#edgar valden imagine
lorrainel456 · 2 years
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What Is this new sensation?
Hiya, this is my first post of writing fanfic in tumbler, I hope I don't disappoint you guys, and I hope you guys like it, and I can take in requests it's just that I may not be able to write some people, the only people I can write about are Edgar, Aesop, and Joseph only those three, anyway have a fun time reading^^
"When I mean I never want to talk about my talent, I mean I never want to talk about it," you say to the curious perfumer as she opens her mouth to protest "no means no vera.." you cut her off abruptly " y/n come on not even a little hint on why and how your talent ended up with singing?" you stare at her mentally telling her that your about to just stand up and leave, she looked at you one last time and gives up "fine I won't force you, I'll just go bother someone else then" you stare at the figure walking away from you and sigh a sigh of relief, the reason you didn't wanna tell anyone in the manner is that it's too traumatic for you to even hold the conversation without crying and shaking, you thought of how you could have been if you weren't so foolish to have fallen for an unfaithful married man, he used you and took so much money from you. You sigh and stand up walking to where there are fewer people in a room, thinking about going to the garden, you walk to the hallway that takes you to the place, marble flooring mixed with white walls with the occasional tall white pillars that seem to reach the tall ceiling full of chandeliers that use candles for lighting the beautiful hallway,
you walk a slower pace admiring the common hallway and spin around using your heel, moments like these take you back to when you felt young and free.
Finally reaching the glass door that leads to the garden, you open the door and immediately smell the fresh air and flowers, the sight of many different flowers gives a smile to your complexion as you slowly walk towards a blooming burgundy rose that has yet to bloom, you graze its delicate petals as you wonder when it will bloom.
"Can you move, I'm painting the scene and you're ruining it you loon."
You turn around to see a boy wearing a red beret and a red shawl
(I don't know if I should use a shawl or a cape so I'm going with a shawl )
You stare at them for a few seconds and start to panic, you move out of the way and go near the individual that's painting the scene before him
"I'm sorry for blocking your view but, you could at least be nicer about it" you slightly frown
"you were blocking my way, why should I need to be nicer about it when a person is wasting my precious time"
You look at the person with slight disdain plastered on your face
"wow- I seriously didn't mean to block your view, I'm sorry-" you express to the man, he stayed silent as you sit down on the grassy ground next to the stool he was sitting on and stayed quiet while watching the individual paint with the calming breeze hitting you and him.
He finishes his painting and puts down his brush and paint tray while examining the masterpiece he had just created, he lowers his head and speaks
"Edgar Valden, the painter, nice to formally meet you"
He raised his head and looked at you with a straight face as you spoke up as well
"f/n l/n, singer, it was nice meeting you as well-"
You said sarcastically with a slight smile on your face.
"Why did you stay and not leave like the others when I start being mean to you" he asks with curiosity
"that's a weird question- but uh, I guess it was pretty calming watching you work on that painting of yours, you looked so focused that I wanted to stay and watch" you say looking up at him, he looks at you with an amused face and stayed silent .
He stands up and takes his things to leave, and without a word, he just leaves you alone in the garden, the silence yet again kicking in with a sense of loneliness.
You stayed in the garden till it was night, it was calming to have enjoyed the night in the garden, but alas it's getting close to midnight and you need to rest, you had a match tomorrow that you want to persist, you walk to your room thinking about Edgar, he's not much of a talker and not used to having many companions, although he was calming to be with, and I'll have to say he does have looks ' you stop thinking about it once you got into your room, after getting ready for the night you finally lie on your bed after the stay in the garden, your eyes start to close by itself and you drift into the world of respite.
The morning sun shone through the cracks of your curtain creating a beautiful ambiance, you stir awake and sat up on your bed getting up to get ready for your match taking your bath swiftly, you decided to use one of the costumes miss nightingale gave you, it was an uncomplicated costume, though it was a bit harder to breathe in because of the tight corset.
You can choose an outfit for yourself don't worry, just make sure you imagine it with a corset~
After you have put on the attire, you simply take your items, a rose brooch for your talent and skill to be utilized, you walk out of your room and quickly stand at the lobby doors, you open them and dart your eyes to the painter you had just gotten to know of yesterday, they stopped what they were doing and glanced your way locking your eyes with his blue ones, you smiled at him as he looked away resting his head on his hand.
You finally noticed your other teammates consisting of the seer and the perfumer, you decided to sit next to eli since you already knew him a decent amount,
"Oh n/n!!" Eli calls out to you happy to let you sit next to him, you smile and continue. Your way to your chosen seat,
"hiya, Eli its been a whole day without seeing you!" you sit down as you giggle.
"same goes for you y/n. I missed you and your voice" he says as he smiles at you.
You and Eli conversed as you waited for the match to start. after the hunter was ready the match began, the map was situated at the sacred heart hospital, you run over to a cipher and started to decode it concentrating well enough to not mess up the decoding, you put in "cipher is 76% complete" in the radio and continued.
Suddenly the perfumer got hit by the hunter from across the map, your cipher almost finished but deciding to use your skill.
You sang and gave a speed boost to vera exposing your location to the hunter.
You hear from the radio a "thank you.." from the perfumer.
As your skill ran out of time you see that the perfumer was knocked out and was quickly put on a chair, you hear the seer send in "stay put im coming" taking it as a sign for me to keep on decoding.
Not long after decoding the last few ciphers only having one cipher to finish up you yet again see that the seer was also knocked out, you then hear the painter announce on the radio that the last cipher was primed and ready to let us open the exit gates, as vera was sent off you ran all the way to save the seer as the painter was opening the gate, you waited for an opportunity to help the seer to no avail, out of nowhere Edgar came up and placed a painting to distract the hunter,
You then take the advantage to free up Eli and succeeded, you and Eli ran towards the exit where Edgar was waiting with an already put-down painting just in case the hunter was close behind us, and close he was.
Joseph swung his sword at Eli and knocked him out " don't rescue me!" he says, you hesitate on running away but you did anyways
(Edgars point of view)
I wait at the exit gate with the painting already set down for the hunter to stop chasing them for a bit to provide more time to reach the exit, suddenly I see that the seer was taken down, I run towards them to help the seer only to have found out it was dangerous to try and save the seer now, I turn back and see the singer at the exit waiting when suddenly Joseph appeared behind me and hit me for the first time, y/n used her skill to speed me up and ran behind me to take the hit and fell down instantly.
"don't save me" I look at her and say "are you and idiot? You won't win the match either way!!" she stayed silent and was put in a rocket chair.
"How stupid can this individual be sacrificing themselves for a person that isn't that wounded..." he says as he ran to the exit with no choice and escapes.
