less-undertale · 1 month
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"The life inside of a robot. It shines through clearly now that he's gone, doesn't it?"
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kitstenk · 1 year
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Aurath belongs to a @/hydrotropicguy
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confessiontf2 · 7 years
give bread pls
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dragontidess · 7 years
“ They say we are what we areBut we don’t have to beI’m bad behavior but I do it in the best wayI’ll be the watcher of the eternal flameI’ll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams“ (x)
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compneuropapers · 4 years
Interesting Papers for Week 4, 2021
Parvalbumin and Somatostatin Interneurons Contribute to the Generation of Hippocampal Gamma Oscillations. Antonoudiou, P., Tan, Y. L., Kontou, G., Upton, A. L., & Mann, E. O. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(40), 7668–7687.
Generalized half-center oscillators with short-term synaptic plasticity. Baruzzi, V., Lodi, M., Storace, M., & Shilnikov, A. (2020). Physical Review E, 102(3), 032406.
Infants Generalize Beliefs Across Individuals. Burnside, K., Neumann, C., & Poulin-Dubois, D. (2020). Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2342.
Attractor-state itinerancy in neural circuits with synaptic depression. Chen, B., & Miller, P. (2020). Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 10(1), 15.
The geometry of rest–spike bistability. Cirillo, G. I., & Sepulchre, R. (2020). Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 10(1), 13.
A Systematic Framework for Olfactory Bulb Signal Transformations. Cleland, T. A., & Borthakur, A. (2020). Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 14, 85.
Acetylcholine is released in the basolateral amygdala in response to predictors of reward and enhances the learning of cue-reward contingency. Crouse, R. B., Kim, K., Batchelor, H. M., Girardi, E. M., Kamaletdinova, R., Chan, J., … Picciotto, M. R. (2020). eLife, 9, e57335.
Inaccurate Space Perception Seeing Through Fences. Dong, B., Chen, A., Zhang, Y., Li, C., Zhang, T., & Zhang, M. (2020). Perception, 49(9), 926–939.
Sparse coding with a somato-dendritic rule. Drix, D., Hafner, V. V., & Schmuker, M. (2020). Neural Networks, 131, 37–49.
Mouse Visual Cortex Is Modulated by Distance Traveled and by Theta Oscillations. Fournier, J., Saleem, A. B., Diamanti, E. M., Wells, M. J., Harris, K. D., & Carandini, M. (2020). Current Biology, 30(19), 3811-3817.e6.
Feed-forward recruitment of electrical synapses enhances synchronous spiking in the mouse cerebellar cortex. Hoehne, A., McFadden, M. H., & DiGregorio, D. A. (2020). eLife, 9, e57344.
Overarching Principles and Dimensions of the Functional Organization in the Inferior Parietal Cortex. Humphreys, G. F., Jackson, R. L., & Lambon Ralph, M. A. (2020). Cerebral Cortex, 30(11), 5639–5653.
Modelling the emergence of whisker barrels. James, S. S., Krubitzer, L. A., & Wilson, S. P. (2020). eLife, 9, e55588.
Phasic cholinergic signaling promotes emergence of local gamma rhythms in excitatory–inhibitory networks. Lu, Y., Sarter, M., Zochowski, M., & Booth, V. (2020). European Journal of Neuroscience, 52(6), 3545–3560.
Phase bistability between anticipated and delayed synchronization in neuronal populations. Machado, J. N., & Matias, F. S. (2020). Physical Review E, 102(3), 032412.
Irrelevant Predictions: Distractor Rhythmicity Modulates Neural Encoding in Auditory Cortex. Makov, S., & Zion Golumbic, E. (2020). Cerebral Cortex, 30(11), 5792–5805.
Circuit-Specific Plasticity of Callosal Inputs Underlies Cortical Takeover. Petrus, E., Dembling, S., Usdin, T., Isaac, J. T. R., & Koretsky, A. P. (2020). Journal of Neuroscience, 40(40), 7714–7723.
Degeneracy and Redundancy in Active Inference. Sajid, N., Parr, T., Hope, T. M., Price, C. J., & Friston, K. J. (2020). Cerebral Cortex, 30(11), 5750–5766.
Vicarious reward unblocks associative learning about novel cues in male rats. van Gurp, S., Hoog, J., Kalenscher, T., & van Wingerden, M. (2020). eLife, 9, e60755.
Development of Dynamic Functional Architecture during Early Infancy. Wen, X., Wang, R., Yin, W., Lin, W., Zhang, H., & Shen, D. (2020). Cerebral Cortex, 30(11), 5626–5638.
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thedestinysunknown · 4 years
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Sonic Adventure - E-102 “Y” Gamma:
“Here’s my favorite character of the whole game. Gamma has the best story of the game and also one of the coolest gameplay. My only issue with him is the fact that his section is so short. It’s 30 minutes long. Either way, he’s a fantastic character.”
PS: the gameplay used for this gifset is not mine. The original video comes from the user: TheInnocentSinful,on Youtube.
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werewolf-cuddles · 5 years
Q through Z for the fandom meme
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
I used to ship Sparity back in 2012, but dropped it a couple years later because of the age difference between Spike and Rarity. I have sorta unabandoned it as of the series finale, because Chad!Spike is a thing.
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Tracer from Overwatch X Scout from Team Fortress 2. I legit can’t find any content for it.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
I headcanon Voyd from Incredibles 2 as a trans girl, mostly because of that one fancomic about it.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa 2 absolutely swings both ways, and Pearl and Marina from Splatoon 2 are definitely more than just friends, I will fight you on this.
