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prettyperfectdoll · 23 days
você poderia indicar livros para quem está conhecendo o feminismo radical agora, por favor?
Posso sim, mas também vou te indicar alguns livros críticos ao rad com uma perspectiva diferente do queer, que é o caminho que eu tenho feito mais recentemente Biblioteca básica rad:
Ti-Grace Atkinson - Radical Feminism
Andrea Dworkin - Woman Hating
Andrea Dworkin - Pornografia: Homens Possuindo Mulheres
Sheila Jeffreys - Beleza e Misoginia
Gerda Lerner - A Criação do Patriarcado
Livros críticos de noções feministas ocidentais:
Ifi Amadiume - Female Husbands, Male Daughters
Oyeronke Oyewumi - A Invenção das Mulheres: Construindo um Sentido Africano Para os Discursos Ocidentais de Gênero
Edited by Cheryl R. Rodriguez, Dzodzi Tsikata, and Akosua Adomako Ampofo - Transatlantic Feminisms: Women and Gender Studies in Africa and the Diaspora
Vou te dizer que por muitos anos (6 anos, pra ser exata) eu me aprofundei bastante no rad e eu continuo seguindo algumas coisas, mas hoje eu vejo como uma ideologia um tanto.... simplista. Por isso até praticamente não tenho postado aqui. Não quero te desencorajar, o feminismo radical é importantíssimo e deve sim ser estudado, mas ele sofre do mesmo problema do marxismo: eles são universalistas. É impossível que tenhamos uma ideologia universal que seja capaz de abarcar todas as culturas e experiências do mundo.
Dito isso, o esforço das mulheres da segunda onda foi imprescindível para alcançarmos as liberdades (especialmente a liberdade sexual, e digo isso pontuando principalmente os anticoncepcionais, que libertaram as mulheres de uma vida sem fim de parir até morrer) e direitos.
No mais, pode mandar mais perguntas, seja anonimamente ou por dm, tamos aí!
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ndwomparadio · 3 years
Five Cultural Centers To Be Rehabilitated Next Year - Tourism Minister
Five Cultural Centers To Be Rehabilitated Next Year – Tourism Minister
The main mandate of the National Commission on Culture is to maintain the unique cultural identity and values for the promotion of an integrated national culture, as well as contribute to the overall economic development of the nation. However, the agency, which is under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, has not fully lived up to that mandate, owing to poor structures, lack of funding…
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(Submission) Dzodzie - Cigarillo
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ghananewsweb · 4 years
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[Press Release] The Heritage Photo Lab, a joint initiative by the Goethe-Institut and Institut Français Ghana, developed in the framework of the French-German Cultural Fund, has donated digitization equipment to the J.H. Kwabena Nketia Archives at the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana, Legon. The installation of the photo digitization equipment forms a key part of the photographic heritage conservation project developed through the initiative. The equipment donated to the Nketia Archives consists of a digitization scanner for photos and negatives; as well as a computer, software, storage devices and accessories. The mission of the Heritage Photo Lab project is to advocate for the preservation and sharing of Ghana's photographic heritage. Analogue photos, negatives and diapositives (slides) can all be digitized at the lab. Nuku Studio the creators of Nuku Photo Festival; Ghana's first festival of photographic encounters; and the Nubuke Foundation, the visual art and cultural institution based in East Legon, Accra are project partners along with the J. H. Kwabena Nketia Archives. The Heritage Photo Lab, beyond the physical workspace, is also a creative project that includes a curated exhibition and a symposium to exhibit and discuss its first collections - submitted by institutions and individuals - following a call for submissions earlier in March 2020. The photos, digitized by the Nketia Archives, are from Ghana's early post-independence era. They will be showcased to encourage the public to digitize its archives and take part in photo conservation. Photographic archives document our history and our fragile heritage. Proper preservation is needed to inspire younger generations. At the hand over, Prof. Dzodzi Tsikata, the Director of the Institute of African Studies and Judith Opoku-Boateng, the Head of the unit expressed their appreciation for the collaboration to further the work of the archive - one of the most important collections in the country. After this project, the Nketia Archives will be able to welcome individuals and institutions who wish to have their photographs digitized. (at University of Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXQgdMnyuJ/?igshid=1ks9pfq9aclby
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detroittoaccra · 7 years
"The Crown" goes to Ghana?: Media representation, global politics, and African histories
I couldn't stop thinking about "The Crown" this evening...
