#I was honestly doing okay till I saw those freaking stills
makorragal-312 · 5 months
Not gonna lie, but my anxiety is kinda going up right now.
But as long as Eddie isn't asking Marisol to officially move in again or proposing knock on wood and Marisol gets dumped at the end of the season, I'M GOOD.
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jester089 · 11 months
My brain is always about Chaotic demon in disguise character child reader with the gang (platonic ofc!) Like Reader loves Caine and always show affection towards him, Always drawing him and reader together, saying that they want to be like Caine when they grow up, with the most cute expression they have... However, when Caine turns his back to Reader, Reader will go full hostile mode with the others. like Reader will pull the most terrifying shark teeth smile to the others. Since their character is a demon i hope its okay if i say that Reader has some demon abilities (if not you can just cut this part off)
Example: if Ragatha tries to strike an conversation with reader, reader will go like "#@-4 you." Cutting Ragatha off without even looking at her in the eyes
And if reader is feeling extra mean that day, They may pull some pranks and scares on them.
Like: Reader SOMEHOW is caught crawling through the walls like a mf spider
Or Reader comes out of the dark out of nowhere just to scare the gang
And Caine comes back they go all sweet mode again
Basically child reader who has a soft spot for Caine but is a menace to others.
Love your blog btw and this is my first request im very sorry if your not comfortable with writing this request!
Little angel
No worries on it making me uncomfortable cause you didn't. Actually I liked the idea quite a lot. If you wanna request something in the future feel free cause I enjoyed it. TADC crew x Child Reader (who is good to Caine and is awful to the others.)
You spent most of your time with Caine. You acted like a second Bubble in the way that you're never really seen without him. And he thought you were just a little angel. You would act all cute around him doing basic kid things like drawing something for him. Sure you can't even color in the lines but is clearly full of love so he loved it. And acting all hyper around him. So he started to adopt a more paternal feel towards you sometimes acting like an actual father. "You have to eat your veggies if you want to grow up bit and strong!" "But I don't even need to eat! And I don't get older here. Why do I still have to eat veggies :(" But being the controller of that entire realm he can be quite busy so he will eventually have to leave you alone. The others (probably Ragatha and Pomni) having saw how you constantly act with Caine come up to you asking if they can keep you company till Caine comes back. Only for you to turn around and have a :| face. Ragatha asks if your ok only to receive a s*#$ eating grin and a mischievous little giggle. "Oh I'm fine. Great actually! But Pomni be careful when you next go in your room. Their's a... Present... Yeah that's it. A present waiting for you." You say that freaking Pomni out. That's the first thing you say to her?! You smile at the two then run off to cause some more problems. You love Caine but you can't cause chaos like you want when he's around. From that day those two know to avoid you a bit, the others have to learn the hard way sadly. You're honestly a lot like Jax only real difference being that you're a little s&#$ about it. Also don't worry about Caine finding out. If you keep up that childish and nice personality around him then he wont believe the others when they say that you crumpled Gangle up into a ball and taped her to the ceiling. (She was there for days before the tape lost it's stickiness) (It's kinda short Ik but that's mainly cause I had trouble keeping age and gender up to the reader. Still I hope you enjoyed it.)
xoxo, Jester
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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So, she's a super powerful yandere who is really FERAL and DEADLY to her enemies
When she first lay her eyes on you, she saw you as a poor, helpless little shy bunny that needed to be protected regardless if you had a strong quirk or not. She is not afraid to openly and directly flirt with you. She'll leave little gifts and love letters and all that for you whenever you;re around
Your shy and quiet nature is what attracted her to you. She thinks you're too innocent and pure for this world. You were so kind and caring to others, and you didn't care what would happen to you. As much as she ADORES your personality, she can't have you helping each and every single person on the planet! What if someone takes advantage of your kindness and does something bad to you? What if you get hurt? She's only trying to look out for you and care for you
She'll charm her way into your life and pretty soon, you might even get asked out by her. If you say yes, you'll be kidnapped within a month or so. If you say no, well... you'll STILL be kidnapped by her. She just doesn't want you to interact with those scumbags of people you call friends
Don't be surprised if people stop talking to you one day. She most likely threatened them, and wants to try isolating you from everyone else so you'll have ONLY HER to depend on 
She's kind of a control-freak in general, honestly. As much as she believes in independence and self-reliance, you shouldn't have to worry your pretty little head over any of that, not when you have Rumi. She just LOVES being incharge and dominating you. She'll have EVEYRTHING organized for you before she takes you away from you life. And she'll even set up a specific bedtime for you 
She isn't they type of person who's going to force her affection on you, but....it's best if you DO show her some affection once in a while. She likes to be cuddled and loves smothering you in hugs
When it comes to punishments, OH BOY, I PRAY for you. Till now, she's actually been patient and not-so psychotic with you but after she sees you trying to escape.... you're basically a goner. That's when you're going to see her sadistic side and she's going to the usual isolating you, using your fears and insecurities against you and very HARSH ways of punishing you
When you act up, she'll just slap you on the face. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. This woman is SCARY AS HELL when it comes to discipline and she WILL be sadistic while she tries to get you to behave
Aftercare with her after a punishment isn't that bad. She'll hug you and smother you in love and affection as she whispers sweet things into you ear, stroking your hair softly and reminding you gently that it was YOUR fault you got punished
She'll occasionally let you cook, with her supervision of course. She doesn't want you getting hurt. What if you cut your hand with the knife by accident? She is YOUR hero and she WILL keep you safe no matter what 
Her love to you will be rather strange, sometimes it'll be like she has a bipolar personality like Todoroki. Cold and mean to you at times and sometimes caring and affectionate. Just play your cards right and bide your time, and you'll be okay :)
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mageofseven · 1 year
Hiii its me again!
I was wondering if have you wrote anything abt MC having a sleepover with the boys? Like what would they do!
And here, I declare I love Mammon(Don't mind this)
Hi Brielle! And nope, I don't think I have, but I'll get some headcanons about it written for you right now~
Also, now you are just making Mammon blush hehe
Is mostly in and out.
I mean, this man still has work to do and he's not completely willing to let it sit till morning.
That and the fact that he keeps insisting that he is not even participating.
In his mind, he is just a responsible older brother checking up on his siblings and MC between piles of paperwork.
Yes, so just ignore that dark blue sleeping bag near the left wall of the planetarium that he occasionally sits on when 'checking on you guys'
Because he most certainly isn't joining in on their 'sleepover'.
Is the loudest one of the brothers
Like sometimes Lucifer can even hear him from his study.
Keeps trying to get the guys to play Monopoly
And not a single brother wants to play Monopoly.
Eventually annoys his brothers to the point where Satan uses magic to burn the board.
"The hell man?!? I just bought that!!!"
Spends the rest of the night complaining and getting mad when someone throws popcorn at him (periodically, all night).
Ends up getting in a fight and blaming Levi for the popcorn.
Really, really wants to play DnD
Every time he went to ask his brothers though, Mammon would talk over him.
"Just shut up, no one wants to play freaking Monopoly."
Like seriously...
Laughs when Satan burns the game board
Because HA
This otaku is just glad for justice to be served.
Now can we please just play DnD?
Ends up rolling on the floor and fighting Mammon because he got caught laughing at him getting hit with popcorn.
Honestly, doesn't even wanna be here.
If it wasn't for MC dragging him here then this wrath demon would probably be in his room or the library like usual.
Tries to just read his book in the corner and stay away from the others
But man does Mammon have a big mouth (Sorry Brielle😅)
In fairness, Satan did warn the second brother that if he said Monopoly one more time then he'd burn the board.
So in reality, it's Mammon's fault that he starts a fire in the planetarium.
Now if only Lucifer saw it that way.
Goes around the room and paints his brothers' and MC's nails.
Like, doesn't even ask; just takes out his nail polish and scoots over to the nearest person and starts painting them.
Most of the brothers don't even react when he takes their hand and starts painting; they just keep arguing or whatever they are doing at time.
Effortlessly blocks out the fighting. I mean, there's always some brothers fighting. That's just kinda what happens in this family.
This man just smiles through it and even does some nail art for everyone.
Gets annoyed when Mammon and Levi start fighting because boys, your nails aren't even dry yet! What are you doing??
Refuses to fix them; those two are stuck with messy nails now.
Otherwise, he's pretty happy to be here.
Just happily eats his snacks.
He's up to doing just about anything his brothers want to do, but prefers to let them figure it out on their own.
Another brother unfazed by the fighting and fire--just another day in House of Lamentation after all.
Notices his twin take some of his popcorn and throw it at Mammon occasionally.
This man says nothing--he's not a snitch.
Smiles when he hears Belphie snicker.
Still, feels bad for MC since it's them who more or less has to try to solve things when Lucifer isn't here.
Gives them a pat on the back and an encouraging smile.
This might be a long night for them after all.
Yes, this is the little shit whose been pelting Mammon with popcorn
And then immediately pretending to be asleep.
Okay in truth, sometimes he's actually asleep after or even mid throw.
I'm not sure how he does it, but 🤷‍♀️
Snickers when Mammon blames Levi for the popcorn.
That's what those to get for interrupting his sleep.
Honestly more or less glad he came
And more or less sleeps against Beel during the night.
He wakes up with crumbs in his hair, but eh. Not the first time.
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isa-belle1367 · 6 months
I saw a post in one of those au's where desmonds ancestors can hear desmond and know desmond is controlling them, and one of the head canons was that haythem couldn't hear desmond and he immediately desynchronized twice because of how weird it was so I wanna do something with that😀
I sighed. "Here we go again." And with that, I passed out.
I opened my eyes, rubbing the blur out of them. I looked around, I was back in the animus. The large expansive void surrounded me.
A voice cut through the silence. "Desmond?" Rebecca called out.
"Do you hear us?" Bill asked
I groaned, trying to ignore the pain in my head. "Yeah, what happened?"
"The temple triggered a bleeding effect. You collapsed and entered into a fugue state." Bill explained.
"So naturally, you dropped me in the animus instead of... I don't know, making sure I was okay?"
Bill sighed, "You weren't in any real danger. Besides, the temple seemed to be communicating with you, I didn't want to sever the connection. At least not until we knew what it wanted."
Well, he wasn't wrong. Juno clearly wanted me to find a key, but still, throwing me into the animus right after I got out of my coma was a dick move.
"Right, of course." I stated clearly agitated.
"Son, I..." He trailed off.
"No, it's fine, I get it. And I know what I'M looking for, by the way. It's a key. Just no idea where it is, though... Guess that's why she triggered the bleeding effect."
"She?" Bill asked.
"Juno, dad. She's... talking to me."
He stayed silent.
My surroundings faded. Once my vision cleared, I was in some kind of obstacle course. Rebecca's voice cut through again.
"Okay, Desmond, while you were, uh, visiting Constantinople, we picked up a new software update for the animus. I'd like to run a couple of quick tests to make sure there are no issues."
I sighed. I decided that while I do the course, I could prepare myself for meeting a new ancestor. I wasn't sure whether to be nervous or excited.
Rebecca gave me instructions, but I tuned them out, I already knew what to do.
From what I saw from the bleeding effect, maybe they were from England, from what I saw it was farther ahead in time them Ezio, maybe in the 1700s.
I guess I wouldn't know till I met him, I just had to hope he wouldn't freak out.
I jumped down from the rooftop. The animus glitched a few times as it loaded.
The world began to build itself. I sighed, preparing myself.
I felt my body shift. I looked down to see that I was in a different body. I grasped the hilt of my sword. I looked around, based on the building and the way people were dressed I was pretty sure I was right about this being the 1700s.
I began to walk forward. As I did, I called out in my mind. "Hey, who are you?"
I blinked with Altair he freaked out and thought I was a ghost, Ezio thought I was some kind of other worldly being, but now... silence.
"Hello, anyone here?" I got no response.
Can he not hear me? I felt the world around me begin to glitch again, I tried to calm myself, but I soon felt a twinge of pain as I desynchronized.
I was now back at the beginning of the stone path. Could this guy really not hear me? Now that I thought about it, I did feel more... disconnected from him than I did with Ezio and Altair.
It felt more like I was watching in 3rd person and less like I was sharing their body.
"Sir? Are you alright." A man asked me.
"Yes, I'm fine, just preoccupied is all."
This honestly felt so weird. I wanted to ask who that man was, but I knew I wouldn't get a response. Was this a new update to the animus.
And with that, I felt the familiar spike of pain jolt through my body, desynchronization.
"Desmond, are you alright?" Rebecca asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just... being in the animus again is... strange." It was half of the truth.
"Alright, just tell us if you need a break, okay?"
"Okay." I stated.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. This was going to be a long animus session.
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axel-silverly · 6 months
Okay, sooo... Bad decisions were made and, guess who stayed up till late to read the event? And well, I FREAKING LOVED IT.
First off, Lucifer's character development? Amazing. I love him already and once we get his cards I bet I'll love him even more 🥰
Honestly tho, regarding my ship post, at the beginning I stood by my opinion, I kinda shipped Gamigin and Lucifer, buuut... Idk, honestly? I love the found family trope, and Luci deserves to be happy with a new, healthy family, so I think I prefer them as platonic but idk, we'll see in the future.
Jjok, my baby!! I saw him and was like "*Gaassppp* W-Who is this small, plump creature?!" And as the story went on I loved him more and more, I'll be respectful to those who still have to read it and won't spoil anything but the sigh of relief i breathed at the end. Iykyk.
And anyway, I loved the relationship between Lucifer and the Seraphs?! Like, I didn't expect them to act like that in the least, Omg, the amount of AUS I can get out of this!!
But having said all that, I want to know a bit more about Lucifer before even thinking about writing about him, I love him so much and I want to do him justice!
Speaking of writing, now that we know about how his fall from grace went, I have to rewrite one of my ocs a bit, maybe in the future I'll post about her but not yet, first I have to write all the other Ideas I have in mind 😅
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Seventeen P9-11
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I had been pretty sheepish all day just trying to keep my head down maybe they forgot about me, Once the bell rang luckily I had model UN so I scampered there before I could get in trouble and sat in my UK-labeled chair. 
"Okay, good afternoon everyone now before we move onto the current affairs of the day does anyone have any new business they would like to bring up?" Alby asks 
Several hands raised 
"Uhh okay, Yes Brazil?" 
"Viva a revolcao!" she yelled and I glanced over 
Brenda Young, the school activist and art freak never seen without paint on her hands and a soap box about something, I never paid her that much attention honestly just sort of saw her as a positive Karen I suppose, then again last year she did force the cafeteria to start at least stocking a vegan and vegetarian option for people thought four weeks of violent protests. they still haven't fixed the window and it still kinda of smells like chum around it.
she stood from her chair her hair cut short with a bright blue streak, her black clothes of net and leather a hand-drawn tattoo on her arm made of Sharpie, 
"Brenda, I've told you before if you're not going to do this properly you can leave" Alby sighed "You can't call a revolution,"
"Fine" she pouted sitting back down 
"Anyone else, Yes Eygpt" He says and she gets up from her seat 
Harriet Toll, a fashion student and a sketchbook kept under lock and key, always wore the most up-to-date fashion trends and made the most of it as well. She didn't exactly like being here but the textiles room is closed on Thursdays and she doesn't get picked up till six so it's something to do other than sitting outside on the step. 
"I know that this model UN is small and we are missing various countries but I cannot help but feel offended at the selection of countries" She explained 
"I second that!" Brenda yelled, "The white boys are the rich countries and the rest of us are the countries with populations with the majority people of colour!" 
"It feels -" Harriet began
"Wouldn't you agree South Africa?" 
"Humm? What's going on?" Fry yawns as he had basically been asleep since we got in here 
"Calm down, calm down everyone, The assigned counties are assigned randomly," Alby says
"Randomly?" Harriet glared
"Completely randomly so sit down" 
"Fine" she sighed sitting down again 
"Anyone else" he sighed "Yes Denmark" 
"What's up with the UK?" Zart asked as he clearly noticed me and the fact I'd barely spoken to him or anyone else today 
"Is brexit making you sad?" Brenda laughed 
"No" I sighed "I'm just a bit out that's all"
"Alright, now on to new business" 
I left after the model UN was over starting to make my way out to go home when I saw three of those blue and white letterman jackets
"I don't like waiting, Newton" Ben yelled
"Fuck!" I complained trying to bolt as quickly as I could away but they caught up fast and threw me against the wall punching and kicking me
"The hell do you think you're doing nerd! You dare actually talk to a cheerleader? It would be funny if you weren't so fucking stupid!" He laughs "You are not to talk to her again, don't even look at her, not even think about her again, or I will cut your balls off and mount them on the flag pole, we clear Newton?"
"I can talk to whoever I damn want!"
"You wanna die! Let me explain something to you y/n is a cheerleader with a fat ass and tits that porn stars pay for, you are a scholastic decathlon, model UN, chess team little freakazoid. Now you will not do it again, are we clear!"
"Hey!" A voice came I could barely see as I likely had a black eye but I saw
Gally Anderson, cohead of the debate team, used to be the muscles of metal shop and woodshop until the school district cut the funding those rooms were gutted of equipment and turned into extra maths rooms and now were often stuck in the back of the art club making small wooden building sculptures while people like Brenda engaged in utter anarchy we used to be friendly but you drift Apart and all
"What's it to you? Art boy?"
"Leave the fuck alone before I knock those teeth down your throat, and we all know daddy paid to get them all nice and touched up for ya which you haven't paid off yet so unless you wanna root around your shit for those pearly fucks. Walk away"
"I'm -"
"I know what you're doing, everyone heard but she aint your girlfreind as I recall she Dumped your ass so fuck off home"
"Come on guys" he says heading to his car "I'm watching you newton!"
"You okay?" Gally asks helping me up and grabbing my stuff for me
"I think I'm dieing"
"Yeah he socked you pretty hard, we'll grab you some ice, come on I'll drop you home"
"Thanks man"
"No problem" he says taking me to his car and we stopped and he got me some ice for my eye and a bandage for my bleeding arm "I know what you did"
"Everyone knows apparently"
"I don't blame you, cheer girls are gorgeous, don't sweat it he'd have kicked your ass for being rude if you hadn't spoken to her"
"I don't get what his problem is"
"Dudes been butt hurt since she dumped him, still protective of her, he thinks because they used to date he owns her. Don't let it get to you" he says pulling up outside my house "You gonna be okay?"
"I think so, thanks gally"
"Don't worry about it, see you around"
"See you around" I nodded before climbing out and heading inside immediately to be met by
"Oh my god my baby!" She screams
"Mum I'm alright -"
"What the hell happened!" My dad yelled
"It's a long story"
Understandably my mother went crazy and I'd been sitting in the kitchen for over an hour while my parents paced and panicked, having replaced my ice and bandaged my cuts and bruises. when they finally let me go back to my room, so I headed to my bed Luckily I didn't have any homework or anything so I just crawled into bed and tried my best to get some god damn sleep. 
When my alarm went off I forced myself up and quickly went for a shower Sonya was about to go in but she stopped short as she saw me
"What the hell happened to you?" she asks 
"Don't. Say. anything." I warned her to go in the bathroom and lock the door tightly I put my music on as loud as possible ran myself a bath and climbed in trying to soothe my aching body, I took as long as I wanted in the bath, once done I went back to my room and got dressed for the day shoving my stuff in my bag even if It stung to add my bag to my shoulder and I headed downstairs to my mum and dad "Morning"
"Morning Kiddo, sit down and take your time with breakfast I'm taking you in today," he says 
"You are?"
"Yeah, I want a word with the headmaster" 
"Uhh okay" I nodded sitting down and my mum gave me as many strawberries, waffles, and french toast as I wanted "I'm happy to take the bus Dad"
"No, no. I want a word with him. phone doesn't do the same as turning up so If I'm going then I might as well take you" 
"Why do I have to take the bus and he gets a ride to school!" Sonya yelled as she arrived downstairs 
"And where were you while your brother was being beaten up like a 1930s gangster?'
"...at the movies with my friends"
"So you'll be taking the bus"
"Uuughhhh!' She yelled marching off outside
"You can take her too it's okay," I said
"You really should -" my mother began
"No, for once I'm not Bowing to that girl," he says finishing his breakfast he took my bag and we headed out to the car We started up and headed through the rainy streets he stopped for coffee of course and he even got me a few hash browns.
"So? Lead the way," he says I nodded and got out of the car he still carried my stuff for me as we headed into the still pretty empty school as the busses hadn't arrived yet I led him through the corridors to the headmaster's office but she wasn't here yet so we just sat outside. "You wanna tell me what this was all over so I have a little backing info?"
"I figured Sonya told you"
"She did but you know how your sister exaggerates."
"I was working, and the cheerleaders came in"
"All of them?'
"I think so, looked like all of them I don't exactly count them everywhere they go, Dad"
"Hu...I did"
"Did you?"
'When I was your age yeah, so?"
"So one of the cheer girls needed a hand with the slushie machine the cherry one always gets stuck so I pulled it for her we talked just casually while I did and told her I'd cover it. But clearly, people found out. I've been getting the cold shoulder from people all day because of it"
"Why? You did something nice for her?"
"Yeah, but she's a cheerleader. I'm...me. I can't talk to them it's like an unspoken law. So one of the track guys beat me up to teach me a lesson"
"and lesson learned. I won't talk to her again" I sighed
"What's her name?"
"What does it matter They'll kill me if I ever even look at her again"
"Well tell me anyway"
"Y/n. Cheerleader?"
"Y/h/c usually with a little blue bow"
"As much as any cheerleader but... she's 'bottom of the pyramid"
"Oh, so she's got the hips and the thighs?' He suggested making a gesture with his hands and I nodded "I take it you have her the free slushie because you like her"
"Kinda, but what does it matter Ben will kill me if I look at her again. Not like I had a cat in hell's chance anyway'
"Why not? You're the most handsome boy in the world your mother tells you all the time"
"Dad. I'm me. I'm a nerd. I am as low as you can get on the totem pole except maybe Chuckie, the cheer team is at the top of the totem pole. I was being stupid"
"Hey, don't think like that, look Isaac. This stuff isn't some totem pole carved in stone or wood forever to be that way. It's more like... an elevator."
"An elevator?"
"Yes, an elevator. You might not see it but people are constantly moving up and down the levels Yes those at the top often don't think about the bottom and the bottom struggle to even imagine ever being at the top but no one stays in those places forever and believe me when you get out of here none of it would have mattered and you'll realize there never was an elevator you were all just living on the same floor convinced you had it better or worse when everyone else" he says "you know I was a pretty big nerd when I was your age Didn't stop me getting a firecracker like your mother. I was on the chess team, algebra club, top science student two years running and your mother was a flag girl"
"No offence but stuff is different nowadays it's not like them You were my age things have changed"
"...how old do you think I am?" He glared
"Well, I'm seventeen?"
"Yeah and I'm thirty-four," he says "AHH Miss Ava Paige just the woman I've been needing to see"
"Mr Newton of course step into my office," she says
I was kind of taken aback by what he said for a moment before I followed them into the office.
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enderpearlgirl1005 · 1 year
Mutant Power-suit Survivors
Chapter 1 Survivors
A man was chilling in a hallway looking up at the ceiling lost in his thoughts till he heard someone calling out his name.
"Hey CJ! Homie you present here?" CJ heard his friend ask.
He looked and saw his friend Mort standing right infront of him. Mort brushed his dreadlocks behind his ear as his dark hair and skin matched each other very well.
"Oh yeah sorry I'm spacing out after today's training session with those power suits." CJ explained, sounding rather tired.
"Ah it's alright Homie I understand those things zap your energy like crazy." Mort said.
"Yeah and it doesn't really help that my dad makes me train even harder when I get back to our assigned room in the bunker." CJ said annoyed with his dad's antics.
"Man your dad needs to chill there's only so much you can push yourself after using one of the power suits, after all they already drain you after using their abilities." Mort said.
"I keep telling him that but he doesn't listen to me." CJ said.
"Hey boys, what are you two talking about?" The two heard another one of their friends ask.
They looked over and saw their other friends Marie, and Jolie standing not too far away from them.
"Just talking about my dad, honestly now I'm twenty seven and he still treats me like a kid. I'm just so sick and tired of all of his shit and his training, all I want from him is to stop trying to turn me into him." CJ explained.
"Yeah we know... hey it's time for us to go and get our daily rations before we have to go outside and do maintenance on the doors." Jolie said.
"Okay let's go, I need something to eat and get my energy back after all." CJ said.
The four then went to the cafeteria where other survivors were eating their daily rations. The four went up to the lunch guy and he gave them their daily rations, CJ got some canned spaghetti, Mort got some mixed vegetables, Marie got canned peaches, and Jolie got some pineapple. The four then sat down at a nearby table and began eating their rations for the day.
"*Sigh* Man ever since those monsters were made things haven't been the same for humanity." CJ said.
"Yeah I know what's left of humanity has to retreat down into bunkers and survive off what they can get. Thankfully we do have power suits that can help us defend ourselves from them." Jolie explained.
"Yeah but due to them draining our energy whenever we use their special abilities there's only so much we can do with them as we'll either pass out or die if we use them too much in a day." Marie explained.
"We know girls but still it at least gives us a fighting chance against those freaks outside." Mort explained.
"I know but still if-" Marie we then cut off by an alarm blaring.
"ALERT ALERT MUTANT NEAR THE FRONT GATE! EVERYONE GET TO YOUR STATIONS!" A voice over the intercom announced to everyone in the bunker.
Everyone started to panic, some dove under the tables, others rolled around on the ground crying, and others ran off to get to their emergency stations. The four got up from their seats and ran off to their stations to help in getting the mutant outside away from their bunker. The four ran down the halls as the lights above them started to flicker. Then a crash could be heard and it was coming from outside indicating that the mutant was attacking the base.
"Oh shit! We gotta get our suits and get that thing to leave!" Mort exclaimed.
"Yeah No shit! If that thing gets in we're dead!" CJ said.
"Well what are we waiting for? We need to get moving!" Marie said in a panic.
The four then ran into a room that had tubes that had power suits in them. The suits were made of a black metal armor and the parts of them that weren't covered in armor were glowing different colors.
CJ went up to a container that had an armor set that glowed orange which indicated super strength and it had plasma blasters. Mort went up to one that was glowing green which meant, super jump and laser eyes. Marie went up to a super suit that was light blue which indicated flying and missiles. Finally Jolie went to a suit that was yellow which indicated super speed and laser shurikens.
The four then opened the pods that had the armor in it, once the pods were open they pressed the button that was in the center chest of the armor. The armor then opened up allowing the four to step right into the cool, tight, and a little heavy armor, on right away.
