of who is to blame. Then...the Heroes discover they have been misled; must identify the real villain; and confront that embodiment of the Darkness...
Trail of Cthulhu: Fearful Symmetries: Arc Two (Session 6) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, Sherri, and Will H The characters arrive at Mathers Hall in Norfolk and Willford discovers the geography has changed in the two weeks since he last visited. They meet some of the guests-- a strange mix of folks deep in the secrets of magic, as well as staff who may be invested as well. The doctor receives a ride from Verity Dyse and becomes wary. Dinner and after reveals more secrets...and then a missing guest!
Trail of Cthulhu: Fearful Symmetries: Arc Two (Session 7) Lowell Francis runs for Alun R., Paul Rivers, Sherri, and Will H The morning of the shoot at Mathers Hall opens with a missing guest that few comment on. Paired up with fellow guests, the magicians learn more about their personalities and agendas. Richard skips the hunt, instead learning more about the origin of the mysterious Pascale Dumont. The investigation continues, with the good Doctor turning the tables on their host by admitting in private to the murder of Lord Bradbury. But then Lord Portmore's associate vanishes and there's an attempt on Verity Dyce's life which goes awry.
Dreams and Machines: Red King's Slumbers (Session 1) Lowell Francis runs for Eliot, José Feito, Kevin M, and Vince Session Zero and inciting incident for a short series of Dreams and Machines, a new setting inspired by Horizon: Zero Dawn and other sci-fi post-apocalyptic games. We create our characters, build bonds, and start things out so the players can begin to get used to the mechanics of this version of 2d20.
Dreams and Machines: Red King's Slumbers (Session 2) Lowell Francis runs for Eliot, José Feito, Kevin M, and Vince In the wake of their battle against the Thralls, our heroes discover an ancient cache containing a potentially dangerous technology, but decide to bring them along. They reach New Mossgrove and find out that recent attacks have changed the balance of power within the town...
Girl by Moonlight: On a Sea of Stars (Session 1 of 5) Donogh runs for Ian, Matthew Doughty, and Sabine V. Having awoken vengeful Gods with their meddling in time travel - a last branch of humanity hurtles through space in an interstellar ziggurat, hunted by the Leviathans. Our group of Pilots, chosen by their congregation to be doomed martyrs, is the only thing that can protect them - but it it only out there on a sea of stars that the pilots and their Engines feel whole, with an intimate bond and control over their own fate that the rest of humanity can barely imagine...
Girl by Moonlight: On a Sea of Stars (Session 2 of 5) Donogh runs for Ian and Sabine V. We are introduced to two of our pilots: Jet/Apogee the Outsider goes outside the Ziggurat to do some post asteroid-strike repairs, but returns to polish the Engine Shamash to its full glory. Cordelia the Enigma, living a double life as a maintenance worker who as Red Shift sneaks into the hangar bay to take the Engine Tezcatlipoca out on an unscheduled foray.
Godbound: Sundered Cycles (Session 32 of 33) Lowell Francis runs for Dan Brown, Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack Interacting with the new pantheon our gods joined to their own, they work to learn more about the looming Draconic and Elemental Evil threats. Threadless builds her dragon, though there remains a flaw at the heart of it. Random speaks with his bride about their future. Tasos considers expanding his nightmare realm. Darius finds both a kindred spirit and a solution. And Ordevi takes his leave from the pantheon, heading out to spread word of the new gods via a knowledge aqueduct.
Godbound: Sundered Cycles (Session 33 of 33) Lowell Francis runs for Ethan Harvey, Patrick Knowles, Sherri, and Tyler Lominack The final session of the campaign.
Damn the Man, Save the Music! Donogh runs for Casey T, David Adrian Randall, and Thomas Manuel The employees of Revolution Records are (not) prepping for the imminent arrival of Mr Maestro! Jake J the local rockstar is desperately seeking a band, Brags the space case is trying to find the lost cat, Apple the overachieving temp is looking to reconnect with a cute skater boy! And they're wondering what Yu's beef is with the big shot and what exactly Purple means on the DEFCON scale...
Star Wars Saturday
Fellowship Rich Rogers runs for Cody Eastlick, Greg G., Kae, Steven Watkins, and Tyler Lominack The Fellowship of the Dilligent Spark travel to Dathomir to discover the sinister plot of Taron Malicos, then rush to face him and his Nightbrother band.
Stars in the Dark: Stars in the Dark II (Session 6) Anders runs for Marc Majcher, Mark (they/them), Rich Rogers, and Steven Watkins KABOOOM!
Off-Calendar Highlights
The Between: Stars and Suns, Season Two (Session 9) Madelancholy runs for Jack, Mike, Sarah W., and Steph "Coming and Going" - In an attempt to find out more about the Slugger, Ernest gets more involved in Bout Club, to his dismay. Sir Atticus listens to La Hortencia's story after fending off interference from a familiar acquaintance. Dame Georgie allows himself to be a temporary vessel to the Abbey's demonic presence, only to be betrayed more than once. Liat makes several tempting offers.
