#echo ridge
moxie-girl · 4 months
501st(+extra) Mando'a names! (Rex + Appo are here)
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same as the last one, green names are canon from the Mando'a dictionary, yellow could probably be canon, orange is a little messy and red is mostly made-up combinations that are a little so-so
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and like last time, I'm taking suggestions for better names if y'all have any!
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saggitary · 6 months
The 501st at 79’s incite an arm wrestling competition. Fives is on a winning streak until Jesse beats him, Jesse continues to win against 501st and any other battalion that wants to try until Hardcase beats him.
No one particularly wants to go up against Hardcase, knowing full well that Heavy Class troopers are normally stronger than your average trooper. The few that do try against Hardcase walk away with sore hands and arms.
Hardcase is content to bask in the glory of winning when Echo sits down across from him.
“Sure you wanna go kid?” Hardcase asks with a smirk.
“Try me.” Echo replies with a mischievous grin.
The take their positions, hands clasped together, waiting for Ridge to give to start call. Around them bets were being exchanged amongst the gathered troopers, all but a few betting on Hardcase. Right before the older trooper could called it out, Exho dropped Hardcase’s hand, licked his palm and regrabbed Hardcase’s hand.
Hardcase attempted to recoil, a disgusted look on his face but Echo held on and slammed his hand down.
Everyone was quiet for a moment before the few troopers that had bet on Echo cheered. Those that lost began to argue that Echo had cheated, all while the trooper himself sits back with a smug and satisfied look on his face.
Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Fives grumbled and handed some credits over to Kix.
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[Fox babysitting the 501st]
Kickback: How old do you think I am?
Striker: Kickback, age doesnt matter.
Striker: You can die at any time.
Tag: I’m not an idiot, I just lack all common sense.
Tag: Like, I can build an entire flying ship with complex circuitry.
Tag: But you can bet that I’ll be doing the Tide Pod challenge.
Ringo: Without ugly, there would be no beauty in this world.
Attie: Thank you for your sacrifice, Contrail.
Nax: I know it's sad but death is a natural part of life and by the time I finish this sentence, a hundred people will have died in Lothal.
Matchstick, visibly distressed: WHY DID YOU STOP TALKING-
Fox, playing with Ridge: Axe, where are you going?
Axe: To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense.
Ridge: And who's that?
Axe: Myself, Rid.
Hil: You know, not every problem can be solved with a knife.
Echo: I know, that's why I always carry two.
Jinx: Hi :).
The 501st:
Jinx: Everyone's bones are wet.
Fox: Why would you say that?
Jinx: Nobody was saying hi back :(.
Fox: You're a loose cannon.
Echo: No, I'm not. Am i a cannon? probably yeah, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me, Fox?
Kix: I think you play by your own rules.
Jesse: No way, he thinks rules were made to be broken.
Fox: And those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Echo: No, I'm just a reckless renegade.
Echo, pointing at Fives: He's the loose cannon.
Fives: *smashes a chair*
Fox: Why can’t y'all just get along?
Vaughn: Because most of us are assholes, Commander.
Echo, holding a knife: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Kix: It would instantly cauterize the wound which means the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Fives: If you want information it is.
Attie: Why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Echo: We should normalize not loving family members.
Dogma: You can just say “I hate my dumb fuck uncle” or whatever.
Dogma: Talk like a normal person.
Kano: Remember what I told you.
Contrail: Don’t be a cunt.
Attie: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Swoop: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Hawk, to Dogma: ARE YOU
Jesse: Fucking.
Jesse: Fucking.
Hawk: IDIOT!
Appo: What was that?
Jesse: Fox banned Hawk from swearing, so I’m helping him out.
Swoop: I'm sorry. Please talk to me.
S. Fox:
Swoop: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure?
S. Fox: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking froot loops.
—————— Tucker: "you should be at the club" Tucker: I can't go to the club, I'll be in there saying shit like "perchance" and "thrice"
Boomer: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Swoop: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Echo: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons.
Fives: Bet you I can!
Fox sipping caff while checking to make sure Rex and Cody are still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper:
Fox, entering the kitchen:
Fox, sees Hardcase: What are you doing?
Hardcase: Oh, I was just gonna light this chicken on fire to see if it turns into a phoenix.
Fox: It's 3 am...
Hardcase: *puppy eyes*
Fox, sighs: We can try it later
Fox: Is anyone d-
Kix: Depressed?
Dogma: Drained?
Voca: Dumb?
Fives: Disliked?
Fox: -done with their work...
Fox, calling Rex: What is wrong with you kids...
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mickimagnum · 2 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Ten
*the episode opens with a shot of Echo Valley Ranch. The sun has just set and crickets can be heard singing in the background.*
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Devin, in the diary room: "Today is our second group date and I'm so excited to spend more time with my four guys tonight. They're all still here because I still want to get to know them and events like tonight are the perfect chance to do just that. I'm hoping they're going to be able to cut a little loose."
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*the next shot opens with the contestants lined up. they're waiting for Devin in the backyard. she approaches and they all greet her with smiles*
Devin: "Hi guys!"
