#eastenders tom ellis
tomellisplus18 · 2 years
Tom Ellis as Doctor Oliver Cousin en la serie Eastenders de la BBC
Primer capítulo en el que aparece
1-30-06 su fecha de emisión
🦄Tom Ellis en modo Cute🐣
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Tom Ellis en modo mix🔥Hotcute 🐣
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sapphicsukeve · 1 year
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Eve Unwin + Martin Fowler (24/08)
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forensicated · 4 months
02x09 - Loan Shark
TW: Unauthorised money lending, stereotypical talk about travelers and suicide discussion/depiction circa mid 1980's time of writing/filming.
A large amount of rubble has been dumped in the street by a fly-tipper. The lady demands that Taffy deal with it - now! - Taffy snarkily suggests she hand him a dustpan and brush. One of the council road sweepers has spotted the fly sweeper but he's now in the hospital after being hit by the truck involved.
A woman, Mrs Taylor, reports that her neighbour has been moving heavy furniture at all hours, playing loud music and 'has been sick on my windows'. She reports that the lady "is not 'riff-raff', her husband was a hospital administrator after all", but she's now taken to drink.
A shoplifter, Sharon, played by Michelle 'Cindy Beale' Collins. was stopped by a security guard after slipping a few bits of shopping in her bag without paying before leaving. Jim tries to encourage the security guard to let it slide because the loss is less than £2 and food for her children but she won't hear of it. Sharon protests she hasn't got any money and Jim tells her to say that to the Sergeant when she's being processed.
An adorable little dog has been brought into the front office after the teens who found him couldn't read his name tag. It appears that it's in either Russian or Polish as far as Pete can work out.
Ted asks Bob to to get his relief to keep an eye out for some car thieves and reports CID is so quiet, Roy is looking through holiday brochures. "I'm afraid he's going to ask me to go with him!"
Jim tries to help Sharon calm her toddler who has been screaming for the entire journey. "It's just like home." She sighs, looking around the room. "No sodding furniture."
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Charles reports to Bob that there has been a report of an epidemic of commercial flytipping south of the river which has started to spread to Sun Hill. He's had a report from the resident that Taffy dealt with that she didn't see the funny side of his dustpan comment. He isn't taking it further but wants him to remind the troops to remain courteous. He then asks if Bob has any ideas about bringing some colour to the station. Bob is utterly lost so Charles hands him a copy of his 'Swedish report' memo. Flummoxed, Bob suggests that June is a dab hand at flower arranging. Unfortunately when asked it turns out that June knows nothing about flowers.
Bob processes Sharon and asks if she's getting the relevant benefits and if her ex is involved. She says all he did was send a Boots voucher at Christmas. Bob asks where her child allowance book is and she confesses - eventually - that she borrowed £100 and that 'a man' has taken her child allowance book away incase she tried to cheat him. Bob thinks it through and realises, given where Sharon lives, it must be Peg 'Aunty Peg' Miller and her son Bob, the not-so-friendly local loan shark. Sharon insists she's not a waster and that she'll support her kids no matter what, clamming up. Bob asks if a caution can be authorised for Sharon as it's all down to reduced circumstances and a loan shark having taken her benefits. Thankfully it's allowed.
Mrs Taylor, who reported her neighbour earlier has returned with a mirror she says she found hanging in the hallway of their flats with a message written on it in lipstick saying. 'I can't John, I can't." the named man is her husband who, Taylor tells Bob, has passed away.
In the pub, Bob and Roy discuss Peg Miller and her son. Roy is surprised to hear of the son because he sent him down for a long stretch but he's out again and is causing trouble on the estates. He tells him about Sharon and Roy says to nick him but Sharon won't press charges. He says he's passed it on to the DHSS (DWP now) but Roy says they're more interested in the easy win of OAP's earning beer money than loan sharks and won't do anything. Bob thinks about it, especially knowing that Auntie Peg will have been playing on all the vulnerable residents on the estate. He agrees to work with Roy to stop her and her son. He says he'll put Jim on it and they laugh that he'll probably lecture them on philosophy and the meaning of life whilst Miller is kicking his head in.
In the briefing, Bob tells Uniform that the fly typing has escalated and that they've not only had one man run over but another who confronted them had a spade wrapped round his head. Then, to eyerolls, he reminds them about deportment when dealing with members of the public. "That is manners in Welsh, Edwards."
Jim speaks to Bob about the loan shark business. Bob recommends that he doesn't actually mention the words 'loan shark' and to speak to the caretaker on the estate to see if he's heard anything about what's been going on.
Roy has sent down a gift for Bob. "Apparently they're very popular in Sweden."
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The relief are very confused by it...
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Jim approaches the Hardie Estate, the first I've heard mentioned in the first couple of series that remains in the later ones!