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Seiko Kimura from Danganronpa, Sakura Minamoto from Zombie Land Saga, Rin Hoshizora from Love Live, E-102 Gamma from Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Nuts and Dolts (Ruby X Penny) from RWBY, Pearlina (Pearl X Marina) from Splatoon, and Rinpana (Rin X Hanayo) from Love Live
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
yeah, that’s kind of a tall order, pass
Seiko Kimura, Sayaka Maizono, Chihiro Fujisaki, Komaru Naegi, Ibuki Mioda, and Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa. (Guess I just have DR on the brain right now)
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
I see people posting about Good Omens a lot, so I guess that’s the closest thing to that.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
Nah, this ask is long enough already.
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skull001 · 6 years
One of the most annoying "arguments" used by detractors of Amy, is that her sole defining trait is being a girl/female.
I can't facepalm enough at the absurdity of such words, since not only is a crude generalization, but ignores on purpose all the things that define Amy's character is a half-assed attempt at "proving a point". Just imagine if someone where to say that Sonic's sole defining trait is being a boy/male.
While I think that both Sonic and Amy are designed to be both the male and female character with the widest appeal, it would be a disservice to say that they don't have key character traits that define their respective personalities, or that Amy is just a "smurfette" who as a character can't stand on her own.
Both Sonic and Amy share common ground on certain things (they both love adventure, excitement and dislike both boredom and injustice), there are subtle differences that make them unique characters in their own right: Sonic believes in himself because he has the means to make a difference in the world thanks to being blessed with abilities that allow him to save the world and rescue those in need and while friendly, is selfish about his freedom and would never compromise it nor allowed to be held back. In contrast and is also very reserved about his personal feelings. In contrast, while Amy also has a well adjusted self-confidence, her faith lies more in that she believes in "you"': whether it is believing that the characters she meets and befriends are much more capable than the give themselves credit for (like Cream and Big), or the belief that deep down, everyone have goodness in their hearts... including the bad guys (E-102 Gamma, Shadow, etc). She is also very open about her emotions and feelings, which she openly expresses to the point of impressing characters like Blaze... and unlike Sonic, does not keep distance with others, instead preferring to create bonds of friendship.
Even when both characters are compassionate, they show it in different ways: Sonic often spares his enemies and likes to give them a second chance (sometimes more than that, like with Eggman) in the hope that they can see and realize their wrong doing and turn a new leaf. Amy on the other hand, is more driven by genuine empathy, along with spotting their inner good, to which she latches in order to bring them back to the side of good.
Where Sonic is all about freedom and letting others finding their own way, Amy helps guide them and reach the goal together, never leaving anyone behind.... key trait of a natural leader.
To ignore all of this with the argument that Amy is just a female, is not only unfair, but unintelligent as well because like I said at the beginning, it ignores all the character traits and focuses solely on what gender the character is, and implying that if it is X or Y gender then it must be a bad character. Personally, I prefer to say that Amy is a great character who just so happens to be a girl, just like how Sonic just so happens to be a boy.
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buenaaccionorg-blog · 6 years
Antropóloga Ruth Shady e ingeniera Luz María Paucar ganan premio “Por las Mujeres en la Ciencia 2018”
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Cada una accederá a 45,000 soles que les entregará L’Oréal para que continúen con sus investigaciones.
Dicho reconocimiento fue otorgado a 20 científicas peruanas desde el 2008.
El Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica (Concytec) informa que, a través de su unidad ejecutora Fondecyt, ha calificado como ganadoras del Premio Nacional “Por las Mujeres en la Ciencia 2018” de L´Oreal, a las investigadoras Ruth Martha Shady Solis y Luz María Paucar Menacho, científicas peruanas en las áreas de Arqueología y Ciencias de la Vida, respectivamente, quienes con su trayectoria profesional y aporte a la investigación han impactado positivamente a la sociedad.
Dicha distinción, que es organizada por L’Oréal, la UNESCO y la Academia Nacional de Ciencias y el Concytec se ha convertido en la más importante del país y ha beneficiado hasta la fecha a 20 científicas peruanas, cuyos aportes contribuyen a afrontar desafíos planteados a la humanidad con relación a las áreas de Ciencias de la Vida, Ciencias Básica, Ingeniería y Arqueología.
En los 10 años de concurso “Por las Mujeres en la Ciencia” en el Perú se contó con la participación de mujeres provenientes de casi todo el país. En el 2018 postularon 28 científicas, de las cuales se eligieron a 11 finalistas, a quienes se las sometió a un proceso técnico de elegibilidad donde se consideró la proporción entre su edad y producción científica, así como su aporte a la sociedad y al empoderamiento de otras mujeres investigadoras. De las finalistas se eligió a las dos ganadoras, que recibirán S/ 45,000 cada una.
El concurso inició el 15 de diciembre de 2018 y culminó el 31 de enero de 2019; y con los resultados obtenidos los evaluadores aplicaron criterios técnicos adicionales para definir a las dos ganadoras del 2018, que son:
Ruth Shady Solis: Doctora en Antropología y Arqueología, en el campo científico de la Arqueología. Es la descubridora que puso en valor a la civilización de Caral, y  actualmente se desempeña como directora de la Zona Arqueológica Caral, Unidad Ejecutora 003 del Ministerio de Cultura, y como directora de la Escuela Académico Profesional de Arqueología de UNMSM. Desde el inicio de su carrera como científica social, Shady se ha dedicado a la investigación de las sociedades andinas, a la puesta en valor del patrimonio arqueológico peruano y al tratamiento de éstos como un eje para el desarrollo social orientado al bienestar común.
