#cw // transitional scars
sparklemaia · 1 year
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for my one-year-on-T-anniversary my brain delivered this on-theme affirming dream to my sleepscape, happy transiversary to me 😌
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snobgoblin · 2 years
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lighthouse-system · 2 years
I keep massaging my scars as instructed and then I'll hear a pop and fucking panic
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dr3c0mix · 5 months
a scenario where bully yan takes readers shirt off and reader gets embarrassed because they have top surgery scars? ftm reader 🙏
Yan!Bully x FtM!Reader
CW: FtM reader, top scars obviously, nothing but fluff and adrian being a bit stupid
🖤 "Come on you idiot! Run faster!"
🖤 Running desperately towards Adrian's house in the pouring rain was not the way you expected today would go..
🖤 He offered to walk you home after school despite the gray clouds rolling over the sky
🖤 "Don't worry about it babe! Besides, I wanna spend some time with you~!"
🖤 He thinks umbrellas are dumb
🖤 Anyways back to now, the two of you barge into his house, clothes and hair dripping wet from the downpour.
🖤 Adrian tried his best to keep you dry but the jacket he draped onto you soaked through eventually..
🖤 "Jeez I'm so sorry..uh...wanna maybe..stay over while we wait for it to clear up?" He laughs awkwardly.
🖤 Please don't glare or scold him please he will start to sulk like a sad guilty puppy ;-;
🖤 He quickly grabs towels for the both of you. As much as he's enjoying seeing your wet clothes stick to your perfect body, he doesn't want his darling to catch a cold!
🖤 "Come on, I got clothes you can borrow in my room.."
🖤 He runs up faster than you to 'fix up his bed' he has to hide that side of his wall dedicated to photos of you..
🖤 He throws a few clothes over to you as you stumble around in wet clothes
🖤 "Aren't you gonna change?"
🖤 "R-right here?"
🖤 "Pfft yea right here! We're both dudes anyway!"
🖤 He goes over to you and helps you lift up your shirt. At first it felt like the best thing in the world being so close to your body..then he catches a glimpse of your scars.
🖤 He needed at least maybe a triple take to figure out it was scars and not just weirdly shaped curves on your skin.
🖤 He throws off your soaked shirt and looks at them in disbelief, you start to feel uncomfortable until he cups your face with a worried expression on his face "What happened to you?!"
🖤 "Wh-what??"
🖤 "I mean like did you get a surgery or something?? I-do I have to like be more careful with you wh-"
🖤 "Oh...they're top scars.."
🖤 "There's more scars in the bottom?!"
🖤 "No-"
🖤 You need to sit him down and explain what top scars mean after you two change.
🖤 Yes he knew you were trans, but he never really thought about how you transitioned in the first place (honestly he forgets you're afab in the first place..)
🖤 He calms down after that and apologizes to you with rainy day cuddles and kisses to your chest.
🖤 "You're so handsome baby~ my big strong boy~" he coos
🖤 The rain doesn't look like it would lighten up any time soon, you two have all the time in the world to spend time together <3
this was a bit short but i also have a few other Adrian requests lined up so stay tuned for those !!
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ovaryacted · 1 month
MDNI/18+. NSFW. | CW: Joel Miller x fem! reader; smut WC: 1.0k
I don’t know where I was going with this but it just came to mind on the fly and I felt the need to share before I went to bed so yeah. We are simply here for the vibes.
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It was a mistake initiating this, that much you knew but you stopped giving a fuck after the second beer you downed. The transitions from point A at the Tipsy Bison to somewhere else for Point B seemed like a blur, a stop-motion film of your bad decisions playing before you on an endless loop.
Not that you cared enough to stop and watch.
Strong calloused hands dug into the skin of your thighs, nails pressing into the thick muscle and pulling you forward, ever closer. Needy fingers reached downward between your legs to grip onto graying curls and tugged with a soft yank, the other gripped on the old sheets underneath that smelled faintly of pinewood.
You could hear him, the loud slurping bordering on obnoxious with the circular movements of his tongue against your cunt. His grip was harsh if it wasn’t deprived, and as your heart pounded in your chest you finally opened your eyes to look at the culprit.
Joel Miller.
They warned you that he was dangerous, a man of terrifying stature. You heard stories about him in passing as if he were some folktale told to scare the children before bed, envisioning a boogeyman without a soul. It wasn’t until you arrived at Jackson and met him face-to-face on your third assigned patrol that you realized just how wrong they were.
Sure, the warnings matched somewhat. He was ruthless, a man with impenetrable skin despite the multitude of scars you counted from afar. You watched in awe at how efficiently he could bring down a clicker, or how the blade of his knife stained with crimson as he cut through a raider’s throat from behind.
There was a darkness in him, reminiscent of someone who had been tormented by his own demons for years. In a world like this where one already had so little, you took what you could get, and this wasn’t any different. He commanded any room he was in even if it were unintentional, it simply came with his reputation.
Joel made his bed years ago, and now he has to lie in it. But with you lying alongside him, the sentiment was preferable.
It should scare you, the twisted edge you could feel wash over him in waves with every step he took. You spotted it earlier when he walked through the doors of the bar and quietly sat himself down towards the far end. The last thing that should’ve happened was you striking up a conversation, attempting to grab his attention.
That darkness shone bright like a beacon in the night, and you were merely a moth to a flame.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned out loud, guiding his head right where you needed him and shifting your hips against the faded cut on the bridge of his nose.
He groaned against you and sucked harder at your clit, fingers working in tandem to bring you closer to the precipice and drink more of you. You tasted better than the stale beer he drank, and he ignored the bubbling guilt tearing at his gut by digging his face into you with an intense hunger.
Joel didn’t know how this happened, not that he was complaining. One minute, you were talking to him with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes that sent all the blood in his body drifting South. The next, he found himself plucking at the top of your shirt, meshing his lips hard against your mouth and grinding his hips with force.
Regardless of his rough exterior, he was a weak man to your charm and intrigue, and perhaps that constituted him as a selfish one too. But in this reality, the only thing one could do was take and take and take.
Another soft cry filled the four walls of his bedroom, huffs of your breath on par with the flicks of his tongue against your aching core. You were so close you could taste it, the pleasant contrast of Joel’s facial hair rubbing into your pussy making you crave more. You silently hoped to leave your mark and claim him for yourself, praying that he could still feel your presence when you left in the morning.
Two fingers thrust into you then, back arching off of the bed at the intrusion. They curved into a come hither motion, finding that hidden spot tucked away inside you with shocking precision, focusing all of their attention on pressing right there nonstop.
“Joel,” a broken gasp of his name drew his blackened hazel eyes to take in the bliss written over your features. He hummed in acknowledgment, trained ears playing the sound of your voice endlessly in his head. He couldn’t get enough, and from the way your lower stomach flexed, he knew you were about to cum by his touch.
“C’mon, give it to me sweetheart,” it was an order, a command, a dying man’s last wish. You couldn’t help but oblige.
Your thighs shook on his shoulders the moment your release hit, hands clutching at his scalp as he ripped one final moan from your throat. A feeling you’ve almost long forgotten coursed through you from the balls of your feet to the very top of your head. Like a tide hitting the shore, it flowed over you in calming motions until the water stilled and the pleasure simmered into numbness.
Joel placed a soft kiss against your twitching pussy one last time as you basked in the aftershocks, kissing your thighs and hip and trailing a path up your body before his lips met your own. You could taste yourself on the entirety of his upper lip, and as he grinned at you, your gaze held the same satisfaction he carried.
Who knew a bad idea could have such a pretty face?
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Aftercare with Zoro (Post Aphrodisiac Sex) (FLUFF/BIT OF SMUT)
This is a continuation of THIS FIC. I recommend reading that before reading this!
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Lots of fluff, Kissing, Amazing Aftercare, Zoro spills his true feelings to the reader, Smut at the end
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“Fuck..” Zoro huffed out feeling groggy, lifting his head from your sweaty neck, he stared off at the open window until his sight was cleared seeing the sun was barely visible on the horizon, the sky transition to mostly dark. He mentally cursed at himself then wondered how long they were out?