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The caretaker isn't available but the Community Center's manager turns up with her toddler daughter moments later. "I just wanted to know if everything's OK..." Jim starts. "On here? You've got to be joking." she drawls, seeing right through him. "What's up?" Jim admits he needs some information and immediately brings up illegal money lending despite Bob telling him not to. It works out however as the manager tells him that most of the people on the estate are in poverty and they can't get credit elsewhere so they have to use illegal money lenders. The local one is Peg Miller who pretends to be on their side and tells them she knows how hard it is at the start of their 'relationship'. They borrow £100 and pay it back £10 a week over 13 weeks. It doesn't seem hard or problematic at the start - even with £30 interest being paid. However, the trick is that Peg doesn't the loan paid off so suggests that she keeps topping it up and loaning more and more for various reasons until it's completely unaffordable. For every thousand pound she lays out, she has £100 coming back in every single week just in interest. She takes their benefit books as insurance and uses intimidation by her son and humiliation if people don't pay. The manager has heard all sorts from the simple being shouted at in shops by Peggy through to being branded, pushed down concrete stairs, their windows broken and furniture stolen. The manager doesn't know of anyone who would speak out against them though.
Mrs Taylor is back to report that her neighbour had a man over who was "not her class at all, when her husband was alive anyway" and that they'd been banging around upstairs and shouting all night. At the same time, a caller reports another illegal fly tipping blocking their culdesac with a dog run over and residents threatened.
Taffy has left his radio in the car whilst he visits a demolition site. The foreman insists his boys would not drop illegally and that they use a legal site that is 5 miles away to unload their wagons.
Jim goes to speak to Sharon at her part-time job in the laundrette. He asks if she's had any trouble or if there have been any signs of breaks in. Sharon is defensive and upset at the interference and tells him that she doesn't know what he's talking about. Jim tells her the agreement Peggy made is unenforceable and she doesn't have to pay it back. If she attended the station he promises that he would help her know her rights. Sharon points out that she has to still live on the estate with her children and that people are already talking about her after seeing the police around her. She's never been in trouble before and she has to protect her children and wants him to get off her back and - if he really wants to help - to go see her husband who is refusing to pay maintenance for their children.
Jim and Bob speak to Roy about the money lending on the estate. Jim thinks it's horrific that the sick, disabled, elderly and poor are forced to go to money lenders to get cash because no one else will help. Some estates have started credit unions in Scotland to fight back. "Socially minded.." Bob smiles at Roy after dismissing Jim. "He's right this time though...." Roy sighs. "For a change..." Roy thinks it's about time he has a word with Auntie Peg.
Bob radios June to request her to visit Mrs Taylor who has rung in sounding hysterical. When June gets there, Taylor's neighbours are comforting her and promising her her husband will arrive soon. Another neighbour takes June inside and shows her that blood is dripping from Mrs Taylor's ceiling from the flat above. June hurries upstairs with the woman as a witness to her breaking in to find that the woman has seemingly committed suicide on the living room floor.
Roy and Ted enter a posh wine bar with Roy looking very uncomfortable. After ordering their drinks - scotch of course - they make their way over to the owner... Peggy 'Auntie Peg' Miller. Peg claims she's just an old fashioned tally girl who lives to look after people and, if she'd moved away when things took an upturn for her club, "who would have got the kiddies their clothes for going back to school, ey?" She doesn't want to let people down. Roy tells her that he's heard she's holding on to benefit books as security. She looks to Ted. "I thought this was friendly?". "As long as it's friendly there's some young tarts on the estate spreading rumours." She says, claiming that she only does good and can't stop people mouthing off but she holds no rumours. She says her son Bob doesn't want any more trouble after being in prison and that it really is a deterrent. Roy tells her he's going to ask the DHSS to run some inquiries about some of the people receiving benefits on the Hardie estate to make sure that it really is going to them "Don't make me laugh, Mr Galloway!" She smirks before, unmoved, Roy walks out. She shouts after him that it's her who has to look after "the poor devils that the DHSS can't be bothered with!"
Pete and Taffy sit in a panda opposite the demolition site. Pete says he reckons that it will be gypsies that are fly-tipping after being paid to get rid of it by the foremen of building/demolition sites.
Mike and June have a look around the flat to see if there's any cvlue why Mrs Taylor's neighbour would have committed suicide, other than the obvious. Dashers holds up a coronation cup and asks where June was. June calls him a cheeky bugger and says she was barely a gleam in her mother's eye. (Trudie would have been almost exactly 18m if it helps you work out June's canon age.) They've found an exercise book of 'Dear John' type stuff and that it's creepy. He says that getting married is a waste of time. June says that it works for some people. "... Didn't work for [the victim]." Dashers says crassly.
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Viv reports that Peg's son, 'Freezer Bob' (Played by Duncan Preston) is removing furniture forcibly from the home of an elderly man. Freezer Bob insists everything is under control and it's a personal matter. The man insists that it's his property and he has no right to take it. Freezer Bob says it's an ongoing longstanding agreement between "me and Pop Curtis." A woman on the estate - the manager of the community center - tells Curtis to tell the police what is really going on. Freezer Bob ignores her at first before threatening her and telling her to keep her nose out of it. He insists the property belongs to him. "You got an order?" Pete asks. "A possession order." Without it he has no proof of what he's saying. Curtis snaps at him to put his property back in his kitchen. Pete's not taking any messing so Freezer Bob tells his mate to put it all back and that he'll 'Get his money, Pop!' "When I've got it, cock!" Curtis growls back. Freezer Bob stalks off to go place bets at the races.
