crybabyzine-subtext · 7 months
Finding my rhythm
Will i ever stop being jealous of musicians? Do they get jealous of people like me? Do we all want something different than what we have?
I thought i was going to edit diet videos
Now I'm doing ecovibes instead
I'm just making the content i want to see
No point in watching what i don't want to engage with
I'm watching my own videos because i like them. Make your adhd work for you and teleport somewhere beautiful for awhile. Bring back the feeling of technicolor but apply it to the great outdoors. Fiction is boring
Give nature style
Make people fall in love from their screens
Plus very good for if you're on drugs or studying. It's good energy.
So busy. February is halfway done. Need to work. Deadline is coming fast.
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criptonft · 5 months
Beginning of the article
GreenLiving: Nurturing Our Planet for a Sustainable Future"
Description: Welcome to GreenLiving, your go-to destination for all things sustainable, eco-friendly, and mindful living. We're here to inspire and empower you to embrace a lifestyle that not only benefits you but also nurtures our precious planet.
Our blog is a haven for eco-conscious individuals seeking practical tips, insightful advice, and actionable steps towards living a greener life. From reducing waste and minimizing your carbon footprint to embracing renewable energy and supporting ethical brands, we cover it all.
Here's what you can expect from GreenLiving:
Zero Waste Wisdom: Discover innovative ways to reduce waste in your daily life, from adopting minimalist living principles to implementing composting and recycling practices.
Eco-Friendly Product Reviews: We curate and review the latest eco-friendly products, including sustainable fashion, organic skincare, biodegradable household items, and eco-conscious gadgets.
DIY Sustainability Projects: Get creative with our DIY tutorials for upcycling old items, making natural home cleaners, crafting eco-friendly decorations, and more.
Environmental Activism Initiatives: Stay informed about environmental issues and take action with our guides to eco-friendly activism, community organizing, and supporting environmental causes.
Green Living Guides: Whether you're transitioning to a plant-based diet, exploring eco-travel destinations, or seeking eco-conscious home improvement tips, our comprehensive guides have you covered.
Community Engagement: Join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals passionate about sustainability. Share your tips, experiences, and success stories, and connect with others on their green living journey.
"EcoVibes: Your Trusted Source for Eco-Friendly Product Reviews"
Description: Welcome to EcoVibes, where we're dedicated to helping you make informed choices that align with your values of sustainability and environmental responsibility. At EcoVibes, we understand the importance of conscious consumerism, and we're here to guide you through the ever-expanding world of eco-friendly products.
Our blog serves as a comprehensive resource for eco-conscious individuals seeking reliable reviews and recommendations for a wide range of sustainable goods. From fashion and beauty to home essentials and technology, we curate and assess the latest eco-friendly products to help you make choices that benefit both you and the planet.
Sustainable Fashion Finds: Explore our reviews of eco-friendly clothing brands, ethical accessories, and fair-trade fashion labels committed to minimizing environmental impact and promoting ethical labor practices.
Organic Skincare Spotlight: Dive into our in-depth analyzes of organic and natural skincare products, including reviews of cruelty-free cosmetics, non-toxic skincare solutions, and sustainable packaging innovations.
Biodegradable Household Essentials: Discover eco-conscious alternatives for everyday household items, from biodegradable cleaning supplies and compostable kitchenware to reusable shopping bags and sustainable home decor.
Eco-Conscious Gadgets and Gear: Stay up-to-date with our reviews of eco-friendly technology, including energy-efficient appliances, solar-powered devices, eco-conscious electronics, and innovative gadgets designed with sustainability in mind.
Product Comparisons and Buying Guides: Navigate the eco-friendly marketplace with confidence using our detailed product comparisons and buying guides, which highlight the features, benefits, and eco-credentials of various sustainable products.
User-Generated Reviews and Feedback: Engage with our community of eco-minded consumers, share your own product experiences, and exchange insights and recommendations with like-minded individuals passionate about sustainable living.
Transparency and Integrity: Rest assured that our reviews are conducted with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to providing unbiased assessments of eco-friendly products, ensuring that you can trust the information and recommendations we provide.