The armor then closed itself up and locked once it was fully on, a helmet then swung over the gang's heads and a voice said "Armor locked". A loud click was then heard which told the group that their armor was fully on and was now locked in place so it wouldn't move around when they moved.
"Okay guys let's get moving before that thing gets in and especially before Ercole gets to it before us!" Jolie said bitterly.
"Ugh I swear if he gets the mutant before we do I'm going to take a bit of rubble and smash it over my head!" CJ said annoyed.
The four then ran out of the room and down the corridors of the bunker to the entrance of the bunker. However before they reached the entrance the banging stopped and the roars of the creature also stopped.
"Oh god someone got to it before we did!" CJ said.
"Let's go see who it is and pray that it wasn't Ercole." Jolie said.
The gang then ran up to the door that isn't too far away from them and Mort used his key card to open it. The door opened to revive a dead mutant that looks like a mixture of an alligator and a parrot, which is now called a Pargator. Standing no to far away from the corpse was a guy in a suit that was glowing red. He then turned to the group and even if they couldn't see his face they knew who he was and that he was smirking at them.
"Ha looks like you losers once again are late to the party. Oh but don't worry you all can still take care of the body and repair the entrance and the door, but then again that's what you all are meant to do. While I just look awesome and kill thies monsters that are trying to make the human race extinct!" Ercole exclaimed with a large amount of pride in his voice.
"Ugh not again why every single time the base is attacked by a mutant you always get here before us?" CJ asked angrily.
"I don't know you all are just two slow for me." Ercole said mockingly and then walked past them, pushing them aside and went back inside the bunker.
"Ugh where's a rock or any bit of rubble I need to blow off some steam." CJ said as he started looking around for rubble.
"CJ dont, lets just clean up this mess and get to repairing the entrance." Marie said as she put her hands on his shoulders and stopped CJ from finding rubble and potentially hurting himself.
"Yeah Homie, let's get this over with and head to my crib to just rest and watch some stuff." Mort said.
"... Okay fine I think that'll help me feel better." CJ said.
"Cool so let's get started before another creature decides to come by for some human snacks." Jolie then went up to the mutant's body and grabbed it.
The other three followed her and used their suits to help them pick it and dragged it away from the bunker. They dragged it to a big deep canyon and threw it down the canyon, the group looked down and watched as the mutant's body fell deep down and soon was out of sight.
"Phew man everytime we use thies suits I always feel so drained man. It's like I just ran a marathon when we really just walked two miles away from the bunker." Mort said.
"I know man I hope that this can be modified in a way that our energy won't be drained so quickly." CJ said.
"Me that way we can use thies more- AHHHH!" Jolie was saying before letting out a scream when she looked up.
The group looked in the same direction where Jolie was looking and was horrified to see a mixture of a bear and a pterodactyl flying right towards them.
"RUN FOR IT MATES!" Mort screamed and the four all ran away from the mutant.
The mutant chased after them in hot pursuit looking at them like they were a tasty snack.
"WHAT DO WE DO WHAT DO WE DO?!" CJ asked in a panic.
"We just find a place to hide and try using our suits weapons to take this creature out!" Marie explained.
"GOOD IDEA I DONT THINK ITS A GOOD IDEA TO FIGHT WHEN YOUR IN FIGHT OR FLIGHT MODE!" Jolie Screamed in a panic as she ran as fast as she could.
The group then found a rock formation that they could hide in for till they were able to use their weapons against the mutant. They all ran right up to the rocks and once they got close enough slid right inside of the formation. The mutant then stuck its head into the hold in the formation in an attempt to get its food.
"AHH GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY!" CJ and Jolie screamed.
The mutant just screeched at them in response and tried harder to get to them. The four got even more scared as they saw cracks starting to form in the rubble. That told them they needed to attack the mutant now otherwise the formation would come down on all of them. So they all stood in a fighting position and got their suits weapons out to attack the mutant.
However the mutant then stopped and slowly got out of the formation. It then looked to its right as it heard the mating call of a female version of its own kind. It then spread its wings and flew off in the direction of the calls, drawn into those sweet sweet calls of a potential mate.
"Um... what just happened?" CJ asked.
"I think it heard a female giving out a mating call so it left to go find her." Marie explained.
"Oh thank god! Now let's get back to the bunker now before another one shows up and turns us into its late lunch!" Jolie exclaimed while speed walking.
The rest of them followed closely behind Jolie as they all went back to the bunker. Once they arrived there they began the repairs on the entrance as efficiently and as quickly as possible. After about an hour they were done with the repairs, so they opened the doors again and headed back in.
However before CJ went in he looked back out to the destroyed city that twenty years ago had many people living in them. However now the city is now a home to mutant monsters that scientists made as a form of profit for a new zoo. The mutants now drove what's left of the human race down into bunkers and they now live in the shadows doing what they can to still survive.
"Hey CJ you alright?" CJ heard Marie ask.
"Yeah... I was just wondering if there's still others outside of this bunker still alive?" CJ asked.
"Homie you know that ain't possible, no one can survive out there unless they have a power suit mate." Mort explained.
"I know but still can't help but hope that there are still others out there who are still alive." CJ explained.
"Well as far as we know the only other survivors out there are Red Alpha 10 and they're trying to get us killed." Jolie explained.
"Yeah I know... let's go in and put our suits back. I'm exhausted and I want to rest up in Mort's room and at least watch a movie there." CJ said.
"Yeah mates lets go! I got a good banger for all of you!" Mort said, then went inside.
CJ followed Mort along with Jolie, Marie stayed back a bit just to close up the doors. Once she was done with that she ran off to catch up with her teammates/friends.
(Meanwhile somewhere else)
The bear and a pterodactyl hybrid was flying through the air heading in the direction where they heard the mating call. It soon came across a clearing and saw the figure of a female. It flew down to its potential mate, once it was on the ground it walked up to the female.
However when it got there it saw that it was a fake, confused it looked around to figure out what made that noise. In the shadows a figure put a whistle they made in a bag before getting up when they saw the mutant land.
Then the parts of the power suit they were wearing that wasn't covered by armor started glowing and changing different colors. They then ran out from where they were hiding at top speed with the suit giving them a boost in speed.
The Mutant then felt something kicking them in the side. It looked and saw a human, it then tried to attack them however they used their suits speed to avoid the attack. They then used a super jump to get at a good angle for the attack they were planning. The mutant then tried to slam their tail against the stranger, however when the tail made contact with them, they stopped it right in its tracks. They then grabbed on to the scaly and furry tail as tightly as they could.
They then landed on the ground and their grip on the tail became even tighter when they had some grounding. The mutant took notice of this and tried to pull their tail away.
However the stranger didn't even budge and they then picked on the mutant and swung them around as if they were incredibly light. The stranger then started slamming the mutant on the ground causing craters the size of the mutant to form.
After slamming the mutant down about ten times the stranger threw it into a nearby building. It screeched in agony from all the pain it felt from being thrown around so much. It then looked back at the stranger and it saw that they were now pointing the palm of their hand at it.
A plasma blast then shot out at it hit the mutant right in the face blowing its head up from the impact. Parts of the mutant's head and its slimy green blood splatter and spewed everywhere as it slowly fell to the floor dead.
The stranger lowered their hand then walked up to the mutant's body. They then used their suits laser to cut open the mutant inorder for them to get the meat they wanted from the mutant. After about two hours the stranger got a good amount of meat in some good big meaty chunks in a bag that they brought with them.
After they were done with the butchering they grabbed their bag and headed back home. The stranger used their super jump to get back home quicker, while also avoiding the sights of other mutants that were both on the ground and in the sky.
They didn't want to get into another fight with another mutant as they had enough food to last them for a good long while and it'd be such a waste of such good meat.
They soon arrived at a big abandoned beach house that used to belong to a wealthy person for quite some time till they were killed. Since it is abandoned the stranger moved in with their family and turned it into a safe haven. For them it was rather nice as it had lots of rooms and they all enjoyed the view of the ocean they got everytime they looked out on the balcony.
The stranger went up to the front door and opened it, then went inside, before closing it and locking it up so the smaller mutants wouldn't get in. The stranger then took a breath before setting their bag down and pressed a button on their suit.
The suit then opened up and the stranger stepped out reliving them to be a beautiful woman with fair skin, long black hair that was grown down to her knees, and with ocean blue eyes. She was also wearing black stockings, black tight crop top and underwear.
She brushes her long dark hair aside and out of her face as she looks back at her suit. She then pressed another button on it, this caused the suit to reform itself down into a small circle shaped piece of metal. The woman then grabbed onto both her armor and her bag of meat before heading into the kitchen.
"Mom dad, I'm back from hunting." The woman said.
"Ah that's great Cyan what did you get this time, I hope it'll be good for when you cook it at night." Cyan's father said.
"Yeah I hope so as well you always make the best kind of food out there. Even if the meat isn't from a regular animal." Cyan's mother said.
"I hope so as well mom, but before I get to cooking I need to put my suit back in its holder and go say hello to Iggy as you know he gets lonely without me." Cyan said.
Her parents nodded and she left for her room, she walked through the dimly lit hallway to her room. Cyan soon came across a door that had a paper on it, the paper had "Cyan's room" written on it.
Cyan grabbed the door's cold handle and turned it, she then opened the door and looked inside her room. It had the curtains drawn on the glass door that led out to the balcony, so the mutants outside wont see her and try to attack.
There was also a big queen size bed that had two big plushies on both sides of the bed. The bed was on the side of the wall and was facing 90% to the window and the door Cyan came through. Cyan then went into her room and looked to the other side of the room that had a big desk with equipment and inventions laying on it.
Cyan has been making weapons that will help her defend herself against the mutants as well as other people. In the past others had come by Cyans house and when they saw her inventions they tried to unwillingly take her to their hideout. However Cyan didn't want to leave her parents or Iggy as they were all she had left in this world and she didn't want to lose that.
Cyan went up to her desk and placed her armor on the desk then started looking around for Iggy. She looked around her room (including under her bed), but did not find him anywhere. She decided to see if he was outside on the balcony which is where he would go sometimes whenever Cyan was gone for a long time.
So she cracked the curtains and indeed saw her iguana, and pterodactyl hybrid pet outside on the balcony. She then unlocked the door to the balcony and slowly slid it open and taped the floor twice getting Iggy's attention. Iggy looked back and saw Cyan sitting on the floor gesturing to him to come over to her.
Iggy made a cute little smile and crawled over to Cyan and jumped into her arms and she gave him a warm hug. Cyan gave Iggy some good head pats and he smiled again while stomping his foot on her leg. Cyan smiled as that indicated he liked the attention she was giving him.
Just then the two heard a shriek from a Mutant that was nearby. So quickly Cyan closed the door, locked it, and then closed the curtains. She then grabbed Iggy Tightly and hid under her bed sheets trying to be as quiet as possible. The mutant shriek soon faded away and Cyan sighed in relief that it didn't notice her. She then threw the covers off of her and left her room with Iggy in her arms.
"Hey mom, dad found Iggy, so I'm going to start dinner now." Cyan said.
She then placed Iggy on the floor next to his food bowl and gestured to him to stay till she made his food. Cyan then got her bag of the bloody meat and started the process to cook it. She first washed it off, pounded it with a mallet, then started to cook it.
Cyan also got some potatoes, and carrots to cook along with the meat. She put the carrots and potatoes in a steamer after peeling and chopping them. She then seared the meat on a pan for a while before putting some seasonings on it along with lemon juice and placing it in the oven.
While she was waiting for her food to finish cooking she collected the scraps and put them in Iggy's bowl. A thing Cyan loved the most about Iggy is that he always ate the scraps and left over foods that she wouldn't eat.
It came in handy as she didn't need to take the scraps outside to throw the scraps away. Cyan smiled and patted Iggy on the head, to which he once again started slapping his foot against the ground as he enjoyed it. Cyan then took her hand away from his head and went back to cooking her meal, while Iggy started eating up the scraps.
After about twenty minutes Cyan was finished with her own meal so she played herself up and sat down to eat. As Cyan ate she recalled the events that took place twenty years ago when the mutants first came out.
Back then Cyan was a happy little girl with her mother and father, they were a normal family and Cyan had many friends. However that all changed when the mutants broke out of the science lab they were in and started wreaking havoc on the world.
Cyan lost many of her friends from the incident and has been hiding away all alone ever since. She sighed again as she sadly enjoyed her food all alone in silence.
The reason she was also very sad is that three years after the initial mutant outbreak, her mother and father were both killed by a poisonous mutant. Cyan looked up at the other end of the table and sitting across from her was her parents' corpses that she kept as a way to try and cope with everything.
She'd sometimes pretend they're still alive and talk to them despite knowing that they were dead, but her heart couldn't accept it yet. Cyan even pretended to talk back to her mom and dad as well, the reason she pretended was that she also suffered from mutism and couldn't speak.
So when her parents died it only added fuel to the fire as she couldn't tell them how much she loved them with her voice as she didnt have one. Cyan could only talk through writing and sign language but for her it wasn't enough.
She wanted to laugh, sing, speak, scream, she wanted to do more than just make some noises. All Cyan wants is to have a voice to talk with and to have her family back with her.
Her moms warm kisses and hugs, her father's rough way of playing with her when she was younger. Cyan started to cry as the things she desired most in the world could never be given to her. Cyan sighed as she ate her meal alone and the feeling of loneliness creeped into her heart.
Just then she felt something cold and scaly wrest on her bare thigh. She looked down and saw Iggy, which reminded her she wasn't alone, she still had him with her.
Cyan smiled and helped Iggy get up on her lap, once he was on her lap Iggy curled up and cuddled into Cyan. Cyan smiled and continued eating, feeling somewhat better about her current predicament and her current loneliness.
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slashersteve · 2 years
Let's Kiss
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pairing: Steve Harrington/Female Reader
summary: It might be the end of the world, and you're for some reason worried about having never been kissed. Steve decides to change that.
warnings/extra tags: friends kissing tm, friends making out tm, reader spirals for a second here, gets a little heated but this isnt my nsfw blog, cursing, beta read, edited by me and autocorrect babey
note: forgive me for writing slowly :') i wanted to experiment with writing more kissing scenes and decided it was a perfect time for you to kiss steve till you were stupid. Thanks for reading and enjoy <3
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For the third time in your life, it felt like the end of the world, but unlike those times, this time felt as if it actually might be. And you were…not okay if you were being honest. Everyone who was piled into this stolen Winnebago that Eddie Munson hot-wired was not okay, but they seemed to be holding it together better than you. 
When Steve Harrington drove into an open field so that you guys could properly prepare for your battle with Vecna, who was also known as Henry Creel, but also 001, you thought the fresh air would be just what you needed. You were wrong though when you thought of Vecna though, as the guy had shown Nancy some big, big plans of his that had to do with opening up a massive gate in the middle of Hawkins.
In response, you and everyone else here had big plans too, some that involved baiting him with a still cursed Max while the rest of you venture into the Upside Down to try and kill him before his plan could come to fruition. Honestly, it was a good plan, especially with Nancy basically leading all of you, and you couldn’t poke many holes into it…except for one…or some. 
What if he didn’t take the bait with Max? What if Dustin and Eddie’s plan to distract the bats didn’t work? What if you step on a vine and alert the guy? And what if he literally knows everything you’re planning at this exact second and you’re all walking into a trap? 
You don’t usually freak out like this, in fact, you had once prided yourself in your ability to be calm and collected in nearly every situation, but there must be something in the air right now or Vecna/Henry/One somehow got into your head or something because you were on the verge of a whole panic attack. Even Robin was more calm than you were (or at least appeared so).
“Preparation is key,” Nancy had said when going over your plan again when you questioned if it would actually work. And she was right, the first time you were in the Upside Down it was by chance (or force as the bruises around Steve’s neck still gave you uncomfortable chills and dread), but this time you’re going to be practically armed with all the shit you just bought at that angry hick store Eddie suggested while Max baits Vecna. 
God, the thought of anything going wrong made your chest hurt, and you wanted to vomit all over the grass next to Nancy and Max’s feet as she sawed off the barrel of the shotgun.
“I’m- I’m going to go and change,” you said quickly before that could happen. They both glanced at you, and Nancy told you that was fine all the while it looked like Max could see right through you. 
“She looks like she’s about to bail or something,” Max said, watching you make a beeline toward the Winnebago where Steve and Robin were currently sitting outside of. 
Nancy hummed as she returned her focus on the felony she was committing and said, “I’m sure she’s fine.”
You didn’t say so much as a word when you went into the Winnebago and closed it, making Steve and Robin glance at one another before Robin was continuing to make their Molotov bombs with kerosene and empty alcohol bottles. 
Steve’s eyes lingered on the shut door a little longer, noticing your odd demeanor, before reluctantly turning his attention back to the Molotov bombs as well. 
It was in the Winnebago when things took a turn for the worse for you.
You had just finished changing out of your tattered clothing from your first trip in the Upside Down, and now wore the exact same camouflage shirt Steve was wearing and some new pants. You started to spiral, essentially, your thoughts coming at you fast and all at once, thoughts about what could potentially happen and go wrong, about possibly getting killed, which led you to think about a lot of the things you hadn’t done yet. 
You wanted to graduate and attend the college you were already accepted to, then graduate from there, and maybe find a significant other there or something to at least experience that. It was just insane to you that you experienced what it’s like to breathe in the air of another dimension before anything inherently romantic.
It made you wonder if your life would ever be…just normal.
That was when the door was being opened and Steve was walking in without any regard to look specifically for you. When his eyes landed on you, they suddenly squeezed shut and he said, “Shit! Sorry! Were you changing? I’ll just-“ he blindly stepped backwards, knocking into the back of the passenger seat. 
"It's okay! I'm done anyways," you told him, and he opened only one eye slowly before opening both.
"Still, I should've knocked," he laughed awkwardly as he stepped back into the Winnebago and said, "Molotov's are done, Eddie and Dustin's spears and shields are made, Nancy committed a felony...I say we're almost ready."
"Oh," you said a bit shakily, "So soon?"
He nodded, and said, "Yup, we should probably leave soon if we want to make it at sundown."
You dropped your eyes for a second, and forced the nervous exhale from coming out as everyone was on as much edge as you were about everything, and you didn't need to burden any of them with your doubt.
"Are...you ready?" Steve asked suddenly, and you glanced up at him.
"I-" you shut your lips to gulp nervously, then opened them again to say, "I...don't know..."
His eyes looked thoughtful as they stared at you, and he nodded, "Yeah...me either to be honest." He laughed weakly as he leaned on the side and crossed his arms.
You looked up and kept your gaze on him this time as he sighed deeply, "Just talked with Robin, and she thinks it might not work out for us..."
Your heart dropped, "Oh."
"But...she also said that we're crazy, and that...if we don't try and stop him then who will," he licked his dry lips for a second, "And she's right. Whatever happens...we win..or lose...at least we tried."
It was a bitter thought, to think that even if you go in prepared and ready for battle things can still go south. You needed to sit down immediately, and once you did on the couch in the back, you dropped your head in your hands at the thought of the endless possibilities.
"Is this what our lives have been leading up to?" you asked suddenly, voice quivering, "Battling a sadistic clock obsessed guy with powers like El and bad skin who snaps people's bones because he wants to open a giant gate to take over the world? What ever happened to normal lives, you know? Why hasn't our only problems been oh am I going to pass this physics exam or oh my god is he going to call me back? You know normal problems that normal people experience?"
You were rambling in a similar manner like Robin might, and it caught Steve off guard as you hardly ever did anything like that while Robin does it often.
Also, you already looked and sounded like you were defeated before the final battle even began, and Steve disliked that a lot.
"Hey, hey, we beat this guy? Then we'll have those normal problems," Steve tried to comfort you, "If this guy is really the big threat, and we manage to put him down, that'll be the end of everything...hopefully."
You moaned dreadfully, completely ignoring Steve, "There's just so much I should be experiencing, I don't understand why I experienced what it's like to climb up into a ceiling and fall out of the other side before I experience, I don't know, a first date? A first kiss? I know that stuff's not super important but still, it would be nice."
Steve tried to speak, but you were continuing on, your thoughts venturing to other matters besides yourself and it was making him even more concerned with your current state.
"And it's not even just me, like those kids out there? They're so young, one of them is literally cursed, like what the hell is up with that? It’s so fucked up!"
You were continuing to ramble and asking rhetorical question after rhetorical question that Steve had to actually go over to sit next to you and grasp your shoulders to make you stop and look at him.
"Hey!" he said, slightly shaking you as your eyes met, "All this is not helping anybody, especially yourself. I think the same things sometimes, and I wish I had some kind of explanation for you, but I don't even know it."
You stared blankly at him, and he sucked in a tight breath and continued to say, "What I do know is that we really don't have normal lives, and you know, at this point we just kind of have to to live with that-"
"I also know," he cut you off, "That if we're going to go down there and try to put an end to this then we need to be prepared and level-headed you know? So...just...tell me what I can do to make you feel better."
His final request was odd to you, as you didn't know what he could do. He could tell you everything was going to be alright, but you'd know it was probably going to be a lie to try and calm you down. Steve knew as much as you did, and it sucked for a moment because you were expecting him to know more. Still, the question did make your heart swell up because of how genuinely nice he was, just being here with you and talking to you, wanting to make you feel better.
You instead took in a deep breath, trying to calm down the pacing of your heart stemmed from your blast of anxiety, and now the typical feeling you get when around the guy as you said, "You...you don't have to do anything. I'm sorry...you're right, tonight could be the end of the world, we're all nervous, but I'm the only stupid one ranting about never having kissed anyone."
You rolled your eyes at your own stupidity, and turned away from Steve to look at the ground.
Beside you, Steve shifted in his spot, and said "You don't have to apologize...I just almost lost you there for a moment."
You laughed weakly, but didn't reply.
Steve looked at you thoughtfully, and cleared his throat gently before saying, "For the record...I don't think you being worried about things like a first kiss is stupid."
"Yes it is Steve," you replied immediately, "In the face of the end of the world? Yeah...it's stupid."
"Well, I don't know, they're probably thinking about things like that too..." Steve trailed off, "Just because you're the only one voicing it doesn't make it stupid."
You pressed your lips together, and shrugged weakly at him in response as you leaned back on the couch now, the top of your head smacking lightly against the back window.
You weren't looking at Steve, because if you were, you probably would've caught a shift in his gaze that meant an idea was coming about, whether it was good or bad, you wouldn't have known until he said it.
And after a few seconds of silence, he did tell you, except you refused to believe you heard him right. 
"What?" you asked, wanting him to repeat it so you don’t look silly.
He coughed into his hand nervously and said, "I could kiss you right now...you know...give you a sense of...normal or something...or to like…cross that off your list."
Steve wasn't looking at you as he repeated himself, which was just as well, because you felt your cheeks heat up and your jaw slightly drop. Not sure if he was just teasing you or something, you muttered, "Normal...normal friends don't kiss each other, Steve."
He laughed breathlessly, and ran his hand over his mouth for a moment before replying, "Friends do help each other though...also pretty sure we established we're not normal."
Now that made you laugh, not a weak or breathless one like before, but a genuine one and you said, "Yeah...that's definitely true.”
He was looking at you now, brown eyes staring right into yours and you saw then that he was serious about it, serious about kissing you and letting you experience at least that before tonight.
It wasn't like you hadn't thought about it before, if that warm feeling he always gave you when he was around, even now, said anything. You've thought about it even before you were friends, when he was a stupid jerk in high school who never looked twice at you but still made you weak in the knees.
After getting to know him more, you wanted to do more than just kiss the guy. You wanted to go on dates with him, hold his hand, make him laugh...all those romantic like things you've only seen in the movies. Would kissing him right now, in a moment like this, be a good move?
At your silence, Steve began to move to stand as he was saying, "God yeah, you're right it's not normal. I'm sorry I offered and made it weird."
Your hand was flying upward to capture his wrist gently, and when your eyes met, your thoughts went away as you realized you had made your answer already. You gave him a single nod, and then said, "Let's kiss."
His gaze remained on yours then, his expression softening slightly as he waited a few seconds before settling back down in the space next to you.
The atmosphere changed drastically then, the color within the Winnebago a pretty golden shade, bouncing off of Steve's face and his brown eyes as they bore into yours. You never really noticed how soft of a brown color his eyes were, maybe because you’ve never been this close enough to see them.
His next question had tore you out of your mesmerized gaze, asking you in a soft, quiet voice you never heard him speak in if you were sure it’s what you wanted.
You nodded, and said in a breathless voice, "Yes I'm sure."
Your heart was beating out of your chest, this time for the reason that any second now you were going to be kissing Steve Harrington, the once King of Hawkins High, and now one of your closest friends. You were nervous, and you were scared, but no more than you were scared about what might happen tonight.
He was just so close to you though, instead of the usual cologne he wore that drove you mad, he smelled like the earth and the pungent smell of the kerosene they used to create molotovs. It really proved that it wasn't just his cologne that drove you mad, it was simply him.
It was him just being here and this close that’s what made you this way, what was making you forget for a second that the end of the world was hours away. Your breath had even hitched and he gently reached upward to cup your cheek, a gesture that made you feel more heat spread across your face and chest.
His eyes flickered to your lips then as he began to move in, and you tensed up as you felt his lips gently graze over your own before they pressed fully against yours.
Though it was just a peck, just two lips touching, you practically melted in your seat when you felt his slightly chapped lips on yours. Your eyes even fluttered shut for a second, and any doubt of this being a bad idea faded at once as you returned the kiss.
When he leaned away from you after a few seconds, you opened your eyes to meet him and he asked with a small smile on the lips that were just on yours, "How was that?"
You were practically breathless as you replied something incoherent, and Steve tilted his head curiously at you, not understanding what you had said, and to be fair you didn’t know either. Your eyes fell back onto his lips, instead wondering if they were tingling like yours currently were, and wondering if he too felt the fire that he ignited in your chest by that simple kiss.
Steve had noticed your eyes had flickered back to his lips, and he exhaled deeply, and moved his hand underneath your chin to make you meet his gaze again. You blinked almost dreamily up at him, and he asked you in that same sweet, soft voice that would be added to your favorite things about him… "Want to do it again?"
Oh, how fast you said yes.
He didn't hesitate after your answer, pressing his lips fully onto yours to quite frankly give you another best first kiss of your life that you were sure nobody could beat even if they tried.
His experienced lips moved against your inexperienced ones, taking control and taking your breath away all at once. His lips were slow and steady on yours, gently sliding along yours and it was you who tilted your head gently in order to deepen it just a little more.
