#eddsworld strip/mafia
yoinkschief · 4 months
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I hope these guys explode
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battyratzz · 4 months
I PROMISE IM NOT DEAD IVE JUST BEEN PROCRASTINATING WITH POSTING STUFF 💀💥💥💥 anyway I have a lot of art to share mainly about my self ship with Jay's s/m tord :3c
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anyway here's him in his big ass hoodie
the rest is Self ship stuff and the Ropes&Chains AU so just know that
lmao an au within and au is crazy
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panel from a comic I'm still working on
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man I love toxic yaoi 🥰 /hj
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here's Violet my sonas "Best Friend" and Tord's ex (she's horrible)
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then here's some miscellaneous doodles from the au plus my sonas Monster form
I promise I'm normal about him 😁
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yoinkschief · 2 months
Strip/Mafia, Chapter 1 "Cover Page" + Chapter 0/Prologue "Midnite"
Chapter Art:
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yoinkschief · 3 months
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I dunno what it is but something feels so silly abut Tom's cover piece
Not silly as in out of place, but looking at this makes me wanna giggle,,, maybe it's the money streaming down I dunno, whatever it is I can't seem to take this piece seriously 😭
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yoinkschief · 2 months
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The covers are finally allll done
I've got two more pieces of art I have to do and when the proof reading of the prologue chapter is done it'll fine be up :)
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yoinkschief · 3 months
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Now all I've gotta finish is the "official" cover and we're done !!
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yoinkschief · 4 months
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The first of many !! This will be the "Tord Edition" of the Strip/Mafia series !!
There's gonna be a version for every one of the main boys ! And then there's gonna be the "canon" cover or the genuine cover
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yoinkschief · 4 months
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Been thinking about that piece I did last year, almost a full year ago now I think, with @/raptordrawing 's Blue Leader Tom and I wanted to see if I couldn't do another issue of "Rogue" magazine lol with Strip/Mafia Tord this time !!
Please send help he will not leave my mind it is causing my crippling inability to function
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yoinkschief · 1 year
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Content Warning: Nudity (Nothing explicit or sexually motivated)
Also there's a gigantic fucking rant under here about this bastard I did NOT plan for it to be so long and I have this sinking fear the others will be just as, if not longer
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Take this traditional ref sheet because I can't be bothered to make it digital right now
Sheet Translations and explanations cause I have shitty handwriting:
Used to be 5'8" but you know how that goes XP
Whoag! He's tall! Seem experimentation can go a long way :)
★Strip/Mafia Tord is the only version of Tord who wears earrings anymore
I used to always draw Tord with earrings, specifically dangling earrings with upside down crosses on them, but more recently I've stopped doing that and instead draw him with only a tongue piercing that him, Tom and Edd all have matching (they tried to convince Matt to also get one but he was worried about it ruining his teeth), so as a way to homage to my previous design and because it fits him too well I gave him diamond studs :)
Hearing aid [picture]
Tord wears a hearing aid! On top of his eye sight being fucked in his right eye and not what it used to be in his left, his hearing also is shot! He needed a hearing aid on his right ear and on top of his processing issues from his ADHD he can't hear as well as he used to in his left ear (not that his loud bass music taste ever really helped)
Has no waist, giving the illusion he has hips (he doesn't)
Shawty's got no hips and no ass, the only meat he has is in his massive bohongas and the only meaty claw he has left, he already had a triangular shape what with his big ass rib cage and zero hips but going to the military made him even more top heavy so now he's even more triangle
Screen [picture]
His robot arm has a screen on it that's basically an apple watch but better because I fucking hate apple,,,, and yes it does say OPPAI on it, it's an inside joke between me and my lovely partner :)
Spectator Shoes [picture]
Because I think he would wear them, and it's a silly nod to his constant need to be in the spotlight and not sitting on the sidelines: that was the whole reason he left to go to the military in the first place, he was sick of being "Edd's friend" and not "Tord" if that makes sense, he needed an out (and just from personal experience of having people I know go to ROTC and/or join the military fresh out of highschool, it's a good wake up call for some, and a horrible fucking power trip for others,,, don't really know how that last one happens when the whole point is to get you to cry to your mom and beg to go home but hey, to each their own I suppose)
[picture] Power Core
Serves to connect to Tord's nerves, forming it into power to move his arm with
The logistics behind this are loose at best and a goofy thought I had at worst, but basically it's something like the workings inside of the bionic arm connect Tord's nervous system to the core which then converts his thought energy/brain's commands into actual movement, which is why he has one at his shoulder (to connect the nerves) and one on his hands (to connect to The rest of his arm, think of it as like the two power cores being connected via invisible string that gets manipulated to pull his hand up, down, to the side, and so on, and the bicep and forearm connected with the elbow allow it to bend more naturally). That's the best way I can explain it
[picture] The coat he wears on his shoulders,,, meant to pay homage to the coat he wears in his 2004 design
Pretty self explanatory, but since he doesn't have his OG coat (because Edd now wears it, more on that when I get to his ref sheet) this is what he's wearing, a big ass mob coat with gold trim as the accents,,,, I spent way too long drawing Zenigata's mandatory oversized detective/inspector trench coat to not somehow find a way to bring it to someone else's design
OMG! He nakey!
