#easy batchelor cooking
No bulgur wheat in the store, Walmart was out for sure… But found cracked wheat, Easy to eat No added anything—pure! – Easy to cook on the stove, From India, a treasure trove…. Of ways ideal For a “batchelor’s”* meal, This cereal that I love! – Jonathan Caswell *”batchelor’s”—the author is really married—wife’s in Rehab. so he’s “batching it” An unsolicited endorsement for this…
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aussiebeekeeping · 3 years
One pan wonder, tasty bachelor tucker, Number 1.
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grimmtaless · 7 years
Arc Manner Chapter 1
The gates opened to 142 juniper drive for the first time in months. the large manner that sat in the center of vale Was a large complex consisting of a Jacobean manner and several smaller guest buildings. All of it was protected by a high brick wall with a black gate that held the houses emblem on it , 2 golden arcs. And today The two large golden arcs on the gates opened up and a small car drove in.
The car rolled to a stop in front of the manner. The driver jumped out of car and opened the back door of the car. As the passenger exited the vehicle. the Oakwood doors to the manner swung open and a tall black haired man dressed in a black tuxedo emerged . He had a peculiar  pink streak in his hair that went against his entire appearance.
He calmly walked down the steps to greet the new arrival. “Ms Nikos I presume” said the tuxedoed man with a slight bow. His voice was calm and full of professionalism.
“Ah yes I’m Pyrrha Nikos” the woman replied warmly while sticking out her hand.
“I’m Lie Ren the head Butler here at Arc manner. I’m here to escort you to your new office, living quarters, and then lastly introduce you the the head of the house and your new boss Mr. Arc” Ren said all of this while shaking Pyrrha's hand. “If you have any questions feel free to ask” with that said Ren turned on his heel and started to walk back to the manner. Pyrrha picked up her suitcase and her bags and followed Ren inside.
Ren lead Pyrrha through the halls of the mansion. While walking Pyrrha was able to get a good look at the beauty of the house. The walls were painted a dark red with paintings hanging almost everywhere. Swords and medieval armor also made appearances as decoration. They past room after room, each one the door was shut and Pyrrha could tell the lights were off, she found this Odd and decided to ask her first question “ excuse me Mr Lie Ren, I was just wondering where everyone is? With a manner this size it must take a large staff to maintain it , but I have not seen a single butler or maid next to you”
Without breaking stride Ren replayed” this manner only has one resident and that is Mr. Arc. As for the lack of personal we operate on a skeleton crew that consists of me the head butler, a maid, a cook, a gardener, and with the addition of you as secretary/ bodyguard. Maintaining the manner has also been dealt with, as per Order of Mr. Arc all rooms that are not used shall be shut and locked, only to be cleaned if the need arises.” With that he stopped in front of the only open door in the hall.“This is your room you may leave all you bags in here for now.
Pyrrha walked into her new abode. It was a extremely large with a 4 post king size bed and fully walk in closet . The walls were the same dark red as the hallway. The furniture was Victorian along with the dresser and desk it all gave off a air of royalty. The only thing that betrayed the look was the large flat screen tv that sat atop a dresser. Sun flowed through The two bay windows giving a homely feeling in Pyrrha as she set he luggage down on the bed.
“This is beautiful” she said as she went about walking around the room. looking at every little piece furniture and detail. To her this was the most lavish room she had ever stepped into. “ I thought rooms like this were only found in Palaces and on movie sets.”
“Mr. Arc has a flair for the finer thing in life. Sadly he doesn’t tend to leave his study nowadays ” Pyrrha could see a hint of sadness in Ren's face as he stated this. she began to wonder what her new employer was actually like. “ now Ms. Nikos if you wouldn’t mind I will show you to your work space.”
As Ren started to walk away Pyrrha raised her hand and called out “ excuse me Mr. Lie Ren you do not have to call me Ms. Nikos, Pyrrha will do”Ren turned his head and look at Pyrrha for a few seconds his eyes prying into her “ very well Pyrrha and you my call me Ren. Now if you wouldn’t mind following me I will take you to your office.”
For the next 5 minutes they walked in silence. As they walked Pyrrha was increasingly uncomfortable until she couldn’t stand it anymore and broke the silence.
“So what are the other staff like?”
Ren looked at Pyrrha and paused for a moment “ well the maid is crazy” he said with a slight chuckle “ she breaks more things then she cleans, but she’s kind and very energetic. The cook is a very sweet girl, Mr. arc took one taste of her food and instantly hired her. she’s young but can cook better then a seasoned chef. Then there’s the cook's sister she’s the gardener. it was the cooks only request when Mr arc offered her her job, we had to give her older sister employment as well , sadly the gardener has quite the temper especially when it comes to her roses. I suggest you avoid messing up the yard”
“ they sound very.. lovely” Pyrrha said with a worm smile.
They soon came to another door. Ren opened it with a key and then turned and placed it into Pyrrha's hand” this is one of only 3 keys that can unlock this door don’t lose it” once he said that they both walked in. This room was smaller with a single desk in the center of the room. A PC sat on it with a stack of papers. Behind the desk was on another door.
“Where does that door lead to?” Pyrrha asked as she wandered the room
“That is Mr. Arcs study, from this room you have access to every area in the house, the PC is hooked up to every surveillance camera on the Premises. Each camera is motion activated and will pop up on your monitor when activity is detected. The only entrance to the Mr. Arcs study is from that door and that door alone. As you well know you were hired to be Mr. Arcs bodyguard and secretary; from here you can perform both duties.”
Pyrrha was taken back at the amount of security her new boss installed. She had assumed that this job would have been easy just guard some rich bachelor, but after seeing the lengths this Mr. Arc went to she now second guessed her choice of employment.
“Now Pyrrha it’s time to meet your employer and the man you will be protecting” Ren said this as he walked over to the rear door and as he was about to knock on it he paused “ oh I have forgotten to inform you of one thing.
“What is it ?” Pyrrha inquired.
“Mr. Arc does not know that you will be acting as his bodyguard. He was against the idea and would be Furious with me if he found out ” he said it so nonchalantly that Pyrrha almost didn’t realize the seriousness of his statement until her brain fully processed what Ren had said.
“Wait my employer doesn’t know I’m his bodyguard how is that even possible?”
“he does not trust bodyguards, and he believes he does not need one, however a few close friends of Mr. Arc believes he does, and so I went looking for a bodyguard behind his back. When I saw your appreciation and that you doubled as a secretary I knew you were the perfect choice.” It took a minute for Pyrrha to process what the man had said, but Pyrrha felt that Ren was being serious with her, so she decided to ask a few more questions.
“How did you get me hired I put my application in as a bodyguard”
“ Mr. Arc has entrusted me with hiring of all staff. He had been looking for new secretary for some time. When I told him that I had found a new secretary he instantly approved your application without even looking in it”
With that answered Pyrrha thought of any other concern
“ who all knows that I will be his bodyguard?” She wanted to make sure she didn’t accidentally reveal her real job and get herself fired.
