#strip/mafia matt
yoinkschief · 4 months
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I hope these guys explode
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Private equity ghouls have a new way to steal from their investors
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Private equity is quite a racket. PE managers pile up other peoples’ money — pension funds, plutes, other pools of money — and then “invest” it (buying businesses, loading them with debt, cutting wages, lowering quality and setting traps for customers). For this, they get an annual fee — 2% — of the money they manage, and a bonus for any profits they make.
On top of this, private equity bosses get to use the carried interest tax loophole, a scam that lets them treat this ordinary income as a capital gain, so they can pay half the taxes that a working stiff would pay on a regular salary. If you don’t know much about carried interest, you might think it has to do with “interest” on a loan or a deposit, but it’s way weirder. “Carried interest” is a tax regime designed for 16th century sea captains and their “interest” in the cargo they “carried”:
Private equity is a cancer. Its profits come from buying productive firms, loading them with debt, abusing their suppliers, workers and customers, and driving them into ground, stiffing all of them — and the company’s creditors. The mafia have a name for this. They call it a “bust out”:
Private equity destroyed Toys R Us, Sears, Bed, Bath and Beyond, and many more companies beloved of Main Street, bled dry for Wall Street:
And they’re coming for more. PE funds are “rolling up” thousands of Boomer-owned business as their owners retire. There’s a good chance that every funeral home, pet groomer and urgent care clinic within an hour’s drive of you is owned by a single PE firm. There’s 2.9m more Boomer-owned businesses going up for sale in the coming years, with 32m employees, and PE is set to buy ’em all:
PE funds get their money from “institutional investors.” It shouldn’t surprise you to learn they treat their investors no better than their creditors, nor the customers, employees or suppliers of the businesses they buy.
Pension funds, in particular, are the perennial suckers at the poker table. My parent’s pension fund, the Ontario Teachers’ Fund, are every grifter’s favorite patsy, losing $90m to Sam Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency scam:
Pension funds are neck-deep in private equity, paying steep fees for shitty returns. Imagine knowing that the reason you can’t afford your apartment anymore is your pension fund gambled with the private equity firm that bought your building and jacked up the rent — and still lost money:
But there’s no depth too low for PE looters to sink to. They’ve found an exciting new way to steal from their investors, a scam called a “continuation fund.” Writing in his latest newsletter, the great Matt Levine breaks it down:
Here’s the deal: say you’re a PE guy who’s raised a $1b fund. That entitles you to a 2% annual “carry” on the fund: $20,000,000/year. But you’ve managed to buy and asset strip so many productive businesses that it’s now worth $5b. Your carry doesn’t go up fivefold. You could sell the company and collect your 20% commission — $800m — but you stop collecting that annual carry.
But what if you do both? Here’s how: you create a “continuation fund” — a fund that buys your old fund’s portfolio. Now you’ve got $5b under management and your carry quintuples, to $100m/year. Levine dryly notes that the FT calls this “a controversial type of transaction”:
These deals “look like a pyramid scheme” — one fund flips its assets to another fund, with the same manager running both funds. It’s a way to make the pie bigger, but to decrease the share (in both real and proportional terms) going to the pension funds and other institutional investors who backed the fund.
A PE boss is supposed to be a fiduciary, with a legal requirement to do what’s best for their investors. But when the same PE manager is the buyer and the seller, and when the sale takes place without inviting any outside bidders, how can they possibly resolve their conflict of interest?
They can’t: 42% of continuation fund deals involve a sale at a value lower than the one that the PE fund told their investors the assets were worth. Now, this may sound weird — if a PE boss wants to set a high initial value for their fund in order to maximize their carry, why would they sell its assets to the new fund at a discount?
Here’s Levine’s theory: if you’re a PE guy going back to your investors for money to put in a new fund, you’re more likely to succeed if you can show that their getting a bargain. So you raise $1b, build it up to $5b, and then tell your investors they can buy the new fund for only $3b. Sure, they can get out — and lose big. Or they can take the deal, get the new fund at a 40% discount — and the PE boss gets $60m/year for the next ten years, instead of the $20m they were getting before the continuation fund deal.
PE is devouring the productive economy and making the world’s richest people even richer. The one bright light? The FTC and DoJ Antitrust Division just published new merger guidelines that would make the PE acquire/debt-load/asset-strip model illegal:
The bad news is that some sneaky fuck just slipped a 20% FTC budget cut — $50m/year — into the new appropriations bill:
They’re scared, and they’re fighting dirty.
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I’m at San Diego Comic-Con!
Today (Jul 20) 16h: Signing, Tor Books booth #2802 (free advance copies of The Lost Cause — Nov 2023 — to the first 50 people!)
Tomorrow (Jul 21):
1030h: Wish They All Could be CA MCs, room 24ABC (panel)
12h: Signing, AA09
Sat, Jul 22 15h: The Worlds We Return To, room 23ABC (panel)
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: An old Punch editorial cartoon depicting a bank-robber sticking up a group of businesspeople and workers. He wears a bandanna emblazoned with dollar-signs and a top-hat.]
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wammyhoe · 1 year
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Whiskey in a Teacup (ongoing, 12 chapters)
Summary: Your peaceful life as a bartender halts when you meet Mello, a guy with an alluring smirk who becomes a regular at the bar. As you indulge in the excitement of getting to know him, you fail to notice the warning signals that suggest Mello is not who he pretends to be. Before long, you find yourself caught up in a dangerous conflict between Mafia families.
mafia!Au - After the Kira case, where Mello survived, but Matt didn't
Thanks to @supermarine-silvally for beta reading this and always providing feedback! You're a ray of sunshine!!
Warnings: Eventual smut/blood and violence / original characters
Chapter 1- Villain in the Rain
You meet a stranger at the bar you're currently working at. There's something mysteriously alluring in his presence.
Chapter 2- All red flags ignored
Getting to know Mello is exhilarating, yet you can't quite shake off the feeling there's something dangerous about him. On par with his frequent visits to the bar, strange things about its administration start coming to light.
Chapter 3- A Lie Between the Lines
As suspicions mount about the bar's involvement in illicit activities, you find yourself at a crossroads. Driven by a deep affection for the place you call home, you dwell between approaching the authorities or taking matters into your own hands.
Chapter 4- To Escape Blood and Violence
Life in the mafia is so harsh that sometimes the only way to save a friend is by putting a bullet through their head. Mello is cunning enough to navigate such a predicament, yet he'll have to confront all the implications tied to betraying the family.
Chapter 5- At the amusement park!
Despite each of you harboring individual concerns, you steadfastly hold onto the red lace that binds you to one another. Consequently, you embark on your first official date with Mello.
Chapter 6-Greetings and Farewells
Witnessing you interact with one of your friends, Mello erupts in a displeasing fit of jealousy, inadvertently hurting your feelings. In the aftermath of this incident, you finally take heed of your best friend's advice, recognizing that Mello may not be the right match for you. Interestingly, amid this realization, Mello undergoes a profound revelation about his own feelings for you. Sometimes, it's only when things fall apart that they can find a way back together.
Chapter 7- Fear of Love
The reader stumbles upon a significant revelation about the bar, finally unraveling its secrets. Concurrently, Mello grapples with the repercussions of his actions. In a pivotal moment, Mello's crime partner imparts powerful advice, fueling Mello's motivation to take decisive action about his feelings for you.
Chapter 8- You are the Ocean NSFWish / suggestive
Mello initiates a conversation that paves the way for a long-awaited reconciliation, establishing the groundwork and agreements on how the dynamics will function if both of you decide to be in a relationship. Something in all these conditions sets off your red alerts, yet the desire to finally feel his lips on yours quiets all the questioning in your mind.
Chapter 9- Undercity
Mello was never who he claimed to be. Things fall apart, and the scent of blood hangs heavy. You struggle to breathe, haunted by relentless pursuers.
Chapter 10- The Weight of Expectation
Following the events unfolding at the metro lines, Mello decides that the best way to keep you safe is to take you with him. Don't worry, you're not his hostage. At least, not yet. You can think of yourself as a well-cared-for guest. God, he destroyed your world, and there's no one to blame but yourself. But you're determined to make things right.
Chapter 11- A Matter of Winning or Losing NSFW
After the events on the metro lines, Mello's betrayal to the family comes to light, placing a hit on his head and stripping him of his position as New York street chief. To reclaim his title and restore order to the city's chaos, he is determined to forge new alliances. Simultaneously, he's resolute in showing you that while all degenerates may be criminals, not all criminals are degenerates.
Chapter 12 - For the dancing and the dreaming NEW CHAPTER
You soon discover that Mello has a soft side to him that you didn't think was possible. For a moment, you hesitate, questioning whether or not to continue with your plan to bring him down.
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s surprise arrival in Washington on Wednesday for a meeting with President Joe Biden and a speech before Congress has unhinged the always-seething anti-Ukraine Trumpian right, triggering a deluge of snark and grievance. For instance, after the Washington Examiner’s Byron York tut-tutted that Zelensky was about to tell Congress that U.S. aid to Ukraine so far was not enough, the former First Son weighed in with this:
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“National conservative” pundit and Newsweek opinion editor Josh Hammer, who played the “obviously Putin is a thug and Ukraine is the victim here, but . . .” game in the early days of the war, went full Putin this time around.