(back to your point of view a few hours later)
You wake up in a beautifully well-decorated room that you don't recognize at all, you move your head to look around the room confused, and noticed the paintings scattered in it, though one caught your eye, the painting Edgar made the first time you two met, you then realized that this was his room .
The door opens revealing the man that owns the room.
"you finally woke up, you got hit pretty bad, and so did the others..." he says as he looked at you with a straight face
"oh... but why am I here in your room? Shouldn't I be in Emily's room?" you ask, he looks away as he walks toward one of his unfinished paintings and picked up his paint tray And brush,
"she didn't have any more space so i-" he cut off himself and hesitated on continuing the sentence, "i- offered to let you use my room to rest... I owe you for using your last skill on me to run to the exit and now you owe me as well so that makes us even.." he says looking to the side with a flustered expression. He then quickly turn his head around and said,
You look at him shocked at how he cared so much as your sweat dropped one by one "I uhh- sorry?" you speak not knowing what to say. He looks at you with discontent as you feel the daggers being stabbed through you by his glare.
"Listen, I don't know what to say except sorry, I didn't know that you cared this much for me.." you say looking over to the side with a slight blush appearing on the tips of your ears
"well... At least you are fine now, be careful next time," he says as he turns his head back to the painting noticing he doesn't have the motivation to, "I will don't worry" you tell him.
The room fell silent for a couple of minutes and seemed to have an awkward atmosphere so you decided to talk to him asking "so... Your talent were you born with it or did you have to practice and learn?" you ask him and he turns his head to the side and looks at you, "talents are something you're born with. Idiot " he says unimpressed as you start to panic "... I was born with it, if only I knew the only thing this can get me is people using me I would have just wanted to not have been born into my family..." he said slowly glanced down to his paintbrush on his hand.
You look at him with a caring gaze as you move closer to the edge of his bed to sit down "don't let them get to you, Edgar it's your talent don't let them use it to their advantage in life" you declared. He slowly looks at you with a disguised shocked look on his complexion. "what about your talent?" he asks you
"oh, I don't think of it as a talent, more so like a hobby," you say as he looked away from you and continues to paint his unfinished painting "you shouldn't say that y/n, your so-called 'hobby' is more of a talent you know," he speaks up "No no! It is just a hobby, I could never be able to impress anyone with this.." you spoke down to yourself and hide your growing pain "if you say that your singing is just a hobby your basically telling me that my painting is a hobby as well" he declares "your talent is beautiful y/n, you should know that," he says as he's painting.
You look at him your face red as a tomato glad he's concentrated on his canvas.
A minute passed and you decided to stand up and walk over to him, he noticed this but kept on painting. You then wrap your arms around him as you look closer at his painting noticing his hand had stopped moving "what are you doing? " he questions "just giving you a hug as a thank you, has anyone ever told you your very huggable" you say beaming "no. I've never been hugged that much.." he stated "well now you get hugs from me" you say nuzzling onto his shoulder "ah.."is all he said.
You let go of him after 3 minutes of hugging him and started to very slowly walk to the door "well then, thank you for taking care of me and letting me use your bed but i better go, I wouldn't want to disturb you any more than I already have " you say as you turn around and put your hand on the doorknob "could we meet up again in the garden sometime, I would like to paint you as well ... Y/n..." he asks. You turned your head and smiled " oh of course you can" you said, after a split second you were finally out of the room.
You blushed and sped walked to your room and closed your door, you slid your back till you sat down on the floor
You wrap your arms around your legs and hit your head on your knees multiple times "WHY DID I DO THAT-" you state to yourself
(Edgar's point of view )
She closed the door and I stopped doing whatever I did "she.." I turn red reminiscing the feeling of her hugging me "what is this feeling.." I said out loud only to want to yearn more for her touch "what is happening to me-" I put my stuff aside as I bury my face in my hands frustrated.
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 months
Hello, I am the man boob requester, I enjoyed it very much! You’ve reminded me the existence of bane, I forgot how much I loved him.
This time I would like to request something less on crack-ish; idv characters of your choice with a freakishly quiet reader who makes a small noise to announce their presence whenever they enter a room to not freak people out pls.
My cat does this and it’s the cutest thing ever..
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🎨 Edgar - "Stop doing that." He finds it weird and unnecessary. A proper excuse me would suffice. As a result, you start skipping your greetings altogether, only to discover that Edgar is surprisingly easy to spook. A few poorly-stifled heart attacks later he demands you go back to announcing yourself.
⚓ Jose lifts an inquisitive brow. "What was that, love?" When you repeat the sound, he tests it on his own tongue, as if trying to recognize the language. Then he smiles at you, snapping as it dawns on him: "Aha! But of course—modern balderdash. A beautiful language, one all the more enchanting on your sweet lips."
📣 Lily totally hijacks it. Just from the few times you make that sound, she adopts it into her daily hello's. She's much more talkative than you are, so she's usually the one that comes trotting in to visit you rather than the other way around. Guess it's hers now! At least she only uses it with you.
⛓️ Luca tends to lose himself in his work, drowning out all other sounds. It's easy to sneak up on him. He tunes out your little greeting the first few times you use it, and even now he still misses it sometimes. He starts responding with a small noise of his own to let you know he's heard you.
📍 Matthias spends a long time trying to decipher the meaning behind it. Some days he wonders if it's a signal to someone else, that he's being tracked in some way. One day he finds himself in a position where he's not sure how to catch someone's attention, and suddenly your small voice floats up in his head. All of a sudden it clicks. You won't mind him borrowing it just this once, right?
🖋️ Orpheus won't comment on it directly, but he does notice. He picks up on every little thing you do. He returns your greetings as he would anyone else, maybe giving you a nickname based on the sound, like little mouse or dove. The sound is endearing but unusual enough that he thinks about it often... You'll never get to hear his thoughts about it though.
🏈 William takes to this super quickly. For him, your quiet chirp is not so much a warning but a very welcome greeting. Whether he's working on something or mid-conversation, his face lights up like clockwork the moment he hears it. He'll glance around with a smile tugging at his lips until he spots you, where it blooms into a huge grin.
