#eat your ohagi son
lesbianasfuckwomen · 10 months
Its the windmill's birthday!
Sanemi like to think of himself as a calm stable individual
He likes to think of himself as a level headed person, a person who wouldn't dare lift a single finger on a person.
So as any calm, sane, stable, and level headed person would do, he was keeping himself from wrapping his hands around the water pillar and choking the everliving life out of those blue eyes.
"Fuckin hell, is there anybody else here? I would take the fucking seaweed head then to be in the same room as mister 'I'm not like the rest of you'"
Now, any sane person would know not to reply to Sanemi since he looked as if he was about to commit murder at any moment but Tomioka Giyuu was everything but sane.
"Hello Shinazugawa, do you know what the date is?"
To be honest, Sanemi couldn't have given a single flying fuck about the date. To him everyday was the same. Clean up from the night before, help Shinobu out in the mansion, Complain to Iguro about some slayers, check on Genya, get assigned a mission, kill demon. and repeat.
He was on the way to check on Genya the stone mansion when an emergency hashira meeting was called thus landing him here, in the same room alone with mismatched haori.
It's safe to assume that Sanemi was pissed.
"Why the fuck would I know the date? And where the fuck are all the others? Himejima-san wouldn't dare being late to a hashira meeting"
"Well don't just be a stand alone silent bitch, say something!"
"You really don't know the date?"
Okay what was so important about the date that Tomioka fucking Giyuu, the guy that didn't give a shit about time, to be so persistant for him to know the date?
Well, Sanemi knew around 4 days ago it was the 25th. So if he were to add 4 days to 25 he would get
"The 29th of November. There, happy now?"
"...Thats it?"
If Sanemi was pissed before (which he was) he was a boiling over volcano now.
"Yes thats it. What else do you want me to say edge lord? A couple days after that one American holiday?"
"Wow, didn't peg you to be the forgetful type Sanemi, thought that was Tokito's job."
"Fuck you, my memory is just fine!"
"Tokito refrain from cursing. Obanai stop picking fights with little kids. Sanemi are you really that stupid?"
"Fuck you Shinobu, i'm not stupid"
"Shinazugawa I will kindly ask you to refrain from cursing. We have a child here"
"Himejima-san, that 'child' just cursed out Obanai"
"Ara Ara Tomioka-san! You should speak up a bit more frequently, other people didn't even notice you!"
"e-eh, Tokito-kun, Shinazugawa-san, we shouldn't curse each other out!"
"I agree with Kanroji"
"Aren't you in lo-"
"Shut it Tokito"
Sanemi snorted, happy that he wasn't stuck with depressed emo nerd, but it wasn't long until Obanai's words caught up to him.
"Iguro what did you mean by me being forgetful? I don't think anything important is happening today"
"Mitsuri if you could lower your voice"
"Right, sorry Shinobu. You forgot!?"
Now Sanemi wasn't angry, he was just confused.
"Alright, first Tomioka drilling me about the date, second Shinobu calling me an idiot and third you telling me I forgot about something? Okay if I forgot about something what did I forget about?"
"Your birthday silly!"
Oh shit
Thats what he forgot about.
So what, he's 22 now.
He never really celebrated his birthday, too focused on surviving in the hellhole he was supposed to call home. After his father sperm donor was killed, he kind of forgot his birthday existed.
"Wait- how did you guys know it was my birthday?"
"Thats for us to know"
"Iguro you little shit-"
Sanemi sighed and flushed a little red, embarrassed that he forgot, and came face to face with Tomioka the mother fucking Giyuu. Wayyy to close.
If Sanemi was a bit pink then he was a fucking tomato now. One thing he noticed was that Giyuu was holding an ohagi.
"Here, happy birthday"
Sanemi snatched the ohagi from Giyuu's hands and took a bite. It melted right on his tongue and hit the spot. It was the perfect amount of quantity, quality, and sweetness.
"I hope you like it. Genya told me how you like and how to make it. He's a sweet person, your brother. He's also adorable when he focuses. Hope you enjoy it 'Nemi'"
Sanemi likes to consider himself as a very nice person.
So as any calm, sane, stable, level headed person would do, he lunged for Tomioka's throat and proceeded to strangle the everliving shit out of the water hashira.
Sanemi is my favorite hashira by far. He is also one of the most complicated character I have ever seen. Happy birthday you emotionally constipated white-haired menace!
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wisteriashouse · 4 years
aflame (iii).
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pairing: firefighter!rengoku kyoujurou x cook!reader
genre: fluff, modern! au
word count: 2374
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iii. home visit
It’s absolutely freezing.
For the rest of the day after you had made up your mind to visit Kyoujurou’s house, you had been so nervous that you had proceeded to burn three eggs, serve a customer potatoes instead of tomatoes, and nearly set your stove on fire.
Kyoujurou would be disappointed.
Luckily for you, the customers had all happened to be your regulars, and so had been more interested about your ‘budding romance’ with Kyoujurou than getting upset. After an endless amount of teasing and you coming dangerously close to burning the pan, Aoi had finally decided to ban you from taking any orders.
“Just go and make some porridge for Rengoku-san. I’ll take care of the rest of the orders.” Aoi had said, shooing you out of the kitchen even as you had attempted to resist with all your might. “The dinner crowd has almost all been served, so I can manage the rest!”
And that’s how you had ended up here, with a large thermos of chicken soup and porridge in a bag, standing in front of an apartment complex in a part of town that you’d never been to before. Blowing on your chilly hands, you pull out the slip of paper from your pocket to check the address one more time. You swear that if you ever find out Shinazugawa-san has pranked you, you’re going to fill his ohagi with the sourest umeboshi you can find.
This is it.
The place looks rather well to do, you note as you step cautiously into the building, with nicely potted plants and ambient lighting in warm tones. You’re proud to say that you only missed the button in the elevator twice, both of which can be blamed on your freezing hands instead of how ridiculously nervous you feel the closer you get to his home.
“Unit twenty... unit twenty...” You mumble as you walk along the corridor, glancing up at the numbers on the doors. “Unit twenty should be right... here.” You stop before an apartment and glance up at the door.
Should you call him? What if he isn’t home? What if he’s asleep? Hesitant, you raise your hand to the doorbell and press once very gently, hoping that you aren’t disturbing his rest.
A few seconds of nerve-racking silence pass before there’s the sound of something falling over from inside the apartment, followed by a startled yelp of “aniki, you’re supposed to be in bed!”
Right, his message had mentioned a younger brother. You’d never really wondered if Kyoujurou had any siblings, but now that you think about it, he does seem to fit very well into the role of a big brother.
“It’s okay, it’s okay! Just focus on your homework, Senjurou!” A familiar voice calls out, and for a second, you desperately feel like running away as your nerves surge once again.
Your feet, however, stay rebelliously rooted to the ground.
Before you can take off at a sprint, the door swings open.
“Good evening, how can I help you–” Kyoujurou’s words trail off when he notices that it’s you standing at the door, wearing what’s possibly a painfully awkward expression on your face. He’s dressed in a pair of sweats and an oversized graphic tee with the words ‘Kimetsu Firefighting Crew’ on the front, his cheeks slightly flushed and hair thrown back in a messy ponytail.
