#e: imperfect hosts
fangirlies · 2 years
Mission accomplished- (x.t)
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader
Summary: You only had one mission. That was to get Enid and Ajax to ask each other to the Rave'n. But you couldn't achieve it without a particular tortured artist's help.
Warnings: fluff. some cursing. (Please let me know if i should be aware of anything else)
Word count: 2k
Is there such thing as too much fluff? with me, never. Feedback is always welcomed! (It’ll make me feel better about spending the whole day on this writing) enjoy friends!
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Tortured artist hm’ you thought to yourself. Why was he known as a tormented and mysterious guy? What was his story? The entire quad blurred, and the only thing you appeared to focus on was the tall brunette boy concentrating on his mural. It was beautiful you must admit. He appeared to be completely immersed in his painting. It wasn’t the first time you saw him completely fixated on his work. And it definitely wasn’t the first time you noticed him.
“Um hello… earth to y/n!” You heard snapping as you focused on Enid rather than the boy who had suddenly become a fixture in your mind.
"Yes yes, I heard you. I think you should definitely ask Ajax to the Rave'N" you weren't entirely paying attention to your best friend's 10 minute rant about reversing roles and taking pride in asking a guy to the dance for a change, but you picked up a few things here and there before your mind wandered elsewhere. Something to do with feminism? You weren't sure, but it seemed like a good idea.
You knew both Enid and Ajax had feelings for each other. In fact, everyone knew but they seemed to be the only ones who couldn’t see it. Isn't that cliche? The boy likes the girl. The girl likes the boy. They were naïve to the fact that their nerves were standing in the way of everything.
As Enid's best friend since the day you started at Nevermore, you were well aware of her crush on Ajax. It was adorable. She stared at him as if he were the only one who could complement her loud personality. She couldn't get enough of him, so you made it your goal to ensure Enid gets a happy ending. You knew she deserved it the most.
You weren’t thrilled about this Rave’N dance the school was hosting. As an outcast in your old normie school, you never got to experience these kind of things. You weren't planning to start now, no matter how much Enid pleaded.
"Are you sure it won't make me look desperate? I don’t want to ruin things with him.” Her brow wrinkled in intensity. You knew how much this meant to her.
"I don't think so, E; I think he'll be glad!" You reassured her while comforting her shoulder. "You have two and a half days to gather the courage to ask him," you said, smiling as you collected your books from the table and tossed them into your book bag.
The school bell rung, indicating the end of the day's final class. It also marked the start of your master plan. Mission: "Get E and A in the same room... alone."
“Psst hey, Xavier!” You really had no idea why you were whispering in the hallway. There was no one around you anymore as you tried to catch up to the tall and lanky boy. Xavier glanced around, a puzzled expression on his face. Sure, your two best friends were madly in love, but that didn't necessarily mean you and Xavier had to be friends. Acquaintances? Sure. Give each other a quick smile and a nod as you pass in the hallways? Fine. Meet in an empty corridor after class? Never.
"Hey," you finally got to him. Breathing heavily. Your gaze wandered over the attractive boy in front of you as you attempted to recover your breath. Man, he sure was perfect - even from up close. His sage-colored eyes drew you in. His long brown hair had been pulled back into a low bun. Free of imperfections, you thought.
"Did you have a question for me?" The 6-foot giant catches your attention by waving his hands. You shook your head, hoping to clear your mind of your thoughts of him. You were on a mission and were losing sight of it.
"I'm sorry." You took a second look around to make sure the coast was clear. "Enid has been dying for Ajax to invite her to the Rave'n. We all know Ajax is too pussy to ask her. So, I'm thinking we could finally force them to ask each other. tonight. The night shade library. Tell Ajax to meet you there and I’ll do the same with E. This needs to work or I'll spend the next few days listening to her overthink. So, what do say?” Repeating the plan out loud did sound crazy but you didn’t care. You wanted to see your best friend happy.
For a few moments, the boy was deafeningly silent. Perhaps you did sound a little insane.
"I'll do anything to stop hearing Ajax talk about his massive crush on her. I can’t take it anymore. I'm glad to hear that you're in the same boat as me. How does 7:30 sound to you?" Your expression brightened as your scheme began to take shape. Half of your grin was caused by the fact that this was your longest conversation with Xavier.
You two exchanged phone numbers to ensure the success of your plan. You both decided on the excuse you'd give and the time. Everything seemed to be going according to plan.
It was now 7:15 p.m.
From x.t- 7:15 A and X headed to nsl
With these code phrases, you couldn't help but chuckle. He was taking his role seriously. Gosh, he was so stupid.
To x.t- 7:16 Copy that, x. E is wrapping up and we’ll be headed your way
You continued his silly game and stuck your phone in your back pocket.
“Hey E, just wanted to say thanks for coming with me to the library. I really need that book for an essay, and I was scared to go alone," you continued your lie, resting against the bathroom door frame.
“Of course! What are best friends for if not to scare monsters away with their colorful claws?" Enid remarked, extending her sharp claws of various colors. She'll forgive your lie once she realizes what the night has in store for her.
After slipping out of your dorm room and into the hallway, the two of you discussed the latest school gossip.
To x.t- 7:28  E and I are about to enter. remember our plan. 
You hit send as the Edgar Allen Poe statue came to vision. Enid snapped her fingers twice, causing the statue to recoil and reveal a stairwell leading to the library. To Enid's surprise, she found herself face to face—no, face to chest—with Xavier.
“What the heck are you doing here?” She inquired.
"What exactly are YOU doing here?" You were amused by Xavier's stab at reverse psychology. He didn't even wait for the blonde girl to respond before walking away and vanishing into the quad.
"God, he's always so weird," she sneered as she walked down the stairs. You weren't following her down again, much to her dismay. Instead, the statue had been closed. Keeping the poor girl from fleeting.
"She'll thank me later," you reasoned as you dusted your hands. The rest of the night was up to them; your work here was already done. You started walking back to the quad and immediately jumped up in fear as you turned the corner.
“Did it work?” The towering boy emerged. He stuck around to see if your plan was a hit or miss.
You smacked his chest for inadvertently scaring you. "Yes, scaring me worked." You shrieked as you placed your palm over your heart, hoping to slow its pulse.
The giant laughed at your theatrics, revealing his perfectly white teeth. You realized that was the first time you'd ever seen him laugh. He was sexy when he wore the mysterious "bad boy" look, but this was a new look for him that you admired even more. His laughter had to be contagious. You started to laugh at this point, causing your cheeks to grow a crimson pink.
“Yes, E and A are both in position” you joked with a stern voice. Xavier nodded and walked up to a picnic table in the quad. You didn't fall far behind. He sat on the table, staring up at the sky. The quad possessed a glass ceiling, making it ideal for stargazing. You sat in the typical student seating rather than where your meal should have been put.
“You see that bright tiny circle up there?” Xavier gestured to the dark sky. You squinted your eyes and followed the path of his finger.
“Is that a star?” You questioned. "It's Venus," he explained. “Because Venus's orbit lies closer to the Sun than the Earth's, it tends to get lost in the Sun's glare. It's only visible for a few months of the year- when it's the furthest away from the Sun."
You stared at Venus in awe. It made you smile since it gleamed brighter than the other stars in the night sky. You returned your attention to Xavier, who was still gazing passionately at the planet. The fact that he was so familiar with the topic warmed your heart.
"Did you know it gets its name from the Roman goddess? It's the planet of love, beauty, and art," he says, his attention now fixed on you. When his gaze fell on you, you swore your heart skipped a beat. For a split second you wondered if you were dreaming. Or if this was a scene from The Notebook.
“How do you know all this?” You inquired. Moving alongside him on top of the picnic table.
Xavier shrugged his shoulders and turned to face Venus. "I know little about everything. I can't really tell you how I know things." The mysterious boy spoke up. Tonight was unexpected. Surprising was a better word to describe it. You never imagined it would turn out this way. You and Xavier talking, let alone star gazing. It was all strange and yet soothing at the same time. You felt safe next to him.
“Anyway, are you going to the Rave’n?” He leaned back on the table and ran his fingers through his hair, clearing it from his face.
“Me? nah, that's only for the pretty girls who have guys lining up and begging them to be their date. My mission was just to convince Enid to go." You stated the truth. You had no intention of going. Regardless of how much Enid tried to persuade you. You knew it was only a competition for guys to show up with the hottest date and for girls to show up with their finest dress. Not your scene.
“As a pretty girl yourself - I’m a little surprised you don’t have guys begging you to be their date,” he said standing up. You lowered your head to keep him from seeing the flush on your cheeks and the faint smile that threatened to leave your mouth. Did he call you pretty?
He stood in front of your seated body. Hands shoved deep in the pockets of his hoodie. You could see the cheeky smile he was now giving you as you raised your head.
“What?” Your brow wrinkled as you questioned. Small smile still trying to poke through.
"Well," he said, looking behind him. "I guess I'm first in line."
You drew your brows even closer together and tilted your head. You didn’t understand.
"Would you be willing to go with me to the dance?"
Yup. Definitely like a scene from The Notebook. You eventually cracked a smile, and you didn't care if he could see the blazing red hue on your face. Although you weren't interested in these events, how could you refuse Xavier Thorpe? THE tortured artist.
"I'd - I'd enjoy that, X," you murmured, giggling slightly. The smile that made your heart sink reappeared on his face.