Luz María Paucar Menacho: Doctora en Tecnología de Alimentos, en el campo científico de Ciencias de la Vida. Profesora principal a dedicación exclusiva de la Facultad de Ingeniería del Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Agroindustrial de la Universidad Nacional del Santa, en Nuevo Chimbote. Entre sus principales logros destaca desarrollar tecnología de refinación física para conservar los antioxidantes naturales del aceite de arroz (gamma oryzanol), que se perdían en la borra al aplicar la refinación química.
Igual que en años anteriores, L’Oréal Perú otorgará el financiamiento de S/ 45,000 a cada ganadora para promover la continuidad de sus investigaciones, el desarrollo de nuevos estudios y el fortalecimiento del camino trazado para que más mujeres se dediquen al campo de la ciencia en el país.
Nominaciones Internacionales
Los Premios Internacionales L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” reconocen y apoyan a mujeres eminentes en la ciencia en todo el mundo desde 1998. Cada año, cinco Laureadas son reconocidas y premiadas con €100,000 por sus contribuciones al avance de la ciencia, en Ciencias de la Vida o Ciencias Físicas en años alternos. A la fecha, las 102 ganadoras han sido galardonadas por su excelencia científica, de las cuales dos han recibido el Premio Nobel.
Asimismo, cada año el premio International Rising Talents reconoce a las mejores candidatas a nivel mundial menores de 40 años en Ciencias de la Vida, Ciencias Físicas, Ingeniería y Ciencias formales. Las ganadoras reciben un premio de € 15,000 y la participación en un programa de capacitación personalizado, que potencia las carreras de la próxima generación de mujeres científicas.
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sciencespies · 3 years
5 Better Candidates Than Betelgeuse For Our Galaxy’s Next Supernova
5 Better Candidates Than Betelgeuse For Our Galaxy’s Next Supernova
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Betelgeuse, a nearby red supergiant, will someday explode.
The black hole at the center of the Milky Way should be comparable in size to the physical extent of … [+] the red giant star Betelgeuse: larger than the extent of Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun. Betelgeuse was the first star of all beyond our Sun to be resolved as more than a point of light, but other red supergiants, such as Antares and VY Canis Majoris, are known to be larger.
A. Dupree (CfA), R. Gilliland (STScI), NASA
One of our brightest stars, its recent dimming portends an eventual supernova.
The constellation Orion as it would appear if Betelgeuse went supernova in the very near future. The … [+] star would shine approximately as brightly as the full Moon, but all the light would be concentrated to a point, rather than extended over approximately half a degree.
Wikimedia Commons user HeNRyKus / Celestia
A “stellar burp” ejected matter, causing Betelgeuse’s temporary, routine faintening.
These four images show Betelgeuse in the infrared, all taken with the SPHERE instrument at the ESO’s … [+] Very Large Telescope. Based on the faintening observed in detail, we can reconstruct that a “burp” of dust caused the dimming. Although variability remains larger than it was previously, Betelgeuse has returned to its original, early-2019-and-before brightness.
Meanwhile, these 5 Milky Way candidates could easily go supernova first.
The atmosphere of Antares, by temperature and size, as inferred from ALMA and VLA data. Whereas … [+] Betelgeuse is large, larger than Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun, the extent of Antares goes almost to Saturn as measured by the end of the upper chromosphere, but the luminous Wind Acceleration Zone goes all the way out almost to the extent of Uranus’s orbit.
NRAO/AUI/NSF, S. Dagnello
1.) Antares. Closer and larger than Betelgeuse, massive Antares is ~11-15 million years old.
This simulation of a red supergiant’s surface, sped up to display an entire year of evolution in … [+] just a few seconds, shows how a “normal” red supergiant evolves during a relatively quiet period with no perceptible changes to its interior processes. There are multiple “dredge-up” periods where material from the core gets transferred to the surface, and this results in the creation of at least a fraction of the Universe’s lithium.
Bernd Freytag with Susanne Höfner & Sofie Liljegren
This red supergiant should explode within ~10,000 years.
The Carina Nebula, with Eta Carina, the brightest star inside it, on the left. What appears to be a … [+] single star was identified as a binary back in 2005, and it’s led some to theorize that a third companion was responsible for triggering the supernova impostor event.
ESO/IDA/Danish 1.5 m/R.Gendler, J-E. Ovaldsen, C. Thöne, and C. Feron
2.) Eta Carinae. This famous “supernova impostor” has brightened, historically, numerous times.
The ‘supernova impostor’ of the 19th century precipitated a gigantic eruption, spewing many Suns’ … [+] worth of material into the interstellar medium from Eta Carinae. High mass stars like this within metal-rich galaxies, like our own, eject large fractions of mass in a way that stars within smaller, lower-metallicity galaxies do not. Eta Carinae might be over 100 times the mass of our Sun and is found in the Carina Nebula, but other known stars are more than twice as massive. Some supernova impostors remain stable for centuries; others have been caught exploding after only a few years.
NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of Arizona, Tucson), and J. Morse (BoldlyGo Institute, New York)
Its remaining lifetime could span centuries, or merely years.
The Wolf-Rayet star WR 102 is the hottest star known, at 210,000 K. In this infrared composite from … [+] WISE and Spitzer, it’s barely visible, as almost all of its energy is in shorter-wavelength light. The blown-off, ionized hydrogen, however, stands out spectacularly.
Judy Schmidt, based on data from WISE and Spitzer/MIPS1 and IRAC4
3.) WR 102. Wolf-Rayet stars represent the final evolutionary phases for massive stars expelling their outer layers.