Today, metro Detroit was blanketed with a pretty thick layer of snow, so I wrote a few overdue emails and then hunkered down in the basement with pillows, blankets, and pizza to binge-watch the newest season The Crown.  I knew from Ghanaian friends on Facebook that Episode 8 featured a storyline with Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah, so I worked my way through the episodes looking forward…
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autoring · 6 years
Plachý, tichý, usměvavý. Když přijde řeč na „jeho“ auta, rozzáří se a mluví se zaujetím. Džodži Nagašima je utajený génius schovaný v designstudiu BMW, bavoráky už tam maluje přes třicet let. Z jeho skicáku jsou ceněné koncepty, uctívané ikony a hlavně bondovský roadster BMW Z3. Jeden má Džodži také doma.
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adalidda · 7 years
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Illustration Photo: Eucalyptus trees, tea fields and indigenous forest. Water towers project in Mau Forest in Kenya. (credits: Patrick Shepherd/CIFOR / Flickr Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
Plantations, Outgrowers and Commercial Farming in Africa: Agricultural Commercialisation and Implications for Agrarian change
Authors: Hall Ruth, Scoones Ian, Tsikata Dzodzi
Publisher: The Journal of Peasant Studies
Terms of Re-use: CC-BY Content Provider: Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Brighton: OpenDocs
Whether or not investments in African agriculture can generate quality employment at scale,avoid dispossessing local people of their land,promote diversified and sustainable livelihoods, and catalyse more vibrant local economies depends on what farming model is pursued. In this Forum, we build on recent scholarship by discussing the key findings of our recent studies in Ghana, Kenya and Zambia. We examined cases of three models of agricultural commercialisation, characterised by different sets of institutional arrangements that link land, labour and capital. The three models are: plantations or estates with on-farm processing; contract farming and outgrower schemes; and medium-scale commercial farming areas. Building on core debates in the critical agrarian studies literature, we identify commercial farming areas and contract farming as producing the most local economic linkages, and plantations/estates as producing more jobs, although these are of low quality and mostly casual. We point to the gender and generational dynamics emerging in the three models, which reflect the changing demand for family and wage labour. Models of agricultural commercialisation do not always deliver what is expected of them in part because local conditions play a critical role in the unfolding outcomes for land relations, labour regimes, livelihoods and local economies.
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/vGrusJwgn2vwzmih3/plantations-outgrowers-and-commercial-farming-in-africa
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gpsdanoticia · 7 years
Luta Por Terra É Essencialmente Feminista, Diz Pesquisadora De Gana
Luta Por Terra É Essencialmente Feminista, Diz Pesquisadora De Gana
A professora da Universidade de Gana, Dzodzi Tsikata, tem se empolgado com a emergência dos movimentos populares na África, mas espera ver, no futuro, mais conexões entre a luta pela terra e pelo direitos das mulheres.
Presidenta do Conselho para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais na África, ela pesquisa gênero e questões agrárias em Gana, país em que a agropecuária responde por…
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jichanglulu · 7 years
State-managed Buddhism and Chinese-Mongolian relations
This piece (without its one footnote) first appeared on China Policy Institute: Analysis.
“No matter what the 14th Dalai Lama says or does, he cannot deny the Central Government's right to recognise reincarnations,” says Norbu Döndrup ནོར་བུ་དོན་གྲུབ 罗布顿珠, one of the highest-ranking Tibetan officials in the Autonomous Region’s government. Zhu Weiqun 朱维群, former deputy head of the United Front Work Department who now chairs the ethnic and religious affairs committee of the People’s Political Consultative Conference, famously stated that Dalai Lama reincarnations “have never been a purely religious matter;” historical precedent makes the state's prerogative to manage reincarnations “an important manifestation of the Central Government’s sovereignty over Tibet.” The state clearly cares about reincarnations, and not only when the Dalai Lama is involved. The PRC has now spent decades regulating, codifying and “standardising” the identification and training of increasing numbers of reincarnating lamas, who often are given positions in state administration. The respect they command among many Tibetans makes gaining the “initiative, leadership and control” over reincarnation management a tool for maintaining social stability in Tibetan areas. Extensive research has been devoted to the design of reincarnation policies. The TAR and central governments take reincarnate lamas on trips and training sessions around the country, including visits to Maoist sites. Interviewed during one such educational trip, the Jedrung རྗེ་དྲུང 吉仲 Rinpoche of Dzodzi མཛོ་རྫི 佐孜 monastery in Chamdo, himself installed as such a ‘living Buddha’ by the relevant local authorities in 2000, talks of his and other religious figures’ duty to “develop the good Tibetan Buddhist tradition of love of country and religion (爱国爱教),” contributing to the “mutual adaptation of religion and socialism.” The training seems to be working: the Rinpoche was repeating, verbatim, Party slogans that go back to the Jiang Zemin era.
