jamblesoup · 6 months
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Honeymooners!! 🧡💙
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ouppykcal · 11 months
hi I'm lily/lilly, 21, BED->OSFED haver
trying to get my ADHD medicated so the amphetamines will kill my appetite
i encourage you to block me if i do anything to make you uncomfy
side blog, follows from @ouppylily
#ouppyposting = original posts
use tags on this post to navigate
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anno1900lg · 2 years
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Kevin Freuck, ist stolz đŸ„Č auf das Profilbild. Kevin spielt bei uns im Shooters Radikal Dart und spielt schon ein sehr gutes Averages. Ich hoffe wir dĂŒrfen demnĂ€chst auch mal Gabriel Clemens bei uns als Gast begrĂŒĂŸen. #gabrielclemens #gabrielclemens180 #steeldart #steeldartpro #radikaldarts #anno1900lĂŒneburg #edart (hier: Anno1900) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9BXAEM9QE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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clotnpdesign · 2 years
Le design thinking : un état d'esprit pour une révolution silencieuse
Le design thinking est un outils et une méthode innovante centré sur l'utilisateur avec le quel on rentre en empathie, elles sont viables économiquement et fiables techniquement et le design thinking s'applique a tous les domaine.
L'utilisateur est la clé de la problématique.
Cette démarche ouvre les voies vers l'inconnu et les résultats est incertain, mais la réponse sera ajustée a l'utilisateur.
En France le design thinking est adopté depuis des dizaine d'année. Il vit un véritable engouement (objet de nombreux articles, formations, meetups...) C'est une ressources pour les entreprises.
Remi Edart est un design thinker qui dit que le design thinking est une rĂ©volutions silencieuse, petit a petit elle peut changer le monde. Sa rĂ©flexion est centrĂ©e sur le besoin utilisateur, un besoin rĂ©el, il dĂ©livre aussi de la valeur au consommateur. Il pratique le prototypage que si le client est prĂȘt a payer. AprĂšs avoir quitter son dernier post en high tech il dĂ©cide de ce consacrer a trois de ses axes principaux, l'innovation, la transformation et la collaboration. Il pour dĂ©marche de crĂ©er ça propre activitĂ© dans le design thinking. Il va finir par fonder la thinking.academy et co fonder une start-up digitale. IL reviens ensuite dans l'hexagone pour pĂ©renniser son activitĂ©. Il dĂ©cide de crĂ©er des parcours de transformation suite au succĂšs de ça pratique, ou le travail d'Ă©quipe en est la clĂ©. L'innovation est le coeur de son mĂ©tier mais Remi Edart but rĂ©aliser quelque chose de plus fondamental. face au enjeux sociaux il veut que l'on trouve des solutions pour les besoins aux personnes. c'est ce qu'il appelle la rĂ©volution silencieuse.Il pronne le respect de l'environnement, il veut les consommations soit plus saines et plus durable. Pour lui la rĂ©volution silencieuse est ce qu'on appelle avoir le responsabilitĂ© social et sociale de l'entreprise, Ă  partir du moment ou l'humain restau centre de la dĂ©marche. le systĂšme de co-voiturage de Blablacar est le bonne exemple. Son activitĂ© a deux facettes : celle de facilitateur et de coach d'Ă©quipe, il favorise l'apprentissage par le faire.Pour ceux qui n'ont pas forcement les moyen de ce payer la formation Remi propose un parcours atypique : un webinaire, un meet-up d'initiation gratuits. Pour y participer il faut juste ĂȘtre inscrit a PĂŽle Emploi. Il parle aussi de gratitude, la gratitude d'ĂȘtre dans un pays comme la France et de prendre conscience des besoin de ce monde par la prise de position de chacun, est son enthousiasme.
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rfsnyder · 2 months
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: Edart!
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remcycl333 · 1 year
when i imagine my desire, i feel satisfied. when edart talks about feelings is that what he means?
yes, the feeling of knowing! which can feel like different things for different people, satisfaction being one of them!
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lotusmi · 1 year
I don’t like Neville’s teachings. It’s not because I deny what they say, rather I believe the way they are written makes (some) people overcomplicate and become obsessed with their state. Yes, they do explain that everything is in your mind already so you obviously don’t need rules because that is creating from the 3d, but the teachings also tell you that you must embody the mindset of what you are DESIRING and when there is so much material on manifesting the message of no rules gets subdued when he keeps telling you that you need to fix your state in order to manifest, which is telling you that you must do something . I’m pretty much speaking from my own experience though, after I read he and edart’s stuff I had become so focused on feeling the bliss and making the mind feel real
It's not his problem if you did not fully understood. If you read Ed works you would know that he said "don't force the feeling" "don't condition the feeling". Feeling is just knowing it is done. You are always in a state and you can't 'not be' in a state. Feel real is just knowing it is done, it's not some otherwordly thing.