“Every staff member knows” at that Pyrrha was shocked, every single employee of Mr. Arc was keeping a major secret from him it was unsettling to say the least. “ why are you going to all these lengths, if Mr. Arc finds out he will most likely fire you!”
“Ms. Nik… I mean Pyrrha” ren's voice was quiet and full of emotion, all hints of his professionalism were gone. “ I will do anything to ensure Jaune is well taken care of and safe. He’s been through to much as it is and if keeping him safe gets me fired so be it. I will gladly resign knowing I did the right thing. the entire staff will tell you the same thing. We owe him that much” as soon as he finished Ren took a deep breath then exhaled and he was back to his proper self.
“Now if you are ready I will introduce you to Mr. Arc.”Ren lifted his hand and knocked on the door 3 times. There was pause then a voice came over an unseen intercom.
“What is it Ren, I told you not to disturb me until dinner is ready” the voice was of a young man he sounded sweet and maybe a bit dorky if Pyrrha was being honest.
“Mr. Arc your new secretary has arrived” there was a another Brief pause then a Loud buzz and the sound of locks turning. The door swung open and Ren ushered Pyrrha into the room and shut the door behind her.
Pyrrha now found herself in a massive study or was it a library she wasn’t sure there were just so many books. The walls where lined with shelves each overflowing with paperbacks and hardbacks. The floor had stacks of books if the room was fancy one could not tell thanks to the mountains of pages. She looked around stunned and a bit pulled back, she had expected a clean and beautiful room just like the rest of the building. She scanned the room for signs of her new employer but saw nothing. Then there came a call from behind one of the shelves and the sound of moving feet
“Ren… ren how many times have I told you not to call me Mr. Ar…..” he cut himself short as he rounded the Corner of the shelf obviously startled. Pyrrha was Now face to face with her employer, her client, and now the person she would be lying too. He was about her height maybe a little taller with shaggy blond hair and stubble on his face as if he had not Shaved in several days. he had smile as he turned the corner m, it was warm and wholesome . He wore a white button up shirt that had what she thought to be coffee stains on it and a pair of black slacks that his shirt tail stuck out of. As soon as his eyes meet Pyrrha she could tell he went on guard. His warm smile instantly vanished and he narrowed his eyes
“Who are you” the young man's tone was now very serious.
Putoff by this abrupt change in demeanor Pyrrha snapped to attention back straight, feet together, and arms to the side then answered as fast as she could. “ my name is Pyrrha Nikos I’m your new secretary Sr. Ren let me and decided to wait outside.”
Mr. Arc without taking his eyes off of her shouted “REN GET IN HERE” a few moments later Ren was standing beside him.
“Yes Mr. Arc”
“Ren why didn’t you tell me she was with you” he said this while glaring at Ren.
“Well Sr. I thought you would know I brought her”
“Well I didn’t” Mr. Arc pressed his fingers on the bridge of his nose then turned to face Pyrrha “ my apologies I didn’t mean to startle you” he sounded kinder but still on edge
“Oh no, I’m the one who should apologize I think I startled you more” pyrrha said this with a worm smile.
Mr. Arc shot Ren another glare then turned back to pyrrha
“ let me start over. My name is Jaune Arc I will be your employer.” He paused for a moment then asked “ I apologize but I can’t seem to remember you name what was it?”
“ my name is Pyrrha Nikos”
“Ah that’s right. Now I assume that Ren has made you aware of your duties before Coming here”
“Uh I’m not su…”
“ I thought it best if you were to inform her of duties since she will be assisting you” Ren interrupted before Pyrrha could finish her sentence.
“Ah very well then, here is what your job entails. You will accompany everywhere I go. You will not enter the study unless you are asked or given permission. if I am in my study you are to take calls at the desk out there. You will set up any meetings or appointments that I might have. Lastly you are to alert me when dinner's ready.” To Pyrrha this was perfect she could do her job as bodyguard and he’d never be the wiser to his rules. Sadly she was disappointed that his tone was not back to that light lasted one he had when he believed he was talking to Ren.
“Do you have any questions concerning your job” Ren asked Pyrrha.
When she shook her head Mr. Arc stuck out his hand and said “ welcome Ms. Nikos to Arc manner”.
so this idea has been flouting around in my head for a quit ta while now and i decided to make a chapter of it. this was a sorta test chapter so its probably crawling with grammatical mistakes and i apologize for that. 
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klance for the ship meme!!
who controls the netflix account and what have they dominated the suggestions with by watching
Lance probably watches reality TV, but like, the competition shows. Like all of the Batchelor. 
who snores
As much as I want to say Keith imagine Lance snoring and being hella in denial about it
who has an embarrassing ringtone that the other calls them in public just to get to go off
Lance set the embarrassing ringtone on Keith’s phone and then called it 
who sleeps on the top bunk if given the chance
probably Keith I feel like Lance is a bottom bunk kind of guy because he wants things to be as easy as possible when he wakes up for his morning routine 
who plays the piano at 6 in the morning to wake up the other
Keith would play the piano really badly because he knows Lance will wake up in five second flat if someone had the audacity to totally botch his favorite songs
who has accidentally set something on fire by attempting to cook a birthday meal
Keith doesn’t know how to kitchen (TBH Lance probably doesn’t either but I feel like Hunk probably at least taught Lance how to not cause fires in the kitchen)
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patox20-blog1 · 6 years
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Italian Food Made Easy PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL. I personally love these Southern Italian classics featuring homemade tomato sauce.
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Stay for a While || Huntbastian
Tagging: Sebastian Smythe and Hunter Clarington Time: January 26th, 2017 About 6 pm Place: Sebastian’s Apartment Plot: Hunter comes over to collect his pliers, and Sebastian convinces him to stay for dinner
Hunter had barely been home for fifteen minutes when Sebastian texted him that he could drop by to pick up the pliers he'd accidentally left behind when he'd fixed the shower. He briefly considered a shower, but decided against it. It wasn't like something major was happening; he was just stopping by for a few minutes. And besides, Sebastian had seen him looking much worse than he did at the moment. Still, they only lived a few doors down from one another and the last thing he wanted to do was seem overeager. He'd only met the other man twice, but their encounters thus far had left Hunter at a loss. It had also left him thinking about the other man way more than maybe he should have.
Eventually, Hunter settled on changing his shirt and attempting to do something with his hair. It didn't do much good really, but at least it killed some time. Twenty minutes later, he headed out of his apartment and made his way down the hall. As he walked, nerves began to build up in the bottom of his stomach, but he did his best to ignore them. What was it about Sebastian that just the thought of seeing him in person caused such a reaction? Honestly, Hunter had no clue and he decided it wasn't the time to think on such. With a deep breath, he reached up and knocked on Sebastian’s door.