“The hell happ—- oh shit Y/N!” He looked down to see you sleep under him, his hissed feeling his cock was still buried inside you and nothing but a wet mess between you both. He looked around the semi empty living room for his swords that were laid by the door, both of your clothing all over the room plus ripped off buttons. His mind was fuzzy and he slowly got up off you, gazing at your wet and limp naked body. Your chest was raising and lowering harshly and your brows were furrowed, Zoro got off the couch and threw his jacket over your body. He didn’t sense anybody around so he wondered the house to see where the bathroom was and seen it was a decent size.
He turned on the hot water for you in the tub, but after waiting for so long there was still none. Zoro groaned in annoyance rubbing the top of his nose,
“Zoro?” Your Voice rang in his ears making him nearly sprint to you, “Oh there you are.”
“H-hey, Y/N.” He hisses your forehead, patting it before sitting on the couch next to you, “You’re sore you shouldn’t move much.”
“That’s, “ You yawned rubbing your eyes letting Zoro curl you into his chest, “Okay…you feel better though?”
“Uh yeah um….Im good.” His hands traveled up and down your arm lost in thought for a moment.
“So you was just walking around the house naked while I was sleep?”
“N-no! I wanted to draw you a bath…”
“Oh? You don’t usually do that.” You teased brushing your finger on his scar.
“Well,” He began to grumble noticing he doesn’t in fact do that. He doesn’t do a lot of things for you in terms of being a boyfriend besides protect you, you’ve always been grateful for that but this little gesture made you smile. “The stupid bathroom doesn’t have hot water—“
“Of course it doesn’t this place is abandoned. But..if you really wanna bathe me that bad then..”
You stood up and threw off his jacket standing proudly with your body covered in marks, Zoro got an eye full of you in your naked glory then looked away embarrassed, “let’s go in the lake!”
“That’s even colder, woman!”
“Don’t care. Let’s go pick me up!”
Zoro side eye’d your figure, trying to resist being so blushed seeing as you have no issue being naked around him even if it’s not sexual intent behind it.
He huffs picking your up bridal style and heading to the clear lake, it was beautiful, it was beside a small waterfall and the reflection of the moon bounced off setting a pretty lighting,
“See. It’s not that cold.” You hummed feeling the Luke warm water hit your skin. You started to feel a bit more awake so you let go of Zoro and fell inside the water, “can’t get my hair wet though SO DO NOT SPLASH ME!”
“Whatever..” he hissed leaning back on a rock to stretch out. “We can’t stay too long we’re supposed to be leaving tomorrow.”
“I know…” you whined, “I like it here though…oh lookie it’s fish over there!
You played in the waterfall by the pretty fish and Zoro watched you, you looked so happy and content. Hopefully you really weren’t too mad that the date didn’t go as planned. Zoro also knew he had to apologize for how he acted, maybe he took it too far seeing how you have way more bruises on your body than the usual sex you have.
It was a heavy weight of guilt on his chest he needed to clear out.
“Oi, Y/N.” He called out to you making you swim over to him, you looked like a beautiful little mermaid, you got the back of your hair wet making your back curls shrink even more, you’re beautiful big eyes were almost sparkling to him.
Zoro will Never admit this but when you both started dating you began to look more beautiful in his eyes somehow. It nearly freaked him out how stunning you were compared to other women when it happened.
“Yessssssss” You hummed dragging your body over to his chest, he sat you on his lap and quietly splashed some water on your chest and neck. “Hey I told you no splashing !”
He ignored you and continued to lightly splash and massage your body not making eye contact, “Do you remember what happened?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t…have—-I don’t remember us having sex that much. I have a few ideas of what I did but all I can fully remember is throwing you against the wall and then…on the couch…I didn’t…I didn’t hurt you did I?…I mean woke up and seen you I thought I almost killed your ass..scared the shit out of me..but..I don’t know I hope I didn’t. I knew I should have just listened to you and not—-“
You jumped up to grab the back of his neck and kiss him. It was so cute to hear him so concerned you couldn’t help but to give him a little smooch, “No you didn’t hurt me idiot. I liked it…a lot. But I’m not ganna give you all the juicy details of what you did to me…”
“Why not?! I need to know!”
“No you don’t..” you rubbed his lips over your thumb, “It’s too vulgar…but just know you made me feel soooo good.”
He gulped so loud you could hear it, and you wasn’t for certain but at least 90% sure his Dick twitched at your slurry voice making you giggle.
“This was a good date Zoro. ‘Was really fun, it didnt go as planned, but I enjoyed myself.” You kissed his cheek sitting back down on his lap.
Zoro looked down at you, “You don’t have to lie…I know I fucked up our date.”
“The hell i have to lie about we found this amazing little house, by a lake, you screwed my brains out I really have no complaints.”
“Yeah but…I…sometimes I feel like I’m not…what you need.”
You blinked up at him. “Not what you need?”
“I know I’m not…like that kinky love cook showering you with affection everyday. And I see how much you smile when he calls you those stupid little pet names and sometimes I think if you’d like me to do that but I just can’t. It’s just not my thing. I don’t care to go on dates, I don’t like being all lovey dovey but ..I do…I do uh….”
Zoro struggled for a while to speak how he truly felt about you, for a long time in fact he knew he wasn’t good with words, hell, he never even told you the big three words before because he felt too embarrassed to do so even though you tell him all the time, so he just showed his love for you through actions and quality time. Today he wanted to push himself to step up his game as being your boyfriend by taking you on a decent date and finally confess his love for you, but of course he ruined it again.
“Zoro I…”
He wrapped his arms around you and just sat there for a moment, shutting his eyes tightly as his heart was beating through he chest,
“I love you, Y/n.”
Zoro’s words sounded nearly unsure, but that wasn’t the case and you knew it. His face was warm against your tummy, and his grip tightened sensing your lack of response.
“I…I love you too, Zoro…so much.” He didn’t want to look back up at you an you could tell by the way he just buried his head further into you like a little baby Koala. You let out an airy giggle and patted his head. “I love you, Roronoa Zoro.”
“Tch…why’d you have to say my full name?” He mumbled squeezing your ass cheek.
“Because I love you. All of you. You can give me a headache sometimes—“
“You’re the headache—“
“Shut up I’m speaking— you can give me a headache. But that’s one of the many reasons I love you. You’re what I want. I don’t want Sanji, I don’t want Luffy, there is no man in the sea I want besides you. I know your dumbass can’t express yourself how you want sometimes but I knew that before I dated you & if I felt like I couldn’t handle it I wouldn’t be with you soooooo—-hey. Look at me.” You grabbed his warmed cheeks making him do a pouty lip, “I don’t care about what you can’t do or won’t do for me. I know what you’re capable of doing and that’s what I like. Plus I knew you were willing to make an effort to make me happy by taking me out on a date. And I really loved this date. I just love spending time with you, idiot so stop acting like I want somebody else I only want you, you ass.”
You managed to get a chuckle out of him which in turn made you laugh. You missed his stupid smile. Zoro pulled you back down and kissed you. It was so slow and sensual feeling his tongue dance around your mouth. He never kissed like this before. It wasn’t harsh or full of lust like it was earlier. It was more gentle, passionate, slow. Your head became fuzzy, you didn’t taste the alcohol on his breath anymore so he couldn’t still be effected by the aphrodisiac.
“Since I don’t remember fucking you earlier…how about you remind me….”
You swear if you wasn’t in the water you would have probably gotten wet already.
“Oh so you don’t remember me saying….’fuck me then’…? Hm?” You purred in his ear already palming his semi hard cock, making him groan in the back of his throat.
“Well… remind yourself Zoro….
Fuck me then…”
He snapped open his eyes to crash his lips back onto yours, “Comehere..” Zoro didn’t waste any time holding you up by your hips and sliding you down his shaft in the water, “Wrap your arms around me.”
You did as told and Zoro began to work his hips up into you. You still felt a sting of soreness from a few hours ago, but it was a pain your were willing to endure for just a little while longer to cum on his cock.
Zoro squeezed your ass making you arch your back so he could suck on your bouncing nipple. His hot tongue latched on swirling and nibbling on it, as you began to grind on him making you moan out pressing him further into your chest.