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To top it off, Hammer, who shares Zelensky’s Jewish heritage, also accused the Ukrainian President of being a bad Jew—unseemly under any circumstances, but all the more so considering that only a few days earlier, Hammer had been spotted at a New York Young Republicans’ Club Gala in the company of various alt-right types with, shall we say, a complicated relationship to anti-Semitism. (Among them: Rep. Marjorie “Jewish Space Lasers” Taylor Greene, the founders of the white-nationalist website VDARE, and erstwhile Jew-baiting troll Jack Posobiec.)
Hammer’s deputy op-ed editor, progressive-turned-populist Batya Ungar-Sargon (for whom, I must mention, I used to write during her stint as an editor at the Forward), at least made an effort to stay classy while making a de facto pitch for throwing Ukraine under the bus:
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That’s more than can be said for the vast majority of the “no money for Ukraine” crowd, from the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh (“Get this grifting leech out of our country please”) to Tucker Carlson, who referred to Zelensky as a “Ukrainian strip club manager”—apparently because he was dressed in a olive-drab sweatshirt—and asserted that “it may be impossible to imagine a more humiliating scenario for the greatest country on Earth.” He also insisted that Zelensky is seeking not just to “push the Russian army back to pre-invasion borders,” which even Carlson conceded “sounds reasonable,” but to topple Vladimir Putin and bring about “regime change” in Russia. After Zelensky’s speech to Congress, Carlson brought on former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the “maverick” Democrat from Hawaii, to sing along with his assertions that Zelensky was actually an autocrat muzzling critical media outlets, jailing opposition politicians, and now trying to shut down an entire church because he finds it insufficiently loyal.
(In reality, the situation involving the Moscow-affiliated branch of the Orthodox Church—one of the two Orthodox denominations in Ukraine—is massively complicated; in wartime, there are legitimate security concerns about its clergy’s reported activities in support of the invaders. However, a quote Carlson attributes to Zelensky, threatening “economic and restrictive sanctions [on] any Christian caught worshiping in unapproved ways,” does not seem to have any source other than Carlson himself.)
Then there was this from Red State commentator Brandon Morse, asserting that Zelensky has done much more damage to the United States than the January 6th rioters:
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A few other right-wing pundits, including career plagiarist-turned-conspiracy-theory-peddler Benny Johnson and Turning Point USA grifting leech Charlie Kirk, homed in on the really important stuff: Zelensky’s outfit.
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Of course Zelensky’s clothes were meant to visually convey the fact that he’s in the middle of a brutal war. When you’re just back from a visit to the front lines in an area that looks like a ghost warscape from World War I come back to life, you’ve earned the right to make that particular fashion statement—even on a visit to Washington, D.C.
But wait, is it a military outfit or a mafia one? The American Spectator’s Melissa Mackenzie has got the goods:
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I could go on and on. But perhaps this parade of indecency should come back full circle to a literal obscenity from Don Jr.: a photoshopped image that put a naked Hunter Biden next to Zelensky on the podium addressing Congress. (Warning: this tweet may be hazardous to your eyes.) It’s vile, of course. It’s also the sort of thing you post when you have no substantive way to attack someone.
* * *
The extent and purpose of U.S. military aid to Ukraine is certainly a legitimate subject for debate. Right now, there is a powerful consensus in the United States and Europe that Ukraine, for all the flaws and imperfections of its still-young democracy, is fighting for freedom against an authoritarian Goliath and that its fight is also a fight for the free world and its values.
The question of why the Trumpian populist right is so consumed with hatred for Ukraine—a hatred that clearly goes beyond concerns about U.S. spending, a very small portion of our military budget, or about the nonexistent involvement of American troops—doesn’t have a simple answer. Partly, it’s simply partisanship: If the libs are for it, we’re against it, and the more offensively the better. (And if the pre-Trump Republican establishment is also for it, then we’re even more against it.) Partly, it’s the belief that Ukrainian democracy is a Biden/Obama/Hillary Clinton/”Deep State” project, all the more suspect because it’s related to Trump’s first impeachment. Partly, it’s the “national conservative” distaste for liberalism—not only in its American progressive iteration, but in the more fundamental sense that includes conservatives like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher: the outlook based on individual freedom and personal autonomy, equality before the law, limited government, and an international order rooted in those values. Many NatCons are far more sympathetic to Russia’s crusade against secular liberalism than to Ukraine’s desire for integration into liberal, secular Europe.
Whatever the reason, the anti-Ukraine animus on the right is quite real and widespread. (When journalist Bari Weiss, who has a largely “anti-woke” following, retweeted a Hanukkah greeting from Zelensky, the responses from her followers in the thread were mostly hostile.) But right now, it also smells of desperation. Ukraine’s cause is still massively popular in the United States, with two-thirds of Americans supportive of sending money and arms. Disingenuous laments about the poor Ukrainians exploited by American and European globalists ring hollow and false when the vast majority of Ukrainians are so clearly determined to resist the invasion. And Zelensky, as the smarter among the aid opponents, like Ungar-Sargon, can see, is a genuine hero: patriotic, incredibly courageous and charismatic, and a speaker so compelling that even congressional right-wingers who initially refused to join in the standing ovations (including Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, and Andrew Clyde) finally rose up during the last portions of his speech.
There’s a nineteenth-century Russian fable called “The Elephant and the Pug” in which a pug yaps furiously at an elephant to get attention and show off how tough it is, while the elephant simply ignores it. Zelensky would obviously be the elephant in this scenario; but that would make the Zelensky haters the pugs—and that’s frankly a hideous insult to pugs.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'Caravaggio and his use of light and shadow - a lot of research has already been done into the dramatic chiaroscuro effect of his paintings and yet there is always something mysterious about his art. Tom Ripley, unscrupulous fraudster and master of transformation, is so fascinated by the Italian painter that he increasingly becomes his image and literally goes to great lengths to do so. Patricia Highsmith's crime novel "The Talented Mr. Ripley " has now become the template for the new miniseries from streaming provider Netflix. After the famous film adaptations with Alain Delon and Matt Damon in the lead roles, Andrew Scott follows in the big footsteps of his predecessors and spins a web of lies and fraud in Italy in the 1960s.
From the woman who receives a deceptively genuine reminder for her last visit to the chiropractor to the elderly man who finds out about his missed payment requests on the phone - every person, no matter how suspicious, is convinced by Ripley's gentle voice that it would be better to contact the debt collection agency immediately transfer. When the mafia itself finally offers him a lucrative deal, the meticulous forger finally drifts into dark machinations.
A playboy on the run
In front of a fantastic backdrop, Tom moves from one expensive interior to the next, enjoys the newfound luxury and makes contacts in the art world. He is increasingly drawn to church, where he loses himself in Caravaggio's play of light and shadow. For Tom, who became a murderer himself, these regular visits to God's house take on something almost reverent. He was particularly fond of the painting “Misericordia ,” the seven works of mercy. Caravaggio painted it at age 36, a year after he murdered a man in Rome and later fled to Malta and Palermo until he was caught and beaten to death in Naples . Shortly before his death, he completed one of his most famous works: David with the Head of Goliath, for which Caravaggio himself served as the model for the two faces. Over the course of the series, this motif will play a brilliantly symbolic role.
In scenes that could have been stripped of their color from a Hopper painting, “Ripley” shows the most beautiful, darkest and most enigmatic corners of the Mezzogiorno and the clever moves of a classic fictional character, known by the press in fictional southern Italy as “Playboy on the Escape” is titled.'
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jazzruinedmylife-blog · 7 months
Friday 2/23/2024
11:30 AM -- Cancer center gig. Lyle & Matt. Arms stiff. Nice day. Clear, sunny. Park on Crouse. Memories of 401 clinic. 2018.
No DD. Loafing. Bendering.
6:30 PM -- Mafia. Bistro 197. 2 Hennessy on rocks w fancy cherries. Arms stiff. Better at end.
Muskies. Anna V joins. Pilfering their food. Clam strips. Chips. One Jim Bean on rocks, splash of grenadine.
Home at midnight. No Schlem. Back to the bender. Eating haddock from earlier.
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rpmtrish · 1 year
Team Summit Motorsports Park Wins the NHRA Division 3 Team Finals!