With a quick text to Hunter when he walked in the door, Sebastian instantly headed for the kitchen and started cooking. He was starving. And dinner was not going to be able to wait. Setting a pot on the stove, he began boiling noodles for pasta and setting about making chicken alfredo. He wasn’t the world’s greatest chef, but he did decent in the kitchen, especially for being a 24 year old batchelor. As the water started boiling, he stared at the package of noodles for a moment. “Hmm” he mused out loud. And without a second thought, he poured the whole package in, more than plenty for two grown boys to eat. And if Hunter refused, well, at least he’d have lunch for tomorrow.
Glancing at the clock, he stepped away from the stove and headed towards his bathroom. He was still dressed in his work clothes - grey slacks with a deep green button down shirt. Should he change? He took a look in the mirror, flicking a few stray strands of hair back into place. Naw. Who was he kidding? He looked great. There was no need to change. Not that he was fretting, of course. With a final look in the mirror, he started to head back towards the living room, just as a knock rang out. Well, that was perfect timing. It only took 3 long strides of his legs before he was opening the door, revealing the man who peaked his interest far more than he cared to admit. “Hey you. Come on in.”
Hunter froze on the spot for a few seconds at the sight of Sebastian as the door opened. For some reason, it seemed to be impossible not to be a little awestruck at the sight, no matter how many times he'd seen the other man before. Sebastian was gorgeous and the clothes were definitely working for him, the green of his shirt bringing out his eyes. “H-Hi,” he stuttered out belatedly as he stepped into the apartment.
Hunter looked around, actually taking the place in as he'd been too preoccupied the last time he'd been inside Sebastian’s home. It was definitely nice, and definitely way better than anything he'd lived in since he'd been on his own. After a few moments, he let his gaze fall back to Sebastian and he took in the sight again. And then it hit him that Sebastian was still in his work clothes. “O-Oh, I'm sorry. Did I-I...Should I h-have given you more t-time?” Hunter asked, now suddenly feeling as if he had been too eager to show up.
Instantly, Sebastian’s signature smirk was in place. It was so easy to make Hunter nervous. He was even wearing clothes this time! As Hunter walked in, Sebastian closed the door behind him, giving ample time for Hunter to look around - And maybe for Sebastian to catch a glimpse of that ass. “Naw, I just didn’t feel like changing yet” Sebastian responded, walking towards the kitchen. “I was too hungry to bother. But I can take my clothes off if that’s what you want.” His hand went up to the top button of his shirt as if he was going to start undoing it, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
It was then that he heard a splashing coming from behind him. “Oh shit” he muttered, hurrying to the stove where the water was boiling over. Giving the pot a quick stir, Sebastian got everything back under control. The noodles were almost done. He turned to the chicken that was simmering on the pan and flipped the pieces, revealing perfectly golden strips. Then, he gave his sauce a quick stir, before turning back to Hunter. “Sorry. What were we talking about?” His grin returned. “Oh yeah, me stripping for you. What do you think?”
Hunter's eyes widened at Sebastian’s suggestion, his cheeks burning already. That hadn't taken long. And then Sebastian’s hand was on his button and he was trying desperately to form some kind of words, but it all just came out as a few half stammered words. Before he could make any sense though, the other man was gone into the kitchen and he couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief as he followed behind. He leaned against the counter a little as he watched Sebastian work, a little surprised that the other man was doing something so...domestic. That definitely wasn't a word that came to mind when he thought of Sebastian.
But of course, before Hunter could fully regain himself, Sebastian was back on taking his clothes off and he bit his lip at little as he shook his head. “N-No, I-I-I just c-came for m-my pliers. A-And you're b-busy. I-I can j-just...D-Didn’t mean to-to bother--I’ll g-go.” His gaze went down to the floor a little as he turned to back out of the kitchen. What had he been thinking? Coming to Sebastian’s apartment?
Sebastian let out a little laugh at Hunter’s face. “It’s alright, Hunter. I’m just teasing you.” Turning back to the food, he finished off the chicken and checked the noodles. Perfect. “The pliers are on the counter” he said with a nod towards the counter in question. “But you’re more than welcome to stay for some dinner, if you want.” Picking up the pot, he strode across the kitchen to the sink, where a strainer was waiting, and drained the noodles. He then transferred them into a big bowl and went back to the stove, where he poured the sauce over. “It’s nothing fancy, just some chicken alfredo, but there’s plenty.” Of course, Sebastian wouldn’t admit that he did that on purpose. He wasn’t the type to try to woo or impress people. Sure, he flirted- maybe too much- but the rest came pretty naturally. He usually didn’t have to work very hard. But there was just something about Hunter that made him want to show that he wasn’t always about sexual innuendos and overt comments. Setting the bowl to the side, he set to work on chopping up the chicken, before tossing it all on top. He then glanced over at Hunter expectantly. “Well?”
Sebastian’s laugh did little to help the way Hunter was feeling, even if the other man was teasing. He'd dealt with that sort of thing for years. The guys at the Academy had definitely gone to some lengths to fuck with him, but none has ever gone as far as to flirt with him just to...No, he wasn't going to think about that right now. He looked up at the mention of the pliers and spotted them after a second. Without hesitation, he moved across the way and grabbed them from the counter top. The cool metal was oddly comforting in the moment.
But it seemed Sebastian was completely unaffected, still moving around the kitchen and chatting, inviting him to stay for dinner? What was even happening? It was impossible for Hunter to read the other man and he was normally very good at that sort of thing. And then of course, he was being put on the spot. He had no idea what to do. On one hand, this could all be some big joke. It was obvious Sebastian got a kick out of making him sound like a stuttering idiot. But then again, the man had invited him over and cooked and Hunter didn't want to be rude and just walk out. “I-I don't want to im-impose on you l-like that.”
With the food complete, Sebastian turned his attention fully to Hunter, his hands resting on the counter behind him as he leaned casually against it.. “If you were imposing, I wouldn’t have invited you in. I’d just give you the pliers at the door.” He could tell Hunter was a bit uncomfortable, especially with how quickly he had grabbed the pliers, like they were his lifeline. “But don’t feel obligated. It’s cool with me, either way.” Hunter might already have plans for the night, after all. And Sebastian wasn’t quite sure if he even enjoyed his presence at all. He might only tolerate it because he worked and lived in the same apartments, and they were bound to run into each other on more than one occasion. “You probably have a girlfriend waiting for you back home, anyway, right?” he said, shifting in his spot and holding Hunter’s gaze. He was still trying to get a read on him, and figure out just which way he swung. Sebastian himself was pansexual, and proud of it. But Hunter- he was hard to read. The stammering and stuttering could just be shyness, not an actual flustered reaction to what Sebastian had been saying. He really couldn’t tell.
Hunter let out a small sigh, but didn't respond immediately. It was true if Sebastian hadn't wanted him there he could have just returned his tool at the door or dropped it off at the office as had been suggested. But the man had expressly said he'd wanted to see him. And after a few more moments, he realized the dinner had been for him. There was far too much for just one person to eat, he noted as he eyed the bowl of pasta. And if Sebastian hadn't wanted to share, he would have just waited to let him know he was home. But he hadn't. God, now he felt a little stupid for how he'd acted. Or was he stupid for thinking Sebastian had planned this? Confusing.