Steve's hand had moved from your chin, rather moving to the back of your head as he exhaled for a moment right onto your lips, and he asked, “Is this okay?” in reference to how quickly heated this kiss was becoming. You responded to him by leaning back in, and he chuckled as you recaptured his lips onto yours.
You didn't know what you were doing, since you've made it clear you've never kissed anyone, let alone like this, but it felt like you were doing something right as you tried to return his kiss with the same intensity as him especially when he hummed against you, his lips slightly vibrating on yours and pulled you impossibly closer to him.
When you felt the swipe of his tongue on your bottom lip, it sort of brought you back to yourself for a moment and he was leaning away again, his cheeks were a blush pink color and he said, “Fuck I’m sorry. We agreed on a kiss, and I’m trying to stick my tongue down your throat.” 
He laughed awkwardly at his own words, and you could only sit there and stare at him all starry eyed, your prior concerns with the end of the world all but gone for even just a few seconds and you replied, “I…I don’t mind.” 
Now you felt like the awkward one when he just stared at you, except you didn’t notice that his eyes were just as starry as yours, and then, the soft brown of his eyes shifted and darkened at your response and you were kissing again, picking off right where you left off. 
Your lips parted and you felt him slip his tongue inside of your mouth, now really drinking you up and your hands flew upward to his sides, sliding them underneath his jacket and you felt him shudder against your hands as they touched his firm back above his shirt that matched yours.
The honest truth was you weren’t thinking about what this may imply, with how good Steve was kissing you and how intoxicated you both were quickly becoming on each other. It didn’t occur to you that Steve has probably been wanting to kiss you like this for a while now.
With your arms around him, you pulled him almost on top of you, your head smacking back against the window again as his tongue explored your mouth and all your worries just floated away as your mind was becoming fuzzy on him and the feeling he was bringing out of you.
“Steve,” you mumbled his name with a voice that was even unrecognizable to you, and it only urged him further, drinking up the next murmur of his name and you dragged your nails into his back (being wearing of his bandage) now feeling a sort of heat settling in the pit of your stomach as he practically devoured you in this Winnebago.
There was no telling where this might’ve gone, or how far either of you would’ve let it go, as Eddie was entering the Winnebago with a slam of the door saying, “Hey! So we’re- holy shit-” 
The rest of his sentence was cut off at the sight of the position you and Steve were currently in. He had come in so fast and unexpectedly that neither you or Steve pulled apart quick enough so Eddie saw, well, everything, especially Steve nearly on top of you and his tongue in your mouth.
All you really could do was pull your lips apart from each other and look at the metalhead with similar, wide eyes.
“Uh…yes?” you asked awkwardly after a few seconds of silence, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment rather than whatever Steve had been making you feel.
Eddie stared at the both of you for a second longer before he cleared his throat and said, “Yeah, some of us need this to change in, so if you want to make out- there’s an entire field out there,” he gestured around almost dramatically, and you blinked a few times, “Right yeah, so I’ll give you guys a moment.” 
Neither you and Steve could properly respond to him as he was out of the vehicle in record time and you could hear some mumbling after the door shut and then Dustin saying quite loudly, “What? No, they’re not together- wait- what?”
A harsher wave of embarrassment came over you this time, realizing what had just happened between you and Steve, how heated it had gotten from a single peck to Steve’s tongue in your mouth and you pulling him on top of you. Your eyes trailed back to meet Steve as he leaned away from you, and your hands were falling to your lap. You wanted to say something, anything, but all that came out was a flustered breath at the loss of warmth you felt underneath his jacket. 
Thankfully, Steve spoke for you, and he asked after an awkward, light cough, “Are you uh- feeling better now?” 
You sat up more, flashing your eyes toward him before you looked down at your lap, noticing you were twiddling your thumbs nervously and all you could do was nod. Steve’s eyes stayed resting on yours, and before you knew it, he put his hand over yours. 
Your eyes lifted to meet him again, and you could see there was a small, almost shy smile on his lips before he said, “I think I want to take you out on your first date too, if we end up saving the world.” 
Your heart skipped a beat at that, and asked stupidly, “As like…a friend thing?” 
He chuckled at your response, and shook his head, “No…no not like a friend thing at all…to be honest what just happened…if it wasn’t clear that wasn’t a friend thing either, I’ve been wanting to do that forever.” 
His cheeks were still flushed, and his voice was still soft and low, only wanting you to hear him. And the way he was looking at you? His eyes were so intense, so adoring. Has he always looked at you like this and you just never noticed? 
You stayed staring at him with a soft, surprised gaze, genuinely taken back by all this, and you decided right then and there that you were going to kill Vecna/Henry/One just to go on this date with Steve and maybe kiss him like you just had until you couldn’t breathe anymore and without interruption. 
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hizashi and Aizawa kidnapping a young teenage girl, and her bonding and quickly finding comfort with Hizashi, leaving Aizawa to awkwardly attempt at being super soft and all the more gentle to his sensitive little girl, his heart panging with pain every time she flinches or cowers away from him. “You don’t need to be scared of me, kitten.. please”
your little acts of favoritism weren’t necessarily intentional, you hated both of them. they were your brothers teachers, and whoop dee doo, they kidnapped you. but... you liked hizashi more.
it was just something about him that made you believe he was some form of comfort item, probably because he wasnt brooding, and didnt have a mean face, and he was the first human yud ever seen in this place, that all combined into one and he became your rock, your shoulder to cry on. he was just... so nice, although his quirk was loud, somehow he managed to speak softly with you. it was such a bright contrast to at home where two firey blondes always scream at each other, and your father tries to calm it down.
on your first night ever here, you had tried to jump out the window, and were captured by the thick scarves you once admired, hed lectured you, yelled at yiuu even, all you could see were those red eyes of his, and hear his voice. and he scared you, he scared you so much. i guess it justtranslates to now, first impressions are everything, and to you, he looked like a big scary man who would yell at you.
eventually, you stopped caring about how you hated him, or how you wanted to leave, as you clearly never were. so, instead of glaring at them, or crying, you accepted the fact that he was taking care of you. hizashi, hizashi was taking care of you... aizawa though? no way in hell, he was just so... you'd never seen him with a smile, he never tried to talk to you, he just kinda watched you, and it freaked you out, at some point you started believing he was trying to kill you, don't even ask how you came up with that conclusion.
you just couldn't manage to warm up to hi as you'd done so quickly with hizashi, and it showed. you were always tense when alone with him, like he was going to jump out at you any second and stab you, you didnt talk to him , sometimes you felt so anxious around him that you would outright start crying, shaking in some form of fear, or hide yourself under a blanket. although hizashi was proud that you loved him so much, he knew that this was hurting his husband, that his own little girl was scared of him.
so he would always try to coax you into doing things with him, saying things like "can your papa come and help" or "how about we have papa do this with you while I make lunch?", just trying to get him included so you would feel just as comfortable around him as you were with his own self. Sometimes he just left the room to let you have alone time with him. He’d even lectured his husband about how he always looked angry, and that he has to smile form time to time, and not the creepy “I’m gonna kill a villain” smile.
And so Aizawa started trying, not trying to be like hizashi, even that was too much for him, but trying to be nicer, he was a gentle person when he wanted to be, so this came with ease for him, he would tuck you in at night, read you stories, hold you if you cried, feed you, help you bathe (which you usually liked hizashi to do, and in general, inserted himself as a gentle roger in your life. You would expect taht this would work, that because he was so nice to you, because he was so sweet like hizashi, you would accept him as your father.
But nope! Again, first impressions are everything to you, and now, he was written off as the villain of you story, now, you jsut ran off to papa whenever he was around, and didn’t even give him the chance to hang around you, it just made it worse honestly, because now, not only did he look scary, but he also looked fake, which is never good. Every time he would try to if you, you would clutch onto hizashi for dear life, acting like his hand would do nothing but burn you.
Tears would cloud your vision, and he would pulle back, not wanting to cause you any more pain, and jsut stare in. Pure jealousy at his husband, who cooed and gave you a hug.and guess what? You hugged him back, and hid yourself in his chest, willingly, without a fight, without a tear, instead with a smile, most of the times mic wouldn’t interfere, wbatigg ns this to everyone a safe space for you, a place where you should naturally do things, but sometimes, he would give you little bushes int he right direction. Like disappearing completely for my he house so you’ll be forced to talk to Aizawa.
This is one of those times.
Yo been wandering the house for about ten minutes now, waking up form a nap, to find mic absent from his usual place in the rocking chair at your bedside. It was a little after lunchtime, and they’d only given you a small cup of fruit for breakfast (intentional, from mic), you were fairly hungry, and usually he was there to give you food, but you had no idea where he was, you had heard the… other one on the phone in their shared office, but you did not want to talk to him right now.
Aizawa could tell you were awake by the fact that all of the cats were meowing like crazy, and little pattering footsteps had followed his hearing around, mic had left abruptly, probably some little plan of mischief again, he was hizashi after all. He was just waiting for you to either 1: go back to bed, or 2: come to him for help. Mic had specifically told him to follow these rules for after nap time, so he did. And grew progressively more worried as over twenty minutes, trying to read through his students grading work, too distracted by the urge to go find you to accomplish anything.
His worries dissipated though when he saw your little head poking through the door, cat in hand, confused and tired looking, small tears beginning to prick th corners of your eyes, little sniffling sounds left you. His wha specked up form the desk, you’d given up walking around the whole house, your restarting had slowly pent up, you couldn’t manage to find him, and you were so hungry.
“Oh- hey honey, I didn’t know you were up. Do you need something?” He questioned, smiling intently at you, you just inched back into the door frame, breathing heavier by the moment, your hands shook and your head felt like it was going to explode at any point. Youbcontenoajted runnign back to your room and waiting till mic came out where you could hear him, but your stomach grumbled, reminding you how hungry you really are.
“I’m- im looking for daddy. Where is he.” You spoke, a very hushed tone overtook your words, making them almost inaudible for him. His face sunk slowly, he tougher you were actually gonna come for him, but the he remembered taht patience is key, and that he shouldn’t get mad, because it is t your fault taht you’re just a little sensitive, too fragile to handle more than one attachment, he gets it. He jsut at least wanted you to look at him, instead did your little feet, I’m Ayer if you could meet his eyes the. You would see how much he loves you.
“Oh, he left a. Little while ago. Is there something you need from him? Your papa can give him a call if you want, you could even talk to him!” He exclaimed excitedly, plastering that happy smile across his face to seem more inviting, liek mic had told him to do. He stood out of his chair, rounding up the papers and putting them in his file folders.you tried to sink back furthers, almost disappearing behind the doorway, you shook your head aggressively, almost running off, then yet again, your stomach made another noise, and forced you to stay.
“I- no. I’m- im hungry-“ you spluttered, not caring if it was embarrassing that you were stuttering so much, you just wanted food. And calling mic would just get you a lecture on how you could’ve just asked your papa, the same thing would happen whenever you went to uncnecesary lengths to avoid the man, your daddy would make sure you knew that it made him feel bad, while you’d at there bored. Not caring, at all.
“Oh- well you should’ve told me sooner kitten, if I’d known I would be up already. Cmon, let’s go to the kitchen, your daddy made you some food earlier” he spoke, rising from his chair slowly, you cowered slightly as he walked over, clutching the little kitten right to you for comfort, he mewed and snuggled closer, completely asleep. The man sighed when he saw you backing away from his grasp, he knew you were still scared. But he was just so impatient… he was tired of waiting, he wanted to hold you, even if it was jsut foena few minutes. He needed it feel you there with him.
Is he acted quickly, moving in a matter of seconds, he swooped his arm under your leg, and hooked his other around your torso, pulling you straight up into his grasp. Youu huh froze, his hands felt cold as ice on your skin, like they were burning you, immediately after he started walking, it snapped you out of it and you threw a fit. You dig your fingernails into his skin, and kicked and flailed in a panic, still trying to keep the little kitten in your lap safe. A full blown panic washed over you, clogging all your senses.
The dam holding back tears form your eyes crashed, and immediately you were sobbing, biting at his shoulder to let you go, he tried to rub your back to calm you down a bit, but just made it worse, as his hands felt like living anxiety creeping up and down your spine. He didn’t know what to do, let you ride it out, andkk no possibly have you get sick because of how much your crying in an empty stomach? Or let you down and go straight back to square one.
Your veined felt like pure ice had flooded in them, and it felt liek someone was repeatedly jabbing you in the head with tiny needes, fear was jsut so prominent in your sense, it overcame you, and made you whimper and scream.
“Whoah, breath for me alright? I just want to hold you. I’m not going to hurt you okay? I would never hurt you. Kitten… you don’t have to be scared of me” he spoke, trying to keep a proper computers, he wanted to cry with you, he wasn’t a very soft or emotional man but honestly, he was so upset with himself already, this was jsut pushing him for the edge. You cried, and cried, at some point you weren’t even crying and screaming at him, more with him. He held you close, you’d stopped the struggle almost five minutes ago, letting him hold you. It was odd. It almost felt… nice.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m being stupid again” You alien through your remaining little hiccups, shove my your face into his shirt, smelling the woody scent he carried around with him. He cooed, letting you hide yourself from him, savouring this soft moment was of top priorirty in his head… you jsut looked so sweet, so different from those harsh cries that would sound usually whenever he came around.
Who would think, shouts aizawas hand couldn’t feel nice? The same ones that had just been burning you, the ones that made you scream, felt like a breeze on a spring day, he actually felt warm, he felt like happiness, like contentment.
“No hon, it’s not stupid. Your scared. I know that, we all get scared and it’s not a bad thing, I love you, I really, really love you kitten. Just know that” he continued on with his little speech, leaving down to kiss you in the forehead, Jsut to be suprised when you didn’t flinfh, you were too tired to be scared; and too hungry, plus, he was really warm, the cat had pretty much snuggled up to him already, who says you shouldn’t.
“I- um- I love you… to?” You spoke, more of a question than anything, you’d spent so long Harding him that you didn’t know if you even could love him, it didn’t even feel possible, then again, you litterally cling to hizashi like a koala, and your mental state has relaly said “swoopity swoop” and scattered itself everywhere. Maybe having two comfort items was actually better than one… huh.
“Well, let’s go eat then. All taht crying probably made you tired, I’ll let you watch a movie in my office, you can watch pinto again, I know you love taht one. Cmon, let’s go” he spoke, and started walking again, you cuddled closer to him as he did, smiling slightly at the warmth. Hizashi was very extravagant, exiting, and hyper, this man felt very cool, calm, it was such a dark contrast, but it worked so well. You jsut… you Jsut liked it.
Well… now we’ll just have to wait and see who’s the favorite
Thank you for requesting! It was super fun to write and had me feeling super happy when I finished :)
I’m thinking about doing yandere todoroki family asks, because I’m litterally in love with @i-cant-sing one… so, requests are open for those if you want to put them in (please do I’m begging)
Anywho, have the most wonderful to days today! Goodbye!
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Pairing- James Potter x werewolf!Lupin!female!reader. (That's a mouthful)
Summary:- reader has a tiny bit of crush on school's golden boy and she finds him very gorgeous but she can't say anything to his face.
Word count:- 4.3k (damn)
Warning:- mentions of scars, alcohol, insecurities. (I think this is but inform me if any other) also lets pretend James has ocean blue eyes.
A/N:- so here it is the one shot promised based on the song Gorgeous, I wanted to make something silly kind of but it turned out different than that but alright. It is based on the song called gorgeous by Taylor Swift but I changed something. If you find any errors please inform me. Enjoy read! And thanks to @ultarviolence for actually suggesting to with whom the oneshot be. Credits for the pictures goes to their rightful owners, I only own the collage. Tiny bit of wolfstar too. Also a reblog will be helpful.👉👈
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Petrichor. The earthy smell filled your heightened senses as you felt him coming near you. As much as it intimidated you, it was bliss, somehow it relaxed you. But maybe even in that bliss you were aware how he affected you. Your back still towards him you started walking away from him, everyone was congratulating him on quidditch pitch after his marvellous performance against Slytherin, and here you were walking away from him.
You told Remus that you rather snuggle in your blankets and relax before the full moon but he was stubborn, just like you, and dragged you to quidditch pitch. It was even alright till you had to sit in the rain and watch the match but it all blew up when he saw you sitting in the stands, still on his broom he caught your eye and winked at you, causing a rush a shiver to run down your spine and feel the gross butterflies (it's not like you were looking for him all around the pitch). Alright maybe you were. But that doesn't mean it meant something.
Actually it meant everything. He was gorgeous, more than beautiful. He was breathtaking.
You almost were out of the pitch when a hand wrapped around your scarred one and you internally groaned. Turning around and coming face to face with your worst fear.
He looked at you with those freaking ocean blue eyes. Inhaling deep breath, you stared back at him, directly in his eyes.
You didn't know if he was intimidated by your glare or just trying not to laugh at your cowardice, when his throat bobbed when he gulped.
He released a airy laugh and said,
"Won't you congratulate me for my amazing performance?" He tilted his head, acting innocent. And honestly, he was looking adorable.
Shut up.
'All I want to say is that you are gorgeous.'
"Your ego is big enough without me inflating it." Your words betraying your thoughts. It did nothing to him but made him smirk a little more.
You rolled your eyes and turned around and started walking away.
"At least come to the party!" His voice bounced and reached you.
Merlin, why he is so gorgeous.
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You internally groaned as you felt Lily shaking your shoulders.
"Female Lupin, if you don't get up right now, I am going to get male Lupin and make you have a good conversation with him."
"But Lils!" You whined. You had no intention in going to that ruddy party, where James bloody Potter would be.
She sighed and sat down next to a lying figure on the bed. She started running her hands in your hair, humming softly.
You looked at her. Actually looked at her. What was there not to like? She was perfect in studies, had the most magical eyes, the softest hair and kindest heart. On the other hand you were nothing like her.
You were a monster.
Each full moon, you hunted for lives, each full moon, you became a monster.
But no one knew that, except a handful of people. And unluckily, he too knew that. What phased you more was that he was ready to take a risk upon his life by being with you and your brother in those dark nights where you both lose yourselves to your inner monsters.
You always felt comfort in thinking that it was all for Remus, you just got to be a part of it due to you having no other place than the Shack. Who knows that if it hadn't been because of your condition, he would have noticed that you existed?
You were shaken out of your thoughts when you heard a loud bang on the door. Lily looked at you in confusion but gave you a look when found you doing the same to her. She got up and opened the door and found Marlene smiling giddily at both of you.
"What are you two doing here?" She exclaimed.
"The party has started!" She exclaimed and now did you notice that her words were slurred.
At least there is alcohol.
"Marlene...the party just started and you are drunk." Lily said with sigh, disappointment evident on her face.
Marlene just grinned, flipped her hair and started descending the stairs whilst saying something along the line,
"It's just the starter."
Lily turned towards you and opened her mouth to say something but we're stopped by the sudden thumping sound that came from the stairs. You got up quickly from your bed and looked downwards with Lily on your side.
On the stairs, Marlene was laying face on the top most stairs, her hair sprawled on the floor just outside your dormitory.
A gasp left Lily's lips and she crouched down to look at your friend, while you were trying your best to stop the laugh that was about to leave your lips. You too crouched down to her level but before you could say anything Marlene suddenly jumped and sat with her legs crossed, facing you both.
Lily gasped and your eyes went wide with shock but when you both looked at Marlene, she was just giving you both a cheeky smile.
"Merlin, women! Thought you were possessed for a moment!" You exclaimed with a hand on your chest.
You got no reaction from her, instead she just stood up and pulled you both too in a standing position.
"I forgot that I was bribed to drag both of your arses downstairs."
You squint your eyes and raising a brow you said,
"Who bribed you?"
Her face light up and smiling widely, she threw her hands in the air and exclaimed,
"Pames Jotter!"
Lily smacked her hand on her forehead, you winced just thinking how painful it would have been, assuming by the sound.
You heard Marlene's giggles and turned towards her.
"Get it? Pames Jotter is James Potter!" She giggled harder and smiled widely.
You visibly shivered at the name. You eyed the blonde in front of you and started thinking of all the things that you could use to convince her and let you go.
You slowly approached the opportunity,
Marlene who had broken into a dance, swaying Lily with her stopped abruptly and looked at you. All humor was wiped away from her face.
You sighed then looked at her,
"You are not drunk, are you?"
She turned towards you and smiled sheepishly,
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"You are forgetting that I am the twin of Remus Lupin. We notice small things."
Marlene sighed and looked to be contemplating something before breaking the facade.
"Yeah, alright, I was acting." Lily hit her arm as soon as the words left her mouth and Marlene grumbled about how she was kind of pissed off by the Lupin siblings in a not so respectful way.
"Why?" You whined to Marlene.
She rolled her eyes and said,
"Because I know that you were not going to come unless practically dragged down.
"So? So? Just because you have a crush on the school's golden boy doesn't mean that you should rot in the dorm when everyone else is having a swing."
You felt flustered about how obvious were your feelings for him, you opened your mouth to retort but you couldn't find a better reason. Afterall, it was the reason you refused to be down at the party. You sighed and tried to ignore your friends' pitying faces.
"Okay, let's do this, we go to the party, have the time of your life, whilst we find something that you don't have to interact with him."
"And how we do this?" You raised an eyebrow, seriously questioning your friend's mind,
"I mean, how are we going to do this? He was the one who organised the party."
Marlene let a smirk form on her face and said,
"Technically, the party was organised because of him, not by him."
"Yeah, and that helps a lot." Lily rolled her eyes.
"You don't get it Lils! We are going to be so drunk and stay as far as possible from him."
You clapped your hands and said,
"Yes! We will get drunk and stay in our dorms! Go Marls, bring some drinks!"
Marlene rolled her eyes and took a threatening step towards you.
"Okay, enough, now you are going to get ready or I am dragging you just like this."
You opened your mouth to say something but,
"Nope! No, no more whining!" She cut you off.
She then clapped her hands and said,
"Alright, both of you get ready, I'll see you downstairs!"
She smiled and kissed your cheek before descending down the stairs.
You looked at Lily and sighed. When you saw her smirking you gave her a dry look and finally accepted your faith.
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"Alright, girl, slow down." Remus said from your side, where he had been standing and rubbing your back for the past fifteen minutes.
After you came to the party, you were convinced that Lily and Marlene were not going to leave your side. But who were you kidding? They left you ten minutes in the party, saying that you need to live up and actually let James have his way with you.
You almost scoffed at the thought. James wanted nothing but to tease you by just assuming you fancied him. Only if he knew how true that was.
You were about to take a sip from your cup when it was snatched away from your hand,
"Hey!" You hit Remus on his arm for it but he did nothing other than shrug.
"You almost had enough to last you a lifetime."
When he saw your sour expression he sighed,
"Listen, I don't have any problem with how much you drink. If I am being honest, I love it when you get drunk, you spill all your secrets but I don't want you to grumble when you have the baddest hangover."
You gave him an odd look with your arms folded over your chest, you said,
"I don't tell any secrets when I'm drunk."
"Oh you so do."
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Tell me about one."
"You got the biggest crush on James."
You opened your mouth to counter his remark but your words died in your throat. Swallowing hard you whispered,
"I didn't…"
A smirk formed on his lips,
"You did."
You held your head in your hands and propped your elbows on the drink table near. You wanted to have the time of your life and here you were, finding out that you told your brother about your crush on his friend.
"You don't have any problem with it?" You mumbled with your head still in your hands.
Remus saw your sour expression and pulled your arm lightly and said,
"Hey, don't be sad now."
"Yeah, my brother found out that I have a crush on one of his best mates is not concerning."
"If it makes you feel better, I think he likes you too."
You gave him a dry look and took one more cup and gulped it in a single sip. The liquid burned your throat but atleast it was good enough to lighten the pressure on your head.
"Have you heard the way he talks?" You asked Remus who raised an eyebrow, clearly finding amusement in your condition. You gave him an annoyed look and continued,
"He talks like he knows all about everything. 'At Least come to the party', bloody buffoon. He–he knew that I would react this way and still! His voice is like the clawing of nails on iron. It gives me headache!" You looked at Remus who still had an annoying smile on his face,
"Why are you smiling?" You asked him annoyed.
"Why don't you say this to his face? Maybe he will go away" He suggested and you thought about this, maybe he was right. You found him looking behind you, you followed his eyesight and you frown deepened. Another glass down.
In front of you was James Potter goofing around with his best mate Sirius Black when other people were gawking at their sights.
"Doesn't he feel scared about how much people are attracted to him?" You mumbled to yourself but Remus heard you anyway and chuckled. You turned and glared at him.
"Honestly, why don't you just say all this to him? You know, it would be better." He said.
"You wait Remus Lupin till I find out about the person you like, then we will see." You turned towards the table again only to find the person you were not so subtly judging only to find him gone from there. Frowning, you raise your cup back to your lips and empty its contents in your throat. A shiver ran down your spine as the liquid burned your insides. You were starting to feel the outputs of the alcohol inside your system, your head started feeling dizzy and it felt really light. You turned around to find Remus surrounded by the Marauders this time and one of them was looking at you, he was looking at you.
Sirius draped his arm around your shoulder, breaking you out of the trance. You stumbled a bit as the alcohol in your system started taking a toll on you.
"Where's your boyfriend Y/N?" He asked you in mock concern.
You rolled your eyes but it did nothing other than increase the slowly growing headache you had.
A chuckle passed James's lips making you look at him, and unfortunately (or fortunately) he looked at you at the same time. You quickly diverted your eyes and shoved Sirius's arm from around you.
"Very funny, Black."
He grinned at you whereas you were slowly getting more and more dizzy.
"He still looks so scared whenever he looks at James."
You tried to hide your smile but it slipped anyway. Maybe you didn't know but your smile made James grin.
"Wait, why is he scared of James?" Remus asked suddenly. Your eyes widened at his words.
Oh shoot he didn't know.
It seemed like they too realised their mistake. They started stumbling over their words and you knew it was all on you.
"Where is Peter?" You asked, trying your best to change the topic.
Remus gave you a curious look but didn't question further.
"Er—Remus, come dance with me, won't you?" Sirius offered his arm to Remus, his nervous expression fading into a wide smirk. His words caused a blush to tint on Remus' cheeks and a small smile to form on his lips.
"Sure." And with that, they both left your drunk self with a very sober looking James Potter.
"Um–I think Marlene was calling me, I am going." You were about to walk away before he caught you by arm and pulled you back. You stumbled a bit, clearly due to intoxicating alcohol, or was it because of him.
