#eddie munson deserves better!!!
ryan-waddell11 · 2 months
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happy 4/20 to them
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dopelavender · 2 years
stranger things fans after the illegal events of vol. 2
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
You're telling me that Steve "the mom" Harrington didn't pull Dustin, Mike, and Erica out by their ears to make them go see Lucas play while also giving Eddie the bitchiest look ever. He also might be lecturing Eddie on dividing their friendships and conforming to the idea that jocks also can't be nerds, ending it with a quote from Lord of the Rings. He'd leave Eddie sitting there with a mixture of anger, shame, and arousal while mom guilting the kids out of the drama room. Steve Harrington would be good with the mom guilt. I believe it.
"Well," Eddie said, clapping his hands together. "It looks like we're going to the game after all."
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hello hi people of the internet... i know i'm late yet again for the monthly post and that's why i'm writing the August one on the morning of September 2nd [fidgets] but i hope wherever you are, you're all enjoying life!
uhhh i'm gonna have to kneel down or something i am TERRIBLY sorry for being not punctual with the posting but in my defense honestly August is as normal as life has always been for me lsdkslfk so nothing really happened. unless you count me somehow gravitated back towards western stan twitter again after leaving it in 2012 as a major event, then yep. August in one word is monotonous. though i appreciate it so much, me being in my comfort zone heheh
and yes, the main fixation that dragged me back into western stan twitter is none other than Stranger Things. boom. which is weird because the last time i'm so preoccupied with anything from that side of twitter was in 2012 and all The Hunger Games/Divergent/The Maze Runner/Shadowhunter hype, and Stranger Things was released on 2016 aka six full years ago. this time i don't even know what made me so engrossed in Stranger Things but my porte d'entree is the one and only season 4's Eddie Munson. he has just a few screentimes here and there but i'm hooked. he's now one of my comfort characters, as i feel i resonate with a lot of his antics and personality... not to mention Joseph Quinn who brought him to life is really my type of guy (yes, joining Sebastian Vettel and Marcus Rashford) i'm still seething with the fact the Duffer bros or whoever decided to kill Eddie off. it's lazy writing i swear to god i can go berserk on how he could've survived the demobats attack while still saving Dustin and everyone else.
so now i'm mourning Eddie's death with reading fics (god bless ao3 and all the authors!) with canon divergence elective creative choice where he's alive and Max survives Vecna's curse and everyone is happy, healthy, and well. and even if any of them died... it's because of old age and they spend the last day surrounded by their real, found family. i guess at this point you guys can tell i love the Hawkins party so much and how shared trauma bring them closer than ever with a bond that will never break [sheds tears]
next up is the topic of coldplay's Music of the Spheres world tour (!!!) it's so funny how everyone now wants to go to the shows because the fact that coldplay is that cool is viral on tiktok when everyone used to say coldplay is shit LMAO and i love to see it! sold out stadiums in every country they go to! and the best part is, on Humankind music video, coldplay put in Southeast Asia leg of the tour hint!!! i'm so happy i have saved money for this, i will definitely try to chase them. my options are Indonesia (of course, i'm still not giving up hope they will come to Jakarta), Malaysia, Singapore, Bangkok, Manila, Seoul, and Tokyo. i will come for you @ coldplay!!! so, who's gonna come along with me?
oh i almost forgot - i can't believe just five days after my last post Seb announced his retirement from Formula 1 on July 28... when he made an instagram account and posted the video of his announcement i felt so dumbfounded, struck with many emotions, i literally froze for a minute taking it in. sadness mainly, but it's just me lamenting a wasted potential, though knowing Seb prioritizing spending time with his family sealed the deal for me. gonna enjoy the rest of 2022 season as it's his last, i'll miss him so much. now i kinda get it why some people stopped watching a sport after their fav athlete retired lol but then i reckon that's just like no longer having the attracting point for something that you're used to be interested in. though i think i'll still watch F1 just because.
i think that's all for August??? i'll update again on September post hehe (my dad's bday soon!!!) alright, see ya 😊
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missjashin · 9 months
I think the kids from the party wouldn’t connect the dots that there’s something more than friendship going on between Steve and Eddie very fast. Because they’ve now listened for about a year that no Steve and Robin are not together and they don’t want to be either and the two are just weirdly close . Not lovey-dovey affectionate obviously but still super close and rather inseparable. Not to mention the kids also assume that Steve is straight as an arrow. So when Eddie and Steve seem to get closer and closer they just assume they’re good friends now. That it’s the upside down effect or something. Surprised they even get along in the first place.
But who would start suspecting something? Corroded Coffin guys. They know something happened during the spring but not the whole truth so they don’t have the same perspective as the kids. But they see the lingering looks, the lingering hands and touches. They notice when you walk in on them and it looks like they were just holding hands, something that’s easy to miss if you don’t pay attention but they are. They notice how the two gravitate towards each other, sit next to each other when there’s enough room not to be glued together but they choose to be. How they look and smile at each other across the room. See them sharing cigarettes, whispering into each others ears and hear them honest to god giggle at each others’ jokes.
And even when Steve and Eddie are not together and Corroded Coffin have their band practice/ hang outs, when they’re not playing and practicing the songs they usually do, they can catch Eddie strumming his guitar something that undeniably sounds like a love song.
And sure they might know Eddie’s uhm, preferences when it comes to a partner (read: he is gay af) but Steve Harrington? Well it wouldn’t be the first time the guy surprises them. They also didn’t think he was such a nice guy until they got to know him better after he let them have DnD sessions at his house.
Steve’s friendship with Buckley throws them off a little bit at times because those two are tight but then again she is way too unbothered by the fact that Steve and Eddie seem to be making heart eyes at each other every time they’re in the room together. So yeah. They’ll figure this out, they’re on a quest now.