Hunter blinked up suddenly at the mention of a girlfriend, actually surprised Sebastian would even think that. Because girlfriend would imply straight and why would he be hitting on a straight guy? Unless it was all a joke and-- “N-No. No g-girlfriend,” he said with a shake of his head. “I-I’m alone.” The word he'd been looking for was ‘single’ but it hadn't come out that way. After a moment, he looked up, catching Sebastian’s eye for the first time since he'd walked in. “I-I can stay. Un-Unless you are expecting s-someone e-else?”
There was a small wave of relief that washed through Sebastian when Hunter stated he didn’t have a girlfriend. Or anyone, for that matter. Not that Sebastian would admit to it. Being relieved at that type of information was just not something Sebastian did. Hell, his usual response to “I have a boyfriend” was “Doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you.” Shaking his head slightly at himself, he turned his attention back to the conversation at hand. “No, not expecting anyone else. I was just going to watch some Netflix or something. Relax for the night.” With that, he turned back to the cabinets and pulled out a couple of bowls. “What would you like to drink? I have water, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, and a few types of beer” he asked, glancing over his shoulder as  he pulled open the refrigerator. As he took out the drinks, he nodded towards the large bowl of food. “Help yourself. I’m not guaranteeing it’s going to be anything spectacular, though, just so you know.”
Hunter wouldn't admit it, but he was glad to hear that Sebastian hasn't been expecting anyone else. So maybe he wasn't all that crazy for thinking this has been for him. He still wasn't entirely sure what to make of that though. No one had ever cooked him dinner before. “D-Dr. Pepper is good,” he answered a little belatedly. At the direction, he turned his attention back to the bowl on the counter. It certainly looked and smelled amazing. And the last time he'd had a home cooked meal? Again, not something to dwell on. Instead, he grabbed one of the bowls and dished out a portion before doing the same with the other. Just because he was a stammering mess didn't mean he was completely useless. Except that he didn't know where the utensils were. Or where Sebastian wanted to eat. The whole situation would have seemed entirely odd to Hunter if he allowed himself to think about it. Thankfully though, he was just going with it.
The corner of Sebastian’s lip curled up slightly as Hunter served his bowl as well. That was a bit unexpected. And really domestic. Grabbing some silverware from his drain rack he nodded towards the couch. “We can watch some Netflix if you want?” He had a smart TV so all they had to do was turn it on. “Or we can sit at the table. Either one.” Although the table wasn’t completely cleared off, odds and ends covering a corner of it. Looking over at Hunter, he smiled. “Guest’s choice.” Granted, at the table, they’d have to talk more than if they were watching something on Netflix. And he wasn’t sure Hunter was all that up for talking to him yet. Sebastian had a feeling Hunter thought he liked to talk about nothing but sex or flirting, and although he was completely up for proving him wrong, Sebastian wasn’t sure what Hunter wanted. Shifting the items in his hand, he also grabbed for a stack of napkins, before expectantly looking up at Hunter again.
Hunter held the bowls, looking over at the table at Sebastian’s words. It looked like it was used more for storage than it was for eating. Besides, the man had said he'd planned to watch some tv and this was his apartment. “Couch i-is fine,” he announced with a nod. He waited for Sebastian to lead the way into the living room before falling in line behind him. It may be his choice, but he was a guest and he would defer to Sebastian. Settling the bowls on the coffee table in front of the couch, he waited for the other man to get comfortable, knowing that some people had certain spots they preferred.
With a nod, Sebastian led the way to the couch, pausing to put the drinks, utensils and napkins down on the coffee table before settling into his usual spot on the right. Picking up the remote, he flipped the television on and switched it to Netflix. “Want to watch anything in particular? I’ve been meaning to watch the DC shows, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.” He started flipping through the available content. “Or stand up comedy? Or a movie?” Keeping his eyes focused on the tv, he surfed through category after category. Nothing was really catching his eye. “Stop me if you have any ideas.” He then got to the recently watched section. “Oh, have you seen Archer? It’s awesome” he said, pausing on the title so the description could come up for Hunter. He was trying to find something lighthearted that both of them could enjoy. But he wasn’t quite sure what Hunter’s interests were yet.
Hunter settled down on the opposite end of the couch. He honestly wasn't too sure about the protocol here. He'd never been that socially graceful and spending pretty much his entire teen years secluded from the rest of the world in a private military academy hadn't exactly helped with that any. He tilted his head to the side a little, moreso watching Sebastian than the screen. Was this really the same man that had just offered to strip for him not an hour ago? He'd gone from getting naked to dinner and Netflix just like that? Incredibly confusing.
Finally though, Hunter pulled his attention back to the tv screen and read the description. Honestly, he wasn't too terribly picky about what Sebastian put on because he was sure he wouldn't be paying much attention anyways. “I-I haven't. But it sounds g-good,” he commented, hoping that was enough for Sebastian.
Sebastian took that as a good enough answer, even if Hunter didn’t sound too confident about it. Flashing him a smile, he pressed play and picked up his bowl and fork. “It’s not exactly clean humor, I hope you don’t mind” he said, flicking his glance back towards Hunter to gauge his reaction. Sebastian wasn’t sure where Hunter drew the line. “Granted, it’s not too crass; it’s just not pg per se.” With that, he settled back into the cushions of the couch and started eating the food he made. He had been craving chicken alfredo all day, and when he took that first bite, he couldn’t help the small moan of pleasure. “Sorry” he said with a boyish grin. “I’m famished.” He turned his attention back to the show, breaking up his bites of food with a sip or two of his soda. But even as he attempted to pay attention to the show, he couldn’t help taking a glance or two at Hunter out of the corner of his eye. He wanted to say something else, but couldn’t quite figure out what. He just knew that he liked the sound of the other man’s voice, even if it came out a bit stuttery every so often.
Hunter nodded at Sebastian’s explanation of the show. Honestly, things like that didn't really bother him. Living at the Academy got so long, he'd seen and heard it all. It was just when things were directed at him, it got a little harder to handle. He'd just reached for his bowl when he heard Sebastian let out a moan. And he was thankfully he hadn't picked the food up yet because he was sure he would have dropped it. The sound sent a jolt of desire through him and his cheeks flushed just a little at having such a reaction. But he only smiled in response, knowing better than to trust his voice or his words.
Hunter settled in and turned his attention to the screen as he picked up his bowl and took a bite. Okay, now he knew why Sebastian had reacted as he had. It was amazing. So much so that he was a little lost in enjoying it for a while. But even with as delicious as the food was and as funny as the show seemed to be, he still couldn't keep his attention off of Sebastian. “This i-is amazing,” he said, hoping the man wasn't the type to get annoyed with talking during a show. “T-Thank you.”
