#edited 2nd june 23
hollowwhisperings · 2 years
Life Expectancies for Mothers of ASOIAF's POV characters: Maths of Ice & Fire.
The average lifespan for the mother of an ASOIAF POV characters is 44 years, with a secondary calculation (removing a statistical outlier amongst the group) lowering life expectancy to 38 years & 6 months.
For the purposes of these calculations, women whose exact ages can only be approximated were included as "averaged out" figures from their assumed age range.
Dates & age calculations were gathered from the Wiki of I&F, with any personal extrapolations are written out when used.
Extended Biographical calculations & speculations built thereon below cut.
Dead Mums
• Lady Lyarra Stark of Winterfell, b. ~215 AC. Died between 267 & 299 AC, aged 52~74.
• Lady Minisa Whent of Riverrun, b. [244] AC*. Died between 268–278 AC, aged 18 at minimum.
*[minisa's husband hoster, b. 238-240 AC, became lord tully in 264 AC, aged ~25. as the 1stborn son of a lord paramount, hoster was likely trothed and wed in a Timely Fashion - likely around 259 AC. minisa can thusly be assumed as being ~15 in 259 AC. all this puts minisa as being at least 24 in her earliest deathdate, especially since hoster never remarried.]
• Lady Catelyn Tully of Winterfell, b. 264/265 AC. Died in 299, aged 35-ish.
• Lyanna Stark of Winterfell died in 283 AC, aged 16.
• Queen Rhaella Targaryen, b. 245-247 AC. Died in 284 AC, aged 38-ish.
• Lady Joanna Lannister of Casterly Rock, b. 244~252 AC. Died in 273 AC, aged 21~39.
• unnamed Lady of Evenfall Hall, b. <263 AC^2. The Lady Tarth was at least 19** when she died, likely older.
**[brienne of tarth's older brother, galladon, was born between 275-277 AC. given that both be and brienne were healthy children, lady tarth was at least 15 for her first pregnancy. the earliest lady tarth could have died is in 284 AC. given that lord selwyn did not remarry, i'd assume lady tarth was older than the bare minimum age required of biology when she & Selwyn began siring heirs].
• unnamed Lady Sunderly of Pyke, b. [241~247] AC***. The mother of Balon, Euron, Victarion and Aeron Greyjoy died no earlier than 274 AC (aged 33~39), and no later than 282 AC (aged 41~47).
***[the eldest greyjoy brother, balon, was born between 255-261 AC. since his mother survived to birth 4 more sons who survived into adulthood, lady sunderly is unlikely to have been too young for her first pregnancy. aeron, the youngest of sunderly's children, was born in 269-274 AC. it is unknown when lady sunderly died but her husband, quellon, only had enough time with his next wife to father an infant or 2 before belatedly joining then dying in Robert's Rebellion: this could mean she had only died recently for quellon though i'm more inclined to believe lord greyjoy was late to remarry rather than the mother of the brothers greyjoy ceasing to exist to her family after aeron's birth].
[252 ÷ 8] = an average lifespan of 44 years.
By this calculation, rhe average life expectancy for the mother of a POV character is 44 years.
This result is less skewed by its shortest lifespan (16) bur very much by its "longest lived" dead mother (here approximated as dying at 66).
Since Lady Sunderly is a notable outlier & due to her unknown time&causr of death, a second calculation was made using the Assumption that Lady Sunderly died via childbirth at ~52 (sorry, Aeron).
The adjusted calcuation [248 ÷ 8] gives an average life expectancy of "38.5 years for mothers of ASOIAF's POV characters. This estimate seems more appropriate and, conveniently, lines up with the unlifespan of the Lady Catelyn.
38.5 years as an average does unfortunately bode poorly for the following women in the ASOIAF books:
• Lady Alannys Harlaw of Pyke, b. 254-261^4 AC. The recently widowed Lady Greyjoy is at least 39**** years old and lives with her brother Rodrik at his castle, Ten Towers. She correctly believes that her husband, King Balon, was murdered.
***[Theon's eldest brother was born between 267-274 AC, requiring Alannys to have been at least 14-16 to survive giving birth to the rest of Theon's dead older brothers, Asha, and then Theon himself.]
• Lady Melessa Florent of Horn Hill, b. [235-271]^5 AC. Lady Tarly is no younger than 30.
5. [Samwell Tarly was born in 283 AC & his mother survived to have 2 more kids]
• Lady Mellario of Norvos, b. 248~264 AC. The mother of the Princess & Princes Arianne, Quentyn, and Trystane Martell returned to Norvos due to becoming estranged with her husband, Prince Doran of Dorne. She is 36~42 years old.
• Lady Arwyn Oakheart of Old Oak, b. >260. The widow of Lord Oakheart, Lady Arwyn currently rules Old Oak and most recently pledged fealty to the Tyrells. This was and could be rather awkward for her son, Ser Arys of the Kingsguard. Lady Arwyn is at least 40.
While none of Queen Cersei Lannister's children have had POV chapters thus far, at 34 years old Cersei had best rid herself of her surviving children lest she too becomes a statistic! /j
the unnamed mothers of Sers Davos Seaworth, Barristan Selmy, and Jon Connington.
the unnamed mother of Areo Hotah.
the unknown mother of Melisandre of Asshai.
the mothers of prologue or epilogue POV characters.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
2023 Witch's Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2023 dates for the major holidays, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom. Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed. Enjoy!
WOTY Holidays and Solstices
February 1-2 - Imbolc
March 20 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
May 1 - Beltane
June 21 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer
August 1 - Lughnasadh
September 23- Autumn Equinox / Mabon
October 31 - Samhain
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 6 - Wolf Moon ♋
February 5 - Snow Moon ♌
March 7 - Worm Moon ♍
April 6 - Pink Moon ♎
May 5 - Flower Moon ♏
June 4 - Strawberry Moon ♐
July 3 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑
August 1 - Sturgeon Moon ♒
August 31 - Blue Moon ♓
September 29- Harvest Moon ♈
October 28 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon) ♉
November 27 - Frost Moon ♊
December 26 - Cold Moon ♋
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. In 2023, as in 2022, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 21 ♒
February 20 ♓
March 21 ♈
April 20 ♈
May 19 ♉
June 18 ♊
July 17 ♋
August 16 ♌
September 14 ♍
October 14 ♎
November 13 ♏
December 12 ♐
Special Events
February 20 - 2nd New Moon in lunar month
April 20 - Solar Eclipse
May 5 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
August 30 - Blue Moon
September 29 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
October 14 - Solar Eclipe (Annular)
October 28 - Lunar Eclipse (Partial)
Mercury Retrogrades (in case you need them)
Dec 29, 2022 - Jan 18, 2023
April 21 - May 14
August 23 - September 15
Dec 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024
Moon Info - Full Moon 2023
Calendar-12.com - Moon Phases 2023
Full Moonology - Full Moon Calendar 2023
Moon Calendar - Full Moons and New Moons in 2023
Yearly Horoscope - Mercury Retrograde 2023 Dates and Times
Your Zodiac Sign - 2023 Astrology Calendar
The Pagan Grimoire - The Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
EDIT: Updated Jan 6, 2023 to correct full moon signs and include additional celestial events. Enjoy!
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kpanniversary · 1 year
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Hello KinnPorsche fans!
To celebrate the 1 year anniversary of KinnPorsche: the Series, starting from the beginning of April, we’ll be hosting an event to show our appreciation for this show! There will be 14 prompts running across 14 weeks - one prompt a week, every week, beginning on April 2nd (exactly one year after the show started airing)!  
We’ve decided to do 2 sets of prompts: one with more specific prompts aimed towards graphics/gifsets, and one with looser prompts aimed towards fics, but you can pick from either list, or mix and match to your hearts content! You can participate in as many or as few prompts as you’d like, and you can, of course, make multiple gifs/edits/fics for the same prompt - the main thing is to have fun.
You can tag your creations with #kpappreciation if you’d like us to see them! We also have a KPAnniversary collection on AO3 to make fics easier to find and share. Have fun, and happy creating!
Prompt list one:
week 1 (april 2 - april 9): favourite main character(s)
week 2 (april 10 - april 16): favourite supporting character(s)
week 3 (april 17 - april 23): favourite outfit(s)
week 4 (april 24 - april 30): favourite romantic relationship(s)
week 5 (may 1st - may 7th): favourite platonic relationship(s)
week 6 (may 8th - may 14th): favourite quote(s)
week 7 (may 15th - may 21st): favourite location(s)
week 8 (may 22nd - may 28th): favourite antagonist/villain(s)
week 9 (may 29th - june 4th): favourite scene(s)
week 10 (june 5th - june 11th): weapon(s)
week 11 (june 12th - june 18th): favourite trope(s)
week 12 (june 19th - june 25th): underrated moment(s)
week 13 (june 26th - july 2nd): favourite behind the scenes/tour moment(s)
week 14 (july 3rd - july 9th): free choice! feel free to make anything you like!
Prompt list two:
week 1 (april 2 - april 9): beginning
week 2 (april 10 - april 16): phoenix
week 3 (april 17 - april 23): confession
week 4 (april 24 - april 30): power
week 5 (may 1st - may 7th): guilt
week 6 (may 8th - may 14th): growth
week 7 (may 15th - may 21st): sins
week 8 (may 22nd - may 28th): music
week 9 (may 29th - june 4th): ghost
week 10 (june 5th - june 11th): sacrifice
week 11 (june 12th - june 18th): love
week 12 (june 19th - june 25th): family
week 13 (june 26th - july 2nd): truth
week 14 (july 3rd - july 9th): free choice! feel free to make anything you like!
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hermitzine · 3 months
What is Hermitzine, anyway?
Hermitzine is a fanzine, a compilation of illustration, comics and writing based around the long running Minecraft SMP Hermitcraft, with works focusing on the creative projects, collaborations and interactions the creators on the server (aka Hermits) share with their audiences. For each edition, we (the Hermitzine mods) announce the theme we're running with this edition, open applications, and pick our roster of collaborators from the artists and writers who want to be involved. 
Once our line up of collaborators has been selected, we invite all the contributors for the zine to our discord server, and the process of making the zine pieces starts! Contributors brainstorm an idea for a piece they want to do, and run it past our mods for approval, then work on it over the course of about 2 months (to make sure people have time to put together something they're proud of without having to ignore things like sleep, school and work). Hermitzine #9 has a little bit more going on with collaboration and format, but we go through that in the application form.
What's the timeline of events for this edition?
The current schedule for Hermitzine #9 is as follows:
March 02 — Applications open at midnight GMT
March 16 — Applications close at midnight GMT
March 23 — Acceptance / Rejection emails go out
March 30 — Check in 1 (initial sketches / ideas)
April 13 — Check in 2
April 27 — Check in 3
May 11 — Check in 4
June 01 — Final pieces are due
Late June / early July — Zine is published
More questions and answers below the cut! (A lot more. Be glad we added the cut).
How do I apply?
Fill out the form (we'll be posting them very soon)! We have a writers application form and an artists application form, both will be open between the 2nd and the 16th of March.
In your application, you'll be answering a few questions and sharing 3-5 of your best pieces, to let us know what you're about as a writer and/or artist.
Then all you have to do is sit tight and wait for our email on March 23rd to find out if you're in!
Who can apply?
We have three requirements: 1) you’re 15 years or older, 2) you can speak enough English to communicate about deadlines and other important zine-related discussions, and 3) you have a Discord account, as that is how all communications with contributors will be made. A free account is fine — we don’t send files through Discord itself, so there’s no need to buy Nitro.
What do I need to do / have to apply?
For all of our applicants, we ask for a small portfolio of 3-5 pieces of your best finished work. We ask for a small portfolio to keep our views of your work focused on what you think is you at your best. These portfolio pieces don’t necessarily have to be Hermitcraft related, or even belong to a fandom. As long as it’s your personal work and you’re proud of it, we want to see it.
For writers: we ask that the 3-5 works you submit are around 3,000 words maximum, since that is the vague limit you will have to work within the zine. You can submit excerpts from longer works as long as you specify that somewhere within the application piece.
Do I need to be well-known or have a large social media following to be accepted?
Not at all. Social media following does not factor into whether or not you’re accepted. You could have one follower or one thousand — either way, we’re looking at your portfolio. You don’t even need any social media at all! We ask for social media handles in the application in case we want to check out more of your work beyond your portfolio.
What do you look for in the portfolio judging criteria?
We look for several things when judging portfolios. For artists, the list includes:
Your ability to finish zine-quality pieces (fully-rendered, backgrounds, not rushed-looking, etc)
Hard skills: composition, color theory, anatomy, perspective, shape language, etc
Comic paneling skills, if applicable
Solid illustration styles that interest us and we want to see more of
For writers, the list includes:
Your ability to finish zine-quality pieces (complete and concise work, with a full narrative if applicable)
Good grasp on writing basics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence flow, etc)
Solid writing styles / voice / characterization
Ideas and we find intriguing, interesting, or otherwise would like to see written in full
If either of these lists are daunting to you, don’t worry! We are very interested in people who are eager to try new things and push themselves as artists and writers. We’ve accepted many people before based on their apparent eagerness to improve and collaborate with others.
We also like applicants with a unique or unusual approach to artmaking. Some examples include: traditional media, 3D modeling, photo manipulation, graphic design, typography, poetry, etc. While these skills are fun to include, don’t worry — not having them won’t detract from your chance of getting accepted.
Can I apply for both an artist and a writer position?
Yes you can, but if you’re accepted, we’ll choose you for only one of the two options. For example, if you apply to both and we accept you for writing, we expect you to create a written piece for the zine only, no illustration. This decision will be revealed to you in the acceptance email you get once the application period is over.
Can I participate if I’m a traditional artist?
Absolutely! All we require is that you have a scanner in order to submit high-quality images of your work. We work around the 300dpi range, and unfortunately photos taken with phones or webcams usually aren’t high-quality enough for us to include.
How many artists / writers do you accept?
The number of participants (artists and writers combined) we accept depends on several factors — the most important of which are how many mods we have working on the zine and how much we decide we can handle. Historically, our acceptance count ranges anywhere from 35 to 75 participants, with our most recent editions hitting numbers closer to the top of that range.
How do I know my application was submitted correctly? What happens if the link to my portfolio doesn’t work?
If you don’t receive any word from us from the time you submitted your application to when the acceptance and rejection emails go out, then congratulations, your application was submitted correctly! If something is wrong with your portfolio, like if one or more of your links don’t work, we typically request access — which will then appear as an email in the inbox of whatever email is linked to the drive you shared your portfolio from. If the issue persists, you might receive a private message requesting access from one of the mods on a social media handle you included in your application. If you don’t receive an email or message from us, then everything with your application works.
Do you guys send rejection emails?
We do. If you apply to Hermitzine, you’re going to receive an email from us regardless of whether you’re accepted or rejected. If you’re rejected, we give you the opportunity to ask for feedback with your portfolio.
I applied but never got an email. What’s going on?
If you haven’t received an email even though we’ve announced they’ve been sent out on our social media accounts, please check your spam folder to see if it accidentally went there. This has happened a lot in the past!
If I’ve been rejected from an edition of Hermitzine, does that mean I can never apply again?
Absolutely not! You can apply to any edition of Hermitzine you’d like, from now until forever, regardless of the results of previous applications. We love seeing friendly names show up in applications!
Do people who have participated in prior editions of Hermitzine have a higher chance of getting accepted to the newest edition?
No. Applicants who’ve participated in previous editions have the exact same chances at getting into the newest edition than any other participant.
What content is allowed in Hermitzine?
Requirements for a piece are only to feature Hermitcraft and/or the Hermits primarily, follow the theme, be SFW and not have any shipping content. That means that crossover content (ex: the Empires crossover) and hermit-adjacent people can be included, and that pieces can be about content from any season of Hermitcraft.
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bigfrozenfan · 5 months
The History of Arendelle: A FROZEN Timeline
The History of Arendelle is much more than just a recap of Frozen I & II. In this video timeline we'll dive deep into Frozen lore that spans novels, comics, podcasts, and more! This video is made in close association with the Arendelle Archives, a group of Frozen superfans who've mapped out the lore and history very well. Find links to download some of their resources below! This video is also made in collaboration with ModernMouse and Josh Taylor plays a new in-universe Frozen character, named Josh Taylorson, a Royal Historian of Arendelle.
TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Introduction 1:44 ch. i - How the Timeline Works 4:30 ch. ii - The 1790s: Arendelle's Grand Reinvention 6:23 ch. iii - April 1812: The Battle of the Dam 7:51 ch. iv - 1812-1840: Dangerous Secrets - The Story of Iduna and Agnarr 11:03 ch. v - 1830-1840: Arendelle's Dark Years 14:05 ch. vi - July 1843: Frozen 17:19 ch. vii - July 1843: Once Upon a Snowman 17:39 ch. viii - December 1843: Olaf's Frozen Adventure 18:49 ch. ix - June 1844: Frozen Fever 19:54 ch. x - 1846: The Joe Caramagna Graphic Novels 22:21 ch. xi - September 1846: Forest of Shadows 24:24 ch. xii - September/October 1846: Frozen II 27:44 ch. xiii - December 1846: Polar Nights - Cast Into Darkness 29:17 ch. xiv - Spring 1847: Forces of Nature - Season One 30:44 Conclusion
ARENDELLE ARCHIVES RESOURCES: Annals of Frozen 2nd Edition The FrozenVerse - A List of All Official and Licensed Works Frozen Canon Talk 4th Edition Maps & Geography Anna and Elsa’s Lost Family Members
Download a high-quality PNG of the Frozen Timeline on Patreon
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Always under construction!! The arts used are mentioned in each post. The same goes for references that I'm only using for that post. Template // Art
[1] TOMPKINS, Sue. Aspects in Astrology: A guide to understanding planetary relationships in the horoscope. One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 057067: Destiny Books, 2002.
[2] RIBEIRO, Anna Maria da Costa. Sinastria: Estudo dos Relacionamentos Teoria e Prática. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Hipocampo Editora e Distribuidora Ltda., 1989.
[3] ABDUL-KHALIQ, Ajani. Hayden’s Book of Synastry: A Complete Guide to Two-Chart Astrology, Composite Charts, and How to Interpret Them. 13 junho 2017.
[4] LEWIS, James R. The Astrology Book: The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences. Canton, MI: Visible Ink Press™, 2003.
[5] WOOLFOLK, Joanna Martine. The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Lanham, Maryland: Taylor Trade Publishing, 2006.
[6]NICHOLAS, Chani. You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2020.
[7] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volume 1: Introduction. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[8] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 2: Planets in Signs. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[9] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 3: Planets in Houses. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[10] GARGATHOLIL. Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook: Volume 4: Planets in Aspect. Smashwords Edition, 2014.
[11] REED, Theresa. Astrology for Real Life: A Workbook for Beginner. Newburyport, MA: Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, 2019.
[12] LISBOA, Claudia. Os astros sempre nos acompanham (Edição revista e ampliada): Um manual de astrologia contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro: Best Seller, 2021.
[13] ORION, Rae. Astrology For Dummies, 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ; Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007.
[14] DEVORE, Nicholas. Encyclopedia of Astrology. New York: The Philosophical Library, June 1947.
[28 ]MARCH, Marion D.; McEVERS, Joan. Curso Básico de Astrologia: VOLUME I - Princípios Fundamentais. Tradução de CARMEM YOUSSEF. São Paulo: EDITORA PENSAMENTO LTDA., 1999.
[15] SERVANTOFTHEFATES. Disponível em: https://servantofthefates.tumblr.com/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[16] LINHA ASTRAL - ASTROLOGIA: Seu site de Pesquisa Astrológica. Disponível em: https://linha-astral.com.br/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[17] Astromatrix. Disponível em: https://astromatrix.org/. Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[18] Astrolibrary.  Disponível em: https://astrolibrary.org/  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[19] Cafe Astrology.  Disponível em: https://cafeastrology.com/.  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[20] Astrologia na era de aquário, astrologia e estudos astrológicos. Disponível em: http://astrologiaeradeaquario.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[21] Astrology and Numerology Study. Disponível em:https://astrologystudy.blogspot.com/ .  Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[22] Astrologia Luz e Sombra. Disponível em: https://astrologialuzesombra.com.br/ . Acesso em: 29 de mar. de 2023.
[33] Astrolink. Disponível em: https://www.astrolink.com.br/artigo/a-historia-da-astrologia. Acesso em: 25 de maio de 2023.
[23] Marcelo Levi. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@oimarcelolevi  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia  . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[25] Encontros Astrológicos: Débora Mechica. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@encontrosastrologicos. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[26] Lais Casttelo Academia Astrologia. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@laiscasttelo . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
[27] Marcia Fervienza Astróloga+. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@MarciaFervienza . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Astrologia Autêntica - finished
Astrologia Nível 1 - Iniciação by Astronalia - coursing
Gaia Astrologia
BLOCO FUNDAMENTAL (fase 1) - finished
BLOCO FUNDAMENTAL (fase 2) - coursing
[29] minikyuns on deviantart
[30] Iapetite on deviantart
[31] wildfireresources on deviantart
[32] sorberts on tumblr
[34] sparklypalace on deviantart
[35] soudwronf on deviantart
[36] v6que on tumblr
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Current Drafts
Edited: 6/3/24
{Purple Warnings} means what it says in purple, a request is being held off, usually due to me lacking enough knowledge to do them at the time (Need to catch up on shows for example) or I have no plot planned. They will be written when I catch up enough to write them or think of a plot (Sorry in advance).
[Author's Idea] is just things I personally wanted to do, not requested. As a result it is unaffected by requests.
Color Coding
Pink = March 2nd Requests (6)
Red = March 16th (405)
Orange = Loosely Closed Section (135)
Please be patient with me 💜
- June 4th -
Yandere! Lord's Blade Ciaran Concept
Yandere! Jolyne Cujoh Concept
Faltering - Yandere! Izuku Midoriya Short
- June 5th -
Yandere! Aemond Targaryen Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Bendy Prompt 59
Yandere Alphabet - Princess Cadance
- June 6th -
Yandere! Mei with Childhood Friend! Darling
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 5, 14, 26
Yandere! Geto Suguru with Sorcerer! Darling
- June 7th -
Yandere! Trixie Lulamoon Concept
Yandere! Azure Lion with Celestial Maiden! Darling Prompt
Yandere! Yuta Okkotsu with Childhood Friend! Darling
- June 8th -
Yandere! Itadori/Sukuna Kidnapping Darling
Yandere! Nobara Kugisaki vs Yuji Itadori
Yandere! Satoru Gojo with Affectionate! Darling
- June 9th -
Yandere! Princess Cadance Concept
Yandere! Alastor with Demon! Darling
Yandere! Naoya Zen'in with Female! Sorcerer! Darling
- June 10th -
Push Me Away - Yandere Blitzø Short
Yandere! Soldier 76 Prompt 23
Yandere! Junker Queen vs Yandere! Roadhog/Junkrat
Yandere! Deadlock! Cole Cassidy Concept
Yandere! Sherlock Holmes! Cassidy Concept
Yandere! Mirrorwatch! Reinhardt Concept
Yandere! Blackwatch! Gabriel Reyes Concept
Yandere! Heartbreaker! Reaper Concept
Yandere! Cole Cassidy Prompt 40
Yandere! Mauga with Overwatch! Darling
Cult of The Lamb
Conversion - Yandere! Chemach Scenario
Yandere! Narinder with Lamb! Darling
Yandere! Follower! Narinder with Darling who likes The Lamb
Back From Death's Claws - Yandere! The Lamb Short
Yandere! The Lamb Prompts 16 + 17
Yandere! Narinder Prompts 51, 58, 59
Yandere! Platonic! The Lamb vs TOWW 
Yandere Alphabet - Leshy
Yandere! Kallamar with Lamb! Darling
Yandere! Shamura Concept
Yandere! Helob with Captured! Darling
Yandere! Josuke vs Okuyasu
Yandere! Giorno Giovanna Concept
Yandere! Dio Brando/DIO Concept
Yandere! Yoshikage Kira vs Diavolo
Yandere! Platonic! Dragona + Jodio Joestar
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (Part 8) Concept
Yandere! Leone Abbacchio Concept
Yandere! Kars with Hamon User! Darling
Creature of The Night - Yandere! Dio Brando Short
Yandere! Trish Una Concept
Yandere! Enrico Pucci Prompt 2
Perfect Victory - Yandere! Yoshikage Kira Short
Yandere! F.F Concept
Fear and Hunger
Love Taste - Yandere! Levi Short
Rebirth - Yandere! Kaiser (Le'Garde) Short
Yandere! Levi Prompts 5, 17, 19
Yandere! New God! Cahara Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Modern AU! Enki Concept
Quest For Ascension - Yandere! Le'Garde Short
Yandere! Platonic! Levi with Little Sister! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Karin
Yandere Alphabet - Marina
Yandere! Samarie with Friend! Darling
Yandere! O'saa Concept
Yandere! Enki with Priest! Darling
Yandere! Karin vs Daan Concept
Yandere! Abella Concept
Yandere! Henryk Concept
Yandere! Pav Concept
Yandere! Levi Prompts E-3, H-1, P-1
Yandere! Enki Concept
Yandere! Le'Garde Concept
Medical Attention - Yandere! Daan Concept
Yandere! Marina with Yellow Mage! Darling
Yandere! Daan with Yellow Mage! Darling
Yandere! Marina Alternative Concept
Yandere! Daan with Sylvian Worshipper! Darling
Through The Woods - Yandere! Horror! Sans Scenario
Yandere! Spamton with Royal Heir! Darling
Yandere! Alphys Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Noelle Holiday
Yandere! Platonic! Noelle Holiday with Relative! Darling
Yandere! Snowgrave! Noelle Concept
Yandere! Grillby with Shy! Darling
Yandere! X-Tale! Chara + Frisk Sharing a Darling
Yandere! X-Tale! Chara with Darling trying to escape
Yandere! Ink Sans Concept
Yandere! Nightmare Sans Concept
Yandere! Cross with Sweetheart! Darling
Yandere! Cross Concept
Bone Cold - Yandere! Sans Story
Yandere! Platonic! X-Gaster Concept
Yandere! Papyrus Concept
Yandere! Error Sans Concept
Yandere! Muffet Concept
Team Fortress 2
Yandere! RED Sniper with BLU Spy! Darling
Yandere! Otis Driftwood Prompt G-3
Yandere! Pinhead Concept
Blood Ties - Yandere! Platonic! Bubba Sawyer Scenario
Yandere! Freddy Krueger Prompts 4 + 7
Yandere Alphabet - Harry Warden
Yandere! Axel Palmer Prompts
Yandere! Nubbins Sawyer Prompts 31, 41, 55
Yandere! Otis Driftwood Concept
Yandere! Nubbins Sawyer Concept
Yandere! Harry Warden Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Billy Loomis Concept
Genshin Impact
Yandere! Kokomi Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Zhongli
Yandere! Yae Miko with Oni! Darling
Yandere! Yae Miko with Shy! Darling
Yandere! Freminet Concept
Yandere! Furina with Affectionate! Darling
Yandere! Lisa Concept
Yandere! Kokomi Prompt 34
Yandere! Furina + Neuvillette Sharing a Darling
Yandere! Lyney Concept
The Boys
Yandere! Black Noir Prompts 34, 53, 92
Yandere! Homelander Prompts 49, 85, 90
Yandere! Homelander vs Black Noir
Yandere Queen Maeve Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Black Noir
Yandere! Black Noir Concept
Yandere! A-Train Concept
Yandere! Soldier Boy Concept
Yandere! Starlight Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Asum 'Mdama (Bakar) Concept
Yandere! Ellen Anders vs Ripa 'Moramee Concept
Jujutsu Kaisen
Yandere! Yuji Itadori Prompts 3, 8, 29
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 17, 2, 36
Yandere! Yuji Itadori with Sorcerer! Darling
Yandere! Sukuna vs Yuji Itadori
Yandere! Mei Mei Concept
Yandere! Kusakabe Concept
Yandere! Nanami Concept
Watching Over You - Yandere! Satoru Gojo Short
Yandere! Toji Fushiguro with Sorcerer! Darling
Becoming One - Yandere! Fake! Geto/Kenjaku Short
Yandere! Platonic! Choso Concept
Yandere! Mei Mei with Student! Darling
Yandere! Miwa Concept
Yandere! Megumi Concept
Yandere! Toge Concept
Yandere! Maki Concept
Yandere! Utahime Concept
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 15, 54, 38
Heir To The Throne - Yandere! Heian Era! Sukuna Short
Yandere! Sukuna with Defiant! Darling
Yandere! Best Friend! Yuji Itadori Concept
Yandere! Satoru Gojo vs Suguru Geto with Sorcerer! Darling
A Song of Ice and Fire (HOTD/GOT)
Yandere! Rhaenyra Targaryen Concept
Yandere! Rhaenys Targaryen Prompts 4, 5, 22
Yandere! Cersei Lannister Prompts 19, 12, 16
Yandere! Cersei Lannister Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Rhaenys Concept
Yandere! Daemon Targaryen Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Daemon Targaryen
Yandere Alphabet - Aemond Targaryen
Yandere! Aemond Targaryen Prompts 14, 19, 21
Yandere! Aegon I Targaryen Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Aegon II Targaryen
Yandere! Aegon I Targaryen Prompts G-2, I-3, X-3
Yandere Alphabet - Aegon I Targaryen
Yandere! Jaqen H'ghar Concept
Yandere! Rhaenyra Targaryen Prompts 4, 66, 94
Yandere! Criston Cole Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Ser Duncan The Tall
Yandere! Daemon + Rhaenyra Sharing a Maid! Darling
Yandere! Ser Criston Cole Prompts 2, 8, 16
Yandere! Ser Duncan The Tall Concept
Yandere! Rhaenyra vs Aegon II
Yandere Alphabet - Ser Criston Cole
Yandere! Ser Duncan The Tall Prompts 3, 12, 61
Yandere! Roose Bolton Concept
Yandere! Brynden Rivers vs Aegor Rivers
Yandere! Melisandre Concept
Yandere Rhaenyra Prompts 7 + 10
Yandere! Maegor Targaryen Concept
Demon Slayer
Yandere! Role-Swap! Tanjiro Concept
Yandere! Tanjiro with Demon! Darling
Yandere! Mitsuri Kanroji Concept
Yandere! Kokushibo with Slayer! Darling
Yandere! Genya Shinazugawa Concept
Yandere! Jeff The Killer Prompt 51
Souls-Like Games
W.I.P Title - Yandere! Platonic! Scrapped Watchman "Murphy" Scenario 
Yandere! Rennala Prompts 58, 73, 94 
Yandere! Maliketh, The Black Blade Concept
Yandere! Ornstein + Smough Concept
Yandere! Pinocchio/P with Human! Darling
Yandere! Rykard + Tanith Sharing a Darling
Overprotective! Sif Concept
Yandere! Fia Concept
Yandere! Ornstein Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Rennala
Yandere! Lady Maria Concept
Yandere! Annalise Concept
Yandere! Sister Friede Concept
Yandere! Yuria of Londor Concept
Yandere! Pontiff Sulyvahn Concept
Yandere! Ranni Concept
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Yandere! Twisted Alice Angel with Imperfect Toon! Darling
Yandere! Sammy Lawrence Concept
Yandere! Joey Drew with Coworker! Darling
Yandere! Henry Stein Concept
Twisted Wonderland
Yandere! Overblot! Leona Kingscholar
Yandere! Overblot! Idia Shroud
Yandere! Deuce Spade Prompts 22, 19, 24
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Yandere! Nifty with Messy! Darling
Yandere! Husk with Sinner! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Adam