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Innocent act
Older!neighbor!Eddie x innocent !whore! F!reader
MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY!! Read pt2 here , read pt 3!
Warnings: age gap Eddie is 30 reader is 18+, vouyerism? Eddie watched reader get off while she doesn’t know it, choking, degrading (whore/slut), pet names (baby, sweetheart, doll, pretty girl), small spanking, a dom!Eddie, sub!reader, Eddie has a sir kink bc i can, eddie also has a corruption kink unprotected PIV sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YA FUCKING TAP IT) creampies, Mechanic! And perv!Eddie sprinkled in. Lmk if I missed anything!!
I love Reblogs and likes absolutely make my day!! I do not consent to having my work being posted on a third part website
Kinda hate the way this turned out also excuse bad grammar tis was rushed
Word count: 3k, i got a bit carried away
Summary: after your car breaks down, Eddie offers to fix it, finding the perfect evidence to destroy that little good girl act you have going.
Tags: @thefreakofhawkins86, @and-claudia
It was a hot summer day in Hawkins, and your car had decided that that was the perfect time to break down. You huffed at your car as you closed the hood to your engine. Having no clue why you even bothered to look at it in the first place, you didn't know the first thing about cars! Sighing you leaned against your car's door, mentally preparing yourself to call a tow truck and then your father to pay for it. Looking slightly to the right, away from your house, you groaned at the missing van in the driveway.
If Eddie were here you could just ask him! But of course, he just had to be away when your car decided to give out on you.
You pushed yourself off of the car and opened the driver's side, planning to retrieve the pack of cigarettes you stole off of your father from the glove box. Hidden away so you wouldn't blow your cover of the resident “good girl”.
Maybe the universe had decided to be kind to you today, or just wanted to see you suffer as the familiar sound of loud music got closer. Soon enough a familiar van pulled into the neighboring driveway. You groaned internally and prayed to a higher power you had enough strength to act all innocent around a man who was pure fucking sin.
Eddie Munson hopped out of his van, chains and rings visible in the sunlight,
Hair pulled back, black jeans, and a simple band-tee is what he had decided on for the hot day. You looked over your shoulder briefly and then immediately let your head hang, cursing him for looking hot when you needed to concentrate. You climbed back out of your car seat and called over to him.
“Hey, Mr.Munson!”Eddie looked over at you from his doorway and smiled.
“Well if it isn't my favorite neighbor! What's going on sweetheart? Why ya out here in the heat?” He called back, beginning to make his way over to you.
“Oh, my car decided to break down today.” You chuckled as if it was no big deal, which it was.
“Want me to take a look at it? Save you some trouble?” The metalhead crossed over into your driveway in no time. You nodded, getting your car looked at, AND being able to see Eddie concentrated. Fuck yeah!
Eddie lifted your hood up and immediately cringed. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Eddie's cringing was not a good sign.
“Is it bad?” you asked him, a little anxiously.
“Yeah, I'll have to take it down to my shop.”
A small sound of disappointment escaped your throat, knowing you couldn't just seamlessly watch him work from the window of your front room.
“How much will it cost?” you looked up at him through your eyelashes, playing with the hem of your skirt lightly. You and your dad really couldn't afford anything past 1k. He patted your head lightly.
“Don’t worry your pretty little innocent head about that doll.” right you had to be innocent around him. luckily he’s missed the way your thighs clenched together every time he calls you ‘doll’ or ‘sweetheart’.
“You can pay me with a plate of the amazing cookies you made the other week.”
You smiled, grateful to be free of expenses. “Thank you, Eddie!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!” you hugged him tightly. Eddie chuckled and hugged you back, hands resting on your waist for a brief second.
“Anything for my favorite neighbor,” he lent down slightly and whispered darkly into your ear, “and the sweetest girl in town.” you felt arousal pool in between your legs, and your knees went weak. Surprised by his tone.
Eddie laughed to himself, releasing you and walking inside his house, “so easy” he thought to himself.
It's been a week since Eddie to your car to his shop. Which normally wouldn't be an issue except, you weren't able to grab your cigarettes from the glove box. And you couldn't just go down to his shop and grab them, you had a reputation to uphold! So that meant a week without nicotine, though you found other methods to get your high.
The past week had you turning to weed to get that pleasant feeling of not needing to think. Along with humping one of the poor teddy bears you owned until you came. Specifically, the one Eddie had gotten you for your 18th birthday.
His words played on repeat “sweetest girl in town” the way his breath felt against your skin, the way he gripped your hips when he said it, and god the way said it.
As you ground your hips into the soft fabric of the stuffed animal you imagined him saying those words under very different circumstances.
“Fuck, Eddie!” you moaned grabbing a fist full of his hair, tugging on it slightly. Eddie groaned against you, slick coating his chin as he attacked your clit, pulling back slightly with a “fuck, sweetest girl in town” before diving back in.
You felt your climax slowly rising through your fantasy, you ground against the stuffed bear particularly hard thinking about Eddie fingering you until you came.
You adored Eddie's fingers, rough and calloused from years of playing the guitar.
The image of the time you saw him playing the guitar shirtless came to mind, his forearms flexing as he played the chords. That image combined with the way he stuck his tongue out while concentrating sent you over the edge.
You came loudly, you might as well have been in a porno at that point. A chorus of Eddies and fucks fell from your mouth.
“Oh fuck, Eddie! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you moaned, working yourself through your orgasm. It ended all too fast. You pulled your panties and pajama pants back on, got back into bed, put the very used teddy bear to the side to be used again later, and fell asleep.