“You guys are assholes!” A familiar voice came from the opposite direction. You focused your attention on the gorgon and the blonde girl approaching you. “I was absolutely shitting myself when you left me alone in there” Enid playfully tickled your sides when you found your way off the table you were previously sitting at.
Ajax had his arm around Enid's shoulder. You and Xavier exchanged a quick glance as you realized what must have happened. Knowing that your mission was successful.
"Soooo. . ?" Xavier pressed, seeking the answer we already knew.
Ajax chuckled and lowered his head. “Yes man, I asked her to be my girlfriend”
A loud squeal escaped your mouth as you hugged Enid. The two of you were jumping up and down like girls in middle school when their crush passed by them in the halls.
"Wait," Enid said quickly, turning to face her partner, "does this mean we're going to the Rave'n together?" You three were laughing at her. Of course, it meant they were going together, but to be fair, she was excited and couldn't think straight. Her boyfriend nodded while rolling his eyes and returned his arm on her shoulders.
"Well, I guess we'll see you there," Xavier said, his gaze melting you.
"Wait, wait, wait, you two?" Enid extended two fingers in the direction of you and Xavier. Her expression was priceless.
"Are you going to the Rave'n? Together?” Ajax added. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he'd stoned himself based on the shocked look on his face.
Both you and Xavier nodded your heads, a silly grin on your faces. It was now Enid's turn to shriek and draw you in for a hug.
“Oh. My. Goodness. My bestest friend and my boyfriend's best friend? We're going on a double date? I can't believe this! I've got to tell Wednesday, she called it from the minute y/n transferred here."
Enid couldn't stop raving about this "double date" for the following two days. You and Xavier joked at the fact that your mission was accomplished, but it came with a new never-ending topic to annoy you with.
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Authors note: Quick! guess my favorite planet and why! I started this december 11 and got tired of packing last night so i finished it so i can feed you girlies before i leave on my trip. 
As always— requests are always open! Share your thoughts! Talk to me! Get something off your mind! ✨
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | March Recap
♦️ More fic recs can be found at the fic register, here. Not quite what you're looking for? Tell us what you had in mind, here! -> 💌
✍️ In addition to the fics highlighted below, there were a few new additions and updated chapters to the Promise You WILL Write collection. Check them out here! If you're feeling inspired, please visit the collection to leave a prompt for someone to write or take one for yourself… All are welcome! You can check out their page @promiseyouwillwrite for more info.
🛠️ March was a celebration of fix-its! Check out our recap for the March Fix-It event hosted by @fellow-travelers-events 📣 The Features of the Month posts can be found here: Fic of the Month for March is: A Patchwork Life by likerealpeopledo | @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 Author of the Month for March is: @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) WIPs of the Month
🍀 do these teeth still match the wound  by brokendrums [E, 21K] It’s natural. There’s no sin in it. That’s all Hawk keeps saying. Whispers it to him as he pulls on Tim’s shirt, says it again when he tugs down his zipper, scrapes it across his jaw on the end of a kiss. There's no sin in taking what is gratefully given, no sin in the purest of heart. Not when you're praying at the altar of Hawkins Fuller.
What if it took a little longer for Tim to gather the courage to do the right thing and give himself up. His time in the cabin stretched out for a few extra weeks.
🍀 A Disaster, Beyond Measure  by drabbleswabbles [NR, 20K] Hawkins Fuller is a campaign manager with a PR disaster on his hands. The solution involves pretending to date none other than Timothy Laughlin.
Featuring: unrealistic portrayals of the life and job of a campaign manager for the sake of the fake dating trope.
🍀 Only The Lucky Ones Come Home  by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 1K] It didn’t make sense. Kenny wasn’t in Italy, he wasn’t in Europe. He was sent somewhere in the Pacific, Hawk wasn’t quite sure. That was the last he had heard. So how could Kenneth Willard be bleeding out at his feet in Velletri?
“You did this.”
The blood in Hawk’s veins turned to ice at Kenny’s words.
Hawk has a nightmare about his time in the war.
🍀 In Sickness or In Health by Joycee [M, 12K] Instead of Tim, it’s Hawk who has AIDS.
🍀 we'll be on the road like Jack Kerouac  by @jesterlesbian | captainquint [M, 4K] He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had.
The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one.
“What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
🍀 🪴His great consuming lovage*🪴  by @carnivalrow | nightfall_in_winter [G, 2K] Tim's potted plant has a story to tell…
🍀 Dreams Enfold You  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Tim is sick but won't sleep. Hawk finds a way to make him.
🍀 Sands of Time (Turn Backwards)  by @brouill3r | brouiller [NR, 22K] 1987 Hawkins Fuller is full of regrets for the life he's lived, though Tim once told him he regrets nothing. Hawk so wishes he could say the same.
In the still night air of a hotel room, clutching a cracked paperweight to his chest like it's carved of the finest gold, Hawk gets his wish.
Or, a time-travel fix-it fic that nobody asked for.
🍀 this time imperfect  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 13K] 1986. Marcus arrives at Hawk's house and gives him a box. Marcus doesn't know that paperweight in the box is a time traveling device. Will Hawk change anything, given the chance? We'll see.
🍀 Sometimes it's worth the pain  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [NR, 1K] Hawk wakes up in the morning in Tim's arms.
🍀 At the End of a Long Day  by @carrotcakecrumble | LuxLox [T, 1K] The words, which were just that, words, were too distilled and clean to have any association with Tim in his mind.
He’s passed. Yesterday. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m only just calling now.
(Mary rings Hawk to tell him that Tim has died.)
🍀 I Sing the Body Electric  by telescape8 [M, 28K] Modern AU. It all starts on Election Night 2016. Tim falls hard. Hawk falls harder.
🍀 If it's magic...  by @redmyeyes | redmyeyes [M, 1K] It’s just fondness. It’s not love.
🍀 Here We Are In Heaven  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Though it happened hours before, Hawk could see it so clearly now. That green space, lined in flowers. Marcus's proud smile. Jackson's hand, so steady as it placed that simple band of silver in Hawk's palm. And Tim.
A snippet of Hawk and Tim's reception.
🍀 With all due respect, fuck congestion  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [T, 2K] Tim and Hawk are going through their closet to find some clothes to donate, but Tim isn't feeling great.
🍀 where are lies (when no words are spoken)  by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [G, 480]
“So,” Marcus starts with a smirk. “Tim.”
They’ve known each other for years, and Marcus really doesn’t need to ask questions for Hawk to understand him. Why him? What is special about him?
But the thing is, it works well the other way around. Hawk gives him a meaningful look. I don’t know what you are talking about.
Or a conversation between Marcus and Hawk set not long after Hawk took Tim at Cozy Corner in episode 1
🍀 Cutting this short would be most logical option  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [T, 4K] It's a lovely day in 1980 and Tim's enjoying a quiet day off. Then there's a knock on his door.
🍀 Lights go down, and I hear you calling to me, yeah  by @behindthesefangirleyes | SilverShadow1 [M, 512] There was intrigue. There was wonder. Hawk’s damn heart literally skipped a beat. Skippy.
Or, the real answer to: “Who’s Skippy?”
🍀 Of Snuggles and Waffles  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 2K] It's a beautiful Saturday morning and Tim should be sleeping in. Unfortunately, Hawk has other plans.
🍀 The Fixer  by drabbleswabbles [NR, 3K] Instead of Leonard, Hawk is the one arrested in a park bathroom.
🍀 You might not wear blue often, but it's still your color  by @timothydavidlaughlin | mauralabingi [G, 2K] Hawk is struggling. Then he gets a package in the mail.
🍀 All Dressed Up To Go Dreaming  by @bluebellsinburbank |  ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [T, 4K] Naples, 1955. Hawk and Tim's first vacation together.
🍀 She's the lady of the house, a blind believer in all I dare to be by @behindthesefangirleyes | SilverShadow1 [M, 5K] “A boy needs his mother’s respect. Not only her love, but also her respect.” – Emerson Eggerichs
Or, 5 times Estelle Fuller is there for Hawk, 1 time Hawk is there for himself.
🍀 To Millions of Smiles  by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G, 1K] Hawk comes home to a surprise.
🍀 Fetch  by @deputy-buck | Deputy_Buck [T, 1K] Hawk was consumed in drafting a small speech for a function Senator Smith had organized —something about acknowledging McCarthy's threat to the State Department but encouraging diplomacy— when Tim showed up on his doorstep looking like a kicked puppy. His boy promised that he would be quiet and that all he needed was to be somewhere safe while he felt this way.
🍀 gold-skinned, eager baby  by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet [E, 10K] Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Chapter 8: And I Was Reborn
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x F!Reader “Sugar”
Summary: The only thing left is a question. And an answer.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: M, mention of nudity, allusions to sexual acts, mild body horror relating to being a host (not gory, but descriptive of seeing under the skin and a skull), sort of playing fast and loose with how the hosts work, was E in previous chapters so full series is 18+ MINORS DNI.
Notes: After everything they've been through, it's come down to this. This is the penultimate chapter, with only the epilogue left, and one big question still left unanswered. I'll leave it to you to find out what that is, and what Sugar's answer will be.