Yandere Alphabet - Lucifer
Yandere! Alastor Concept
Yandere! Vox Concept
Yandere! Rosie Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Carmilla Carmine with Sinner! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Charlie Morningstar
Yandere! Vox Prompts 36, 53, 57
Yandere! Vaggie Concept
Yandere! Charlie Concept
Yandere! Vox vs Alastor with Fallen Angel! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Vaggie vs Platonic! Angel Dust with Overlord! Darling
Yandere! Charlie + Vaggie Sharing Darling
Yandere! Carmilla Carmine Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Angel Dust Concept
Yandere! Charlie with Goat Demon! Darling
Yandere! Vaggie dealing with rivals
Yandere! Platonic! Nifty Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Alastor Concept
Yandere! Alastor vs Vox with Vox's Assistant! Darling
Yandere! Adam Prompts 2, 19, 39
Yandere! Lute Concept
Yandere! Adam Prompt 35
Yandere! Adam Concept
Yandere! Lucifer Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Cherri Bomb
Yandere! Cherri Bomb Concept
Yandere! Sir Pentious Concept
Yandere! Adam vs Lucifer Concept
Yandere! Lucifer vs Alastor Concept
Yandere! Velvette vs Carmilla Carmine
Yandere! Emily Concept
Yandere! Lucifer with Fallen Angel! Darling
Yandere! Lute + Adam Concept
Yandere! Lucifer with Defiant! Darling
Yandere! Husk with Lucky Gambler! Darling
Yandere! Moxxie + Millie with Human! Darling
Yandere! Stolas Concept
House Always Wins - Yandere! Overlord! Husk Scenario
Yandere! Mammon Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Alastor with Deer Demon! Darling
Yandere! Lucifer Morningstar Prompts 2, 12, 38
Yandere! Fizzarolli + Asmodeus with Overlord! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Stolas with Lust Ring! Darling
Yandere! Blitzø Prompts 18, 30, 15
Yandere! Fizzarolli + Asmodeus Prompts 7 + 21
Yandere! Vox Prompts 1, 8, 12, 13
Yandere! Lucifer with Maid! Darling
Aftermath - Yandere! Alastor Short
Yandere! Queen Beelzebub with Hellhound! Darling
Yandere! Cherri Bomb + Angel Dust Sharing a Darling
Yandere! Vox with Affectionate! Darling
Yandere Blitzø + Stolas Sharing
Yandere! Husker Concept
Yandere! Loona Concept
Yandere! Redeemed! Sir Pentious with Heaven! Darling
Yandere! Alastor with Darling who has a Deal
Yandere! Stella Concept
The Interview - Yandere! Vox x Singer! Darling
Yandere! Vox with Darling immune to hypnosis
Yandere! Stella + Stolas Sharing a Darling
Yandere! Blitzø + Moxxie with Imp! Darling
Yandere! Striker vs Blitzø
Yandere! Loona vs Husker
Yandere! Adam with Angel! Darling who doesn't like him
Yandere! Stella + Striker
Resident Evil
Yandere! Mia + Ethan with BSAA! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Donna Beneviento
Yandere! Albert Wesker vs Chris Redfield
Echoes Of My Past - Yandere! Albert Wesker Short
Yandere! Albert Wesker Prompts 11 + 15
Yandere! Mia Winters Concept
Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake
Yandere! Scarab Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Scarab
Yandere! Finn The Human Prompts 14, 23, 34
Yandere Alphabet - Princess Bubblegum
Yandere Alphabet - Finn The Human
Yandere! Marceline Concept
Yandere! Princess Bubblegum Concept
Yandere! Betty Grof Concept
Yandere! Finn The Human Concept
Ratchet and Clank
Yandere! Shellshock Concept
Yandere! Rivet Concept
Yandere! Emperor Nefarious with Human! Darling
Yandere! Tobirama Senju with Darling who takes care of him
Yandere! Naruto with Uchiha! Darling
Yandere! Sasuke with Runaway! Darling
Yandere! Naruto with Ninja! Darling
Yandere! Sasuke vs Yandere! Hinata
Yandere! Platonic! Naruto vs Yandere! Platonic! Sasuke
Yandere! Naruto + Sakura Sharing a Darling
Yandere! Sasuke Prompt 37
Yandere Alphabet - Sasuke Uchiha
Yandere Obito with Akatsuki! Darling
Yandere! Orochimaru Concept
Yandere! Kakashi Hatake Concept
Yandere! Sasuke Uchiha Concept
Yandere! Naruto Uzumaki Concept
Yandere! Overprotective Riz with Raccoon! Darling
Yandere! Louis Prompts 12, 19, 25
Yandere Alphabet - Riz
Yandere Alphabet - Bill
Yandere Alphabet - Louis
Yandere! Juno with Rabbit! Darling
Yandere! Legoshi vs Juno with Wolf! Darling
Yandere! Legoshi Prompt 60
Yandere! Haru + Legoshi Sharing a Darling
Yandere! Ibuki Concept
Yandere! Legoshi vs Riz
Yandere Alphabet - Legoshi
Attack on Titan
Yandere Alphabet - Annie
Yandere! Mikasa Prompts 4, 14, 38
Yandere Alphabet - Levi Ackerman
Yandere Alphabet - Eren
Yandere Alphabet - Mikasa
Yandere! Annie Prompts 7, 20, 36
Yandere! Petra Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Erwin Smith
Yandere! Porco Galliard Concept
Yandere! Sasha Braus Concept
Yandere! Eren Prompts 1, 6, 46
Yandere! Moblit Berner Concept
Yandere! Annie Leonhart Concept
Yandere! Oruo Bozad Concept
Yandere! Jean Concept
Yandere! Erwin Smith Concept
Yandere! Historia Reiss Concept
Yandere! Mikasa Ackerman Concept
Yandere! Levi Ackerman Concept
Yandere! Seasons 1-3! Eren Concept
Yandere! Levi Ackerman vs Zeke Yeager
Yandere! Bertolt Hoover Concept
Warrior's Mission - Yandere! Reiner Braun Short
Yandere! Reiner Braun Concept (Sacrificial Bride AU)
Yandere! Eren Yeager (Season 4) Concept
Yandere Eren vs Armin (Seasons 1-3)
My Hero Academia
Yandere Alphabet - Katsuki Bakugou
Yandere! Kamui Woods Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Shoto Todoroki
Yandere! Hawks Concept
Yandere! Endeavor Concept
Yandere! Hitoshi Shinso  Concept
Yandere! Neito Monoma Concept
Yandere! Hero! Katsuki vs Yandere! Villain! Kirishima with Reporter! Darling
Yandere! Villain! Deku Concept
Yandere! Deku with Hero! Darling
Yandere! Shoto Todoroki Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Stain with Successor! Darling
Yandere! Tomura Shigaraki Prompts 8, 20, 22
Yandere! Tomura Shigaraki with Hero! Darling
Yandere! Villain! Aizawa with Darling who has a strong Quirk
Yandere! Katsuki Bakugou Concept
Yandere! All For One with Hero! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Dabi
Yandere! Hari Kurono Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Overhaul
Yandere Alphabet - Shigaraki
Yandere! Dabi Prompts 1, 57, 13
Yandere! Dabi with Darling scared of fire
Yandere Eijiro Kirishima Concept
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya Concept
Yandere! Himiko Toga with Quirkless! Darling
Dead By Daylight
Yandere! Haddie Kaur Prompts 29 + 48
Branding - Yandere! Frank Morrison Short
Yandere! The Oni Prompts 6, 11, 24
Yandere! Dredge Concept
Mimicry - Yandere! The Unknown Short
Yandere! The Oni Concept
Yandere! James Sunderland vs Leon Kennedy
Yandere! Nurse Prompts 17, 56, 1
Yandere! The Unknown Concept
Yandere! Gabriel Soma with Survivor! Darling
Yandere! Ghostface (DBD) with Defiant! Darling
Ticking Down - Yandere! The Unknown Scenario
Yandere! Ash Williams with Timid! Darling
Yandere! The Entity with Killer! Darling
Yandere! The Unknown vs The Shape (Michael Myers)
Under Their Skin - Yandere! The Unknown Short
Yandere! Trickster vs Shape
Yandere! HUX-A7-13 with Android! Darling
Yandere! James Sunderland (DBD) Concept
Yandere! The Unknown with Curious! Darling
Yandere! Ace Visconti Concept
Yandere! Sable Ward Concept
Yandere! Rin Yamaoka/The Spirit Concept
Yandere! Dwight Fairfield Concept
Yandere! The Unknown vs The Dredge
Yandere! Pyramid Head (DBD) Concept
Yandere! Frank + Julie Concept
South Park
Yandere! Human Kite vs Professor Chaos with New Kid! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Wendy Testaburger
Yandere! 2012! Baxter Stockman Concept
Yandere! 2018! Platonic! Splinter
Yandere! 2003! Donatello Concept
Yandere! Parasitica! Leonardo Prompts 7 + 31
Yandere! 2012! Leonardo with Brainwashed! Darling
Yandere! Dogpound vs Fishface
Yandere Alphabet - 2018! Raphael
Yandere! 2018! Raphael with Snake Yokai! Darling
Yandere! 2018! Leonardo + Raphael with Rabbit Mutant! Darling
Yandere 2018! Leonardo Prompts 8, 55, 59
Yandere! Platonic! 2012! Shredder Prompt 44
Yandere! Alopex Concept
Yandere! 2018! Leonardo with Isekai! Darling
Yandere! Vampire! Raphael Concept
Smiling Critters
Yandere! DogDay vs CatNap Concept
Yandere! Bobby Bearhug Concept
Yandere Alphabet - CatNap
Yandere! Bubba Bubbaphant Concept
Yandere Alphabet - DogDay
Yandere! Platonic! DogDay Prompts
Yandere! KickinChicken Concept
Yandere! Hoppy Hopscotch Concept
Happy Tree Friends
Yandere! Fliqpy vs Splendid
Yandere! Flippy/Fliqpy with Unlucky! Darling
Star Wars
Yandere Alphabet - Darth Vader
Yandere! Stormtrooper with Higher Rank! Darling
Yandere! Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) Concept
Yandere! General Grievous Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Darth Vader Concept
Yandere! Anakin with Senator! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Darth Maul + Savage Opress with Night Sister! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Savage Opress with Apprentice! Darling
Yandere! Darth Vader with Rebel! Darling
Yandere! Darth Vader with Jedi! Darling
Yandere! Anakin Skywalker Concept
Yandere! Padme + Anakin Courting Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Obi-Wan + Satine Kryze with Handmaid! Darling
Yandere! Satine Kryze with Gentle Senator! Darling
Yandere! Obi-Wan with Senator! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Master! Ahsoka with Padawan! Darling
Yandere! CT-5555/Fives with Jedi! Darling
Yandere! Darth Maul Concept
Yandere! Boba Fett Concept
Yandere! Darth Vader Concept
Yandere! Maki Harukawa Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Sakura Oogami
Yandere! Mukuro Ikusaba Prompt 12
Yandere! Toko with Darling who likes to read
Eye On You - Yandere! Junko Enoshima Short
Yandere! Sayaka Maizono with Aspiring Idol! Darling
Yandere! Mikan with Clingy! Darling
Yandere! Miu Iruma Concept
Yandere! Junko Enoshima Prompt 4
Yandere! DG! Nagito with Darling threatening him
Yandere! Mikan Prompts 8, 20, 35
Yandere Alphabet - Hajime Hinata
Yandere! Kokichi with Darling who dislikes him
Yandere! Hajime Hinata Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Nagito Komaeda
Yandere! Nagito Komaeda Concept
Yandere! Mikan Concept
Steven Universe
Yandere Alphabet - Pink Diamond
Yandere! Garnet Concept
Yandere! Steven Universe Prompts 9, 25, 28
Yandere! Platonic! Jasper with Human! Darling
Yandere! Jasper Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Spinel
Coming Undone - Yandere! Steven Universe Short
Yandere! Steven Universe Prompts 8, 18, 22
Yandere! Pink Diamond Concept
Yandere! Lapis Concept
Yandere! Rose Quartz with Human! Darling
Yandere! Batter with Darling who isn't afraid of him
LEGO Monkie Kid
Yandere! Red Son Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Mei
Yandere! Spider Queen Prompts 45, 55, 58
Yandere! Mei + Red Son
Yandere! MK Prompts 6, 12, 14
Yandere! Macaque vs Wukong Scenario
Yandere! Red Son Prompts 51 + 52
Yandere! Platonic! Princess Iron Fan Prompts 35 + 36
Yandere Alphabet - Syntax
Yandere! Red Son Prompt 33
Yandere Alphabet - Macaque
Yandere! Wukong vs Macaque
Yandere! Red Son with Darling trying to escape Short
Yandere! Wukong Prompts 61, 51, 32
Yandere! Macaque with Seer! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Monkey King + MK with Defiant! Darling
Yandere! Mei with Tang Niece! Darling Prompt
Yandere! Monkey King with Darling trying not to be immortal
Yandere Alphabet - MK
Yandere! Macaque with Healer! Monkey Demon! Darling Scenario
Yandere! Platonic! Red Son vs Mei with Cat Demon! Darling
Two Faced - Yandere! MK Short (With Enabler! Mei)
Yandere! Red Son with Timid! Darling
Yandere! MK Concept
Yandere! Wukong Concept
Yandere! Macaque with Student! Darling
Yandere! Wukong with LBD Descendent! Darling
Yandere! Ne Zha Concept
Yandere! Syntax Prompts 20, 15, 58
Yandere! Spider-Demon Trio Concept (Huntsman, Strong Spider, Syntax)
Yandere! Platonic! Red Son with Orphan! Darling
Yandere! Sun Wukong with Ne Zha Successor! Darling
Identity V
Yandere! Norton Campbell/Fool's Gold Concept
Yandere! Matthias Czernin Concept
Yandere! SCP-079 with Emotional! Darling
Yandere! SCP-049 Prompts 5, 44, 46
Yandere! Lloyd Garmadon Prompts 1 + 4
Yandere! Zane with Nindroid! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Skales
Yandere! Platonic! Zane with Student! Darling
Yandere Alphabet - Pythor
Yandere! Nya Concept
Yandere! Skales Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Nya with Ninja! Darling
Fire Force
Yandere Alphabet - Shinra Kusabake 
Yandere! Maki Oze Concept
Yandere! Iris Concept
Yandere! Shinra Kusakabe Concept
Yandere! Maki + Shinra getting rid of rivals
Yandere! Platonic! Shinra with Older Sibling! Darling with Yandere! Romantic! Hibana
Yandere! Hibana Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Shinra Concept
One Piece
Yandere! Nami + Luffy with Darling resisting
Yandere! Platonic! Luffy vs Yandere! Platonic! Zoro with Gunslinger! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Luffy + Yandere! Romantic! Law with Pirate! Darling
Yandere! Platonic Luffy + Robin seeing Darling as a sibling
Yandere! Kaido Prompt 50
Yandere! Zoro Concept
Yandere! Platonic! Luffy with Marine Sister! Darling
Yandere! Monkey D. Luffy Concept
Yandere! Crocadile Prompt 19
Yandere! Zoro Prompt 57
Yandere! Ace Prompt 46
Yandere! Boa Hancock Prompt 45
Yandere! Crocodile + Robin with a Darling
Yandere! Platonic Zoro vs Yandere Romantic! Robin
Yandere! Luffy + Sanji Sharing Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Zoro with Weak! Darling
Yandere! Platonic! Monkey D. Luffy with Distrustful! Darling
Yandere! Sanji vs Zoro Concept
Yandere! Monkey D. Luffy getting rid of rivals
Yandere! Ace getting rid of rivals
Detroit: Become Human
Upgrades - Yandere! RK900 Scenario
Yandere! Ralph Prompts 22, 9, 2
Tokyo Ghoul
Yandere! Eto Yoshimura Concept
Yandere! Koutarou Amon with Ghoul! Darling
Black Butler
Yandere! Grell Sutcliff Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Grell Sutcliff
Death Note
Yandere! Light Yagami with Kira Devotee! Darling
Mannerisms - Yandere! Light Yagami Short
Yandere! Light Yagami vs L
Yandere! Light Yagami E-3 + M-1
Yandere! Misa Amane Prompts 17 + 29
Yandere! Misa/Rem Sharing a Darling
Rick and Morty
Yandere! Summer Smith with Friend! Darling
Invader Zim
Yandere! Platonic! Zim Concept
Yandere! Tak vs Gaz Concept
Yandere! Gaz Membrane Concept
Yandere! Tak Concept
Legend of Zelda
Yandere! Mipha vs Revali Concept
Yandere! Specs Concept
129 notes · View notes
violethowler · 1 year
An Updated Guide to the Timeline of VLD
Last Edit: 07/23/2023
After reviewing my timeline notes in more detail, I decided I wasn’t happy with editing my original VLD timeline guide, but I didn’t want to just delete the earlier meta outright. So I decided to start over and make a brand new meta that reflected my current research notes without me having to constantly go back and edit the old one every time I realized I had missed something.
