#edmond chandler
darkwitch1999 · 5 months
@darkwitch1999 Hey witch, concerning the AUs, what Noelle and Devin be in the Class of Heroes and Class of Villains AU? How about the Monstrous youth AUs?
Never really put much thought into who would be in Class of Heroes or Villains (not even sure which characters are left that aren’t already taken). If they don’t have to be from a movie and they can be from TV shows, I definitely see Devin as Amity from Owl House in the Class of Heroes.
Devity (Devin/Amity) would be the only child of Chandler Blight (Chandler Nolan) and would strive to be the best and at the top of everything to please his mother, knowing fully well what fate would entail for him if he were ever to fall short of his mother's expectations or even dare to defy her. Unlike Amity, Devity would not have a father or older siblings for support, meaning that he would have to deal with his mother controlling his life alone.
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As for Noelle, I can see her as Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. She would be older than Lilo and much more "weird" than Lilo. Like Lilo, she is also alienated from her peer group due to her love of horror and gore, which has also led to her getting bullied by a group of four girls her age. Honestly, I think the Parisian Mean Girl quartet would be perfect for Mertle Edmonds and her friends. I can totally see Nilo or Lielle practicing voodoo on them like Lilo did in that one scene.
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As for the villains AU, I can see Devin as the sorcerer Mozenrath and Noelle as Randall Boggs.
In an alternate universe, I can imagine that as an evil villain, Devinrath would be more sinister, openly expressing his delight in watching others suffer, and like Mozenrath and Devin separately, would be scholarly with their vast knowledge of magic. His mother would have been the one who taught him magic up until the point when Devinrath decided to usurp her power and her throne when he felt that the woman had nothing left to teach him.
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Noelle Boggs is someone I can imagine being a chameleon-like humanoid who takes immense satisfaction in scaring humans of all ages (children aren't enough to satisfy her desire to strike fear into those "weaker" than her. She'll scare teens and adults and she is amazing at it, especially if when scaring the elderly close to death).
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Now for the Monstrous Youths, I would say that Devin would most likely be a vampire from a prestigious family and Noelle would be a boogeyman (for obvious reasons). I would say in this AU they would retain most of their personality traits from their Darkverse counterparts (my fandom universe). The only real differences to their characters would be their monstrous forms and powers.
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czolgosz · 2 months
i went to a used book sale today... procured:
railroad color history: new york central railroad (brian solomon & mike schafer) — i'm not actually that into trains but it appealed to me.
the complete guide to the soviet union (jennifer louis & victor louis) — travel guide from 1980
an anthology including the big sleep (raymond chandler), "the undignified melodrama of the bone of contention" (dorothy l. sayers), "the arrow of god" (leslie charteris), "i can find my way out" (ngaio marsh), instead of evidence (rex stout), "rift in the loot" (stuart palmer & craig rice), "the man who explained miracles" (john dickson carr), & rebecca (daphne du maurier) (i already have this one..) — it's volume 2 of something (a treasury of great mysteries) which annoys me but whatever
an anthology including "godmother tea" (selena anderson), "the apartment" (t. c. boyle), "a faithful but melancholy account of several barbarities lately committed" (jason brown), "sibling rivalry" (michael byers), "the nanny" (emma cline), "halloween" (mariah crotty), "something street" (carolyn ferrell), "this is pleasure" (mary gaitskill), "in the event" (meng jin), "the children" (andrea lee), "rubberdust" (sarah thankam mathews), "it's not you" (elizabeth mccracken), "liberté" (scott nandelson), "howl palace" (leigh newman), "the nine-tailed fox explains" (jane pek), "the hands of dirty children" (alejandro puyana), "octopus vii" (anna reeser), "enlightenment" (william pei shih), "kennedy" (kevin wilson), & "the special world" (tiphanie yanique) — i guess they're all short stories published in 2020 by usamerican/canadian authors
an anthology including the death of ivan ilyich (leo tolstoy) (i have already read this one..), the beast in the jungle (henry james), heart of darkness (joseph conrad), seven who were hanged (leonid andreyev), abel sánchez (miguel de unamuno), the pastoral symphony (andré gide), mario and the magician (thomas mann), the old man (william faulkner), the stranger (albert camus), & agostino (alberto moravia)
the ambassadors (henry james)
the world book desk reference set: book of nations — it's from 1983 so this is kind of a history book...
yet another fiction anthology......... including the general's ring (selma lagerlöf), "mowgli's brothers" (rudyard kipling), "the gift of the magi" (o. henry) (i have already read this one..), "lord mountdrago" (w. somerset maugham), "music on the muscatatuck" (jessamyn west), "the pacing goose" (jessamyn west), "the birds" (daphne du maurier), "the man who lived four thousand years" (alexandre dumas), "the pope's mule" (alphonse daudet), "the story of the late mr. elvesham" (h. g. wells), "the blue cross" (g. k. chesterton), portrait of jennie (robert nathan), "la grande bretèche" (honoré de balzac), "love's conundrum" (anthony hope), "the great stone face" (nathaniel hawthorne), "germelshausen" (friedrich gerstäcker), "i am born" (charles dickens), "the legend of sleepy hollow" (washington irving), "the age of miracles" (melville davisson post), "the long rifle" (stewart edward white), "the fall of the house of usher" (edgar allan poe) (i have already read this one..), the voice of bugle ann (mackinlay kantor), the bridge of san luis rey (thornton wilder), "basquerie" (eleanor mercein kelly), "judith" (a. e. coppard), "a mother in mannville" (marjorie kinnan rawlings), "kerfol" (edith wharton), "the last leaf" (o. henry), "the bloodhound" (arthur train), "what the old man does is always right" (hans christian anderson), the sea of grass (conrad richter), "the sire de malétroit's door" (robert louis stevenson), "the necklace" (guy de maupassant) (i have already read this one..), "by the waters of babylon" (stephen vincent benét), a. v. laider (max beerbohm), "the pillar of fire" (percival wilde), "the strange will" (edmond about), "the hand at the window" (emily brontë) (i have already read this one..), & "national velvet" (enid bagnold) — why are seven of these chapters of novels....? anyway fun fact one of the compilers here also worked on the aforementioned mystery anthology. also anyway Why did i bother to write all that ☹️
fundamental problems of marxism (georgi plekhanov) — book about dialectical/historical materialism which is published here as the first volume of something (marxist library) which is kind of odd to me tbh
one last (thankfully tiny) anthology including le père goriot (honoré de balzac) & eugénie grandet (honoré de balzac)
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toxinoire · 1 year
Basically, Veronica listing down when she learned she can see ghosts, denying that fact and finally accepting it.