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Thirty-two exceptional Edelbrock Super Series racers qualified to represent Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio at the North Central Division Summit Racing Series Team Finals, Sept. 13-17, 2023, at Lucas Oil Indianapolis Raceway Park in Indiana, and they all played a part in propelling the team to the 2023 Team Championship.  On Sunday, Jim Ring earned the win in Sportsman, which qualified him to race toward a World Championship at the NHRA Nevada Nationals, Oct. 26-29, 2023 at The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Additionally on Sunday, John Boes earned the runner-up finish in Super Pro and Brandon Buchanan earned the runner-up finish in High School.  In a Summit Motorsports Park sweep on Saturday, Aubrey Collins won Best Appearing in Super Pro, Matt Ball won Best Appearing in Pro, Matt Short won Best Appearing in Super Bike and Scott Chitty won Best Appearing in Sportsman.  On Friday, Madie Fenn-Yasenosky won the Super Pro Bonus Race, Matt Ball won the Pro Bonus Race and Beth Hurst was the runner-up in the Sportsman Bonus Race.  The whole team, which rocked a Quarter Mile Mafia theme all weekend, featured Edelbrock Super Pro racers Jeff Fenn, Tim McGuire, John Boes, Austin Lenz, Lisa Boes, Madie Fenn-Yasenosky, Aubrey Collins, Greg Ross and Randy Scheuer; Edelbrock Pro racers A.J. Buchanan, Brian Green, Bryan Workman, Chris Howard, John Boes, Chuck Dague, Matt Ball, David Klippel and Robert Faurot; Wiseco/Cycle Tech Super Bike racers Craig Adams, Jason Keller, Ed James, Matt Short and Scott Sheppeard and Edelbrock Sportsman Delivered on Time by TFC Transportation racers Joe Galanek, Alyssa Galanek, Derek Simon, David Widmar, James Ring, Scott Chitty, Beth Hurst, Logan Buckley and Sandy Hensley. “I am proud to say that Summit Motorsports Park has some of the very best racers in the country, and they continue to show that at every race,” said Bill Bader Jr., president of Summit Motorsports Park, who was joined by his wife, Jayme Bader, to cheer the team on all weekend. “The racers who worked hard all season long to qualify to represent America’s Racetrack at this prestigious race, and subsequently contribute to our team championship, proved what they are made of, and they deserve all of the attention and accolades they are sure to receive in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. We could not be happier, and this celebration will last a long time."  Summit Motorsports Park is at 1300 State Route 18, Norwalk, Ohio. For more information, visit summitmotorsportspark.com or call 419-668-5555. Read the full article
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youknow-igetit · 4 years
i’ve always had the headcanon that neil learns how to pole dance and dan helps teach him and i saw someone else post something similar to it (iconic of them, really) and it made me want to elaborate on my hc
some days, neil wakes up and he can’t stand looking in the mirror
he look in the mirror and despite the scars on his face and hands and the vibrant orange hoodie and the chipped nail polish on his hands, all he sees is his father’s eyes and hair and cold smile
so he usually finds himself at the gym building, blasting music in his ears and facing away from the wall of mirrors as he purposefully overworks himself so he’s too exhausted to care about the cold smile that he knows well
either that or he’s in the basement, hitting a punching bag with taped knuckles and pretending that the canvas is his father’s face, lola’s, romero’s, sometimes even his mother’s
one morning he wakes up at four with the phantom pains of hundreds of knives wracking his body
he can’t go back to sleep, so he heads to the gym and picks the lock to the basement
he’s so caught up in his own head that he walks right past the room full of punching bags and opens the door next to it
despite it being in the basement, the room has the same high ceilings as the upper floors, maybe twenty or twenty five feet
there’s no equipment that neil can see in the dark room, nothing except for the mats covering the floor and four vertical poles bolted to the floor and ceiling
he’s confused at first but then... oh
he’d obviously heard of pole dancing as a sport, he remembered seeing the words on the gym directory
but actually seeing the poles, he was kind of intrigued
but he backed out and went into the right room and ran himself down, and despite heaving on the floor, he felt like he could finally breathe
he was exhausted by the time the exy team started trickling into the main gym to do their workouts, but he honestly didn’t care about the stern talking-to kevin was attempting to administer
over the next week, inexplicably, neil’s mind kept going back to the room with the poles. he found himself watching pole dancing competition videos and tutorials and reading articles on different products that help to stay on the pole
on another one of Those Days, he finds himself purposefully breezing right past the boxing room and opening the door to the pole dancing room
he turns on the light, which is still dim, and walks nervously up to the pole in the far right corner
he’s bad at first. not as bad as he thought he’d be, but still bad. youtube isnt exactly the best coach
but he comes back the next day. and the next. and it eventually becomes a regular thing as he becomes better at it. sometimes, when his school workload isn’t heavy, he spends his free periods between classes practicing.
he never sees anyone else there, no matter what time, and he likes it that way. he gets more confident in himself, eventually ending up stripping down to just his briefs as he learns new moves
he doesn’t tell anyone about it. it’s not that he’s ashamed, but the idea of the ex-mafia kid exy player spending his free time pole dancing? it was a little embarrassing
like andrew knows in general where he is at those times but he doesn’t know/care what neil’s doing there. he guesses its just more things to do with exy
and kevin is suspicious but when is he not
but all in all no one finds out
one day it’s like three pm and he had the most annoying argument with the TA and he’s still pissed as he descends the stairs to the basement of the gym, just wanting to dance and blow off some steam
he bursts through the door and stops abruptly as the person whirls around
they both kind of just stand there for a moment before neil’s like “sorry, i was--uh, the boxing room is right next to this one and--”
“you were planning on boxing?”
“uh huh”
“in skinny jeans?” dan raised an unimpressed eyebrow
neil glanced down. he was wearing skinny jeans. “um.”
neil shifts nervously. “what are you doing here? nobody ever goes in here.”
“I was just--” dan pauses. “wait, this is where you’re going when you disappear?”
neil rubs the back of his neck. “kinda, yeah”
“kinda or definitely”
so neil tells her everything, about how he’s been going there for months and teaching himself how to dance and whatnot
dan is highkey impressed and asks him if he wants her to teach him anything
“I used to be a stripper, neil.”
“oh. right.”
“no, you’re okay. it’s just... i kind of missed it. not the stripper part, but during the day, when the club was closed and my sisters were teaching me. it didn’t feel like it was for anyone. it was for me....it was liberating.”
neil nods. “i get that”
so dan ends up joining in on his practices more often than not
at first neil’s kinda uncomfortable being so physically exposed around someone that wasn’t andrew
but he finds a weird comfort with dan, both of them in just their undergarments swinging around on poles in a big empty room with music playing out of one of their phones
dan ends up teaching neil a bunch of moves she knows, like how to bend over upside-down and spin with just thighs
“and if you twist like this, it shows off your ass”
they also end up talking a lot, about random things, but dan also tells him a lot about her stage sisters and what her high school life was like and in turn neil ends up talking a bit about his life on the run
they also end up talking a lot about their relationships, like how dan learns that andrew likes to snuggle (dan is astounded) and neil learns that matt sleeps with his socks on (neil is apalled)
some of the foxes notice that dan has joined in with neil’s disappearances and she tells them that she’s teaching him “how to be a captain for you assholes. it’s hard fucking work, i’m giving him seminars about you little shits”
but one day matt comes up to neil during practice and he’s like “hey neil can i talk to you”
and neil’s like “you’re talking to me now”
“no i mean like later”
neil’s like ?? but he agrees
after practice everyone leaves the locker room except for matt
he nervously sits down on the bench so once neil’s done he hesitantly sits next to him
“what’s up?”
matt’s acting shifty and weird and isn’t look at neil’s face
“so um, i need you to be honest with me, okay? and i know you wouldn’t do this, but i’ve been having doubts and i just--” matt sighs. “is dan cheating on me with you?”
neil is... absolutely pissed
“what the fuck?!”
“i mean, like, you guys have been disappearing off on your own and then you come back sweaty and flushed--”
“we work out together”
“but she’s always smiling and content after!”
“i literally have a partner”
“that doesn’t stop a lot of people, neil”
“don’t you remember that i don’t swing? dan’s like my sister, matt” neil is surprised when he says it and finds that he’s being truthful. “dan loves you. she’d never hurt you like that. stop selling yourself short.”
matt nods and neil leaves
the next time dan and neil practice together, the next day, dan asks him about matt and neil tells her everything
“i think he’s just paranoid that you’re leaving at the end of the year” neil spins around and hooks his ankles around the pole
“yeah... i’ll talk to him” dan sighs and wraps an arm around the pole and hoists herself up a few inches
“if you’re fine with it, he can come to our next practice”
“you’re sure?” a few weeks ago, neil had told dan how insecure he was about his scars and they both enjoyed the privacy they had at the practice room
“yeah. it’s just matt”
they twirl around for a while, soft music playing from dan’s phone, the artist singing something about being sorry that she fell in love with someone while they were in a hotel room
“what about your boy?” dan asks
“what about him?”
“does he ever doubt you?”
neil shrugs, as well as he can while upside down “we trust each other”
dan thinks for a minute. “are you going to show andrew too?” dan motions to the room with her foot. “i’m fine with it if you are”
so later that day, back at the dorm, neil turns in his bean bag and asks andrew if he wants to come to his and dan’s next practice
andrew replies with a “not particularly”
“don’t you want to see what we do?”
“not really. you don’t ask me to watch renee and i spar.”
“yeah but that’s cause it your guys’ thing. also, dan and i definitely don’t spar”
“it’s still your thing.”
“i wouldn’t ask you to come if i didn’t want you to”
andrew looked at him before saying “you’re insufferable.” neil knew that meant he’d be there
so the next day finds dan and neil leading matt and andrew down their familiar basement path
andrew shows no reaction to the poles except for a quirk in his left eyebrow (neil knows he’s very surprised)
matt, on the other hand, says “this is what you guys have been doing?”
neil nods and takes his shirt and pants off, which leads to another shocked sound out of matt and another raised eyebrow from andrew. (that’s both raised eyebrows. neil’s never done that. he takes it as an achievement. andrew’s eyes tell him not to read too much into it. neil smirks)
andrew leans up against one of the untouched poles as neil talks to matt about liquid chalk as dan takes her own clothes off
matt sits down on the edge of a mat as they start practicing. after a few minutes neil almost forgets that there are two more people in the room than usual, the only giveaway being andrew’s sharp eyes never leaving him and matt’s amazed “ooh”s and “ahh”s
after the alarm on dan’s phone beeped to tell them that their hour and a half were up, matt stood up as the two stepped away from their poles
neil started pulling on his clothes as matt went “I--um--that’s--that was--”
neil picks up his bag and starts walking toward the door, knowing that andrew’s following
“don’t fuck near my pole” he calls, and he can hear dan laugh as he shuts the door
andrew is silent all the way to the dorm
later on the roof, he asks “why?”
neil sighs. “it makes my mind quiet. suspended like that, fifteen feet in the air, the only thing that’s keeping me from falling is me. it’s not like exy, where I have to rely on my teammates. It’s... it’s finding trust in my body.” he looks down at him scarred hands, at the one interlaced with andrew’s. “also my father would never pole dance. neither would my mom. god, she’d be so pissed.”
neil smiles
“what do you think about it?” neil asked as andrew took another drag on his cigarette
“it doesn’t matter what i think”
“it matters to me.”