The extremely high-excitation nebula shown here is powered by an extremely rare binary star system: … [+] a Wolf-Rayet star orbiting an O-star. The stellar winds coming off of the central Wolf-Rayet member are between 10,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 times as powerful as our solar wind, and illuminated at a temperature of 120,000 degrees. (The green supernova remnant off-center is unrelated.) Systems like this are estimated, at most, to represent 0.00003% of the stars in the Universe.
WR 102 is the hottest: 210,000 K, foreshadowing a stellar cataclysm.
The red arrow points to WR 142: a single, X-ray emitting star at temperatures of 200,000 K. WR 142 … [+] shows an overabundance of oxygen in its spectrum, indicating that the star has cooked up elements up to oxygen in its core, and is well on its way to the iron catastrophe which will trigger the violent death of the star.
L. M. Oskinova, W.-R. Hamann, A. Feldmeier, R. Ignace, Y-H. Chu and ESA
4.) WR 142. The second-hottest Wolf-Rayet star, WR 142’s demise is inevitable.
The Crescent Nebula in Cygnus is powered by the central massive star, WR 136, where the hydrogen … [+] expelled during the red giant phase is shocked into a visible bubble by the hot star at the center. As the star’s hydrogen and then helium layers are blown off, it heats up, and as it fuses through heavier successive elements, it gets hotter still. Unless mass loss is severe enough, a supernova will result.
Wikimedia Commons user Hewholooks
Similarly hot, depleted, and oxygen-rich Wolf-Rayet candidates include WR 30a and WR 93b.
Two different ways to make a Type Ia supernova: the accretion scenario (L) and the merger scenario … [+] (R). The merger scenario is responsible for the majority of many of the heavy elements in the Universe, but the accretion mechanism is also responsible for Type Ia events. The system T Coronae Borealis is a red giant-white dwarf combo, where the white dwarf has a mass of 1.37 solar masses: perilously close to the Chandrasekhar limit.
NASA / CXC / M. Weiss
5.) T Coronae Borealis. White dwarfs siphoning mass from red giants can trigger type Ia supernovae.
When a denser, more compact star or stellar remnant comes into contact with a less dense, more … [+] tenuous object, like a giant or supergiant star, the denser object can siphon mass off of the larger one, accreting it onto itself. If the mass exceeds a critical threshold governed by the Pauli Exclusion Principle, a cataclysmic explosion will occur.
David A. Aguilar (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
T Coronae Borealis’s white dwarf now approaches this critical mass threshold.
When a white dwarf close to the Chandrasekhar mass limit accretes enough matter off of a binary … [+] companion, a runaway nuclear fusion reaction will get triggered. This will not only create a Type Ia supernova, but will destroy the white dwarf in the process.
NASA/ESA, A. Feild (STScI)
Similarly, 5 common “next supernova” candidates are relatively unlikely.
The Wolf-Rayet star WR 124 and the nebula M1-67 which surrounds it both owe their origin to the same … [+] originally massive star that blew off its outer layers. The central star is now far hotter than what came before, but WR 124 is not the hottest class of Wolf-Rayet star: those are the ones that are depleted of hydrogen and helium but heavily enhanced with oxygen.
ESA/Hubble & NASA; Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt (geckzilla.com)
V Sagittae, IK Pegasi B, γ Velorum, WR 124, and ρ Cassiopeiae all require additional steps.
When two stars or stellar remnants merge, they can trigger a cataclysmic reaction, including … [+] supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, or they can lead to the creation of a hotter, bluer more massive star. In the case of V Sagittae, however, it is not well-accepted that the stars will inspiral and merge later this century, despite recent assertions.
MELVYN B. DAVIES, NATURE 462, 991-992 (2009)
Our next supernova might deliver a multi-messenger trifecta:
gravitational waves,
and light,
all together.
A supernova explosion enriches the surrounding interstellar medium with heavy elements. This … [+] illustration, of the remnant of SN 1987a, showcases how the material from a dead star gets recycled into the interstellar medium. In addition to light, we also detected neutrinos from SN 1987a. With the LIGO and Virgo detectors now functional, it’s possible that the next supernova within the Milky Way will yield a triple multi-messenger event, delivering particles (neutrinos), light, and gravitational waves all together.
ESO / L. Calçada
Mostly Mute Monday tells an astronomical story in images, visuals, and no more than 200 words. Talk less; smile more.
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calephelis · 3 years
i uh. THINK i’ve managed to rework one of E-102 Gamma’s weirdly un-robotic voice files into something more robot-y?
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crystalnet · 7 years
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Sonic Forces is Good
Sonic doesn't really slot into any of the semi-nebulous interests that this blog has previously covered but I just had to make an exception because I have thoughts on the blue blur's new game, especially in light of everyone going crazy for Mario Odyssey and the fact almost all professional reviewers as well as various critics on youtube have been basically taking a wrecking-ball to this game. Sonic fans themselves are left mostly enjoying the game (if the subreddit is any indication) and kind of sheepishly acknowledging the pretty low metacritic scores with a bit of a shrug--a pose any true Sonic fan has gotten used to taking in the past decade. I want to talk just very briefly about the problem with Sonic in 2017 and anytime past the year 1998 really and why perception of his non-side-scrolling games seem critically flawed and misguided...