Another uncredited extra appearance by Graham Cole as Tony Stamp
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The community center manager comes into the station to speak to CID. She, Mrs Hall, tells Roy that she's not scared of the Millers as she has a husband, a father and 2 big brothers on standby to have her back. God love her, she's 5ft nothing with a mouth bigger than she is tall. Everyone needs someone like her! She asks Roy to check up with Sharon because she's really not managing. Roy gets Mike to take her statement and arranges to go with Ted to deal with not-so-sweet-Aunt Peg. Roy is adorable when he says goodbye to Mrs Hall's daughter after thanking her for her help.
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Mrs Taylor asks June if she really does have to attend the inquest for her neighbour's suicide. June tells her that she does and then she asks about how she gets her ceiling and carpet cleaned.
Bob's report into the fly-tipping does not make good reading for Charles. There have been 5 more drops, the road sweeper in hospital, the dog that died and a garden wall has been demolished by the truck. It seems to come down to 2 Welsh men who had a dodgy registration. Charles wonders if they're disillusioned miners up to 'get their own back' and suggests Bob check the Merthyr computer with their descriptions. The foremen of the sites won't help because they're still getting rid of their rubbish for cheaper than the official places without the effort of transporting it.
A driver is stopped with a broken tail light and poor tread. He offers to give the police information about the Welsh fly-tippers if they let them go. Given that it's Pete... they do! The driver tells them the pubs that they frequent.
Harriet Thorpe guest starts as 'Tarty Woman' who complains about Roy and Ted seeming to jump the queue when going to see Peggy.
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The officers ignore her and ring the doorbell. 'Tarty Woman' tells them there's no one home and they'll tell her that the police called. A neighbour has Sharon in her flat with her when Mike arrives. He identifies himself to the neighbour as police and says they've heard about threats made against Sharon. The neighbour says he's too late and Sharon shouts, from inside, for her to shut up and not tell him. Sharon appears holding her toddler and tells him she's got her child allowance book returned, but her arm is scalded red and she has a tea towel wrapped round it. Freezer Bob has made a visit... Mike apologises and takes her down to casualty to have it checked out. He reports it to Roy and Ted and tells them that he's already asked - she won't inform on them.
The boys watch Peggy make her house to house calls. "All that cash and no one touches her..." "They wouldn't dare. Would you?" Peggy stands outside 'Irene's' house and shouts and makes a scene in front of the neighbours before threatening to send her son around. Ted and Roy have seen enough and they march over to the house, asking Peggy where her son is and what he's done to Sharon. "He's gone too far this time." "Don't believe her, she's a lying little whore." They're adding conspiracy to her charges but Ted promises he'll pretend not to have heard it if she tells them where Freezer Bob is. Threatened with a spell in prison, Peggy tells them that he's at the races and where to find him. "I'll see you later." Ted growls.
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The barman of a local pub calls the station, he has a lorry in his car park threatening to drop 20 tonnes of rubble. Pete and Taffy are sent over in the car and Yorkie attends on foot. The truck starts to drop the load as the landlord offers the two men £20 not to. Taffy and Pete make it in time. Taffy goes for the driver who tries to kick him in the face and then rip his head off whilst Pete tackles the oppo who tries to twat him with a spade repeatedly. Taffy clings on as both fall out of the cab but Yorkie makes it in time to grab the man and drag him off Taffy. The landlord then snaps that the boys have made a right mess of it (!!!!) That's thanks for you! "I've got a complaint winging its way in son, your feet won't touch the ground!" he threatens Bob who arrived to see what happened.
Roy and Ted enter the pub and spot Freezer Bob indulging in some illegal gambling. They approach him and arrest him for what he's done to Sharon. None of the men he's shouting to for alibi's step up for him. Not very popular is he!
Pop Curtis tells Jim that Freezer Bob is not very bright and keeps messing up hence getting arrested. He claims that Peggy is twice the man that her son is. She once pulled his false teeth straight out of his mouth once he missed a payment. He won't give a statement because if he does it won't solve anything. There's "Pal Joey" and "Lily Friend." who are nearby who are also illegal money lenders. "Debt doesn't go away, son." he tells Jim.
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bonniehooper · 2 years
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Top Picks of 2022
My Top 12 New Favorite Actors - #3: Tom Ellis
Introduction to Him: Lucifer
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tinknevertalks · 2 years
Pippin and Lucifer on a music show together? Sign me the eff up!
