#eaj scenarios
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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s.o has a piercing/tattoo
crush is a cancer
crush is a pisces
child’s first word is “appa”
crush is a leo
crush is an aries
s.o is in a band
s.o has a big family
s.o writes poetry
gf is sensitive around her time of the month
gf is a solo artist
gf is a capricorn
buying a ring too small
it wasn’t bad at all
the best news
giggles and candy canes
you’re an angel
young k
cotton candy kisses
i’m not sure
didn’t expect this
not as planned
you never knew
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hwaightme · 1 month
i finally collected my thoughts (the fake scenario builder and yunho cuddler was sth i was thinking about but someone already sent that and i was so pleased to read it he's really husband material through and through)
so i was thinking ideas for other members-- specifically hwa:
this might be related to what i'm currently writing but i really like the idea of just being able to talk with someone. it doesn't even have to be romantic, but you know the late night talks, you're feeling cosy, you have coffee in your hands and there's snacks lying around you. sometimes, you both find sth absolutely funny (that wouldn't be funny during the day) and you can't stop laughing. you physically cannot. and then there's sombre talks-- about the future, about your fears, your goals, and everything
there is light music playing in the bg, you're both kind of sleepy and leaning against each other, sitting shoulder to shoulder. your opinions do not always match, but the discussion remains gentle. hwa, the pure hearted man that he is, tries to understand every belief about life that you have. he tries to understand why you think about life the way you do- like what makes you you.
and i think it would be wonderful if he still finds you beautiful after you bare your soul to him. even if it's in a platonic way, but beautiful :'))
(it would be hard to believe that if he does ^)
song recs to go along with this vibe:
mars by d.o.
empty box by ateez
stay by cha eunwoo
standing on my own by lee chaeyeon
right where you left me by eaj, hindia
oh i just sat here with so many feelings... absorbing and floating in this one... because it is genuinely so touching and just so... seonghwa. no matter what occurs or unfolds, no matter where life takes you both, you find safety and comfort on the island that is shared conversation and open communication. i feel like this haven might exist precisely because you two are different, two individuals leading two separate lives, but still manage to find ways to listen, to understand, to learn, to tie the unlikely together. this is so beautiful, and goes beyond love, goes beyond attraction or even friendship, in some sense. it is pure connection and unity of souls in what could be unexpected circumstance. paths crossing and intertwining, steps feeling lighter, because there is someone to cradle the words you were previously sacrificing to endless gusts of wind.
the music fits so beautifully too... here are some songs that i thought of as well:
dear my all - mingginyu
the setting sun - the poles
come as you are - nirvana
heartbeat - ghostly kisses
disfruto - carla morrison
and... i may or may not have gotten carried away and written thoughts i had... more deeply... uhm... (i shall link it here)
thank you so so much for this wonder, it genuinely made me so overjoyed to receive ;~; so happy to be able to muse with you <3
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raethethey · 9 months
i feel like ive been so absent here. and like im not apologising rn bc theres no reason for me to apologise to ppl for not being online. thats stupid. but im more so saying this bc i just feel like im slowly pulling away from any community ive made here. maybe its bc i got super into call of duty (i dont have enough skill or money to buy and play the games). maybe its bc i havent kept up with whats going on in the kpop world. maybe its bc ive been listening to less kpop in general unless its eaj or dpr and not the "boy groups" and "girl groups". maybe its bc ive always fallen back on fictional characters in fanfiction rather than real ppl bc it feels just a bit off to write ppl into scenarios they gave no consent for. idk but ive kinda grown into using my blog the way a blog is intended. my blog is for me and if i post what i like, ppl that like the same stuff will be drawn to it. thats how community is created. we have something in common. guess im just between eras rn 🤷
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Colour me selfish.
Post Date: 1st September 2022 Content: Angst(ish)/ Fluff - Day6 Jae x Reader WC: 2.1K TW?: Themes of Jealousy/ Best Friends to Lovers/ “And they were roommates”/ College Au Request?: Yes Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 38 - “I hate you” 40 - “I could use a hug right now” 49 - “Are you jealous?”
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You’ve had a crush on your roommate Jae for the longest time ever but have never spoken a word about it; not that you would anyway in worries that’ll ruin everything you’ve built together for your friendship. 
Your usual college day routine was to get coffee before class started, sit through two of your classes then go for lunch, and it was ALWAYs with Jae, Christian and Alex. Never missed a day without having lunch with them unless something extremely important came up. It was like a ritual. 
Of course, you had to be at the loudest table in the hall, but that couldn’t be helped, Jae’s laugh could be heard across the country but you loved it despite the number of stinking looks that others give you when trying to eat their food. 
As always, Jae was the last to grab his food, leaving the table to go get some after ranting and raving about this guy in his class that would not stop talking about some girl he thinks he was courting, but it was obvious she was just being nice not to hurt him. 
Just out of chance, your eyes follow Jae around the hall, for some reason carefully watching him like you had to be ready to protect him at any given chance. 
Although your face drops the minute you see a girl, who you’ve never seen in your life go up to Jae, heartbreaking the minute you see a grin on his face as he wraps his arms around her, bringing her in for a hug. 
Disconnecting from the hug, the girl caresses his arm, discussing with him something that he must’ve found funny by the way his laugh fills the hall once again. 
If you didn’t speak about how much you hated the interaction that you witnessed, your face surely showed it. 
“So, who’s Jae with at the moment?” you asked, flicking your pen in between your fingers as they briefly look up, digging into the rest of their food, “That’s Chloe, one of his friends and she’s in one of Jae’s classes”, Alex spoke, watching you carefully as you drop your head.
“Right...” you scoff to yourself, the word friend could’ve been taken with a pinch of salt with the way that they greeted each other. “I’m going to the library, laters,” you add, forcing a smile before dashing out of the hall.
Alex and Christian look at each other both confused and worried, “I’ll go see what’s wrong, see you in a bit,” Christian rushes to say, chasing after you and leaving the two friends behind in the hall.
You’re cramped up in the corner of the room where the computers were, cramming all of your work in front of you to try and get inspiration to get some research done for your project that was due at the end of the week.
In frustration, you face palm the desk, arms dropping to your sides before getting interrupted by a pat on the back and a recognisable voice gently asking if you’re okay at the side of you.
“Huh?... Oh hi, Chris,” you mumble, lifting your head up to see who was there, forcing the fakest smile you could as he kneels towards you, “Tell me, what’s wrong?”.
Of course, it was about Jae and that Chloe girl, but you lifted your papers into your hands, waving them gently as if to show Christian that it was your work that was bothering you, however, he wasn’t falling for the bait. 
“Are you jealous?” Chris asks, earning a confused look from you as you scrunch your eyebrows together, tilting your head to the side as you stare at your friend blankly.
“I mean, about Jae and Chloe, with those two being close, are you jealous?” Chris adds the context to his question in which your face clearly gives him the answer once the mention of her name falls from his lips.
“I’m not jealous... I just... I just like Jae, a lot,” you answer but with an almost whine, not believing that those were actually coming out of your mouth to your other flatmate. Yes he was a friend too but it was awkward, it was also his friend that you were talking about. 
“So you like Jae? Is it friendly like or “like-like”, Chris teases, nudging you lightly to see the smile that slowly creeps on your face?
Taking a deep breath, you couldn’t help but giggle, Chris knew the answer and you knew he was just trying to be that guy friend who teases their girl friend about their crushes. 
“I like, like him,” you reply, nudging Chris back when he laughs at you.