Sustainable DIY: Crafting a Greener Future, One Project at a Time"
Our blog is your go-to resource for step-by-step DIY tutorials, upcycling ideas, and sustainable crafting inspiration. Whether you're a seasoned crafter or just starting out on your journey towards sustainability, we're here to provide you with the tools, tips, and techniques you need to unleash your creativity while minimizing your environmental footprint.
Upcycling Masterpieces: Dive into our collection of DIY tutorials for upcycling old and unused items into functional and stylish treasures. From turning old clothing into trendy accessories to repurposing household items into innovative storage solutions, we'll show you how to give new life to old possessions.
Natural Home Cleaners and Remedies: Explore our recipes and guides for making your own natural and eco-friendly cleaning products using simple, non-toxic ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. Keep your home sparkling clean without harming the environment or your health.
Eco-Friendly Decor and Accents: Transform your living space with our DIY projects for crafting sustainable decorations, accents, and home accessories. From handmade planters and eco-friendly wall art to repurposed furniture and sustainable lighting solutions, we'll help you infuse your home with style and sustainability.
Garden and Outdoor Projects: Connect with nature and cultivate a greener lifestyle with our gardening and outdoor DIY projects. Learn how to create your own compost bin, build raised beds for organic gardening, and craft eco-friendly outdoor decor using natural materials.
Creative Recycling Challenges: Join us in fun and interactive recycling challenges designed to spark creativity, promote resourcefulness, and inspire eco-conscious living. Share your creations, participate in community events, and connect with like-minded individuals passionate about sustainability.
Tips for Sustainable Crafting: Discover practical tips and techniques for reducing waste, sourcing eco-friendly materials, and incorporating sustainable practices into your crafting routine. Whether you're sewing, knitting, woodworking, or painting, we'll help you craft with conscience.
Community Collaboration and Support: Engage with our vibrant community of eco-minded crafters, share your projects, ask questions, and find inspiration and support on your sustainable crafting journey. Together, we'll create a world where creativity and sustainability go hand in hand.
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xplayster · 6 months
Love Nature
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natureindoor · 10 months
EcoVibe Walls
Discover the transformative power of bringing nature indoors! Decorating your walls with plants and green elements isn't just about aesthetics; it's a health and productivity boost too. These living decorations purify the air, reduce stress, and infuse spaces with a refreshing vibe. Embrace sustainability by reducing your carbon footprint with eco-friendly wall adornments. From enhancing creativity in offices to fostering a calm home environment, this trend offers versatility and well-being benefits. Explore low-maintenance options and simple care tips to effortlessly incorporate nature into your indoor spaces. Elevate your walls, elevate your life!"
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emfsolutions · 1 year
Exploring the Buzz Around the Best EMF Protection Pendants in Melbourne
In a world that's increasingly reliant on technology, concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their potential effects on health have gained significant attention. As people seek ways to mitigate their exposure to EMFs, EMF protection pendants have emerged as a trending solution. Melbourne, known for its tech-savvy population and health-conscious lifestyle, is at the forefront of embracing these pendants as stylish accessories that offer potential health benefits. In this article, we delve into the buzz around the best EMF protection pendants in Melbourne.
Understanding EMFs and the Need for Protection
Electromagnetic fields are generated by electronic devices, power lines, and wireless communication systems. While the scientific community is divided on the exact health risks associated with prolonged exposure to EMFs, concerns about potential impacts like increased cancer risk, disrupted sleep patterns, and altered cognitive function have led individuals to seek ways to reduce their exposure.
This is where EMF protection pendants come into play. These pendants are designed to create a barrier between the wearer and the surrounding electromagnetic radiation. They work on the principle of utilizing natural materials or advanced technology to neutralize or absorb EMFs, providing a sense of security in an increasingly digital world.
The Melbourne Connection: Tech and Wellness Collide
Melbourne is a city known for its blend of cutting-edge technology and wellness-focused lifestyle. With a thriving tech scene and a population that values holistic well-being, it's no surprise that EMF protection pendants have found a receptive audience in this vibrant metropolis. Individuals in Melbourne are embracing these pendants not only for their potential health benefits but also as a statement accessory.
Top EMF Protection Pendant Brands in Melbourne
RadianceGuard: This Melbourne-based brand combines sleek design with advanced EMF protection technology. Their pendants are crafted from natural materials and incorporate elements believed to harmonize electromagnetic frequencies.