You Hadn't realized that you had left your bedroom window open, letting Eddie hear everything you were doing. Maybe you had done it on purpose just to torture the poor man. His hand worked quickly over his cock “Fuuuck sweetheart, such sweet moans...” He barely had time to work himself up before pulling his cock out once he heard you. He could already feel his orgasm building, rapidly approaching the edge.
What sent him over the edge is when you came, moaning out his name. God, you were so cute...acting all innocent around him, like you didn't go up to your room and hump the toy he had gotten you. Eddie always wondered what you thought about him doing to you, what made you cum so loudly.
He groaned your name when he came, white ropes of cum shooting onto the wall in front of him.
“Such a fucking whore...” he watched as the light in your room flicked off.
Finally 2 weeks after Eddie had taken your car he finally! Gave it back to you. But of course, payment, before he handed you the keys.
“Sweetheart, I'm gonna need those cookies, before you get your precious car back.” He held your keys over his head, before pocketing them.
“I've had them done for the past week-” you started, before the bastard cut you off
“Oh no, I need fresh cookies as payment, I thought that was obvious.” he grinned “My door’ll be open, just come on in when you're done.”
With that he walked away, your keys still in his back pocket.
A few hours later you were finally done with the new batch of cookies. Eddie was so picky about his cookies, But he did spend the week fixing your car so he did deserve a fresh batch.
You quickly transferred them onto a plate and covered the plate with ceramic wrap. Before you left the house you made sure what you were wearing was perfect, you had decided on a baby pink tank top and a white skirt, with a small pink choker and simple sneakers. You then made your way next door.
Like Eddie had said, the door was open.
“Mr.Munson?” you called into the house, you felt a little weird just waltzing into his house, even if you had known him for years.
Eddie appeared in the doorway, sweating slightly, hair a mess. Also very shirtless, gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
You look down to see a very prominent bulge, then immediately advert your gaze onto the ink that covers his chest.
“Sweetheart, you know you don't need to call me Mr.Munson right? I've known you for years.” he moves out of the way, motioning for you to come inside.
“I know, but old habits die hard!” you pout looking at him, before walking inside, making your way to his kitchen to set the plate down. Before hopping up onto the counter and crossing your legs at the ankle, this was normal, for a bit you were over here most of the time after your father had to pick up long hours.
Eddie walked in after you, leaning against the counter beside you.
“Oh, sweetheart, believe me, I know.” He smiled before undoing the ceramic wrap on the plate and picking up a cookie.
“I also know smoking is bad for pretty girls such as yourself.” His eyes shifted, to you, something dark brewing in them, and you stuttered. How could he have known about that?!
“I-I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Munson” you decided to play dumb, playing dumb always worked out for you before!
“Oh? You don't?” Eddie pulled a pack of cigarettes- your cigarettes, out of his pocket, chuckling darkly as your eyes widened ever so slightly.
“Lying sweetheart? And to me of all people? I’m hurt!” He pushed off the counter, moving to stand in front of you instead. You shook your head, looking down
“I don't smoke! You know I don't...” you couldn't meet his stare, no matter how hard you tried to. Eddie scoffed lightly
“You're just digging a deeper grave for yourself, sweetheart. I found these in your glove box.” he leaned in ever so slightly “And I know damn well nobody else drives that car”
You shook your head again, deciding to keep playing dumb. Trying to claw your way out of this.
“You know I think smoking is gross! I would never touch a cigarette.” you lifted your gaze slightly, staring past him.
“You know,” Eddie grabbed your face with the hand that wasn’t holding the pack of cigarettes, forcing you to look him in the eye. “I'd believe you saying that if you could even look me in the eye right now.”
You knew you had been caught red-handed, Eddie caught you with your hand in the cookie jar. Lying was pointless. The man had known you for four years, and he could tell when you lied.
“So, I'll give you one more chance to tell me the truth. Are these yours?” you broke, even now you couldn't hold eye contact.
You nodded “yeah...they’re mine” a defeated sigh left you, knowing that your little innocent act has been discovered, Eddie sighed, nudging your legs open with his knees so he could slot himself between them.
“I really should tell your parents about you smokin’, you really shouldn't be doing it...” panic washes through you, did he already tell them? Was all this just an act to get you to plead guilty?
“But sweetheart, I knew you weren't all that innocent.” Eddie released your jaw, and you blinked up at him slowly. Huh? Confusion replaces panic.
“So you haven't told my parents? And that wasn't just an elaborate setup for me to admit to it?” you watch as he moves over to the fridge and places the cookies in it.
“I’m not that mean, besides I started smoking around your age” Eddie took his place in between your legs again.
“Another question doll.” you hum in response, absent-mindedly playing with the chain around his neck.
“Do you intentionally leave your window open for me when you hump that teddy or, are you just that dumb?”
your hand stops moving when the last word falls from his mouth, you had left it open? Sure you had purposefully left it open once, the off chance he'd hear you moaning his name. But you didn’t close it?
“...I left it open?” Eddie fucking laughs, “oh pretty girl, you never thought to check? Surprised the whole neighborhood never heard you!”
Both arousal and embarrassment fill you, sure you wanted him to hear, but you didn't think you were that loud!
“Gotta say though, I loved the little show you put on the past week...loved hearing my name from your lips as you came.”
“OHMYGOD” you hide your face in your hands, typically not one to get embarrassed, you had slept half the school's basketball team! The embarrassment that filled you was surprising.
“Aww, she's embarrassed!” he mocked, moving your hands away from your face.
“What do you think about when you fuck yourself dumb?” “huh?” “you know exactly what I'm talking about, use that brain of yours.” He told you, leaning to suck on your neck, leaving feather-light kisses there.
He was asking you to think? When he was in between your legs kissing your neck, asking what you thought about when you got off?? How could you possibly think right now?! Despite your thoughts going a hundred miles per hour, you managed a small,
“You, I think about you.”