Back at the flat, you’re in the kitchen, leaning on the countertop with your head dangling over the work that you tried to get done earlier on in the day but the discussion about you liking Jae lasted a lot longer than you’d liked it to be but at least it was peaceful in the flat for you to try and focus. For now.
That was until the door goes, and a laugh bound of laughter fills the flat. Your heart sinks into your stomach, realising who’s home as your head falls into your hands.
“Hey, Y/N,” Jae calls out, throwing down his backpack by the kitchen door before going to the fridge, ready to raid it of all it’s items.
“Hi,” you bluntly reply, tidying up your work into a neat pile as you attempted to avoid his eye contact as he made his way around the kitchen.
“You know because you love me? Can you do my homework?” Jae asks, pushing the pieces of paper in front of you, as you glare at him, shaking your head in protest. 
Jae leans on the countertop opposite, attempting to give you the puppy eyes, smiling ear to ear in hopes that you’ll give into him. But of course, you do, anything to get him off your back, and not only that, you’d do anything for him to see you in a different light other than a roommate and a friend. 
“I hate you... fine,” you sigh in defeat, as he gets up, running around the counter to give you a quick hug before running out of the room, not before he asks, “Are you joining in on movie night tonight?”.
“I can’t, I’ve got work to do, and now your homework,” you laugh, holding his pieces of paper up, grabbing your work as you push past him, making him laugh as you stick your middle finger up to him before disappearing into the bedroom. 
with or without you, Chris and Jae flick through the films on Netflix, wondering what they were going to put on, before coming across a new Sci-Fi film which caught their interest. 
“Where’s Y/N at?” Chris asks, reaching for his drink on the table, his answer is received in the form of a point of a finger towards the hall from Jae, who then uses quotation marks to say that you were doing your work.
“Man, I have to tell you something,” Jae suddenly comes out with, making Chris’ eyes fly wide open at the statement, leaning back to hear his friend out.
“I really like someone, and I just don’t know how to tell them,” he continues as Chris sips his drink carefully, “Who’s this lucky girl you’ve got a crush on then?” he tries to pry but to no avail, Jae puts his fingers to his lips, as if to lock them, throwing away the key. 
After giving some advice on how to tell his crush he liked them, Jae just sits back with a blush taint on his cheeks, pointing to the TV as he presses play for the movie to start. 
Thinking of an excuse to tell you about Jae, Chris fumbles to find his phone, nudging Jae to put an order in for delivery before getting to his feet, and making his way to your room.
“Come on in,” you call out in response to the knock on the door, “It’s only me, I’m ordering food, add what you want to it,” Chris replies, placing his phone down on the desk as you pick it up reluctantly. 
You knew you weren’t hungry but you knew that Chris wasn’t going to let you go without food either, so instead of having a petty little argument, you continue to scroll through the menu to try and find something you could eat later on. 
“So uh, Jae likes someone, but he won’t tell me. he’s just asked for advice on how to tell them” Chris whispers as he takes a seat on your bed. 
“It’s probably Chloe,” you whine lowly, turning to face your friend who’s looking empathetically at you as the name was brought up, “Probably,” he replies, taking back his phone before exiting the room, leaving you with that fact to wonder and ponder on. 
Despite your food being placed in front of you a little later on, you couldn’t even think about eating, not when your stomach was churning at the fact that Chris just had to drop on you when he came in originally.
So much so, tears start to prick at your eyes as you slowly start to sob into your arms, painting your papers with your tears. 
From outside of the room, Jae goes towards his room but hears the sound of muffled cries come from your room, his heart sinking as he hated hearing you cry and thought to himself that you must be so stressed about your work that it’s overwhelming you. 
Gently knocking on the door, Jae lets himself in, noticing you on your desk with tears rolling down your face as you turn to look at him, “I heard you crying, are you okay?”.
Unable to make eye contact with him, your eyes roamed around him at the door, shaking your head at his question as you slump in your chair, Jae makes his way towards you carefully, kneeling down next to you as he puts a hand on yours. 
“I could use a hug right now,” you cry, wiping your tears before falling into Jae’s open arms that wrap around you gently, his fingers play with your hair carefully as he just lets you cry into his chest without question. 
“So I heard you have a little crush?” you tease through your cries, to try and cheer yourself up as well as indirectly asking him without jumping straight to conclusions. 
Jae smiles as he nods, and your heart gets lodged into your throat, waiting for him to confide in you about how he could ask Chloe out. 
As much as you wanted to not know, you couldn’t hold back any longer when the words come flying out of your mouth, taking Jae by surprise when it comes out sounding a little harsher than it should’ve been, “So, it’s Chloe right?”.
The long pause of silence makes you feel like you were going to throw up, he wasn’t confirming or denying it, just staring at you blankly at the questions. It was clear he was thinking carefully about whether or not it was the right time to tell you that it wasn’t her but someone else.
“Are you jealous, of Chloe?” Jae asks as his face saddens, looking down at your carpet as you scoff, wanting to defend yourself but you don’t answer, giving a clear indication to Jae whose heart also sinks into his stomach.
“Y/N, it’s not her... Who I have a crush on,” he softly spoke, making your head snap to look at him, all confused as you wondered why he asked if you were jealous of her.
“It’s you... I have a crush on you,” Jae drops the bombshell on you as all you could do was look at him, lost for words as your heart races out of your chest.
Did he just confess to you? About you? It’s you? He has a crush on you? You never thought it was possible and thought he’d never feel that way for you like you do for him. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve made it awkward,” he apologises as he goes to walk out of your room but you pull him back by his wrist, pulling him into a hug as you softly cry into his chest again, “Don’t say sorry, ever. I was worried you’d never like me back that way”.
Unable to help it, Jae laughs nervously, not really expecting you to confess too, he had no clue that you liked him either. 
“I was kind of being selfish, I wanted to tell you before anyone took my love away from me,” he adds, making you look up at with stupidly, shaking your head and laughing as you pinch his cheek, “No one could take me away from you, Jae”.
Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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gdangitjae · 2 years
Inked (🔞) {1/3}
❝I don't want nobody but you kissing on my tattoos.❞ August Alsina
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Theme: So… the Kia x Jae saga continues. This time, they're work vacationing in a hotel for a gig Jae has coming up as eJay eaJ. All Kia needed to do was take a shower, as well as relieve some stress. All Jae wanted to do was chill on the king bed. However, the free time they finally had to themselves seemed to have needed to been spent in other ways…
Also, in this particular situation, Jae has a new tattoo! 🤩
Disclaimer: I thought this up with a Black female (someone that looks and acts a lot like yours truly) in mind. So there will be heavy AAVE (African American Vernacular English) usage.
Kinks / Warnings: masturbation, profanity & dirty talk (some derogatory language will be used), a bit of switch behavior, oral sex (cunnilingus and fellatio), fingering, nipple play, mild-ish choking, some orgasm denial
Additional author notes: This is my first time {in a long time} doing this in first person POV instead of the second person POV I'd been using previously. Due to… recent events, I've been conjuring up quite the scenario for this one… Thank you, and you're welcome.
Once again: If you finish reading my lil fanfic or whatever, I would LOVE for you to click/tap the 'reply' icon at the bottom and let me know what your favorite parts were! Not to mention, if you have any critiques (constructive and productive, of course) or questions, feel more than free!