You couldn’t stop moaning out his name, clenching down on him having his voice groan in between your breast. He felt himself cumming by how hard you kept clamping down on him and he knew he wanted to feel you cum with him so Zoro brought his thumb down to rub on your clit.
“Zoro im Close! Ah!” Your words were broken, the water was splashing and echoing in the secluded area, your toes began to curl feeling your orgasm approach —
“Common Just Like that—fuck—cum with me baby—“
He pulled you closer having you bounce up and down on him. You both were panting heavily, eye lids heavy as you cupped his jawline to kiss him again moaning in his mouth.
After you both came down and rode off your highs, Zoro yawned noticing the sun was long gone and it was time to head back to the ship before Luffy decides to make another search party for you both.
“You Gatta carry me back…you promised.” You murmured slumped on his shoulder.
He put you on his shirt since yours was ripped apart
And walked you both back to the Sunny, he told you that you could just go to sleep and he’ll put you to bed when y’all arrive but you knew good and well he’d be walking all night with you so you help guiding him back.
When you both arrived in your room Zoro placed you on the bed, your body was absolutely spent and so was his, but before he took off his pants to cuddle you to sleep you sat up, “Hey…look it.”
You pulled out the sake bottle from the house and Zoro ‘s eye went wide, “You took it?!”
“Well yeah it’s a little memento…” You placed it on your nightstand to admire it, “Neither of us won’t drink it BUT it’s a little reminder of our first date.”
“You’re so annoying…Today does not count as a first date!” He grumbled getting into your bed to hold you.
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
“Do to.”
“Do not!”
“…do too.”
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lees-chaotic-brain · 8 months
Bakugo, K. With fluff (maroon) and #4 gravitating towards your soulmate at a certain age
oh I love this!!!! i'm sorry, I might have added a little bit of hurt/comfort. i couldn't help myself.
It Was Always You (Bakugou x Reader)
CW: swearing, you don't take care of yourself so Bakugou does, slight spoilers, not entirely canonically accurate
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While you were as excited to meet your soulmate as any other person your age, you weren't eagerly counting down the days to your eighteenth birthday like other kids.
No. While the war had finally ended, it was hard for you to adjust back to normal life after spending the last two years fighting for your life, as well as the lives of your friends and innocent civilians.
But, transition you must, seeing as the war was over and it was time for you to resume your normal life.
Well, as normal as it got for hero course students.
All of Class 1-A had been given an extensive break to recover physically, and to begin to cope with the mental scars they all bore.
You had always been a bit of a loner, caring deeply about all your classmates and treasuring the friendships you had built without ever becoming close with any of them.
So naturally, while everyone else sought support from the others that they had forged unbreakable bonds with, you withdrew into yourself, always ready to be there if anyone needed it, but never going to anyone when you yourself needed support.
This didn't go unnoticed by a certain spiky haired male.
After he was sure he understood what you were doing, he wasted no time calling you out on it.
Stepping out of Uraraka's room after allowing her to cry on your shoulder and soothing her for the last hour, you were confronted by none other than Bakugou himself.
He tilted his chin up at you.
"We need to talk."
You said confused, and a little tired.
All you really wanted to do was go back to your room and read a book to keep the night terrors away. But if he needed something of course you were going to be there for him.
"Where do you want to talk?"
"You'll probably be most comfortable in your room. We're going there."
Grabbing your wrist, he spun and marched you in the direction of your room.
A little bewildered, you allowed him to push the door open and sit you on your bed before closing the door behind the two of you.
"Bakugou, what's going on? Are you okay-"
"That's what I should be asking you."
He interrupted you, pulling you desk chair in front of your bed and sitting down.
You stared at him, unsure you understood what he was saying.
"Don't think I haven't noticed what you've been doing lately."
He leaned back in his chair.
"What-what have I been doing?"
Racking your brain you tried to come up with anything that you could have done to set off his explosive temper, but came up empty.
"I don't think I've done anything lately-"
"Cut the bullshit."
He cut you off mid sentence.
"You're always supporting others without expecting any support in return. How long are you going to keep this up? I'm not the only one who noticed either."
He folded his arms over his chest.
"I've heard the other extras talking about you, and how their worried about how you're doing."
He squinted at you.
"You clearly haven't been taking care of yourself. When was the last time you ate? Hell, the last time you slept more than a couple hours?"
Your guilty silence was answer enough.
"Tch. Dumbass."
He scoffed, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder.
"C'mon, we're going down to the kitchen to get some food in you. After that, you're going to bed."
He glared at you.
"And actually sleeping."
You wince. He saw right through you. You were just going to turn off the lights and wait for him to leave before getting back up.
And that wasn't the last of your little lies he would see straight through.
After that night, he seemed to make it his personal mission to take care of you, to ensure that you were sleeping and eating, as well as getting the emotional support you so desperately needed.
After a couple months, you began to do better and started to take care of yourself on your own.
But during the last couple months of Bakugou being by your side practically 24/7, it felt weird without him around, so the two of you continued to spend time together.
Somewhere along the way you became close friends, each of you going to the other before anyone else if you needed something, or wanted to share something with someone.
And at some point after that you had fallen for him.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Months had passed since you realized you were in love with your best friend, and life had gone on.
Waking up, you went about getting ready as you always did. What was not normal was the hard pull that knocked you to the ground?
What was that?
Looking around, you shrugged and chalked it up to your clumsiness and finished getting ready.
Opening your door, you felt another hard tug, this one causing you to crash into the opposite side of the hallway.
Staggering back, you had just managed to recover your footing when you were yanked several feet to the side, shooting down the hallway.
After it happened several more times, you resigned yourself to your fate and allowed whatever the strange force was to bully you in the direction it wanted for a couple more minutes.
Just as you were about to yell for help, you collided with a warm, solid mass and collapsed beside it.
Panting, you looked over to see Bakugou of all people laying beside you.
"What the fuck was that?!"
You blurted, sitting up straight.
"What just happened?"
Bakugou slowly sat up next to you, with an expression of amusement, shock and affection on his face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Have you really not realized?"
He asked, tilting his head at you with an amused expression.
"We're soulmates."
You jolted, looking at him like he had a third head.
"But your soulmate traits don't show up until both you and your soulmate are eighteen! And I'm only seventeen-"
You stopped abruptly, and Bakugou looked smug.
"Wait...it's my birthday, isn't it."
"Damn right it is."
He smirked at you.
"How did you forget your own birthday?"
Flustered you tried to splutter out an answer, but stopped short when he leaned in, ghosting his lips over yours.
"Can I kiss you?"
He murmured, his warm breath fanning across your face.
Breathless, you nodded.
Leaning in to close the last of the distance between the two of you he captured your mouth with his own.
Eagerly, you kissed him back, melting against him.
When the two of you seperated for air, you looked at him.
"So, are we...a thing now?"
He huffed a laugh.
"I mean, yeah, we're soulmates, and I thought kissing you made my feelings pretty clear."
He brushed a piece of hair out of your face.
"What about you? Do you wanna be a 'thing?'"
You nodded, but something was still bothering you.
The ever observant Bakugou picked up on it instantly.
"What? Something's bothering you. Do...do you not want to be with me?"
The slight fear on his face made you panic.
"No- no! I want to date you! Of course I do! It's just that I-"
You ducked your head shyly, hiding behind your hair.
"I wanted to date you before I knew we were soulmates. I mean I think I'm in love with you, and have been for a while. And I-I don't want to to feel like you have to be just because we're soulmates-"
"I'm in love with you too."
Your mouth dropped, and the tips of his ears turned red.
"I was going to ask you out anyways, but I wanted to wait until after your birthday, so that if I wasn't your soulmate, you could meet them without feeling tied to me."
You breathed, your eyes filling with tears.
"It's Katsuki."
You corrected yourself.
"I love you."
You beam at each other.
"I love you too."
He kissed you again.
"It was always you for me, soulmate or not."
You couldn't agree more.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Thank you so much for requesting! I had so much fun writing this! Keep the event requests coming!
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legoflowrs · 11 months
cw: tiny bit of nsfw, drug use, abuse, drinking, smoking
Kenny McCormick
- Kenny has a southern twinge thanks to his parents. They moved from Texas early on into Kenny’s life but thanks to always being surrounded by it he inherited it.
