#e. nigma: private investigator
ohnostalgia · 2 months
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jellyfitzjelly · 1 year
🌻 :D
I am currently posting the "Director's Cut" of my E. Nigma: Private Investigator series! I am going to start on a season two very soon. :D
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
E. Nigma: Private Investigator (season 1)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2E8pctD by jellyfitzjelly A TV show in eight episodes about Batman’s most cunning villain of his rogue gallery: the Riddler! Eddie Nigma has finally decided to go straight and serve the public good with his impressive intellect — for a price. Mysteries and challenges abound in Gotham City, but will they keep Nigma away from his old life of crime? Words: 563, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of E. Nigma: Private Investigator Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Edward Nygma, Jonathan Crane, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Donna Troy, Original Characters Relationships: Jonathan Crane/Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Tumblr project, fake tv show, Gifset, PI Riddler, Alternate Universe read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2E8pctD
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thxrxddlxr · 2 years
Sweet, sweet suffering
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-------- B A S I C S --------
LEGAL NAME: Edward Nigma
-------NAME AT BIRTH: Edward E. Nashton Jr.
-------CODENAME: The Riddler
-------ALIAS: E Nigma . Arthur Wynne . Quizmaster . The Prince of Puzzlers . Mockingbird .
-------STATUS: Alive
DATE OF BIRTH: October 22nd
-------PLACE OF BIRTH: Waterbury, Connecticut
-------CITIZENSHIP: American
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-------- P H Y S I C A L --------
FACE CLAIM: Joseph Gordon Levitt
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 140lbs
BUILD: slender / average / bony / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / baby fat / pudgy / obese / other
AGE: 34 years old
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-------- P E R S O N A --------
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / grey / evil
-------NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES: Arrogant . Mischievous . Manipulative . Narcissistic . Short-Tempered .
-------POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES: Intelligent . Honest . Patient . Organized . Self-confident .
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: Manipulator . Observant .
MENTAL HEALTH STATE: Sociopath . Narcissist . Egocentric . OCD .
SINS: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
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-------- O C C U P A T I O N (S) --------
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-------- A F F I L I A T I O N (S) --------
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-------- A D D I T I O N A L --------
-------Master of Deduction
OTHER SKILLS / KNOWLEDGE: Genius-level intellect . Expert analytical abilities . Eidetic memory .
WEAPON OF CHOICE: Automatic Handgun . His mind .
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-------- B A C K D R O P --------       
What was referred to as the Lament Configuration, ended up in Edward Nigma's possession by the Collector; Otherwise known as the Penguin, a criminal and investor in acquiring odds and ends. The Lament Configuration was an ornate box, with a sleek design and polished appearance. It was no wonder the object caught Cobblepot's eye, as well as the promise it held within its core: access to the further regions of experience.
The intricate puzzle was far too tedious for the balding man, and his impatience left him uttering profanities within miut4se of getting his hands on the box. In annoyance and a need to know the secrets hiding inside, Oswald made a call to the one man he knew that could solve this--The Riddler. A fellow criminal whose knack for riddles and conundrums laid the foundation to his criminal career then began diverting from those theatrics, he was now recognized for his genius intellect and analytical expertise.
Nigma jumped at the opportunity, not only to showcase his genius but as a test to his own mental prowess. He half listened to the information Penguin supplied, as he was enamored by the complexities and details upon each side of the box, his fingers tracing over them in a delicate, careful manner. A peculiar name, he noted. Don't know what that could mean, not do I care, he thought in regards to the box's contents. That was the extent of it, before deciding to complete the favor for the man.