For Buddha and country
Marxism, Buddhism and nationalism may come across as an incongruous mix, but a sizable body of literature has accrued in order to glue it together. Although religions, and Tibetan Buddhism in particular, were on the wrong end of Party theory (and practice) for a good half of the PRC’s history, now parallels are made between the ways Buddhism and Marxism changed after being imported into China, converging into a nationalist, in-one-country amalgam. Invoking Jiang's ‘mutual adaptation’ motto in a speech last year, Xi Jinping advocated “supporting our country's religions to maintain their Sinification course.” Ye Xiaowen 叶小文, former head of the State Administration for Religious Affairs, explained Xi’s statement: after coming to China, Buddhism underwent a Sinification, while Christianism became “independent and autonomous”; “our country’s religions take special pride in patriotism.” Cai Shuangquan 蔡双全, a historian of Chinese Communism, has even argued that Mao Zedong's “sacred mission” against the oppression of the masses made him a model of Buddhist life.
The PRC's embrace of reincarnation management began with the restoration of the Qing dynasty ‘Golden Urn’ lottery, used to select the Panchen Lama in 1995. The early aughts saw increased efforts devoted to establishing a reincarnation management system for as many Tibetan lineages as possible, but work remains to be done: a 2015 white paper talked of 358 incarnate lamas in the TAR, “of which more than 60 newly reincarnated living Buddhas have obtained recognition according to historical conventions and religious rituals,” likely meaning ‘according to recent legislation and state oversight.’ Other Tibetan Buddhist areas of the PRC include hundreds of other lineages at different stages of standardisation. Overall, however, the Party-state is already in charge of the reincarnation business. Lineage holders ‘trained’ under its tutelage, and the will and wherewithal to maintain Tibetological research, are giving it an ability to shape Buddhist orthodoxy.
From the centre to the periphery
The PRC’s emphasis on the Urn system, and its criticism on the Dalai Lama’s unwillingness to reincarnate through it, make rebirth policy an international issue. The lottery covered not only Tibetan, but also Mongolian lineages. In a recent piece for CPI Analysis, I described the tensions surrounding the Dalai Lama’s visit to Mongolia last November and his announcement that the next incarnation of the Jebtsundamba Khutugtu, the country’s highest lama, had been identified. China protested the visit, but limited its demands on the reincarnation to “hoping” Mongolia would deal with it “autonomously,” i.e., without Dharamsala involvement in his enthronement and education. While refraining from imposing reincarnations abroad, such an approach stops short of relinquishing influence over Mongolian Buddhism. In fact, religious interactions with Mongolia illustrate the emergent use of ‘Sinified’ Tibetan Buddhism as a foreign policy tool.
A set of policy recommendations on exchanges with Buddhism in Mongolia (and ethnic Mongolian areas of Russia) emerged in 2011 as a mysterious article published by a Hong Kong-based think-tank with known government links. I summarised those recommendations in my previous piece, but some bear repeating: fostering religious exchanges with Mongolian (and Russian) Buddhism, in particular by sending “virtuous and respected high monks;” the use of “social and economic methods,” based on “China’s advantageous trade position,” to restrict the influence of the “Dalai clique.” An exampe of this would be “monopolising” the religious-artifact market through state-supported Chinese companies, perhaps modelled on the Gang gyan Development Company (བོད་གངས་རྒྱན་དར་སྤེལ་ཀུང་སི་ 西藏刚坚发展总公司) established by the 10th Panchen Lama. As the examples below will illustrate, state-mediated exchanges between Chinese monasteries and companies and selected Mongolian clergy are consistent with these recommendations, lending credibility to the further, still unimplemented advice to negotiate a transnational “system for the search, recognition and final announcement” of reincarnate lamas.