Eddie tsked.
“Gotta be more specific, pretty girl, what do you fantasize me doing to you?”
You felt like your face was on fire, your head dropped, not able to fully look him in the eye.
“I think about your hands…and how they would feel inside of me” Eddie’s mouth quirked up into a shit-eating grin. He knew damn well that wasn’t the only thing
“You just think about me fingering you? C’mon doll, you don’t think I buy that do you”His kisses stopped, a hand replacing his lips, . “What makes you come so hard all by yourself?”
You felt your heart skip a beat, having Eddie so close to you was nothing new, but this, this was extremely new territory. You felt like a helpless bunny, being hunted down by the mean wolf.
Eddie's other hand was on your thigh, rubbing up and down, each time going a little higher. Just a little more and he would feel the small damp spot already forming in your panties.
“I uh- I thought about...you eating me out and fingering me.” you shyly admit, “when you said I was the sweetest girl, I imagined you saying it in between my legs.”
Eddies fingers had made their way to your panties, a small gasp escaping you as he put pressure on your clit.
“Good girl...letting me know what I need to make into reality,” he mumbled. He leaned in fully, capturing your lips in a rough kiss. Eddie nipped at your bottom lip, asking for permission. You gave it to him, opening your mouth enough for his tongue to slip in. His hand moved your panties to the side, groaning at how wet you were. You moaned into the kiss, hands finding their way to his shoulders, you needed to hold onto something.
“Your soaking sweetheart! I haven't even touched you yet!” Eddie laughed, “do I affect you that much?” you nodded.
“Fuck- yes, just the thought of you makes me wet.”
Eddie gave you a wicked smirk, plunging a finger into your pussy, you moaned at this, his finger was probably longer and thicker than most of the guys you had been with in the past. And so much better than your own. He slowly started fucking his finger into you, wanting to take his time. You had other plans, you bucked your hips ever so slightly, trying to get more friction. Eddies hand tightened around your throat.
“Don't be greedy baby, you'll get what you want. Just let me play with you for a bit, yeah?”
You whined at his words, you didn't want him to go slow. You wanted him to be fast, rough, wanted him to fucking use you. thoughts of what he was going to do to you raced in your head.
“I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess your not a virgin?” Eddie added a second finger, causing you to whine again, his fingers were better than anything you had experienced from the boys in your school. It made you wonder what his tongue felt like, what his cock felt like.
“Yeah- m’ not a virgin- fuck Eddie, lost it a while ago.” you had to resist the urge to move your hips against his fingers, it was too little and too much. The edge was approaching rapidly, you had never been this pent up before. You don't even think you had gotten close this quickly before.
“Good, good, I don't have to hold back.” he chuckled darkly, he wasn't letting you go until the damn sun came up. You clenched around his fingers at the sound, God you loved whenever he was even slightly dominant. Him ordering you around was a common occurrence in your fantasies.
“Fuck Eddie! I'm close, I'm so fucking close!” you moaned out, tumbling towards the edge- just a little more and you'd cum. At the very last second, before you toppled over the edge, Eddie ripped his fingers from you. You whined, “fuck- Eddie, please!”
“Don't worry sweetheart, you'll get to come, we have all night after all.” He lifted his fingers to his mouth. Sucking off your wetness from them, he moaned around his fingers, looking at you, His eyes held nothing but lust and hunger. You watched in embarrassment as he practically fell to his knees. With a mumbled,
“I think I just found a new drug…” Eddie rolled your skirt up and pulled your panties down your legs, shoving them into his pocket. He wasted no time latching onto your clit, a high-pitched seal left your mouth. A hand quickly grabbed a fist full of hair.
“Oh fuck! Mmm, holy shit, Sir!” you didn't even register what you had said, too caught up in the pleasure Eddie was giving you. He pulled back ever so slightly, being met with you asking why he stopped and desperately trying to shove his face into your pussy.
Eddie had to laugh, poor thing, so worked up on just his tongue you hadn't registered you called him something other than Eddie or Mr. Munson. Which of course, just made him painfully hard. He was already struggling to take his time. Wondered what you'd feel like around his cock as he fucked you, fast and rough.
“Oh baby, you have no idea what you just said, do you?” he smiled at your head shake, too lost in the pleasure. “You called me sir, sweetheart” and with that, he was delving back into eating you out. He licked a long stripe from your vagina to your clit. With a ‘you taste so fucking, good sweetheart.’
You were loud, grinding against his face, chasing your high. Shame be damned, this was the best head you'd received ever.
“God- fuck sir, S’fucking good!” You were getting
Close again, Eddie could tell based on the pitch of your moans. He stuck his tongue into you, lapping at the wetness that had formed. Reveling in the way you clenched around his tongue. Eddie’s patience snapped, he needed to fuck you, and he needed to fuck you now.
“Fuck- sweetheart c’mere” He hoisted you off the counter, spinning you around so you were bent over it. Holding your skirt in place, he pulled down his sweats and boxers in one swift movement. Letting his cock free, he groaned as cold hair hit his red tip, Eddie gave himself a few quick strokes before lining himself up. Of course, forgetting a crucial thing, he couldn’t exactly get an eighteen-year-old girl pregnant when he was thirty!
“Wait fuck- let me go grab a condom.” he released your hips, he didn't get far before you spoke up.
“Eddie, I'm on the pill it's fine, just fuck me already! Wan’ you to cum inside me, please!” Eddie almost growled, hands finding your hips again, he sheathed himself in you in one thrust, causing you both to cry out. You had never felt so full in your life! Eddie, who can’t believe he bottomed out with no resistance, was trying so extremely hard not to cum already, like a fucking teenager.