Cross-posted on AO3
Decoherence Masterlist   ||   Whiskey & Westworld Masterlist
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Morning slips into the bedroom like a lover, quiet and soft at your back. You blink awake slowly, eyes blurred as you acclimate. Cream-colored walls lend a stark difference from the blue quilt draped over you and Jack. You smile into your pillow, toes curling between the sheets.
True to his word, Russell didn’t come scratching and snuffling at the door until several hours after Jack locked him out. It was plenty of time for you to talk, wrapped in each other’s arms. Jack told you about traveling across the country looking for a home, working whatever drifter jobs he could get to pay his way. You asked why here, why this town, and he said it was the first one that felt anything like home. The people helped, and the slow discovery of who he was with free will did the rest. 
Jack in turn learned about you, the real you that he never truly got to meet. The things you like to do, the places that make you happy. It strikes you as a shorter list than you thought, the things you left in your small apartment barely taking up space in your heart. In this house, a rekindling has taken place and a warm fire now burns in your hearth, well tended. 
When Jack left to let Russell out, as bare as the day he was made, you laid back on the bed and contemplated the life Jack built. Years of grinding away at a job that kept you comfortable but unfulfilled paled in comparison to the muscle memory of a hard day’s work. Could you find happiness in taking up reins and helping the community around you? Or had you been so far gone from it that you’d make a mess of anything you touched?
Jack returned soon after, his nonchalant nudity heating your skin.
“I have dessert if you’d like something sweet,” Jack said, smirking a little at the end. 
“I’ll take anything you’re offering, handsome.”
It took another hour before you actually tasted the peach cobbler Jack made, sitting on his lap in nothing but a sheet wrapped around the two of you. He warmed the cobbler first before drenching it in cream, and the spiced sweetness tasted even better on his tongue. The last thing you remembered before drifting off back in his bed was the slow devotion of hands on your skin soothing you to sleep.
Now his head is thrown back on the pillow, lips slightly parted and eyes shut. You watch his profile bathed in morning light. The perfect curve between his nose and chin to fit your lips. The stretch of his neck to his chest rising and falling. One hand lays on his stomach, fingers curled in lazy artfulness. 
Do androids dream of electric sheep? you think briefly, reaching out to touch the strong line of his bicep. You trace from his shoulder to the dip by his elbow, baby hairs along your path standing up. Blue-green veins are barely visible by his wrists, the smooth expanse of his chest dotted with freckles. He’s imperfect, and that’s more amazing to you. Every bit of him unique, down to the spots around his chin where no stubble grows. You wouldn’t know him to be anything but real.
He is real, you scold yourself. Every part of him is real, and true. He just didn’t grow into his body the way you did. The scars that detail your history, the stretch marks, the bends and breaks of a body worn by time, yours is happenstance and circumstance. His is purposeful.
Your touch slides over to lay your hand over his. The rise and fall of his chest makes a soothing pattern with his heartbeat.
Ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum
Ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum
Jack’s hand flexes open, and you slide your fingers between. He pulls your joined hands to his lips and presses a kiss on your knuckles, a deep sigh precluding his head turning in the pillow.
“Morning Sugar. You sleep okay?”
You nod, scooting closer to him and pressing a kiss of your own to his shoulder.
“Best I’ve slept in weeks.” You’re not lying. Not an ominous dream in sight. 
“Me too,” Jack says, rolling to his side and pulling you into his embrace. His shoulders block out the harsher rays, a halo of light illuminating his fluffy bedhead. You run your fingers through it absently.
Not a hair on his head that wasn’t put there. Not a thing on him that wasn’t done on purpose. And not a single part of it looks manufactured. 
“You’re thinking awfully loud this early in the morning,” Jack says, stroking the small of your back. You consider what saying anything in this quiet moment could mean, but you both have come so far in just one weekend. It’s time for you to be as honest as he’s been.
“There’s still a part of me that tells me you can’t be a host. That you’re so perfectly imperfect that nature must have made you.” Stroking long paths through his dark locks, you worry at your lower lip. “Is that bad, that I can’t help but think it? You’ve proven it all to me several times over, it’s just…it’s still something hard to believe, I guess.” 
Jack’s eyes drift off, chewing the inside of his mouth before he sits up against the headboard. You come upright too, and he guides you between his bent legs. You let yours fold over his thighs, sitting face to face as he holds your hands in his.
“Does it make it harder, not seeing the machine?” he asks. You soothe him with your thumbs.
“I wish I could say it didn’t. Everyone suspends their disbelief in the parks, right? But we all know that it’s not real.” You study Jack’s face carefully. He’s not upset, or hurt. There’s something resolute in his expression. “I guess it does make it harder for me. I like to understand, and it’s hard not understanding how this all works.”
Jack nods, squeezing your hands tighter.
“What if I could show you exactly what’s at the center of me?”
His eyes stay locked on your face, and you realize he’s giving you something exceedingly precious. It’s not to be handled lightly.
“Maybe I should just have faith,” you acquiesce, smoothing your thumbs along his knuckles. He squeezes again to draw your attention.
“It’s okay,” Jack says, eyes soft. “I’ll show you.” He waits for your nod.
Settling himself against the headboard, he ticks his jaw and takes a few grounding breaths. The calm warmth of the morning becomes stifling, your palms sweaty as he holds one in his hand.
“What I’ve learned from all the manuals and the programs is that you can’t tell. You’re not supposed to. Everything’s realistic except for one thing. They never saw much use for making it look like a brain.” Jack presses his thumb into your palm. “Once it’s not in contact with me I’m gonna freeze up, Sugar, so put it back when you’re done.”
Your heart hammers in your throat. “Jack, what is it?”
Jack’s smile quirks up in the corner, but you also catch a thin veil of fear.
“Maeve called it a pearl. Made it sound valuable. Precious.” He holds your worried look, chucking a knuckle under your chin. 
Then his hand falls, and he changes.
Bloodless seams crawl across his face, his eyes going glassy. One splits his face down the center, drawn along the curve of his nose through the dimple in his lower lip. The corners of his lips extend up to his hair, slashing across his cheekbones. Another traces his jawline, the folds of his jowls. A series of small clicks and whirs precede the seams widening, and Jack’s face opens to reveal a smooth white skull beneath. No gore, like a mask peeled off in sections and pulled away for inspection by tiny armatures. Your stomach drops, nausea threatening your throat but you swallow hard. The eyeless skull smiles back at you before you notice another series of cracks, and the second layer breaks open. The skull separates into four quadrants, and from that fissure extends a cylinder presenting a smooth metallic ball. Prongs hold it tight against the protuberance, and you startle when Jack’s hand reaches in to pluck it from his mangled face. Thick fingers grasp the shiny surface as he guides the ball to your palm. 
It’s warm against your skin, sinking into the cup of your hand. You open your mouth to say something but the moment Jack’s hands leave the reflective surface every tiny motion stills. What was once solid flesh beneath your legs is hardened marble, not a tremble in his frame. Heart racing, tears well in your eyes as you study the fractured man who’s put his whole trust into the palm of your hand. 
“Jack?” you whisper, but nothing moves. The stillness roars in your ears, hands shaking with the pearl clutched between them. Cautiously, you let your fingertips roam the edges of his face, stomach rolling at the uncanniness of seeing something so human turned inside out. Your fingers are shaking, pressing against his chest for a heartbeat that’s eerily absent. He’s a statue, nude and serene.
Finally, you turn your attention back to the pearl in your hand. It’s hardly the size of an egg, black as obsidian and smooth. Your reflection warps back up at you, parted lips quivering as you study it. This must be what makes Jack work. This sphere holds his memories, his quirks and tells, and even though saying it out loud would make it cliche, his soul. 
To Delos, searching for their rogue host that’s become troublingly sentient, it’s probably worth millions. But to you, it is infinitely precious. You will never be shown trust this deep, this endless, by anyone else in your lifetime. Jack willingly put his life in the palm of your hand. What could you possibly do to show him that trust, that faith, that love in return?
It comes to you in another breath. Oh Jack. He’s given you exactly what you need to prove it to him. Leaning down, you bring your cupped hands to your lips and press a kiss to the pearl. He’ll never know, never see this moment, but you’ll know that your devotion is etched on his soul. Letting your lips brush it once more, you whisper.
“I’ll always hold it, Jack.”
Just as he did, you place the pearl into its delicate cage, watching with fascination as it retracts back into Jack’s head. The pieces of his skull pull together, and slowly he becomes the man you love once more. When the final piece clasps shut and Jack blinks, you throw yourself into his arms, straddling him breathlessly. His hands come up to soothe along your back, inhaling your scent as you fight back tears.
“Feels like it took a little while, did you drop it?” Jack tries to joke, the rumble of his chest soothing after feeling it so still. When you don’t move he pulls you in tighter, pressing kisses by your ear.
“Was it too much? Sorry, I should have…” he starts to say, but you silence him with your lips. He lets you lead, gripping his face and tilting his head back to inhale him. He reassures you between devotions with murmurs of “I’m here, Sugar. I’m right here.” When he guides you to your back, tangled in sheets and legs until you’re not sure where you end and he begins, he whispers, “I’m here.” And when he sheaths inside you, cradling you against him he groans, “Here, right here.” 
Beneath your hands he’s pulsing, gasping, trembling. Alive. Jack. Your Jack. Always.
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When you finally untangle, sated and drained, Jack lets you make breakfast. Fresh eggs and toast, a crumble of bacon for Russell before you serve yourselves. Across the table Jack still manages to touch you, foot pressed inside your ankle reassuringly. 