“I hate you.”
“mmhm. don’t i know it.”
they were quiet as they watched the sun slowly dip over the horizon
“you’re more flexible than i thought”
“what’s that supposed to mean”
“it means i liked it. you are as confident at pole dancing as you are at playing exy.”
“are you telling me that you like when i play exy?”
“shut up. yes or no?” he flicks aside his cigarette at neil’s yes
a few days later, matt apologizes to neil for his assumptions. he ends up convincing neil and dan into entering a pole dancing competition that takes place a few weeks after the championship game
they end up winning third place
(the competition was recorded and put on youtube. neil’s proud. he catches andrew watching the video more than once)
(when kevin finds out about it he practically combusts and tells neil how bad it is for his exy career and what will pro teams think blah blah blah neil doesn’t care)
after dan graduates, neil and her keep up their practices through facetime
the next year they’re able to win first place
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73v3nu9 · 4 years
Death note head cannons I have cuz why not
-Light had an emo phase and is secretly still emo lowkey.
- Misa asks for the manager
-Light plays as princess peach when he plays Mario with ryuk. 
-When Ryuk and light cuddle ,ryuk is the small spoon (This is mostly a joke)
-Matt and Mello definitely do cuddle though and Mello is the small spoon 100%
-(A bit sad) Near has survivors guilt
- Near sleeps with a bunch of stuffed animals
-Near and Halle bake cookies together(mostly Halle and near just eats it)
- Every time near gets a new toy they name them and introduces them to to the other toys .
-Near is nonbinary  
-Mello uses he/they pronouns 
-Mello has definitely knocked down nears dice/card towers to try to piss them  off.
- I don’t really see mikami having social media but if did he posts light edits.
-He’s also the type to post religious stuff and a bunch of pictures of him at the gym and his protein shakes.
-Matsuda can play guitar
-he also very afraid of the dark
-I feel like matsuda is the type to have one of those spa days and he has a face mask and the cucumbers on his eyes and everything.
-Would def do Tiktok dances and forces the task force to do it with him (especially aizawaa)
-Misa cosplays
-Misa and Rem watch those cheesy romance movies together
-Mello met the mafia at a strip club.
-Matt watches lots of porn
-Matt and Mello live together in the most messiest apartment.
-Near does not like to be touched especially their  hair but they would let someone close to him run their fingers through their hair.
-Ryuk listens to Loona 
-Near has many parties with his toys and sometimes Rester joins.
-Mello is the biggest taylor swift fan
(I dont have many L headcannons)
These are all I have for now 
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Early life and back-storyEdit
Bullseye grew up in The Bronx, where he lived with his brother and their abusive father. His brother's main form of recreation was playing with rifles, leading him to become an expert shot. When he was 10 years old, his brother started a fire in their home in an unsuccessful attempt to kill their father. Shortly thereafter, Bullseye was placed in a foster home, and became a baseball player in high school. He was an extremely talented pitcher, and was offered a scholarship, but instead opted to enter the minor leagues. After three games, he was called up to play a sold-out Major League game. He had surrendered no hits the entire game, and in the bottom of the ninth with two outs, he became bored and requested the coach pull him from the game. The coach refused, and insisted that he finish the game. The opposing team's batter mocked him, accusing him of cowardice. Bullseye threw the ball at his head, killing him. As the ball struck, he said only one word: "Bullseye". He was barred from professional baseball and convicted of manslaughter.
This is a retcon of a previous origin story, which depicts Bullseye growing up as a below average student in a trailer park with an alcoholic, physically abusive father. In this version of events, Bullseye fakes his father's suicide using a handgun set off by a toy arrow.[volume & issue needed] It is unclear how many elements of this version are actually true.
His cold demeanor and unique skills, however, meant subsequent recruitment by the National Security Agency as an assassin was inevitable, and he was soon assigned to train Contras in Nicaragua. By the time he arrived, however, he claimed to have already been planning to leave the NSA. He had planned on robbing the Contras blind and fleeing, but soon discovered they were desperately poor. Bullseye made the best of the situation: within seven hours of being informed of their poverty, he had led the Contras in seizing a landing strip that the Colombian cocaine smugglers were using as a staging area before moving on to the United States. Without use of the airfield, the smugglers were unable to send new shipments. Bullseye set up his hapless Nicaraguan translator Paolo as the leader of the new force controlling the airfield, and let the word spread around, however, Paolo was nothing but a patsy. Bullseye planned to invite several organized crime heads to the airfield to broker a new deal with him as Paolo's supposed "right hand man". He would take their money and disappear, presumably leaving Paolo to suffer the wrath of the Mafia, Russian Mafia, Yakuza, and various other criminal elements. However, before the deal could be finalized, the Punisher (Frank Castle) arrived.
Castle killed all the organized crime leaders in a fiery explosion from which Bullseye barely escaped. The two engaged in a fierce battle in which Bullseye was able to wound the Punisher and evade or disable several of his weapons. Bullseye then used some blood-reddened mud to paint a bull's-eye on his forehead, mocking Castle's inability to hit him. The fight concluded when Drug Enforcement Administration agents arrived, and the Punisher fled. Bullseye turned himself in to the D.E.A. agents and soon was assigned to infiltrate the Kingpin's criminal empire. He obtained a costume, fled yet again, and became one of the most dangerous hitmen in the world.
All of the above information is given by Bullseye during a subsequent interrogation by US intelligence. Just prior to escaping from custody, Bullseye confesses he made up some or all of his story to amuse himself; for example, he claims that he was really the one who started the fire which burned down his childhood home. The whole capture was a plan by the assassin to gain access to the prison where his father is being held. Bullseye finally gets revenge on his father, leaving him to burn as the prison's security systems torch everything inside.
Costumed criminal careerEdit
Bullseye battles (and defeats) Daredevil at a circus in order to establish his reputation as an extortionist.[10] Shortly after, Daredevil by chance overhears him in the midst of an extortion attempt and captures him.[11] Bullseye is later hired by Maxwell Glenn to kill Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson, and Daredevil interferes. Although Bullseye wins again, Daredevil escapes death,[12] and Bullseye's professional reputation is damaged as a result. Seeking to regain his credibility, he challenges Daredevil on live television, but is soundly defeated.[13]
Smarting from this even harsher blow to his reputation, Bullseye hires Eric Slaughter's gang and kidnaps the Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) to bait Daredevil into a revenge bout.[14] Daredevil defeats him again, and the despair of this repeated humiliation drives him to a mental breakdown.[15] It is later revealed that this breakdown was in part caused by a brain tumor, which begins causing migraines, paranoia and hallucinations that everyone he meets is Daredevil.[16] He escapes from prison, but is recaptured by Daredevil, and the tumor is successfully removed.[16] The tumor's symptoms quickly disappear, and defense lawyers are able to have him freed on the argument that his criminal behavior was caused solely by the brain tumor. He is hired to assassinate the Kingpin, but meets with repeated failure.[17] Inexplicably, this convinces the Kingpin to employ him as a chief assassin, but he is fired the same day he witnesses the Kingpin's humiliating defeat at Daredevil's hands.[18] Bullseye's repeated failed attempts to regain this briefly-held position became a running joke of the Daredevil series.
While in prison, he learns that the Kingpin has employed Elektra (Daredevil's former lover) as a new chief assassin. After escaping prison, Bullseye attacks and impales Elektra on her own sai. This fails to convince the Kingpin, says he'll only be rehired if he kills Daredevil.[19] Bullseye attempts to ambush Daredevil, but their battle ends with his arch-foe dropping him from atop a telephone wire. The multi-story fall breaks Bullseye's back, paralyzing him.[19]
During Bullseye's extended hospital stay following the fall, Daredevil breaks into his hospital room and forces him to participate in a two-man variation on Russian roulette. The revolver used in the game is secretly unloaded, but Daredevil has Bullseye take the even-numbered turns so that he would feel sure that the last shot is going to kill him.[20] Bullseye has repeatedly cited this incident as his greatest grudge against Daredevil.[21][22]
Japanese scientist Lord Dark Wind liberates Bullseye and has him brought to Japan, lacing his bones with adamantium and thus restoring his mobility. Lord Dark Wind did this so that Bullseye would work as an assassin in return, but in spite of this favor being done for him, Bullseye refuses to work for free.[23] He instead makes another play to regain the position of the Kingpin's chief assassin once again if he kills Daredevil, knowing he would fail.[21] Bullseye is imprisoned for several years.