Sebastian’s mouth was full of food as Hunter spoke, so he just turned his head towards him and gave him a wink, his lips curling up in a smile as he chewed. After he swallowed, he took a sip of his drink before responding. “Glad you think so, handsome” he said, smiling wider. “I don’t do a lot of cooking, but I’m pretty decent at boiling water and heating up premade sauce.” Sure, the chicken had been marinating in his own creation all day, but he wasn’t going to mention that. It was better to set the expectations low, so he wouldn’t have to worry about meeting them later. Shifting slightly in his seat. “Good to know you’re not vegetarian or anything, either. You’re new to town, right?” he said, taking another sip of his drink before setting the can back down. “There’s some pretty great food places by the college campus. Although they can get a bit crowded. But I think you’d like them.” Another smile, and he was digging back into bowl of pasta. “Maybe I can show you around sometime.”
Hunter's heart beat a little faster at the wink Sebastian tossed his way. How was it possible for the man to look so damn good even eating? It wasn't fair. And that smile? He ducked his head a little, taking another bite as Sebastian spoke. Nodding at the question of being new, he was a little surprised at the suggestion to show him around. Was he crazy or was Sebastian trying to hint at seeing him again? Surely this was all just in his head. Right?
Hunter took a sip of his soda, stalling for time until he had to speak again. Something so easy seemed to be so difficult around Sebastian. “M-Maybe,” he said finally, chancing a glance over at the other man. He didn't want to sound too eager, lest he be mistaken. Not to mention that the idea of being seen out in public with Sebastian...He wasn't sure how well that would go over.
Sebastian shrugged at Hunter’s answer, doing his best to act nonchalant. “Up to you, of course. You might find a better tour guide, anyway.” Shooting him another smile, he turned back to his food and the show. He had to act casual, like it wouldn’t bother him either way, even if he was a little too invested in seeing Hunter again. After all, he didn’t want to seem too eager. He was worried the dinner had been a bit too obvious as is.
Finishing off his bowl of food, he stood up. “Want some more?” he asked. “I think there’s still a good bit left.” He was still hungry. Even though he was pretty skinny for his height, the boy could eat like there was no tomorrow. And chicken alfredo was one of his favorite dishes, even if he thought his mom’s was way better than his. She made homemade sauce that was beyond words. And rather than mess it up, he just bought his at the store, knowing whatever he tried to replicate of hers would never live up.
Hunter had to check his reflex to shake his head at Sebastian’s words. Find someone better? Not likely. But he couldn't say that outloud. A few seconds later however, he was shaking his head in reply to the question. “N-No thank you. It's d-delicious, but I have to w-watch my carbs,” he said, offering a look that showed the idea of such wasn't his favorite. Still, he has worked very hard for the body he had and he wasn't going to give that up. Not even for a gorgeous man that could cook.
Sebastian quirked an eyebrow at Hunter’s words. “You’re kidding right?” Sure, Sebastian hadn’t seen Hunter naked or anything, but there was no way Hunter was even remotely out of shape. “Alright, suit yourself” he said with a shrug, turning to walk towards the kitchen. After serving up another bowl for himself, he put the rest into a tupperware and tossed it into the fridge. He then put the pans in the sink, and made his way back into the living room. Plopping back into his spot he gave Hunter another smile. “So what do you think of the show?” he asked, nodding towards the tv. He knew Archer wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And Hunter’s reaction would answer a few questions as to what he was into.
Hunter shook his head again at the question. He wasn't kidding. But the pasta was so good he wished that he was. There were so few things he had left in his life, but his body was one he wouldn't give up on. He watched--okay, maybe it was more like staring--as Sebastian made his way into the kitchen. It was kind of impossible not to enjoy the view. And a part of him was sure Sebastian knew that.
Hunter waited patiently on the couch, doing his best not to feel awkward the longer Sebastian was gone. But from the sound of it, the other man was cleaning up the kitchen. He should definitely help with that, but just as he moved to get up from the couch, Sebastian reappeared with a full bowl and a smile. That smile...It took a few seconds for him to realize there has been a question and he blinked a few times to get his focus back. “O-Oh, umm…” he looked back at the screen. “I-I’ve honestly not seen a-a lot of cartoons. B-But I like it. Definitely f-funny.”
“You didn’t watch cartoons growing up?” Sebastian asked, taking a bite of his food. Hopefully Hunter wouldn’t find questions like that too intrusive. So far, he seemed like a pretty private guy. Hell, Sebastian lived in the same building as he did, and had no idea which apartment was his. But childhood memories should be fairly safe to talk about, right? Well, not all of them. Sebastian himself had quite a few that he would rather never mention again. “I loved Nickalodeon and Cartoon Network as a kid. Especially Johnny Bravo.” Setting his bowl down, he turned to Hunter and pulled a comb out of his back pocket, doing his best Johnny Bravo impression “You look pretty, I look pretty, why don’t we go home and just stare at each other?” Letting out a small laugh at himself, he put the comb back away. “Please tell me you at least know who I’m talking about?”
The question caught Hunter a little by surprise, but an answer was tumbling out before he could stop himself. “N-Not really. M-My p-parents...I r-read a lot and-and got into sports e-early,” he explained, reaching for his drink to have something to do other than talk. Why had he just said that out loud? He was so not good at talking about himself. His brow arched up high as he watched Sebastian over the rim of his soda can, doing his best not to laugh with his mouth full. “U-Uh, no. I don't,” he admitted, though the amusement was clear in his voice. Gorgeous, a good cook, and now making him laugh? There had to be a big catch here...
Sebastian nodded at Hunter’s response. “Yeah, I played a lot of sports growing up, too. But I always made time for Saturday cartoons.” Yet, at Hunter’s next response, his mouth fell open and he instantly grabbed for the remote. “You’re serious?” Turning Archer off, he went back to the search field. He knew Johnny Bravo was on Netflix at some point; he had rewatched it all. But it didn’t seem to be there anymore. Flicking to Hulu, and then to Amazon Prime, he let out a small, frustrated growl when he couldn’t find it on any of his subscription services. “Well, you need to watch it. Johnny is amazing. A total lady’s man, even if he’s a bit full of himself. He’s got giant muscles, a giant quiff, and is always wearing black shirts and black shades. He’s iconic.” Grinning at Hunter, he turned the television back to Archer.
Hunter's eyes widened at little and he couldn't help but laugh out loud a bit at Sebastian’s reaction. Clearly the man really loved this cartoon. That was sort of endearing as he definitely hadn't pegged Sebastian as the cartoon type. Nor the sentimental/nostalgic type. Maybe he was about more than just sex. And then as if on cue with his thoughts, the other man let out a bit of a growl and it was impossible to deny that it was hot as fuck.
Hunter shook his head and looked away for a moment, hoping it would be enough to cover the slight blush of his cheeks in the moment. They were talking cartoons and still Sebastian managed to make him blush. How was that possible? “Y-Yeah. I’ll do that s-sometime,” he said, distracted by Sebastian’s smile again.