And boy am I glad I did because in the process I noticed details that I completely overlooked when I made the last timeline guide that trying to edit the original post would’ve led to redoing the whole thing anyway.
So now I present to you my most complete and up-to-date notes on the timeline of Voltron Legendary Defender as of April 2023. Under the cut because this is going to get long.
Part I: The Time Period of the Show
While the show never gives exact dates on when major events in the series take place, we can narrow down when the Paladins left Earth by examining context clues and supplemental material. From there, we can use that to determine a rough idea of the show’s timeline.
Pidge’s flashbacks in S1E05 Tears of the Balmera and the fact that Iverson doesn’t mention her, Lance, and Hunk’s bickering being a pattern when he berates their failure in the simulator during S1E01 The Rise of Voltron indicate that the day of Shiro’s return to Earth was the trio’s first time in the simulator together, and that this was fairly early in the school year.
From a Watsonian perspective, it’s not out of the question that a future Earth might follow a different school calendar. But from a Doylist perspective, since the show never says otherwise, we can take it as a given that since VLD is an American cartoon, the Garrison follows the same academic schedule as American schools. Which start the school year in late summer/early fall and end in late spring/early summer.
At the start of Lance, Pidge, and Hunk’s simulation run in S1E01 The Rise of Voltron, Lance calls out “Galaxy Garrison flight log 5-11-14.”
And Matt’s tombstone in S4E02 Reunion confirms that these numbers represent a date:
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Pidge confirms that the 0010.05.25 represents a birth date, since looking at it is how she determines that Matt’s birthday is wrong. Because this is obviously a tombstone, we can logically conclude that 0014.04.28 represents a death date.
Lance’s 5-11-14 flight log number in S1E01 is most likely a reference to the fact that the show started production between April and June of 2014.[1][2]
And when Keith shows the other paladins his notes that he’s compiled on his search for the Blue Lion, a page-a-day calendar can be seen on the back wall showing that the paladins left Earth on the second of whichever month it was.
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Meanwhile in S1E02 Some Assembly Required, Hunk refers to Shiro’s rescue from quarantine as Monday night. This would put the paladins’ departure from Earth on Tuesday afternoon, as Iverson confirms in S7E07 The Last Stand: Part 2 that the Paladins left Earth the day after rescuing Shiro.
So, if we look at the months in 2014 near the start of the American school year where the 2nd day of the month was a Tuesday, we can narrow down when the Paladins left Earth.
And the only option that meets all of those criteria is September 2nd, 2014.
Obviously the show doesn’t take place in 2014 because the technology the characters use in their daily lives on Earth is significantly more advanced than what we have in real life even in the 2020s. Not to mention Veronica name dropping World War III in S7E07 The Last Stand: Part 2 as a historical event.
However, it’s also obviously can’t be too far into the future, because other than having more advanced technology, much of what we see of Earth civilization looks fundamentally similar to our present day in terms of things like clothing and architecture, just with some futuristic flourishes here and there:
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The fact that the years on Matt’s tombstone in S4E02 both begin with 00 as the first two digits raises the possibility that Earth decided to create a new calendar that started 14 years before the paladins left Earth.
However, it’s more likely that the production staff simply wished to leave it ambiguous how many centuries into the future the show takes place, as from a Doylist perspective there is no purpose to having Earth be on a different calendar system unless it’s relevant to the story.
Not to mention that it doesn’t make sense from a Watsonian perspective, since a change as widespread as the mass-adoption of a new calendar system would have to be in response to a major event that deeply changed society on such a widespread level that the society decided to define it’s calendar by how many years have passed since that event.
And the known event in the history of VLD’s Earth that might have this level of significance is World War III, which the showrunners have said in interviews resulted in “everyone on the planet realizing war sucks. We’re one Earth.”[3]
However, none of the characters act like it’s a recent event that happened within their lifetimes. The one time it’s mentioned in S7E08 The Last Stand: Part 2, Veronica speaks of the conflict as if it was a long time ago. Long enough that she has to preemptively clarify that the underground tunnels used to reach the Garrison’s supply depot are still structurally sound.
On top of the logistics not working out for World War III to have been the cause of a dramatic change in Earth’s calendars, Matt being Pidge’s older brother means that he would’ve been born before the hypothetical calendar change would’ve been adopted. 
Yet S4E02 only shows Pidge’s attention being drawn to the year on Matt’s birth date being wrong when her tear slides over to the 10, when the lack of anything before it would’ve stood out first if he was born before the calendar reset to Year 0.
So we can safely take it as a given that the extra zeroes in the years on Matt’s tombstone are there to maintain a sense of ambiguity over what century VLD takes place in.
Which fits with how showrunner Joaquim Dos Santos described how the writers kept the history of VLD’s Earth “nice and nebulous” rather than going into detail on the logistics of World War III.
However since we know that the dates we do have used the 2014 calendar as a basis, and that the Paladins left Earth on Tuesday, September 2nd, all we have to do is find a year ending in 14 where September 2nd is on a Tuesday that’s far enough into the future that there’s enough time for all the advancements of VLD’s earth, but not so far ahead that it’s completely unrecognizable to the 21st century audience.
Which works out well because the next year ending in 14 with September 2nd on a Tuesday is 2414.
Part II: Known Character Birth Years
If we treat it as a given that Season 1 of VLD starts in the year 2414, then we can use that  to narrow down the exact birth years of the human Paladins, as well as Allura, Lotor, Matt Holt, and Kova.
Kova is the oldest character whose birth year is known to us, as Haggar states he is 28 deca-phoebs old shortly before the destruction of Daibazaal and Altea.
Allura and Coran were in cryo-sleep for 10,000 Earth years, and Coran’s pedantic comment in S1E01 about the castle being 10,600 years old and built by his grandfather indicates that this number is exact.
This would put the destruction of Altea and Daibazaal in 7586 B.C.E., as Coran’s narration in S3E07 The Legend Begins indicates that the other planets in their solar system were conquered quickly after Zarkon and Haggar woke up from their Rift baths, meaning that both the Altean and Galran homeworlds were destroyed within a very short window of time.
Since Kova was 28 when Daibazaal was destroyed, he would’ve been born in 7614 B.C.E.
Meanwhile, S8E02 Shadows showed that Haggar only became coherent again after she gave birth, and flashbacks in S8E10 Knights of Light: Part 2 depict her participating in the conquest of the system. Which indicates that Lotor was born in between the destruction of both his parents’ home worlds.
In an interview recorded at WonderCon 2017, Lauren Montgomery and Joaqim Dos Santos talked about how despite initially having more knowledge and experience than the other paladins she was “just as young as anyone else”, and that she was handling overcoming her prejudice against the Galra “like any teenager would.” [4]
This indicates that Allura is still a teenager herself in the first 2 seasons.
Something which is supported by the fact that Allura was born less than 28 years before the fall of Altea yet looks to be around Keith, Lance, and Hunk’s age. Which indicates that while Alteans can live for hundreds of years as evidenced by Coran helping his grandfather build the Castle of Lions 600 years before the war against Zarkon, they age at roughly the same rate as normal humans until they reach adulthood.
Since she’s visibly older than Pidge, the showrunners’ remarks about her acting like “any teenager” put her age before being put into cryo-sleep somewhere between 17 and 18, the ages listed for Lance, Hunk, and Keith in the Paladin’s Handbook.
And we can presume that the ages listed in the Handbook are mostly accurate given that Colleen Holt confirms in S8E01 Launch Date that Pidge was 15 when the paladins left Earth, which is the same age that the Paladin’s Handbook gave for Pidge as of the end of Season 2.
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So, if Allura is the same age as Keith, Lance, and Hunk, then she would’ve been born between 7603 and 7604 B.C.E.
As for the human characters, the cast and crew of Voltron have consistently said that Shiro was the oldest of the paladins, and that his age was somewhere in his early twenties. The only time a specific number was given was in the context of providing a maximum limit to his age range. Saying that while he was at least 20, he wasn’t older than 25.
However, the fact that his official birthday is February 29th means that it’s impossible for him to actually be 25 as the Voltron Paladins’ Handbook claimed.
Because leap years only happen once every 4 years, in years that are divisible by 4 into a whole number (The only exceptions are years that are by 100 but not 400).
It’s not possible for Shiro to be 25 in Season 1 because that would require the year of the Kerberos mission to be a leap year, since Shiro’s 24th birthday would mark the 6th time that February 29th occurred on the calendar since his birth.
The year before 2414 would be 2413, which cannot be divided by 4 into a whole number (trying gets you 603.25). However the year before Kerberis, 2412, is divisible by 4 into a whole number (603), meaning that 2414 is in between two leap years.
With all of this in mind, the only way for Shiro to be older than 20 but younger than 25 in 2414, is if he turned 20 in 2412, as his 20th birthday would mark the 5th time since he was born that February 29th occurred on the calendar. This puts the year of his birth in 2392, making him 22 years old when he returns to Earth in Season 1.
Meanwhile, Pidge being 15 when the Paladins left Earth in 2414 would mean that she was born in 2399.
Meanwhile, the Coalition Handbook, which is written from the perspective of 1 deca-phoeb after the Paladins left Earth, talks about Krolia’s arrival on Earth being “about 19 Earth years ago,” indicating that Keith’s parents met in 2396.
The Handbook’s indication of a 1-year timespan from Season 1 to Season 5 is confirmed by Sam’s debrief during the flashback portions of S7E07 The Last Stand: Part 1. Commander Iverson mentions that Sam’s return to Earth in S5E05 Bloodlines happened a month before the meeting and says that the Keberos mission was two years ago.
Krolia’s arrival being about 19 years ago appears to reinforce the Paladin’s Handbook listing Keith as being 18 by the end of Season 2. Pidge’s age means that S2E13 Blackout can’t happen any later than April 2, 2415, meaning that Keith – whose birthday is October 23rd according to the show’s official social media accounts – turns 18 at some point during the first 2 seasons of the show. This puts his birth year in 2396 and indicates that his parents had to have met sometime that January, as we’ve seen little evidence to suggest that Galra pregnancies are any longer than human ones.
So, if Pidge and Keith’s ages in the Paladins’ handbook are accurate, then we can assume Hunk and Lance’s ages are too.
Lance’s birthday is listed by the show’s official social media accounts as July 28, so the timeframe of Seasons 1-2 means he would’ve already been 17 by the time the Paladins left Earth. This means that he would have been born in 2397.
Hunk is a little tricky since his birthday is January 13th, as neither the show nor the handbooks give any details to definitively confirm whether he turned 17 during the first 2 seasons, or if he was already 17 when they left Earth.
However, some context clues regarding the nature of the Garrison’s Cadet Program and the glimpses of his backstory that we got in S7E01 A Little Adventure can help make some educated assumptions.
In her goodbye to Matt at the Kerberos launchpad in S4E02, Pidge says “I can’t believe I have to go through middle school without you.”
Since Pidge makes no mention of attempting to enroll at the Garrison while Matt and her father are in space, this logically indicates that Pidge is entering 8th grade and that the Galaxy Garrison cadet program is for students at the high school level (Grades 9-12).
The fact that the MFE pilots had graduated by the time Sam returns in 2415 supports this, as their presence as background cameos in S1E01 and in the flashbacks of Keith and Shiro’s past from S7E01 indicate that they, Lance, Keith, and Hunk all enrolled in the cadet program the same year. This means that when the Paladins left Earth, Lance and Hunk were starting their senior year of high school
Keith and Lance being 17 and 18 during Season 1 is consistent with that, as 17 and 18 are the typical ages at which most American teenagers graduate from high school [5].
In the United States, many schools in grades K-12 use students’ birthdays to determine grade placement, with students who are born before a certain cutoff date (usually around the beginning of the school year) being placed in a higher grade level than students born after the cutoff [6].
For example, Lance and Keith are shown to both be in the same class at the Garrison in S7E01 even though Keith being born a year earlier means he’d theoretically be in the grade above Lance. But Lance’s birthday is in July, and Keith’s is in October.
So, if Lance’s July birthday is before the cutoff for enrollment for their grade level, then logically the same is true for Hunk’s January birthday, meaning that Hunk is already 17 during Season 1, putting his birth in the same year as Lance’s.
And knowing how the Garrison’s Cadet Program functions as an equivalent to high school means that we can figure out how old Matt is.
In the Shiro’s Story Ready-to-Read book, Shiro describes how he and Matt were selected for the Kerberos mission after they finished school:
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Since Keith is still wearing his cadet uniform when he confronts Shiro about his disease, this means that Sam and Sanda’s argument about Shiro being on the mission had to have happened during a period when classes were in session, as the flashback of their hoverbike racing in S7E01 and the lack of comments from Hunk about being caught out of uniform in S1E01 indicate that students are permitted to wear casual attire outside of school hours.
This means that Shiro and Matt had to have graduated the year before the Kerberos Mission, and then spent the following year training and preparing.
From this, we can conclude that Matt’s senior year at the Garrison corresponded to Keith, Lance, and Hunk’s freshmen year, putting Matt in the cadet program’s graduating class of 2412.
This would mean that Matt started classes at the Garrison in the fall of 2408.
And when Pidge says that his birthday is wrong in S4E02, she only does so after the camera draws viewers’ attention to the year. Which indicates that the month and date are correct, putting Matt’s birthday on May 25th. Based on what we’ve established about cutoff dates for grade placement, this would mean that Matt was 14 years old when he started classes at the Garrison, putting his birth year in 2394.
Part III: The Main Narrative
Knowing that Season 1 begins in September 2414 allows us to use the date of the Paladins’ departure from Earth as a baseline from which to determine a timeline of the show’s main storyline.
As previously established, the meta references and context clues within the first season place the paladins’ departure from Earth in S1E01 on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2414.
Since this is “1 year later” from Shiro’s capture on Kerberos, this puts the crew’s abduction in September 2413.
Since the Paladins’ Handbook reflects events up to the end of Season 2 and refers to Shiro’s capture as being “about a year ago,” we can safely assume that entirety of Seasons 1 – 2 take place before the end of 2414 in order for the character ages in the guidebook to be accurate by the end of S2E13 Blackout.
And for the first several episodes of Season 1, we’re given enough information to pinpoint exact dates for when much of the first season takes place.
Arus’ environment is shown to be nearly indistinguishable from Earths’ so we can assume that days on Arus last for about the same amount of time as days on Earth.
Coran states indicates in S1E01 that the search for the lions took about 2 hours, immediately after which the paladins had their first battle with Sendak.
The beginning of S1E02 Some Assembly Required is confirmed to take place the following morning, as Allura refers to the battle against Sendak in S10E1 as “yesterday”. Coran then tells Pidge that the prisoners they rescued need to remain in the cryo pods to heal “until tomorrow,” putting the events of S1E03 Return of the Gladiator on Thursday, September 4th.
S1E04 Fall of the Castle of Lions takes place entirely at night, with the Arusian’s re-enactment of Voltron’s battle with the Myzax robeast and Coran’s comment about letting the Arusians see the inside of the castle indicating from context that this is still on Thursday the 4th. This puts the daytime events of S1E05 on Friday, September 5th.
S1E06 Taking Flight takes place on the 6th, as Allura states at the end of S1E05 that Lance should be fully healed from his injuries after a day in the cryo pods.
Shay’s Belmera was close enough that Hunk and Coran could fly there from Arus in a small shuttle pod, have dinner with Shay’s family, fix their shuttle pod, wander around in the tunnel looking for the crystal, get captured, get rescued by Shay, and then get back to Arus all in less than a day.
So even if they spent several hours talking to Rolo and Nyma in S1E06, they still would’ve reached the Balmera in S1E07 Return to Balmera the same day. 
Since S1E08 Rebirth ends with Hunk showing Shay her first sunrise after the Balmera is liberated, this brings the paladins to Sunday, September 7th.