Riding in the back of the Uber from the airport to the hotel, I legit could not stop staring at Jae's vine-like neck tattoo. It was annoying to say the least, considering he's had that (along with his numerous other tats) for months now. I suppose it was the fact that he told me this morning before boarding the damn plane that I have to somehow search for his latest inscribed addition.
"Where… is it, Jae?" I begrudgingly ask him as we stand in line, blankly staring ahead at the boarding entrance, arms crossed, knowing full well he wasn't gonna answer as bluntly.
"You have to find it… later," he confidentially teases, the latter of that statement quietly chirped in my ear. I roll my eyes with a sly smirk, sensing that it likely meant this was permanently stamped somewhere the sun didn't shine.
So it wasn't until we reach the hotel that I was finally able to stop staring at him like a stalker of sorts. As a matter of fact, I manage to avoid eye contact with him as he held my hand, retrieving the hotel room keys with his free hand.
🌸🎀🏩 🐙 🎟 👛 👚 👅 💓
When we reach the room, I see the king-sized bed with a card on top (likely from the promoter that booked Jae for this engagement). He heads that direction as I pull my suitcase over to the couch.
"I'm gonna take a shower," I tell Jae as I unzip my bag and grab a change of clothes, as well as my shower wrap to protect my hair.
"I'm gonna chill here," Jae replies as he plops down on the bed. "I'm lagged."
"Same," I agree with him, walking by him toward the bathroom. "See you in a bit."
"Okay, don't take too long," I hear Jae request behind me. I can feel him smile as he continues. "I've been missing you."
His subtle confession followed me into the bathroom before the home improvement enthusiast in me jumped out. "Oh shit!
"This my type of shower right here!" I excitably exclaim as I hear Jae laugh from the bed. I notice the built-in seat almost immediately, while I sneak a peak at the other quality features before I discard my clothes.
I leave the bathroom door open for the most part, while closing the shower door almost completely because I never know where water lands when I turn showers on. Sure enough, it immediately lands on the door before I attempt to adjust the shower head, accidentally disengaging the head from its compartment.
Oh!.. Noted, I think to myself as I place it right back. My showers be therapeutic, and I planned on this one not being any different. Especially in light of what Jae's been hinting at today. In addition to the whole tattoo ordeal and him saying he's been missing me, there has been tension building the past few weeks.
Unfortunately, Jae's been too busy preparing for this gig with his team to spend a lot of quality time with me. I understand that completely, but my body does not. It rarely does; I just keep it composed for moral purposes. So, to compensate (because patience is not really my thing), I've been spending some quality alone time with myself, by myself. Though, of course, it's not the same.
As I put my shower cap on over my hair and step into the shower, I definitely wanna respect Jae's privacy and desire to relax in the other room. So I go about my business as usual, which goes well until I begin to really take notice of the water pressure coming from this shower head. Without even thinking about it, I let out a almost inaudible moan as I lean back against the wall. "Fuck, that feels good," I mutter to myself as I resume lathering my body with soap.
Giving extra time to my breasts, I let out a low moan again as I go for my crotch next. As soon as the wet, soapy towel touches my lower lips, I gradually begin to lose my mind. That coupled with the water from the shower head inspired me to try something.
I set the towel down and disengage the shower head once again, this time very much on purpose. I aim it extremely close to my pussy, allowing there to be a lot more pressure from the water. As it rinses the soap off, it also quickly turns me on. "Oh my fucking god," I exhale as I roll my hips upward.
After a few moments of that, I feel myself wince as I take two of my fingers and spread my lips open, mentally shunning the freak in me for even doing this. I knew it obviously wasn't the same as, say, someone else's tongue doing similar work, but it still felt alarmingly good. My moans increase in volume and pitch as those same two fingers make their way inside.
I pretty much forwent the whole quiet thing at this point, but I didn't give a fuck. Maybe someone deserved to hear this and become inspired his damn self. I can't say I'm forcing anyone to do anything, but I also can't say I wasn't giving an option for invitation.
"Oh fuck… Fuck, this feels too fucking good," I moan out, pumping my fingers at a moderate pace, still rolling my hips up to meet its friction. "God, I just wish I had… more to… fuckin' work with.
"I – oh, God – just need your fingers… your tongue… your - fuck! - your dick inside me… Please, baby…" With my head hung, and my eyes struggling to stay open, I could feel myself losing more and more of the composure I barely had to begin with. Half of my remaining brain cells were on mission, the other half unaware of anything else but this moment, yet both halves were working toward the same goals.
At this point, my conscience was speaking for me, somehow delivering a late reply to my boyfriend as I inch my fingers deeper and deeper. "Fuck… I… miss… you too, baby. I wanna be… the only b-bitch… kissing… licking… on you… and all your fucking tattoos. I need my hole filled by you—"
"Which one?" a voice echoes in the vicinity of the bathroom, but I'm already too out of it to register who… else… it might be.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
"Huh?" was all I could get out, half-confused and mostly undone.
"Which hole?" the same voice asks, with the same amount of gentle tenacity.
I begin to slowly open my eyes as I drunkenly reply, "Uhh… all of them?"
I hear laughter on the other side of the shower door as this somehow mysterious voice states, "I only have a mouth, a dick, and two hands… One of which is holding said dick. I'm gonna need you to be a little bit more specific."
"Oh s-shit!" I cautiously shout as I drop the shower head in a slightly startled state of shock, thus completely bringing me back to Earth. "Jae?"
"Nope, it's a janitor," Jae jokes before laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as well, but not before telling him to 'shut the fuck up.'
I pick up the shower head and place it back where it belonged. In the time it took to do that, I recalled what I believe I heard Jae say a minute ago. "Still holding your dick?" I casually ask him.
He answers just as nonchalantly, "Stroking it, even… Just thinking about what you were saying…"
"I swear I don't even remember half of what I fuckin' said…" I meant that. I may have been speaking from my heart or whatever, but I just know for a fact that if I had put any thought into it, half of it wouldn't have ever left my lips.
"That's interesting," Jae states. "You don't remember just saying how you want to be the only one kissing on my tattoos? Or how you want your holes filled by everything?"
"Now I know I didn't say it like that," I retort through the palm that I placed on my face. Shortly after we both chuckle at that, I hear a light thud on his end, causing me to finally open the shower door. What I end up seeing drops me on the shower seat.
Jae takes off his t-shirt and throws it with his pants and boxers I see outside the bathroom door. As he turns to make his way to me, I spy with my little eye… it. The newest addition to his tattoo collection.
"No fucking way," I spit out as I notice this elaborate shooting star opposite his vine-like tattoo, but right above his waist line. It was so nice, but I also caught a glimpse of his soft, yet alluring eyes staring down at me, to which all I could satisfactorily reply to it all was "Mmm."
I scoot over closer to the door on the seat as Jae hovers over me, his hand resuming its position around his cock. "May I come in?"
❝I want my hands tattooed on your body, baby.❞
♪ ♫ Sex Never Felt Better | TGT
I wanted badly to reply, "Not yet, but you can cum real quick," but next thing you know, Jae saunters into the shower, closing the door behind him. To my slight surprise, I almost immediately feel his thumbs circle my nipples while his lips trail kisses all around my neck.
It takes roughly zero seconds for me to moan at the water, my legs attempting to gird themselves around Jae’s torso in agreement. “Jae, fuck…” It seemed like he waited for actual words to leave my mouth before moving on up to my gaping lips.