You rocked back onto him, a noise of disappointment when he held your hips still.
“Just- fuck give me a moment, feel so good I'm trying so hard not to cum right now.” He bent down, sucking bruises onto your neck and back. Next time he’d take his time, but having you all whiny and begging, was just too much for the man's sanity and control.
Eddie rocked into you slowly, God you were so fucking wet and tight, he threaded a hand in your hair, pulling you back against him as his speed quickened.
“Fuck- feels so good sweetheart.” Eddie panted, “such a good whore for me” he released your hair, hand coming to grip your throat.
“Letting me fuck you, wonder what daddy would say about his sweet little girl being pounded by a man half her age.”
“Eddieee, mm fuck so close!” you braced one of your hands on the counter, the other on his arm. He was even better than you had imagined, he was definitely above average, and had a nice amount of girth to him “so fucking full…” you rocked back onto him. This action is met with a harsh slap to your ass.
“Nuh-uh sweetheart, I'm in control” you whined, needing more than what he was giving you, he released your neck. pushing you against the counter in front of you, Eddie setting a punishing pace. His hand snaking to your front. His thumb rubbed circles against your clit, being built up for the third time that night. Your orgasm came suddenly and hard, your mouth falling open in a silent scream.
Eddie continued thrusting into you, fingers creating indents in your hips as he chased his orgasm. Your whines and pleas of him to slow down, that it was too much only spurred him on more.
“Fuck- gonna cum!” he grunted “Sir! Shit, come inside me, please!” Eddies thrusts became sloppy as white cum covered your walls.
“Fuuuuck sweetheart, so good for me.” as the two of you caught your breath, you couldn't help but giggle.
“What's so funny?” Eddie asked, kissing down the side of your neck.
“Noth'...just if all it took was you finding my cigarettes to fuck me, I would've planted them somewhere obvious ages ago!”
You whined as Eddie slowly pulled out of your aching cunt, a small string attaching you two before breaking.
“Sweetheart, I've wanted to fuck you since you turned eighteen. to see that little good girl act fall for ages now…and find the slut hiding under it,” he whispered the last part in your ear.
“Better stop talking to me like that unless you want a round two, sir” your smirk was quickly wiped off your face as Eddie picked you up.
“Say no more, doll!” He was already getting hard again.
This was so fucking rushed omg, I'm sorry if it turned out bad!! But pt2 anyone?
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katerdaddy · 2 years
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Another Eddissy doodle cause I can’t get them out of my head. The amount of fics I’ve read of the recently is ASTRONOMICAL
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brxght-world · 2 years
“i think it’s my year, Henderson.”
“i didn’t run this time, right?”
just a second while I lie in my grave
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theshippirate22 · 1 year
listen st4 ROBBED us of so so so much, but really I think the the biggest travesty is the fact that we never got platonic Harringham. Like, of course, platonic Stobin is so perfect in every way- i worship it really- and i don’t mean to minimize that AT ALL but like.
Steve and Chrissy absolutely LOSING THEIR SHIT at a football game.
Steve and Chrissy having a crush on the same baseball player and arguing over which pants his ass looks better in.
Steve and Chrissy giving each other the same ??? look when Robin or Eddie say something nerdy.
Steve and Chrissy going to the gym together and losing track of whose basketball shorts are whose.
Steve and Chrissy bonding over the fact that their mothers hate them.
Steve teaching Chrissy to cook and slowly helping her get over her eating disorder.
Steve and Chrissy sharing tips for sore muscles and collapsing on the couch together with bags of frozen peas and corn after going a little too hard.
Steve and Chrissy going for runs at dawn together and getting back long before Robin or Eddie would ever dream of being awake.
Steve and Chrissy throwing the biggest super bowl party ever and screaming and grabbing each other’s arms every time there’s a touchdown.
Steve, who’s been having migraines since his first concussion, helping Chrissy out, who’s started getting headaches since Vecna fucked with her head.
Chrissy offering to drive Lucas to and from basketball because she’s going to the school for cheer anyway, and it’s one less thing he has to worry about.
Steve and Chrissy sitting in on a DnD game, getting bored a few hours in and going out to the driveway to play Horse (Chrissy has never won- she wants the challenge so she never lets Steve go easy on her and he respects her enough not to)
Steve and Chrissy side-eyeing each other when someone has the AUDACITY to say they like the Colts, knowing full well that they’re going to have to dish on the person the second they get in the car (They know the Colts are Indiana’s team. The Steelers are just… better.)
Steve protecting Chrissy from creepy ex-boyfriends who just want to take advantage of her, and Chrissy protecting Steve from creepy ex-girlfriends who just want to take advantage of him.
Chrissy convincing Steve to get back into swim, and him agreeing as long as she gets back into dance.
Chrissy wearing her whole cheer uniform to his meets and sitting on the edge of the bleachers every time he’s in the pool, palms sweating as he flies through the water- Robin and Eddie went to go get McDonald’s an hour ago- eyes darting from his silhouette to the clock and back again, muttering under her breathe, “Come on, Steve, come on!”
Chrissy screaming when he wins, running to the edge of the pool to grab him, even though he’s soaking wet and she spent so long on her hair and “Holy shit, you did amazing!”
Steve making his own sort of cheer uniform to wear to her competitions, always driving her to them so he can hype her up in the car on the way. Calling “You’re a god, you can crush ‘em with your thighs!” as they split up so she can go to the dressing rooms backstage.
Steve leaping to his feet in the audience to clap the second she’s finished, whether it’s a team dance or a solo, or a duo-She’s the only one worth watching- whistling and cheering for her so loud, it would be a phenomenon if she didn’t hear him.
just let Steve have another bisexual jock bestie who won’t make fun of his interests. Who knows how much he wants this, who knows how hard it is.