A description of the role of Tibetan Buddhism within the Belt and Road Initiative, elaborating on Xi Jinping’s statements at the Beijing forum, was delivered at a recent meeting by Wang Changyu 王长鱼, Party secretary at the High-level Tibetan Academy of Buddhism (中国藏语系高级佛学院). The Academy’s experience training Tibetan Buddhist monks and its well-developed system of scholarly degrees, says Wang, creates an advantageous position allowing to “help countries and territories along the ‘Belt and Road’ satisfy their demand for religious specialists and scriptures.” Such exchanges can serve two goals: to showcase “the results of our Party and country’s ethnic and religious policies, displaying the healthy heritage and development of Tibetan Buddhism” in China, while reducing “the Dalai clique’s space of activity, upholding national sovereignty.”
The case of Mongolia
Chinese policies towards Mongolian Buddhism focus on fostering exchanges with part of the Buddhist clergy, to some extent exploiting divisions within it to empower those opposed to the Dalai Lama. The exchanges described below, all mediated by Chinese state organs, involve Chinese monasteries and a producer of religious artifacts.
The Amarbayasgalant Амарбаясгалант monastery in the north of the country enjoys particularly good relations with Chinese clergy and officials. Visits occur in both directions, and have involved meetings with high-placed members of the China Buddhist Association (中国佛教协会), including the Panchen Lama, one of its vice-presidents. One such encounter left the Mongolian visitors with “a deep understanding of [China's] policy of religious freedom.” The Amarbayasgalant is an important place of worship for the Dorje Shugden movement, whose dispute with the Dalai Lama often results in an alignment with PRC policies.
The last Dalai Lama visit was strongly condemned by Sanjdorj Санждорж, the abbot of Ikh Khüree Их хүрээ monastery in Ulaanbaatar. He regretted the Dalai Lama had been invited “without the approval of the two neighbours” (Russia and China, although only the latter seems relevant). Some of his views were quoted in Chinese state media. In one of many exchanges with China, last August Sanjdorj visited the Yonghegong 雍和宫, the Beijing monastery where most Mongolian reincarnations were selected under the Qing Urn system. He was accompanied by officials from the central United Front Department.
The Yonghegong temple has decided to donate a 21-metre statue of boddhisattva Maitreya to another Ulaanbaatar monastery, the Dashchoilin Дашчойлин. Its abbot, Dambajav Дамбажав, is not against the Dalai Lama, whom he has repeatedly met, including during the last Mongolia trip, but a good reason for cultivating him could be his role as vice-president of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, an organisation where Beijing has been steadily trying to gain more influence. The Maitreya was ordered from Karma Bisha ཀརྨ་བི་ཤྭ0 噶玛博秀, a famous Sichuan-based producer of religious statues owned by a Tibetan artist and entrepreneur. The project has been advancing slowly: a ceremony was held in 2014 for the delivery of the statue’s feet, but the foundations for the structure that will house only began to be built a month ago.
Three days after the end of the last Dalai Lama visit, with Chinese punitive sanctions in force and all official contacts suspended, the Chinese embassy sent a representative to the opening of a Tibetan art exhibition it helped organise at the Manba Datsan Манба дацан monastery. Its abbot, Natsagdorj Нацагдорж, has also been frequently involved in exchanges with China, on one occasion praising Tibet’s “transformation under the CCP’s leadership.” In a 2015 interview where he took umbrage at accusations of receiving Chinese money, he alleged that “the Dalai Lama’s people’s problems with the people of China aren’t that interesting to us Mongolians” and blamed “foreign” actors for inciting discord on the Panchen dispute (he has met China’s Panchen Lama).
Beijing’s approach to Mongolian Buddhism thus largely follows recent recommendations, although a whiff of Qing continuity lingers. While renouncing the ‘Outer Mongolian’ part of the Golden Urn system, the government has given the Yonghegong a central, historically conscious role in interactions with Mongolian monasteries and even, through the Maitreya donation, in shaping the religious geography of Ulaanbaatar. Aid and exchanges empower Beijing’s preferred section of Mongolia’s clergy, while the credible threat of economic sanctions attempts to dissuade the rest from interacting with Dharamsala. Thus far, the approach can hardly be called successful: PRC links are controversial, and allegations of Chinese financing often put abbots such as the ones discussed above on the wrong end of nationalistic commentary; opposition to the Dalai Lama remains a minority view; despite the asymmetry of the relationship, the full rage of PRC economic sanctions over his November visit was appeased with an ambiguous, non-apologetic statement that promised little beyond the status quo. Gifts and bullying haven’t restored the Qing’s sway over Mongolian Buddhism, or even the primary expected result, severed links with the exiled Tibetan religious hierarchy.