First of all, 3D Sonic has basically always been a mess. Now I should mention before getting deep into this, Forces is my first Sonic game since Sonic Heroes and Sonic Advance 2, the former of which wasn't even as fun as the flawed SA2 and the latter of which should be considered Sonic 5 (or 6 if you count Sonic CD) for all I care, in that it is an excellent expansion of OG Sonic style (shit like grinding on rails, updated Sprites and even Amy as a playable character were great additions). Those two games though are indicative of the whole series: the 3D ones are always problematic while the 2D ones don't seem particularly hard to make well. 
I think there is a big range of how fans and critics view the series, but it seems as if the 3D games are either held to the standard of Adventure 1 and 2, which were always pretty flawed games, or else held to some non-existent and unattainable standard. But we should be clear: Sonic never had his Super Mario 64. Adventure 1 comes close, and that game does a lot very well, but it introduces a lot of things which would plague the 3D games forever. I'm mostly talking about the fact A1 and A2 are want to have all these additional playable characters besides Sonic and yet, Sonic (or Shadow) levels are always clearly where the best level design and most fun is to be had. 
Why force characters like Big the Cat or E-102 Gamma down our throat, when almost all the Sonic levels are amazing compared to levels where you shoot at things or hunt for emeralds. Like extra characters are kind of intrinsically fun when your a kid, but it always felt a bit like padding to me to play the Tails/Eggman and Knuckles/Rogue levels in SA2. So the gold standard for the 3D games becomes about 1/3rd of the content in the first two games?
What I'm trying to say is that Sonic Team never knew exactly what they were trying to achieve with these games it seems. It's like they continued the tradition of Sonic 2 and 3 with Tails and then Knuckles being added by eventually just adding a shit ton of characters to every game, effectively diluting the experience. I'm not even a big fan of Mario 64, but clearly that game is critically lauded, whereas the Blue Blur just couldn't seem to make that same transition. Heroes is literally all about adding characters, along with bright, colorful presentation which barely masked the weakened level-design. Then beyond the critical face-plant that is Sonic ‘06, Sonic Team's goals with these games seem even more unclear than ever and the warm embrace of 90s Sonic seems further away then ever before during the past decade or so.
You have a couple of weird "story book"-style spin offs on the Wii like the Black Knight and Secret Rings which really push the boundaries of what a Sonic game can be (seemingly to mostly bad reviews), Sonic Unleashed, which is literally split between somewhat traditional 3D gameplay and the kind of totally different style of gameplay a la non-Sonic levels in the Adventure titles (werehog Sonic...) and then a few games that seem to be headed in a more stable direction: Sonic, Sonic Colors, Sonic Generations and to a slightly lesser degree, Sonic Lost World . 
Like I said,  I haven't played any of these since Heroes, but I've been reading up and looking at all of Somecallmejohnny's videos on youtube to get a sense of how people feel about these, and these last 3 seem to be on the up-and-up in terms of critical reaction from both critics and fans. But Generations was in 2011 and since then it's been mostly an onslaught of Sonic Boom games and I'll do us all a favor and gloss over those completely. While Lost World tweaks things a bit with a run-button, Colors and Generations built on the more traditional half of Unleashed and heavily featured the boost mechanic which lends itself to a new kind of level design which is considerably different than that of Adventure 1 and 2.
I guess the long-winded point that I'm trying to make is that Sonic Team has basically been having an identity crisis since 1998. Not a single one of these stands as a true precedent for the series in that the best of their lot--Generations-- is still one of those meta, self-aware entries since it combines modern and classic sonic, quite literally. I do really wanna play those last 3 I mentioned because they seem like they are on the right path, but I'm sure for every fan, there is still a disappointed nay-sayer. 
This leads me to my final point though, and that is that Forces, for me personally, is a pretty damn good idea of what 3D Sonic is. I think people were putting a lot of pressure on it since it's been a while since a true 3D entry that wasn't a Boom spin-off, but also because of Manias success. Mania from earlier this year was really great, but it's great in a mostly regressive way.  Yes, the four new levels are fantastic and Christian Whitehead did a awesome job of capturing the "magic" of the first 3 games while refining things like the controls and amount of sprite-frames and adding some cool extras as well as those dope Chaos emerald bonus zones, but the success it had is based off of design-principles from nearly 25 years ago. 
I can't complain at all, because it's a really fun game and a great way to revisit classic vibes and levels, but I hope it's the beginning of a sea-change for Sonic Team's approach and not just a blip. Mania 2 for instance could revisit/remix the underrated Advance trilogy, or Sega could grow some balls and let Whitehead and other fan-developers like him step up to the plate and either design a full fresh side-scrolling entry OR something like oh I don't know Sonic Adventure 3?
Either way, the game generated a lot of hype which Sega capitalized on by dropping Forces a few months later. And me and like half of hard-core fans are pretty happy with the game and that's about it. Same old story since SA2: new 3D game comes out, gets mediocre reviews, half the fans are on-board while the other seem even more disappointed than professional critics. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of what Sega should be doing with their 3D games, but no one can really agree. 
Well I for one think Forces is on the right track. It's not perfect, but it's not really trying to be the next big game (they make that clear every single time they release a 3D title that isn't SA3). It's only 40 USD which I think denotes that it's to played in-tandem with Mania, so you got your classic Sonic on one hand, and your new-fangled and always-problematic-to-somebody 3D Sonic on the other. Also it's worth noting that I play this on the Switch. I think the Switch magically makes any game better for being played on it, and yeah I can't really imagine playing this on PS4. The option of portability makes any game better IMO, and Switch just adds this x-factor to any game right now, I can't totally explain it (will write another post all about it).