Anne Boleyn and K Howard make an appearance.
Veronica tapped her pen on the table, trying to drown out the noise Kurt and Ram are making by messing with her shelves while JD and Heather Chandler stop them.
She's been able to see ghosts for as long as she can remember, and she's been in denial of that fact until Heather. So she decided to finally pinpoint it all. She's written every key moment down as if it's a "5 + 1" fanfiction.
Contrary to how people depict ghosts, Veronica knows that they can in fact, touch things.
The ruckus in her room is a good example.
And Ram tossing her hat to her face.
It started at age 4, when her and her parents Nicolas and Evangeline Sawyer (my au obvs) were returning home from a vacation in France.
They were in the air at one point then the plane started to shake. Then it crashed.
Veronica opened her eyes to see herself standing in the hallway of a hospital, she can tell by the nurse talking to her grandfather Samuel Sawyer and uncle Edmond O'Reilly, her mom's older brother. She called out to them. "Grandpa! Uncle Eddie!"
No response.
She called them again. "Grandpa? Uncle?"
Once again, no response.
She's wondering why they're ignoring her. Then, someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see an old woman, who looks like she's in her seventies with gray her and blue eyes. "Hello there." She said in a soft tone as she kneeled down so she could be at Veronica's eye level. "What's your name?"
"Veronica Sawyer." She answered.
"Hello Veronica. I'm Tatiana Roberts." Said Tatiana. "What are you doing? And why do you look upset?" Although, she has her guesses.
"My grandpa and uncle are ignoring me." Veronica answered in a said voice.
Tatiana gaze softens even more, knowing well that this child is in a coma, and is currently a coma ghost. She doesn't want to let her know that, nor the fact that Tatiana herself is already an actual ghost who died during surgery. "Hey, there's a park here in the hospital. Do you want to hang out with me and my friends for a little while?"
Being four, of course she agreed. "Okay! But what about my grandpa and uncle?"
"I'm sure they'll talk to you soon." Said Tatiana. "Come on."
Tatiana learned that it was good that she did that when she did, otherwise Veronica would have heard the nurse tell her family members that her parents were awake and she was still unconscious.
Later at the park, she meets two other people. A married couple (who died a few minutes after arriving to the hospital after a car crash) who looked like they were in their early thirties. Hector Kane, a man with brown hair with some blue tips and brown eyes, and his wife Claudine Kane, a woman with blonde hair and green eyes.
"How did you two fall in love?" Asked Veronica.
Hectore chuckled. "Why do you want to know?"
"Because my mom told me that people fall in love differently. I want to know how you and Miss Claudine did!"
The couple laughed at the child's curiosity. "She's a little girl, I'm sure she'd like a story." Said Tatiana.
"Okay okay." Said Claudine. "We met in high school. But we weren't classmates. He was my big sister's classmate and is part of her friend group."
"We didn't talk much at the time but then we became teammates in the chess varsity team." Said Hector.
"What's a varsity team?"
"For schools, it's a team of people that can play sports."
"But isn't chess a board game?"
Claudine chuckled. "Well yes, but many consider it a sport too."
"Cool. So you fell in love because you were teammates?" Asked Veronica. The couple nodded. "That's awesome!"
"Yeah, Claudine is super good at chess." Said Hector as he grinned at his wife. "We would always compete against each other during training. She would always do think little thing with her hand whenever she won against me. And then I fell in love with her."
"Sap." Said Claudine.
Then, Veronica saw her hand blur. "Why is my hand blurry?"
Tatiana, Hector and Claudine see it too. They've been in this hospital long enough to know what this means...
Veronica is about to wake up.
"Your hand isn't blurry." Said Tatiana. "Maybe you're just sleepy."
"Yeah, go to sleep for a little okay? Maybe you'll see your mom and dad when you wake up." Said Claudine.
Veronica did fall asleep after a while and when she woke up, her grandfather and uncle were at her bedside and her parents were in two beds near hers. She looks around to look for Tatiana, Hector and Claudine. They're nowhere to be found.
Until she sees them later that night.
"That's where it started." Muttered Veronica as she finished writing that down. She chuckles as realizes that her seeing them after waking up explains the shocked expression on their faces when she waved to them that night.
She then wrote down the next one.
After that, she knew she's always seen more people in the house but she didn't think much of it and usually ignored them. However, when she was six years old, that's when she finally acknowledged those presences.
She was in the dining room reading a fairy tale, alone, everyone is either in the living room or upstairs.
"Ow." She heard someone mutter.
She looked up to see a man on the other end of the table who looks like he's in his late twenties, and looks a lot like her dad with his facial features and light brown hair. Only difference is the eye color.
"Excuse me sir? Are you okay?" Veronica asked.
His head whipped towards her. "Wha- yeah I'm fine...can you..?" He sits pulls a seat and sits down. "Can you see me?"
Veronica nods, confused on why he's asking this.
"I'm Veronica. What's your name?" She asks.
"I-I know your name, we uh...live in the same house. I'm Louis. Louis Saywer."
"Saywer? Cool, are we related?" Asked Veronica.
Louis nods. "Yeah actually..."
"How come my mom and dad don't talk to you?"
"Uh..." He nervously tugs at his sleeve, how was he supposed to explain that he's her father's older brother who died after someone broke in the house because he was the one in here when she was born and they still haven't found his body to a six year old? "They are too busy sometimes, so we don't always talk."
"Oh. So you do talk to them?"
He chokes out an answer. "Yeah..."
Veronica nodded. "Okay. Since we're related, can I call you uncle then?"
Louis relaxed and nodded. He knows that one day he'll have to explain this to Veronica, but not now.
He didn't have the heart to tell her.
"PUT THAT DOWN!" Heather yelled.