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Devin (continues): "Wow, you all look so nice tonight. I can't believe I get to spend another evening with you fine gentleman."
*the contestants grin and chuckle softly*
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Devin (continues): "For tonight's group date, I thought we could cut a little loose with a backyard hoedown. What do you fellas say?"
*the group cheers in reply*
Devin: "Alright then, let's party!"
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*the next scene opens with Devin sitting at the bar, joined by the contestants*
*Devin sips at her glass of nectar while Albert looks on, a smile playing at the corners of his lips*
Albert: "So, how was your day," *pauses and tips his invisible cowboy hat* "darlin'?"
*Devin chuckles and shakes her head*
Devin: "It was good. Just a typical, busy day. Worked the horses. Did some nectar business. Although, I did actually have time to go for a jog this afternoon which was nice. What about yours, cowboy?"
*Albert makes a show out of pausing to ponder*
Albert: "Also busy. I hung out with these goons all day," *motions to the other contestants* "and...thought about you nonstop."
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*Devin grins ear to ear*
Devin: "Is that a fact?"
Albert: "Yes. Admittedly, you're all I've been able to think about since I've gotten here."
*Devin blushes and tries to hide it behind her hand*
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*After a beat, she recovers, leans forward and asks:*
Devin: "And what exactly were you thinking about?"
*Albert grins, leans closer to her, and they lock eyes*
Albert: "Well, I'd love to tell you, but I'm sure these guys don't want to here it," *glances around at the other contestants* "Why don't you come dance with me and I can tell you?"
*Devin nods as a smile breaks out across her face*
Devin: "Deal."
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*the next scene opens with Albert and Devin slow dancing out on the dance floor. They are gazing at each other intensely and smiling.*
Devin: "So tell me. What thoughts have been going through that beautiful, twisted mind of yours?"
*Albert chuckles*
Albert: "Twisted?"
Devin: "You heard me."
*Devin winks at him and the pair share a laugh*
Albert: "Well. I think about that first night, and how natural it felt to have you in my arms. How right it felt. I think about your brown eyes...a lot. And your laugh. Man, I love the sound of your laugh. I think about how amazing it would be to have a life with you, from the crazy adventures we'd have to just waking up next to you every morning. But, mostly, I think about how I can get more time with you, because honestly, it feels like the air I'm breathing right now."
*The camera cuts to Devin. Her eyes are shining and she is smiling widely*
Devin: "Albert...I had no idea you felt that way. That has got to be one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me."
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*Albert suddenly scoops Devin up. She wraps her arms around his shoulder and they hold intense eye contact*
Albert: "Oh, I do. Maybe I should let you in on a little secret."
Devin: "And what's that?"
Albert: "I'm f*bleep*ing crazy about you."
*Devin smiles and leans forward to kiss him.*
*The camera zooms in to Stan standing in the background watching. His face is etched in anger.*
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Albert (in diary room): "What a night. I opened up to Devin about my feelings for her and I feel like it took our relationship to the next level. And she kissed me....best kiss of my life too. These other guys better watch out. I'm not leaving without my girl."
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*the next scene opens with Devin and all of the contestants dancing to modern ranch music; all except Stan who can been seen drinking heavily at the bar with a dark look on his face*
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Houston: "What do you mean you've never read The Grapes of Wrath?"
Devin: "Don't judge me, mister. I'm admittedly not a huge reader. I don't have time."
*Houston acts wounded*
Houston: "But you have that beautiful library upstairs!"
*Devin chuckles*
Devin: "I do. And I would love to read the books I have in it but alas."
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Houston: "I think I know a solution."
*Devin looks at him puzzled*
Devin: "Now you've got me curious."
Houston: "You're too busy to read, so why don't I read to you? I'll be your living audio book. I can read some to you every night before we go to bed."
*Devin pauses a moment as a smile spreads across her face*
Devin: "I think I love this idea."
*Houston smiles back at her*
Houston: "We can start with The Grapes of Wrath. It's a classic and I think you'll love it."
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Houston (in diary room): *stares at the floor for a moment before a smile begins to spread on his face. he then looks directly into the camera*
"I think I'm falling in love with Devin."
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Stan (ranting to bartender): "Ya know, I don't even know why I'm here. I mean, I came to find love, but it's like competing with a pack of wolves. It's f*bleep*ing ridiculous. I'm too old for this s*bleep*."
*Stan drinks deeply from his mug of beer*
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*The camera cuts to Handra and Devin, who can be seen embracing each other, both smiling deeply*
Handra: "I've missed you. Is it too early to admit that?"
*Devin chuckles*
Devin: "Never. I've missed you, too. Your presence...it calms me. You make me feel safe."
*Handra smiles down at her*
Handra: "You're always safe with me, Devin."
*She bites her lower lip and blushes. After a pause she says:*
Devin: "Wanna swing?"
*Handra grins*
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*the pair can then be seen swinging, giggling, and talking indistinctly*
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*After Handra and Devin get done swinging, he takes her hands and looks into her eyes*
Handra: "I just wanna say, Devin, anytime I spend time with you, I feel like the luckiest man alive. I love how genuine you are to yourself, and with others. You inspire me."
