#eddie kaspbrak hcs
wolftozier · 5 months
reddie being unable to kiss each other bc they're laughing too hard is my favourite trope
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laz-262 · 4 months
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fuck it farmer’s market with the bois
very much inspired by this wonderful post by @chiniichee
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marcomilkie · 1 year
love how we all collectively decided that stan was the first person richie ever came out to
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reddiesworldsblog · 2 years
richie: do you or do you not feel bonita?
eddie, wearing one of richie’s atrocious hawaiian shirts and llama slippers: i feel bonita
richie: wonderful because you LOOK bonita‼️
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freak4it · 1 year
headcanon is that eddie would ALWAYS be wearing socks. you would NEVER catch that man being bare foot. it makes him feel obnoxious without them on. therefore richie would ALWAYS make sure to buy a huge pack of socks for his eddie every christmas ever since they’ve met. thereupon eddie’s love for richie continues to grow even stronger as the years go by.
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
credit to @gloomy-prince for indulging in this hc with me but im imagining a little while after famous comedian richie tozier randomly went MIA for a few weeks, then returned to social media with an announcement of his new boyfriend, that richie begins doing livestreams on instagram.
he mostly starts doing it to promote his new show and upcoming tour, he'll answer questions and tell stories- and it's during these livestreams that his fans begin to learn more and more about eddie kaspbrak, richie's new boyfriend.
the first time eddie made an appearance was accidental- richie was in the middle of talking about his long day on set, when the door behind him opened and a man walked into the room, looking down at his phone as he asked, "richie, have you seen my-" before the man looked up and noticed that richie was streaming. he begins to apologize, and starts backing out of the room, but richie stops him, wheeling back in his chair and grabbing the man's arm, pulling him close to the camera and announcing to his followers, "everyone say hi to my boyfriend!!!"
after that, eddie starts to make regular appearances on richie's livestreams. sometimes eddie will just pop his head in to say hello, sometimes he'll sit with richie and answer a few questions, sometimes he'll just be in the background of the video doing his own thing. but there is one thing that is consistent with every livestream- and it's that richie's fans adore eddie. richie gets hundreds of dms asking him to livestream with eddie again, eddie's instagram account goes from having 17 followers to 20k, and whenever eddie makes an appearance on the livestreams, the viewer count always seems to go up.
but it doesn't stop there. now that eddie has a small following of his own (for a reason that eddie cannot fathom), his followers start asking him, "hey we love you on richie's livestreams, you should also do livestreams!!" and of course eddie is confused he's like "guys, i appreciate the support, but what on earth would i livestream about. my life is not that exciting." but his fans don't care. and so, that's when eddie kaspbrak does his first livestream: a 3 hour stream of him sitting at the desk in his home office, typing away at his computer and drinking coffee, in complete silence other than the sounds of his keyboard. he doesn't interact with the chat, he doesn't even look at the camera the entire time....... but his followers seem to love it.
and so, eddie continues. he mostly does streams of him working- now that he's working from home while recovering from his derry 2.0 injury, he spends most of his days at his desk, typing away on his computer. but sometimes he'll stream other things, like when he's putting away dishes or cleaning the house....... and that's how eddie kaspbrak accidentally becomes an asmr/relaxing video livestreamer.
all of his fans love this for him. and while he started off with a majority of his followers being richie's fans, it's not long before eddie gains some followers of his own, who are following him solely for his content. he even has some fans of his own who love his boyfriend, and get excited every time richie makes an appearance on stream.
and now that both richie and eddie have their own little niche followings on the internet, it's quite amusing for the both of them to watch their followers' reaction every time they post about each other on social media. you've got eddie's fans who are surprised to learn that this random asmr livestreamer is dating celebrity comedian richie tozier, and on the other hand you've got richie's fans who are surprised to learn that richie tozier is dating that popular asmr youtuber.