"You never spend time with me." He pouted looking at you with those ocean blue eyes.
You were in such a daze that you didn't even react to his words. One reason was that now you were completely intoxicated and the other was that it was him.
"Well...you should take it as a compliment that I talk to everyone but you."
He was about to reply when suddenly darkness spread across the room. Shouts and protests rang out in the room, all increasing your headache.
Your hands frantically searched for something to hold on, when a bigger hand enveloped yours in it. It took time but your eyes adjusted in the darkness and you could lightly make out the face of the person holding your hand. Suddenly all the voices seemed to dim, suddenly the darkness was enough for you, suddenly you felt calm. Your stomach was churning but you were damn sure it wasn't the firewhisky.
You should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in the darkened room.
He pulled you closer to him by his grip on your hand. He wrapped his other arm around your shoulder and instinctively your head leaned on his shoulder.
You felt his breath hitch but you chose not to say anything.
"Someone was informed that McGonagall was on round, the candles will be lit again soon." He almost whispered to you. And just then the candles were lit again.
James expected you to draw away from him as soon as the candles were lit again but you didn't move from your position. Still wrapped around his side.
And he was definitely not complaining.
"James...dance with me?" You asked, lifting your head from his shoulder. You looked so innocent and adorable that he couldn't deny your face.
Or because of the fact that he was never in a lifetime going to lose this opportunity.
And just like that you both started to sway along the rhythm, so lost in your world that no one else existed for you two.
"You know what, you always scared me." He admitted, making you giggle.
"Why?" You asked, your head on his chest as he guided you both in a swaying way.
"First, you are Remus's sister, second, you are damn good with your tongue." It took him a while to understand what he said but till you were in a giggling fit. You were laughing so hard that you had to hold him so you wouldn't fall.
"Wait—wait, I didn't mean it like that!" He exclaimed, his hand wrapped around yours which was holding his shoulder. But you couldn't stop laughing, and that resulted in you missing the smile on his face.
When you finally stopped, you looked up to find him waving to someone. Following his gaze, you found a beautiful brunette from Ravenclaw giggling and waving at him.
Something inside you bubbled, whether it was the alcohol in your system or you were actually being brave that time, you nudged his arm and made him look at you.
"Is she your girlfriend?"
His eyes widened at your words, he whipped his head between you and that girl before shaking it violently.
"Merlin, no! She's actually the daughter of one of Mum's friends."
James looked at you and the way your shoulders visibly relaxed at words and your head went between his shoulder and neck, resting there.
"If it makes you feel better, I'm single."
You again, moved your head from his shoulder and this time he found an adorable pout on your lips.
"It doesn't." You said. He raised an eyebrow and said,
"It doesn't?" And you shook your head.
"It's worse actually, because you are so gorgeous that it hurts."
Your eyes fixed at his face, and even intoxicated, you were able to appreciate his beauty. He was gorgeous in every way, he was a good person, he had an aura around him that made everyone around him happy, one of the reasons you hated him, he was beautiful. He was gorgeous. And his eyes, his eyes were enough to make you feel like, sinking, drowning, dying.
"Don't I make you feel happy?"
"You make me feel so happy that it turns back to sadness," your bottom lip jutting out.
"There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have, and you why? Because all my life, I lost so many things that I don't want to hope for what I can't have. And I'm so furious at you for making me feel like this."
James moved his hand and rested it on your cheek, making you look at him, he chuckled.
"It's not funny." You said, removing his hand from your cheek. Again resting on your head on his shoulder.
James kept swaying you both, still processing everything that had happened in such a less amount of time. He was slowly feeling you relax around him, the whole night taking a toll on you.
"Hey, honey, you can't sleep like that." He said lowly to you. When you didn't budge, he nudged your head from his shoulder,
"Don't sleep like that." He said, making a frown take over your lips.
"I'm not asleep, my mind is alive." You grumbled in a sleepy voice. You felt his shoulder shake from the soft laugh escaping his lips, making you look up at him.
James could see the exhaustion and sleep in your eyes and decided that it was about time, you both called it a night.
"Alright, I think it's time you leave."
A frown formed on your lips, removing any traces of the sleepy face that you had. A dramatic sigh left your lips, you said,
"Guess, I have to stumble home to my cats. Alone."
"Y/N, you don't have any cat, and you just need to go to your dorm." James said, too used to these kinds of antics, all because of a certain Gryffindor.
You pouted, moving yourself to hug him and resting your head again on his shoulder.
"But, Remus always takes me with him, whenever I'm drunk."
"Yeah, but I'm not Remus, and he might actually murder me for doing so."
You looked up at him, trying your best to do puppy-dog eyes. Your idea seemed to work as he sighed in defeat.
"Alright, but if Remus kills me in the morning, it will be your fault."
It took time but you both finally reached the Marauders dorm, and there was only one person there. Peter, and he too was sleeping.
James took you and made you sit on one of the beds in the corner. He was still standing over you, looking quite flustered. You ran a hand on the messy bed sheet and looked up at him again to find him filling a glass with water.
"Is this Remus's bed?" You asked.
"Yeah." He said before handing you the glass of water, which you quickly downed and handed him the glass back.
James crouched in front of you and started removing your footwears. You ran a hand through his dark curls and giggled when they got messier than before.
When he was done, he looked up at you, still sitting in the same position, he asked,
"You can sleep here now, Remus will manage, or at least Sirius would be happy to share his bed."
You pouted again at his words, making him frown a bit.
"What happened now?"
"You won't kiss me?" Your question took him by surprise. He didn't expect you to say that.
"What do you mean?"
You tilted your head at side and said,
"You don't like me?" Your voice was small, making him feel bad.
"Is it because of my scars?" Your eyes were slowly filling with tears making James panic. He jumped up and sat beside you, and quickly took your face between his hands. You were slowly sniffing till then, making his heart hurt.
"No darling, why would you think that?"
"My previous boyfriend left me because of that, didn't he?"
James pursued his lips at the thought of your previous boyfriend, remembering how heartbroken you looked that day.
"It's not because of that, love. It's because you are drunk." You scrunched your nose at his words and said,
"Did you just quote those stupid clichè books?"
He raised an eyebrow and said,
"I do remember you loving those cliche books."
"But, I want you to kiss me now." You said while your lower lip jutting out.
"How about, I kiss you in the morning?" He said with a hopeful look on his face.
You whined at his words,
"But James, I am sober enough to remember this."
He sighed in defeat knowing how bad it can get. After a while he said,
"Okay, so I will give you a peck on your forehead right now, then in the morning, I will actually kiss you?" That seemed to work and you quickly agreed. So that night James kissed your forehead and made you fall asleep. And still in your sleepy form, you actually told him how you felt for him,
"You are so gorgeous James."
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When you woke up the next day, you found yourself reliving all those things you did the night before and it certainly didn't help with your headache. You got up from the bed, trying your best to escape before things could get more awkward.
You almost reached the door when someone said your name,
You cringed, totally aware of the person to whom the voice belonged.
You turned around and came face to face with your worst fear. You opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off,
"Don't worry, everyone is downstairs. You were sleeping, so I thought it would be better to leave you. I didn't want you to commit an arson as soon as you woke, I have seen the way Moony gets if you wake him up early."
Suddenly there was an awkward silence settled between you two as there was nothing else to say. You clutched your head to stop the throbbing pain in your head.
James noticed this and made you sit on his bed. When you did, he took the spot beside you and handed you a vial. You looked at him confused, the he explained,
"Hangover potion, er—we kind of need it really often." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. You tried to stop the smile forming on your face and drank the potion.
"Y/N?" He asked, his voice soft, full of warmth. You hummed, your heart beating wildly in your chest.
"Did you mean everything you said last night?"
You turned to face him, only then realising how close you two were. You started feeling lost again in his eyes, so you just hummed.
"Even about the kiss?" He whispered.
"Even about the kiss." And just like that his lips were on yours, moving gently and slowly, afraid that this moment might get lost if used in heat.
Your lips parted after what felt like an eternity, but even that didn't seem enough. He rested his forehead on yours then he said,
"You are so gorgeous, my love."
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raphael-simp · 3 years
Two Years Ago - Raph x Reader
You never liked talking much.
Never really knew why, you just didn't. Of course, you would still carry a conversation to be polite, but the answers were short and spoken barely above a whisper. There were many times where you tried to change this about yourself, but the attempt didn't last for more than five minutes before you shrunk back into yourself again.
Then how the hell were you friends with four, loud and rowdy mutant teenage boys?
You didn't even know the answer to that one.
And to be honest, the memory of how you met the four of them was still slightly hazy. Of course, Donnie told you what had happened to you, but you personally didn't believe it. Why would robot alien beings want to kidnap a random girl walking home from her night shift? It still didn't make sense to you, nearly two whole years after it happened.
You were fourteen going on fifteen when you first met the four.
You worked at the convenience store not even two blocks from your apartment building, and you had switched shifts with your co-worker Abbigail so she could attend a funeral, which meant you now had the night shift.
It wasn't that big of a deal to you; she asked, you agreed, nothing more was said on the matter.
You texted your parents to inform them of the shift change and told them not to wait up for you, which they obviously denied much to your annoyance.
The shift ended at ten o'clock, but you still needed to do till and make sure the money count on the register matched with what you'd counted. That process alone took you about half an hour, so you really didn't leave until ten thirty. You made sure you switched off all the lights and locked all the entrances before you put the store keys in your jacket pocket and began your short walk home.
It was nearing winter, so the weather was beginning to turn cold, and you weren't exactly the best at dealing with temperature drops. You stood tensed as you speed walked towards your apartment building, wanting to get out of the darkness as fast as you could. There was one building near the end of the street that you almost always completely ran past; a run down looking, white parking garage with the paint peeling and chipping everywhere. It creeped you the hell out, mostly because there were always these two guys that stood at the old entrance, their stare boring into your back as you'd run past. Every day you expected them to run after you or shoot at you, but they never did anything.
Until tonight.
When you looked you didn't see them anywhere, and although you thought it would soothe you, it just made you more anxious.
'Where are they...?' You thought to yourself, nervously glancing around, trying to find the two.
Let's just say you didn't have too look far.
A large white van came screeching around the corner, running over the curb and nearly into you before it lurched to a halt. The back doors flew open and three identical looking men filed out and made their way towards you. In fact, they looked like the men that would always watch you at the entrance to the parking garage...
You literally froze. You didn't scream, move or look away until one picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. After that, you screamed absolute bloody murder, praying you'd get the attention of someone- anyone -that could do something to help you. Thankfully, help came rather quickly, just not in the way you thought.
You fought as hard as you could to at least get the man to slightly falter his grip around you; you punched, kicked, pounded- you even bit him, but it hurt you more than him.
You flailed like a fish out of water and kept screaming, even louder if possible as you got carried closer and closer to the back of the van.
Your voice was cut off when you landed harshly on the ground, trying to use your hands to catch yourself but only hurting yourself even more. You were a shaking mess, trying so hard not to cry but suspectingly failing, bursting into tears and sitting down properly, hugging your knees tightly to your chest as you cried into them. You were absolutely terrified out of your skull.
When someone tried to touch you, you screamed again, though it came out more as a strangled cry than anything else. You'd hurt your throat badly from all of your screaming and had no doubt lost your voice because of so.
"Well we can't just leave her crying in the streets, dudes. We gotta do something!"
You heard hushed voices talking a bit in front of you, but didn't bother to look up or fight. You wouldn't do that unless they actually did something, and that was what you were waiting for.
You cried to yourself, waiting to either calm down or for whoever was in front of you to do... whatever.
But they never did anything, they were quiet for the forty five minutes you were crying and calming yourself down.
"You're gonna be okay, alright?"
You slightly looked up from your knees, and honestly at this point, four giant turtles standing in front of you didn't phase you right now.
One of them was kneeling in front of you, it was wearing a tattered red mask and looking directly at you, with electrifying green eyes.
It looked up at one of the others, but you didn't bother to follow his gaze, your eyes were too tired.
"Don, do you need t' look at 'er?"
"I don't see anything major wrong with her, I think it's just shock right now... to be safe I wanna take a look at her, if she'll let us of course."
It looked back at you, the one with the red mask, and you did your best to keep your eyes open and listen to what he had to say. You were just so tired...
"My brother wants t' take a look at 'cha t' make sure ya weren't hurt too bad durin' that whole thing, okay? You alright with that?"
You barely nodded your head and lied it on your knees, involuntarily passing out.
When you woke up after that, you started freaking out and tried to scream, but found you barely had a voice. You were achy and sore all over and you could barely remember why.
Of course, you properly freaked out when you saw the four turtle figures again, but the ones in red and purple- who were the only ones in the room with you at the time- explained everything that had happened.
Donnie had picked up radio chatter that the Kraang were going to abduct another test patient that night, and the turtles rushed to the location that was shared, and ended up there just in time to help you and destroy the Kraang bots.
You hadn't been too badly hurt; bruised arms and shins from pounding on the metal robots, scraped hands, scraped knees, and a possible emotional blackout, to explain why you didn't remember what had happened to you.
You merely nodded along, trying not to stare too much at the two creatures in front of you, who introduced themselves as Raphael and Donatello.
"(Y-Y/N)...." you stuttered out, thinking that they at least deserved to know your name, after all they've done. Your voice was barely above a whisper, so the boys had to listen carefully to hear your name.
Raph and Donnie smiled, glad to hear that you at least trusted them to that extent.
You asked what time it was, and nearly flipped shit when Donatello told you it was almost 1:30 in the morning. Your parents were going to absolutely lose their minds on you! You scrambled to stand up and nearly fell over, thankful that Raphael had caught you.
"I-I need to get h-home." You breathed out, avoiding eye contact and trying to hide your face behind your (H/C) hair, to hide the fact you were red. Why you were red-faced?
You had no clue.
"I'll take ya. There ain't no way in hell you're goin' alone after this." Raphael stated, standing you back up on your own two feet. You would've fought him on it, had you not have agreed with him. If those Kraang guys still wanted you...
you didn't want to be left alone again. So you just nodded and let him walk you out. You didn't see the other two brothers while you walked out, so you assumed they were somewhere else.
Raphael led you around the systems of the sewer and helped you out of the manhole cover, and once out you took a deep breath of fresh air and closed your eyes in an attempt to clear your thoughts.
"I know you've had a rough night doll face, but we should probably get going."
Your eyes snapped open and you felt your face go warm, and instinct brought you to hide your face with your hair and jacket sleeve. You avoided his gaze and just nodded, speed walking to the sidewalk until you realized:
You had no idea where you were.
"Wh-where are we...?" You wheezed out, slightly turning to face Raphael.
"Just a couple blocks from where we found ya. We gotta take the roofs though... can't really walk out in th' street lookin' like I do."
You nearly asked why until it hit you like a brick. Again, you just nodded and climbed up the fire escape after him. You took notice how some of the roofs were pretty far apart, and hoped to God he didn't expect you to jump over them. Thankfully he didn't, and tried to stick to a route that involved just taking a step across. But for those that involved jumping, he just lifted you onto his shell and jumped across before setting you back down again.
Each time he did so he'd ask if you were okay, and you nodded in response hiding your face. And each time, he'd smile and mutter a small "cute," under his breath, which he didn't know you heard.
Once he brought you to where he and his brothers had found you, he told you to lead the way to your apartment, and you pointed him in the right direction. "So," he started, "Kinda wish we coulda met under better circumstances, (Y/N)."
You nodded in response, keeping your gaze down and stepping over a wooden plank. How the hell'd that get there?
"...You're shy, aren't cha?" Raphael asked, and again you nodded. Not only that, it hurt to talk, but he assumed correctly. He chuckled and lightly nudged your shoulder with his.
"Ya don't gotta be 'round me, I don't bite... much."
You looked up at him with both confusion and shock written all over your face, and it just made him laugh.
"Relax (Y/N), I'm kidding... just a little though."
You rolled your eyes, and yet you couldn't help the small smile that danced across your face.
The both of you walked Ina comfortable silence until you saw your apartment building across the street and elbowed Raphael's arm, pointing to it.
"This is my stop." You whispered, not daring to bring your voice above that. He nodded and hoisted you onto his shell, having to go around the roof tops to avoid going down to the streets. He set you down on your apartment roof, once again asking if you were okay.
"I'm fine, Raphael." You responded, pushing your hair behind your ear. He smiled at you and slightly tilted his head.
"Call me Raph, doll face."
You bit the inside of your lip and looked down, nodding your head. You didn't want him to see your warm and red face, it was extremely embarrassing for you.
"Hey," Raph's voice made you slightly look up, since he wanted your attention. He handed you a folded piece of paper with a number scribbled on it- wait, was this his phone number? Was a guy giving you his phone number? To your face?
"You don't gotta, but if ya don't wanna walk home alone again I'm available if ya need it."
You completely lifted your head to look Raph directly in the face, and he took pride in one thing; making you smile like that. You have him a single nod and held the paper with both hands.
"Trust me, I will.. Raph."
Now it was his turn to smile.
The two of you just stood on the roof for a couple minutes, staring and smiling at each other before something on his belt beeped. He jumped a bit in surprise and glanced at it.
"That's my brothers- I gotta go. You'll be okay?" He asked, taking a small step back.
You nodded, putting the paper in your pocket. "I'm home now. Go."
His smile grew and he backed up towards the edge of the roof.
"Try not t' get into trouble doll face! Just save a little to give me an excuse t' save ya again!" He shouted, just before jumping to the roof next to yours and taking off, eventually disappearing.
"I think I like that. Doll face..." you thought to yourself, still smiling like an idiot. You stood on your roof for God knows how long more before you came to your senses and carefully climbed down your fire escape and slid through your window.
"Was that really two years ago...?" You thought to yourself, flipping a pen between your fingers.
Yup. It was.
Two years ago these four boys saved your life, and two years ago you met the boy that kinda saved you, in a way.
It took him time, but he got you to slowly expand your comfort zone. You didn't stutter every time you spoke anymore, and you didn't respond with simple gestures anymore and used actual words that really carried a conversation. And at the same time, you helped him.
You kinda found out about his anger the hard way, having him lash out at you when he was beyond pissed off, and though it did hurt, you didn't blame him. In fact, you made it your goal to try and help him with it.
He'd expressed to you before how he'd never liked his short temper, and so you helped him. You showed him ways that he could release stress and repressed emotions, like actually using his drum kit and playing when he got pissed, or just sitting with you and either talking, or just sitting in silence.
Coming up in December would actually be a year since Raph had asked you out, too.
It didn't really come as a surprise to most, since the both of you were pretty open about affection with each other even before you two decided to make it official, just because.
The two of you would always sit close together, hold each other's hand, cuddle each other and he'd even kiss your cheek every now and again. Every movie night, you bet that the two of you would sit or lie with each other, and Raph would play with your hair or lightly trace an invisible pattern on your arm.
All in all, it wasn't really a surprise to Raph's brothers, April or Casey when he'd asked you out. The only person it surprised was you, but even then you'd accepted in a heartbeat.
And to this day, he still calls you doll face.
Two years later, the boy's nearly eighteen and you the same, you've found a new family.
And a new love.
"(Y/N), doll face, cmon we're headin' out with or without ya!" You rolled your eyes and smiled, shoving the pen in your jean pocket and getting up, grabbing your jacket.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming Raph!" You called, walking out of his room and slipping your arms through your jacket sleeves as you jogged out to the entrance to meet the boys.
About a year ago, after you'd actually learned how to properly, they let you join along on some of their patrols. Raph made you carry a small dagger though. Just in case you got separated and something happened to you.
Speak of the devil, he heard you coming up behind him and turned around smiling. He extended his arm to you, waiting for you to end up at his side before putting his arm around your waist and pulling you close to his side, kissing the top of your head.
"All ready and fashionably late, doll face?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, shoving him while failing to hide a smile of your own.
"Shaddup Raph, I was doing important things." You said, zipping your jacket up.
He just chuckled and raised his arms in mock defence.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry baby." He said, lightly pressing his lips to the side of your head and cheek in chaste kisses. You turned your head at the last second to catch his lips in a quick kiss. While he smiled and put an arm around your shoulders, Mikey mock gaged.
"Yup, think I'm gonna hurl-" he said, making a queasy face. Raph reached out with his free hand and punched his baby brother in the shoulder.
"Oh shut it Mike, not like ya don't see it regularly." Mikey hit Raph's arm back, which quickly escalated into an arm punching war. You tried not to laugh too much, looking over to Leo and Donnie, who were trying to do the same thing.
"Alright alright alright guys, that's enough!" Leo called, laughing a bit to himself.
"We gotta get going before it gets too late, we gotta take (Y/N) home by midnight. Let's move out!"
With those words, the five of you took off running towards your normal exit to the top world.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
MAY I stop Time?
A fic done for a friend!  In which May lets her new semblance go to her head.  
“Okay… okay I can do this.”  
Here May rested, her body hanging above the man of her dreams, one of the many people of her dreams but still the only man.  Her eyes gazed upon his delectable form, his toned form gained through months and months of hard work.  His boyish face on the threshold of a chiseled deity.  Nearly losing herself in his gorgeous blue eyes she felt her heart thump in her chest.  Her beloved Jaune rested below her, his body glistening with the sweat of his hard labor.  
Even as she lowered herself upon his lap he made no distinct movements, no signs of noticing her attempts.  In fact he didn’t move at all, neither did the incredibly gorgeous women around him.  Taking the time to handle her nerves she gazed upon the other six figures in the room.  Her pulse raced in her veins as she stared at each of them, bare as the day they were born.  Their bodies much like Jaunes were coated in a thick layer of sweat.  And just like the man below her they made no special attention to her own depravity.  None of them moved, not a single person besides herself were even aware, conscious of her actions.  
Even as she pressed her virgin lips against the tip of his massive cock she couldn’t help but remember the day this all started.  The day that she unlocked her semblance, what felt like so long ago was only a month.  In that month she’d learned to control her powers, learned to use them to their best and make the most out of them.  And what else would she do with them but enjoy her beloveds to their fullest.  And here they all where, here they all sat around her.  
Closing her eyes she pushed down, the memories of yonder days returning to her mind as she did so.
It had been any other day, May had been at the shooting range practicing her sniping, she wouldn’t let that Ruby girl show her up!  Then out of nowhere one of the punks from Team CRDL decided it was a great idea to scare her, so they decided that they’d take a pot shot at her.  In her surprise something happened, before the dust round hit her the world came to a halt, everything slowed till the bullet stopped right in front of her.  
“Wha?!  What’s going on?!”  The normally quiet May couldn’t help but have a minor freak out when she realized the bullet that should have slammed her right in the face had stopped.  After a moment it dawned on her, this was her doing!  Excitement filled her breast as she stared at the bullet, completely forgetting about those jerks from CRDL.  In her excitement she dashed out of the room, not even paying attention to any of the other students as she passed by.  She only had a small group of people she wanted to tell, the most important people in her life.  
With speed that would drive Ruby to envy she found herself in the Library, where she knew her special friends would be.  Spotting them in the distance she made her way forward, the first coming to focus was her most beloved man.  Jaune Arc, the only person who would go out of their way to talk to a wallflower like her.  He’d gone out of his way to talk to her when no one else would at the beginning of initiation.  Being teamed with him had done nothing but cause her near case heart attacks.  She’d pretend not to stare when he’d come out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel.  She was only so strong though, weak willed as she was, she'd gaze upon his figure over and over.  And believe her when she says he’d come a long way.  She still held their first conversation dear in her heart, it was because of him that she’d been able to make such precious friends.  She wouldn’t admit it, but she’d had many an erotic dream about the young blonde… though speaking of erotic dreams she knew she wasn’t the only one.
To his right, was quite possibly the single most gorgeous woman in existence.  A beauty who made lesbians out of even straight women, Pyrrha Nikos.  The all Star Champion, the invincible girl, the untouchable unapproachable or at least that’s what May used to think.  If it hadn’t been for Jaune she may have never seen the real girl underneath, the one who was just as lonely as her, who only wanted to make friends.  They both owed a lot to Jaune, and if she was being honest, Pyrrha was probably her biggest rival for his affection.  At least she would have been if not for her also being a target of May’s pining heart.  The woman was amazing, strong, powerful, glorious, gorgeous!  But more than that she was just a girl, a sweet and loving girl that like herself was just happy spending time with her friends.  
Then there was the girl to his left, the dark skinned beauty Ciel Soleil, her own partner.  She hadn’t really known what to think of the girls when they first met.  But now they were as thick as thieves, even if Ciel rarely ever spoke.  She owed much of this to her previous two teammates, they’d taken the time to get everyone to sit and talk with one another.  She knew that if they’d been left to their own devices then neither her nor Ciel would have taken the time to become friends.  She would have surely regretted that decision.  Despite her cold nature, May knew she cared in the end, she herself was an incredibly sweet woman who May couldn’t help but feel an affinity for.
To Ciel’s own left, there was Penny Poledina, her odd but rather fun friend who had come along with her Atlas.  The two had originally planned to be partners, but because of Ciel accidentally running into May first those plans had become derailed.  Things had worked out surprisingly well as Penny would visit the four of them frequently, becoming fast friends.  May herself was surprised at how quickly Jaune had adapted to Penny’s inquisitive nature, he himself admitted to having seven sisters so he had grown to become rather patient.  She was incredibly adorable, and May couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter every time the inquisitive girl spoke to ehr.
In front of them were sitting the other three members of their little friend group.  One being the second year Velvet Scarlatina, a student who had somehow just kind of drifted into their little group.  May couldn’t even remember when she first showed up, but she was now a full part of their group.  And honestly she didn’t really mind her, though she saw the way she looked at Jaune, not that May could have blamed her.  The girl herself was quite the beauty, her adorable ears expressed a lot of her emotion, and well May would be lying if she said she HADN’T stared at that nice plump rear of hers.  
To her right was another odd one to join their friend group, Reese Chloris, she’d apparently been having issues with some of the girls from team NDGO, and Pyrrha happened to walk by.  Not one to let things like injustice go unpunished, she stepped in and absolutely humiliated them.  It was pretty obvious that Reese had originally joined by the simple virtue of her own lust and admiration towards Pyrrha.  But as time went on she became a genuine friend with the group.  May really liked her style, her mohawk was incredibly stylish, and her slim figure was one that May envied.