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welshmantomellis · 6 years
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ecelebmirror · 3 years
Meet Marnie Mae Ellis – Photos Of Tamzin Outhwaite’s Daughter With Tom Ellis
The studmuffin Lucifer actor’s relationship with EastEnders sexiest actress was a rocky one as their marriage lasted for 8 years in total, giving them two wonderful daughters. Though the Welsh actor is no stranger to ladies’ attention, he always makes time for his gorgeous little ones. Tom Ellis daughter Marnie Mae Ellis was born on 1st of August in 2012. While Marnie’s star parents separated for good in 2014, she is seen spending time with both of them on multiple occasions. She stays with her mom mostly as the Lucifer actor is busy with his shooting and spending more time with his current wife, Meaghan Oppenheimer. Even if Marnie’s dad, Tom Ellis, is busy with his projects, he never fails to show his love and appreciation for his daughters.
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tvfandoms · 4 years
your ships!!
*soulmates before the writers ruin them!!
**should have got together
*****both of the above
***had potential to be soulmates
here are my ships ive shipped over the years !!
Bad girls - Janine & donny*
Harvey & sabrina - sabrina*
Janet & Andy - Scott and Bailey***
Mount pleasant - Lisa & dan*
the a word - maurice & louise*
Joey - joey & Alex
What I like about you - Holly & gary
Ordinary lies - Beth & Mike
Family affairs - tanya & conrad*
Us - Douglas & Connie***
The syndicate - jake & keeley *
Jamie & sonia*
Ricky & Natalie***
kat & anthony
zoe & anthony
kat & alfie *
Vicky & spencer
phil & sharon (sharongate only on youtube)
Martin & sonia*
Oliver & little mo
Sharon & grant
sharon & dennis*
Dennis & zoe
Mickey & kareena
phil & kate
jake & chrissie ***
jake & carly
Patrick & Yolande*
Peter & Lauren *
phil & stella (till she became a syco)
Shirley & vinnie (before she liked phil)
Denise & Kevin*
grant & jane***
Bobby & Tiffany
max & stacey ***
max & tanya *
stacey & bradley *
jack & ronnie*
Jack and stacey NEW SHIP
Roxy & jack
Sean & tanya
phil & shirley *
Dawn & jase
Abi & jay*
Darren & libby
Darren & jodie
Sean & carly
tanya & jack
christian & syed *
roxy & al
Ryan & Stacey
Roxy & aleks
Joey & Lauren
Bianca & ray**
max & emma
Ian & jane*
Tamwar & alice
Ronnie & charlie
Ben & johnny***
Ben & paul*
Nancy & tamwar*
Sonia & tina***
Jack & ingrid
Mick & whitney
Abi & Steven***
Donna & jay**
Robbie & donna
Louise & travis
Shakill & bex*
Bex & gethin
Woody & whitney
Josh & lauren
Honey & jay
matthew & perdy
matthew & sadie
Matthew & louise
Louise & jamie
carl & chas *
billy & diane
Donna & Ross (1st)
Laurel & ashley*
Daz & scarlett
Nicola & jimmy
Kelly & jimmy
Andy & katie*
Cain & angie
Paul & jonny
Carl & anna
Carl & grace
Katy and martin
karl & susan *
bridge & declan*
Max & steph
Ringo & donna
Oliver & camilla
Oliver & Ellie
Toadie & dee*
Drew & libby*
Paul & lyn
Boyd & janae
Sky & boyd
Sky & Dylan
Scott and charlene
Shane and daphne
Tess & fletch
harry & selina
harry & ellen
adam & alice
adam & kirsty
Ethan & lily**
Ruth & jay*
Charlie & Maggie *
Connie & sam
Lenny & mads
Abs & nina
holby city
michael & chrissie
Michael & connie **
sam & chrissie
sam & maria
Dan & malick
Hansan & sahira
Waterloo Road
Izzie & tom*
Eddie & Rachel*
Jess & jonah***
Michael & Christine
Christine & George**
Kim & andrew
Tom & davina
Jack & davina
Finn & sambuca*
Kevin & Dynesty*
Scout & phoenix
Karen & rob
Liberty & tariq
Tom & rose
Tom & nikki**
Tom & Eleanor
Nikki & Lorraine
Monica & chandler*
Monica & Richard
Ross & Rachel*
Ross & Elizabeth
Ross & Emily
Ross & charlie
Ross & mona
Phoebe & David
Phoebe & Mike
Joey & Rachel
Rachel & tag
Chandler & kathy
Chandler & aurora
Rachel & gavin
Monica & ethan
Joey & kate
Death in paradise
Humphrey & martha
Richard & camille******
Jp & ruby
Jill & Darren
Matt & flavia
Vincent & flavia
Maria & George - the sound of music
Johnny & baby - dirty dancing
Edward & Vivian - pretty women
Sam & Annie - sleepless in seattle
Sandra & Tony - beautiful thing
Alex & isabel - fools rush in
Rose & jack - titanic
Kathleen & Joe - you've got mail
Six days seven nights - Robin & quinn
Healy & Mary - there's something about Mary
Nick & Elizabeth - the parent trap
Josie & Sam - never been kissed
Anna & William - Notting hill
Sonny & leyla - Big daddy
Maggie & Mike - runaway bride
Sara & Derek - save the last dance
Sarah & Tom - just married
Grace & Bruce - Bruce almighty
Legally blonde - Elle & emmett
Polly & Ruben - along came polly
Lucy & Henry - 50 first dates
Matt & jenna - 13 going on 30
Jane & John - Mr and Mrs Smith
David & Elizabeth - just like heaven
Jeff & Sarah - rumor has it
Gary & brooke - the break up
Alex & Sophie - music and lyrics
Eddie & miranda - the heartbreak kid
Jenny & John - Marley&me
Robbie & Georgia - Angus thongs & perfect snogging
Margrate & Andrew - the proposal
Burke & eloise - love happens
Milo & Nicole - the bounty hunter
Jonny & Kim - chalet girl
Katherine & Danny - just go with it
Larry & mercedes - Larry crowne
Ally & Colin - what's your number
Wallace & chantry - what if
Wesley & Bianca - the duff
Nicky & jess - focus
Saroo & lucy - lion
Ellie & jack - yesterday
Kat & Charlie - marry me
10 things I hate about you
Bianca & cameron
Kat & Patrick
The bodyguard
Lauren & Paul - Fat friends
Hairspray - penny &