Kurt, holding up Veronica's sweater and swinging it like a banshee, laughs and answers "NOPE!"
"BITCH!" Yelled JD.
"Says the murderer." Ram retorted, who's also doing the same thing with another sweater.
Veronica sighs at the behavior of the four as she writes down the next one...when she realized she sees ghosts and tried to deny it.
Age 8, that's when Veronica realized, when she saw a picture of her dad and her uncle Louis and her dad explains he's dead.
"Ronnie..." Louis tried to get her to calm down.
Veronica didn't calm down.
"But...But I can see you! How are you dead?"
Louis sighed. "Veronica...I'm a ghost."
Veronica freezes as her eyes widen in shock.
He continued. "The other people you see here, they're also dead. It's why your parents don't talk to us, they can't see us. But for some reason, you can."
Veronica shook her head. "No...no you guys are probably just my imagination. Imaginary friends."
"V-" Louis cut himself off, he knew Veronica was stubborn, so he just stopped. "Believe what you want. You'll have to accept this one day."
Veronica just turned around.
He sighs again. "I'll leave you be. I'll talk to you soon."
Present day Veronica chuckled at her own words.
"Hello!? Veronica? Aren't you gonna make them stop or are you just gonna write there?" Said Heather.
"Heather, leave her be." Said JD.
"I'll help out later."
"Ugh fine." Said Heather.
The next one Veronica wrote down is a little crazy, but she still tried to deny it at the time.
Age 13, her parents took her to London, to fricking Hampton Court, because she had a hyperfixation on Tudor history at the time.
Her parents let her explore on her own. She is totally fine with that, it makes it easy to go check out stuff.
Then she heard sniffles.
Being the person she is, she went to see who was crying. Then she-
Holy crap is that a teenager in a fancy garment WITH BLOOD DRIPPING DOWN HER NECK?!
"Uh..." She mutters. "Is everything okay?"
Both girls turn to her.
"You see us?" Asked the older one.
Veronica nods. "Y-Yeah..."
"Oh. What is your name child?"
"Veronica Sawyer..."
She nods. "Katherine, kindly greet the girl."
"H-Hi." She mutters out.
Wait, Katherine?
"History has explained who we are, but we will still introduce ourselves formally. I am Anne Boleyn."
"And I am-" She sniffles. "Katherine Howard."
Veronica doesn't know how long she stood there frozen but she did manage to move. "Oh..." She sat near them. "What's wrong?"
Katherine looks at her for a bit before turning away again. "Every time I am here, I remember being dragged away by the king's guards."
Veronica looks at her with sympathy. "Oh. You were only 19 right?" Katherine nods.
"We were both moths drawn to a flame. And it eventually burnt us." Said Anne.
"I believe you guys." Said Veronica. "That you are innocent." She turns to Katherine. "And that you were not fully aware of what was happening. I know your executions were not justified."
Anne and Katherine smile at her.
"You should know that you knowing that, is very comforting." Said Anne.
Katherine nods. "It truly is."
Later, as Veronica left Hampton Court, she couldn't help but wonder if that truly was her imagination due to her current hyperfixation, or if she actually does sees ghosts.
Veronica turns and tosses a notebook--that she doesn't care for anymore--at him. "Get off my bed."
"Boo. Spoil sport." Said Kurt.
Veronica turns back to what she was writing.
Now for the day she finally accepted the fact that she does in fact see ghosts...
And that was Heather Chandler.
Ever since Heather died, she followed her around EVERYWHERE. She thought she was going crazy, especially when Kurt and Ram died and they followed Heather everywhere, resulting in them being around her a lot.
But only during that time JD broke into her room did she realized they were real.
She was hiding in the closet, Kurt and Ram are too busy enjoying the fact that they were in a woman's closet to worry, and Heather was next to her, keeping calm but her expression shows she's worried.
JD was currently monologing outside the closet door. "We'll plant this note explaining how they died."
That's when Veronica got the idea.
"We, the students of Westerburg High, will die!"
Heather noticed. "What's with that face Saywer?"
"He likes suicides doesn't he?" Said Veronica.
"I can hardly tell..." Heather said sarcastically. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Our burned bodies may finally get through, to you, your society churns out slaves and blanks! No thanks!"
"Let's see how he reacts to a suicide he didn't plan." Said Veronica as she took off her blazer and grabbed a blanket.
"Signed, the students of Westerburg High! Goodbye!"
Heather picked up Veronica's blazer from the floor and threw it over her shoulder. "What exactly are you doing?"
"We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors! Bring marshmallows, we'll make smores. We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!"
"I'm gonna tie the blanket around my waist, to carry me from the ground. Then around my neck to make it look like a suicide. Then I'll put my blazer on to cover the blanket." Said Veronica. "With the right angle, it'll look like I actually killed myself."
"Hm. Sounds like it could work." Said Heather.
"I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one!"
Veronica struggles to tie the blanket. Heather sighs. "Come on, I'll help you out."
"Oh thanks, just tie that there." Said Veronica.
"I can't make it alone! Finish what we begun!"
Wait, is she actually letting Heather help her? She's supposed to just be a figment of her imagination...
"You were meant to be mine!"
"And done." Said Heather.
"Thanks..." This can't be real.
"What's with that tone, Sawyer?" Asked Heather.
"Nothing, nothing." She immediately responded.
"I am all that you need!"
"Whatever." Said Heather as she held up the blue blazer and puts on Veronica.
"You carved open my heart!"
Veronica puts her arms in the sleeves and thinks, so that happened. Heather actually helped her out.
She really can see ghosts.
"Can't juts leave to bleed! VERONICA! Open the, open the door please."
Heck, she knew that all this time. She just refused to acknowledge that she can.
"Veronica, open the door. Veronica, can we not, fight anymore please. Can we not fight anymore? Veronica sure, you're scared. I've been there! I can set you free! Veronica, don't make me come in there! I'm gonna count to three!
Yeah, Heather cackling at JD when he thought Veronica was dead and at her mom when she dolphin screamed is definitely real.
Kurt and Ram pouted, but did so anyway.
"It's definitely a good thing that there's an adult figure in here." Said JD.