Bullseye eventually escapes prison,[24] and then battles Captain America.[25] He battles Crossbones in an attempt to assassinate the Red Skull to regain his old position with the Kingpin.[26]
After encountering the amnesiac Daredevil,[27] he takes advantage of this by impersonating Daredevil and committing robberies in an attempt to destroy his nemesis's image.[28] In one of his early heists, he is caught by his mark's disillusioned trophy wife. He becomes enamored of the wife who pleads with him to be taken away by him, but he keeps the wife in his derelict hideout as his lover, attempting to flatter her by showering her with stolen money and jewelry. However, the woman comes to realize that he is mentally weak and, frightened by one of his psychotic outbursts, leaves him.[29] Gradually, Bullseye becomes so immersed in his Daredevil impersonation that he believes himself to truly be Daredevil, a confusion which the real hero takes advantage of in order to defeat him.[30]
Bullseye later has another run-in with the Punisher when he is part of Frank's frame-up scheme that ends with Bullseye getting both of his hands shot and losing a finger to the Punisher's brutality. Bullseye encounters Deadpool[31] and Gambit[32] during another long interval in which the character was seldom used.
Bullseye is hired by the villain Mysterio to attack and confuse Daredevil. In the course of their battle, Bullseye kills Karen Page (Daredevil's longtime love interest) with one of Daredevil's own billy clubs.[33]
Bullseye is recruited to steal the Identity Disc, purported to be in possession of A.I.M. and have vital information on the world's superheroes, along with Deadpool, Sabretooth, Vulture, and Juggernaut.[34]
Bullseye offers to kill Daredevil for Kingpin, later entering Daredevil's apartment and attempting to kill Milla Donovan (Daredevil's new girlfriend). Enraged and already near the breaking point, Daredevil attacks Bullseye and throws him out the window. During the fight, the hero reveals to Bullseye that he knows his real name Lester, his mother was a prostitute, and that he never knew his father.[35] He mocks the assassin's new 'Bullseye' tattoo and carves a new one over it with a rock.[36]
Bullseye seeks purported documents confirming Daredevil's secret identity. After a brutal fight with Daredevil and Elektra, Bullseye flees into open traffic where he is hit by a truck, sustaining severe injuries.[37]
Main articles: Thunderbolts (comics) and Secret Invasion
Bullseye, along with many other villains, is recruited into the Thunderbolts by Iron Man and Mister Fantastic to hunt down anti-registration superheroes in the Civil War storyline.[38] Afterwards, he is recruited by Norman Osborn into the reformed team led by Moonstone. He operates invisibly and is not seen by the public. He is used as a last resort and has a nano-chain fed into his system, so if he disobeys orders, he will receive an electrical shock.[22]
Bullseye fights American Eagle after having been deceived by Songbird and told that his nano-chain is disabled. During the fight, he simultaneously receives an electrical shock from the nano-chain in his system on order of Moonstone and is attacked by American Eagle. American Eagle beats him severely, mocking him throughout for purposely avoiding fights with superpowered foes, and finally breaks Bullseye's neck. As a result of the damage sustained from both being attacked by a man with superhuman strength and being shocked by the nano-chain, Bullseye is paralyzed, is unable to speak, and has incurred severe brain injuries.[39] Bullseye is later shown walking due to nanomechanical surgery, then goes on a killing spree using scalpels to "get some target practice in".[40] Later, he joins the Thunderbolts in their efforts to assassinate Moon Knight.[41]
Bullseye was with the Thunderbolts when they fought the Skrulls in Washington DC.[42] He took advantage of the clone of Andrea von Strucker being distracted by Moonstone to kill Andrea, and nearly killed Moonstone in the process.[43] Bullseye travels along with the other Thunderbolts to Central Park and joins the final battle against the main Skrull force. Obtaining a missile launcher from the Zeus, he fires a rocket through the Skrull Yellowjacket's right eye, thus disabling the Skrull from engaging with other heroes.[44] Osborn orders Bullseye to kill Songbird, finally giving Bullseye the chance for revenge.[45] Bullseye nearly succeeds, but is incapacitated by the Swordsman helping Songbird escape.[46]
Dark AvengersEdit
Main article: Dark Reign (comics)
As a reward for his role during the Skrull invasion, Bullseye is placed on the Dark Avengers and given the costume and codename of Hawkeye.[47]
Osborn hires Bullseye to eliminate Deadpool, from whom Norman stole data about "how to kill a Skrull queen" but Bullseye is unsuccessful.[48]
On the Dark Avengers' first mission, he kills Morgana le Fey only for the woman to return yet again with an army of demons.[49]
When the Dark Avengers fight a rogue Hulkbuster robot, "Hawkeye" disables the robot after killing its pilot. When the robot falls and killing thirty-six civilians, Osborn reprimands Bullseye for his part in the deaths, to which Bullseye demands credit for his kills. "Hawkeye" then goes out and saves a woman from being attacked by three men. He kills the men, and the woman inadvertently infuriates him by referring to Osborn as "his boss". After he kills the woman, he notices a news crew in a helicopter filming the action.[50] He silences the news crew by blowing the helicopter up.[51]
Bullseye is used to take out his old partner Deadpool. Deadpool eventually gains the upper hand and stabs Bullseye through the chest with a meathook, who later wakes up in a hospital and goes after Deadpool again. Deadpool easily avoids Bullseye's attacks, then runs Bullseye down, stopping with one of the vehicle's tires on Bullseye's leg. Bullseye pays off Deadpool (under the pretense that Osborn told him to do so) to save himself.[52]
Elektra stabs Bullseye with his own arrow.[53]
Bullseye is later given the order by Osborn to eliminate Daredevil who has been discovered leading the Hand.[54] Daredevil (who is going through the trials needed to join the Hand) and Bullseye clash. Bullseye booby-traps a building with one hundred people in it. Daredevil continues to battle Bullseye unaware that the building is rigged and that Bullseye has the detonator. When the building explodes, Bullseye escapes and leaves Daredevil to his grief, mocking that if Daredevil had chosen to kill him the people in the building might have been saved.[55]
Molecule Man turns Bullseye into a pool of water to subdue him; however as a liquid he still tries to attack Molecule Man.[56] He is restored by the Sentry.[57] He is also part of the team when they go to Manhattan to look for Noh-Varr. The Sentry finds him first but is distracted and leaves the battle later to find Noh-Varr gone.[58]
Osborn later assigns Bullseye with the duty to kill Lindy Reynolds (Sentry's wife).[59] He takes Lindy for a helicopter ride, and strangles and dumps Lindy's body in the ocean. When the Sentry questions him about Lindy's whereabouts, Bullseye claims Lindy committed suicide over the countryside by jumping out of the copter, and the Sentry flies off to find Lindy.[60]
In the aftermath of Siege, Bullseye is incarcerated and sent to the Raft. But in the process of being transferred there, he manages to kill his captors and escapes. He makes his way back to Hell's Kitchen and arrives at Shadowland, Daredevil's fortress, and is confronted by Daredevil and a legion of Hand ninjas. Bullseye is unprepared for his enemy's newfound ruthlessness as Daredevil dislocates both his shoulders and then stabs him through the heart with his own sai, in much the same way Bullseye had killed Elektra years before.[61] Later, a group of Hells Bikers put together an unauthorized funeral service (as J. Jonah Jameson had expressly forbade) for Bullseye; Ben Urich is dragged along, as well as Danny Deaver. However, Deaver continually sees visions of Bullseye; it is not clear whether or not it is Bullseye's spirit or simply part of Deaver's psychosis. Bullseye's funeral service is interrupted by Daredevil and the Hand and a massive brawl breaks out, almost killing Urich.[62] Daredevil later exhumes Bullseye's corpse, intending to resurrect him as a soldier loyal to the Hand.[63] The heroes interrupt the ceremony, preventing Bullseye's resurrection.[64]
It was later revealed that Bullseye was still barely alive as his body disappeared after the battle, but he has become an invalid due to his injuries who has to rely on a metal lung in order to survive. To get revenge, he is revealed to be the mastermind behind Klaw, Coyote, and Ikari's actions against Daredevil.[65] He is later found by the hero who defeated Ikari and Lady Bullseye. The warehouse where they were is subsequently destroyed, and Bullseye is nearly drowned in radioactive waste, leaving him scarred and blind.[66]
Bullseye would go on to have his body fully repaired by the Hand in an encounter with Elektra.[67]
During the "Secret Wars" storyline, Bullseye is among the villains attending the Kingpin's viewing party of the incursion between Earth-616 and Earth-1610.[68]
During the "Infinity Wars" storyline, Bullseye is among the villains that accompany Turk Barrett to his meeting with the Infinity Watch at Central Park.[69]
When Daredevil’s protege Blindspot was left blinded by the villain Muse, Matt Murdock put out a bounty on himself out of guilt, attracting the attention of Bullseye and several other supervillains. Daredevil beat Bullseye and then revealed that he had put the contract out in hopes of luring Bullseye, as Blindspot’s condition reminded Daredevil of the murder of Karen Page.
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heyitsjamsai · 5 years
what inspired you to make your aus? (any of them!)
oh! well...
when i first joined tumblr and saw all the amazing things that artists and writers made for the bbs, i got inspired!
the first real comic/au that i made was cym or change your mind. a high school au isn’t original and definitely isn’t new, but i love them to bits so there’s a bit of the inspiration for that!
for tfb, it originally was supposed to be some kind of mafia au? where the boys were kind of in the gta v world, and had their own little gangs, vanoss’ being one of the most feared and strongest. i swapped it for the royalty au because i wanted to draw swords and shit lmaoo
and the caretakers au, i once made a small comic strip of some of my really old ocs. one was blue, and she asked lee where babies came from. lee told blue to ask cinder, zerina, tyler, night, and finally matt, who was about to tell her where they come from when the others went to stop him. so, i took that and replaced it with the bbs boys, with lui as the kid. i liked the idea of it so much that, boom: new au
i have two new au ideas... one having more of a chance at becoming a thing, but i’m not sure yet!