He stares at you.
You try your best to smile naturally.
“G-good evening, Rengoku-san.” You manage to get out, trying your best not to stumble over your own words. Inside, you’re wringing your hands, wishing for the ground to just swallow you up whole. When his eyes lift slowly to meet yours, your breath catches in your throat.
How can one man look so beautiful even when he’s sick?
“Chef-san?” Kyoujurou’s voice is a little raspy, as though he’s spent the entire day asleep. It only serves to muddle your mind further with just how attractive he sounds. His eyes are wide with surprise. “What are you doing here?”
At his question, you swallow, nerves twisting uncomfortably in the pit of your stomach. “Well, you said you were sick and I was worried about you, so Aoi got your address from Shinazugawa-san earlier.” You hold out the bag, lips suddenly dry. “And you mentioned that you wanted to eat my cooking... so I brought some porridge and chicken soup over for you.”
Kyoujurou doesn’t answer for a few seconds, staring down at your proffered bag with his lips slightly parted. Unable to bear any more of this awkwardness, you thrust the bag into his hands with a forced ‘I hope you get well soon!’ and immediately turn on your heel in an attempt to flee. Before you can so much as take a step, however, you feel warm, callused fingers wrapping around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
His skin is so warm against yours.
“Your hands are freezing. I’m sorry that you had to come all the way here in this weather.” Your heart thumps wildly, breath trapped in your chest like a fluttering bird as Kyoujurou encases your hands in his larger ones. He brings them to his lips so that his breath dances hotly over your skin, golden eyes flickering up to meet your gaze. There’s something unreadable in their depths. “This might sound selfish of me, but would you mind if I say that it makes me terribly happy?”
“Oh, brother, who is this?”
Wide golden eyes meet yours from under Kyoujurou’s arm and your first instinct is to squeal at how adorable his younger brother looks. The only downside to his appearance is that Kyoujurou’s hand releases yours gently to take the bag; you miss his warmth immediately. “Senjurou, this is–”
“Older brother, you didn’t tell me that you were dating someone!”
“This is Chef-san from that eatery I was telling you about – wait, what?”
“Wahh, it’s you! Brother talks about you a lot, so I feel like I know you already!” The miniature version of Kyoujurou chatters, his voice surprisingly low for a child. Aside from his voice, he almost looks like he could be a carbon copy of Kyoujurou, except that the lines of his face are gentler, his eyes softer. Right now, they shine with excitement, reminding you of a puppy wagging its tail. “It’s nice to finally meet you! I’m Rengoku Senjurou, aniki’s younger brother.”
Rengoku-san talks about you to his little brother? Hopefully only good things, you think nervously.
“Nice to meet you too, Senjurou.” You give a wave of greeting, heart in tiny pieces from just how radiant Senjurou’s smile is. Is it a Rengoku family trait? “Have you had dinner?”
“Not yet, I was going to microwave some leftover stew after finishing my homework. I wanted to brew him a soup,” he points at his older brother, “but he forbid me because I have an exam to study for tomorrow. He was whining about wanting to eat your food earlier, so I’m really glad you came!”
A surge of happiness rushes through you and you have to fight to contain your smile. “It’s no problem, really. I hope you enjoy the food I made, there’s enough for the two of you if you want it.” Having done what you’d set out to do today, you take a step back and wave, your heart light in your chest. “Then, I’ll be going first.”
“Have you eaten yet?” Kyoujurou’s sudden question takes you by surprise.
“Well, no, but I was intending to once I got home–”
“It’s getting late and you must be tired from working all day. Eat with us, I’m sure there’s enough for three.” Kyoujurou says, and you glance at him with wide eyes. His smile softens as he looks at you. “Please.”
How are you supposed to be able to resist him when he does that? Silently, you nod your head, not trusting your mouth to speak.
“That’s great! I’ll go set up the table.” Senjurou takes the bag of food and disappears into the apartment with a little skip in his step. Both you and Kyoujurou watch him scamper off, before Kyoujurou suddenly lets out a gentle chuckle. “For a moment there, I thought the two of you had forgotten about me. He’s been excited to meet you for awhile, but it seems that you get along amazingly well with him already. Thank you.”
“He’s a sweet child, there’s no need to thank me.” You hum, then turn to smile shyly at him. “Well, are you going to invite me in?”
“Oh, yes! Shoes at the door, come on in.”
The initial step into the Rengoku household is full of trepidation, but the warm and homely environment puts you at ease almost immediately. The walls of the hallway Kyoujurou guides you down is decorated with multiple pictures of the Rengoku family since Kyoujurou’s infancy, and you have to stop yourself from gushing over how cute he was. Further down the hallway, the largest portrait hanging on the wall catches your sight – a beautiful woman with long dark hair, dressed in a traditional kimono, hands folded in her lap and a serene expression on her face.
You can’t look away.
“Oh, that’s my mother.” Kyoujurou says, suddenly, and you turn to see him staring at the picture wistfully, a small smile on his face. You nod quietly. “She’s very beautiful. Is she home?”
“No, she passed away from an illness when I was younger.” Kyoujurou explains in reply, and you immediately hasten to apologise, horrified.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking and ended up being insensitive!”
“It’s alright!” Kyoujurou reassures you brightly, grinning as usual once more. “You couldn’t have known. My mother was a lovely woman and a great cook, I would have liked to introduce you to her as well. Unfortunately, it seems that only Senjurou inherited her skills in the kitchen.” He chuckles a little at that. “I’ve never had much luck with a stove.”
You giggle slightly at his words, and Senjurou’s head suddenly pops out from behind the corner. “Brother, Chef-san, let’s eat! The food will get cold!”
The two of you share a smile, before following him to the kitchen.
After dinner, you insist on staying back to help wash the dishes with Senjurou, Kyoujurou shooed back to his room to rest in spite of his pleading to join the two of you. Perhaps it’s something to do with genetics, but the younger Rengoku son is remarkably easy to talk to, the two of you dissolving into casual chatter as you soap the dishes.
“Brother always talks about the new dishes you let him sample, I wish you could teach me how to make some of them too!” Senjurou tells you, rinsing some of the plates under the tap. You laugh. A corner of your heart flutters, unbearably shy at the thought. “Rengoku-san does? What does he say about them?”
“He says you’re the best cook in the world.” Senjurou babbles excitedly, and your face flushes at the unexpected praise. Sure, Kyoujurou has said that to you many times, but you thought that was just him being polite, or simply how he is to everybody. “And that your cooking is so delicious, it tastes just as good as Mother’s!”
You pause, turning to glance at Senjurou. The younger boy notices the shift in mood, the bright grin he’s wearing melting into something more nostalgic. “I was really young when our Mother passed away, so I don’t have many memories of her. But one day, Older Brother brought back some of your cooking to let me try, and he said it tastes just like Mother’s.” Senjurou’s gaze is gentle as he looks down at the soap suds swirling in the sink. “I feel closer to my Mother when I have your cooking, and I’m sure that Brother, who knew her for longer than I did, feels that even more strongly than I do.”