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heartshapedbubble · 1 year
HIHI!! Dunno whether the birthday reqs are full but would it be too much trouble to ask for hcs of Edgar & Andrew having a crush on the reader (basically they're both crushing on the reader at the same time)?? I'm not sure whether this counts as jealous 'n stuff but I'm really sorry if it does & you can ignore this request !! 👍👍
HII SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! i think this passes juuust underneath the line for jealous stuff so i'm up for it :]
putting a cw just in case bc andrew wants edgars ass DEAD lmao
edgar valden and andrew kreiss having a crush on the reader at the same time hcs🎨🕸
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edgar valden🎨
jealousy is not something new to edgar, in fact, he knows it very well - his crush on you was heavily toned down and controlled, him making sure you don't notice him blushing or seeking physical touch, but his jealousy is going to throw him off his rocker and cause him to be very obvious and clingy
edgar generally likes to be a bit snobbish/braggy about his paintings and skills, but when he realizes you might get with andrew instead despite his talent he's going to become very worried. his jealousy unveals his number one weakness - someone being better than him. he was always number one in both his parents' and his mentor's eyes, being their precious little wunderkind that could provide them with a masterpiece with the flick of his wrist, and now all his talent is in vain because of someone who can't even compete with him? bullshit!
he doesn't show jealousy and doesn't like to admit it, but he'll often be passive agressive and make snarky remarks here and there. the most that it will come to (after days and days of edgar questioning both himself and you) is him directly asking you what exactly do you see in the anxious, clumsy gravekeeper
to combat this and try to win you over, edgar is going to be asking you out more frequently, even better if it's right in front of andrew, secretly scribbling sketches of you when you aren't looking, asking you to pose for his paintings, even giving them out to you for free - you'd be asking yourself if this is the same edgar you knew before.
although edgar does become immature and needy during this period of time, at the end he'll have to accept the truth if the case was you picked andrew over him. but if you chose him - oh man, where could he even begin? he'll make sure he gives you the best treatment he could provide to anyone ever
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andrew kreiss🕸
andrew is such a horrendously bad liar that it's laughable. his crush on you can't even be considered a rumor spread around during the manor tea parties - it's something that the entire oletus manor claims as a fact. it even reached the hunters' side, which occassionally asks him the infamous question during the games to make him lose his balance and become a sweaty, blushing mess
when he finds out he's not the only one admiring you romantically, it awakes a flurry of mixed feelings inside of him. at first, he's hopeless, he's already dealt with collective social rejection and shame that it can't even phase him that much. but at the same time... you're not like them, are you? you treat him with such kindness and care, you couldn't possibly do that.. oh, but look at edgar! everyone admires his art, he's truly a virtuoso in the making! how could he compete against him? it's best for him to give up immediately..
oh, but wait. he could always yank him away during a match, hide his trusty shovel behind his back and....
yes, i'm being serious. andrew would 100% contemplate killing edgar. not being accustomed to any kind of social cues, it's simply the most logical solution for him - you just eliminate the obstacle. it's as easy as that. yet, is this what you'd truly desire? would he kill for you? in a moment of desperation the answer is yes, i would kill for them, but once he realizes what he's doing he's going to stop immediately, shocked by his own train of thought. he's definetly horrified of losing you, but his anxiety will make his fear sky rocket and come to such drastic conclusions.
to appeal to you he's going to become a bit more keen on initiating affection, and you might notice that the bouquets he makes for you became bigger and started arriving to your front door more frequently... he's just doing any little thing in his power, already knowing he's no match for the manor's quick-witted painter
if you choose edgar over him, he'll just take a deep breath and move on. it might be a burden to him for some time, but hey, it's not like he hasn't dealt with similar situations before. yet, if it's him you desire... he'll cling onto you for eternity, showering you with all the love he could ever give to somebody
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iouchickens · 2 months
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Luca ofc is the rat in question
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acosmicblizzard · 2 years
Hi Cosmic!! I have been looking at your work and I've liked it alot! (Ghost manor Au is my fav btw)
I haven't requested before but I'd like to request something now :D (You don't have to accept obviously:] )
I'd like to request Edgar Valden relationship headcannons....( romantic ) With a TWIST.
Edgar and reader face a fake friendly!! The survivors are up to your choice and the hunter is too. I haven't seen someone request something like this so I wanted to try!!
Putting everything aside you don't have to rush at all and take care for yourself before anything!! I wish the author a good day/night!
Hello! Thank you so much for the support, i'm very glad you like my ghost manor au series! I'll gladly accept this, sorry if it isn't up too your standards but hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Edgar and Reader against a fake friendly
Warnings: None
Story type: General hcs
Pairings/Characters: Edgar Valden - Painter x Gn!Reader, Margaretha Zelle - Female Dancer, Yidhra - Dream Witch, Demi Bourbon - Barmaid
Banner art credit: smol_kia on twitter
(possible ooc, made during school so possibly lower quality then my others works.)
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It was a normal friendly match at first, Margaretha and you were decoding while the dream witch Yidhra stood nearby. Spraying back whenever the survivors sprayed at her and emoting back when they emoted at her. She had seen almost everyone that match other then Edgar who had been keeping his distance from the hunter and had been naturally distrustful of the dream witch. He had constantly been trying to whisk you away from everyone else. In reality, he just wanted to spend alone time with you and let the others decode, maybe even paint you due to the time he had In this match.
You and Margaretha talked as you decoded, joking around and laughing at what one another said. The female dancer continued making small discussion with you until suddenly the leaches Yidhra had on both you and Margaretha moved closer. You didn't think much of it until the leach suddenly swung on Margaretha and terror shocked her, the familiar sound of bells signaling the hunter gaining their persona ability ringing all throughout the map. At first you were confused, maybe Yidhra just wanted to hold Margaretha or wanted the points for downing someone? You went to go heal her until Yidhra swapped to the leach that had connected to you and swung on you as well.
You started getting suspicious of the dream witches intentions as both you and Margaretha were leached onto again. Both of the leaches were soon left inactive as Yidhra moved to find the other two survivors with the leaches standing as guards just in case one of you got up. This was the worst time ever to not run self pickup for some extra healing personas, you weren't sure if Margaretha had it either. You heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend shout "stay put I'm coming!" From a small distance away. At least the baron of the manor gave the survivors a form of communication the hunters could not hear, in this realm this form of communication was crucial. Not a second later you heard the voice of Demi shout "The hunter is nearby!" Edgar quickened up his pace and eventually arrived to where both you and Margaretha were downed.
He didn't pay any attention to Margaretha and started healing you first. "Dummy, how could you fall for that! It's Yidhra for gods sake!" Edgar shouted out trying to cover up the concern in his voice with irritation. He was honestly a bit pissed but not exactly at you, it was more directed towards Yidhra. He was irritated and annoyed at the fact this hunter decided to try and act merciful to only backstab people later. He's had to deal with a lot of that all throughout his life due to his status but having it be done to you made his blood boil. He finds it quite pathetic such a powerful god is resorting to this to win matches. He soon got you up and both of you went to heal Margaretha as you heard Demi get downed across the map. You needed to heal quickly and get these leaches removed as soon as possible. A few seconds later the barmaid was chaired as you got Margaretha up. The second you did Yidhra swapped back to one of her leeches and immediately went for Margaretha. You attention snapped back to Edgar as you told him to go save demi as you would focus on ciphers and supporting Margarethas kite when you could.