EcoVibes: A popular choice for eco-conscious Melburnians, EcoVibes offers pendants that integrate recycled materials and semi-precious stones. Their pieces are not only aesthetically pleasing but also resonate with the city's sustainability ethos.
TechSafeguard: For those who prefer a high-tech approach, TechSafeguard's pendants utilize innovative materials engineered to deflect and neutralize EMFs. These pendants seamlessly blend into modern lifestyles, appealing to Melbourne's tech-savvy crowd.
The Fashion-Wellness Fusion
What sets Melbourne apart is its ability to seamlessly integrate wellness practices into daily life. EMF protection pendants are no exception. Many individuals in the city are opting for pendants that not only provide EMF shielding but also match their personal style. From minimalist designs to bold statement pieces, Melbourne's fashion scene is witnessing a fusion of technology and wellness like never before.
As Melbourne continues to embrace the intersection of technology and well-being, the demand for the best EMF protection pendants is on the rise. Whether driven by health concerns or a desire to stay fashion-forward in the digital age, Melburnians are seeking out pendants that offer both protection and style. With local brands catering to diverse preferences, the trend of EMF protection pendants shows no signs of slowing down in this dynamic city.
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cupomzeiros · 2 years
Comprar Paleta de Sombras Online: Lista de 10 Melhores Sites!
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Buscando os melhores sites para comprar paleta de sombras?  Separamos as lojas online mais famosas e confiáveis da internet. Algumas vendem em todo o mundo e outras só no Brasil,  algumas têm até 15 anos e outras mais de 90. Junto a isso, reunimos informações para quem quer economizar através de promoções e cupom de desconto. Então, fique com a gente nesta leitura e saiba onde comprar paleta de sombras ideal para o seu rosto e para o seu bolso. 10 sites para comprar paleta de sombras - Eudora - Natura - Sephora - Americanas - Avon - Clinique - O Boticário - Shopee - Amazon - AliExpress VISITAR SITE 01 - Eudora A Eudora, participante do Grupo O Boticário, é uma boa loja para quem busca qualidade e preço justo. A marca é conhecida por ser um lugar onde você pode comprar perfumes, maquiagens e produtos de beleza exclusivos e especiais.  Ao digitar “paleta de sombras”, você encontra uma variedade de modelos para escolher, com cores diferenciadas.  Se quer uma dica para começar a procurar, conheça primeiro a Palette de Sombras Purple Niina Secrets. Se você já colocou tudo o que queria no carrinho e não ficou feliz com o valor final, saiba que existe uma solução. Aplique um cupom Eudora, acesse as promoções disponíveis para esta loja e economize mais. VISITAR SITE 02 - Natura Natura também é uma boa loja, existente há mais de 40 anos. A marca ficou conhecida por trabalhar com produtos feitos a partir de componentes de origem vegetal, mantendo sua responsabilidade ambiental. Lá você pode encontrar a paleta de sombras que combina melhor com o seu estilo de maquiagem. No entanto, não deixe de conhecer o Maxxi Palette de Sombra 12 Cores e a Paleta de Sombras Faces Ecovibes, de R$ 59,90 e R$ 164,90. Quer economizar no carrinho da Natura? Comece filtrando os produtos com maior desconto nas categorias desejadas e depois aplique o cupom Natura. Hoje, os códigos promocionais chegam a 20% OFF, sendo uma excelente oportunidade! Na Natura, você pode comprar maquiagens, blush, batons e outros produtos estéticos!  VISITAR SITE 03 - Sephora Nossa listagem não ficaria tão completa se a loja Sephora não estivesse por aqui. Para quem não sabe, esta empresa tem mais de 30 anos e trabalha com produtos exclusivos, que já ultrapassaram as fronteiras.  