*Devin smiles*
Devin: "I love spending time with you too. I think we get along so well because you are also a really genuine person. It's a rare quality."
Handra: "That it is."
*His eyes sparkle at Devin and she can't help but keep smiling up at him*
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Handra (in diary room): "Being with Devin just makes me happy. I really hope she feels the same way about me. And I want us to keep making each other happy. That's all I got to say."
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*Devin sits down next to Stan and greets him with a big smile*
Devin: Hi there, stranger. You've been awfully quiet tonight. Everything alright?"
*Stan glances up at her*
Stan: "Just haven't had the energy to claw my way through the wolfpack tonight for your attention."
*Devin cocks an eyebrow at Stan*
Devin: "The wolfpack, huh?"
*Stan shrugs*
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Stan: "Everyone's fighting for your attention all the time. That's what it feels like. We're wolves circling prey. You're a prize to be won." *he looks down at his drink* "It's exhausting."
*Devin studies him for a moment*
Devin: "Is it the competition that's bothering you or that you don't feel like you're getting enough time with me."
*Stan snorts*
Stan: "Hell, both, if I'm being honest."
*Devin looks slightly annoyed as she rests both hands on the bar. She takes a deep breath before speaking*
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Devin: "I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm doing my best to spend time with everyone. It is certainly challenging. But, this is a two-way street, Stan. You have to put in effort, too. You said you don't feel like you've gotten enough time with me, but also said you don't feel like 'clawing your way' through the others. This is, unfortunately, what we all signed up for. So, do you see my problem? I mean, which is it? Do you want to spend time with me or not? I'm going to do my part, but can I count on you to do yours? I guess that's my question."
*Stan clenches his jaw as he eyes her, choosing his next words carefully*
Stan: "I'm not sure this arrangement is for me. This whole thing is more difficult than I bargained for."
*Devin looks stunned*
Devin: "So, are you saying you want to leave?"
Stan: "I'm not sure what I'm saying."
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*Stan abruptly gets up from the bar*
Stan: "I need some time to think."
*he then turns and skulks into the house, leaving a stunned Devin still sitting at the bar*
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*the camera cuts to the other three contestants on the dancefloor, looking on in shock*
Handra: "Wait, is Stan leaving?"
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*Stan can be seen in the bathroom, clinging to the sink while glaring into the mirror*
Stan (voiceover): "I'm so angry I want to smash everything in this room. I had no idea this was going to be this hard; seeing her with the other men. I'm not sure I can keep doing this. I'm going insane."
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Devin (in diary room): "I'm so surprised at the way Stan behaved tonight. I mean, no, this is not an ideal situation for any of the contestants but it is what everyone signed up for. Yes, it's hard. But, we're all doing our best. Really, I'm disappointed in him for acting so...immaturely. If he decides to leave, I will be sad to see him go, but if he doesn't think I'm worth it, then maybe it's not worth the emotional investment. I don't know. I'm really confused righ now."
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Stan (in diary room): "I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. On one hand, I really like her and I want to see what's there between us. On the other, I'm tired of competing with these other dudes, of seeing them with her. It's too hard. I hate it. I don't know what I'm going to do..."
Albert submitted by @bakersimmer Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims
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spocks-kaathyra · 5 months
I want to touch saru's face so bad. need to squish those silicone prosthetics
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mceproductions · 10 months
Best of 2023 TV Shows #19: Outlander (Starz)
The drumbeats of revolutionary war never seem more imminent for Jamie and Claire as they see the conflict inch closer to Fraser’s Ridge.
While Roger and Briana are forced to return to the present to help their expanding family.
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Sinead O’Connor graces us with her musical talents one more time as we get her take on The Skye Boat Song.
The bone really does echo.
SUM 22: Outlander returns to form with the first half of its penultimate season. The Fraser’s really do need a break after all this.
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lady-zephyrine · 10 months
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I'm not super happy with the design, but I wanted to try and come up with what I think one of the Heroes of Yore would've been. Anyway, his name is Dark Echo.
I wanted him to share a bit in common with the Dark Matter Brothers, though I wasn't sure if I should give him one eye or two. I decided that two eyes would look better. I also considered giving him a sword, but I decided to give him the Copy Ability instead. Overall, I imagine he's like a jack of all trades.
Anyway, while he shares quite a bit in common with Gooey, he also shares Blade's quiet demeanor (though that could also be because he can't talk). He was also a very curious Dark Matter, though he could sometimes come off as scatterbrained. He also had his selfish moments, which annoyed most of his colony.
Despite this, he was once one of Zero's higher-ranking scouts, but he left the colony once he stumbled upon a Dream Beast named Elfilis. Not long after that, he became friends with Galacta and Morpho. Needless to say, he disconnected himself from the rest of the colony once he became a major part of the group, much to Zero's annoyance.
He enjoyed Galacta's laid-back nature and would often join him during meals. He enjoyed Elfilis' company, as they could read Echo's mind and would communicate to him that way. And he got along with Morpho since just like Echo, it couldn't talk, so they were always happy to stop and smell the flowers together.