The first volume of the tie in comics is stated to take place right after this, as the paladins are leaving the Balmera in Issue #1. The bulk of the action happens over the course of the following day, as Issue #1 states that the Paladins’ battle against the guardian monster took place the day after they left Allura at the Castle, and the sky on Krell shifts from morning to afternoon colors over the course of the Paladins’ time there, along with the fact that the sky outside the Fripping Bolgogian is in sunset colors in both Issue #1 and Issue #5.
So the first 8 episodes of Season 1 and the first volume of the comics all take place from September 1st to September 8th.
From here, the timeframes indicated become murkier, as while many events seem to take place very close together, the fact that the guidebooks put Keith as 18 by the end of Season 2 means that S2E12 Best Laid Plans cannot take place any earlier than October 23rd, 2414.
There are a few instances where we can estimate the time between certain episodes, however, we don’t have enough concrete information to confirm an exact time frame by Earth’s calendar for anything after the first volume of the comics.
However, the fact that the Voltron Coalition Handbook refers to the Lion Shuffle as “many quintants ago”, even if that’s an understatement, indicates that since the second handbook is written from the perspective of Fall 2415, we can assume that Season 3 took place in 2415 as well.
Meanwhile, context clues in S3E01 Changing of the Guard and the 2 subsequent episodes indicate that only a short time passes between the end of Season 2 and the beginning of Season 3.
S3E01 shows that the Paladins have been splitting off to pursue their own objectives during the timeskip between Seasons 2 and 3, with Hunk and Lance liberating planets with the Blade of Marmora while Pidge looks for clues to her brother’s whereabouts while Keith searches for Shiro. Acxa’s reports in S3E02 Red Paladin on where they’ve been spotted by the empire only indicate a handful of sightings, suggesting that it hasn’t been that long since the end of Season 2. This is supported by the fact that Lance and Hunk brought the leaders of the planets they had liberated since S2E13 to the Castle to talk about joining the Coalition, and only 5 planetary leaders were present for the meeting.
Furthermore, as S3E05 The Journey depicted with Shiro, a human can survive up to 7 days without food or water. So in addition to Keith’s grief over Shiro’s disappearance still being fresh, the fact that he’s still looking for Shiro among the wreckage from S2E13 suggests that the start of S3E01 is within that 7-day window.
On top of that, Throk indicates to his friend when they’re sitting in the arena that he’s been trying to speak to Zarkon for several days without success.
But on the other hand, enough time needs to pass that planets like Puig will have heard of Voltron’s defeat of Zarkon before the paladins arrive
All of these details indicate that the time between the end of S2E13 and the beginning of S3E01 wasn’t more than 2 or 3 weeks.
So if the end of Season 2 was still in 2414 and the first 3 episodes of Season 3 were in 2415, that means that the final battle of Season 2 took place in December 2414, and the opening arc of Season 3 took place in January 2415.
Meanwhile, S3E05 shows that Shiro travelled in a stolen Galra fighter for 7 days after Thayserix before Keith found him at the end of the episode. Even if there’s some time dilation involved, the fact that the Paladins are surprised Lotor was able to construct the first Sincline ship so quickly in S3E06 Tailing a Comet indicates that it hasn’t been that long since Lotor stole it in S3E04 Hole in the Sky, meaning that all of Season 3 took place in January.
S7E07 indicates that Sam’s debriefing happened a year after the Paladins left in Season 1, putting the meeting scene in September 2415. This would be consistent with Iverson’s introduction of the MFE pilots indicating that they’ve graduated from the Cadet Program.
The next time-skip jumps to 1 year after Sam’s debriefing, indicating that Matt contacted Earth in September 2416.
Matt tells his parents that Voltron hasn’t been seen in 6 months, putting the last 4 episodes of Season 6 in March of 2416.
He also mentions that the Coalition and Blade of Marmora memories are being hunted, and that their army had been “all but wiped out”, indicating that the Druids’ counterattack had clearly been going on for some time before Matt contacted his parents. However in S8E02, Macidus tells Haggar that “it has been phoebs since Emperor Lotor disappeared,” and that “the Blade of Marmora still challenges,” indicating that the purge of the Coalition and BoM had not yet begun as of two months after Voltron’s battle with Lotor, putting the beginning of the attacks on the Blade and Coalition somewhere between May and August of 2416.
Meanwhile, because of the 3-year time jump, this means that the Paladins began their voyage back to Earth in March 2419.
Near the beginning of S7E06, Shiro indicates that it’s only been a few weeks since he woke up in the clone body at the end of S6E07, and when Lance asks how long they’ve been out there, Romelle says “going on four movements” before he then asks how much longer it’ll take to reach Earth.
Coran’s comment in S1E02 about his Paladin lunch helping the team form Voltron “six times a movement” is said in the same manner that we’d say “seven days a week” in real life, suggesting that one movement is 6 quintants.
Which means that by the beginning of S7E06, the Paladins have spent more than 18 days flying back to Earth, but less than 24.
Meanwhile, the Paladins mention in S7E03 The Way Forward that, from their perspective, their battle with Lotor was “a few weeks” ago, indicating that at least two movements had passed since the end of S6E07 Defender of All Universes by the time they encounter Ezor and Zethrid’s pirate crew at the end of S7E02 The Road Home. However, it’s ambiguous whether all of those movements were spent on travelling or if it took the Paladins a few days to finish the preparations for their voyage before leaving the Dalterion belt.
And Pidge’s insistence in S7E06 that they still have one and a half Earth years of travel time left gives me the impression that we’re still in the same calendar month.
From all of this, we can conclude that the entire first half of Season 7 up until the Paladins fly out of that energy burst and reach Earth takes place within the month of March 2419.
Depending on how long the Paladins spent repairing the lions and preparing for the voyage between the end of S7E01 and the beginning of S7E02, this means that their landing on the Dalterion Belt and Shiro being merged with his clone had to have occurred somewhere between March 1st and March 8th, which would also apply to the timing of the Paladins’ battle with Lotor in S6E07.
With Sam’s debriefing being a month after he landed, and him being released from quarantine after about a week, he would’ve had to have landed and been released in August 2415 in order for September 2416 to still be “just over a year” after he started working to upgrade Earth’s defensive capabilities.
With the debriefing scene being “four years ago” from the beginning of S7E07, this would put the Paladins’ return to Earth in August 2419.
 The liberation of Earth appears to only take a couple of days at most, and according to Shiro in S8E01 Launch Date, rebuilding took “several months” before the Paladins were ready to return to space.
This puts the beginning of Season 8 in early 2420, and a line from Rizavi in S8E01 helps to narrow things down.
When Pidge sees the Killbot Phantasm game, Rizavi mentions that it came out just before Sendak invaded, and that because of that there hadn’t been enough time for any players to reach the final level. She then tells the shopkeeper that she waited 3 years to get to the end of the game.
Meanwhile, Macidus tells the Paladins in S7E05 The Ruins that he has been marooned on the planet they found him at for “the last two decaphoebs,” and that the Druids’ purge against the Blade of Marmora was them “carrying out her final orders.”
Since the Paladins would have encountered him in March 2419, this would put the fall of the Blade of Marmora and Kolivan’s capture in March 2417, 7-10 months after the beginning of the counterattack against the Coalition that Matt spoke of in S7E07.
S8E02 Shadows confirms that Sendak invaded Earth on Honerva’s orders in the hopes of drawing out Voltron. Given, the potential narrative symmetry, it’s likely that Sendak’s invasion of Earth took place around the same time.
Which would be consistent with how the MFE pilots are referred to by Admiral Sanda as cadets in S7E07 when they had already graduated from the cadet program the previous year because they, like Shiro appear to be in a post-graduate program to continue their education after high school:
At WonderCon 2016, showrunner Lauren Montgomery referred to Shiro as a “slightly older student.”
Meanwhile in S7E01 he appears to be assisting Iverson and other Garrison instructors with classes, but is not treated by other characters as if he’s a full-time teacher himself. 
During the briefing scene in S7E7, Commander Iverson gives Shiro’s rank as Lieutenant, reflecting the tradition of fictional military organizations in science fiction to utilize the ranking systems of real world militaries, particularly with naval ranks such as Commander and Admiral which are exclusively used for naval officers.
During his visit to Keith’s school and his time overseeing simulator drills with Keith’s class, Shiro’s uniform only has two stripes on the shoulders of his uniform, and he’s never addressed by any specific rank.
However in the scene where Sanda and Sam Holt are arguing about Shiro’s inclusion on the Kerberos mission, his uniform now has three stripes on the shoulder, which he has been consistently shown to have in Pidge’s flashback to the crew’s disappearance being announced in S1E05, which show photos of Shiro, Sam, and Matt that would’ve been taken specifically for the mission’s publicity. And when Sam is debriefed in S7E07, Iverson identifies Shiro as a Lieutenant.
In our world, it takes an average of 4 years after enlisting in the navy for a person to be promoted to lieutenant. However, if someone enlists before or while in college, promotion to Lieutenant can be achieved with the completion of a Master’s Degree.
Depending on the field, a Masters’ degree would require an additional four years after completing a Bachelor’s degree. However, some universities that specialize in specific subjects (like mine did) offer a Master’s program that only takes an additional 1-2 years after receiving a Bachelor’s degree to complete.
Since the Garrison’s cadet program is teaching what 21st century viewers would consider advanced college-level science to high school students, it’s plausible that the Garrison has an advanced program for graduates of the cadet program to continue taking classes. Which makes sense because the Garrison’s cadet program is clearly an example of a vocational school, which focuses education at the secondary (high-school) and/or post-secondary (college) level on teaching students the skills and knowledge required for a specific career path, as opposed to a more general education.
It explains why tie-in books indicate that Shiro and Matt graduated from the Garrison at the same time. While Matt was completing his regular education in the cadet program, Shiro was finishing up his advanced education track.
Because Shiro makes multiple comments that imply an in-depth knowledge of physics and astronomy: From knowing enough constellations to recognize in S1E01 that the Blue Lion’s wormhole has left them in unfamiliar space, to being able to calculate the approximate speed of the black lion’s fall at the start of S2E01 Across the Universe in his head despite the pain of a glowing magic wound in his side and the general exhaustion of the battle they’d just come out of.
It even explains why S7E01 has Shiro was helping with classes and Adam mentioning having a class to teach, because many high schools and colleges offer work-study programs to where students can work part-time jobs at the school in exchange for financial assistance, as well as to get hands on work experience in a particular field so that they can transition from school to working more easily. Which also explains why Sam and Adam both mention Shiro having gone on multiple space flights and missions by the time he’s selected for the Kerberos mission even though the timeline indicates he’d only be 20 by the time he was chosen for Kerberos.
And since my analysis of Garrison lore indicates that the grey/green uniform that Shiro wears when visiting Keith’s school is reserved for those whose work in administrative roles and other capacities in the day-to-day running of the Garrison, this would indicate that he graduated from the cadet program at least a year or two before, and received the new uniform as part of the work-study program when classes started up the following school year.
So, the MFE pilots continuing their education after completing the cadet program would explain why Sanda would still refer to them as cadets even if they’ve already graduated from the cadet program: because even if they’re not in the cadet program anymore, they’re still students.
The pattern we’ve established regarding the human characters’ birthdates and grade levels means that Shiro would’ve graduated from the regular cadet program in 2410 (meaning he would’ve enrolled in 2406) and finished his advanced studies in 2412, making the Garrisons’ post-graduation education options a 2-year program.
This means that the amount of time that Sendak’s invasion of Earth had to have been before May of 2417. So, a March 2417 invasion around the same time the Druids and the Blades wiped each other out fits within that window.
And if that is the case, then Rizavi’s “three years” comment would put S8E01 in March 2420.
From the perspective of the crew of the Atlas, the first half of the season takes place over the course of about 48 Earth days. S8E08 Clear Day appears to take place within a couple days after the end of S8E07 Day Forty-Seven, as Hunk introduced the Altean robeast Pilots to Allura and Coran near the end of the day, and the following episode opens with Tavo agreeing to speak with Allura due to Hunk’s efforts at reaching out to the Alteans with food.
However, the leader of planet Drazan indicates that thanks to time dilation, the Atlas’ internal clocks are about 24 days behind the rest of the universe by the beginning of S8E08, as Coran notes that according to their calendars, Clear Day shouldn’t be for another four movements.
Depending on when in March the Atlas left Earth, this put the Clear Day celebration somewhere between May 12th and June 10th, 2420.
Based on how quickly events move following the events of S8E08, this would put the final confrontation with Honerva somewhere between the middle of May and the middle of June, which would put the epilogue in May or June of 2421.
Given that the fact the timeframe of the show was determined based on a meta gag about the show’s production, my instinct leans towards the second half of Season 8 all taking place in May, as it would mean that the entire main plot of the show – which was contracted for 78 episodes (the hour-long pilot being 3 episodes stitched together) – took place over approximately 7 years and 8 months.
Part IV: Backstory Dates & Other Timeline Trivia
Now that we’ve hammered out the timeline for the main events of the story, we can start filling in dates for elements of the characters’ backstories and other areas of the timeline not covered by the previous sections.
The First Kral Zera:
In S5E04 Kral Zera, the Archivist states in 2415 that the Kral Zera has been burning for “over thirteen millennia,” putting the first Kral Zera and the official founding of the Galra Empire as a political entity sometime before 10,585 BCE. Since he said thirteen, rather than fourteen, we can logically assume that it couldn’t be any earlier than 13,999 years before 2415, which would be 11,584 BCE.
The Daibazaal Rift:
Kova appears to be fully grown when Zarkon first meets him in Honerva’s lab in S3E07 after the discovery of the Rift on Daibazaal. Using Earth cat development as a basis for comparison, this would indicate that Kova is at least 1 year old by this point, meaning the earliest that the Trans-reality comet could have crashed was 7613 B.C.E.
However, it cannot have happened any later than 2 years before Allura’s birth. When Honerva shows Alfor that their Quintessence experiment is running after he thanks her for the gift celebrating Allura’s birth, he notes that the experiment has been running for a full year by that point. But despite the experiment being positioned right next to her workstation, it was nowhere to be seen when she and Zarkon were having their first meeting before the timeskip.
Meanwhile, before the episode transitioned from Honerva and Zarkon’s first meeting to Alfor showing his daughter off to Zarkon, Coran’s narration refers to Alfor visiting often “as the years passed,” indicating that more than one year passes between the discovery of the rift and Allura’s birth.
This means that since the experiment would’ve begun in 6704 or 7605 B.C.E., the Rift cannot have been opened any later than 7605 or 7606 B.C.E.
The Difference Between 1 Year & 1 Deca-Phoeb:
When Shiro and Allura are detected during their infiltration of a Galra cruiser in S1E10 Collection and Extraction, the computer identifies Shiro as "Fugitive prisoner 117-9875."
The format of his prisoner ID number indicates the year on the empire's calendar that Shiro was captured, meaning that the Galran calendar lists Earth year 2414 as imperial year 9876.
Initially, I thought this meant that the references to Altea being destroyed "10,000 years ago" were a generalization and that it wasn't exactly 10,000 years.
However, Coran's insistence on correcting Hunk that the Castle of Lions is 10,600 years old in S1E01 indicates that it was indeed exactly 10,000 years between Altea's destruction and the return of the Blue Lion.
Which left me with a bit of a conundrum of how to reconcile the two timescales. Then I remembered that S1E06 established that Earth and intergalactic time measurements weren't exactly 1:1, with Pidge and Coran's comparison showing that ticks were slightly bigger than seconds.
So I decided to do the math and see if how 9876 decaphoebs would compare to 10,000 years. And dividing both numbers by 9876 gives me 1 Deca-Phoeb = 0.9876 Years.
Meaning that Shiro's prisoner ID and the references to Altea's destruction being 10,000 years ago are both correct.
Shiro and Keith’s First Meeting:
Since the Galaxy Garrison’s cadet program is shown to be for high school students, and that Keith, Lance, and Hunk were meant to graduate in 2415, we can deduce that Shiro and Keith first met in the spring of 2411. Most high school enrollment is done in the spring, so it makes the most sense for the Garrison to send Shiro to local schools to convince students who will be freshmen at the start of the next school year to enroll, as opposed to trying to persuade kids to transfer in the middle of the year.
Based on the fact that Lance was in 9th grade as a 14-year-old, the Garrison likely starts classes in August, which is consistent with the fact that Keith’s map of his search for the Blue Lion places the Garrison near the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.