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justalia · 1 year
if i think i know everything about manifesting, should i still read all of neville’s books? i personally don’t think i would be reading any of them if i had my dream life. i’ve read one of his books and the edart series but i think all of it is so repetitive. do you like studying it? how do you study? should i just force myself to study it?
you study it because you WANT to study it, because it interests you, not because you have to or else you won’t manifest what you want.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
It's called negotiation tactics
Clone For One AU: Ah yes, the negotiations against mister Jinn Kaigon and Ken Obi were most short. Their Edart Federation Coalition was most cooperative.
Ah fuck I can't believe you've done this
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Art by Edart San
June’s Theme: #ModernWitches
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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stateswscarlet · 1 year
scarlet I’m so happy you are accepting asks. I hope this one is okay with you to ask and I don’t bother you too much, though, I don’t believe this to be a basic question the majority may ask that will annoy you.
i’ve been affirming for the longest time since I found out about the law until I found out about states in December. I’ve been reading edart and neville, i know that to be in a state is to feel that I have it now. i frequently return to this state whenever I notice lack in the 3D or i catch myself wanting what i want. it’s been a while since I’ve been doing this and I know that if i was truly fulfilled, i would not be focusing on time until now but I can’t help but be my outer man right now and ask for help. i’ve truly felt fulfilled for long moments (not holding but just truly knowing I have it in imagination and having a confident knowing that the outer world has no choice to reflect).
after sending I will meditate on the wish fulfilled by choice but I just wanted to ask how I can defeat this obstacle and if you or a client has ever felt like this before and had success? what would your advice be? thank you so much for listening. much gratitude.
your new đŸ›‹ïž anon
Hi bby! my friend @remcycl333 has a super detailed answered ask linked here about a very similar situation to yours, so please check that out and see if you’re doing any of that :)
Im not living in your imagination so I can’t tell you where you’re missing, because on paper everything may seem fine but it could be that your intention behind being fulfilled is still to see results or change in the 3D. Why are you shifting your state? Is it TRULY to feel fulfilled and because YOU deserve to enjoy things? Or is there still a tiny voice telling you this is what you should be doing in order to manifest?
And yes you are right, if you were fulfilled you wouldn’t be asking about time, so what it is about time thats bothering you? That shows that you still believe something to be true about the 3D and are bringing that into your imagination. Your goal is not to get anything in the 3D, its simply to experience and BE in the moment. You also might be seeing your 3D as where your manifestation “happens” and seeing fulfillment as a step.
Be honest with yourself :)
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brihann-ah · 2 years
Uncomplicating the Law
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Learning about states and relearning the law:
warning: this little rant may come off as “tough love” depending on your sensitivity levelđŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž
I’ve been on loa tumblr for a while now. I had like 2 blogs before and deleted them. In that time I’ve been up here I’ve seen just about all kinds of “advice”. I put advice in quotes because let’s be real, a lot of the advice up here is bs. Its just people wanting to fulfill their deepest desires of being popular so they spread bs, like what? let’s keep it a buck.
People have complicated the law so bad, its insane. And I am guilty of that. From wasting a whole year of my life attempting to get into the void to affirming & persisting and seeing minimal results, etc etc. I’ve disrupted my sleep cycle, screwed up my mental health (I’m good now), missed out on life, and so much more hoping, wishing, & praying for results.
Then I came to understand states. I would read and read and read Neville and never understood what the hell he was saying so I paid states dust. But it took clarification via twitter accounts (honestly it was @krystalkaeya who first made states so easy and understandable. Love them sm💕), watching a shit ton of EdArt and Manifesting w/ Kim vids for me to be like “DAMN IT! THAT’S ALL I HAVE TO DO?”
I’m telling y’all, I still can’t believe I let THAT much time pass without me getting the life I desire and deserve. I literally took something so simple as manifesting and made it into this whole challenge, this battle. Crying myself to sleep at night, wondering why the hell I can’t live my dream life, get the money, the man, the body, etc. It’s because I made it more difficult than it needed to be. But I am no longer living in regretđŸ„ł.
I still remember hearing Dylan James say “Manifesting is NOT a trying process.”
Stop TRYING. Stop COMPLICATING this shit. Manifestation is supposed to be fun! It’s supposed to be easy.
And tbh now as I practice this way of manifesting, I still find myself wanting to do shit. Wanting to mindlessly affirm, script, use subs but I know it’s not really necessary. It’s really all a learning process yall.
I’m not telling anyone what to do but if you aren’t getting results yet (because tbh it shouldn’t take that long) it may be time to pause, re-evaluate, and try something else aka states lol.