3 ciphers later and things weren't looking any better, Margaretha died, Demi was kiting for as long as she could on last chair, and Edgar was across the map from you working on a cipher. You were hoping both you and Edgar could get a prime in time for Demi as you typed on the ciphers keys, rapidly trying to decode it. You heard Edgar's cipher pop across the map as you shouted "Priming!" Hoping that Demi wouldn't get downed before you could prime the cipher. That hopeful wish wouldn't come true though, the barmaid was soon chaired and screamed as she got shot into the sky. You sighed and continued working on the cipher, slightly relieved it was almost finished. That relief was cut short though as you heard the sound and red cloud signifying a teleport. You panicked and ran from the cipher shouting that the hunter was nearby you. Edgar quickly responded with stay put I'm coming. The painter ran as fast as he could towards where your cipher was, as much as he wanted to support your kite and whisk you away from danger he couldn't. Minutes passed before you got downed by the dream witch and as soon as you were downed the primed cipher was popped and you were back up on your feet. As long as Edgar was able to get a exit gate open this could be a tie. Edgar soon opened a gate and kept saying follow me, running towards your location with a painting on the ready. 5 minutes of stressful kiting and close calls later you two barely squeaked by with a tie.
After the match ended, Edgar whisked you away to his room. The second the door closed behind the two of you Edgar was all over you, checking for any wounds that sustained after the matches. "I can't believe that woman, a god and she does this?! Simply pathetic!" You sighed and shook your head, "It's alright Ed, the match is over now. Just relax okay?" You put your hand over his as a slight blush came to the painters face. He quickly shook this off though and soon a frown came to his face. "Are you okay though, my muse?" It was rare for Edgar to express his emotions truly through words, mostly hiding his true emotions behind irritation and stubbornness. You smiled at him, "Yes I'm okay Ed,.I promise." A slight smile came to his face as he grasped your hand harder, silently whispering under his breath "that's good.." You two stayed like that for awhile, sitting silently next to each other as time eternally passed by.
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stellari-s · 8 months
༊*·˚ 冬の深夜、凍った星が光った。
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s tella ... 🌙
( nagi! ) — welcome! ☁️
masterlist under the cut.
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she, he, they. 18↑.
i have an ao3 where i mostly post canon x canon works there!
sometimes i write ✨✨ ... i post random things when inspiration strikes! i do edits and stim boards sometimes.
my ask box and inbox is always open if you wanna chat!
may contain nsfw (tagged as nsfw) or darker contents.
this is a side blog… that’s probably a bit more active than my main one.
— requests closed .ᐟ comms open .ᐟ
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✨✨ commission info.
i do both writing and jp → en translation commissions and requests, when open. (note: for jp, although i don't have any official jlpt credentials, i'd say i'm around the n2 range. you can view samples in the link above)
please read — ☁️
into identity v, twst, and cybird ikemen series right now.
requests will always either be x reader short stories or head canons. long stories, original stories, and oc inserts are reserved only for commissions.
i do not write gendered readers unless it's for a commission. you're free to imagine reader as any gender you wish.
nsfw requests are fine, but just know i will be picky.
i don't take stim board requests at the moment ( ;∀;)
in the event requests are open, commissions will always be prioritized.
i have the right to reject any commission or request that makes me uncomfortable or if i feel i will be unable to finish for whatever reason without need for explanation.
please dm me first if you want to commission me. i do not accept requests directly through ko-fi if you choose to send money there.
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☁️ — stories & head canons.
aesop carl does your makeup.
edgar valden (tries to) comfort you.
ji-woon hak going yandere for you.
dbd killers taking care of a sick reader. (ghostface, legion, nurse, twins, mastermind)
random ithaqua head canons to cope with sparse lore updates.
hope is like ice cream. // ao3 ver.
reflections on the self.
you have a snowball fight with ithaqua in the middle of a match.
a game of tag.
an unspoken contract. // ao3 ver.
the world of a snow globe.
on warmth.
a certain reunion.
pain and desire.
a stroke of luck.
dual punishment.
a bird in a cage // bloody kisses.
christmas wishes.
dead men tell no tales.
a “fever dream”.
a promise i want to keep.
gazing at the moon.
a source of comfort.
may we never forget.
☁️ — media.
rosemary! naiad stim board.
frost! wu chang stim board.
tuberose! ripper stim board.
susie lavoie stim board.
last dance! bloody queen stim board.
far east wind! wu chang stim board.
anne halford + shall fen shall stim board.
above the high tower, a utopia.
our new october queen.
riddle rosehearts + floyd leech stim board.
twisted wonderland new years' attire 2024 icons.
ikemen series stim boards. (masterlist)
ikeseries vice and virtue mc edits & pfps.
some ikevil matching pfps ①. (william, liam, alfons, elbert, ellis)
some ikevil matching pfps ②. (harrison, jude, roger, victor)
some ikevil matching pfps ③. (elbert, alfons, ellis, jude)
some ikevil matching pfps ③². (roger, alfons)
☁️ — other.
30 day twst challenge: all days.
ikevil oc: soryn.
virtue and vice | an ikemen villains playlist.
virtue and vice | an ikemen prince playlist.
elbert greetia (ikevil) playlist.
alfons sylvatica (ikevil) playlist.
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bronze-bell · 19 days
(The letter's border is made of faint drops of red watercolor, overlapping to create clouds and shapes within the washes. The recipient is properly written on the envelope this time, practiced cursive pressed a little too hard into the paper.)
Mr. Grantz:
Ah. That's what time it is. Or, was. I understand the feeling of being pulled away from duties too well, truthfully. Maybe I'm being dragged to a match, maybe someone really wants to talk and I can't get out of the situation fast enough to avoid it. Either way, it happens somewhat often. You do not need to respond instantly. This is not a real time conversation, you do not have to treat this as such.
Good. It is a relief to hear such a thing, that you are responsible with the words you hear from others. I don't know who will try, but I am confident someone would. Thank you.
You don't need to help me, I promise you. I don't need more hands getting in the way of what I'm trying to do. I don't need to be led along like a child. Listening is more than I can ask. More than I should ask.
It is true, saying you care is a hollow thing. How often do people mean it, anyway? Whether I knew you or not, it would be the same. It is hard to imagine the difference between caring and worrying about someone right now, let alone why you would bother with either. ...you are at least tolerable. I do not need such concern. I will be okay. Thank you for not leaving me suspended listening, though.
At least you admit not knowing. That is much more than I can say for most people I have had the displeasure of meeting. I cannot tell what I am feeling. Was Frederick right? Even marks born of frustration can create textures that lead to other feelings. This painting, at least, is an escape in a way I haven't felt for a long time.
I wish you well.