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cyoza · 4 years
naaaaaaaaaaaaah how can i google cenred to find out its tom ellis who was also in EASTENDERS
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Brigham Thompson ✖ 38 ✖ Editor at Wellington Publishing ✖ Sexuality Up To Writer
Brigham’s parents had always wanted their only child to be smart when he grew up and not just book smart but street smart. Unlike most parents, it was about him being financially successful as opposed to an all around good person. They expected Brigham to be famous or enforce laws, save lives, and be somebody whose name stood the test of time. It was because of these high hopes that they had for their son that they were always pushing him to read. The Thompsons believed books were the source of all knowledge, but that didn’t stop them from handing him magazines, newspapers, and even medical journals that he couldn’t yet understand. Yes, their belief on the book front was true, but they didn’t anticipate that he’d start to like every genre. Their main focus was history books, peppered with the occasional bibliography and science book. Taking it a step further, they even taught him about stocks and finance. Needless to say, when high school rolled around and it came time to choose a college and career path caused a good deal of erudite debate. Then, when he told them he was sure that he wasn’t going to change his mind, it broke their heart.
Barret Wellington was the only friend Brigham had made in school. They both were born and raised in Greenwich, Connecticut, one of the most expensive places in the country. Their lifestyles weren’t so different, frequent holidays overseas, academic parents, and people constantly telling them who they should be. However, both were curious minds and bonded quickly, the Wellingtons becoming a sort of second family to him. Then, like Barret, there was little to keep him in Greenwich come time to go to college. His parents had settled there well before they took on the responsibility of having a child and would live there well into their retirement, possibly up to their own death. Truthfully, he loved his parents but was never entirely close to them and doesn’t understand them. Even the Wellingtons had felt a bit like distant relatives to him. Upon Barret’s parent’s death their many children, some of whom had already moved away, sold the home, but he always kept in touch with Barret.
It was Barrett’s congratulations for sticking up to his parents that built up Brigham’s confidence to attend college for his own means. It was the Thompson’s snickering commentary that encouraged him to work hard and fulfill his dreams. Choosing Stanford for his degree in Publishing and Editing, his parents truly prayed, which they’d never done before, that upon completing his prerequisites that he’d change his mind. When his parents, who had been putting money into a mass college fund for him, realized that he wasn’t going to change his mind, they refused to hand it over without changing to a major that they deemed to be an appropriate career choice. It wasn’t easy to pay out of his own pocket to attend a university that was practically an ivy league. Still, he took out loans, worked, and all while participating in several clubs. All of it seemed to breeze by as he luxuriated in the fact that he was doing so in spite of his parents, being rebellious for the first time in his entire life.
Upon his graduation, his life was not easy. He took whatever jobs he could to pay what was essentially a large mortgage payment toward his student loans. He took the cheapest apartment he could find and worked relentlessly for nearly ten years to break free from that debt while taking whatever jobs would get him closer to editing in the publishing business. Eventually, Barret, who had become a writer, came to the West Coast. As it turned out Denon had opened a publishing business and Barret got his long term friend a job under the argument that he hire Brigham or he would find a place with an editor he liked. Wellington Publishing has been everything that he wanted and the best part is that he gets to work with friends who have always supported him and felt like family. For a time it seemed like things were getting into a comfortable humdrum and Brigham began to wonder what was next in his life.
As it turned out, Barret was more than just a friend, he was also one of his best clients. They were always a great team and Barret’s best-selling novels led to many respectable and welcomed pay raises. He took these opportunities to amp up his lifestyle, moving to Los Angeles for a shorter commute and the chance to join this social network and make some new friends. Thanks to Barret there are loads of writers that now approach Wellington and specifically asked for Brigham to edit their books. Pulling in such a great client base and showing obvious devotion and understanding to the business, he is now the chief editor for one of the most elite publishers in the United States. Another reason for joining this social network was also for new clients and networking. Brigham is extremely intelligent, even if he’s not cocky about it, but he’s eager to pick minds and discover hidden gem writers here in Los Angeles. One thing is for certain, he’s still a dreamer and he’s not going to change who he is for anyone.