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: In the Wake of Secrets (Session 1) Madelancholy runs for Dom, James, Jazy, and Mike Ferdinando The first of two concurrent series of this Rooted in Trophy (Gold) incursion, the characters wake too early in a Ship warped by perfect darkness…survival a priority.
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: Whispers in Exile (Session 1) Madelancholy runs for Amanda/iamatrex, B, Jonn, and Marc Majcher The second group to find themselves in the strange eerie darkness of the Ship, the survivors make their way out of Cold-Sleep, finding terrible things in the next Set...
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: In the Wake of Secrets (Session 2) Madelancholy runs for Dom, James, Jazy, and Mike Ferdinando The survivors manage to battle their way out of the Cold-Sleep Warrens...but now they find themselves in the twisted, warped halls and vents of The Maze, stalked by something deadly, even as the Dark calls out to them: Reunion. Rebirth. Remake. And one of their number does, succumbing to their urge to consume and be consumed...
Trophy Gold: Hissing Darkness: Whispers in Exile (Session 2) Madelancholy runs for Amanda/iamatrex, B, Jonn, and Marc Majcher Deep within The Maze, the survivors encounter the strange warping of the Ship and more signs of that which hunts them. Memories come unbidden and are made real, and calls from the Dark tempt further connection...
Paranormal Inc (Session 9) Madelancholy runs for Brent and Michael D. Down by the Haunted Riverside - What could go wrong on a day-long cruise of teambuilding/employee party fun-time? Rumours abound as strange occurrences plague their trip - is it the boat, the river, or the Very Good Boat Cruise Company themselves?
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lucky-dyse · 6 months
Blog rebranding
alanbradleyofficial -> lucky-dyse
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derwahnsinn · 2 years
What do you like the most about Oliver?
This is a difficult question. I like almost everything about Oliver. Though I think the one thing that really stands out to me is his personality. Of course, I don't know him personally, so I mean his personality the way I perceive it through what I have read and heard about him.
Oliver comes across as a genuinely nice and humble guy. He seems shy and reserved, but is more chatty around people he knows, and about topics he is interested in. Even though he doesn't seek much attention on stage, he looks so happy and into the music when he plays. He values silence, alone time, and doesn't seem to care much about material stuff.
Oliver is a strong musician, but doesn't mind doubling with the guitars to get that powerful sound. When Jacob Hellner discovered he had a great voice and had him double with Till on Reise, Reise, Oliver toned down his own performance. He is down to earth, and when the band DYSE invited ten guests bassists to play on their album Widergeburt, Oliver showed up in person to do the recording instead of just sending them a track.
Even though he is quiet, there is a playfulness to him that shines through if you pay attention to him. You get glimpses of it here and there such as how he dresses and acts on the stage, through some of the Making of videos, through his answers in the few interviews he has done, and through photos and video clips.
Oliver has a calm and pleasant presence. I have never heard anyone say anything bad about him, while I've had several people say he is a wonderful human being. I totally believe them.
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not-that-dillinger · 1 month
On the one hand I am working him into the edcanon because AHHH!
(Shared custody of the muse?)
Tangently related, come scream about this new BLORBO with @liberatedthroughperfection and me! */
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I honestly can’t believe he did this. I trusted this primal and he stepped on my trust like it was nothing but I don’t this he did this willingly despite him doing it.
Attes is the primal accords, war and peace so I’m sure he knows that the destruction that Kolis will bring to the lands.
Ash also mention that he likes 3 things and two of those was peace and war, so I’m sure he knows that there is a time for war that is inevitable and peace. Attes also mentions that he remembers Ash’s dad so he has to know that Kolis is a false king and really the true primal of death.
He has to know that I’d Kolis succeeds that everything in the land is lost and a war like that they’d never recover unless he has the same fucked up beliefs as the false king, which I’m a little hesitant to believe because he seemed too stumped as Sera and Ash when Dyses walked back into the room like Ash didn’t perform open heart surgery on him a few minutes ago.
So my theory is blackmail, like a Malik, Millicent and Isbeth situation only it’s Attes, Kyn and Kolis. Kolis is has something on his brother. That’s the only thing I can come up with.
The other thing is Sera is fucked and I should not trust warrior gods with dimples and a sassy streak.
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siphoklansan · 1 year
Here's Princess Hiera (I think I need to stop giving pink hair, unless I'm saying that pink hair is one of the more common hair colours cause now there's 4 characters with it)
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Directory Post
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About the Mun
Interest Checker
Main is @lucky-dyse
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OC Masterlist
Current Active OC Count: 15
Includes Fandom OCs for Tron!
Lore Masterlist
Note: You do not need to read any of the lore, this is simply here if you wish to rp in my character's world.