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reddje · 7 months
losers fic writers what are ur losers middle names since they don’t have canonical last names 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
i’ve been writing losers club / it fics for seven years so i’ve had plenty of time to perfect their middle names so here they are
eddie’s middle name when i write him is always isaiah. it’s biblical, it’s pretty, and i just think eddie’s mom is very much about pretty perfect things and edward isaiah kaspbrak is just a pretty little name
alwaysssss wentworth! always! richard wentworth tozier is so ingrained into my mind that it’s almost canon to me. i just think wentworth and maggie are the type to name their kids after themselves and when richie was born they were like okay cute, little boy, dads name as his middle name.
i think stanley asher is so cute and it’s also a popular name in hebrew and it goes well with his last name so i do love it. truth be told i did do a little digging when i was 14 and needing a middle name for stan and asher was one of the names that kept showing up on popular jewish names websites so it kinda just stuck w me. stanley asher uris ur so famous to me <3
william henry 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ william henry denbrough 🤷‍♀️ and georgie’s middle name is james, even though he’s the only one with a canonical middle name 😭
mikes middle name is william bc it’s his dads name , but i also think he could’ve been named “michael leroy hanlon” after his grandfather. i tend to go with william though !
benjamin alexander!!! so so cutie pie just like he is.
beverly grace just screams at me idk. i just feel like her dad would’ve picked it, and she hates it, but richie found out about it and calls her by it all the time and it’s grown on her hearing him call her it. (bc they’re bffs)
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coloringthebanner · 17 days
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the quarry scene but they’re girls
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trashm0utheds · 2 months
rating the Losers and their dancing skills (my personal hc)
1. Mike - pure talent, charmingly and effortlessly moves well with the music, leaves the Losers stunned
2. Eddie - pure talent too, he's very graceful, the rest are surprised by how adorable he looks when he moves his hips to pop songs (cheerleader Eddie YAAAS)
3. Bev - what can't she do?
4. Stan - he may be subtle about it but he's not awkward at all, play a song that he likes and people are shocked with it because wow
5. Ben - adorably awkward and tries his best to keep up with the rhythm, lets Bev guide him in the dance floor
6 and 7. Bill and Richie - cannot dance for shit!!! they'll just tangle their legs with each other's and fall on the floor
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t4tozier · 5 months
okay guys you’ve forced my hand
losers club fursonas
richie - brown bear. duh. or a hyena :)
eddie - stoat! little guys with too much energy. have y’all seen that video of the stoat on the trampoline? that’s eddie
bev - i’m picturing glamrock chica from fnaf but that doesn’t count so. sabertooth tiger. i think she deserves it
bill - grey wolf. pack leader <3 or a golden retriever
mike - clouded leopard. that’s the one that’s very paws right? idk it’s just vibes
ooh or a stag. i think i like that better
ben - otter or beaver :)
stan - possum. get it. ‘cause they p. ‘cause they play dead
or an african grey parrot
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thelosers-club · 10 months
headcanon that the losers exchange gifts in december just for the fun of it. richie always gives gag gifts and eddie is always complaining about it, bev and ben always put all their thought and care into their gifts, usually ben buys the losers a book that he spent awhile picking out, but nobody besides mike and eddie actually reads them. bev and bill just buys them action figures and comic books, which they all appreciate. stan makes everyone a card and just puts a couple dollars in them, and mike and eddie just buy clothes because they can never think of anything else
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wolftozier · 7 months
post Derry 2.0 Eddie going absolutely feral horny over Richie is extremely good but it's especially good when it's just Richie doing nothing and Eddie's still going insane. the man is just stirring his sugar into his coffee and Eddie's sitting there like. I think I hauve covid
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prettypeachwrites · 1 month
My favorite thing about Eddie and Stan as romantic partners is the understanding they have for each other. Eddie’s chaos is outward but Stan’s in on the inside and they both see it and respond to it in ways no one else gets
Like on days where Eddie feels like he’s overwhelmed, Stan grounds him, they’ll just lay with each other, sometimes in comfortable silence, or soft conversations
Eddie knows how to see the fire behind Stan’s eyes, and focuses on him on an intimate level, devoting focus on him but allowing Stan to speak when he’s comfortable
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neverwasreddie · 1 year
“So, you know, I broke an engagement to be here.”
Eddie’s head snaps up and away from the dilapidated Derry sidewalk he’d been staring at to avoid tripping on a crack and losing a tooth in this godforsaken town.
When he looks up, though, Richie is staring straight forward next to him, hands shoved deep into his pockets and shoulders hunched up toward his ears. If it hadn’t been for the subtle red flush high up on his cheeks, Eddie would’ve assumed he had imagined hearing him speak.