He was known for his undying loyalty towards his friends, as he was one of the ones who helped seal Void, but like Galacta and Elfilis, h was corrupted by Void, and at some point he attempted to destroy his own colony, he even caused one of his siblings to go blind.
He was inevitably killed by his own Zero, and his soul currently rests within the underworld. Whatever traces of his physical body that are left of him are no longer a part of him, but part of other Matters.
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sentient-rift · 16 days
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"I know the feeling... There are people who tease me for having 'drill hair...'
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"When will people realize they're meant to be bunny ears?!"
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dreadseadreams · 20 days
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gen tag drop
#—༺❀༻— ❝ unseen‚ unknown‚ unrelenting‚ the gaze of the observer is unchanging. ❞—✦ ooc#—༺❀༻— ❝ words unfathomable and strange only understandable through madness already spake. ❞—✦ ooc replies#—༺❀༻— ❝ the seas swell and tide falls‚ deliverance of what lurks in the deep‚ dreaded and decayed. ❞—✦ queue#—༺❀༻— ❝ answers sought against silent reprise‚ the divination of the mad incomprehensible and precise. ❞—✦ ooc answered#—༺❀༻— ❝ down came the horror from the deep‚ burrowing into the flesh of the earth‚ opening a wound of promise. ❞—✦ open starter#—༺❀༻— ❝ though it may not be considered a game‚ none possess the intention of being played. ❞—✦ meme | prompt#—༺❀༻— ❝ testament‚ ordinance‚ edict‚ words unspoken and tacit sentiment felt with a great and resounding ardor. ❞—✦ psa#—༺❀༻— ❝ the dawn opens with an ode to your name‚ the dusk echoes such a ballad with joyous refrain. ❞—✦ promo#—༺❀༻— ❝ banners raise and battle drums reverberate‚ the vainglory‚ the vice‚ the victory. ❞—✦ self promo#—༺❀༻— ❝ first and final advent of a story left untold‚ all such tales therein spun like gold. ❞—✦ starter call#—༺❀༻— ❝ the horror of a history rewritten‚ the dread of time unbound‚ reality becomes strange as it is unwound. ❞—✦ plotting call#—༺❀༻— ❝ that farthest fathom yet unfurled‚ within the dreadful deep reside the horrors unseen. ❞—✦ long post#—༺❀༻— ❝ there will always be more and it will always be desired‚ the sum of all worlds is not yet enough. ❞—✦ wishlist#—༺❀༻— ❝ little droplet in the great sea‚ return to the origin waylaid by futile attempts to flee. ❞—✦ anonymous#—༺❀༻— ❝ the conclusion is a forgone and forgotten thing‚ left to rot even in remembrance. ❞—✦ to be deleted#—༺❀༻— ❝ treasure kept by the ancient sentinels of the dreaded deep‚ buried by the dark waters yet eternally preserved. ❞—✦ saved#—༺❀༻— ❝ that which emerged from fog and mist‚ phantasm illuminated by a fleeting flicker of the lighthouse upon the ridge. ❞—✦ art#—༺❀༻— ❝ all the tides sing thine name‚ a deluge‚ a refrain resounds as all rivers return to the sea. ❞—✦ mobile
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makedamnsvre · 2 months
recently ive been getting really sick of my neighbors i wish that i had a bunch of money so that i could buy up their houses and only let people i live live near me
#neighbors 1 used to be friends but theyre trumpies and also neglect and borderline abuse their dog#i like river hes not a bad dog but hes not trained well and is a very large and powerful dog and really really wants to kill my cats#and they just let him loose wander in the road wander into other peoples yards and hes trapped me and my mom outside because#he tries to force his way into our house if we try to go back inside of our house and i kinda dont want my cats guts splattered everywhere#neighbors 2 have a fenced in yard with a lab and a husky that they leave outside all of the time in their yard#as far as i know they dont have a dog house or even food and water out there and absolutely no toys and the dogs bark constntly#probably because theyre so bored outside in the hot weather usually without shade and no entertainment they bark at each other#or anyone in the yards of the neighboring houses or they bark at the door begging to be let back inside or bark at the windows#and theyre patriots too they got one of those huge skeletons last halloween and theyve kept it up ever since changing out the spotlight#for holidays which initially i really liked i thought it was funny but then for memorialday/july 4th they dressed in patriotically#and i hate america so . i hate them and how they neglect their dogs#neighbors 3 they are related to the one good neighbor BUT. theyre married (?) and they scream at each other arguing all of the time and#because of the geography of where we live it echos right to our house very loudly and it gives me anxiety and they have a kid or kids#who sometimes cry loudly because they scream yell at each other loudly i kinda hope they (not the kids) go to hell#neighbors 4 i . im not sure if theyre newer here but they also have dogs but so far theyve kept them on leashes i think?#except for that one time where their dog just. walked up to me. idk if they let the dog loose on purpose or if it was accidental#but recently me and my mom were outside messing with the garden and They are also a couple and were screaming at each other#also ! i love straight people 😍 please breakup or get a divorce or move away or go to hell youre fucking crazy people go to therapy#and then theres the people on super loud motorcycles or in super loud cars and then theres the other neighbors with the isra hell flag#and the other neighbors that i SUPER SUPER SUPER HATE and have hated for YEARS ecause i went to school with one and hes#racist as fuck i hope he dies or something. and because of them we dont even go down the road that way#they have free roaming animals that would go into the road and they run some ? atv repair or something out of their house and sometimes#completely occupy the whole road loading shit or something. like if you want stereotypical redneck assholes its them#and i hate all of these people so much. mutuals you should live here instead of them. its the blue ridge mountains its higher altitude#its pretty but sometimes it rains and causes something of a 'creek' to flow but were on a mountain so it flows down and away#and well sometimes the sewer smells really bad for some reason idk but like . its fine dont worry about it#and bears might drag your trashcans up the mountain but just dont leave food outside and they wont do that#we have a . shockingly beautiful ?? dumpster on the road too so its okay 👍#dear lird i just scrolled up and thats a lot of words . o well
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dragonsholygrail · 3 months
Little Hatchlings
Dragon x fem!human - breeding, pregnancy discussions, cream pie, cockwarming, multiple orgasms.