Na hora de procurar a paleta de sombras ideal, a Sephora oferece uma boa experiência de compra e inúmeras alternativas. E, para iniciar a busca, não deixe de pesquisar sobre a Paleta de Sombras Pocket Palette, uma das mais vendidas. Economia você também encontra na Sephora e com o cupom Sephora, sua jornada de compra é muito mais especial. Inclusive, ao adquirir ao menos R$ 279 em compras na loja, você já ganha frete grátis de presente. Na Sephora, você pode comprar cosméticos com preços acessíveis! Corre lá! VISITAR SITE 04 - Americanas A próxima loja da nossa lista é a loja Americanas, uma empresa brasileira confiável com cerca de 93 anos presente no mercado. Na sua plataforma virtual, a simplicidade é a principal característica, o que favorece sua navegação. Se está com dúvidas sobre onde comprar paleta de sombras, saiba que além de facilidades, você encontra muitas opções na Americanas. Inclusive, um dos modelos que estão em promoção é a Paleta de Sombras Eyeshadow. Na hora de colocar tudo na sacola, não esqueça de aproveitar os benefícios do cupom de Americanas. Se quiser um pouco mais de economia, veja quantas ofertas estão disponíveis nesta loja.  VISITAR SITE 05 - Avon A Avon é confiável, além de ser mais uma loja do nosso ranking que vale a pena conhecer e explorar.  O padrão Avon é a qualidade e não é à toa que seus produtos estão espalhados pelo Brasil e o restante do mundo. O melhor é que na plataforma virtual da Avon, você encontra paletas de sombras barata. E, se quer uma boa dica, comece a explorar o Big Pro Paleta de Maquiagem 48 Cores. Leve agora mesmo o cupom Avon e reduza o valor da sua compra, sem qualquer dificuldade. Basta copiar o código promocional que se encaixa nos produtos que você precisa comprar e aplicar na sacola da Avon.  VISITAR SITE 06 - Clinique A Clinique também é uma das melhores lojas para comprar paleta de sombras, sendo uma marca que domina a arte de fazer cosméticos e maquiagens. Com seu laboratório próprio, está sempre inovando no mercado. O que torna as paletas de Clinique atraentes é justamente a fórmula, que favorece a durabilidade, a alta pigmentação e são hipoalergênicas. O melhor é que logo na primeira passagem pela loja virtual, você ganha 15% OFF. Inclusive, além dos 15% OFF, o cupom Clinique te ajuda a economizar muito mais na sua compra na plataforma. Lembrando que todos os códigos de desconto são seguros e estão prontos para serem aplicados. A Clinique é o local ideal para comprar blush, perfumes, cremes e tudo que há de bom em cosméticos! VISITAR SITE 07 - O Boticário O Boticário é uma loja conhecida em todo o Brasil e que começou seu trabalho na cidade de Curitiba-PR. Sem dúvida, um dos melhores sites para comprar paleta de sombras, onde você encontra variedade e bom preço. Além das paletas de sombras famosas como a Pallete Make B. Diamond e Pallete Multifuncional Make B. Pink Petals, vale a pena conferir outros produtos. Dentre eles, experimente a Base Líquida Make B. Hyaluronic. Se o objetivo é aproveitar as promoções e comprar mais produtos da marca, saiba que o cupom O Boticário te ajuda neste processo. Basta colar no seu carrinho, ganhar desconto e aguardar a chegada dos produtos. A O Boticário é uma das empresas mais conhecidas quando o assunto é comprar necessaire, esponja de maquiagem, perfumes e outros! VISITAR SITE 08 - Shopee Sua paleta de sombras esgotou? E, agora? Na Shopee você encontra uma série de paletas para repor o produto que falta na maleta de maquiagem. A grande vantagem é o preço baixo e quantidade de opções que a plataforma oferece. A Shopee é confiável e você consegue encontrar sombras com mais de 10 cores diferentes, em pó, em creme ou líquida. Assim, manter o seu estilo não será mais um desafio e cabe no seu orçamento.  Partindo dessa ideia, o cupom Shopee é uma boa alternativa para quem não pretende pagar muito caro nas paletas. E, diversos códigos de desconto estão disponíveis para aplicar na compra de qualquer produto. VISITAR SITE 09 - Amazon A Amazon é confiável, além de ser uma boa loja para comprar paleta de sombras e vários outros produtos de maquiagem em geral, sendo um e-commerce existente desde os anos 90. Seu maior forte é portfólio extenso de produtos e marcas nacionais ou não. Além das paletas de sombra, você também vai encontrar blush, contorno, iluminadores, brumas e mais uma série de produtos essenciais. O melhor é que muitos deles estão em oferta. Vale a pena conferir! Sugerimos que você confira o cupom Amazon antes de finalizar a sua compra, para conseguir desconto. Inclusive, ao atingir R$ 129 em compras, a Amazon encaminha a sua mercadoria sem taxa de frete.  