Wellington Publishing connections are HERE
FC: Tom Ellis Ethnicity: Welsh and English Availability: OPEN Negotiable: Yes Gifs: 218 . 150��. 130
main rp . rules . nav . faceclaims . APPLY
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tomellisplus18 · 2 years
Dayilymotion 1-30-06: Primer capítulo de Tom Ellis como el Doctor Oliver Cousin, en Eastenders.
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Cortes donde lo puedes encontrar: -13:25- 13:50
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laurenkmyers · 4 years
Hii i follow you and it seems like you watch a lot of shows with lgbt characters. Just wondering if you got any new recs for me? There seems to be nothing good coming out this year
Ooh now this is a tough one as it does seem like we’re going through a bit of a dry patch for good new lgbtq media, so if you follow and have watched all the stuff I reblog about then you probably know a lot of shows already, but I’ll just make a list in case there is something that you haven’t tried. Current/on-going shows with lgbtq rep:
Roswell NM (canon bisexual alien, gay, disabled soldier). Skam (Norway (OG season 3), France (season), Italy (season 2), Beglium (season 3), Spain (season 2) The 100 (Openly bisexual female lead).Killing Eve (Season 3 comes out soon- bisexual(?) serial killer), 911 (lesbian fighter and her wife)911 Lonestar? (Gay firefighter/policeman)Elite (bisexual/gay/poly)Shameless (Gay gay gay gay, married gay)I tried a show called October Faction (Gay male main) but it’s a bit too trashy for me. If you like that you might enjoy it and it’s new?Sex Education (gay/lesbian/pan/bi/asexual)The Umbrella Academy (pansexual disaster Klaus Hargreeves)The Society (gay/deaf rep)Euphoria (trans/possibly pan/bi)Eastenders (lesbian couple, gay couple- not bad for a British Soap). Animal Kingdom (gay couple- only watch if you love heavy angst).Things that aren’t current but you might enjoy:SENSE8- has literally all the LGTBQ+ rep you could possibly need in your life and is the most amazing show ever.  SPARTACUS (gay warriors-AMAZING REP)BLACK SAILS- (I think you get a bit of everything in there-amazing show)The OA- (trans boy, gay male)WENTWORTH (Australian prison drama- many lesbian/bisexual/transexual characters- will break your heart). Wynnona Earp (lesbian/bisexual couple)The Shannara Chronicles (bisexual couple- very LOTRsy)Lucifer (Tom Ellis plays a bisexual Devil what more would you ask for? Also pansexual demon woman called Maze)Runaways- (lesbian alien, bisexual sorcerer)Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Lesbian couple)Daybreak (gay couple)The Originals (If you watch and like Roswell NM then the character Jenna Cameron plays a bisexual witch, gay male). The Night Shift (gay couple, one half is the OG Michael Guerin from Roswell)Arrow/Legends-(bisexual/lesbian/gay characters)Revenge (bisexual male)Years and Years (gay/lesbian rep- will break heart). Shadowhunters (bisexual warlock, gay shadowhunter, lesbian shadowhunters)Queer As Folk -(gay as they come, sexually explicit- OLD SCHOOL). 
And just for the hell of it, here is a list of lgbt shows from 2020 that have lgbt rep, but I haven’t watched many so I can’t recommend personally. 
I hope this has helped. 
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thesschesthair · 6 years
i’m watching lucifer, and while tom ellis is delicious (he’s like if david tennant and misha collins had a baby and god threw in a dash of colin for funsies) his chest is disappointingly baby smooth and i can’t help but assume that THERE SHOULD BE FUZZ THERE BUT SOME JAGOFF IN MAKEUP RAZORED IT OFF :( :( :( :(
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My dude.... my homie.... my lovely...... I actually CANNOT STAND Tom Ellis LMFAO.
I’ve never been able to get along with watching him on TV- and this goes way back to when he was Dr Oliver on Eastenders (he was on a lot of UK tv) 
I feel bad saying it cos I know a lotta ladies love him..... but he’s got a face I just wanna punch and he just gives me ‘asshole’ vibes- which I could be wrong but.... 
So yeah, if you ask me personally.... he doesn’t DESERVE the furry badge of honour- I’M SORRY FOR MY BETRAYAL.