The game hold ups though, and beyond the novel trifling that is the character-designer/OC, the level-design is better in my opinion than most are letting on. I'm not sure yet if anything comes close to my personal gold-standard for 3D Sonic levels (Radical Highway and City Escape) but the sense of speed is often phenomenal, but I don't think there is any more of those moments where you are forfeiting control than there has always been since even the Genesis games, which is something I've seen some critics complain about. I admit I was slightly taken back by the locked camera, and often-times narrow corridor-esque levels, but once I got the hang of it, I realized that this is a more faithful translation of classic Sonic into 3D than the more free-roaming styled levels of Adventure games. 
People seem to get mad when there's too much precise platforming in Sonic (Marble Ruins..) just as some assail it for feeling like an auto-scroller at other times. It's like fans approach the series with the same confused priorities that Sonic Team themselves have sometimes displayed. I like the generally arcade-y feel of the levels though and re-visiting them for the purposes of refining my runs/time is enticing in the way it was back in the Sonic/Shadow levels in SA2.
Sonic is a weird, platypus of a genre unto himself: Neither pure platforming, racing or trick-based sports game a la Tony Hawk/SSX, he is all of these things and none of them at the same time. And I think these levels capture that excellently. What he isn't are slow and awkward Emerald-hunting levels or shoot-em-ups, but Sonic Teams seems to always shoot for more diversity in game-play than just Sonic levels would allow for, and that's where the Avatar levels come in, retaining the style and speed of the Sonic levels, while also expanding it slightly with Ratchet and Clank-style gun-play that seems to stand-in for awkward shit like the Eggman/Tails levels in SA2. And yeah this does mix it up nicely. 
Something else I've been seeing is that it's too easy and the levels are too short, and I just hope people are playing this on Hard mode (the requisite for hard mode is simply if you have played Sonic before according to the game itself). Other criticisms I've seen simply don't resonate, like people complaining about the controls of the Sonic levels, which just did not stand-out to me as being something I noticed. I like the variety of 2D and 3D, and think it strikes a good balance. 
So yeah, I basically just wanted to write this big ass post to explain why I think it's good and why other people should STFU, basically. Sonic isn't Mario, and never had been. His games are not explicitly all-ages, timeless crowd-pleasers. His games have always been faux-edgy, psuedo-platforming/racing hybrids that click hard with some and leave others cold. They are also explicitly for kids in a way that Mario games aren't, and it's a kind of complicated point but I think professional critics should take into account this shit was never designed for a 30 year-old to enjoy. That's literally why Mania exists. A 10 year old now-a-days might enjoy Mania, but a lot of that game nearly amounts to being a joke that someone born after 1999 couldn't really get. 
So, basically I'm all for trying new things, perfecting a formula that never quite existed and honing in on the good parts of some of the first Sonic games, and I think that's what Forces does. Also the story is sick. Some Sonic fans actually get caught up on the story which is insane to me because its like following the plot of a Tom and Jerry cartoon, but this shit hit some fan-service high-points for me (great cast of characters that mostly glazes newer shit and honors OG Adventure 1 and 2 shit, a slightly "darker" tone, Classic Sonic seeming chill af compared to real Sonic, and cameos from old-school bad guys, for instance). So that shouldn't be a factor in your review if your over the age of 9, is what I'm saying, but I actually dig it despite that. 
Yes, it could be improved upon, but I think it’s an excellent starting point for the developers to build on, so hey why not add Whitehead to this team, as well as few of the level-designers from the other Boost games (Colors, Generations, Lost World), refine the controls and level design a bit and BAM, you got yourself a worthy candidate for the true, long-awaited Sonic Adventure 3 that all true fans have been waiting for forever (even though the Adventure games weren't perfect to begin with so this is a wish that contradicts my other points but still). What I think I'm saying, is if this is what they can do in a $40 title with a relatively small dev-team from what I've read, then what can they do when they go all in? Or are they too scared? Well these reviews might scare them off from even trying again and that's what I'm worried about, but Sega needs to grow some balls, and go all-in for the next release and lay-off the Pachinko-onslaught, or at least funnel some of that Pachinko-gold into developing the next game. Like I said, Sonic isn't Mario, and he doesn't need to be, or need to have games like the big cross-generational 3D Mario games that come out every 5-8 years or so. But you know he could if he wanted to, and I think Forces shows a pretty good way forward. Until then, try opening your heart to the Blue Blur if it's been a while-- who knows, you might just be surprised. Smell ya later, dreamerz~
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eurkplay · 4 years
JOGO da NAMORADA do SONIC | Historia Amy One GIRL Army
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Queridos tudo bem ?! Eu sou o Roberto e hoje vamos jogar um jogo da amy rose, a maravilhosa namoradinha do sonic
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| Historia Amy One GIRL Army
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Amy Rose Amy Rose (エミー・ローズ Emī Rōzu?) é uma ouriço fêmea rosa de 19 anos com uma enorme obsessão por Sonic.[23] Sua primeira aparição na série foi em Sonic CD,[24] onde foi raptada por Metal Sonic. Nesse jogo, ela tinha o apelido de “Rosy the Rascal”. Depois desse jogo, ela passou a ser conhecida como Amy. Por não ter a força ou a velocidade de outros personagens, ela usa seu martelo “Piko Piko Hammer” como arma
Amy Rose é uma personagem da série de jogos Sonic the Hedgehog. Ela é uma ouriço fêmea cor-de-rosa apaixonada por Sonic que se auto-declara sua namorada, apesar de não parecer ser correspondida, já que ele geralmente foge dela. Depois de ter sido capturada por Eggman em Sonic CD, passa a defender-se com o Piko Piko Hammer, um poderoso martelo vermelho com linhas amarelas.