It’s so easy to imagine this as any morning. Maybe you’d follow it with chores, prepare for the week ahead. Outdoor work until the sun is too hot, making plans around cold drinks in the evening. Every night a heartbeat under your hand. 
“Still thinking loud, Sugar,” Jack interrupts, his crooked smile playful but you glimpse trepidation in his brow. It’s Sunday after all, and with that comes the “real world” you both alluded to all weekend. Pushing around the last remnants of eggs, you contemplate.
“I’d like to take a walk around, clear my head a bit,” you say, letting Jack’s nod reassure you.
“Maybe let Russ out, he’s been cooped up all night and we haven’t been paying a lick of attention to him,” he says, scritching the terrier behind his ears. You rise and lead a doting Russell to the front door, Jack lingering in the kitchen. Throwing him a smile over your shoulder, sunlight greets you on the patio.
Russell bounds out and off to run a few circles in the yard, a blur of white and brown. Your feet take you aimlessly, thoughts clouding your vision.
Before you left, you knew it was possible that seeing Jack would change things. You prepared for a conversation about what might happen when the weekend ended. There were possibilities lined up neatly for scrutiny. You could stay in touch, visit each other. The care you felt would have time and distance to grow. Then, when you knew each other better, you could take that next step and meld your lives together. Most likely something closer to what you live now, allowing you to straddle the line between the “real world” and Jack’s new and improved Sweetwater. It all sounded feasible, rational, reasonable.
Looking up, you realize your restless feet took you back to the barn, and right up to Daybreak’s stall. She lifts her nose over the gate, knocking you in the shoulder playfully before allowing you to stroke her snout. The sharp scent of horse fills your lungs, tamped with sweet grass and hay. When you scratch along her muzzle she snorts, whuffling at your pockets for treats. 
“Sorry girl, next time,” you promise. 
That’s when you realize how easily next time came to you, and how soon it felt. Not next time as in six months from now. Or three months. In your heart, now truly open, you know what your answer will be to the unspoken question hanging over your visit. Pressing your forehead to Daybreak’s, you smooth your hands along her graceful neck.
“Thanks, girl,” you murmur, her soft huff a comfort.
Jack is standing on his porch when you exit the barn, trying his best to look nonchalant but his tells are all on display. Hand on his hip, fingers clenching too tight. Jaw ticking back and forth. The smile he gives you fighting to reach his eyes. You mount the steps and slide an arm around his waist, reveling in the relief of his embrace. For a long minute he just holds you, your head on his chest to listen to his stilted breaths. Finally he pulls back, eyes shining.
“I’m…so glad you came,” he manages to get out, rubbing his hands firmly up and down your arms. It clenches your heart, watching him struggle. You open your mouth but he motions for a moment more.
“I know we didn’t start off quite the way either of us hoped, but now, with everything out in the open and all that you’ve seen, I hope you’ll consider my proposition.” A smile tugs at your lips but Jack’s railroading mouth keeps you grounded. 
“I know there’s a big world out there for you, and you’ve got a place in it. And here’s just a small slice of life that most people never even think about. But it’s mine, and I…I want you to know it’s mine to give. To you. You can have as much of it as you want. Because…” Here Jack takes in a breath, and you take his face in your hands. “Because I can’t go with you. I tried a few times, but I kept having close calls and near misses of being found. Just coming to see you was a risk, one I’d gladly take a thousand times over, but I can’t live like that. It’s here or someplace like it, and I wouldn’t ask for you to give up everything…”
“Jack,” you interrupt, tilting his gaze back to yours. Stroking your thumbs down his five o’clock shadow, you let him know exactly what you’ve already decided.
“I’m not going back.”
His face contorts in confusion, then dismissal.
“Sugar, you can’t…” You press a thumb against his soft lips, mustache tickling the tip.
“I’ve been waiting for something to tell me I made the right choice, and that all the pain was worth it. This is it. You are my choice. This, everything, is my choice. I’m going home to pack, get everything sorted, then I’ll come back.” Your throat closes up, but you manage to eke out the last words you need to say. “Then I’ll come home, if you’ll have me.”
Jack’s hug is bruising, all-encompassing and breathtaking. 
“Sugar, my god, yes, we’ll have you, I want you.” You choke out a laugh into his shoulder, dizzy with the lack of oxygen and the elation of Jack’s embrace. He spins you around, Russell’s faint yips on the edge of your consciousness. When he releases you there’s a moment to take in a breath before Jack’s mouth slots against yours and steals your air again. He cradles your cheeks, pulling away just enough to look at you with wonder before stealing another. The sun feels like it’s at a whole different position in the sky before he relents, tucking you into his chest and letting an enormous sigh empty out. 
“I’m sorry it won’t be an easy life with me,” he says, fingertips light on your skin.
“Did I ask for easy?” you tease, inhaling the soap, sweat and sun-baked scent of Jack. “Whatever might come, it’s worth it.”
“I’ll spend my life making sure of that, Sugar.”
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When talking about Mei being like Monkey King. There was a really strong parallel in season 3!
It was kinda mentioned already? But I don‘t just mean thematically, in the execution too! The scene Wukong was willing to kill the host child and Mei was willing to burn him, because they felt they had no other choice.
(I think she even mentioned that this is what Monkey King would do. What a hero would do.)
They both even had that small confrontation of "Are you really willing to sacrifice a child/friend?". And both make the tough call that this is something they HAVE to do. Maybe with some guilt, yes, but always without question.
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Lady Bone Demon: "Stop! Have you forgotten? Destroy me and you destroy the host. Have you become so desperate to end me that you would sacrifice this blameless, innocent, child?"
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Sun Wukong: "You're giving me no choice! All the time you spent locked away and you haven't changed a bit! I'm going to finish you, like I should have done a long time ago! I told you—you should have stayed buried."
(3x11 This Imperfect World) (Always manifesting this scene for eamk)
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Lady Bone Demon: "*laughs* You think whatever happens to Wukong is of concern to me? He is a vessel—nothing more. You would really destroy your own friends to save yourself?"
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Red Son Voice Over: "Harmonize the wild energies and emotions burning within us and focus them!"
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Mei: "Wukong knew the risks, it's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero!"
(3x12 The Corrupted King) (Omg hi hand motif! Hi!!!!)
Bonus Secret 3rd Parallel:
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MK: "I'm not gonna let you win!" Lady Bone Demon: "In your thirst to destroy me you used all your powers!" MK: "Not all of them."
(2x10 This is the End!)
Some extra thoughts under the cut!
What interests me the most about this parallel is the fact that Mei would totally sacrifice Wukong and Wukong would totally sacrifice that little girl—it's a simply trolley problem for them—but if that person were MK?
I don't think either of them could do it.
Here's where I get into more speculative territory, because personally I think Wukong killed Macaque, and I'm also a believer in EAMK, so I'm going to be plastering a lot of red string!
SO. Would Wukong willingly sacrifice someone who meant so much to him?
You could argue he already did so with Macaque—I think that's what they're setting up anyways. I think Macaque's death is going to fall into place with our continuing "do you sacrifice one person for the many" conflict we have going on here, one that was definitely built upon in 4x13:
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Yellowtusk: "I know full well what would happen should Azure fail but- but he is my brother. I owe him my life!" Sandy: "We get it! I'd do anything to help my friends! But at the cost of the world?" Pigsy: "I'm sorry pal, but NOTHIN' is worth that price!"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
So it seems clear: You sacrifice the one person for the sake of the world.
I think looking at this conflict and using it as a lens to look at Samadhi Fire Mei brings up some interesting points. If Wukong's had pulled off his plan without Macaque or Ne Zha's interference, and then hadn't been able to safely extract the Samadhi Fire from Mei...would Wukong have sacrificed her?
Everyone in 3x10 was willing to sacrifice Mei in a way, to leave her—except MK. MK refused to abandon her, risking himself and the world if he wasn't successful and the Samadhi Fire continued to burn out of control. But in this situation...choosing one person over the world was the right choice.
((Just wanted to point out that both Wukong and Mei are very willing to sacrifice each other which fascinates me. Moving on!))
Wukong himself isn't won't make that sacrifice if he feels there's another option: "You're giving me no choice!" (which I think echoes Mei's "We don't have a choice!" from 3x02)
All of this is a long winded way for me to say that at some point MK is going on the chopping block, either next season or beyond. It's going to be either him or the world, or at least it's going to seem that way, and our protags are going to have to make a very hard choice (omg hi "They will destroy you, harbinger of chaos!").
Wukong won't destroy the one life if he feels he has a choice. This is where baby MK steps in: "all the time [he] spent locked away", and he changed EXTREMELY. To the point where he's basically not the thing that was sealed away in the stone, and very much just a "blameless, innocent, child"—meaning Wukong had a choice.
SO. Basically it's my hope that Wukong already chose MK over the world once, and him and Mei are gonna do it again.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Draco-centric fics or at least pieces where he's empowered and in control? And... not like a whump fic or something 😅 swear these things hide in some stories like jumpscares.
OR, do you have scrumptiously delicious AUs to rec? I'd be so positively grateful!
Hello anon! This took a minute but here are a few recs for you. Enjoy!