You look down at your soapy hands, lips pressed together in shock. Is that how much your cooking means to him? You never knew...
“Father was never around much after Mother died, so it was mostly Big Brother who raised me. He’s always taken good care of me, but because he’s so strong, no one really thinks that he needs support. Knowing that he takes comfort in your cooking makes me feel relieved. ” Senjurou continues, before he turns to look up at you with a hopeful smile. “That’s why... I hope you’ll keep cooking for him.”
“Mmn.” You hum, voice suddenly thick and your eyes prickling a little. A mixture of emotions swell in you. Senjurou suddenly looks alarmed, waving his hands. “Oh, I’m not saying that you have to or anything, I didn’t mean to force you to do something you might not want to – ”
“No, it’s alright. I love cooking for Rengoku-san too.” You smile at Senjurou and pat the top of his head. His face scrunches up cutely at your touch, before he beams back at you. “He saved my life, you know.”
Senjurou gasps. “Brother told me about it before! He’s so cool, I want to be like him when I grow up.” Suddenly, he glances at the doorway to the kitchen before leaning in close, hands cupped over his mouth conspiratorially. You bend down slightly to bring your ear closer to his lips, curious.
“You like Older Brother, don’t you?”
“W-Wha–” You panic instantly, nearly dropping the plate in your hands as you flail about. Senjurou giggles, clearly delighted at your response. “Am I really that obvious?”
Senjurou nods, and you bury your face in your hands, thoroughly embarrassed.
“Don’t tell him,” you squeak, unable to look him in the eye. Senjurou pats you on the head reassuringly.
“I won’t.”
A few more washed dishes later and a promise to teach Senjurou how to make baked sweet potatoes, you leave the Rengoku home with a heart far lighter than you’d come in with. On the way out, you catch a glimpse into Kyoujurou’s room – he’s curled up on his bed, arms wrapped around a pillow as he sleeps peacefully.
The sight alone makes the entire trip worth it.
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mysaldate · 4 years
hii! in honour of valentine's day, can you please give me some pick up lines the demons/demon slayers would say✌🥺 have a good day btww!
I’m terribly sorry for getting to you this late! There’s a lot of characters and as you all know, I was on a bit of an unwilling hiatus lately. Hopefully, I will be able to make up for the wait with this. Some of them will have more than one pick up line, some of them will even have serious ones since I felt like it would be better that way than to just meme my way through.
Demons and Demon Slayers Pick up Lines
Muzan: Not only would I kill for you but I would die for you all the same.Or: Do you prefer men or women? I just want to know how to boost my chances with you.
Kokushibou: My eyes are only on you.Or: My blood art is called Flesh sword. Want me to impale you?
Douma: I’ve been guiding people to paradise my whole life but only now did I finally find my own.Or: You’re lucky I’m not hungry because you sure are a snack!
Akaza: You should get a tattoo like me because you just stole my heart.Or: Wanna play basketball? Your hands can be the basket and I’ll give you the balls.
Hantengu: Every last bit of me likes you. Including the one that hates everyone.Or: I’d ask you out but you would most likely say no so I’ll just sit here and cry over a bottle of vodka and a whole chocolate cake. If you change your mind, I’ll share with you.
Nakime: I can make you fall for me in more ways than one.
Gyokko: Something’s fishy – you’re not dating me yet!Or: Wanna hold hands? I’ve got six of them!
Daki: Most humans are disgusting but you’re not so bad.
Gyutaro: The benefit of dating me is you would never have to worry about anyone wanting to steal me away from you.
Kaigaku: (before we get to him, here, have my exact thought process)
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Kaigaku: You thought your first kiss would be Zenitsu but it was I, Kaigaku!Or: I’m gonna eat your peaches like no one has before.
Enmu: I’d like to drive my train in your station tonight.Or: Let’s see... This is like a dream for me. To die by your hand in person. And I so enjoyed hearing the other demons’ last gasps! I feel so blessed! Because I love to see others in despair and agony. Because it’s like a dream come true for me. I thank you for leaving me for last! (that was a pick-up line and you cannot convince me otherwise)
Rokuro: I was meaning to ask you out but then I realized how incredibly stupid that would be. I’ll leave you alone forever now.
Wakuraba: Damn, I’m losing my head over you.
Mukago: I accidentally bought two tickets to a scary movie so I’m looking for a cuddle partner right now. You interested?
Rui: Let’s play house. I could be your boyfriend.
Kamanue: Sure, it’s easy for you to say you can do better but what am I supposed to do when I want the best?
Sister Spider demon: My thread may be smooth as silk but good luck getting out of it once you’re tied to my bed.
Brother Spider demon: You know, my poison isn’t the only thing I can fill you with.
Father Spider demon: (Honestly, I have no idea. He isn’t exactly well-spoken. My best guess is he would just throw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and take you with him.)
Mother Spider demon: I hope you like bad girls because I am bad at everything!
Kyogai: They say you can’t write what you don’t know. Would you like to help me write the most romantic story ever?
Susamaru: Even if you say no, I will hug you with all my eight limbs like a giant spider until you go out with me.Or: I’d let you play with my balls any day.
Yahaba: If you don’t come to me on your own, I can simply make you, you know?
Swamp demon: We’re a package deal of everything you may ever need – the voice of reason, the voice of emotion and the voice that will break your enemies’ eardrums.
Hand demon: Ever heard of kitsune udon? Would you like me to make some for you?
Temple demon: I ain’t no saint but damn do I pray you’re single!
Tamayo: Eternity is a curse but by your side, I wouldn’t mind staying cursed forever.Or: If I weren’t already obsessed with ruining the life of another person, you would be on top of my list.
Yushiro: Lady Tamayo might have competition in you soon, you better watch out.
Nezuko: It doesn’t matter if the sun doesn’t burn me because your smile is much brighter anyway!
Demon Slayers
Yoriichi: I couldn’t slay Muzan but you, I am quite sure I can.
Jiggoro: It may be hard and it may be painful but after this hellish training is completed, our garden will be magnificent!
Urokodaki: I’m very good with children. Some of them even lived beyond their sixteenth birthday.
Shinjuro: At least if you marry me, you’ll get two great sons to compensate.
Uzui: I’m opening up the applications for my fourth wife position. Interested?
Himejima: Though I lived in a temple, I am not exactly a monk. I have made no celibacy promise.
Kyojuro: Darling, you set my heart ablaze!Or: Would you like to see my crimson red blade?
Obanai: Are you a snake charmer, because I sure am charmed.
Mitsuri: In the name of love, please go out with me!
Muichiro: I lost my phone number. Could I get yours?
Shinobu: You believe in female supremacy? Good.
Kanae: Let’s start as friends and maybe we can work our way up? Let’s work hard!
Genya: You know, demons aren’t the only thing I can eat really well.
Tanjiro: You smell really nice. Would you mind if I got a taste as well?
Sanemi: I will not share my ohagi with you but that doesn’t mean I don’t care, ok? Just so we’re clear.
Giyuu: As the water pillar, I know a lot about making people wet. Especially with tears.