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yoinkschief · 2 months
Strip/Mafia, Chapter 1 "Cover Page" + Chapter 0/Prologue "Midnite"
Chapter Art:
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ao3-feedshance · 6 years
Walk Through The Fire
by Lexi323
Words: 2094, Chapters: 1/17, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Pidge (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Matt Holt
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Lance/Lotor (Voltron), Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: mafia, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Lance (Voltron), Alpha Keith (Voltron), Alpha Shiro (Voltron), omega - Freeform, Alpha/Omega, Alpha - Freeform, beta, Mafia AU, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Café, Strippers & Strip Clubs, galra - Freeform, Alternate Universe - College/University, Falling In Love, stripper lance, Anal, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Double Anal Penetration
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/16970457
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kee-writestrashh · 6 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
Summary:  You are the wife to the Heir of the Red Kings, Ramsay Bolton. living the undercover life of a mob wife has its perks, and you love your husband. But you find out something that seems to unfold a series of unwanted events…
Chapter 33: This is why we can’t have nice things
"So?" You asked, staring at the ceiling. You didn't want to move. Everything hurt. Like you had just spent a week straight running.
"His name is Euron Greyjoy. They call him the Reaper or some stupid shit. He's a bit of a loose cannon. Does his own thing. I've got men scouring emails and phone lines to see who we can tie him to. So far nothing. No encrypted messages to any of the big names as far as my hackers can find. Maybe he is working solo. I don't know. But now I have two Greyjoy's on my list to find." Ramsay said, pulling you into him.
You rested your head on his chest and sighed. "Please don't ever make me do that again."
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head, "No? You did a wonderful job, though."
You rolled your eyes, thankful he couldn't see.
"What of those two girls?" You asked, with a grimace as you rolled your whole body closer to your husband.
"Oberyn brought them back here. Cleaned 'em up, fed 'em, let them rest. Probably ask them a few more questions and then return them to their families. Good for them. Makes their common people see them taking action against the terror. Builds more trust. More hope. Whatever. Brings in more profit and information."
You laid there listening to him talk, trying to ignore the dull ache of your muscles as he ran his hand along your back.
"When was your last tetanus shot?" He asked suddenly.
"Uh... I don't know? Been seven.. eight years? I got my last one before I started college. Mom insisted." You said, suddenly very aware of your cut foot.
"Why did they take my shoes?"
Ramsay huffed in false amusement, "to make sure you couldn't escape. Or at least not get very far."
"I hate them. I hate this game. It's so fucking violent." You sighed.
"That it is. But you're doing just fine."
"When are we going home?"
"Tomorrow night."
"Thought you loved it here?"
"I do. But I miss our bed. I miss the girls."
You laid in silence for awhile. Mini vacation had gone from wonderful and relaxing to straight exhausting and trouble. You knew better than to of thought this would of been a 'fun' trip.
"Go soak up some sun and relax, baby doll. I need to speak with the Martell brothers and get the boys ready for departure this afternoon." Ramsay finally said, getting out of bed.
You simply sighed again and rolled flat on your back, staring again at the ceiling.
You blindly watched Ramsay dress and leave before finally mustering the willpower to get up yourself.
You sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled your foot up to your knee to examine it. Ramsay must have seen to your foot when he got you back here. The cut wasn't deep or an angry red. But it still hurt, with a small, deep, annoying sting.
You gingerly put weight on your foot and found that if you spread the weight evenly it didn't hurt to stand, or walk.
You ran into Tyene as you entered the bottom floor of the house.
"Hungry? I was just about to come up and ask if you needed anything." She said, looking you over.
"Something to eat would be great." You admitted with a small smile.
Tyene grabbed your hand and led you to the kitchen and sat you at a table.
"So, what happened?" She asked, pushing a bowl of fruit toward you and setting down a glass of juice.
You shrugged, grabbing a guava and star fruit; examining them both closely.
"Not much to say."
"Mmmm." Tyene hummed, crossing her arms and examining you closely with a raised brow, clearly taking in the bruise on your cheek.
"Really. Found the men, and came back."
Tyene snorted, "Okay, (y/n). But it's not healthy to hold it all in. You'd feel better if you talked about it."
You set the fruits down and sighed, "No. I'm good. Nothing worth talking about. Beach later?"
"Sure thing. Just lemme know when you're ready. Enjoy breakfast." Tyene said, leaving you alone.
You silently ate breakfast and soon found yourself sitting on the balcony in your room. You had dressed to go to the beach, but found you were just too tired. Ypur aching body had eased a bit, but damn were you exhausted.
You stared out at the beach, watching Tyene and Matt laugh, having a good time. How could they be so damn happy and carefree? They were both in this too. Tyene used her body to make men talk and obtain information. Matt sold drugs and killed people, as of last night anyways. Both of them weren't even old enough to legally drink, and there they were, criminals and murderers, laughing and carrying on in the sand.
It made you grin, remembering when Ramsay had first introduced you to the Boys.
'Doll, these are my men. The Bastard's Boys.'
He had pulled you into his lap after you set down another round of drinks. You had been in semi-casual, and yet very serious relationship with Ramsay for five weeks. He had gone above and beyond to charm you. Never pressured you into anything. Always picked up the tab. Bought you flowers. Opened doors for you. Took you to dinner every Saturday night. And Wednesdays, for whatever reason. He seemed to like Wednesdays. He never made you feel like you had to give him anything, and it surprised you when you were the one who pulled him into the backroom of the bar and stripped your clothing. That wasn't you. But something about him had made it just so easy to be yourself.
'Oh. That's a funny name for a group.'
Ramsay had laughed and gave you a look as if you were stupid. But it had meant nothing to you. You didn't keep up with the news in the city. Mafia families and street gangs had meant nothing to you. When you continued to give him a confused, blank look he dropped the laugh, took your hand, and lead you from the bar.
'The Bastard's Boys? Do you not know us?'
'Uh, no?'
'Sweetheart, do you live under a rock? My last name is Bolton.'
'Like the gun company?'
'Yes. My father owns it. Then it will go to my brother.'
You had fixed him with a long look, trying to place all the pieces together.
'So what's that have to do with your friends?'
'Friends? They aren't my friends. I could care less about any of them. They work for me. The Rampant Lions, War Stags, Red Kings... ring any bells?'
'Oh, yeah. I remember a few years ago, when we were kids, there was some drama between a couple mafia families.... wait a minute.... are you...? You don't look like a professional criminal?'
If Ramsay had ever laughed a real, genuine laugh, it had to of been then. It was heavenly and his eyes sparkled in pure, innocent amusement. That was the moment you knew you loved him, as odd as the situation was.
'I suppose that means I am good at my job then.'
"What are you doing in here?" Ramsay asked behind you, squeezing your shoulders and bringing you back from your thoughts.
You gave a small shrug, "Just never really got around to doing anything. I'm just tired, baby."
"Still mad at me?" He asked, releasing you and leaning against the rail, crossing his arms, and looking you over.
You shrugged again, "No. I was never mad to begin with, baby."
"Do you understand why I did what I did?"
"To punish me." You said quietly, turning your gaze back out to the ocean.
"But do you know why?"
You turned your eyes to him, "Because I didn't listen."
Wow, you felt like a child after being scolded for breaking a window.
He smirked, "I put you in the situation I did for many reasons. To punish you. To show you how easy you have it. To show you the game we play. To show you that you are one of us. To show you that you are a Bolton, and not just in name. I told you, I have a lot of work left to do with you. But I meant that you are becoming a god. And now you are a step closer."
You chewed your lip, watching him. You understood him no better, but gave a nod anyways. "Was your little story last night, true?"
"What do you think?" He asked, turning his back to you and lighting a cigarette.
"I don't know. I'm torn. I want to say yes, just because I felt the anger. But I want to say no, because you hated your childhood, so why would you open those wounds?"
He turned back to you, his wicked smirk in place and gave you a wink.
You rolled your eyes and rose from the chair, stepping into him, and wrapping your arms around his middle. Again, the thought to tell him about his father's threat to you crept up and again you beat the words back down as you closed your eyes and inhaled him deeply.
"You learned your lesson?"
"Yes, daddy." You said quietly, burying your face in his shirt.
"No more urges to piss me off or push me over the edge?" He said, flicking his half smoked cigarette off the balcony.
"No. I wasn't even trying to to begin with!" You said, getting defensive.
He wrapped his arms tightly around you with a laugh.
"Get off." You huffed, struggling against him, annoyed you rose to his bait.
This only made him laugh again and tighten his grip.
"You'll hurt your child." You warned, biting him on the collar bone.
"Hush, woman." he chuckled, scooping you up and biting at your neck.
"No! The beast finally got me!" You shrieked, going limp in his arms and throwing your head back, suppressing the giggles as you tried to remain 'dead', pulling a face.
"Excuse me? It was you who bit me first!" He chortled, biting at your exposed neck again.
You grinned, letting a small moan escape you as his biting turned into sensual nips and kisses.