This list will be updated.
Canon Characters
Alan Bradley (Tron)
Richard Mackey (Tron)
Raye Penber (Death Note)
OC fics
Please check them out!
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oh-three · 2 years
3. How would you describe your writing style?
Honestly, I don't even know. My writing style is always changing. The style of Silence Is A Lonely Country (Jurassic Park) vs Gladiolus (Station 19) vs the Guard series? I suppose spontaneous fits well.
4. Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
Ahh, good old Unit Arrel. The Temple Guard's finest.
Our Anonymity Is Your Protection (But Sometimes Our Masks Fall Away)
Jurr Arrel- being one of the older members of this Guard unit, he acts as a mentor figure towards the younger members. He’s the one they go to when they need advice, and yet, sometimes he even reaches out to them first. He has even transformed the unit’s spare bunkroom into a personal office so that they can meet with him privately and feel more safe in one-on-one conversation with him. A close friend to Cin Drallig, the Battlemaster confers with him when he is in need of suggestions or second opinions regarding the Guard and decisions about them. Of course, his being the father figure for the other members of the unit makes their problems become his own, if only in mind.
He prefers use of the Force over lightsabers, though he is quite skilled in the use of both and only joins in on sparring practice when Cin stops by and offers to take over his role of calling out the form switches.
Loktof Shrarruk- prefers to be a loner, and, as such, he is rather blunt and easy to irritate, despite it being more characteristic of his species than it is of a Jedi. He and Rakesh are often after one another, though neither will admit that they do care for the other’s well-being. He’s lucky to have Vori, who does her best to keep him in an amiable mood when with the others, whether that be during mealtimes or otherwise. An aggressive fighter, he is the only member of the unit that Rakesh can never best in combat training, often injuring the Pau’an and getting him sent to the Halls Of Healing. He is not fond of the Jedi having a clone army.
Linaleh Kartosh- the acting older sister of the group, she is protective of the other members- specifically Brakan and Vori. She tends to hold grudges when one of the others hurts either of the pair. She and Tindri are close, almost truly sister-like, and have rubbed off dark humor upon one another. This dangerous, overprotective nature bleeds into her lightsaber combat, making her an aggressive fighter when the others’ safety is on the line.
Tindri Lehaka- loyal to the Guard unit as individuals before the Order, she holds no true ill towards any member of the group for any of their faults. Because of this, Jurr and Cin aside, she is the one that the others come to when they need to get something out of their system, and she is their designated secret holder. It is made known time and time again that she will die before she reveals anyone’s secret. Being the team’s secret holder, however, does not exempt her from making sarcastic comments in the spur of the moment. She and Linaleh are the best at doing so, something that stresses even Jurr.
Vori Dyse- part of Rakesh’s youngling clan and shunned for her over-excited enthusiasm, she developed a sibling-like relationship with him. Because of their history, she is the only one able to make him truly laugh, and, even then, it’s rare. She is almost always upbeat and cheerful, getting along well with Trohr and helping him to adjust to life within the Guard. The two of them, and Brakan, are the children of the group, so to speak, despite her and Brakan being the same age as Rakesh. She and Loktof keep each other’s extremes to a minimum when they are in one another’s company.
Brakan Mavor- paired with Rakesh when on duty. As a result of this, they have a closeness to them that Rakesh is actually comfortable with. Unlike most of his species, he is generally soft-spoken and kind to others, rare to challenge authority and easy to get along with. Before joining the Guard, he got a lot of unwanted attention for his horns, the youth in awe. This, coupled with how it becomes worse after Qui-Gon’s death at the hands of Maul, is a main reason as to why he joined the Guard. He admires the way that Rakesh is so well put-together and wishes he could be the same, grateful to have him as his work partner. He, Vori, and Trohr are the kids of the group.
Trohr Cassusk- a pacifist due to being raised at the Coruscant Temple, his species’ natural aggression warped into a confident determination- one that retreated to hide in a shell deep within him once the war began. He is  a spark of light that the rest of the team needs, one that they do their best to look after and keep lit. Once he comes out of his timid shell, he often reminds Rakesh of Ahsoka. He is the youngest Jedi to ever join the Guard, being knighted early so that he could join them and get away from the war, having fought on the front as a padawan. He is not the first Jedi to join the Guard as a result of the war, and likely won’t be the last. He maintains a close relationship with Jurr, his elder and station partner. He is also close with Vori and Brakan, the other “children” of their unit.
And, then, of course, there's Rakesh (the Grand Inquisitor) himself- but he's not an OC, just an underused character with a lot of my own stuff thrust onto him.
There's a lot more on all of them on my blog in other ask posts, feel free to dig those up if you're curious.
18. First, second, or third person?
I prefer third person, though I can sometimes read first or second. They just throw me out of the loop a bit and make it more difficult to concentrate.
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dykeanarchist · 25 days
Who up dysing they phoria
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