- Kenny works at least 2 jobs for most of high school. He has always been financially independent and wants to make sure he can take care of Karen.
- Lowkey a mamas boy always felt bad for Carol and tried to help her when he could.
- His Dad never hit him but he has always been pretty emotionally and verbally abusive, especially when he was drunk.
- This doesn’t deter Kenny from drinking but he’s the complete opposite of his Dad when he’s drunk. Kenny is a nice drunk, telling all his friends how much he loves them.
- Kenny has done all the piercings he has himself. Definitely had at least 6 in each ear and he’d probably have shark bites as well as a nose ring.
- Kenny LOVES tattoos. He’s done a few stick and pokes on himself but he met someone who did a professional one on him. He saved up for ages to get it. It’s a lark tattoo which is Karen’s favourite bird. He got it on his forearm.
- Karen is super into helping animals so every Saturday Kenny drives her to the animal shelter.
- His favourite cookie is snickerdoodles because his Grandma used to send them to his family every Christmas before she passed away.
- He has a truck that’s his passion project. I genuinely believe he went into a mechanic’s apprenticeship when school finished. He’s very smart and very handy with tools as he had to fix a lot of shit growing up.
- Kenny skates a lot. It’s a good stress reliever and it gives him adrenaline without the danger of him dying.
- Speaking of which he is still immortal but he got smarter with it when he grew up.
- I firmly believe in pansexual Kenny supremacy! He doesn’t care who you are if he likes you he likes you.
-Thrifting god! He’s what every tik tok girlie wants to be. I head cannon he goes thrifting with Heidi cause she’s super environmentally conscious.
- He’s friends with everyone! I think as they grew older he became super close with Stan. They bond over their shitty family’s.
- Eased up with the drugs over time after Karen found him after he overdosed in their bathroom once. Usually sticks to weed.
- Has hooked up with Henrietta (she thinks he’s the only somewhat okay conformist in south park and they usually smoke together after), Bebe (this caused a massive rift between him and Clyde), Red once or twice and Tammy.
- He flirts around a lot but doesn’t sleep around as much as people think.
- He would be extremely respectful in a long term relationship but he just hasn’t found the time to take care of anyone other than himself and Karen.
- Loves camping!!! He is very rugged and keen on doing heaps of stuff outdoors since he didn’t have that much to entertain himself growing up.
- Listens to all types of music but especially loves soft rock! It helps him mellow out.
- Would move out with Stan! Until him and Kyle started dating.
- Great with kids !!
- He pushed Stan to confess his feelings for Kyle and to this day takes credit for their relationship!
- Regularly works out! Made a makeshift home gym and Stan and Kyle join him often.
- Distanced himself from Cartman after he realised what a piece of shit he was.
- Was Majorines biggest support when she transitioned! They are super close and Kenny has a very soft spot for her.
- Hangs out with Craig to smoke and they talk about life (a little OOC for Craig but whatever lol).
- Kenny has a scar on his left eyebrow from the first time he died. It never went away and serves as a permanent reminder that he should be more careful.
- Defs a MILF lover lol.
- Drinks oat milk, Heidi put him into it.
- Him and Karen went vegetarian for a while!
- Super sporty, played football for a while but dropped it when he got bored. Stuck with track for most of high school.
- Smart but didn’t apply himself at school! Would skip often and was the guy everyone hated to be in group projects with.
- Plays the base. Did a stint with Stan in a band for a while. They still regularly play with Marj and Jimmy just for fun.
- A GOD at multiplayer video games. No one wants to verse him anymore.
- Still has his collection of playboys lol. Too attached to throw them out but would die if Karen saw them (she has seen them).
- Country music is his guilty pleasure.
- Smokes cigs but switched to vaping when Karen complained about the smell.
- Played Ice Hockey with Stan for a while.
- Was in the wedding party for both Creek and Style.
- Pre Karen complaining about the smell of cigs he smelt like cigarettes, motor oil and cinnamon.
Kenny in a relationship
- Physical touch!!!!!! That’s his main love language. Would always have his hands on your waist, the small of your back, holding your hand, stroking your hair!!
- He also loves acts of service. Your milk is running low? He runs to the store and tops it up. Light bulb went out? Changes it without even being asked.
- He’s pretty experienced with sex. Loves giving and making you feel good. It’s pretty much a reward for him.
- Whole heartedly loves you, would never even consider cheating. Super loyal!
- Loves going to the drive ins for a date! It was his first date with you and he has a soft spot for it.
- You cook and he cleans!!
- Wants to be friends with your friends and wants you to like his friends. His world is yours too when you guys are dating.
- You babysit Karen often even though she’s older now. I definitely think she’d love having a sort of older sibling to go to.
- Whenever Kenny sees you with Karen he gets instant baby fever lol and often you know what ensues.
- You bought him a record player for his birthday and he just about died. You guys slow danced for hours.
- He will be there any time of day or night to pick you up.
- I think he’ll know pretty early on he wants marriage. Keeps it to himself for a while until you guys have been in a committed relationship.
- Loves seeing the little fashion shows after you go shopping he thinks it adorable.
- Gotten to the point where if you aren’t in bed with him he doesn’t really sleep well.
- I think he has an anxious attachment style but that’s definitely worked on!
- Will take you camping even if you don’t like it lmao.
- Makes you a playlist on a CD because he’s an old man.
- Uses your body wash cause he’s a cheap bitch….
- Loves breakfast in bed.
- Would have double dates with y’all and Style and Creek occasionally.
- You get on with Majorine like a house on fire. At first you were very insecure of her because you knew at one point Kenny had a thing for her but he’s actually good at reassuring you, that you’re the one he wants.
- You guys aren’t prefect, when y’all fight it can be explosive and he usually goes for a drive but he can’t stop thinking about it.
- Decided to go to couples therapy when you got engaged to work some things out before y’all committed to marriage.
- Obsessed with you lol 10/10 partner.
A/N: first post kinda nervous lmao. kenny is my fav love him to bits. idk if any of these are kinda OOC but this is just for funsies! Also added his moodboard slay vibes.
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tss-whumper · 3 months
(cw -> talk of homophobia, internalized homophobia, religious trauma, suppression, brief mention of physical abuse, cages, knives, and scars.)
classic sanders sides concept of: roman realizes that thomas is gay and patton suppresses him and forces him to keep it secret and blames roman for thomas being "broken" as a lover because he is gay.
the addition of janus into this equation. after all, the transition from closeted to out and proud has a lot of deceit involved. convincing others you're straight. convincing YOURSELF you're straight.
janus and patton both working to make sure that roman doesn't get to express love/romance freely because of the social consequences that may arise, caring more about the potential harm thomas may face than the guaranteed harm that roman will face as a result of being suppressed.
it would be extra whumpy if there was some sort of physical manifestation of patton and janus suppressing roman. imagine they lock roman in a literal closet, or a cage. to keep him from escaping and continuing to express his gay-ass truth. maybe they cut him through the heart in the hopes that they might kill the part of him that is making thomas gay. maybe he has permanent scars on his chest around his heart as a result.
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ultraviolet-cello · 5 months
Good afternoon everyone, late analysis/detail watch for @tristampparty today! Had a busy day and I am ready to chill out by being so so normal about Trigun ^_^
Spoilers for Trigun Stampede and Trimax, CW for me discussing/theorizing abt Vash's injuries + discussion of harm coming to children specifically!
Roberto is my old man blorbo (he is not that old) and I essayed Hard about him today, good luck reading!
So when I originally watched this episode when I saw the tower I was like oh flying saucer haha!
and then it is a flying saucer. I hate that (/j)
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the bugs under the rock when I lift it up:
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On a more serious note I do like the transition from Wolfwood getting REALLY jumpy (to the point of like. Punching Vash for sneezing. babygirl there are better ways to cope with bringing the man you adore to what is probably his doo- actually there probably isn't, he's on his own) to them working extremely in sync to try and get away from the guards - even in the two months that they've been traveling together they've developed that back to back fighting style. It's very sweet, and I think that aspect of them is heavily emphasized in 98 actually, episode 9 when Wolfwood first appears. I really do miss that episode's story, I think it's my favourite standalone plot :]
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Again take this with a grain of salt because my subtitles are Janky, but this line hits me real hard [Where Vash is telling Wolfwood not to shoot at the July guards]. They're at July, this is where Wolfwood needs to hand Vash over despite all his inner conflict; but he values the orphanage, it's so important to him. Would the morally righteous thing to do be trying to fight alongside Vash out of this? Possibly. But the risk is too great; It's not the time to be a saint.