"Remember, just because I tolerate you two more than Kurt and Ram, doesn't mean I like you two." Louis reminded Heather and JD.
"Okay, uncle Louis, I think they know. You remind every time." Said Veronica.
"Anyway, what were you writing?" Asked Louis.
"Nothing entirely important. Just an analysis of a few things." Answered Veronica.
"Alright then." Said Louis.
Yeah, it's weird. Being able to see ghosts is weird. Especially when some are terrible, she's had her fair share of encounters with those type of ghosts.
But hey, at least she's never alone.
What do you guys think?
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byneddiedingo · 9 months
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Edmond O'Brien, Gordon MacRae, and Virginia Mayo in Backfire (Vincent Sherman, 1950)
Cast: Gordon MacRae, Virginia Mayo, Edmond O'Brien, Viveca Lindfors, Dane Clark, Ed Begley, Sheila MacRae, Mack Williams, Leonard Strong, Frances Robinson, Richard Rober, David Hoffman, Ida Moore. Screenplay: Lawrence B. Marcus, Ivan Goff, Ben Roberts. Cinematography: Carl E. Guthrie. Art direction: Anton Grot. Film editing: Thomas Reilly. Music: Daniele Amfitheatrof. 
Backfire is a hyperplotted whodunit that aspires to some of the narrative complexity of Raymond Chandler but doesn't quite have what it takes. Gordon MacRae plays Bob Corey, recovering from war wounds in an Army hospital, who receives a visit one night from a mysterious woman (Viveca Lindfors) who tells him that his friend Steve Connolly (Edmond O'Brien) has been in a serious accident and is threatening to commit suicide; she asks for his help, but Corey has just been given a shot to help him sleep and passes out as the woman is talking. The next morning, he's not certain whether the woman was really there or if he dreamed about her visit. When he gets out of the hospital, the police contact him: Connolly is wanted for the murder of a notorious gambler and has disappeared. While in the hospital, Corey has fallen in love with a nurse, Julie Benson (Virginia Mayo), and with her help he begins the search for his friend. The rest of the story is told mostly in a series of flashbacks, some of them provided by people who get killed for telling Corey their stories, which all point to a high-roller with a mistress who is none other than the mysterious woman who visited Corey in the hospital. Some suspenseful moments and some entertaining performances keep the movie going, but the outcome is just a little too predictable. It's like one of those TV detective shows where the bad guy turns out to be that character actor you've seen before but can't quite place. This time, it's the actor whose name recognition is a little larger than their role in the movie seems to justify. 
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D.O.A. and film noir: Right there in the face.
After watching and enjoying Black Angel, I was more than ready to view the D.O.A.(1950). D.O.A, released by United Artists, was directed by Rudolph Maté and starred Edmond O’Brien and Pamela Britton as the leads. The film follows O’Brien as Frank Bigelow, an accountant and notary public in California. Becoming restless and hesitant about his relationship with his secretary, Paula, played by Pamela Britton, he decides to take an impromptu trip to San Francisco. As he is trying to relax and enjoy his vacation, he begins to feel unwell and heads to the doctor. Upon discovering he has been poisoned and only has a few days left to live, he takes it upon himself to discover who “murdered” him before it’s too late. 
“This wartime and immediate postwar detective contrasts markedly with today’s conformist home-front detectives.” (Broe). This quote comes from the journal article Class, Labor, and the Home-Front Detective: Hammett, Chandler, Woolrich, and the Dissident Lawman(and Woman) in 1940s Hollywood and Beyond by Dennis Broe. I couldn’t agree more with this quote, especially given what I have watched this week. In both the Black Angel and D.O.A., there is no detective at all. There are police involved in both, but they play minor roles. The main characters who take it upon themselves to solve the mysteries in these films aren’t detectives, not even close. One is an accountant and notary public, while the other two are an alcoholic musician and a former singer turned housewife. In both films, the main characters are in situations where the police can’t do anything more or they feel as though they have to take it upon themselves. Both situations end with the case being solved, but a sadness and darkness to it all. They wrap up loose ends, but there are no true happy endings. Which makes perfect sense for film noir. 
After watching the Black Angel, I had high expectations. For the most part, those expectations were met. The quality of the film was great. The lighting was different, less soft lighting than Black Angel, as this was a grittier film and the lighting reflected that. The score also reflected that feeling, with its darker and jarring sound. Editing and the rest were all quite good. The acting was a bit more dramatic at times, especially during a confrontation or an embrace with a woman, but it also spoke of the time period. The plot was intriguing and not entirely what I expected. While I managed to figure some things out, there were a few times where a new twist and turn would take me by surprise. There were also things that were right there in my face, but I just didn’t see it until the end. But hey, now I know what D.O.A stands for. The ending was satisfying yet left me wanting a little more, though that’s what made it so good. 
Both films were excellent and I am glad I watched them. For all my expectations about crime noir films of the 40s, I was pleasantly surprised at the change of pace these films brought. I would say, if I had to pick between the two, I would choose Black Angel. While I did enjoy the D.O.A., Black Angel just had a little something more for me. Between the lighting, the music, the plot, not between the romance. While both films have ill-fated romances, the chemistry between the two main characters of Black Angel was just perfection. While I can find romance cheesy at times, I can be a sucker for it as well. Overall, just two spectacular films that I would highly recommend. 