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fawnsimagination · 1 year
i've been MIA and sorta abandoned this blog due to me focusing on my life outside of loatmblr. im going to be completely and utterly honest with you as well, i can't find the time nor the want to be on here, twitter, or even studying neville and edward art.
now, i am not saying i am giving up on law of assumption/manifestion nor am i saying i do not resonate with edart & ng, i've just been busy with studying, preparing, and making new changes in my life that i pushed aside LOA in general.
I am also spending more time with myself and learning new things about me and honestly, that's really rewarding for me given i've been on this journey for a few months (not counting my loattraction/a+p days) but when i find the time/have the want to study LOA again, ill return to my trusted sources and share anything I have on here.
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claireb07 · 2 years
Le design thinking : un état d'esprit pour une révolution silencieuse
Le design thinking est un Ă©tat d’esprit pour une rĂ©volution silencieuse, dont celui-ci est un article publiĂ© par Catherine Fourmond sur le site Medium, le 10 juin 2019.
Dans cet article nous allons voir tout d'abord quelle est l'envie derriÚre tous ces changements. Ensuite, comment ces modifications sont-elles apportées et enfin quels en sont les résultats finaux de la recherche.
Il y a une vraie volonté de changer notre quotidien, de changer la société. Catherine Fourmond explique qu'une révolution silencieuse du design thinking va émerger progressivement en mettant l'accent sur l'humain, tout en respectant l'environnement et en ayant des habitudes de consommation plus saines et plus durables.
Rémi Edart, chercheur de cette révolution, sera d'une grande aide pour amorcer le changement en ouvrant une école dédiée au Design Thinking, ou le principe sera d'apprendre en faisant. Il fournira une approche centrée sur l'utilisateur.
Bien que les résultats soient inconnus et incertains car ils seront constamment ajustés en fonction de l'utilisateur, ils auront un impact social positif, ce qui permettra de considérer les besoins de ce monde en comprenant les besoins de chaque individu.
C'est à cause de toutes ces avancées et idées que le monde change petit à petit grùce au design thinking.
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manon347 · 2 years
Compte rendu design thinking
Tous les changements (sociaux, climatiques, économiques etc) nécessitent des réponses. 
Le design thinking est un outil et une méthode d'innovation qui répond à ces changements en se centrant sur l'utilisateur. L'empathie est la clé du design thinking et ses techniques sont dites désirables dans tous les domaines. Ainsi les réponses mÚnent vers l'inconnu et donnent des résultats incertains. Une approche itérative permet une réponse pleinement ajustée à l'utilisateur. 
Le design thinking est utilisĂ© depuis plus de 10 ans en France et est devenu une ressource pour les entreprises pour l’organisation et la gestion du changement.
RĂ©mi Edart design thinker pensent que c’est une rĂ©volution silencieuse. Dans d'autres pays de nombreuses Ă©tapes y sont pratiquĂ©s comme la rĂ©flexion centré sur l’utilisateur ou encore la pratique du prototypage et la notion d'itĂ©ration (aller directement Ă  la rencontre de l’utilisateur pour qu’il donne les problĂšmes auxquels il est confrontĂ©).
Il travaille sur 2 axes dits essentiels : l'innovation et la transformation pour aider les Ă©quipes Ă  collaborer et faire quelque chose de plus humain. RĂ©mi Edart se forme au coaching d’équipe et traverse de nombreux pays pour dĂ©couvrir d’autres mĂ©thodes et formation au design thinking. Il fonde la dthinking.academy et il a rĂ©utilisĂ© les mĂ©thodes les plus adĂ©quates pour rĂ©pondre aux besoins des utilisateurs d’aujourd’hui.
AprĂšs s'ĂȘtre concentrĂ© a formĂ© des équipes sur l’utilisateur, RĂ©mi Edart applique son processus aux stratĂ©gies, aux lois. Puis il crĂ©e un parcours de formation basĂ© sur le design thinking.
Le RSE est d’aprĂšs RĂ©mi Edart, des projets sociaux dans le but de rassurer les parties prenantes. Il explique que le systĂšme de covoiturage blablacar permet en mĂȘme temps de crĂ©er du lien social, d’encourager une plus grande mobilitĂ© et de dĂ©senclaver des rĂ©gions.
Dans la DrĂŽme, RĂ©mi Edart a crĂ©Ă© un service d’atelier de design XXL pour l’ensemble des managers du dĂ©partement.
Pour conclure, RĂ©mi Edart est facilitateur et coach d'Ă©quipe, il accompagne les Ă©quipes dans des projets d’innovation ou de transformation, il s'intĂ©resse aussi aux demandeurs d'emploi et propose des formations, grĂące Ă  un webinaire et un meet up d’initiation gratuit.
RĂ©mi Edart évoque le terme de gratitude, gratitude d'ĂȘtre en France, le modĂšle social français permet d’encourager les innovations sociales comme le design thinking.
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aghamnayon · 2 years
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Auryon and Ed
art request by @unicornacopia
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