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ymaohoh · 3 months
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Chrissy lives AU
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ryan-waddell11 · 11 months
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I just know I would’ve been staring at him during lunch any chance I got.
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bertolts · 2 years
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They both deserved better. Also they’re cute AF.
( Originally posted to my Twitter and Insta @ madqueenmaddie )
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mimymomo · 2 years
In ‘Lucas on the Line,’ Lucas Sinclair experienced countless bouts of racism and micro aggressions including but not limited to:
Had children run away from him and refuse to touch him because they thought his Black skin color would rub off on them. This happened IN THE THIRD GRADE! And he never told his parents about it!
Calmed his anxiety about being the only Black kid in his homeroom class by coming to the realization that since there was no other Black kids that meant he most likely wouldn’t be bombed
Had to install a camera in his locker because his property got defaced by a glitter bomb
Lost his first and only black friend/mentor who supported him thanks to an ACTUAL MAKESHIFT BOMB being installed in his locker that caused a janitor to go to the hospital for 1st/2nd degree burns (and the white boy who did it barely got punished)
Got teased that the only reason he got on the basketball team was because he was Black
Comes to the realization that he might’ve actually only gotten in the team because the coach has a history of recruiting Black boys for the team regardless of their skill level
Gets called an Oreo (for uneducated: white on the inside, black on the outside) by racist bullies. Erica (who apparently has also been called this) sticks up for him and is the only one who understands what the insult means which means Mike and Dustin don’t know/understand the lengths of how deep the racism Lucas experiences in Hawkins on a daily bases
And these aren’t even all of them! These are just examples I had from the top of my head!
And despite all this happening in the book, “fans” have STILL FOUND A WAY to turn this book about Lucas and his struggles as a Black boy in a mostly white suburban town and his deteriorating relationship with Max and make it about Byler!
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The fact that Lucas, one of the only characters of color on this show, can’t have ANYTHING to himself without people using him to push their ships is so aggravating!
He and Erica constantly get shit talked and miss characterized by fans, get excluded/cut out of group shots, and barely get any fanart/fics about them and their struggles compared to the white characters (I could make a whole new post about the terrible way this fandom treats Erica but I won’t do that here). Hell don’t forget that the fandom constantly tries to dispute the racism Lucas received in S2 from Billy was either not really racism, just a moment that Duffer Bros. put in to “ruin” Billy’s character and ultimately can be tossed out and ignored.
The only time I ever see Lucas get any large amount of attention is either due to 1) Lumax (but let’s be honest: 90% of the lumax tag on here isn’t even about them and has now become Elumax 2.0 and most post are people praising ElMax and then being like “oh Lucas/lumax is cute too” in the tags and that’s it). 2) people creating “parallels” of Lumax to their ship of choice (mostly Byler and Mileven) as a way to say that their ship is gonna be canon or 3) to say that he’s bisexual.
And all that is fine and whatever, ship and headcanon things to your hearts content, but if you only care about Lucas if he’s helping push you ship narrative or because you think he’s gay (to the point where some people actually read snippets of the book that talked about Lucas coming to the realization that Black boys like him can be considered attractive and only acknowledge the “queer” reading of the text and completely ignored the big race element that was the main focus), I’m sorry but, that’s not cool. The fact that 95% of the Lucas Sinclair tag isn’t about Lucas himself but white characters like Steve, Eddie, Byler says everything about how the fandom treats him.
I’m just so tired.
Lucas Sinclair deserves the same respect that the white characters get!
I leave you one of my favorite sections of the entire book: Lucas learning to become unabashedly himself:
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Rant over.
Edit: in my blind rage I realized I forgot to edit out the Twitter handle. That’s completely my fault. Please don’t hate that Twitter user. I’m just coming back to fix that.
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sunflowerxthoughts · 1 month
Do you know how people have work husbands/wifes? Let me introduce you to ✨a work uncle✨.
In your case, that’s Wayne Munson.
You go on smoke breaks together, you bring him homemade food, he brings snacks. You two take care of each other and are practically like family. You are alone, and you remind Wayne of his sister, Eddie’s mum so it works out great.
And then it’s just about to be your birthday and you are ready to spend it on your own as you always do (because sometimes making friends is super hard) and Wayne won’t have any of that. Not on his watch.
He invites you over and you meet Eddie and for him is love at first sight.
Who is the lovely lady at his door? Is he dreaming? Did he die and go to heaven?
“Hey! You must be Eddie?” He forgets he is supposed to answer. “Are you not?”
“No, no! I am Eddie! And you are…?”
You introduce yourself, and Eddie seems even to fall deeply then and there. So you are the reason Wayne has been looking healthier? You are for sure an angel.
“Oh, Wayne is in his room! I’m guessing you are looking for him?”
“Actually son, it’s someone’s birthday today…”
Turns out, it’s the best birthday ever, cake and all. Beats for sure staying at home with ice cream. And by the end, Wayne has gone to bed and you an Eddie are sharing a joint in his room.
“Sooooo, will you be coming here more often?”
“Oh I don’t want to intrude.”
“Please Wayne is on the verge of adoption and I like knowing that you two take care of each other. I know how hard it is at the plant.”
“Eddie I-“
“Well then let me take you out on a date.”
“Listen you seem like an incredible person, super pretty too. And I- I think we would be a good match. A great one.”
“Okay Munson, one date. But let’s not tell Wayne, I don’t want to get his hopes up.”
He already has. He had been listening to the whole conversation through the door “on accident”.
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King Steve and Eddie the Freak
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Obviously had to make a Steddie version of these classic XY Magazine photos 😎 Patreon
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lightvixxen · 2 years
Innocent act pt2, don't be a brat.