Edgar Valden
This letter is on pale orange paper, with red leaves dotting the edges. The handwriting is in the same style as before, "Mr. Valden" written in the red ink of the last letter on the envelope with a practiced flourish.
[Mr. Valden:
It is now 10:20 am.
It is more out of excitement a feeling of duty that I respond rather quickly to these letters, do not worry about me. I can certainly understand the feeling of being trapped in conversation, as well, and that a letter exchange doesn't suit a lot of people's taste with the suspense of it all. I will say that I likely cannot respond to any more letters today, as I may be quite busy.
A Postman prides himself on keeping the things he knows safe from others! I certainly would not like other people looking at my own secrets.
I am glad you have things under control! You seem to know what you are doing, and I respect that. I am happy to listen to whatever you need, provided I am not busy like I am now. Rest assured, it will be listened to eventually.
I do hope you will be okay. I wish I could trust your judgement as of now. As I said, I am always happy to listen. I will leave you to your painting, you seem to be enjoying it.
I also wish you well.
Frederick mentioned again... He really needs to ask about what's going on. Perhaps he could kill two birds with one stone by meeting up, possibly feeding his hunger of loneliness again. After slipping the letter through the slot on Edgar's door, he sets off to the mailbox in the middle of the manor.
...Surely his new friends would pass through the room at some point, right?
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madam-kumo · 1 year
Identity V characters as Music
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(I did skip some because I had no idea what to do for them. Also Major spoiler warning)
Emily Dyer (doctor)
Nurses Office by Melanie Martinez.
For obvious reasons
Freddy Riley (Lawyer)
The Fine Print by The Stupendium
He mentions in his backstory that he hopes to find a better job than the "menial" job he has with a low wage.
Kreacher Pierson (Thief)
Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson
He literally steals parts from the ciphers.
Emma Woods (Gardener)
Dandelions by Ruth B.
A happy song for a happy character. (Emma is literally so cute, she deserves it)
Servais Le Roy (The magician)
Circus by Brittney Spears
Where do we find magicians? A circus...
Martha Behamfil (Coordinator)
Bang! by AJR
Martha has a gun. That's it.
Fiona Gilman (Priestess)
W.I.T.C.H by Devon Cole
I was gonna go with Dragula by Rob Zombie but that felt too aggressive for Fiona.
Tracy Reznik (Mechanic)
Puppet Boy by Devo
It has the cheerful sound to it like Tracy does but I chose this song because I love her mechanical dolls (they underrated).
Vera Nair (Perfumer)
Francis Forever by Mitski
I feel like this song sums up how Vera felt after murdering her sister.
Kevin Ayuso (Cowboy)
Country Girl by Luke Bryan
I gave him the most southern song I could physically think of.
Margaretha Zelle (Female Dancer)
Liquid Smooth by Mitski
I think this song shows how Margaretha felt and how she saw herself just before coming to the manor.
Sergei (Weeping Clown or Joker)
Cigarette duet by Princess Chelsea
This song is pretty much a nutshell of when Sergei was having problems with Margaretha and was trying to convince her to stay with him.
Aesop Carl (Embalmer)
Coraline Opening Song
If you paid attention to when the other mother is making the doll then you can see when she lays the great aunts doll on what looks like a kit of some kind then you can see that it's an embalming kit. (My favorite movie song for my main)
Norton Campbell
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off
I saw somebody use it in an edit when he attacked Orpheus and Melly so I think this song fits.
Patricia Dorval (Enchantress)
Come Little Children from the Hocus Pocus 1993 film
I always got the vibe that Patricia is very family oriented and tries to avoid social conflict when she can so a peaceful song like this literally being sung by a witch is something Patricia would enjoy. (I love this woman so much)
Mike Morton
Freak by Sub Urban
I couldn't really think of one without repeating so I decided on this one.
Demi Bourbon
Alcoholic Friends by Dresden Dolls
I think this was how she felt after her brother got the invitation to the manor.
Victor Grantz
Message man by Twenty One Pilots
I think this song fits him because I'd imagine he's very observant since he's so quiet so not a lot of people know much about him but he knows a lot about others.
Andrew Kreiss
Tears to Shed from the Corpse Bride film
The movie is about death and the song is about comparing yourself to others. Nothing else fits quite like this one does. (I can't describe how much I adore Andrew)
Luca Balsa ("Prisoner)
Welcome to the Internet- Bo Burnham
I feel like Luca matches the overall chaotic vibes this song has and he would probably explain the internet just like Burnham did (very quickly and kinda passive aggressively)
Melly Plinus (Entomologist)
Entomologist by GHOST
Need I say more
Edgar Valden (Painter)
My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstones
This song sounds happy like Edgar
Ganji Gupta (Batter)
The Sports Wii theme song
This is what he gets for beating up my poor Geisha during rank
Anne Lester (Toy Merchant)
Pogo- Living Island
A cheerful song because she deserves it (I have a soft spot for Anne mains)
Ada and Emil (Phycologist and the Patient)
Dark Red by Steve Lacy
I love their relationship so much
Orpheus (Novelist)
Satisfied by Marina and The Diamonds.
I don't know, just seems fitting.
Alice Deross (Journalist)
Ramalama (bang, bang) by Róisín Murphy
If you've ever heard this song, you know exactly why I chose this song.
Leo Beck ( Hell Ember)
We'll meet again- Vera Lynn
This song is probably something he would listen to on repeat to hope that it will help him reunite with Emma. (I'm gonna cry)
Jack (The Ripper)
Run Rabbit Run by Flanagan and Allen
I have a feeling that he's one of those killers that taunts his victims so this song fits.
Violetta (Soul Weaver)
Spider's Web by Melanie Martinez (my favorite portals song)
She's literally a giant spider. (And I love her for that)
Michiko (Geisha)
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Michiko just wanted to marry the man the man she loved but it was ripped away by her lovers father. (I wanna give my main a hug so bad)
Joseph Desaulniers (Photographer)
Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
You saw this coming, don't lie to me
Burke Lapadura (Mad Eyes)
Rainbow Factory by Glaze
He works on machines and stuff. I don't know, I'm running out of ideas.
Yidhra (Dream Witch)
Puppet Boy by Devo
This is the only song I'm repeating because it fits so well.
Robbie (The Axe Boy)
Teenage Dirt Bag by Wheatus
I feel like it matches his energy as a kid with way too much energy and mischief in his little body.
Mary (Bloody Queen)
Where's your Head at? by Basement Jaxx
You could say she lost her head....I'm done.
BonBon (Guard 26)
Blow! By Ke$ha
His ability is that he can make these explosive thingies when he chair someone.
Ann ("Disciple")
Brutus us by the Buttress
This song was the first thing that came to mind when I saw her, obviously.