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Where, according to my own research and the experience of friends who live there, the school year typically begins in late July or early August and ends in May.
This would mean that Shiro just only a month or two past his 19th birthday when he and Keith first met, while Keith was around 14 and a half.
Pidge’s Grade Level:
Though we don’t know exactly when it happened, the fact that Pidge is still in 8th Grade when she turns 15 means that somewhere along the line she had to repeat a grade during middle or elementary school.
Details and Aftermath of the Kerberos Mission:
In S4E02, Matt mentions planning to use their family code to keep in touch with Pidge during his mission, so the fact that Pidge never mentions receiving any message with the code letting her know that they landed safely indicates that Matt, Sam, and Shiro were abducted shortly after arriving on Kerberos.
The news broadcast announcing their disappearance is dated five months after the launch, and earlier in the flashback, Sam mentions that he and Matt “will be eating freeze-dried peas for the next two months.”
Since their abduction happened in September 2413, this puts the mission’s launch in July of 2413. From a logistics standpoint, a summer launch makes sense for the Garrison so that they won’t have to worry about disrupting classes, or cadets sneaking around to watch the launch and getting hurt.
This would mean that the crew’s disappearance was announced in December 2413.
Pidge’s confrontation with Iverson during S1E05 indicates that she was not aware of the involvement of aliens prior to her enrolling at the Garrison, as she only mentions that the Garrison’s probes show no sign of a crash on Kerberos and doesn’t bring up the transmission from the Galra warship to Zarkon’s central command that S7E07 reveals the Garrison had managed to record.
The Paladin Handbook states that a rescue mission to Kerberos recovered the remaining equipment, so the fact that Pidge doesn’t mention finding reports from the rescue team on Iverson’s computer in S1E05 indicates that the rescue mission hadn’t left yet when the disappearance was made public.
Since S7E07 shows video footage of Shiro, Matt, and Sam on Kerberos getting cut off as the Galra cruiser approaches, the probes were presumably destroyed by the cruiser as it arrived on Kerberos, and the Garrison sent new probes to try and reestablish contact before making the crew’s disappearance public.
A further piece of evidence for the Garrison beginning classes in August is that Pidge’s comments in S1E01 indicate that she’s been listening to Galra radio chatter for several nights now and can recognize that the level of activity on the night of Shiro’s return to Earth is higher than normal. A month would give her a decent amount of data to work with to identify patterns of activity.
The VR Game and The Zel:
In the opening of that one VR game Voltron: VR Chronicles, Zarkon and Haggar discuss a technologically advanced species known as the Zel, whose population was decimated by the empire a millennia ago, but whose homeworld remains hidden from the empire.
The game features Shiro still piloting the black lion, and Haggar indicates in the first cutscene that they’re still able to track the Castle of Lions through Zarkon’s bond with the Black Lion, which puts the game before the events of S2E04 Greening the Cube. However, the paladins don’t give any indication that they’re aware that Zarkon can track them like that, meaning that it has to take place before Allura gets captured in S1E10 Collection and Extraction. 
Given the timeline established for the first 2/3 of Season 1, the only places the events of the VR game could fit is between volume 1 of the comics and the beginning of S1E09 Crystal Venom, or during the travel montage in S1E10. However, the lack of any mention of getting back to their journey to the coordinates of the hidden Quintessence refinery in S1E10 means it has to take place between S1E08 and S1E09, particularly since Lance notes the game’s robeast boss fight - a recolor of the same one that attacked the Balmera - is giving him deja vu.
In the VR game, Hunk also indicates that travelling via wormhole is still a relatively new experience for him, so it’s most likelt that this game still takes place sometime in September 2414 after the events of the comic.
All of which means that the empire’s battle with the Zel that Zarkon and Haggar talk about would have occurred somewhere in the year 1414.
Timeframe of Seasons 4 – 5:
S4E01 Code of Honor opens with Keith indicating that Lotor hasn’t been seen in months. Since their last encounter with Lotor’s forces was in early January 2415, and Keith says months – as in plural – the earliest the beginning of the episode could take place is some time in March 2415. However, based on the timeframe of Season 8’s Clear Day, it can’t be any later than the end of April.
S4E04 The Voltron Show! establishes that the planet Drazan has a 721-day year and only 1 of those days ever gets clear skies, with Team Voltron missing that year’s Clear day due to Coran’s miscalculations.
However, in S8E08, Drazan is celebrating another Clear Day and explicitly states that this is the first one after the one that Voltron missed in Season 4. Which means that a day on planet Drazan is longer than an Earth day or standard quintant.
We’ve already narrowed down that Season 8’s clear day took place somewhere between May 12th and May 24th 2420, so if we assume that the paladins missing the previous Clear Day happened within the same window of time in 2415, this would put the beginning of S4E04 sometime in May 2415.
(Which, incidentally, means that a year on Drazon would be equivalent to about 5 years on Earth, while a day on Drazan is approximately 60 hours or 2.5 Earth days).
Meanwhile, Coran indicates in S4E04 that Keith’s departure from the team has not spread very far yet, indicating that the episode begins a short time after the end of S4E01 since Keith no longer piloting the Black Lion is not common knowledge yet. This means that Keith leaving the team would have also taken place in May 2415.
S4E01 shows a montage of time passing while Keith works with the Blades, indicating that a notable amount of time passed between the beginning and the end of the episode. Furthermore, Allura’s comment about how Keith keeps saying he’s sorry for not being there, but his actions say otherwise indicate a consistent pattern of Keith being too busy on Blade Missions to perform his duties as the Black Paladin. This indicates that Keith was flaking on them for at least a couple weeks before the crisis where Shiro had to reconnect with the Black Lion.
Meanwhile, the fact that Coran states that Keith’s departure from the team at the start of the season is not common knowledge yet in S4E04 indicates that S4E04 actually takes place before S4E02. This is reinforced by the fact that Lotor’s urgency to access the Quintessence field in S4E05 Begin the Blitz indicates that very little time has passed since the end of S4E03 Black Site, which contrasts how S4E04 clearly took place over the course of several days, if not multiple weeks.
The timeframe for Sam’s return to Earth that I identified in the previous section puts all of Season 5 in August 2415, as events are indicated to happen fairly quickly:
S5E03 Postmortem clearly starts the morning after Zarkon is killed, and Lotor states that the Kral Zera will be held sometime in the next two days.
The hostage exchange in S5E02 Blood Duel likely only took a couple days at most of back-and-forth communication to negotiate the terms and details after the end of S5E01 The Prisoner.
S5E04 shows that Sam was making the final preparations to leave for Earth when Shiro and Lotor went to the Kral Zera, meaning that both Sam’s departure and the Paladins’ arrival at Central Command would’ve taken place a day or two later.
Pidge, Lance, and Hunk are shown spending most of a day goofing around on Central Command with their reprogrammed Sentry while Lotor and Allura are looking through Haggar’s lair.
After Allura finds the compass stone, they appear to head to Oriande if not that day then the following day, and when the castle loses power thanks to the White Lion, we’re told that the Castle only has another quintant of air left.
Assuming they spent a night recovering from oxygen deprivation like Shiro did in Season 3, then they would’ve returned to central command the following day. Right when they got back, Lotor had to receive a briefing on the state of the empire. A few hours later, he did his speech, following which Voltron went to help protect the Omega Shield
While it’s unclear exactly how many days passed between the end of S5E04 and Keith’s half of S5E05, Hunk indicates in S80E3 The Prisoner’s Dilemma that Keith and Krolia had already started their trip through the Quantum Abyss by the time the Paladins came to the aid of the Omega Shield.
So we can confirm that the entirety of Season 5 takes place in August 2415.
From there, we can narrow down a rough idea of when the rest of Season 4 takes place.
While it’s not stated exactly how much time passes between S4E06 A New Defender and S5E01, it’s implied to not be that long. In S5E01, Nyma thanks Pidge and Matt for helping with repairs on the Coalition’s fleet, saying the ships were “pretty banged up after the invasion.” This implicitly indicates that the attack on Naxzela and the rest of the Galra forces in that section of the universe was recent enough that repairs to the rebel ships that survived the battle were only just now being finished.
However, enough time needs to have passed that Lotor has been able to give them several locations for Galra bases to attack that were low-risk before he runs out of easy targets to give them.
So, it’s likely only been a couple of weeks at most since the end of Season 4. Since S4E02 and S4E03 happen only a day or two together, and S4E05 is implied to take place just a day or so after that, this puts the remainder of Season 4 sometime in late July, since Sam would’ve had to land on Earth in mid August in order for both his debriefing and Matt contacting Earth “just over a year” after said debriefing to be in September.
Which means that the third volume of the comics most likely also takes place in July, since the first issue of this arc depicts the Paladins attempting to drive a Galra fleet out of the Coalition’s new territory without letting them fly in the direction of the planets that were already liberated in S4E06 A New Defender, and the central conflict of the arc revolved around the paladins attempting to test if the information Lotor was providing them with was accurate.
Meanwhile, the scenes of Haggar gazing into Zarkon’s mind and remembering her past in S3E07 are implied to take place concurrently with S4E02.
S3E07 ends with Haggar waking Zarkon up, yet we don’t see him up and around until S4E02, which takes place several months after the end of Season 3.
Now, which sounds more logical?
Haggar wakes Zarkon up in October 2414 and he spends the next eight months or so sitting on his ass doing nothing while his empire keeps crumbling under rebel uprising?
Or Lotor’s lack of involvement in the empire for months as seen in S4E01 Code of Honor making Haggar desperate enough to tap into Zarkon’s mind, at which point he immediately gets out of his bed and takes the throne back from Lotor in S4E03 Black Site?
The latter would certainly be a logical sequence of events. And it would better explain why she’s suddenly looking at her old appearance as Honerva at the beginning of S4E03 if her recollection of her past was just yesterday than if she remembered months ago and is only now deciding to look at her old face.
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Warlord Lahn Raiding Ranveig’s Base:
The Paladins visiting Drazan’s Clear Day festival appears to take place only a day or two after the end of S8E07. In that episode, the Altean robeast pilot the Atlas picks up is noted to be the 6th one they’ve brought aboard since leaving Oriande. Assuming they picked up one robeast pilot per day, this means that at least 6 days passed for the Atlas since the end of S8E06 Gensis.
Given that time dilation has only come up in the series when characters are travelling without using wormholes, we can probably assume that more than 6 days passed for the rest of the universe.
Since S8E08 appears to take place on Day 48 and is 24 quintants behind Planet Drazan thanks to time dilation, my best estimate would be that at least 12 days pass between the battle in Oriande and Clear Day.
Depending on when in May the Atlas visited Drazan for Clear Day, this would put the attack on Oriande somewhere between the end of April and the beginning of May.
S8E06 is indicated to take place only a day or so after the events of S8E05 The Grudge, which itself takes place only a short time after S8E04 Battle Scars, as the episode opens with the Paladins informing the Atlas of Olkarion’s fate.
Meanwhile S8E04 indicates it’s been only a few days for them since they left the Atlas at the end of S8E03, as Pidge notes that they’ve checked 11 star systems for signs of Robeasts in the last 3 days. Assuming that further time dilation occurred during S8E04 and S8E05, this would put the Atlas’ invasion of Warlord Lahn’s base on planet Ryker some time in April 2420.
When Lahn receives the transmission from the lost ship Klytax V-3, he mentions that he sent it and 14 other cruisers to scout Warlord Ranveig’s base from S5E05 for weapons six phoebs ago, which would be in October 2419.
Section V: The Complete Timeline
When you add everything together, the timeline of the VLD universe looks like this:
10,585-11,584 B.C.E.: The Galra Empire is formally established on the planet Feyiv with the coronation of Emperor Brodar in the first Kral Zera.
8186 B.C.E.: Coran’s grandfather builds the Castle of Lions. Coran accompanies him to a Balmera during the construction.
7614 B.C.E.: Kova is born
7606-7613 B.C.E.: A Trans-Reality Comet crash lands on the planet Daibazaal and a rift between realities is discovered at the crash site.
7604-7605 B.C.E.: 1 year before Allura’s birth, Honerva and Alfor initiate their first Quintessence experiment.
7603-7604 B.C.E.: Princess Allura is born, and Voltron makes its debut defending Daibazaal from the Rift Creatures.
7586 B.C.E.: Daibazzal and Altea are destroyed. Lotor is born
1414: The Galra Empire battles a technologically advanced species known as the Zel and decimates their population, but are unable to locate the Zelthronian homeworld.
2392, February 29: Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane is born
2394, May 25: Matt Holt is born
2396, January: Krolia crash lands on Earth
2396, October 23: Keith is born
2397, January 13: Hunk is born
2397, July 28: Lance is born
2398, April 03: Katie “Pidge” Holt is born
2406, August: Shiro begins taking classes at the Galaxy Garrison.
2408, August: Matt begins taking classes at the Galaxy Garrison.
2410, May: Shiro graduates from Galaxy Garrison’s cadet program
2410, August: Shiro continues his education at the Garrison
2411, March-May: Shiro visits Keith’s middle school as a recruiter for the Garrison sometime in the spring
2411, August: Keith, Lance, Hunk, James Griffin, Nadia Rizavi, Ryan Kinkade, and Ina Leifsdottir begin taking classes at the Galaxy Garrison
2412, May: Matt and Shiro graduate from their respective programs at the Galaxy Garrison.
2412, August: Shiro and Matt are selected to be part of the Garrison’s mission to Kerberos.
2413, July: The Garrison’s mission to Kerberos launches
2413, September: Sam Holt, Matt, and Shiro reach Kerberos and are captured by the Galra Empire.
2413, December: Galaxy Garrison publicly announces the disappearance of the Kerberos mission.
2414, April 28: Rebel forces battle the Galra Empire on the planet Marchanda, resulting in 127,098 rebel casualties while the planet is reduced to a barren wasteland. Matt uses this battle to fake his death and go into hiding in a hidden rebel listening post.
2414, May 11: A rescue mission from Galaxy Garrison arrives on Kerberos to retrieve the equipment left behind after the original mission’s disappearance.
2414, August: Katie Holt begins taking classes at the Galaxy Garrison under the name of Pidge Gunderson in order to find information about what happened to her father and brother.
2414, September 01: Shiro lands on Earth and is rescued from quarantine by Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge.
2414, September 02: Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge find the Blue Lion and leave Earth.
2414, September 03: The Paladins train to figure out how to form Voltron outside of combat.
2414, September 04: The Paladins meet the Arusian natives and defeat the Myzax Robeast. Sendak attacks the Castle of Lions that night.
2414, September 05: Pidge and the paladins retake the Castle of Lions from Sendak while Hunk and Coran retrieve a new Balmeran crystal.
2414, September 06: The Castle of Lions takes off from Arus and liberates Shay’s Balmera later that day following an encounter with Rollo and Nyma en route.
2414, September 07: Hunk takes Shay to watch her first sunrise. After leaving the Balmera, Coran takes the Paladins to the Karthulian system for a training exercise.
2414, September 08: The Paladins travel to the planet Krell to retrieve a Yalexian Pearl to trade for Coran’s safety.
2414, September 09-30: Sometime in September, Team Voltron investigates a Zelthronian distress signal.
2414, December: The Paladins coordinate with the Blade of Marmora to attack Central Command, grievously wounding Zarkon in the process. Shiro disappears and Lotor is summoned from exile to lead the empire while his father recovers.
2415, January:
Keith becomes the new pilot of the Black Lion and leads the team in their first battles against Lotor on Puig and Thayersix.
The Paladins find an Altean exploration ship caught in a rift between realities and recover the trans-reality comet stored in its cargo hold after visiting the Altean Empire reality.
Shiro makes his way back to the team after awakening aboard a Galran research vessel.
In the process of searching for the trans-reality comet, the Paladins come upon Lotor’s generals attacking a Galran outpost in the Ulippa system to steal a fragment of their Teludav.
Coran tells the Paladins the story of Voltron's origins and Zarkon's descent into tyranny.
2415, March-April: Keith and Kolivan discover a new strain of Quintessence being shipped across the Galra empire through a network of secret supply routes.
2415, May:
Keith leaves the team in order to focus on his work with the Blade of Marmora.