Taking a seat next to me, he gently wraps his fingers around my neck, leisurely gliding his tongue around my lips one good time before it eases his way in between them with a smirk. I couldn’t help but smile while kissing him back because one, that was hot as fuck considering, two, he’s terribly good at maintaining some sort of composure… no matter how bad he may seem to want me.
I feel a hand sail along my wet skin, down to what probably is consistently the wettest part of me. I end up biting Jae’s bottom lip, obnoxiously moaning through my teeth when I feel just the tips of two of his fingers press against my entrance.
"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I repeat breathlessly as Jae simultaneously pulls his lip back and pushes his fingers further inside me. “Shit, baby…”
“God, I miss hearing that,” Jae utters out in my ear, “you sound so good… Damn, you haven’t been this tight in a fucking minute.”
I sluggishly moan low in Jae’s ear, actually feeling how I’m readjusting back to the now full length of these same two fingers, along with a thumb circling the clit. As heavenly as it feels, I couldn’t resist attempting to shoot a tiny verbal dagger his direction… because why not? “Then keep doing something about it.”
Instantly, I feel Jae’s lips on my neck, paving their own trail down my body. After resting on the islands of my breasts a couple moments, his mouth continues to journey downward to meet my fingers. I soon begin to feel his warm breath blowing between my thighs as I feel a twisting of the fingers before they are pulled out of me.
“J-Jae…” I breathe out, my eyes opening to Jae sucking two fingers while seemingly surveying every inch of my being. I’m able to hear him hum just over the sound of the water hitting his back, both hands placed firmly around the inside of my thighs as he plunges himself head-first into my pussy. Hums were accompanied with licking beneath me, while names were replaced with panting above him.
“Fuck,” Jae exhales when I see his face again. “You always taste so fuckin’ good,” he compliments, three fingers stretching me out as his tongue rejoins in alternation.
“Oh, fuck!” I shakily moan out, threading my fingers through Jae’s slick hair, holding his head steady as I grind my pulsating pussy up to his hungry mouth. Still feeling Jae’s long fingers dig their way directly to my clit, I do my best to encourage him. “Please don’t stop… until I cum… Keep going… Go deeper, babe…”
Jae hums approvingly before following those orders in a way that makes my damn head spin, and my eyes roll back. I grip the seat as I have my legs rested on Jae’s upper back. I notice a moment of withdrawal as he disengages his tongue from my dripping pussy, only for him to spit on it before submerging his face back in between my legs.
Between the vibrations from his sporadic humming and his tongue and fingers feeling like they’re doing backflips damn near in my stomach, I cry out in stimulating pleasure… especially when his free hand makes its way up to fondle my tits.
“Mmhmm,” is all I hear Jae utter out without letting up for a second. If nothing else, his fingers pump themselves even faster, and my legs begin to shake.
This is usually the portion of the program where he stops completely, with his teasing ass. I struggle to open my eyes, glaring down at Jae, whose almost playful gaze is staring at me. After one more solid suck, he forces his head back in laughter, both hands still where they were before.
He knows that I know how he operates, so as he begins to lift himself from the tiled shower floor, he assures, “I wouldn’t do that to you this time, babe.”
“Mm,” is my snarky little reply before Jae’s tongue flicks ever-so-slightly on the nipple that isn’t already having a thumb grazed across or being pinched. “Please…”
Jae’s fingers had slowed down, yet dug themselves even deeper, as he latches his mouth around that same nipple. As he switches between each perky nub, he pumps his fingers inside me faster… and faster.
“Oh God, Jae…” I exhale, getting weaker in the knees with just about every motion, yet strengthening Jae with each moan that eases or forces itself out of my lips.
Now Jae takes it into his own hands to encourage me. “Yeah, Ki… Let me know just how much you missed this shit, baby.”
“So fucking much, babe,” I reply, still breathless, my back arching when I feel a large hand against the moisture of it. “So… damn… f-fuck, Jae!”
I couldn’t even finish reiterating my feelings due to how distracted I became, with Jae’s fingers repeatedly hitting my clit directly. Once his lips were back on my neck, it was a wrap. Without so much as a loud gasp in Jae’s ear, an inebriating orgasm transpires. I let out a moan so loud and lusty that I’m sure one could hear it from the hotel hallway.
When Jae’s fingers finally ease their way out of me, a jet stream of cum leaks out, and tears literally start to build. “Fuck, Jae…” I chuckle, as he takes one of those fingers and gestures for me to suck on it. Which I do, of course, before he pulls it out and momentarily sucks another one.
Throwing my head back, I blindly, yet tenderly feel along Jae’s creamy wet skin. While still recovering and calming my body down, I begin to slither to the floor. I start to regain some strength… because this is far from over.
❝…I love them tattoos, I still gotta learn 'em all… Tell me when you're gonna make them the writings on my wall…❞ ♪ ♫ Touch Me | Victoria Monet
Once I look up to face a now standing Jae (in more ways than one), I look up and down his body, admiring the artwork painted throughout it. Not quite fully back on Earth mentally, I finally decide to express a thought or two on the star on his stomach. "I really like this astral situation you got going on, baby," I tell him with a mellow grin.
After Jae thanks me for the compliment, I place a few pampering kisses along said 'situation,' adjusting myself so that I'm already sitting back on the seat. Meanwhile, Jae asks, "What do you like about it?"
My brief, honest answer? "How close it is to what I want," I reply as I hunch over, my lips and tongue coating the tip of his dick.
"Oh fuck," Jae breathes out, immediately satisfying my ears, as well as other places along my body. I see his hand grip the shaft before continuing to stroke.
I suck the tip while gently running my thumb along the tattoo before looking up at him. For one, I could tell it had been at least a couple weeks since he'd gotten it, due to him not flinching when I began to touch it. For another thing, I catch him rolling his neck before looking down at me looking at him.
I soften my gaze as I lap at the tip with my tongue. My hand goes from Jae's waist back to my aching pussy as the other hand trails up his more decorated arm. I moan before my fingers are quickly replaced with his again, allowing his cock to go further down my throat as his fingers plunge deeper in between my very open legs.
"I really fucking missed this," Jae exhales as I hum around his length in agreement. "I really fucking missed you."
He pulls out of my mouth, much to both of our disappointment, but then he slips his tongue inside. We both moan almost harmoniously as we intensely suck each others' tongues.
"Fuck," Jae breathes out after a moment, probably also feeling my hand wrapped around his cock.
"It really has been a minute," I let out between kisses, some on his lips, but a lot on his neck. In a maneuver Jae's used to, I lick along that vine-like tattoo like it came with an instruction manual.
"It has, and you're not missing a goddamn beat," Jae replies in between moans and faster pumping from his fingers, nearing my g-spot.
"Neither are you… Shit… Don't stop." I pant into his ear before we exchange several deep kisses, moaning at how good we're finally making each other feel after this past month. I notice how my moans become more drawn out in contrast to the rapid pace I feel Jae's fingers push in and out of me. "Fuck, Jae…"
"Yeah, Ki…" I feel Jae's breath near my ear as he continues, "You like that?"
"Of course, always," I reply with my hand recirculating the tip, "but you know I want more."
"You deserve more," Jae concurs as he pulls away from me completely, inadvertently stepping into the direct path of water from the shower head. "Oh shit. That feels good."
I half-laugh, seeing him feel a fraction of what I felt with the water pressure I mentioned before, but also… He looks hot as fuck with that water running down his body. I must've been obvious with my ogling because I see Jae smirk at me before stepping forward an inch for the water to drench his hair.