Then there was Weiss, the last member of their little group.  Member of team RWBY, Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, she will never let you forget that by the way.  Or at least she wouldn’t have in the past.  Weiss was honestly the most surprising member of their group, she’d been a pain in her posterior when they’d first met.  Mostly because of how Jaune had been stricken by the young Heiress.  May hadn’t been the only one bothered by this obviously, as Pyrrha despite giving Jaune the go ahead had come to dislike the attention that she had been given.  Then there was the fact that she was quite mean when it came to turning down the young Arc.  He’d only asked her out three times and yet she’d gotten terribly upset with him… she wished he’d been more forward with her or at least Pyrrha or Cie.  Though things turned around near the dance, he’d realized that it wasn’t going to happen he  apologized and even helped push that Neptune guy in the right direction.  That ended up not working out, and well they’d become friends along the way.
She wouldn’t say that she was as fond of her as she was all the other girls, but for what it was worth she was very pretty.  
Even in her excitement she didn’t yell out to them, she hated drawing attention to herself, she was quite literally a wallflower.  Her parents had named her after a mayflower in itself.  Though, as she drew closer she noticed something strange, they hadn’t moved even the slightest.  That… that wasn’t normal, not even in the slightest.  Her confusion grew as she drew closer, finally reaching them.  Then she looked around… no one was moving, not a single person!  “Wha..what?!”  Fear seized her heart as she started to panic, had she done this?!  Did she freeze everyone?!  
“Please go back, please go back!”  Closing her eyes she wished as hard as she could that this was just a dream.  
“May?”  She nearly jumped out of her large jacket, her one good eye opening wide as the other seven individuals watched her with concern and confusion.  “When did you get here?”  Jaune’s warm voice assisted in calming her nerves.  
“I… uhm… I….”  She wanted to tell them about her semblance, this was a big moment!  But… but there was a part of her, concentrating once more she felt the world fall to a halt.  “I… I did do this…”  She’d stopped time!  She wasn’t sure exactly how she’d do it, or what had brought this around.  But this was amazing!  Though… though sinister thoughts fluttered through her mind.  Mustering her courage she walked in between her friends, taking a deep breath she leaned over towards Jaune.  It was quick and small, but she pressed her lips against his offering him a small peck.  
Pulling away she felt her face burn hot, embarrassment flowed through her.  “I… I did it!”  She couldn’t believe she’d done it, she couldn’t believe that she’d managed to kiss the boy of her dreams.  Though one could hardly call it a real kiss, it would suffice for the time.  She wasn’t quite brave enough, nor did she want to abuse these powers.
Moving back to her previous position she concentrated, time fell back in.  “Uh, I… I just wanted to come by and study with you guys… if that’s okay?”
“Of course it is sweetheart.”  Her heart fluttered in her chest as Pyrrha stared at her, her gorgeous emerald orbs peering into her ugly blueish grey.  “We’d love to have you… though it is quite strange how you’d gotten here out of seemingly nowhere.”  
“Yeah dude!  Where did you even come from?”  Reese’ question nearly threw her off.
“I uhm… I just walked over, maybe you guys didn’t notice me? I am really hard to notice. ”  She didn’t mean to get down on herself, and she sort of prided herself in her unnoticeable status.  But there was a part of her that really didn’t like it.
“No… no we would have noticed you.  You’re always noticeable to us.”  All of the girls nodded along to Jaune’s words, and once more May remembered why she loved these people.  All of them, each and every last one of them.  “So what brought you over here in a hurry?”  
“I uhm I!”  In her panic time stopped again, “oh no!”  She’d need to get better control of that, still she watched everyone.  Their lips puckered in worry for her, and then… then a thought hit her.  She could do anything!  Anything at all… so she made her move.  Stepping to Weiss first she gulped, her heavy chest heaved beneath her thick jacket.  Lowering herself she cleared the hair out of her vision.  
With courage that can only be found from her new found abilities she pressed her lips against the Heiress.  Just like her namesake she had a crisp icey taste to her, one that May would very much like to try again in the future.  
Not delaying she pulled away with a small pop, running her tongue around her lips.  
Next came Reese, the exotic girl proved to be quite the opposite, her lips had an earthy taste to them, it wasn’t bad, just completely different from Weiss.  
Next came Velvet, May couldn’t help but giggle against Velvet’s lips which tasted like Carrot Cake.  “Oh Vel~”  Pulling away she couldn’t help but run her fingers through Velvet’s ears, running her nails through her thin fur.  
Penny was next, copper, it tasted a lot like copper… and silicone?  It was an odd combination!  But she didn’t hate it, it was pleasant once she grew used to it and she may have dilly dallied a bit more than she meant to.  She placed another gentle kiss against her forehead before moving onto Ciel.
She took a moment staring at her partners glossy chocolate covered skin.  Oh god she felt her nerves fail as she grew closer.  Unlike the other girls she made sure this one lasted, her lips pressed tightly against the timely strict girl and she kept them pressed for a while.  She enjoyed her flavor most of all so far, it was a cool minty flavor one that sent chills down her spine.  After reluctantly pulling away she moved over to Pyrrha.
Her heart fluttered thoroughly in her chest, like a drum beating rapidly she felt her heart about to explode.  Mustering her courage she actually grabbed Pyrrha’s head.  Puckering as much as she could she pressed her lips, spice and ginger filled ehr senses as she found herself unable to pull away from the exotically erotic woman in front of her.  Running her tongue across her cherry red lips she couldn’t help but enjoy the woman’s plump lips.  
Truly reluctantly she pulled away, her heart thumped louder and louder to the point she swore that she could hear it pumping blood in her veins.  Turning towards Jaune she just went right in, her moist lips crashed against his.  One minute, two minutes, three minutes she continued to kiss him, not even coming up for air her courage turned into a burning fire as she ran her tongue across his teeth.  Pressing on she slipped into her mouth, by this points he was basically tongue fucking him.  She lost count for how long she’d been doing so but she now knew his taste intimately!  Thick ropes of drool rippled down as she pulled away, her tongue slipping out of his mouth last.  “So goooood~”  She wanted more, needed more!  She could always feel the power going to ehr head, but she didn’t care!  For now though… she needed to keep things under control.
Pulling back she made sure to take her original spot, giving herself time to calm her beating heart she finally allowed time to return.  She’d nearly missed it, but several of the girls, and Jaune, had quickly pressed their fingers across their lips.  Velvet herself had slipped her hand across one of her rabbit ears.  Once more time stood still, and a sudden realization hit her, “They can feel it… they can’ feel everything…”  This should have scared her, should have terrified her, but it didn’t, instead it excited her, it sent powerful urges and lit a strong desire inside of her chest.  
Once more taking the time to calm herself, she let time flow again, “I… I just wanted to see you.”  Despite her meek tone she felt far more courageous than she’d ever felt.  The fire that lit in her soul wouldn’t burn away, not for a long long time.  For now though, she’d take the time to practice, to truly get used to her powers.
“Uh… well come and sit down!”  It was obvious that Jaune was trying to get over the strange sensation in his mouth, but bless him for still thinking of her.
A small smile crossed her lips as she sat down with the group, this really was the good life and she wouldn’t trade it for anything… but she wanted more… wanted more with all of them.  It was small, but she knew what she would do.
The sun hadn’t even risen by the time she’d woken the next morning, the excitement of the previous day had truly gotten to her and in her excitement she’d found sleep hard to come by.  Even Pyrrha, Ms. Wakes up before the crack of dawn, was still slumbering, “Mmm~ Jaune not in front of the others~”  
A smile slipped past her lips as she listened to their Vice Leader talk in her sleep, it was a good thing that Jaune was such a deep sleeper.  Though she’d have to talk to Pyrrha about that one day, the girl’s thirst was unquenchable, not like she could blame her.  Jaune was quite the wonderful boy, she’d had quite a few dreams about him as well.
Though… speaking of the boy, her eyes glanced over at his resting figure.  The soft silver light of the moon illuminated his lithe figure.  As her eyes trailed down from his face, to his chest she felt a knot grow in her throat.  Apparently Pyrrha hadn’t been the only one to have an erotic dream that night, with only the moon’s light casting upon him she could still make out his impressive mast standing at full attention.  
Once more she had that sickly thick feeling bundle in her chest, her breathing grew heavy.  Without thinking she slid off her bed, with light steps she made her way over to him..
Activating her semblance the world grew still. Her core grew slick as she drew closer, trickles of warm juices began to run down her inner thigh.  Before she knew it she was already by his side, her hand gingerly pressed against his thick hard member.  Even covered by his rather soft onesie she could tell just how massive it was, excitement began to boil in her core.  
As her gaze fell to his slumbering face she felt herself awash with shame.  Was she about to do this?  This was an invasion of privacy!  Jaune would never do that to her… but… but this could be her only chance… the only times he’d ever get to actually see it.  Then she looked back towards his towering member, she was so very weak.  Pushing past her hesitation she slipped her right hand up his surprisingly firm chest.  Her fingers slowly pinched upon the zipper, the zipper that held her long desired treasure.  
And without even the slightest bit of hesitation or a second thought she slid the metallic key downwards.  As she slowly pulled on the last lock to her goal a thought occurred to her, how was she moving something even when time was stopped?  How could she still hear the sound of the zipper coming down?  She’d have to investigate later, but for now, for now she had a prize to unbox.  
Her heart throbbed in her heaving breast as her goal came into sight, finally she’d pulled that darned thing all the way.  She wanted to enjoy this, wanted to really let the moment sink in.  Bit by bit, she continued.  First her gaze fell upon tufts of unsheared golden fur, “Oh!”  He was as voluminous in the lower section as he was up top.  She’d… she’d love to run her nose across it, take a moment to really enjoy his scent.  
As she continued her venture she felt her boxers wedge into her quivering pussy, she would need to change after this.  Finally she reached the very tip, and with one last pull she allowed it to spring free.  She felt as if she’d used her semblance on herself, her mind went blank as everything stood still.  There it was, in all it’s massive glory, “Could… would… would it fit?”  She couldn’t help but tremble at the sight, both in awe and fear at the mighty shaft that stood at hopefully full attention in front of her.
She couldn’t help but feel in awe of how mighty it was, but at the same time, the very thought of trying to slide it inside of her frightened her.  She would need to practice, need to get ready for when the time came.  But!  That was not why she was here, no she was here to… to… to help her leader!  Yes!  That’s why she’d come this far, he must have been in so much pain, so she as his faithful teammate, had to do her duty and help… help relieve his stress… yes… right that’s what she was doing.  This was for him, this wasn’t for her…  right.  At least that’s what she told herself.  
Once she’d taken the zipper to the very end she had decided on repositioning herself.  Laying herself between his legs, she allowed herself to really get close up and personal with hopefully her future husband’s mighty… p… penis.  She felt her face flush hot at the thought of using the word!  Still… something was odd, she’d tested it before but she could definitely taste things even with time frozen.  But apparently she was also able to smell them, her nose was assaulted by a thick strong musk, one that was mixed with the scent of spice.  That in itself had answered a question that was at the back of her mind, did he shampoo his pubic hairs?  The answer was apparently a strong yes!  
Still… it was impressive, impressive with how even after he’d spent nearly 25 minutes in the shower he still had this strong… powerful… tantalizing… invigorating odor to him!  Pressing her nose forward she pressed herself between his thick heavy sack, and his impressive… massive… gorging c...c...cock… yes that’s what this was!  She felt his flesh move against her touch, she’d almost jumped back when she realized that it hadn’t been as hard as she thought.  Instead she felt warmth, felt his touch against her face.  This… this was good… she’d been worried about how well this would turn out.  But as she took in deep strong breaths she knew it was going to be amazing.  Burying her nose against the base of his penis, she allowed herself the time to take in his scent.  She was practically marinating in it, and she loved every last second.
Her instincts took control of her actions, without realizing it she’d already brought the tip of her tongue to the slit at the head of his massive cock.  Before she could stop herself she’d already moved in to get a taste, running her pink muscle across his sensitive glands, scooping up bits of frozen precum as she dug into the tiny hole.  Once she’d finished she took the moment to savor his thick and natural flavors.  She’d read that most women hated the taste, but she found herself becoming addicted to the salty tangy flavor.  
Once she’d pulled back she took the time to admire the view in front of her.  “I can’t believe I’m doing this… it’s… it’s so wonderful.”  She wanted him, wanted to feel so very full, wanted to slide that thick hard cock between her needy pussy.  She could feel her womb tighten at the thought, begging for her to mount him and breed herself on her unsuspecting love.  
However, she still had enough self restraint, it was too early for that.  She couldn’t let herself be carried away… though… though she could help him out a little right?  He’d been there for her from the very beginning, it would only be right if she were to… were to help him get off.  Just… look how hard… and pent up he must have been.  Right, she was just being a good friend… a good… a good follower!  Yes that’s what she was doing…
WIth her final bits of self control crumbling before her she took the time to move forward.  Once more she placed her nose between his cock and balls allowing his scent to invade her nose.  She couldn’t get enough of it!  She hadn’t realized just how amazing scents could be till today, but here she was stuffing her face into her beloved man’s balls like a… a… a horny little slut… “Ahhh~”  She felt her pussy clench at the thought alone, her body shook with excitement in response.  “I… I’m a dirty… I’m a dirty little slut.”  That crumbling self control was gone, and now only her desires leaked out.  
“I want you to breed me… I want you to breed me!  Breed Pyrrha!  Breed CIel!  Breed Reese!  Breed Penny!  Breed Velvet!  Breed Weiss!  Break all the other girls!”  Her right hand moved to the base of his cock, she swore that the hot burning member throbbed at her touch, but that wasn’t possible.  Her left hand moved between her thighs, slipping between her tight boxers her fingers moved along her plump moist vulva.  Unable to control herself any longer, consumed by his thick musk, she moved her hands in tandem.
Her dainty thin fingers ran along her plump lips squeezing and grinding back and forth.  She could feel herself growing slicker and slicker.  Her nose buried deep between his massive cock and heavy balls she continued to breath in his thick scent.  Her right hand continued to run up and down his thick heavy meaty fat cock, pumping him over and over running her fingers across his thick heavy veins.  Her brain could only think of breeding, could only think of pleasuring the man before her, even if he wouldn’t feel it.  But she did anyways, placing her lips against his thick, full balls she placed several heavy and hearty kisses against them.  From time to time she dragged her tongue across his sweaty savoury orbs.  
She wanted more and more, when her tongue wasn’t enough she wrapped her lips around one of his impressive sacks.  Dragging her tongue against the precious balls of flesh she began to gently suck on them.  Her pumping grew faster and faster, while her fingers continued to explore her nether regions.  SQUELCH SQUELCH SQUELCH   Over and over she ran her thin digits through her plump pussy.  Her fingers began to explore her thin hole, finally penetrating her needy little slit.  She could feel her pussy suck and clench around her fingers, she needed something bigger!  She needed his cock in her, she needed to be bred!  She wanted him to do her, to do so to so many others!  The thought of all of the girls riding this member, while the others watched invaded her mind!  The thought of him putting those nasty girls, those nasty insulting girls that liked to put him down in their place.  For him to have them face down ass up, this MIGHTY cock plunging in and out of their holes as they begged for more, begged for him to breed them like the dirty little breeding sows that they were.  Those thoughts invaded her mind like never before.
She couldn’t believe herself, couldn’t believe how easily she felt she was being corrupted!  But it wasn’t just the breeding!  No! NO! That would imply she only wanted his cock in her!  She wanted other things, wanted to run her tongue through Pyrrha and Ciel’s pussy, to eat them out and savor their flavors.  She wanted to stretch out Weiss and Reese, bend them in positions that only their thin, gorgeous, and lithe bodies could handle.  She wanted to grind with Penny, wanted to get tribal with Velvet!  
Her inner desires burned through, she’d been a good girl!  She was allowed to have these absolutely nasty thoughts!  She wanted more and more AND MORE!  Her suction grew harder till she felt her jaw grow tired, he was so impressive!  So mighty!  Even as she continued to invade her own body, with three fingers invading her needy pussy.  She found herself gazing upon his manly mane, the tufts of blonde hair that called for her to bury her nose into.  Scooting forward she placed her face against his sternum, dragging her nose against his thick fur.  He smelled so good!  The harsh fragrance from his shampoo hit her nose at the same time as his thick heavy musk, built up from the heat of the night.  “Oh god!  I’m so bad~  I’m such a bad little girl.”
She couldn’t stop herself, her cervix opened and closed as she continued to attack her own pussy.  She couldn’t stop, there was no way she could, her juices flowed freely down her thighs, her boxers were practically drenched in her own fluids by this point.  She really couldn’t use them anymore!  It would be too embarrassing, and yet, and yet a thought occurred.  What if Jaune were to catch her like this?  What if she started time up again… oh what would he do to her?  Would he push her down, breed her?  Use her massive ugly tits like… like handles as his thick hard cocked pumped in and out of her nasty… naughty...needy… pussy?  The thought was tempting!  She wanted to do it!  But she knew she couldn’t, she just couldn’t!  She was too scared, absolutely terrified!
Still the thought was there!  The thought that was pushed back into the depths of her mind!  For now though, she felt herself hit her climax, her body shivered and convulsed, her juices oozed down her thighs, her boxers drenched and unwearable at this point.  She fell forward, her chest heaving up and down as she did her best to breath, her nose buried deep against his pelvis.  
As her post orgasm clarity hit her, her face began to burn hot, burned so damn hot.  Her eyes snapped open as she pulled away, nearly tripping as her drenched underwear clung to her body.  Embarrassment consumed her at a realization of what she’d just done.  “I… I… no!  No!  I’m sorry!”  Running towards her dresser she grabbed a clean pair of boxers, she couldn’t believe what she’d just done, what she’d just THOUGHT!  It was… it was so bad!  Burying her face into her clean underwear for a moment she did her best to sling her moist used set down her slick wet thighs.  With a wet SCHLOP her boxers hit the ground.  
She shivered at the sound, her body growing hot as her embarrassment consumed her once more.  Once she’d slipped on a fresh pair, she’d need to make sure that he was fixed as well.  As she began to zip him up once more she couldn’t help but give him one last gift.  Pressing her lips against the tip of his cock she gave him one last kiss.  Once she’d finished setting him up she made sure to hide her… her shameful piece of cloth at the very bottom of her clothing hamper.  
Gently she climbed into her sheets and closed her eyes.  Her power over the world began to vanish, and she’d been prepared to fall asleep when she heard a loud thrashing sound and… and what sounded like a powerful squirting noise!
“NNNNGH!♥!!”  Her eyes snapped open as she stared at the cause of the sound, Jaune was twitching, his upper body jolted upright.  Her eyes glanced downwards as his loud moaning filled the otherwise quiet dorm room.  SPURT SPURT SPURT SPURT!  Her face grew red hot as she realized what was happening!  All the feedback from when she'd been stroking him was finally happening.  “Ah! AH AH!”  Under the silver light of the moon she could clearly see his cock twitching and spurting out thick globs as his onesie became stained in his thick seed.  
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!”  She hadn’t meant for that to happen!  In her own lust she’d forgotten about it!  Now the boy of her affection was having quite possibly the strongest orgasm he’d ever had, and it… it was all because of her!  A sense of pride filled her chest, but was quickly replaced with shame as she saw the distraught face in front of her.  Her instincts screamed to move and comfort him!  But… but she couldn’t bring herself to move, she couldn’t let him know she was awake.  Instead she watched him, watched as he stared in panic at his own sputtering cock the obvious shame built upon his face… it did things to her... things she didn’t want to admit.
“Hah hah hah…”  His panting echoed and sunk into her ears, it was… it was doing things to her.  She could feel her core heat up once more.  “I… why… I… no….”  Despite how terrible she felt, that small tinge of pride still filled her chest.  “Why… I… no… I… they can’t see this… they… they’d hate me…  I can’t… I cant believe I had a… wet dream about all of them… why…”  She nearly flinched when he turned towards her.  “I’m sorry May… I can’t… I can’t believe I… to you…”
Had he been having a wet dream?!  Was she in it?!  Was that why he was apologizing?!  “You… I’m… I’m such a bad friend.”  Even with her eyes closed shut as they were, she could still make out the sounds of him heading to the bathroom, obviously to get changed and to clean off… off that thick… stain on his onesie… that rich… fresh…  and like that the world stopped once more.
Once more she got up, making her way around him she quickly unzipped his onesie, unable to resist the treat in front of her!  Once she’d gotten the zipper all the way down she was treated with his cum coated cock.  She remembered the previous embarrassment!  Remembering how bad she felt!  But how could she resist?!  Quickly she moved, running her tongue along his still thick hard shaft she lapped up his thick honeyed cum.  “Schow good!  You taste schow bery good!”  She couldn’t stop it, she couldn’t stop till she consumed every last bit.  And there was just so much!  So very much very much.  For what felt like forever she continued to lap away, consuming and gulping down as mucha s she could.  Tasting his flavors so directly had nearly lit her fire again, but she needed to control herself.  
Once she’d made sure to have consumed as much as she could, even going as far as to lick what she could off of his onesie she went back to bed.  Letting time return she heard him nearly fall over, “Wha?!”  He’d apparently grown weak kneed with her previous endeavors.  “Wha… what is wrong with me?”  His voice released a hushed whisper, but she could still hear it, hear the embarrassment in his voice.  It… it was so delectable.  She… she was awakening tos something new.  She wanted more… but for now she’d sleep, close her eyes and rest.
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un2-verse · 3 years
BILLY — Kim Taehyung (1)
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》 News of a Sadistic Serial Killer nicknamed “Jigsaw” is spreading around town like wildfire… the nickname stemming from the puzzle piece he cuts from every victim’s body. No one knows who he’ll trap next but in a town full of delinquents and criminals, it could never be you. Right? 《
pairings: john kramer!taehyung x female reader
warnings: dark themes, angst, yandere, murder, torture, self harm, suicide, stalking etc.... (will add more when i know lol) although it is rather innocent in the first couple chapters(?) so idk it could be slow burn but i guess we’ll find out as i write it >< ,, it’s my version of saw if saw was a fucked up love story lol. Please don’t read if any of the topics mentioned trigger you!! 18+
this fic is exactly that, fiction!!!! the au does not represent the characters mentioned irl......
synopsis: you end up lost on the other side of town, where you cross paths with a handsome stranger, kim taehyung, only.... are you a stranger to him?
[a/n: daffodils represent; love me, sympathy, desire and affection returned...]
word count: 3k
series masterlist
part two
Hiding behind a mask was something you were accustomed to. Your friend group and family were clueless to the torment you endured from simply existing. You were confident your masking had convinced the world you were happy with yourself. Unbeknown to you, one other person saw straight through your façade.
You wanted to end your life.
He needed you to cherish your life.
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Nothing looked familiar. The café you frequented was nowhere to be found. Your usual hangout was most definitely not on the side of town you found yourself in. You felt anxiety slowly curl its way around your body, you were frigid. You tried and tried but couldn’t find it in yourself to run.
You lived in the more friendly part of town (so to speak) – where houses were colourful, gardens pristine, warm-hearted neighbours who would treat you like family and white picket fences are what surrounded you. That was your norm, sure, you weren’t exactly loaded but you weren’t exactly poor either. It was a healthy balance in the middle. That’s not to say you hadn’t lived or seen this side of town before.
Your Mother and Father had grown up on this side of the fence. Two young people brought up in the rougher, more unfortunate areas. Your Mother was tough; she looked like a naïve, weak girl, albeit that was not the case. She was strong willed, used to life on the streets and doing anything she could to get money to make sure there was at least some food on the table. While your Mum was the leader, your Dad was more of a sheep. He was easily influenced and was dragged into the wrong crowd (had his fair share with drugs and street racing). That was their life for a few years till they crossed paths and your Mum helped your Dad get back on the right track.
They didn’t tell you much about their childhood and adolescence but they told you enough to make you appreciate what you have and to always work hard for it. To stick with the right people, be wise and conscious of your decisions. Be kind to those around you.
Your family owned a garage; your Dad was the head mechanic. This was the sole reason you were here. You knew it wouldn’t be simple when you agreed to go to this side of town to get a few bits for your Father’s shop. However, you didn’t expect it to be this difficult. How could you be so stupid? Why didn’t you just ask Hoseok and Yoongi to come with you like your father told you to? Or at least tell them where you were… yet you decided today of all days to be stubborn and venture on yourself, knowing full well how unsafe the area was. There were rundown businesses on either side of the road, beggars at every doorstep; drug dealings happening in broad daylight, no one even trying to hide it.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you took it out and sighed a breath of relief once you’d read the texts.
14:37— From Papa: U ok munchkin ??? Did u get the stuff ?
14:39— From Papa: its ok if u didnt. Yoongs rang said hes got majority this morning lol so be safe n get home soon . Love u
14:40— To Papa: ohhh ok pops, i couldn’t find the shop anyway lol i’ll head back soon, love u too x
“Fuck, trust me to forget to charge the bastard.” You rolled your eyes as you stuffed the phone back in your pocket.
Muffled shouting was heard around you. People ran across the street, bumping into you as they ran past. You gathered yourself and moved further down the path. “Great!” you exasperated, “honestly I’m so fucking stupid! Yoongi’s gonna kill me for this, I knew, I knew I should’ve told him I was coming over here but no,” your head was hung low as you dragged your feet across the pavement, “maybe I could tell Hobi, he wouldn’t be as angry right? I’m sure he’ll come,“ A sudden scream ripped you out of your chuntering. You whipped your head to the right, you could make out some figures bustling about in front of you, a group of men were quite clearly fighting… your anxiety struck you and you held your breath as you saw a man pull a knife from the waistband of his sweatpants. All thoughts and common sense seemed to leave all at once. Statue like, feet stuck to the ground. You watched on as the group rushed towards the brown haired man, you scanned his figure: tall, broad, confident… he exuded an intimidating aura even when you were this far away from him.
How could someone be so sure of themselves? It was one against five, surely the loner had no chance?
The glistening of the knife brought you back to your senses. Fucking hell. How do you always end up in these situations when you’re alone? Why me? Why? Good Lord, I need to run. Just as you were about to leave, the group who were arguing charged past you; one gripped his side as another supported his weight. Holy fuck, did he stab him? you stood frozen, yet again, your mind raced a mile a minute. Panic bubbled in your chest.
“You okay there Doll?” His voice was deep, velvet-like. It flowed so smoothly you doubted it was real, it was so soothing like it had wrapped itself around you, embracing your body. You heard his footsteps before he planted himself beside you. His shoulder reached the top of your head, his hand brushed yours. Swallowing your nerves you dared a glance up. He was fucking breath-taking, like a fallen angel. The stranger shot you a small smile that you would’ve easily missed had you not been staring at his features… a blush crept up your neck as you nodded. His smile slowly twisted into a smirk.