Yup. I'm very mature.
Dragon Tattoo [pictures]
Ahh the infamous dragon tattoo HC,,, at least I think it's infamous- I've seen a lot of people with it so, lol. Additionally, he also has a tattoo of Jason Voorhees' mask at the base of his neck/top of his spine, but it's covered by his hair so I didn't think to add it but there's a very cute story behind it: Tord used to have a snake (he bought it as a ball python,,, it was not,,, it was a reticulated python, and he only found out when he didn't stop growing) who he so lovingly named Voorhees because he was white with a grey splotch on his face that Tord swore looked exactly like Jason's mask, so, he got a tattoo to match with his pet snake. Like a queer.
I will never miss the opportunity to make Tord trans masc I love him so
[picture] Leads with his chest
Machismo or something, I dunno, but he has the cocky confidence of a bastard type air around him and so in later years he starts leading with his chest after he goes to the military, versus his past, more laid back, lead with his hips. And by laid back I mean both he was more "devil may care" and trying to get laid, because he's got the libido of a dog in a heat thinking he was doing something leading with his hips because all the snoody whores do it in his anime and he hasn't touched grass since he was in college,,, boy howdy was that military a good idea to knock some sense into him (even if that did come with giving him an excuse to be even more power hungry and that much more of an attention whore)
Still has no ass
Yeah. No amout of drills can give him muscle there, and trust that he's tried (mostly out of spite because Tom always made fun of him for having a flatter ass then Matt, a literal twink with scrawny limbs,,, though you shouldn't let that fool you, he's far too strong for how thin he looks. Anyway look at how that turned out: it didn't lmao)
Ouroboros Tramp Stamp
Another fun story to tell :) so, back when Tord lived with Edd and the gang, he got super hyperfixated on Vikings and their symbolism and artworks and whatnot (he recently rewatched all of the How to Train Your Dragon movies and it lead him down a rabbit hole leading him to want to learn more of his ancestry seeing as most Norwegians came from vikings,,, if I remember correctly, do correct me if I'm wrong) and texted them about what Viking tattoos they should get: Tom's was the Viking rune for "Wolf", Matt's was the Yggdrasil, and I can't remember what Edd's was. The reason Tom was Wolf because it just fits him, he's got that "lone wolf" energy to him but he's just a dork who enjoys being around his friends whether he'd say that to their faces or not, and he's fiercely loyal to them to the point where it anyone would be the first to die for their friends in the group it would be him. Matt's is the Yggdrasil because,, well I can't really explain this one, it's just cause it fits really, I dunno how to explain it. Tord is ouroboros because mmmmm the snake that eats itself is just fucking spot ON for Tord, and having it as a tramp stamp is the sweet cherry on top, self destructive habits and a drive to run himself into the ground to satisfy his insatiable need. Tord has no idea if the others got these tattooed on them (they did, and to everyone's surprise Matt also got a tattoo,,, though no one knows that any of the others got their tattoo save for them knowing Tord got his cause duh)
An interesting thing to note if you want is that often times people will get a tattoo of Ouroboros surrounding the Yggdrasil, so you could say Matt and Tord kind of have matching tattoos. And for the storyline, that can be seen as important
Also fun fact: Tord's original tattoo was supposed to be the symbol for lightning as a way to nod at the fact his name "Tord" is a shortened version of "Torden", at least in my headcanon, which means "Thunder" in Norwegian,,, but then I found out that symbol has become a N*zi dog whistle and by god this man does NOT need any more fucking N*zi symbolism in his design can we fucking stop with that. Besides, ouroboros is much better anyway, I think
EDIT: I REMBER NOW - Edd's tattoo was the Web of Wyrd due it being created by the Nords, the Norse mythos' equivalent to the fates, the symbol representing fate and the fact that your past actions have consequences on your future (something something obligatory EDDS-world joke and WTFuture joke) but yeah Edd's got this one like how the others do
- Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!