Antonio Paganini (Violinist)
Sex with a Ghost by Teddy Hyde
I feel like the "woman in the mirror" could be replaced by the devil he made a deal with.
Galatea Claude (Sculptor)
Breezeblocks by Alt-J
This perfectly describes how I think Galatea felt when her statue was destroyed by her father.
Percy (Undead)
Zydrate Anatomy by Alexa PenaVega, Paris Hilton, and Terrance Zdunich
Another song I can't really explain why but it feels right.
Grace (Naiad)
Siren by Kailee Morgue
Perfect for Naiad by the title alone.
Phillipe (Wax Artist)
Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall
His backstory has always freaked me out a bit since he literally has a corpse covered in wax glued(?) to his shoulder.
Keigan Nicholas Keogh (Clerk)
The Principle by Melanie Martinez
I feel like Clerk would be the kind of person to subconsciously abuse her power like the principle does.
Alva Lorenz (Hermit)
Rat by Penelope Scott
Alva says he will never know the true answers to humanity so I feel like this song fits into that phrase.
Ithaqua (Night Watch)
Below the Surface by Griffinilla
This song was the first thing to come to mind for him so I'm gonna keep it.
Sangria (Opera Singer)
Ballad of Jane Doe from the Ride the Cyclone musical
Jane doe hits some of the highest notes in this song I've ever seen in a musical and I just feel like Sangria would really like this song.
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goldenratiod · 11 months
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@halowe inquired quietly
voice no more than whisper * a trick of hallows eve . the candle's flicker . focus on decoding ! what triviality . with three machines remaining, they'd require one with kiting potential and environmental advantages ( the mercenary's returned home, the "prisoner" bled out in a corner ... what hope does a merchant have in open terrain ? what probability exists in a painter ? ) . screech of cat / a cant of head / eyes honing in on the son of valden as he approaches . pointless . within these games, there has never been a stroke of mercy . but he cannot deny curiosity in the brazenness of this display . " painter, " he greets . " this fails to comply with your rescuer's instruction. why have you come? " // in the manor, perhaps edgar's first reunion with alva in a game?
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Perhaps if the team were different, they'd keep fighting this uphill battle.
You see no point. It is pointless pain to experience.
You take a deep breath as you find your way to the hunter. There was a ... strange feeling in you. Somehow you knew that this was not only meant to happen, but it needed to happen now. Your blue eyes, almost feeling as if the world is still spinning, staring at him. A familiar face, yet so very different from the last you recalled of the mentor that was supposedly killed. You suppose the dead returning to life would not be impossible for whatever this "game" is.
A exhaustingly boring game at this point. You were foolish to think that you'd find something here. It's just another fool with power that is playing with them all as if they are rats.
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" Alva. " Your words were sharp as you began to speak. He only calls you "painter". The title that was very easily given to you when you arrived here. Gardener, Doctor, Mercenary, Toy Merchent, "Prinsoner"... Titles. Is it to keep things less personal? To not form some sort of attachment among them all? Not that you had much interest in many of them. You paranoia makes it hard to trust any of them truly... if you aren't careful, any of them could quickly stab you in the back and leave you to leave to save their own skin. This is the sort of world you wanted to escape, yet you stepped into one worse then ever.
" Should I not have come? How would we win when this is already a losing game. Our resources are gone, our decoder unable to recover- It is I or her to confront you. " And even if you do not wish to get close to anyone- Even if you don't want anyone to be close to you... you are observant. Anne is already struggling enough. You know sending her to confront the hunter alone would only completely leave you all to be sitting ducks... and you can imagine the mental damage it would cause to be killed. Maybe you are thinking of her as if she is weak, but you had always wished someone would have taken your place when life repeatedly took everything from you and expected you to keep living as if your heart wasn't being ripped apart.
" Do you remember me? Even if you were to send me back to the manor now... I need to know. Do you remember me? "
You already feel like you are going crazy, So please remember.
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abandonedbun · 2 years
Hey Edgar simps Bun made something, enjoy!
Edgar Valden NSFW headcanons
Content info:Edgar’s a switch, lingerie is mentioned, mentions of begging, not much except for Bun being a simp for Edgar, reader is gender neutral (at least they hope they made it gender neutral-)
Make sure to give Bun some feedback! They can take some criticism since they wanna improve! :)
Little note:Bun has so much more in mind.. they’ll definitely make more headcanons like this for Edgar (╹◡╹)
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He can top and bottom! But he mainly prefers to be on top, he thinks it’s best if he takes control of this
But if he is on the bottom just know he’s either gonna be a big brat or he’s ordering you to do what pleases him
He loves you, he wouldn’t give himself to you if he didn’t, so he won’t let such intimacy be seen as something unpleasant
The two main ways he starts it is with…
French kissing and then kissing down to your neck, making sure it gets heated with the foreplay
Or he’d take your hand and guide you to the bed that’s covered with rose petals and has the scent of roses from a candle <3
When Edgar tops he goes at a slow pace at first, unless you urge him to go faster, he wouldn’t mind hearing you beg for more pleasure
He’s making sure to feel every part of you, to see and hear you nice and clearly
Though if you’re too loud.. he’d remind you to be a bit quiet so nobody can hear, and by ‘remind’ he’d most likely kiss you to muffle your noises
Unless he’s jealous that day, if he’s jealous he wants to make sure the person who got him all jealous knows that he’s the one pleasuring you, not them, him
LINGERIE! (I think this can apply to any gender?)
He’d pick out some lingerie for you, red lingerie of course
He’d bring it up with a flustered face about how he wants to see you in it for special nights
He’d make sure it’s made of soft fabric that isn’t irritating
He reallyyy likes seeing you in it, sure he’s taking it off in a few minutes but the moment is something he loves
Or maybe he loves it so much he’d fuck you in it, I mean.. he wouldn’t mind doing that to you
Bottom Edgar, we gotta get to when he’s bottoming
I’ll make two versions for bottom Edgar
Riding him, that’s how it would most likely go
Moving up and down nice and slow, seeing how red his face has gotten and how heavy his breathing is getting
Keep going at this pace if you wanna hear him tell you to go faster, he won’t beg but he will give a frustrated whine and move his hips up
Scold him for being so needy for more, it’ll just get him more flushed in the face and he might start begging for you to go faster
Next time when he tops he’s gonna be so much more teasing… be prepared…
Penetrating him! (Penetrating was the only word I know forgive me-)
Now it would take a while for him to let it happen, but when you both agree it’s amazing
Now make sure he’s fully prepared, stretch him out before you actually penetrate him
When he’s ready for it to go in put it in slowly and rub his hips gently <3
He’ll clench the bedsheets and let out a small breathy moan, when he’s fully adjusted he’ll tell you to start moving
Go slow and gentle with him at the start, then go a bit more fast and hard, not too much though!
