#eddisol bones 7x10
makorragal-312 · 5 months
Not gonna lie, but my anxiety is kinda going up right now.
But as long as Eddie isn't asking Marisol to officially move in again or proposing knock on wood and Marisol gets dumped at the end of the season, I'M GOOD.
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
Unless there is some huge shift in the way their story is told on screen in s8 I would be shocked if tommy isnt bones by midseason. My personal hope is they have some sort of job related disagreement during the season opening disaster and we get it done quick ana style but part of me thinks its more likely they’ll have some sort of arc leading to a break up because I think theyve established tommy and bucktommy just enough that off screen bones wont really work but also they have not developed bucktommy enough for them to have an actual reason to break up like we can read the subtext but buck is not thinking “he didnt come in costume to my costume party… we have to break up” bc no real person would think that 😭
yeah like ok we can only have this discussion so many times so i don't want to totally open up the can of worms BUT like. to an extent if you want to wave off the complete lack of development and screen time as "they're taking it slow and getting to know each other" (which is like... something you can actually SHOW. on screen! taking it slow doesn't mean we never see them interacting 😭) that's... fine. but the way i see it, buck is a main, his sexuality arc is major, and his romantic life has been at the forefront of his character from day one. if we're talking about an endgame for him, that endgame should not have shown up in 7x03 and remained virtually insignificant by 7x10. at this point you could stick another guy in tommy's place and pretty much nothing would change; his presence as a character has very little bearing on the plot after the cruise arc, or on buck specifically (buck could be kissing literally any guy and nothing would be different, but it's not like the same could be said had he been kissing someone other than taylor).
so when i say it feels like he's getting one step above the marisol treatment, i really mean it. like, all the way up until 7x07 people were willing to believe she and eddie would stay together, even though with each passing episode we were waiting for her to show any kind of independent motivation or development and got nothing. waiting 8 episodes post-introduction and for a new season to start really developing a relationship would be absolutely INSANE and like next-level bad writing, and as much as i hate what tim did in s7 i do think he gives more of a shit about buck than that lol. anyway point is that i think the options are (1) they break up and it's just a blip like tommy gets a job somewhere and buck's like oh damn that sucks. this was fun (2) they break up and it's about eddie (3) they break up and it's about the job/gerrard (4) they break up because one of them fucks up. i also suspect that the breakup arc will be the only arc they get and much like with eddisol their relationship will just kind of exist in the background until it comes time for it to be over lol (unless tommy needs to be a mouthpiece for something).
but also i could be wrong and they could elope i guess 🤷🏾‍♀️ i just kinda think tim is better than this lol and i also think he IS telling the story he wants to tell judging by the amount of screen time buck had with Some Other Guy in s7. so i don't think anyone needs to be worried lol
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