By: Callahan Coffey 
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goalhofer · 1 year
2023 Chicago Cubs Roster
#0 Marcus Stroman (Brookhaven, New York)
#11 Todd Smyly (Maumelle, Arkansas)
#12 Codi Heuer (Ft. Collins, Colorado)
#19 Hayden Wesneski (Houston, Texas)
#21 Ethan Roberts (Sparta, Tennessee)
#25 Brad Boxberger (Santa Ana, California)*
#28 Kyle Hendricks (Mission Viejo, California)
#32 Michael Fulmer (Edmond, Oklahoma)*
#35 Justin Steele (George County, Mississippi)
#36 Jordan Wicks (Conway, Arkansas)**
#38 Mark Leiter; Jr. (Toms River Township, New Jersey)
#43 Luke Little (Charlotte, North Carolina)**
#47 Brandon Hughes (Royal Oak, Michigan)
#48 Daniel Palencia (San Carlos, Venezuela)**
#49 Nick Burdi (Downers Grove Township, Illinois)*
#50 Jameson Taillon (Montgomery County, Texas)*
#66 Julian Merryweather (San Mateo, California)*
#72 Javier Assad (Tijuana, Mexico)
#73 Adbert Alzolay (Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela)
#74 José Cuas (Brooklyn, New York)*
#6 Miguel Amaya (Chitré, Panama)**
#15 Yan Gomes (Miami, Florida)
#1 Nick Madrigal (Elk Grove, California)
#2 Nicholas Hoerner (Oakland, California)
#5 Christopher Morel (Santiago De Los Caballeros, DR)
#7 James Swanson (Marietta, Georgia)*
#9 Jeimer Candelario (New York, New York)*
#16 Patrick Wisdom (Murrieta, California)
#20 Miles Mastrobuoni (Livermore, California)*
#4 Alexander Canario (San Fernando De Monte Cristi, DR)**
#8 Ian Happ (Mt. Lebanon Township, Pennsylvania)
#24 Cody Bellinger (Chandler, Arizona)*
#27 Suzuki Seiya (Tokyo, Japan)
#40 Mike Tauchman (Palatine Township, Illinois)*
#57 Pete Crow-Armstrong (Los Angeles, California)**
Manager David Ross (Tallahassee, Florida)
Bench coach Andy Green (Lexington, Kentucky)
Hitting coach Dustin Kelly (Santa Maria, California)
Assistant hitting coach Juan Cabreja (Moca, Dominican Republic)
Assistant hitting coach Jim Adduci (Worth Township, Illinois)
Assistant hitting coach Johnny Washington (Long Beach, California)
Pitching coach Tommy Hottovy (Kansas City, Missouri)
Assistant pitching coach Daniel Moskos (La Verne, California)
Pitching strategist Danny Hultzen (Montgomery County, Maryland)
Bullpen coach Chris Young (Stow, Ohio)
Bullpen catcher Garrett Lloyd (Abilene, Texas)
Catching coach Craig Driver (Seattle, Washington)
1B coach Mike Napoli (Pembroke Pines, Florida)
3B coach Willie Harris (Cairo, Georgia)
Assistant coach Jonathan Mota (Port Orange, Florida)
Data development coach Alex Smith (Scottsdale, Arizona)
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korysimmons · 1 year
Good Guys Garage Door Repair OKC (405) 600-2116
Good Guys Garage Door Repair OKC, your local family-owned business for all garage door repair and installation services. We're here to serve our community with top-quality, affordable garage door solutions, because we understand how important it is to have a fully functional garage door in our daily lives. Are you struggling with a broken garage door opener? We specialize in repairing and replacing all major brands of garage door openers, including Chamberlain and Liftmaster. Our experienced repairmen are experts in fixing openers quickly and efficiently, ensuring that you can get back to your regular schedule in no time. Is your garage door off-track, making loud noises, or not closing properly? We've got you covered. At Good Guys Garage Door Repair OKC, we can fix any issue with your garage door, from broken cables to off-track doors. Our skilled technicians are equipped with the best tools and knowledge to handle any repair with precision and care. If you need to replace or install a new garage door, look no further. We offer a wide range of styles and designs, perfect for enhancing your home's curb appeal while ensuring top-quality performance. With our free estimates, you'll know exactly what to expect in terms of cost, so there are no surprises when it comes time for installation. Springs play a crucial role in your garage door's functionality, and when they break, it can be hazardous to try fixing them on your own. We offer safe and reliable torsion spring replacement services, ensuring your garage door operates smoothly and safely. We're not just any garage door company; we're the best garage door company in OKC. With our extensive experience and commitment to excellence, we provide unbeatable quality and value to our customers. We're here to offer affordable solutions and discounts, without compromising on quality. As a local, family-owned business, we understand the importance of building trust with our community. That's why we're always here to provide top-notch, honest services to our neighbors. Our repairmen are friendly, professional, and always ready to assist you. If you're searching for "garage door repair near me" or "best garage door services," look no further. Good Guys Garage Door Repair OKC is here to serve you with exceptional quality and unbeatable prices. Don't wait for your garage door problems to get worse – give us a call today and let us take care of all your garage door needs! Garage Door Repair Arcadia, OK Garage Door Repair Bethany, OK Garage Door Repair Blanchard, OK Garage Door Repair Chandler, OK Garage Door Repair Chickasha, OK Garage Door Repair Choctaw, OK Garage Door Repair Crown Heights, OK Garage Door Repair Del City, OK Garage Door Repair Edmond, OK Garage Door Repair El Reno, OK Garage Door Repair Elgin, OK Garage Door Repair Forest Park, OK Garage Door Repair Guthrie, OK Garage Door Repair Harrah, OK Garage Door Repair Jones, OK Garage Door Repair Langston, OK Garage Door Repair Luther, OK Garage Door Repair Midwest City, OK Garage Door Repair Moore, OK Garage Door Repair Mustang, OK Garage Door Repair Newcastle, OK Garage Door Repair Nichols Hills, OK Garage Door Repair Nicoma Park, OK Garage Door Repair Noble, OK Garage Door Repair Norman, OK Garage Door Repair Oklahoma City, OK Garage Door Repair Piedmont, OK Garage Door Repair Purcell, OK Garage Door Repair Spencer, OK Garage Door Repair The Village, OK Garage Door Repair Tuttle, OK Garage Door Repair Wellston, OK Garage Door Repair Yukon, OK
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thecrazyanimegirl · 3 years
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“I know his actions shouldn’t be praised. But I feel like what he’s doing is right.”
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raven1i · 5 years
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12h15m · 6 years
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Edmond "Eddy" Chandler from Hero Mask
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Anime name: Hero Mask
Genre(s): Crime, Action
Lauren’s Like Rating: 7/10 (I really enjoyed the depth of some of the characters. However, it didn’t really make me feel engaged or interested for most of the time, and the action scenes, while some were pretty cool, the rest kinda just felt messy and pointless. It was also hard to follow, and I’m not sure if it was because I couldn’t keep interest or it was just badly connected. I was going to rate it 6/10 but I gave it one more point for really liking the characters I liked, all of whom deserved more screen time and most. I was disappointed in not getting more time to see and learn about various characters, including Theo and Grimm, or even Harry, as we get a bit about who he is normally and who he has become out of necessity, but so little is said and done with characters in this series. Only part 1 is out as I write this on 3/11/19 but if more is made I would possibly watch more to see if the ever do better for the characters.)