VISITAR SITE 10 - AliExpress Há mais de 10 anos, nasceu a Aliexpress, uma loja confiável que hoje entrega seus produtos para todo o mundo. É um melhores sites para comprar paleta de sombras, maletas de maquiagem e cosméticos em geral. Ao procurar por paletas de sombras na plataforma, você vai encontrar modelos com acabamento metálico, luminoso, radiante, matte e brilhante. Inclusive, versões de longa duração e controle de oleosidade. Aproveite este final de ano para explorar os produtos desta loja e pegue o cupom Aliexpress antes de mais nada. Os códigos promocionais presentes chegam a 60% OFF, sendo uma ótima oportunidade de economia. Perguntas frequentes O que é a paleta de sombras? Para que serve? A paleta de sombras é um conjunto de cores que conseguem formar esfumados incríveis, seja para a maquiagem básica ou completa. É um produto versátil que não pode faltar na sua bolsa de maquiagem. Através dessas paletas, você consegue substituir o iluminador quando esquece em casa. Inclusive, elas servem também para fazer o contorno, improvisar o batom, o blush e preencher a sobrancelha. Quais são os tipos de sombra? - Sombra em pó: é uma das mais comuns de encontrar, tem uma boa pigmentação, é perfeita para esfumar e provoca um aspecto mais natural. - Sombra líquida: é uma versão recente, aplicada com ponta de esponja, é mais concentrada e você também consegue esfumar. - Sombra em creme: é uma das mais cobiçadas do momento, vem em uma bisnaga, permite concentrar ou esfumar e costuma durar mais tempo. - Sombra em stick: é um modelo similar a um lápis de olho do tipo retrátil, fácil de aplicar, cremoso e perfeito para quem gosta de praticidade. Como fazer sombra nos olhos? - Primeiro aplique o primer no rosto para garantir a longevidade da maquiagem - Depois, escolha uma sombra neutra para servir como base - Agora, escolha uma sombra mais escura para marcar a linha do osso superior da pálpebra - Então, aplique a sombra escolhida, com apenas batidinhas suaves - Para finalizar, leve o iluminador abaixo da sobrancelha para realçar o olhar Dicas para a sombra durar mais - Limpe e hidrate seu rosto antes da maquiagem com água micelar e bruma - Aposte no fixador de sombra  - Forme camadas de sombras para aumentar a durabilidade - Escolha modelos à prova d’água Vale a pena comprar a paleta de sombras Ruby Rose? A Paleta de Sombras Ruby Rose oferece muitas opções de cores que vão tornar o seu dia a dia mais prático na hora de se maquiar. O Be Calm Ruby Rose, inclusive, oferece 18 sombras incríveis que variam entre marrom, rosê, dourado, cintilante, bege e fosco - todos aveludados. O custo-benefício desta paleta é muito bom e oferece as ferramentas suficientes para que consiga explorar a criatividade.  O melhor é que nos melhores sites para comprar paleta de sombras, você encontra essa versão e muitas outras.  Boas compras com nossos cupons de desconto exclusivos! Read the full article
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meganmazurek · 3 years
Going Green at Home - 3️⃣ Eco-Friendly Brands to Try
If you’ve been considering making the switch to eco-friendly home brands, there’s no time like the present! Below are a few options that can help ensure your home - and the planet - is a healthier and happier environment to live, work, and play in.
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Branch Basics
There are a myriad of household-product subscriptions services on the market, but Branch Basics is doing things a little bit differently. Instead of shipping a box of premixed cleaners, this company ships concentrated solutions and reusable bottles so consumers can save money and reduce their plastic waste. Popular kits include the Starter Kit + Oxygen Boost, which contains thirty-three ounces of concentrated cleaner, three spray bottles, a foaming wash bottle, laundry bottle, and oxygen boost - covering almost all of your cleaning needs - as well as a trial kit and travel-sized kits for on-the-go cleaning. All products are GMO, plant- and mineral-based, and biodegradable.