Cute, Taehyung thought to himself. Couldn’t help but adore the way you slightly trembled under his gaze, the way your hands gripped and twisted your sweater paws. Almost like a puppy. He cleared his throat and reached his hand to yours, “Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. I’m Taehyung.” you took his hand into yours, apprehensively you greeted him, “I’m Y/N.”
“Ah, Y/N. I haven’t seen you round here before, you new or something?” Taehyung cocked his head to the side, his eyes seemed to stare right through you.
“Uhm, I don’t live here. I live over the other part of Town… I was just grabbing some stuff for my Dad but, my phones about to die. I have no idea where I am or how to get home, I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t see anything!” a deep chuckle cut you off, Taehyung smiled and beckoned you to follow him.
“Come on Y/N, you’re not suited for this side of Town, I’ll walk you back. A pretty little thing like you, you’re easy prey to these guys.” your feet fell into a cautious pace behind him, he glanced over his shoulder, “hurry up Buttercup, I don’t bite.” Taehyung flashed a boxy grin in your direction, which caused you to speed up ever so slightly.
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You were unsure how you felt about letting a complete stranger walk you home, Yoongi would definitely kill you for this. Especially with the recent news of some serial killer named ‘Jigsaw’, Yoongi and Hoseok had been very stern and their usual, overprotective selves when the news had broken out. “It’s on every headline Y/Nie! No more leaving the house on yourself, you need to go anywhere you ring either of us. Got it? Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know either. There’s some dodgy fucks about recently.” Although, you loved them dearly, sometimes their protectiveness was a...little overbearing. You already felt suffocated from your parents (you didn’t need it from your best friends as well). They were happy and believed you to be too; but that was exhausting, faking happiness. You had a constant façade, acted like a happy normal teenager with a happy family; when that was far from the truth.
Drowning. That’s how you’d explain the way you felt. Breathing was difficult and brought you more pain than it was worth. Growing up was tedious, you had grown differently to your peers which only brought ridicule and embarrassment for you. You had struggled with your speech (sometimes you still do), you often stuttered, mispronounced words, the list was endless. That was one of the first reasons you were a castaway. As you grew, the ridicule worsened. Verbal abuse turned physical from your classmates. They made you feel like you were a waste of space. The names they called you, you soon started to believe them. Ugly. Weird. Freak. Stupid. They took root in your brain, slowly they grew and grew till your head was overgrown with twisted, rotten weeds.
Eventually, you sought comfort in blood. You didn’t care that it hurt you; you were almost happy to feel pain. Like you deserved to.
By age 14, you had started to skip school. Only ever there for exams and a couple of art classes you had with Jeongguk. He was what you would’ve called a best friend, he supported you and was by your side till you left school. He went away to college and like always with school friends, you drifted apart. Nevertheless, he still texts you now and then to check in.
Although you were (once) close with Jeongguk. He never knew of your inner demons, the same with Yoongi and Hoseok. You didn’t want to feel like a burden and worry your friends when they had shit to worry about themselves.
Why devastate flowers that flourish beautifully with weeds that manage to twist their way around every crack?
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You had walked for a few minutes now, having chatted absentmindedly about anything and everything. The roads still didn’t look familiar to you and you just wished they did, you didn’t want to be away from your home any longer, your feet were starting to ache, your phone was on 10% battery and it was fucking cold. You just wanted to be back in bed tucked up watching Lady and the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians for the millionth time. You felt safe and content when you indulged in your comfort films. Far away from the real world and wrapped up in the false reality. They easily distracted you and that's when you truly felt at peace. Your mind was always too busy thinking about how cute it was when Tramp calls Lady, Pidge or how in love Pongo and Perdy were.
Majority of the time you fantasised about having a love similar, but then again, why would you wanna make yourself vulnerable like that? Is the risk of being hurt (more than you are now) any good? Of course it’s not. Fuck that, life isn’t nothing like those shitty romance films or novels… It’s real and painful.
As you and Taehyung rounded the corner, a little cafe caught your eye, a dainty blue and pink building. Fairy Lights strung up around the windows, you could see a handful of people inside, busy sipping their drinks and chatting away to one another. ‘Aroma Mocha’ hung above the doors. It looked so cute and simple. Your previous thoughts left your mind as quick as they had come. You wanted to go inside, it had an enticing atmosphere.
Taehyung hadn’t realised you’d stopped walking until he couldn’t hear the soft thud of your footsteps behind him, he turned as he called out to you, your eyes still fixed on the cafe. He chuckled to himself, “Fucking adorable, like a kid at christmas,” he walked back over to you. “Hey Doll, you wanna go in?” He felt his heart quicken when you looked at him with those pretty eyes, “We’ve plenty of time to get you back before it’s dark angel.” You answered him with a nod as you turned your head from Taehyung to look back at the alluring little cafe.
Not a second had passed before Taehyung grabbed your hand and pulled you across the road to the entrance; you ignored the warmth of his hand as it intertwined with yours; you ignored the way your tummy erupted with butterflies. Taehyung had stopped to hold the door for you, you murmured a small, “thank you,” looking up at him, the heat that crept up your cheeks making your face resemble that of a doll’s he thought to himself. Once he ushered you fully inside, he placed his hand to rest on the curve of your waist as he guided you to the back corner of the room, where a quaint table for two was unoccupied, a little pot of Daffodils sat atop. How fitting...
Taehyung was quick to pull the chair out for you to take a seat, you pulled it in as you sat down and sent a shy smile his way, “I’m sorry, I know we just met Taehyung but this place is so fucking precious! I hope I’m not bothering you, if I am we can just carry on walking or, I could ring a Taxi? Is this weird? Oh god, I can’t believe--”, Taehyung threw his head back as he laughed, a sound that seemed to wrap its way around your soul, twisting around your heart in the nicest of ways, it was almost like a killer to the weeds taking over your body. A temporary release. You felt like you could really breathe in those short seconds of his laughter.
“Angel, if you were bothering me, I’d have kept on walking. That, or I would’ve called you a Taxi myself, it’s no problem honestly.” You ducked your head as he sent a wink your way, fuck sake Y/N get it together! Why are you acting like a fucking schoolgirl?
“Well I uh, appreciate it so, yeah thank you?” You don’t know what to do, you’re here with the most gorgeous person you’ve ever laid your eyes on… yet you have no clue if what you saw was real, did Taehyung stab someone? Could someone have had the knife who wasn’t Taehyung? Was he even the person you saw in that altercation? Did you imagine everything that had gone off?
Before you had chance to overthink it, a light bubbly voice greeted your ears, “Hi! Welcome to Aroma Mocha, I’m Jimin and I’ll be your server today. Is there anything I can get you?” Jimin held his gaze on you as he flashed you a friendly smile, Taehyung turned around at the sound of his best friend, “Oh, Tae! I wasn’t expecting to see you today, what are you doing here? And who’s this pretty little lady?”
“This is Y/Nie, she was in the neighbourhood so we thought we’d nip in for something to drink before I take her back to hers.” you sent a warm smile to Jimin which he gladly returned, “I’ll have my usual and can you get Y/Nie a Strawberry Iced Tea? Thanks man.”
Once Jimin had disappeared to make your drinks, you shot your eyes to Taehyung, “Uhm, how’d you know I like Strawberry Iced Tea?” Taehyung didn’t even look in your direction as he scrolled through his phone, eyes glued to the screen. A minute passed by and he’d still not acknowledged your question so you let it slide, it wasn’t that big of a deal right? Your mind drifted. Your fingers rested atop of your lap, hidden from the sight of onlookers, picking around your nails as anxiety flooded your body. You felt like you were about to suffocate. You shouldn’t be talking to anyone, you shouldn’t let anyone close. You were only going to fuck everything up in a heartbeat. It’s only natural. Self deprecating thoughts devoured and made their way through your veins, poisoning yourself further; your whole body felt as though it was alight.
Jimin brought you your drinks, placed them carefully in front of the pair of you as you both said your thanks.
The click of Taehyung’s phone being locked and the clearing of his throat brought you back to your senses. “The drink I ordered for you is popular here so, I assumed you’d like to try it. You wanna talk about what’s bothering you?” your eyes shot up to meet his, your head tilted a little to the left as your tongue wet your lip, so puppy like...
You stared incredulously, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Taehyung.” You leant forward slightly as you wrapped your lips around the straw and took a sip.
Taehyung saw the way you sucked your drink up through your straw, his eyes darkened. Thankful to have worn sweatpants that day, he shifted himself discreetly, “I’m not stupid Angel, I know what you’re doing under the table. I’m here, so talk to me. I’ll listen to whatever you gotta say.”
You stuttered as you wracked your brain for something to say, “I-I only met you like forty minutes ago, I don’t even tell my friends what’s wrong. Not that there is, everything’s fine.”
You met me just short of an hour ago, he thought to himself, “You don’t have to lie to me Y/Nie…” he grabbed your hands that were laid near the cup of your Iced Tea. His thumb rubbing circles onto the back of your hand. You looked small and fragile, like the Daffodils on the table; one little pluck and you’d be ruined. He wouldn’t admit it to you just yet but, Taehyung fucking loved how delicate you seemed as you sat across from him.
How easy it would be to take your life away. How easy it’d be to pull those weeds up that are poisoning you, torturing you every single day. He shook his head, as he cleared those thoughts. No, only Y/N can make that decision. I’m just going to help her choose.
Live or Die.
You visibly winced, “You don’t know me. Think whatever the fuck you want about me, it doesn’t matter.” your eyes flashed hurt as you went back to picking your skin. You knew it, this whole encounter was too good to be true. A complete stranger (well acquaintance technically) had just presumed shit about you, the fact he was right is what hurt more. You didn’t want anyone to know how you were feeling. Or how you were dealing with it.
You couldn’t exactly tell him to piss off, you still needed his help home and so you tried to distract yourself from the unsettling gaze that watched your every move. You let out a breath as Taehyung went back to his phone. Your eyes drifted as you picked up the local Newspaper, your eyes skimmed over the headline, ‘Jigsaw Traps Continue’. Taehyung noticed you staring at the front page, and chuckled, “you scared of Jigsaw Angel?”
You shook your head, why would you be scared of some nutjob who’s targeted criminals and drug dealers? You’re a nobody. “Of some psychopathic puppet?” if anyone did anything to you that would threaten your life, it would be you. Taehyung just laughed in return as you skipped the article and skim-read the other pointless stories.
You were fucking clueless as to who he was while he knew every little thing about you. He had watched you for months… His precious little Y/Nie… Oh how silly you were, taking your life for granted.
You hated yourself that much, you were willingly marking yourself up. Tainting your skin… oh your skin, how fucking beautiful and soft it looked, even with all the scars it still looked perfect… Taehyung wanted nothing more than to whisk you away and lock you inside with him. Forever. He didn’t want anyone touching what was his.
He knew you wore a mask when in public, too afraid to show your real self. Little did you know, he wore a mask himself...only he wore it to better other people.
He had a plan.
And you’d soon find out.
Let the games begin.
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383 notes · View notes
jarofstyles · 4 years
Level Up II
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A/N: Here is our part 2 of nerdy!harry and things are getting even more steamy hehe 
send requests and feedback here
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pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut. filth even, oral sex (giving and receiving), daddy kink, hints of angst?, fluff too 
word count: 15k 
Harry woke up and was positive he dreamt it all, but he already had a good morning text from Y/N and it was proven that it wasn’t fake. They’d both been filthy and sexual and she was coming over tonight and possibly will fall asleep in his bed? What the fuck? Extra effort was put into smelling good and stuff, so that she would be impressed if she saw him. He had sent back a good morning text as well before he left for school. Backpack lazily on his back, thankfully Niall was there to walk in with him. People tended to leave him alone more when other people were around. Talking about the overwatch game he played the night before, Harry listened half heartedly as he fixed up his books and took out what he needed for his first classes. That was until he heard a soft voice call his name, causing butterflies to flood his stomach! He hadn’t told Niall or anyone for that matter that they were hanging out. It didn’t mean something in a way a friend would care until yesterday, and he wouldn’t violate her trust when it came to that.
Y/N separated from her friends when she saw Harry in the hallway, making her way over so that she could get that hug she had spent all night thinking about. 
“Harry!” She called, smiling widely once she had reached him. “Hi Niall.” She waved to him as well before going in to give Harry that hug. “You smell good.” She mumbled, nuzzling against him a bit. Y/N noticed that he was also wearing a plain shirt today, a pair of jeans. Simple. It worked. He looked great, wondered if he put in an effort just for her. It made her smile.
He hadn’t expected a hug in the middle of a busy hallway, with everyone looking, but he wasn’t going to reject a hug. Y/N was bold in not caring about what her friends thought. And of course, Niall was not at all expecting that. 
“Hi. Thank you.” He placed his hand on her back and rubbed a little bit, feeling a bit stiff but not because of her. It was in case people were looking, he didn’t want her to have to deal with anyone being mean to her. That would kill him. She looked hot. Like so fucking hot. And she didn’t even try much. A tight tee shirt and jeans and he was nearly drooling. They clung to her curves and showed them off and Harry couldn’t help but remember seeing her last night in that video, before trying to push that down. He was just happy to see her. 
“Y/N... hi!” Niall squeaked, looking around Harry in shock. Y/N had her cheek rested on his chest and was looking at Niall and he could feel her smile at him through his shirt.
“Loosen up...” Y/N mumbled softly, “‘s okay.” She reminded Harry and pulled back to give him a smile. She wanted to kiss him really bad. Honestly, she didn’t care if people were looking, she didn’t care what people thought because at the end of the day she was student body president for a reason. Everyone else could fuck off. She got up on her tiptoes, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Can I kiss you right now? Like a quick one.” Y/N was desperate, she didn’t know if she could wait till the end of the school day for that. She didn’t want to be super PDA like but this was for her. She just— 
“Y/N!” Lauren called her, “come on!” She seemed confused but Y/N didn’t give a fuck. 
“I’ll meet you there.” She called back to her and focused her attention back on Harry. She wanted to spend as much time as she possibly could with him.
Harry couldn’t tell her no. He knew he would be getting hounded by Niall, who would tell their whole friend group but hell, he couldn’t tell her no. And he wanted a kiss. So fucking bad. 
“Yeah- yeah, if you want one.” He stuttered. He hoped she knew it wasn’t because of her that he was nervous, but when she got on her tiptoes and cupped his jaw, the kiss made him forget anything else. It was perfect. Her plushy lips pressing against his once and then again, Harry feeling her arm move up to curl over his shoulder again. They were lost in each other, Y/N only pulling back when Lauren called for her again. His eyes were wide. They’d kissed a bit more than they’d planned and a few people had seen. Which meant, the whole damn school would know by lunch time. Yeah, thank god he had his hiding spot in the library.
“I’ll see you later.” She cooed, giving him once last kiss on the cheek before waving goodbye. Y/N was very glad that she had gotten her morning kisses, smiling brightly up at him. “Bye Niall.” She smiled, walking her way back to her friend group despite all the stares. Y/N was happy and that was all that mattered. 
“What the fuck was that?” Lauren asked, causing Y/N to laugh. 
“What do you mean?” She didn’t understand why it was such a big deal. 
“One second you’re partnered with him, the next you’re kissing him? It’s a project not a charity case.” She scoffed causing Y/N to stop and her tracks and furrow her brows. 
“Excuse me?” She couldn’t believe she had the nerve. “Why is it any of your business? We finished the project, and I fucking like him.” Y/N said sternly, “if you don’t like it, you can fuck all the way off Lauren, I’ve had it.” She would not take that kind of judgement. She knew Lauren needed her more than she needed her.
While Y/N’s ‘friends’ weren’t happy, Niall was in disbelief. Firing questions left and right and Harry didn’t have many answers because he still didn’t quite understand it himself. 
“Mate... we were partnered together. We got on right away and clicked over some stuff. She’s... fucking incredible.” He felt himself about to drift off thinking about her. “So nice, smart, and she isn’t judgemental. I dunno how she ended up with those people cause... she’s amazing. Truly.” He was proud to know her. Be her... friend? Whatever they were. Kissing buddies? He hoped that wasn’t all they ended up being though. “And then, we just... I dunno. Yesterday we kissed. And it felt really good, right. So I’m just feeling it out? I can’t believe she would ever go for someone like me. She’s astronomically out of my league but... she wants to hang out with me. I’d never deny her.” He explained to Niall, who was so confused and intrigued. 
“Dude, The rest of the group is gonna freak. You’ve had a crush on her for years.” His friends knew all about his crush. He looked at her Instagram a lot. And stared a lot.
Y/N was genuinely confused as to why her friends made such a big deal out of it. Why was it any of their business? “I really thought you guys would be happy for me...” She frowned, shaking her head. “Don’t have to be so mean just cause he isn’t like you... don’t like that you talk about people that way, you know that.” Y/N said feeling her blood begin to boil. 
She couldn’t take any of that anymore. She simply stayed away from them for the rest of the classes, waiting until lunch so that she could sit down and have a chat with Harry. She hoped he wasn’t getting shit from this, that would make her feel awful. 
‘Hii, where are you? x’
It was simple but she couldn’t find him anywhere in the cafeteria. The next best thing was spotting his tiny friend group. 
“Hey, Niall. Hi everyone. Do you know where Harry is?” Y/N asked sweetly, waiting for an answer.
“Oh.. h-hi Y/N!” He said with wide eyed. She never approached before and genuinely had surprised him. He was jealous but only because he had wanted a girlfriend. That’s what he and Y/N were, he was assuming. “I dunno, he never tells me where he goes during lunch. I’m sorry.” He felt bad that he couldn’t help her but it was a mystery to him and their little table of friends. 
‘Hiii. C: I am in the library. Second floor and towards the thesauruses.’ 
Harry has been harassed a good deal today, especially by Y/N’s friends. It wasn’t her fault. Not at all. Her friends were assholes but, he did wonder if maybe it was true. If she felt bad for him being a lonely virgin. He hoped not but he knew he wasn’t good enough for her at all. She was perfect and he was not, at all. 
“Oh— okay yeah I—” She started and then looked at her phone to see he had texted her. Her face visibly lit up. “That’s him! Sorry to disturb your lunch, have a good day.” Y/N cooed, turning around and making her way to the library where apparently Harry was. She never knew you could eat in there? Maybe Harry was just an exception. 
“Hi there...” She cooed, smiling as she approached him. “Is this seat taken?” Y/N teased, sitting down next to him and instantly going to give him a hug. She nuzzled into his side, letting out a sigh. “You okay?” She was hoping he was, he knew how vicious some of these girls could be. She hated that they picked on him. “Just wanted to come and check up on you... don’t really want to sit with everyone else today. Don’t like the way they’re acting.” Y/N scrunched her nose and went to take her lunch out from her bag. “Do you want a cookie?”
Y/N was happily welcomed to sit next to him, his heart beating fast again when she went for a hug and cuddled up against him. This was the shot that felt so good, the fact she was confident and comfortable enough with him to do this. That he was even an option for him in the first place. She was amazing. 
“Yeah... your friends aren’t happy with this at all.” He laughed softly, though insecurity surely ran through. They’d cornered him and told him that he should leave Y/N alone. That he wasn’t what she needed and he was going to damage his reputation and that he should give up for her sake. But if Y/N wanted him, he couldn’t tell her no. He cared about her so much and they obviously had a chemistry. Last night had been some of the most confident he had ever been, despite being blushy about it all day when it came into his mind, which was a lot. “I’ll take one, sure.” He motioned to his chips, knowing she could take some if she wanted one.
“I shouldn’t really call them my friends... they’re not great at all.” Y/N sighed, pushing her hair back behind her ear before handing him a cookie. “Did they say anything to you?” She asked curiously, “please tell me you didn’t listen to a word they said.” Y/N sat up properly, looking at him with genuine concern. “I just... I’ve known them for so long but none of them are like... I don’t know. If anything this should be a reason for me to stop associating with them all together. They’re horrid.” Y/N frowned, shaking her head, “I can’t believe they think that’s okay, they need to grow up. I don’t want to associate with people like that anymore... they don’t—” She shook her head, huffing as she bit into her sandwich. Y/N went to reach for a chip, thanking him softly before going back to eating. She was so thankful for him. She was glad that she was coming over tonight as well, they could cuddle and play games and maybe do other things. Only if he wanted though.
“Yeah they uh—  they said some stuff.” He cleared his throat nervously. Y/N was going to be upset because he knew she didn’t believe it herself but he still worried. “Just said stuff about you being out of my league and stuff which I knew. I’ve always known that. But they said I’m going t-to tear you down socially and like... I’m gonna drag you under?” He shrugged, looking at his hands as he avoided her eye contact. “That you only felt bad for me and stuff. Damaging your reputation wouldn’t be worth it so I should just leave you alone.” It hurt him because he didn’t want to. He would do what Y/N wanted but he also didn’t want to make her life hell too. She did say she didn’t consider those other people friends though. He wondered... Did she really think so? Would she leave her friends behind because they were mean to him?
“They said that?” She frowned and let out a deep breath because she knew Harry was definitely thinking about it. Thinking that what they said was the truth. “It’s not true. None of it. I’m not out of your league, you won’t damage my reputation, nothing I do can do that... unless I turn into a raging bitch all of a sudden. The average person at this school doesn’t hate you, they don’t know you, it’s only those dicks that make it seem like everyone does. I hate that I’m associated with them but I just don’t know how to get away. I-I won’t let them make fun of you or anyone like that.” Y/N felt her heart sink to her stomach. “Do people think I’m like that?” She asked curiously, hoping that wasn’t the case. “I just... please, don’t believe them. Please? I wouldn’t be hanging out with you if I didn’t want to. I’m grown. I know what I want and what I’m doing...”
“No— no, Everyone thinks you’re nice. M-my friends always wondered why you’d hang out with them cause you’re- you’re not like them.” He reassured quickly. His hand went to grab hers because he could see the sadness on her face and he hated it. Y/N didn’t deserve to feel sad. “I’m sorry—  I don’t plan on like, not talking to you or anything. I promise. I just don’t want to be the cause of you losing friends. Or, if that’s what you want, then I support you.” He tripped on his words as he tried his best tone reassuring. “You’re really great, Y/N. I’m... a little bit nervous cause, you’re so great and I feel like m’not, and I don’t know what I can offer you but I’m gonna do my best?” He was speaking softly but Y/N seemed to like that he was closer to her so she could hear.
“Just wish people didn’t care so much about my life.. what does it matter to them?” Y/N couldn’t understand, but at least she had Harry who could see things from her point of view. Or at least try to. “I mean... I’m glad people don’t think I’m like that, but... I know none of this will matter in college.” That was true. She was sort of holding out till highschool was over to get rid of her friend group and make a new one. She found it hard to make sure that they stayed in check, they clearly found time to be mean to anyone that they could which she couldn’t understand why. “I really like you. I do. And I hate that people are trying to invalidate my feelings to put you down.” Y/N frowned, moving her hand up to cup his cheek. “I’m sorry... you don’t deserve any of this.”
“S’okay, Y/N. Really. Like you said—  doesn’t matter in college, yeah?” He felt the need to comfort her more than himself because she looked genuinely distraught that he had to do shit like this. “We’re okay. Yeah? We’re fine. Can just let them mind their business?” He knew it was easier said than done but he was willing to focus on her. It wasn’t like she didn’t have the majority of his attention otherwise. Absolutely did. “What- what did you want to watch tonight?” He questioned. Y/N was coming over and potentially sleeping over- they’d been texting a bit during classes and she said she was excited to lay with him. Which, of course, made his stomach explode in butterflies. Y/N smiled a bit when he moved the topic onward to tonight. She had been thinking about it all day, all she wanted to do was lay with him and cuddle and maybe kiss and do some other things. 
“What kind of movies do you like?” She asked softly, “cause we can watch something action or like a comedy, or we can watch a Disney movie.” Y/N giggled at the idea. It was relaxing to have a person. Y/N knew they weren’t official but having someone around for a comfort thing was great. She liked showering people with attention, loved smothering them in her love. Harry was the perfect candidate it seemed like because he felt similar to her. At least she thought so. Part of her wished he was more expressive. She wanted to know exactly how he felt about her and what he wanted or what he was scared of so she could open up to him more and make him more comfortable. There was only so much she could do.
“Yeah? I’d like that.” He swallowed his pride a bit and turned to her more, squeezing her hand. “M’really excited.” It may not seem like much but, Harry wasn’t one to normally do shit like this. Expressing feelings was hard. Especially when they were deep feelings. Last night had been... amazing. He truly couldn’t believe that she had chosen him out of all the people possible to do that with. That she returned feelings. But he had to make sure she was being taken care of as well. “I’m sorry if I was... really forward last night.” The blush came back to his face. “I don’t know.. something got into me. I just wanted to say sorry if I like, did too much.”
“No, oh my god, no— you were great.” She told him with a shake of her head, blushing as she made eye contact. “Honestly, please don’t feel embarrassed or anything, I really liked it.” Y/N smiled, leaning up to kiss his cheek softly. “It’s the weekend though... got lots of time to just relax and stuff.” Y/N reminded him, “and I want to get to know you more and stuff... and even when I’m at home we could like... game together or something. Whatever you wanna do.” She let out a small sigh, “Can I have a kiss?” She was feeling desperate for another after everything that had gone down. Y/N knew that a little kiss from Harry would brighten her day. She sure hoped that it brightened his. 
The fact that she kept asking for kisses had Harry on cloud nine. She genuinely was loving the kisses and kept getting them and with each one, he became more and more comfortable with her. 
“Yeah... sounds really good. I’d love to game with you.” That would make his whole life. Excitement bloomed in him. Yes, that would be a lot of fun. Something he was hoping for. Y/N in his gaming room... maybe right cuddled next to him. A dream. “And— yeah. You can have them whenever.” He was doing his best to be more confident for her sake. Y/N deserves it. Especially with how she defended him. He could be brave, too. Leaning forward, he cupped the side of her face and tried not to hesitate before pressing their lips together. It was like as soon as their mouths met, everything else wasn’t there. His worries weren’t, because it felt natural and good to just be there, warm lips pressed against his. Y/N’s hand holding the wrist that cupped her face.