Zenitsu: PLEASE MARRY ME OR I’LL DIE ALONE!Or: Do you like bad boys? No? Oh, thank goodness!
Inosuke: Among the boars, I would sing for you and give you lots of hugs and attention. Will you let me try even though you’re human?
Kanao: The coin told me to say yes to whatever request you may have. Pick wisely.Or: I was told to follow my heart. And it lead me to you.
Murata: I’m a completely average guy but sometimes that’s better than someone special, right?
Aoi: I may be frail but I can handle brats like you just like you deserve – with lots of love and strict training routine.
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 9: A boys’ best friend
Once again you and Hiromi were at lunch as you were slurping down some ramen
“Well, thanks to you my brother has agreed to go back to school.” She said
“So soon, that's a big step,” you said
“Well my brother said talking to you really helped so thanks,” she said
“I'm glad I could help, and I'm glad you are able to understand why my job means so much to me,” you said
“Hmmm I sorta understand it, but well I'm still worried, I mean that's my brother I know him.”
“The people I help are someone's brother or someone's sons,” you said
“Well I, you know what I mean, I read a report where they came into one of their rooms and he attacked the person,” she said
“I've read a few stories like that, it usually happens when the person isn't well known or trusted and they barge into their space and they get defensive, they see it as more of guarding a space spot.”
“Again that just seems weird, like you get so antisocial you attack people like a wild animal,” she said and you were trying really hard not to break your chopstick in half.
“Hiromi imagine if you felt the entire world was out to get you, and you have one spot where you feel safe, and all of a sudden that dangerous tries to enter, wouldn't you try to protect it.”
“But they can be unstable,” she said, as you watch beeped, thank god your next appointment was soon and your break was over
“Sorry Hiromi, my next appointment is up, I'm going to go buy some Ohagi,” you said
“So soon, stay safe,” she said
“I will,” you said grabbing an order of Ohagi and leaving waving her off
“She is a good person but why can't people understand.” you thought as you hailed a cab to get to Tomuras place and walked up the steps and knocked on his door
“What,” he said
“Tomura it's me, I brought your favorite.” you said, and you heard the door lock click open, and him reaching his hand out “Gimmie.”
“Here you go,” you said taking one out and he pulled his hand back in
“This isn't homemade.” he said as you heard the wrapper crinkle “also you smell like ramen.”
“I had some for lunch, what did you have for lunch?” you asked
“Some chips,” he said
“Just chips, next time I'm bringing you a meal,” you said
“Doesn't mean I will eat it.” he said, placing his hand out “Another one. “Well I can't keep filling your intake for Ohagi forever Tomura.” you said, “what have you done today?”
“Woke up, took a shower, ate some chips, and hunched over the computer.” he said “Boring shit, the shower hurt.”
“The shower hurt”?” you asked
“...no,” he said correcting himself and wanting to put his shoe in his mouth to shut him up
“Tomura, why did the shower hurt?” you asked him
“I..have a tendency to scratch myself and not even notice it, so I have a lot of cuts and the water stings.”
“I see.” you said “When do you notice the new marks appear from scratching?”
“When I feel stressed and I'm lost in thought I just feel itchy like something is on me and I need to scratch, I've gotten used to it. I barely notice, scary huh.” “I’m more worried that it's interfering with your ability to shower properly without pain.” you said “How long has this been going on?”
“Since i can remember.” Tomura said, “I can barely wash my face with water now it stings so much.”
“Nao, Tenko keeps scratching his face,” Kator said to his wife
“I know, I've asked the doctors they said it's allergies but the cream isn't working, and the medication is just making him sleepy” Nao said as she looked outside to see Tenko itching his arm, she opened the window
“Tenko stop scratching your arm,” she said
“Huh?” Tenko said looking down at his arm “huh didn't notice.”
“It's okay just stop itching or it will just make you itchier.” She said
“Okay mom,” she said as Hana kicked the ball near him
“Tenko stop being distracted and kick the ball back, Monchan is playing more than you!” she said
“Sorry! Tenko said kicking the ball, and Nao looked back at her husband.
“Something isn't right with that boy,” Kotaro said
“How can you say that about your own son!” Nao said
“Nao, look at him, he scratches his eyes in his sleep the scars are getting worse around his arm no matter how many times you tell him to stop, he just does it five minutes later.”
“He says he is mostly itchy in the house at night.” She said
“Something is wrong with him,” Kotaro said as Tenko was under the window seal his eyes still itchy, was there something wrong with him.
“Tomura you okay you went quiet?” you said, and Tomura snapped out of it again, ugh why did he have to remember that
“I'm just thinking.” He said
“It's the dog isn't it?” Kotaro said holding MOnchan by the collar, “I need to make a dog house and they need to stay outside from now on.”
MOn chan was barking at him, as Tenko was crying
“Monchan is having you tear up your face, have you looked at your face in the mirror lately, look at what you are doing to your face!”
“IT'S NOT MONCHAN!” Tenko said wrapping his arms around Monchan “DON'T MAKE MONCHAN LIVE OUTSIDE!”
“Kotaro.” Nao said, “The doctors said it was allergies but I don't think it's the dog, Tenko said it only happens at night anyway!”
“HE IS DOING IT RIGHT NOW!” Kotaro yelled, seeing Tenko crying and scratching his eyes, continuing to sob to not put his dog outside, Nao leaned down holding her son close as he continued to sob
“THE DOG IS STAYING OUTSIDE AND THAT IS FINAL,” Kotaro yelled placing monchan outside and closing the door and heard monchan whining and scratching at the door to be let in, Tenko wondering why the other adults were not doing anything, you all loved monchan right why were you letting him do this to them.
That night Tenko walked down to the door and went outside in his pajamas and monchan happily hopped up
“Shhh monchan don't let father know I'm out here.” he said hugging monchan “you don't make me itchy, father makes me itchy.”
“Woof” And Tenko decided to fall asleep outside hugging his dog so when, His father saw this the next morning, he had to explain to the teacher that day why he had a bruise on his face again.
“I ran into a door.”
“You need to be more careful.”
“Tomura, what are you thinking about?” you asked snapping him out of it
“Oh my...my childhood dog.” He said scratching the back of his neck
“What type of dog were they?” you asked
“A corgi,” he said
“Oh so that's why you wanted photos of Panchan.” you said, “what was your dog's name?”
“Monchan.” he said
“Wow, very similar,” you said
“To similar.” Tomura thought
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knylinphd · 5 years
Their S/O bringing a cat home | Headcanons
gender neutral
-> You decided to buy a cat or you just took a stray cat that was following you home. Your S/O isn’t home yet.
-> Sanemi Shinazugawa, Giyuu Tomioka, Tanjiro Kamado, Inosuke Hashibira.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Sanemi came back home to ohagi, and he was very glad. Even though it was quite common for you to cook some for him when he had a long day, it was actually uncommon to be greeted by an animal accompanying you.
‘’Is that...’’ he pointed to the cat, not bothering finishing his sentence. ‘’A cat, yeah ! He followed me back home, and I thought ‘why not’.’’ You explained.