Sebastian gave Hunter a small nod as he took another bite of his food. As he swallowed, he looked back at him again. “So you said you played sports growing up? What type?” It was obvious the other guy worked out. Hunter even seemed to care if he ate too many carbs. So sports and exercise made perfect sense. “I was the captain of my lacrosse team, personally. Although I wouldn’t have minded playing basketball or soccer, either. But I was way too skinny for football.” He would’ve been creamed in football, even if he was super quick. Lacrosse was already challenging enough with how rough it could get. He took another sip of his drink, before digging back in for more food, looking up at Hunter expectantly, the tv all but forgotten in the background.
Hunter wasn't entirely caught off guard by the question this time. And it wasn't as...touchy a subject as before either. Sports was definitely something he could talk about. “I r-ran track and was captain of the s-swim team. T-Then baseball….I-I wasn't big enough for football until my s-second year at the a-academy, though. I played u-until I g-graduated,” he explained, doing his best not to stutter and stammer too badly. He was sure it was annoying for Sebastian because it was surely so for him. He looked over at the other man and laughed. “Y-You have...ummm…” He wiped his finger just above his lip to indicate that Sebastian had sauce on his face.
“That oddly makes sense” Sebastian said, letting his gaze flick over Hunter’s body before focusing back on his face with a smile. That is, until Hunter pointed out that he had sauce on his face. He laughed, licking his upper lip and shaking his head at himself, slightly embarrassed by the blunder but doing his best to laugh it off. “Thanks.” Setting his now empty bowl back down, he turned back to Hunter. “What position was your favorite?” he asked, naturally asking about football, even though his eyes gleamed mischievously. It had been a while since he had said anything remotely sexual, and he couldn’t help the double entendre. Over half an hour had to be some sort of record for him, right? And Hunter could easily ignore the implication, or miss it all together. “Receiver of some sort?”
Hunter sort of regretted drawing attention to the sauce on Sebastian’s face as he watched it being licked away. He'd been so dazzled by the smile that he hadn't paid attention to the lips before. Or the tongue. And now that he was thinking about them...He shifted on the couch and little, his gaze immediately going to anything that wasn't Sebastian’s mouth and it took a moment for him to realize there has been a question asked. What were they talking about again? Football. Positions. “O-O-Oh…” Damn it. Hunter cleared his throat and tried again. “I h-have been a r-receiver before. T-T-Tight end. Q-Quaterback is m-my favorite though.”
Sebastian’s smirk found it’s home once again on his lips, his eyes taking in the somewhat dazed expression on Hunter’s face. Was Hunter actually checking him out? Well damn. Maybe he hadn’t been wrong about Hunter’s sexuality after all. “Tight end, hm? And quarterback? Seems like you like to switch positions.” All such innocent talk. Even though Sebastian knew he would be thinking about it all night once Hunter left. “Quarterback seems pretty hard, having to aim your ball right through the hole to the receiver. Especially while getting roughed up by a bunch of large dudes at the same time.” He licked his lips, eyes dancing with his amusement. Yep, definitely going to be thinking about this conversation well into the night.
Hunter shrugged a little at Sebastian’s comment. “S-sometimes, yes. But I-I mostly just go w-where I'm needed. It's a-always good to have a versatile p-player on your team.” That was about as close as he could come to bragging now. Back at the Academy though, it had been a different story. The same for the irritating stutter Sebastian seemed to bring out in him. He reached for his soda as the other man spoke and it took the length of his long sip to realize that maybe Sebastian was talking about more than just football. Oh God.
Hunter's cheeks burned bright red as he did his best to not choke on the soda as he swallowed and replaced the can on the coffee table. “N-Not that d-difficult,” was all he could manage to get out.
“Versatility definitely comes in handy.” Especially in the bedroom. But Sebastian knew better than to say that out loud. Especially since it seemed Hunter was starting to catch on to his innuendos, based on the color of his cheeks. “Need another drink?” he said with a nod to the can of soda in Hunter’s hands. Before he could answer, Sebastian was picking up their bowls and heading back into the kitchen, if only to give Hunter a bit of space. He set the bowls in the sink and turned on the water to start rinsing them out. Once they were filled, he shut the water off and looked over at Hunter from behind the counter. “I have ice cream, too, if you want any dessert. Or oreos.” He loved oreos. Especially with a large glass of ice cold milk. Mmm. “What do you think?” he asked Hunter, stepping towards the freezer. “Ice cream choices are cookie dough and plain chocolate.”
All Hunter could do was shake his head no at the question. Honestly, it wasn't so much the innuendo that bothered him. It was the fact that it was directed at him. And even then, bother wasn't the right word. Flustered, maybe? He really wasn't used to anyone flirting or being that forward so he just didn't know how to handle it. Especially not when it was coming from someone as unfairly gorgeous as Sebastian.
Hunter looked up at the mention of dessert, but after considering it for a moment he knew that that much sugar wouldn't be a good thing considering what he'd had throughout the day. “N-No thank you. Pasta h-has me stuffed,” he replied, not wanting to mention the eating habits behind it. He didn't want to come off as one of those types.
Sebastian closed the freezer without grabbing anything, switching to the fridge instead to get a bottle of water, before heading back to the living room. Taking a seat on the couch again, he turned to Hunter. “What were we talking about?” he asked. “Oh, right. Sports.” With a sly smile, he sunk into the cushions of the couch and opened his bottle of water, taking a long gulp while keeping his eyes on Hunter. He hadn’t been this interested in someone in a long time. Since high school, really. And he couldn’t quite put his finger on why. Hunter just seemed… different. And it was intriguing him enough to want to know more. “Anyways. What stroke did you swim? Or did you not really have a favorite?”
Hunter felt a little bad when Sebastian returned empty handed. He hadn't meant to keep the other man from enjoying something sweet with his refusal. But he felt too awkward to point it out for the moment. Shifting over a little as Sebastian sat back down, he turned to look at him, taking time to notice the small beauty marks dusted on his skin. And before he could stop himself, he was wondering if they were all over…
Hunter blinked at the question, trying to get his head back into the conversation. Swimming, swimming strokes. That's what they were talking about. “Freestyle i-is my favorite. It's a-also the fastest s-stroke so it w-won a lot of competitions. I-I think that's part of-of how I became c-captain.”
Sebastian kept his gaze steadily on Hunter, taking in the flicker of his eyes along his neck, and the slightly glazed expression on his face. What had he been thinking about? Maybe something not so innocent? His smile grew at the thought, but he continued with the conversation, despite wanting to steer it back towards innuendo. “That makes sense. I'm not much of a swimmer myself, even though I've been told I have the body for it. I just never really tried competitively, you know? I was too caught up in lacrosse and having fun to try it out.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his water. “I knew-” slept with “-a bunch of guys on my high school team, though. Well, one of my high schools, at least. They were pretty great. I went to a few of the competitions. Butterfly looks like the hardest stroke. Is that true?”
Hunter bit his lip lightly at Sebastian’s comment about his body, turning to face the screen for a second to hide the action. Maybe he couldn’t help his reactions, but he could at least attempt to disguise them. He was so very awkward and was definitely out of his depths here. Still, the other man had seemed to tame his forwardness a bit so it made his urges to run a little less urgent. He nodded at the question. “I-It is very hard to-to learn and it takes a l-lot more energy than y-you w-would think.” He took a long sip from his soda can to allow time for him to think of more to keep the conversation going. “The a-academy didn’t have a-a swim team though, so-so I haven’t swam in a w-while,” he admitted with a small shrug. A part of Hunter missed it, but it was what it was and he didn’t like to dwell on it.