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Both of their expressions here - Wolfwood stepping back then forward to try and push Vash out the way, or block the bullet, and Vash just slowly lowering his arms with that real haunted look.
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Studio Orange once again knocking it out of the PARK with their facial expressions
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[Purging the Vashwood from my system for just a moment] He really does just. Grab him around the waist huh. He doesn't try to spin Vash around to assess the damage, or immediately drag him away, but most importantly he doesn't shoot back. Not after Vash asked him to.
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Why's this bitch not clean his table!!! The hell!!! Unsanitary. Or... Or someone was just there. Not sure what's worse at that point. It's also that the shape of that cross is also to accommodate children
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[Tucking these screenshots into my purse for safekeeping] [Also CWing this section for a little bit of injury discussion] Most of the injuries here aren't necessarily the scars that Trimax and 98 Vash have, which makes me wonder if he's going to get more post-July. In any case, a lot of these look like failed/only partial skin grafts or wounds that required skin grafts but did not get it [Just trust me on that, don't look it up if you can't stomach gore].
I wonder if Vash can't receive skin grafts due to the sheer amount of scarring/can't receive any donated grafts due to differences in biology, or if he's just... not been able to get them healed. Some of it appears to be patched up with metal, but the rest of it.... Mm.
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I think it's very telling that the thing that Roberto starts really speaking up on is challenging Conrad on his treatment of orphans and disadvantaged people. Roberto's a reporter, so of course he's going to have seen how powerful people often use the marginalized as their playthings; and Roberto does have a pretttty good moral code when it comes to it. Time and time again he's chosen to help Meryl instead of preserve his own life.
And now he's actively taking Meryl's side, challenging Conrad, sticking up for people, which. One of the first hints of Roberto that we got that wasn't him being so gruff was his defense of Vash (who was getting the shit beaten out of him) in the very first episode.
I've talked at length abt how children are. Kind of the most precious thing to most people on Gunsmoke/NML - so many of the individual stories revolve around parents and children, brothers, siblings, Wolfwood and Hopeland, Legato sparing all the children in that village in 98, Elendira leaving a gaggle of children alive to bury Livio in Trimax. I particularly remember a scene in Trimax volume 14, chapter 3, when the feathers are falling and a young girl has lost her mother, but these big rough and tough men guide her back. I think that's kind of the essence of what Roberto represents to me.
The average person on that planet is rough, traumatized, probably knows how to shoot, they kill each other, they rob, they steal. And yet when it comes down to a little girl crying in the crowd, they will guide her back to her mother. Noman's Land is made up of families; they hurt each other and they commit atrocities, but at the end of the day, that was someone's child, and people try to respect it.
Roberto has a bit of a stronger ethical streak, but he's really kinda hostile to Conrad in this scene (GET HIS ASS ROBERTO WOOO!!!) and I think when he saw children involved that really signaled part of it to him.
It's also that Roberto has developed as a character, being more open and trusting of Meryl, but I also just. The family thing gets me every time (I think it's because I work with children and am a huge advocate for said children, but. yaknow)
[Pointing at him] I love this guy!!! I miss him!!! I really really thought I was gonna hate him but every rewatch i get sadder that he's gone!!!!!
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Also he calls out Conrad on being non-empathetic towards, well experimenting on children which is yeah!!! shit!!! Roberto shuts him down like 3 times!! "What matters is how you feel with these children in front of you" GET! HIS! ASS!
Roberto has progressed so so much, with his ability to actually insert himself into situations according to his opinions and ethics, with his relationship to Meryl becoming softer, and then he's just,,, Gone, soon.
On a lighter note, tf you mean Elendira's powers are equivalent to a supply door Conrad she can kill a man!!! I spose a supply door can also kill a man but like. I wonder if she's gonna get. Bigger nails. More powers in the future.
Also a nice parallel of how Roberto kept dragging Meryl back and flinging her away from danger, but now he's grabbed her and is carrying her with him - it feels different. He really really does care about her and it's so evident in these last couple of episodes.
Also Meryl is just pick up-able what can I say.
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Roberto being shocked at his ability to deflect Elendira's nails just feels kinda cruel. Man's been spending the entire anime facing horrors beyond his comprehension and he just figured out he can fight against this one, but in the end she's the one who gets him.
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Also I talked about Roberto being really standoffish when he realizes children are being harmed? Uh, that's probably what gets him killed. If he'd have shot Elendira here, there is a decent chance he would have lived; if he hadn't hesitated the several times he did, he wouldn't be so rattled. That's... Painful.
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"That was close" I hate everyone here [/j]
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Not an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a super fan of what they did to Elendira. I'm of the opinion of her character divorced from her Trimax counterpart is really really interesting, but I have to treat her like an entirely different character, so we'll be moving on with that in mind.
So Elendira's been like this for what, twenty years at least? That doesn't seem to line up with how Plants age - Vash and Knives take like 5 years to look like they're fifteen, and. I hope we all know that humans typically take 18-20 years to reach adulthood lmao.
My three theories on why she hasn't aged is that
A) Whichever Plant cells (Probably Tesla's) that they used on her is inhibiting her growth, disallowing her from progressing past a certain point. Perhaps if she ages more something... Bad will happen to her body. Sub-idea, if it is Tesla's cells, they might not be letting her age past the point Tesla was when she died. Which is a little horrific actually.
B) Conrad and/or Knives are the ones not allowing her to grow, for some reason. I don't really have any ideas of what.
But it seems to me that she is somewhat inverse to Wolfwood; she's been living for at least twenty years, trapped in the mind and body of a child. She speaks with the cadence and articulation of an adult most of the time, but her body's pain tolerance and her subsequent reactions are that of an undeveloped mind/body.
That or she just doesn't wanna go through puberty because she's already trans and just doesn't wanna deal with that shit (valid) but, yaknow. I am a very big supporter of "Let Studio Orange cook, they've done pretty good so far!" but Elendira and Razlo are the two I am. Most scared of seeing how they turn out lmao, and even with Razlo I do have some hopes. But Elendira,,, man. I dunno.
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Hooo boy. Okay. I'm ready to talk about Roberto again now. I've been talking about how he recently seems to have softened his demeanor specifically towards Meryl, bringing out a lot of that joking tone, but here is particularly on display.
He tells Meryl that it's okay to run away sometimes and that really really. Got to me. Like he wants her to live. He wants her to do whatever she thinks is right, and he wants her to live, and he is going to do what he can in his dying moments to make that better for her.
I miss him :(
I also wonder if he had anything outside of his job. Friends? Family? A partner? Or was he mostly obliterated along with most of July, kept only in memory by his, now Meryl's, derringer?
Also Vash does Not know that Roberto is dead and if he asks about him post-rejoining the gang in season 2 I'll start screaming.
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Oh Knives is here! Yippee!!
So uh. The thing with him saying this is, like a Lot of things Knives does/says in Tristamp, is rooted in truth to some degree.
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Like uh. Yeah. That is kind of the basis for a Major part of Vash's personality, the guilt complex of Knives shifting the burden and (honestly projecting a lot of his own guilt probably) onto Vash. But to attribute All of Vash's character to just that is disservice, and horrible for Vash to hear.
The thing about Vash is that he tries. He tries so so hard to make things right, even despite the harm that comes to him and the grief and pain of how he lives his life. Even if it were just his guilt, that is still 150 or so years of healing plants, helping children, going from town to town to do what good he can.
Love, in that case, is not inherent, but created. It's hard to just unconditionally love something just because it's in your life, but if you work at it, dedicate yourself, put in the effort, do so much good, then is that not love in itself? Does it really matter the basis if you love, regardless?