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beautifulfaaces · 8 years
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Tom Ellis
17 November 1978
Welsh actor
Lucifer [Lucifer: 2015-2020]
Gary [Miranda: 2009-2015]
William [Rush: 2014]
Mark [Gates: 2012]
Dr. Oliver Cousins [EastEnders: 2006]
Frank [Nice Guy Eddie: 2002]
brown eyes
playable: young adult, adult
Icons: Isn’t it romantic
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that-shamrock-vibe · 6 years
Superhero Spotlight: #SaveLucifer (Spoilers)
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One of the biggest shocks of 2018 so far is the announcement made at the end of last week that Fox have cancelled Lucifer after 3 seasons. Not only was this a shock for fans but also to the cast including star Tom Ellis who started the #SaveLucifer campaign. So I thought I would offer my reasons as to why the cancellation is a mistake and also offer my suggestions to Fox for where they can take the show going forward.
Also as a disclaimer, this post will have spoilers for the entirety of the show so if you haven’t see the series finale of Lucifer, don’t read on.
Reasons to #SaveLucifer:
#1. Tom Ellis is Fantastic in the Role
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Like many Brits who have watched this show, I knew of Tom Ellis in British TV roles prior to this such as EastEnders, Merlin and most notably Miranda. So prior to becoming the devil, he was diverse in both comedy and drama, however nothing to this level.
Lucifer as a character is charismatic, charming, hilarious and relatable as someone who is a genuinely honest person and essentially a fish out of water as of course he is used to either Heaven or Hell. All of that is obviously partly down to the writers but mostly down to Tom Ellis’ acting as he is almost unrecognizable in this role compared to those previously mentioned roles.
I think the difference is with roles like EastEnders and Miranda, he is playing the typical “nice guy” and with Merlin he was a stereotypical “arc villain”, but as Lucifer Morningstar, he is a fully-rounded, complex character and that, I feel, is why the show works at its core, because of Tom Ellis’ acting.
#2. A Different Type of Comic-Book TV Show
Believe it or not, Lucifer is based on DC Comics! Officially the Vertigo imprint of DC Comics but Lucifer Morningstar is a supporting character of The Sandman, who is a creation of Neil Gaiman. Now yes, Lucifer in the comics is blonde, Gothic and has different adventures to what he has in the show, but the very fact Lucifer is officially based on a comic-book property makes it a very different type of comic-book show compared to the likes of the Arrowverse shows or even the Marvel Netflix shows.
Because of this it is in a unique space of being a relief to both fans and non-fans of comic-book shows that may be finding the genre saturated at this point with the same type of show.
The only powers featured in Lucifer are divine powers which are either the effects of heavenly weapons or flight. Also the show is in that unique position of not needing special effects or powers because that isn’t what the primary focus of the series is.
#3. A Lovable Cast
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Aside from Tom Ellis, this show has one of the best supporting cast in any show currently out there. I would list my MVPs but I do really like them all; I didn’t care much for Kevin Ranklin as Malcolm Graham in the first season but other than that I have loved watching all of these characters and obviously the acting is a huge part of that.
My two favourites aside from Tom Ellis are Lesley-Ann Brandt and Rachel Harris as both were just so compelling to watch whether with Mazikeen’s bad-ass nature or the journey of Linda discovering Lucifer’s true identity.
Also Scarlett Estevez who portrayed Dan and Chloe’s daughter Trix was fantastic, for a child actor (she was seven at the start of the series so by now she must be 9/10) to steal a fair few amount of scenes without diminishing the roles of the other actors is a gift, this girl I see a great future for if she pursues this as a career.
#4. Equality for Both Genders
There is a slight imbalance in genders as there has been one more female main cast member than male, but that’s not to say they push a feminist agenda or even make it about girl power like Supergirl. In fact the cast is very well-balanced both in terms of gender roles and ethnic diversity.
Also the victims and culprits every week or story have an equal mixture in both male and female showing that anyone can be a murder victim and anyone can be a murderer if given the right motive.
#5. Inventive and Creative Plots
So yes it is essentially a police drama with a divine twist but that is not to say that every episode has that formulaic “murderer of the week” angle, in fact while a lot of the cases are a simple murder investigation plot, the story around said plot is what becomes inventive and creative.
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For example, in Season 2 there is one episode where Azrael’s blade is the murder weapon, Azrael’s blade is a divine weapon originally owned by the Angel of Death which forms the Flaming Sword when combined with a medallion and a key that Amenadiel always wears around his neck. In its debut episode, “The Sword of Death” is wielded by mere mortals which brings their inner anger to the surface and causes a mass stabathon.
This was inventive because it was the first and really only time that a weapon of the divine had been used by mortals without anyone aside from the divine realizing what the weapon was.
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Which brings me on nicely to the series-long plot of Lucifer’s true identity, this was a very creative plot because...he was completely honest about who he was from the very first episode. Every opportunity Lucifer had to refer to himself as “the devil” he took it, even some random prostitute calling him “the devil” and him going “you have no idea”. The greatest part of this entire plot was that it took 3 seasons and 55 episodes for Chloe Dekker, who was the secondary protagonist and Lucifer’s main love interest, to finally realise that Lucifer was in fact the devil. How was this revealed? His devil face finally returned after a season-long arc of losing said face and Chloe finally saw it.
