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Hey, Hi, Hello there, Newest Ad Posted. Reminding you that there's more journals to love. The newest addition of Oneirology to go with the "Omnibus" A Book of Higher Thoughts. (Background: A 2023 Special for the dreamers and the visionaries. The year of the rabbit creating the elixir of life. This journal is based on dreams and the connections from the omnibus "A Book of Higher Thoughts", from behind the "sega" wall which will lead you from your inner-world to your outer world and protect the dreams from generation to generation until it has been fulfilled. With many born into non - abundance, learning to get it how you live is a necessity and an adversity. Understanding that you are abundant and fulfilled is another way to thank our dreams for carrying us with its wings in a solar storm called the collective conscious. )  Please don’t forget that we are more than enough to make a difference in the physical dimension.
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mobmomaffiliations · 1 year
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How it's going. Photo #1, check out these books looks and don't forget about checking in with us ✌️ later.
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Lena’s Tipsy Treats  business created in 2019, this Shawnee local bakery provides the best taste with perfection designs.  Suited to one’s liking Lena’s offers an awesome, amazing, delicious, and sweet ambition filled luxury.  If you were inspired to be a baker after tasting her treats, wouldn’t you like to stay updated on her Menu and Themes?
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Second Video out now concerning your actions and vices, chapter 2 Summer's End is out now.
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I've got voices in my head, telling me I won't make it far
~ FKA twigs
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Have you been watching for our notebook " A Book of Higher Thoughts"?
⚝ Do you have thoughts that are not helping you to align with your vision?
⚝ Do you have thoughts that are conflicting and hypocritical?
⚝ Do you even care to start or maintain a family business?
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One fell swoop, of the snatch of the hair, by a lowering owl.
The sum of 2023, another collection produced with us: Rayne's Daze: The Pale of the Flame; Chaos Magick.
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Notebooks don't need advertisements, careers do!
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First Journ@l Club Episode is out free!
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New layout not sure what its exactly going to be used for but ... a bit excited.
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Posted it bruv
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If anyone is interested, the new forum has been posted “Speaking of Hypotheticals” which is about Business Continuity Plans, in terms of businesses needing to tap in and out and then back in again.  “What could you do?” situations are always more helpful than when they are not thought of at all.  Sure it’s easy when you start up your online shop; however, what else is there?  
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Enjoying the full scope of our collections requires membership 🚥.  Please refer to our Trust Page for further information.   Why does it take a collection of journals? The completion of 1 journal depends on its purpose. 💍👚 🎼 Any objective is the answer. Sustainability is the keyword many people such as yourself are looking for. Safe and sound is what we provide for those collections. Local System Engineering and completion 📃. You see we're not here to change your mind or to take too much of your time. We're here to provide an integration system to you that works.
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For our future brick and mortar which system would you like to see?
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