Soft opium
Although the credit for the idea of embedding Tibetan Buddhist ritual into statecraft goes to early Qing emperors, rather than Party-school dialecticians, the PRC has now caught up and, after letting it ‘mutually adapt’ with socialism, managed to Sinify the ‘opium of the people’ into a soft-power commodity. Strategies similar to those implemented in Mongolia, involving the sale or donation of religious artifacts, monuments and scripture, influence building within Buddhist organisations and alliances with anyone Dalai-unfriendly, are seen elsewhere in the Tibetan Buddhist world, often in clear competition with India. Tibetan Buddhist soft power will likely continue to evolve as a tool of Chinese policy towards Mongolia, Russia, the Himalayas, the Tibetan diaspora, Western Buddhists and international Buddhist organisations.
Thanks to Paweł Szczap.
0 The name of the company, Kar.ma bi shwa, could be an inversion of Bi shwa kar.ma, the Tibetan name of the mythical sculptor (or architect deity) Viśvakarman.
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Looking to be chauffeured around the city or take a trip with your friends in Ghana 🇬🇭 ? Rent a car today from us and enjoy your trip with our wheels. #carhire / rentals is available for weddings , Funerals trips, groups getaway, airport pick-up and transfers we got you covered in Ghana 🇬🇭 Travel is easy with car rentals, Do you want a minibuses or long buses to rent, SUV, Pajero, Land Cruiser v8 and Prado or Pickup trucks in Ghana 🇬🇭 ? Contact us for your Car Rentals. We assure you of a price to meet your budget. Your Comfort is our Priority. Don't look any further. Select from our list of available cars this weekend. We offer both foreigners and local customers who want to speed up their daily activities in Ghana with reliable professional chauffeured around town or outside Accra rentals services in Ghana 🇬🇭 ? We are committed to providing the best car rental deals at the most affordable rates! Visit our website for info www.mostlovecarrentals.com to make a booking today. Reliable Car Rentals Services . CALL OR WHATSAPP (0244-2835-93) TO RENT A VEHICLE SAFE AND SECURE PLACE..... Our Services: ✅Online car rental ✅Chauffeured options only ✅Free pick up within Accra and Tema rentals services ✅car delivery and pickup services . Rent a vehicle today like and follow this page for all your car rentals services in Ghana 🇬🇭 #ghana #Accra #fastcarrentals #rentacar #adventure #akatsi #Luxurycars #Obuasi #carshare #getaway #ada #onlinecarrentals #oda #dzodzie #occassions #sajuna https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6YGUFj1tT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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TO ALL YOUR BEST TOURS SITE AND SIGHTSEEING TRIPS IN GHANA 🇬🇭 JUST A CALL AWAY 📞  (+233 - 0244-2835-93) Rent a vehicle in Accra-Ghana  ! We have a network of safe drivers and reliable vehicles based in Accra. Whether you need an airport pickup, a landcruisers, a 4x4s or a minibus, we’ve got you covered. We offer both foreigners and local customers who want to speed up their daily activities in Ghana 🇬🇭 Come ride with us! Its for business trips,  weddings services, Long journeys etc Please note: WE DO NOT OFFER SELF-DRIVE CAR RENTALS FOR INSURANCE REASONS. ALL RENTALS OPTIONS COME WITH CAR AND DRIVER INCLUDED.  Our services include: 4X4s and logistics car rentals, driver included 12, 15-passenger vans and coaster bus rentals, Airport transfers to and from Kotoka International, Volta Region and Cape Coast transfers, We also offer airport pickups here. Find out the dos and don'ts of renting a vehicles in Ghana?  BOOK HERE www.mostlovecarrentals.com Please like and follow this page for all your car rentals services in Ghana 🇬🇭   https://www.facebook.com/mostlovegh/   Call or WhatsApp us on: (0244-2835-93) ☎️ (0549-8622-80)
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