"Don't stop." You whispered, swallowing hard as he carried you from the balcony to the bed.
"Even if I wanted to, I couldn't." He murmured in your ear as he took your ear lobe between his teeth.
His hot breath in your ear gave you chills as you worked his shirt up over his body.
He straddled you, and pulled his shirt off as you undid his belt buckle and pants button, slowly pulling his zipper down and running your finger along his waist line.
You looked up at him and gave a mischievous grin. He raised his brows at you.
"Get off, please." You said politely, batting your lashes.
You sat up on the edge of the bed, and took him in. Half naked and ready to go.
"Belt." You said, holding your hand out.
Slowly, he slid his belt from his pants and placed it in your open palm.
You stood, applying pressure to your foot, making sure it didn't hurt too badly.
You stepped into your husband and yanked his pants down, and caught his lips in a quick kiss.
You walked to the door, and placed your hand on the knob.
"Want to play a game?" You asked, toying with the lock.
"Sure?" He said, watching you closely.
You wrenched the door open and stepped out into the hall. He looked slightly thunderstruck as confusion set in.
You grinned broadly, savoring the image of you being the one to catch him off guard.
"Tag. You're it." You shouted, running down the hall way. Belt in one hand, and your billowing dress scrunched up in the other as you quickly ran down the stairs.
You looked back as you slipped through the door to the patio, seeing an empty stairwell behind you.
You probably sounded like a maniac as you laughed gleefully, running across the patio toward the beach. You ignored the looks on the Martell's faces as you ran past.
You rounded the corner where Ramsay caught you by the hand and pulled you into him.
You lost your footing, falling into him completely, breathing hard and still laughing, slapping him with the belt before he wrestled it from you.
"Now the beast has got you." He growled huskily in your ear, grabbing you up and slinging you over his shoulder.
"Careful. The baby." You said through heavy breathing, pulling your hair to one side and shifting your weight, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"I can't believe you did that." He chuckled, holding you tightly and walking back across the patio.
"I honestly didn't expect you to catch me with your pants down." You giggled back.
"There's more than one way to skin a cat. Or get outside. Whatever country-ism would be appropriate to say." He said, nodding at the people on the patio as he walked past.
You gave a shy grin and small wave as you entered the house over Ramsay's shoulder.
You saw Myrcella lean into Trystane to whisper in his ear, both grinning broadly.
Ramsay set you down gently as he closed the door behind him.
He gave you one lust filled look before all but attacking you, as he pulled your clothes from you and pushed you into the bed.
You kissed him back, needingly and let your hands wander his body.
He pulled away from you, casting his gaze around the room.
"I find that ties work wonderfully when away from home." You whispered as if reading his mind.
"You know me too well." He smirked, crossing the room to retrieve a tie and shed his remaining clothing.
"Hurt me, daddy." You sighed, closing your eyes and relaxing into the bed as he grabbed your wrists and pulled them above your head.
"And what kind of hurt does my baby girl need?" He purred, tightening the tie around your wrists and kissing along your jaw.
"Something that shows me who I belong to." You hummed.
"How much freedom does that give me without hurting my child?" He asked, very uncharacteristically.
You scoffed, "oh now you are concerned for your child's saftey?"
You kneed him in the stomach. You heard him give a small grunt of discomfort and didn't even have the time to open your eyes before he gripped your hair painfully hard and rammed into you.
You let a hiss of pain escape you, as the burning sensation shot through you. You felt guilty for wanting to feel it again. Something about it so arousing and primal.
His grip in your hair tightened, as he brought his other hand to your bound wrists to keep you from moving as he moved forcefully in you again.
A deep moan escaped you as you tried to pull your wrists from his grip and arched you back.
"Harder baby." You panted, still struggling to get free of his grip. All you wanted was to grab at every part of him you could.
He made a noise in the back of his throat, but his next movement was soft.
You groaned in protest, "I said harder, you bastard."
"Look at me." He growled.
You opened you eyes and took in his flushed face.
"I can't, baby girl. So let me make you feel good."
"And why can't you?" You demanded, pushing your hips into his.
"I will not jeopardize my child's well being. No. Don't look at me like that." He gave you a hard look as you pouted and bat your lashes.
"Please, daddy? I want you to."
"Baby girl, I know. Believe me I know. I want to tear you up so badly... but, I promise once you have this child you will be fucked harder than you could even believe. I will make you scream and beg. And I cannot wait to hear it. But for now, relax. If you need pain, hurt me." He said gently, leaning in to kiss you.
"Ramsay Bolton. You will fuck me how I tell you to fuck me. You may be a beast. A mad dog. But I am a god, remember? I am a fucking queen." You hissed, biting his bottom lip until you tasted blood.
He moaned into your mouth, pushing his hips into yours.
You released his lip, pushing your head back into the bed, and heaving a deep sigh as you pushed your hips into his again.
Your core was burning and filling up fast with the hot tingle of your orgasm as he continued to rock his hips into yours and biting aggressively at your neck.
You found a firm, steady pace with him as you both panted and moaned out incoherent nothings.
"Baby..." You whimpered, body tense and quaking as you tried again to pull your wrists away from him.
"Shh, baby girl." He panted, arms beginning to tremble as he held himself up.
He pressed his sweaty forehead to yours, taking you bottom lip between his teeth and biting gently as your breath caught and high washed over you.
You arched your back, holding back the loud moan as you relaxed your body.
He gave a small laugh and fell into you, biting down lightly on your neck, as he met his release upon one last thrust.
You both laid there, chests clashing with one another until his weight became uncomfortable and you gave a small push.
He rolled off of you with a sigh, and you laced your fingers in his.
"Remember when you said that if I did my job you were at my command?" You spoke, toying with his hand.
"I do." He said slowly.
"I want two things." You said, pushing yourself up on your elbow and looking down at him.
"Only two?" He asked, looking up at you and bringing his hand to your face to stroke your lightly bruised cheek and lip.
"I want you to replace every pair of underwear you took from me. And, I want to kill Euron Greyjoy." You said, a bit more emotionally than you had intended.
He gave you a long look and let a grin form.
"Which one of us is the psycho again? I think I have forgotten today." He chuckled, leaning up to kiss you.
"Still you. I just want revenge." You grinned, kissing him back.
"Revenge turns into madness, baby doll." He replied.
"Then Queen of Madness, I shall be."
He smirked, "as for your damn underwear, how many annoying pieces of lace and ribbon am I buying?"
You sat up completely and shrugged, "Dunno. You're the math genius. Not me."
As you stood up Ramsay's phone rang.
You gave him a look and he sighed, "back pocket."
You snatched up his pants and pulled his phone out. You saw the name when you handed it over: Father
He frowned deeply, hit answer, speaker and dropped the phone on his chest.
"Yes, father?"
"We need to have a meeting. Tonight." Roose Bolton's voice said very curtly.
"Afraid I can't make that happen tonight." Ramsay replied, in almost a bored, unconcerned voice, biting at a nail.
You sat back on the edge of the bed, and he ran his other hand across your lower back.
"Is that so? Why not?" Roose said very dangerously.
"I'm out of the country. Brought the wife on vacation before our child is born. Won't be back until tomorrow night at the least." Ramsay said airily, still chewing on his nail.
"You will be back tonight and be straight here." Roose hissed before the line hung up.
Ramsay rolled his eyes and looked at you, "guess you better go tell your girls. I'll pack, and I guess we can catch the flight back with the Boys. Sorry baby girl."
You gave a small shrug and half smile, "it's okay baby. I'm ready to go home anyways."
You dressed comfortably and found the Martell family in a den, the two girls from the night before both with them.
They both looked very different now that they were bathed and clothed. Both very pretty with their big brown eyes, dark hair, and tanned skin.
The little girl immediately ran to you and grabbed your hand, pulling slightly for you to kneel. When you did she ran a finger over your bruised cheek and busted lip. You saw the tears well and she hugged you tightly, mumbling in words you could understand.
Obella stood behind the girl and gave you a small smile, "she says thank you. She knew the Lord would send an angel to protect her and free them. And she is sorry the White Demon hurt you and got away."
You hugged the girl back, "tell her that he will pay for what he did ten fold. I will make him suffer more than she has, and he will never hurt anyone else."
The little girl clung to you tighter and heaved a sob as Obella relayed your message.
It made you emotional.
Finally the girl released you and you stood up, clearing your throat.
"Unfortunately, work calls and we will be leaving today instead of tomorrow. I have had a wonderful time, and cannot that you enough for welcoming us here as if we were family. I will see you all back home." You said with a smile, turning to Doran, "Thank you again for everything, and I am honored to be doing buisness with this wonderful family."
"It has been our pleasure, Mrs. Bolton. I am sorry your stay has been cut short. Be safe and keep an eye on my nieces once they return." Doran said, holding out his hand.
You shook it and gave everyone else hugs as Ramsay entered with Ben, Damon, and Matt.
"I'm going to ask you ladies to keep the damn giggling to a fucking minimum. I am not drunk enough for this shit." Ramsay hissed at you and Matt, who had been laughing and carrying on for most of the flight.
You saw Ben and Damon exchange quick, sly smirks.
"Of course. Sorry baby. I just didn't know how funny the kid was." You said kindly, lacing your hand in your husband's.
"Yes. Fucking hilarious." Ramsay huffed, squeezing your hand.