Ahh!! Thank u all for your love on innocent act!! Also, there will be a pt3 after this!! Read pt1 here , read pt3!
Word count: 2k
Reblogs, comments, and likes absolutely make my day and are encouraged!
WARNINGS: age gap- Eddie is 30, the reader is 18+ Language, arguments, Eddie tells reader she’s acting like a child, pet names, dom!Eddie, Sub!reader, readers dad is a cop, spanking, fingering, face fucking, edging + over stimulation, degradation, degradation kink, praise kink, Eddie punishes reader for being a brat
Summary: after a fight with your dad, your brought over to Eddies house, where you end up arguing. Somehow the argument ends when Eddie decides he needs to do something about your bratty attitude.
Taglist: @thefreakofhawkins86 , @yaspillz
You sat on Eddie's couch pouting as he talked to your father at the door, you and your father had gotten into an argument only a few minutes ago.
“Make sure she doesn’t get out, she had a fake ID no telling what else she’s done.” You heard your father say from the door, “sad I can’t trust my daughter.” He yelled from the doorway.
“Don’t worry! I’ll watch her like a hawk, you and your wife go have fun tonight. It's deserved.” Eddie covered your father's view of you on the couch. A few more minutes go by and you hear the door almost slam shut.
“So, you wanna tell me what happened? Why you were escorted to my door at…” Eddie checked his watch “8 pm” you sigh, “I accidentally left my fake ID on the counter, and when I realized daddy had already found it.” you stood up, walking over to Eddie. “Then we fought…”
Your father had busted into your room, demanding to know why your ID said 21 and not 18. “Because daddy! I wanted to get into the hideout to watch Eddie perform! They don't let eighteen-year-olds in!” Your father sighed loudly.
“You’re grounded” you stood from your bed quickly after hearing this “you can’t ground me! I’m eighteen! Almost nineteen! I’m a legal adult!” You almost yelled, stomping your foot down onto the Carpeted floor, almost in disbelief he would try and ground you!
“You still live under my roof, young lady! My word is law in this household, and I say you're grounded!” His voice raised to match yours, a screaming match bubbling to the surface “Now, your mother and I have a date, you can either walk yourself to Munsons or I can cuff, and escort you.”
“And now I'm here…” halfway through your recount of the fight, you ended up in Eddie's lap on the couch. Legs were thrown over his, and head resting against his shoulder. “God, he's such an asshole. I turn 19 in a month! He can't ground me!”
Eddie makes a sound of disagreement, “technically, he can, I got grounded by cops all the time as a teenager.” you rolled your eyes, almost scoffing. “You mean arrested and put in jail.” Eddie grins, “same difference, doll.” you moved off his lap, standing in front of him. “You don’t agree with him, do you?” You questioned, Eddie hasn’t exactly stated which side he’s on.
“Do I think he’s overreacting? Yes, but mainly because I was doing way worse than using a fake ID at your age. Do I get where he's coming from? Also yes.” you groaned “you so agree with him!” “Hey now, I didn't say that.” “you implied it!” Eddie sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Sweetheart-” you crossed your arms, raising your voice as anger bubbled up slowly. “No! Don't you sweetheart me!”
Eddie stared at you, almost surprised by your sudden outburst. “You complain about being treated like a child then decide to act like one, you're not helping yourself.”, you huffed “maybe I wouldn't act like a child if I wasn't treated like one! Both of you still treat me like one!” Eddie had to laugh at that, between the first time you had sex with each other and now, he doubts he's treated you like a kid.
“So by your definition, me treating you like a child is me fucking you stupid for months?” You stuttered slightly “w-well- that’s not what I meant and you know it!” Eddie grabbed your hips, pulling you between his legs, the smell of weed, tobacco, and cologne filled your senses. “Then give me an example of me treating you like a child.” You really couldn’t, you had only said it in the heat of the moment. Anger blinded you and now you’ve backed yourself into a corner.
So of course, you did the only logical thing you could, “fuck you” you mumbled quietly, praying he didn't hear you. Eddie could be fucking ruthless when he wanted to be. “I'm sorry what?” the grip on your hips tightened, and the cold metal of his rings dug into the skin exposed by your crop top. “I didn't quite catch that baby, what did you say?” you sighed, mentally preparing yourself for the punishment that will ensue. but since you decide to be a brat, might as well commit to the act.
“Fuck you, old man” you internally smirked at yourself, Eddie wasn’t that old, but his reactions, whenever you called him old, were priceless. Though right now, it’s going to earn a punishment. Eddie’s voice lowered, “Alright, just remembered you asked for this” Eddie pulled you in, maneuvering you to lay across his lap on your stomach, his hands pulling down the thin cotton of your pajama shorts and underwear. Eddie's jeans are rough against your bare thighs, he must’ve been getting ready for a show. You thought. Eddie's hand rubs the flesh of your ass slowly,
“Can't wait to see this cute ass all bruised up…” he talked darkly, Eddie loved making things difficult for you. He loved making it hard for you to sit, let alone walk. The first strike came down hard, making you yelp and jump slightly, he hadn’t bothered to take off the rings that adorned his fingers. “count.” Eddie said sternly, “one,” you said weakly. You would be a liar if you said, Eddie wasn't hot like this, you fucking loved when Eddie was mean and rough with you.
“Two!” you yelped, as Eddie's hand came down on your ass again, the strike was just as hard as the first. Eddie's hand soothed the soft flesh of your butt. “Look at you baby, actin all tough until I get you like this. A spoiled brat who just needed attention.” you could feel how wet you got at his words, maybe you are a little bit of a masochist because you definitely shouldn't have been getting off on this.