Will Wood + The Tapeworms
- Dogs // Still Bummed
- Selfish Hate
Just some songs I was listening to while drawing that I thought fit him a bit and the vibes I was going for, I highly recommend you listen to these songs if you haven't already,,, P.S. for everyone who loved Panic! At The Disco when the band was still together and before Brendon started writing his own lyrics, ruining his voice and came to light to be a piece of shit, I HIGHLY recommend Jhariah, he's him but so much better I fucking love his dogs, his albums give the same vibes as the Vices & Virtues and A Fever You Can't Sweat Out albums,,, and I couldn't help myself I love Will Wood holy shit
Time for an info dump about Tord in this AU,,, be prepared it's so fucking long this has been stuck in my head for forever pleASE-:
Obviously, The End Part 1 & 2 are canon in this series, but Tord has absolutely zero regrets about it - he can't, otherwise all the work he's done is for naught,,, although it wasn't planned; his original plan WAS to move back in with Edd, settle down and continue his operations in London with his buds without them ever knowing cause he missed them, however, they got to nosey and so he had to abort with what he was hoping to have finished (the giant robot) but was unable to due to, well, Tom
"but how come Tord was trying to kill Tom, then, if this wasn't what was planned?" Because it was fucking funny, Kyle/ref,,,, also because as a side note: Tom canonically cannot die, or at least, hasn't found anything that can yet and he's not at the old age for that yet. He has what I like to call "Deathly Immortality", or "Cartoonish/Looney Toons Immortality" where he "dies", but then comes back like nothing happened and no one mentions it as any different
Tord has something similar, as well, but instead it's more of "Unfortunate/Spiteful Immortality" or "Anime Immortality" in the sense of where Tom dies and pops back up like a toon character, Tord is like an anime antagonist who just won't die, like William Afton he always comes back but in worse and worse state (He also got sick an ungodly amount in his youth until his body was like fuck it and actually gained an immune system for every illness he kept getting lmao,,, pollen still wrecks his ass though)
Afterward The End Part 1 & 2, Tord poured his full attention into his mob, experiments, and his projects, the thing he was basically trying to use his friends as a front for before Tom got too smart, since he was having trouble not being homesick for his previous life before he went to the army and got power hungry,,, guess you can't be homesick for something that doesn't exist anymore LMAO, anyway- in pouring himself into his work, he buys an "entertainment building", as he calls it, to launder his money: Midnite. Because he thinks he's clever or something misspelling Midnight. Midnite is basically like, all sorts of things rolled into a skyscraper, each floor has a different thing: A restaurant, a casino, an arcade, a strip club, wink wink nudge nudge, but basically this is where he holds meetings and such with his money laundering
Strip/Mafia takes place I'd say... Three? Years after The End? Long enough for Tord to get way too much shit done but short enough that bitter feelings are still felt between the gang for Tord and from Tord
Yes TomTord is canon, but let me tell you this is god's slowest candle wick, because Tom fucking GOES THROUGH IT in this story man, cause everyone's going every which direction, suddenly changing and leaving and he hates it in general because mmm parental issues of dead parents who left too early, the fact that he's autistic and fucking hates sudden changes, the fact Tord is alive is enough to piss him off, it's just all around not a good time for him and so the TomTord is very Tord sided. He's always had a fascination with Tom since highschool, but didn't really understand what it was until he had to be told to his face by who was supposed to be his significant other 💀 but Tord enjoys Tom because he truly is the only one who was able to keep him on his toes in his youth as he got older it grew deeper and he gained a bigger appreciation for Tom and his knack for always being able to throw Tord off his guard,,, to be fair though that's mostly because Tord relies on his quick wit, luck, and the gullibility of others; he's not really good at long term planning and thinking versus Tom who is amazing at pattern recognition and planning long term and for this that could go wrong, in other words, thinking and planning ahead
Additionally, Edd sided TordEdd, too, because love triangles or something, except they both are like bordering narcissistic personality disorders so it really would not be good for either of them to get into a relationship with each other, not that Tord really wants to (anymore? He kinda had a thing for Edd in highschool at the beginning but fell out of it pretty quickly, which, fun fact, is an ADHD thing: Edd gave him instant gratification and euphoria so, like people with ADHD tend to do, he fixated on it, but slowly fell out of it once he stopped thinking with his excitement about having a new friend who actually paid attention to him), but Edd is CONVINCED Tord is just doing all of this for attention from him like he's begging Edd to "save him" (he's definitely not) because Edd "doesn't have a savior/hero complex, stop telling people that omlll" so that's always fun