Where it becomes a problem with Vash, is when he refuses to kind of,,, accept that he worked for it instead of just having that love inherent to him, because he's so desperate to hold that guilt complex, that "I'm a bad person" close to him
I dunno, I'm autistic, so maybe I have a strange reading of this because I personally have had to work towards the things I hold dear to me, but it's,,, definitely a facet of Vash, to me.
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I Do Not Like This Photograph. In Trimax, it seems they took Tesla and Immediately began experimenting on her - Some arguments over ethics with Rem, yeah, but overall the dissenters were overruled. But why have this picture? Tesla is clearly not a baby in this image. Did she have more contact and interactions with the scientists?
The cruelty in Tesla's story, at least in my view, is that she never got to be a character. Her agency was stripped from her by scientists, by death, and then by Knives. We don't know shit about her - did she die cursing all of humanity? Would she have agreed with Knives, that the pain inflicted on her was an example of the great atrocity of humanity? Or would she have decided people can grow and change, that she just got a bad lot, that people are messy and complicated but ultimately capable of love? Did she see Rem, and wonder if she knew humanity better than Tesla did?
We just don't know - will never know - and that's why Knives using her as an excuse for his actions is particularly egregious. Did her death traumatize him and irreparably damage his trust of humans, sending him down a spiral he was too unlucky to fight his way out of? Yes. Does that make it justifiable to try and commit a genocide under her name, assuming she would have wanted that even if there's a possibility she didn't? ....Definitely not.
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millions-dykes referred to Conrad as looking "DILFy" in this scene and if I have to suffer that, so do you. sorry
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There's a couple of bits of language in that ending scene that I find particularly uh. Interesting (derogatory) (deeply interesting and analysis-worthy), but I'll be saving those for next episode so I'll pop them in there :]
Today was a hell of an essay! Thanks for reading as always, I'm so >:3 about all the fun comments and ideas ppl have added on.
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thecruellestmonth · 8 months
Spooky Jason Todd fic recs
Some of the best Jason Todd fics featuring the supernatural and the unsettling, the dark and the dreadful, in the spirit of the Halloween season. Reminder: read warnings and author's notes carefully.
"Six of Swords" by campitor https://archiveofourown.org/works/37046005 - Six of swords: upright, symbolic of a rite of passage, of change and transition; reversed, a symbol of unfinished business. Six vignettes detailing the birth of the Red Hood and the deaths of sons, from UTH to Lost Days.
"The Hollow Man" by sister_wolf https://archiveofourown.org/works/121473 - He didn't even know that it existed until it showed up in Gotham one night, this-- this thing that's wearing Jason's body like a costume. But not his body as it was when he died-- older, no scars, no marks at all. How is that even possible? (Or, the one where Red Hood meets the ghost of his fifteen-year-old self.) This story was written back in 2005, when Under the Hood was the one and only Red Hood Jason storyline, and fans were still speculating about how Jason came back to life and transformed from Robin to Red Hood.
"Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter" by skylarkblue https://archiveofourown.org/works/40999275 - Jason returns to Gotham to find another dead Robin. He steals away with the body and resurrects her, but there begs the question: what will they do? Destroy Gotham. That's what they'll do. It's ALIIIIVE! In which the second Robin resurrects the fourth. This is a story about friendship and tender acts of care, and this is a story about revenge and destruction and being fabulously unhinged. Come for the spooky resurrection horror, stay for the Dead Robins toxic friendship. [dark fic, graphic violence CW, resurrection horror]
"Ghost Story" by InsaneTrollLogic https://archiveofourown.org/works/14624928 It starts with the phantom sound of laughter, glimpses of motion just out of sight, a boy in a tattered Robin suit, and the sneaking suspicion that not all of Jason made it back from the dead. Maybe the real monsters are the family we made along the way... [graphic violence, depressing family dynamics, extreme supernatural harm inflicted on a child]
"No Lazarus" by join_the_conga https://archiveofourown.org/works/11307267 - Jason Todd is the second Robin to Batman. He was savagely beaten and killed by the Joker, and was subsequently replaced by Timothy Drake, the third Robin. Jason comes back from the dead and regains his faculties with the aid of Batman’s enemies abroad. This is a version of that story where Jason has nothing to bring his mind back to his body but Bruce Wayne—and the figment of the Robin that Jason once was. Every detail is unsettling and hostile to human life. Everyone hurts, and everything is awful. [content warning for some medical horror, canon-typical Gothic horror sensationalism about insanity and disfigurement]
"The Daughter of the Water" by chucklesbuckles https://archiveofourown.org/works/46605205 - “To walk the world!” it croons, bright gold spilling over its cheeks, highlighting the springy white curls crowning its head. It bends, cold wet hands cradling Talia’s face, wiping her tears away. It places a soft kiss to her forehead, tucking a loose curl of hair behind her ear, torchlight eyes burning. “Thank you for the body.” Creepy and wet!
"Haunting" by the_authors_exploits https://archiveofourown.org/works/7392994 - It makes a strange juxtaposition, the Batman so dark and frightening, crying over a dead boy behind a dumpster. An alternative scenario in which Jason meets his extremely sweet, extremely creepy Batdad. Obvious horror elements, but somehow the atmosphere is soothing instead of horrifying.
"promises" by sunspikes https://archiveofourown.org/works/40731531 - After a nightmare Jason's on the hunt for tea to soothe his sore throat. It turns out to be with Bruce, and he finds comfort in more than the just the tea. You've heard of hurt/comfort, now get ready for comfort/hurt!
★ "Rise Up With The Sun" by blacklettered https://archiveofourown.org/works/19053271 - His son came home on a Wednesday evening and Bruce did not call for the slaughter of the fattened calf but it was a close thing. A quiet and heartwarming reconciliation between father and son. (Also there’s a bunch of freaky Edgar Allan Poe shit happening in the background because lowkey Jason Todd walks the earth as if living and yet remains irrevocably connected to the forces of death and decay—but that’s not as important. Happy yet creepy ending!) ★
"Sealing the deal" by orphan_account - In which Bruce Wayne is kidnapped and it’s somehow not the most difficult part of anyone’s day. Or, in which Jason Todd is a selkie. One of the few really upbeat stories on this list!
"Down to Dust" by Sparkypants https://archiveofourown.org/works/47407291 - It's not the warehouse that Jason has nightmares about. It's Bruce. Bruce deciding to cremate him instead of bury him. Because if he had, what would Jason be now? An infinite number of pieces, cast into the wind. Smoke hanging in the air and never whole or home again, part of him always missing.
"bird of winter" by knowsphere https://archiveofourown.org/works/4992139 - There is a ghost in the manor. Damian meets a friendly ghost, who has returned in a new form to the world of the living. Based on Batman: Gotham Knights #34. This little story is soft and wintry, like a spoonful of mint ice cream. Damian is a sweetheart, and Jason gets a happy ending. A nice cleanser after reading too much horror.
"oh, just hangin' out" by mikkal https://archiveofourown.org/works/42365103 - Jason doesn't remember agreeing to imitate a dead butterfly, but here he is. | No. 3 A HAIR’S BREADTH FROM DEATH | Impaled - A Whumptober special, featuring gruesome gore and spooky Lazarus Pit side effects. And also an adorable Damian. Happy ending.
"Confessional" by Temeritous https://archiveofourown.org/works/45307363 - The woman grabbed him by the arm and snarled nastily, “A nice boy like you deserves to know what everyone thinks of him.” Then her eyes pulsed from dark brown to bright purple and she disappeared between one blink and the next. There is a witch here, so this story counts for Halloween. [content warning for a random bystander frankly confessing an extreme sexual fantasy while under the effects of a truth spell]
"Ghostgirl and Zomboy" by shauds https://archiveofourown.org/works/16476446 - "You don't make demands of the ghost, asshole, the ghost makes demands of you." He should have known better than to make his big comeback in October. Perfect time to read a mostly upbeat ghost story set during Halloween.