Empowered Draco:
The Slytherin Urn by @icmezzo (E, 4.5k)
Nothing turns Harry on quite like redemption.
check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous by @lqtraintracks (2014, E, 8k)
Harry's had a crush on Malfoy for months now. But it will take a bar full of his friends, some Firewhisky, wagers made on his behalf, and Malfoy himself to get him to act on it.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley (E, 9.6k)
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
Countdown by dysonrules (2013, M, 15k)
When the Wizarding world is plagued by random outbreaks of Dark Magic, the Ministry assigns Curse-Breakers to assist Auror teams on their missions.
Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 47k)
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.”
Against All Odds by momatu (E, 53k)
Beauxbatons is hosting the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe, and Harry has promised to enroll Teddy as his birthday present.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (E, 91k)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life.
Never Grow a Wishbone by ShanaStoryteller (T, 123k)
Draco returns to Hogwarts. He has a duty to his blood and his name and his house, and he will fulfill it.
Any Instrument by @dictacontrion (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound (E, 150k)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Mad Blood Stirring by provocative_envy (E, 3k)
It's not like they've been angrily hooking up on the sly since meeting at a Juniors skills camp in fucking Manitoba four years ago, except that's exactly what they've been doing.
Big Hands by @fw00shy (E, 4.5k)
Draco Malfoy is a pianist who's just moved to Paris. Harry Potter, his new roommate, has the biggest hands he's ever seen. Draco is immediately obsessed.
Settle in in my slow-burning heart, orphaned (NR, 10k)
Five years after the war Draco is working a tech developer job in the Auror Office, and it's all great except this one thing: Harry Potter works there, too.
And Save Me From Bloody Men by @blamebrampton (T, 10k)
Draco Malfoy once watched others fighting to stop the world falling apart. This time, he's not just watching.
The Pirc Defence by @sleepstxtic-drarry (E, 10k)
They were rivals, and they were lovers, and they were the greatest chess players of their generation. Exactly in that order.
The Virtues of Hygiene and the Binary of Labour by @piarelei (E, 15k)
Draco does what he always does every autumn; packs his bag and follows a path back home. This time, Potter just happens to travel the same roads.
Give Me a Quiet Mind by @wellhalesbells (T, 16k)
Draco is Weasley’s assistant. Except for the week he’s not. Whose brilliant idea was that again?
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night by Femme (M, 21k)
Draco owns a café in the city. Harry's a MP who comes in every morning, newspapers in one hand, BlackBerry in the other, and orders a triple espresso macchiato.
Burn the Curtains and the Wine by @nerdherderette (E, 24k)
There are two versions of Harry Potter: the wizard who is the Ministry of Magic's most dangerous and successful assassin, and the husband who leads a staid life of domesticity with a reformed Death Eater.
The Boy Who Died by @magpiefngrl (E, 27k)
Harry dies in the forest. Sixteen years later, he comes back to life.
Seasons Change by JulietsEmoPhase (E, 30k)
Muggle AU. When Draco meets his family's new farm hand, he doesn't realise how much his life will change.
The Thrill of the Chase Moves in Mysterious Ways by @veelawings (E, 32k)
Draco solves crimes that don’t technically belong to him and Harry tries not to fall in love. Co-Starring: Hermione, High Heels, and Hiccups along the way.
Rush (For A Gap That Exists) by @sleepstxtic-drarry (M, 42k)
A story of love and loss that grew amidst the most infamous rivalry in Formula One history: the story of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.
I could be wrong, I could be ready by harryromper (M, 57k)
Harry Potter left Britain after the war and didn’t look back. Ten years later, when Gringotts discovers a vault containing his parents’ belongings—including their badly spell-damaged wedding rings—he’s forced to face up to friends and family who’ve grown in ways he could never imagine, a wizarding London rebuilt beyond his expectations, and the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the entirely unforeseen problem of Draco Malfoy.
In the Bleak Midwinter by @the-fools-errand (E, 105k)
After serving in the border wars for the ever-expanding dominion of Lord Voldemort, Draco and his cousins have returned to Hogsmeade to resurrect the old Black Family name in crime.
Synthetic Bonds by mypetelephant (M, 116k)
Harry has always been the golden boy of Malfoy Corporation, earning the respect of Lucius and the resentment of his high school rival, Draco. But Lucius has a business proposal that involves Harry becoming a Malfoy..by marrying Draco.
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devilbeez · 9 months
Let me take you through the journey of me speed running my portfolio, smile
Mostly because I need somewhere to write this and word doc wouldn’t give me feed backs
Note that this will be very wonky because I have not thought of anything but the concept— I have 1 out of 6 characters figured out so imma color code them and call them by alphabet
Concept and inspiration:
What I wrote for my portfolio: Artist’s emotion and upbringing always had been reflected in their art. So what would happen if in a world where that part is intensified for the viewer to see
What actually started this: I want sport anime type of story but with Artists. Also this scene from Ouran host club that inspired Aster don’t question why just take it.
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I’m still debating on what I want to use as the final story, they both are essentially revolve around the relationship of college kids’ relationships from friends to lovers to found family and they’re all in an art club and have specialized methods and styles; graphite portraits/landscape, Abstract expressionism, animation, graphic design, Dada-esque sculpture and then there’s the one guy that can’t draw cause every art clubs always have that one member that only join to not do anything.
Plot option 1: Anne Certayn is a college kid who doesn’t know themself. They know what they’re good at— well good enough to graduate and make money, but there’s no passion in it. Anne were hoping to float through the rest of their school year so to avoid all invitations to join a club they join an art club, what they assumed to be a club they can just sleep though. Sadly, Anne new clubmates’s energy are too much for them.
Note about this plot:
Each character’s relationship with their art, e.g. Aster’s desire to be perfect and uphold his family’s legacy and all of it being reflect in his art. His art had always be something that lean heavily toward realistic in every way, dull color, proportion, reflecting how his passion and desire are tugged away for something more refined. Meanwhile his boyfriend, Carter is someone who contempt with his life and where he is, he have more abstract and colorful art reflecting how he’s putting his true self out for everyone to see, both perfect and imperfect.
Anne’s journey to find their passion for art again after a lifetime of being discouraged from being interested in art by people who told Anne to dial down any of their passion for things they don’t care for.
This is honestly a very slice of life, fluff, maybe comedy story that doesn’t have heavy lore. It just friends being pals
Plot option 2: A love story between members of a college art club.
The couples:
One of the leader (Carter) x his friend (Aster) since high school. They had been dating since first year of college but Aster had always held himself back because his family’s legacy. Their story is going to be revolving around Aster’s struggling to choose between Carter and his family because Carter’s family is not exactly on the same level as Aster’s family
Shezaraya x D no idea what will be their plot yet but D is an animator and concept art who occasionally fight with Anne because she doesn’t like how they joined without any sort of passion for art. She also sometimes fight with E who keeps riling her up by saying “digital art is not real art” without meaning it. Shezaraya is an graphic designer She’s more chill than D but she will still shit talk with her
Debating on giving E a lover(s) or not because she’s very much the agent of chaos. You ask about her love life and it would be like “oh yeah my ex almost framed me for fraud so I ended it” and if you ask her “isn’t your ex the barista down the street?” She’d go “oh not her, the other one— not the one that crashed my car because I broke up with him, the other other one”
I have one character designed but I’m write as much as I have. Note that these are like— barely coherent concepts of the characters
Carter Wassily
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- He’s the leader of the art club.
- His specialty is abstract art, specifically abstract expressionism.
- He major in marketing, minor in communications in his 3rd year.
- His design is inspired by abstract art in history; Constructivism and De Stijl
- He’s fun loving, enthusiastic about anything and everything he love. He does not afraid to put himself out there and be his truest self. He do have tendencies to get too invested in his art to the point he forgets all time and necessity he need.
- He’s dating Aster since first year of college but they know each other since high school
- He somehow didn’t know Aster is rich until last year of high school
Aster Richman (edited)
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- He’s the vice president of the art club
- He’s majoring in law in his 3rd year.
- He specialized in Realism painting
- His name will be revolved around stars because I want it to come back to Carter’s tattoo
- He also have a red ring, matching Carter’s other tattoo since his family frown on tattoos
- He’s more serious than Carter. He try to be more stoic and calm though he do have his moments where Carter make him flustered or someone make him irritated. He pride himself on being good academically.
- His family is rich. Yes his name is a pun, I’m trying make all of their name a pun
- His designed was inspired by Victorian aesthetic but the palette came from realism period of art where the color is more dull then later he have an Isabella moment where his palette become lighter and less monochrome.
- He also wear glasses after his development because we really need the reverse “took off glasses and become beautiful” trope cause we had that in Cloudy with a chance of meatball and we need more of that
Shezaraya Sunshine
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- She major in Music in second year.
- She specializes in Graphic Design with the style similar to Art Nouveau
- She’s dating/going to date D
- She’s the most passionate in her work after Carter
- She dream to make music and create her own album covers
- She’s similar to Carter but she’s a bit of a perfectionist when it come to her work. Other than that she’s one of the most chaotic person in the club
- She’s also very kind and optimistic
Anne Certayn
- They major in Engineer in first year.