“Your bein mean, sir! M, not a brat!” you know you really shouldn't talk back, give him any more reasons to punish you but you couldn't help it. You were addicted to Eddie when he was like this. Eddie growled, giving your ass another smack “Oh no sweetheart, I’m being nice I could be a hell of a lot meaner and get my belt. spank you with that, make pretty little welts on your ass.”
Eddie gave you a total of 15 strikes. By the end, you were a sobbing, moaning mess, subconsciously grinding your bare pussy onto Eddie’s jean-clad thigh. “Pathetic slut…I’m trying to punish you, and getting off on it.” His fingers found their way to your pussy, pushing in slowly “your soaked doll, you enjoy being spanked that much?” He asked, slowly pushing his fingers in and out. You moaned and nodded, rocking back onto his finger, which surprisingly, Eddie didn't stop you. “Words pretty girl, words,” he told you, his fingers working in and out of you, the cold press of his rings against your cunt made you shiver.
“Yes! Love it when you spank me, sir,” you whined, praying he would let you off easy. Your back arched, you were quickly approaching your orgasm, his fingers found your G-spot quickly, zeroing in on it. “Yeah, all you needed was some attention, huh doll? Acting out because you just wanted me. There are better ways to get my attention doll.” Eddie dragged you close to the edge before ripping his fingers away from your leaking cunt. You whined at the loss, “Now I have to punish you, can't have my good girl thinking she can be bad.”
Eddie's finger delved back into your cunt again. This felt like it went on forever, being taken to the edge only to be ripped away again. Every so often Eddie would smack your ass lightly, your wetness on his fingers only added to the sting.
You cried the last time he pulled his fingers out.
“Think you can kneel, sweetheart?” you nodded, moving out of his lap and onto the floor.
Eddie spread his legs, giving you room to move in between them, you palmed at his erection, earning a groan from him. Your hands slowly unbuckled his belt, before quickly undoing his jeans and pushing them down just enough to free his cock. Wrapping a hand around his shaft you pumped your hand up and down slowly, thumb swiping against the head of his cock, smearing pre-cum over his length. His dick barely fit into your small hands. Eddie was big and thick, his size was a little intimidating if you were being honest.
But you pressed kisses to the head of his cock, and down his shaft, giving him small kitten licks when you could. Eddie's hand tangled in your hair, “c’mon baby, don't be a brat and tease, suck me off.” you kept eye contact as you took him into your mouth. You took him as far as you could without gagging, tongue swirling around the tip of his cock. Eddie groaned above you, praises falling from his lips as his grip tightens in your hair, guiding you to bob up and down on his cock. “Mmm, fuck just like that sweetheart, always feel so good on me.” He moaned.
“Wanna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours-” a sharp inhale left him as your tongue traced around a vein, “you gonna let me? Make you choke and gag on my cock, Maybe then you'll learn something.” you made a sound of approval, sending vibrations through his dick. “Fuck sweetheart- you still remember the safe word?” you nodded to the best of your ability and sent another round of vibrations to say you knew and remembered. One tap to slow down, two to stop.
“Goodgirl” was the only warning you got before Eddie snapped his hips into your mouth, keeping a firm grip on your hair to keep you in place. Eddie roughly thrusted into your mouth. “Shit,
Always a whore for me, letting me use you like my personal fleshlight- Fuck!” he groaned loudly, warmth and a bitter taste filling your mouth. You whined, pulling off his cock and opening your mouth. You had hoped he would've lost his control and cum inside of you, like always did. “Swallow, slut.” you closed your mouth and swallowed his cum. Hoping listening to his commands would earn you at least one orgasm.
“C'mere pretty girl.” he pulled you back up into his lap, capturing you in a needy kiss, his tongue slipped into yours while wandering hands found their way to your already bruised butt. A light smack to the sore skin had you moaning into the kiss. Eddie kneaded the flesh there, almost sorry for the bruises that'll sprout there. Almost. Eddie moved down to your neck, biting and sucking at the almost completely faded love bites. Creating more for you to cover up later. “I think you earned a reward, what do you think doll?” you nodded slowly “please sir, been s’good for you” You wish you could’ve seen the mischievous look on Eddie's face or the glint in his eyes.
Eddie moved you to straddle one of his thighs, “here's the deal sweetheart, you ride my thigh and you get to cum” you whined again, disappointment evident. “Brats don't get to cum on my cock, think about this the next time you decide to act up. Now you gonna ride my thigh and cum, or are you going to bed pent up?” when your hips moved slowly he chuckled darkly, the noise being sent straight to your pussy. “That's what I fuckin thought.”
Your clit rubbed harshly against his jeans. You looked down to where you had been kneeling and noticed a wet spot, you could already feel the bruises forming on your knees. You whined, tucking your face into Eddie's neck as you chased your orgasm. Feeling a damp spot starting to form under you from where your pussy was leaking. You were wetter than you had been before, Eddie was just so fucking hot when he was pissed off at you. Your hips fell into a steady rhythm as you quickly approached the edge, it didn't take long to build yourself up.
“Oh fuck- gonna cum Eds, please, please, let me come!” you moaned pathetically. Eddie shushed you “it's alright pretty girl you can come now.” His permission sent you straight over the Edge, your orgasm racking through your body, and a loud moan- practically a scream left you. Your hips stuttered to a stop, you were completely fucked out. “Did I say stop?” Eddie asked you “wha- what?” Eddie's hands wrapped around your hips, starting your rhythm back up again. “Oh did I not mention? You get to come over and over again!” Eddie exclaimed like that wasn't one of the most horrifying sentences you've heard tonight.
“Get ready sweetheart, you're not walking outta here tomorrow,” he mumbled as he gave you your second orgasm of the night. Which was only the beginning of the 6 more orgasms he would rip out of you
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