Y/N was really excited to go over to Harry’s. He deserved a really good night with just the two of them, relaxing and playing games. Maybe something else. She had told her mom that she was staying the night at Lauren’s so she wouldn’t be interrupted. Everything was in place really, she’d even worn a sexy yet casual outfit. A pink sailor moon shirt with matching shorts and sports bra. She had brought a little bag of stuff just in case, knowing it would be weird to leave for a sleep over with nothing and made her way down a few houses to Harry’s. Y/N knocked on the door and waited, rocking back and forth a bit. She was ready to see him, to cuddle and kiss him again. It was probably strange considering the two of them had seen each other a few hours ago at school, but she did really miss him. She liked him a whole lot too, especially after their little phone call. Fuck, that phone call…
Harry has nervously cleaned the whole house after school, making sure it was spotless. He’d ran to the store and got a stupid amount of snacks because he hadn’t asked Y/N what she liked and didn’t want to be obvious, so the pantry was stacked. Thank god his parents weren’t home and wouldn’t be until next week. He made his bed with fresh sheets and cleaned his bathroom and game room. Showered and put on Grey sweats and a plain blue tee shirt, so he didn’t seem to be trying hard. He didn’t know the first thing about fashion and hoped it would be good enough. He missed Y/N even if it seemed stupid. He liked her a lot and his tummy felt warm and fuzzy when he thought about her- especially their night before. She gave him confidence he hadn’t ever had. Incredible if you asked him. When he heard the door knock, he ran for it and took a second to collect himself before opening the door. 
Well. Shit. 
She looked... like any gamers dream, but specifically his. They’d agreed on pajamas but she was wearing a big oversized sailor moon tee with barely visible shorts. And looked so fucking hot that he could feel his throat clam up a bit. Luckily he was met with Y/N hugging him.
“Hiii!” She giggled, wrapping her arms around his waist tightly and inhaling his scent. Clearly they’d both showered, properly prepared for the night. Y/N felt her cheeks heat up a little at the thought, mostly because she was excited about potentially doing things with him tonight. Even if it was him feeling her up, anything would work for her. “You smell good.” She mumbled for the second time today, allowing them to step into his house as she pulled away to close the door. His parents wouldn’t be here for the weekend so it was properly ideal, she could stay here all weekend if she could convince her parents she wasn’t doing anything bad. “I hope you don’t mind, I brought a little bit of stuff so my mom wouldn’t think I was being weird. She insisted I bring these over.” Y/N chuckled, pulling out a little container with cupcakes. “Made them last night.” Y/N knew that her mom and dad would love Harry, he was a sweet boy, but they probably wouldn’t agree with her sleeping over.
“It’s okay.” She could stay over. He would like that. It made him nervous but also excited because there was nothing he wanted more than to wake up beside her and touch and feel her all over, if that was something that she was okay with. Just a proper cuddling session. “You’re an angel.” He smiled at the cupcakes, taking both them and the bag from her hands and leading her towards the kitchen. “They look very good. I didn’t know you liked baking.” Actually, there was so much Harry didn’t know and that was the exciting part about it. He was hopeful that perhaps she would be open to sharing more! 
“I went to the store to get snacks. I uh, I went a little bit nuts with the card. It’s okay though because I didn’t know what you liked.” He said sheepishly. “I have a bunch here and then in my game room I’ve got a ton of stuff.” He itched his neck but felt relieved when she looked impressed. He knew he went through a lot of effort so he hoped she could see that. “I didn’t know what you’d want for dinner, so I wanted to figure that out with you.”
“Awe, that’s so nice.” Y/N cooed, wrapping her arms around his waist again. “Don’t have to do that for me though, would have been happy with a bag of plain tortilla chips even.” She said and shrugged. “But thank you...” Y/N went to grab some Pringle’s and some sour patch kids, her two favorite snacks, “do you have drinks upstairs?” She asked softly, looking up at him with big eyes. “Also, what snacks do you like?” She wanted to make sure she grabbed them for him too. When she spotted the white cheddar cheez-its hiding she gasped, grabbing them as well. “Upstairs?” She followed him up, being carefully with the food as they made their way up to his room. Y/N placed everything down on one of his bedside tables, looking up at him as she took a seat on his bed. “Can do pizza? Pizza is always good and easy, can’t think of anything else around here I know of.”
Harry placed her bag down on his desk chair. This was real. It felt like she was here to sleep over and trust, none of his sleepovers ever went the way he wanted this one to go. Surely he would get to kiss her some. She had told him she was excited to get some kissing done via text. 
“Yeah— yeah, we can do that.” He wiped his hands on his sweats as he took her in, sitting on the side of his bed and looking at him. Never I’m a million years bad he actually thought this could Happen for him. She had been a dream but he hadn’t really thought it could happen. “I have drinks in the mini fridge, hold on.” He leaned down and went under his desk to grab a soda and a water. He would take whichever she didn’t. “Sorry if I’m being awkward again. I’m excited to have you here.”
“No, baby, don’t be sorry. It’s okay, it’s cute.” Y/N smiled, pulling her legs up on the bed properly before making grabby hands at him. “Come here.” She cooed, wanting a proper cuddle as it has been a few hours since they’ve been able to do so. A whole night and day really, their little cuddle at lunch wasn’t enough. She figured once they cuddled up Harry would be a lot more comfortable with her, more at ease. Or maybe not. Regardless, she just wanted a cuddle. “What do you wanna do then?” She asked curiously, pushing a few pieces of hair away from his face. “Watch a movie and play some games?” She really wanted him to take the lead, wanting to know more about what he wanted and liked. Y/N felt like she had been deciding a majority of their activities and wanted to give him some freedom. “Can do whatever really, it’s up to you... just wanna hang out with you.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ve got good movies on my Netflix. Or my Xbox is in here and I have 2 controllers.” He said softly. It felt good to have her hands on him. It was so comforting to have Y/N touching at him and playing with his hair. The moment he relaxed on the bed he could feel her settle in. To press herself against him. He was going to be braver today. He would be able to touch her hips and hair and appropriate places until given permission to do otherwise. He could be a man for her. She wouldn’t want a nervous baby. “I’m still happy and a little shocked you want to hang out with me but h really like that you’re here.” He admitted. It was surreal to have her so close and see her smile up at him. Truly, he was happy as a clam at the moment. “Just let me know which one you want to do so I can set it up.” He figured a movie because she was already trying to nearly crawl on him- and he couldn’t complain. It was amazing to feel her wanting to be close.
“But... Why are you so shocked? I kiss you all the time, of course I want to hang out with you.” She said as a matter of factly before shifting on him once again. “Speaking of....” Y/N whispered, leaning up to press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Can I have my kiss now?” She was really gentle with him still, not wanting to overwhelm him. Y/N moved forward, pressing her lips against his in a sweet kiss. It was perfect. A sweet relief after a long day. She hummed against his lips, her tongue licking over his bottom lip for more. God she wanted more. She could never really get enough and she was positive it was because he was so eager to learn and give to her. She wanted to do the same for him. Y/N kept it relatively tame, not wanting to get too much into things right away. They’d save it for later, definitely would be partaking in some sexy time. Harry was prepared, fresh sheets and everything. He really was ready for her.
He was getting the hang of this kissing thing. He was hoping that he could be as good as Y/N was at it because she made his head fuzzy. It was amazing. So much fun to just kiss and feel her body touch his, her breath against his mouth, her hands on his shoulders or hair or his jaw. 
“I missed doing that.” He sighed, feeling himself loosen up a bit. Her kisses had healing and relaxing powers. There was no debating it. “You’re so lovely, Y/N. Course I’m shocked still. I’ve been wanting to hang out with you for ages and now I get to... s’surreal. Like a dream.” He murmured. She didn’t understand just how appealing and enchanting she was. He hoped to show her that she was. He leaned forward and gave her another peck before pulling back and letting her head rest in his shoulder. It was relaxing to have her here and enthralling as well. Y/N smiled at that, pressing another kiss to his cheek before resting her head on his chest. Her hand traced shapes into his side, feeling relaxed here. 
“There’s no rush, it’s the weekend yeah?” She cooed, listening when he mentioned that hanging out with her still felt so surreal. She could understand what he meant, but she wanted nothing more than to make him comfortable. “Let me know what I can do to help, want you to know it’s not a dream...” Y/N said softly, pressing another soft peck to his cheek and then to his lips as he turned to peck hers. “Know it’s a lot but... just wanna make it feel normal... so you can be comfortable around me.... I’ll always get butterflies, I’m sure you will too... but I doubt what you ever doubting this or yourself yeah?” She nuzzled into his neck and placed a few kisses there, letting out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding in. “Can put on whatever you want, even an anime.” Y/N smiled, “can show me your favorite or something new we can start together.”
He forgot she did like anime. How had he been able to achieve a woman like Y/N, the world had given them the best chance. He put on an anime but knew he would spend the majority of it staring at her. Y/N was in his bed, cuddled up to him, sitting and holding his hand and playing with rings. He was thinking about how he got to kiss the pretty pink lips of her and how he got to hold her soft hands. Got to text her. He was hoping that Y/N would want this for a long time. That they could try a real relationship. He would ask her if that’s what this was. Eventually. Right now he was just enjoying what she had to offer, grateful for it all. He knew she could feel him observing her but he was in awe of how beautiful she was. That she looked so natural and soft and was enjoying his touch. Cautiously, he brought a hand up to brush away the messy hair from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear.
Y/N felt his eyes on her, clearly he wasn’t paying attention to the anime he had put on. He was just observing her and gently caressing her skin, pushing her hair back away from her face and behind her ear. She turned to look at him, eyes wide and innocent, questioning what he was doing. Harry was a sweet boy, his intentions were pure and it tugged at her heart strings. She took this moment to observe him, just admiring his beautiful eyes and just how soft his skin was. The little freckles he had and the lines where his dimples formed. Y/N wished he knew just how attractive he was, knew that if people saw him for who he really was they’d be all over him. 
“You’re really pretty. Sometimes it feels like you’re a painting.” He wasn’t sure if that made sense but she had that timeless beauty in his opinion. That she could be in any era and be the most beautiful girl In the land. He was curious to see how she would age. Gracefully, he was positive. “I mean it.” He smiled when she rolled her eyes at him. “Heeeey. I’m trying to compliment you. M’sorry. You’re just very distracting.” He admitted softly. Y/N was the most welcome distraction there was. This could be his reality. His every day. One day they could be older and she could choose him to be the one to wake up next to. It had his mind racing a mile a minute. Especially thinking about last night and how she had made him all the more confident. Y/N felt a blush on her cheeks again, looking at him and rolling her eyes because he really did flatter her too much. 
“Shouldn’t you be watching the tv and not me?” She whispered, leaning forward to peck his lips. “Thank you though, I really do appreciate it.” She did. Not many guys took the time to tell her things like that. She’d usually just get the, ‘you’re so sexy’ or the ‘nice tits’. It was never, ‘you’re so beautiful’ or ‘you’re a dream’. “I’m sorry I’m distracting, don’t mean it..” She pouted, cuddling back into his shoulder and pressing a kiss just beneath his jaw. If she could she’d just spend all day kissing him. She didn’t care about the games or the pizza, she just wanted to kiss him and cuddle him and maybe do more. Show him the world, give him that confidence or more like help him find it. It was in there, she knew it was.
“Trust me, I enjoy it.” He murmured softly, breath catching when she kissed under his jaw. He was being spoiled completely with kisses today and he didn’t know why, but he was enjoying them. He could sit for days and kiss her skin if that’s something Y/N was happy to let him do. “I’m g-gonna order the pizza.” He stuttered, not moving his head but picking up the phone to call. He was surprised when she didn’t stop. See, something about this aroused him for some reason and he wasn’t sure why, but his neck flushed with her kisses as he cleared his throat. “Hi- can I order two pizzas please?” His last word was a squeak when Y/N gently nibbled on his jaw. He wasn’t telling her to stop, he didn’t want to.
Y/N smirked against his skin, loving how committed he was to talking on the phone despite his reactions. She hummed, nipping again at the skin in hopes to leave a mark. She wondered if he would like that? Hopefully he didn’t mind, but she could understand that maybe his parents would feel weird about it. It was a type of bruise, it would take a while to go away. Once the pizzas were ordered Y/N pulled back from his jaw, smirking up at him. 
“‘m sorry about that...” She hummed, licking over her lips. “Couldn’t help myself.” Y/N blushed and rested her head against his chest. Everything about their little hang out was so high school, but that was exactly what she wanted. A cute wholesome highschool romance. She could tell that he was a horny fucker, just as was she. If the kissing didn’t give it away then maybe the way she dressed or the way she was mentally undressing him would give him a clue. Y/N didn’t want him to think there was all she wanted him for though, so she didn’t front with that part of her. Instead choosing to love up on him.
“It’s- it’s okay. Was hard to talk though. I liked it. My head went numb.” He let himself laugh about it. Y/N truly didn’t have a clue about the effect she had on people. He wanted her to know that he was okay with her doing this stuff. He loved it, actually. It was rather tame then, once they relaxed and waited for the pizza. Only difference was Y/N did have a fun time kissing his neck or his chest over his shirt and he was wondering if she would enjoy the same type of affection. It was a learning curve. He sighed when the doorbell rang and had to untangle them from their lovely little love nest; at least that’s how he saw it. He was quick to run down the stairs and pay, bringing it back up to his room with two plates on top of the boxes for them to use if she wanted to.
Y/N was already sitting up in the bed, having pulled her T-shirt off because she was getting hot. She hoped that he didn’t mind, he probably wouldn’t. Her hair was now up in a messy bun to prepare for eating, her hands patting the space in front of her on the bed for him to place the boxes down on. 
“I didn’t realize how hungry I am.” Y/N chuckled, “smells really good.” She mumbled and waited for him to join her before digging in. She made sure to be as careful as possible, not wanting to get anything on his fresh and clean sheets. Y/N felt extremely comfortable around Harry, probably more than she did with people she called her friends. Harry didn’t judge her, he liked her for who she was and continued to support every choice she made. She too hoped to do that for him, it’s exactly what he deserved. 
“Where are your parents anyway?” She asked curiously, knowing it was a bit random but she wanted to know how often he was alone like this.
Again, she manages to knock him on his metaphorical ass when she tossed the shirt off and revealed a tiny, cute pj set underneath the tee shirt. It was showcasing her little tummy and her soft hips and thighs, not to mention the tits. Fuck, Harry wanted to bury his face between them so badly it aches. But he swallowed that thought when she was talking again, mentioning the pizza and then his parents. 
“Oh— they’re both at different work things. My mum runs an upscale catering company. My dad owns a publishing company.” He said, sitting on the bed next to her. It was hard not to stare at her body but he made sure to focus the best he could in her pretty face. “They go away a lot because my sister is out of the house and I can take care of myself.” He told her. “It’s not bad though. I game a lot so I like, just come home and do my work, then play online.” He wasn’t sure how to tell her that he streamed and had thousands of people who watched. He made a decent amount of money in tips on there too.
“Oh that’s cool.” Y/N smiled, nodding her head. “You sure?” She knew she would probably get lonely if her parents were away all the time but then again, if she got alone time that would be amazing. “Guess it’s nice cause that means I can come over more.” Y/N hinted, hoping he wouldn’t mind. She had a feeling he wouldn’t. “My parents are relatively strict... they like knowing what I’m doing at all times, kinda told my mom I was at Lauren’s but... she won’t really call and ask.” Y/N explained, “I think they’d like you though... you’re a nice wholesome boy, aren’t anything like the others.” Her mother hated her ex boyfriends. None of them were allowed over and when she found out about them she got much stricter with her going out. Y/N was hoping that this would be a thing for a while. She could see herself really getting into it and honestly, if they chose the same college then they wouldn’t have to worry about breaking up. Maybe she was thinking too far ahead but, could you really blame her?
“Yeah? You can come over whenever you want. My house is open to you. I’m positive that if you’d like to meet her, my mum would love you. My dad is okay, he’s a bit aloof. But he would like you too. He’s just quiet.” He admitted. Well, Harry was quiet at school. During games and stuff, not so much. “I’ve never had a girl over before. So she’s gonna like... interrogate you and want you to cook with her or something if you’re here when she is.” He groaned. “She knows you though. Our parents are friendly, I think our mums go to that wine book club together.” He thought out loud. Well. Internally he was thinking about how good it was that their parents got along. It could be useful. Not to say he was jumping the gun, but in his mind, he absolutely was. “I...  you’re not gonna get in trouble for being here though, right?” He said softly. “I don’t want you to not be allowed over.
“Think so?” Y/N smiled shyly at him, “your mom is really nice from what I remember. She used to bring those really good brownies to the bake sale in elementary school.” Y/N used to love them, would buy five at a time so she would have one for everyday of the school week. “Maybe she can teach me to make them.” She raised a brow, taking a sip of her drink. Y/N has no idea that their moms were friends but that would definitely come in handy. If their moms were friends then her mom already adored Harry, knowing that Anne had probably shown photos to her mom and bragged. They would be just fine. “Don’t worry baby, it’s okay.” Y/N cooed, “She won’t find out, and if she does, she can’t really stop me. I am almost 18.” She said and shrugged, “besides, you’re a nice boy and I’m only a few houses away... it could be worse.”
“Alright... good. I don’t want to get you into trouble. It would be awful if we couldn’t hang out.” She had hinted at coming Over again so he was going off of those cues. “It’s really cool how we live so close to one another. I’ve always thought about us being friends and stuff... I’m happy that you wanted to be friends too.” He smiled, taking a bite of his pizza. “S’even cooler that you’re into games and stuff. It sucks that you don’t show it out more because you’re friends would make fun of you. S’so shitty of them. Then again, you could be a trendsetter. However— you’re safe with me. Can like whatever you want.” He shrugged. He didn’t care if she did or didn’t like the stuff but he was so relieved she did. He wouldn’t annoy her when talking about it. “Niall... he was freaking out after you left because he was so confused why you kissed me. It was funny.”
“I know... I mean, I guess it was my little secret but then again if they found out I wouldn’t mind. It’s weird, I guess they just never cared enough to ask and I never cared enough to tell them. They’re shit friends anyway... won’t matter soon.” Y/N sighed, knowing she sort of landed herself in the shit with highschool friends. “I had friends online, still do. They’re much closer to me than any of the friends I made at school... besides you of course.” Y/N felt safe in the online gamer community, people accepted her and liked her and didn’t judge. “I wish I could do more for you though.. you and your friends don’t deserve to be treated the way people treat you guys.” It was sweet that Niall was so excited for his friend, Y/N of course blushed and shrugged. “I asked him where you were at lunch too and he seemed flustered... I don't know why he was acting like I wouldn’t know his name. I went to elementary school with him.”
“I guess.. I didn’t realize you’d remember me too. You’re just, you’re the nicest person that’s super popular and you stand up for guys like us. We aren’t the social norm I guess, and you’re always sweet. So he was surprised the same way I was.” He had to tell her that. “You know that everyone at school loves you, right? Like... everyone always says how nice and funny and pretty you are. I think that’s why I never thought I stood a chance of being your friend... even more so being able to kiss you. I’ve thought about it for a long time.” He slipped up and let her know he had been thinking about kissing her for a while. And he knew she would be curious.
“Shouldn’t put me up on a pedestal like that though, I’m just a person.” Y/N said softly, “I do appreciate it, like it’s really nice and all... but I’m just like you guys.” She shrugged, taking another bite of her pizza. She knew that she was well liked at school but she simply treated people the way she would want to be treated and she deserved ample attention and kindness so she gave the same. Y/N raised a brow when he admitted to thinking about kissing her for a while. “You had a crush on me?” She asked with a bashful smile, feeling herself get all giddy. It made her sad that he felt like he was out of her league. He certainly wasn’t. “Everyone stands a chance at being my friend, but you of course are a special case.” She let him squirm for a bit before continuing to talk. “I always thought you were really cute. I had a crush on you in elementary school, I always made sure that I personally picked a birthday present for you when I was little instead of having my mom go buy a gift.” Y/N admitted and sighed, “always liked you and thought you were nice.... but then life took over and we went separate ways and now here we are again.”
In elementary school, one year in particular, she had gotten him a power rangers lunch box. It was metal and inside had a thermos and a knife and fork. He used it every day until his mum got him a new one and he felt bad not using it. But it was his favorite thing ever. 
“You... had a crush on me?” He couldn’t believe it. Truly, it was something otherworldly. “That’s... really ironic. Cause I think it’s been there since then. Wait, let me show you something.” He stood up and went towards his shelf, grabbing something before walking towards her. It was the lunch box. A bit battered from use but it was still nice, Harry holding it in his hands to show her. “This was my favorite. It was from 3rd grade, and you gave it to me on my birthday. I used it all the way until 5th grade because I was so happy you gave it just to me. I had my grandfather replace them hinges once because I used it every day.”
“Yeah I did. A fat crush too. But you know, I kept it a secret because liking boys was considered treason.” Y/N remembered how intense cooties were at their school. She knew that she probably should have said something in hindsight, but now it is what it is. She could make up for lost time. “Oh my god.” Y/N gasped as she took hold of the lunch box she remembered seeing and begging her mom to buy for Harry. “Really? You liked it that much?” She blushed, “I.... I remember telling my mom we needed to get this for you because I knew you really liked power rangers and I knew Niall had one and you didn’t so I got you the better one.” She remembered being that attentive even then. She never really lost that fondness that she had of him, it was something that was always there. “You were always so nice and you complimented my dresses so I wanted to be extra nice to you.”
“Yeah— I loved it mostly because it was from you. Of course I loved power rangers too but it’s... I dunno, it’s always been special to me.” He blushed slightly and took the pizza boxes out of the way to put them on his desk. Food had been good but he was looking to talk more now. “I dunno... my crush never went away, I guess? I mean, it wasn’t super intense all the time but you were always pretty and made me nervous. I was about to lose it when she partnered us together because it was the closest I’d been to you for ages.” Y/N had no clue but he was feeling good knowing she was excited to be partnered with him as well. “I know that stuff between us has been... really fast. But I just wanted to say that I’m happy that it is.” He had to be brave for her. Tell her how he felt even if he was nervous. “I’m still nervous to tell you things or if I’m being too much but you know... I like being around you a lot. I like when we kiss... I um, I really enjoyed last night.”
It warmed Y/N’s heart to know that she was the reason he kept that lunchbox for so long. She was happy to make him happy, always, but now it was even more sentimental. She felt like they were likely meant to be if that was the case. Their feelings were mutual. His may be more intense, but she was accelerating at an alarmingly quick pace. 
“I do want you to tell me if anything is ever too much.” Y/N said honestly, laying down again in the bed and rubbing her stomach because she felt like she ate so damn much. She wanted him to come and cuddle again, laying her arm out so he could come and rest his head on her chest if he wanted to. “Cause I really do like what we do... I don’t think it’s too much, I wish we did more even if we could.” She blushed, “but all in its own time.” Y/N hoped he didn’t feel too intimidated by her. “This is all just as new for me as it is for you... I mean, I’ve done things, but not a lot of things... and of course I’ve never talked to anyone the way I talked to you last night..”
Harry Laid down beside her, feeling like he was in a dream. The best dream of his life and he never wanted to wake up from it. He was full of pizza and excitement and Y/N wanted to cuddle. It was incredibly crazy to him how quickly things have changed. 
“You don’t make me uncomfortable. I like doing new things with you— I may get nervous cause that’s a given. I only worry about your boundaries and pushing them too far.” He needed to be transparent with her. “It’s cause I worry about you being disappointed in me or like... deciding you don’t wanna do this stuff anymore. Which would be okay, it’s your decision. It just would be sad I guess. I dunno, I’m overthinking a lot. I’m just happy right now and I haven’t been for a while.”
“Don't you have to worry about that you know? I know you still will, you can’t really help that, but what kind of a person would I be if I immediately expected you to be good at sex if you’ve never had it before? I’m not going to be great either, I’m sure..” Y/N began gently carding through his hair, letting out a small chuckle. “The point is that we are doing it together cause we like and trust each other, not because we have some expectations... it will be fun and amazing regardless because it’s you and me and not for any other reason, yeah?” She said softly, cupping his cheek in a gentle caress. “Only way you could ever get me to not wanna do stuff with you is if you say something mean or do something even when I tell you not to.... and I don’t see you doing that.” She wanted to do her best to soothe his anxieties, she herself was anxious but more so excited about it because she knew it wouldn’t be bad in her eyes. “I’m happy that you’re happy, Harry... I am too.” She said with a smile, “just want you to know that there’s no pressure, don’t have to over think even if your mind does it anyway...”
Harry, for the first time, initiates a kiss. It was instinct now, leaning forward and catching her mouth with his. A long, soft kiss that felt so good to him. His hand went to the side of her neck to caress it gently, letting himself kiss her again. It was learning for both of them. This time it was Harry who deepened the kiss, getting a taste of her mouth again. Y/N was so kind to him in every way but she liked to be extra kind when it came to kisses and meeting his tongue with hers. They hadn’t properly made out yet, but these kisses made him want to. He shifted slightly so he could angle his face better, letting out a happy noise when she ran her hand through his hair a bit. Every aspect of this felt incredible. The way his other hand fell to her bare waist and he could feel goosebumps rise on it... his touch had done that to her.
Y/N let out a small moan at the feeling of his lips on hers. For the first time, he had leaned in and kissed her and the butterflies properly erupted in her stomach. She had kissed him before and it had been great, but something about him wanting to kiss and his hand on her neck got her going. She continued to let her hands run through his hair, knowing that was something he liked, but of course she nearly forgot that she was practically shirtless. The feeling of his warm hands on her skin caused goosebumps to form, her body naturally moving closer to his because she wanted more of his touch.She could tell that their conversation had helped boost his confidence. It was nice to see him be a bit bolder and touch her how he wanted, she was melting under his touch and she was positive he could tell. One of her legs went to tangle with his, again aching to be closer while her unoccupied hand gripped at his shirt.
Harry felt more free than he ever had. Y/N was giving him confidence and making him beyond happy by kissing him back with just as much passion. Her hands held his shirt in what seemingly was a way to get closer to him. When her leg went over his, his hand slid down to hold her hip instead of the waist. His hands were quite big and she had a small waist and beautiful thicker hips, he loved being able to freely touch. Y/N seemed to like the hand on her hip, Harry tightening it when she let out a little noise in her throat. His thumb ran over the velvety fabric, right near her hip bone. One of these days he would have the confidence to slip his hand into them. He pulled apart for a moment to tell her something. 
“This was all I wanted last night.” He sighed against her mouth. “I just really love doing this. Kissing. It’s amazing.” He hadn’t ever done it, and as much as Y/N loved the feeling of his hands on her bare skin, feeling him grip at her hips tightly sent her into quite the frenzy. He didn’t even know. Of course he was exploring and she was all for it, she would just have to make sure she was being vocal about what she liked, which was essentially everything. 