"Lighten up baby. We only have like thirty minutes left."
"No. You have like thirty minutes left. I still have to go to the fucking Fort." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I can come with, if that would help?" You said, offering a smile.
"No. You will go home. Matt and Alyn will take you."
Ramsay gave you a quick kiss before he handed you the house key and pulling his helmet on.
"Do be careful. And hurry home." You said, watching Ramsay climb on his bike.
Matt helped you into Alyn's car, and took his seat beside you as Alyn climbed in the front.
"Enjoy your vacation?" Alyn asked.
"Well, as always, everything about it was... unexpected." You said with a small grin.
Alyn chuckled, "don't know how you do it, to be honest. Ramsay makes me fucking tired. Got me doing all kinds of shit. It's amazing I'm even still alive."
"I understand. How are the girls?" You said, rubbing an eye.
"Miss you both like crazy. They both tried to eat me this morning when I went to feed them. Absolute monsters they are."
"Oh come on, they aren't that bad. They're sweethearts." You said, rolling your eyes.
Alyn snorted. You glanced over at Matt who was staring blankly out the window.
Darkness was falling as Alyn parked on the curb.
You were so glad to see home and you were about to throw the car door open when Alyn stopped you.
"No. Do not. Something isn't right." Alyn said, shifting in his seat to pull his gun. "Come on, kid. Let's go."
Both Matt and Alyn crept around the back of the house. You sat in the car, watching.
Nothing looked wrong? Just a dark, empty house.
No. That was the problem. Your house was never dark. Ramsay made a point of always leaving a light on. You didn't know why. Sometimes a lamp in the living room, or the light above the sink in the kitchen.
You sat in silence, clutching your purse, suddenly wishing you had Ice Cream, but you had left it under the bed, not wanting to bring it to the doctor's office.
A few moments later you saw a light flip on and then the porch light. Matt stepped out the door looking rather sullen. He opened your door and helped you out.
"What's wrong?" You asked, pulling your coat around you to keep the cold out.
Matt shook his head, unable to say anything.
You stepped through the front door and the air left you.
Everything in your house seemed to be broken, and smelled strongly of gasoline.
But your heart shattered as you saw both your dogs dead. Both beheaded and gutted. The word BASTARD written crudely in red across the wall.
"Wha... what...?" You choked, unable to get anymore out as you pulled your phone from your purse.
Would Ramsay be able to answer? He wouldn't be at his father's yet.
"(Y/n), we need to go. We have to get you to a safe house." Alyn said, sweeping through the house.
"My dogs." You said quietly. "WHO KILLED MY DOGS?!" You shouted, voice trembling.
Anger boiled under your skin as you clenched your fists.
"(Y/n), we have to go. Whoever did this, isn't far. They didn't finish. You smell that? They're waiting to set a blaze. We have to go. Now." Alyn said, shoving your gun in your hand.
You gripped it tightly, throat tight, chest full of fire.
"Where will we go?" You asked, finally tearing your eyes away from your dogs, watching Alyn take multiple pictures with his phone.
"We will go to Ben's until Ramsay gives further instructions." Alyn said, leading both you and Matt outside and back to the car.
"Where's the Nova?" You asked.
Alyn shook his head, opening your door.
"Its trashed. As well as your Mustang, and the Jeep is at the shop. Boss asked me to bring it in this morning after feeding the dogs and letting them out." Alyn said, with a slightly sympathetic look.
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Download Alesso - Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 2) (Boom, Belgium) for free now!
Artist: Alesso Show: Alesso – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 2) (Boom, Belgium) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Electronic
Discover more Tomorrowland 2019 live sets & radioshows here
Alesso – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 2) (Boom, Belgium) Tracklist
01. Alesso – TIME (Deniz Koyu & Alesso Remix) (Intro Edit) [10:22PM]
03. Robert Miles – Children (BROHUG Remix) [PLATIPUS] w/ Calvin Harris & Alesso & Hurts vs. Avicii & Aloe Blacc – Under Control vs. SOS (Alesso Mashup) [COLUMBIA/UMG]
04. NØ SIGNE vs. Bingo Players vs. R3HAB & Deorro – High vs. Rattle (Alesso Mashup)
05. Congorock & Nom De Strip vs. Alesso ft. Matthew Koma – Minerals vs. Years (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/ULTRA]
06. Knife Party vs. Maroon 5 vs. Alesso – No Saint vs. This Summer (Alesso Mashup) [EARSTORM/INTERSCOPE]
07. DubVision & Afrojack vs. Alesso & Sirena – New Memories vs. Sweet Escape (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/WALL]
08. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl ft. Georgi Kay – In My Mind (Axwell Mix) [AXTONE] w/ Alesso & Hailee Steinfeld ft. Florida Georgia Line & Watt – Let Me Go [REPUBLIC]
09. Alesso vs. BROHUG vs. Matt Caseli & Danny Freakazoid – Gillionaire vs. Falling (Alesso Mashup) [AXTONE/REFUNE/VIRGIN EMI]
10. Axwell Λ Ingrosso & Matisse & Sadko vs. Alesso & Roy English – Dreamer vs. Cool (Alesso Mashup) [VIRGIN EMI/DEF JAM]
11. ARTY vs. Alesso & Tove Lo – Tim vs. Heroes (We Could Be) (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/ARMADA]
12. Alesso & Dirty South vs. Sebastian Ingrosso ft. Ryan Tedder – City Of Dreams vs. Calling (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/PHAZING]
13. Alesso – ID w/ Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso ft. Ryan Tedder – Calling (Lose My Mind) (Acappella) [REFUNE]
14. Alesso ft. tINI – Sad Song (Alesso Remix) [ALEFUNE]
15. Michael Woods – Bullet [DIFFUSED] w/ Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan – Silence (Acappella) [NETTWERK]
16. Alesso & Deniz Koyu & Nico & Vinz vs. Swedish House Mafia & John Martin – I Wanna Know vs. Save The World (Alesso Mashup)
17. The Chainsmokers & Coldplay & Alesso vs. Timbaland & OneRepublic – Something Just Like This vs. Apologize (Alesso Mashup)
18. Alesso vs. OneRepublic – If I Lose Myself [MOSLEY/INTERSCOPE] w/ Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash ft. John Martin – Reload (Acappella) [REFUNE]
19. Alesso ft. Conor Maynard – Remedy (Outro Edit) [UMG]
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 5 years
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Listen or download Alesso - Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 2) (Boom, Belgium) for free now!
Artist: Alesso Show: Alesso – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 2) (Boom, Belgium) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Electronic
Discover more Tomorrowland 2019 live sets & radioshows here
Alesso – Tomorrowland 2019 (Weekend 2) (Boom, Belgium) Tracklist
01. Alesso – TIME (Deniz Koyu & Alesso Remix) (Intro Edit) [10:22PM]
03. Robert Miles – Children (BROHUG Remix) [PLATIPUS] w/ Calvin Harris & Alesso & Hurts vs. Avicii & Aloe Blacc – Under Control vs. SOS (Alesso Mashup) [COLUMBIA/UMG]
04. NØ SIGNE vs. Bingo Players vs. R3HAB & Deorro – High vs. Rattle (Alesso Mashup)
05. Congorock & Nom De Strip vs. Alesso ft. Matthew Koma – Minerals vs. Years (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/ULTRA]
06. Knife Party vs. Maroon 5 vs. Alesso – No Saint vs. This Summer (Alesso Mashup) [EARSTORM/INTERSCOPE]
07. DubVision & Afrojack vs. Alesso & Sirena – New Memories vs. Sweet Escape (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/WALL]
08. Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl ft. Georgi Kay – In My Mind (Axwell Mix) [AXTONE] w/ Alesso & Hailee Steinfeld ft. Florida Georgia Line & Watt – Let Me Go [REPUBLIC]
09. Alesso vs. BROHUG vs. Matt Caseli & Danny Freakazoid – Gillionaire vs. Falling (Alesso Mashup) [AXTONE/REFUNE/VIRGIN EMI]
10. Axwell Λ Ingrosso & Matisse & Sadko vs. Alesso & Roy English – Dreamer vs. Cool (Alesso Mashup) [VIRGIN EMI/DEF JAM]
11. ARTY vs. Alesso & Tove Lo – Tim vs. Heroes (We Could Be) (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/ARMADA]
12. Alesso & Dirty South vs. Sebastian Ingrosso ft. Ryan Tedder – City Of Dreams vs. Calling (Alesso Mashup) [REFUNE/PHAZING]
13. Alesso – ID w/ Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso ft. Ryan Tedder – Calling (Lose My Mind) (Acappella) [REFUNE]
14. Alesso ft. tINI – Sad Song (Alesso Remix) [ALEFUNE]
15. Michael Woods – Bullet [DIFFUSED] w/ Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan – Silence (Acappella) [NETTWERK]
16. Alesso & Deniz Koyu & Nico & Vinz vs. Swedish House Mafia & John Martin – I Wanna Know vs. Save The World (Alesso Mashup)
17. The Chainsmokers & Coldplay & Alesso vs. Timbaland & OneRepublic – Something Just Like This vs. Apologize (Alesso Mashup)
18. Alesso vs. OneRepublic – If I Lose Myself [MOSLEY/INTERSCOPE] w/ Sebastian Ingrosso & Tommy Trash ft. John Martin – Reload (Acappella) [REFUNE]
19. Alesso ft. Conor Maynard – Remedy (Outro Edit) [UMG]
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