‘’But we don’t need a fucking cat.’’ He said, actually quite calm, not bothering to pet the animal before sitting to eat his ohagi.
‘’Kovu was all alone outside !’’ You told him, holding the cat to pet him, since Sanemi hadn’t bothered doing it.
‘’Oh my God, you gave it a name already ! (Y/N), we can’t have a cat !’’ He said, a bit irritated this time. ‘’You didn’t even ask me before taking it with you !’’
You sighed. ‘’It’s a ‘him’. And I took him with me because everyone needs a home. I miss you when you go on long missions ! I’m a simple hunter, I get to go back home almost everyday.’’ You said.
‘’I don’t see how a cat could do anything about it.’’ He said, not looking at Kovu at all. ‘’He would remind me of you !’’ Your boyfriend scoffed.
‘’What does that mean ? I’m not a cat.’’ That said, you held the cat right in front of him. After Sanemi gave you a confused look, he actually focused on him.
‘’He has a scar on his eye ! It’s almost where yours under your eyebrow is !’’ You said, excited. You knew it would change his mind. ‘’Put him on the floor. I don’t want fur in my food.’’ He replied.
He actually looked at the cat, staring at the scar. Finally, he slowly started to scratch his head. ‘’You fought too then, hm ?’’ He asked Kovu -which made you laugh. Of course now he was going to let you keep him.
Giyuu Tomioka
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When Giyuu came back home, you were sleeping. What was weird, however, is that you were on the couch and not in the bed.
Looking around, he saw a sack of cat food, and plenty accessories a cat would need. Curiously, he walked to you to ask you what was going on.
That’s when he saw a cat, sleeping on top of your side. You had surely bought it and everything it needed, and had waited to surprise him once he was home.
However, since he was busy on a mission, he came back so late you had fallen asleep already.
Giyuu didn’t really want a cat. But, he had told you many times that you should’ve a pet to distract you whenever he was going on a mission for too long.
He would deny it, but he also wanted something to distract himself when you were on a mission, or at least something that was related to you, so you were still there, in a way.
Slowly, he crouched down in front of you, gently stroking your shoulder to wake you up. When you did, he tried his best to give you a smile.
‘’I saw the little surprise. Sorry I wasn’t here for the party.’’ He said, and you smiled that he wasn’t mad you had brought a cat without asking him.
‘’Her name is Pearl.’’ You said, and he smiled. ‘’Because she’s white ?’’ He asked, slowly approaching the cat and letting her smell his fingers. ‘‘Yes !’’
Once he managed to pet the cat, he turned to look at you. ‘’That’s a nice name. But don’t let her get used to sleep with you, cause she’s not going to sleep in my bed, despise how cute she is.’’ He said.
Tanjiro Kamado
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Tanjiro and you were both pillars, and that meant that sometimes you wouldn’t see each other for days ; that’s why you were happy you had befriended the other pillars, at least you wouldn’t be alone.
Actually, when Tanjiro came back home, he saw you sleeping in your shared bed. However, he wasn’t the one sharing it with you today ; there was a cat. It looked like a kitten, though ? So small.
He crouched down to shake you a bit to wake you up, kissing your forehead once he saw your eyes opening. ‘’Good morning, I’m home !’’ He whispered, so your awakening would be calm.
‘’Good morning ! I cheated on you, though !’’ You joked, pointing to the cat. Tanjiro smiled. ‘’I can see that ! What’s that lucky guy’s name ?’’ He asked, actually approaching his hand so the cat would sniff it.
‘’I found him with Muichiro (yes) so his name is Muichiro.’’ Your boyfriend couldn’t help but snort at the name. ‘’(Y/N)... no.’’
You yawned, straightening up. ‘’What ?’’ Tanjiro giggled, as the cat was now playing with his fingers. ‘’You can’t give him that name only because you found him with Muichiro !’’
Seeing you pout, he laughed ; you were always so childish, but how much joy it was bringing him ! ‘’We won’t know if you’re talking about the pillar or the cat !’’ He explained.
‘’But Muichiro didn’t say anything !’’ You said. ‘’He never says anything ! But I’ll help you find a new name ?’’ He offered you, and you quietly nodded.
‘’So we’re keeping him ? I checked and he’s a boy.’’ You said, snorting at your own comment. Tanjiro nodded. ‘’Sure. I’ll need some company in that big bed too when you won’t be here.’’
You hugged him, glad that he had accepted. The cat actually started to purr, and Tanjiro had already adopted him and considered him his son.
Inosuke Hashibira
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Inosuke came back home yelling, as usual. Actually, since you were both pillars, he had started to pick up a fight about who was going to die first -it was kinda weird, but still.
However, not hearing you, he walked in, only to be greeted by a meow. He jumped at first. But noticing it was simply a little cat, he crouched down.
‘’Hey buddy, what are you doing here ? Don’t you have a home elsewhere ?’’ He asked, approaching his hand so the cat could sniff it.
It actually awoken you, but Inosuke didn’t notice. You smiled at the sight of him petting the kitten you had just brought.
When he noticed you, he grinned. ‘’I’m alive, see ? But how did a cat enter in here ?’’ He asked, now giving you a confused look -he had taken off his mask before entering.
‘’It’s a kitten. I found him outside, he was abandoned. He surely got in a fight ; look how weird his tail looks ! And since he was hurt, I took him home.’’ You explained, Inosuke checking the said tail.
‘’It was abandoned ? Er- he was abandoned ?’’ He asked and you nodded, approaching. ‘’You don’t mind keeping him, right ? Even if it’s only during the time I’m healing him I-‘’
But Inosuke cut you off. ‘’No, it’s okay. He doesn’t have a cat mom anymore, so he needs a human mom, now ! And I’ll be his dad !’’
His excitement made you giggle, as your boyfriend started to pet the cat, holding him close to his chest. ‘’And I’ll be a better parent than you ! See ? He already prefers me !’’
You simply rolled your eyes, petting the kitten. ‘’Start by finding him a name. I want you to choose it so you won’t forget it nor change it.’’ You said, making Inosuke pout. You knew he tried to say everyone’s name correctly !
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fifteenskies15 · 4 years
✧ Random Headcanon: Sanemi and Giyuu as couples (with a bit of SaneGiyuu as Kamaboko squads Dads) ✧
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Admin 15: I don't know what was I thinking while making this, I was just washing my hands and suddenly my brain ask me: "girl, remember that someone in Twitter post about Sanemi and Giyuu adopting the kamaboko squad because of chapter 200 cover?? Also ain't you like, ship them so hard?? Like, sis?? Aside the fact you pair that angry gremlin w/ your daughter, why not write about them as a couple?? Dads??" like, hoe, don't give me ideas...now look what have you done to me, well anyways... I'll just go with it, even tho this shit is gonna be crappy as heck, and now, Alexa, please play Deathpacito.
So like, let's see, Giyuu is probably the stoic dad and doesn't know what the hell he gotta do, but regardless he loved his "dysfunctional little family" though doesn't know how he shows it
And Sanemi, boy, he's probably that kind of dad who would beat your ass with a belt if you don't eat your vegetables or run away from training (although you can't blame them since his training is hecking intense), but! Knowing that he used to have a lots of siblings, he still had a softer and understanding sides even though his pride overshadowed his kindness.