Now in this… yeah the chances of him begging for you to go faster is a bit higher
Something he might say by yours truly
“Fuck.. s-s/o.. faster.. go f-faster already..”
He’ll try so hard to muffle his moans with the pillow, it’s honestly so cute seeing him get flustered
When you’re both tired from that make sure to check on your pillow prince! Get what he needs!
Get him water, a washcloth, and if he isn’t too tired start a bath for him!
And when you’ve been the bottom he’d make sure to take care as well, he can’t leave the one he sees as a work of art all dirty!
He’ll start a bath if you want (and probably bathe with you, he can be soft when he wants!) but if you’re both really tired he’ll wash you and himself with a washcloth and change into some new clothes, Edgar probably got them ready
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dreaminpetals · 4 years
can i request jealous edgar hcs with a g/n reader? remember to drink water !
🎨 jealous edgar hcs
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art credit
♡ it's not often that edgar gets jealous. he might feel the occasional pang of envy when you share a laugh with someone other than him, but it's rare for him to be consumed with spite and need. he knows that you're loyal which is a relief for the painter.
♡ he bottles up his envious or insecure feelings to appear above everyone else. when he cracks, it's like one million dams shattering. he has lots of pent up fury that a refined artist such as him shouldn't possess.
♡ a surefire way to tell if he's getting jealous is if he amps up the gifts he gives you. he knows his riches are unparalleled compared to even the wealthiest members of the manor, and he revels in it. prepare to be given jewellery made of raw gold, you and edgar's initials carved into the gem.
♡ what makes him jealous, anyways?
♡ seeing the lowly filth of the manor lay their hands and eyes on what's his.
♡ you're complimented often. boys and girls alike praise you for your rescuing, kiting, healing, and decoding. even hunters are known to commend you after tough games.
♡ seeing you light up with someone else's hand on your shoulder ignites a competitive spark in edgar. he feels determined to outdo anyone in his path.
♡ after a friendly hunter match, joseph asked if he could take some photographs of you. he felt a desire to immortalize your ethereality, and edgar noticed how flattered his words made you. joseph's hand snaking around your back was what caused your boyfriend to explode.
♡ gripping his easel with white knuckles, edgar tried to order you back to your room but you actually agreed to visit joseph's quarters for a modelling session.
♡ edgar had never once doubted his artistic ability until this moment. dangerous thoughts swam through his mind, like what if joseph was gentler with you and you realized that you preferred being with him? what if this was the breaking point that lead to you choosing photography over painting?
♡ this felt wrong to him. you've never before showed an ounce of unhappiness in your relationship, so why was he so frustrated over you spending time with a decrepit old man?
♡ it hit edgar like a train. he was jealous.
♡ these green feelings of envy made his stomach turn. he was going to do everything in his power to diminish his sinful thoughts and ensure you stay by his side forever.
♡ he furiously paced around your shared room as he plotted how to surprise you when you returned. the poor soul in the room under thought there was a stampede above them from how thunderous his stomps were.
♡ when you return, edgar presents you an attempted photorealistic painting of you. key word 'attempted'. it... doesn't look good. it's sloppy, tears smear the paint, and it's evident he started mere minutes before you stepped into the room.
♡ his face is contorted into one of pain.
♡ "go on, take it. i-it's much better than that fool joseph's, correct?"
♡ "joseph's? oh, he had to cancel last minute! i was working in the garden."
♡ relief. "so you weren't going to leave me?" then regret.
♡ you jolted where you stood at his venomous words. his gaze softened when you shook your head, no amount of fake smiling could hide the tears threatening to spill from edgar's eyes and the slight shake of his body.
♡ you set down the painting and held him. it was a bit of an awkward hug, so you tucked your head in the crook of his neck and encouraged him to walk to the bed.
♡ when you two were settled, you brushed a strand of hair behind his ear and kissed both of his cheeks. damp cheeks flushed from his time... crying before you arrived?
♡ normally edgar would hiss and push you off of him, but he was leaning into your touch and almost whined when you pulled away.
♡ "what are you doing, you idiot?! kiss me again." no matter how hard edgar tried to keep up his arrogant persona, you could sense how broken he was.
♡ kiss. "i won't leave you edgar," kiss. "you're so good for me," kiss. "you don't have to be jealous, okay?" kiss. "nobody compares to you." kiss. "you're perfect."
♡ those words went straight to his heart, and he burrowed his head in your chest to sleep off the headache he got.
♡ edgar never spoke of his jealous fit again. he seems a tad softer when you're in private, though. perhaps he knows that you're his soulmate so he doesn't have to keep up any sort of act around you. you'll never know.
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idv-hc-center · 3 years
I’ve been wanting to request this- *inhales* Andrew and Edgar getting their face buried into their busty fem S/O’s chest! It can be either from their S/O hugging them or from them tripping and fell onto their S/O
Man, I love boobs
okay I thought it was funny
actually, I had a lot of fun writing it, as you can see, I never progressed past middle school humor
warnings: nsfw? suggestive??? kind of?
I can see Andrew being a little clumsy
so it wasn't a surprise when he tripped and fell on you once again
But this time, his face landed perfectly on your chest
Andrew had to think for a second about what happened
and when he realized his whole face turned red
But to be honest, he didn't move for a while after that
You know he was enjoying the moment
Even if he won't admit that
After a rather long while, he finally got up, quickly apologized, and ran off
You didn't think much of it (and didn't want to embarrass him even further)
but you swiftly noticed how he started to fall over on you way more often
and somehow, his face was always landing somewhere near your chest
When you called him out on this, he wouldn't stop apologizing and begging for forgiveness
(I'm sorry my man is horny, but he can't express it in a "normal" way)
Please tell him it's okay, and he can just ask if he wants to touch them or something
I mean, he would be still too scared to ask for anything but its a step in a good direction
((damn I love whiny and submissive men))
Edgar is too good to fall on someone
so it obviously must've been from a hug
You got used to having to initiate most signs of affection in a relationship with him
So you often pulled him into a hug despite his whining
and this time was no different
But now Edgar was sitting down, and you were standing what resulted in you basically shoving his face in your chest
And this time to your surprise, you didn't hear any whining from him
when you looked down, you understood why
You moved away from him and noticed his now blushed face
He looked away, avoiding eye contact, and mumbled, "Why did you move?"
You chuckled to what he scoffed
"Don't think too highly of yourself, I've seen plenty of bodies while painting."
"Oh really? So you wouldn't mind If I did that again?"
He looked away, still flustered
"...I wouldn't."