Voltron misses performing their air show at the planet Drazan’s Clear Day celebration, leading Coran to ingest a brain worm to help him do a better job coming up with ideas for their propaganda shows.
2415, July:
Pidge finally tracks down Matt and brings him back to the Castle of Lions.
Haggar uses her magic to reawaken Zarkon, in the process regaining some of her memories of her life as Honerva.
Zarkon learns that Lotor is building ships from a trans-reality comet and declares his son a fugutive.
Voltron launches an attack on Naxzella and other key planets to seize control of 1/3 of the Galra Empire’s territory in a single strike.
The Paladins finish liberating planet Pintos Sentos.
Voltron dismantles the Galra shipbuilding facility known as SPRAWL using intel provided by Lotor.
2415, August:
Voltron rescues Sam, and Zarkon is killed by Lotor in the process.
Lotor becomes the new emperor of the Galra in the thirty-fourth Kral Zera.
Sam returns to Earth and is placed under quarantine at Galaxy Garrison’s main base in Arizona.
Keith extracts Krolia from Ranveig’s base and they enter the Quantum Abyss in search of the origins of the new mystery Quintessence.
Lotor, and Allura enter Oriande, where Allura passes the trials of the White Lion and gains further knowledge of Altean Alchemy.
Team Voltron assist Commander Bogh and Lieutenant Lahn when their planet is attacked by Sendak’s Fire of Purification.
Sam is released from quarantine and reunited with his wife Colleen.
2415, September: Sam is debriefed by Galaxy Garrison’s Joint Chiefs regarding his experiences in space.
2416, March 01-08: After spending at least 2 years in the Quantum Abyss, Keith and Krolia return to the Castle of Lions with Romelle. The Paladins battle Lotor and are forced to sacrifice the Castle of Lions to seal off the Quintessence Field and save their entire reality.
2416, May-August: The Druids and other factions of the Galra Empire begin a campaign of retaliation against the Blade of Marmora and the Voltron Coalition.
2416, September: Matt contacts his parents on Earth to inform them of Voltron’s disappearance and warn them of the rebellion’s losses.
2417, March:
The Blade of Marmora make their last stand against the Druids. Both factions suffer heavy casualties, and Kolivan is taken captive by Macidus.
Sendak invades Earth.
2419, March:
Allura merges Shiro with his clone and the Paladins gather Fonatonium to help recharge their lions.
The Paladins set off for Earth and are captured by Zethrid and Ezor’s pirate crew while investigating an abandoned Blade of Marmora outpost.
The Paladins encounter Macidus and rescue Kolivan. Krolia leaves with Kolivan to search for other surviving Blades.
The Paladins attempt to recharge their lions.
2419, August: The Paladins reach Earth and quickly liberate the planet from Sendak’s occupation.
2419, October: Warlord Lahn sends Klytax V-3 and 14 other cruisers to salvage weapons from one of Warlord Ranveig’s bases.
2420, March:
The Paladins enjoy their last day on Earth before returning to space.
The IGF Atlas launches from Earth to liberate planets that remain under Galra rule.
2420, April: The Atlas attacks Warlord Lahn’s base on the planet Ryker.
2420, May 12-31:
Voltron and the crew of the Atlas attend planet Drazan’s Clear Day festival.
The Paladins confront Honerva at the source of all realities.
2421, May: The lions fly away to parts unknown.
Note: This timeline will be updated whenever I uncover further information.
[1] Creating Voltron: Legendary Defender; June 10, 2016. https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/creating-voltron-legendary-defender/
[2] Tweet by Joaquim Dos Santos; October 12, 2018. https://web.archive.org/web/20200723131054/https://twitter.com/JDS_247/status/1050905860728213506
[3] The Ending of 'Voltron' Season 7, Explained by the Showrunners; Eric Francisco; August 10, 2018. https://www.inverse.com/article/47977-voltron-legendary-defender-season-7-netflix-ending-explained-by-showrunners-interview  
[4] Joaquim Dos Santos & Lauren Montgomery Talk Voltron at Wondercon '17; When Nerds Attack; April 2, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZW1V2dYHgs
[5] High School in the United States - wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_school_in_the_United_States 
[6] K-12 Education in the United States - Wikipedia.
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miastideclock · 1 year
a year with bang chan, "march 2nd"
word count: 680 warnings: not edited notes: really sorry about this being a month late
january 2nd ⁺₊ february 14th ⁺₊ march 2nd ⁺₊ april 17th ⁺₊ may 30th ⁺₊ june 4th ⁺₊ july 14th ⁺₊ august 1st ⁺₊ september 12th ⁺₊ october 3rd ⁺₊ november 1st ⁺₊ december 31st
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
int. museum. morning.
“do you have your tickets ready?” a lady clad in a sophisticated uniform asked you and your boyfriend as you stood in line.
you found yourself outside the museum of natural history, looking up at the massive glass building. you had been here a few times before, but it seemed you always visited at the wrong times, sections being closed off or renovated. this time however, you had looked up beforehand when the botanical garden would be open so you could time it right. chan was as usual more than happy to accompany you to your adventures of your fascination.
“sure, here you go.” you smiled at the woman and showed her the two tickets you had ready in your phone. she gave you a nod, then gestured for you to pass through the door that lead into the museum. “so, we look around inside for a bit, then go out to the botanical gardens when the sun has fully risen? it was a bit cold out still.” you suggested, chan nodding along as he thought it was a great idea.
you quickly found the first exhibit in a massive room filled with glass cages of ancient artifacts, informational plaques, and huge replicas of what once used to be.
“the fact that something that big walked the same earth as us is beyond me.” chan spoke as he looked at a model of a dinosaur that was six to seven times taller than the both of you.
“brachiosaurus stood 12 meters tall and 23 meters long.” you read from the text written on the wall next to the massive creature. “and it was technically not that long ago either, in the grand scheme of things.” you quickly added as you looked further down on the information on the dinosaur. ”considering the planet is 4.3 billion years old, and these fuckers lived 145 million years ago.. that’s only like three percent of the worlds existence.”
“nope, no, nah, absolutely not, you got me spiralling, we have to move onto something else.” chan cut you off, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you away from the late jurassic period. you couldn’t help but chuckle at his actions, but let him steer you around nonetheless.
you roamed the different exhibits for a while longer until you decided to leave for the gardens. as soon as you made your way out on the grand steps that lead down and into the gardens, you felt your breath get knocked out of you. the sight before you was one pulled out of a movie, and you instantly felt the need to wear a long, flowy dress and run barefoot through the hedges. smell the flowers, look at the fish in the pond, and just dance around like the main character in your own fantasy.
“this is stunning.” you breathed out, not moving as you took it all in. chan grinned at your reaction and took a step towards you so we was now behind you. he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder, placing a soft kiss on your skin.
“let’s go.” he whispered into the crook of your neck, then let you go. he started walking down the marble staircase that lead down to the grass, but soon noticed you weren’t behind him. he turned around to see you in the exact spot he left you in, chuckling as he looked at you. he reached his hand out for you to grab, even though you couldn’t reach it without stepping forwards.
“you look like a prince.” you grinned. he was dressed in business casual attire, his hair not in any headwear for once, and the way he held out for you made him look like the main love interest in the fantasy you had built in your head.
“as long as you’re my princess.” he smiled back at you, it being enough for you to move your feet and grab his hand as he lead you down the stairs and into the botanical garden.
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Reading 6: Sunday, June 23
The sixth read-through - and only drink-through - of A Midsummer Night's Dream!
Drinking game rules here (they'll also be included in the Big Block o' Text before your reading).
(Most of you are double or triple cast, so double check which lines you have to read.) You can look up the lines of the characters here. The names listed below all go with the Folger Edition. 
Please submit your confirmation or any request to understudy here. If you’re in any doubt, please ask.
Times and time zones:
EDT (US): 4:00pm CDT (US): 3:00pm MDT (US): 2:00pm PDT (US):  1:00pm BST (UK): 9:00pm AEST (AU): 6:00am, Monday June 24
Leader: @mariposagal
Oberon, Theseus: @astrangergivingthestrangewelcome Bottom: @l832 Helena, Snout, Mustardseed: @wildechild Robin Goodfellow (Puck), Philostrate: @thestorywitch Lysander, Snug, Cobweb: @sayyestothejess Hermia, Starveling, Mote: Gabby C Titania, Hippolyta: @actorinfluence Demetrius, Peaseblossom: @infinitelytheheartexpands Quince, Prologue, 2nd Fairy: @mariposagal Flute, Egeus, Fairy*: @rainincastamere Understudy: purplemuskrat, trashprinceofdenmark (DD)
Please submit your confirmation here - liking/reblogging this post does not count!
Read the Guidelines. To avoid the differences between editions that make for confusion and missed cues, please use the Folger edition of Midsummer during the read-through.
Be on time, be prepared, and make sure you know which lines to read. Good luck!
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ComicList: Marvel Comics New Releases for Wednesday, May 24, 2023, by Charles LePage.
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Volume 25 Maximum Carnage TP, $39.99
Bishop War College #4 (Cover A Ken Lashley), $3.99
Bishop War College #4 (Cover B Cory Smith), AR
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Phil Noto), $4.99
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Jim Cheung), AR
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Declan Shalvey), AR
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), AR
Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man TP, $17.99
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $4.99
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Ken Lashley Symbiote Variant), AR
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Peach Momoko), AR
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover D InHyuk Lee), AR
Extreme Venomverse #2 (Of 5)(Cover E Ryan Stegman Venom The Other Variant), AR
Fury #1 (Cover A Adam Kubert), $5.99
Fury #1 (Cover B Chris Samnee), AR
Fury #1 (Cover C Mike Del Mundo), AR
Guardians Of The Galaxy #1 (2nd Printing Cover A Kev Walker), $4.99
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover A Michael Dowling), $3.99
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover B Marguerite Sauvage), AR
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover C Joshua Sway Swaby), AR
Hallows’ Eve #3 (Cover D Skottie Young), AR
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Pere Perez), $3.99
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover B David Baldeon Spider-Verse Variant), AR
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover C Betsy Cola), AR
Hellcat #3 (Of 5)(Cover D Lee Garbett), AR
Immortal X-Men By Kieron Gillen Volume 2 TP, $15.99
Iron Man #1 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99
Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 23 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00
Marvel Masterworks The Avengers Volume 23 HC (Direct Market Variant Edition Volume 342), $75.00
Marvel Previews Volume 6 #21 (June 2023), AR
New Mutants Lethal Legion #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Javier Fernandez), $3.99
New Mutants Lethal Legion #3 (Of 5)(Cover B David Lopez), AR
Peter Parker And Miles Morales Spider-Men Double Trouble TP, $13.99
Punisher War Journal TP, $15.99
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $3.99
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Ken Lashley Frame Variant), AR
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Rod Reis Connecting Variant), AR
Spider-Man 2099 Dark Genesis #4 (Of 5)(Cover D Justin Mason Handbook Variant), AR
Spider-Man 2099 Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Rick Leonardi Book Market Cover), $150.00
Spider-Man 2099 Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Rick Leonardi Direct Market Cover), $150.00
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White And Red #2 (Cover A Adam Kubert), $4.99
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White And Red #2 (Cover B Declan Shalvey), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader Black White And Red #2 (Cover C Salvador Larroca), AR
Star Wars The High Republic #10 (Cover A Rafael De Latorre), $3.99
Star Wars The High Republic #10 (Cover B Leinil Francis Yu), AR
Star Wars The High Republic #10 (Cover C David Lopez), AR
Star Wars Volume 5 The Path To Victory TP, $15.99
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Alan Davis), $4.99
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Stanley Artgerm Lau Virgin Variant), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Nic Klein Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Taurin Clarke), AR
Storm #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon Variant), AR
Thor #34 (Cover A Nic Klein), $3.99
Thor #34 (Cover B Javier Garron Spider-Verse Variant), AR
Thor #34 (Cover C Mateus Manhanini), AR
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Ron Lim), $3.99
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Gil Kane Remastered Variant), AR
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Lucas Werneck Stormbreakers Variant), AR
Warlock Rebirth #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Phil Noto), AR
X-Cellent #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Allred), $3.99
X-Cellent #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Natacha Bustos), AR
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hollowwhisperings · 2 years
The Average Lifespan of Targaryen Monarchs of Westeros
The Life Expectancies of Targaryen Monarchs: Dead by "Natural" Causes
Of 18 Targaryen Monarchs (Rhaenyra I & Aegon II here jointly as monarch #6),
2 died of "old" age: Aegon the Conqueror dying at 64, Jaehaerys I at 69.
8 died of illness: Aenys I (35), Viserys I (52), Aegon III (36), Baelor I (28), Viserys II* (50), Aegon IV (49), Daeron II (~56), & Jaehaerys II (36).
6 were killed, 2 in battle (Daeron I, 18; Maekar I, 64~69) and 3 by murder (Rhaenyra I, 33; Aegon II, 24; Aerys II, 39). Maegor I's exact cause of death (36) is unknown but it is Universally Agreed that his death was both Unnatural & completely justified.
Aerys I's cause of death is as yet unknown, as is his exact year of birth. He is approximated by The Wiki as dying aged 34~39 years.
Under the cut: content warnings, distinctions between causes of death, calculation, notable factors & speculation thereon, "The Dragon In The Room".
CW: Major Character Death spoilers for HotD, endgame spoilers for HotD, spoilers for F&B, discussion of incest, reference to child marriage & underage parents, reference & implication of dubcon, discussion of fertility & infertility, brief reference to Old Valyria (slavery, genocide, human experimentation), reference to Targaryen eugenics.
Cause of Death: "Old" Age
Since only 2 of the 18 Targaryen monarchs survived to die of age, an average for a "natural" life expectancy cannot be made. It should also be noted that both Aegom the Conqueror was a war veteran whilst Jaehaerys I had a very dangerous childhood. Both kings were dragonriders, of Balerion & Vermithor respectively.
The longest living Targaryens on record are Queen Visenya the Conqueror (73) and Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch (102).
(Off-record, the longest-lived is Ser Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers (125, going on 126) but, given that Bloodraven is a dubiously human tree-wizard, he is a Statistical Outlier who Should Not Be Counted.)
It is difficult to approximate an average, "natural" life expectancy for members of House Targaryen due to an insufficient pool of data: most of the recorded deaths were only noted for being sudden or violent, whilst female & younger siblings faded into obscurity.
Cause of Death: Illness
Most kings who died of illness were born frail or otherwise known to be "sickly", yes, dragonriders included. These kings tended to die slowly or "as expected". There were only 2 exceptions to this rule: Viserys II, who died "suddenly" a year into his reign, and Daeron II, who died during The Great Spring Sickness of 209 AC (a pandemic that struck the entirety of King's Landing).
Baelor I is included amongst the monarchs to die of illness as his cause of death was "religious fasting", the illness that killed him thus "self-inflicted" but "natural" nonetheless (Baelor's religious enthusiasm was extreme and dangerous to himself & others).
An Average "Natural" Lifespan: Calculation
For the sake of this calculation, deaths by illness will be included amongst those of old age (suspiciously timed illnesses reluctantly included). A secondary calculation will be made, removing kings whose illnesses were sudden as opposed to "naturally" progressing.
The following 9 monarchs (& ages at death) will be used: Aegon the Conqueror (64), Aenys I (35), Jaehaerys I (69), Aegon III (36), Baelor I (28), Viserys II (50), Aegon IV (49), Daeron II (56), Jaehearys II (36).
(64+35+69+36+28+50+49+56+36) ÷ 9
= 423 ÷ 9
= 47 years.
Thusly, the average natural life span of a Targaryen monarch is 47 years.
With the removal of Kings Viserys II & Daeron II, whose deaths by illness were Sudden rather than Inevitable, the average lifespan becomes 45.3 years or "45 yrs & 4 months".
Factors, Additional Context & Speculation
Genetic Diversity (& Lack Thereof)
Of the 8 kings felled by illness, 3 were born to sibling-spouses (Viserys I, Baelor I, Daeron II), 3 had wholly unrelated parents (Aegon IV, Aerys I), 1 had parents who were cousins many times over (Aenys I), 1 had parents who were uncle & niece (Aegon III).