Ecovibe EcoVibe is dedicated to offering products that combine positive style with sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Its online shop sells a large variety of home goods such as patterns, lighting, wall decor, and even curated gift sets. You can also feel good about every purchase you make, as EcoVibe donates 1% of all online sales to 1% for the Planet - a network of businesses and organizations working to support environmental causes. 
If you’ve ever strolled through a greenhouse or an arboretum, you know how magical walls made for living materials can be. Aside from providing a dreamlike appearance, these walls also do a whole lot of good: from purifying the air to supplying food. LiveWall is a company dedicated to installing various types of plant walls in commercial and residential settings. It offers both indoor and outdoor installations, and can provide benefits such as easing anxiety, reducing noise, increasing oxygen, and saving energy. 
Source: American Lifestyle Magazine
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fritosdenarnia · 5 years
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❤️ @isamnobrega 📷 @chongpsychedelic . . . #ecovibe #fritadenarnia #somostodosfritos (em Narnia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0M92MPgdtd/?igshid=3k5bhdx5m1cm
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serenityposh-blog · 6 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #urbanoutfitters #ralphlauren #ecovibe: https://bnc.lt/focc/JRSfezESBP
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uncloseted · 4 years
are there any good affordable online clothing stores you recommend? I usually only thrift but I’m not allowed to bc or Corona, and popular stores like shein are very problematic like you’ve said.
You can try online thrifting through websites like ThredUp, Depop, Poshmark, Etsy, ASOS Marketplace, Luxury Garage Sale, Urban Outfitters Vintage/Urban Renewal, Refashioner, The Vintage Twin, Awoke Vintage, Thrilling, and Mercari.  Most of them are affordable and they’re reselling products, so not creating more waste through fast fashion.  
Inexpensive affordable and sustainable brands are harder to find because a lot of companies are unethical to save money (by not paying workers fair wages, cutting corners with sourcing materials, etc.).  I haven’t done a ton of research in this area so take my recommendations here with a grain of salt, but Pact, ABLE, tentree, Boden, Kotn, Alternative Apparel, Thought Clothing, Girlfriend Collective, MADE TRADE, Ecovibe, AMOUR VERT, TAMGA DESIGNS, KOOL & KONSCIOUS, TONLE, CELTIC & CO, FAIR TRADE WINDS, SUSTAIN BY KAT, Mott & Bow, armed angels, and people tree are a few brands to check out.
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eventidegalaxies · 5 years
Buy clothes only when it’s absolutely necessary and when it is, buy from sustainable, eco-friendly brands if you can!
Like Pangaia, Thought Clothing, PACT,  Mayamiko, Reformation, tentree , EcoVibe, Everlane!
Have an great day!
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iroamorbis-blog · 6 years
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Tea time is a chance to slow down, pull back and appreciate our surroundings. ~Letitia Baldrige #tea #teagardens #teatime #tealeaves #greenery_scenery #hottea #greengarden #teapicking #ecofriendly #green #greenery #greenvillage #ecovibes #teaestate #gogreen #chai #chaitime #naturephotography #beautyofnature #mobilephotography #kenyatour #visitkenya #like4like #tagfortag (at Kericho, Central, Kenya)
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wedoethicalliving · 7 years
Thank you to @lovettestateagents for diverting waste clothing from landfill. They have pledged to deliver us all of the clothing left over from client house clearances in Dorset and office staff to support our care programme! #LoveDorset #lovettwhereyoulive #wedoredo #wedoethical #kellylevell #ecovibes #ecoblogger #sustainablesolutions #sustainability #landfillsave #sustainableliving #ethicalliving #greeninitiatives #rescue #reuse #recycle #lovett #gogreen #love #dorset #bournemouth #christchurch #pokesdown #boscombe #southbourne #poole (at Lovett International Estate & Letting Agent)
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bibianaandrade · 7 years
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Declutter #wastelove #wastesculpture #upcycle #ecovibes #inspiringart #uk 🇬🇧🐿 (at The Blues Kitchen - Shoreditch)
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Universidade: espaço plural que, para além do conhecimento, respira arte e cultura
No último dia 08 de novembro, no Centro Universitário Unifanor Wyden, no campus dunas, um lugar que muitos poderiam considerar banal e sem graça, foi transformado pelas mãos talentosas de cinco estudantes do curso de Design. Lywanna Félix, Carla Micaelle, Soraya de Castro, Jeissiane Alves e Ana Luísa promoveram uma intervenção artística no banheiro feminino, transformando as portas de dentro do local em verdadeiras telas de pinturas durante a 14º Semana do Design.