"Great!" You pulled him into a hug once again, silencing him
Of course, he wouldn't admit how much he is enjoying this, but you can clearly see that
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mystxmomo · 4 years
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It takes two grown men to hold edgar back not because he’s strong, but because he just squirms so much
Also follow up
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floofyflowers · 3 years
Could i request a fic or general headcannons for Edgar Valdem with a usually relaxed and polite s/o who gets super flustered and shy around him? Also i hope your having a good day! 💕 sorry if my prompt isnt too detailed
thank you and i hope you're having a good day, too <3 also i'm really sorry for the wait on this and uhm i hope you don't mind that rather than being in a relationship, reader and edgar are at a mutual pining sorta stage
edgar valden and gn!reader who is usually relaxed and polite but is flustered and shy around him
cw: none
also some things, idk if it's just me, but edgar feels a ooc in this and it's not really proofread, i'm so sorry it's 6 am rn, i've been up since 4 finishing this-
A small frown was seen on his face as the painter silently watched from afar as you talked with others. Around them you seemed so relaxed and full of poise, conversing with them easily. It was just so different from how you acted when you were near him.
He always took note of how you could hardly meet his eye, how you never maintained a conversation with him for very long, how you stuttered when you spoke, rather than with the ease he saw moments ago.
He would be lying if it didn't upset him, but it did. in all honestly, he just wanted you to feel alright and comfortable enough. And, oh, has he tried to convey that to you.
Edgar isn't that dumb, he knows that you're much shyer around him than others, yet he's tried gesturing to you that it's alright and you don't have to be nervous around me through subtle actions. Sitting next to you, yet not forcing a conversation and rather just the two of you sitting in the other's presence. He'd try to coax you out of your shell, but would get nervous when you visibly got nervous too, for fear that you might leave. He even tried to be more forward about it, outright saying that there was no need to appear so nervous around him, but nothing seemed to work.
Was he doing something wrong? Inwardly sighing, he shoved the thought from his head.
Focusing on you again, he begun to formulate a plan. Maybe he needed to be more direct and forward about his advances, and maybe the two of you needed more time together! I mean, the more time you spend together, the more comfortable you get , right? Plus, this is the perfect opportunity to get to know each other better! Yeah, this'll work! Walking over to you with resolve, the painter decided he was going to furthermore break you out of your shy shell, and nothing's going to stop him.
You, on the other hand, was acutely aware of his piercing gaze and how he was making quick strides over to you. You really did adore the painter, but, god, were you a wreck around him.
Around Edgar, you never felt more different around him. You hardly felt so uptight or nervous around most others, but with him, your hands would always get a little clammy, your face tinted red when he wish you good luck before a match. As he approached you now, you could feel yourself shy away, something you wished you didn't resort to doing so quickly.
"Y/n," he begun. God, the way he said your name- "I'd like to ask you something."
Snapping out of your own thoughts, you shyly met his pretty blue eyes and responded with a meek, "yes?"
"Let me paint you."
A moment of silence passed between the two of you as you processed what he just said. Giving a quick glance to the side, he coughed and corrected himself, saying, "Uh- I meant, 'can I paint you?'"
Unable to hold you eye contact with him, the heat rose in your face as you nodded and quietly said, "Sure."
Pleased with your response, he clasped your hand (much to your slight dismay, shock, and joy) and lead you out of the room.
"We'll head to my room to pick up my things, then set up in the garden," he said, before adding with a slight pause, "I feel as if the garden is an adequate enough place that will compliment your enrapturing aura."
Growing only more flustered from his compliment, you could only nod along with him, eyes focused down on the floor as the two of you kept walking.
"You know, Mx. Y/n, you should meet one's eyes when you speak with them."
Surprised by his sudden, yet teasing statement, you looked at him, opening your mouth to apologize before he continued, in a slightly more nonchalant way.
"You never do really meet my eyes like you do with others. Nor do you really act the same around me, either. Do tell why, if I may ask? Do you not wish to be around me? Do I-"
"No, Edgar, I do wish to be around you," you stated sheepishly. "I do want to spend time with you, talk to you, I just- I, well-"
"You just what?" he asked, his eyes intently trained on yours. You could only feel yourself grow more and more red as the two of you were stopped in the middle of a hallway, him rather close to you.
You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing seemed to come out. Your mind couldn't seem to find the right words to say, so all you could offer was a small, "I don't know."
Slightly tilting his head with an inquisitive look, he turned and continued walking, stringing you along with him. As if your answer had no impact on him, he responded.
"Hm, well, it doesn't really matter. Do know, I will get you to meet my eyes when we talk one day. I will get you to seek me out and we will talk more and spend time together and you won't have to be so shy. I will admit, you do intrigue me, but we'll leave it at that."
Letting that settle in, you realized just how hard you were falling for the artist. And little did you know that he was falling little by little for you too, but you could only listen in awe as he teasingly added one last thing.
"Just do try to look up while I paint you, alright?"
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hyns-writings · 2 years
— Memories of Those Times —
“We passed by each other at first, but were brought together even so.”
A/N: Hello IDV and Edgar Valden fanbase, I’m here with a short thingy for our favorite painter. It’s nothing much, but I’m terrified of writing more…,, I hope I wrote Edgar well enough!
when we first saw each other, my hand was holding a pencil, stroking at the blank page of my sketchbook in the dark of night, illuminated by the light of the moon from the window. light footsteps caught my attention, and the focus i had on my work was diverted for a moment to the unfamiliar individual. a newcomer, to you.
you were nothing to take note of, not too different from the other residents of the manor. those were my first thoughts of you, shrugging you off as talking to you wouldn’t be any business of mine.
i still stole glances at you as your visage faded into the dark of the night. for a moment before you faded, thinking a little more that perhaps, maybe, it would be fun to try drawing you. in the moment, however, it was merely a passing thought as i resumed sketching. this encounter would simply be another forgotten memory.
however, i failed to notice that fate has tied a red thread to my finger.
we bumped into each many more times after, and we finally came to talk. the first few were ones that ended within minutes, however the others turned to be more and more meaningful as time passed for us.
you understood my artistic vision. it was pleasant to be around you. the times where we talked in the garden, sitting next to each other. i looked forward to our talks together, i looked forward to your display of your art.
the brush stroke left a trail of your color on my canvas, and my hand started to move as it always did. the multitude of colors started to form a painting, my brows furrowing in concentration.
i did not like painting portraits, but your image was what came to mind for this piece. the expression you had whenever we talked, wanting to capture it, i continued on.
as i set down my paint brush, my eyes looked upon the piece i have made. the textures of the paint showing the scenery of the garden and at its center, its focus, you.
as the rays of the afternoon sun shone down on it, i hope to meet you again soon and give this to you.
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fgooooooo · 3 years
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So I read Edgar's diaries made by the creator....
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