Elara is gathering all the things needed for tea and sweets with the few friends who like that stuff. She is so excited. She had collected and dried the flowers for tea herself. It was a lot of trial and error to find and dry the leaves properly.
@puppet-strung-moon @eclipsen-smiles
(Does anyone else like tea time and sweets?)
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binarypictor · 23 days
Owchie, watch it I'm highly poisonous and biohazardous!
Anyways everyone should look @ pAInter's stability tracker, noone's mentioned it yet haha
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aquaticshopkeep · 1 month
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(I’m not sorry.)
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Get. Out.
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escapetheslaughter · 2 months
The longer they watch their Nightlight interact with the small Bloody one...the less jealous they feel. They're actually content just... watching... observing... It's like when they used to watch her interact with the kids at the Daycare but without having to hide in the vents to do it. This felt a lot more...... Calm. Relaxing. Peaceful... For the first time, Bloodmoon feels.... peaceful.
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Hey get your brother, the floating brain is back in full force.
hang on while I get the others.
@escapetheslaughter @chaotic-bloodmoon @bloodmoon-da-idiot @gremlininthedark
THE BRAIN’S BACK. We need a plan.
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thekillermaretwinz · 2 months
Solar: SOMEBODY HELP ME I AM WITH 3 DRUNK PEOPLE AND I AM SOBER I CANT DO DIDDLY SHIT WHEN I AM BLIND!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH THEM. Lunar might actually drink wayyyy too much. I am not leaving until I know someone can watch them cause I fucking can't.
Lunar has drank abt a quart of alcohol at this point no plans on stopping she is in wonderland-
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meowierz · 1 month
heh...gonna get quirky...
@sparklerzii, @escapetheslaughter, @thekillermaretwinz, @animatronic-assistant, @eclipsen-smiles
m bored so uh pick a character from these fandoms ive been into lately that u think I act like. ill try to draw those characters. if u dont know the fandom, dw abt it
Doki Doki Literature Club
The Sun and Moon Show (also LEAS and MAFS/PAES)
Gravity Falls
Helluva Boss / Hazbin Hotel
Sonic The Hedgehog
Kirby: Right Back At Ya!
FNaF: Into The Pit
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monster-underdabed · 1 month
*Killcode grabs @escapetheslaughter @animatronic-assistant @thekillermaretwinz @liminal---nightmare-aliza @malwaresilly @eclipsen-smiles *
No time to explain but my father disguised as an anon is out to get you guys.
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coastxlwaters · 1 month
I feel fear- ;-;...
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@bumble-the-sun-bee @stormbreaker-290 @capring @strawberry-arrowtip @morriganfey @sunny-inajar (ur really nice and i care for u alot) @bittyfromquotev @potatotato-26 @im-just-a-dumb-gay @knizuu @escapetheslaughter @multifandomcutie13 @eclipsen-smiles @eternal-soup @weirdenbyferret @inkyucu @itsahotminuteinbetween @o-i-w-u @animatronic-assistant (i forgot ur main (ಡ‸ಡ) @froggielovescoffee @just-a-normal-nova @liminal---nightmare-aliza @librarian-computer @zerocksout (ususosisj, felt like this shoud go to ur main as well)
I deeply apologize my online fam if a green van shows up at ur house ;v;👍
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How sentimental… You know, I haven't been this choked up since I got a hunk of Moussaka caught in my throat! Huh?
Mod: I'm calling god. @eclipsen-smiles We need your divine intervention please.
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He’s gonna eat it now because Eclipse said no
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aquaticshopkeep · 1 month
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What’s wrong with
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You're banned now. I'm not selling you anything anymore. Get out.
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escapetheslaughter · 3 months
Nobody Escapes the Slaughter!
Please read this...
Bloodmoon Memes W/O context
Silly Shenanigans
[This is an RP blog of the Bloodmoon twins - ASKS are welcome. Just be respectful... They can be portrayed as an AU of the TSAMS since we all know what happened. They have reclaimed nanites to eat/consume blood/meat. They have their own bodies with the ability to merge but prefer to be separated because it's double the chaos now. DNI if you're sensitive to blood, vulgar language, suggestive shenanigans/phrases. Most of what is said IS SFW if now mildly suggestive at best.]
I am Grim. I am Reaper.
We are 🩸🌒Bloodmoon.
They currently own a Coach bag with a red forest pocket dimension. (This item is currently lost.)
A bunch of red stained weapons (swords, daggers...)
A 2 year old black cat named Murder.
A 5 month old kitten named Mayhem.
A 4 month old borzois puppy named Cleaver.
A small blue isopod the size of a water bottle.
A tiny snake named Gore.
The boys have nanites to consume regular food and thanks to a nice Eclipse, they are not driven mad by bloodthirst. However. They still love blood and chaos itself. But they're TRYING to make friends.
The Bloodmoon twins consists of two individuals who are part of a whole.