Honestly, and no disrespect to blondes, but Dekker is the definition of a stereotypical dumb blonde because while she was brilliant as a detective, the woman had literally every other episode with Lucifer telling her who he is and yet, a lot like Linda used to do, she compartmentalized that into Lucifer using metaphors.
It has been a fantastic long-running plot because, again, with traditional comic-book superhero shows it’s all about protecting the hero’s identity, like on Arrow this season, yet here Lucifer makes no secret as to who he is it’s just a question of no one actually believing him.
#6. Responsible for Bringing Tom Welling Back
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This point was a personal bonus addition for me because I grew up in the noughties watching Smallville, which was the origins of Clark Kent becoming Superman, which starred Tom Welling in the main role of Clark Kent.
I was very happy when he was announced as a main character for the third season and hoped he would have a bigger role outside of just being Dekker and Dan’s lieutenant and fortunately he was. Not only was he the criminal known as the Sinnerman but also in a mid-season twist he was revealed to be Cain from the bible.
It has been great because to see Welling go from playing one of fiction’s greatest superheroes to supposedly the world’s first murderer shows a good range in acting from Welling despite the fact his two best-known TV roles are both with DC Comics.
Ideas for Future Seasons: 
Alright so I have said why the series is so good, now I’m going to say why I think the series should come back with some suggestions for future plots.
#1. Introduce God
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We’ve met Lucifer, we’ve met Amenadiel, we’ve met their mum who I am going to call Goddess and we’ve met one of their other siblings Uriel, but where the hell is God himself. i’ll admit that I am an Atheist/inactive pagan so believing in a higher power or deity for me only applies to the Greek/Roman/Egyptian mythologies but in a show that deals with angels and demons I do want to see the king of angels as I have seen the king of demons.
Introducing God I did always feel would be an endgame for the series of the build up he has had but even if they brought the series back for a final season just to give the fans a feel of closure then to bring in God for that final season would be a great idea.
#2. Crossover With Other DC Shows
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Even though I know it is ending, I would really like Lucifer to crossover with the likes of Gotham because both shows have the same type of genre and both do not usually go so far into the comic-book genre that it becomes fantastical.
Failing that I would love Lucifer and Mazikeen to meet Constantine because Constantine is all about banishing demons and the next season of Legends of Tomorrow does seem to be a demon hunt so why not bring Mazikeen in for that?
#3. Crossover With Shadowhunters
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This is a personal favoured choice of mine but again much like Constantine, the Shadowhunters are all about destroying demons and with that in mind I would to see a full on fight between Mazikeen and Isabelle. I also think both Lucifer and Dan’s egos vs. Jace and Alec’s egos would be a fun battle to witness within itself. Think Star-Lord and Thor in Avengers: Infinity War.
Now I know people are probably going to say “What are you talking about? Shadowhunters is on a completely different network to Fox!” Yes well because Fox has dumped Lucifer, it makes sense for it to be picked up by another network, now with Shadowhunters I think being broadcast on ABC in America (If I am wrong correct me please) but being broadcast by Netflix worldwide, it does make sense just to move Lucifer from Amazon to Netflix.
Also in regards to the different networks, the Supernatural boys just had a comic-book crossover with Scooby Doo, I think this is doable.
#4. Show Heaven
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Quite simple for this one, we have seen Hell and purgatory but we have yet to actually see Heaven. Amenadiel took Charlotte to Heaven when she died in the penultimate episode but we never actually saw them go there, even just to have see them fly up towards it and see the golden gates or something would have at least maybe given us a tease for something potentially to come.
Also visiting Heaven would hopefully introduce God as I stated before but also allow for returning characters like Amenadiel and Charlotte but also, now that Chloe believes all this Heaven and Hell stuff, if Lucifer was to somehow take her there then she may be reunited with her dad which would make for a great dramatic and emotional scene.
#5. A War for the Earth
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Alright so this one is kind of a follow-on from the last one but also a throwback to the very first episode. Right at the end of the first episode in a conversation between Lucifer and Amenadiel about how Lucifer defying both their father and Amenadiel would start a war, something Amenadiel was okay with.
Now while Amenadiel is currently on side with Lucifer, that doesn’t mean God will start a war either with Lucifer, Earth or Hell to get what he wants, and that could be the main story-arc of Season 4...a war either between Heaven and Hell or a War for the Earth. After all, god supposedly created the Earth so logically he can also destroy it.
This doesn’t even have to be a series-long war like Arrow has been known for, it can simply be a villain of the week or couple of weeks and then God interjected at random moments in the season until the big confrontation at the end. Wars don’t just have to be physical they can also be intellectual.
Overall I think I have made some rather good arguments as to why Lucifer is a fantastic show, why it should remain and what the potential storylines could be. There are still talks about the show trying to find a new home so hopefully we will see it back. #SaveLucifer
So that’s my Superhero Spotlight on the current state of Lucifer and the possibility of it going forward, what do you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Superhero and Supervillain Spotlights as well as other posts.
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welshmantomellis · 6 years
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Young Tom
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