Character (s): Harry Creighton, Harry’s Girlfriend, Edmond Chandler, Theo Lowe, Grimm
!!!Spoiler warning!!!
Harry Creighton was once a police detective, but after his girlfriend collapses, in order to pay for getting her treated, he disappears and becomes a mercenary for the LIVE corporation, who wants him to kill Mask users. This puts him at odds with his colleagues, including James Blood, whom he admires. He loves his girlfriend and affectionately teases her every chance he gets.
Harry’s girlfriend is a very upbeat and positive girl who has a loving relationship with Harry. She playfully teases him just as much as he teases her.
Edmond “Eddy” Chandler is a Sargent and a technical specialist in the SSC. He invents many useful gadgets for James, including the GPS Bullets. Over the course of the series he struggles with his perceived inadequacies, and comes to be a badass in his own way. He has a serious and by-the-book kind of mindset, but he’s also warm and caring. He allows himself to be more confident and bold, and winds up taking on missions himself in order to uncover the secrets behind the Masks.
Theo Lowe is a man who loves his family so much that he went to prison for holding doctors hostage to force them to give his dying daughter a heart transplant. He was used as a test subject for the Masks, and all he wanted to do after breaking free was to see his family again, even if it’s just for a moment. After the Mask ravages his body, he becomes an old man and as he’s about to give up, his daughter comes up to him, not knowing who he is, and befriends him. He gives her a rock for her collection before he passes peacefully, and she treasures it. The rock reminds his wife of him, as he was the one who got his daughter interested in rock collecting. He loves children and is kind to any he sees.
Grimm is an unstable serial killer who was used as a test subject for developing the Masks after supposedly dying in prison. His Mask allows him to change his face whenever he wants. He enjoys painting with his own blood (also probably his victims prior to incarceration) and wants to use James’ blood as well. He is very sadistic, reveling in tormenting and killing others.
I do not own anything!
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newsupdated · 3 years
2021 Arizona Cardinals Fantasy Team Outlook
2021 Arizona Cardinals Fantasy Team Outlook
Coaching Arizona brought in Kliff Kingsbury as the head coach in 2019, which led to a 13-18-1 record after two seasons. Their offense scored 410 points (13th) while ranking sixth in yards. They scored 185 more points than in ’18 (225) and 49 more than ’19 (361). Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports Over the previous six seasons, Kingsbury was the head coach for Texas Tech. His teams went 35–40 while…
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seattlemysterybooks · 7 years
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April 1936 issue
John H. Knox, “The Thing That Dined on Death"  
Richard Tooker, “The Dude Ranch Horror”  
Edmond Hamilton, “The Earth Dwellers"   
O.M. Cabral, “Slayer of Souls"   
Ray Cummings, “Horror House"   
Chandler H. Whipple, “The Angry Dead"
Lars Anderson, “The Yellow Curse"    
James Duncan, “Madman’s Magic "
Seattle Mystery Bookshop  
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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Comedy Central ha renovado South Park hasta su trigésima temporada. Además, Paramount+ ha encargado catorce películas.
Apple TV+ ha renovado Physical por una segunda temporada
Disney+ ha renovado The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers por una segunda temporada
Showtime ha renovado The Chi por una quinta temporada
Adult Swim ha renovado Tuca & Bertie por una segunda temporada
Roku podría producir una película de Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist y quizás más temporadas
Sky Comedy ha renovado Bloods por una segunda temporada
Disney+ ha renovado Star Wars: The Bad Batch por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha cancelado Little Voice tras su primera temporada
Amazon ha cancelado Panic tras su primera temporada
HBO Max ha descartado Overlook. Se venderá a otra plataforma.
Noticias cortas
Britt Robertson (Cheyenne) y Michelle Forbes (Margaret) no estarán en la segunda temporada de Big Sky.
Matthew Willig (André the Giant) será regular en la segunda temporada de Young Rock.
Wyatt McClure (Billy) será regular en la quinta temporada de Young Sheldon.
Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother, A Series of Unfortunate Events) protagonizará y producirá Uncoupled, en la que Michael pensaba que su vida era perfecta hasta que su marido se marcha tras diecisiete años.
Cobie Smulders (How I Met Your Mother, Stumptown) sustituye a Betty Gilpin en el papel de Ann Coulter en Impeachment: American Crime Story.
Ellen Burstyn (The Exorcist, Requiem for a Dream) volverá a interpretar a Bernie Stabler, la madre de Elliot (Chris Meloni), en la segunda temporada de Law & Order: Organized Crime.
Sam Waterston (Grace and Frankie, The Newsroom), Kurtwood Smith (That '70s Show, Resurrection), Anne Archer (Falcon Crest, Ghost Whisperer), Dylan Minnette (13 Reasons Why, Awake), Bashir Salahuddin (GLOW, Looking), Alan Ruck (Succession, The Exorcist), Mary Lynn Rajskub (24, The Girlfriend Experience), Hart Bochner (Too Old to Die Young, Die Hard), James Hiroyuki Liao (Unforgettable, Prison Break), Nicky Endres (One Day at a Time), Camryn Mi-Young Kim y Andrew Leeds (Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist, A Million Little Things) se unen a The Dropout. Interpretarán a George Schultz, secretario de Estado; David Boies, abogado representante de Elizabeth (Amanda Seyfried); Charlotte Schultz, esposa de George; Tyler Shultz, biólogo que trabaja en Theranos; Brendan Morris, ingeniero eléctrico de Theranos; Jay Rosan, miembro del equipo de innovación de la sede de Walgreens en Chicago; Lorraine Fuisz, esposa de Richard Fuisz (William H. Macy); Larry Ellison, millonario interesado en Theranos; Edmond Ku, jefe de ingeniería de Theranos; Ana Arriola, diseñadora de Apple reclutada por Elizabeth; Erika Cheung, graduada en Berkeley que empieza a trabajar en Theranos; y Roland, sabelotodo lameculos del CFO de Walgreen.