Amy tem como rival Rouge the Bat, que se torna o seu oposto. Ela é considerada praticamente como a versão feminina de Sonic e foi por muito tempo a única personagem feminina presente na série.
Quando foi redesenhada junto com outros personagens em Sonic Adventure, Amy foi a que mais sofreu mais modificações no seu visual. Basicamente, era idêntica a Sonic, os espinhos eram idênticos (sem ter em consideração os dois pequenos que se situavam na testa) e as únicas diferenças eram a sua cor (rosa) e o seu vestido. Depois de ser redesenhada, em Sonic Adventure os seus espinhos ficaram para baixo (semelhante aos do Knuckles, mas cobriam toda a cabeça) e a sua roupa também sofreu alterações, bem como a cor da irises dos olhos que adquiriram uma coloração verde.
Amy Rose, a personagem feminina mais adorada pelos(as) fãs, sua característica principal é seu longo vestido, sua cor rosa e sua paixão por Sonic, que se estende desde 1993 (sua data de criação), junto com o lançamento do jogo Sonic CD, para SEGA CD (obviamente), a paixão de Amy pelo ouriço é tanta que ela já o seguiu em varias de suas aventuras, além de algumas vezes onde foi salva por ele, ela foi desenhada por Kazuyuki Hoshino, onde uma vez, ela foi chamada de Rosy the Rascal, esse nome nunca foi realmente levado a sério. ela e a personagem feminina mais popular do Sonic.
A historia de Amy começa quase no começo da aventura de Sonic, quando Dr. Robotnik descobriu 7 pedras com um poder de mudar a linha do tempo, e estas ficavam em um pequeno planeta que aparecia uma vez por ano sobre o Never Lake, com isso, Robotnik invade esse planeta e tenta roubar estas pedras, mas Sonic the Hedgehog fica em seu caminho, mas, Robotnik já havia previsto isso, e criou uma versão de metal do ouriço, Metal Sonic, sua velocidade e agilidade se igualavam as do ouriço, mas, no meio do caminho, ele pega uma refém, Amy Rose, e a levou para a base de Robotnik, Sonic sem duvida foi resgatá-la, mas antes disso ele teria de derrotar Metal Sonic, dito e feito, Sonic resgata Amy e saem do Little Planet, com as 7 pedras seguras no planeta.
Em torno de quatro anos depois, Amy fazia compras em Station Square, entediada, pois dês dos acontecimentos no Little Planet, ela não tinha mais ação, até que uma grande sombra bate nela, ela olha para cima e vê uma nave enorme vermelha, só podia ser Eggman, mas, um flickie azul bate no rosto dela, ele fugiu da Egg Carrier, por tanto precisava de ajuda, então, ela da o nome de Lily para o flickie, mas, um robô verde também desce do céu, era E-100 Alpha a.k.a. Zero, ela consegue fugir, e vai à busca de Sonic, quando ela o encontra, ela pede para ele proteger Lily, ele foge, mas ela consegue alcançar ele, e Zero também, os dois fogem para o Twinckle Park, de noite, Amy sai do parque primeiro, e é pega, o robô foge para a estrada, a Speed Highway, quando eles chegam as Mystic Ruins, Sonic os pega, mas Zero leva Amy e Lily para a Egg Carrier. Amy e Lily acordam na prisão da nave, e se deparam com outro robô de Eggman, E-102 Gamma “y”, esse diz que precisa do pássaro, Amy se recusa a dar Lily, Gamma não entende o por que se importar com algo assim, Amy lembra que os robôs de Eggman não tem sentimentos
O post JOGO da NAMORADA do SONIC | Historia Amy One GIRL Army apareceu primeiro em Rk Play - Canal de video games.
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dizi-ozeti · 5 years
Bakırköy Acıbadem Hastanesi Randevu Alma
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Bakırköyde Bulunan AcıBadem Hastanesi Özel Bir Hastanedir Bu Hastane'nin Anlaşmalı Olduğu Kurumlar Ve Hastanede Bulundukları Tedavi Bölümleri'ni Sizlerle Paylaşacağız Acıbadem Hastanesi istanbul Bakırköyde Bulunan Şubesi'ni Sizlerle Detaylı Bir Şekilde Paylaşacağız Yazının Devamı'nı Takip Edin Zeytinlik, Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil Cd. No: 1, 34140 Bakırköy/İstanbul Avrupa Yakası (0212) 414 44 44 Şu anda açık:  24 saat açık BAKIRKÖY ACIBADEM HASTANESİ YOL HARİTASI TIBBI BİRİMLER Acil Servis Ağız Diş ve Çene Cerrahisi Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Ağrı Tedavisi Aile Hekimliği Anesteziyoloji b Bağımlılık Merkezi Beslenme ve Diyet Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Böbrek Nakli Merkezi ç Çocuk Alerjisi Çocuk Cerrahisi Çocuk Endokrinolojisi Çocuk Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Çocuk Gastroenterolojisi Çocuk Genetik Hastalıkları Çocuk Göğüs Hastalıkları Çocuk Hastalıkları Çocuk Hematolojisi Çocuk Kardiyolojisi Çocuk Nefrolojisi Çocuk Nörolojisi