 O material usado para isso foram apenas canetas poscas - marcadores de tinta pigmentada à base de água. Mas o verdadeiro diferencial foi o talento delas e o jeito como cada uma representa de forma diferente a sua arte ao pintar cada porta. Por exemplo, Jessiane Alves usou a arte de desenhar letras, modalidade mais conhecida como lettering. Ela revela que sempre gostou de colorir e de desenhar, mas quando descobriu sobre o lettering se apaixonou pela técnica e resolveu transformar esse amor na sua profissão.
 Sobre a parceria e incentivo do Centro Universitário com a intervenção artística, Jessiane conta que se sentiu “muito feliz em ver a faculdade abrindo esse espaço para a arte” e que “a iniciativa ajuda os alunos a expressarem seu trabalho, mostra o quanto os valorizam, além de proporcionar um ambiente diferente e divertido”. Ela participou também de outros momentos artísticos dentro da faculdade mostrando sua arte na customização de SketchBook, na vitrine da loja Ecovibe e na vitrine da ação do natal solidário.
 A estudante de design e também uma das artistas da intervenção nos banheiros, Lywanna Félix, usou a técnica de Doodle, que em suas palavras definiu como um “tipo de arte rápida e divertida que não traz sentido algum, serve só para ser divertido”.  Ela acredita que a arte deixa as pessoas mais felizes e as tiram da monotonia do lugar, para ela, espaços acadêmicos são sempre muito monótonos e com gente apressada e ansiosa. Então acha importante ter um pouco de alegria e cor no ambiente e foi isso que elas se propuseram a fazer em um lugar tão corriqueiro quanto um banheiro feminino.
 A Coordenadora dos cursos de comunicação e design, Manuela Bandeira, fala que a ideia da intervenção nos banheiros era tornar os locais mais alegres, coloridos e também com arte. A iniciativa partiu dos alunos do próprio curso de design e para ela a “universidade é um espaço plural que deve respirar conhecimento, arte e cultura”.
 Para além do design, os cursos de moda e comunicação também promovem intervenções de arte e cultura dentro do ambiente universitário do UniFanor como a II Mostra de audiovisual que permitem que alunos exponham em sessões documentários produzidos por eles. Na moda, os alunos têm a oportunidade de criar looks temáticos para serem exibidos em um desfile dentro da faculdade no fim de cada segundo semestre. Essas experiências muitas vezes extrapolam os muros acadêmicos e transbordam como portfólio para o mercado de trabalho.
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garmentbyus-blog · 6 years
Environment and Context
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A Brief History. 
When he saw controlling and cutting costs in the production process of creating clothing would be profitable, Amancio Ortega Gaona’s first thought was that it was a path to “democratize clothing”. The son of a railway worker began his first company Confecciones Goa, which brought his vertical integration business model to life. The vertical integration model is the basis of the fast fashion phenomenon. Vertical integration allows a company to have full control over one or more steps in the production or distribution of a product. It was shrewd tactics on the part of Mr. Ortega, that won him effective ways to reduce costs and optimize his production processes. In 1975, the first Zara store was opened in La Coruna, Spain. Soon after, Ortega went on to open Inditex, a holding company for his network of subsidiaries. According to Fashion History Lesson: The Origins of Fast Fashion by Sara Idacavage, the term “fast fashion” was first coined, “When Zara came to New York in the beginning of the 1990, the New York Times used the term to describe the stores mission, declaring that it would only take 15 days for a garment to go from a designers brain to being sold on the racks”. In Forbes 2018 list of the world's billionaires, Amancio Ortega ranked number 6 with an estimated net worth of $70 billion. As for his motives, he may initially have just been a smart businessman, but over time his model for democratizing clothing turned into more of a cycle of consequences that has lasting effects.