"(No Sense of) Preservation" by crying_jaybird https://archiveofourown.org/works/26959063 - Sometimes, Jason thinks about how if Bruce had made a slightly different choice, he would have been embalmed. [content warnings for trauma including obsessive thinking and death idealization]
"One Foot in the Grave" by samiraxlula https://archiveofourown.org/works/25047856 - Dying can be the birth of something new and awful, to make the worst of the living wish they weren't. But what happens when you steal from the dead? There are forces in this world that are unknowable and unstoppable.
"Osiris" by Sparkypants - The Joker killed him once, but Jason Todd had died over and over again, waiting for Batman to save him. Resurrection or not, Jason's death still haunts the corridors of Wayne Manor. It waits in the shadows, threatening his entire family. Bruce would go to hell and back to his protect children. This time, that may not be enough. Love can transcend everything, even if it can't overcome everything.
"between heaves of storm" by pendulum_north https://archiveofourown.org/works/49817317 - There were unnatural changes happening to him, he has no idea when it started, or how long it's been occurring. The opposite of life is not death, but a state somewhere torn between the two falsely-erected poles.
"suicide is the highest form of self love" by XanthosSamurai https://archiveofourown.org/works/30094071 - Every single night, Jason Todd dies. Every single night, Red Hood kills him.
"Never Come Back" by Wisetypewriter https://archiveofourown.org/works/32436694 - Bruce Wayne wakes up in Arkham Asylum. [RHatO (2016) #25, psychological suspense]
"Mask Of Blood" by Kieron_ODuibhir https://archiveofourown.org/works/20964923 - “Jason!” Batman had shouted, arm desperately outstretched as if to catch what was no longer there. He’d sounded wrenched apart. As though having experience losing this one of his several sons made no difference at all to the shock and pain of it, or even made it worse. Desperate to save his son, Batman consults Gotham's resident occult expert, Jason.
"two headed calf." by feliform https://archiveofourown.org/works/35118601 - Based on the "Two-Headed Calf" poem by Laura Gilpin. The Lazarus Pit heals Jason incorrectly, but at least he gets to die loved by a mother. [body horror, child redeath]
"Satin in a Coffin" by InsaneTrollLogic https://archiveofourown.org/works/24745558/chapters/59825830 - At the behest of several dead Robins, Stephanie Brown kidnaps a Robin. Steph sees dead people; Steph-centric.
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burbur-49 · 13 days
Day one of @cirrus-ghoulette 's whump month: Burn
Cw: burning someone
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After his transition, Dew couldn't move. His body was burning. Once he could move and his temperature was normal, for a fire ghoul, he sought out his pack. He wanted to hug them again, to touch them.
He went to the kitchen, he smelled pastries being made so he knew Cumulus was in there. He quietly walked up behind her, wanting to surprise her. He missed this, being able to touch and see his packmates whenever he wanted, he couldn't wait to be in her embrace, to feel her love, body and soul. He stood behind her as he watched her work, she always looked so good when she was in her element. He stood there for a few minutes before he finally got close to her.
He closed the space between them by wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing his chest to her back.
“Mornin’, Lus.” He purred into her ear.
She gasped in surprise. It's been forever since she's heard his voice like this, so close to her ear. Now that he's a fire ghoul, his usually deep voice sounds deeper.
“Morning, Dewy.” She purred back.
It's these moments he missed, the sickly sweet, calm moments. Cumulus stop her baking and just reveled in the feel of her now fire mate pressed against her. He was so warm now. They stayed like that for a bit before Dew reached for her hand.
His hand wrapped around hers, but not for long. She yelped and pulled her hand away from his and pushed him away. She looked at her hand and immediately ran to the sink and stuck her hand under cold water.
Did he just burn her? Has he not learned to control his element enough to the point where he's burning his packmates just from his touch alone?
When she takes her hand out from under the water Dew can tell that a blister is going to form, that there's most likely going to be a scar there. A scar caused by him. On his mate.
He sees the way Cumulus looks at him. She has tears in her eyes and a pained yet betrayed look on her face. Dew's at a loss for words. He just hurt her. Something he promised to never do to her, or to any of his packmates for that matter. Dew's trying to string together something to say, an apology, an excuse, a sound, anything, but he just can't. He can't. It won't come out. He thinks he's found the right thing to say when someone walks in.
Aether notices the look on both Cumulus and Dew's faces, and then the burn on her hand. He quickly rushes over to her.
“Lus, what happened?”
“Dew… He just burned me.” Cumulus quietly says with pain in her voice.
When Dew looks at Aether he can't tell if the look on Aether's face is one of disappointment, anger, or something else. Dew can't do it. He can't handle seeing the hurt on her face, seeing the look on Aether's. He can't. So he just leaves. He leaves the kitchen. Leaves the den, leaves the ministry. He finds his way to the lake, his comfort place when he was water. It must still be the same because he loses himself in the water.
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lighthouse-system · 2 years
2 weeks post op. Tape came off, began scar care.
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD ABD TASTY, possibly a trans male reader who hasn’t gotten surgery yet? DONT KNOW IF THATS AGAINST BOUNDRUES
Smut pls😊
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*sniff sniff* thnank yuou
Zombie Horde with a FtM reader Who Hasn't Gotten Top Surgery Yet
CW: Smut, a bit of fluff, FtM reader w/o top surgery, chest touching???
💀 To be honest, they wouldn't care
💀 You'd normally use bandages or old binders because transitional surgery wasn't an option when you were busy making sure your bunker was safe, your food stock was full and so on. Sure you wished you'd gotten one sooner before the virus but there are more important things...
💀 You were in your hidey hole without anything binding your when Soda came in looking for you.
💀 He went to cuddle next to you when he felt something soft and squishy, he tilted his head and poked at your chest which made you yelp.
💀 His little mate has squishy parts in the chest? he doesn't remember that, he's confused as he's never noticed you with any squishy bits in that area, in fact, you always had some kind of armor or something for some reason, were they organs spilling out? Now he can't have that! Humans need those he thinks!
💀 He chitters worryingly, trying to pull up your shirt to help you push back in your organs, but you kept pushing him away.
💀 He eventually gestured to parts of his body that showed his rotten body making a pushing in movement, you let out a long ooohhhhh and assure him it's not that.
💀 You explain to him (to a degree) and he explains it to the others.
💀 Bo thinks he remembers seeing bandages on others because they're hurt so the first time you show him, he's all over you comforting you so his little mate won't be sad that they got hurt. He is very much blaming himself, but Soda quickly explains you're not hurt at all.
💀 They start looking for bandages, binders, sports bras, compression wear, anything that looks like what you usually wear.
💀 Screw has a bunch of things he's hoarded so he goes through his pile looking for clothes and the sort that he think's you'd like.
💀 Ribs has the guilty pleasure of burying his face in your chest. You're just so warm and soft and squishy!!!
💀 If you ever feel gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia, they'll sense you feeling a bit under the weather and love on you so much you'll forget all about it. Don't be sad, you're perfect!
💀 If you ever do get top surgery, maybe from travelling to a large community of survivors or other, they wouldn't change their feelings towards you.
💀 They's be curious about your scars though, Bo would be furious thinking they hurt you or ate your squishy bits or something.
💀 Screw is feeling your chest now feeling the new flat texture of your chest.
💀 Ribs does the same because they're best friends a- OH MY GOD YOU HAVE RIBS TOO?!?!?
💀 Soda is all over you seeing if you're ok. Did they feed you enough? Does it hurt? Do you need us to give you some love? Did you miss us?
💀 Can Ribs have all your old bandages and binders?
💀 If you have boundaries regarding your chest area, they will steer away from it, anyway, you have the rest of your lovely body for them to devour.
💀 If you don't, they'd be massaging your chest, cooing oh so softly reminding you that you're theirs whether you have surgery or not.
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mutt-sys · 1 month
Thoughts on sick freshly transitioned Dew?? Need some hurt/comfort rn!!!
Hells yeah! This one is big Dew<33
Cw/tw? Fresh Fire Ghoul Dew, hurt/very little comfort. It's more of a mini fic than thoughts really
When Dew's transition happened it felt like he was drowning, the water from his lungs were ripped away and replaced with a fiery burning sensation and it hurt. He would lay awake for days in agony as he begged for someone, anyone to help him get rid of this feeling.
