#echo: .......you're about to die anyways so it's going to be mine regardless
robotsandramblings · 4 months
i had a really funny revelation that Crosshair and Echo were [during S3] and still are sharing the Havoc-4 call sign, probably even playfully fighting over it, now that Crosshair is back on the team,,
then i realized that Crosshair probably took up the Havoc-2 call sign because Tech is gone
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ghostofthemost141 · 9 months
Chapter 3
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Gif credit to @eurodynamic
Ch.1. Ch.2. Ch.3. Ch.4. Ch.5. Ch.6. Ch.7.
Pairing: Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish xF!Reader
Word Count: 2,615
About: You were on vacation to the beach and you think you're about to die when you're caught in a riptide until an unlikely hero comes to your rescue. Precisely a Scottish man that bores a tail.
!Warnings!: Sexual Harrassment
Italics means Third Person POV
Notes: This chapter is mostly about your home life and backstory but the targeted enemy in this story is a popular character in the series but just cause I make him an enemy doesn't mean I hate the actor who portrays him. He plays the character well and is a great guy. Also, your uncle is another character that is a favorite character of mine in this series, guess who 👀, regardless of what nationality you are. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy it!!
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“I'll see you den, Dove.” His words echoed into your mind over and over again. The second you left that beach two days ago, you were craving to see him again even though you just got done seeing him at that moment. And now tonight, you would meet him again at the time he said. You were just praying he would be there. Praying that he kept his promise. Praying that he- 
“Dove!” A booming voice woke me from my daydream. 
I looked up to find my professor peering his eyes at me. 
“Yes, sir?” I sheepishly said, knowing I was busted for daydreaming. 
“Were you paying attention at all?” He asked with disappointment in his tone. 
“No, sir I wasn't.” 
You knew it was best to tell the truth with your professor versus lying to him cause he knew you would be lying just by your body language. Your professor tsked at you, showing his disappointment in you. 
“See me after class.” He demanded. 
“Yes sir.” I answer, feeling my guts drop to my stomach. 
Anything but that. I am not sure what it is about my professor but he has this weird tick to him. He's not necessarily giving ‘pedophile vibes’ but there is definitely something off about him. And no, him being a near red head blonde has nothing to do with it. Guess I'll find out later. 
You wanted to find some kind of excuse to not meet with your professor after class. That nerve grew more and more in you the closer the clock ticked to the end of class. Gem and Pixie were not in this class with you so you were basically screwed. You're supposed to meet them after class but you had to race to the shore for only one person. As the final bell rang, you started to rush pack your belongings so you could disappear in the crowd of students. Just as you stood up to leave, your professor was already at the front door, saying goodbye to the students that passed by. You froze in your spot, feeling your heart race. You just did not have a good feeling about all of this. Once the last student left, your professor shut the classroom door, letting it slam loudly. 
“Professor, I need to be going.” 
“Just, just wait a second, Dove.” He said with a chill tone, but for some reason that unnerved me the most. 
Your professor approached you, standing a little too close for comfort. 
“Why weren't you paying attention in my class?” He asked. 
“Just..have a lot going on, sir.” I half lied, trying to maintain eye contact but it was hard when he unnerved me so much. 
“So much that you can't pay attention in my class?” 
“I'm sorry, sir, it won't happen again.” 
You snared your tone to hopefully get your point across but he just chuckled at you, letting you know that he wasn't intimidated by you at all. 
“Professor Graves, I need to be going now.” I snared once again, hoping he'd move out the way. 
“You've certainly matured a lot.” 
“Excuse me?” 
You nearly shouted at him as his eyes were starting to wander in places it shouldn't. You felt gross and disgusted with not only him but yourself. Is this truly how men saw you as a person? For your body? 
“Out of my way.” I growled, shoving my professor to the side with my shoulder and hustling outside. 
You didn't stop running until you made it to your car. You wanted to throw up, knowing that your damn professor saw you in that way. You managed to keep yourself from throwing up by doing deep breathes in and out, while trying to keep yourself from shaking too much. 
“Shit.” I mumbled, trying to pull myself together. 
Besides Johnny, there was only one other man in your life that you could trust. Your uncle that you live with. He was your greatest support system and you loved him deeply. You needed him, his support. You immediately texted Gem and Pixie and told them you were sick and couldn't meet up with them and you were going straight home. You were still going to go see Johnny later but that wasn't until dark had befallen. You had two hours until then. You saw your professor walking out of the campus so you immediately started your car and peeled out of that parking lot immediately, rushing home. The further you were from campus, the calmer your nerves got, even though the event still lingered in your head, making yourself sicker and sicker, both mentally and physically. The lingering nerves even remained when you parked in the driveway of yalls house. 
