#edit three (subsequent to two): rjalker uses it/its pronouns now. which is something i have been recently made aware of.
werehamburglar · 3 years
The anon that sent the long message here again (with another big message too!): I didn't see that post that you said the OP was probably referring to, my bad. Still, they're being extremely aphobic (ironic, huh?) accusing a literal ace/aro person of being an aphobe, especially when looking at your blog for more than a few minutes, it's CLEAR that you are 100% pro-ace / pro-aro.
I would honestly block that person, they seem a little too... unstable? That doesn't feel like the right word because I'm genuinely not trying to insult them. Like I think they fell into the discourse crowd and went to the extremist side of "if it looks like it's supporting shitty people/statements then context is completely unnecessary, they're guilty call them out now". Which has gotten plenty of minorities bullied off of here by "allies" with discourse blogs not checking their sources or information.
They're not worth your time, or your emotions. They're a stranger in a sea of strangers. Block them, and anyone who seems to have appeared through them. Those extremists pockets aren't very big and often never have actual reach, so it'll die with their blogs whenever they grow up and mature.
Lastly -- I would contact your professor and let them know what happened with the internet being down. Especially if this is college. Practically any instructor will brush off any deduction for being little late if it was caused by something out of your control, especially if it doesn't happen often and you make sure to communicate. That's what most instructors (and people in general!) want -- just communication.
i just got to this, sorry.
1. Yeah, I... I don't know. My discourse blog is specifically for being a little shit. And if you look at the rest of the conversation that happened there (on that post), it should be very clear that that's what was happening. Contrasted with my posts on main and my more genuine posts on that blog, I don't know? I genuinely don't know. I don't get it.
2. I don't have to worry about blocking her because she has already blocked me. (She also apparently marked me red on shinigami eyes, which is... wild, because I don't know what I did that was transphobic and nobody has told me yet.)
3. I've already updated my bio to reflect what I'm going to be doing. I'm just going to be on less, for my own sanctity of mind.
4. I did tell my professor what was up, actually! God, I hope she's understanding about my connection issues. On the bright side, I'm done with this semester of college! So there's something silver in this dark cloud. I just have to clean up my dorm and move out.
5. Obviously you shouldn't, like, platform TERFs, especially on your main blog, and I'm sorry about that post I reblogged a few days ago. I should have known better, and I took it down as soon as it was pointed out to me that OP was, in fact, a TERF. But, like... me getting pissed at yet another troll blog made specifically to mock my identity isn't the same as that. Of all the things I could theoretically be called out for, this is the thing?
If anything, all this proves my fears-- that someone is watching every little move and misinterpreting everything I say as something malicious. I know myself and I know that all this is going to make me wildly paranoid and I'm already jumping to the worst possible ends (somehow this gets back to my university, they don't believe me when I defend myself, I get kicked out, someone finds me and recognizes me for what was said, etc.), so I think it really is best if I go on that semi-hiatus. (I want to say, though-- it's not someone else's fault that I'm being so up my own about all this. I'm generally a very anxious person and there's a lot happening right now, so it's making it a little harder to cope with what's happening on here.)
Also, for the record: I'll probably take this ask down when I go through and take down the other posts. Hopefully this all blows over and I can do that soon.
edit: this is the one post I'm going to keep up. i'll link it on the deleted posts log, though.
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