Returning to his home, Edward cleared his schedule in order to free himself of any obligations for the evening so to focus on the puzzle clutched in his hand. Falling back into the sofa, Nigma propped his feet on one of the arms of the couch while his head rested against a pillow propped against the other. Intelligent blue eyes following each ling, dexterous fingers sliding along the grooves and corners, all while his mind raced with wonder and determination. The man was fueled by an impulse related to self-worth. A smug confidence in himself that he could, and will, solve the box. However, as the clock ticked softly in the background, there was a small bead of curiosity that was slowly enlarging in the back of his mind--slowly drifting forward to rest upon the forefront of his brain, leaking into every thought. A further region of experience, hmm.
Grazing each of the circular centers upon each of the six sides, Edward kept his bottom lip tucked between his top and bottom rows of teeth. The gold, shiny pattern glistening as it gently tumbled through his hands before his thumb stopped upon one of the golden shapes. The side of the puzzle it was on, possessed various symbols of an unfamiliar language or religion--he wasn't certain of its origin. With a bit of pressure, the button clicked faintly and the top of the box moved. Parts of it lifting up and sliding forward, then sinking back into the box.
Edward sat up in response to this, watching the moving pieces as a faint ringing met his ears. With a soft grunt of irritation, his eyes shifted to the clock, his phone face down on the coffee table, to his door. A gentle creaking of the floorboards and walls raised his suspicion, but not by much. Old Gotham, he assumed. The pale blue light that filtered through his window grabbed him. Turning, his eyes scanned the skyline through the slits of his blinds. No fancy new or familiar tech from the Bat was in sight, so he shrugged the observation off. As for the bells, he wasn't sure what as causing the noise, but the chime quickly faded into the background as his attention resumed on the engima in his palms.
Running the flat of his hand over where the pieces rose and fell, a fascinated smirk spread across his face accompanied by a wild glint in his eyes. The box was rotated, put under an analytical eye once again as he carefully thought about his next move.
The dials on the top and bottom of the box seemed to call to him. Shifting from his previous position, he planted his feet on the floor while his elbows rested atop his legs. Leaning forward in concentration, Nigma's thumb gingerly slid across its diameter before moving along its surface in a counterclockwise fashion. A scoff pushed past his lips at the sound of another click. His fingers moving as the seams separated, lifted upwards into a shape resembling that of a star. He studied it in this state--an anxious feeling taking root in his gut; and an unease snaking its way into his chest.
The blue lights from earlier drifted through the room once more. The ringing rising in volume ever so slightly. A chill crept up his spine, but he assumed it was his ego feeding off of this moment. The look on Oswald's face when e hears how quickly it took him to solve this, ha. Edward did his best to ignore his surroundings. He went to turn the lifted piece in the same direction as the dial, but it wouldn't budge. Changing direction, the upper half shifted to a point where it matched the slits in the bottom half. With a held breath, Edward pushed down, sliding those pieces into place.
A light tremor ran through his apartment and the blue lights returned, filtering through the blinds much brighter than tey did before. A resonating tone filled the space. Before he could properly react to his surroundings, blue sparks streaked from the box resulting in him letting it fall to the floor. With furrowed brows, he moved to stand but was suddenly restrained by an arm around his neck.
Edward Nigma had not realized the deal he had made upon opening the Lament Configuration. A nightmare full of impossibilities and terrors awaited him, as he met the face(s) of pain.
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lfthinkerwrites · 5 years
Patient Interview: Nashton, E.
Title: From the Case Files of Edward Nigma
Fandom: Batman
Rating: T
Summary: Hugo Strange and Edward Nigma meet again.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15617646/chapters/50860894
Edward's eyes opened with a start and he nearly fell out of his chair. What...where had that come from? Finally, he heard the electronic lock beeping again. Someone was coming in. Edward relaxed his posture and planted his feet back on the table. Showtime.
The door opened and Professor Hugo Strange entered the room. "Mr. Nigma," he said in his deep, cold baritone. "Welcome back to Arkham Asylum."