Sebastian nodded, taking another sip of his water. “That sucks that they didn’t. I haven’t played lacrosse since high school, so I get what you mean. Kinda miss it, you know?” With an understanding smile, he continued on. “Did you ever play water polo?” he asked, taking another long look up and down Hunter’s frame. “That’s probably my favorite thing to watch on the Olympics. That and the girls gymnastics. Those girls are impressive. Did you watch any of the olympics last year?” Why he felt like he had to ask so many questions, he wasn’t sure. But at least he was showing Hunter that he could carry on a normal conversation every so often.
Hunter offered Sebastian a small smile, though he wasn't sure if he should be happy or worried that the man had more or less heard what he hadn't said. The mention of women's gymnastics caught him a little by surprise. Was Sebastian interested in women? And if he was, why had he been hitting so hard on him? So confusing. He shook his head at the question though. “N-No. I don't w-watch a lot of tv if-if I'm honest.” Truth be told, he rarely could afford the luxury of cable, but he wouldn't admit it. It didn't bother him much though because he'd never really watched much growing up so he hadn't gotten used to it.
“Oh? Then what do you do in your spare time, when you’re not fixing pipes and working out?” Sebastian asked, eyebrow raised. “Cause you clearly work out.” Sending him a wink, Sebastian took a long sip from his water bottle. “Have you been to the gym in the building? It’s pretty small, but it’s got all the basics. I’m down there pretty often if you ever want someone to spot you or anything.” Sure, Sebastian really just wanted to see Hunter in action, all sweaty and intense. He was curious just how well those muscles worked. But it was always a good idea to have a spotter when using free weights. And since Hunter wasn’t from around the area… Well, logic dictated that Sebastian was the easiest and most logical choice.
Hunter ducked his head to hide his nervous smile at the wink. And they were back to flirting again. God this man was so confusing. But he was doing his best to keep up. “I like to-to read. And I d-draw on occasion. I'm not used to a l-lot of down time, so…” he gave a shrug, not sure what else to say really. He ran his hand over his bicep at the comment about him working out. He couldn't pretend that it wasn't nice to have someone notice his hard work, flirting or otherwise. “I've seen i-it,” he said, settling back against the couch a little. “It's okay, but I-I plan to get a m-membership at a real gym c-close by soon though.” In truth, the gym downstairs wasn't that impressive, but knowing that Sebastian was there made it more appealing.
“You draw?” Sebastian said, intrigued. Personally, he didn’t have an artistic bone in his body. He was lucky if people could tell his stick figures were meant to be people. So, whenever he ran into someone who was talented in that way, he couldn’t help but have a twinge of jealousy. “What style of drawing?” he asked. “Like, realistic or cartoons or what?” Nodding at Hunter’s comment on the gym, he shrugged a shoulder. “Yeah, as I said it’s pretty basic. But free is free, so you can’t complain too much. But there are a few gym options around here. LA Fitness, Lifetime, or Planet Fitness, for the bigger named ones. I think there are a few smaller ones, but at that point you might as well just stick to the one downstairs.”
Hunter nodded, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Realistic. But i-it’s nothing amazing o-or anything. Just something to d-do,” he said with a shrug, really not wanting to make a big deal about it. Honestly, he'd never really told anyone about his drawing and he definitely hadn't shown his work to anyone. He took in the information about the local gyms, making a note to check in to them when he got a chance.
It took a few moments to realize that the room was quiet and he turned his attention back to the tv screen. The “Are you still watching?” message had appeared from Netflix. Had they really been talking that long? A clock up on the wall nearby told him that was definitely the case. “Is-Is it really that late?” Hunter asked, turning back to Sebastian as he nodded towards the clock.
Sebastian looked over at the screen when Hunter’s attention changed to it. Dang Netflix and their judgement of how many episodes a person could watch at a time. “Yeah, I guess it is” Sebastian said, pulling out his phone and flashing the screen at Hunter to confirm the time, completely forgetting about his background being a shirtless male model in underwear. “I guess I stole your whole night, hm?” he said, pocketing the phone with a smile. “Sorry for that. Although I can’t say I actually mean that.” Another wink flew Hunter’s direction. “I guess you probably have to get up pretty early for work, yeah?” He knew from experience that maintenance could come as early as 8 am.
Hunter looked over at the time, not at all missing the nearly naked man as Sebastian’s background. That would definitely be nice to see every time he looked at his phone. Not that he himself would ever do something like that. Too risky. He laughed lightly at Sebastian’s words and pushed up from the couch, just in time to catch the wink. “I'm u-usually up around 5:30 am,” he said as he picked up his empty soda can and moved to take it to the kitchen. It was odd, but a part of him didn't want to leave even though he knew that he absolutely should. He hadn't meant to stay so long.
“Yuck” Sebastian said. “I don’t know how you’d do that. I can barely make myself get out of bed at 7:30.” Sebastian wasn’t really a morning person. In fact, his job was the only reason he woke up as early as he did during the week. He’d much rather sleep in. But the bills weren’t going to pay themselves, and office jobs, in his experience, paid better than others. Picking up his water bottle, he followed Hunter into the kitchen. “You have your pliers, right?” he said with a grin. “Wouldn’t want to have to coerce you into another dinner again.” Not that he minded in the slightest. “You should let me know when you work out next. Maybe I’ll join you.” That is, if Hunter wanted him there.
Hunter laughed lightly at Sebastian’s reaction. The other man definitely wouldn't have lasted in the Academy for long. He dropped his can into the trash bin and gave a nod, patting his back pocket to make sure that he had his pliers this time. Then again, maybe he wouldn't have been entirely opposed to coming back. But he wouldn't say as much. He laughed again at Sebastian’s suggestion as he started to move towards the door. “I work out every morning from 6 am to 7 am. Shower and then work at 7:45,” he explained. Sadly, he was sure Sebastian wouldn't join him because of the times, but maybe he would figure something out.
Sebastian tried not to make a face at the times Hunter mentioned. “Well, maybe you’ll see me down there one morning. I’ll be the one in the muscle shirt and shorts” he said with a wink. He’d have to set a few extra alarms in order to ensure that he woke up in time. But to see Hunter all sweaty and working out, Sebastian was pretty sure it would be worth the hour and a half loss of sleep. Walking Hunter to the door, he opened it. “What floor do you live on, by the way?” Not that he was going to stalk him or anything. He was simply curious.
Hunter highly doubted that he would see Sebastian in the gym that early in the morning, but he wasn't about to point that out. The gym was always empty at that time, not that he minded in the least. Still, he was maybe a little sorry he wouldn't get to see that outfit. He made his way to the door, stepping aside as Sebastian opened it. The question did catch him a little off guard as he stepped out into the hall. “O-Oh. Um…” It wasn't like he could keep it a secret forever. “T-this one,” Hunter admitted, looking down the hall towards his own apartment. “Thank y-you for dinner. I-I enjoyed it.”