Dad Nemi is an intense mentor who would not hesitate to slaughter someone's ass (*cough* Zenitsu *cough*)
And Dad Giyuu is the mentor who seems calm and serene like the sea itself, but actually very merciless (like, he was under Urokodaki's tutelage and we have seen how he train Tanjiro)
The training consist gruelling drills, intense physical training, sparring and Zenitsu's blood curling scream or Inosuke shouting his usual "pig assault"
Like, can you imagine the chaos?
"Shut your goddamn mouth, Agatsuma!! Either go drag your sorry ass here or I'm going to beat you to death!"
"I'm gonna beat you this time half and half haori!! Just you watch!"
"Do a 1000 times sword swinging then I will accept your challenge"
Tanjiro and Nezuko probably the only one who gets on their good side, and deemed "Dads favorite kids"
Would you look at that bias...
Even so Dad Nemi wouldn't even hesitate to show how merciless he can be to Tanjiro though...
Now, trainings session aside, let's move on to the dads quality time.
While the kids squads were minding their own business, Sanemi and Giyuu would bask under the sunlight either on the engawa of Shinazugawa estate or Tomioka estate or even under the tree.
Sanemi would be the one who lay his head on Giyuu's lap (UwU)
Demand that Giyuu stroke his hair or he will beat his ass (hoe you're thirsty for affection)
And so Giyuu did, he thought Sanemi's hair is soft
And Giyuu smiled at how cute he is
Ohagi and a bowl of salmon radish is a must for their lunch date, no other food is allowed, except for green tea and three coloured dumplings as dessert
"Don't just eat that thing, try this..."
"You can't eat too much sweets, here, taste this"
Also when it comes to a date, it's just a simple stroll around the town or somewhere else
Even 15 herself can't comprehend their cuteness, this was beyond her imagination.
PDA wasn't a thing for Giyuu but it sure is for Sanemi.
He loves the water pillar just as much, okay?
He probably circling his strong arm around Giyuu's petite waist while explaining today's training sessions to their children kamaboko squads.
Their display of affection make them gag (except that Tanjiro still finds it adorable, what a pure boy)
When it comes to praising the kids squads effort, Giyuu would smile softly and Pat their heads while saying "Good job"
And Sanemi hesitantly give them a pat on the back while saying "decent effort"
It makes the kids squads go fuwa fuwa
And before I conclude my crappy HC, allow me to explain their nightly routine
Personally, Giyuu gave me the "I haven't been sleeping for 3 days" vibe, so Sanemi would probably make a cup of chamomile tea to help his fatigue problem.
Okay that might sounded NSFW-ish but hear me out!!
Them enjoying the warm water that ease their muscles and wash away their stress.
And Sanemi who would hugged Giyuu from behind and placed his chin on his shoulder while whining about today's training and how much he missed him everytime they're separated in order to finish their mission
Okay he's not whiny, but one's gotta tell someone their problem to get it off their chest do they not?
Or telling Giyuu that he's not disliked...
And after that, they dried each other before slipping into their yukata
AND CUDDLES while sleeping.
And when morning comes, Inosuke break in to the estate and shouted "IT'S TIME TO TRAIN!! COME ON! I'M PUMPED FOR TODAY'S SESSION!!"
"Your son demands us to train him"
"Before sunrise, he was your son"
*15 hyperventilating noise* Oh my God, Oh my God, did I just do that?? Oh my God, I did, holy moly!! Please don't mind me, it's just I can't believe I wrote a HC about my OTP and it's really nerve-wracking >< I'm really sorry because this shit is cringy af and that you don't like it!!
(also I'm a slut for SaneGiyuu and Giyuu x Pillars ff or headcanons, so i might or might not do em in the near future)
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jodicolo · 5 years
Chapter 4 Summary
This is rushed because I was trying to finish before the official release of chapter 179 so apologies if this summary sucks. 
The chapter starts with Genya dreaming about his brother. Sanemi was standing next to his bed, looking at him. When he woke up, he was in the Butterfly Estate and he became sad, noting that him seeing his brother was just a dream and that he cannot come and visit him. Then one of the butterfly girls – Naho came in and when she noticed that Genya was awake, she called Aoi but Aoi was busy in the next room so she asked Naho to check his pulse and temperature. Genya noted that Naho was scared of him but she still went to check his status. Ever since he discovered his ability of eating demons, he has been frequently visiting Shinobu for check-ups and since then, he has started to talk to girls and became shy around them (adolescence hitting him hard).
A loud crash was heard in the next room with the sound of glass breaking and Naho asked Aoi and Sumi what’s wrong. When Genya heard the name of the other butterfly girl (Sumi) it reminded him of his late sister who is also named Sumi (she was spoiled but a kindhearted sister). When they went on to check the next room, there they saw the broken glass and a hunter causing the commotion. He lost an arm and is shouting at Aoi because now can’t hold his sword with his dominant hand and won’t be able to kill as many demons and take revenge for Yae. She told him to be quiet and to rest but the hunter commented on how Aoi is not even on hunter duty. He also threw a jug at the girls but Genya caught it before it could hit them. Upon seeing this, Genya was reminded of how hateful, impatient and irritated he used to be like the time when he hit one of Kagaya’s children after the final selections.  
Genya cleared his voice and told the hunter not to complain because the girls are treating the injured hunters for free and it is because of them that his injuries are healing. “If you don’t have a dominant hand, you should hold the sword with your other hand. If you don’t have a hand, hold it with your mouth. If you are not prepared to do that then leave the demon slaying corps.” They then looked each other in the eye and the hunter became silent and began to cry calling for Yae (a sister or lover maybe). After that, Genya left the room.
Then we have a flashback of Genya when he was a kid and he said that he has no happy memory of him and his father “I have no memory of being embraced by my father. I don’t even remember smiling.” He was hiding and Sanemi found him in a shrine near their house. Sanemi told Genya to go home with him or else their parents will be angry.
Apparently, Genya fought/punched the son of their landlord and he made his nose bleed. He then thought what would happen to them because of what he did. Maybe they will be kicked out. What will happen to his mom and everyone? Genya raised his head and he saw Sanemi laughing. He looked like their mom and Genya noted that he, together with his other siblings loved their brother’s smile.
Sanemi then crouched his back and offered a piggyback ride to Genya. He was embarrassed because his brother is carrying him even though he was not injured but he was happy. Sanemi’s back feels much wider than it looks and if their dad was decent, it would be like this (Genya saw Sanemi as his dad). On their way back home, Sanemi told his brother that their mom made ohagi and that he and Sadako (one of their sisters) helped her made them which explains why Genya can smell ohagi in his brother. And while talking, Genya suddenly thought that he was pampered because he was the younger brother but who does his brother have? Who will spoil him?