I take that as an opportunity to get back down on my knees and pick up where I was left off. Feeling like I had did just enough prep prior, I went ahead and took him to the hilt. With most of his dick halfway down my throat in record time, I want to see his reaction, but I wasn't about to be blinded by the water. It almost didn't matter, though, because I sure as hell heard it.
"Fuck, Kia!" Jae spits out as I feel a hand grip my shower cap, pushing my head further down his shaft. An almost purr-like moan soon follows from the both of us. After a few seconds, he lets go of my head, allowing me to suck him off.
I could hear Jae pant expressively above me, and I just had to see what that was like, so I pull away momentarily, and it was worth it – for me at least. I was able to catch his facial features release from the probably distorted way his eyes close like it usually is when I'm on his dick like that… and the animal in me almost got unleashed again.
I held it together as much as I could though. "You look so fucking hot, Jae," I spill while one of my hands wrap around his cock, and the other caresses the star tattoo (finally, a tattoo I can fucking reach from this position!).
"So do you, baby," Jae replies, a bit sluggishly, reminding me of just how much more 'laggy' I'm making him… Although, I know neither one of us care enough to stop. We always finish what we start… even if we take our time to get there.
After Jae asks me to retrieve a dry towel for his face, I'm back on the blessed shower seat, repositioning myself to take his cock back into my mouth. Jae assists by placing a foot on the seat, but I should've remembered that there's always gonna be something in most leg ups for him as well.
As he guides his dick back into my mouth, he wraps a hand around my neck. He knows how much I'm annoyingly turned on by such an action, and he knows how to switch it up when necessary. Needless to say, he had enough of a grip for me to choke on his length (something he's annoyingly turned on by).
Moaning at the shower tile, Jae begins to fuck my mouth slowly. I begin to moan in place of words I wouldn't have been able to find whether his dick was down my throat or not. Jae, on the other hand… "You're taking it so good, babe.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum so hard in that pretty mouth of yours…” Jae chokes out. “And you're gonna take all that like a good girl, right?"
"Mmhmm," was all I could obviously reply with, and while I could be bratty as fuck, I decided to forgo it… for now. I missed this Jae too damn much.
While never letting go of my neck, he pulls out of my mouth, inadvertently giving me enough time to croak, "I want your cum down my throat, baby," before shoving himself back inside.
Finding myself choking more often than usual, I feel a tiny trail of drool (and probably a hint of precum) run down my chin. Fucking my throat at a faster pace, Jae hunches over ever-so-slightly, but it's more than enough for me to finally reach his chest. I'm not trying to cut off my blood flow, so I close my eyes and feel my way around.
I purposely run my palms along his nipples, pinching them until they're as hard as his dick has been. I stick my tongue out underneath to fucking breathe, but I know how much that subtle change fucks him up. It sounds to me like this combo is doing its job because Jae is reduced to panting again, especially when I shift my tongue from left to right.
"Keep doing that, Ki," I hear Jae exhale as he proceeds to fuck my mouth. Shortly after, Jae's fingers press against my neck before letting go of it completely. I’m able to go a step further with it and open my mouth and throat some more, dragging my tongue underneath from the sack to the tip, over and over… and over, until– "I'm gonna fucking cum!"
The brat in me instantly jumps out again as my mouth lets go, and my hands remain on his chest, moving to his arms. Looking up at a ravished Jae, I go, "Oh really?" with a smirk.
"Don't fucking play," Jae growls.
"I'm not!" I playfully retaliate, "I'm just asking a simple ass question."
I see Jae roll his eyes before my mouth resumes guiding him to his finish. "There you go," Jae blows out, "Good girl…"
"Mm," I respond, still acting bratty with my fingers pinching his nipples again. Since I have a lot more control than before, I retreat and advance on his cock repeatedly until I hear a shaky, high-pitched moan signaling my place to stop.
Resting my tongue underneath his tip, I fondle Jae's balls while he wraps his fingers back around his warm shaft. "Oh yeah, baby… F-fuck… Fuck!"
With just a bit a tip sucking, Jae's streams of cum find their way down my throat, resting in the back of it. Once he sits back down on the seat next to me, I kiss him deeply, the both of us moaning when he receives a fraction of his own cum in his mouth.
"I fuckin' love it when you do that," Jae states after swallowing his portion.
"I know," I breathe out in a bit of a cocky manner before giving him a couple more kisses on his lips. I finally take a moment to kiss around his chest, sucking on his nipples while staring into his glazed eyes smiling down at me.
I instinctively begin to climb onto Jae’s lap, with his hands firmly on my waistline helping me – wait – guiding me right back where I was seated. Only for a moment, though, because then he lifts me off the seat, carrying me to the other end of the shower.
< Stay tuned for Part 2! >
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blu-joons · 3 years
The First Morning Back From Tour ~ Jaehyung Park
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The feeling of an arm wrapping around your waist brought a smile to your face as you began to stir. You could soon hear Jae shuffling around in the bed behind you, moving closer towards you until his chest was pressed against your back. He peered past your shoulder, allowing his smile to grow when he saw that your eyes were open.
“How did you sleep?” He asked, pressing a gentle kiss to the crook of your neck.
Your hand rested over the top of his on your waist, “I slept nice having you back with me.”
Jae’s head nodded in agreement as he briefly glanced around the room. After weeks of being busy and on the road, he couldn’t wait to get home and spend some time with you, especially after finding out how much you had been struggling whilst he was away.
“Can you just stay here forever now please?” You laughed, nuzzling further back against his chest.
“It’s tempting,” he acknowledged, resting his cheek down to your shoulder so that he could keep his eyes on you. “I’ve got the day off today though, so we can do whatever you want to do.”
Your smile grew at his information, “would you mind if we just do nothing today? I just want to make the most of having you back and finally feeling settled again.”
For weeks you had struggled whilst waking up alone, wishing that Jae could be there with you. You tried your hardest to get on with things as best as you could, but the thought of Jae being hundreds of miles away always lingered in the back of your mind.
“We can do absolutely nothing if that’s what you want to do,” Jae vowed, pulling you even tighter into him, “if there’s something that you want to do that makes sure that you know that I’m home, then we can do just that.”
The feeling of Jae’s hold around your waist was immediately a comfort, something that you had craved for weeks and dreamt of being able to experience again.
Life was far from easy for Jae too, he knew that you struggled, and hated not being able to do anything about it too. The pain that was in your voice was never easy for him to listen to, the tears that he watched you shed whenever he had to hang up a call were always things that he wanted to wipe away. It was cruel for him too, as much as Je loved what he did, there was always one thing missing without you there too.
As the two of you settled into bed the previous night, Jae couldn’t believe how lucky he was. Nothing had changed, and that was just the way he liked it, with one exception. The smile on your face was finally back as he returned.
“I don’t think I want to move from this spot for a very long time,” Jae joked, smiling across at you, “everything just feels so comforting, for the first time in weeks.”
The two of you both struggled to relax when you were away from one another, the two of you made each other comfortable. Although you never imagined someone could make you feel so settled, Jae most definitely did that for you.
“There’s so many stories from tour that I can’t wait to tell you too,” Jae spoke up once again, “you just wait until you hear about the fall that Wonpil had in Osaka.”
Your head shook just thinking about all of the stupid things that happened during the tour, any time you went away with the boys, it was chaos. They tried their hardest to keep things under control, but they never managed to succeed.
“I bet you had a fair few mishaps as well.”