Errr trying to think of more to say without just writing out an entire book or just showing pictures of the OG script I wrote for it JGXXGJJXG
Feel free to ask any questions oml this AU is stuck in my head I seriously can't keep it contained any longer
Drag/Street racing exists and is a big(?) part of this lmao,,, I mean kinda, it kicks off Tom slowly beginning to rekindle his feelings for Tord and shows Tom's relationship with Paul and Patryck from when they met in college along with Tord
Hooo boy college alone would be a lot to explain, so much shit happened in college but it technically isn't super important to the story? Besides the Paul and Patryck meeting Tom and Tord thing, ofc, but like what happened in college follows my general timeline headcanon of Eddsworld and it's a lot to explain when most of it just gives reason as to why Tom and Tord hate each other/bicker a lot when they move in together and gives a more in depth reading of their relationship and behaviors, moreso as to why they fell into stuck a pitiful state (butterfly affect baby, ONE action called them to both fall over the edge)
Also, I have a list of people I've based/referenced for Tord as Red Leader and it goes as follows:
Gustavo Fring - Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul
Professor Venomous - O.K. K.O., Let's Be Heroes!
Lord BoxMan - O.K. K.O., Let's Be Heroes!
Bill Cipher - Gravity Falls
Dr. Robotnik - Sonic Franchise
Yes I'm aware how chaotic that listing is lmao, but to be fair when I think Red Leader I think calculated and cunning like Fring and Venomous, but also stupid loony silly like BoxMan,, and of course a menace to society like Cipher and Robotnik
That's all for Tord I believe,,, I'll do more soon I'm sure
One last Tord appreciation:
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Have I expressed how much I love drawing people's torsos, I think they're gorgeous
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yoinkschief · 2 months
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even when I'm taking a small break from working on S/M I can't stop thinking about it this is so bad
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yoinkschief · 2 months
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Why won't he just match his freak 😢
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yoinkschief · 3 months
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Man I got this done a lot faster than I thought I would Imma be honest, especially since these were all new art styles for me,,, but hey if this isn't something awesome to argue for my portfolio I dunno what is lol
Matt, Tom's and the Official one will be longer to make, simply because I'm struggling with their reference sheets currently - more specifically I'm working on Matt's right now but oh dear lord he's been the one I struggle with forever in Eddsworld so he's gonna take a damn minute,,,
I'm also gonna be gone some days next week and then the week after that is MY BIRTHDAY !!! And I have an art piece I'm working on for that so who knows when I'll actually get the refs and the covers will actually be done
In the meantime my writing has slowed a bit, been in a slump - I'm cool chill and fine I'm just beginning to think my seasonal depression is not so seasonal whoops what can ya do
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yoinkschief · 3 months
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Matt's Reference Sheet !!!
Next up is Tom's and they're all done !! Afterwards it's Tom and Matt's covers and the official cover and we're done !! By that point the story will probably be published :) it's close to being finished but won't be published until the covers are finished cause they're going to be a apart of the actual story lol
Super excited to finally be done with all this work though and then go back to just doing art whenever I want because I want - at least for a while :)
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yoinkschief · 4 months
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Oh good gravy this took way too long to finish but I kept getting distracted and things kept coming up ughhh it's been a series of unfortunate events I'll say that much
But we're here now - and Tom and Matt are on the way !! As well as other characters but they won't have as extensive of a ref sheet, most likely would just just be their picture and not much more than that since they're not as big as the main four
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yoinkschief · 5 months
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Strip/Mafia Tord !!!
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yoinkschief · 6 months
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I'm crazy but you like that, I'll bite back
I need to draw him more omg but I need to finish his reference page orrhhg,,
Anyway my hope is that I will make three more things of this with the different boys in Strip/Mafia but again,,, that would mean I would have to have a reference for them LOLL
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