- They have 0 artistic skill
- They lost their passion for things they like because when they was younger people tend to dismiss them or make them feel bad for being excited about things they enjoyed
- Weirdly they’re close with E the most
- She major in Communication in second year,
- She also have a few Communication classes with Carter
- She specializes in Animation with soft color and visual, reminiscing of Impressionism movement
- She’s passionate, a bit snarky, very spiteful to the people who deserve it
- She was raised to be more like Aster but she rejected that lifestyle
- Funny enough despite having the same world view of “anything can be art” as E they butt head a lot, mostly because E just like messing with her
- She absolutely hate Anne at first because how they joined the club but they bond after a while and she learn to tolerate them
- She major in Literature in third year
- She specializes in unconventional take on art, aka Dada. She mostly do mixed media and collage
- She is an agent of chaos. Little gremlin that just here to stir the plot and yet somehow she’s one of the chillest people in this club.
- She believes that anything can be art and that art have no rule but will absolutely throw that away for the sake of chaotic debate with D
- She have ex lovers….no one know how many but she have exes
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sixty-silver-wishes · 9 months
more "caligari" hcs. olsens edition because there's a Lot to unpack I think
the olsen family is one of the most influential in holstenwall, and has been around for many generations. as such, jane is under heavy pressure from her parents to live up to these expectations- and, due to her family's status, is the frequent recipient of marriage proposals from much of the town. she's also had a lot of "fake friends" for the same reason, and as a result, only feels truly comfortable around francis and alan, who have known her since childhood. of course, this complicates once she suspects they're competing for her attention.
dr. olsen and his wife (who I call gilda, after gilda langer, the actress whom the role of jane was initially written for) have a Very strained relationship. mrs. olsen came from a middle-class family, and was pressured by her own mother to marry her way up the social ladder. as a result, she married dr. olsen, who was previously divorced and at least twenty years older than her.
dr. olsen's had this whole thing about wanting to see jane get married and have kids before he dies. this is a problem, because she does not want to do either
they act like the perfect, respectable rich family on the outside, but their dysfunctionality is sort of an open secret. dr. olsen's always at work, mrs. olsen's having affairs, and jane can appear very cold and withdrawn to anyone except her two close friends, although she's really very anxious much of the time.
mrs. olsen is also constantly seeking validation in order to feel secure in an upper-class lifestyle, which is part of the reason why she places so much pressure on jane. she feels that everything jane does reflects on her parenting abilities, so she can be quite strict because she's afraid of being perceived as an imperfect mother/wife.
despite being a respected medical doctor, dr. olsen doesn't have the healthiest lifestyle habits; he smokes frequently and has a penchant for cheap sweets. mrs. olsen, on the other hand, is very conscious of health and etiquette trends- often pushing them onto jane- which can create some tension between them at times.
jane met francis and alan when they were children, and was introduced to them by her mother, who wanted her to exemplify "proper upbringing" to the "less fortunate children" in town as a sort of self-indulgent charity project. however, this backfired spectacularly, as the three became instant friends and would play together like normal children- stomping in mud puddles, picking up strange insects in the woods, etc. whenever francis and alan came over to their mansion, mrs. olsen would treat them well, but have a sort of disdain for having to host two lower-class children- especially francis, who was rambunctious and less well-behaved. alan was far more polite, and even comfortable with their etiquette standards, eager to participate in tea parties and ballroom dancing lessons. this would lead to the awkward situation of jane frequently being told to act more like alan- who proudly took it as a compliment, unaware of how damaging this was to her.
despite their social pressures, the olsens really do care about jane- or at least, they think they do. while they believe they're just trying to set her up for a secure and comfortable future, they're unaware of how lonely and anxious she is. mrs. olsen occasionally comes very close to figuring out how her daughter is feeling, but typically attributes the issue to thinking she's just spoiled and hasn't been disciplined well enough, or thinks she's depressed because she hasn't found the right match yet.
they're all. very repressed in some way or another. mrs. olsen hates her marriage, but believes that because it's what she's worked towards for so long, it's what she actually wants (she's just not good enough at it- but she's been doing everything right, so it must be jane's fault because she hasn't gotten married and their rules don't come naturally to her- but then if she was a good enough parent, jane wouldn't have any problems, right?). dr. olsen spends most of his time at work- and it's not because he wants to avoid seeing his wife (who doesn't even like him and is clearly seeing other men) and daughter (who always seems unhappy despite the fact she grew up rich), but because they depend on him as head of the house, right? and jane doesn't want to disappoint her parents, because she's an olsen, dammit. it's an honor just to be born into this family- even though her parents always remind her that they wanted a son. she wants to get married and have kids because that's what she was supposed to do, right? never mind the fact that her parents' marriage is miserable, and if she had kids, she'd be expected to put them through the same stress she's currently going through. but if that's not what she wants, then she'd be disappointing them- and the only reason why she was born in the first place was to make them proud.
jane has no idea what she wants to do with her life. she's actually quite good at chess, and enjoys it, but her mother discouraged her from being too good, in order to avoid humiliating any male opponents. she's been prepared her entire life to be given away to someone else, and doesn't know what else she could do outside of that.
jane was largely raised by the servants of the house. she was educated at home by a governess (whom she hated), but whenever she became too much to handle, her mother would hand her off to a maid or other servant to deal with. she grew quite close with some of the staff, learning which members would be more sympathetic to her, and which ones would side with her parents. she was taught by her mother not to cry at a young age, so whenever she was upset, she'd seek out one of the servants tasked with raising her instead, so she could cry to them. one of the maids would sneak her chocolates she wasn't allowed to have, in exchange for small trinkets or ribbons. they developed a friendship for a while, gossiping about her parents and their guests, but the maid was eventually fired because she was accused of stealing the trinkets, although they were small and relatively unimportant.
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hibiscus-tome · 2 years
FFXIV Write 2022, day 22: veracity
The ribbon is a vibrant red, and soft to the touch; it’s also nearly a hundred thousand gil.
“What’s it made of, do you think?” asks Tataru, squinting at it. “Unicorn hair, perhaps?”
Rhea giggles, and files the question away to pester Kan-E with it later — she’s always been particularly opinionated about unicorns. “Kugane does seem like a place that attracts a lot of tourists, doesn’t it?” she asks. “Imagine: a fine, artfully crafted hair ribbon, made from natural fibers local to Kugane and colored only with the finest dyes…”
“And it’s actually a bargain, for what it’s really worth,” says Tataru.
“Oh, but of course!” says Rhea. “What better way to memorialize your time in the Far East than by purchasing a ludicrously expensive hair ribbon?”
For good measure, she takes the ribbon and holds it by her head — not to wear it, especially when the shopkeeper looks like the type who would charge them for it if it’s returned with even the slightest imperfection — but she can’t deny that it would look rather nice with her white mage’s robes.
It’s utterly frivolous to entertain such thoughts, though — particularly when she needs to be on her guard, when it’s Lord Lolorito’s associate that’s hosting them for the duration of their stay. Hancock seems nice enough, but nice means very little when it’s Lolorito’s coin he answers to.
(—and just like that, before she can stop it, the simmering anger is back. He’d been all too pleased, the day everything had started to slide back into place — never mind that he was one of the people that had knocked it all out of joint in the first place. It had been far too easy for him to wash his hands of the whole affair, when the Sultana had awakened — never mind the months Raubahn had been imprisoned in Halatali; never mind the injury he’d sustained the day of the banquet, that he would never truly recover from.
Never mind that the whole ordeal had robbed Y’shtola of her sight, and Thancred of his ability to channel aether; never mind that it had robbed them all of Minfilia.)
Tataru tilts her head to the side, her brow knotting together in concern. “Are you all right?” she asks.
Rhea manages a smile for her, but it’s not a genuine one. “Yes, I’m fine,” she answers, smoothly.
Somehow, that just makes Tataru’s brow furrow further. “Oh no you don’t! I’m not falling for that one again!”
… damn Tataru and her eye for these kinds of moods. Rhea sighs, and sets the ribbon back down. “It’s not like you can do anything about it, short of finding us new quarters that don’t leave us indebted to Lolorito.”
At that, Tataru’s expression softens. “We’re not indebted, though,” she says, gently. “Remember what Hancock said?”
And if there came a time when Lolorito would cross them once again, whose word would be believed? No matter how hard they worked to prove the veracity of their claims, would it make any difference at all?
“Although…” Tataru reaches over, runs her fingers along the ribbon’s length. “This would look quite nice on you. And we were told, explicitly, that whatever we purchase today on the Scions’ behalf will be happily funded by Lord Lolorito himself, when it’s him that’s indebted to us.”
She grins, before hailing the shopkeeper. Within moments, gil is exchanged, and Tataru preens as she presses the ribbon into Rhea’s hands. “Don’t you worry,” she says. “Whatever problem he has with this transaction, he can take it up with me. I’m sure he’d love to explain just what he’d intended with his scheming, when everyone who matters knows that it was that that drove four Scions into hiding, maimed two, and robbed us of one altogether.”
It’s a hollow victory — and a paltry one, when it will barely make a dent in his vast reserves of wealth and influence — but it’s satisfying all the same.
Rhea ties the ribbon in her hair.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, November 23
Buffy : A bear! Spike : You made a bear! Buffy : I didn't mean to. Spike : Undo it! Undo it!