Jae gasped at your accusation, shaking his head straight away. Even if he didn’t like to tell you about all of his embarrassing stories, eventually one of the others would end up dropping Jae in it, being on the receiving end of a scolding as soon as you left the room.
“Maybe we could order some food in a bit, you need to have some breakfast,” Jae suggested, changing the subject before you could push him about your embarrassing stories.
Your eyes glanced back to meet his, “I’m pretty sure there’s some ingredients in the fridge, we could go downstairs and make something together if you fancy.”
“That involves effort, I thought we were supposed to just be being lazy today Y/N.”
“We’re cooking breakfast,” you laughed, rolling your eyes as Jae continued to protest in reply to you. “Alright, we can order something for breakfast if you’re really that desperate to spend all day in bed, but then who answers the door?”
He brought his arm out from under the duvet and pointed across to you. It was nothing less than what you expected from him, knowing it was going to take a lot more than food to pull Jae out of bed when he was so comfortable.
“If you go to the door, I’ll love you forever,” Jae smirked, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “I deserve a rest anyway, I’ve been working tirelessly on stage for nearly three months.”
You jabbed your elbow back, so it hit lightly against Jae’s chest. “I’ve worked hard too, it’s not easy being left here all by myself, it’s not the same sitting down to a play game and having to click on one player mode and not two.”
A soft chuckle came from Jae as he understood your struggle, thankfully having had the boys to play with him whilst travelling around.
It was only a little thing, but for you whilst Jae was gone it was one of the things that hit you the hardest. The two of you always gamed together during your free time and doing it yourself most definitely didn’t feel the same.
Meanwhile, Jae understood how big of an issue it was for you too. When you had tough days, messing around with Jae was one of your favourite things to do, and so when you did it alone, it often ended up making you feel a lot worse about not having Jae around.”
“I’m so happy that you’re home Jae.”
“Me too,” he mused, taking another look around the room that he got to call home, “I love being able to go on tour, but it’s never quite the same as being here with you, I love the buzz of performing, but I also love how content I am whenever I get to be with you.”
“Laying in bed means nothing to most, but it means the world to me right now.”
Jae’s head nodded in agreement with you as he squeezed you a little tighter, reminding you once again that he was home.
Although at times your lives were completely different, you always found a way back to each other eventually too. Being with each other was crucial for you both, despite the stress and the worry that you felt whilst you were apart, the two of you quickly forgot about all of it as soon as you got to reunite with one another.
“Why don’t we leave breakfast for now and just cuddle,” Jae offered, “I still feel like I could sleep forever.”
Your head nodded back at him, “why don’t we go back to sleep for a bit and just enjoy the fact that you’re home?”
“That sounds like a great idea to me.”
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miccmiccbungeee · 3 years
Jae: i bought an air fryer
Wonpil: you’ll fry air?
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thewonandonly · 4 years
05:27 — way too many options, you need something constant, you need something that you can hold on to, till then i'll hold on to you. | pillows by eaJ (feat. keshi)
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stirring softly, you rolled onto your back, staring up at the ceiling and sighed. it was the crack of dawn, yet you felt the pressure of the world already settling on your shoulders. you were only so young, but you weren’t sure where your future was headed, or what you wanted to do with your life yet. sitting up, throwing your legs over the side, and pulling the curtains attached to the top bunk aside, you attempted to get the day started: heavy emphasis on attempted.
your boyfriend’s arm around your waist dragged you back into bed, holding his arm around your torso securely, “stay in bed.”
“i should get up.” you whispered.
he turned you, so you could bury your head in his chest, taking in the gentle scent of the cologne gifted to him by the members and the mixture of sweat. his half closed eyes glanced up, pulling the curtain back to glance at the alarm clock, “it’s 5:30 on a saturday morning.” he whispered, “stay in bed.”
you blinked up at him as he rested his chin on your forehead, “okay.” you whispered back, wrapping your own arms around his waist.
the world may feel like it’s crashing down on you, but with minho, you had all the time in the world.
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copyright © 2021 the-wonandonly. all rights reserved.
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Attention Seeker - Jae Park
“WHAT JAE? WHAT?” He pouted at you with the most adorable eyes ever, fluffy silk hair hanging above his shiny eyes. “I missed you..”
You looked up from your phone ready to yell at him again but then his puppy brown eyes knocked that thought out of you as you awed over him. “AWWWEWRWWEWWWWW BABYYYY! YOU LOOK SO CUTEEE!” You grabbed his face and kissed him all over. He smiled as you kept covering his face in pecks.
He giggled loudly as he cuddled closer into you. “I wub you princess.” You played with his hair as he laid his head on your shoulder, focusing his attention on the tv. “I love you too bubs.”
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nctscafe · 4 years
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okay how is this legal hahaha
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kpopworldwidee · 4 years
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eajsiri · 4 years
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{follow for more edits}
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
i had a bad day and spent it listening to eaJ x keshi - pillows but then i imagined chilumi finding comfort in each other in their loneliness like in the song and😭❤
aww i listened to the song after reading this and wow it is really such a lovely song ;__;
perfect scenario for chilumi too <3
ty for the introduction to the song!!!
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Don’t you dare!
Post Date: 6th June 2022 Content: Angst/Smut - Day6 Jae x Reader  WC: 2.3K TW?: DDLG/ Hair Pulling/ Cussing/ Edging/ Masterbating/ Fingering/ Hickeys/ Degration  Request?: Yes 
Masterlist                                    Prompt list
Prompts: 6 - “Try me” 11 - “You’ve pissed me off now” 35 - “Say please”
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“What do you have there?” Jae curiously asks, staring down the extremely delicious looking homemade milkshake that you have in your grasp, slowly sipping from as you smle at up at him, wiggling your shoulders happily, “A milkshake,” you reply, all soft. He couldn’t help but scoff at how cute you were trying to act cool, moving closer to you, to try and get a sip of the milkshake but you pull it away from him all defensive, “If you want some, go make your own!” you whine at him, pushing yourself up against the edge of the other side of the couch. His eyes roll to the back of his head, already fed up of your shit as he just wanted to try it, “Fine, be like that then,” he mutters under his breath and you’re content again with your little creation, whilst he just sits there, pouting at you but tries to not make it obvious. 
Without warning, he walks out of the room, bored out of his skull, to try and find something to do himself hoping you’d notice at some point to make effort to bother him, since he’s too stubborn to ask you to do something himself. It’s been a while since he last streamed, so that was his first idea, setting himself ready to go live, grabbing a few snacks and a drink ready for a game binge whilst talking to friends. It only took a matter of 10 minutes before you realised Jae wasn’t sitting next to you, as you look around briefly, wondering where he may have gone, would he have gone to make his own milkshake? Or would he be pouting to himself at his desk? Suddenly getting all curious, you shuffle to your feet, pulling down your hoodie as you get ready to go on a boyfriend hunt. As you slowly get closer to his little studio, you could hear his little laugh, muffled by the walls and doors in the way. You tip-toe towards the door, taking hold of the door handle before slowly and attentively being quiet to turn it, exposing your boyfriend’s silhouette in front of his monitors, playing a 1st person shooting game, laughing at his friends in chat. 