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
E. Nigma: Private Investigator (season 1)
by jellyfitzjelly A TV show in eight episodes about Batman’s most cunning villain of his rogue gallery: the Riddler! Eddie Nigma has finally decided to go straight and serve the public good with his impressive intellect — for a price. Mysteries and challenges abound in Gotham City, but will they keep Nigma away from his old life of crime? Words: 563, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of E. Nigma: Private Investigator Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Characters: Edward Nygma, Jonathan Crane, Dick Grayson, Slade Wilson, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Donna Troy, Original Characters Relationships: Jonathan Crane/Original Female Character(s), Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson Additional Tags: Tumblr project, fake tv show, Gifset, PI Riddler, Alternate Universe via https://ift.tt/2E8pctD
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jellyfitzjelly · 2 years
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A TV show in eight episodes about Batman's most cunning villain of his rogue gallery: the Riddler! Eddie Nigma has finally decided to go straight and serve the public good with his impressive intellect — for a price. Mysteries and challenges abound in Gotham City, but will they keep Nigma away from his old life of crime?
Eddie Nigma is tasked by the Gotham Museum of finding the culprits behind the robbery of the newest exhibition of recently acquired ancient Chinese artefacts. Things get complicated when he finds the thieves dead – and their heart missing. The only clue seems to be the shattered pieces of a Shang dynasty vessel. Soon however, Nigma has a more pressing matter: a string of attacks involving a fox-like creature who devours the hearts of its male victims. Could it be that a broken vase has unleashed something wicked in Gotham City?
D. A. Saratoga quietly hires Nigma when her trial against murderous starlet Mindy “Baby Doll” Logan is disrupted by the death of a juror in a closed room with eleven other people. Is this a machination from the angelic-looking Logan or is this much more personal?
A wealthy businessman hires Eddie to protect a famous artwork by Théophile-Alexandre Steinlein during its exposition in an art gallery. What should have been easy money becomes a headache when Nigma finds himself face-to-face with an old friend with nine lives…
Mabel’s childhood friend hires Nigma to investigate the disappearance of her fellow successful showgirl Narjisse Lamar. The detective soon finds himself entangled in a deadly love triangle with rising mob boss Gianny Pisanello…and Jonathan Crane, aka the Scarecrow.
When a newly commercialized antidepressant turns out to have devastating side effects, it is up to Eddie Nigma to make sure Helms Pharma’s parent company doesn’t get to sweep the scandal under the rug until they can sell their stocks. But when said parent company is none other than Wayne Enterprises, can the detective truly match with the prince of Gotham?
When Nigma receives a single lock of hair and an ominous riddle, strange events and nightmares start befalling him. It soon appears the hair is from teenage oil heiress Ethel Declan, who got killed twenty years ago during a botched heist by the Riddler. Things go from worrying to creepy when Eddie becomes plagued by visions of the dead girl. Is her vengeful spirit back from the dead or is someone else seeking revenge?
Commissioner Gordon reluctantly asks for Nigma’s help when D.A. Saratoga goes missing, leaving behind only a trail of coded messages. The modus operandi appears to be the one of the Astrologer, who was none other than Saratoga’s first client as a lawyer fresh out of law school. The man has always maintained his innocence…until his death ten years ago. Eddie must dig out the past if he wants to save Saratoga in time and uncovers who truly is the Astrologer.
Donna Troy hires Eddie Nigma to investigate what is happening in Joliemont clinic, where her childhood friend Dick Grayson is being treated after a suicide attempt. Troy believes Wayne is covering her friend’s death up to steal the money left by the Hayley Circus. The truth seems much darker when Nigma discovers famed mercenary Deathstroke has seemingly kidnapped the young man. Yet the detective cannot help but feel that not is all what it seems, especially when he finally understands that Dick Grayson is none other than Nightwing… Deathstroke’s longtime nemesis.
Dedicated to @talesfromthenorsesmouth @enigmainvestigations and all the PI!Riddler blogs out there: thank you, you give me so much joy! Also dedicated to my good pal @noah-kuttler from the good old days.
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