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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A Piece Of Wood by badly_knitted (Willow, Buffy, G)
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A Thanksgiving Date (To Remember) by Apache Firecat (Spike/Buffy, PG-13/T)
A Case of Nerves by madimpossibledreamer (Buffy/Devil May Cry/Resident Evil/Background NCIS Crossover, Xander, Teen)
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Buffy the Dragon Slayer by SlowMercury (Buffy, not rated - worksafe)
scared of falling by claddaghrings (Angel/Buffy, G)
Biting Without Fangs by TheClowniestLivInExistence (Fred/Wesley, E)
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Stickshifts and Safetybelts by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Bloody Trousers by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Stickshifts and Safetybelts by Lady Emma (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Lucid Nightmares - Chapter 1 by corvidyus (Scoobies, G, canon levels of violence)
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En hurlant à Une Lune de Béton ; Le souffle des mots comme tel de la poussière chantante dans le soleil comme brise caresse.... L'histoire d'un poète Vampire, Ch. 22 by Violette-Milka (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What Lies Within, Ch. 22 by cawthraven (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Fangs Out, Ch. 21 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Kaddara Hade, Ch. 13 by hostile17 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Fade Away Again, Ch. 12 by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
The Thing About Being on the Road, Ch. 10 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Better the Devil You Know Ch. 5 by SlayrGrl (Buffy/Spike, R)
Favor, Ch. 6 by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Vacation with a vampire (Sequel to The Sphere) - Part 2, Ch. 9 by Coraline (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Imperfect Destiny, Ch. 1 by MelG_2005 (Buffy/Spike, R, in Spanish)
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It Devours, Ch. 8 by Buffyworldbuilder (Marvel crossover, FR13)
Merry and Xander, Ch. 3 by calikocat (Merry Gentry Series crossover, Xander, FR21)
Scoobies in a galaxy far, far away, Ch. 5 by DoctorSkywalker (Star Wars crossover, Willow, FR18)
Supporting The Incredible Hulk (And Bruce Banner), Ch. 9 by NobodyAtAll (Marvel crossover, Willow, FR15)
Tuning Frequencies, Ch. 1 by Sithicus (multiple crossovers, Xander, FR18)
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Fangs Out, Ch. 21 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Thing About Being on the Road, Ch. 10 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Unfavorable Odds, Ch. 2 by bookishy (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Banners: 7 deadly sins by Double Dutchess (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Banners: 7 deadly sins by Double Dutchess (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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A Willow/Tara gifset by slayer-pride-parade (worksafe)
Spike by sonyshock (some nudity)
Figure repaint: the Master by thegothicalice (worksafe)
Vid: You're On Your Own Kid by confessionsofaswiftie (Buffy)
Illyria by lihtarryk (worksafe)
Demisexual pride icons by pridebicons (Tara, worksafe)
Every Outfit: Triangle by whatshisfaceblogs (Buffy, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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habeas corpses is like... by badrecognition
After Life by handsofabitterman
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Rank the Season 1 Episodes by RDHWesley
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I think season four was the best season [of AtS] by sdu754
[BtVS] Season 4 is... such a gem of a season by jdpm1991
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Pop Culture Role Call: How Cordelia Got Her Gru Back - Angel S03E15 - Loyalty
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Spuffy fic rec: Immortal by Sigyn recced by spuffybot and ennairea
Fic recs: Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #14: Adult Fanfiction Challenge by mcgnagallsarmy
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Anyone know where I can obtain this font? (Buffy the RPG) by Drkuyks
[Fandom Discussions]
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it really bothers me when people blame illyria for fred's death by gothcarrie
also i really wish that illyria had infected connor instead of fred by gothcarrie
I didn’t really get the point of Xander/Anya by kitkatt0430
characters who have fucked in my personal canon by mag22
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Buffy/Angel by gmac, Stoney, Nina, bespangeled
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Which team [Buffy's or Angel's] had the better.... hosted by LightBlueSky55
Holland Manners was really stupid by LouisaEveryday
Women in Angel as the series progressed by DrPepper450
What would say was Buffy's (the character's) best and worst year? by Walkerman97
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Buffy Summers to be added to the Broforce roster next year via henzINNIT
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Want to know where James Marsters will be in 2023? Then check out this handy pic by jamie_marsters
UPDATED James Marsters Comic Con Liverpool 2022 Reports, Pics & Videos via jamie_marsters
Jane Espenson on Twitter: "A big hug to all who celebrate Pangsgiving..."
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marklyndersay · 2 years
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Derrick Seales has been a singer and performer since the 1980's. He began his career performing with TT Sunblast for three years before joining Shandileer for another three. He moved on to Sound Revolution, where he was a front man for eight years, then joined the Roy Cape All Stars in 1996 for seven years. From there, he became a part of Dil E Nadan, where he performed until 2020. Derrick got Covid while caring for infected family members and ended up in the hospital. "I am on Derrick Seales now," he said. "I gave bands the first half of my life and I am now starting the second half of my career." #calypso #kaiso #tent #music #Carnival #singer #performance #trinidad #trinidadandtobago #tuco #barrackyard #portofspain #tentexperience #motherofallcarnivals #2023 The Calypsonians 2020 began as an attempt to survey and record in portraits the calypsonians working in tents during each year's Carnival season. It is an imperfect record, dependent on the willingness of individuals to participate and tents to accommodate the project. The first photographs were made in 2020 with visits to five calypso tents. During the pandemic, it was continued in 2021 and 2022 with photos done in an office at the studios of WACK TV during streaming sessions hosted by the station. (at Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgoylwuCNw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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MIND OF MY MIND by Octavia E. Butler (American, 1947–2006).
Avon | 1st U.S. pb | 221 pp. | $1.75 | 1978.
Cover illustration by Clyde Caldwell.
Originally published in hb format in the U.S.A. by Doubleday, 1977.
Part of her excellent Patternist sequence of novels: a backdrop of secret history reaching far into the past as well as a future history of one strange entity working towards human evolution over centuries, and culminating in a dystopian vision of telepathic slavers in a post-apocalyptic scenario with PATTERNMASTER (1976), the final instalment by internal chronology although the first published (and Butler's début).
—Back cover text—
Descended from the ancient Nubians, Doro crossed time effortlessly, slipping in and out of host bodies—pausing only to breed, hoping always to father an empire. With his daughter Mary, the empire was born.
Scattered across the globe, Doro's tormented, imperfect "children" waited. Inside their psyches, telepathic images reeled uncontrollably. Alone, their minds were only fragments of an awesome power; with Mary they found a peaceful unity.
Slowly at first, she drew them to her, guiding them through the <transition>, weaving her web of compassion, ambition, and global psychic power. The Pattern was set: man had leapt a millennium into tomorrow's evolution and only one thing stood between Mary and the infinite prospect of her empire—the one man who was father, lover...and rival!
- Best Science Fiction Books on Facebook.
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skustudioo · 1 month
Professional Photography in Toronto: Capturing Moments with Precision
Toronto, a city renowned for its vibrant culture, diverse neighborhoods, and stunning architecture, is a canvas that comes to life through the lens of professional photographers. Whether it’s a corporate event, a wedding, or a simple portrait session, Professional Photography Toronto is more than just taking pictures—it's about capturing moments that tell a story.
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The Role of Professional Photography
In a world saturated with smartphone cameras and social media filters, one might wonder about the relevance of professional photography. However, the role of a professional photographer extends far beyond simply pressing a button. It involves understanding the intricacies of lighting, composition, and timing to create images that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also emotionally impactful.
Professional photographers in Toronto are skilled artists who bring their expertise to various genres of photography, including wedding, portrait, commercial, and event photography. They use their technical knowledge and creative vision to produce images that stand out in an era where everyone has access to a camera.
Why Hire a Professional Photographer in Toronto?
Hiring a professional photographer in Toronto offers several benefits. First, it ensures high-quality images that reflect the true essence of the subject. Whether it’s capturing the joy of a wedding day, the professionalism of a corporate event, or the beauty of a product, professional photographers have the tools and skills to deliver exceptional results.
Secondly, professional photographers understand the importance of post-production. Editing plays a crucial role in enhancing the final images, whether it’s correcting color balance, retouching imperfections, or creating artistic effects. This attention to detail sets professional photography apart from amateur snapshots.
The Versatility of Toronto’s Professional Photographers
Toronto is home to a diverse group of photographers, each with their own unique style and specialization. From fashion photography on Queen Street West to architectural shoots in the Financial District, Toronto’s photographers are well-versed in adapting to different settings and requirements.
Wedding Photography: Weddings are one of the most significant events in a person's life, and professional wedding photographers in Toronto are experts at capturing the emotions and moments that make the day special. They understand the importance of timing and work discreetly to document everything from the first kiss to the last dance.
Portrait Photography: Portrait photography is another area where professional photographers excel. Whether it’s a family portrait, a headshot for a LinkedIn profile, or a creative photo session, Toronto’s photographers have the expertise to make their subjects feel comfortable and confident, resulting in natural and flattering images.
Commercial Photography: For businesses, professional photography is essential for creating a strong brand image. Whether it’s Headshot Photography Service for an e-commerce website, corporate headshots, or promotional images, Toronto’s photographers work closely with their clients to ensure that the images align with the brand’s message and goals.
Event Photography: Toronto hosts numerous events throughout the year, from corporate conferences to cultural festivals. Professional event photographers are skilled at capturing the energy and atmosphere of these events, providing clients with high-quality images that can be used for marketing, PR, or personal memories.