For minutes, you peep around the door, in hopes he’d realise you’re there, but with no luck, you creep inside the room, silently closing the door behind you as you go to sit in the spare chair, spending minutes there twiddling your thumbs from anticipation that he’s going to notice you at some point, though you just found yourself getting impatient and even more bored as he continued to glue his eyes to the game on the screen. It was time to start pulling some antics out of your sleeve as you creep behind him, putting your hands on his shoulders, making him jump, and receiving a little shout from him as you scare him. You could hear his friends laughing through the headset as you start laughing yourself, clutching your chest, his reaction tickling you as you fall back onto the chair. “You guys didn’t hear anything!” he cries to his friends on the mic before muting himself, slowly turning around in his chair to face you, tears of laughter streaming down your face, “Since when did you come in?!” he cries, pouting, hand still checking for a heartbeat in his chest, “Like 20 minutes ago!” you splutter through laughter, watching his face fall, just adding to your hysterical state. You swear you would be rich with the number of times this guy rolls his eyes, as he quickly unmutes himself to answer his friends who called for him. He took this as a chance to ignore you, purposely this time as he tries to focus on his game once again.
After catching your breath, and attempting to calm down, you weren’t going to put up with him purposely ignoring the fact you were in the room, so it was time to turn it up a notch. How would he react to you teasing him whilst he tries to pay attention to his game? You were so ready to find out the answer as you move your chair closer to him, practically hip-to-hip, receiving a brief evil glare off him as you sit there, playing all innocent, as though you were just interested in what he was playing. Your fingertips trace their way up the arm of his chair, down to his knees, tickling up towards the top of his thigh, as you gently place your hand down, extremely close to his crotch. With disappointment from a lack of reaction, you inch your hand closer, resting it on his crotch this time, as you rest your head on his shoulder. Still, no reaction, so you put your antics on full, piss off Jae mode, as you move your head, adjusting it to be able to comfortably kiss his cheek, trailing it down his neck, licking and sucking on where you knew he liked it the most usually, receiving a hiss from him, muting himself again on the mic before biting at you, “Get off, what are you doing?” you play innocent, looking up at him with puppy eyes as you shuffle closer, but get pushed back on your chair, “You’ve pissed me off now, let me play my game”. A pout forms on your lips as he shrugs, putting his attention back to the screen.
That’s it, you’ve touched a nerve, mission accomplished. However, the reaction you’ve had seemed to have triggered something in you, that craved for him to bite, to get angry, to make you regret pissing him off, tempted to see how much you could do to get him to fuck you, giving in to your antics. Getting up on your feet, you slowly walk to behind him, running your fingers through his hair before pulling it slightly, kissing all up his neck again. Within seconds, you could feel his long and slender fingers reach around to back of your neck, up into your hair to pull your head down next to him, so he could bite your lip before leaving go, pushing you back again a little. Noticing the grin on your face, he adjusts in his seat, a bulge growing in his tracksuit bottoms before he clicks his tongue, “Lads, I have to end the stream early, something came up... Yeah... I’ll speak to you soon, goodnight”. 
For moments, you stood there, shaking a little from being highly turned on by his reactions, but also at the fact you didn’t know what he was thinking or going to do, as he lets out a loud sigh, before turning in his chair to stand up, hovering over and looking down at you, with angry lust in his eyes. You swallow hard, gulping at the sudden feeling of being scared rush through you as you back off a little but he follows you, keeping eye contact. “What the fuck, do you think you’re doing? Playing up like that?” he growls as you nervously giggle, shrugging your shoulders before stiffening up, realising you wanted this as you walk up to him, braving to react like a brat, “I just felt like it~” you sung, as your hands clasp together, falling in front of you as you swayed yourself, innocently, puppy eyes returning to wind him up even more.
“Oh really, that’s how you wanna be? You’re going ot act like a brat huh?” he says softly before turning cold, hand caressing your cheek before moving down to your throat, grabbing it tightly, “Try me”. If you weren’t wet from the events leading up to this, you definitely were as you try to suppress a moan, keeping a smirk plastered on your lips before biting your bottom lip, making him growl at the sight, leaning in, face so close to yours, you could feel his breath gently blowing against your lips. You’re now falling into his trap, his lips millimetres away from yours, giving you the impression as though he was finally going to kiss you, but he pulls away, making you whine. Now the smirk was on his face as he lets go of you, attempting to walk away before you know that all you had to do now was get all bratty on him, “Little bitch” you mutter under your breath, making him turn on his heels, tongue in cheek, “What did you say?” he voices, you knew you were done for now, as he runs his hand up to the back of your head, pulling at your hair once again, pulling your head to the side. “I asked you a question, you better answer it, baby girl,” he voices, as you whimper, trying to keep up the brat facade, but the way he has you is inevitably too much for you to even risk it even more, though you still don’t answer, keeping your lips glued together.
From receiving no answer from you, he picks you up and places you on the table next to him, grip still on your hair as he pulls your head to the side, giving him access to trail kisses down your neck, starting from just behind the ear down, lacking forgiveness as he nips at your skin, sucking harshly, leaving dark purple marks, at least 4 on your neck. These made you whimper, and almost moan but you fight strongly against it, for now. “Fuck, Daddy,” you whimper as your body twitches under the pain from his biting, but it was so pleasurable as you try to put your hand down your shorts, your fingers rubbing circles on your clit, creating more pleasure, sending shivers down your spine. Though that didn’t last long as he notices what you were doing, gripping onto your wrist as he pulls your hand out, licking your fingers before smirking and letting go of his grip on your hair. Instead, he grabs tight onto your hips, bruising them from the tightness of it, as you use both of yours to hold yourself up, welcoming the kisses that he’s trailed up to your lips, tongue fighting for dominance as you finally let out a moan, making him chuckle into the kiss.
With a swift movement, your shorts and panties were removed from around your body, onto the floor. His fingers trail up your legs, tickling your thighs before a hand hovers over your core, as you prepare yourself for the pleasure you thought you were going to receive, his fingers slide up your folds before stopping and his hand is pulled away. You cry in disappointment, “Jae please don’t tease!” but all he could do was laugh at your reaction, tongue in cheek before he whispers in your ear, “Oh now I’m teasing you, it’s a problem huh?” followed by a nibble of your ear lobe. Your hand flies up to pull his head closer to yours, to kiss him, but he resists it, pulling back from the force of your pulling, “If you really want me that bad baby, you’re going to beg for it,” he orders, lips barely brushing against yours as you try to beg for your life to get him to touch you, “Daddy, fuck me!”. He shakes his head in disappointment, “Where did your manners go? Say please!”, you could barely even put words together, you craved him to touch you so bad, it took a lot for you to even concentrate properly, “Daddy, please, please fuck me!”.
The wish you asked for was granted to you as his hand trails back down to your core, as you open your legs wide enough for he had to comfortably fit in between your thighs, and for a finger to tease your clit, gliding through your soaking wet folds as he scoffs to himself, “I’ve barely even touched you, and look at you, so wet, dirty little whore,” you couldn’t even contain yourself, the sensation of his finger rubbing your clit in circles was driving you insane as you buck your hips for something more. It didn’t take long for him to enter a finger, then a second, pushing a third as you cry his name, his fingers curling upwards as he finger fucks you, causing the room to be filled with little whines and moans from you, Jae being very happy with himself for making you into a mess as you cry his name.