Grim wears the blue cape with swirl optics in which he may use to confuse and hypnotize his prey before eviscerating them. He is the more wild of the two, unhinged in volume of his voice and his actions. He tends to give into their cravings for blood. He is easily amused by the strangest of things. Bloody is stronger than Harvest and shorter. 7 ft tall, stocky/thick.
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Reaper wears all red and dons the pentagrams in his optics and on his chest. He is the control and often likes to plan attacks. He loves the thrill of the hunt. His cravings for blood are not as strong as his brother's but they are still present. He is the more reasonable (and sometimes lazy) of the two. 7.5 ft, slender.
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Bloodmoon -8ft tall, a perfect blend of the two. Their new body has 4 arms. The blend was done by @bumble-the-sun-bee
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They live in a cabin in the middle of the woods roughly 20 miles away from the Plex.
Main folks/family they speak with:
@animatronic-assistant They live with her as they have kidnapped liberated her from her Sun and Moon. She is Their Own(gf).
@eclipsen-smiles The Eclipse who helped fixed their code and may or may not see them as an older sibling but definitely a friend.
@thekillermaretwinz They adopted these two as their children.
@liminal---nightmare-aliza This is their Mother figure.
@malwaresilly An ally they now trust and were the first hunt they ever failed for the sake of making a friend instead. His is now seen as their Big Brother.
@multifandomcutie13 Astraia is their first human friend and they admire her strength and her choice of weapon. A chainsaw. (Their friendship is currently strained as Bloodmoon frightened her during an argument. They still care about her.)
This is the schematic of their home/the cabin. (The empty room will soon be upgraded into a crafting room.)
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(she’d been gone a lot longer now than she should’ve been… and there hasn’t been any sort of ping from them device Eclipsen made her… of course, that also means there hasn’t been a distress ping, but…)
(it was weird. She should have at least said something by now.)
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caostalgia · 1 year
269 días sin ti.
Como pasa el tiempo, ¿no? Ayer estaba llorando después de colgar la llamada que me apagaría el corazón y hoy van casi 270 días sin ti. Faltan menos de 100 para que vaya un año.
Un año sin tu sonrisa o tus bufidos. Un año sin tus canciones en inglés y tu emoción por un nuevo capítulo de tu serie favorita. Un año sin tus chistes, que eran horribles, y tu risa. Un año sin todo lo que te conformaba, sin tus aristas, sin tu brillo.
Ha sido una tortura y sigue siéndolo. Todo este tiempo sin ti abrió un hueco en lo más hondo de mi corazón que ni mengua, que duele. No veas como duele no tenerte cerca, no escucharte, no sentirte. Es duro seguir intentándolo y que tú no veas los pequeños pasitos que estoy dando en esa dirección de la que tanto hablamos.
¿Sabes? La abuela te habría querido, sé que sí. Te habría querido por el simple hecho de que yo te quería, pero, además, te habría querido porque era fácil hacerlo. Porque quererte era una de esas cosas inevitables de la vida. Ojalá la hubieras conocido, pero no, porque ya van 269 días sin ti y a la abuela la vi hace poco.
¿Sabes? Me habría gustado enseñarte esos lugares que me vieron crecer; esos árboles especiales, esa cabaña derruida, ese taller lleno de estornudos y aprendizaje, ese parque, esa poza.
¿Sabes? Me habría gustado que conocieras a mi gigante invencible, al pilar de mi vida. A ese adolescente que hizo de padre cuando papá no lo hacía. A ese loco.
¿Sabes? Me habría gustado decirte, hace 269 días, que te quería. Pero no lo hice y sigo viviendo en el "y si...?" Sé que no estás orgulloso de eso, pero esta herida va lenta. Y no siquiera intento, no de verdad, conocer a alguien a fondo. Enamorarme. Porque me da miedo querer y que un día, como hoy, tenga que escribir algo así. Un título de "100 días sin ti". Porque me da miedo, como cuando te conocí, que mis defectos eclipsen lo bonito que sé que puedo ofrecer.
Y, sobretodo, me da miedo dejar de quererte algún día. Que desaparezcas de lo poco que queda de mí corazón. Que tu sonrisa deje de habitar en mi memoria. Que los sueños le pertenezcan a alguien más. O que, como contigo, nuestra historia sea difícil y lenta. Que esté llena de kilómetros y ganas. De sueños que no se cumplirán. No. Lo que me da miedo es querer y que mi corazón ya no lo soporte. Que se rompa y no haya arreglo.
Entonces, aquí me encuentro. En el día 269 sin ti, con ganas de llorar. Y con dudas y con miedos. Con inseguridades y poca esperanza. Creyendo cada vez menos en el amor y con mucho dolor todavía en mi pecho.
Entonces, te echo de menos. Como todos los días. Pero hoy quizá un poquito más. Y te quiero, como todos los días, pero quizá hoy un poquito menos. (y eso me duele).
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thekillermaretwinz · 2 months
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Blue lobster jumpscare
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