Dragon husband who has no idea how humans have children like you assumed he did. You thought he had given how often he talked about spilling himself inside of you, how he needed to keep his cock inside you so as to not waste a drop.
But reality comes crashing down as your husband plows into your sloppy and spent cunt while lost in the throes of passion.
Dragon husband angles your hips with his clawed hands, making him reach that much deeper in your walls. You cry out, arms wrapping around his neck to bring him down to your height.
Your body starts to shake as you feel his scales brush against you with every thrust, coming closer to your peak. Breath hot as the fire that leaves his lips rumbles dangerously in your ear.
“Yes, that’s it. Take it. Take my cum and lay my eggs, sweet mate,” he hisses with a ferocious need. “Now be a good girl and paint my cock with your essence.”
As if your body was waiting for his order, you immediately start coming, your pleasure only heightening as you feel his release shoot deep inside your pussy.
It’s only when your Dragon husband wraps his arms around you tightly, molding your form to his, with his deep purrs echoing in your shared den do you realize what he had said.
"Wait— what?" You ask, mind whirling as you come down from your orgasmic high. A rumble moves through your husband’s chest as he nuzzles into your neck.
"Our hatchlings, my mate. I imagine you'll lay them soon after my seed takes root," he explains lowly, hand slowly caressing the curve of your stomach.
"Humans don't lay eggs, darling," you break the news to him before you automatically feel him tense. He looks down at you, worry etched into every line of his beautiful scales.
"Well then-"
"We get pregnant. Our bodies grow as our child does inside of us," you add, resting your hand on top of his on your tummy. Arousal pooling at the base of his member at the idea of him breeding you.
"So your body will begin to grow in size once I have successfully injected you with my seed?" Dragon husband asks slowly, scrambling to understand this change. Yet you can feel his cock hardening inside of you, the ridges on his length already brushing along your walls in a way that has you gasping.
"Yes," you breathe out, so heavily turned on by your husband. Your hands reach up to grasp onto his shoulders, knowing that images are pumping into his head as fast as he's about to be pumping inside your still sopping cunt.
"I shall keep a wary eye out. But until then..." His eyes flicker across your exposed body, his now rock hard cock moving as his hips regain their steady thrusts.
Showing he is more than ready to fuck into you, spilling load after load of hot semen deep inside your core. Not willing to let you rest until he sees your belly swell with proof of your unborn child.
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Winter's Tails and Howlin' Trails
Elvis Presley was born on this day, January 8, 1935 Imagine this song with a rhythm and blues tune this season to make this January 13 dog sledding winter event amazing (Verse 1) Well, the snow is falling, in Saskatoon town, A winter wonderland, where magic’s all around. Grab your mittens and your hats, bundle up real tight, It’s a Frozen Trails and Wagging Tails night. (Chorus) Oh, let’s go…
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miupow · 2 months
hear me out...chan trying to fit it in but he's too big and he's whispering all kinds of stuff trying to get you to take it and you're frustrated and needy and you're just so !! done !! because it feels empty and he's so close yet he's not in and finally finally, his thick tip catches and he inches in agonizingly slow simply to hear you whine for it
꒰୨୧◞ ⤷ ❛❛ TOO BIG ! ❜❜ .ᐟ bang chan.
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[ ⟡ ] ── minors do not interact ! ⭑ fem!reader , soft dom!chan , est. relationship , monster cock chris lol , size kink , dirty talk , praise kink , daddy kink , missionary/mating press , unprotected sex , bulge kink
a/n ⸝⸝ happy (late) comeback day !! i’m not very proud of this drabble but it’s here and i’m posting it anyway lol <3 save me big dick chris.. save me..
♡ ⸝⸝ ꒰ m.list ꒱ ‧ ꒰ reblogs and feedback appreciated! ꒱
“it’s too big, channie,” you whimper, peering down between your legs— the big fat tip of chan’s cock throbs an angry red as he slides it up between your pussy lips, taps it against your fluttering hole. your ankles dangle in the air over his shoulders, thighs pushed up to your chest by his body pinning you against the mattress, so close you could feel his hot breath, ache for a kiss from the plump, spit-slick lips he bit in arousal. he grips the base of his shaft in one hand, guiding it to push at your rim; you’re frightened by the sheer size of it, thick as a can, veins fat and pulsing… the pressure of it was already overwhelming yet you roll your hips down eagerly, desperate for it to slide in and fill you up.