But he knows Richie definitely said that out loud for a reason, so he nudges their elbows together and says, “Yeah, I know, it was all over Twitter. Comedian Rich Tozier Bombs Onstage, Cancels Remaining Shows in Vegas.”
“Can’t believe Eddie Kaspbrak is a Twitter fiend,” Richie smirks before dropping his own gaze to the sidewalk.
Suddenly he’s shaking his head, a sharp, jerky motion Eddie remembers from high school.
“Not that kind of engagement, Eds. A marriage one. A proposal. You know — I was engaged. Never got married, that part really was a joke. But I was engaged to this girl. For, like, seven years.”
“Jesus.” Eddie stares at him openly, but he can’t see anything in the face of this man — this stranger’s face on the soul of his best friend. “You always jumped headfirst into Step One of a plan, but never seemed to make it to Step Two. Isn’t that right? Is that what happened here?”
Richie’s mouth turns up on one side, the way he always seemed please whenever Eddie would rib him for something back in the day. But he shrugs one shoulder, too, like he’s taking the question seriously and yet coming up short of a clear response.
“Something always held me back from the actual marriage part,” he admits, kicking at an acorn in his path. “We’d start looking at venues, talk about DJs or live bands, but…something always stopped me before we could make any concrete plans.”
His stride lengthens, just for a second, damn those long legs of his, and Eddie has to scurry to catch up to him and hear what he says next:
“Just always felt like something was missing, until Mike called and the memories started coming back. That’s when I ended things with her for good.”
Eddie’s heart trips for a beat or two, and he tries to shove that strange reaction down and give this conversation with Richie his full attention — he can consider his traitorous body and its weird impulses later.
“Something in you must’ve remembered us, even subconsciously,” he muses, “and you knew it wouldn’t be right to have a wedding without the Losers there.”
He thinks he hears something like a chuckle from Richie, and he can’t imagine why, but sure enough, there’s a smile guarding Richie’s words when he half-turns his face toward Eddie to speak again.
“Think you’re right, Spaghetti. I just couldn’t go through with a wedding without you.”
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reddiesworldsblog · 2 years
eddie will sometimes take richies glasses off his face while richie is in the middle of talking. and sometimes richie will continue talking, but other times he’ll stop mid-sentence and watch as cleans the smudges and oil off the lenses with his shirt, making his own cheeks suddenly warm. after eddies done, he’ll slides them back onto richies face as if nothing happened and richie can’t help but notice that eddies face is blooming with a blush himself before saying “sorry, there was a bunch of smudges on your glasses and they were bothering me. do you ever clean those things ?? anyway, um- continue.” then he sets his chin in his palm and patiently waits for richie to keep talking about....well, whatever it was that he was talking about. it’s such a small gesture, but it makes richie smile nonetheless.
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the losers do powerpoint night
stan goes first, his presentation is titled ‘the losers as bird species’. they’re all really niche species and nobody really understands what he’s saying, but his reasons are really accurate and he finds himself pretty funny.
bill is next, his is short but sweet and simply describes his ideas for the losers’ next days out. everybody gets excited discussing plans, dates, similar alternatives, and eventually all of the ideas he puts forward do happen (and they all enjoy them very much).
ben and eddie have collaborated on theirs to create ‘the losers as disney characters’. unbeknownst to them until now, ben has spent painstaking hours photoshopping each of the losers’ faces onto each of their assigned characters, which everybody finds incredibly funny. it’s also highly obvious that ben was the one to assign ariel to bev, whilst it was eddie who chose vanellope von schweetz for richie.
mike presents his top five derry conspiracy theories, which isn’t actually as boring as you’d expect from the title. he presents each and every point with genuine detail and has clearly done his research, but the theories themselves are so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh. he’s fully aware of this and makes it clear that of course he doesn’t seriously believe in them (okay, maybe one or two of them).
bev and richie’s joint project finishes the night (after having begged everybody to let them go last, convinced that theirs is a high note to end on). the duo present ‘the losers as our favourite memes’, and proceed to spam their eyes with the most chaotic tik toks, textposts and cursed images. they both claim they worked very very hard on this and that they should be taken completely seriously, but their powerpoint actually takes the longest to present since they can’t help but crease up laughing for a full minute every time they change the slide.
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