We then go back to present time and Genya woke up back in the Butterfly Estate and of course his brother is not there again. He stared at his hands and noticed that his are totally different than before (much bigger). It is also the same as his brothers’, probably because he is eating demons. Sumi, who is the butterfly girl with him now asks if he is okay and he realized that he is crying. Sumi didn’t as why he was crying and just wiped the tears away and gave him his medicine that Shinobu made.
Sumi would often ask Genya if he and his brother had a fight but Genya would always freeze and eventually, the topic will change. Genya then asked about the raging hunter. Sumi answered that he has calmed down and will be transferred to a proper hospital tomorrow and she thanked Genya for protecting them back then. She also asked if Genya is the younger brother of the Wind Pillar. Genya asked if she heard it from Shinobu but she shook her head and told him that they have the same last name and looked very similar. However, Genya thought that maybe this is not the case since he was still unable to approach and talk to his brother but before he could make the girl (who has the same name as is late sister) misunderstood this brother, he told her that Sanemi is a kind man. “My big brother is a really nice person. He has always looked after us and took care of us.” Then we get a flashback of Genya and Sanemi when they were kids as he told her their story (the incident where their mom turned into a demon in the manga).
Sanemi’s cold eyes were scary and his scars are increasing day by day which is horrible and his words that deny Genya hurts. Have he really lost his brother? That night? Sumi then put her small warm hand in his and she told him “as long as you are alive, you can start over and over again” (chapter 179 AAAAAA). Genya opened his eyes and Sumi was smiling. “Make sure to make up with your brother.” The words she spoke were so gentle and heavy, yet he knows that the child will never meet her brother and sister again (since she was also orphaned and was saved/taken in by the Kocho sisters).
If the other party is not alive, then you will no longer be able to solve your dispute. Can’t even talk about the memories of the dead. Genya then apologized and Tanjiro who was fake sleeping near him gently laughed which led to Genya being embarrassed and covered himself with the sheets and he also went in to smack Tanjirou (playfully). Sumi asked Genya to stop since Tanjirou is also injured and they all smiled. Aoi went in their room with fresh beddings and asked them why they looked so happy. Sumi then told Aoi that she will go get some rice and Aoi followed her with a bright face. Sumi told her that Genya is as scary as she thought and that he was a much easier person to talk to. Aoi answered that she saw Sanemi this morning but was not sure what he wanted to do and they just assumed that he was looking for Shinobu who was away at that moment.
Genya felt that his brother was but there was no way to confirm it. Maybe it’s just a desire to be there, and he thought of Sumi’s words to him that they can start again and he became nostalgic. But he is still shy when the butterfly girls try to feed him. He gets confused every time the girls try to help him and he struggles around them but he is happy because he has become friends with everyone. He is no longer angry. The girls are still trying to feed Genya and he made a funny sound which made Aoi, Tanjirou and Sumi laugh. A friendly laughter filled the room in the Butterfly Estate and a faint smile can be seen from Genya.
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bhvmbruh · 5 years
KNY WEEK, DAY 1 : Memories
Sorry if I didn't make it well, it's the first time I do that. Sorry for my drawings, give me tips. And sorry for the quality of the picture.
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Masufatsu was going to the market, while his big sister wanted him to stay at home. Even if he's very strong, she was worried for him but it wasn't the case of their little sister who was really proud of him.
"I'm a man, I have to work even if the weather is bad, big sis'! Don't worry, I'm strong you know !"
That boy hoped that he could brought a lot of money for his sisters and his parents for winter. Maybe he'll be able to buy news clothes for his sisters..
But he didn't get enough money for clothes, just enough for food.
"Don't worry big bro ! I prefer ohagi than clothes !"
"You did a good job son. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you."
"It's not your fault if you're ill honey. Anyway we can be proud of our wonderful son !"
"Eat this, little brother. I made this specially for you."
If only life was always like this.
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slbp-owns-ayame · 7 years
Missteps Volume I Part 4
“Hold still!”
“Ow, watch it!”
Toshiie and ___ were sitting criss-cross in her room above the shop. She was cleaning up the last of his cuts on his right forearm. Thankfully, he didn’t have too many scrapes. The ones that he did get, were on his arms and face. His bruised ribs didn’t seem to be broken or fractured, but it was still painful. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do to treat his bruised ribs other than running to the kitchen and getting him an ice pack.
He tried his best to not fidget, but the hydrogen peroxide she was applying to his wounds in combination with the vice grip she held on him made it very difficult to not squirm in pain.
He was also squirming because she was touching him.
How could he describe her touch? How could something so simple be filled emotion? As her hands made quick work with cleaning his wounds, he felt as if her hands were truly made of the finest silk. The pads of her fingers and the palm of her hand glided across his rough skin. Whenever her palm pressed directly onto his skin, he felt her warmth radiate through his skin, to his very soul. Her warmth put life back into his body, life that wasn’t really there before. But, it wasn’t enough. Why was it that although she was touching him, he felt like he hadn’t been touched quite yet?
“The worst part is over, Maeda-san. I’ll just wrap up your arm now.”
She began wrapping the bandage around his forearm, and he let his gaze wander on anything but her. He took in his surroundings. Her room was simple with light feminine touches. The thing he loved most about her room, was the large window. Her bed was positioned right below it. The view from her room was nice enough; there wasn’t any buildings blocking it, and you could see the city fairly well. She probably fell asleep looking at the night sky day after day. He smiled to himself, thinking how much this window suited her.
Toshiie looked back down at his forearm, and saw that she had just finished bandaging him. ___ gracefully got up, smoothing out her shorts. Turning her back to him and walking out of her room, she said “I’m gonna bring us some refreshments. Stay right there.”
A few minutes later, she returned. She brought a tray with two cups of tea, and a plate of sweets.
“I hope you like ohagi. I made a little too much for the shop today, and didn’t sell them all. So please enjoy!” she beamed.
“You made these?”
“Yup! Ohagi is my specialty. Do you like them?”
“I can’t really say. I haven’t had one since I was really little.”
“Ah, well, I hope you like mine! I am definitely no professional, but I do get compliments time to time on them.”
She settled back onto the floor next to Toshiie, and served him his tea and ohagi. He stared tentatively at the sweet. Is this thing really that good? It looks like a round dung ball. He brought the treat to his mouth, and hesitated. He look over at her, and she smiled widely as if to urge him on. Damnit, don’t look at me like that. He swallowed his blush, squeezed his eyes tight, and took a tiny bite.
He opened his eyes, and stuffed the rest of the ohagi in his mouth. It was good. It was super good. The mochigome had a subtle sweetness to it; it didn’t over power the ohagi, but it balanced well with the flavor of the azuki beans. The azuki paste itself was so well prepared; she clearly took extra care in the beans themselves. They were soft with very little bite to them, the flavor of the azuki dissolving against his tongue, along with a hint of sugar.  
Oh man, this was so good. It was just the way he liked it. He reached for another piece, and he heard her giggle.
He flashed a glare at her. “I take it that you like the ohagi?” she asked.
The room quickly fell silent, the only sounds being the slurping of tea and the silent chews on their ohagi. Toshiie began to reflect over the events of today, until ___ interrupted his thoughts.