Ron Cephas Jones (This Is Us, Luke Cage) y Vinnie Jones (Galavant, Snatch) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de Law & Order: Organized Crime como Leon Kilbride, un congresista que sabe jugar sus cartas; y Albi Briscu, un gangster europeo.
Leslie Jones (Saturday Night Live, Ghostbusters) y Nat Faxon (Friends From College, Ben and Kate) se unen como recurrentes a Our Flag Means Death.
Sam Elliott (The Ranch, A Star Is Born) y los cantantes Tim McGraw (The Shack) y Faith Hill protagonizarán Y: 1883, la precuela de Yellowstone. Serán Shea Brennan, cowboy con un inmenso pesar que tiene la tarea de guiar a un grupo de Texas a Montana; y James y Margaret Dutton, patriarca y matriarca de la familia Dutton.
Luis Guzmán (Black Code, Oz) será Gomez, el padre de Wednesday (Jenna Ortega), en Wednesday.
Minka Kelly (Friday Night Lights, Titans), Dominic Fike y Demetrius "Lil Meech" Flenory Jr. (Black Mafia Family) se unen a la segunda temporada de Euphoria. Se desconocen detalles.
Michelle Forbes (The Killing, True Blood) será recurrente en la cuarta temporada de New Amsterdam como Veronica Fuentes, una fixer que tiene la tarea arreglar las cifras del hospital.
Kerry Bishé (Halt and Catch Fire, Narcos) será Austin Geidt, empleada número cuatro de Uber, en Super Pumped.
Ian Anthony Dale (Hawaii Five-0, Murder in the First) y Laurie Fortier (Hemlock Grove, Unsolved) se unen a la undécima y última temporada de The Walking Dead. Serán Tomi, miembro del grupo recientemente descubierto; y Agatha.
Keir Gilchrist (Atypical, United States of Tara), Elizabeth Marvel (Homeland, House of Cards) y Tom Pelphrey (Ozark, Iron Fist) se unen como regulares a Love and Death. Interpretarán al pastor Ron Adams, la pastora Jackie Ponder y Don Crowder.
Raza Jaffrey (Code Black, Smash) y Sennia Nanua serán Francois Guise y Rahima en The Serpent Queen.
Ella Rumpf (Grave, Freud) participará como invitada en la tercera temporada de Succession. Se desconocen detalles.
Julie Halston (Bitsy) estará en And Just Like That..., el revival de Sex and the City. Christopher Jackson (Hamilton, Bull) y LeRoy McClain (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Respect) serán Herbert Wexley, exitoso banquero de Manhattan y esposo de Lisa Todd Wexley (Nicole Ari Parker); y Andre Rashad Wallace, exitoso músico y marido de Nya Wallace (Karen Pittman).
Poppy Liu (Hacks, Sunnyside) se une como regular a Dead Ringers. Será Greta, encargada del servicio en casa de Elliot y Beverly (Rachel Weisz).
Eiza González (From Dusk Till Dawn, I Care a Lot) está en negociaciones para unirse al reparto de The Three Body Problem.
Beth Lacke (High School Musical: The Musical: The Series), Stephen Louis Grush (Longmire) y Cass Buggé (Disjointed) se unen como recurrentes a Lightyears. Serán Chandra, antigua alumna de Irene (Sissy Spacek) insatisfecha con su trabajo en una residencia de ancianos y con la vida en general; Nick, un solitario sin habilidades sociales que lleva un negocio familiar de cortinas y tiene una inesperada conexión con Stella (Julieta Zylberberg); y Jeanine, esposa de Byron (Adam Bartley) recién llegada a Farnsworth y vecina de Irene y Franklin (J.K. Simmons).
Byron Bowers (The Chi) será Herman, un director de Hollywood que se encuentra en París promocionando su película, en Irma Vep. Tom Sturridge (Sweetbitter, The Hollow Crown) sustituye a Jerrod Carmichael en el papel de Eamonn, exnovio de Mira (Alicia Vikander).
Daniel Augustin (David Makes Man), Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut (Homeland, Cruel Summer), Amandla Jahava y Jaboukie Young-White (Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens) serán recurrentes en Rap Sh*t como Maurice, amigo y colega de Shawna (Aida Osman); Fatima, compañera de clase y amiga de Cliff (Devon Terrell); Jill, amiga de la universidad de Shawna que trabaja en Spotify en Nueva York; y Francois Boom, antiguo compañero de clase de Shawna y productor.
Richard Roundtree (Family Reunion, Being Mary Jane) y Terri J. Vaughn (Insecure, Greenleaf) se unen como recurrentes a la segunda temporada de Cherish the Day. Serán Mandeville "MV" St. James, exjuez y padre viudo de Sunday (Joy Bryant); y Anastasia, futura exmujer de Ellis (Henry Simmons).
Justice Leak (Raising Dion, Powers) será recurrente en The Staircase como Tom Maher, compañero de David Rudolf (Michael Stuhlbarg).
Martin Bobb-Semple (Pandora, Free Rein), Karim Diané (StartUp), Sara Thompson (The 100, Burden of Truth), George Ferrier (Dirty Laundry), Miles J. Harvey (American Vandal) y Zenia Marshall (Date My Dad) serán recurrentes en One of Us Is Lying como Evan Nieman, novio de Bronwyn (Marianly Tejada); Kris Greene, nuevo estudiante con lazos con Cooper (Chibuikem Uche) y Nate (Cooper van Grootel); Vanessa Clark, mejor amiga de Addy (Annalisa Cochrane); TJ Forrester, novio de Vanessa; Lucas Clay, hermano pequeño de Cooper; y Keely Moore, novia de Cooper.
Melissa Saint-Amaud (Ozark) será Claire Brockman en Long Slow Exhale.
Alfie Fuller (Little America) participará en la cuarta temporada de The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Se desconocen detalles.
Christie Clark (Carrie), Austin Peck (Austin), Thaao Penghlis (André), Leann Hunley (Anna), Greg Rikaart (Leo), Chandler Massey (Will), Zachary Atticus Tinker (Sonny) y Eileen Davidson, que ha interpretado a varios personajes; también estarán en Days of Our Lives: Beyond Salem.