“shh, stay still, babygirl,” chan coos so sweet, his veiny hand splayed out across your tummy. “and take this fucking cock. daddy knows you can.”
your pussy is making it difficult, so wet chan’s cock misses your hole, slides up your folds to bump against your clit. you shake in pleasure and frustration, reaching your hand down to take ahold of chan’s cock yourself— chan lets you with a warm smile, his thick arms shaking with every slick twist of your hand.
“you need me that bad, baby?” he chuckles, breathless. “thought you said it was too big.”
“i’m so empty,” you whine in response, angling his flared head to spear your core. “need your big cock, daddy—“ finally, finally his tip catches and slides in, sudden yet so achingly slow, your eyes rolling back in tandem with chan’s deep, guttural groan; the stretch burns deliciously, clouds over your senses as your mouth drops open in a moan for more.
“there you go, baby, just like that,” chan continues to bully his cock in past your tight rim, slow and gentle— but there’s nothing gentle about the way he fills you up, inch by fat, throbbing inch stretching your wet gummy walls to their limits. you can feel every ridge, every vein drag hot and heavy… you let go of his shaft in favor for scratching deep red marks into his flexing bicep, scrambling for something to hold on to and ground you. “daddy’s good girl, taking his cock so well— feels so good, doesn’t it?”
“b-big—!” you croak in a daze, an echo of your earlier sentiments; it was all you could manage to make yourself say, rendered brainless in an instant as chan’s blunt cockhead kisses your cervix. “so— so fucking big! ‘n deep, daddy, fuck—“
“yeah?” chan huffs, hips stuttering flush against yours. “am i too big for your little cunt, baby? feel me all the way up here?”
he presses down on the bulge his cock makes in your belly, causing the both of you to keen, your little dripping pussy fluttering around his cock as he twitches inside of you; you desperately want him to move, start pounding your pussy like you’ve been wanting so, so badly… you eagerly nod at chan’s teasing words, buck your hips the best you can folded in half. “yes, yes!” you wail, voice slurred, “give it to me daddy, please!”
“you’re so pretty when you’re begging for me, angel,” chan grins crookedly, pulling his hips back to slide himself out of your hole. you hold your breath in wicked anticipation. “beg some more and i’ll give you what you need.”
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dark-moonlust · 2 months
Claimed by the Water Dragon PART 1
Pairing: water dragon x fem human reader
Summary: you decide to help your dragon through his rut. He mates you, fills you with his seed and impregnates you with his egg.
Warnings: minors don't interact, 18+!!!!, monster smut, oral (fem receiving), huge 🍆, buckets of 💦, knotting, egg laying.
This is part of a series. Read PART 2 here.
If you reblog or comment your reactions I’d be very very grateful and happy.
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The sun was setting over the tranquil lake, your water dragon sitting by the shore, the sun glittering on his white scales. He was a majestic, ancient creature, a guardian of the waters, and yours. All yours. Your mate, your fiercely possessive and insatiable mate.
“Want to claim you, fill you with my seed,” he said, his tail wrapping around you, his crystal clear blue eyes locked onto yours.
Though you’d had sex countless times, he’d never mated you. Dragons mated when they were in their rut and he’d been begging you non-stop to help him out. Usually, he suppressed the urge to mate with his dragon magic but he’d been impatient lately. He begged you to mate him, to let him fill you with his seed, and after some convincing, you finally agreed.
“Very well. I’ll let you claim me.”
Silence followed your words until with an overenthusiastic jump, he flew into the air and holding you tight, he pulled you both into the water, the cold shock sending shivers through your body. The lake was deep, and he submerged you both to your home. You lived in an underwater lair, illuminated by bioluminescent plants and protected by dragon magic, allowing you to live and breathe comfortably. He carried you to your bedroom, his claws ripping away your clothes.
“Finally,” he growled, his breath hot against your neck.
“Please,” you whispered, your body wet and shivering, not from the cold but from desire. “Want you so much.”
“I’m going to fill you up,” he murmured, his long tongue licking across your neck. “Going to claim my beautiful mate.”
With that, he began to savor the taste of your body, tongue licking everywhere and making your belly pool with pleasure. You responded to him with growing need, hands touching his scales, his underbelly and wishing he was closer so you could pump his cock. His tongue licked your plump breasts, around the areolas then traveled down your belly before burying itself in your warm cunt.
Slick slurping sound and your moans echoed as he feasted on you. His textured appendage thrust deep inside you, wiggling, caressing the right spots. But he didn’t stimulate you enough to cum. He wanted to be inside you for that to happen. He wanted to feel every delicious vibration of your walls around him.
Then he shifted, his massive form looming over you, dwarfing your size. Your legs opened wide to accept him and you felt the hot pressure of his cock against your thighs. His shaft was ridged and naturally lubricated and you gasped as the broad head parted your folds, entering you in one smooth glide. His size was overwhelming, stretching you to the limits. But you were his fated mate and the discomfort quickly gave way to a delicious sensation of fullness, a deep, primal lust that left you craving more.