Inbreeding, as known by farmers & thus humanity for time immemorial (Westeros included), results in offspring who are more susceptible & less adaptable to illness.
Illness: Maternal Health
A major factor to any person's long-term health is the manner of their birth: mothers who were too young or too old, had previously dangerous pregnancies, &/or experienced trauma during their pregnancy... all these factors can contribute to the wellness of both mother & child.
Of 18 monarchs,
2 were born when their mothers were underage (Rhaenyra I & Daeron II)3 were born when their mothers were over 30 (Aenys I, Maegor I, Jaehaerys I),
3 had mothers neglected by historic record, 4 with the inclusion of Alicent Hightower (whose lifetime is currently Under Revision & thus excluded from this post's calculations),
the remaining 10 had mothers who were actually Of Age, 4 monarchs having older siblings.
For more speculation, see "The Maternity of Targaryen Kings" here: https://at.tumblr.com/hollowwhisperings/the-maternity-of-targaryen-kings/
Royal Privileges
The wealth & authority held by a monarch in a feudal society affords many privileges: a varied & stable diet, accessible healthcare, servants to attend hygiene, education, Kingsguard sworn to bodily protection, the highest quality arms & armour, and more.
Their high stations also, however, gavs historic Targaryens the "privileges" of: being able to eat & drink in excess, override sound advice from a young age (it is harder to enforce the eating of vegetables or the importance of Safe Sex when such advice could be interpreted as Treason), and becoming the Targets of [medical sabotage].
Regardless of any Greater Maester Conspiracies, the good health of those who hold or will inherit absolute power can never be truly safeguarded. The lavish lifestyle of medieval-ish royalty requires countless servants (cooks, kitchen staff, personal attendants, maids, errand runners...) and a life lived in public (at court, in council, for ceremony...). The ambitious and fearful can & do find ways to further their interests, anyone could mean a royal harm: their council, their bannermen, their chamber maid, their betrothed, their in-laws, their uncles, their children.
These combined Royal Privileges undoubtedly affected Targaryen Monarchs, especially those who inherited the throne in times of societal upheaval. Stress and authority over a continent (give or take a kingdom) take their toll, even on the most disinterested of monarchs.
A pertinent example is that of Viserys II: the illness that killed him was both abrupt and suspiciously timed.
Viserys II: a case study of Royal "Privilege"
Despite being one of the better rulers of Westeros, having served the Realm for ~30 years to Kings Aegon III (depressed), Daeron I (war-hungry) & Baelor I (dangerously pious) before his ending up on the throne himself. His sudden illness occurred just 1 year into his rule. Many persons & factions had incentive to remove Viserys II from office. He was unpopular both in his lifetime & in public record.
(nevermind his successfully resolving the conflict with Dorne through treaty & marriage alliances; his making & codifying law reforms; his increasing trade & public wellbeing... okay, Viserys II may or may not be one of my favourite monarchs. Better to acknowledge my bias & recommend grains of salt).
The Dragon In The Room
Of 18 Targaryen monarchs were dragonriders, 7 were dragonriders. Of these 7: 2 died of "old" age, 3 died of illness, and 3 were killed.
Thusly is the idea of "Dragonrider Immunity" in the royal line of House Targaryen disproved.
If anything, dragonriding seems to age a person: the height and speed of flight would logically take a toll, regardless of any "Dragonriding Genes". Queen Alysanne, amongst the few Targaryens noted to die of old age, hatched & rode the dragon Silverwing: she was noted as losing her hearing in her late 50's and, at 57, lost the mobility needed to ride her dragon. This point is dubious, given it is one example amongst an already small sample size. Another dubious point is the precedence in House Targaryen of premature greying of hair: this is difficult to confirm, given the shallow difference between "silver/silver-gold/blonde" and "grey/white" (as well as the dubious quality of witness accounts of historic Targaryens, given how polarizing many figures were & the thusly dubious accuracy of witness testimonies).
Less controversial is the fact that, in the ASOIAF setting, all magic comes At Cost: dragons are magical ("fire made flesh") and Targaryens were originally a minor house of dragonlords in Old Valyria. Valyria is mostly known for its dragons, wealth, conquering, mass enslavement, pyromancy, blood magic ...and human experimentation. Members of House Targaryen believe themselves to have "blood of the dragon" & in early cases, intended very literally. It is plausible that House Targaryen, specifically, became or were made dragonlords via [blood magic & human experimentation]. It is unknown if this was a unique feature of House Targaryen or common practice amongst the more ambitious families of Valyria. Thusly, Targaryens are themselves magical. Later generations added the blood of First Men (most notably Houses Hightower, Dayne & Blackwood) & thus also Andal, & the Rhoynar (a people whose genocide was attempted by Valyria but thwarted by Queen Nymeria; whose home was made a wasteland in their absence).
Through the hatching of dragons by Targaryens, a method used to ensure a "bonding", could plausibly cost a person's theoretical & potential [lifeforce?]. Dragonriders can bond with dragons they have not personally hatched, with varying difference in compatibility, and a dragon can have multiple riders durings their lifetime.
Note: Dragons DO hatch naturally, without Targaryen intervention, as evidenced by: the wild dragons of Dragonstone, descendants of eggs & dragons brought from Valyria; the past & present wild dragons of eastern Essos (though any Valyrian breeds are believed extinct); the historic dragons of Westeros, regularly recorded (& slain) many thousands of years before the rise of the Valyrian Freehold & its dragonlords.
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New and FINAL list of ship weeks for 2023!
Each week will have different prompts for each day, for fanfictions, fanarts, edits, headcanons, ect.
To participate, just tag your posts with the corresponding tags!
April 23-29th - Bevie (Ben x Evie)
May 7-13th - Jonnie (Jay x Lonnie)
May 21-27th - Jarlos (Jane x Carlos)
June 4-10th - Gal (Gil x Mal)
June 11-17th - Huma (Harry x Uma)
June 23-29th - Core4 (Mal x Evie x Jay x Carlos)
July 5-11th - Benry (Ben x Harry)
July 16-22nd - Janvie (Jane x Evie)
July 26 - August 1st - Bil (Ben x Gil)
August 6-12th - Maudrey (Mal x Audrey)
August 20-26th - Eviette (Evie x Harriet)
Sep 3-9th - Jaylos (Jay x Carlos)   
Sep 17-23rd - Haudrey (Audrey x Harry)
Oct 1-7th - Malvie (Mal x Evie)
Oct 10-16th - Bane (Ben x Jane)
Oct 18-24th - Sea3 (Uma x Harry x Gil)
Nov 5-11th - Chevie (Evie x Chad)
Nov 16-22nd - Carvie (Carlos x Evie)
Nov 25 - Dec 2nd - Power Team (Gil x Jane x Doug) 
Dec 3-9th - Baudrey (Ben x Audrey)
If I missed any, I'm sorry! Let me know and I'll try to add it to a 2024 list! And as always, any prompt suggestions would be lovely!
Looking forward to seeing everybody's works!
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kpopfeeds · 1 year
2PM’s Discography
Hottest Time Of The Day: 
Release date: September 4, 2008
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10 Out of 10 
2:00 Time for Change 
Release date: September 23, 2009 
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2nd Single
What Time Is It Now
Again & Again 
I Hate You 
Maybe She’ll Come Back 
Again & Again (R&B Mix) 
Again & Again (Instrumental) 
I Hate You (Instrumental) 
Maybe She’ll Come Back (Instrumental) 
Release date: November 12, 2009
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First Album 
My Heart 
Tired of Waiting 
I Was Crazy About You 
Gimme the Light 
Back 2 U 
All Night Long 
Heartbeat (Red Light Mix) 
10 Out of 10 
Only You (Acoustic Mix) 
Again & Again 
I Hate You (Lounge Mix) 
Maybe She’ll Come Back (Bossa Nova Mix) 
Thank You (Japan Edition Only) 
Don’t Stop Can’t Stop 
Release date: April 19, 2010 
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3rd Single 
Don’t Stop Can’t Stop 
Without U 
I Will Give You My Life 
Without U (Explorer Mix) 
Space MAZA 
Still 2:00pm 
Release date: October 14, 2010 
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Mini Album 
I’ll Be Back 
Even If You Leave Me 
I Can’t 
I Know 
I’ll Be Back (Club Mix) 
Hands Up
Release date: June 20, 2011 
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2nd Album 
Hands Up 
Give It To Me 
Like a Movie 
Don’t You Know 
Without U 
I’ll Be Back 
I Can’t 
Hands Up (East4A Mix) 
Electricity (220v Mix) 
Thank You 
Don’t Stop Can’t Stop 
Release Date: November 30, 2011 
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First Japanese Album 
I’m Your Man 
Ultra Lover 
I’ll Be Back (Japanese Version) 
Stay With Me 
Without U (Japanese Version) 
Crazy In Love 
100th Day Anniversary 
Take Off 
Hands Up (Japanese Version) 
Heartbeat (Japanese Version) 
Even Though We’re Apart 
2PM Member’s Selection 
Release date: May 21, 2012 
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Best Album 
10 Out of 10 
Only You 
Again & Again 
I Hate You 
Maybe She’ll Come Back 
Tired of Waiting 
Gimme the Light 
Alive (Jun.K solo) 
Don’t Stop Can’t Stop 
Without U 
I’ll Be Back 
I Can’t 
Hands Up 
Give It to Me 
Thank You 
Move On (Wooyoung and Junho duet) 
Legend of 2pm 
Release date: February 13, 2013 
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2nd Japanese Album 
The Legend
Masquerade (Legend of 2PM Version) 
So Bad 
Only One 
Missing You 
Want You Back 
This Is Love 
I’ll Be OK
SOS Man 
Hanareteitemo (Live Version) 
Release date: May 07, 2013 
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 3rd Album 
Comeback When You Hear This Song
Zero Point 
I’m Sorry 
The First Date 
One More Day 
Game Over 
Coming Down 
Go Back 
Love Song 
At Times 
Release date: January 29, 2014 
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3rd Japanese Album 
Winter Games 
Elen - Lasting heart 
Step by Step 
Falling In Love 
Best of Love 
Only Girl 
I want you 
Stay Here 
NEXT Generation
Beautiful Day 
Go Crazy 
Release date: September 15, 2014 
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4th Album 
Go Crazy 
Like Tonight 
She’s Ma Girl 
Goodbye Trip 
Beautiful (Korean Version) 
I’m Your Man (Korean Version) 
Go Crazy (Grand Edition) 
Release date: September 29, 2014 
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4th Album
Please Come Back
Love is True
the Word, Love
Go Crazy
Go Crazy (BOYTOY Crazy Remix)
Go Crazy (BOYTOY Vibe Remix)
Go Crazy (Djnure VS. Fingazz Remix)
2PM OF 2PM - Repackage 
Release date: May 20, 2015
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4th Japanese Album 
Guilty Love 
Sexy Ladies 
Through the Fire 
Jam Session 
Slender Man 
Shiny Girl 
Burning Love 
harukaze good bye again 
I know 
Release date: June 15, 2015 
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5th Album 
My House 
Nobody Else 
Not The Only One 
Hotter Than July 
About To Go Insane 
Wanna Love You Again 
Know Your Mind 
Good Man 
Release date: April 27, 2016 
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4th Japanese Album 
The Galaxy 
Souzou site mite 
Party Monster 
Talk about Your Love 
My House (Japanese Version) 
Shining Star 
Set Me Free 
Issyoni sugoshita jikan 
Gentlemen’s Game 
Release date: September 13, 2016 
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6th Album 
Promise (I’ll Be) 
Giv u Class 
Make Love 
Without Even Trying 
How About This 
My Last 
Can’t Stop Feeling 
Release date: June 28, 2021 
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7th Album 
Make It 
OK or Not 
On My Way 
The Cafe 
Moon & Back 
Two of Us 
Hold You 
My House (Acoustic Version) 
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prue84 · 9 months
Summer '23 review: --/👍👍
I can’t brave myself to put a rating to this season, as it would feeling like rating (for stupid things) the worst month in my life so far. Rating should resume next season (hoping that, since my dad died three days before the anniversary of my grandad, mom won’t imitate grandma who died in October of the same year. I don’t think I’ll fully breath until 2023 is ended). 😬 In depth analysis under the cut.
Wordcount on WIPs: >1300/20.000
Warren and his Women (1,2~/6,5k).
Developing detailed drafts: 19 ≥ 20 pages
Estimated count.
Working on headcanons
Star Trek’s Gaila (4k added).
Graphic artworks: 2/3 (5 published)
Merlin the merlin, Dragon photobombing(x4).
Manga editing: 0 (100 = project complete)
Season 1-per-Month post goal: 3 / 4
- Do and/or finish one fanwork per month ❌
June: Mensis horribilis, with dad’s health failing in June 2nd, and leaving us after three weeks in three different places (hospital 1, nurse home/Bellagio, hospital 2/Lecco - he missed Como else he staid at all the best places on the Como Lake...) in June 22nd. Barely held myself together until the day his ashes came back home.
July: - Sat down and finally trapped my will to write. - Finished an old Instagram mock.
August: - Finished the last bits and polished up the Warren’s women ficlet that had been on the works since months. - Wrapped up an old Instagram mock and also added a second pic to it. - Made some progress on another Instagram home mock on the Trek side. - Not much on the writing side, but did write quite a few pages on the Warren/Betsy AU. - Come up with a new X-Men crossover I didn’t need. It’s easy to make on paper. But... meh.
September (1st half): - Hit a block on the writing side. - Attempted to trick my lazy ass into doing a translation. Done a rough English translation for a full Merlin post 5x13/Return AU storyboard. 28 pages. It’s needs heavy polishing now. - New X-Men AU developed. Full storyboard ready. - Developed further the Star Trek x X-Men. - Managed to land a goal by finally finishing the Gaila headcanon. - New idea for a canon short ficlet for Warren/Betsy. - After a whole year (date of draft post is 25/10/’22) I managed to completed the Warren/Betsy headcanons. - Caught back with the Warren/Betsy AU after a long block.
- Finish & post some old graphic WIP [✔] [1,2]
- Post some finished graphic that was held back ❌
- Finish Chronicles of Camelot’s retouch ❌
- Finish that 90% done 2015 Spirk one shot ❌
- Finish the Royal Eagle fic that’s 90% done ❌
- Translate and share some Merlin AUs ideas ❌
- Write fanfic ❌
- Finish with all Kirk’s headcanons series ❌
- Complete the Trek characters headcanon two series (9 left) ❌ (Finished Gaila - now onto polishing it a bit)
- Finish that Le-matya headcanon ❌
- Finish any other WIP headcanon.(currently 5, Trek and X-Men) ❌
- Finish to develop the “Modern Times Merlin” AU and made this AU edit ❌
- Work on some Merlin / Star Wars AU content. ❌
- Finish and post the Sea Patrol Trek crew ❌
- Post some other Trek crew AU ❌❌ (I actually went and added more crews to develop!)
- NEW: Write the text part to the Star Wars Prequels/Trek crew AUs. ❌
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dreamings-free · 2 years
Tbh I doubt it-he talked about documentary in billboard int and said it wasnt finished yet.and i checked how promo was handled for charlies documentaries for liam gallagher and it was big promo push,started like two months before.maybe they were testing something or those sites made a mistakes maybe it will be next year🤷‍♀️
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finally the documentary discussion! I’ve put these two together as I’m not sure which anon asked again for my thoughts.
but yeah I think we’ve reached a point where a Dec 1st release isn’t super likely… cause that’s ten days away! that said I’m not really sure we can compare Louis’ documentary to Liam Gallagher’s As It Was in terms of timing and promo. the campaign for AIW was tied to the release of LG’s 2nd solo album. it premiered in the UK months before the album (film in june, album in september) and about a week after album’s first single dropped. we also don’t really have any idea how big this project is..
like one anon said, in the Billboard interview published 11/11 Louis said "it’s kinda not finished" but also that he’d "been watching different edits of it".. so difficult to tell how close to dine it is. (and the interview must have been done fairly recently, probably even just a few days before it was published, because it mentions the whole skinner bros thing which went down in 23/10)
all in all I don’t have too many concrete thoughts to a release date rn.. guess we’ll have to wait and see. but curious how those two sites had info on it over a months ago 👀
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