“Oh Remi ain’t home..” I said, taking notice of the absent car in the driveway. 
She must be doing a class. I took a deep breath in and then out, with my hand resting on my door handle. Before I could even step out, my uncle beat me to it. 
“‘Ello?? Anyone there?!” He called out, flashing his phone flashlight at me. 
I laughed as I stepped out of my car, shutting the door behind me. 
“I’m here!” I announce my presence. 
Once I got closer to the house, my uncle stopped flashing his phone at me, opening the front door for me. I stepped through, as he shut the door behind me. 
“You doing okay today, kiddo?” He asked me. 
“Yeah, Uncle Alejandro.” 
“You sure? I think you’re lying to me, estrella.” Alejandro, or Ale as I like to call him, said, peering his eyes at me. 
“I mean..” 
You paused, not sure how your uncle was going to take this. You knew he was going to be supportive and believe you no matter what but you were worried at how angry he would get about it. 
“Talk to me, estimada.” Uncle Ale reassured me. 
I sighed deeply as I went and sat down on the couch with Ale following me. 
Ale sat down next to me, staring at me with lots of concern. He could read me like a book and know that something was wrong. Very wrong. 
“Um, so, you know my professor? Uh, Graves?” 
Ale’s face immediately churned. Yeah, this is not gonna blow over well. 
“Hmhm.” Ale said, wanting me to go on. 
“Well, he caught me daydreaming in class.” 
“Cariña, we’ve talked about that.” Ale jumped in with. 
“I know, Ale. I’m sorry.” I apologize, feeling guilt that I disappointed him even though I know I didn’t. 
He just wants the best for me. I am his niece after all. 
“Continue.” He said. 
“Well he made me stay after class-” 
“Made you?” 
I felt chills go down my spine, hearing that near growl come from my Uncle’s throat as he said that. Shit. 
“Yeah, he did. And well he was just sorta getting onto me for daydreaming in his class. And then he made a comment.” 
“What kind of comment?” 
I almost don’t want to tell him just by the reaction of saying he made a comment at me. 
“He said: You’ve certainly matured a lot, while looking at my breasts.” I mumbled that last part, hoping he didn’t hear me but he did. 
Your uncle went silent, but he was fighting the urge to find out where this man lived and beat the daylights out of him. Yes it was just a comment, but it was still harassment. Especially since this wasn’t the first time this has happened. Finally, your uncle spoke. 
“I want you to go to the Dean tomorrow and report him.” Ale told me. 
“I-I will.” I said. 
Ale immediately brought me into a hug. You know like those kissing booths they have in movies? Instead of a kissing booth, Ale needs to open up a hugging booth because he gives out the best damn hugs. I hugged back, trying to hold the tears back. 
“You know I say that because I love you right, Dove?” 
“I know.” I croak through my tears, completely overwhelmed with what happened. 
Ale rubbed my back in comfort, letting me cry on his shoulder as I have many times before. 
“You’re going to be alright, Dove. Uncle Ale’s got you. And Remi too.” Ale mentioned his lady. 
I chuckled in response. 
“I know.” I said, pulling away from the hug. 
I wiped the tears away, hearing a car pull up into the driveway. 
“Speak of the Devil.” Ale said, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Stop! You’re so weird.” I exclaimed, playfully hitting him. 
Remi and my uncle have been dating for about two years now and I love her. I consider her to be my Aunt even though they aren’t married. Yet. Remi entered the house and Ale immediately ran up to her, embracing her in his arms. 
“Bienvenido a casa mi amar[Welcome home, my love]” I heard Ale greet her, followed by many kisses. 
It warmed my heart to see my uncle in love and be with someone he loves so much. 
You could only hope that it will be you one day. 
“Where are you off to, Dove?” Ale asked me as I grabbed my coat. 
Your heart raced as your Uncle stopped you, with concern filling his eyes. Night has befallen and you knew Johnny would be waiting for you. Your uncle doesn’t even know what happened on your vacation due to Gem and Pixie pushing you to keep it a secret, for you knew your uncle would want to wrap you up in bubble wrap after hearing about it. 
“Just going to the shore, for a walk.” I told him. 
“It’s dark out.” He said. 
“I know, I’ll be okay Ale I promise.” I reassured him. 
I could tell Ale was a bit unsure but he trusts me. 
“Okay, well be back by ten pm okay, estrella?” Ale told me. 
Two hours was plenty for me. 
“Yes, sir. See ya.” I said, walking out the door. 
“See ya.” He said back as I shut the door behind me. 