Your dragon thrust inside you, his cock pushing in and out of your depths. Your belly bulged with the evidence of his shaft, your breasts bouncing with each pump of his hips. He drove you higher and higher until the coil of pleasure snapped and you came with a cry, your cunt contracting wildly around his cock.
“So good for me, such a good mate”, he praised, his voice husky. “Now it’s time to fill you up.”
“Please,” you begged still in the throes of your orgasm.
The dragon’s eyes gleamed, his paws cradling you carefully as he pounded deeper and deeper, his rhythm steady and unrelenting. Then with a roar he buried himself to the hilt and stayed. Something changed. You felt fuller and you cried out as you looked at where you were joined; a knot had swelled at the slit of your pussy, locking your bodies in place. The sensation was unlike anything you had experienced and left you gasping and murmuring incomprehensibly.
“Easy, little mate”, he said softly, his tongue slipping into your mouth and brushing with yours in a kiss.
You felt his great body tense, his cock pulsing as it released, seed flowing inside you. It was a torrent of heat that filled you beyond capacity, with the knot anchoring you to him.
“Mphhh,” you moaned, squealing as he filled you up. It went on and on, but you couldn’t take much more. You couldn’t.
“Can’t—” you whimpered against his jaw, your body shaking.
“You can and you will,” he said, overwhelmed by his rut. “My seed is yours.“
“I don’t think—hn… I-I can’t take more,” you whined in a broken whisper.
“You will take all of me, little one. You are mine to fill, mine to claim.”
Seconds passed and your belly began to bulge with the amount of his seed. You panted, your whole body oversensitive yet you still took his cum, without pain. The realization was strangely stimulating. You could feel his shaft pumping inside you, spurting cum into waves.
“See? You can take it. Good girl,” he rumbled, his voice filled with dark pleasure. “So pretty, filled with my seed and ready for my egg.”
“Egg?” you pouted. “My love, I don’t know…”
“You accepted to help with my rut, mate. So you’ll carry my egg, bear my offspring. It is your destiny.”
Before you could speak back, you felt the round shape of his egg push into you. You whimpered, and thrashed a little but you were glued to his knot, unable to do anything but take it. Your body stretched to accommodate the intrusion, your mind hazy with shock, though your pussy had started to get sensitive again. And the dragon knew, careful not to hurt you with his claws, he flicked your clit, awakening your body to pleasure, driving you to another climax.
“Hn— haa!” you cried out, your voice breaking as you shattered, your cunt convulsing around his dick, euphoria blindsiding you. The dragon licked your face tenderly, his paw caressing your swollen belly.
“Yes, squeeze my knot, mate,” he rasped. “You were made for this. You are perfect, so beautiful like this.”
His egg settled inside you, his knot still hard and tight around your pussy. You collapsed on the mattress, your breath turning normal, the world coming back into focus. You had been knotted and impregnated. You’d really done it. You smiled, feeling the warmth of his seed and the comforting weight of the egg inside you.
“Relax mate. My knot will take a while to go down,” the dragon whispered, his voice a soft caress. “And once it deflates, I will take you again.”
“More. From now on you’ll take my cock and my knot.”
You gulped at that, cunt squeezing around him.
Did you enjoy? Would you like another part perhaps? Let me know!
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mickimagnum · 9 months
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Devin's Dude Ranch: Episode Nine
*the episode opens with a shot of Echo Valley Ranch. It's early-mid morning and the birds are singing.*
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Devin, in diary room (with a lot of energy): "Today's the day of our second challenge and I can't wait to see how the guys do! Can you tell I'm really excited about this one!?"
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*the next shot opens with Devin standing in front of a stage area set-up in her backyard. the contestants are lined up in front of her.*
Devin: "Hi guys! Good morning. Welcome to our second challenge. I hope you guys are ready to give this one all you've got because frankly, I've really been looking forward to today."
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Devin (continues): "I can see it on your faces: 'Devin, what the heck are we doing?'. Well, fellas. Today, you'll be putting on a talent show!"
*the contestants murmur among themselves*
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Devin (continues): "I know you've all got special talents and I want to see them today. Whoever impresses me the most will win a solo date. Are you guys ready?"
*the contestants cheer in reply*
Devin: "That's what I want to hear! Alright, Houston. You're up first!"
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*the next shot shows Houston sitting down at a grand piano, he begins playing Moonlight Sonata*
*Devin can be seen in the background with a smile slowly spreading across her face*
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*Houston's playing is beautiful, though he does trip over a few notes here and there. he grimaces when he does but pushes through and finishes the piece.*
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*when Houston finishes he stands, receives his applause and waits to hear from Devin*
Devin: "Wow. That was truly beautiful, Houston. You continue to impress me. Thank you."
*Houston places his hand over his heart, mouths 'thank you' to Devin then returns to his seat with a smile on his face.*
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Stan, in diary room: "Hot damn. Is there anything that boy can't do? I mean, it wasn't perfect, but it was sure a hell of a lot better than I coulda done. I might be in trouble for this date."