Aether felt horrible for him, I mean seeing his mate in a constant state of agony and pain hurt him too. He wanted to help him, to help ease the burning that his droplet was feeling, but he couldn't help no matter what he tried or did. He felt the pain too, the feeling of burn coursing through his body and lungs as he would lay awake at night.
Ifrit would feel bad for them both, seeing both of them in pain hurt a lot, but he knew he couldn't do much to help except offer comfort. Ifrit hated the way Dew would heave and gag and cough of buckets full of water, it pained him to see it.
Ifrit also hated how Dew would scream and beg for the pain of his gills to subside as they closed up and scarred, forcing the former water ghoul into constant pain. Dew was constantly screaming as he clutched his neck, unable to breathe properly without his gills.
It took weeks upon weeks of work for Dew to fully function on his own, the elemental transition nearly killed him. He didn't look the same, he was weak, paler, scrawnier and near skin and bones. It hurt everyone to look at their once precious water ghoul, especially Ifrit.
One particular night though Ifrit and Dew sat up having a conversation about how things were different and Dew broke down into tears about how he was afraid to lose Ifrit and Aether, hours later and the two were curled up into each other as Ifrit reassured him that he'd never lose them. And that's what happened, until Ifrit withered away into nothing but smoke and ash.
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cirrus-ghoulette · 23 days
okay this is in response to the anon with the substance abuse/ED Dew ask/story (cw medical stuff. unforseen consequences of the actions he took in that story. talk of Dew's elemental transition and therapy n stuff.)
I swear I don't know what came over me. I swear some fucking ghost of a writer possessed me cus Ive NEVER written anything like fiction or stories or anything like this (at least, I dont write them down, most of my OC stories are just in my head)
Imagine, they finally get him into the infirmary and discover EXACTLY the kind of, and especially AMOUNT of damage this has caused. Both sets of gills shriveled and severely dehydrated. The ones on his torso almost disappearing between the sharp juts of his ribs. They find out he was using makeup and maybe something he'd put in his cheeks to keep the sunken cheek look as faint as possible. So when they take that all away, he looks GAUNT. The fins on his ears and body all look weak, floppy and shriveled. He can't move his fingers and toes as easily because the fin-like skin in between is so brittle and shriveled, it threatens to tear. His horns are cracked in several places. His hair has lost its shine.
The quints and human Dr's and nurses do their best but after a while they realise. They can't save most of the fins. His inner gills could possibly be saved but who knows if they'd still work or not.
Ifrit had already been thinking of retiring for a while, but seeing Dew like this, he couldn't take it. So he decided he would retire. He would spend most of his days at Dew's bedside, just praying for things to work out. Vowing he would take care of Dew, no matter what happened.
After this, the difficult decision was made to transition Dew into a fire ghoul. There was a lot of opposition, as you can imagine. However, as Omega and Aether explained to the pack, through tears. This was the most promising way to save Dew. He would be kept in a magically induced coma, to help his body heal. This would also give them some time to pump his body full of the nutrients it so desperately needed. Even if they didn't transition him, he would never be able to swim like a water ghoul. Most of the processes that would happen during the transition were already happening, most of his fins were already about to crumble away, his gills might never work again anyway.
He stayed in that coma for 2 months. 2 agonizing months of Ifrit at his bedside, helping Aether, Omega and the nurses turn him over to keep from getting bedsores, washing him, reading to him, bringing flowers to brighten up the room, even if Dew couldn't see it.
At long last Dew woke up. For weeks he could barely speak, his vocal cords cramped up due to disuse and the abuse they'd been put through with the dehydration and then the burning of his gills. Part of his inner gills were left, but the openings had been singed closed. He could still sometimes feel them trying to pull in air, causing him to have difficulty breathing as his body fought between which form of breathing it should use. It took a while for his horns to grow back in. They'd broken off and basically turned to dust a few days after the transition. His hair was shorter, having to be cut due to how far the split ends went up and the fear of them irritating the healing scars on his gills and ears. Ifrit had tried to argue, but even when he brushed and washed Dew's hair every day, he couldn't keep it looking well. Luckily, by the time Dew woke up, it had grown out a bit since they cut it. At that time it was just between the bottom of his ear and his jaw.
He cried, a lot.
He cried for the things he had to leave behind. He cried for Ifrit, feeling like its his fault that he quit. He cried for Aether who had to make such a difficult decision. He cried for Mountain, who had been struggling to keep the pack together during all this time. He cried for his old pack, some of whom, already knew they would retire, feeling like he let them down. He cried for the future he would never have.
Eventually his physical wounds had healed enough that he was allowed back to the den. From then on, he was put on watch. He wasn't allowed to drink alcohol. His food and water intake was strictly monitored. He wasn't allowed to be alone for more than an hour at a time. Always sleeping with someone else in the room.
He got therapy. Went to rehab. Things that were luckily able to be done within the church either via professionals who worked at other Abbey's who came to visit (or who he would visit) and online meetings. This way he could fully open up, not have to leave the whole elemental transition as an after thought. Didn't have to stay in control of his emotions enough to keep up his glamour.
Slowly but surely, things started to get better. He didnt have those dark thoughts as often anymore. And when he did, he knew how to deal with them. He could go to his pack for help. When the new summons arrived, it was tense for a while. Especially between him and Rain.
One night, Dew had snuck out, gone to the lake. He missed it, so much. He didn't know how to swim without his fins and gills and tail helping him. So he sat at the pier, staring into the water, tears slowly dripping in, making ripples appear. Of course, the rest had noticed and were frantically searching for him. That is when Rain felt a pull to go look at the lake. He didn't really know why but, hey, at least it's something right? So he made his way over. Texting the group that he had found Dew and that he would let them know if he needed help. he Slowly walked up to Dew, trying not to startle him and sat down besides him. It was quiet for a long time. Rain began to wonder if maybe he should call Mountain or Aether. They always knew how to help Dew.
"I just.. wish I could go one more time" Dew sighed. Rain startled, waiting a moment before replying. "go.. where?" "the lake. Swimming...its my own fault I know but.." Dew trailed off "I guess its no use moping. I cant. Not without my fins and gills anyway" Dew tried to joke but, it was painfully clear how much it hurt him.
"..what if you didn't need them?" Rain offered softly after a moment "I could help. I could keep both of us afloat so you don't need to think about swimming or staying above water. Just, be in the water." A moment of dead silence rang out over the Abbey grounds. As if nature itself was holding its breath, waiting to see if they'd take the plunge.
"ya know what, nevermind forget I said any-" Rain began to utter after a moment, but was quickly interrupted "Do you mean it? Will you.. keep me afloat?" Rain stared for a moment, before smiling softly "of course. I'll keep you safe"
and so, Rain let himself slip into the water, right off the pier. He came back up, holding out his hands for Dew to hold. He grasped them tightly, taking a deep breath, feeling his gills frantically beating against his scars, trying to close his airways. And jumped.
At first the rush of ice cold water hit him, making him gasp, getting some water as well. As soon as he hit the water, Rain was pulling him back up, arms grasped around his middle to keep him up effectively. Dew coughed and gasped, expelling the small bit of water from within him. Then, when he calmed down, he giggled. giggles turning into chuckles, chuckles turning into laughing, laughing turning into full crying belly laughs. Rain smiling at him the entire time.
Once Dew's laughter calmed down a bit, Rain pulled him along, had both of them float on the surface. One arm always under Dew's middle, holding onto his side. As they were floating peacefully, Dew told Rain what had happened, about his transition. He had known vaguely that Dew used to be a water ghoul like him but due to some kind of accident he had to be transitioned. But he never knew the specifics. Didn't want to pry.
The rest of the time they spend softly talking, laughing and crying with moments of comfortable silence, listening to nature, as it finally breathed a sigh of relief. Pointing at stars and the clouds. Telling stories and jokes. After 2 hours, Aether got worried again and went out to the lake to check on them. However when he saw them, he only took a picture and left quietly. They were all cosied up, napping together while holding hands, Dew's head laying on Rain's chest. And the picture? Well, let's just say, the little otter couple floating next to them added a good visual comparison of what the two floating ghouls looked like.
(again idk what writer ghost fucking possessed me but thanks bestie??)
This is amazing!!!!
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