“Yeah?” She hummed against his lips, feeling how hungry he was for more of that incredible feeling. “Sure you didn’t want more than this last night?” Y/N mumbled against his lips with a small smirk. His words of course had suggested otherwise. “You’re really good at this...” She told him honestly, feeling like his mouth was more than perfect. He’d mastered how to touch her and how to kiss her rather quickly. Y/N let her hand slip under his shirt, her hand moving up his back to gently scratch at the warm skin. She really just wanted to feel him. Her hips were properly hooked over his, but she wasn’t quite at the right angle if she wanted to feel any type of friction. 
“I... maybe I did.” He said against her mouth. Something about her gave him confidence. He knew she wouldn’t laugh at him or make fun. She was enjoying this just as much as he was. “I wanted a lot of stuff, I think.” He shivered at her hands touching his bare skin. Fucks sake. She was getting bolder so he felt good with where this was going. He kind of wanted to pull her on top of him but didn’t know how to initiate that. “Can... can move anywhere you want, if it makes it easier.” He spoke softly, still chasing her mouth.
“Like what?” Y/N mumbled against his lips, taking his bottom lip between hers and tugging on it slightly just to see what reaction she’d get from him. She liked pushing the boundaries a little, knowing that if prompted he would deliver because he always did. It was then that she thought it would be best to give him that boost, to tell him that he could grab at her and pull her however he wanted her. “Put me where you want me.” She told him, knowing he was thinking the same thing she was. He wanted her in his lap and she wanted him to pull her into his lap.
From there they were golden, Y/N tugging at his shirt and asking him to pull it off. They hadn’t done this before, they’ve never gotten this far. She wanted to make sure he was comfortable with everything, ideally, she’d have his hands all over her while she ground down on him. Harry picked her up with ease to put her on his lap. It was intimidating a bit. Seeing all that beautiful woman in his lap, literally, but he was proud of himself for it. He had earned this. Earned her trust and affection. He felt nerves shoot through him when she tugged at his shirt but did it nonetheless. He wanted her to have what she wanted too. He was unsure what she would want to do from this point but he was on board with anything. His hands went to her thighs, gently feeling the warm skin against his hands as she pulled the shirt off of him and threw it to the ground. She wasn’t wearing much, and for that he was thankful. He got to see so much of her beautiful body.
Y/N loved that he was letting her do as she pleased, but also wanted more of his input. Hopefully, but by bit, she could inspire him to be more go with the flow. This was a natural thing after all, as long as he did what his body told him to do, she would love it. 
“Fuck me...” She breathed out, pulling back so she could finally see his body for what it was. Y/N knew he had tattoos, she knew he had tattoos on his arms but this? She was practically creaming her shorts already. His body was also sculpted in a way she certainly didn’t expect but was very happy with. “You’re so hot.. Harry..” She breathed, hands traveling down his front before leaning down. Y/N couldn’t help herself, she really couldn’t. She simply leaned down and licked up from his stomach to his chest and neck, moaning against his skin as he gripped at her thighs a bit tighter. “Daddy..” She whimpered, remembering how well he’d responded to that last night.
His mouth physically dropped. Holy fucking shit. It was a lot different than just hearing it over the phone— no. Having the world's prettiest girl lick your torso and whine a sexy name at you, it worked him easily up. 
“Oh, fuck sake.” He breathed, already knowing his cock was throbbing in his pants. Y/N was a tease but he knew she was thriving off of it. “God, you’re gonna kill me.” Last night had been amazing. She had been so vocal of her wants for him and now they were in bed, making those things happen. He knew she had laid in bed and played with herself, made herself cum, he could hear how wet she was over the phone. And now it was on top of him. “You’re so gorgeous. I... fuck, that feels good.” He whispered again when she licked over his neck. One hand cane to the back of her neck, steadily her as he felt the teeth nip at it and tongue come out to soothe it. Hearing him swear above her made her cunt throb, a pleased smile finding its way to her lips. 
“But you sound so good for me...” She hummed, nipping and licking at the skin where she wanted to leave a mark. “Can I mark you up?” Y/N asked softly, “just a little... want everyone to know you’ve got me loving on you.” Y/N loved how responsive he was, wanting more and more reactions so her actions followed suit. She pulled back from his neck, staring at him all breathless. Y/N licked over her swollen lips and began leaning in again, this time her hips started to rock against his. She could already feel how hard he was for her. “Want you to tell me how you want it, yeah?” Y/N spoke as she licked into his mouth, her hands moving to put his on her hips so that he could rock her hips at the speed he wanted. “I’m already so wet, fuck..”
“Yeah— yeah, can mark me. Go ahead.” He breathed. She wanted people to know. That was one of the hottest things ever. Y/N wanted people to know she was the one leaving marks and giving him all this attention- that she was the only one who got his. It pleases him. “I... fuck, that feels even better.” He could die a happy man because she was moving her hips on his cock, grinding herself into him. It was a dream of his and now it was coming true. “Wish I could have had this last night instead of your pillow.” He breathed, her hands making his hands go up to grab her waist, helping her move. It was so arousing to know she was so in need of him too. It was for both of them. “I get hard whenever... whenever I think about what you were saying to me. You made me get so dirty with you.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smirk at how innocent he was suddenly being in the way he was talking, she remembered how dirty he had gotten with her last night. He was saying all kinds of things she wasn’t expecting from him in that deep sexy and raspy voice but he seemed to be acting a bit shy. 
“Would have been so much better...” Y/N moaned, feeling herself get into a specific grove that hit the right spot. Her breath hitched and she let out a high pitched whine, moving her hips a bit faster to keep at it. It was still steady. “Love it when you talk dirty...” She whimpered, “‘so sexy.” Y/N nuzzled her face against his neck, her breathing picking up now that she was actively working her hips over his. “F-feels so good daddy...” She moaned, hoping to motivate him even more. He was shy, of course, but Y/N just wanted him to let loose. She wouldn’t judge him.
“Love when you call me that.” He admitted. Hearing it fall from her mouth was like heaven. He was feeling so good, lifting his hips up a bit to give her a better area to grind on. “Kept thinking about how wet you were... how I could hear it.” He whispered. Her face was in his neck, and his hands had a nice, tight grip on her hips. Helping her move her cunt up against him. It was tame for dirty talk but the more she was grinding, the more he felt his resolve melting away. “How does it feel?” He asked. “If you’re all wet... must be a little slippery in the panties.” He could only imagine how amazing it must feel to her too, if his own cock was throbbing against her. “It was so hot. Hearing you get like that. You make such pretty noises.”
Goosebumps prickled over her skin again as he whispered in her ear, feeling her stomach tighten even more. His voice was so raspy and low, it made her body shiver every time. He was so fucking powerful, if only he know what he was capable of. 
“Feels so so good...” Y/N whimpered, “so wet...” It was then that Y/N felt like she needed to at least offer, that way she could make this better for both of them. “Wanna see?” She asked, wanting to pull off her damn shirt and maybe even her panties so she could grind her wet cunt down over his sweats. It would feel so fucking good. “Can make more noises for you, Daddy..” Y/N told him, her voice going all high and baby like. She knew how to play it up, especially because he liked anime and her tits were practically right in his face.
“Yeah— yeah, I want to see. I want to.” He was excited. In his 18 years of life he had never been more certain of anything in his life. He let her stop for a moment to pull her shorts down, audibly groaning when he could see the wetness string a bit to her cunt as the panties were pulled off. His cock ached and jumped in his pants, Harry being bold and taking the panties from her. “Go ahead. You can go back to that... I just want to see these.” He whispered, his hand going back to her waist as he brought them to his face. Maybe he was a dirty fuck for it, but he took a large inhale of it. They smelled so fucking good. His hips jumped up against her, Harry keeping them close to his face as he thumbed the wetness on the crotch part of them. “I swear to fuck I’ve never been more turned on in my life.” He whispered. Y/N was going to kill him. “My god... your cunt smells so good. It’s so wet, you’re soaked through these.” He couldn’t believe it, feeling the arousal overtake his normal braid when he licked the fabric.
“Ah— fuck!” She gasped, his hips bucking up to meet hers. He felt so warm beneath her, hard and warm just a thin and damp grey material away from being bare. It was her turn for her jaw to drop, watching as he sniffed and licked over her wet panties. He looked so turned on, practically ravenous. Her pussy developed its own pulse, aching to be touched and licked over. She whined, sounding much like a puppy who was begging for food. Y/N wanted him. Wanted him to lick at her pussy, wanted to see him between her thighs with that look in his eyes. “Daddy...” She whimpered, practically bouncing over his cock.
Harry made a split second decision. Seeing her so needy, seeing her whine and whimper for him had him needing a taste. The Panties weren’t enough. He wanted it right from the source. He grabbed her hips and pulled her up, lifting her to sit right above his face. He got to see the tiny pink cunt up close, growling nearly when he could see how wet she was. She was glistening for him. So he pulled her down, tongue stuck out and licking hungrily at her pussy. It was all instinct but he needed it and with the way Y/N went wild, she needed it too. Hands gripped his hair hard, and he didn’t care. “Fuck my face.” He looked up at her. Y/N deserved this. He wanted her to grind and move all over his mouth. She certainly wasn’t expecting this but she had never been so turned on in her life. Y/N was throbbing for him, completely soaked and ready beyond belief. 
“Daddy! F-fuck—“ Her breath got stuck in her throat as he began licking into her hungrily, Y/N’s head fell back and she let out a throaty moan hands instantly going to his hair and the head board for stability. “Holy shit! Fuck!” She moaned, extenuating the u. 
Fuck my face. Y/N lost it. 
Her mind in a frenzy as her hips began to move before she could even process it, using his mouth for her personal pleasure. She loved grinding down against his cock but the feeling of his tongue sliding right over her clit was unmatched. Harry was like a man starved. He knew this moment on, he would be addicted to her pussy. Nothing else would do for him. Her taste, the way she went wild on him, he couldn’t want for anything else. He moaned loudly against her cunt, hands holding her hips and letting her use his tongue for her own pleasure. It was the amazing sweet taste and the way she smelled, the way she has also done everything to make him feel comfortable- he had to do this. He wanted to. His own personal needs had him begging. 
“Fuckkkk.” He groaned out when she had her thighs shaking on either side of his head. While he hadn’t done it before, he’d watched plenty of porn. He knew that when she had moved over again, her clit right on his tongue, that he should suck on it. So he did. Firmly, he pulled her clit into his mouth over and over and he could feel her losing it. Her curses and her grabbing at his hair, shaking legs- he loved it. He’d be addicted to doing this, to making her cum.
“Oh— uh.. aH... fuck!” Y/N couldn’t keep her damn mouth shut. Continuous noises streamed from her, feeling like she should stuff a sock in her mouth just to stop. She couldn’t help it though, she’d never felt this good before. No one had ever eaten her out before, her whole body was twitching and shaking above him. Like a mad woman her hips snapped over his mouth, searching for an orgasm that was quickly approaching. His grabbing hands and groans from beneath her were sending her over the edge, and just when she thought things couldn’t get any better he started sucking on her clit. “DADDY!” She screamed, “ooooh, fuck! Ahh!” Y/N was a mess. Her eyes were rolling back, mouth wide open for him as various whimpers and whines tumbled out. Her legs began to shake at her approaching orgasm, her hands searching for his so she could hold them while she came. She’d never, felt like this before.
Harry could see her searching so he gave her a hand, letting them grip his tightly as he continued on. Surely he would learn more about eating pussy but he was thriving right now. Truly. He never felt better than this moment. He groaned against her pussy and let his tongue roll over her clit as he licked all over again, catching the delicious arousal fueled slick before catching her swollen clit again and sucking. This time harder than before, feeling her humping his mouth like crazy as she held his hand. He wanted her to cum harder than she ever had and have it because of him. Her arousal and his actions to take care of her as her man should be doing.
Y/N saw stars.
Her orgasm ripped through her body causing her stomach to contract and her legs to shake. She couldn’t believe that he had been so quick to catch on bed sex wasn’t really all that difficult if you were turned on. Y/N’s moans continued to fill the room, whimpers leaving her as she slowed down and felt his tongue still brushing over her sensitive clit. She hissed and pulled off, moving back down so that she could give him a kiss. A proper kiss, a long, passionate and hungry kiss. Y/N was positive that she had made the right decision, that he was the one that she wanted and that everyone else was wrong about him. Y/N pulled back from his lips breathless, pushing hair away from his face and caressing his cheek. 
“That was so good...” She cooed, “thank you... fuck me...” She giggled and kissed him again, remembering he too was probably still rock hard. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll suck you off too..”
Harry hasn’t realized... how good that could be. How he could be addicted to pussy and her moans and the fact that even with it being his first time, he had successfully made her cum. Made her lose her mind on his tongue. He had done that, and it was a major ego boost. He responded eagerly again to her kisses, happy to feel her mouth against his. He didn’t want to stop. It was a high he was feeling now because of her. Y/N’s pleasure was a drug for him. He had his eyes wide open when she said she would suck him off, too. Would he really get his dick sucked tonight? By the girl of his dreams? He could have sworn he was in love. 
“Fuck— you will?” He whispered, looking at her wide eyed. “What the fuck did I do to deserve you? I don’t understand.” He panted, going back to kiss her harder at that. Of course his cock was aching and throbbing in his pants.
“Yes, daddy... gonna have your big cock in my mouth and it’s gonna feel so good.” She giggled, purposefully being as seductive as she could because he deserved it. Harry deserved to be treated like a king, Y/N surely would end up worshiping his cock. It didn’t matter to her how long he lasted as long as he came hard against her tongue, she’d be happy. She moved down to press kisses down his neck, kissing down his chest and his stomach, slowly moving down to where his sweatpants were already sitting low on his waist. Her ass in the air as she bent over. “Ready?” She cooed, looking up at him with a smirk as she moved down to press kisses on him over his sweats. “I made a proper mess on you, hmm? Let me get these off.” Y/N began to pull them down, making sure she was taking in all of his cues. She didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
“God, yeah... ya did Y/N.” He whispered. He wasn’t going to stop her. He had been waiting for years for Y/N to touch him or even speak to him so this was a no brainer. She was kissing his cock through the fucking fabric. He could feel her hot breath and thought maybe he would die. “Not gonna last long but I just, fuck.” He hissed when his cock hit the cool air, followed up by a warm hand wrapping around it. No one else had ever touched him so it was a stark contrast to his own. Hers were small, soft, so warm. A bit slick, too, she had spit into her palm. “Oh fuck me... already feels good, baby.” He whispered, watching her stroke him slowly, right in front of her stunned face.
“That’s okay daddy, just want you to cum real good yeah? Down my throat, make me swallow it all.” Y/N smirked as she rubbed over his cock a few times. God he was huge. “Do you know just how big you are? Hmm? Had this hidden? No one even knows...” She practically moaned as she licked up from the base to the tip. He would never forget this. Y/N took him into her mouth with ease, maintaining eye contact and making sure she gave him a view as well as a good feeling. She sucked at his tip, making her focus on the part that was most sensitive and watched as he shuddered. He looked so good, mouth still slightly glistening from her cunt, hair disheveled and muscles contracted. “You’re so fucking hot..” Y/N moaned, licking at his balls a bit, “where do you like it? Hmm?” She asked, licking up anywhere she could before taking him back into her mouth and taking more of him than last time. Y/N would try and take him all the way down her throat if she could. He deserved it.
His hand came down and gently caressed her hair, stroking through it as she licked at him. Nothing was hotter. Nothing at all. He couldn’t even begin to wonder how he had been able to get this in his life but he had it and he was going to relish in every single moment. 
“Oh fuck- oh, baby, all of it. I love it all.” He felt like he was going into overdrive. She was looking at him with wide, sultry eyes and took his cock deeper into her mouth, causing his head to fall back. “Oh my god. Yes, yes, yes.” He was sensitive as fuck. “Been aching, since last night. Kissed me and made me hard and then- fuck, then you texted me that fucking video, called me... I’ve been going crazy.” He hissed, hands in her hair tightening. “Been hot all fucking day for you. Even in my damn library spot, got me worked up with kisses. Your mouth feels so good on my cock, I can’t...” He groaned when she rubbed her tongue against the slit. Y/N loved how sensitive he was, moaning a bit against his cock as he tightened his grip on her hair. She pulled off for a moment with a pop. 
“That’s so sexy, daddy... wanna make you cum so bad.” She moaned, licking a stripe up his shaft again, spitting on it and making a proper mess for him. “Cum for me...” She pleaded, moving her mouth over him again and properly going for it. Harry deserved a mind blowing orgasm, he had been thinking about it for a while and after hearing he’s had a crush on her for so long she wanted to make everything worth it. Y/N was working her ass off, putting on a show while also making sure he was getting the most quality blow job she’d given. She knew that men could always feel it when girls were enthusiastic, she wanted him to know she wanted and she wanted him back.
There was no way he could last. Of course, this was his first time getting any type of attention but then there was Y/N. The fact that she was something out of his wildest fantasies. She was wet and a little messy, the wet slick noises of him going deep in her mouth and her moans and obvious enjoyment of it all was what was sending him. Add on the fact that she slipped him in deep, he could feel her throat contract around him, he was gone for. 
“Fuck, shit, I’m gonna cum.” He hissed. It was fast but how could it not be when Y/N was acting like this, and then when she pulled back and stuck out her tongue, spit still strung and connected his cock to her lips. It pushed him over the edge. Obviously, he felt himself weak when he got to see his cum covering her tongue, taking over and stroking hard and fast as he hissed. Watching the liquid coat her tongue, her moaning and making a big show of swallowing it all. 
“I’m going to die. You’re going to kill me.”
Y/N was properly enjoying it too, smiling a bit once she had swallowed and licked up all of his cum. 
“Mmm no don’t die, daddy, haven't even fucked me yet.” She pouted, moving back up to kiss him softly. She had tucked him back into his boxers and found her place on his lap all over again, pressing sweet and soft kisses against his lips. The two of them were sweaty and properly fucked out. Y/N couldn’t help but smile to herself, feeling really happy that she was able to share moments like this with Harry. “Was that good for you?” She asked softly, referencing their whole interaction. Her hand had reached up to stroke his hair back, smiling at his blushy cheeks. Harry was a dream to her. So sweet and soft yet so dominant in his own way. He was gentle but she knew once he got the hang of it and they became more comfortable she’d be done for. “Want to shower? Get all cleaned up? Feel bad, you got fresh sheets and all.”
“It was so good. Don’t worry about the sheets, I’ve got other sets.” He laughed incredulously. How could he give a single fuck about that when he had just eaten pussy and got his dick sucked? He was on a high. It only got better when he realized she was pulling him up to shower- she was coming with him. He didn’t want to say anything but she seemed happy to go into his bathroom with him, asking him how the shower worked as she stripped off her top. He cleared his throat and went to change it to hot, like how Y/N requested. So many firsts. He was going to shower with her. He was going to shower with Y/N and they’d touch and kiss probably and be cute and his stomach was full of butterflies. He turned around to throw his sweats into the hamper along with his tee shirt, less sweaty now as he relaxed and turned around to her. Now completely naked, Y/N was bare to him. Curves and messy hair and swollen lips, he didn’t think he had ever seen something so beautiful in his entire life.
Y/N giggled a little bit to herself as she watched Harry strip down completely. His bum was the cutest thing she’d ever seen in her whole life. She wanted nothing more than to squeeze it, give it little pats. She couldn’t help herself really. She was just smiling at it like a dork.
“You’ve got such a cute bum, baby.” She cooed, pulling her hair out of its bun. She set her scrunchie on his counter and turned her attention to him again, climbing into the shower once the water was hot enough. Y/N was thankful that it was relatively big, the two of them fit perfectly fine inside of it and even had extra room. Once they got under the water Y/N smiled, leaning up to kiss him just because she missed having his lips on her. “You’re so cute.” She hummed, pulling back and letting him reach down to get some of his shampoo. It was lime and coconut scented.
“I can’t lie... I’m a little nervous cause, you’re really the prettiest thing ever.” He said softly, lips buzzy after she kissed them it felt so good. Y/N was perfection in every single sense of the word. He was in a shower, naked, with the most gorgeous woman on the face of the world. “No, Y/N, I mean it.” She got a little shy and didn’t look right in his eyes as he massaged the shampoo into her hair, happy she was letting him do so. “You really are the most beautiful person. That was my immediate thought when I turned around... like, m’so lucky that you want to be with me like this at all. Letting me see you... like, fuck.” He whispered. “Almost doesn’t feel real in a way. I don’t know how to do this properly- whatever we’re going, I mean, but I like it a lot.” He took a deep sigh, taking a whole lot of effort to get past his mouth.
“What are you so nervous for?” She asked in a gentle voice, looking up at him as he shampooed her hair. “You’re perfectly adequate... dunno why you put me up so high, ‘s no goody baby.” Y/N told him, her arms moving to wrap around his waist. “I like you a whole lot..” She said softly, “like.. a whole whole lot.” Y/N didn’t know what else she could do to get it across to him that he was deserving of her. It made her sad to have to keep reminding him how great he was, she didn’t mind doing it... just just wanted him to be confident for his own sake. “You make me feel so special and I just wish I could do the same...” She said with a soft sigh, gently rubbing over his skin. “Like you a lot, Harry.. wouldn’t be doing any of this if I didn’t and I... I just want you to believe it.” Y/N wasn’t upset with either him or anything, but she couldn’t help but express her want. They’d just had such a lovely passionate and intimate moment, she wanted him to enjoy it and not be in his own head.
“You do. I, I feel so much more confident around you. It’s just hard to believe anyone would like me sometimes.” He whispered. Y/N didn’t get it completely yet but he was trying to fix it. Make it so they were both understanding and happy about it. “Like, I was bullied relentlessly yeah? I’m lucky I have supportive parents and solid friends but after years of it, it hurt me. So sometimes it’s hard to believe that good things happen when I was told so often I didn’t deserve them.” He stopped his movements for a second. “Already, you’ve helped me feel so happy. So much. I don’t feel like I should stop it anymore, you know? I like being happy and you make me feel like I deserve it.” He wasn’t sure if he was making sense. “I like you... more than a whole lot and the fact that my dream is coming true and you’re here with me is just... mind boggling. I was so confused at first. But I can see your friends don’t treat you the way you deserve either and I want to do that. I want you to feel like the most special and beautiful girl in the world, because you are.” He took the confidence now to lean down and kiss her nose and cheeks and then her wet lips. “I’m working on being more confident. It’s happening but... please, know I’m not ever doing anything when I’m nervous because of you. You make me happy.”
Y/N felt herself tear up a little bit at his sentiment. It really did break her heart to think that he’d been made to believe that he didn’t deserve to be happy and that’s why he was the way he was, but she would do everything in her power to help him get through it. She leaned up to kiss him again, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and getting up on her tiptoes and held him there. 
“You do make me feel like the most beautiful and special girl in the world, you know?” She said softly, “I’m so lucky...” Y/N breathed out, “so so fucking lucky.” She whispered and pressed another kiss to his lips before going to wash his hair. It would take time, she knew that, but she found it hard at times because she wanted nothing more than for him to feel the way she did whenever she was around him.
[part 3]
let us know what you think!
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chibi-lioness · 4 years
Rereading Remarried Empress and having a conniption
Okay, so. On the topic of Remarried Empress, I have some things to say. Probably cause I just saw it's on webtoon now and I had to reread it and my blood pressure is sky freaking high.
This will probably get me tons of hate (if anyone actually sees this, which I doubt) but I honestly do not hate Rashta, as much as I hate Sovieshu. I still hate Rastha, don't get me wrong. But Sovieshu just boils my piss.
I have compiled only SOME of the reasons WHY, cause if I wrote them all down I'd have to be here for 3 years and I'd spoil the novel (what I could find translated anyway)
MILD SPOILERS AHEAD (I guess? I don't say anything explicit and I don’t think what I do say actually counts as spoilers, but be warned)
Reason #1 Rashta has been a slave all her life. Up till now anyway. Do I hate her? Yes. Does she do shady shit? Yes. Is she a manipulative bitch I want to see burned at the stake by an angry mob of empire citizens? Yes. Still, you cannot deny her life cannot have been easy. She has been seen as an object for most of her life and the first man she loved (I think the first?) betrayed her. And then she found Sovieshu. And he is the motherfucking emperor. And he is wrapped around her little finger in a matter of seconds. You can't tell me you would not milk him for all the luxuries and riches he could give you if you were in her place. Rashta is trying to survive. Yes, she does not care who she hurts in the process, but you can't besmirch her for her reasoning. Her manner of attaining survival is a different matter. Like I said, burn bitch, burn.
Reason #2 Rashta was not the one with a husband. Sovieshu though, the motherfucker, was very much married. And I do not care if it's normal for the emperor to have a side piece, he has seen what having a mistress can do to an empress firsthand.
Reason #3 The motherfucker thinks he's hot shit and tries to boss Navier. He thinks Navier should just pipe down and do as he wishes, but bitch, she is the one keeping this fucking empire afloat and if she leaves (when, let's be honest, you have all read chapter 1 and probably more) the ship will capsize faster than your ass can blink.
Reason #4 This bitch has THE GALL to be jealous. He gives Navier shit when she's only TALKING with other men. YOUR ASS IN BALLS DEEP IN YOUR SIDEHOE BUT THE EMPRESS CAN'T HAVE A DAMN CONVERSATION? I'd like to point out that he gives her shit for talking with a man who is a DIPLOMAT and at the empire for BUSINESS. Also, he tried to get close to mah gurl after all the bullcrap he pulled? And he thinks it’s his right? Someone hold me down, cause I've got a cast iron skillet and I am not afraid to use it.
Reason #5 All the SHIT he will pull in the future. Those up to date with the novel know what I mean. I can't say anything, but you guys think he is shitty right now? Ohohohoho. No. This bitch is going to get WAY worse. He hurts Navier, deliberately. Not physically - thank fuck cause I'd have had a stroke - but he still hurts her. Badly. AND WE DON'T LIKE SHITS WHO HURT THIS WONDERFUL WOMAN IN THIS HOUSE, NO SIR WE DO NOT. Why don’t you do as all a favor, Sovieshu dear, and tie a rock around your neck and jump in the Mariana trench?
Anyway, I can't say much else cause I will actually spoil something and that should be avoided. Just know that shit will get bad. But payback? Oh, it will be oh so sweet. You can't even begin to comprehend just HOW sweet it will be. I legitimately cackled and jumped around the room for 10 minutes.
@1-800-webtoon (tagging you cause I know you read this and we’ve talked about this before)
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