Choosing the Right Photographer
When selecting a professional photographer in Toronto, it’s important to consider factors such as experience, portfolio, and style. Reviewing a photographer’s previous work can provide insight into their creative vision and technical skills. Additionally, it’s important to communicate your expectations clearly to ensure that the photographer understands your vision and can deliver the desired results.
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dankusner · 5 months
Jurors’ anonymity
Why is the Trump trial jury anonymous?
The brief and imperfect history of anonymous juries in the US
While former President Donald Trump is spinning conspiracy theories about people infiltrating the jury in his hush money criminal trial, the judge in the case is finding it difficult to protect jurors’ anonymity.
Anonymity for juries like the one being formed to hear charges in New York against Trump is supposed to add a layer of protection for jurors doing their civic duty.
Once reserved only for cases involving violent criminal enterprises, the practice is becoming more common.
It’s usually employed for high-profile cases but also at will by judges in some states.
Rules vary.
The concept of anonymous juries is still relatively new; the first in US history was empaneled in New York in 1977 for the trial of Leroy “Nicky” Barnes, a drug kingpin known as Mr. Untouchable, according to The New York Times.
Barnes, famous for avoiding conviction, caught the attention of then-President Jimmy Carter, who told the Justice Department to take special care with the case, which yielded a guilty verdict.
Even the lawyers in that case weren’t permitted to know the identities of the jurors, a step further than the precautions in place for the Trump trial in New York.
Both prosecutors and Trump’s defense have been poring over the social media profiles and pasts of potential jurors in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom.
Merchan issued an order in March agreeing with prosecutors that most information about the jurors would be sealed.
Trump’s lawyers did not disagree, according to the order.
A separate Trump-related jury, the one that found Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation of E. Jean Carroll, was fully anonymous – like the one that convicted Barnes – and the identities of jurors were not known to lawyers on either side.
In this hyperconnected social media age, anonymity is hard to achieve.
One juror who had been sworn onto the panel on Tuesday was excused by Merchan on Thursday after she said her anonymity was blown.
“Yesterday alone, I had friends, colleagues and family push things to my phone questioning my identity as a juror,” the former Juror No. 2 told Merchan.
Merchan admonished the press for publishing information that could identify jurors.
“We just lost what probably would’ve been a very good juror,” Merchan said in court. “The first thing she said was she was afraid and intimidated by the press.”
Trump, ever trying to chip away at the justice system that is prosecuting him, seeded a new conspiracy theory by posting a quote on social media, attributed to Fox News host Jesse Watters, that “undercover Liberal Activists” were trying to get on the jury.
Set aside the fact that there is no evidence to support this claim – and consider that the prosecution needs every juror to agree with them to get a guilty verdict, while Trump just needs one to vote for acquittal to result in a hung jury.
Meanwhile, a special hearing on whether Trump has violated a gag order for his continued social media attacks is set for next week.
Maybe Trump remembers one of the most infamous, anonymous jury incidents, featuring another famous New Yorker, the mob boss John Gotti.
The anonymity of jurors in that case from 1987 allowed the jury foreman, who just so happened to have organized crime connections, to contact Gotti and, in exchange for bribes, guarantee a hung jury.
The informer who turned on Gotti, Salvatore “Sammy the Bull” Gravano, also told authorities the juror, George Pape, had been bought off. Pape voted to acquit Gotti, but so did the 11 other jurors.
The contaminated acquittal stood since the Constitution protects against double jeopardy, according to a New York Times report at the time. Gotti later went to prison after a subsequent conviction on different charges.
Clearly there’s a massive difference between a major push by the federal government to go after organized crime in the 1980s with racketeering charges and Trump’s prosecution for the Class E felony of falsifying a business record in furtherance of campaign violations.
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But the unyielding support Trump commands from his supporters and the violent things they will do on his behalf, like storming the US Capitol, suggest this is the type of case where anonymity is clearly warranted – although the practice of anonymous juries is in tension with the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees a public, fair and speedy trial by an impartial jury.
Merchan told news outlets to better refrain from reporting details that could unmask the jurors, like physical descriptions, and prohibited them from including elements that are on a jury questionnaire, like their places of business.
There is known, public information about the jurors – their genders, professions, family situations and more – that it’s reasonable to think they could be unmasked by determined internet sleuths or loose-lipped acquaintances.
Investigations into the jurors are also being conducted in real time during this process.
Trump’s defense was scrolling through old social media posts and asking jurors about them.
Prosecutors are looking for flaws with jurors.
Another juror, a Puerto Rican grandfather who had said he finds Trump “fascinating and mysterious,” was also dismissed Thursday.
The exact circumstances of his dismissal are not clear, but prosecutors informed the judge their review of criminal records showed a person sharing the man’s name was arrested in the 1990s for tearing down political advertisements.
Thursday’s court session ended with a full, 12-person jury being seated.
These jurors will be asked to take on the weight of sitting in judgment of a former and maybe future president.
“Jurors show up, and a lot of times, they don’t think they’re going to end up being selected for whatever reason. And so when they go through the process, as soon as they’re sworn in a panel, that can be pretty jolting,” the jury consultant Alan Tuerkheimer told CNN’s Omar Jimenez in an interview on Max. “That can be for a regular case. So think about this case,” he added.
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joyffree · 9 months
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✩💜✩ 99c S-A-L-E ✩💜✩
The Hunted Fae Series is now complete! And to celebrate Unlikely Omega #1 is now on S-A-L-E for 99c!!
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
Amazon | Apple | Kobo | Nook – 99c Limited Time
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒚 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑭𝒂𝒆-𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒔, 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒂𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆. 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆. I am just an acolyte in the Temple, sworn to purity of mind and body. An average young woman with doubts and hopes and dreams. I’m certainly not a prophesied Fae omega who will help bring back the lost Fae race. Not me. And I’m definitely not the woman who will gather a clan of alphas and maybe betas and deltas around her and start popping out their babies. No way. I’m human, as human as they come. Just a girl, with all the imperfections and traumas to show for it. Abandoned at the Temple by my mother. Not sure I have a single real friend in the world. Lost. But when I awaken—as Fae-blood and yeah, as omega to boot—one thing is for sure: the Temple doesn’t want me. The Empire abhors me. Bringing back the Fae doesn’t seem to be an option the Anchar Empire is willing to consider. Every Fae-blooded man or woman is to be eliminated to avoid any chance of the Lost Race returning. And I’m apparently the Empire’s worst fear. *UNLIKELY OMEGA is a full-length epic fantasy reverse harem omegaverse romance, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This is book one of four, and it ends on a cliffhanger. There is a happily ever after at the end of the series. All four books have already been written. In this series, the heroine will assemble her harem throughout the first three books. It contains some love-hate adult themes, foul language, and explicit content with darker elements, as well as MM relationships. For 18+ only. This book uses alternating points of view. *
@Mona-Black @DS Book Promotions
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qacqatar · 10 months
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forixcommerce · 1 year
5 ways to optimize your Magento store performance
Is your Magento website taking a lot of time to load? Chances are your website is loaded with product images, customized tools, and third-party extensions that can reduce the performance of your store. Additionally, it can also reduce your mobile site visits by 53% if the loading speed is longer than 3 seconds. Moreover, if your website loading time is slow google can rank it lower on the search engine results pages.
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What are the five ways through which you can optimize your Magento store performance?
1.    Choosing a reliable hosting provider
Choosing an inappropriate Magento hosting can cause significant problems. It can cause security issues and will eventually cause performance issues as well.
That is why you should opt for a hosting provider that offers fast, secure and reliable service. In case you wouldn’t like to concentrate on growing your business you can choose a reliable managed hosting provider.
You should also ensure that your hosting provider and your server meet all the Magento system prerequisites.
2.    Updating of Magento version
The most basic way to optimize your Magento store performance is to update your Magento store to the latest version. In case you are still using Magento 1, it would be highly beneficial to you if you choose to switch to Magento 2 as it offers seamless e-commerce solutions. The latest Magento updates offer bug fixes and new features so that your website can perform at its best at all times.
3.    Updating of Indexers
Magento reduces the load time of your website while allowing you to work with bulk data.  The process is quite often considered imperfect as users need to manually update the indexers. There are two Magento indexers modes namely “Update on Save “ and “Update on Schedule”.
Update on Schedule is usually preferred as it restricts the indexing to one specific time and thus you can choose a specific period that is suitable for you to accomplish the task.
4.    Inspect third-party extensions before choosing
Third-party extensions are preferred by a majority of Magento store owners. However, not all third-party extensions are of good quality this is why you should thoroughly inspect your third-party extensions. In case you would like to inspect the extensions that are already installed, you can do so by turning off every module, clearing the cache, and then analyzing if it impacts your website’s performance.
5.    Optimization of Product Images
Quality images can provide an attractive look to your website but the image sizes can be quite large. This can impact the speed of your website.  you should make sure that the images of your Magento website are properly optimized and have the proper ratio between quality as well as size.
You may also like to read:
How to Optimize Magento 2
4 types of Magento 2 website maintenance services for E-Commerce Businesses
How You Can Speed Up Magento 2
You can choose the above-mentioned ways to optimize your Magento store performance. Alternatively, you can seek help from Magento speed optimization services to achieve desirable outcomes. These are more than five ways to optimize your Magento store performance, which our team can address with a more proficient approach. Feel free to connect with us to help optimize your Magento 2 website.
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