The context in which the social and environmental implications of fast fashion takes place is as personal as it is omnipresent. One’s initial connotations of the fashion industry might already be laden with images of some upper echelon’s ostentatious and superfluous waste, but fast fashion is even more nuanced for the average consumer than the billionaires behind the industry with an undeniably catastrophic environmental impact. It is the average consumer that is responsible for perpetuating the demand of newer, cheaper clothing. By purchasing more and more items at a lower cost, we are assuring the only way an apparel company can make a profit is through volume. That volume accounts for global change from damage to our oceans and air to our own food supply. The context of fast fashion also occurs in the piles of non biodegradable clothing in our own closets, and in the millions of pounds of garments added to landfills or burned into the atmosphere each year. It occurs in entire countries where immorally low minimum wages are enforced to keep disadvantaged laborers dependent on unscrupulous textile factories. It occurs in the micro plastics we consume via the fish who eat the factory runoff and consumer waste polluting our oceans and rivers. The contexts in which fast fashion can be observed are global, international, and local. And whatever the context, everyone is affected by the social and environmental implications of fast fashion.
The first step in major changes were occurring at the Copenhagen Fashion Summit in May 2017. During that year, the 2020 Circular Fashion System Commitment was adopted by dozens of trademarks. Adidas has committed to only using recycling plastic in their shoes by 2024 (Cooper, 2018). H&M says they hope to only use sustainable materials in its production by 2030 (Cooper, 2018). The convention was organized by a group known as the Global Fashion Agenda. Their purpose is for brands to implement proposals for changes when it comes to using monofiber instead of synthetic and mixed-fiber fabrics. The reasoning for this is that it has been discovered that synesthetic and mixed-fiber fabrics are too complex to break down in the recycling process. As it turns out, only 1% of our clothing is recycled into new garments due to the complexity of the material that was used (Cooper, 2018). As a result, most of the products may just end up in the landfills if no purpose or use has been found for it.
Local Organizations. 
There is a local organization that was founded by Ashoka Fellow Nicole Rycroft that is known as Canopy. Their purpose is to protect the planet's forest, species, and climate by collaborating with over 700 businesses to create sustainable supply chains and innovative solutions to environmental challenges (Ashoka Contributor, 2014). Canopy first started out with a belief which is that business can use their power as a force for environmental change. Another local organization that exists in Portland is EcoVibe which was founded by Leonard and Andrea Allen. This company was established in 2010 and their goal is to be considerate of both the planet and people in mind in all of the work that they do. They tend to focus on soft fabrics and products that are fairly produced, jewelry and accessories that are locally made from recycled and natural materials. They also donate 1% of all of their sales to 1% For The Planet to ensure that we are always giving back to environmental causes. (Our Mission, n.d.)
 Works Cited.
 Ashoka Contributor. (2014, April 11). Revolutionizing The Fashion Industry's Impact: Four Insights From A Top Social Entrepreneur. Retrieved January 2019, from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashoka/2014/04/11/revolutionizing-the-fashion-industrys-impact-on-the-planet-four-insights-from-a-top-social-entrepreneur/#2e7aeb6e7372
 Bédat, M. (2016, May 21). The High Cost of Our Cheap Fashion | Maxine Bédat | TEDxPiscataquaRiver. Retrieved January 25, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r8V4QWwxf0
 Cooper, K.-L. (2018, July 31). Fast fashion: Inside the fight to end the silence on waste. Retrieved January 2019, from BBC News: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-44968561
Our Mission. (n.d.). Retrieved January 2019, from Ecovibe: https://ecovibeapparel.com/pages/our-mission
 Crofton, S. O., & Dopico, L. G. (2007). ZARA-INDITEX AND THE GROWTH OF FAST FASHION. The Economic and Business History Society, 25.
 Harrabin, R. (2018, October 05). Fast fashion is harming the planet, MPs say. Retrieved January 25, 2019, from https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-45745242
 Oliver, J. (2015, April 26). Fashion: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Retrieved January 30, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdLf4fihP78
 Singer, O. (2018, April 25). The Young Designers Pioneering A Sustainable Fashion Revolution. Retrieved January 2019, from Vogue: https://www.vogue.co.uk/gallery/the-young-designers-pioneering-sustainable-fashion
 (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/list/
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