Çocuk Onkolojisi Çocuk Romatolojisi Çocuk Ürolojisi Çocuk ve Ergen Ruh Sağlığı Çocuk Yoğun Bakım d Deri Hastalıkları e El Cerrahisi Endokrinoloji Endoskopi Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Estetik, Plastik ve Rekonstrüktif Cerrahi f Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon g Gastroenteroloji Gastroenteroloji ve Koloproktoloji Cerrahisi Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp Uygulamaları Merkezi Genel Cerrahi Girişimsel Radyoloji Göğüs Cerrahisi Göğüs Hastalıkları Göz Hastalıkları h Hematoloji i İç Hastalıkları İşyeri Hekimi j Jinekolojik Onkoloji k Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Karaciğer Nakli Merkezi Kardiyoloji Kardiyovasküler Cerrahi Kat Hekimliği Kemik İliği Nakli Merkezi (Erişkin) Kemik İliği Nakli Merkezi (Pediyatrik) Klinik Laboratuvar Koroner Yoğun Bakım Kulak Burun Boğaz n Nefroloji Nöroloji Nükleer Tıp o Odyoloji Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji p Patoloji Perinatoloji ve Yüksek Riskli Gebelikler Psikiyatri Psikoloji r Radyasyon Onkolojisi Radyoloji Romatoloji s Spor Hekimliği t Tıbbi Onkoloji Tüp Bebek Merkezleri ü Üroloji y Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Yoğun Bakım
ACIBADEM HASTANE'SİNDE ve Tıp Merkezleri 'nde yer alan tüm medikal teknolojik cihazlarımız aşağıda yer almaktadır:
Lokasyon Seçiniz Tıbbi Birim Seçiniz Cihaz Türü Seçiniz Gamma Knife IconGamma Knife Icon MR LinacMR Linac PET-CTPET-CT da Vincida Vinci Intraoperatif 3 Tesla MRIntraoperatif 3 Tesla MR Force CTForce CT TrueBeamTrueBeam 3 Tesla Prizma MR3 Tesla Prizma MR Tomoterapi HDATomoterapi HDA 3 Tesla MR3 Tesla MR TrilogyTrilogy CyberknifeCyberknife Robotik Kollu AnjiyoRobotik Kollu Anjiyo Tek Doz RadyoterapiTek Doz Radyoterapi Tüm Vücut MRTüm Vücut MR Navio Diz RobotuNavio Diz Robotu Sliding CTSliding CT Excimer LazerExcimer Lazer Spect CTSpect CT Femto Katarakt LazerFemto Katarakt Lazer Flash CTFlash CT 3D Tomosentez Özellikli Dijital Mamografi3D Tomosentez Özellikli Dijital Mamografi 4D Meme Ultrasonografisi4D Meme Ultrasonografisi Prostat Biyopsisi için 3D Görüntüleme ve Navigasyon SistemiProstat Biyopsisi için 3D Görüntüleme ve Navigasyon Sistemi DuktoskopiDuktoskopi Işıklı Tarama YöntemiIşıklı Tarama Yöntemi DSA Dijital AnjiyografiDSA Dijital Anjiyografi EOS (3D İskelet Sistemi Görüntüleme)EOS (3D İskelet Sistemi Görüntüleme) Posturografi (Denge) CihazıPosturografi (Denge) Cihazı EUS (Endoultrosonografi)EUS (Endoultrosonografi) EBUSEBUS UltrasonografiUltrasonografi BAKIRKÖY ACIBADEM HASTANESİ HAKKINDA BİLGİ Acıbadem Bakırköy Hastanesi 2000 yılında, Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu’nun Avrupa yakasındaki ilk hastanesi olarak hizmete girdi. Artan ihtiyacı karşılamak adına hastalara daha iyi hizmet vermek için 2008 ve 2009 yıllarında, yatan hasta katları ve ameliyathaneler altyapı ve teknolojik olarak yenilendi. Son olarak 2017 yılında ise yatan hasta katları ve  poliklinikler yenilendi. Yenilenen kadın doğum servisi, bebek odası ve yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesi anne adaylarına, annelere ve bebeklerine hizmet vermeye devam ediyor. Birçok sağlık sigortası ile anlaşması bulunan hastane, SGK kapsamında; Acil, Çocuk Kardiyolojisi, Kardiyoloji, KVC, Tıbbi Onkoloji alanlarında hizmet veriyor. 18.000 m² Kapalı Alan Hastanenin 18.000 m² kapalı alanı içerisinde; 102 yatak kapasitesi, 7 ameliyathane, 27 yoğun bakım yatağı ve acil durum transferleri için helikopter pisti bulunuyor.6.500 noktadan kontrol sağlayabilen akıllı bina sistemiyle, bina içindeki her türlü soruna anında müdahale edilebiliyor.Randevu Acıbadem Bakırköy Hastanesi’nde, tam donanımlı doğum odasına dönüşebilen ve doğum sonrası ihtiyaçlara yönelik, özel olarak tasarlanmış doğum odaları (LDRP) bulunuyor. Tıbbi Hizmetler Acıbadem Bakırköy Hastanesi Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım ünitesinde riskli ve ciddi hastalıkları olan yenidoğanlara, neonatoloji ve Pediatri uzmanlarının yanı sıra tüm yan dallarda, Çocuk Cerrahisi uzmanları ve yenidoğan hemşireleri tarafından hizmet veriliyor. Ayrıca çocuk ve yetişkin kalp sağlığı, Pediatrinin tüm alt dalları ile birlikte Navigasyon ile Beyin Cerrahisi, Varis Tedavisi, Obezite ve Meme Sağlığı Alanlarında da yoğunlaşmış birimlerle hizmet sunuyor. BAKIRKÖY ACIBADEM TANITIM VİDEOSU Read the full article
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so @ e-102-y-gamma and i have been talking for a few hours, so i decided to draw our objectsonas hugging!
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