       Nuevas series
Hulu ha encargado Tell Me Lies, basada en la novela de Carola Lovering (2018), que sigue una relación agitada y tóxica durante ocho años. Lucy Albright (Grace Van Patten; Nine Perfect Strangers, Maniac) y Stephen DeMarco se conocen en la universidad, donde decisiones aparentemente mundanas tienen consecuencias irrevocables. Escrita y producida por Meaghan Oppenheimer (Queen America). Produce Emma Roberts (First Kill).
Hulu encarga la comedia This Fool, antes conocida como Punk Ass Bitch, en la que un macarra de Los Ángeles (Chris Estrada) vive aún en casa de sus padres, trabaja en una organización sin ánimo de lucro que ayuda a la rehabilitación de pandilleros y se esfuerza para ayudar a cualquiera menos a él mismo. Con Michelle Ortiz (Mr. Mom) y Frankie Quinones (The Dress Up Gang). Escrita y producida por Estrada junto a Jake Weisman, Matt Ingebretson y Pat Bishop, creadores de Corporate. Producen Fred Armisen (Portlandia, Forever) y Jonathan Groff (How I Met Your Mother, Black-ish).
Syfy encarga Reginald the Vampire, dramedia en la que el mundo está habitado por vampiros bellos, en forma y vanidosos. Reginald Baskin (Jacob Batalon; Spider-Man: Homecoming, 50 States of Fright) es un héroe improbable que tiene que lidiar con todo tipo de obstáculos: no puede estar con la chica que le gusta, tiene un jefe bully en el trabajo y el jefe de los vampiros lo quiere muerto. Adaptación de los libros 'Fat Vampire' de Johnny B. Truant. Escrita por Harley Peyton (Twin Peaks, Channel Zero).
Amazon encarga The Lake, su primera serie original canadiense. Es una comedia en la que Justin (Jordan Gavaris; Orphan Black, Take Two) vuelve a casa tras romper con su pareja, con quien vivió en el extranjero durante muchos años, con la esperanza de reconectar con su hija biológica (Madison Shamoun), a la que dio en adopción en la adolescencia, pero descubre que su padre dejó la idílica casa del lago en la que él pasó su niñez a su hermanastra Maisy-May (Julia Stiles; Riviera, Dexter). Completan el reparto Jon Dore (How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)), Carolyn Scott, Natalie Lisinska (Orphan Black, Mary Kills People), Travis Nelson, Declan Whaley (Criminal Minds) y Terry Chen (The Expanse, Jessica Jones). Escrita y producida por Julian Doucet (Killjoys, Bomb Girls).
eOne adaptará The Turnout, la próxima novela de Megan Abbott (2021). Las hermanas Durant, dueñas de una escuela de ballet y con una historia familiar problemática, contratan a Derek, un contratista, para reformar el estudio. Una de ellas comienza una aventura con él que amenaza sus lazos familiares y expone secretos de la familia.
Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Recreation, Legion) y Ramón Rodríguez (Gang Related, Iron Fist) protagonizarán el piloto de Olga Dies Dreaming, adaptación de la novela de Xóchitl Gonzalez (2021), en Hulu. Trata sobre dos hermanos nuyorriqueños con una madre ausente y políticamente radical y una vida entre la élite de Nueva York tras el paso del huracán María. Olga (Plaza) es una wedding planner cuya fachada oculta un interior oscuro, su búsqueda de la perfección se ha convertido en un compulsivo mecanismo de supervivencia, cree que nadie la ve como una igual y que su éxito es una ilusión y trata de escapar de su pasado todo lo que pueda. Prieto (Rodríguez) es un congresista orgulloso de su origen puertorriqueño que creció con el papel de patriarca y mantiene esta fachada ante sus votantes y sus oponentes. Escrita por Gonzalez y dirigida por Alfonso Gómez-Rejón (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, American Horror Story).
HBO Max desarrolla Sag Harbor, adaptación de la novela de Colson Whitehead (2009) en la que Benji Cooper, uno de los pocos estudiantes negros de una escuela de secundaria de élite de Manhattan en 1985, escapa de los Hamptons cada verano para ir a Sag Harbor, donde una pequeña comunidad de profesionales afroamericanos han construido su propio mundo. Escrita por Daniel "Koa" Beaty. Producen Beaty, Whitehead y Laurence Fishburne (Black-ish).
Deceit se estrena en Channel 4 el 13 de agosto
La segunda temporada de Ladhood se estrena en BBC Three el 15 de agosto
La segunda temporada de Code 404 se estrena en Sky Comedy el 1 de septiembre
La sexta temporada de Queen Sugar se estrena en OWN el 7 de septiembre
Doogie Kameāloha, M.D. se estrena en Disney+ el 8 de septiembre
The Lost Symbol se estrena en Peacock el 16 de septiembre
La cuarta y última temporada de Dear White People llega a Netflix el 22 de septiembre
Dopesick se estrena en Hulu el 13 de octubre
La segunda temporada de The Great se estrena en Hulu el 19 de noviembre
The Lord of the Rings se estrena en Prime Video el 2 de septiembre de 2022
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Tráilers y promos
La casa de papel - Temporada 5
Impeachment: American Crime Story
Stranger Things - Temporada 4
Dear White People - Temporada 4 y última
The Great - Temporada 2
Y: The Last Man
Truth Be Told - Temporada 2
Queen Sugar - Temporada 6
Cobra Kai - Temporada 4
Diary of a Future President - Temporada 2
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Hudiburg Ford Dealership Serves Edmond OK
Hudiburg Ford dealership in Chandler OK serves Stillwater, Edmond, and Shawnee Oklahoma with a huge inventory of new 2021 Ford trucks, F150, F250, used trucks and used cars. At Hudiburg Ford, we love Ford cars and trucks, we love Oklahoma and we definitely love our customers. We have an experienced sales staff with the knowledge to introduce you to the most popular models in the State - including the best-selling F-150 truck.
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thecrazyanimegirl · 3 years
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“Connor probably attacked them, right?”
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