You hurriedly jogged to your car, jumped into it, started it and pulled out of the driveway within two seconds. You were so excited to see Johnny again. He had you possessed in a weird way. He was always on your mind, especially those dreamy bright blue eyes of his. Little did you know, he felt the same about you. Even when he was with his best buddy Simon in the deep, deep sea, you were on his mind. The way your hair flowed in the wind, and how sparkly your eyes were, had him possessed as well. They are cheesy thoughts sure, but it was truly how he felt about you. Quick as a flash, you were at the New Orleans beach, relieved there was no one else here. You figured there wouldn’t be but you just had to be sure. You wanted Johnny to be your secret. You left your car and started walking along the shore until you got some miles between you and your vehicle. 
“Johnny? Are you there?” I call out to him. 
A big splash from the shore confirmed your answer. You turned to see a beaming smile and bright blue eyes appear on the sand. 
“Hello, Dove.” 
“Hey, Johnny.” I greet him, feeling a deep blush creep onto my face. 
Johnny pulled himself out of the shore and propped himself up against a big sand dune that would block your vision of Johnny. That’s smart, you thought. Johnny patted a spot next to him beckoning for you to sit next to him. You nod as you came and sat next to him, feeling the wet sand hit your pants, causing you to cringe. 
“You alright, lass?” Johnny asked. 
“Yeah, just wet sand.” I said. 
Johnny just beamed his eyes at you, watching every little movement or expression you were making. He was completely infatuated with you, he just wished he could find the right words to say to you. But he could tell you were acting off. Something happened. 
“What’s wrong, Dove?” 
“Oh uh nothing.” I lied. 
I didn’t want to put my bullshit onto Johnny. I am sure he has a lot going on already. 
“I can tell something is amiss. So what’s up?” He asked me again. 
I sighed deeply, seriously debating whether or not to tell him. 
“I just..have been having issues with my professor at school.” 
���How so?” 
“He has been advancing onto me so to speak.” 
Johnny immediately furrowed his eyes, understanding what you said. 
“Bloody wanker..” Johnny mumbled and I had to suppress my giggles from hearing that insult. 
“What class does he teach? And what campus?” Johnny asked. 
“Oh, it’s no big deal Johnny. I’m handling it, I promise.” I reassured him, but I could tell he was pretty angry. 
“He didn’t ‘ouch you did ‘e?” He asked. 
You shook your head in response, seeing Johnny’s face relax a little but still angry. 
“You know I can still turn into a human righ’?” 
“I know Johnny and I appreciate it but I don’t want you to get hurt.” I said, leaning on his shoulder. 
Just from that comment alone, Johnny knew how you truly felt about him. And he was happy. 
“You feel somethin’ for meh, bonnie?” Johnny asked smugly. 
“Maybe.” I returned the same tone. 
Your hand ended up grazing over his tail, feeling the bumpy yet smooth scales. Johnny watched as you did that, knowing you were doing that with good intentions. 
“Your tail is so pretty, Johnny.” I said, seeing the scales shimmer within the moonlight. 
“Not as pretty as you, Dove.” 
You giggled hearing Johnny’s comment, feeling absolutely flustered. 
“Oh stop.” You joke. 
“I mean it though.” 
“Do you though?” You question. 
Johnny gently grabbed your chin and moved your face to were you were looking deep into his blue eyes. 
“I do.” Johnny sincerely said. 
You felt your heart race quicker and quicker the longer you stared into Johnny’s eyes. It was as if he was hypnotizing you with those dreamy eyes of his. You wanted to do something, so badly, but didn’t want to spook Johnny, even though he was worried about spooking you. 
“Can I kiss you?” I ask, immediately cursing at myself  for even asking, but he just smirked in response. 
Without saying anything, Johnny leaned in and connected y’alls lips together, immediately feeling your heart flutter at the action. You shut your eyes and placed your hands on Johnny’s chest, while Johnny wrapped his arms around you, bringing you even closer to him. He pulled away for a second to get some air but immediately connected them back together. You didn’t want this to end, you wanted it to go on for forever. Despite him being underwater 24/7, Johnny’s lips were soft and nowhere near being chapped like you expected them to be. Johnny rubbed your back passionately as you could feel the tension in the air get hotter. You wanted to keep going, go even further knowing he can turn into a human, but you held yourself together. Not yet, soon, but not yet. You pulled away from the kiss first, but remained up close. 
“You enjoy that, Dove?” Johnny asked. 
“No, not at all.” You sarcastically reply back with. 
Johnny chuckled back, loving your style of humor. The two of you embraced in another long kiss and even though the tension was in the air, the two of you held your composure for each other and just kept y’alls lips together, not knowing there was a pair of eyes watching the two of y’all from the far distance. 
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