“So, what got you in a scuffle?” ___ said.
“Some jerk making a big deal out of nothing.” He quickly replied.
“Hmm, so my dad saved your ass?” ___ chuckled.
“…Yeah, he did.”
She paused before she asked her next question, “Do you need to tell your parents where you are, or what happened to you?”
Parents. He laughed to himself. If only she knew.
“No.” He replied
She kept pressing him, “Why not? Shouldn’t you tell someone? You need someone to look after you. You’re- “
“They aren’t around and they don’t care,” he replied curtly. He immediately regretted his tone, as he saw in the corner of his eye her body shrinking back from him. He quickly tried to remedy the situation. “They travel a lot – for work and pleasure – they tend to leave me behind, and leave me to my own devices. They don’t like to be bothered when they are away.”
She leaned forward, “Oh, well, still, shouldn’t they know? They are your parents…”
“No, they could care less that I was their son.” Shit. Him and his damn mouth saying too much. He saw her body sink from his comment. But it was true, he was their delinquent good-for-nothing son. They were gone all the time now that he was in junior high. Last year, they were only home for 6 days out of the year. So far this year, they haven’t been home at all, and they haven’t planned on returning.
The room grew quiet again, as they continued eating their ohagi and drank their tea. He could hear that his comment was bothering her – she was constantly shuffling where she sat, and let out a big huge sigh. She broke the silence again.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?”
|Part 3| |Part 5|
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bhvmbruh · 5 years
Kny week, all days
Day 1
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Masufatsu was going to the market, while his big sister wanted him to stay at home. Even if he's very strong, she was worried for him but it wasn't the case of their little sister who was really proud of him.
"I'm a man, I have to work even if the weather is bad, big sis'! Don't worry, I'm strong you know !"
That boy hoped that he could brought a lot of money for his sisters and his parents for winter. Maybe he'll be able to buy news clothes for his sisters..
But he didn't get enough money for clothes, just enough for food.
"Don't worry big bro ! I prefer ohagi than clothes !"
"You did a good job son. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you."
"It's not your fault if you're ill honey. Anyway we can be proud of our wonderful son !"
"Eat this, little brother. I made this specially for you."
If only life was always like this.
Day 2
"Someone told me a rumor. It seems that all the people who were lost in the three mountains to the east were found in one of the villages at the foot of theses mountains. When they woke up, each of them said that they had met a man before falling asleep. When asked to describe the man, some said they only remembered his red eyes and a stain of the same colour on his clothes, at chest level. Others only remembered his black and wavy green hair as well as the pattern of his haori. Finally, others said he smiled has he locked up the sheath of his sword. Nevertheless, everyone agreed that this man seemed unreal and that strangely enough, his presence made them feel good. I don't believe in this story, it's just rumors that are going around villages where there's nothing else to do."
The girl walked straight ahead, resisting as best as she could to the temptation to sit at the foot of a tree and sleep there, but it was impossible : she had to bring back what her master asked her to do. She had been walking in this forest for hours. She didn't want to risk calculating the numbers of hours she spent in that damn mountain for fear of getting discouraged. She desperatly wanted to go back to her bed, to her master's house, to her master. Always in the same direction, she was moving forward, as if she knew the way when, although she refused to admit it, she was indeed lost.
"Pull yourself together, pull yourself together !", she said, hitting her cheeks. "Master Mukushibu will get angry if I come home at dawn... She's going to deprive me of dinner..."
The apprentice slasher continued to wander before suddenly stopping and shouting, at the end : "WHY DOESN'T SHE COME AND GET ME ?
She no longer had the strength to walk but she still found the energy to grumble and get angry in the middle of this deserted forest.
She took the object that made her feel all this pain, squeezing it furiously into her hands, still shouting :" She can go to search it herself, but no ! I HAD TO BE THE ONE WHO TO MAKE THE ROAD WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT ! "
And so she continued for another five minutes, without realizing the thick fog that was rising. Even if she knew that wasn't her master's fault shouting made her feel good, and heavier and heavier as strangely. After a few seconds, it seemed difficult to keep her eyes opens.
"Stay up, don't feel asleep...", she whispered for herself. "You must report this to Master Mukushibu.."
Her legs, tired from all the work she had done, were no longer holding up.
She eventually fell of, spreading on the ground.
"Get up, you slug... Master Mukushibu will get angry..." she murmured again.
The last thing she saw before her eyes close was the silhouette of a man holding a sheath. He took a few steps forward discovering his face and a peaceful smile. Something about this man soothed her that she let herself go and closed her eyes.
The woman was waiting, sewing up a piece of clothing that her student had torn. She couldn't stop herself from making a face. The expression on her face was a mixture of exasperation but above all, worry.
Where was that little girl ? Does she really have to go get her ?
No, she had to manage. She was safe after all. With the wisteria that the former slasher had planted all over the place, there could be no demon in the area. The girl she had sent to pick up her groceries was safe.
She swore before she let go of the suit, barely sewn up :"I'm not going to have to go get her !", she shouted as she walked towards the door. The trainer opened it all at once.
"Shika !"
On the square, she saw her student, inert. Her heart missed a beat and she fell to her knees. She observed her disciple : she was asleep.
"You should be more careful with your students."
The woman looked up and her blood froze when she recognized the one who was talking to her, unable to believe it.
He smiled at her before he disappeared.
The next day, her student couldn't remember anything. The master decided to stop referring to what happened the day before, trying to convince herself that she had not seen this man who had died three centuries ago.
Day 3
"What I have done what I have done what I have done"
He ran into the mountains without stopping, without looking where he was going, holding his head and shaking it frantically.
What he just had done ?
He had committed the abominable, he had killed people, he had killed his companions, his comrades, those who had been raised next to him, those who lived on the same street as him.
He had killed his friends.
If only he had been satisfied with that.
But no, no, no.
On top of that, he had eaten them, like a wild beast. He had treated them like prey, like food. He would have continued to eat them if he hadn't felt uncomfortable when his appetite began to fill.
Now he realized the horror of his actions and the monster he had become.
"What I have done ? What I have done ?"
He fell of a cliff and didn't scream. He didn't want to scream. He didn't want someone to come and try to rescue him, or to be buried. The young man hoped to die, in this way he would atone for his crimes.
Masufatsu closed his eyes, waiting for death to come for him.
But it didn't come.
He had fallen on his head, on his forehead exactly. The impact had caused him a wound that was gradually closing. He straightened up, looking at the ground for a moment.
"What did I do, by the way ?"
He got up. The sun was about to appear and something told him he had better hide.
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Day 4
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Thus, after the massacre of his village, Masufatsu followed the path of the demon slayer.
Day 5
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In modern AU, Masufatsu is just a guy who wins all the sports competitions he participates in. However, he has not been noticed yet. He hopes one day to go pro so that he can pay many things for his family and makes them happy.
He lets his little sister wear all the medals he wins.
Day 6
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Masufatsu just... Really sucks with swords.
Day 7
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Just 6 years old Masufatsu carrying a big bag filled with foods.
*put down her phone, sit down in front of her window and look at car traffic, empty eyes smiling.*
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