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*the next shot shows Albert on stage. he has a microphone in his hand and is performing a comedy routine.*
Albert: "I went and visited my parents recently. My parents have a real, real, real fat cat. It’s real fat. People point it out, you know? They walk in; They’re like, 'Man, that cat’s fat.' And it feels rude, you know, like, 'He doesn’t speak Simlish, but we do, so maybe don’t say that.' And they’re just… you know, they’re like, 'What are y’all feeding this cat?'"
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Albert (continues): "You’re like, 'Whatever you feed a cat, dude. Like normal cat food stuff. We pour a bowl. Like, if he eats eight birds outside, he doesn’t tell us.' You know, he’s not like, 'Oh, I ate out tonight. I’m good.' And then they’re like, 'Well, y’all should do something.' You’re like, 'What do you think we’re not doing? Do you think he has a gym membership and we don’t drive him to the gym?' He’s a cat. That’s his gym membership, he’s a cat. I watched him jump from the ground on top of the refrigerator. That’s like if I jumped on top of a school bus from the ground. Like, if I… if I did that, you’re not gonna be like, 'Well, you still could lose a little bit, you know.' Just keep doing what you’re doing."*
*Devin & the contestants can be heard howling with laughter*
*comedy bit originally by Nate Bargatze - because I'm too high and tired to try to write actual comedy.
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*when his bit is complete, Albert puts the microphone back and waits to hear from Devin*
*Devin wipes her eyes and composes herself*
Devin: "That is...*bleep*ing hilarious, Albert. Do your parents really have a fat cat?"
*Albert nods*
Albert: "Oh yeah. His name is Reggie."
Devin: "Well, I love Reggie. And thank you so much for making me laugh so hard my face hurts. I didn't know you were such a comedian, but now that I do, that's a plus in your column, cowboy."
*Albert runs over to Devin and kisses her hand before hustling back to his seat*
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Houston, in diary room: "I hate to admit it, but Albert's bit was actually really funny. Now I'm worried. I really want this date with Devin."
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*The next scene opens with Stan at the microphone. he's backed up by music playing through the stereo behind him and he's singing Cheeseburger in Paradise.*
*Devin looks on, half impressed by the quality of Stan's singing voice and half amused by his choice of song.*
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Stan (singing):
"I like mine with lettuce and tomato Heinz 57 and french fried potatoes Big kosher pickle and a cold draft beer Well, good God almighty which way do I steer For my
Cheeseburger in paradise Making the best of every virtue and vice Worth every damn bit of sacrifice To get a cheeseburger in paradise Get me a cheeseburger in paradise I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise"
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*the music comes to an end, and Stan squares himself in front of Devin, clearly proud of his performance*
Devin: "Stan! That was both entertaining and impressive. I didn't know you could sing that like! And somehow that song choice is 100% you. I loved it. Thank you so much."
*Stan nods to Devin, thanks her and returns to his seat, wiping the sweat from his forehead*
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Handra, in diary room: "Stan was living his best life up there. He was being true to himself and I loved that for him. Way to go, buddy!"
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*the next scene opens with Handra front and center. He's playing Hotel California on guitar.*
*Devin leans forward in her seat and watches Handra play intently*
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*Handra plays perfectly, making each note of the song come alive as he strums the resonator guitar.*
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*when the song is over, he sets the guitar down and looks to Devin*
*Devin takes a deep breath*
Devin: "Handra. Wow. That was incredible and so...moving. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. I had no idea you were musically talented. I'm very, very impressed."
*Handra beams at her, mouths 'thank you' before blowing her kiss and returning to his seat*
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Albert, in diary room: "My boy Handra can play, holy *bleep*. I'm in trouble for this date. Man!"
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Devin: "Guys, that was every bit as amazing as I hoped it would be. Thank you so much for showing me your talents. I am so impressed by all of you. Truly."
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Devin (continues): "This was a really, really hard decision. But, at the end, I had to go with the person who surprised me the most with their talent."
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Devin (continues): "And that person, is..."
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Devin (continues): "Albert!"
*Albert stands up and looks utterly shocked*
*Winner picked by random name picker.
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*he meets Devin at the front and the two share a quick hug*
Devin: "Congrats, funny guy."
*Albert grins and returns to his seat*
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Devin: "Again, guys, thank you so much for today. I really had a good time and hope you did too. And don't forget - there are still plenty of chances to win solo dates with me."
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Albert, in diary room: "I won. I'm going on a solo date with my girl. I can't believe it. And Mom told me I'd never get anywhere being funny. I guess I owe Reggie some catnip or something..."
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Devin, in diary room: "I can't believe the talents these guys have been holding out on me. I mean, how amazing was today!? And I'm really, really looking forward to my date with Albert. I can't wait to spend more time with him and see if there's more between us than surface level stuff."
Houston submitted by @invisiblequeen Albert submitted by @bakersimmer James "Stan" submitted by @natolesims Handra submitted by @bloomingkyras
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regilovesveggies · 1 year
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Lookout - Basement Basement - large modern look-out carpeted basement idea with beige walls, a ribbon fireplace and a stone fireplace
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