#eda literally ate the dude that tricked luz
pageofheartdj · 2 years
In retrospect I really can’t hold against Collector his... a bit murderous intentions(either he is fully aware of them or not).
I mean. Eda made her vegetables alive to order them to kill themselves for her food.
King made his toys sentient to make them serve him and treate them like trash. And later murder them after they rebelled from this treatment.
I guess it’s just how you treat sentinet life that is below you.
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Beastars AU
Luz going feral hcs?
Or just beastar AU hcs in general?
Luz wouldn't really go feral per say. Yes she's a omnivore technically speaking but mostly eats fruit and plants and only rarely has a bug or a fish to be healthy, she doesn't enjoy the taste all that much. so she wouldn't really go feral, doesn't get very agitated at the smell of meat but isn't revolted by it like most other herbivores, pretty much just neutral to it.
as for headcanons;
Hunter and Amity are both quite protective of Luz and it took them a little bit before they realized they were technically on the same side. Amity goes out of her way to try and be as non-threatening as possible and break away from how her parents raised her and the twins and just. be a non-threatening carnivore bc she still worries about freaking out Luz or her new friends and only going feral when a predator messes with them. Hunter? Hunter don't give a shit. he was never once taught in a way to look meeker or sweeter to herbivores and thus just. acts like a dude who was pretty messed up and also doesn't quite realize or care that hes generally very threatening. he has no problem growling and baring teeth at minor annoyances because thats just how a wolf is, they use body language to communicate and theres a big difference between his "god your so annoying please shut up" growl and his "okay time to rip someones THROAT OUT" growl. Luz is desensitized to it at this point and has zero fear at Hunter's barking, growling, howling, and otherwise flashing claws and teeth. so. Hunter and Amity don't exactly get along too well with Amity seeing Hunter as a carelessly dangerous delinquent who could seriously accidentally hurt someone and Hunter seeing Amity as an overly cautious pushover who believes Luz couldn't handle herself in any rocky situation. this is cat on dog violence over here.
pretty much every carnivore Luz has met has tried to eat her at least once. it doesn't bother her too much anymore because Thats Just Life I Guess and I use "almost eat" in a wide spectrum which ranges from 'eda went feral and literally almost ate her whole and it was kinda traumatic' to 'boscha contemplated eating her for a few minutes while they were talking but amity was hovering ominously in the background so nothing happened.' Hunter had a moment when he was half-starved and dealing with his care for Luz, mixed with his protectiveness, and fierce nature, all combining after he was having a Very Not Good Time and while clinging to her protectively was This Close to eating her and he has no idea if Luz knew or not and it very much haunts him, could go on a lot about that. Amity also almost did it for a few seconds when she and Luz were chilling and Luz was being very careless and thought the trick of sticking ones head in a lions mouth was cool as hell and just Did That (with permission) and Amity had an thought in that moment of "i could just close my mouth right now" which didnt help with the fact its a Thing in beastars that some carnivores literally cannot tell the difference between wanting to kill or love a herbivore. Amity ended the thought in like 7 seconds but she still feels very weird that she even Thought about it and every time a similar intrusive thought appears she wallows in misery for like an hour
it took Eda a good few moments before she remembered why Luz having a crush on a giant predator would be a problem since shes, you know, mainly a prey species and could be crushed like a grape. Luz at first thought this was just because Eda was careless and forgot normal things sometimes but then, of course, she met Raine. the fruit bat who had known Eda since they were kids and neither of them saw a problem that Eda is a near complete carnivore hybrid and Raine being pure herbivore. nobody ever really gave them side-eyes about it since most of them were always focused on Eda being a hybrid, and bats are most often associated with bug-eaters or blood suckers. so ofc Eda knows how dangerous she can be to herbivores but hearing little ol' Luz having a crush on a predator? eh, same situation, different perspectives to her, really.
speaking of Raine! love them, got some stuff to say. since they're a bat, they would definitely have a good ear for things like music and the like, so it wouldn't be too uncommon to see a bat in a music career, though very unlikely something loud like drums or trumpets since that would usually be too much for their sensitive ears. but heres the fun part: nearly all fruit bats don't use echolocation! they have no need for it and physically cannot produce the sounds needed for it. except for the egyptian fruit bat. those guys actually use echolocation to communicate with others rather than catch prey. so surprise! Raine is an egyptian fruit bat, which can be kind of lonely when only your own specific sub species understands what you're saying in your own specialized language, some regions of egyptian fruit bats even have their own dialects! Raine, of course, taught all of what they knew to Eda. Eda can't exactly replicate it all that well, but it still gave the two their own 'secret' language when they were kids, and you bet neither of them ever really forgot it.
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