“Oh really?” Sebastian drawled, his eyebrows raised, thinking back to the time they were on the elevator together. Odd that Hunter hadn’t gotten off at that time. Or maybe he was just too nervous to be around Sebastian at that time. “I guess elevator rides together are bound to be more often, then.” Smirking at the thought, he nodded. “Anytime. I enjoyed it, too.” Taking a step closer, Sebastian put his hand on the edge of the door, right above Hunter’s head. “Maybe we can do it again sometime” he said, his eyes flicking to Hunter’s lips for a moment before meeting his gaze again, his voice becoming softer.
Hunter did his best not to think of the prospect of more elevator rides with Sebastian. He wasn't sure he could handle that at the moment. He'd almost turned to start heading home when Sebastian moved forward and he froze a little, unsure of what to expect. It was impossible not to notice just how close the other man's hand was to him. And he definitely didn't miss the way Sebastian’s eyes moved over him. Okay, the man was definitely flirting with him this time. “U-Uh, s-s-sure,” he managed to stutter out finally.
Leaning forward even more, closing a bit of the gap between them, Sebastian smiled. “Good. I’d hate to not see you again. Especially since we live so close together.” There was only mere inches between them now. Yet- Sebastian paused. He still hadn’t gotten a clear read on Hunter’s sexuality. Sure, there definitely felt like there was something between them. But Sebastian didn’t want to risk jumping to conclusions and getting a black eye in return. Although, Hunter wasn’t exactly backing away… A question in his eyes, Sebastian waited.
There was no question now in Hunter's mind that Sebastian was coming on to him. And what's more it didn't seem to be just general flirting. There was intent behind it. And the man was so close to him now...He glanced down the hallway quickly, checking to see if anyone was around, but it seemed to be empty. His mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do. Did he kiss him? It seemed kind of odd considering...But he couldn't deny that he did want to do it. But then again…
Before he could stop himself, Hunter's hand was on Sebastian’s shoulder and he pushed him back into the apartment a few steps--just in case someone did come down the hall. And then, without a word, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Sebastian’s.
Sebastian followed Hunter’s gaze as he turned to look at the empty hallway. Was he trying to figure a way out of kissing him without being rude? But before Sebastian could say anything, he was being forced back a few steps into the apartment and Hunter’s lips were against his. Instantly, Sebastian met the kiss, his hands gripping into Hunter’s shoulder and pulling him closer. Well this was definitely unexpected. After all the stammering and blushing, Sebastian would’ve never thought Hunter would make the first big move. Not that he was complaining in the least. Pressing into Hunter harder, Sebastian’s hand started sliding down Hunter’s back, inching towards the hem so he could get rid of it and feel some of the skin beneath.
For as nerve-wracking as the decision had been, once Hunter's lips touched Sebastian’s, he threw himself into the decision, kissing the other man deeply. One hand went up to wrap around Sebastian’s neck as the other moved down to grip the man's hip. God it had been way, way too fucking long since he'd kissed anyone. And he was sure he'd never been lucky enough to get someone as unfairly gorgeous as Sebastian. Instinct started to take over though as he shifted a bit, moving to put Sebastian’s back against the wall. His mouth pulled away from the other man's as he kissed his way down Sebastian’s neck.
Well damn. If Sebastian had known Hunter was this into kissing, he would’ve made a move way earlier in the night. He had been playing it cool, actually talking and giving Hunter space the whole night. But with the way Hunter was kissing him back and pressing him up against his wall, Sebastian was worrying for nothing. Letting out a small groan, Sebastian’s fingers found the edge of Hunter’s shirt and started tugging it upwards, his  other hand instantly resting on the small of his back. He kissed him deeper, lust coursing throughout his body. How far would Hunter be willing to go?
Hunter nipped at Sebastian’s neck, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough that the other man would know it. He pressed his body against Sebastian’s, his hand moving to tangle in the man's hair. The groan was music to his ears and he dragged his mouth back up to claim Sebastian’s again in a deep kiss. And then he felt the man's hand on his skin. It took a few seconds, but finally his mind caught up to just exactly what was happening. And then panic set in.
What was he doing? Without warning, Hunter pulled back from Sebastian, his eyes wide at the realization of what he'd just done. Oh God. Oh God! “I-I-I-I….I-I'm s-s-sorry,” he barely managed. But before Sebastian could even respond, he turned and slipped out of the door, doing his best not to run down the hall.
Sebastian let out another small moan at the feeling of Hunter’s lips on his neck. That was his one weak spot, and Hunter had found it on the first try. It appeared Hunter wasn’t nearly as shy as Sebastian thought. But it seemed that thought came too soon. One second, Sebastian was going to get rid of Hunter’s shirt completely, the next, Hunter was practically bolting down the hall. What the hell just happened? He hadn’t been too aggressive with his hands, had he? Letting out a shaky breath, he closed his apartment door and leaned against the wall. Welp. Hopefully he didn’t royally fuck everything up.
Hunter barely stopped in time to keep from running straight into his apartment door and his hands shook as he pushed his key into the lock. After what seemed like forever, the door was open. He slipped inside and all but slammed it closed again, pressing his back against the cool wood. Oh God, what the fuck had he just done? He barely knew Sebastian! Yet it hadn't stopped him from...He was so fucked. This was such a good job, he didn't want to have to move again. It was getting so old. Maybe Sebastian wouldn't tell anyone...That seemed unlikely. The man struck him as the type that liked to brag. Great job. Well, maybe….Maybe he couldn’t just avoid Sebastian for a while. Surely the man would forget all about him soon enough. Yeah, that sounded like a good plan. Just avoid until Sebastian forgot him. Or outed him. Whichever came first.
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Just something I whipped up for Batchelor night in with the girls 🌹 Super easy: Core a couple of red apples (I usually look for the brightest red apples) Cut them in half and then slice them thinly. Boil the sliced apples in a pot (Tip1* put a little bit of lemon juice in to keep the apples from turning a nasty brown, only a little is required) The same outcome can be made by microwaving the apples in a bowl of water The pastry should be defrosted and ready to slice in long strips. Place the apple slices in a row, slightly overlapping with skin coming out the top. Place a little jam, I like to use apricot or strawberry along the base of the apples this should be half way along the pastry, right down the middle (Tip2* you actually need a lot less than you would think, too much jam and the pastry will go soggy instead of cook) Next, fold the pastry in half over the apples and roll the smallest end right the way through so you have a beautiful rose emerging 🌹 Place in the oven for around 45 mins, keeping a close eye on them. (Tip3* place on the lower shelf to refrain from burning the tops of the apple skin and on a lower temperature for longer, a slow cook is better than a burnt bake) Place a little icing sugar on top and serve! (Tip4* beautiful to eat warm with a dollop of vanilla ice cream 🍦)
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