It didn’t take long either for the pressure to build up in your stomach as your orgasm comes close, you bite onto Jae’s lip, making out heavily, and sloppily, to get some control as your legs and body start to shake, and his fingers doing all the magic in your cunt as he keeps a steady pace, hitting your g-spot repetitively. With the way it was going, you were going to create a huge mess, and Jae knew this, welcoming it as he encourages you to cum all over his hand, “Come on baby girl, cum for me,” and within seconds, you’re cumming all over his hand, removing his fingers to rub your clit, making you squirm and scream, releasing your juices all over him and the floor before he makes you lick his fingers. The smug look on his face was a sight that you knew well, his cockiness shows through as he teases how you crumble under him, but you wanted more, “No, no more, this is all you’re getting for teasing me so much earlier. Behave like a good girl, and you may get fucked again later”, he says, caressing your cheek as you pout at him, which doesn’t work in your favour this time, as you try to gather yourself together after the experience you’ve just had. Now you know not to test his patience, and to not dare see how far you could push him.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Longing For You ~ Jaehyung Park
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A loud groan came from Jae as he threw himself down on the sofa as the rehearsal came to an end, looking around the room as the rest of the boys all sat around with him in chairs.
As much as Jae loved the festivals that came with the end of the year, enjoying the festivities with so many of his friends, there was one thing that was missing from all of it, and that was you, stuck at home and all alone, watching on through the screen.
Straight away as he sighed, Youngkyun beside him knew exactly what the sigh was for. “I’m sure Y/N will be waiting for you, we’re on the schedule pretty early today, so we can head home.”
“It sucks,” Jae responded, glancing across at his friend next to him, “we might get to head home early today but then tomorrow it’ll be another festival or show that we have to do, and more of Christmas spent away from Y/N.”
Although the busy schedule that the boys all endured was a part of the job, it never made life easier for Jae. At the best of times, he hated spending long periods of time away from you, but especially so when that time was during the holidays.
“Why don’t we see if we can get her to one of the upcoming concerts?” Sungjin suggested, picking his phone out of his bag, “I’m sure we can organise something for you both.”
Jae smiled appreciatively back to his leader, nodding his head gently, with the idea appealing, Jae wasn’t confident that they would be able to make it happen.
Knowing that you were at home and by yourself was what hurt the most, with several of the boys feeling guilty that they had to leave you at the dorm too. They wanted you there, every single member, but that was never quite as easy as they hoped.
“We’ve just got to get through today and then we can take a look at the rest of the week,” Wonpil interjected, “I know that you want to be at home with Y/N, but you’ve got to focus on the stage that we’re doing today, once that’s done, then we can head straight home.”
If only you were with them all, Jae knew that he would be feeling the Christmas spirit that so many of the other artists were feeling. Since dating you, that was only something that he wanted to experience together however, experiencing it alone never quite felt the same.
“We don’t want you being miserable for the rest of the day,” Dowoon teased as he noticed the pout that was still on Jae’s face, “the last thing that Y/N would want is you sitting around here and feeling sorry for yourself too knowing that she’s not here.”
“I know that she’ll shout at me if I come across as moody when we film the broadcast later,” Jae acknowledged, knowing you all too well, “she says that you can always tell when I’m missing her whenever I perform.”
It was a habit of Jae’s that you had picked up on quite early on in your relationship. His eye always seemed to just miss the camera when you weren’t around, with Jae not wanting to hold eye contact with anyone.
“All I want is the chance to go home and spend just a little bit of Christmas with Y/N,” Jae suddenly spoke up once again, “is it really so harsh for me to ask just for one day.”
The rest of the boys remained silent as they struggled to find the words to comfort Jae. They could tell he was hurting, not just as a result of their busy schedule, but also as a result of the time that he was spending separated from you.
With no one responding, Jae quickly decided to speak up once again. “They always air these things and talk about Christmas is a time for family, and yet they never allow the artists that they’re hiring to spend their time with their families.”
“You know what broadcast stations are like,” Youngkyun reminded him, “remember last year when everyone was waiting outside in carparks in the cold.”
It never sat right with Jae that the artists that entertained the audiences were left to suffer, having you with him wasn’t going to get in the way of anything, if anything it was going to boost him and the group’s performance as a whole.
“I just want to spend some of my Christmas with Y/N, I don’t ask for much.”
The more he spoke, the more worked up the boys could sense Jae was getting, quickly encouraging him to calm down. Even though they knew he was right, they still had a job to do, even if they didn’t always want to do it.
“We’ll talk to management,” Sungjin assured him from across the room, “there’s got to be one of the shows that we can get Y/N too.”
“And if they say no, we’ll do it anyway,” Dowoon cheered, “they don’t get to control us anyway.”
As ever, Jae knew that he could rely on the four guys around him to pick him up, without you there, they were his biggest supports, and it was a role that they always managed to fulfil to the best of their abilities.
Whilst he knew he had a show to do, it was so tempting for him sometimes to just walk away. You loved the holidays, and he felt guilty knowing that you were having to spend so much of it alone, whenever you had something that you wanted to do, work just ended up pulling Jae away from his time with you.
That longing was something that everyone close to Jae could recognise, understanding that things were far from easy for him.
“The Christmas schedule will be done soon enough,” Wonpil smiled across to him.
“And you get to spend actual Christmas Day with Y/N this year too,” Sungjin chimed in, “that’s pretty exciting.”
“At least you can leave Y/N to do all the rubbish jobs for Christmas,” Dowoon laughed, “you can leave her to wrap up all your presents.”
“I guess that it is one good thing about being here.”
Jae loved Christmas, with the exception of all of the chores that came with it. There was very little that he disliked more than having to go Christmas shopping and wrap up all of the things that were bought, often finding himself in a mess with sticky tape all over his body.
Slowly the boys worked their magic in bringing a smile back to Jae’s face, reminding him of what he needed to focus on, the show, even if it wasn’t exactly what he wanted to think about.
“Imagine how excited Y/N will be to see you on the stage tonight,” Youngkyun reasoned, relaxing his hand against the top of Jae’s leg, “she’ll love watching you.”
Jae’s head nodded in reply, knowing that Youngkyun had a point. Watching the group was never something that you got used to, especially seeing how happy it made Jae too.
His hands ran through his hair as Jae began to settle his frustrations to one side, “I love spending the build up to Christmas with all of you, but now with Y/N in my life, there always feels as if there’s one thing missing.”
“We all appreciate that it can’t be easy for you,” Sungjin smiled in reply.
“You’re right, the stations always talk about family and Christmas, but they never let us see ours,” Wonpil groaned, “maybe you can be the one to try and change that.”
Jae’s eyes lit up at Wonpil’s suggestion, he had been a voice for change before, and there certainly wasn’t anything stopping him from giving it another go, especially when it revolved around you.
“Maybe you’ve got a point there,” Jae hummed across at Wonpil, “why should we all sit back and be told how we’re going to spend our Christmas.”
“If you want to be with Y/N, then you should be with Y/N.”
Jae’s head nodded in agreement with Wonpil as the rest of the boys all voiced their support for Jae too. They knew how much it meant to him to have you there and knew that he wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted too.
“Maybe save those discussions until after the concert though,” Sungjin suggested.
“Once the show is done, go home and see Y/N and see what she says,” Youngkyun added, “we all know that she’s the only person that you’ll listen to anyway.”
“That’s true,” Jae laughed in agreement, “I know that she’ll just tell me to focus on work though, she hates me worrying about her.”
Dowoon stood up from his chair, walking across to Jae, “so, take Y/N’s advice and make sure that you focus on the rest of the show for today.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t be miserable, I’ll keep smiling,” Jae assured the group, “I just can’t wait to get home to Y/N.”
“Trust me, we all know.”
65 notes · View notes
miccmiccbungeee · 3 years
Dowoon: hi, could you help me with this assignment?
Jae: sure, but i am no smarter than a sponge at this point
14 notes · View notes